Những người sở hữu Vườn Hoa, Vườn Rau đẹp sẽ không bao giờ quên bón cho cây 12 thứ này (phần 3) - Duration: 10:45.No. 7: Vinegar leaves help green leaves
The leaves are lighter green than usual
When the leaves are yellow, you can dilute the vinegar with water at a rate of 1: 100 to irrigate the plants
Or take half a teaspoon of vinegar mixed with 500ml of water
Rice vinegar is rich in amino acids and vitamins will help the plant absorb the maximum nutrients
This helps the tree to regain its existing green color and shine.
For domestic plants like betel nut, ....
You can also add nutrition to the tree by using a little vinegar of rice mixed with potable water
No. 8: Banana peel supplement nutrients, remove dirt
Indoor cleaning dust, clean air, prolonged exposure of the hole to limit toxic gas
So, rubbing banana peels on the foliage not only help remove dirt on the leaves but also leaves more green leaves.
However, because banana peels contain mucus, it is easy to clog pores on the leaf surface
So, you should water the banana skin after rubbing leaves.
In addition, banana peels can also become "food," providing potassium to plants when burying them at the base.
Banana peels can also be chopped and eggshell buried under pots as an excellent source of calcium and potassium fertilizers.
No. 9: Cultivate crops with tea and tea leaves
Make a tea bag with 10 liters of water
Tea will nourish your plants every time you water it by increasing your nitrogen levels
improve the soil structure and give the earthworms delicious appetite
With bags of tea leaves scattered around the trees, you can completely trust that the trees in your garden will become better green.
Just take the tea leaves in each tea bag and spread them all around the tree
Good Luck :) :) :)
Flying Baby Shark | ABCkidTV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Collins 'surprised' by Kavanaugh accusation - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
Gerald McCoy & Mitch Trubisky Showdown! | Celebrity Family Feud - Duration: 1:06.Well, welcome to "Celebrity Family Feud,"
everybody! I'm your man, Steve Harvey.
Let's go.
And we got a good one for you tonight, y'all.
These celebrity families gonna be battlin' it out
for 25,000 bucks for their favorite charity.
Give me Gerald! Give me Mitch!
All right, fellas, here we go.
We got the top six answers on the board.
Name a body part you'd hate to have your doctor
accidentally sew shut during an operation.
-Your cheeks. -Your cheeks.
Your butt. Your butt cheeks?
Yeah. Yeah, that'll --
Yeah. Yeah, your butt.
Can't have that butt sewed shut.
Your butt cheeks!
Mitch. Your eyelid.
Your eyelids.
Sunday Spiel: Is Pride a Good Thing or Bad Thing? - Duration: 13:14.hey everybody it's been a minute this is
a Sunday spiel yes the time where I talk
about deep intellectual things in my
life relate them to stories of what's
going on and just generally blabber at
the camera while moving my head around a
today's topic is pride and let me talk
about why we're talking about pride
today fashion week was last week and a
little bit more than that like last ten
days okay and I went into fashion week
being like I'm gonna make this through
I'm gonna be a hundred percent me I'm
gonna be a great person and I left
Fashion Week saying like man I was kind
of a douchebag at that party because I
got caught up in it I got caught up in
this like I don't know how to put it any
other way but like fashion pissing match
where everyone's like I'm so cool I'm so
cool too are you as cool as me well I did
this cool thing and then I did this cool
thing and I'm going to this cool party
and I got caught up in it and I am NOT a
person that gets caught up in those
things but I did I did I 100%
got caught up in to it and I felt icky
and I walked away with two types of
feelings on one hand I was like yo I
should not have to go anywhere and
explain why I'm cool if it doesn't
happen by osmosis then you're just not a
person that appreciates me and that's
that but I shouldn't have to tell you
why I love this is so great but on the
other hand I thought you know this is a
professional situation and we only have
so much time with these people and we
are all trying to justify our value as
influencers or whatever and maybe being
a little bit more proud would be good
for me like maybe it would help me do
more business because when I worked in
tech I didn't like brag about what I did
enough and just kind of been on my like
radar to like better self-promote but I
feel so
icky doing it and I don't like it and I
don't like when people self-promote in
front of me and I'm like just just
everybody hate this or is this just a
thing that's wrong with me so I've been
like really confused and uncomfortable
about pride
what like where did it come from why is
it positive is a negative
I mean reality is we get told like if
you grew up religious I did we get told
when we're kids pride's a sin it's one of the
seven deadly sins pride is bad pride
cometh before the fall don't be proud
stay humble pride is terrible but then
we also hear be proud of your
accomplishments do you know do things
that you can be proud of I want a child
that I'm proud of proud proud proud
proud proud and I'm like how is it that
we are both supposed to not be proud at
all and then we're supposed to be so
proud or make other people proud it is
very confusing so then I was like okay
I'm getting a research pride I'm gonna
find out about pride I'm gonna learn and
I'm gonna make a decision on how I feel
about pride because it's what nerdy
people do we like research stuff we'd
fall into a hole in wikipedia and next
thing you know we've spent eight hours
reading about our brains that's like
what I do so I started reading about
now pride came from the word prude P R U D
Now prud used to mean and again a
dichotomy situation where this word had
two meanings in its original order or in
its original existence it had two
