Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 17 2018

Morgeth, the Spirekeeper is the third encounter in Last Wish.

Not really too many ways to intro this boss, I guess his back is gross or something, let's

just start.

Team composition should be boss damage focused.

While there are a decent number of add spawns in the fight, it's not enough that you need

to be constantly spamming supers, although having a couple of offensive supers just in

case will come in handy.

Warlocks should stick to Well of Radiance for boss damage, while Titans and Hunters

should go with offensive supers.

In terms of loadouts, Whisper/Sleeper should be a part of your loadout, with the other

two slots being open.

The goal of the fight is to kill Morgeth, but he is immune, what a surprise.

In order to be able to deal damage to Morgeth, you need to grab enough Taken Strength off

of the field to power yourselves up.

There are 10 orbs per damage cycle and the 10th, assuming that you haven't lost any during

the fight, will be the final one before you can start damage.

Morgeth will also be growing in strength during the encounter, with messages popping up every


While he powers up slowly at first, the speed of his growth will ramp up over time.

The fight starts when you pick up this first Taken Strength orb.

Note the position of this orb.

It will respawn later in the encounter and picking up THIS orb will eventually trigger

a DPS phase assuming you have 9 other Taken Strength stacks on all other players combined.

Taken Strength doesn't appear to have any initial effects like a boost in damage or

anything like that.

You can stack Taken Strength up to 2 times, but if you grab a 3rd, you

will die.

During the encounter, you'll be greeted by psions and Ogres, these should be killed as

they spawn in.

You will also have Eyes of Riven spawning throughout the encounter who will drop their

Taken Essence, but only two Taken Essence can be spawned on the map at a time.

If you kill an Eye of Riven while 2 already exists, that Eye of Riven will drop nothing.

Umbral Enervation is one of the main mechanics in the encounter, which I'll be calling cyclone

moving forward.

When you have either 1 or 2 stacks of Taken Strength, you have a chance to be cycloned.

The cyclone immobilizes you, but you can still shoot your gun.

The debuff lasts 20 seconds and if you are not freed from the cyclone in that time, you


To be freed from the cyclone, someone with the Taken Essence needs to run over to you

and use the grenade ability.

This will free the person in the cyclone, but it will also steal all of their Taken


Remember that you can't go above 3 stacks or you die, so you need to be aware of how

many stacks you have and how many the other person has.

A person with 2 stacks should never be the essence holder because they will die.

Taken Strength stack management is a huge part of the encounter, and strategies will

vary depending on how you want to handle the stacks.

If you die, your Taken Strength is thrown back onto the field, so try not to die in

order to not mess up your rhythm.

Taken Strength spawns in a wave of 1 to start, then 4, then another 4, then the final 1 in

front of him.

The way my team has handled this is by getting people stacked to 2 as fast as possible.

The waves of 4 will spawn 2 per side.

After wave 1, you'll have 1 person with 1.

After wave 2, you'll have 2 with 2 and 1 with 1 and after wave 3, you'll have 4 with 2 and

1 with 1.

You need to communicate with your team as to who has zero stacks and can free people

from cyclone, as anyone with 1 stack can not free someone with 2 stacks.

Those with Taken Strength stacks should try to play more towards the middle of the field

after the 3rd wave of strength comes in just in case someone from the other side needs

to come free them of the cyclone.

Keep communication lines open and clear so that people who need to be freed can get their

callouts out.

After the 3rd wave of Taken Strength has spawned and after the next person has been freed from

a cyclone, your team should prepare for boss damage.

Rifts, barriers, whatever you need to set up, you should set up.

Morgeth's crit spot is gigantic, so feel free to set up where ever your team is most comfortable.

After grabbing the 10th, it's time for damage, lay into him hard.

During this time, Morgeth will continue to rapidly grow in strength.

If he ever reaches 100%, you wipe.

So, you can stop him by either killing him or by using a Taken Essence from an Eye of


One person will have to grab a Taken Essence around when you start the damage phase in

order to launch a Taken Captain bomb at Morgeth in order to stop him.

Launching this bomb will put you back at phase 1 of the encounter, starting the entire process

over again.

You should launch the bomb attack in between 80 and 90% because he will get to full strength

a couple of seconds after 90% and the bomb does have travel time.

During the damage phase, many, MANY axion darts will be spawning out of Morgeth.

Having a dedicated dart killer is not a bad idea for first time runs.

As for encounter flow, split your team into 2 groups of 3, left side and right side.

Start the encounter, then one person from both sides should grab both Taken Strength.

In between the 2nd and 3rd waves and then again in between the 3rd and 4th waves, 1

person will be cycloned.

The first cyclone shouldn't be hard to coordinate, but the second cyclone may require someone

from the opposite side to come help you.

After the 2nd cyclone is cleared, the final strength will spawn in the middle.

Someone will grab this and then damage should start shortly after that.

You also need someone to be the Essence holder to stop Morgeth from reaching full power,

doing this on the fly is not very difficult.

You don't need to grab the essence right away, but keep the timer in mind.

Going into a pack of enemies to grab it may result in death, so be careful.

Watch out for the tons of axion darts during the damage phase.

After he reaches 80-90% power, the essence should blast him and reset the encounter.

Do it one more time and you should have a kill.

This is not a very long encounter at all and Morgeth can be killed on a good run in 2 damage

cycles and in 1 cycle on a great run.

Just keep eyes on taken strength stacks, make sure you're killing Eye of Rivens and communicate,

poor communication will be the biggest problem for your team in this encounter.

When you clear Morgeth, it's on to The Vault.

I'll see you there.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2: Morgeth, the Spirekeeper Raid Guide - Last Wish - Duration: 8:12.


Trump Is Making America Great Again. Just Not the Way He Thinks. | NYT - Opinion - Duration: 4:27.


Donald Trump thinks he's making America great again

like this.


A little bit of this.

"Our nation — "

"Honey, I'm calling ICE."


And this.


It's a throwback to another era, when things

were black and mostly white.

Not really our idea of great.

"Make America great again."

But Trump has achieved something significant,

and he deserves credit.

But it's the same kind of credit

Inspector Gadget deserves for unintentionally

solving a crime.


All right, hear me out.

During Obama's eight years of competent, scandal-free

leadership, democracy was very much a spectator sport.

In the 2014 midterm elections, Democrats

had so much confidence in Obama,

they didn't even bother to show up at the polls,

turning out the lowest number of voters in 70 years.

"A goddamn disaster for Democrats.

They got destroyed."

Which just so happened to give Republicans the edge

to block Obama's Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland,

in 2016.

And now, Trump is forcing us to engage in our democracy

like many never have before.

For instance, contrast their very different reactions

to the most mind boggling, only-in-America dilemma —

mass shootings.

"(SINGING) Amazing grace ..."


I mean, he breaks into a pitch-perfect rendition

of "Amazing Grace."

You can't get better than that.

He insisted Congress take action

and ban assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines.

He even signed 23 executive actions.

And then, nothing changed.

Not a single law or reform was made

to address our gun crisis.

Was our faith in Obama so profound that we forgot

to do something ourselves?

Enter 45.

"To help secure our schools and tackle

the difficult issue of mental health ... "

Trump, with his total lack of actual solutions on our gun

crisis, inspired this.


After years of nothing, Florida

raised the legal age for buying a firearm from 18

to 21 and banned bump stocks.

Stock prices soared for sports stores

that stopped selling assault-style rifles.

Even several gun owners destroyed their own weapons

for the cause.

Where was this urgency after Orlando?

San Bernardino?



Sandy Hook?

All right, now, before you start

ranting about normalization, let me be clear.

I have no delusions about the destructive force

of a narcissist for president, for reproductive rights,

for public schools, for immigrants, for the planet.

However, something important and desperately needed

is also happening.

Americans are taking a stand.

And it's much more than guns.

Witnessing a self-admitted sexual assaulter

win the presidency pushed us over the edge

to finally tackle decades of silence around sexism.

"Allegations by numerous women who

say the Hollywood mogul — "

"Harvey Weinstein in handcuffs."

"CBS News has suspended our co-host Charlie Rose — "

And the sea change goes beyond calling out gross men.

More women than ever are entering politics —

nearly 600 in total for 2018.

And we've already seen some early primary wins.

Oh, and way more people are supporting organizations

that are vital to our democracy, like the more

than $86 million donated to the A.C.L.U.

in 2017, up from the $5 million

they received in online donations in 2016.

Planned Parenthood donations skyrocketed,

reaching 40 times their normal rate in the week

after the election.

Even local politics hold our attention

and make national news.

It's the new norm to track court rulings

and be informed.

People are actually reading and paying for news.

So here's the deal.

The Democrats appear to be more fired up

about the midterms than Republicans, according

to this Pew Research study.

But we all know what happens when eggs are

counted before they hatch.

"The largest audience to ever witness an inauguration,


So don't go back to sleep.

Don't let this deluge of news and chaos turn

into white noise.

Stay in the game.

And definitely, please, vote in the midterms

this November.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Making America Great Again. Just Not the Way He Thinks. | NYT - Opinion - Duration: 4:27.


Too Much Chaos' To Blame For President Donald Trump's Slumping Approval Ratings? | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Too Much Chaos' To Blame For President Donald Trump's Slumping Approval Ratings? | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 5:03.


Trump announces new tariffs on China - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Trump announces new tariffs on China - Duration: 2:13.


How my childhood was RUINED [Baldi's Basics Let's play] - Duration: 14:57.

Shoot もうっ!

No, save me! 助けて!

Gimme detention 居残りさせて!

Good よし…

Noooo! イヤッ!

Detention was a bad idea! やっぱりダメだわ!

Detention was a bad idea! 居残り反対!!

Detention was a bad idea! 居残り反対!!

Ahhhh--- キャッ…!

Welcome aboard the Moe Train, Master! 萌恵メトロ線のご利用 ありがとうございます、ご主人様!

Today, we're going to revisit 今日は私の母校を訪ねるわ

my younger school days 昔懐かしい学校生活ね

This is the private school I was sent to ここが私が通っていた私立学校なのよ

So let's go ahead and start じゃあ早速行ってみましょう!

We basically just took a time machine 私たちはタイムマシンで過去に戻って

and now we are in this hell hole この地獄の底まで来ているの

So let's go and meet my teacher 先生に会いに行きましょう!

Hi! Welcome to my schoolhouse! 「こんにちは!私の学校にようこそ!」

Yeah, hi teacher こんにちは、バルディ先生

It's been years since I have been in this crappy hell hole この地獄の底に来るのも、何年ぶりかしら…

The school closed down, if anyone was curious もし外の誰かが興味を持ったら、すぐに潰れる学校よ

But, yeah, the school rules, they were pretty strict でも、ここの規則はとても厳しいの

I couldn't run 走れないし

"No bullying" 「いじめはやめましょう」

I broke that all the time これはいつも破ってたわ

"No drinking", well 「飲むのはやめましょう」

I guess it means alcohol? I never broke that お酒のことよね?じゃあ破ってないわよ

"No escaping detention" 「居残りから勝手に帰ってはいけません」

And "No fourth wall breaks" 「第四の壁を破らないでください」

I always broke the last one though 最後のはいつも破ってるわ

Let's go ahead and see what this has in store 何が待ち構えているのか見てみましょう

Man, I hated math class 算数の授業は大嫌い

Negative two マイナス2ね

Four, no, not four! 4…いや、4じゃないわ!

I'm sorry! ごめんなさい!

Five 5

Eight 8

There you go, 'hachi' そう、Hachi!

"WOW, YOU EXIST!" 「おや、生きてるんですね!」

No, not really そうでもないわ

I'm still dead inside 心は死んでるもの

lol www

sigh ハァ…

I'm sorry ごめんね

Oh yeah... yeah, that's right ああ、そうだったわ

I gotta conserve my stamina, yo スタミナは温存しないと

Thanks ありがと


Man, I don't like this memory あまり思い出したくはないわ

I hated school 学校大嫌いだったもの

"Sorry, was too lazy to add more subjects" 「新科目の追加が面倒なんだ、ごめん」

Shut up, Baldi! うるさいわバルディ!

That's OK よし

Baldi is not that bad of a guy, but 彼はそんなに悪い人じゃないの

he was pretty scary to me as a child 小さい頃は怖かったけどね

All right, let's go ahead and prepare to die さて、くたばる準備をしましょうか

Eleven 11

Four 4

jiiaiiioooiii じぃあぁぁぁおぉぉい

auuuuhhhhh あああうぅぅぅ

"I get angrier for every problem you get wrong" 「間違いは絶対に許しませんよ」

Time to run 逃げましょう

Aaauuhhh あああああぅぅ

jiiaaauu いあああぁぁぅ

"No running in the hall" yeah 「廊下を走らないで」ええ!

