Rolling Sky - Faded remix | Objects Swapping
WEEK 5: Mary Persons v. Peach - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Online Training | My stammering got overcome 100% (Honest review) [English Subtitle] Pune Center - Duration: 2:49.Hello friends,
My name is Narpat Raj
I am from Pali, district Sojat, state Rajasthan
its now almost 6.30AM
I regularly start at 4AM for Morning walk
Now on the way to home
You can see krishi(Agri) mandai behind me
this is a market for Mehandi(Heena)
Stammering/stuttering is not any major problem
but it needs to understand properly
and how to communicate outside(Real life)
the practice you do at home has no meaning( no effect on real life)
i had a stammering problem
and now from many days
i am taking training from Mr. Ankush Pare from Pune(India)
All the tips from Mr. Ankush Pare for stammering are really effective
if someone use all the techniques in real life teaches by Mr, Ankush Pare
i think, no one will get problem while overcoming stammering
all the videos by Mr. Ankush Pare( YouTube)
if you follow that all videos also, then you will not face much problem for stammering
and you will feel good confidence
i would like to thanks Mr. Ankush Pare again and again
that, he do much of hard work
and teach about stammering
and because of him i almost overcome my stammering problem
i got very good result from Mr. Ankush Pare's training program
now i am shooting a video in front of you
so this video will also boots my confidence( As it is a part of training)
this increase my confidence for how to talk in front of people confidently
now i am in krishi(agri) mandai
and i also do businees related to mehandi(Heena)
this is like, it is a practice for how to speak with confidence in real life
you will not get anything if you just do practice inside closed door
you will not get result till you will not face outside world
brothers, in real life you have to practice this techniques
so how to practice this in real life is like
dont do practice inside closed door and talk with unknown people
and there you will get best result
Thanks a lot again Mr. Ankush Pare
떴다! 더보이즈(Come On! THE BOYZ): 여름방학 RPG편 마지막 이야기 (Summer Vacation RPG The Last Story) - Duration: 6:44.Oh my god, I'm a fan of yours
(Come On! THE BOYZ Summer Vacation RPG) (The Final Episode)
Why am I so nervous?
Oh, I didn't expect this
Wow, we're gonna watch it all together
But this episode is the last one
Two three, Best we THE BOYZ Hello, we're THE BOYZ
Hi, everyone
(Come On! THE BOYZ Summer Vacation RPG)
This is our first time to watch this, too
Give me some money
I think I know this
I've seen it
- It doesn't matter - No, bro
So let's forget about this and listen carefully next time
No, I can really guess correctly
(New & Hwall challenged themselves to win this round)
Did they really have to challenge themselves?
What is this? When did it happen?
He really hates this
I won the gold medal in double under jump rope
He's cute
What was it? What was that?
I still have no idea
Wasn't it 'Fire'?
Oh, right
What was this?
Right right
Giving a bow Giving a bow
No, bungee jumping Bungee jumping
I think it's more amazing that he was correct
'Playing With Fire'
New was correct for the first time
What about it?
I think my manito will think it's cute
Who's your manito?
Thinking it's cute Then it's Q
What is this?
He's spacing out
My manito is handsome
Thank you
Why are you keep talking about me?
Wakanda Forever
I decorated these by biting
That's why your manito doesn't like it
- Jacob is cute - Look at his face, that' for real
We're from abroad
All three of us arrived Korea through Incheon Airport
He was correct again
Sangyeon and Friends
Sangyeon and Children
It's Friends
(You guys are all friends)
They all look upset
Are you having fun?
I'm screwed
(Brain is fully operating)
He's frowning
You're cool so cool
We were like that
Oh, my!
This is too bad
This one this one
It's too close
I'm embarrassed
Oh, my god!
Why weren't their GoPro screens turned on?
Oh, man
Even his screaming looks awkward
I thought he was calling Tarzan
He's almost a bat Here's whale Q whale Q
- He's the best - It is really high
I won first place
Because there were a lot of bugs
There were so many bugs
- That was amazing - That was so good
- I'm getting hungry - I really want to have them
- I want to eat them again - That looks so good
Hey, let's eat
Jacob go go go
What is it? What is it?
Eat eat
The Bs are watching us now
It's a success if we make The Bs cringe
Oh, I won't watch this
I'm the ocean, please take me
Wow, man
I'm a grape, please wait even if you miss me
Did we make you cringe?
Sorry, everyone
Eat quickly
Now we're gonna reveal our manitos Who will go first?
I'll go first
Is it me?
I thought yours is Juyeon I really thought so
Me, too
It's beautiful
He's like a close friend
One, two, three Sunwoo
- How did you know that? - Am I correct?
Is it me? Really me?
I wanted to make Sunwoo look fancier
I made this as I wanted
Thank you so much for loving Come On! THE BOYZ
We're gonna say good bye to you
BEST WE THE BOYZ It's been THE BOYZ thank you
- It feels a little strange - Is it finished?
It's cool, THE BOYZ
I feel like..
Now that Come On! THE BOYZ ended, we're gonna come back with 'Right here'
We have to go to work together
Thank you for being here even at this late hour
I hope you'll go home safely
One, two, three
Right here
Thank you
Thank you
Nhạc chế | Chuyển Đổi Sim 11 Số Sang 10 Số | Nghe để nhớ - Duration: 32:13.-------------------------------------------
Sac PD Release Body-Cam Video Of Man's Police Shooting Death - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Palmetto Trees Snapped in Half in Sumter - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
Emotional Moment Couple Each Working 70 Hours A Week To Make Ends Meet Wins $200,000 - Duration: 1:53.Emotional Moment Couple Each Working 70 Hours A Week To Make Ends Meet Wins $200,000
A 20-year-old man from Perth, Australia won the lottery, forever changing his life and
that of his fiancee.
Some folks play the lottery religiously.
They buy tickets like clockwork.
Who can blame them?
Not having money worries is something many of us imagine.
We would not have to stress about bills, mortgages, student loans or just scraping by.
We could save and invest for our future.
What would it be like to hit the windfall?
What would we do with the money if we were so blessed to win?
How would we divide up the winnings?
What would we do?
Start a charity?
Go on an extended vacation?
Pay off our debt?
Jordan Ross was once living on the street.
He and his fiancee, Jayde Hicks, struggled to make ends meet.
Jordan had a nice girl by his side.
They just didnot have the means to marry.
That all changed on a typical day when Jordan and Jayde went to the Lucky Charm newsagent
in Willetton to check their ticket.
Jordan won $200,000.
Everything is different now…well mostly.
Jordan Ross and Jayde Hicks found out they won after they went to the Lucky Charm newsagent
in Willetton to check their ticket.
The two have not worked out all the details.
They do know they can have the wedding they have dreamed of.
Jordan also wants to help his family.
He intends on purchasing a new car for his mother.
What a great son!
The two are going to be practical with their winnings.
Jordan plans to go to college to get a better job.
Though they did splurge a little.
They bought a new boat.
As for Jayde, she bought a new vacuum cleaner.
Who could blame these two for going a little crazy?
But I love how they have continued being practical, realistic and family-focused.
Who could be more deserving of such good fortune?
13News Now 11 p.m. Weather on September 14 - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Mới Đây Thôi - Phùng Khánh Linh 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Justin's Weekend Forecast - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
11 p.m. Friday Tropical Storm Florence Update - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
Florence taking down trees across Charlotte area - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Cameras capture water rescues in New Bern, North Carolina - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Fat Shaming Sweatshirt Causes Controversy! | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:07.ANNOUNCER: AND NOW DOES THIS
Surveillance Video Released From Before Officer Shot, Robber Killed - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Sumter Asks for Folks To Refrain from Using Cell Phones - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Florence pushing into South Carolina - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Forks Outlasts Owego in Class B Clash - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
떴다! 더보이즈(Come On! THE BOYZ): 여름방학 RPG편 마지막 이야기 (Summer Vacation RPG The Last Story) - Duration: 6:44.Oh my god, I'm a fan of yours
(Come On! THE BOYZ Summer Vacation RPG) (The Final Episode)
Why am I so nervous?