meanings which was beautiful and
accomplished but also arrogant and
haughty like I would like to be
beautiful and accomplished but I don't
want to be arrogant and haughty but it's
the same word
so I was like okay well that doesn't
help the original origin of the word
does not help at all
nothing so that I was like okay what is
religion say about pride I was like well
I already know what Christianity says
about pride that's a confusing hot
mess it's does not like it's not clear
so then I started reading like you know
Eastern religions I kind of discovered
this quote from Buddhism and it's
basically it's like suffering is
generated when we cling too tightly to
things that will inevitably pass and
that quote doesn't sound like it's about
pride right it just sounds like don't be
greedy or don't want after like temporal
things right don't like be like oh I
love this face mask
if someone rips this out of my hand I'm
gonna be upset it sounds like it's about
things and and needing things but when
we like anyway when we dig a little bit
deeper to what that means it's also
saying don't find your value and your
worth in things that are not of you I
always go back to this quote that I was
told and I think I've shared it here
before by one of my bosses many moons
ago many many moons ago in another life
which is you could only really control
you you can control why you choose to do
something you can control the
intent you can control how you feel when
you're doing it but the outcomes of the
situation not really
your responsibility or something
that you should be proud of and I kind
of started thinking about this so okay
if I should not be proud or cling cling
cling that it's clinging to my phone I
do cling to my phone a lot but if I
should not cling to things that are not
true reflections of Who I am
then maybe I should avoid pride for
things that are results
of my work so for example the book oh my
gosh she's talking about the book again
I know I talk about the book a lot you
know why cuz I spent six months in a
hole in my room writing it and it's I
get to talk about it mm-hmm so to the
should I be proud of the book well in
this philosophy no I should not be proud
of the book because the book is the
results of my mental thought and my
research which I should be very very
proud of but the actual writing and the
acceptance of the book by people is it's
just a physical thing does that throw
your head for a mind spin cuz it does
for me because I want to be like I have
a book in my hands I did this is it
but the reality is that's not what
matters what matters is the learning
that I achieved through writing the book
so I was like okay I don't like
that answer but that answers kind of
logical okay
so then I was like okay now we've we've
gone start at the top which is like the
history of the word then we went to the
you know religious connotations of pride
and then I was like okay let's let's
make this up full rounded exploration
let's look at the psychology of Pride
and here's where things get even more
confusing okay
because there's been a lot of research
that shows that pride can view can be
both a group assimilator and a group
destroyer so for real yo if you like
yourself and if you're proud of who you
are people generally like you more why
because if you hate yourself people are
like well I shouldn't like you you don't
even like yourself and if you like
yourself you're like hey yo I'm
confident in Who I am it's comfortable
to be around you're not trying to be
anything that you aren't there's a sense
of realism in a person with pride in who
they are again we're gonna focus
primarily on like you who you are and
that's great it also can motivate us to
develop new skills so look if you're a
little kid and you tie your shoes and
your mom goes you did a good job
I'm so proud I tied my shoes I'm now
gonna try to do something else because I
got that warm feeling that I really
enjoyed and I'm gonna use that as
motivation to continue developing my
skills because hunger I hungered after
that like sense of accomplishment and
pride is sometimes a motivator and a
sense of accomplishment for us also
people who are assured in their skills
we're more likely to rely on them for
said skills so it creates people who are
dependent on us and helps us form bonds
so pride can actually connect us to
other individuals but pride can also
just like make everybody hate you
in the case of a narcissist where you
are so into yourself that nobody wants
to be around you because you're not fun
and frankly you have the solution for
everything on earth so what do you need
other people for narcissism is the
extreme of pride in in that you think
you are the underscore and that
you have no potential for growth and
that last little bit is important
because this is where I have netted out
I'm gonna I'm making this up this might
exist I did not google it but this is
world according to Anna
aka glitter aka the person talking to
you on this camera
I believe in progressive pride I think
pride is a tool this is where I have netted
it out if your pride is not helping you
to move in a direction that is a better
position than where you are now that
pride is negative
aka if you think you are the
and have nowhere to go your pride is
holding you back however if you are
using pride as an incentive to encourage
yourself to further develop as an
individual then pride can actually be a
positive in the case of using the
Buddhist methodology all the way back if
you are proud as you become more and
more comfortable in who you are proud of
standing up for what you believe in
proud of making known your needs that is
allowing you to better
communicate with your community and frankly is
something that will help you progress as
an individual so I now look at pride
it's not really an emotion for me
anymore it's more of a tool of
communication and development I can use
pride to communicate to myself that I'm