Oh, no! I hate that kid! I hate him! オーノー!あの子嫌い!最悪!

No! Crap! Crap! Who- ダメ!ダメダメダメ!

Well- さあ…

No! Shut up! 黙ってよ!

I never liked you! ホント大嫌い!

This is why I bullied you! だからいじめてたの!

Dang it, I wanna break the rule but もう、規則を破りたいけど…

No ダメね…

OK, we got our stamina back よし、スタミナが回復したわ

I guess this is just a regular classroom, OK ここは普通の教室みたいね…OK

We need 必要なのは…

What the heck? Oh, scissors あら?ハサミがあるじゃない!

That's for that kid! That's right! これならあのガキに効くわ!

God, I hated that fucker 最悪だわ、あの豚野郎…

OK よし

Five 5

Zero 0

ttshoouu …つしゅぅー…

"I hear every door you open" 「開けたドアの音は全部聞こえていますよ」

OK, my high score for this was just 2 これまでの最高得点はたった2点

I've never beaten that 未だに超えたことがないわ

Dang it, Baldi! バルディだわ!

Baldi-senpai or- バルディ先輩…?

Baldi-sensei, no! Leave me alone バルディ先生!邪魔しないで!

This is why I ditched school all the time これだから学校をサボってたのよ!

You kind of freaked me out as a kid いつも怖がらせてくるわね!

Oh, crap, it's the "no running in the hall" guy ああもうっ、「廊下を走らないで」野郎だわ

Do I have time for this? 間に合うかしら?

"The world is a big class" 「この世界は大きな教室です」

"Dismissed" 「解散」

Six 6

Ten 10

No clue 手がかりなし!

Yeah, don't do- もう、やめて…

aaahhhh あーっ…

I hated this game このゲーム最悪!

Dang it, he is too fast あいつ速いんだけど!

That's right! This gives me food やった!食事がある!

Crap もう!

I can't eat the food! 食べられないじゃない!

How do I eat food? Come on どうやって食べればいいのよ!

Hold up, we have time 待って、まだ時間はあるわ

We have time! 時間はあるの!

Crap, no, we don't have time いえ、もうダメだわ

Ah! No! No! あっ!ダメ!ダメ!

No! ダメ!

Yeah よし…

Good, I hated you! 最悪だわ!

I hated you as a child 小さい頃から嫌いだったわ

Safety scissors 安全ハサミ!

No re- ちょっと…

Wait, wait, this is perf- Ahh! 待ってよ!これは完璧に…ああっ!

Aaahhh キャッ!

Oh えっと…

I didn't know you were that close to me, sensei あそこまで近づかれてたなんてね…先生

Well, it's OK まあいいわ

We have a time machine タイムマシンがあるもの

Let's go ahead and restart that day もう1度あの日に戻りましょう

Man, how many did I collect? 前回はどこまで集めたんだっけ?

Oh, crap もう

This is why I was always ditching class, guys だからいつもサボってたのよ

While my beloved 私の大切な

but flat-chested sister was sent to 貧乳の妹の方は

a normal anime high school 普通の高校に通って

with her anime teenage hijinks アニメ的学園生活を楽しく過ごしているのに

No, I had a fricking private school with fricking Baldi 私はこのイカれた私立学校でバルディと一緒だったの

Zero 0

Four 4…

Negative eight マイナス8

I don't want your crappy... 私はあなたのクソみたいな…

OK, I'll take it, it's money OK、お金だわ

Ahhhh ハーッ…

Look at this 見てよ

Private schools of the, uh, my teenage years この学校が、私の青春…

OK, Baldi-sensei OK、バルディ先生

I'm so glad this school closed down in the future この学校が未来で閉鎖されてホントに良かったわ

Kyu Kyu

Ah, was it... これは…

How do you say it in Japanese? 日本語でどう言うのかしら?

And then, ah, 'shiranai' これも…えっと…shiranai

'Shirimasen' Shirimasen

'Okotte', was that angry? 'Okotte' Okotte…が「怒ってる」?Okotte

'Okotte narimasu' Okotte narimasu

I don't freaking know 本当に知らないのよ

I know we are supposed to make our way to the cafeteria in the end 最終的には食堂まで行かないといけないの

That's how I escaped school after all それがここからの逃げ道なのよ

Whatever どっちにしろ

I just wanna get at least 3 notebooks or 4 あと3~4冊はノートが欲しいわね

Wait, I think I did get 3 notebooks あれ?もう3冊手に入れたと思ってた

Here, we can run here ここなら走っても大丈夫

Wow! 「おや!」

Yeah, wow, my misery ええ、驚くほど辛いわ

Zero 0

Negative four マイナス4

Frick if I know 知るわけないでしょ

This explains my personality, guys 私の性格にも関わってるのよ

You wanna know why I curse so much? 私の口が悪い理由を知りたい?

Because of freaking- それはね…

Oh, shoot もうっ!

Is this dead end? This is a fricking dead end 行き止まり?完全に行き止まりだわ

Hold up, let's rest ちょっと待って、休みましょう

OK, I hear him あいつの音が聞こえるわ

I don't think I can e- 食べるのは難しいかし…

Friiiick もうっ!

Catch me, Principal! Catch me! 校長先生!私を捕まえて!

OK, good これでよし

Come on, come on さあ、急いで…

He's getting closer! Crap! 音が近づいてるじゃない!もうっ!

Eeuuughhh ううーっ…

No もうっ

Two, one, tottotot 2、1、ととっと

Ahahhhh ああーーーっ…!

Crap! もうっ!

No, frick off 邪魔よ!

Get the scissors! Get the scissors! ハサミ取るわ!ハサミ!

Three- 'san' 3…san

Ah.. 'go' えっと…go

shshshhshha えっじじゃじゃじゃじゃじゃじゃ

Aaaahhh! キャッ!

Ooohhh! ああーっ!

Teacher! 先生!

Crap! No, no, that's too close to the teacher ダメ!先生が近すぎるじゃない!

Nooo! もう!

Baldi? バルディ?

Baldi??? バルディ!?

Don't look 見ちゃダメ…

You don't need to look 振り返っちゃダメ

If we are not looking it's not happening, right? 見さえしなければ、何も起きてないのよ!

Is that how- そうやって…

Ahahahah あははははははっ!!

Aaaaaaaooohhhh ああーーーーぅ…

No ダメ

Ow, my ears もう、耳障りね…

No! イヤ!

GAAHHH ギャアアアッ!

GAHH- USE IT ハサミ使って!

AAHHHH アアーッ!

Where am I going? この先って…?

"I need rest!"? Oh crap 「休んで!」?最悪!

I was always not good with P.E. and stuff 体育はいつも苦手だったわ

Dang it, no ああもうっ!

Leave me, leave me 待ってよ

Can I eat any of this or what? 何か食べられる?

AHH キャッ


That's OK まあいいわ…

I hate school, you guys 学校なんてクソ食らえ

I hated this private school, you guys この私立校は最悪だわ

Aaahhhh ハァーーーーーッ…

Well, if it makes you feel better まあ、気休めになるかも分からないけど…

what happened was that 実は、私は単に捕まっただけなの

Baldi just made me stay バルディは私を教室に残して

And he gave me math quizzes 算数の問題を出すだけだった

Nothing bad happened 悪いことは何も起きてないのよ

He didn't, like, murder me, or strangle me, or... 例えば、私を絞め殺したり…

Et cetera そういうことはね

'Ichi' Ichi

I don't know what negative is in Japanese 負の数の日本語の言い方が分からないわ

Negative 'roku'? lol Negative roku? w

What is this? Ah... これは、えっと…

'Juu-' Juu…

'Juu nana'? 「Juu nana」?

… is that how I say it? …かしら?

I think 'nana' is seventeen 「nana」が17だと思うわ

Err... seven, yeah それとも7かしら

Aahhh ハーッ…

Can we have, like, a Baldi game with Japanese stuff? 日本語を学ぶバルディのゲームはないの?

That would actually be not that bad ここまでひどくはならないでしょ

Let me out! 外に出してよ!

Mom! Dad! Help! ママ!パパ!助けて!

Oh, no... オーノー…

Don't smack my b- 叩かないで…

AHHHH OH キャアアッ!

Oh, it's just you なんだ、校長ね

Gosh dang it, Principal まったく、校長め…

Principal-san 校長さん

He was never a good Principal, too, honestly 正直、最悪の校長だったわ

The frick is this? I've never seen that 何よコレ?初めて見たわね

No! もう!

No!!! ダメ!!

Oh crap! しまった!

One 1

'Ni' Ni

Eh.. 'san'! えっと…san!

'Go'! No, 'yon'! 'Go'! Go…いえ、yon! Go!

Why is he so close right now? なんでこんなに近づいてるのよ!?

I hear him! 聞こえるわ!

Shoot! もうっ!

No, save me! 助けて!

Give me detention! Good 居残りさせて!よし…

NOOO! イヤッ!

YOU- ねえ…




AHH キャッ!

Aauuuhhhh あーーーーーーーっ…

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh はあぁぁぁぁぁぁーーーーーーーーーーーーっ……

Can I punch you? パンチできる?

Can I push you? 突き飛ばせる?

No? 無理?

Come on, let me at him ねえ、一発殴らせて!

You made my childhood crap! 私の幼少期を台無しにしやがって!

Whatever とにかく…

I'm doing fantastic 完璧なんじゃない?

Yeah, frick you, too.... ええ、あなたもね…

What's my prize? 私への賞はないの?

Disappointment? 失望してるで賞?

Depression? lol 憂鬱で賞?w

lol www

Thanks for the depression 憂鬱をありがとう

lol www

Three 3

Negative four マイナス4

mamhagyogogyogooo まみゃぁーぐゅよよよよよー!

OK, we're going, uh, left OK、左に行くわ

which is 'hidari' 「Hidari」ね

We always go le- 私はいつも左側に…

Frick! I see... I see that guy, no もう!あいつが今見えたわ


That's the vroom-vroom guy 「ブオンブオン野郎」だわ

No wait, I think we just made a loop-the-loop もしかしてループしちゃってる?

This is a bad idea マズいわね

Ah, eleven えっと、11

Nine 9

Nyohnyohnyooohhh にょよよよよよよよー

Random sound effects 適当な声で

for the answer, yeah 答えてみたわ

Oh! We actually have 3 notebooks ノートを3冊持ってるじゃない!

OK, so 3 is, like, the default まあ、3冊が基本って感じだけどね

Let's go! "Faculty…" あっちね!「職員室…」

We don't need that やっぱりいいわ

I'll get, like, my distance 距離を置いておけば…

What the... なっ…!

"No running in the halls!" 「廊下を走るな!」

Yeah, I hated your school あなたの学校、嫌いよ

I know you did crack cocaine in the back of the gym 体育館の裏でコカインやってるの知ってるわよ!

This school sucks この学校は最低だわ

I wish I had a regular childhood with my teenage hijinks 楽しい青春時代を送れたら良かったのに

Aw, man, gee whiz もう、なんてこと…

Could-could've had a normal... normal life for once 1度でいいから普通の人生を送りたかったわ…

"Wow"... Oh, man 「おや!」ですって!

AHHHH! キャアアーッ!

CRAP, IS THIS A DEAD END!? 行き止まりなの!?

Ooohh! ハッ!

No! イヤッ!

Nooo!!! イヤーッ!!

Oh! Ahhh! ああっ…!


GYAAAAAHHHH にゃぁーーーーーーっ…

This game sucks! lol このゲーム最悪!

This game SUCKS! ホントに最悪!!

OK, you know what, we'll give it one last try OK、これが最後のプレイね

and the we're just taking the time machine 私たちはタイムマシンを使ってるだけだし

and going back to my own time, OK? あと1回終わったら元の時代に戻る、いい?

'Cuz I hated school, I hated this school! この学校が大嫌いなんだもの!

We'll do it one more time じゃあもう1度始めるわ

Yeah, hi ハーイ

Hi, Baldi-sensei こんにちは、バルディ先生

Oh, man, I'm so glad this school closed down in the future この学校が未来で閉鎖されてホントに良かったわ

Ow, I can't get through the desk, I'm too fat あら、机の間を通り抜けられない…太りすぎね

Ahhhhh fourteen えぇーっと…14

'Hachi' Hachi

Negative 'ichi' Negative ichi

Tara-tara-taaa tara たらたら たーーー たら♪

Negative one マイナス1

Negative four マイナス4

Ngyogyuonoyugooo にょよよよよよーよよー

I'm trying to conserve my stamina, guys スタミナを温存してみるわ

I don't have no more stamina, not as a child 小さい頃みたいに元気いっぱいじゃないの

We are gonna get that scissors あのハサミが欲しいわ

Cuz tha- だって…

I can't get through the desk! 机の間が通れないじゃない!

