Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Feb 13 2017

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

[Run, Bangtan!] Welcome, you're new to Bangtan.

Bangtan Boys.


Twenty-one years old.




Twenty-two years old.

Happy virus.

This is embarrassing.

Jin. Twenty-four years old.


The youngest.


Nineteen years old.



The two words should be enough.

Twenty-two years old.

Rap Monster.

I take care of my team member, V.

Kim Tae Hyung.


Twenty-one years old.

Sharp dresser.

I think it's about communicating.

Is there any alphabet that has more positive connotation?

Vision, visual, value,

vary, variety, various.

I can say that's global.

Because it broadcasts globally at the same time.

It's fast, easy, and comfortable

to watch something normally you can't.

You can watch all of them on V.

Able to replace all existing video platforms.

Something you've never seen before.

This is something new.

This will be huge.

In short,

very good.

It's so fun when we're left alone.

The way we get along with one another.

We'll show you what it's like.

The way it is.

We don't hide anything.

We'll show you our true selves.

Our funny faces,

ugly faces,

and my handsome face,

you'll see all of those.

Both in and out of frame.

we can show you our energy.

That's our unique appeal.

It's going to be hilarious.

So loud.

Really loud.

And we work hard.

It's gonna be so much fun.

We'll show you our true selves.

Mine, which was made for myself.


It's gonna be hectic.

V is a really active person,

very loud,

and talks a lot.

It's a new window.

What am I saying?

You peel off layer after layer and find there is always content there.

It's like an onion.

It's love.

I hope at the top of the page

we appear,


It's Bangtan Boys.

V is Bangtan Boys.

Bangtan Boys is V.

There're so many things we didn't show you yet.

I hope you can enjoy it when you feel sad.

V is created.

It has the same name as me.

With V,

many fun aspects

will be introduced to you.

You can look forward to watching it.

We also look forward to doing this.

Please, give lots of love to V.

If you fans want to know more about us,

please, visit V.

You can look forward to watching V.

You can look forward to watching us, Bangtan Boys.

Way to go V.

We'll be a legend.

No more talking.

Just watch.

For more infomation >> Run BTS! - Ep 1 [ Sub Español + Sub Inglés] - Duration: 3:42.


Shadowhunters 2x07 Sneak Peek #3 "How Are Thou Fallen" (HD) Season 2 Episode 7 Sneak Peek #3 - Duration: 0:46.

Got you something.


Yes, you.

Open it.

It's supposed to bring you luck and protection.

Thank you, Alexander.

You continue to surprise me.

In good ways, I hope.

(laughter in nearby room)


I haven't had a roommate this brazen since, well,

since Casanova and I spent the night in Doge's Palace.

Ugh, Casanova?

For more infomation >> Shadowhunters 2x07 Sneak Peek #3 "How Are Thou Fallen" (HD) Season 2 Episode 7 Sneak Peek #3 - Duration: 0:46.


Did You Ever Notice These 10 Disney Easter Eggs? - Duration: 6:14.

Who doesn't love an Easter egg?

No, we're not talking about the egg-shaped shells of chocolate goodness that have somehow

come to be a part of celebrating the resurrection of Christ, we're talking about the unexpected

features and references in movies that eagle-eyed viewers enjoy hunting for.Disney definitely

love Easter eggs.

Their movies are littered with countless examples for audiences to spot - and, in this video,

we're going to run you through some of the better examples in your favourite Disney offerings.

So sit back and relax, because you don't even need to try when it comes to finding these

Easter eggs - we've got you covered - and don't forget to subscribe to our channel,

so you can watch more video like this whenever you log on.

Here are ten Easter eggs hidden in your favourite Disney movies.

The Little Mermaid Let's start with a real classic - in every

sense of the word.

1989's The Little Mermaid is a quintessential Disney movie - and it features cameos from

some of Walt Disney's utmost classic Disney mascots.When King Triton assembles a large

crowd of sea-dwelling beings in the movie's opening scenes, none other than Mickey Mouse

himself, Donald Duck and Goofy can be seen amongst the crowd.

But there's also a fun non-Disney cameo in the same scene; Kermit the Frog can be seen

loitering a few rows behind the iconic Disney trio.

The Incredibles One of the best known and most regularly occurring

Disney Pixar Easter eggs is the mentioning of "A113" - whether it be spoken or written

down somewhere within a movie.

It's the number of the classroom at the California Institute of Arts where many of Pixar's

earlier animators learned their trade.A prime example is in 2004's The Incredibles (in which

it is actually mentioned on more than one occasion).