doing a good job to communicate to
others I'm proud of you for what you've
done and also for others to communicate
with me about areas they want me to grow
and develop in and that is my really
long rambling about pride I researched
these things because I feel like
sometimes we form opinions about stuff
without really educating ourself on what
they even mean and I am this is one of
the things I'm trying to be better at is
like how do I feel about something well
I got to really know that something
before I have an opinion and so now
there is my opinion as proud on pride if
you're using pride for progression yay
if you're using pride to symbolize to
everybody else that you're the
boo that's all I really have to say I
think it comes down to the fact that if
you have to tell somebody that you have
Worth and that you are worthy then
you're basically doing the exact
opposite anytime you tell someone like
I'm so amazing here are the reasons why
you're actually communicating to them
that I don't feel very amazing about
myself so I'm gonna tell you what I
think you need to know about me to
perhaps consider me to be appropriate or
worthy of your time and that to me I
wonder if that's even pride right that
seems to me that's more a weird masking
of insecurity labeled as pride that's a
new rabbit hole I can go down yeah I
could go down a lot of rabbit holes with
this but that is where my thoughts are
tonight I am enjoying researching topics
I'm going to continue to do this I'll
probably do them every other week guys
because when I actually get into topic
it takes me a little while to like
research it and have an opinion about
what I think so yeah
yeah there you go tada
I hope you guys have an amazing rest of
your night
happy Sunday let me know what you think
about pride down below I will check you
guys later and peace
娛樂圈收入最高夫妻,不是楊冪劉愷威,也不是孫儷鄧超,而是他們! - Duration: 12:44.-------------------------------------------
Is There an 'Evil' Sun? - Duration: 3:24.Some binary systems are not places for sci-fi adventures, they're horror stories.
In some cases interactions between binary stars get deadly; the stars can actually turn
on each other.
Binary stars are kind of like siblings; they're born together and they grow up together.
But, sometimes one of those siblings can be evil.
This evil sibling is a pulsar.
It starts life billions of years ago, as the big brother in a binary.
But something transforms it into a monster.
The big brother is over eight times larger than its sibling, meaning it's destined to
live fast and die young.
In general, the lifetime of a star depends on its mass.
The more massive it is, the more rapidly it fuses hydrogen into helium and the more rapidly
it runs through all this stuff, and its lifetime is actually shorter.
In a binary system, if one is a bruiser and one is a bit of a pipsqueak, yeah, the bruiser
is not gonna live as long and when it goes out, it's gonna go out with a bang.
When a large star dies it will end its life as a supernova with a crazy big explosion
and the pulsar is what's left behind.
This big brother's death triggers one of the biggest bangs in the Universe.
In the midst of the explosion, the star's core collapses, crushing material down into
a hyper dense ball.
Rapid rotation and intense magnetic fields jump start twin beams of deadly radiation
and the pulsar comes to life.
The pulsar has to be one of the most amazing monsters that the Universe has ever thought
They're only about ten miles across and yet they contain the mass of at least the Sun
or even sometimes twice the Sun.
The pulsar's sibling is lucky to live through the chaos of the nearby supernova,
but it now orbits a brother from hell in a cosmic no-man's land.
Orbiting a pulsar would be a pretty rough experience for any object in its vicinity.
Pulsars are spinning out tremendous amounts of lethal radiation from their poles.
It wouldn't be good to live on a planetary system near a pulsar because you are gonna
be pointed towards a laser of planetary death.
But these death rays can't last forever.
Within a few million years, the pulsar spins itself to death.
Station Link will replace trains between Epping and Chatswood from 30 September. - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Switchgear box fire temporarily knocks out power to portion of south side - Duration: 0:25.-------------------------------------------
Fire Rips Through Revere Condo Complex - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
নিজের উপরে বিশ্বাস রাখুন || Believe in yourself in bangla || Best Motivational Story in Bangla - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Station Link will replace trains between Epping and Chatswood from 30 September. - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Watch Dogs - The Ghost Car Glitch (Tutorial) with Madbuck (Turn On CC) - Duration: 2:32.The first, put a vehicle (car, van, truck, etc) on the boxes or something that you can break it. But you have to make sure don't let it block the door.
Now, call someone to get in your game.
Madbuck and I worked together to figured out this glitch. Check his video to see how we get two ghost cars at the same time. Which's very cool.
Where are you, madbuck?
There you go.
Now let another player to get in the vehicle and leave.
When they get in the vehicle and then you see the vehicle flip and dance in the air in your game. That means the glitch worked.
Now, let them leave the vehicle and you get in.
That's it! This fire truck is a ghost now.
Because when I broke the boxes, madbuck wasn't yet in my game. When he cames in my game, the boxes was still there in his game and also blocking the fire truck.
But there's already no boxes in my game, when we try to take turns get in the truck, somehow that would confuse the game and makes the vehicle not solid anymore to the other cars.
It work with all the vehicle but bikes.
Hope you enjoy it and see you next time!