Oh, I didn't expect this
Wow, we're gonna watch it all together
But this episode is the last one
Two three, Best we THE BOYZ Hello, we're THE BOYZ
Hi, everyone
(Come On! THE BOYZ Summer Vacation RPG)
This is our first time to watch this, too
Give me some money
I think I know this
I've seen it
- It doesn't matter - No, bro
So let's forget about this and listen carefully next time
No, I can really guess correctly
(New & Hwall challenged themselves to win this round)
Did they really have to challenge themselves?
What is this? When did it happen?
He really hates this
I won the gold medal in double under jump rope
He's cute
What was it? What was that?
I still have no idea
Wasn't it 'Fire'?
Oh, right
What was this?
Right right
Giving a bow Giving a bow
No, bungee jumping Bungee jumping
I think it's more amazing that he was correct
'Playing With Fire'
New was correct for the first time
What about it?
I think my manito will think it's cute
Who's your manito?
Thinking it's cute Then it's Q
What is this?
He's spacing out
My manito is handsome
Thank you
Why are you keep talking about me?
Wakanda Forever
I decorated these by biting
That's why your manito doesn't like it
- Jacob is cute - Look at his face, that' for real
We're from abroad
All three of us arrived Korea through Incheon Airport
He was correct again
Sangyeon and Friends
Sangyeon and Children
It's Friends
(You guys are all friends)
They all look upset
Are you having fun?
I'm screwed
(Brain is fully operating)
He's frowning
You're cool so cool
We were like that
Oh, my!
This is too bad
This one this one
It's too close
I'm embarrassed
Oh, my god!
Why weren't their GoPro screens turned on?
Oh, man
Even his screaming looks awkward
I thought he was calling Tarzan
He's almost a bat Here's whale Q whale Q
- He's the best - It is really high
I won first place
Because there were a lot of bugs
There were so many bugs
- That was amazing - That was so good
- I'm getting hungry - I really want to have them
- I want to eat them again - That looks so good
Hey, let's eat
Jacob go go go
What is it? What is it?
Eat eat
The Bs are watching us now
It's a success if we make The Bs cringe
Oh, I won't watch this
I'm the ocean, please take me
Wow, man
I'm a grape, please wait even if you miss me
Did we make you cringe?
Sorry, everyone
Eat quickly
Now we're gonna reveal our manitos Who will go first?
I'll go first
Is it me?
I thought yours is Juyeon I really thought so
Me, too
It's beautiful
He's like a close friend
One, two, three Sunwoo
- How did you know that? - Am I correct?
Is it me? Really me?
I wanted to make Sunwoo look fancier
I made this as I wanted
Thank you so much for loving Come On! THE BOYZ
We're gonna say good bye to you
BEST WE THE BOYZ It's been THE BOYZ thank you
- It feels a little strange - Is it finished?
It's cool, THE BOYZ
I feel like..
Now that Come On! THE BOYZ ended, we're gonna come back with 'Right here'
We have to go to work together
Thank you for being here even at this late hour
I hope you'll go home safely
One, two, three
Right here
Thank you
Thank you
中國隱身轟炸機大升級,俄軍拍案叫絕 - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
화상 입었는데 병원 안 가고 '연고'만 발라서 숨진 아기 - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Airbnb owner loses business after carjacking - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
李健要退出《中国好声音》?也许对真正做音乐的人来说是正确的 - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
中國好聲音第九期:周杰倫李健剩三位,謝霆鋒哈林剩四位 - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
《中國好聲音》哈林戰隊最後反敗爲勝,李健不捨淘汰愛將 - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Local man goes to N. Carolina to aid victims - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Local man goes to N. Carolina to aid victims - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Do Bigha Zamin - Duration: 2:03:11.For two years it has not rained. The fields are dried up.
The leaves shriveled and fell. There was not a trace of clouds.
There was turmoil in the country.
There is an end to all sorrows and clouds came back to the skies.
Come all, just see the clouds in the skies.
After so many days, we got God's mercy
Yes, the rain gods have descended to our land.
Yes, rain gods have come only for you, but just see the clouds.
lt will definitely rain now.
The green spring has come with the beat of drums
lt has brought the spring of life back to us
lt has brought life back to the soil
lt has come like the bride, all decked up!
A well of hope sprung up, Happiness has been kindled
One doesn't like to sit in one place
Let us sing a song of renewed hope
Let us sow such seeds...
that some happiness grows, and some peace
Let sweet dreams dance in our eyes!
The green spring has come with the beat of drums
lt has brought the spring of life back to us
Bapu, how does it feel?
With this water, l don't even feel hungry.
Oh Paro, you also get wet in the rains.
See, you'll enjoy yourself.
l'm not a child like you.
- And you're a father yourself. - Oh, come on...
get me the towel so l can dry myself.
Oh, leave me!
The earth cries out, sing the songs of love
The season is passing away
See how fertile the land is, as if it is talking now.
These are the fruits of the worship of my wife.
Now you must offer sweets!
And what about my wife who had offered blood!
lt's good my wife didn't do anything. Else you know what?
A deluge would have followed!
lf your wife had also prayed, there would have been floods!
God has been kind after so many days.
l don't know how we survived the last two years.
lf this time, the crop is successful...
then l'll get you a pair of anklets from Natthu Ram, the goldsmith.
When you bring food for me, from a distance l'll hear the jingle.
lt'll be great fun.
Come on! Put on anklets at my age?
- Have you become old? - lf not old, then what?
Let me see your teeth, to see how many have gone.
See how your string of pearls are shining, and you say you're old.
lf l'm not old, why don't you love me?
- You mean l don't love you? - No! - Father!
- Did you run away from school? - No, father, we were sent home.
- How? - Our teacher's cow has got lost. He's gone to search.
Then you also go after the teacher and help. Go.
- Who said l don't love you? - Tulsi.
l see! ls that it? l'll just show Tulsi.
lt's been more than 10 years Shambhu has been married.
Still, what he keeps on whispering to her, l can't understand.
What will you understand? You know to only beat your wife.
You talk nonsense. Get up! There's a lot of work left.
Wah! ldeal scenery. We'll proceed to your place and talk.
How is the landlord's motor car here?
l saw it coming here one or two times.
There are 2, 3 men with landlord. They look to be from the city.
Then Yadav was correct. The landlord wants to build a mill here.
Then we'll have to stop our farming.
The land belongs to the landlord. He can do whatever pleases him.
But not all the land is his. These 2 bighas belong to Shambhu.
lf he doesn't sell his land, the mill can't be built.
Shambhu, will you sell your land?
What? Do you think l'm mad? l'll never sell my land.
His father'll also sell. Where'll he go? His tail is in my hands.
Today's farmer isn't just a farmer, but a businessman.
He'll cut his tail and disappear.
You'll be left with a few hairs in your hands.
Not at all. He's in my grip. Today, l'll make all arrangements.
Yes, do it. lf we don't get that small piece...
then our whole plan is ruined.
We've already printed the prospectus.
The Great Junta Mills Limited. Chairman, Raiseazam Thakur Harnam Singh.
Our preparations are complete, sir.
We're just waiting for the land to be acquired.
That is a small matter. But for the mill, a lot of...
money will have to be taken out. That too in these days!
But sir, money begets money. The days of landlords are limited.
Then why not step out towards industry, sir?
There is a saying, industry brings wealth.
With the setting up of a mill, villages will become cities.
ln each house there will be electricity, and overhead fans.
Sir, are these people also investing?
- Thakur saheb, now excuse us. - Pardon us, we troubled you.
Only for his benefit we've come from the city into this interior.
Now excuse us, we must go. Greetings!
- Accountant! - Yes, sir?
How much does Shambhu owe us?
l'll have to check the books.
Check it, and call him over tomorrow.
- ls the master in? - Yes.
- Sir! - Who? Shambhu? Come.
- Accountant, get the paper. - Just bringing it, sir.
l've called you over to tell you some good news.
What's the good news?
l want to change the complete fate of this village.
l will set up a mill here. All roads will be nicely paved.
