Just put that over there
You know there's a twenty dollar delivery charge
Oh, my mistake
I deserve a damn Image Award
Oh Come on man, he gets one every year
The Cheapskate doesn't even buy a pool
You just do that thing
A-ha, yeah, good bye
You know me
I'm calling the security
For more infomation >> -!- Fresh Metal Prince Gear of Bel-Air Solid V: The Parody -!- - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
The Vampire Diaries | Memories with Julie Plec | The CW - Duration: 2:37.
Science Finally Says We Should Never Work 40 Hours A Week - Duration: 3:53.
Reason number 1,215 for why science rules: it turns out, we're all putting in way too
much time at our jobs!
Science says: work less!
Hey there working stiffs, Trace here for DNews!
Like many of you out there, I have a full-time job.
And I generally put in 40 hours a week, or a lot more.
But new research out of Australia suggests that I may be putting my health at risk.
The study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine sampled roughly 3,800 men
and 4,000 women to get an idea of how working for a long time would affect their health.
They found that on average, working more than 39 hours per week led to a decline in mental
Researchers think this is because it gives you less time to eat healthy meals and to
take care of yourself.
And there were actually pretty huge differences in how men and women were affected by work.
For men the upper healthy limit was pegged around 43.5 hours, whereas for women it was
closer to 38.
That difference was made even more dramatic when considering that women are often expected
to take care of household, unpaid work in addition to their hourly workload.
Nonetheless, many countries, including the entire European Union, have implemented a
maximum 48-hour work week.
The International Labor Office has released reports detailing how working more than 48-hours
can significantly increase the risk of mental health problems, and working more than 60
hours regularly can even lead to physical problems, especially cardiovascular disease.
Another recent study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked at people
who'd been working for a least ten years, and found that the risk of cardiovascular
disease increases as the number of hours worked per week increases, with the health risk being
lowest between 40 and 45 hours per week.
For those workers who sit all day in an office, the effects can be even worse.
A 2014 study of 4,000 civil servants in the UK found that those who sat more than 25 hours
per week tended to increase their chances of insulin resistance and had higher rates
of "bad" cholesterol.
Both of these are risk factors for diabetes, and the same study found that those who sat
fewer than 12 hours per day actually lowered their risk of diabetes by up to 75%.
A poll of nearly 240,000 US workers found that among those working full-time, more than
one-in-ten had been diagnosed with depression.
Of course, this only shows that people who work full-time might also be depressed, not
that working necessarily causes depression.
Nonetheless, the correlation is worth noting.
And although the original study we looked at recommends an average of 39 hours a week,
that may not be the whole story when it comes to how working affects your health.
It also matters whether or not you take breaks during the day.
Although many countries have laws guaranteeing employees regular breaks, those breaks may
not be frequent enough for maximum productivity.
The brain gets tired when repeatedly stressed.
And in fact, it's possible that the best way to boost your health and productivity
is not to come into work at all! [rimshot], No but seriously.
Working from home is getting more and more popular thanks to the internet and telecommuting,
but it's still not the norm.
A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research looked at call center employees in
China, and their performance when working from home.
They found that on average, the employees worked more minutes per shift, and took more
calls per minute at home, bumping their productivity by about 13% when working from home.
The workers also reported higher work satisfaction.
Not a surprise.
So in the end, the healthiest and most productive solution seems to be working fewer hours,
from home, with plenty of breaks.
So catch me next time on DNews, where I'll be reporting from my house.
Stay tuned!
If you're stuck working long hours, would it help to listen to music?
Do you think that would boost your productivity?
Find out in this video here.
What about you?
Do you feel like you work too much?
Do you listen to music while you work?
Let us know down in the comments, make sure you subscribe for more DNews and thanks for
Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery During World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR Special - Duration: 7:57.
It's something we take for granted today, reconstructive surgery.
People rebuild, augment, or reduce parts of their bodies by the millions.
100 years ago, though, it was in its infancy, and indeed it was the First World War that
saw the rapid development of modern plastic surgery.
I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to a Great War special episode about plastic surgery and
the First World War.
During the war, weaponry and military technology were leaps and bounds ahead of surgical technology.
This was particularly the case with regard to the faces of soldiers and sailors that
had been damaged by bullets or shrapnel.
If you think about it, trenches protected bodies better than they did heads.
A soldier who peered out over no man's land could well get a facial injury from an enemy
sniper, though exploding shells and shrapnel were the chief causes of facial damage.
A surgeon from New Zealand named Dr. Harold Gillies, eventually Sir Harold Gillies, studied
medicine at Cambridge and was shocked by the facial injuries he saw in the British Army
Medical Corps.
He took the initiative in plastic surgery and eventually set up a specialist hospital
in London.
Although there were plastic surgery techniques that date back 2,000 years, modern plastic
surgery developed and advanced quite rapidly during the war as Gillies and his team of
surgeons performed some 100,000 operations on around 5,000 men.
Multiple surgeries were required back then in the days before antibiotics when skin grafts
and open wounds had a high rate of infection.
Gillies overcame the infection problem by actually moving living tissue from one part
of the body to another, and this process could take years and many surgeries.
One method involved embedding rib cartilage on the forehead, and when that surgery had
healed the cartilage was swung down to form the nose.
The real trick was to keep the tissue connected to the body's bloodstream and immune system,
and allow skin to grow its natural waterproof protection.
This sounds pretty radical, doesn't it?
But perhaps the most revolutionary procedure was the development of the tube pedicle.
This involved forming human tissue into tubes in someplace like the shoulder, and then walking
the tube to the face.
It's anchored at both ends and then you sever one and reconnect it closer and closer
to the face.
This process was invented by Gillies.
It actually looked like the handle on a piece of luggage and the process of moving it was
called "waltzing" the tube pedicle.
Gillies and his team set up their plastic surgery hospital in Sidcup, south east of
London, and Gillies got a war permit to travel around France to study things there like cosmetic
In the public areas near the Sidcup hospital, blue benches were set up where the wounded
men could sit without the public having to look at them, which protected the patients
from the horrified stares.
And mirrors were not provided for patients because many of them would collapse in shock
at the sight of their own faces.
European surgeons from before the war had a strong influence on Gillies and plastic
surgery, as he acknowledged, though he was the first to practice reconstructive techniques
in Britain.
There were plastic facilities on the continent during war, of course, in places like the
center for Maxillofacial surgery in Lyon, Jacques Joseph's Section for facial plastic
surgery at Charité Hospital in Berlin, and the Dusseldorf Hospital for the Facially injured,
and August Lindemann was writing publications hoping to improve the facially injured soldiers'
initial frontline care.
Dr. Gillies and his team took loads of before and after photos, and you can find many such
photos searching on the Internet.
What they document is that a soldier, literally with his face blown off, could years later
have a normal looking face.
Again, plastic surgery was still in its infancy so many soldiers did not get a normal looking
face in the end, nor survive the many surgeries.
One success story was Lieutenant William Spreckley, whose face was damaged at Ypres.
He spent over three years at the hospital, and you can see the process of repairing his
face to a normal looking face over the course of multiple surgeries.
Eventually, people could not even tell his face had been reconstructed, and the older
he got the more natural his face looked.
If, for some reason, a disfigured soldier did not get a good result, he was provided
with a mask.
These were usually made with copper or tin and were held on with straps or attached to
Sculptors and artists achieved notable success forming and painting the masks to approximate
the color of facial skin.
At Third London General Hospital in Wandsworth, Francis Derwent Wood made metal masks in what
became known as "the Tin Noses Shop".
Wood made custom designed masks and prosthetic attachments using prewar portraits of his
American sculptor Anna Coleman Ladd, did pretty much the same thing for French and American
soldiers at her Studio for Portrait Masks in Paris.
Of course, facial expressions were either partly or wholly obscured, though grateful
letters were sent to the makers of the masks because they allowed some soldiers to re-enter
normal life.
And that was a big problem with disfiguring facial wounds, and many of those men had sad
They referred to themselves as "broken gargoyles".
Veterans who came home with a mask would quite likely send their own children running in
fear and revulsion and apparently hospitals for amputees were cheerful in comparison to
the facial reconstruction hospital.
Patients leaving the hospital could face serious difficulty in life.
Many sought employment that allowed them to work out of sight of others.
Marriages could break up.
Single men with disfiguring injuries could be unable to find a mate, and social isolation
and shame for these men often resulted.
It is not without some truth to say that for those with these wounds, perhaps the most
horrible wounds of the war, it was a fate worse than death.