Popular Blogger Who Documented Her IVF Journey Dies During Emergency C-Section - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 5:10.A 30-year-old woman who shared her fertility journey on social media tragically died while undergoing an emergency cesarean section, Spanish news outlet El Mundo reports
Vanessa Fernandez Arango began documenting her in-vitro fertilization experience earlier this year on Instagram to help inspire other women who were going through similar situations
Along with her husband, Jonathan Garcia, Arango excitedly posted pictures of baby clothes, ultrasounds and her growing bump to her account, which soon grew to more than 5,000 followers
Arango had undergone IVF treatment after she experienced complications during two previous pregnancies, leaving her without her fallopian tubes
"The beginning of the end. The beginning of feeling life and the end of suffering," Arango, from Bilbao, Spain, wrote in the caption of a picture showing a positive pregnancy test in May
"So here begins our story, our story with a happy ending." But in early September, at 38 weeks gestation, Arango fainted while eating breakfast and was rushed to the hospital
Doctors performed an emergency cesarean section, but Arango went into cardiac arrest and died shortly after
<div class="inner-container"> <img src="
jpg" alt="Vanessa Fernandez Arango"> </div> "This morning she was in pain while having breakfast and fainted," Garcia, 32, wrote in a post on September 2 after his wife was taken to the hospital
"They have taken us by ambulance to the hospital and there they had to do an emergency c-section
The baby is in very serious condition in the ICU and my wife has suffered a cardiac arrest that she could not overcome
" He added: "I'm sending this because my wife was very caring, and I think the minimum I can do is say goodbye to her like she would have wanted
" According to Mayo Clinic, while caesarian sections are common and save lives, they involve numerous risks for the mother, including infections, blood clots and postpartum hemorrhages
While it is unclear what the status of Arango's health was leading up to her ailment that morning, cardiac arrests during caesarian sections are rare, says a study cited by Medical News Today
The study stated one in every 11,749 births resulted in maternal cardiac arrest, and nearly half of all cases were caused by excessive bleeding
Heart failure and amniotic fluid embolism each accounted for about 13 percent of cardiac arrests, and blood infections caused about 11 percent of other incidents
Arango's child, a baby boy named Alvaro, survived the ordeal and is recovering at the hospital
"I do not have enough words to describe how wonderful she was," Garcia said of his wife, according to El Mundo
"She was unique, a best friend, daughter, companion, wife, and I'm sure she would have been a great mother
" Garcia has continued to post pictures to his wife's account, in the hopes of carrying on her legacy and the journey she had worked so hard to share
"I can finally get something positive. Alvaro is recovering little by little, he still has many tests and will continue for a while in intensive care, but it's a little step," the grieving father wrote on September 6
"I never imagined a goodbye message in her honor would have led to such an avalanche of support… I want you to know I will continue with her dream of helping other couples
Alina Zagitova intervew at the test skates 2018 - Duration: 5:40.Good day, Alina. The test skates of our national team are over. Tell me, were you worried before skating your short program?
Yes, I was worried. It was my first event after the World Championships. Test skates are the most important event in a season.
You need to show your readiness. But my coaches helped me to cope with nerves and skate the short program well.
In Megasport, you did all the jumps in the warm-up before the free skating, but not in the skating itself. Why?
I didn't have much time to practice my free program, which is longer than the short. I think I will handle it eventually.
You said it will be hard to compete after the Worlds. The crowd that gathered there, 6000 people, did it affect you in any way?
Indeed, there were a little less people in Novogorsk, so I wasn't worried that much. Also, we had a camp in Novogorsk, so it was a rather homelike atmosphere.
While in Megasport, it was rather a competitive skating, so to speak, so I was worried a little more.
Before the Worlds, were there talks with the coaches that you don't need to go to Milan, because you put too much effort in the Olympics?
In addition, I got sick after the Olympics, and I attended a lot of meetings,
but we didn't even think of missing the Worlds, because I wanted us to have 3 quota spots at the next Worlds.
Many journalists, including myself, noticed in every press conference at the Olympics
that you, having won the Olympics, didn't show the joy of victory. Why?
Well, Zhenya and I attended all the press conferences together. We trained in the same team, I saw how hard she worked.
But I was a little...
I was shy to show my joy.
Because I too saw her work.
But later, when they were awarding us medals, I felt the Olympic gold medal in my hands and rejoiced.
Did you sing the anthem, silently?
Yes, I did. I even wanted to start singing, but pulled myself up.
But our hockey players showed everyone where we are from.
In the new season, your short program is to The Phantom of the Opera, the free is to Carmen,
a music that is widely used in figure skating. Did you have doubts about taking it?
No, I didn't have any doubts, because I knew my coaches wouldn't make a poor choice, I can fully rely on their taste.
After the skates you said you've long wanted to skate to Carmen, right?
Yes. In fact, I suggested it to my coaches before, but they said I hadn't yet matured enough in regard to my mind, body, experience.
But now that the Olympic season is over, they decided that I can perform it well, show the emotions.
We were going to the press conference in Korea and discussing in a car the upcoming interview.