Mirage says to Mr. Incredible "you'll be briefed on your assignment in the conference room

at two.

D Wing, room A-113."

Toy Story 2 Another recurring Easter egg in Disney Pixar

movies is the inclusion of the Pixar corporate mascot, Luxo Jr. - the little desk lamp that

appears on the production logo of every Pixar movie.It has appeared in a number of movies

in various forms, but none were more imaginative than its appearance in 1999's Toy Story 2.

It appears in a scene in which Buzz Lightyear flies back down to Earth.

Luxo J. can be seen in the night sky as a constellation in the vast sea of stars.

Toy Story 3 Ready for some trainspotting?

Good.In the opening sequence of 2010's Toy Story 3, there's a runaway train that can

be seen bearing the number "95".

That number is a reference to the number on Lightning McQueen in the Cars franchise which

is, in turn, a reference to 1995 - the year that the first Toy Story movie was released.

Two Easter eggs for the price of one!

We're spoiling you here!

Cars Having just mentioned the Cars franchise in

a Toy Story entry, it's now time to do the reverse.

In 2006's Cars, there's a race called the Piston Cup - and all of the cars taking part

in said race have tyres of a brand that is a clear reference to a certain Toy Story character.Instead

of being "Goodyear" - like a lot of real world tyres - these tyres are all of the fictional

brand "Lightyear".

This is, of course, taken from the name of Buzz Lightyear - one of the heroes from the

aforementioned Toy Story movies.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame Back to another Disney animated classic now

- it's 1996's The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

The majority of the movie takes place in a single cathedral, which you'd imagine would

restrict the number of cameos Disney could squeeze in - but that's not actually the case

at all!The opening scene alone sneaks in a vendor selling Aladdin's magic carpet, as

well as Belle from Beauty and the Beast out for a walk.

And Pumbaa from The Lion King franchise even makes an appearance in the movie - standing

guard as a stone gargoyle on a Paris building.

Finding Nemo Most of Finding Nemo takes place under the

sea, but there are also some scenes in a dentist's office where the titular fish finds himself

- and there are a couple of Easter eggs in there.

For one, there's a young boy waiting in said dentist's office, and he's reading a comic

with a picture of Mr. Incredible on it.Moreover, as Nemo is looking around said dentist's office

for a way to escape the fish tank he's being kept in, a Buzz Lightyear figure can be seen

lying on the floor in the corner.

Lilo & Stitch Fa Mulan - star of Disney's 1998 movie Mulan

- disguised herself as a man in order to go to war in place of her aging war veteran father.

As a result, she clearly made an impression on the cast of characters in the world of

Lilo & Stitch!The 2002 Disney movie has a couple of Easter eggs, both of which honour

the brave girl.

For one, a poster of Mulan hangs on Lilo's sister Nani's wall.

Second, the family in the movie even walk past a restaurant called "Mulan Wok",

which appears to be quite clearly named after her.

References to a Film That Never Was This one's a little bit different.

Pixar are known for their foreshadowing Easter eggs - by which we mean they like to include

Easter eggs that make reference to their movies that haven't actually been released yet.

In this case, it's a movie that didn't actually end up getting released at all.A shelved production

called Newt was referenced by way of a "Newt Crossing" sign on Andy's door in Toy Story

3, and the witch in 2012's Brave can also be seen holding a newt up when she's concocting

a spell.

Every Pixar Film For our final entry, we get less specific,

as this Easter egg applies to every single Disney Pixar film that was ever made.John

Ratzenberger - yeah, the guy from Cheers and the Coors commercials - has voiced a character

in every Pixar film to date (and will no doubt continue to do so going forward, because Pixar

consider him to be their good luck charm).

His characters have included the likes of Toy Story's Hamm, A Bug's Life's P.T.

Flea, The Incredibles' Underminer and Mack from Cars.

Thanks for watching our video about ten Easter eggs hidden in your favourite Disney movies.

What other fun or interesting Easter eggs can you think of from Disney offerings?

Have your say in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for

more great videos like this one.

For more infomation >> Did You Ever Notice These 10 Disney Easter Eggs? - Duration: 6:14.


Aquatic Xenomorphs (Swimmer Aliens) - Explained - Duration: 4:28.

While it has been proven in many depictions, perhaps most memorably in Alien Resurrection,

the xenomorph creature is able to swim and navigate underwater, almost like a second

nature, though it wouldn't seem to be their primarily ideal enviornment.

With several different variants of Xenomorphs shown throughout the extended universe, there

would, in fact, be a specific breed of alien where this is in fact the case.