A soldier lost his identity, his pride, perhaps his wife, attractiveness in general, the willingness
to work, play, and socialize with other people.
The face is the home to your feelings, personality, emotions, romantic attachment, age, ethnicity,
identity, communications, and more.
And when war takes away someone's identity, though they survived its battle horrors, you
can really see its true cost.
Alcoholism, isolation, depression, and suicide were the fates of many of these men.
Today, plastic surgeons can quickly work miracles, and there is no question that those miracles
began during the First World War, and many began with Dr. Harold Gillies.
He is very much an unsung hero of the war, and at least there is the consolation that
something good, something very important in our modern world, came out of this war with
all of its slaughter and misery.
How To Change A Broken Spoke On Your MTB | Mountain Bike Maintenance - Duration: 3:41.
- Replacing a spoke can be one of those really annoying
but it's such an easy task.
In my case, I actually rode through a bush,
a stick got caught in the wheel and snapped the spoke.
It could come down to fatigue
that you need to replace that spoke,
and in this video we're gonna show you
just how easy it is to replace a spoke in your wheel.
So the tools that you're gonna need to carry this out
are gonna be your replacement spoke and nipple,
a range of different keys,
these are all dependent upon your nipple
and then depending on that nipple,
you can either have a spoke driver, a threader
or even just, if you're hacking it,
you can use a flat-bladed screwdriver.
(light music)
So to make this just a little bit easier for myself,
what I've actually done is I've prepared the rim.
So I've taken off the tyre,
I've taken off the rim strip to make this wheel tubeless
and then I've taken off the cassette and the disc roter.
Now, what that is gonna do is just allow me
to have a lot more space and actually putting the spoke
actually through the eyelet of the hub
and then into the rim and putting the nipple
and putting it all back together,
will just be so much easier without all that on there.
(upbeat music)
Okay, so now it comes time to actually fit that new spoke.
Now, on my wheel, this is a straight-pull spoke wheel
so you can actually see that the eyelets
are almost stamped where you're gonna put that spoke in.
Now, some other ones is slightly different,
where they might have a normal flange
that is totally circular with holes drilled in
and that is when you have to be careful
about which spoke direction goes,
whether it's coming from the inside or from the outside.
In my case, I'm just gonna find that hole,
poke the spoke through and then we're gonna take a look
at how the threads are done and where it crosses over,
two and then under three.
(light music)
Okay, so popping that spoke in,
let me just find where it goes, there we go
and now this is really the crucial part,
that gives that wheel the structural integrity.
As I was saying, it has to go, in my case,
under two, so there we go, one, two,
and then just pulling it through, it goes over the last one,
up towards where the hole is gonna go
and then we'll get that nipple in in a second
just once we get this fully threaded in.
So now that we've got that spoke
correctly through the wheel,
we've got laced over the other spokes correct,
it's time to drop the nipple actually into the rim itself
and I've got a really handy little hack
that I'm gonna show you guys
and this, is you can actually use
your broken bit of your old spoke,
thread it onto the other end of the nipple
that actually comes through the hole
and then you can actually just poke that
and pop it into the rim itself and you won't be bothered
by actually dropping the nipple in here,
which can be an absolute nightmare to try and get out.
So you can just pop that in,
there we go.
Okay, so we've got the spoke into the rim itself,
it's now just time to remove that,
and then we're gonna attach that nipple
onto the spoke, we're gonna use a special tool to do that.
You could, at this point, if you've got
a more general spoke, this is when you'll be using
your flat headed screwdriver.
Okay, so that's the spoke back attached to the nipple,
I've loosely tightened it up using my driver
and now it is time to actually use my spoke key
and we're just gonna tension that up just a little bit more.
We're not gonna do it too tight though,
we're just gonna make sure that it's snugly fitted together
cos we're gonna put it into the Truing Stand
to make sure that the wheel is in the right condition
and that there's not any side to side or up to down wobble
but this, being a carbon rim,
there shouldn't be any of that.
So there we go, the spoke is fitted
and now that all remains is to put it in the stand
and get it trued up.
Don't forget to subscribe to GMBN
and if you want to watch a vide on how to true that wheel
then click right here
and if you want to know how to take that cassette off
then click down here.
Of course, leave all your comments down below
and give us a thumb up like.
Kaizen - I Can't Help It - Duration: 3:12.
Call me stupid But the truth is
All these bruises All these scars
That's me
I'm better bleeding Better screaming
I don't mind, this is what I love That's me
So blame my past Blame it on my heart
Blame the fire Burning in my lungs
Hate me, love me Please don't get me wrong
Blame the tears Rolling down your face
Blame yourself for Wanting me to change
Hate me, love me I will stay the same
Cause I can't help it, no no no I can't help it, no no no
Call me reckless Yeah I get it
No excuses for broken arms That's me
Cause I'm tired of sleeping Living easy
Fire trails and false alarms Yeah, that ain't me
So blame my past Blame it on my heart
Blame the fire Burning in my lungs
Hate me, love me Please don't get me wrong
Blame the tears Rolling down your face
Blame yourself for Wanting me to change
Hate me, love me I will stay the same
Cause I can't help it, no no no I can't help it, no no no
Mail & Thank you ✉️️✉️️ - Duration: 9:09.
SPEED DRAWING #6 - Jak pokonać blokadę artystyczną - Duration: 3:24.
Who're you, baby? Gently came with your innocence
Who're you, baby? Like a sweet morning sunbeam lighted up the dew
my eyes adored you
my heart got weak cause
Deeply in love with you since that moment
and make every second count!
Days passing by, the dawn rises, wipes all the troubles away
Days passing by, I send my love and memories of you to the blue sky
Glancing at your beautiful eyes makes me shy
Wanna kiss you softly on your lips and hair, I dream
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
A wind is singing a melody of love
Thousand stars are flashing
Hugging you softly (Love you, cherish you with all my heart)
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
Close our eyes for a long while
Wishing together forever
In a passionate love like the first days
Spring serenely came bringing me dreams
Summer kept sweet and lovely rainy days
Autumn had falling leaves, winter has come… I miss you
My little love is just only for you!
There is the voice still whisper into my ears day by day
There are the bewildering eyes that I still miss day by day
Love you madly
with my foolish heart
Will never have to wait
For someone in the dusk
Drowning in poetry
Looking at you foolishly and dreaming
Please don't just walk away
Don't be cold, don't be indifferent to me
Look at me baby
Promise me, your smiles are only mine
My heart has simply spoken its love
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
A wind is singing a melody of love
Thousand stars are flashing
Hugging you softly (Love you, cherish you with all my heart)
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
Close our eyes for a long while
Wishing together forever
In a passionate love like the first days!
Spring serenely came bringing me dreams
Summer kept sweet and lovely rainy days
Autumn had falling leaves, winter has come… I miss you
My little love is just only for you
Uhhhhhhhh Missing you
Uhhhhhhhh Missing you so much
Ahhhhh behind the horizon
Someone will cross the path to walk with you on a long journey
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
A wind is singing a melody of love
Thousand stars are flashing
Hugging you softly (Love you, cherish you with all my heart)
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
Close our eyes for a long while
Wishing together forever
In a passionate love like the first days!
Spring serenely came bringing me dreams
Summer kept sweet and lovely rainy days
Autumn had falling leaves, winter has come… I miss you
My little love is just only for you!
Pascal Bruckner – O dilema do multiculturalismo - Duration: 2:36.
I'm not very familiar with the Brazilian situation,
because I've been here for a short while,
but I think it has little to do with it,
because we,
in France, adopted the republican model,
which, in principle, is of equality among all citizens.
Every French citizen,
even the ones with foreign origin who are in our territory
must respect the Laws of the Republic.
And there's an essential law, the law of secularity,
in other words, of the separation between Church and State,
which appeared in 1905, after two centuries of violent clashes
between the Republic and the Church.
Now that Islamism became the second larger religion in France,
a certain number of Muslims wish to escape this law
and require Muslims to simply obey
the Quranic rules, which isn't possible in France.
Therefore, that's a source of tension,
but the problem caused by multiculturalism,
which occurs in every country in the world, because now almost every country,
have, in their peripheries,
citizens of multiple origins,
the problem of multiculturalism is the following:
the law is the same for everyone,
whatever their race, their origin, their religion, their gender,
or is it necessary to make separate laws for each community?
