I'm here with Mike Williams today from No Limits Fitness and Digitally Fit now
Mike you are in the process of pivoting from your fitness business into a
marketing business tell me a little bit as a business owner going through that
process and how you've been able to do that four years ago I was at a point
where I was really struggling to drive new customers in and increase sales and
find effective marketing solutions I tried all kinds of stuff was doing what
it was copying other local businesses and doing what they were doing and from
postcards other print publications Direct Mail Google Ads all kinds of
things and I couldn't find anything that worked and then some of the other
businesses that I had copied they started going out of business and I soon
found that I was topping a broken business model with the gym and so I got
a business coach and somebody I could that somebody had done it and they had
you know success leaves clues and so I went with someone who already had they
had the business that I wanted and I got them to coach me through what they did
and that was how like sort of ventured into the world of social media marketing
learning how to do that I learned how to optimize the traffic that I was already
getting and how to convert it like how can you turn all that into sales and
what is your what's the purpose of your website things like that and so you
could take you know resources and assets that you already have it in place and
actually get them to work for you and that that was incredibly
transformational and then learning how to go about marketing on social media so
I had tried it before and I thought it didn't work and I would craft my post
and I would you know they had that thing where you can only get like 20% of your
words into a post to run it and I didn't mess with all that so I kept
increasingly making my font smaller and smaller until point where you needed a
magnifying glass to you know kind of get the grasp of my hat so it wasn't
effective and I so I thought I knew what I was doing but it turns out it didn't
you know I got the coaching that I needed and just imagine Dovan headfirst
and just just sucked it up like a sponge the first time I did it I
overwhelmed myself I sent more business to myself in a day than I could handle
are you talking about investing in somebody who's truly a professional to
help you and advise you instead of looking around and just saying well this
is what everyone else does so I'm gonna try it and you saw that that wasn't
where things were headed no because it wasn't what I found there was no one in
the area that that was using these strategies they weren't up to date with
the technology with where it was headed and so it exploded and all these other
areas of the country but but it wasn't here and when I tapped into that my I
took off immediately I mean there were my honest that when I had some pretty
dark days as a business owner I went a really solid probably two months where
every day I went home and was struggling with it how they were just weighing on
me like I didn't know how I was gonna tell everybody that I had to close my
business because I couldn't keep it was losing thousands every month it felt
like a failure I struggled and I was trying all kinds of stuff and nothing
just nothing gained traction until I came across I learned how to do this and
you know very quickly turn things around for me so the business that you're
pivoting to right now you're using the strategies that you learned to turn
around your business and you're looking to help people in this area because it's
not like you invented it but there are very few people that are actually using
the tools that are available to them on these social media platforms to maximize
their reach to maximize their marketing dollars so tell us a little bit what
digital e-fit does and maybe give us a little insight on you know if you're
doing this in your business you're throwing away your marketing dollars so
maybe you can kind of help us out there yeah I learned that aesthetics like the
aesthetics of a post doesn't always translate into effectiveness it
sometimes what you think as a business owner especially in Fitness what you
think resonates with your customer might repel a new customer and in making that
shift simply posting on a page isn't that's not social media marketing that's
not what helps you gain that traction you're very limited by your organic
reach your that obscure business out there nobody knows who you are
and you can quickly change that with significantly less marketing dollars
than you could on other platforms consumer behaviors changed and that's
the big shift we understand enough that a yellow page
ad is kind of it would be silly right now because nobody has we don't have
landlines and we don't use phone books what good comes in the mail anymore like
you get very few letters in the mail and see but every day your your is a ton of
junk and you may get like one or two bills in the mail outside of that
there's really not much to look forward to you know unless for whatever the
packages are like you've ordered on Amazon and those don't come in the form
of postcards so most that stuff just hits the trash and so marketing that way
it's expensive your you know it's all-encompassing you're getting all the
households in a given area and it's not it's just not a good use of your money
you might say you're you're going into a very general audience and in a lot of
times you're ending up in the trash where it's wasted it's just traffic
banner ads used to be really really effective on the one online but
consumers have kind of figured it out they're not clicking on that stuff as
much anymore same as Google AdWords like it's been it's been around for quite a
while and unless you're unless your business is really really really an
emergency like if your AC goes out in Florida well you're probably gonna you
know go you know you'll sell your firstborn or you know sell your car to
get your AC fix yeah yeah and so in that respect
sometimes that Google AdWords can work for you because it's pay-per-click and
you can make yourself come up on the first page but outside of that like it
says ad besides it like people know it's an ad and so the click-through rates on
those are significantly down from where they were five years ago consumers
behavior has changed significantly and that's where social media can come in
and so like TV commercials are really dominated probably last you know four or
five decades is that and we can understand how impactful that is and
then one with consumer behavior we don't watch TV to buy stuff outside of the QVC
crowd but I'm not in that so I don't understand it you watch TV for
entertainment but there's advertisements on there and that's kind of if it's
influenced your buying decisions and so maybe you saw a new car commercial and
like a new model came out like wow and it but it makes you want