I told you then that you are now the Olympic champion, and you can tell about your wishes. So, why a dog?
Well, I didn't have many friends in Moscow, and I thought...
Of course I have many pets already, but it is so now that they replace my friends,
because there are not many of them here, and not everyone is as sincere as animals, and animals can sometimes even understand you better.
A question that worries everyone, if Masaru has grown yet. Judging from Instagram, she has. Where's she now? How is she doing?
She's fine. I visited her recently, I have a photo in Instagram from there.
She's now with a cynologist, I will likely take her back tomorrow, and then I will walk her, and everything else.
She already knows her name, right? - Yes. She even knows a few commands already.
Alina, you are starting the new season as the Olympic champion, which places double responsibility on you.
People won't look at you in the same way. What would you wish yourself in the new season?
I think calmness. - I wish you calmness and luck. Thank you.
【TVB歷代御用奸角大PK! 】他們都曾是TVB電視劇御用的奸人!奸人之「王」是 - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Ray Donovan | 'Nothing Happens By Accident' Teaser | Season 6 - Duration: 0:50.[RINGING]
RAY: I told you, I'm done.
SAM WINSLOW: I have a friend in a sensitive situation.
RAY: You have to be exactly where I tell you to be.
You should have asked if that's
how I wanted to play this.
I don't work for you.
We all work for Sam Winslow.
RAY: We have a problem.
SAM: $100,000 every week until the election.
SAM: Progress is like war.
You and me, Ray.
We're going to make a mayor.
Fire crews called to nightclub fire - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
IMMORTAL CENT DROW DROW CENT DROW - Duration: 4:38:59.-------------------------------------------
25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 23rd September 2018 - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
Just Dance 2019 - Work Work by Britney Spears Official Track Gameplay - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
ROCK N ROLL MUSEUM DEBUT - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> ROCK N ROLL MUSEUM DEBUT - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Enora Malagré : Violemment remise à sa place par Christine Angot - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Enora Malagré : Violemment remise à sa place par Christine Angot - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
Ray Wood, a retired veteran,-------------------------------------------
Watchers only Free Art Raffle Draw August September 2018 - Duration: 27:35.Hello Guys!
And welcome to my channel again!
So, you may see
I'm very... make up on. A LOT OF MAKE UP
So... this is why today we're gonna take off THE RAFFLE WINNERS!
So, how it's our prize?
Oh, I mean
THREE PRIZES to my watchers
I decided to make it some, a little bit more of
a little what, like an Oscar nominee awards? Like an Oscar or something
SO, here I am
~ Wearing all this makeup ~
~ I hope it's nice, I hope it's not too much ~
Anyways, if you liked it, tell me in the video descript-
the video coments, because, I really need to know
It's my first time, I'm cat-eyed, tried
~ This is bad ~
So, let's go to the important stuff
I asked you guys on my DeviantArt
Which link will be on the description
About what would you like to know about me on the next video - which is this one
So, wait a second
I'm checking up now, as I'm recording, because
If I'd miss someone before, it would be bad
Well, now I'm checking on my notebook
Let me see, first question was by MysticMokenba3131
He's such- he's such a cute, I guess it's a he...
~ Oh my ~ I hope it is!
So, he asked: 'What made you pursue to make a story with your oc's?'
So, OCs for the ones who don't know yet
Are original charaters - which are, as the name says
Characters we create ourselves.
So... well, as I spoke in the last video a little bit about it
Since I was a child I started to write, and draw
But, what I think it was most important to me, to start doing my own OCs
And keep their stories, keep developing them
Was an Orkut group
Very, very old
It was an Orkut group, which some people are now from Drawzeiros, go check out their link on the description
So, OH! Before I forget!
A-ha! I didn't forget!
A special Hi-Heart ( <3 ) to my dear Vaki!
I didn't forget, dearie! *smack*
So, let's go
It was... a competition
In which we were gonna draw fanart of other people's OCs (original characters)
There's... there's plenty of fanart on my DeviantArt, and they are such, they suck, they are very bad
Beacuse that was a competition,we've time and, I almost never had time - an one day free to do it, because
I was at my parents house, it was like, I would sit and barely sit now, and:
I'd: "what?"
"Oh... Okay" So...
This group, oh, I think I've won two times, yeah
I don't remember which arts won ~ I don't remember ~
And then I had to create a character!
So, Plain Ripper was the first I've submitted, I don't remember if I created her because I would
Have to, own an OC if I'd won, for the competition
Or if I just created her without thinking about it
It's so long time ago, that I really, don't remember
But she was the first one, the very first one
Her concept is the oldest.
Then, it came... Marine
Her original concept was like, 'draw my species'
Something from the same group
I don't remember if I won that, but the owner let me have her, so I did her nowadays to my own closed species
Because she will fit on my stories now
And there's Greta.
