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Co Kazma neukázal: Zpověď jeho kamaráda o detailech, které v One Man Show o Marešovi chybí! - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Angelina & Brad's Nasty Custody Battle - Duration: 22:25.Live From New York City it's the Wendy Williams Show
Opening Theme Music
Now, Here's Wendy!!!
Wendy: Alright Now!
Wendy: Thank you for watching. Meet my co-hosts my studio audience
How you doin?!
okay cuz it's Friday let's get started
it's time for hot topic
thank you
look I'm involved in something that I
don't want to be involved with but on
account of the purple chair and a career
that I've worked hard for and we're in
season 10 and you've come to expect
things from me and I've come to expect
myself to give it to you good I'm
involved okay so about Tamar yesterday I
thought she was great you know we had a
great honest conversation next thing you
know it's Vince her soon-to-be
ex-husband well first of all he was
calling from the hospital he's
recovering from shoulder and elbow
surgery he wishes Tamar well he saw the
interview his phone has been blowing up
he's not talking anybody but he he
talked to us he says he can't wait to
come on our show to give his side of the
story and this is where my involvement
comes in like Vince uh I mean you have
okay I'll take it on a counter this is
what I do and this is what I know you
have come to expect but you know I like
these people I don't want to be involved
but somehow I'm involved
don't feel sorry for me I mean I have a
job to do at the end of the day you know
I'm gonna come through like a
audience: cheering
but I don't wanna be involved
Audience Member: I LOVE YOU
Wendy: I love you more so a
lot of people think that Angelina Jolie
is using the media as a secret weapon I
agree - who said that yes yep you see
stuff all right
so recently she's been taking all six of
her kids to places that she knows that
the paparazzi will be all right now on
Sunday and Monday Angelina was shopping
at a paparazzi filled place Fred Segal
used to be popular in the 80s I had no
idea Fred Segal was even still around
Suzanne right?
Suzanne: I've only been to LA a couple times the first time I ever went I went right to Fred Segal
Wendy: in the 80s though or something?
Suzanne: I had to see it I went once I thought it was the greatest thing I don't know if it's still there
Wendy: yeah exactly
well it's still there and apparently the
paparazzi stay there and this is where
you go when you want to be "Papped" she's
awfully pale and awfully skinny she's
trying to cover up right now but you
know if you've seen the pictures up
close she literally is skin and bones if
we can see more of her ankles we have an
ankle shot of her she literally looks
like put the other shot with all the
success her ankles she looks like she's
going and the calves and none of the kids
are smiling nobody's happy the one in
the blue jacket holding on wants to go
home this one at the end Shiloh who
loves to go by the name John is is
looking just like Brad this girl
the black girl like everybody just
looked everybody looks sad and you know
what I believe this 100% I don't believe
that Angelina Jolie is a nice woman
behind the scenes I've actually heard
things you know and she's and I think
that she's trotting these kids around to
try to make us believe she's a good mom
so that when she goes to court because
you know they are fighting for custody
she wants full custody
I don't even believe that see to me I
think that Brad unfortunately he's a man
but I have to stick up for him
Brad is still she's unlikable and she's
later stuff more unlikable with all
these shenanigans going on with the kids
and stuff but Brad will come out on top
he's still bankable niceable but
gullible for falling for her antics to
begin with but you know he's from the
Midwest look he comes from a lovely
family and he never met somebody who
wears a vial of blood on her neck and
god only knows the sex chamber that that
she probably had designed for them you
know he's having sex three times a week
he's hypnotized hypnotized
I tell ya and he fell for it and so further
indication that this woman is not
likable and by the way I don't believe
that she's gonna be a movie store for
much longer and she can go on and serve
at the United Nations and do great
things for kids you know she's very
charitable but as far as going to the
box office to see her I believe the role
that she's playing now is the role that
will that will be her demise that's the
role of her in real life even her
divorce lawyer is no longer there Susan
Wasser now look Laura Laura Wasser this
(Laughing, cheering, clapping)
this Wasser woman has had plenty of
Hollywood women that she's represented
and collected a lot of money
Britney Spears Denise Richards Kim
Kardashian just to name a few if she
wanted Angelina's money it'd be very
easy for her to just ride with it but