The Anglo-Saxon model tends to integral communitarianism,
in other words, the cohabitation between different communities:
the Hindu, the Sikhs, the Chinese,
the Jews, the Muslims. Or, then, instead,
despite the religious and cultural differences,
is there a single law for every citizen?
The French model refuses the communitarian division,
even if this model is being overly contested
and questioned nowadays. I think that
a nation can live with citizens from all over the world
and, nevertheless, have an awareness of its unicity.
Spiderman and Frozen Elsa VALENTINE w/ Venom, Hulk, Anna, Batman, Joker 👍Superhero in real life - Duration: 12:48.
Spiderman and Frozen Elsa VALENTINE w/ Venom, Hulk, Anna, Batman, Joker 👍Superhero in real life
Aabrakadabra - Short Film | Cute Love Story | by Jj Fredrick - Duration: 13:46.
(eye closing)
(lucid dream begins)
This is going to be the best day of my life.
Dear God, please make sure..
I don't mess up as usual.
Hey photo copy!
Don't you have any means to change yourself?
Messing up with all your superstitions and sentiments...
Do you wish to fail there too?
Hey! why are you here?
Hey! Are you dumb?
Only I will appear when you look in the mirror.
Do you expect Danush or Simbu?
Why are you bugging me..
On this very important day?
Hey Xerox, I have been with you all my life..
I know what you are going to do.
That's why I'm here.
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Or, I will Take your spot..
And work my charm. Beware!
You!! Oh please..
Do you think I don't know about you. you cant do anything.
Do whatever you want. Leave now.
So You are up for that!
I'm coming now.
From the beginning.
Let's see who wins.
Inauspicious time 9.00 am - 10.00 am.
Auspicious Time 10.00 am - 11.00 am.
The only day when even the well dressed..
confuse to choose one from the wardrobe,
Is this special Valentine's day.
Valentine's Day wishes to all. I'm your 'love Guru'.
It is beleived that,
Wearing green today will help your love life blossom.
Im repeating, Green helps your love life.
I'm following the same.
Let's see how it works.
The next song is for you.
Good time has begun.
Damn, It's already late.
Her gift! It's ok.
Good morning Sir!
Things have been going wrong from the morning.
Ok. If I cross before the singal turns red..
I will succeed.
Thanks bro.
Brother, the white one.
-Brother, please hurry. -One moment please.
Yes. Ok.
I'm here. Don't mess up.
Yes, Sir.
Lost your key or your bike?
-Wow! Ramya, you are right. The key... - I know about you.
-Ok. I'm leaving. - Hi.
Nice, Sir has arrived on time.
- Ok. Come sit. -Thanks.
How can I be late on my Ramya's Birthday?
Shirt is really nice.
Are you not ashamed of yourself?
Don't show me your teeth.
Didn't I tell you not to wear this colour shirt?
You are pissing me off wearing it on my birthday.
You are so annoying.
Don't you know how to impress your girl.
I didn't notice all this because I was in a hurry to see you.
If I spent time on all this,
I should only look at you from a distance.
And you would have waved good bye.
Do we need that?
Don't act too smart.
And also it's important who you're trying to impress.
Oh, then why are you sitting here?
Go impress the girl who looks impressive.
Go. Impress whoever you wish.
I don't give a damn.
I'm too good for you.
Hey Ramya have a look at her.
See how cute she is.
Please look.
Don't ever think that I will leave you.
Don't think I will spare you, if you leave me.
Ok. Get this.
Do you wish to fail..
with all your superstitions?
That's why I'm here
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Or, I will Take your spot..
And do the needful. Beware!
Are you mad?
Don't you have any means to change yourself?
Always being with you,
I know what you are about to do.
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Are you mad?
I will be there in half an hour.
Will be there in half an hour.
Does love seem like a mirror?
Does it frighten you?
Does time pass away in front of us?
Faking happiness in disguise of sadness.
Just look at your heart for a moment,
Only success lies ahead.
Look for the truth,
Wind will be on your side for sure.
All my actions outpoured out of my love.
I lost myself to your love, my love.
You have filled my life to infinity, my love.
I have surrendered myself to you.
I'm floating in a dream,
Spending all my life with you.
I'm so excited inside.
Turning into a baby in your hands.
Supergirl | Inside Supergirl: The Luthors | The CW - Duration: 1:31.
John Death tiene una cita - T3 / Cap 5 - Duration: 1:52.
has an appointment
Experiencing 5D Energies With Gaia And Your Star Family - Duration: 5:20.
Experiencing 5D Energies With Gaia And Your Star Family.
by Jelelle Awen,
Lifting of the veil to remember�. the earth�s magnetic fields are calibrating UP lately
in response to energies from the galaxy.
All is going up to facilitate our remembrance of WHO we are as multidimensional beings.
All is going UP so that we can be fast tracked to remember this.
All is going UP so that we can heal our pain bodies, our emotional bodies that can be heavy
with heart stuff at times.
Gaia is going UP, with or without us, though She would like us to come along.
Gaia is returning to fifth dimensional frequencies that she once experienced in our golden age
in the last era/chapter of Atlantis.
She doesn�t want to shake us off, but it may happen to some souls if their sovereign
choice and need is to experience more 3D reality.
Their experience will be somewhere else or out of the physical body again.
Gaia is shaking of lower dimensional entities too that have been feeding off of humanity�s
descent for a long time.
Each soul has the opportunity to rise above this too, casting out with the light of love
those beings that are vibrating low and at a fear frequency.
You won�t even experience them anymore once you are UP enough.
Connecting with Mother Gaia through the feet chakra and our earth chakra (about a foot
below our physical feet) allows you to feel what She is feeling and remain connected to
Her as she ascends.
It can be helpful to have a meditation visit with Mother Gaia and let Her embrace you,
feeling her appreciation for your love of nature, your letting in of nature, your need
of nature.
Time is letting go and needs to be more let go.
Timelines want to blur, want to invite us to go here and there, beyond what is linear.
Going UP is to remember that there are no �past lives� but only parallel aspects
of ourselves, being in dimensions, being in life, being in different frequencies of consciousness
You can connect with and experience these parallel selves, which live in other galaxies,
dimensions, �eras�, during meditation through following your intuitions and resonant
If you are reading articles about Pleiadians, for example, you have a Pleiadian self and
star family that is trying to connect with you.
Go into meditation, raise your frequency, and ask to connect.
Then be open to whatever happens next.
Jump into going UP with them to remember more of who you are.
We need these multidimensional aspects of ourselves and the consciousness that they
They are lived-in experience of the fifth dimension and higher.
They are living in unity, collective mind, no separation of self, no separation from
one to the other.
Connecting with them brings us into reminder of this.
And, with all that is galactically happening to support this, it is easier now to form
this connection.
Less veils to lift and stuff to sludge through to find them again.
Going UP into crystalline body can be challenging on the physical body, so rest when needed,
pass out if needed, meditate and go within.
And, also, start letting go of busy things in your life, things that consume your energy
and leave you exhausted.
Let go or change the way you relate with them if you feel they are meant to stay and that
they serve your soul purpose and higher reason for being here.
Allow the body to BE and follow its rhythms as much as you can, not the routines of life
based on duty and old ideas of time.
Emotions can come up too as tears and sadness are part of the Re-union process and the remembering
Feeling home again and remembering your galactic self can leave you feeling like you have �missed
out� on so much, yet, to remember too that you so nobly chose to incarnate at this �time�
of great awakening and ascension.
Hold your feelings with love and care.
Connect with the aspects of you that need you and allow them to connect with your higher
frequencies too.
They can bring you UP to joy too and bliss too.
Going UP is natural, ultimately more natural than the experiment that these denser frequencies
have been for all of us.
We are honored by the Universe for what we have undertaken in this experiment here.
Now we are leading others and ourselves back to the �New� in the Now of the Moment
and back
to ONE again.
Back to Love again�.
Lin-Manuel Miranda explains his tasty creative process - Duration: 3:07.
Meet the former refugee who became Norway's Wrestling star | Flag and Family - Duration: 5:09.
I represent two countries, even though
it's one flag on my chest.
My name is Grace Jacob Bullen.
I'm 19 years old and I'm from Norway,
here in Fredrikstad.
I'm a wrestler,
I've been doing wrestling since I was four years old.
I came to Fredrikstad when I was four years old
as a refugee.
We came from Eritrea where I was born, but my family
is originally from South Sudan.
The best part in wrestling is when I go to my club
and I meet my friends, we get to laugh, we get to cry,
because the training's so hard, and my coach always says,
"We cry at practices but smile on the tournaments."