like and we all you know we don't want new car fevers like if you catch it
you're buying a new car and that's kind of how that mediums work but everything
shifted so much now and there's the overwhelming majority of people are
watching they're getting their their visual entertainment so to speak from
amazon prime Hulu firestick Netflix there's all these other mediums where
they can take in that entertainment watch it on demand and skip through
commercials and so it's not the greatest way to get your message across and it's
still really expensive but you can effectually do that you can effectively
do the same thing with social media you can craft your commercial create your
message but you can make it come on your customers favorite station when they're
watching and the best part about it is that they engage with that commercial or
if they watch it you can make them see it over and over again I think there's a
lot of people that say things move away too fast and marketing and advertising
and it's scary to me in my opinion they should have the opposite view because
things are actually becoming less and less expensive to acquire the right
types of customers if you're willing to have an advisor have somebody who is
there to help you through the process who knows what they're doing and it's
one of those things that it's an investment it's not a cost you are
investing in the right type of exposure that's going to drive revenue to your
business and you mentioned your own personal story which I really appreciate
saying you know you are really struggling and every business owner at
some point or another is going to probably go through a point where it
things are going to be really tough and luckily you persevered you found the
tools your business is doing great now to a point where you're kind of pulling
yourself away from it it's going to be able to run on its own to some degree
and you're able to open a second business where you're using the tools
and the knowledge that helped save your business work with other business owners
in this area that may be faced with similar problems obviously you know
you're not mother Teresa you're gonna be making money off of it but that's what
it's about if you're a bringing value to others you will you'll profit from it so
it's cool tell me a little bit more just to dive in a little bit further
on the complicated parts or what people if they think they're doing social media
lay some hard facts on me what is the reality
oh say oh you know I put some posts on my Facebook page I got this handled
what's the reality of that that you often have to is sobering for business
owners when you talk to him putting a lot of value and how many likes you have
on your page the so your organic reach of of a Facebook page is probably less
than 2% of the people that have liked it so if you've got about 5,000 likes on
your page that's about a hundred people that are gonna see a given post and like
what you're gonna reach and it tends to you know that's how social media works
that they serve two audiences it's a free platform for the users and their
ultimate goal is to make it like the best user experience possible the
revenue is generated from paid advertising and but they want to make
sure that they're showing relevant ads to the people that are on the platform
so if you're you know if you're not ever in interested in something that I want
to keep showing you ads for that because doesn't make sense and then but a lot of
times business owners will think that you know they're super active on social
media and there's all these people to tell you you need to post you know this
time this many times a day on this platform and this much on this platform
and that's great because your page is active but it doesn't mean it's being
seen and you know so on average if you've got 5,000 page likes and you make
a post around a hundred people are gonna see it and sort of kind of put that into
perspective as you know you get that friend you've connected with a while ago
yeah but you haven't sort of seen seen anything from them on facebook you
haven't engaged with any other post or their content and then all of a sudden
you find out that you know they had a kid you're like yeah how'd that happen
like how'd you have like boys on Facebook no you didn't you didn't see it
on there and but that's you weren't overly engaging with their stuff and so
it's not coming up through your Facebook feed and so it's the people and the
friends that you have unless you've got three friends on Facebook but if you've
got like a thousand you're not gonna see you know the posts from all those
thousand people the people that you're engaging with the most
that's what's gonna show up on your Facebook feed and the same thing applies
to a business like if you're not you know a given person's not overly engaged
with your stuff they're not gonna see every post that
you have and that's why you can go on there and I think the backend metrics of
that stuff it tells you and people saw it and so that's what matters and so
it's not so much that yes it's important to be active on social media but at the
same time understand that like it's it's a pay-to-play
platform and so you if you have an overly engaging piece of content but
then you may want to put some put something behind that or get a strategy
built around that it it's you know successfully success leaves clues and
that's kind of giving you a better indication of what your audience might
be more interested in get more content around that and then and you'll you can
get more traction yeah so there's a lot of opportunity utilizing tools like
Facebook because it is Big Brother and knows a lot of information about lots of
people that are on it absolutely and you can use it as an advertiser and a
marketer but that's only one step some people say oh I can create a target for
my ad and I put fifty dollars in for the month and it's going to go after those
people and that's kind of the old approach of you know people are doing
that on TV well people who like golf also have a lot of money on average and
so you know that would be good for a financial adviser to put their
commercial on Gulf well you can do so much more with Facebook but you've got
to go many layers deep including even tools onto your website and and how to
manage certain bots and all these activities and how are they going to fit
together to drive revenue to drive you know customers actually coming in the
doors and spending money on your product or service and that's really what you
specialize in really understanding how that system works yeah so Facebook's got
that they have tracking code so there's a Facebook pixel you know and it's there
very very few businesses that actually have that in play and you own the
research this I mean you are looking for these businesses and you can tell within
a second of going on there yeah it takes about five seconds to see if somebody's