there's something about Angelina that
even made the Wasser woman turn away
believe me you believe me you
I wonder what he truly thinks about her
new boyfriend Vince I mean I met him and
stuff but to me too soon like the
rebound guy this will be over before
Christmas you know sometimes when you go
through a divorce you need to take a
moment to yourself like a whole year off
and you might have a dinner with
somebody but you're like she said she's
in love they've been together for three
months and she said that she'd love to
have a lot of African babies and she's
she just needs of the ring but I also
think that she's deflecting she's trying
to make us feel that she's got it all
together Tamar and it happens you watch
your new boyfriend that's all I'm saying
you watch him so happy birthday to one
of my favorite mcs of all time NAS
he's 45 believe it or not yes well and
for his birthday guess what he just made
the for the Forbes highest paid in hip
hop list number six he's number six
he made 35 million dollars this year
well I mean I've known behind the scenes
that he was investor a lot of times when
people don't hear new music on the radio
then they feel as though you know what
are you doing what are you doing but the
smart thing that people look the smart
thing that smart people do is you look
sorry you low-key invest in stuff behind
the scenes now look he's invested in
Casper mattresses well as we know I
yes everyone needs a mattress and no
one goes in the stores anymore and
actually lays on them do you go in a
mattress store anymore you order it then
they give you 30 days to try it if you
don't like it then that you send it back
anyway smart he's also invested in lyft
which is like uber you know yes yeah
lyft, lyft, lyft and finally one of it and
I'm sure he's investing a lot more but
you know I don't have time a day to read
his whole dossier but he invested in
what they call the smart doorbell that
Amazon just purchased Amazon oh you know
what it is I see you nodding clap if you
know what that is oh my gosh
what and invest with Nas well Amazon
just purchased it what is the smart
doorbell do like when you ring the door
the trap opens around you I think you
dropped down to an exit sign that says
get away yeah I don't know I'm very
smart very sexy and one of the best mcs
of all time
so this is also really good news for his
ex-wife Kelis well I'm gonna tell you
why because first of all you know they
have a son together Knight he's eight
years old so nas has an obligation to do
right by police and night well she feels
as though she should be having beaten be
getting more child support than the
eight thousand dollars a month that
she's getting for Knight well before I
heard the Forbes list cuz I you know I
was saying all right
just rounded up to even ten and call it
a day you know ten thousand dollars a
month for an eight-year-old and so on
and so forth but now that he's on this
Forbes list he's got to change private
schools and change private schools again
he's gonna need security the kidnappers
and the weirdos are out here trying to
make money you watch your kids and in
addition just NasI know you and Kelis
don't have the best relationship behind
the scenes but to just shut her piehole
and I and I love Kelis I don't mean
that in a bad way
speaking of pie she has a show not that
pie she has a show on The Cooking
Channel at one point and I don't know
what happened to it and she was making
recipes look he says he's given her a
lot behind the scenes he redecorated he
redecorated her house he sent to the
cooking school to hone her craft he
bought he had this yellow stove then she
insisted on having flown in from Europe
how delicious a yellow stove I wonder if
it was like leek yellow or strong like a
lemon like a strong lemon stove how
beautiful must that be you don't even
want to cook on it it's art use the
microwave anyway so what do I feel Nas
and kelis and I think this is fair for
both of you Nas because you got all this
money and it's only a matter of time
before she's gonna get more angry
because you are going
to be in love real quick the bees are
swarming as we speak
thank God it's not nicki manaj because
remember we saw that on the like that
that's not a good look for him he needs
somebody with a little more polished you
know now that he's on the forbes
although I did love he and Kelis
together and Kelis is hella talented
and they were a real sexy couple he's
all short and she's all tall you know
yes look uh-huh-huh so here's what you
do Nas and Kelis
accept accept the deal twenty thousand dollars a month up it
from eight thousand to twenty he's got
it we just read it it's he's on the
forbes like paid her to stay over there
make sure that night is good and you
won't swap you know visitations in the
McDonald's parking lot like like a lot
of people do it's so funny because you
know the people that I'm talking about
and you know it when you see it you're