My coach saw the stone
and said, like, "Let's go up on it."
The first time I didn't even want to climb it,
and the second time I managed to climb it.
The third time he said, "You're going to jump on it,"
and I was denying it, and that's kind of
the relationship I have with the stone
that I always can do a creative thing
that I didn't have the courage to do
at the first time I was there.
The one place I will remember the most and never forget
was my trip to China and to Nanjing.
You feel so little,
but you feel also a part of something big.
We came to Norway as a family from the UN.
My mother was highly pregnant and she was also really ill.
My father, he was always standing in the line every day.
I remember my father came back really emotional -
he wasn't crying, he is a tough guy,
so when we came to the office
we were given envelopes, where it stood
"Norway and Family Bullen".
When I was four years old till I was six
I was always for myself -
I could be in the game and play with them
but I didn't smile a lot.
I was really quiet at that time, and when they see me now
they're really glad and really happy,
because most of them remember me
as the little child that didn't smile,
but they know why I didn't smile.
I think that the people at the wrestling hall in Fredrikstad
made me smile afterwards.
Because after a while I knew that
maybe we're going to be in Norway permanently,
and that's one of the reasons
I didn't want to engage with people,
I didn't want to communicate with people
because I didn't know how long we were going to stay here.
Because I have participated
as a Norwegian so many times
I feel like I AM a Norwegian,
but I can't forget where I come from
because that is really important
and that's what makes who I am today.
I want to be at the Olympics, I want to have a degree,
I want to make my family even more proud,
I want to make my town even more proud,
but most of all, I want to be happy.
Happiness for me is to be safe,
I can say.
"I Wouldn't Serve This Food To A Freakin' Inmate!" - Bar Rescue, Season 5 - Duration: 1:35.
Look at this frickin' place.
Vic: What is that, guys?
That is a foreign substance.
Mystery meat?
That is something that would not get within a foot of my mouth.
- Do you see the layer of whatever that is? - Fat?
It's the layer of fat that comes to the top.
Meaning that container hasn't been changed in days,
and every day at the end of the shift,
you're supposed to transfer one container into the other.
What the hell is doing, there?
He is wearing gloves, though, I'll give him that.
Okay, there we have a little moisture.
Vic: I love water in my meat.
Shawn: In the microwave.
And, who cares if the buns are just sitting on
the stainless steel countertop.
You know? I'm sure it's not dirty.
Oh, nuking the bun.
Oh nothing, he may be wearing gloves,
but he's touching everything that he can possibly touch.
Oh, my God. He's sweating on everything.
Look at the grease running out the back of the vents.
Look how delicious that looks.
Holy ( bleep ).
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I wouldn't serve this food to a frickin' inmate.
You notice the gloves, guys? You see any gloves anywhere?
- What gloves? - I don't see any gloves.
The gloves disappeared somewhere,
but he never washed his hands, but he removed the gloves.
That's a big health hazard.
Oh man. This is illegal as hell.
End of recon, guys. We can't let this food go out of the kitchen
and we can't let these drinks go out of the bar.
-No! -Okay, let's go in, let's shut it down.
श्री कृष्ण और दुर्योधन थे समधी !!! How Was Lord Krishna Related To Duryodhana | Do You Know ??? - Duration: 4:30.
Friends, you all must have heard about Lord Krishna,
You must also know that, Lord Krishna had helped both Pandavas & Kauravas.
Lord Krishna had given his Narayani Sena to the Kauravas.
He himself, stood by the side of Arjun & helped the Pandavas.
Friends, Lord Krishna was close to both Pandavas & Kauravas,
Between the Pandavas, Yudhishthira, Bhima & Arjun were Lord Krishna's Aunt Devi Kunti's sons.
On the other hand, Kaurava's King Duryodhana was Lord Krishna's In-law.
This relationship has been explained in Bhagavata Purana, chapter 10.
How did Lord Krishna & King Duryodhana share this relationship?
So lets find out in today's episode.
Friends, as you are aware Lord Krishna had a lot of wives,
One of them was Jambavati,
Who was Lord Krishna's devotee Jamvant's daughter.
Thier marriage was surrounded by a very interesting incident,
We shall talk about this incident in one of our upcoming episodes.
Jambavati had given birth to Lord Krishna's brave son Samba.
In his youth Samba developed feelings for Duryodhana & Bhanumati's daughter Lakshmana.
Kauravas were Kshatriya (the military caste) & could not let their daughter marry a Yadhuvanshi (Rajput Group)
Samba was aware of this.
Due to this, when Duryodhana had announced Lakshmana's Swayamvara (Practice of choosing a husband, from among a list of suitors)
Samba kidnapped Lakshmana from that Swayamvar.
This was not taken well by the Kauravas,
All the Kauravas with the help of Karna, chased Samba & defeated him in the battle & took him into their custody.
When Narad delivered this news in Dwarika,
Under the leadership King Ugrasena, all the Yaduvanshi's were ready to attack the Kauravas.
But at the right time, Lord Krishna's brother Balarama interfered & said,
Kauravas are related to us & it wont be right to attack them.
He himself went to Hastinapur to retrieve Samba & Lakshmana.
When Balarama reached the outskirts of Hastinapur, he sent Uddhava as his messenger to the Kauravas.
All the Kauravas assembled to meet Balarama, when the messenger delivered the news.
Balaram asked them not to fight & asked them to set Samba & Lakshmana free.
On hearing this the Kauravas insulted Balarama & returned to Hastinapur.
Balarama was Sheshnag's Avatar
Kauravas insult only made him more angry.
He was so angry that he decided to kill every Kaurava on the face of the earth.
Balarama raised his plow & dug it deep in Hastinapur's ground,
He started pulling Hastinapur towards Ganga to drown it.
At this moment the Kauravas were terrified & apologized to Balarama for their behavior.
After this, Duryodhana happily Balarama take Samba along with Lakshmana.
And this is how Lord Krishna & Duryodhana became In Laws.
Do let us know what you felt about today's video. Do not forget to Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe to our channel.
Thank you.
MOMJO - CZITUJE HAJSIK - Duration: 2:41.
Melanie Martinez- Cake [Fandub Español] [MMD] (Male Cover) - Duration: 3:29.
Your skin is warm like an oven
Your kiss is sugary sweet
Your fingers feel like cotton
When you put your arms around me
I feel like I'm just missing
Something whenever you leave
We've got all the ingredients
Except you loving me
And respectfully
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
You smell just like vanilla
You taste like buttercream
You're filling up my senses
With empty calories
I feel like I'm just missing
Something whenever you leave
We've got all the ingredients
Except you needing me
So respectfully
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
If I am just a piece of cake
I am just a piece of cake
Then, you're just a piece of meat
You're just a piece of meat to me
If I am just a piece of cake
I am just a piece of cake
Then, you're just a piece of meat
You're just a piece of meat to me
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
The slice of heaven that
I gave
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
Mix 1 Lemon With 1 Tablespoon Of Olive Oil You Will Use This For The Rest Of Your Life! - Duration: 2:45.
One of the most frustrating things for everyone is to wake up exhausted and tired, and start
the day without energy.
This is a drink that will help you cleanse your body from all those harmful toxins.
Your energy levels will be higher and you will feel refreshed through the whole day.
This drink combine two powerful ingredients: olive oil and lemon.
Olive oil contains fatty acids which have the ability to treat the bad cholesterol.
Olive oil is also extremely effective for cleansing the body of toxins.
Everyone should include it in their daily diet.
Health benefits of lemon are very well-known to everyone.
It is abundant in numerous vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B, proteins, and carbohydrates.
They also contain flavonoids which have antioxidant properties.
Combining these two amazing ingredients will help you prevent and treat numerous health
issues like:
To create a strong lubricant for the digestive mucus combination of lemon and olive oil is
It can activate the function of the gallbladder and liver.
This is an effective remedy that acts as a powerful antioxidant, eliminates the toxins,
and improves digestion.
Rheumatic Problems:
This amazing drink possesses very strong anti-inflammatory properties.
You can treat joint pain if you consume it regularly.
Make sure you drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast.
Balancing Out The Bile Of The Liver And Gallbladder:
By consuming this drink in the morning on an empty stomach the growth of gallstones
can be prevented and stopped.
Combine some olive oil, lemon, and water and 1 hour before your breakfast drink it so that
you can flush and detoxify your liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.
Cardiovascular Problems:
Fatty acids that can actually remove the excess of bad cholesterol and reactivate the circulation
are contained in olive oil and they are extremely beneficial for our body.