All houses will have electricity. You'll all benefit.
Sir, you're like our father and mother.
lf you don't look after our welfare, who will?
But where do you people understand! Only you are mature.
Just put your thumb impression here.
What's written here?
Nothing much. l want your land to set up the mill.
Here, put your thumb impression.
ln exchange, l'll waive all the loan l have given you.
l'll repay the loans. Give me some more time, sir.
You're hesitating. Okay, l'll give you something more.
Land is a farmer's mother. Should l sell my mother?
Leave it. Once the mill is set, she'll become the father!
What do you get from the land?
Working in the mill you'll have plenty to eat. You'll be able to sleep in peace.
Sir, plucking a plant and sowing it in gold, will it survive?
Leave all this big talk. l'm talking for your benefit.
- Come, put your thumb print. - No, l won't sell the land.
What! You won't listen to me?
Why are you hell bent on inviting your own ruin?
By selling land, a farmer brings ruin to himself, sir.
And on that land is my house where my 7 generations have lived.
l won't sell my land under any circumstances.
How dare you! Then return all my loans to you with interest by tomorrow.
By tomorrow? Give 4 days at least.
l've already given you enough time. You people don't deserve pity.
- Sir, give me some more time. - That's my final word. Get out!
Pour the water.
Grandpa, when will it bear mangoes?
After five years!
l'll give you the first mango and the second to father.
Father, see, we've planted a mango tree.
- ln five years it'll give mangoes. - Yes son, just get your slate and chalk.
Father, l have to discuss something important with you.
What is it?
By tomorrow we have to pay back all our loans to the landlord.
- Or else our land will be auctioned. - Auctioned?
We have only 2 bighas of land. lf we lose it, we'll starve.
- What were you thinking? - l just can't think, father.
But we have to do something.
-Yes dad, l have come. - Son, you've learned arithmetic, right?
Then note down. Grain to sow, for 2 years. Rs20/-.
Manure Rs. 12/-. Tax for 1 year, 2 planks of Rs.8 each.
Speak slowly, else everything will turn out wrong.
- 8 and 8 is 16. 16 and 12 is 28. - Yes, 28. 3 once, 7 once and...
and 2 once. And what will be the interest? Rs.5/-. Write Rs. 5.
Now add up and tell me.
Add properly, make no mistake.
- The total is Rs. 65/-. - Rs. 65.
- How will we get so much money together? - l will see.
Whatever l have at home l'll sell. We have to save the land.
What are you doing? Why are you collecting all the utensils?
l'm repaying the landlord's debt. Paro, we had a pitcher?
- Yes, it is here. - Tell me, what's the matter?
l'm simply paying back the landlord's loans.
Only this one is left. Do what you feel like.
Paro, listen, come here, will you? All this won't be enough.
Then what should l do? You can sell me also.
See your anger! Has anybody the courage to buy you?
- Paro! - What is it? Parvati, l was just thinking...
how to say it. l couldn't give you anything.
- Oh, you want to take these earrings also - No, no.
- You'll be unhappy. - l'll be all right.
Paro, what to do?
Once the land is secured, everything will be okay.
Sir, l'm repaying what l owe you, but l can never repay your mercy.
- Your loans are Rs.65/-. - Accountant, how much is due?
His dues according to records for seeds, tax, manure and cash...
comes to a total of Rs. 235.50.
Whose account are you reading? Please check again.
Maybe l made a mistake. lsn't your name Shambhu Mahto?
- Yes it is. - Then, it's your account.
Explain the accounts properly to him, so he doesn't think he's being cheated.
A religous pious man like you. lsn't this your thumb print?
During the famine you took 5 sacks of grain @ Rs. 50-.
For that my father worked for a full year in sir's date garden.
Doesn't that offset the grains given?
Ask him, didn't his father receive food during the famine for it?
Sir, give us some more time. l'll repay all the debts.
And you were so proud, saying you wouldn't sell the land.
Now say whatever you want in court.
- Sir, l only owe only Rs65/-. - Just answer what you are asked.
Did you take 5 sacks of grain on loan from the landlord?
- But my father had... - Leave your father aside.
- Did you pay for the 5 sacks of rice? - No.
- On you 3 years tax is due. - l have paid for 2, and 1 is due.
- Do you have a receipt for it? - The cashier must have it.
Do you have any proof to show you gave the money to him?
No, sir.
- God is witness to it. - lf He's the witness, call him.
So against you is 5 sacks of rice, grain for seed, tax and...
an advance of Rs. 50. How much does it make? - Only Rs. 65.
Sir, it is all wrong. Sir...
ln the case of Harnam Singh versus Shambhu Mahto.
The application of Harnam Singh for attaching the property of...
Shambhu for non payment of a loan and debt amounting to...
Rs. 235.50, the court hereby rejects the appeal.
But the accused Shambhu Mahto could not produce any evidence to...
disprove the appeal. ln the eyes of the court, Shambhu Mahto will...
have to repay the amount. Seeing his monetory condition...
the court gives him three months to repay the ammount.
ln the event of nonpayment the land will be auctioned off...
Sir, have pity. How will l repay so fast, l have an aged father...
and a very young son. But for the land, l have nothing else.
Come, have food.
Have food, you have to work. We will find a way.
Please listen. lt's not the end of the world.
Of course it is. l'm a poor farmer. l've never even seen 50 rupees.
- Where will l collect Rs 235.50. - Don't worry, eat.
No Paro, the bread won't go down my throat.
You go home. Something will have to be done.
Shambhu, where are you going in this blistering heat?
l have just started the Hukkah, have a few puffs. - No, no.
Just come. A full Hukkah and where are you going? Here.
For the last two days l am on the lookout for some money.
But l haven't got a penny, Uncle.
l'm returning from the Chandanpur money lender.
He asks what l have for security? And you know what l have.
The money l got from selling utensils were spent on the court.
l begged and beseeched, but now he won't give any more.
Leave them. They benefit when we have problems.
Yes, l forgot to tell you. My son-in-law has returned from Calcutta.
A man changes when he goes to a city. He puts on big boots, and...
has a big belt around his waist. Nobody can say he's my son-in-law.
Where does he work?
ln Calcutta, there is that big English Hotel. What's its name?
Yes, Prepco. He works as a boy there.
What is this boy work?
lt must be an important job.
What do l know? He was saying...
money just flies through the air in Calcutta.
Just catch it and put in your pocket.
How to go, uncle? l must know somebody there.
When you go, you'll meet people.
Do you think sitting in the village, you'll make so much money?
- What are you thinking? - What you say is right.
l'll meet with Father once.
No, Father, l'm unable to earn any money here.
l think we must try in the city. What do you think?
What should l say? My brain just doesn't work.
Somehow we have to save the land.
- There appears no other way. - l'll go to Calcutta tomorrow.
Calcutta? Where will you stay? You don't know anybody there.
l'll have to make friends after l arrive.
Just don't worry. Let me go.
- Where are you going father? - Calcutta.
Calcutta? There one has to go by train. Right, grandpa?
l, too, will come with you, father. l've never been on a train.
Where will you go? Even my place there is uncertain.
Please father. l'll go with you.
lf you leave, who will look after your mother?
You're here. Look after mother. l haven't grown so big yet.
lf you're not big, you can't go to the city.
See how big l've grown. l'll come with you, father.
Don't bother me or l'll beat you. Get away!
- You're going to Calcutta? - Yes. - No, don't go.
lf you agree to it, l'll start working.
No, has any lady from our family ever worked outside?
lt's just for a few days. They'll pass quickly.
No, l won't let you go. The city isn't a good place. You'll forget me.
So that's it.
Silly woman. No one with a wife like you would ever stray.
You just see. ln these last 10 years, we've never separated.
But what can l do now? l'm so helpless.
- Should l tell you something? - What?
- Really, when is it due? - There's still time.
- Boy or girl? - Great! How should l know?
Then l have to go.
Whether a boy or girl, he mustn't see his father a beggar.
- Father! - Coming, son.
l'm going. Look after the house. Ramzan'll take care of the field.