I'm too fat!!! 太りすぎよ!!


Ahhh あーっ…

What is it? Thirteen? これは…13?

Gyonhyonhoyonh にょよよよよよよーよよよー

Depression 憂鬱

AAAaaaAAAHHH あああーーーっ!!

Principal! Save me! I'm running 助けて校長!今走って逃げてるわよ!

He gets like... 彼は多分…

decently fast for 3 ノート3冊分よりも速いわ

Yeah よし…

Come on, guy さあ来なさい

This is hard これは厳しいわ…

Can I have some stamina, please? スタミナを回復できるかしら?

Where is gym class? I need to work on my endurance 体育の授業はどこでやってるの?忍耐力を鍛えないと

This is what happens when you just play games in high school 高校でゲームばかりしてるとこうなるのよ

Mostly MMOs 大体はMMOね

My anime MMOs, of course 私が遊んだアニメ調のMMOもそう

Can I have food? 食事は摂れる?

There is so much food here I can have たくさんあるじゃない!

What is this? あれは?

Can I have that, or what? 取れるかしら?

No? 無理?

Well... まあ…

I guess I have scissors to cut my hair with, or ハサミを持ってるけど…髪を切るか、それとも…

kill myself with lol 自分を殺そうかしら…w

Let me recharge my stamina スタミナを回復させて

He's gonna appear pretty soon, so 先生はすぐに出てくるわ

Actually, I think 思うんだけど

I think solving these problems give me stamina, anyway, whatever この問題を解くとスタミナが回復するんじゃない?

Eight 8

Eleven 11

Nyogohooguyoooo にょよよよよにょよよよよよーー!

There you go さあどうぞ

Run 逃げるわ

Aaahhhh アアアーーッ!

Ruuunnnn 逃げて!

Help me! 助けて!

Help me!!! 助けて!!

Aaaahhh キャアーーーーッ!

*gasp* ハッ…

DEAD END? 行き止まり!?

DEAD END!? 行き止まり!?

THAT'S A DEAD END 行き止まりじゃない!

That's a dead end. That's a- 行き止まりだわ!行き…

fsfhlglhk qあwせdr

Help! 助けて!

Noooo! イヤーッ!

Nyooouuuhohohohoohhhh にょーよよよにょよよよよーー……


Well さて…

That's it for my childhood 今回お見せしたのが、私の幼少期…

OK, guys さあ…

we are going back to the time machine タイムマシンに戻るわ

We are going back to my, uh... そして未来に…えっと…

Future, technically, present self, in a sense 正確に言えば現代に戻るわ

and we are just, we are gonna forget my childhood, OK? もう私の昔のことは忘れてね、いい?

This is... これは…

This is trauma トラウマなの

This is traumatizing me 私は心的外傷を受けたの

You know the DSMR for PTSD PTSDの診断基準があるでしょ

Well, it meets this criteria それに当てはまるのよ

Anyway, thanks for watching the video さて、動画を見てくれてありがとう!

Please consider leaving a like, subscribing, Patreon or donating! 高評価にチャンネル登録、Patreonもよろしくね!

Please! お願い!

And I'll see you guys later また会いましょう!

Buh-bye! バイバーイ!

For more infomation >> How my childhood was RUINED [Baldi's Basics Let's play] - Duration: 14:57.


Suits - Season 8 Episode 9: Harvey And Robert Talk A Divided House (4/5) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Suits - Season 8 Episode 9: Harvey And Robert Talk A Divided House (4/5) - Duration: 1:41.


The Untold Truth Of Overwatch - Duration: 5:23.

For all of Blizzard's many successes, the studio hadn't created a brand-new story universe

since StarCraft in 1998 - until 2014, when the world learned that a new Blizzard intellectual

property was on the way: a colorful game called Overwatch.

But as it turns out, the history of Overwatch goes back a lot farther than 2014.

It's actually the last remains of a more ambitious game.

Here's the untold truth of Overwatch.

"I made a chrono-accelerator, I'm sure I can do this.

To all agents of Overwatch."

Something different

World of Warcraft reset the bar for what video games could accomplish.

A massively multiplayer online game with a subscription model, Blizzard saw revenue coming

in every single month from millions of dedicated players from around the world.

So, Blizzard decided to make an even bigger MMO.

The result was seven years of development hell.

Codenamed Titan, the project was intended to be a colossal achievement spanning multiple

genres and appealing to a wide variety of gamers.

The gameplay would consist of two parts: a daytime section similar to The Sims series

of games, and a nighttime section where these ordinary characters would become heroes and

accomplish missions together in a first-person shooter style.

If that sounds like a bite too big to swallow, that's because it was.

Creative Director Chris Metzen told Gamespot that,

"Maybe, sometimes I look back to Titan and where we got a little squirrely under the

weight of this giant idea we were chasing."

After seven years of trial and error, Blizzard was finally forced to throw in the towel.

Overwatch resurrected

Still, even with Titan formally canceled, there was a lot of great work that had been

done on the game.

The night time half, in which powerful heroes went on shooter-type missions, had been particularly

fun to play and seemed salvageable as a game of its own.

From the get-go, they decided the new shooter game would be a smaller project, and a much

more focused one.

A brainstorming session finally got everybody lined up on a single direction: a multiplayer

shooter game based not on classes that leveled up in a persistent fashion, but on heroes

that would always be the same in every match.

The cavalry's here

The whole new project started to come together when one of Titan's classes became the individual

character, Tracer.

Titan had a class called Jumper with very similar abilities to the spritely English

girl we know now.

"What if this character had a name?


And what if she had a backstory?

She's from the UK and she used to be a test pilot for this group called Overwatch?"

The Jumper class became Tracer, and Blizzard designed more heroes around her until the

cast featured characters with all sorts of unique backgrounds and looks.

Blizzard's commitment to a diverse cast didn't stop at character models either.

In an official webcomic, it was revealed that Tracer is gay.

In Overwatch, just like in real life, the world is diverse and inclusive, and anyone

can be a hero.

Not free to play

After Overwatch was finally announced at BlizzCon 2014, people noticed a few qualities: it was

multiplayer-only, and it was based on a diverse lineup of heroes.

It sounded like a multiplayer online battle arena game, and one of the hallmarks of the

MOBA genre is that the game itself is free, but the heroes cost money for players to use


Everyone assumed that Overwatch would launch as a free-to-play game.

Instead, players just had to buy the game itself and every hero, stage, and special

ability were available immediately.

By going with a traditional paid model, it allowed players to experiment with the different

characters on different stages without having to pay extra for the privilege.

A smash hit

When Blizzard finally launched Overwatch in May 2016, they weren't entirely sure how well

it was going to do.

But by the end of 2017, Overwatch had sold over 35 million units.

Far from being a small-scale side-project, Overwatch has become one of the most talked-about

shooters of the last five years.

Shooter games come and go, but Blizzard has continued to support Overwatch by adding new

content, at no additional charge, every few months.

In stark contrast to the Call of Duty or Battlefield business model, Overwatch lives by the theory

that once you pay for the game, you should get everything.

That level of support has kept lapsed players coming back, and long-term players happy.

More Overwatch to watch

For all the work that Blizzard did to give each hero their own backstory and personality,

very little of that work has made it into the game itself.

While the various heroes quip at each other, there's nothing like a conventional narrative.

However, Overwatch as a franchise has always been about more than a single game.

Blizzard has published a long list of webcomics, which feature everything from character pieces

to major plot events.

In addition, Blizzard releases an animated short every few months, often showcasing a

major event for one or more characters.




My brother is dead."

Overwatch isn't just a game - it's a whole media enterprise.

Overwatch League

With the success of Overwatch, the world figured that an eSports scene would emerge around


But Blizzard went the extra mile and decided to create its own studio-run Overwatch League,

the first such venture of its kind.

Unlike other leagues, not just any team can compete in the Overwatch League: a team must

be vetted and approved by Blizzard before obtaining a license to play.

This is much closer to established professional sports leagues than the older eSports system.

And so far, Overwatch League has been a major success.

The first week alone drew more than 10 million viewers and the barrier between physical,

traditional sports and eSports is beginning to crack.

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Overwatch - Duration: 5:23.


President Trump Standing By Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Says There's 'No Rush' On Vote | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> President Trump Standing By Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Says There's 'No Rush' On Vote | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:45.


At Least 1 Dead After Tornadoes Strike Virginia In Aftermath Of Florence | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> At Least 1 Dead After Tornadoes Strike Virginia In Aftermath Of Florence | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:09.


North Carolina Communities Face Flooding After Florence Rains | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> North Carolina Communities Face Flooding After Florence Rains | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:48.


Ultra Thin & Portable Electric Skateboard Teemgee Sail Review - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Ultra Thin & Portable Electric Skateboard Teemgee Sail Review - Duration: 6:09.


2 Sacramento County Deputies Shot, Bystander Wounded In Rancho Cordova - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> 2 Sacramento County Deputies Shot, Bystander Wounded In Rancho Cordova - Duration: 3:23.


Construction crews take part in safety training - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Construction crews take part in safety training - Duration: 2:01.


InVinceAble Review: As Seen on TV Stain Remover - Duration: 13:30.

what's up guys this is James white with

Freakin Reviews bringing you As Seen on

TV product, gadget reviews, and more so if

you haven't subscribed to this channel

please do so for more videos like this.

now today I've got invincible which

isn't as seen on TV spray cleaner that

supposedly eliminate stains quickly.

it's named after Vince Offer, the pitchman for

the product, but does it really work?

Let's find out in today's review.

Quick overview here. You've got four pouches of

the invinceable cleaner and you've got this

bottle that supposedly allows you to spray

from any angle even upside down so

that should be interesting to see how

that works. I'm looking over the box here

and I don't really see what the

ingredients are. there are a lot of

warnings though. what's weird is here it

says use it within eight hours but down

here it says use it within six hours.

so there's also like I said, it says

don't get on your eyes or your skin

but in the commercial he's touching it

with his skin so I don't know what's in

here. I don't I don't see anywhere what's,

what this is made out of which is a

little bit disconcerting but I guess

we're just gonna have to take one for

the team and see how it actually goes.

it does say there's no phosphates and says

it's chlorine free. there are three ways

of using it. there's for stain fighting

for general cleaning and for laundry so

it seems like you're supposed to use it

in a warm bottle of water and results

seem to be best within eight hours of use.

for general cleaning they say use

half a pouch for stain fighting a full

pouch, so first thing I want to do is I

want to go try out some stain fighting

let's do that.

invinceable is named after Vince Offer,

the guy who's in the commercials.

He's an As Seen on TV pitchman. now one of the

demonstrations he does, is he puts a beet,

some iodine, and some spaghetti sauce on

his shirt. so I kind of duplicated that.

I put beets, iodine, and ketchup on there.

I didn't have spaghetti sauce to open. I

didn't want to waste it. he also does one

with a white dress with some juice so

I'm gonna do the same white shirt with

some juice and some wine to get some

different colors on there so here's how

that went.

I've got some beets here. he did one big

one, I'm gonna do a couple small ones.

Oh yeah that's kind of similar. get a real

juicy one. how's that look, good?

Now I couldn't find an iodine dropper so

I have an iodine spray. should be close

enough. oh yeah oh look at that! and then

he had spaghetti sauce with his fingers.

I'm gonna put some ketchup. it's pretty

close. I think it's pretty close to what

he shows in the commercial. he did 12

squirts of this and then he just wiped

it off with his hand! okay he

said "bring the camera in here guys, get a

close up!"

this is what he did. well I mean it's close. let me try a little more.

You know what? actually the beet came off mostly.

the iodine and, actually the ketchup seems

like it's the biggest problem. what do

you guys think about that? is that a

success or not?

what about cameraman? What does Cameraman think? "It did a lot better than I was expecting."

It did? I would say, maybe it's not a

hundred percent. that's kind of

surprising. let me try the juice now.

All right so I've got kind of like a lighter

red juice and a darker red wine. i'm

gonna put them both on the side here

something like that

that's good. that's that's pretty good. Oh sh...

all right I sprayed quite a bit on here

I'm gonna try rubbing that in

I mean I'm not as convinced on the juice.

not as convinced. I'm not as... I'm

not as "conVINCEd" but I mean this one

this one was pretty good. the juice and

the wine maybe not. well maybe

not so bad. look it's kind of going away.