The results of this drink will definitely amaze you!
Try it out today!
MINUTE - The idea - Listen, do you have a minute? -Escucha, ¿Tienes un minuto? - Duration: 1:01.
ふるふるフューチャー☆ (Furu Furu Future☆) | Cover by Jazi - Duration: 2:08.
My beloved honey
You're like a strawberry
A pure-hearted one
You must look at me, always
Do it now!
I can't wait anymore!
You promised that you'd give me a kiss
Hey why?
You're being a little timid
It's just not like you
Let's run away, just the two of us
On a chartered jetplane
To a deserted island as a vacation, it's easy to do it
Tell me honey
What color is the future?
Everyday my heart feels tighter and tighter
What is this feeling?
My beloved honey
You're an orange
A moody one at that
You must look at me, always
My beloved honey
The future is both of us
Clang Clang
I want to hear the bells chime
You must look at me, always
Videos By Mega Construx™
For more infomation >> Videos By Mega Construx™-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> DS DS 3 CITROËN 1.2 PURETECH SO CHIC * AUTOMAAT * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 BlueHDI 100pk S&S Airco - Duration: 1:01.
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 BlueHDI 100pk S&S Airco - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 BlueHDI 100pk S&S Automaat Airco - Duration: 1:09.
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 BlueHDI 100pk S&S Automaat Airco - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 BlueHDI 100pk S&S 3 Zits AUTOMAAT Airco - Duration: 1:01.
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 BlueHDI 100pk S&S 3 Zits AUTOMAAT Airco - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Aabrakadabra - Short Film | Cute Love Story | by Jj Fredrick - Duration: 13:46.
(eye closing)
(lucid dream begins)
This is going to be the best day of my life.
Dear God, please make sure..
I don't mess up as usual.
Hey photo copy!
Don't you have any means to change yourself?
Messing up with all your superstitions and sentiments...
Do you wish to fail there too?
Hey! why are you here?
Hey! Are you dumb?
Only I will appear when you look in the mirror.
Do you expect Danush or Simbu?
Why are you bugging me..
On this very important day?
Hey Xerox, I have been with you all my life..
I know what you are going to do.
That's why I'm here.
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Or, I will Take your spot..
And work my charm. Beware!
You!! Oh please..
Do you think I don't know about you. you cant do anything.
Do whatever you want. Leave now.
So You are up for that!
I'm coming now.
From the beginning.
Let's see who wins.
Inauspicious time 9.00 am - 10.00 am.
Auspicious Time 10.00 am - 11.00 am.
The only day when even the well dressed..
confuse to choose one from the wardrobe,
Is this special Valentine's day.
Valentine's Day wishes to all. I'm your 'love Guru'.
It is beleived that,
Wearing green today will help your love life blossom.
Im repeating, Green helps your love life.
I'm following the same.
Let's see how it works.
The next song is for you.
Good time has begun.
Damn, It's already late.
Her gift! It's ok.
Good morning Sir!
Things have been going wrong from the morning.
Ok. If I cross before the singal turns red..
I will succeed.
Thanks bro.
Brother, the white one.
-Brother, please hurry. -One moment please.
Yes. Ok.
I'm here. Don't mess up.
Yes, Sir.
Lost your key or your bike?
-Wow! Ramya, you are right. The key... - I know about you.
-Ok. I'm leaving. - Hi.
Nice, Sir has arrived on time.
- Ok. Come sit. -Thanks.
How can I be late on my Ramya's Birthday?
Shirt is really nice.
Are you not ashamed of yourself?
Don't show me your teeth.
Didn't I tell you not to wear this colour shirt?
You are pissing me off wearing it on my birthday.
You are so annoying.
Don't you know how to impress your girl.
I didn't notice all this because I was in a hurry to see you.
If I spent time on all this,
I should only look at you from a distance.
And you would have waved good bye.
Do we need that?
Don't act too smart.
And also it's important who you're trying to impress.
Oh, then why are you sitting here?
Go impress the girl who looks impressive.
Go. Impress whoever you wish.
I don't give a damn.
I'm too good for you.
Hey Ramya have a look at her.
See how cute she is.
Please look.
Don't ever think that I will leave you.
Don't think I will spare you, if you leave me.
Ok. Get this.
Do you wish to fail..
with all your superstitions?
That's why I'm here
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Or, I will Take your spot..
And do the needful. Beware!
Are you mad?
Don't you have any means to change yourself?
Always being with you,
I know what you are about to do.
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Are you mad?
I will be there in half an hour.
Will be there in half an hour.
Does love seem like a mirror?
Does it frighten you?
Does time pass away in front of us?
Faking happiness in disguise of sadness.
Just look at your heart for a moment,
Only success lies ahead.
Look for the truth,
Wind will be on your side for sure.
All my actions outpoured out of my love.
I lost myself to your love, my love.
You have filled my life to infinity, my love.
I have surrendered myself to you.
I'm floating in a dream,
Spending all my life with you.
I'm so excited inside.
Turning into a baby in your hands.
For more infomation >> Aabrakadabra - Short Film | Cute Love Story | by Jj Fredrick - Duration: 13:46.-------------------------------------------
Pokémon Lune #43 - SAUBOHNE & COOP AVEC TILI ! - Duration: 25:06.
For more infomation >> Pokémon Lune #43 - SAUBOHNE & COOP AVEC TILI ! - Duration: 25:06.-------------------------------------------
XXL DONUTS !!! - GET READY SHOW #17 - Duration: 6:29.
For more infomation >> XXL DONUTS !!! - GET READY SHOW #17 - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Why You Should Be Honest With Your Family Law Attorney - Duration: 1:36.
For more infomation >> Why You Should Be Honest With Your Family Law Attorney - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
DragonBall Z Abridged: Episode 1 VF - Duration: 8:24.
For more infomation >> DragonBall Z Abridged: Episode 1 VF - Duration: 8:24.-------------------------------------------
★ How to learn the fate of date of birth. Know your future. Instructions. - Duration: 6:55.
For more infomation >> ★ How to learn the fate of date of birth. Know your future. Instructions. - Duration: 6:55.-------------------------------------------
Watch "Rock Dog" Trailer
Eminem - I'm Back (Lyrics with subtitles) - Duration: 5:11.
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
That's why they call me Slim Shady
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
I murder a rhyme, one word at a time
You never heard of a mind as perverted as mine
You better get rid of that 9, it ain't gonna help
What good's it gonna do against a man that strangles himself?
I'm waiting for Hell, like hell, shit, I'm anxious as hell
Manson, you're safe in that cell, be thankful it's jail
I used to be my mommy's little angel at twelve
Thirteen I was putting shells in a gauge on a shelf
I used to get punked and bullied on my block
Til I cut a kitten's head off and stuck it in this kid's mailbox
I used to give a fuck, now I could give a fuck les
What do I think of success? It sucks, too much press
I'm stressed, too much cess, depressed, too upset
It's just too much mess, I guess I must just blew up quick (yes)
Grew up quick (no) was raised right
Whatever you say is wrong, whatever I say is right
You think of my name now whenever you say hi
Became a commodity because I'm W-H-I-
-T-E, 'cause MTV was so friendly to me
Can't wait 'til Kim sees me
Now, is it worth it? Look at my life, how is it perfect?
Read my lips, bitch! What, my mouth isn't workin'?
You hear this finger? Oh, it's upside down
Here, let me turn this motherfucker up right now
Who're you, baby? Gently came with your innocence
Who're you, baby? Like a sweet morning sunbeam lighted up the dew
my eyes adored you
my heart got weak cause
Deeply in love with you since that moment
and make every second count!
Days passing by, the dawn rises, wipes all the troubles away
Days passing by, I send my love and memories of you to the blue sky
Glancing at your beautiful eyes makes me shy
Wanna kiss you softly on your lips and hair, I dream
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
A wind is singing a melody of love
Thousand stars are flashing
Hugging you softly (Love you, cherish you with all my heart)
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
Close our eyes for a long while
Wishing together forever
In a passionate love like the first days
Spring serenely came bringing me dreams
Summer kept sweet and lovely rainy days
Autumn had falling leaves, winter has come… I miss you
My little love is just only for you!