- When does the train leave? - At 9 o'clock.
Then you must not delay, son.
- My respects, father. - May God look after you.
- Write to us, - Yes, of course.
You're not well. Take care of yourself.
Where is Kanhiya? l didn't see him.
He knows you're going today. l don't know where he's gone.
Yesterday, l scolded him. Perhaps he's annoyed.
Okay, l'll leave now.
- Come back soon. - Yes, three months will pass quickly.
l'll walk with you for a little while.
Okay, Paro, now return home. You're pregnant. Take care.
You started crying again. What's there to cry about?
Don't people go to Calcutta?
l don't know, but l've a feeling l won't see you again.
You'll make me cry now. Wipe your tears and go home.
Go. Or else l won't be able to leave. Go.
The waters of the Ganges and Yamuna are very deep
One time or another, everyone has to go across
The earth cries out, "Sow the seeds of love"
For the seasons may pass you by
Add something to your life story. Leave something behind
Who knows if you'll come back or not?
For the seasons may pass you by
The buds await you. The birds are singing your song
Add something to your life story. Leave something behind
Who knows if you'll come back or not?
For the seasons may pass you by
The blue skies are smiling. Every breath is humming a song
But why are you sad?
On the flute within your heart, play any tune you like
Add something to your life story. Leave something behind
Who knows if you'll come back or not?
For the seasons may pass you by
We must leave our city houses and settle in villages.
The villages should become model villages.
lt's our duty to improve them.
Before improving the villages, we must improve the men.
Everyone will die. Not one will live.
Medicine to kill bedbugs!
4 annas, 8 annas, and 1 rupee. l have four kinds of medicine.
Take now, or else you'll regret it later.
Show me some.
Boy, what are you doing here?
Now that l've come, don't get angry.
l told Ramu, who must have told mother.
You told him and that's that, eh?
The poor woman must be frantic with worry!
Father, Kanhaya is missing. l've searched for him all over.
- Have you asked in Pran's house? - l've searched all over.
l'll check the school grounds.
Auntie, Kanhaya has gone with his father to Calcutta.
- How do you know? - l met him at the station.
He asked me to tell you.
Oh hell, one more problem to those already existing.
Will Shambhu do work and toil, or look after his son?
Father, see what is that?
ls it your father's garden? Why are you blocking everything?
Father, he made a shirt out of a newspaper.
- Can we read it? - Yes, everything in the city is like this.
- Does one get work here? - What did you say?
- Can one find work here? - You'll get snacks here.
Work, you'll get over there.
What did you say? Which shop?
Who gave you the ticket to Calcutta? When did you come?
- This morning. - Obviously. Now go your way! Work he wants!
Come kid, come.
- Sir, can l get some work. - What?
- l'm a poor man Can l find work? - Out!
See that double storeyed house which is moving?
Yes, let's move.
Father, l can't walk anymore.
- Can we rest for awhile? - Okay.
What a city, Calcutta! lf one asks for work, no one replies!
We'll return home tomorrow.
Yes, the village is very good. There's mother, grandpa and...
Quiet. Because of you there are more problems.
What to do, where to go. l just don't understand.
What is it? Hungry? Want to eat something?
Ok, you sit here. l'll find something to eat and return.
Till l return, stay here. Don't move from here.
- You! What are you staring at? - Nothing.
Nothing? Then do you intend to pick some pockets?
Why pick pockets? Pickpocketing is a very bad thing!
- Wah, Yudhishtra. - Not Yudhistra, my name is Kanhiya.
That Kanhiya with the flute? Where do you stay?
ln the village. Today me and my father have come to the city.
- What is your name? - Lalu, Lalu Boss.
- Lalu... - Say Lalu Boss. - Okay, Lalu Boss. Where do you stay?
- Grand Hotel. - What is that? - There that big house.
Such a big house, don't you feel scared? Who else stays with you?
8-10 beggars, a couple of porters, and a flea-infested cur!
You haven't understood, have you?
Opposite the hotel, on the footpath. lf you need a home, come there.
Take! Eat.
Where's my bundle? Son... Somebody's stolen our bundle.
Father, our water jug is missing too!
There's nobody here.
He didn't take much, but he took everything.
What to do? Even the money is gone. Now we can't even return.
What are you doing here, so late at night?
l am finished, destroyed. All my things have been stolen.
We came from the village, and with nowhere to go we had to sleep here.
This is no place to sleep. Run away from here.
We are new and don't know any other place.
Go anywhere, but you can't stay here.
Oh, God. Where to go now?
Come father, we'll go to the Grand Hotel.
- Where is that? - Over there. That white building there.
My friend lives there. Come on. Come, father.
- Friend? - Yes, come father. Come.
Father, there is my friend.
- Lalu, Kanhiya here! - Kanhiya? Yes, sleep here.
All this land is ours.
Don't be afraid. He lost his leg working in a mill.
At times he dreams his leg is being cut again. Poor chap.
Hot tea!
Hail Goddess Kali. Empty my tea pot fast!
Give some tea, brother.
Son, get up.
Your body is hot. How did you get this fever?
God, what should l do?
Tea would have helped, but where is the money?
Father, l have two annas.
Take it out! Get up.
You sit here. l'll get the tea.
One cup of tea, please.
We just came here, and today my son is ill.
Can you suggest a place to stay? Where do you stay?
- l stay in Lala Babu settlement. - Can we get a place there?
- Yes, possible. - Where is this Lala Babu settlement?
Go straight and then turn left.
Go two steps and ask anybody about Lala Babu's settlement.
Thank you, and God bless.
- What! Tea shop hasn't opened? - lt will open soon, boss.
- Where is Lala Babu's settlement? - Go straight, and ask anybody.
She's filling all her buckets, and not leaving any for us!
You woman! Remove your bucket! Let me have some water too.
Don't dare touch my bucket. Else l'll call Grandma.
So what?. What can Grandma do?
- ls that it? Grandma! - This place doesn't belong to you.
See Grandma. She's not allowing me to fill the water.
How did you gather the courage to do this, Champa's mother!
l will throw your bucket from here.
Yes, yes, it's your rule which applies here.
- l defy you to throw the bucket. - Okay, you want to see?
- ls this Lala Babu's settlement? - Yes.
- Where's the landlord? - Landlady!
You can call her landlord too, l suppose. There she is!
lt's just your bucket now. lf you wag your tongue, l'll throw you!
You don't know me yet. Come let's go.
What bullying!
What are you doing here?
He doesn't seem to understand Bengali.
l see. Where have you come from? What do you want?
- Can l get a place to stay here? - No, there's no place here.
- Please, my son has fever! - Then what can l do?
Be on your way.
Grandma, there's that room which is lying vacant.
- Give it to these poor people. - You don't interfere.
Look there's one room vacant. Daily rent is 2 annas.
One week's rent in advance.
Oh, you don't even understand English? Advance!
And if you don't pay me for 3 days, l'll sweep you out with a broom.
- Give me my advance money. - l don't have any.
lf you don't have money, then go away.
Come here, Mr. Hoity-toity! Got angry eh?
Want to kill that boy in this heat?
Not a penny in pocket, yet such airs! Come! Come with me.
Here is your room. Where is your bed roll?
lt was stolen last night.
Yes, yes, everyone says that. Where will he sleep?
Shall l prepare a bed for you?
Rani, get him a cane mat. Look, don't you run away with my mat.
Of course not.
And yes, by evening l must get my rent.
To even breathe is difficult here. Now lie down here.
l'll go look for some work.
- l hope you won't feel scared being alone. - No.
- But do return early from work. - Yes.
Don't light your coal-stove here.
- Where, then? - ln your room.
- Get lost! l'll light it where l please. - l'll throw it, l say!
Don't fight among yourselves.
What happened? Why are you crying, brother?
Don't take whatever Grandma said to heart.
She talks a lot, but she's very good at heart.
Should l tell you about her. Well, there was a famine.
All my people died. My father, mother, brothers, sisters all!
She only brought me up. My brother was just like you.
That is why l told her to give you this room.
You're very nice, sister Rani.