I don't think... it might be kind of a bit

of a parlor trick in the commercial to

do this. I always hate when the As Seen on

TV commercials have these demonstrations

that aren't really realistic.

I don't think that's realistic. this is not

how you're gonna really use it. you're

not gonna dump stuff on your shirt and

spray it. you're gonna use it

inside for stains. so let's go inside and try that.

all right next up I wanted to try some baseboards with some stains

from my dog Bailey. here's what happened there.

this is a stain on my wall that I

always have to clean because this is

where Bailey sleeps at night cuz she

looks over at my bed right there.

when she gets up against this wall I have to

clean this every so often. the baseboard

gets dirty, the wall gets dirty because she's

up against it. so let's see how this

works. it says six to 12 inches. the

instructions say not to press hard when

you're wiping it off, to dab it

with a cloth. so I got one. let's try it.

I didn't expect that. try over

here too. well without wiping it I mean it

does seem like it's taking the dirt off.

of course now I get that. that's

not good.

let me just dab this lightly. they say

not to press hard.

kind of lightly wiping which seems to be working pretty well.

it's taking it off really good. yeah look. I mean I

barely touched it and it was coming off,

watch. yeah I'm just I'm kind of just

wiping barely touching it and it's

coming right off. hey I'm liking this.

in fact look that's just from

a dripping down from below. let me spray

that. I'm not really dabbing like they

say but it definitely is coming clean.

see the difference? before and

after. and over here you can see where I

wiped it off at. if I had to

scrub I wouldn't be so impressed but I'm

impressed because I'm barely wiping it.

I'm happy with that result. I didn't go

overboard trying to clean it but that

test I think was pretty good. all right

one more thing. there's this air vent

here that has this seal that goes in

there. it keeps falling out. I have to keep putting it in there.

so i moved outside. I did a table and some stucco

because they show some stucco in the

commercial as well. I thought that the

results were pretty good but I had to

wipe it off. it didn't just magically

disappear like they show in the

commercial. so check this out

Alright this table I have outside has all

kinds of stains. let me try a few

stains on this one.

I mean the commercial just shows it just

sitting there and disappearing. it looks

like I'm gonna have to wipe that off.

while that's sitting I've got some

stucco over here. that's pretty dirty

stucco. they were showing some stucco

just like this on the commercial. now the

commercial shows everything just kind of

disappearing and I'm not seeing

that. it's working but I'm having to wipe

it off. plus the other thing is that it

keeps leaking out of there so my hand is

always covered in this liquid. I don't

even know what's in there because

there's nothing in the ingredients. I don't

like that. I don't like that it's not

disappearing like it shows in commercial

and I don't like you have to use all of it.

but it seems like it's working pretty

well otherwise. I'll let that

sit and then go back to the table. I'm

just lightly rubbing this. just lightly


it is coming out. I'm gonna have to

spray more to get... now I have like a

ring there. well that's actually

coming off.

it's coming off. can you see that right

there? that came right off. I'm in the

shower. I've got a fresh batch made

because it's a new day now.

now on the commercial they show some shower

tile. here's some clean tile and they

show some kind of like this in three

seconds being cleaned up. let me see if

that works. here we go three seconds.

how about here three seconds. I mean it's not

three seconds. what I'm going to do is

wipe one down now on that one sit and

I'll see if that makes a difference.

okay so I'm gonna wipe this one off. I mean

I'm actually scrubbing it. I mean

I'm making a difference so I really

think that that that improved a little

bit but I did have to scrub it. I'll let

this sit for a while before I wipe it

off and see if that makes a difference

over just wiping it right off. I'm also

going to try a few these stains and let

it sit on these as well.

I'm gonna let that sit instead of just

wipe it right off and see if there's a

big difference. here's the table from last

night. here's the bench with those stains.

so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let this sit for a little while, maybe a half

an hour to an hour and see if it looks

better than when I just wiped it right off.

all right it's been at least half an hour.

let me see these come off.

pretty good. now the shower. i don't think it

really worked much better. not sure this

is the ideal use for it. alright so other

than just filming here I've been using

invinceable around my house. I found that

it works really well getting dirt and

scuff marks off of my painted walls.

that's one of the best cleaners I found

for that. it seems kind of hit-or-miss.

the shower was not so great. the table

was pretty good. the stucco was pretty good.

seems like it's usefulness varies

depending on what you're doing with it

but I would suggest if you're gonna get

it, to only use half of a pouch because

then you'd get eight uses out of it

because you can't store it. so once after

eight hours it's kind of

useless so I would use half a pouch. you

get eight uses out of it. they also say

you can use it for laundry. I wouldn't do

that because you only get four small

pouches. I would just go buy a big thing

of OxiClean which is gonna work probably

just as well. well even though I'm not

sure what's in there yet, there really

isn't much of a smell. I haven't noticed

the smell in there or even the shower I

didn't smell very much. when i get it on

my hands it seems like hands dry out so

if you're worried about that, that's

something to consider. also I've got one

pouch left. I'm gonna hold on to it. so I

would invite your suggestions of what

other things I could try with it for my

update in a few months so I'll check the

comments here and I'll probably even ask

in my next live stream about what

suggestions you want for other things I

should try invinceable with for my update.

so in the end I think that the

invinceable spray has some pros and cons

worth mentioning. the pros are that it

actually is a very good stain remover

and cleaner. I actually think it works

pretty well. I also like that they give

you four packets which is quite a bit so

I think that in that case it does pretty

well. one more pro also is that this,

the bottle does actually spray upside

down because as you can see this kind of

follows the liquid although it does leak

out of there when you turn upside down

so that defeats the purpose. I just got

it on my hands. here are some of the cons

though. my biggest con is that you can't

just fill the bottle up and use it when

you want. you're supposed to use it

within eight hours and then toss it so

that really kind of limits you on how

long you're gonna make this last.

it definitely doesn't work like the

demonstrations. it doesn't magically disappear.

I think the parlor trick on the

shirt, I couldn't duplicate that so I

don't know if that's gonna be a

realistic way to use it. I don't think

most people would do that anyways.

another con is that they don't say

what's in here. I couldn't find the

ingredients anywhere and the fact that

it kept leaking on my hands. it's kind of

disturbing because I don't know what I'm getting

on my hands so that's another potential

con not everybody's gonna like. if I do

find out the ingredients I'll put them

in the description below because right

now I haven't found out what they are.

so if you leave the advertising hype at the

doorstep and just are looking for a good

stain remover and cleaner

I think invinceable does pretty well.

if you're looking for something that's

magical, that stains are gonna just

completely dissolve on their own, maybe not.

I think it's pretty good maybe not

as good as the advertising makes it

seem, but I think if you buy it you'll

be pretty happy with it. just expect to

have to dab it and wipe it off a little

bit. don't expect them to disappear on

their own. have you used the invinceable

cleaner or something like it? tell me

what you think in the comments below.

please subscribe for more As Seen on TV

product reviews from me James White,

with freakin reviews.

For more infomation >> InVinceAble Review: As Seen on TV Stain Remover - Duration: 13:30.


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VERY Loose Waves Hair Tutorial | Wavy Hairstyle - Duration: 2:41.

Hey guys! So in today's video I wanted to

show you how I've been styling this

loose wavy hairstyle and this has been

my go-to over the past week so let's go

ahead and get started I first started

off by using GK hair's moisturizing

color protection shampoo and conditioner

this is also their hair taming system

which is perfect for me because my hair

tends to get with hairy unruly and also

pretty frizzy and these products are

also great for adding strength and shine

to your hair

the next product I used from GK hair was

their serum and I use this on a wet hair

and I'm also gonna use it on my dry hair

this is their anti frizz smoothing serum

which again is perfect for me because my

hair just tends to get pretty frizzy and

I love using this product because it's

not greasy at all I think it just blends

really well into my hair and adds that

shine it also helps my hair look really

healthy and just really glowing so I

love using this product it also has a

really nice scent to it which I like

it's nice and light and again I like to

use this on my damp hair and also on dry

hair and also when I'm styling my hair

so if you want to check out these

products I'll put a direct link down

below so you can but I'm gonna go ahead

and move into this hairstyle I've just

grabbed my flat iron and I'm just going

to focus on creating a bend about mid

length on my hair so you'll see me do

this around my whole head I'm just doing

the top layer of my hair and again I'm

just focused on creating a bend about

mid length on my hair and I really like

this because it looks like you've styled

your hair but you didn't take too much

time doing it and of course this doesn't

take too much time to do it all anyway

so I like how loose and effortless this

looks and I'm kind of leaving the ends

of my hair straight so I really am just

slightly curling my hair away from my

face but it's a very loose wave and as

soon as I create that wave I just let

the rest of that section go so I'll

create that Bend away from my face and

then just let that section go and you

can do this on the ends of your hair as

well if you want to but I personally

kind of like keeping those parts

straight so I'm going to go ahead and

grab the serum from GK hair again and

use that as my finishing styling product

with a little bit of hairspray and this

is the finished look I hope you guys

like it again I love how effortless this

looks and this will

into the second day hair if you want to

keep the style going into your second

okay but that's it for this video I hope

you guys liked it give it a thumbs up

and subscribe because I put out new

videos every week and I'll see you on

the next one bye

For more infomation >> VERY Loose Waves Hair Tutorial | Wavy Hairstyle - Duration: 2:41.


Mike Williams - Marketing Where the Attention Is - Duration: 19:41.

I'm here with Mike Williams today from No Limits Fitness and Digitally Fit now

Mike you are in the process of pivoting from your fitness business into a

marketing business tell me a little bit as a business owner going through that

process and how you've been able to do that four years ago I was at a point

where I was really struggling to drive new customers in and increase sales and

find effective marketing solutions I tried all kinds of stuff was doing what

it was copying other local businesses and doing what they were doing and from

postcards other print publications Direct Mail Google Ads all kinds of

things and I couldn't find anything that worked and then some of the other

businesses that I had copied they started going out of business and I soon

found that I was topping a broken business model with the gym and so I got

a business coach and somebody I could that somebody had done it and they had

you know success leaves clues and so I went with someone who already had they

had the business that I wanted and I got them to coach me through what they did

and that was how like sort of ventured into the world of social media marketing

learning how to do that I learned how to optimize the traffic that I was already

getting and how to convert it like how can you turn all that into sales and

what is your what's the purpose of your website things like that and so you

could take you know resources and assets that you already have it in place and

actually get them to work for you and that that was incredibly

transformational and then learning how to go about marketing on social media so

I had tried it before and I thought it didn't work and I would craft my post

and I would you know they had that thing where you can only get like 20% of your

words into a post to run it and I didn't mess with all that so I kept

increasingly making my font smaller and smaller until point where you needed a

magnifying glass to you know kind of get the grasp of my hat so it wasn't

effective and I so I thought I knew what I was doing but it turns out it didn't

you know I got the coaching that I needed and just imagine Dovan headfirst

and just just sucked it up like a sponge the first time I did it I

overwhelmed myself I sent more business to myself in a day than I could handle

are you talking about investing in somebody who's truly a professional to

help you and advise you instead of looking around and just saying well this

is what everyone else does so I'm gonna try it and you saw that that wasn't

where things were headed no because it wasn't what I found there was no one in

the area that that was using these strategies they weren't up to date with

the technology with where it was headed and so it exploded and all these other

areas of the country but but it wasn't here and when I tapped into that my I

took off immediately I mean there were my honest that when I had some pretty

dark days as a business owner I went a really solid probably two months where

every day I went home and was struggling with it how they were just weighing on

me like I didn't know how I was gonna tell everybody that I had to close my

business because I couldn't keep it was losing thousands every month it felt

like a failure I struggled and I was trying all kinds of stuff and nothing

just nothing gained traction until I came across I learned how to do this and

you know very quickly turn things around for me so the business that you're

pivoting to right now you're using the strategies that you learned to turn

around your business and you're looking to help people in this area because it's

not like you invented it but there are very few people that are actually using

the tools that are available to them on these social media platforms to maximize

their reach to maximize their marketing dollars so tell us a little bit what

digital e-fit does and maybe give us a little insight on you know if you're

doing this in your business you're throwing away your marketing dollars so

maybe you can kind of help us out there yeah I learned that aesthetics like the

aesthetics of a post doesn't always translate into effectiveness it

sometimes what you think as a business owner especially in Fitness what you

think resonates with your customer might repel a new customer and in making that

shift simply posting on a page isn't that's not social media marketing that's

not what helps you gain that traction you're very limited by your organic

reach your that obscure business out there nobody knows who you are

and you can quickly change that with significantly less marketing dollars

than you could on other platforms consumer behaviors changed and that's

the big shift we understand enough that a yellow page

ad is kind of it would be silly right now because nobody has we don't have

landlines and we don't use phone books what good comes in the mail anymore like

you get very few letters in the mail and see but every day your your is a ton of

junk and you may get like one or two bills in the mail outside of that

there's really not much to look forward to you know unless for whatever the

packages are like you've ordered on Amazon and those don't come in the form

of postcards so most that stuff just hits the trash and so marketing that way

it's expensive your you know it's all-encompassing you're getting all the

households in a given area and it's not it's just not a good use of your money

you might say you're you're going into a very general audience and in a lot of

times you're ending up in the trash where it's wasted it's just traffic

banner ads used to be really really effective on the one online but

consumers have kind of figured it out they're not clicking on that stuff as

much anymore same as Google AdWords like it's been it's been around for quite a

while and unless you're unless your business is really really really an

emergency like if your AC goes out in Florida well you're probably gonna you

know go you know you'll sell your firstborn or you know sell your car to

get your AC fix yeah yeah and so in that respect

sometimes that Google AdWords can work for you because it's pay-per-click and

you can make yourself come up on the first page but outside of that like it

says ad besides it like people know it's an ad and so the click-through rates on

those are significantly down from where they were five years ago consumers

behavior has changed significantly and that's where social media can come in

and so like TV commercials are really dominated probably last you know four or

five decades is that and we can understand how impactful that is and

then one with consumer behavior we don't watch TV to buy stuff outside of the QVC