in the parking lot at Michael's all you
want to do is buy some thread and some
glitter all of a sudden you see you know
car already parked the wife is there and
then you know a man screeches up next to
her and nobody's talking you know
they're getting the kid out real quick
practically dragging the kid by the arm
just angry but you all figure this out
cuz Kelis you are a hella talented and
I love you so much
and Nas you're the one
I just don't want to be involved like
when bits when Vince gets here what what
do I say he did tell us though that
Tamar wants to visit him in the hospital
which is fine with Vince but he also
said well you know what if one of my
girlfriend's happens to be here or
something like that then she can't say
anything well then again she might be
visiting and have her man in the lobby
so look you sll just worked I don't want
to be involved but I'm involved so on
opening day our premier day on
Monday I wore a beautiful Diane von
Furstenberg dress
and I paired it with a really nice belt
and then some Jimmy Choo slippers well I
had no idea that Kylie wore the same
dress in Glamour magazine yeah and so
there was this whole debate online which
I had no idea about who wears the best
who wore it best
well I won
I don't think that there's a real winner
I think that we both look really
beautiful and and dress as a matter of
fact next time I wear it I'll probably
wear it on the beach over a bikini and
and keep it pulled up and let the bottom
drag in the water and all that stuff you
know but the bigger thing is that this
just goes to show you that a 21 year old
and a 54 year old can have something in
common and it can look nice on both of
us and a lot of people my age you know a
lot of people my age you all are really
stuck in your ways you know as far as
what you wear and hopefully when you
squint and watch this show you know
everything isn't for everybody you might
not want to wear you know campus outfit
like me today but a few rips and your
jeans would make you look more modern
and and you know you 21 year olds don't
think for one second that we aren't on
and popping after 50!
I really do feel like a campus girl
today the new girl on campus hi boys so
there's one person who's very adamant
about not caring that Richard Simmons
and our Hot Topic meeting and he was
very adamant and I said no we care about
which of Simmons there's a whole culture
that cares about Richard Simmons
so last week dear friend to the show
Richard Simmons launched a new online
shopping channel I had already heard
about it as a matter of fact I searched
it my cable doesn't have it if my cable
would work more times than it doesn't
then maybe I could figure it out do your
cable company anyway so they don't
expect to see Richard on there walking
his merchandise because he has got he's
hired friends to do it for him I think
this is brilliant Richard doesn't have
to be there many people just look at him
as a spectacle in reality and yes he's
an odd looking man but we've grown I've
I've grown to know Richard from my radio
career and he's been here several times
on the show and I treasure the beauty
that is within so this is his first
visit business venture since he
disappeared from the spotlight five
years ago the hater in my bureau meeting
this morning was saying well you know
what he has a nerve to be hiding for
five years and trying to make money off
of us and you know what then I guess
you'll be mad at this
it is the night at the 2012 Richard
Simmons calendar my birthday's in July
19 it costs $14.99 here's July right
although I wish I was born in August
because the August picture is everything
I look look the August picture is
yes you just caught my dry palms while
we were touring the country I was
shaking so many hands I was using some
tan sanitizer and stuff like that that I
actually got the peel ease and yeah yeah
and now I'm back and I'm still shaking
so many hands I'm washing my hands so
much I get the peelings in my palms so
please I know they that Rambo zoomed in
you saw the peel easy it's okay Rambo
shady cameraman so Richard needs to come
out of hiding as far as I'm concerned
this is probably the safest place for
him to be because we love him here and
Richard if you ever want to talk again
we're here for you if you want to
release a statement as to how you are
the Bureau phone works 24/7
my chief Bureau head Bookman is always
there and Norman is by her side all
right talk a little louder go ahead
tok-san will appear to break down the
hottest stories of the week including
the big
okay well Yanis you know this clip
Savannah and I have a ritual we do it
before every Fabri show I think every
one how we just thought of it it's so
happy Anniversary when you get within 10
years you look fabulous you are fabulous
have a great celebration
Ric Flair Gets Married For The 5th Time! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:46.RIC FLAIR GOT MARRIED.
Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - September 14, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 20:53.-------------------------------------------
Florence survivor: The neighbors were yelling for help - Duration: 12:14.-------------------------------------------
Actors Who Should Have Been Fired From Their Roles - Duration: 4:18.Celebrities are just human beings, which means they can and do make mistakes.
Accidents will happen, but most people go out of their way to make sure they don't make
mistakes at work, because those can get a person fired.
Apparently, this notion is unfamiliar to a handful of actors who did bad things during
the production of a movie or TV show - so bad that their bosses probably should've fired
Christian Bale, Terminator: Salvation
One way to get yourself fired is to go off on a co-worker over some tiny slight, which
is what Christian Bale did in 2008 on the set of Terminator: Salvation.
Bale starred as John Connor, the man who will save humanity from the rise of the machines.
While Bale was trying to remain deep in character as that intense individual, the director of
photography was also trying to do his job and accidentally walked into Bale's eye line.
That set Bale off on a rage spiral of a monologue so incendiary and full of screaming and swearing
that it's a wonder nobody got punched.
A recording of the takedown went viral, and Bale eventually apologized for his behavior.
"I have never tried to make any excuses for it, it was unacceptable and I take it, it's
my fault, that's it."
Jared Leto, Suicide Squad
Most companies have a human resources department whose entire job is to make sure the rest
of the firm's employees don't act like monsters.
Evidently movie sets don't have an HR representative.
At least, that's what we're led to believe, because if Suicide Squad had one, we'd like
to think Jared Leto would have been forced to sit through a workplace behavior seminar
and some sensitivity training.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Leto stayed in character as The Joker throughout the filming
of Suicide Squad, which included sending really messed-up gifts to co-stars Will Smith, Margot
Robbie, and Viola Davis.
These included such items as pr0n, adult "toys," a box of bullets, used condoms,
and even a dead pig.
Edward Norton, Death to Smoochy
Most actors show up to set each day of a thrilled to be there and well prepared, knowing their
lines and having a lock on their approach to the role.
But at least once, Edward Norton reported to work far too prepared.
In this case, he seemingly overstepped his bounds as an actor when he tried to help out
with costumes - despite nobody asking for his help - and created a lot of extra work
for someone else.
In the 2002 dark comedy Death to Smoochy, Norton plays a guy who hosts a kiddie TV show
while dressed in a rhino costume.
For his off-stage scenes, Norton's character was a bit of a hippie, for which costume designer
Jane Ruhm put together an appropriate selection of garments.
However, Norton took it upon himself to commission Armani to design for him the ultimate hippie
outfit: a suit made of hemp.
Then he reportedly left Ruhm to go through what she told Premiere included "millions
of phone calls and negotiations" to get the suit to the set.
Lindsay Lohan, Georgia Rule
Lindsay Lohan's acting career and famously hard-partying extracurricular activities clashed
in a big way on the set of Georgia Rule.
The 2007 dramedy starred Lohan as a wild and crazy teen who gets sent to her grandma's
house to forcibly clean up her act.
While the movie had a great cast, it's probably most remembered for being the production that
nearly fired Lohan.
James G. Robinson, the CEO of Morgan Creek Productions, fired off an angry letter to
Lohan berating her work ethic, or lack thereof.
He noted her late arrivals and absences from the set, which she blamed on illness and "heat
But he claimed to know that the real reason was her "ongoing all night heavy partying."
Lohan apparently got her ducks in a row, as she managed to finish filming the movie.
"I basically said, 'Let's knock it off.
Get to work, I'm not gonna put up with it.'
And she was fine, she came to work every day after that."
Bruce Willis, Cop Out
A lot of Hollywood big shots happily play "the game," keeping any on-set drama a secret
and insisting that rumors about a difficult star were blown out of proportion.
But Kevin Smith is not that kind of filmmaker.
He loves to publicly deliver brutally honest real talk about his life and work.
If we're to take him at his word, then Bruce Willis is so hard to work with it's a wonder
anyone is willing to keep him on set.
Smith directed Willis in the 2010 action comedy Cop Out, and he evidently had a hard time
doing his job, claiming Willis wouldn't and couldn't be directed.