- Coolie! Coolie! - Here, sir, l'll take it.
You will? Come on then.
Strange is your world, oh my lord!
At every step, we see miracles!
Strange is your world, Oh my lord!
Some say, the world is a bad dream and a water bubble
At every step, everything changes
Whether you believe it or don't
Strange is your world, Oh my lord
Cutting the mountains and oceans, we made palaces
Breaking the stones, we made flowers bloom
We made everything, but nothing became ours
Strange is your world, Oh my lord
Hey, stop all this music.
When we talk, we're told to stop
Life is difficult, for those with empty pockets
lt is difficult even when one has to give one's life
Your world is strange, Oh my lord
l'll teach you to hide! No rent yet for the past 15 days?
Give me some more time.
l don't want to listen to excuses. You get out.
- Rani! - Yes, Grandma!
Just throw out his things. Throw them!
l've made some ice cream. Eat and see!
l'm not going to fall for this, understood?
Get out now. Out.
Stop. lf by tonight you don't manage, remember then.
- This is your rent. - Are you a father, or a butcher?
- The whole day you were out, and didn't bother about him? - How is he?
No need to show your concern! Go.
- Son! - Father! Now my fever has come down. - Thank God.
Water! Water!
God bless you. Light the lamp.
Who are you?
l moved in next door just yesterday.
l've had a high fever since last night.
Don't worry. You'll get well.
- Can you do something for me. - What?
That rickshaw of mine, the hand-cart...
l've kept it where the bulls are tied. Take it to its owner.
lf it's not returned l'll have to pay extra rent.
But l don't know the roads here.
Just ask anybody on the main-road where Nandibabu's rickshaw stand is.
Okay, l'll deliver it there.
You don't have license. Just be careful of the police.
Hey rickshaw man, come here.
- No, this rickshaw can't go. - What do you mean?
- No, sir. - What no, l have to go to the station.
Come, or else l'll call the police.
Put it down! Go on.
Okay, halt now.
Put it down. How will l get down?
You seem to be new.
You have 2 annas? No? Okay, here!
Eight Annas!
Here, take these 8 annas.
A man threatened me and forced me to take him.
He gave me this 8 anna coin.
Thank God. You now how this daily living is.
Daily one has to earn. l get worried as l'm sick.
Don't worry. While you're sick, your daily bread is on me.
You let me drive the rickshaw. l'll run the rickshaw.
lt's a very strenuous job.
That's all right. lf l don't arrange for Rs.235 in 3 months...
l'll lose my entire property.
l'll arrange for a license and run it.
Getting a license isn't all that easy. But when l recover...
l'll teach you everything.
Halt! Hey that's not the way to halt. lt'll topple.
But you said stop.
Yes, but slow down first, and then stop.
Okay. Let's try again.
Well done! You're an expert now.
Father, l'm really enjoying myself. Ride a bit faster.
Father, a bit faster.
- Rani, just say the name! - Don't you know your own name?
- But just say it! - Pritam.
- Once more! - Pritam!
Here, eat this. - Oh, you son of Pritam!
- Father has come! - Here son. Try it on.
- How was the day today? - Good.
After paying the owner, some Rs.1 and 8 annas are left. l bought a shirt for him.
Good work..
Let's see, son.
- Wow, you look nice. - Yes. - Which prince has landed here!
- He really looks like a Prince. - You are the limit.
A rickshaw puller's son, and a prince! What are you looking at?.
You're putting on new clothes. Touch your father's feet.
Here, take this money and carefully hide it inside.
All right father.
Now l have to hoard every penny.
You're having fever daily now, and even then...
you go in deep water to get water chestnuts!
What to do? We have to have something to fill our stomaches.
Yes, we poor have nothing, and if we didn't have even a stomach...
ls anybody at home?
- Who is that? - Who else but that shameless accountant.
He gives such lecherous looks! And today he's come here.
- Please go outside and talk to him. - What's up? No sound from within.
Oh, there you are. l was passing this way, thought l'd look you up.
What's the matter with you? Won't you ask me to sit?
Oh yes, daughter, get a mattress to sit.
- How is your health? - What well being can we have?
- lsn't it Shambhu's wife? - Yes, she is.
What state is she reduced to? How beautiful she was.
Now she is sick every day. There's nothing to eat.
Why not? Doesn't Shambhu send anything from Calcutta?
Where? 20 days have passed and not a letter has comel
l heard he's enjoying himself, and he doesnt even inform you?
- How is my Shambhu? - Oh, he's very fine.
My nephew just came. Said he saw Shambhu, but your son ignored him.
But l'm here for you. Don't worry.
Send your daughter-in-law to my house. l'll give her some rice and wheat.
Also, l've some good medicine for fever. l'll give her that, too.
l'm going out now. Send her late in the evening. Sorry about Shambhu.
Okay, l'll take your leave.
Daughter, did you hear what Shambhu is up to?
No, this cannot be true. All this is his trickery.
l hope what you're saying is correct, by God's grace.
Our school closes at 4 pm. Come on time.
- Don't delay. l get very hungry. - Alright!
- Lalu Boss! Lalu. - Kanhiya, you're quite something.
l was going to work, and you stopped me.
- Where were you going? - Baghdad. - What?
Film Baghdad. What sword fighting. Like that!
- Does he really kill? - Yes!
- Want to come? - No, no.
- Come My pocket is hot. l've earned two rupees. - 2 Rupees?
- How? - By polishing shoes!
Today l polished shoes of a really great chap.
After the polish he was so happy, he said in English 'Very Good'...
and put Rs.2 in my hands!
- Do you still sit at that place? - l don't have a fixed place, silly.
Nowadays l sit on Park Street. Okay then.
- What is the matter? - Can you make a box for me?
- What sort? - A shoe-shine box.
What will you do with it?
Like you, l too will make some money.
- l'll lighten fathers load. - Well done, surely l'll make one.
- Not today, l'll make it tomorrow. - But don't tell father.
When l accumulate a lot, he'll be very surprised.
- Right then. - Okay.
Poverty! When he should play and eat, he's worried about earning!
- Will it look like the real thing? - Yes, very much.
l was just about to have a nap and you started your noise.
- So, this old geezer's with you? - lt's nothing. l'm making a toy for him.
- Stop! You can't speak Bengali. - He's making a rickshaw for you.
But won't this be too small? So make a huge one for her.
Making fun of me, eh? Why you... Rani, go in! And you, stop this.
Okay, okay.
- Son, will you be able to do it? - Yes, why not?
Then you'll show me how.
Like this. 'Come one, come all. Get your shoes shined beautifully.'
Come sir, boot polish!
How much will you charge for polish?
Only two annas. We won't charge you extra.
- l'll give you one anna. - No, sir.
Can't polish shoes for that amount. Only your feet!
Kanhiya, you! Come join us from today.
What polishing will you do? You don't know anything yet.
Kanhiya, please give me your black polish.
Here 6 paisas are yours and 2 paisas are mine.
- But you did all the hard work. - Should l give you one?
Here keep it. You thought l had stolen your customer?
That man was wearing socks, and you are still raw.
lf some polish had got on them, you would have got a kick!
l don't have black polish. He'll do it. He does first class work.
Come, Kanhiya, polish sir's shoes!
Don't leave Calcutta without polishing your shoes, sir.
Kanhiya hasn't returned yet.
He hasn't. lf he doesn't return in time, his father'll make a noise.
lt's a dark night. l hope he's not lost somewhere.
- Come Shambhu. How's life? - Very tough.
l'm toiling for 20 days now, and l don't have Rs.50! What am l to do?
The box is locked. Where's the kid?
He was playing around here, wasn't he?
- Yes, he was just here. - Where is he, then?
Where is he then? Not on the road l hope.
- He should be around. - You rest while l go have a look.
- Baba, Baba! - Why so late? Your father has come.
- Any earnings? - Yes. 12 Annas...
and l've bought red bangles for mom.
Well done! Now show him the money and surprise him. Go on.
- Father... - Where were you?
l've told you not to go out alone.
Come here! What is this? Money!
l toil the whole day and earn and you steal?