Greta I created because didn't have anyone to run in the competiton, Plain Ripper already was (before)
So, I had to create someone
So I basically draw an almost anime girl with long, long ponytails, red-haired
Shes cute, she's cute as heck, she would be a... she would be a cosplayer on the original story
But now I'm playing with her inside my worlds' stories, she's not a cosplayer but she is a fashion designer.
So... She keeps her fashion, which is based on my own
I've from a long time, on my teenager years, I'd wish I was... a fashion designer
I would be a fashionista. Yah
Long time ago
I don't have that talent, something I'd be doing now would be dresses, LOTS OF DRESSES
Fancy... normal...
A lot of, loads, loads of dresses ~ too much dresses ~
That's one of the things that kickstarted me to do the OCs, the group
And now, the Orkut's closed down, some years ago, so, what's left of that group is now on Drawzeiros
At least two... two or three people from the old group are there, so if you want to check out
Go to their channel, they're awesome, okay?
Hi, Drawzeiros ( <3 )
So, the second question
It's by Blue, BlueWarriorWolfeh
~ I don't know if it's a he or she, let me just check out ~
Okay, it's a male
It's a he. So, he asked:
'Why did you started drawing/writing?'
So, it's almost the same thing that I spoke on the last video
But, i'll talk a little more about it
So, drawing like childish drawings it's not the same of drawing characters, creating stories, I get it
So, that group from Orkut was one of the things that kickstarted to me, to do stories and characters
And that was in the last answer
But, after the group was dead, was... was that a long time ago, before Orkut closed down
I was... i already had a DeviantArt, I wasn't very popular
At all
Popular Blogger Who Documented Her IVF Journey Dies During Emergency C-Section - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 5:10.A 30-year-old woman who shared her fertility journey on social media tragically died while undergoing an emergency cesarean section, Spanish news outlet El Mundo reports
Vanessa Fernandez Arango began documenting her in-vitro fertilization experience earlier this year on Instagram to help inspire other women who were going through similar situations
Along with her husband, Jonathan Garcia, Arango excitedly posted pictures of baby clothes, ultrasounds and her growing bump to her account, which soon grew to more than 5,000 followers
Arango had undergone IVF treatment after she experienced complications during two previous pregnancies, leaving her without her fallopian tubes
"The beginning of the end. The beginning of feeling life and the end of suffering," Arango, from Bilbao, Spain, wrote in the caption of a picture showing a positive pregnancy test in May
"So here begins our story, our story with a happy ending." But in early September, at 38 weeks gestation, Arango fainted while eating breakfast and was rushed to the hospital
Doctors performed an emergency cesarean section, but Arango went into cardiac arrest and died shortly after
<div class="inner-container"> <img src="
jpg" alt="Vanessa Fernandez Arango"> </div> "This morning she was in pain while having breakfast and fainted," Garcia, 32, wrote in a post on September 2 after his wife was taken to the hospital
"They have taken us by ambulance to the hospital and there they had to do an emergency c-section
The baby is in very serious condition in the ICU and my wife has suffered a cardiac arrest that she could not overcome
" He added: "I'm sending this because my wife was very caring, and I think the minimum I can do is say goodbye to her like she would have wanted
" According to Mayo Clinic, while caesarian sections are common and save lives, they involve numerous risks for the mother, including infections, blood clots and postpartum hemorrhages
While it is unclear what the status of Arango's health was leading up to her ailment that morning, cardiac arrests during caesarian sections are rare, says a study cited by Medical News Today
The study stated one in every 11,749 births resulted in maternal cardiac arrest, and nearly half of all cases were caused by excessive bleeding
Heart failure and amniotic fluid embolism each accounted for about 13 percent of cardiac arrests, and blood infections caused about 11 percent of other incidents
Arango's child, a baby boy named Alvaro, survived the ordeal and is recovering at the hospital
"I do not have enough words to describe how wonderful she was," Garcia said of his wife, according to El Mundo
"She was unique, a best friend, daughter, companion, wife, and I'm sure she would have been a great mother
" Garcia has continued to post pictures to his wife's account, in the hopes of carrying on her legacy and the journey she had worked so hard to share
"I can finally get something positive. Alvaro is recovering little by little, he still has many tests and will continue for a while in intensive care, but it's a little step," the grieving father wrote on September 6
"I never imagined a goodbye message in her honor would have led to such an avalanche of support… I want you to know I will continue with her dream of helping other couples
eating taquitos and questioning my existence - Duration: 6:16.*ding*
hey shishters welcome BACK to my channel!
it's fine im overdramatic
as you can tell by the title
im eating taquitos and questioning my life decisions!