crowd but I'm not in that so I don't understand it you watch TV for

entertainment but there's advertisements on there and that's kind of if it's

influenced your buying decisions and so maybe you saw a new car commercial and

like a new model came out like wow and it but it makes you want

like and we all you know we don't want new car fevers like if you catch it

you're buying a new car and that's kind of how that mediums work but everything

shifted so much now and there's the overwhelming majority of people are

watching they're getting their their visual entertainment so to speak from

amazon prime Hulu firestick Netflix there's all these other mediums where

they can take in that entertainment watch it on demand and skip through

commercials and so it's not the greatest way to get your message across and it's

still really expensive but you can effectually do that you can effectively

do the same thing with social media you can craft your commercial create your

message but you can make it come on your customers favorite station when they're

watching and the best part about it is that they engage with that commercial or

if they watch it you can make them see it over and over again I think there's a

lot of people that say things move away too fast and marketing and advertising

and it's scary to me in my opinion they should have the opposite view because

things are actually becoming less and less expensive to acquire the right

types of customers if you're willing to have an advisor have somebody who is

there to help you through the process who knows what they're doing and it's

one of those things that it's an investment it's not a cost you are

investing in the right type of exposure that's going to drive revenue to your

business and you mentioned your own personal story which I really appreciate

saying you know you are really struggling and every business owner at

some point or another is going to probably go through a point where it

things are going to be really tough and luckily you persevered you found the

tools your business is doing great now to a point where you're kind of pulling

yourself away from it it's going to be able to run on its own to some degree

and you're able to open a second business where you're using the tools

and the knowledge that helped save your business work with other business owners

in this area that may be faced with similar problems obviously you know

you're not mother Teresa you're gonna be making money off of it but that's what

it's about if you're a bringing value to others you will you'll profit from it so

it's cool tell me a little bit more just to dive in a little bit further

on the complicated parts or what people if they think they're doing social media

lay some hard facts on me what is the reality

oh say oh you know I put some posts on my Facebook page I got this handled

what's the reality of that that you often have to is sobering for business

owners when you talk to him putting a lot of value and how many likes you have

on your page the so your organic reach of of a Facebook page is probably less

than 2% of the people that have liked it so if you've got about 5,000 likes on

your page that's about a hundred people that are gonna see a given post and like

what you're gonna reach and it tends to you know that's how social media works

that they serve two audiences it's a free platform for the users and their

ultimate goal is to make it like the best user experience possible the

revenue is generated from paid advertising and but they want to make

sure that they're showing relevant ads to the people that are on the platform

so if you're you know if you're not ever in interested in something that I want

to keep showing you ads for that because doesn't make sense and then but a lot of

times business owners will think that you know they're super active on social

media and there's all these people to tell you you need to post you know this

time this many times a day on this platform and this much on this platform

and that's great because your page is active but it doesn't mean it's being

seen and you know so on average if you've got 5,000 page likes and you make

a post around a hundred people are gonna see it and sort of kind of put that into

perspective as you know you get that friend you've connected with a while ago

yeah but you haven't sort of seen seen anything from them on facebook you

haven't engaged with any other post or their content and then all of a sudden

you find out that you know they had a kid you're like yeah how'd that happen

like how'd you have like boys on Facebook no you didn't you didn't see it

on there and but that's you weren't overly engaging with their stuff and so

it's not coming up through your Facebook feed and so it's the people and the

friends that you have unless you've got three friends on Facebook but if you've

got like a thousand you're not gonna see you know the posts from all those

thousand people the people that you're engaging with the most

that's what's gonna show up on your Facebook feed and the same thing applies

to a business like if you're not you know a given person's not overly engaged

with your stuff they're not gonna see every post that

you have and that's why you can go on there and I think the backend metrics of

that stuff it tells you and people saw it and so that's what matters and so

it's not so much that yes it's important to be active on social media but at the

same time understand that like it's it's a pay-to-play

platform and so you if you have an overly engaging piece of content but

then you may want to put some put something behind that or get a strategy

built around that it it's you know successfully success leaves clues and

that's kind of giving you a better indication of what your audience might

be more interested in get more content around that and then and you'll you can

get more traction yeah so there's a lot of opportunity utilizing tools like

Facebook because it is Big Brother and knows a lot of information about lots of

people that are on it absolutely and you can use it as an advertiser and a

marketer but that's only one step some people say oh I can create a target for

my ad and I put fifty dollars in for the month and it's going to go after those

people and that's kind of the old approach of you know people are doing

that on TV well people who like golf also have a lot of money on average and

so you know that would be good for a financial adviser to put their

commercial on Gulf well you can do so much more with Facebook but you've got

to go many layers deep including even tools onto your website and and how to

manage certain bots and all these activities and how are they going to fit

together to drive revenue to drive you know customers actually coming in the

doors and spending money on your product or service and that's really what you

specialize in really understanding how that system works yeah so Facebook's got

that they have tracking code so there's a Facebook pixel you know and it's there

very very few businesses that actually have that in play and you own the

research this I mean you are looking for these businesses and you can tell within

a second of going on there yeah it takes about five seconds to see if somebody's

got that that code so they most people understand or they may have Google

Analytics on their site they might there's code out there on Facebook and

then tracks your activity and you can put that code on your website which

allows you to retarget your web traffic so you could retard retarget people who

have landed on a specific page of your website about

many percent of all online shopping carts are abandoned

and they don't follow through with the purchase but we've we've all probably

done that where you went and you went to you know to buy something on the

internet and you don't follow through with it the next thing you know you're

getting you know you're getting an email back or you're getting something back

and start popping them hey you know you didn't we'll give you a 10% off or 15%

off if you complete your purchase like how do they know I did that well they're

using some sort of retargeting on that it's not so it's free phrase Facebook

gives you a free Facebook pixel if you submit to get to claim it

copy paste it put in the header of your website and that just unlocks on ton of

potential with what you can do there you can create custom audiences with it and

so that there are people that are that have engaged with some of that stuff you

can track that traffic if you know how to do it and that's where you can put

all in but the interest that they have in there you think about all the things

over the last three to five years where you had the opportunity to you know

create a new user ID and a new password you know that's and like every time I

talk to some I like I just wish I had more passwords in my life like okay

that's nobody so but one of the options you've got is you could login with your

Facebook account or maybe you can login with your Google account and so yeah

you're doing it but when you're doing that you're sharing information they

have a ton of information on all of us as to what our likes and dislikes are

and so it's not it isn't a bad thing necessarily that's what keeps you from

seeing ads you know about you know something that you that you just

irrelevant to me yeah like if you don't know if you don't care about like mud

wrestling you know then like you're not gonna see how much a mud wrestling ads

come up and you know you're in your Facebook feed if that's not something

that you've you've looked into as an interest but if you but if you are

concerned and you know you're looking into let's say like a vacationing in a

certain state or you know you're something like that that yeah it's gonna

track your interest and it can show you something that's a relevant offer for

you in businesses that understand this are going to put their content in front

of those people absolutely are booking in have an interest in that particular

product service or like you mentioned the vacation a certain area you

that's one of the things as a business owner like we get so we kind of get

caught up drinking our own kool-aid and you don't you've got to realize that you

want to understand like your customer value journey what is it because they're

not sitting there like and you know they don't sit another couch and they they

hear about your business and then they just jump up I have to go do this right

now that's it's not how it usually works you don't see that car commercial and

jump off the couch and you go run down there just go buy it right then it

typically takes a few times and like depending on who you talk to it's

anywhere from seven to ten maybe fifteen different you know touches or

impressions to get somebody to take action they have to warm up to the

concept of doing business with you yeah there's a journey yeah and so it's

important to understand what that journey is for your business and it's

different for the product for you as you're trying to sell you don't have to

warm me up a whole lot for a ten dollar hamburger yeah I'm down I'm down so just

thanks woman yeah some convenience but if it's something more complex say even

it's a business-to-business transaction or it's a larger transaction there's

still opportunities with platforms like Facebook and Instagram and obviously

LinkedIn and that businesses can utilize and really not especially not in Brevard

yeah and that's in those are things that that are really gonna work for you

because typically especially if it's a larger transaction the bigger the

transaction the more homework your customer is probably going to do they're

gonna check out your social media pages they're gonna check out your website

they're gonna look for your reviews it and so that stuff matters and having

just understanding that they're going to go through that it's why it's so

important to make sure that you've got good quality content there and that you

understand like how to massage that traffic so that your business can can

actually take away tangible results that's the beauty if when you're

marketing this way and you understand how to do this you can you can track it

you know how much so if you're if you're spending X but you're making Y you see

it there's no you can take the like the guesswork out of it so to speak like I

mean no business one wants to hear like I know you think that your marketing you

didn't work but you got all these impressions and you hit 30,000

households in the south end of the county but if you didn't get business

you don't hear me right you don't care and you know and said you know when my

impressions hit the ball it's my trashcan I'm not interested this

shows you it's very very very trackable there's having people engaged with it

what your rate was and then you so you can sort of exponentially apply that

strategy and so that you know that it for every you know for you know every

two hundred two hundred impressions that you're getting 50 clicks and from fifty

clicks that turns into you know 10 leads 10 leads turns into three customers okay

once you know that you can then apply that to the like the greater strategy

get some you know and that's how you expand your business yeah

well that's awesome yeah definitely the ability to have metrics and analytics

and then go after your specific clientele there's no better time than

now there's never been a better time than the way it is now so it's really

exciting well I appreciate you coming in Mike I appreciate you sharing all your

stories with us and we're gonna have to have you come back because there's so

much more to really talk about in this Avenue oh absolutely

how can they find you I mean find me online at said digitally fit biz and so

I'm out there on Yom on Instagram on Facebook then we have the gym tubes he

had no limits fitness we're down in West Melbourne

I think find me there too so I'll have a you know catch my catch my ugly mug on

the videos on both both platforms all right well awesome I appreciate it

Mike you have a very rester day hey Trevor thanks for having it

For more infomation >> Mike Williams - Marketing Where the Attention Is - Duration: 19:41.


Breaking News - Mauricio Pochettino's Tottenham side look to take bull by horns - Duration: 5:16.