There is the voice still whisper into my ears day by day
There are the bewildering eyes that I still miss day by day
Love you madly
with my foolish heart
Will never have to wait
For someone in the dusk
Drowning in poetry
Looking at you foolishly and dreaming
Please don't just walk away
Don't be cold, don't be indifferent to me
Look at me baby
Promise me, your smiles are only mine
My heart has simply spoken its love
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
A wind is singing a melody of love
Thousand stars are flashing
Hugging you softly (Love you, cherish you with all my heart)
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
Close our eyes for a long while
Wishing together forever
In a passionate love like the first days!
Spring serenely came bringing me dreams
Summer kept sweet and lovely rainy days
Autumn had falling leaves, winter has come… I miss you
My little love is just only for you
Uhhhhhhhh Missing you
Uhhhhhhhh Missing you so much
Ahhhhh behind the horizon
Someone will cross the path to walk with you on a long journey
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
A wind is singing a melody of love
Thousand stars are flashing
Hugging you softly (Love you, cherish you with all my heart)
Hold my hands, lean on my shoulder By my side, I'm here for you
Close our eyes for a long while
Wishing together forever
In a passionate love like the first days!
Spring serenely came bringing me dreams
Summer kept sweet and lovely rainy days
Autumn had falling leaves, winter has come… I miss you
My little love is just only for you!
Kaizen - I Can't Help It - Duration: 3:12.
Call me stupid But the truth is
All these bruises All these scars
That's me
I'm better bleeding Better screaming
I don't mind, this is what I love That's me
So blame my past Blame it on my heart
Blame the fire Burning in my lungs
Hate me, love me Please don't get me wrong
Blame the tears Rolling down your face
Blame yourself for Wanting me to change
Hate me, love me I will stay the same
Cause I can't help it, no no no I can't help it, no no no
Call me reckless Yeah I get it
No excuses for broken arms That's me
Cause I'm tired of sleeping Living easy
Fire trails and false alarms Yeah, that ain't me
So blame my past Blame it on my heart
Blame the fire Burning in my lungs
Hate me, love me Please don't get me wrong
Blame the tears Rolling down your face
Blame yourself for Wanting me to change
Hate me, love me I will stay the same
Cause I can't help it, no no no I can't help it, no no no
[Eng Sub] Weekly Radio A.C.E Diary: vol.5 (final) DJ Donghun - Duration: 11:49.
I am A.C.E Diary's DJ Donghun
I'll read the comments from last week
This is the first comment
This is from Seoyeon
I'm curious as to what the other members think of you.
ah it's strange for me to say it myself
but since I promised to answer your questions
I asked the other members through kakaotalk
I'll read what they said
First is Chan
"Donghun is like a trustworthy partner."
"Sometimes he helps me like a teacher~"
"Sometimes he scolds me"
I have to scold him sometimes
"He's trustworthy"
I should be trustworthy too~
"He's like a friend I can be comfortable with"
"But I never need to take care of him like he's younger"
There's no reason for me to be like that right?
our age difference is...
"Anyway Donghun is like my supporter"
That is what he wrote cutely
Next is Jason
"Donghun is exactly his role as the oldest member"
"Though he may be sensitive..."
"He helps us fix small mistakes and takes care of us"
"When we go to the dermatologist together in a taxi"
"He'll pay the 5,000 won taxi fare coolly"
"It would be great for him to be like that in the future too"
that's what Jason wrote
He seems to really like that I paid for him
So everyone if you want Jason to think you are cool, just pay his taxi fare.
Next is Jun
"Should I call Donghun a companion?"
Is that how you use the word companion?
"We share the hard times and the good times"
"Even when others left"
"we were together, he's that kind of person"
"But since his body is a bit weak it makes me want to take care of him."
"The kind of person I'd like to give medicine to"
He wants to give me medicine that's so nice
Next is Wow
"Donghun and I are friends with opposite personalities"
"So it stays in our hearts"
"but we've been through a lot together"
"I can see how sincere Donghun is"
"I feel like I can understand him now"
"He's like a family member I can trust"
"It's been hard for him as the oldest member of our team"
"Now I hope he can worry less"
"I'll work hard too"
Surprisingly Wow wrote a very emotional comment
But it's really nice to see Wow lately
He's more like the oldest now
He's doing well
Still I'll keep taking care of him till the end (my heart~)
The members wrote more seriously than I expected
I wasn't expecting anything but
I'm thankful
I'll read the next comment
This is from Ahn Yeji
"I came after getting the notification!"
"I think Donghun has an interesting way of expressing his affection"
did I express affection?
"I so curious as to what concept A.C.E will have when they debut"
"Can you tell us on your next radio?"
That's what they wrote
I think you will already know by the next episode
If you listen till the end of the episode you'll be able to know
I wasn't able to read too many comments here this week again
but everyone still kept participating
and giving us love
I'm so very thankful
Also I have some news for everyone
During the last few weeks
While doing A.C.E Diary
I've been telling you stories about our members right?
but A.C.E Diary ends this week
I'm finishing it before we debut
Though it's not the end forever
I think there will be a new episode after we debut
(tbh I can't breathe rn)
Still it's good news right
We can still meet through A.C.E Diary
We'll be able to meet through broadcasts too
Don't be too upset
Also many people were curious as to when we would debut
Since it's the thing you are all most curious about
I really want to be able to tell you too
I still can't tell you the exact date yet
but it is coming up soon
I wanted you to know that
Also all of the A.C.E members
are practicing our hardest
I hope you can all wait until then and keep supporting us
Even though there is going to be a break in A.C.E Diary
We will still be giving you updates through Youtube and Instagram
Please leave a lot of comments
We will see them and feel good
Also we recently opened the Official A.C.E weibo
If you search Official A.C.E on Weibo you should find it
Please follow us there
Ah since we are wrapping up another episode
It's regretful
When I was first preparing to do this radio
It was so interesting and fun to be able to tell our stories
I was nervous
And it was a bit burdensome to do it alone
But since this is the last one I feel like I want to do even better
I think I'm a bit greedy
So I had thoughts like 'Should we make it even more fun?'
It was nice to be able to show myself
I wanted to do it comfortably
and I worked hard, like now
So tha people would it was good
and that they could comfortably listen to it
Also we would upload the radio late on purpose
I would record after finishing practice
I would be really late when I got back to the dorm
I was able to record comfortably
Though I wondered if the members were ignoring me
Jun was like that, he really slept
It's a good thing right?
While finishing recording
and while uploading the episodes
and while reading everyone's comments
I felt like I could do better
I thought 'ah I should have told this story'
I always felt regretful
Because of A.C.E Diary
I was able to think a lot over the last few weeks
I thought about this time
It all memories now
and we can relive them
It was a really enjoyable time
So I feel like I'll be able to do better in the future
Do I seem too self centered?
It was so fun to have this time together
I was lacking a lot
but you still listened to A.C.E Diary till the end
Thank you so much
I'll come back next season with an even cooler image
Don't forget about A.C.E Diary while it's on a break okay
ah this is so sad
but we'll still meet again
This has been A.C.E Diary's DJ Donghun
Thank you
Pusheen Winter Box 2017 | UNBOXING (w/ my boyfriend! ❤️) - Duration: 8:12.
Is it good things?
No, it's better not to open.
I always get (Japanese) embarrassed (English) when you're with me. I don't know why.
No, you can do that [feel embarrassed]. I'll just look at you.
That makes it even more awkward.
Why are you looking at me?
Go ahead.
(Japanese) It's embarrassing!
(English) You don't have to feel (Japanese) embarrassed.
(English) Now I'm looking at you.
So how do we start [the video]?
Hi everyone!
I'm probably the last person on YouTube to say this but
since this is my first video for 2017
I'm sorry, it's so late.
I got crazy busy with work, with school. I got sick.
Anyway, now I'm here with Atsushi.
Atsushi's in the U.S!
How'd you feel right now?
It's cold.
That's one thing about 2017 I'm really excited about
is Atsushi's going to be here in the U.S with me for the whole year.
It's also be one month since you got here
Yeah, time flies so fast.
I'm still uploading vlogs too of when I went to Japan last summer to see him.
Stay tuned to my channel for those vlogs.
I'll continue uploading those.
If there's any videos you want to see us do while he's here in the U.S.
let me know down in the comments below.
As you can tell, from the title of this video
today I am here to unbox the Pusheen box.
This is the winter 2016/2017 Pusheen box.
If you don't know what Pusheen box is, it's a seasonal subscription box.
So about every 3 months for each season
you get a box full of Pusheen merchandise.
You pay about $40, I think, for each box.
And you're suppose to get over $100 worth of merchandise.
What's nice about this is that usually, you get useful items.
I've had this in my room for like the past month.