Shambhu! You hit him? You lifted your hand against him?
- Why not, see he has this money with him... - Quiet!
Apologise to him! Apologise, l say!
This baby has been earning all day and you...
- Earning? - Yes!
See this! He polished shoes! And you called him a thief?
You don't know your son, Shambhu. You underestimate him.
- Son. Hit me hard, son. Hit me! - Oh father...
- Son, did l hurt you badly? - No, Father!
Now we needn't worry at all. My son is earning too now.
l'll send money to your mother and write that our son is earning, too.
Your son, my son. Our son.
Gangu Mahto, are you at home? There's a money order.
Someone's sent you money.
- Who sent it? - Shambhu Mahto has sent.
Daughter, there is news for you. Come, hurry.
- Who has come? - Nobody's come.
Shambhu has sent some money.
lsn't there a letter too? How's he? And my son?
There's no letter, but on the receipt there's a note.
Please read it out. We can't read.
Father, l am sending Rs. 48.50. l will send every 15 days.
Keep it carefully. We are well. Write to the address given below.
This money contains Kanhaiya's earnings too.
Here take this.
- Father, did you hear that? - Yes, my dear.
My son's earnings too.
May god give him a long life. Here, keep this money carefully.
Father, your cough's getting worse.
l'll use some of the money that came today...
Don't touch it. l'm old, and feel guilty that l can't earn and help.
So don't humiliate me more by spending that money on me!
All right, father. Misra's wife wants water chestnuts. lf she pays, l'll get you medicine.
Come sleep, come to my child
Descend from the stars, and make beautiful dreams
Come sleep, come to my child
A bud, under the tree, is feeling the breeze
ln all the lovely hues, what magic you have done
Come sleep, please come
You are the queen of this world. You are my favorite
The world is in my arms, my dream has come true
Come sleep, please come
How long have you been sitting here? Why didn't you call me?
l didn't want to interrupt your song. That's why l sat here and listened.
You have a lovely voice.
As though God has flavored it with all the sweetness in the world.
- What have you brought? - You asked for water chestnuts.
Good you brought them. l'll get the money.
One more thing... Write me a letter please.
To whom?
Tell me. ls it to your husband? Then why feel so shy about it?
Everybody writes. Wait, l'll get a paper and pen.
- What's to be written? - How can l tell you?
l've never written a letter.
- Write what you think best. - How do l know what you want to say?
- Tell me what to write. - Write that l got the money.
That of course. But how to start. What do you call him?
Does a woman call her husband by his name?
Why not? Everybody does. How do you call him?
- Tell me. - Bachhwa's father!
But l can't start a letter like that. Use some other name.
l'm feeling very embarrassed. Write what you like.
Okay. My Dear. What next?
Got the money. Father is well now.
We still need lots of money. God knows what will happen.
And write, to send letters more often.
Has my son forgotten me? l'm dying to see him.
Father, a letter has come.
Mother must have sent it. Just read it out.
- Beloved... who's this, father? - Forget that and read on.
Got money. Father is well now. We still need a lot of money.
How will we manage? Write more often.
Write letters more frequently.
Has my son forgotten his mother? l'm dying to see him.
You're crying? Silly boy. Just a few days more now.
We'll go home soon.
That's all. Stop now.
What's this? Only 4 Annas? Give me 2 more.
4 annas is the rate.
But you said for an extra passenger you'd pay 2 annas more.
Give him the 2 annas.
- Pay him. Why argue with a creep? - Sure! l'm a creep! Pay me.
- Brother, what's the matter? - The road is hot as coals.
My feet are burned.
- Why not buy some shoes? - How much will they cost?
- Some Rs 2 to 2.5 only. - So expensive. No l don't want them.
- l'll tie rags on my feet. - You sure are a miser!
What a miser! Won't spend even 2 paisa on ice cream.
He's born like that! l asked him to see Awara with me.
You know what he said? "l don't have money."
- What a song! - l am a drifter...
l am a star in the skies...
l am a drifter...
See that Awara shirt! The heroine strips and the hero ogles.
l'll make a shirt like that.
Sure, but fix this window first.
- We won't go by rickshaw, but walk. - Why?
- Why little one? - My father lost his job...
You keep quiet! You please go.
You both go inside. Look, don't come from tomorrow.
- At the end of the month collect your pay. - All right.
- Rickshawman, come. - No, sir, it is hired.
- Come little ones, come. - No, father can't pay now.
- Who's asking for a fare? - Sister, my feet ache.
Look, her feet ache. Come sweetheart, sit.
Rani, l'll come and collect you at exactly 4 o'clock. Okay?
Here son, count and keep. And let's go outside and eat.
Yes. l'm very hungry.
- How much is it? - Rs.1, 2 annas.
That's all? That job of fetching children is also gone.
- What about you? - l don't have money.
Look, take 2 annas. You go and eat. l'm not well today.
- Why did you come back? - l suddenly got a cramp here.
l don't feel like eating, either.
l understand everything, but how much will we save by starving?
We've just a few days left. So we'll have to work even harder.
We'll have to earn Rs.4 per day. Else we'll lose everything.
- Look, will you earn 1/- at least? - Yes, father.
And l'll try to earn Rs 3 a day.
l'll work day and night.
Get up! Hurry! Hurry!
Lilly, listen.
Come quickly. Follow him quickly.
Move faster!
Faster please!
- Go faster. - Okay, sir.
Go, faster. l will give you Rs.6. Go faster.
Baba, father hasn't come, and it's so late.
Maybe he got a good passenger. He'll return soon.
But he's never been so late. l'll go to the corner and see.
- Boss, One packet of Gold Flake. - Right sir. - Add to my account.
- My father hasn't come home yet. Have you seen him? - No.
What's your name? l'm asking you your name!
- Kanhiya. - Really? Wonderful. What a lovely name!
- What do you do? - Polish shoes!
Terrible, terrible.
Give a cigarette.
- Have a cigarette. - l don't smoke.
- What a chap. - Quiet! Don't call me names.
Well done! You're gutsy, too, eh?
Why did you steal money from that gentleman's pocket?
Why not? Their pockets are my bank.
- l pick when l need. - Bloody thief! Get lost!
Everybody here is a thief.
- What do your father do? - l came looking for my father.
l'll go looking for him.
Father, what's happened to you?
Why get so upset and cry?
He's just hurt a little, and he'll get well soon.
Here's the medicine. The doctors have advised rest for 15 days.
He's lost a lot of blood, so he must eat well.
Rani, go get a sheet.
There is no milk, but here is some porridge.
Let me relieve you now. l'll fan him.
No thanks. He's sleeping. Let him rest. Come, let's go.
- Who's there? - Me.
- What are you doing? - l'm taking out some money.
You've lost a lot of blood, and you need some good food.
No, no. Not a paisa for me. There's nothing wrong with me.
l'll start pulling the rickshaw in 2 days! But you'll have to work hard.
Don't spend a penny unnecessarily. Very few days are left!
Very few are left.
You're yet here again, are you? Why do you come so far?
When your letter comes, l'll deliver it myself.
There's been no news from him for days. Don't worry about me.
There's nothing to worry about.
When your letter arrives, l'll bring it to you.
That's what l'm paid for.
Dear God, have mercy on him.
- Where have you been in this sun? - Chandanpur.
To the post-office?
- Any letter? - No, there was none.
You'll drop dead like this, silly!
Hardly anything in the stomach, and then 2 miles walk!
- Why are you so afraid? - What else should l do?
No news of him. We still owe Rs.50/-.
And very few days remaining. Better l die!
You are thinking of death, but think of the one in your womb.
l told you to work with us. What's wrong with that? You'll get 1/50 per day.
You'll save Rs 1 and eat well too. Tell me. l'll talk to the contractor.
Okay. Something has to be done. For the rest, it's in God's hands.
Come with me.
- Why are you doing that? - Going out.
- Where? - To ply the rickshaw.
- Father, don't go. - Quiet now.
- Grandma, come here, fast. - What's the matter?
- He's going out to ply the rickshaw. - Oh? Bent upon dying, are you?