Smith told WTF with Marc Maron that Willis wouldn't even sit for a photo shoot to serve
as the basis for the film's marketing.
Come on, Bruce, playing with others and promoting the movie are part of the job.
Noticias Telemundo, 14 de septiembre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:44.-------------------------------------------
Trump Fmr. Lawyer: Manafort Flip Adds To Worry About Weissmann | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 7:26.-------------------------------------------
What Is Paul Manafort Telling Robert Mueller? | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Cổ gì dài nhất? Các câu đố mẹo hay có đáp án - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
Mom don't go I'm happy right here | Cute Timo happy jump & play | Monkey Daily 1699 - Duration: 10:21.
Hats Flying Off in Lee County - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Rain and Wind Pounding The City of Florence - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
Anthony Garcia given death penalty for murders in 2008, 2013 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
DEZEAR - Para que te engañas? [ Video Official ] - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Manafort pleads guilty to several federal crimes, agrees to cooperate with Mueller - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
Trump fires back at Democrats over Hurricane Maria death toll - Duration: 7:37.-------------------------------------------
Tropical Storm Florence Enters South Carolina, to Bring Flooding Rains - Duration: 7:22.-------------------------------------------
Eles registram um objeto estranho vagando em sua casa nos Estados Unidos ? - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
23º Viernes del Tiempo Ordinario – 14 de septiembre de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 2:13:24.-------------------------------------------
Esto es lo que te sucede si comes 7 PASAS cada día 👌 Agradezco al doctor que me lo dijo - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Nektar - King Of Twilight(Legendado) - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
爆旋陀螺 Beyblade Burst 金色發射器 費利手柄開箱 ベイランチャーLRゴールド ラバーランチャーグリップ フェニックスVer. - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Mom of 17-year-old killed in car crash speaks - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Mom of 17-year-old killed in car crash speaks - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
Lenny Kravitz ignore complètement Vanessa Paradis - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Lenny Kravitz ignore complètement Vanessa Paradis - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Nintendo Direct - 14/09/2018 - Duration: 1:48:47.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nintendo Direct - 14/09/2018 - Duration: 1:48:47.-------------------------------------------
Unique Cowhide Rugs - $154 & Up - Free Shipping and Best Quality-------------------------------------------
Mom don't go I'm happy right here | Cute Timo happy jump & play | Monkey Daily 1699 - Duration: 10:21.
Battle of the Ports - Last Bronx (ラストブロンクス -東京番外地) Show #236 - 60fps - Duration: 12:05.Sega were the kings of 3D arcade fighting games, especially in the age of the Model
2 arcade hardware.
Last Bronx Tokyo Bangaichi is one of their many fighters of he 90s but one with a difference.
Unlike Sega's other fighters, this one actually uses weapons.
And to add to that it was also one of the first motion captured fighters to use weapons
way back in 1996.
Unlike most of Sega's 3D fighters this was actually developed by AM3, the same team behind
Virtual On.
Most of the others were developed by AM2.
This still plays like an AM2 fighter in some respects thanks to using the same control
system of Grab, Punch and Kick.
Last Bronx includes advertising for real life brands such as Suzuki, Toyo Tires, AM Records,
Java Tea, Axia, and Japan Air Lines.
Most of these advertising were removed or exchanged with Sega or Saturn logos, or sometimes
replaced by "Now Printing" signs, in the oversea releases.
This is why I'm showing you the Japanese versions.
The western versions look so barren in comparison.
The very first port of Last Bronx came to the Sega Saturn.
Unlike most arcade ports to the Saturn, this was actually developed by the same team who
made the arcade version.
Straight away you can tell this was a work of passion.
We get a nice animated intro plus all new animated endings for each character.
The actual game is also very good looking for a Saturn 3D fighter and runs in 480i.
We have lost the 3D backgrounds but I do feel that the multi parallax plains and 3D fence
help create the illusion of a 3D landscape.
Gameplay wise, this port is perfect.
Playing just like the arcade version.
We also get a few arranged soundtracks as a bonus.
Japanese Saturn fans also received a bonus disc with Last Bronx featuring tutorials,
a load of radio plays and more.