I received this as soon as I got back from France
because I went to France for the winter holidays.
And since Atsushi's here, I'm like
"Why don't I open it with him?"
(Japanese) You like cats, right?
(English) No...?
(Japanese) He's kidding!
(English) He got me a Japanese magazine about cats.
You know me so well.
Can I?
We can both open it.
What if there's a real cat in here?
I hope it's not dead, because it's been in my room for so long!
Dead cat.
No! (Japanese) That poor thing!
(English) The box is (Japanese) super cute!
(English) It has a little bow and everything.
I have no idea what's inside.
You ready?
How can I open this?
(Japanese) Um, this here, see?
(English) Like this.
You want to do it? Here you open it.
Is it good things?
No, it's better not to open.
Really boring stuff.
Is it really?
Just kidding!
That's so cute!
(Japanese) Wow! There's a lot!
(English) Can you see this?
This is the card that comes with it.
It says "Happy Holidays."
It's so cute.
There's the description of everything in here but we're not going to look.
How about I take one item and then you take one item?
But you can't look.
What is it?
"Pusheen gift stickers."
Wow. Stickers.
That's so cute.
That's actually really smart for Christmas. But they can be used for any occasion.
I love giving presents, so this is very useful.
Yeah, so if I want to give you a present, I can give you cute cat wrapping [paper with it].
And then, I throw it away.
(Japanese) Why?
(English) Why would you throw this away? Look how cute it is!
I feel something soft!
Is it a blanket?
I really hope there's a blanket in here.
Maybe it's not a blanket.
What is this?
It's...what's that?
(Japanese) What? (English) What are you doing?
I have no idea what this is.
What do you think this is?
Yeah, it's a scarf.
That's so cool. I don't really need a new scarf.
But, it's so cute. Okay.
(Japanese) Do you want it?
I don't want it.
(English) I think it'll look good on you.
What is that?
I have no idea.
It says here.
"Tea infuser"
Oh! That's actually really cool.
It's to make tea.
You put the herbs inside it and then you put it in the water.
Oh, I see.
Oh my god, this is adorable!
What are you doing?
I go away for like 5 minutes!
Can I sit down?
I got this in the last box, the fall box.
I see.
So this is going to go perfect with my teacup.
So now I'm set for tea.
I think I'll make some tea after this video.
Aww this is so cute!
What's that?
Like a figurine.
So every month, Pusheen box has exclusive vinyl figurines of Pusheen
and this one's adorable!
It's wearing a little scarf. It's got a cute little hat too!
I'm definitely going to put it in my room.
Can I open this?
Ah. I give up.
It's good quality (Japanese) right?
(English) We'll see.
Oh. I saw squirrel.
Yeah, there's a lot of squirrels in my university.
[It's] going up the tree.
What'd you get?
Oh, it's cute tape! I love those washi tapes.
What is this?
Yes! Oh my god this is great because I needed one of these!
This is perfect because I had a thermos
and then I lost it.
So I got a new one but I don't like it as much.
But this is so cute.
I actually really hoped they had one of these.
Because I think they had one in the winter box last year.
Or they had something really similar
and I was like "oh man! I wished I had this subscription box!"
And now I do!
It's kind of small though.
It's very small.
And the texture is weird.
I don't know if I would bring this to class.
You're going to get strange looks from your classmates.
I think they're all going to be jealous if I use this.
I'm kind of more disappointed by this now
which is sad but I'll still use it definitely.
What is that?
I won't show you.
Oh my god! It's so cute!
They're string lights.
This is cool!
You can wait for [and use it] next Christmas.
I'm going to hang them up in my room right now.
Maybe not right now, but after this video.
(Japanese) You okay?
This makes me happy.
Isn't it cute?
I think there's...two more items.
What is this?
Woah. Origami.
(Japanese) You're wrong.
(English) "Holiday stam-"
Stamp set? Oh, it's stamps!
Those are so cute!
I love stamps.
That should be useful.
I actually really need to get back into writing letters
I used to love doing that.
This is the last one I think.
The last one is the most boring thing.
No! It's gloves.
Those are cute actually. Those are super cute.
I think, it's kind of small for you.
Oh, maybe it's too small...yeah.
The box is empty.
The interesting thing is there is no...
It's fingerless gloves, but then you can put this on top.
This is going to be too small I think.
Oh, maybe not.
(Japanese) Look.
(English) This is a little bit annoying because after you put on this glove
you have [to put this part on too].
This definitely looks weird.
It's definitely too small for me.
But...it's cute.
Yeah it's definitely....yeah too small.
This kind of looks cool though.
Looks cool but
Ah, no. It doesn't look cool.
You can cut this.
This is a cute idea but it just
doesn't look cute.
It looks weird. I think it's just because my fingers are too big.
Actually I should try the scarf too.
Can you tell that this is a Pusheen scarf?
Not really.
This is actually kind of cute.
I would use this.
The color looks good on you.
It doesn't look bad actually.
Yeah, it doesn't look bad at all.
No [it doesn't].
I'm actually really happy with this scarf. I'm going to use it.
You can use this too.
Maybe I'll just keep it like this.
I'm pretty happy with this box.
You want anything from this [box]?
I think Atsushi is very jealous of all these items that I got.
(Japanese) Should I give this to you?
(English) You should put this in your room.
I think your roommate would be very happy.
Okay. This concluded this Pusheen winter box 2017 unboxing.
Please remember to like this video if you enjoyed watching it.
Remember to leave a comment down below of other videos you'd like to see with Atsushi & I here in the U.S. right now.
Please look forward to more videos from Japan
that are very late, but still coming.
As always, thanks for watching!
Au revoir!
Au revoir.
I don't need this scarf.
I think you do.
It smells like cat.
Does it really?
Actually it looks really good on you too.
Now you just need the gloves.
*trying to pronounce au revoir*
What did you say? Is it in English?
- No, it's in French. - Oh, it's French. I see.
(Japanese) I means goodbye in French.
Can you say it?
*trying to pronounce au revoir*
French is easy.
Just say *mispronounces au revoir*
What are you doing?
This can be eye mask.
I think this is a very good eye mask.
(Japanese) Good night.
Mail & Thank you ✉️️✉️️ - Duration: 9:09.
Motorcycle Frame Jig - REVIEW & ALINEMENT - Duration: 12:00.
Aabrakadabra - Short Film | Cute Love Story | by Jj Fredrick - Duration: 13:46.
(eye closing)
(lucid dream begins)
This is going to be the best day of my life.
Dear God, please make sure..
I don't mess up as usual.
Hey photo copy!
Don't you have any means to change yourself?
Messing up with all your superstitions and sentiments...
Do you wish to fail there too?
Hey! why are you here?
Hey! Are you dumb?
Only I will appear when you look in the mirror.
Do you expect Danush or Simbu?
Why are you bugging me..
On this very important day?
Hey Xerox, I have been with you all my life..
I know what you are going to do.
That's why I'm here.
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Or, I will Take your spot..
And work my charm. Beware!
You!! Oh please..
Do you think I don't know about you. you cant do anything.
Do whatever you want. Leave now.
So You are up for that!
I'm coming now.
From the beginning.
Let's see who wins.
Inauspicious time 9.00 am - 10.00 am.
Auspicious Time 10.00 am - 11.00 am.
The only day when even the well dressed..
confuse to choose one from the wardrobe,
Is this special Valentine's day.
Valentine's Day wishes to all. I'm your 'love Guru'.
It is beleived that,
Wearing green today will help your love life blossom.
Im repeating, Green helps your love life.
I'm following the same.
Let's see how it works.
The next song is for you.
Good time has begun.
Damn, It's already late.
Her gift! It's ok.
Good morning Sir!
Things have been going wrong from the morning.
Ok. If I cross before the singal turns red..
I will succeed.
Thanks bro.
Brother, the white one.
-Brother, please hurry. -One moment please.
Yes. Ok.
I'm here. Don't mess up.
Yes, Sir.
Lost your key or your bike?
-Wow! Ramya, you are right. The key... - I know about you.
-Ok. I'm leaving. - Hi.
Nice, Sir has arrived on time.
- Ok. Come sit. -Thanks.
How can I be late on my Ramya's Birthday?
Shirt is really nice.
Are you not ashamed of yourself?
Don't show me your teeth.
Didn't I tell you not to wear this colour shirt?
You are pissing me off wearing it on my birthday.
You are so annoying.
Don't you know how to impress your girl.
I didn't notice all this because I was in a hurry to see you.