so basically *crunch*
i uh
got my cartilage pierced
a week ago
and like
i think it's infected honestly
so like
so what happened is uhm
basically i got a ring first
i dont know if you can see because i'm using my phone
blehhh uhm
but basically
i was like twisting it back and forth to clean it
and then there's a little ball on it
i shouldn't touch it
i twisted it back and
the ball went too far back and it went like
into the piercing
so basically that was really painful
and i had to wake up my mom
it was like bleeding
and now it's like swollen
and there's like bumps there and there
not like BUMPS
but like a bump around the *crunch*
if ya know what i mean
and i was like
this ain't right
they told me to clean it 3 times a day
but i started cleaning it like
an excessive amount
and it's getting better i guess
hey youtube little life update
it is NOT getting better
also YES im wearing the same hoodie as i was yesterday
and yes i'm using photobooth effects
but yeah
it hurts
a lot
uhm im taking AP bio *screams*
and i have like
3 really big packets
due in 2 days
i haven't even started
and so like at my school
there's this thing called conservatory
which is like- i do it for theatre
it's a good thing
it's uhh
it's just like varsity sports
y'know but ARTS
and uhh
i don't have my monologue!
i have my monologue but it's like
not memorized
*nice smooth music*
so like hey guys i'm lactose intolerant
*sad piano music*
the conflict is
i forget my lactaid all the time
so i'm like live life on the edge
so ya
i eat lactose
and i'm like fine i'm living my best life
and then sometimes i'm just like
god please help me i'm feeling the pain of 1000 suns all over my body
uhm that wasn't funny i'm sorry
like yesterday
i literally bring lactaid to school it was in my backpack
and i was like i wanna get ice cream w/ my friends after school
and so i go
i go inside
and i'm like i dont have my backpack
i left it in the car
so then i was like
eating my lactose
and then
my friend had lactaid
but it was the chewables and that's DISGUSTING
i do NOT stand for chewables
if you are a chewables person *crunch*
so basically
i go
and i FEEL it
i FEEL the lactose bubbling in my veins
i feel i feel so much pain like about to surface
she was just ready to come out
and i take the chewable lactaid
and i swallow it with water
cause im not about that chewable life
it didn't work
and it wasn't like THAT bad
so i was going to this school improv match thing
and i was just like gassy. the whole time
and i went home and i just kinda felt
bleggggg y'know
i burped while i drank my water
ok so
all my taquitos are done!
thanks you guys for watching my first video
please DONT make fun of me
if you go to my school
cause im scared
k thanks you guys byee!
Breaking News - Wasps 41-35 Leicester: Hosts edge 14-man Tigers - Duration: 5:52.Perhaps Leicester should consider starting with 14 men in future, after the Tigers responded to Will Spencer's controversial red card with furious defiance, before eventually losing with honour in Coventry
Rugby's most pressing dilemma is how to preserve its combative nature while also protecting its protagonists – sometimes from themselves
That balancing-act issue exploded back to the top of the sport's agenda yesterday, as a result of the incident which led to Spencer's dismissal
The visitors' lock was shown the red card by referee Ian Tempest seconds before half-time, for a high tackle on Tommy Taylor, the Wasps hooker
Those are the outline details, but the nature of the offence swiftly divided opinion within the sport; between advocates of the new, reinforced laws and critics who decry how the nature of the game is being vandalised
There were countless past and present players in the latter category, despite the fact that the crackdown on contact with the head is designed to safeguard players' welfare
This latest example of the new zero-tolerance official stance prompted uproar in many quarters
Social media was soon awash with incensed comment, with the decision derided as 'pathetic' and 'a joke'
Taylor had received the ball from Lima Sopoaga and quickly passed it on. He was not stooping into contact, but the 6ft home forward had his knees bent as Spencer – who stands at 6ft 7in tall – hit him fractionally late, with his shoulder appearing to strike Taylor's jaw
The incident was reviewed and after assessing all the footage, Tempest felt there was no option but to send off Leicester's No 5
Tigers captain Tom Youngs responded by saying: 'Rugby has changed.' That much is beyond doubt
As Spencer trudged off, bemused and aghast, he was greeted by his head coach, Geordan Murphy, who told him: 'Bulls***, mate
Bulls***.' The Irishman was still simmering after the game when he told BT Sport: 'The game is going too PC
That for me is crazy.' He later added: 'The red card kind of killed the game. The TMO seemed to be on the side that it had to be a red card and was trying to push for that, saying to the ref, "Look at it again
Look at it again". 'Rugby is a collision sport for all sizes. It will end up like rugby league, with all players the same size and shape
I understand the principle of trying to look after the players, but if it is a head shot then surely Taylor stays down and has a HIA (head injury assessment), but he didn't
'I see the game becoming very different to the game I played and love. They (rugby's authorities) are making laws on the basis of trying to look after players, but I'm not sure which players and coaches they are consulting
' There was a certain amount of sympathy from Wasps too, although the victors' director of rugby, Dai Young, emphasised that everyone knows precisely where they stand
'Whether the game has to go this way or not, it's clear,' he said. 'That's the law
It's there. We've had the directive that any tackle direct to the head is a red card
'It's harsh and I'd have been disappointed if it was on our side, but I don't think it's something the referee should be criticised for
I hope the player doesn't get banned for it. There was definitely no intent. 'We have to protect the players
The guys who are saying the game's gone soft are guys who are not out there.' Spencer's dismissal over-shadowed a compelling derby
Inspired by the outstanding George Ford, Leicester rallied after being reduced to 14
They were 25-18 and a man down at the break, but took the lead when Sione Kalamafoni blasted over the line from close range
After Juan De Jongh carved through the Tigers for his second try, Murphy's men once again turned the tables through a combination which had worked once already – Ford as the creator and Jonny May as finisher
But Wasps eventually made their superior numbers tell, as Lima Sopoaga's three late penalties clinched a tense victory
The result itself will not create after-shocks, but the red card surely will
(第十集) IYPT-experience sharing - Duration: 6:43.You are the chosen one !!!!!!!!!!