You know it all. l must go.
- l have to go. - Don't get up. Don't.
See? Very good! l warned you, but who listens?
- Better l die! - Now lie down.
lf you get up again, l'll break your other leg.
Oh Prince charming, your father's getting weaker.
Do you realise it? Get some fruit for him.
Why are you so late today?
- How's your father? - Not well.
The doctor has advised good food but where will l get the money?
When l'm here, why do you fret? Sit down. Did you hear?
His father's sick. We'll both give him 2 paise from our shoe-shining.
- Why should l give? - lncome Tax. You'll have to!
Kanhiya, why the long face?
What to do, brother? My box has been smashed.
To hell with that! Come with me.
- Where to? - There are horse-races today.
We can make some money.
- What? - Come with me.
High stakes. Final race, 4 annas only.
- Why did you run suddenly? - l was getting very scared.
You're a coward. We were doing so well! You spoiled it all.
Take out the stuff. Let's see the wallets.
Not worth it! Just Rs.3- 25! Let's see the pen.
lmitation! Today's men! They hide the genuine stuff.
- Here, sell it and make money. - No, l don't want stolen goods.
What a saint! Okay, leave it. Take out the chain.
Wow! Hit the jackpot. Looks gold to me.
- lf l pawn it, l'll get Rs. 300/-. - Really? That's more then 265/-.
But of course, silly.
- Can you do one thing for me. - What?
Give me Rs.50 out of that. You take less than an hour to earn it.
And for it my mother has to fast. My father is dying.
After a few days, we'll lose our land, house. Will you give me Rs.50?
Great! Didn't you just say you didn't want stolen things?
Just this once.
l'll never ask again. With that money we'll go back, and repay our loan.
l beg you. You will give me?
You have no shame begging? And at the feet of a thief?
Get lost! Don't show me your face!
What is it now? Why are you sulking. Okay, press my feet.
You dare act so mean with me. l will not leave you.
Give me that watch, else l'll kill you.
- Okay, okay, l'll give the money. - No, l don't want it. Forgive me.
Now you are crying like a child. Here take this and leave.
lf you try and sell it, the police will catch you. Come with me.
We'll go to the pawn shop and l'll give you your Rs.50.
Here, take this and run away.
Father, see what l've got for you.
- Fruits, oranges... - Who asked you to get them?
- The doctor said... - l told you, don't waste money.
l've brought money, too. Now we can repay our loan.
Where did you get all this from?
Don't worry where. Just eat, father.
l won't eat till you eat. Who gave this?
- My friend. - What does he do?
- He... he... - Tell me!
Father, he is a pick pocket.
A pick pocket! You brought stolen money to me.
You committed a theft! A theft! A farmer's son and theft!
lf your mother hears this, she'll die of shame. Die!
Hit me as much as you like, but eat this.
lf you don't, you will die.
Better to die than live like this. You stole, son. Became a thief.
Take all this and throw it away! This moment.
And return the money. Return it this very instant.
Mother, if you don't come, father will die. Don't worry but come soon.
There's no point in crying. People do fall sick.
You go and bring your son and husband back home.
He won't come. We still owe so much money.
Don't worry about the money. l l'll give you the rest.
You may return it little by little.
That there are such people as you must be seen to be believed.
Please bless me, that l may bring them home safely.
Then go and get them soon.
Okay, l'll see you when l return.
l'll go now. l'm going, father.
Father! What's this? You have high fever again?
Yes, dear. l'm shivering. Give me that blanket.
- l can't leave you like this. - Don't worry. My time has come.
- Just pray to God, and go. - How can l go and leave you?
No, daughter-in-law, go and fetch both of them home. l'll be alright soon.
That boy is here, isn't he? Then go now.
- Catch the train. - l'll have someone look after you.
- May l go to drink water? - No, the train will move soon.
- Drink at the next station. - l'm very thirsty. l'll be right back.
Ramu hasn't returned. What should l do? Ramu! Ramu!
Sit down, or else you too will be left behind.
Don't go. You're still not well.
Only 5 days are left now. Some how or other...
- l must get those Rs. 50/-. - Listen...
Let me go!
Father, don't go! l beg you. Look, he's going out.
- Grandma, see he is going. - Where to?
- To run the rickshaw! - With such a deep, raw wound?
- l have to go. - Then die! lf you don't listen, you'll die.
Even God can't save you.
God, somehow or the other, arrange Rs.50.
Otherwise my father will fall and die.
Just this once. Never again. Forgive me mother.
Listen. Read this and guide me. l've been searching for hours.
My husband is not well. l've come from our village to find him.
l'm not from this area. But ask that paan-vendor.
Where do you wish to go?
To Shambhu Mahto's home? Let's go.
- Who is he to you? - He's my husband. You know him?
Of course. He's my very close friend.
He and l work in the same factory.
- But he drives a rickshaw! - Yes, he drives a rickshaw these days.
How is he now?
l can never lie. He isn't well nowadays.
- And shortage of money has... - l've brought some. Take me to him.
- How far is it? - Not very. Come.
Thief, thief!
Come, come with me.
We have come far. How much to go now?
We're almost there.
Where have you brought me?
Don't be scared. Sit inside. l'll fetch a doctor.
He may save Shambhu. Come.
No, no. l can't stay here alone. Take me along with you.
You're mad. Seeing you, the doctor will charge more.
Please sit down. l'll go and quickly get the doctor.
100 Rupees!
What took you so long? Hurry! You got the doctor?
No. He refused. Nobody does anything without money.
l touched his feet, but he wouldn't come.
Take out your money. How much have you got?
l won't give it! You're a devil.
You learn fast. But since you know, hand it over without any fuss.
- How much do you have? - l won't give it to you.
So soon? No way.
Let me go, l say. Else l'll scream the place down!
No use! Even if you shout yourself hoarse, nobody will come.
Wow, why did you keep hidden such a beautiful face, huh?
You despicable rascal, don't advance further!
You look lovelier when angry. Come on, hand over the money.
No! Don't take this money. lt's earned with blood, tears and sweat.
My husband's ill. Let me go, please. No!
lt's an internal injury. She bleeding from nose and mouth.
- Can she be saved? - Only if she's taken to the hospital.
- Get a taxi. - What taxi? There's a rickshaw there.
Come, quickly get some ice from the betel shop there.
Rickshaw! There's a hit and run case. The woman may die unless treated.
lf my rickshaw gets stained with blood, l'll take 5/- extra.
Get lost!
Sir, let's go. Give whatever you wish.
Pick her up. Hurry.
Pick her up. What are you gawking at?
No use crying. Save her by taking her to a hospital.
His wife's in the hospital? ls she seriously hurt?
Can't say. But Shambhu's asked me to get his son. Where is he?
But he's not here.
Grandpa, hasn't father returned yet?
- Kanhiya, come with me. - Why, what happened?
My father isn't... Tell me!
Nothing's happened to your father. Your mother has come.
Mother has come. Where is she?
- Come with me. - Wait, l've bought red bangles for mother.
l'll get them.
Father, where is mother?
l've brought mother's red bangles. Where is mother?
ls that my mother? Why is she on a stretcher?
Your mother was run over by a car.
Mother, you're dead. Because l stole a purse, you're dead.
You didn't understand why l did it. Mother, l have killed you.
Your mother isn't dead, son.
lf she's alive, why isn't she talking? l stole, that's why she died.
Look, l'll tear the money up in your presence. Say something.
Mother, please say something. l'll never steal again.
Let me go! Father, l have killed mother. l killed her.
Don't cry son.
We're destined only to weep.
You're worrying unnecessarily. Please take it easy.
We found this money on her. Take it.
Who's that unfortunate woman's guardian?
Her husband Shambhu. Doctor, l hope she'll be all right.
She's still unconscious, but should survive.
Doctor, save my mother. l touch your feet.
Son, she'll definitely recover.
She needs medicines and blood. The hospital can't provide this.
You'll have to buy them.
l had toiled and saved money to save my land.
Thought l'd make it. Anyway, let my wife be saved.
- Yes, do anything but save my mother. - Yes, son.