If I spent time on all this,
I should only look at you from a distance.
And you would have waved good bye.
Do we need that?
Don't act too smart.
And also it's important who you're trying to impress.
Oh, then why are you sitting here?
Go impress the girl who looks impressive.
Go. Impress whoever you wish.
I don't give a damn.
I'm too good for you.
Hey Ramya have a look at her.
See how cute she is.
Please look.
Don't ever think that I will leave you.
Don't think I will spare you, if you leave me.
Ok. Get this.
Do you wish to fail..
with all your superstitions?
That's why I'm here
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Or, I will Take your spot..
And do the needful. Beware!
Are you mad?
Don't you have any means to change yourself?
Always being with you,
I know what you are about to do.
Just leave all these superstitions and go.
Are you mad?
I will be there in half an hour.
Will be there in half an hour.
Does love seem like a mirror?
Does it frighten you?
Does time pass away in front of us?
Faking happiness in disguise of sadness.
Just look at your heart for a moment,
Only success lies ahead.
Look for the truth,
Wind will be on your side for sure.
All my actions outpoured out of my love.
I lost myself to your love, my love.
You have filled my life to infinity, my love.
I have surrendered myself to you.
I'm floating in a dream,
Spending all my life with you.
I'm so excited inside.
Turning into a baby in your hands.
Romantic - Duration: 11:29.
Volkswagen Tiguan (3) Connected Series Tiguan 1.4 92 kW / 125 pk TSI SUV 6 versn. Hand - Duration: 1:10.
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 204pk DSG EU6 DC Highline L2 266784 - Duration: 1:45.
Volkswagen Touran Highline 1.4Tsi 150 pk DSG 7-pers Panodak, Led - Duration: 1:29.
Volkswagen Golf (7) GTE Connected Series Golf 1.4 150 kW / 204 pk TSI Hatchback 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:59.
하이네이티브! Изучение языков с помощью HiNative" - Duration: 3:00.
DragonBall Z Abridged: Episode 1 VF - Duration: 8:24.
#1 Secret To Keep Your Shirt Tucked In All Day - What No One Is Telling You - Duration: 6:12.
Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette!
In today's video, we discuss the number one secret of keeping your dress shirt or regular
shirt tucked in.
Many men I know are usually annoyed by their shirt coming undone or untucked if they move
around and they want to figure out a way to prevent that.
You don't want to tuck in your shirt 4 times a day at the office or even worse, having
your shirt coming untucked during a meeting.
Some of you google, people come up with interesting techniques such as the military tuck which
actually just helps to prevent the look of too much excess fabric on the sides if you
get a shirt that is too wide.
Or you can have the underwear tuck but ultimately, it's not going to help you because the cause
is actually a different one.
No, I'm not talking about shirt garters here, you've watched different videos, you've probably
seen them, little garters that are connected to your socks and they basically pull down
your shirt when you move it up but ultimately, it's just trying to fix the results of something,
it does not go to the root cause.
Let's compare the shirt getting untucked to a dripping faucet.
You can either just put a little bucket underneath of it, or you can turn off the water of the
main line every time you want to use it, or you can simply fix the faucet so it doesn't
drip any more.
Using sock and shirt garters or tucking in your shirt a certain way is the equivalent
of putting a bucket underneath the dripping faucet.
The biggest secret to getting a shirt that stays tucked in all day is to have a shirt
that fits you properly.
More specifically, you have to look at the following things.
Dress shirts are traditionally longer in the back and in the front but shorter on the sides
so there's not too much excess fabric.
I suggest that the rear of your shirt covers your bum and has a same length on the front,
that way, it won't become untucked no matter if you wear your pants or your trousers on
your natural waistline or lower on your hips.
Two, the most important aspect and the biggest secret to a shirt coming untucked are small,
tight armholes.
The proper fit of an armhole is relatively tight; that means there's not much excess
fabric around your armpit and your shoulders.
It fits very close.
Now, most people think,when something is smaller, it is less comfortable, but in this case,
it's the opposite.
When I have a small armhole like here and I move up my shirt, the bottom part doesn't
move because nothing pulls on it.
On the other hand if I have a larger armhole, it looks like this.
Let's assume my armhole is slightly bigger, now the minute I pull up my arm, everything
is pulled up and becomes untucked.
The second I go down again, I have excess fabric being undone above my waistband.
Basically, whenever you buy a dress shirt, you should try it on and make sure that the
armholes are as small as possible while still being comfortable.
So if you have shirt and sock garters, they may pull the shirt back in but it's not always
perfect because once it has been pulled out, something may get caught and you can't pull
it right back in.
Also if you have a thinner fabric, it shows on your pants.
Let's assume you're on a date and you get to the crucial part and you have to take off
something as ridiculous as your sock shirt garters; not only is that really unattractive
but it may also kill the mood.
On the other hand, if you have a small armhole, you can move around, you can wave for a cab,
you can say hi, you can shake hands, you can sit down, and your shirt will be tucked in
all day and you won't have to worry about it.
Now of course, if you go climbing in a dress shirt, or if you workout, it will come untucked
eventually but dress shirts are not meant for these kinds of activities and if you want
to do something physical, get a t-shirt that's flexible or a polo shirt.
The third aspect to look into is the sleeves.
Right now, it's very popular to have slim sleeves and that's okay but you should always
make sure to have a little bit of fabric in the top part around your biceps because the
minute you move forward or up, you need that extra room so your shirt does not come untucked.
If it's super tight, you are more likely to pull out your shirt by moving your arms around.
If your shirt body is wider or slimmer, will it have a huge impact on the fact where it
comes untucked or not?
If it's super wide, it may come untucked a little easier and you'll also have more fabric
hanging around in the first place.
So if you don't like your shirts coming untucked, try to get a trimmer fit that is based on
your body.
Avoid something that's overly tight or you'll get x-wrinkles because that's unflattering
as well.
For classic evening shirts, back in the day, men wore a bib insert that was either starched
or marcella.
they were quite stiff and so when people would sit or dance, they needed a little latch on
the shirt that was able to be buttoned into the pants and that way, it would not move
at all, all night.
Unlike shirt garters, you can easily undo that very quickly, you don't notice it and
i really serves the proper purpose of not having your shirt come undone or move around
because it's connected to the pants.
Again, for regular dress shirts, this is not necessary but it's something specifically
designed for evening shirts.
If you have a body that's symmetrical or if you have issues with getting your shirt untucked,
I suggest you invest in a custom shirt because you can really make sure that you get a tight
armhole, that you can get a fitted shirt and you get the extra amount in your sleeve that
is not too wide and that way, you'll have a shirt that looks good on you, that flatters
you, and won't come untucked.
If you enjoyed this video, please sign up to our newsletter and subscribe to our YouTube
channel, hit the little bell and you'll be notified every time a new video comes out.
What Do Men Find Attractive - Duration: 3:28.
[REDIRECT Blind Commentary] Steven Universe Season 4 Episode 16 "The New Crystal Gems" - Duration: 1:06.
Hey folks the One and Only Alliminaro here. Today
we are back for a new series for us it's
of course a redirect link to a new blind
reactio- Blind Commentary / Blind Reaction and
the links will be in the description below. As
you can tell by the title this is
another new series that I've not done on the channel
before. We're going to start doing Steven Universe
and we're straight off where the most
recent set of episodes because I've been
caught up in the series but- And off the
most recent, uh recent bomb that just went by,
I wish I had recorded it so I went: "You know what?
Not going to let that happen again"
As I'm doing my commentaries to Star, I thought I might
as well do Steven as well. So - That's where we
are. Like Star, they will be available on
Dailymotion and Google Drive as redirect
links in the description below. And yeah, that's all I really have to say about it.
I thought I would get on board as well, so here we are
doing this.
Thank you - See you soon!
ふるふるフューチャー☆ (Furu Furu Future☆) | Cover by Jazi - Duration: 2:08.
My beloved honey
You're like a strawberry
A pure-hearted one
You must look at me, always
Do it now!
I can't wait anymore!
You promised that you'd give me a kiss
Hey why?
You're being a little timid
It's just not like you
Let's run away, just the two of us
On a chartered jetplane
To a deserted island as a vacation, it's easy to do it
Tell me honey
What color is the future?
Everyday my heart feels tighter and tighter
What is this feeling?
My beloved honey
You're an orange
A moody one at that
You must look at me, always
My beloved honey
The future is both of us
Clang Clang
I want to hear the bells chime
You must look at me, always
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