Mauricio Pochettino went in search of bovine inspiration as he arrived in Italy and wondered aloud whether Tottenham might be better off for last year's agonising exit at the hands of Juventus

'This experience does not help if you are not clever,' mused Pochettino. 'It is like the cow in the field who sees the train pass at the same time every day

If you ask the cow what time is the train he won't have the answer. 'Experience will help, of course, but not only experience wins you games

Many things are important — hunger, motivation, circumstances.' Tottenham's last European campaign was a thrilling ride

There were victories to savour against Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid and they recovered from two down in Turin to secure a draw in the first leg of the last-16 tie at Juventus

It all unravelled when the Italian champions beat them at Wembley, however, and they launch this campaign against Inter Milan, a team languishing near the bottom of Serie A with only four points from their first four games

In comparison, Spurs are healthier, but their form has stuttered since a victory at Manchester United and they travelled to Milan on the back of defeats against Watford and Liverpool

With Barcelona also in Group B, avoiding defeat at the San Siro is vital. Spurs have been vulnerable from set-pieces, not helped by the absence of goalkeeper Hugo Lloris who, having lifted the World Cup, has started the season with a driving ban and a thigh injury

With the new stadium at White Hart Lane lagging behind schedule and no new summer signings, Pochettino admits it has proved a difficult few weeks on many levels — but he has not been prepared to accept criticism of Harry Kane

'Harry is an easy target,' he said. 'It's easy to blame him when he's up front and the team need goals but there is a lot to thank him for in the last four years

'Every single fan and every team-mate needs to say thank you to Harry. When you see what he has provided for the team it is so difficult to complain because he is not scoring goals and the team lost the last two games

'He needs to improve but the team need to improve.' Here is the crux of Pochettino's argument

He wants a collective response to the slow start. It will not represent a solution if Kane hauls them out of trouble with a flurry of goals

The problems run deeper. He needs everyone to lift their game and will not promote the idea of fatigue after a World Cup summer as an excuse

When he left Toby Alderweireld and Kieran Trippier at home, he insisted on calling it a 'technical decision' rather than a rest

'The team is not the best and it is a collective problem,' said Pochettino. 'Not only one player

It is different reasons why (we didn't win) the last few games. It is not about being tired or not tired

It is not about the World Cup.' He is, however, prepared to admit his team cannot expect to compete for the major prizes, the Premier League or the Champions League, if they do not improve

'We are not realistic contenders in any single competition,' Pochettino added. 'That is my view

If we show the same face as against Watford, it is impossible to be a contender. If we show the same face as against Liverpool, it is also difficult

In some periods of the game against Manchester United, maybe yes. The last two defeats are so good if the effect is to wake up and improve

We have time to improve. There is time. 'We must start to show we deserve to be a contender at the end, we need to be consistent during the whole season

'I am not challenging players. Only showing the reality. It is so important to see the reality if you want to improve

'To be real contenders, we need to improve a lot. A lot. 'If not we are going to be a good team and, of course, we can win, we can lose, but contenders? To be realistic contenders we need to show much more


For more infomation >> Breaking News - Mauricio Pochettino's Tottenham side look to take bull by horns - Duration: 5:16.


Quick and Simple Christmas Card Tutorial with Nuvo Aqua Flow Watercolor Pens - Duration: 15:35.

if you are welcome to hedgehog hollow

today I'm going to show you how to get a

start on your Christmas cards with a

really quick simple but effective card

first of all I'm going to clap grab a of

GLAD press and feel that's a tongue

twister there I'm doing this because it

makes for soup it easy clear up so glad

the present deal rather is one of my

favorite crafting tools I use it for all

sorts of things but for today because

I'm going to be making a little for mess

with my aqua flows this makes it super

super simple so what we're going to do

is just take a piece of watercolor paper

that's roughly car front size this is

actually slightly larger I'm giving it a

really really light mist with barely any

water on here with my Nouveau like mr. a

bottle I'm going to take some of my aqua

flow pen so these are liquid watercolor

pens look how pretty that array of

rainbow is and I'm gonna grab some

colors out so I'm going to grab some

French wine I think we'll have some

evergreen fun I definitely want my Midas

touch I'm going to grab some Matador red

let's also have brighter red let's go

with some red apple and I'm just gonna

grab a few so I also pick out indigo

dawn and Azure blue and so what we're

going to do the first thing you want to

do is hold your cardstock

upright grab your first pan and I'm

going to gently squeeze my pen so a

droplet of liquid watercolor is going to

come out there now I'm going to grab my

next one so you can see it's kind of

starting to dribble down what we wanted

to do I'm going to grab a different one

gonna grab some purple so I'm just at

the minute making sure I have a really

thick kind of bead of watercolor at the

top if it dribbles down

fine and then I like to work kind of in

sections I've just got about halfway I'm

going to spritz the top of that card

stuff and what you can see is it starts

to activate those water pieces now the

water liquid water color is only going

to go where there's water it wants to

follow a water so I'm going to go a bit

more in with those Christmasy colors so

I'm going to add more red I'm going to

add some more green and again we can

spritz this is why I'm working on the

press and seal because I knew that my

color was going to go all the way down

so I want more green here yeah and this

is just one of those things that you'll

kind of keep just adding colors until

you're happy with what you've got

I want those colors kind of really

muddled together and I'm going to choose

another red looks like I put the did of

both so let's pick out this one here

and I'm going to add a bead a bit just

here and add a bead just here just kind

of feel like my greens taken over a

little bit

and so you can just keep adding color

until you're happy with the result that

you've got now once you're happy and

once I added this little bit of red down

here like that I'm kind of happy with my

results so I'm now going to dry this off

with my heat tool and the great thing is

if I'm not happy with one of these areas

I can go back in and I can add more so

this one for me is a bit pinky so I'm

going to go in I'm going to add some

more of these reds and then I'm going to

spritz them again

you can even leave the dribble

effectively bottom sometimes I get

really pretty kind of drips going down

and I love what I've got and I just

leave it there sometimes like this I

don't particularly like it so I take a

little bit of water and I just spritz it

so that I know that those areas are

covered so I love how this piece turned

out now that it's all dry you're going

to add a little bit more detail to it so

when it grab a clean piece of scrap it

feels it's so easy to just be able to

wrap with that piece up and then throw

it in the trash it's really easy you're

gonna go back in now I'm going to spray

it with some water again really light

mist citrusy does reactivate some of

that color but that's okay and now I'm

going to take my Midas touch this is a

gold at Kashima pen protonic giving it a

nice shape make sure all the glitters

everywhere and then again I'm going to

do that same thing and I'm going to just

start by running it along the top

and so you can see how those beautiful

gold beads are dropping down I'm going

to go back and because it's reactivating

the color at the same time I'm also

getting some really nice patinas in

there and I really like the drips on

this one so I'm gonna wrap up my press

and seal to a clean piece I'm gonna dry

this off again and then I'm going to

show you how to mount it into a card so

I really love how this is come out look

how pretty

you've got all of those drips in there

you've got lots of gold glitter in there

as well

and they really love all of that texture

when you're using this very Christmas

dye which is a two piece dye to melt up

our card I just need to cut out my Merry


I'm going to use a piece of black

cardstock I'm actually going to cut out

the middle of the black cardstock big

holes that way I can still use it as my

matching piece and nobody's gonna know

that I actually cut something out the

middle of it so I'm just grabbing my die

cutting plates pop this off I'll put it

in the center there and run it through

so now I have my Merry Christmas Cup I

have my piece here that we're going to

use as our matching cardstock and I had

already pre-cut the outline piece our

some of the set in gold tonic cardstock

so now let's do some trimming grab my

Tim Holtz trimmer here and I'm gonna cut

off this hair because I really like how

this top came out so this piece I want

it to be 3 and 3/4 inches by 5 and again

I can choose how I want to pop off and

I'm going to cut a little off of either

end and these are really pretty stretch

you could use most entrants reps and all

sorts of fun things if you like keeping

the scraps and then I'm going to trim

this one down as well this is going to

be 4 inches regular black cardstock now

both five-and-a-quarter as well so there

absolutely no stamping in this card

super quick and simple just create your

background and any of that leftover ink

what I always try to do is just dip some

watercolor cardstock into my pressin C

or that lift o leftover ink it depends

if you've got a muddy combination this

could easily create mud so it didn't get

any great prints out of it this time but

you've definitely when you use fun

things like blues and purples and things

you get some really fun colors so you

can use all of that leftover ink there

as well and bear in mind a lot of its

water so it's quite light ink too

I'm going to grab a piece of kitchen

towel because it's just what I happen to

have here and I'm gonna map this up so

it has a little bit of time to stick

what we're creating our card and I'm

using my big chisel glue pen from

metonic and I love using this even on

fine sentiments all I do is run it over

like this I get no glue then on the

reverse side even though this does dry

clear so it wouldn't be an issue if I

did and even on the most delicate

sentiments just pop something underneath

scrap paper kitchen towel press and seal

any of those things and then add this on

the top I then like to take my phone

because it happens to be a nice weight

and I pop that on there until I'm ready

to go so I'm gonna get rid of this piece

of press avail because I don't want

anything on my card babe and I'm gonna

grab myself one of my Neenah card bases

so now everything is drying and trimmed

down we can start assembly I have my

card base that I mentioned just a piece

of known as HeLa Neenah solar white even

I don't know what's going on this

morning folded and then school at five

and a half I'll take my piece of black

cardstock and my funky tape runner which

is my favorite tape runner look at some

adhesive on open up my card base

formatting so it's nice and flat that

gives me a nice even matting

and then the same with our beautiful

background and the thing you'll notice

with this background is it really does

go through an ugly stage you have to

just keep with it add glitter and colors

you will end up with something you love

you can add a salt your card you a

beautiful salt that I use in one of the

time lives not long ago and that came

out absolutely beautifully so you can do

all sorts of things to really add

texture to your background and then this

is that Merry Christmas that we met it

up and I'm going to use someone might--

upon it thrown squares I do like these

phony squares for some projects because

they're a little bit larger and they're

super easy to double up so one like this

I want a little bit more dimension I can

just fold it in half and this one

happens to fit perfectly on the back so

I can do that and depending you may want

to add some foam there but I know that

these are really strong and so I'm quite

happy with it just being on the back

though I'm gonna layer this up in the

middle like so good see how pretty this

coming up I'm going to use some of the

nouveau rose gold sequins just pop a few

out onto my surface I'm just going to

sprinkle a few around make sure that the

right way up

and so I'm just gonna have those for a

little bit of extra bling on there now

to add them on because I'm gonna be also

be using some Nouveau drops I'm going to

use this glitter drop as my adhesive and

that works really really well

now you can stick those on however you

prefer some people just like to use

their fingers some people like to use

tweezers I use all sorts of different

things I do have a favorite pair of

tweezers which I'm just gonna grab out

my draw these are my favorites these are

on Amma's they're actually so as

tweezers for throwing your overlocker

but I really like this long little nose

on them and I find it works well with so

many things so I can just pick these up

like so either dr. Nuvo drop on the back

stick it back down and because they've

got those points on them that I can

control I can then use it to push down

like so so you can see how easy these

are going on now there's lots of

different colors available in the

Nouveau sequins and we also have some

new ones as part of the trends releases

so you really can use whatever color

scheme you want you could also create

birthday cards in this same way you

could create thank-you cards there are

some great sentiments with this same

shadow piece around as well as the

sequins are stuck to me rather than the

tweezers and so again lots and lots of

different options depending what

occasion you're creating for just

because I've made a Christmas card does

not mean you have to stick with that

color scheme you could also do a

Christmas card and do it in icy blues or

whatever your theme for your tree is

this year I know there's lots of puss

tall trees and things coming out which I

really really love and this sort of

cranberry color that I used really is

one of those pink I've seen lots of

trees and things in and considering

redoing my tree in some different colors

this year so again you can coordinate it

to your Christmas you could make

table decorations you could do all sorts

of things what we're just going to add

the occasional Nouveau drop on here this

is the Gold Coast glitter drops so I'm

not really going to put much on here and

so so that is my completed card I hope

you've enjoyed this technique using our

Nouveau aqua pens all of course all of

your links are in the description below

don't forget to join us weekly for our

tight lives on a Wednesday evening at

8:00 p.m. Eastern I hope you have had a

fantastic day and that you've enjoyed

this video don't forget to give us a

thumbs up if you enjoyed learning

something new with your Nouveau products

and also don't forget to hit that

subscribe button and stamp the bell so

you get notifications of future videos

oh you all have a wonderful day happy

stamping bye

For more infomation >> Quick and Simple Christmas Card Tutorial with Nuvo Aqua Flow Watercolor Pens - Duration: 15:35.


For more infomation >> Quick and Simple Christmas Card Tutorial with Nuvo Aqua Flow Watercolor Pens - Duration: 15:35.



For more infomation >> QUAND N'GOLO KANTÉ SE RETROUVE À DÎNER CHEZ DES INCONNUS - Duration: 5:40.


For more infomation >> QUAND N'GOLO KANTÉ SE RETROUVE À DÎNER CHEZ DES INCONNUS - Duration: 5:40.


City of Fulton to rebuild Convention Center - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> City of Fulton to rebuild Convention Center - Duration: 1:10.


For more infomation >> City of Fulton to rebuild Convention Center - Duration: 1:10.


How to Achieve Med School Goals

For more infomation >> How to Achieve Med School Goals


Texas bullet train one step closer to reality with $300M loan - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Texas bullet train one step closer to reality with $300M loan - Duration: 2:20.