got that that code so they most people understand or they may have Google
Analytics on their site they might there's code out there on Facebook and
then tracks your activity and you can put that code on your website which
allows you to retarget your web traffic so you could retard retarget people who
have landed on a specific page of your website about
many percent of all online shopping carts are abandoned
and they don't follow through with the purchase but we've we've all probably
done that where you went and you went to you know to buy something on the
internet and you don't follow through with it the next thing you know you're
getting you know you're getting an email back or you're getting something back
and start popping them hey you know you didn't we'll give you a 10% off or 15%
off if you complete your purchase like how do they know I did that well they're
using some sort of retargeting on that it's not so it's free phrase Facebook
gives you a free Facebook pixel if you submit to get to claim it
copy paste it put in the header of your website and that just unlocks on ton of
potential with what you can do there you can create custom audiences with it and
so that there are people that are that have engaged with some of that stuff you
can track that traffic if you know how to do it and that's where you can put
all in but the interest that they have in there you think about all the things
over the last three to five years where you had the opportunity to you know
create a new user ID and a new password you know that's and like every time I
talk to some I like I just wish I had more passwords in my life like okay
that's nobody so but one of the options you've got is you could login with your
Facebook account or maybe you can login with your Google account and so yeah
you're doing it but when you're doing that you're sharing information they
have a ton of information on all of us as to what our likes and dislikes are
and so it's not it isn't a bad thing necessarily that's what keeps you from
seeing ads you know about you know something that you that you just
irrelevant to me yeah like if you don't know if you don't care about like mud
wrestling you know then like you're not gonna see how much a mud wrestling ads
come up and you know you're in your Facebook feed if that's not something
that you've you've looked into as an interest but if you but if you are
concerned and you know you're looking into let's say like a vacationing in a
certain state or you know you're something like that that yeah it's gonna
track your interest and it can show you something that's a relevant offer for
you in businesses that understand this are going to put their content in front
of those people absolutely are booking in have an interest in that particular
product service or like you mentioned the vacation a certain area you
that's one of the things as a business owner like we get so we kind of get
caught up drinking our own kool-aid and you don't you've got to realize that you
want to understand like your customer value journey what is it because they're
not sitting there like and you know they don't sit another couch and they they
hear about your business and then they just jump up I have to go do this right
now that's it's not how it usually works you don't see that car commercial and
jump off the couch and you go run down there just go buy it right then it
typically takes a few times and like depending on who you talk to it's
anywhere from seven to ten maybe fifteen different you know touches or
impressions to get somebody to take action they have to warm up to the
concept of doing business with you yeah there's a journey yeah and so it's
important to understand what that journey is for your business and it's
different for the product for you as you're trying to sell you don't have to
warm me up a whole lot for a ten dollar hamburger yeah I'm down I'm down so just
thanks woman yeah some convenience but if it's something more complex say even
it's a business-to-business transaction or it's a larger transaction there's
still opportunities with platforms like Facebook and Instagram and obviously
LinkedIn and that businesses can utilize and really not especially not in Brevard
yeah and that's in those are things that that are really gonna work for you
because typically especially if it's a larger transaction the bigger the
transaction the more homework your customer is probably going to do they're
gonna check out your social media pages they're gonna check out your website
they're gonna look for your reviews it and so that stuff matters and having
just understanding that they're going to go through that it's why it's so
important to make sure that you've got good quality content there and that you
understand like how to massage that traffic so that your business can can
actually take away tangible results that's the beauty if when you're
marketing this way and you understand how to do this you can you can track it
you know how much so if you're if you're spending X but you're making Y you see
it there's no you can take the like the guesswork out of it so to speak like I
mean no business one wants to hear like I know you think that your marketing you
didn't work but you got all these impressions and you hit 30,000
households in the south end of the county but if you didn't get business
you don't hear me right you don't care and you know and said you know when my
impressions hit the ball it's my trashcan I'm not interested this
shows you it's very very very trackable there's having people engaged with it
what your rate was and then you so you can sort of exponentially apply that
strategy and so that you know that it for every you know for you know every
two hundred two hundred impressions that you're getting 50 clicks and from fifty
clicks that turns into you know 10 leads 10 leads turns into three customers okay
once you know that you can then apply that to the like the greater strategy
get some you know and that's how you expand your business yeah
well that's awesome yeah definitely the ability to have metrics and analytics
and then go after your specific clientele there's no better time than
now there's never been a better time than the way it is now so it's really
exciting well I appreciate you coming in Mike I appreciate you sharing all your
stories with us and we're gonna have to have you come back because there's so
much more to really talk about in this Avenue oh absolutely
how can they find you I mean find me online at said digitally fit biz and so
I'm out there on Yom on Instagram on Facebook then we have the gym tubes he
had no limits fitness we're down in West Melbourne
I think find me there too so I'll have a you know catch my catch my ugly mug on
the videos on both both platforms all right well awesome I appreciate it
Mike you have a very rester day hey Trevor thanks for having it
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