Why do you want to promote IYPT?
Because of our teaching experience in college,
let us know that
college students has a lot of room for improvement in the expression of language.
Because no matter what occupation you are in the future,
oral report is important skill.
As a result, I think this should be trained in high school or even earlier.
That's why we hold IYPT in senior high school.
Not only do you have to figure out the physics,
but you also need to train your eloquence at the same time.
It is an activity which is very meaningful and helps the students a lot,
so I think it should be promoted.
Was it stressful to participate in IYPT ?
Well... if you want to get good grades in the competition,
then you must work hard.
This process is necessary.
Although it was very tired and very stressful,
I think this year was enriched.
You were convinced that there is a goal
which pushs you to become better.
Besides, I also met a group of amazing senior sisters.
What kind of bottleneck did you encounter ? How did you overcome it?
I think it was English
because we were very good at reading and writing in the junior high school.
However, it was difficult for a freshman like us to speak as smoothly as a foreigner.
Because of this, we were very frustrated at that time.
Afterward, the school teacher would provide you with training.
You can learn how to use precise vocabulary to describe your PowerPoint from your senior sister,
so my English ability has improved a lot.
After attending TYPT,
I got the ability to chat with foreigners ... (laugh)
very fluently.
What have you learned from IYPT?
What I have learned is the ability to handle things and solve problems.
Because I encountered a difficult problem in the beginning,
I had to try out so many ways that I could find out the solution.
I think it is the ability to handle documents
because sometimes we had to analyze the data.
This is something that others haven't learned,
but we have won at the starting point.
And English conversation ability.
I hadn't had a chance to report on the stage in English since I was in elementary school.
I think it was a new thing to me,
which is worth a try.
The rules of IYPT is
Reporter, Opponent, and Reviewer use their reports
to tell the professors what they are doing,
so your ability to express
and your ability to grasp the key is very important.
Besides, you have to express it in a simple and easily understood way.
Don't tell a bunch of nonsense,
and then the professors don't know what you are doing.
That means your communication is unsuccessful.
I think the train of IYPT is helpful to expressive skills.
What was the most impressive thing in the competition?
I have participated in the competition twice.
When I first took part in the competition,
the whole team was composed of freshmen in high school.
We were all new in this competition.
At that time, I was chosen to be the first one to report,
but I was unfamiliar with the problem.
After I finished reporting,
I felt very inferior and sorry for not doing well.
Everyone works so hard,
but the result was not good enough.
Then, I had an emotional breakdown.
I burst into tears.
After I calm down,
all the professors came and said
"It's OK, you are still young, you can do it."
Then, I thought "Wow, all the professors are so nice."
Then, all my teammates said
"It OK! We still have many days to fight back."
"We can work harder in the next round."
I thought "Wow, everyone is so nice!"
I feel so touched.
I didn't cry once more after that day.
I believed that I have everybody with me.
I can do anything!
I think this is the most impressive thing.
Does the IYPT affect academic performance?
I think that under the examination system,
it definitely will affect academic performance.
Because the problem of IYPT is all difficult,
you have to spend a lot of time executing it.
At the same time,you need to read many materials in the analysis of the theory,
so it will definitely compress the time students spend on studying.
Of course, we hope that colleges can
take the attendance of this competition into consideration.
The experience that the student got in IYPT
can also be directly reflected on their chances of entrance into college.
That would be better.
Use a sentence to describe IYPT
(strike the table)
Participating in IYPT... is very hard,
but... you deserve it.
You can observe different things from various angles.
You can enjoy the opportunity to activate your brain,
and you can kneel in the world of science.
You can learn a lot of different, new things,
And it's fun!
(Like) (Like*2)
You can make beautiful reports,
which you can show off to your classmates.
Chinese reports and geology reports are just a piece of cake.
Besides, you don't have to worry about your computer skills.
Participation in IYPT requires tacit understanding,
fast response speed,
and scientific research spirit.
Ok... thanks... thanks...
Do you think it is over?
No no no
Participating in IYPT... is very hard.
Photographer: You are out of the screen.
I'm so ready!!
Participation in IYPT needs...
tacit understanding and teamwork...
No... (laughing)
Zhao Wei: Are you ready?
Anyway, it's dead.
You are not recording, right?
Photographer: I am recording.
(giving up)
Her classmate: She will edit it.
I won't: D
Um! Great!
Very~ great~~
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