Shambhu didn't repay his loan, but ran away with his family.
His father, who lives here, has gone mad.
So, we are forced to auction the land and the house.
You will auction the land!
Do it! Most certainly do it.
You drove me out of the house. So what? That house was small.
Now l have a bigger house. The entire earth is now my house.
That blue sky will serve as a roof now!
Mother, see that smoke there? That was our house.
- And l had my kitchen there. - Let's go mother.
- Come father, let's go. - Let's go.
- What are you stealing? - Nothing.
What nothing! Thief! Show what you've stolen!
Now get out of here.
For more infomation >> Do Bigha Zamin - Duration: 2:03:11.-------------------------------------------
Famosa surpreende, diz que ex-A Fazenda gosta de homens e por isso relacionamento não vingou - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Famosa surpreende, diz que ex-A Fazenda gosta de homens e por isso relacionamento não vingou - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
100K Challenge | Digital Marketing 2019-2020 - Duration: 5:28.My name is John Donato, and I've set a goal for myself to make
$100,000 online by July 19 2020 my 24th birthday. Give me just under two years
I've been thinking about this a lot and I've been able to design a specific plan to scale my current business model up to
$100,000 per year using affiliate marketing and then eventually SM MA
Obviously, it's super far fetched right now. I'm nowhere near a hundred thousand dollars per year right now
I've only made a little bit of money online
Nothing wildly impressive. I'm not a low Pez or anything, but I seriously seriously
I promise you there's opportunity out there and I think that if I just
Really get motivated to really get focused and really surround myself the right people. I can accomplish this
So in the next video, I'll be explaining
Specifically my plan to accomplish my goal up on five thousand dollars per year. I think you will find it pretty cool
I think it'll be something that you guys maybe haven't thought of before if you do affiliate marketing or SM, MA
It's a cool way to combine these two things together. So definitely look out for that
Anyways, I thought that instead of just making videos with general advice telling you what to do with affiliate marketing would be cool to show
You exactly what I'm doing to see success online. I'm gonna show you everything. I'm doing every single day
You'll really get to see what my life is looking like and see some really cool ways to make money online
Specifically instead of just having me giving you no general advice. I'm going to show you what I'm doing
I'm going to be as transparent as possible
over the next two years that you'll really get to see what my life is looking like and see some really cool ways to make
money online
Specifically instead of just having me giving you no general advice. I'm going to show you what I'm doing
And I hope that you model it. I hope that you copy it. I hope you get some value extract some ideas. Whatever
So why am I even doing this? Anyways, well, I guess the short version of this story is that
Three months ago. I got kind of stressed out that I was stagnant in life that I wasn't living up potential
so I temporarily moved away to
Alabama of all places had plans to go out to California
It didn't work out fell through call my buddy on the phone said hey, I need to get out of Massachusetts
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And he said yeah cool would ever come down here pack my car the next day with like $200 my bank account drove down there
Just started to look for any way to make money online obviously ran in
2000 scams
eventually found affiliate marketing from what I heard it was gonna take one to three years to
Develop in a profitable business model where I was at least getting $1 back at the end of the day
So I was a guy whatever I'm down for that. I want the time and location freedom eventually in my life
So I'm not puttin one two three years since then I've been able to figure it out in three months
Not to say I'm making a billion dollars a day
but I am proud of the success that I've seen and I've seen a massive opportunity to scale this and I'm so excited because I
Really? Like I said for really crunch the numbers and I really think this is possible super excited to look back in this video
I think it'd be cool
Anyways stressed out couldn't find a job
No money found affiliate marketing was able to kind of recalibrate clear my mind
Get back on track and now I'm at a point where I'm graduating school this year and I would be showing you guys the entire
Process by the way, you'll be seeing everything to do with college and finding a job, you know the pressures you face
I mean, I think that'll be really cool
I think a lot of people will be able to relate to that so over the next two years
I'm going to be doing absolutely everything I can to get myself any advantage. You're just making absolutely every investment
I possibly can of myself to just better myself as a person overall and I'm going to explain exactly what I'm doing
That's been working really well so far. So you'll really get to see someone scaling their current affiliate marketing model
I'm gonna show you my
Business model right now as it's in its infancy all of the things that I'm trying all of my w's all of my elves
Probably gonna be a lot of ELLs. I'm ready for it. I'm super excited. Can't wait to get started
I really think that I can accomplish this. So if you guys want to follow along just subscribe down below. I'd really appreciate that
I know Earl Nightingale always talked about how money is a yardstick to measure the service that you rendered for the marketplace
So my goal seriously is to help out as much as possible to provide as much value as I possibly can to help in any
Whether it be in the comments section or on social media, I'm going to leave my social media down below
So just connect with me on there. I'm always responsive
I really want to demonstrate reciprocity except feel like that's honestly like the biggest thing I've learned so far
It's just that your financial return will really be a measure of the service that you provide
So say I'm super excited to just look back on this video in two years and see how far I've come how far I've progressed
And all the things I've learned along the way hopefully my entire life will be upgraded by that point
I think it'll be really cool. I really think this is possible so I can't wait to get started
I don't want to ramble on all night
But I will see you guys in the next video where I'm going to specifically explain this blueprint or this plan that I am using
That I've designed that obviously is
subject to change
Subject to adaptation only to make adjustments along the way as I learn more things and learn how to optimize for the result better
But anyways, I'll be talking about in that in the next video. I talked about this all night, so I can't wait
I really think it's possible. I think it's going to be very challenging. It's gonna continue to challenge me
I think it's going to be an absolute son of a bitch, but I'm ready for it. I love the challenge
I'm diving into this holding myself accountable
So if you guys want to follow along subscribe down below connect with me on social media reach out. Shoot me a message
I promise I'll respond
Anyways, I'll talk to you guys in the next video. Peace money
I really want to demonstrate reciprocity because I feel like that's honestly like the biggest thing I've learned so far is just that
Taco Bell employee is FIRED after refusing to take a customer's order - Daily News - Duration: 4:02.A Hispanic Taco Bell employee has been fired after she was caught on tape refusing service to a customer, claiming that she didn't speak English and couldn't take down the patron's order
Customer Alexandria Montgomery, who is black, filmed the moment she was denied service at the Taco Bell drive-thru in Hialeah, Florida, a predominately Hispanic area in the city, on Wednesday
In the clip Montgomery interacts with the employee named Luisa, who was the general shift manager at the fast-food chain, at the drive-thru window
The video begins with Montgomery asking: 'Do you have a manager here?' Luisa replies in Spanish 'She is in her house sleeping' and says no one in the building speaks English and asks her to move on as there are cars lined up behind her
Outraged Montgomery repeats: 'Nobody here speak English? So you can't take my order? But I want to order food!'When Montgomery refuses to move Luisa closes shut the drive thru window and locks it
'She's telling me I can't order because she doesn't speak English - who's wrong?' Montgomery fumes
Luisa threatens to call the police and two other employees approach the patron from the window to say no one speaks English at the restaurant
Share this article Share 'Can you move please? I have an order behind you. There is no one who speaks English,' Luisa says in the clip
'This is America. Y'all don't take over the whole population!' Montgomery replies
'She doesn't want to help me because she don't speak English but you know the menu so you know what I'm talking about if I say I want number 6 on the menu
You don't just completely shut me out because you don't speak English, that's not fair,' she added
Video of the altercation has gone viral online, racking up over 147,000 views. 'This incident happened Wednesday night around 10:30 p
m. I contacted the manager and after explaining to her what happened all she did was apologize and say thank you and the call was disconnected,' Montgomery said to El Nuevo Herald
Taco Bell Corp. released a statement to following the incident.'This does not meet our customer experience expectations
We have worked quickly to resolve with the customer to ensure this doesn't happen again,' a spokesperson said
'The individual no longer works for the brand,' the company added. Montgomery updated her viral video posted to Facebook hours later writing that Luisa was not the worker's real name and she was fired following the incident
'Luisa was fired today. Luisa isn't even her real name lol. She was the general manager on that shift,' Montgomery wrote
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