When Can I Use the SRP M-Power App? - Duration: 0:44.

We know you're excited to use the M Power app,

And we are working hard to bring it to customers.

However, if you downloaded the M Power app

and see the following message,

your account has not been upgraded yet.

You will receive a confirmation  postcard in the mail,

or an email when your account has been upgraded.

You will also see a new screen at the Pay Center, showing a Safety Statement.

For more information, visit

A map is available showing the estimated date-range of when

the new M Power app will be available in your area.

For more infomation >> When Can I Use the SRP M-Power App? - Duration: 0:44.


The Wheels on the Bus | Matt Sings with Dan and Claudia | Children's Songs, Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 1:56.

Dream English Kids


The Wheels on the Bus song

Should we sing the Wheel on the Bus song?

Yea! Let's do it!

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

all through the town.

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,

beep beep beep, beep beep beep.

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep

all through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,

swish swish swish, swish swish swish.

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish

all through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down

up and down, up and down

The people on the bus go up and down

all through the town.

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa

waa waa waa, waa waa waa

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa

all through the town.

The parents on the bus go shh shh shh

shh shh shh, shh shh shh

The parents on the bus go shh shh shh

all through the town.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

all through the town.

Yea! Awesome!

Dream English Kids

For more infomation >> The Wheels on the Bus | Matt Sings with Dan and Claudia | Children's Songs, Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 1:56.


Ultra Thin & Portable Electric Skateboard Teemgee Sail Review - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Ultra Thin & Portable Electric Skateboard Teemgee Sail Review - Duration: 6:09.


Nucleic Acids | Biological Molecules Simplified #3 - Duration: 2:32.

Thanks for stopping by this is two minute classroom and today we're talking about nucleic acids

You may have heard about nucleic acids when talking about DNA or RNA

Because the NA literally stands for nucleic acid

This is where genetic information is stored and allows cells to produce all the necessary protein structures in living organisms

I'm going to introduce the basic structure of nucleic acids first and

Then talk about the variations for structure and how that relates to their function

Monomers of nucleic acids are called nucleotides

These are the basic unit of nucleic acids that bond together to form RNA and DNA

All nucleotides are made up of three main components a phosphate group a sugar and a nitrogenous base

In RNA and DNA the phosphate group is the same, but they have slightly different sugars

In RNA the sugar is ribose and in DNA the sugar is also a ribose but with one less oxygen

hence, RNA is ribonucleic acid and DNA is

Deoxyribonucleic acid because the ribose has been deoxygenated

Finally we have the nitrogenous base and if you've studied DNA at all, you probably remember these the nitrogenous bases in DNA are

guanine adenine cytosine and thymine

RNA also has guanine adenine and cytosine but instead of thymine RNA contains uracil

The phosphates of nucleic acids bond together to form long poly nucleotide chains like RNA and DNA

the nitrogenous bases can form weaker hydrogen bonds as they do between two strands of DNA this bonding gives DNA

It's helical structure and allows it to perform many important functions

Nucleic acids are an underrated molecule in my opinion

Carbohydrates proteins and fats seem to get all the attention but nucleic acids store all the genetic information for your cells

Without them your body wouldn't build the necessary machinery to carry out all cellular functions

I hope this video answered any questions you had if you still have some I love to reply to my comments

So send additional questions there. You should also check out my video on DNA vs

RNA which goes into more detail and don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe for more quality content. I'll catch you next time

For more infomation >> Nucleic Acids | Biological Molecules Simplified #3 - Duration: 2:32.


VERY Loose Waves Hair Tutorial | Wavy Hairstyle - Duration: 2:41.

Hey guys! So in today's video I wanted to

show you how I've been styling this

loose wavy hairstyle and this has been

my go-to over the past week so let's go

ahead and get started I first started

off by using GK hair's moisturizing

color protection shampoo and conditioner

this is also their hair taming system

which is perfect for me because my hair

tends to get with hairy unruly and also

pretty frizzy and these products are

also great for adding strength and shine

to your hair

the next product I used from GK hair was

their serum and I use this on a wet hair

and I'm also gonna use it on my dry hair

this is their anti frizz smoothing serum

which again is perfect for me because my

hair just tends to get pretty frizzy and

I love using this product because it's

not greasy at all I think it just blends

really well into my hair and adds that

shine it also helps my hair look really

healthy and just really glowing so I

love using this product it also has a

really nice scent to it which I like

it's nice and light and again I like to

use this on my damp hair and also on dry

hair and also when I'm styling my hair

so if you want to check out these

products I'll put a direct link down

below so you can but I'm gonna go ahead

and move into this hairstyle I've just

grabbed my flat iron and I'm just going

to focus on creating a bend about mid

length on my hair so you'll see me do

this around my whole head I'm just doing

the top layer of my hair and again I'm

just focused on creating a bend about

mid length on my hair and I really like

this because it looks like you've styled

your hair but you didn't take too much

time doing it and of course this doesn't

take too much time to do it all anyway

so I like how loose and effortless this

looks and I'm kind of leaving the ends

of my hair straight so I really am just

slightly curling my hair away from my

face but it's a very loose wave and as

soon as I create that wave I just let

the rest of that section go so I'll

create that Bend away from my face and

then just let that section go and you

can do this on the ends of your hair as

well if you want to but I personally

kind of like keeping those parts

straight so I'm going to go ahead and

grab the serum from GK hair again and

use that as my finishing styling product

with a little bit of hairspray and this

is the finished look I hope you guys

like it again I love how effortless this

looks and this will

into the second day hair if you want to

keep the style going into your second

okay but that's it for this video I hope

you guys liked it give it a thumbs up

and subscribe because I put out new

videos every week and I'll see you on

the next one bye

For more infomation >> VERY Loose Waves Hair Tutorial | Wavy Hairstyle - Duration: 2:41.


How my childhood was RUINED [Baldi's Basics Let's play] - Duration: 14:57.

Shoot もうっ!

No, save me! 助けて!

Gimme detention 居残りさせて!

Good よし…

Noooo! イヤッ!

Detention was a bad idea! やっぱりダメだわ!

Detention was a bad idea! 居残り反対!!

Detention was a bad idea! 居残り反対!!

Ahhhh--- キャッ…!

Welcome aboard the Moe Train, Master! 萌恵メトロ線のご利用 ありがとうございます、ご主人様!

Today, we're going to revisit 今日は私の母校を訪ねるわ

my younger school days 昔懐かしい学校生活ね

This is the private school I was sent to ここが私が通っていた私立学校なのよ

So let's go ahead and start じゃあ早速行ってみましょう!

We basically just took a time machine 私たちはタイムマシンで過去に戻って

and now we are in this hell hole この地獄の底まで来ているの

So let's go and meet my teacher 先生に会いに行きましょう!

Hi! Welcome to my schoolhouse! 「こんにちは!私の学校にようこそ!」

Yeah, hi teacher こんにちは、バルディ先生

It's been years since I have been in this crappy hell hole この地獄の底に来るのも、何年ぶりかしら…

The school closed down, if anyone was curious もし外の誰かが興味を持ったら、すぐに潰れる学校よ

But, yeah, the school rules, they were pretty strict でも、ここの規則はとても厳しいの

I couldn't run 走れないし

"No bullying" 「いじめはやめましょう」

I broke that all the time これはいつも破ってたわ

"No drinking", well 「飲むのはやめましょう」

I guess it means alcohol? I never broke that お酒のことよね?じゃあ破ってないわよ

"No escaping detention" 「居残りから勝手に帰ってはいけません」

And "No fourth wall breaks" 「第四の壁を破らないでください」

I always broke the last one though 最後のはいつも破ってるわ

Let's go ahead and see what this has in store 何が待ち構えているのか見てみましょう

Man, I hated math class 算数の授業は大嫌い

Negative two マイナス2ね

Four, no, not four! 4…いや、4じゃないわ!

I'm sorry! ごめんなさい!

Five 5

Eight 8

There you go, 'hachi' そう、Hachi!

"WOW, YOU EXIST!" 「おや、生きてるんですね!」

No, not really そうでもないわ

I'm still dead inside 心は死んでるもの

lol www

sigh ハァ…

I'm sorry ごめんね

Oh yeah... yeah, that's right ああ、そうだったわ

I gotta conserve my stamina, yo スタミナは温存しないと

Thanks ありがと


Man, I don't like this memory あまり思い出したくはないわ

I hated school 学校大嫌いだったもの

"Sorry, was too lazy to add more subjects" 「新科目の追加が面倒なんだ、ごめん」

Shut up, Baldi! うるさいわバルディ!

That's OK よし

Baldi is not that bad of a guy, but 彼はそんなに悪い人じゃないの

he was pretty scary to me as a child 小さい頃は怖かったけどね

All right, let's go ahead and prepare to die さて、くたばる準備をしましょうか

Eleven 11

Four 4

jiiaiiioooiii じぃあぁぁぁおぉぉい

auuuuhhhhh あああうぅぅぅ

"I get angrier for every problem you get wrong" 「間違いは絶対に許しませんよ」

Time to run 逃げましょう

Aaauuhhh あああああぅぅ

jiiaaauu いあああぁぁぅ

"No running in the hall" yeah 「廊下を走らないで」ええ!

Oh, no! I hate that kid! I hate him! オーノー!あの子嫌い!最悪!

No! Crap! Crap! Who- ダメ!ダメダメダメ!

Well- さあ…

No! Shut up! 黙ってよ!

I never liked you! ホント大嫌い!

This is why I bullied you! だからいじめてたの!

Dang it, I wanna break the rule but もう、規則を破りたいけど…

No ダメね…

OK, we got our stamina back よし、スタミナが回復したわ

I guess this is just a regular classroom, OK ここは普通の教室みたいね…OK

We need 必要なのは…

What the heck? Oh, scissors あら?ハサミがあるじゃない!

That's for that kid! That's right! これならあのガキに効くわ!

God, I hated that fucker 最悪だわ、あの豚野郎…

OK よし

Five 5

Zero 0

ttshoouu …つしゅぅー…

"I hear every door you open" 「開けたドアの音は全部聞こえていますよ」

OK, my high score for this was just 2 これまでの最高得点はたった2点

I've never beaten that 未だに超えたことがないわ

Dang it, Baldi! バルディだわ!

Baldi-senpai or- バルディ先輩…?

Baldi-sensei, no! Leave me alone バルディ先生!邪魔しないで!

This is why I ditched school all the time これだから学校をサボってたのよ!

You kind of freaked me out as a kid いつも怖がらせてくるわね!

Oh, crap, it's the "no running in the hall" guy ああもうっ、「廊下を走らないで」野郎だわ

Do I have time for this? 間に合うかしら?

"The world is a big class" 「この世界は大きな教室です」

"Dismissed" 「解散」

Six 6

Ten 10

No clue 手がかりなし!

Yeah, don't do- もう、やめて…

aaahhhh あーっ…

I hated this game このゲーム最悪!

Dang it, he is too fast あいつ速いんだけど!

That's right! This gives me food やった!食事がある!

Crap もう!

I can't eat the food! 食べられないじゃない!

How do I eat food? Come on どうやって食べればいいのよ!

Hold up, we have time 待って、まだ時間はあるわ

We have time! 時間はあるの!

Crap, no, we don't have time いえ、もうダメだわ

Ah! No! No! あっ!ダメ!ダメ!

No! ダメ!

Yeah よし…

Good, I hated you! 最悪だわ!

I hated you as a child 小さい頃から嫌いだったわ

Safety scissors 安全ハサミ!

No re- ちょっと…

Wait, wait, this is perf- Ahh! 待ってよ!これは完璧に…ああっ!

Aaahhh キャッ!

Oh えっと…

I didn't know you were that close to me, sensei あそこまで近づかれてたなんてね…先生

Well, it's OK まあいいわ

We have a time machine タイムマシンがあるもの

Let's go ahead and restart that day もう1度あの日に戻りましょう

Man, how many did I collect? 前回はどこまで集めたんだっけ?

Oh, crap もう

This is why I was always ditching class, guys だからいつもサボってたのよ

While my beloved 私の大切な

but flat-chested sister was sent to 貧乳の妹の方は

a normal anime high school 普通の高校に通って

with her anime teenage hijinks アニメ的学園生活を楽しく過ごしているのに

No, I had a fricking private school with fricking Baldi 私はこのイカれた私立学校でバルディと一緒だったの

Zero 0

Four 4…

Negative eight マイナス8

I don't want your crappy... 私はあなたのクソみたいな…

OK, I'll take it, it's money OK、お金だわ

Ahhhh ハーッ…

Look at this 見てよ

Private schools of the, uh, my teenage years この学校が、私の青春…

OK, Baldi-sensei OK、バルディ先生

I'm so glad this school closed down in the future この学校が未来で閉鎖されてホントに良かったわ

Kyu Kyu

Ah, was it... これは…

How do you say it in Japanese? 日本語でどう言うのかしら?