There was even a double sided poster in the case and a set of stickers!
Windows 95 / 98 fans got a port of the Sega Saturn version in 1998.
This port is actually two different versions in one.
The first is based upon the Saturn version and it basically identical.
Then there's the high graphics mode which you are seeing now.
This mode bumps the resolution up to 480p although there is a 480i option too.
We also get higher resolution textures and 3D arenas just like the arcade game.
They're not as solid looking as the arcade but still pretty cool for a late 90's PC
3D fighter.
This game supposedly ran at a faster frame when using the new "Auto Control" option.
But in my case all it did was make the game run at a stupidly fast speed so I suggest
turning that off.
Sadly the Watch Mode was removed but a new Replay feature was added as well as a Network
Battle mode.
According to Wikipedia, this version is a straight up emulation of the arcade original.
I seriously doubt it though.
The PlayStation 2 was not powerful enough to emulate a model 2 arcade game for a start.
This is defiantly reprogrammed for the PlayStation 2.
There are many tell tale reasons but a main one is that many of the textures used in the
game are different from the arcade machine.
It seems Sega couldn't get the rights to use certain building names in this remake.
The 109 and TOKYO names are missing from the department stores on the first stage for example.
This port features four game modes being "Arcade
Mode", "VS Mode", "Survival Mode" and "Time Attack Mode".
The "Replay Mode" from the Windows version is also available but now with the added bonus
of being able to save your replays to the memory card.
I'd say in my opinion this is easily the best way to play Last Bronx at home unless
you own the arcade board that is.
My New Intro | Please Check Out Channel | Munchitor - Duration: 0:17.No Captions For This Vid
No Captions For This Vid
No Captions For This Vid
No Captions For This Vid
Unai Emery warned Manchester United and Chelsea will try to sign Arsenal star Aaron Ramsey - Duration: 3:30.Nigel Winterburn has warned Unai Emery that Manchester United and Chelsea will be at the front of the queue should Aaron Ramsey look to leave Arsenal
Wales international Ramsey has developed into a key player for the Gunners since signing from Cardiff City in 2008 and Emery is desperate for him to stay
But Arsenal are struggling to tie the 27-year-old down to a new long-term contract and Winterburn says top European clubs will be monitoring his situation
'With less than a year remaining on his contract, Ramsey is in a very strong negotiating position and is also a very attractive proposition for a lot of big clubs around Europe,' Winterburn told Sportingbet
'I'm sure lots of top clubs are monitoring the situation and are ready to poach him
'I think Manchester United and Chelsea will both battle it out to sign him if they feel he is seriously considering leaving Arsenal
'I don't think he could get into the Manchester City and Liverpool teams, but it would hurt Arsenal fans to see another of their superstars leave to a Premier League rival
' Winterburn, who played over 400 games for Arsenal, added: 'I think Ramsey isn't committing to a new Arsenal contract because he wants to see where they finish this season
'With a new manager coming in, there's a lot of uncertainty around the club and I would probably do the same
'I think Ramsey loves the club, but he is looking around the dressing room and he isn't convinced this group of players can qualify for major honours in the near future
'Ramsey will want to find out Emery's plans for him and the signings he is looking to make before he decides if Arsenal can match his ambitions
'He is perfectly entitled to ask for a wage he feels reflects his ability. If he is playing well regularly then he deserves to demand a salary on par with Ozil
' Arsenal have endured a mixed start to the new season, with victories over Cardiff City and West Ham following losses to Manchester City and Chelsea
The Gunners currently sit ninth in the Premier League and Winterburn cannot see Emery's side breaking into the top four
'I think Arsenal will fall short and will fail to break into the top four this season,' the former England defender added
'As Arsenal rebuild and restructure the team, they have to stay around the top four and be in a position to challenge the teams above them, but I think this season has come too soon for the club
'I don't see Arsenal being anywhere near Manchester City or Liverpool this season
Tottenham and Chelsea are also very strong and have started brightly. 'However, I do think Arsenal and Emery should be looking at the problems at Manchester United and be thinking they can capitalise on Mourinho's struggles
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