And then, ah, 'shiranai' これも…えっと…shiranai

'Shirimasen' Shirimasen

'Okotte', was that angry? 'Okotte' Okotte…が「怒ってる」?Okotte

'Okotte narimasu' Okotte narimasu

I don't freaking know 本当に知らないのよ

I know we are supposed to make our way to the cafeteria in the end 最終的には食堂まで行かないといけないの

That's how I escaped school after all それがここからの逃げ道なのよ

Whatever どっちにしろ

I just wanna get at least 3 notebooks or 4 あと3~4冊はノートが欲しいわね

Wait, I think I did get 3 notebooks あれ?もう3冊手に入れたと思ってた

Here, we can run here ここなら走っても大丈夫

Wow! 「おや!」

Yeah, wow, my misery ええ、驚くほど辛いわ

Zero 0

Negative four マイナス4

Frick if I know 知るわけないでしょ

This explains my personality, guys 私の性格にも関わってるのよ

You wanna know why I curse so much? 私の口が悪い理由を知りたい?

Because of freaking- それはね…

Oh, shoot もうっ!

Is this dead end? This is a fricking dead end 行き止まり?完全に行き止まりだわ

Hold up, let's rest ちょっと待って、休みましょう

OK, I hear him あいつの音が聞こえるわ

I don't think I can e- 食べるのは難しいかし…

Friiiick もうっ!

Catch me, Principal! Catch me! 校長先生!私を捕まえて!

OK, good これでよし

Come on, come on さあ、急いで…

He's getting closer! Crap! 音が近づいてるじゃない!もうっ!

Eeuuughhh ううーっ…

No もうっ

Two, one, tottotot 2、1、ととっと

Ahahhhh ああーーーっ…!

Crap! もうっ!

No, frick off 邪魔よ!

Get the scissors! Get the scissors! ハサミ取るわ!ハサミ!

Three- 'san' 3…san

Ah.. 'go' えっと…go

shshshhshha えっじじゃじゃじゃじゃじゃじゃ

Aaaahhh! キャッ!

Ooohhh! ああーっ!

Teacher! 先生!

Crap! No, no, that's too close to the teacher ダメ!先生が近すぎるじゃない!

Nooo! もう!

Baldi? バルディ?

Baldi??? バルディ!?

Don't look 見ちゃダメ…

You don't need to look 振り返っちゃダメ

If we are not looking it's not happening, right? 見さえしなければ、何も起きてないのよ!

Is that how- そうやって…

Ahahahah あははははははっ!!

Aaaaaaaooohhhh ああーーーーぅ…

No ダメ

Ow, my ears もう、耳障りね…

No! イヤ!

GAAHHH ギャアアアッ!

GAHH- USE IT ハサミ使って!

AAHHHH アアーッ!

Where am I going? この先って…?

"I need rest!"? Oh crap 「休んで!」?最悪!

I was always not good with P.E. and stuff 体育はいつも苦手だったわ

Dang it, no ああもうっ!

Leave me, leave me 待ってよ

Can I eat any of this or what? 何か食べられる?

AHH キャッ


That's OK まあいいわ…

I hate school, you guys 学校なんてクソ食らえ

I hated this private school, you guys この私立校は最悪だわ

Aaahhhh ハァーーーーーッ…

Well, if it makes you feel better まあ、気休めになるかも分からないけど…

what happened was that 実は、私は単に捕まっただけなの

Baldi just made me stay バルディは私を教室に残して

And he gave me math quizzes 算数の問題を出すだけだった

Nothing bad happened 悪いことは何も起きてないのよ

He didn't, like, murder me, or strangle me, or... 例えば、私を絞め殺したり…

Et cetera そういうことはね

'Ichi' Ichi

I don't know what negative is in Japanese 負の数の日本語の言い方が分からないわ

Negative 'roku'? lol Negative roku? w

What is this? Ah... これは、えっと…

'Juu-' Juu…

'Juu nana'? 「Juu nana」?

… is that how I say it? …かしら?

I think 'nana' is seventeen 「nana」が17だと思うわ

Err... seven, yeah それとも7かしら

Aahhh ハーッ…

Can we have, like, a Baldi game with Japanese stuff? 日本語を学ぶバルディのゲームはないの?

That would actually be not that bad ここまでひどくはならないでしょ

Let me out! 外に出してよ!

Mom! Dad! Help! ママ!パパ!助けて!

Oh, no... オーノー…

Don't smack my b- 叩かないで…

AHHHH OH キャアアッ!

Oh, it's just you なんだ、校長ね

Gosh dang it, Principal まったく、校長め…

Principal-san 校長さん

He was never a good Principal, too, honestly 正直、最悪の校長だったわ

The frick is this? I've never seen that 何よコレ?初めて見たわね

No! もう!

No!!! ダメ!!

Oh crap! しまった!

One 1

'Ni' Ni

Eh.. 'san'! えっと…san!

'Go'! No, 'yon'! 'Go'! Go…いえ、yon! Go!

Why is he so close right now? なんでこんなに近づいてるのよ!?

I hear him! 聞こえるわ!

Shoot! もうっ!

No, save me! 助けて!

Give me detention! Good 居残りさせて!よし…

NOOO! イヤッ!

YOU- ねえ…




AHH キャッ!

Aauuuhhhh あーーーーーーーっ…

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh はあぁぁぁぁぁぁーーーーーーーーーーーーっ……

Can I punch you? パンチできる?

Can I push you? 突き飛ばせる?

No? 無理?

Come on, let me at him ねえ、一発殴らせて!

You made my childhood crap! 私の幼少期を台無しにしやがって!

Whatever とにかく…

I'm doing fantastic 完璧なんじゃない?

Yeah, frick you, too.... ええ、あなたもね…

What's my prize? 私への賞はないの?

Disappointment? 失望してるで賞?

Depression? lol 憂鬱で賞?w

lol www

Thanks for the depression 憂鬱をありがとう

lol www

Three 3

Negative four マイナス4

mamhagyogogyogooo まみゃぁーぐゅよよよよよー!

OK, we're going, uh, left OK、左に行くわ

which is 'hidari' 「Hidari」ね

We always go le- 私はいつも左側に…

Frick! I see... I see that guy, no もう!あいつが今見えたわ


That's the vroom-vroom guy 「ブオンブオン野郎」だわ

No wait, I think we just made a loop-the-loop もしかしてループしちゃってる?

This is a bad idea マズいわね

Ah, eleven えっと、11

Nine 9

Nyohnyohnyooohhh にょよよよよよよよー

Random sound effects 適当な声で

for the answer, yeah 答えてみたわ

Oh! We actually have 3 notebooks ノートを3冊持ってるじゃない!

OK, so 3 is, like, the default まあ、3冊が基本って感じだけどね

Let's go! "Faculty…" あっちね!「職員室…」

We don't need that やっぱりいいわ

I'll get, like, my distance 距離を置いておけば…

What the... なっ…!

"No running in the halls!" 「廊下を走るな!」

Yeah, I hated your school あなたの学校、嫌いよ

I know you did crack cocaine in the back of the gym 体育館の裏でコカインやってるの知ってるわよ!

This school sucks この学校は最低だわ

I wish I had a regular childhood with my teenage hijinks 楽しい青春時代を送れたら良かったのに

Aw, man, gee whiz もう、なんてこと…

Could-could've had a normal... normal life for once 1度でいいから普通の人生を送りたかったわ…

"Wow"... Oh, man 「おや!」ですって!

AHHHH! キャアアーッ!

CRAP, IS THIS A DEAD END!? 行き止まりなの!?

Ooohh! ハッ!

No! イヤッ!

Nooo!!! イヤーッ!!

Oh! Ahhh! ああっ…!


GYAAAAAHHHH にゃぁーーーーーーっ…

This game sucks! lol このゲーム最悪!

This game SUCKS! ホントに最悪!!

OK, you know what, we'll give it one last try OK、これが最後のプレイね

and the we're just taking the time machine 私たちはタイムマシンを使ってるだけだし

and going back to my own time, OK? あと1回終わったら元の時代に戻る、いい?

'Cuz I hated school, I hated this school! この学校が大嫌いなんだもの!

We'll do it one more time じゃあもう1度始めるわ

Yeah, hi ハーイ

Hi, Baldi-sensei こんにちは、バルディ先生

Oh, man, I'm so glad this school closed down in the future この学校が未来で閉鎖されてホントに良かったわ

Ow, I can't get through the desk, I'm too fat あら、机の間を通り抜けられない…太りすぎね

Ahhhhh fourteen えぇーっと…14

'Hachi' Hachi

Negative 'ichi' Negative ichi

Tara-tara-taaa tara たらたら たーーー たら♪

Negative one マイナス1

Negative four マイナス4

Ngyogyuonoyugooo にょよよよよよーよよー

I'm trying to conserve my stamina, guys スタミナを温存してみるわ

I don't have no more stamina, not as a child 小さい頃みたいに元気いっぱいじゃないの

We are gonna get that scissors あのハサミが欲しいわ

Cuz tha- だって…

I can't get through the desk! 机の間が通れないじゃない!

I'm too fat!!! 太りすぎよ!!


Ahhh あーっ…

What is it? Thirteen? これは…13?

Gyonhyonhoyonh にょよよよよよよーよよよー

Depression 憂鬱

AAAaaaAAAHHH あああーーーっ!!

Principal! Save me! I'm running 助けて校長!今走って逃げてるわよ!

He gets like... 彼は多分…

decently fast for 3 ノート3冊分よりも速いわ

Yeah よし…

Come on, guy さあ来なさい

This is hard これは厳しいわ…

Can I have some stamina, please? スタミナを回復できるかしら?

Where is gym class? I need to work on my endurance 体育の授業はどこでやってるの?忍耐力を鍛えないと

This is what happens when you just play games in high school 高校でゲームばかりしてるとこうなるのよ

Mostly MMOs 大体はMMOね

My anime MMOs, of course 私が遊んだアニメ調のMMOもそう

Can I have food? 食事は摂れる?

There is so much food here I can have たくさんあるじゃない!

What is this? あれは?

Can I have that, or what? 取れるかしら?

No? 無理?

Well... まあ…

I guess I have scissors to cut my hair with, or ハサミを持ってるけど…髪を切るか、それとも…

kill myself with lol 自分を殺そうかしら…w

Let me recharge my stamina スタミナを回復させて

He's gonna appear pretty soon, so 先生はすぐに出てくるわ

Actually, I think 思うんだけど

I think solving these problems give me stamina, anyway, whatever この問題を解くとスタミナが回復するんじゃない?

Eight 8

Eleven 11

Nyogohooguyoooo にょよよよよにょよよよよよーー!

There you go さあどうぞ

Run 逃げるわ

Aaahhhh アアアーーッ!

Ruuunnnn 逃げて!

Help me! 助けて!

Help me!!! 助けて!!

Aaaahhh キャアーーーーッ!

*gasp* ハッ…

DEAD END? 行き止まり!?

DEAD END!? 行き止まり!?

THAT'S A DEAD END 行き止まりじゃない!

That's a dead end. That's a- 行き止まりだわ!行き…

fsfhlglhk qあwせdr

Help! 助けて!

Noooo! イヤーッ!

Nyooouuuhohohohoohhhh にょーよよよにょよよよよーー……


Well さて…

That's it for my childhood 今回お見せしたのが、私の幼少期…

OK, guys さあ…

we are going back to the time machine タイムマシンに戻るわ

We are going back to my, uh... そして未来に…えっと…

Future, technically, present self, in a sense 正確に言えば現代に戻るわ

and we are just, we are gonna forget my childhood, OK? もう私の昔のことは忘れてね、いい?

This is... これは…

This is trauma トラウマなの

This is traumatizing me 私は心的外傷を受けたの

You know the DSMR for PTSD PTSDの診断基準があるでしょ

Well, it meets this criteria それに当てはまるのよ

Anyway, thanks for watching the video さて、動画を見てくれてありがとう!

Please consider leaving a like, subscribing, Patreon or donating! 高評価にチャンネル登録、Patreonもよろしくね!

Please! お願い!

And I'll see you guys later また会いましょう!

Buh-bye! バイバーイ!

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