In the comic series Aliens: Colonial Marines, the squad of grunts embark on a reconniscence

mission to Bracken's World, an Ocean-based agriculturial Colony.

Communications sweeps located an anomoly that may be a marine base.

Upon landing in the sector, they find the area to be deserted, surrounded by Kelp beds,

and while securing the area, the marines discover a unique breed of Xenomorph below the surface

of the water.

These aquatic-based Xenomorphs, also known as Swimmer Aliens, are massive in size, and

very closely resemble Praetorians, also with headcrests that are elongated, much like the

Alien Queen.

The dome, however, is flat at its top, which can be seen emerging from the water when the

creature is close to the surface, exposing itself in a way similar to a shark's dorsal


These Swimmers also have webbing between their claws, further adding to their underwater


The lower torso would clearly be the defining difference between the Swimmer Alien and other

xenomorphs, with a large, whale-like tail and fins, strongly suggesting a sea creature

of similar design was infected by a xenomorph outbreak.

The Bracken's World colony seems to be harboring a substantial horde of the swimmer aliens,

with dozens, if not hundreds, that go on to hunt the marooned squad of marines, and very

true to the nature of the xenomorph, they have adapted quite well to their ocean enviornment.

Aquatic navigational abilities are able to serve their predatory nature formidably- when

first revealed, a Swimmer Alien leaps out of the water, latches on to Private Cerrano,

and dives back in with the doomed marine, all in a quick, foul swoop that takes the

entire sqaud off guard.

The squad is cornered, with certain death waiting in the dark waters below.

While they're able to fend off the initial attack, with the APC damaged and secured above

a Kelp bed, the marines have little else to resort to than to wait atop the vehicle for

rescue, which they estimate may take up to 90 minutes.

They wait, while staying frosty, as more of the aquatic beasts circle in the deadly waters

surrounding them, leading to a tense stand-off and sea-based battle.

The Swimmer Aliens are as persistent and unified in their attacks as other xenomorphs we've

seen, tactfully attacking the APC from all angles as the marines desparetly stave off

the oncoming creatures.

The Swimmers also seem to have a higher pitched screetch, as apposed to some of the other

growling and hissing we've seen from other xenomorphs, and while manuevering best underwater,

these xenomorphs also have the abilities to walk on land surfaces as well, additionally

carrying small, crab-like legs for such navigation.

With these abilities, and especially their ability to leap from the water at great heights,

this breed of alien poses a very serious threat, though after reinforcements are sent in to

Bracken's World, the horde is contained, and finally subdued by a chemical fire, burning

up the kelp beds and essentially boiling the remaining xenomorphs to death.

While featured in a large portion of the Colonial Marines story arc, these specific Swimmer

Aliens haven't been featured outside of this story, and it is never actually explained

how this variant came to be.

Could this xenomorph type be the product of a facehugger attaching itself to an underwater


If so, what exact creature could it have been?

Or do you think it may be a result of genetic experimentation?

Comment below and let me know your thoughts, and also let me know if you're interested

in seeing further depictions of the Swimmer Alien, if not in an actual movie, I think

at least this particular Xenomorph may have made for a unique opponent in an Alien-based

video game.

And NECA is always making cool adaptations of Xenomorph Variants for their action figures,

maybe it's time they took a crack at the Swimmer Alien.

As always, thank you so much for watching, I really appreciate it.

And if you enjoyed the video, be sure to leave a like.

You can also subscribe if you'd like, and be up to date with all the latest theories

and explanations from the Alien Universe.

If you have a suggestion for a future video, please comment below, I'd love to hear it.

And you can also follow Alien Underscore Theory on Twitter, and Alien Theory YT on facebook

for more.

And until next time, this is Alien Theory, Signing Off.

For more infomation >> Aquatic Xenomorphs (Swimmer Aliens) - Explained - Duration: 4:28.


Teaser - Arctic Convoy - Duration: 1:16.

We also knew that the thorn in the German side was the equipment.

And then we find out that the admiral

simply ordered the merchant ships to scatter,

saying, "Save yourself if you can."

And when they gave this order to scatter the convoy, for us,

it's a tragedy for all Soviet people.

Because of this lost convoy, thousands and thousands of Soviet people lost their lives.

If we hadn't have done it…

we would never have won the war.

ARCTIC CONVOYS A 2-part drama. Watch february 16 and 23.

For more infomation >> Teaser - Arctic Convoy - Duration: 1:16.


Good God! with God & Special Guest Cupid - Duration: 4:06.

Hello and welcome to Good God with God.

I am God and today's episode is brought to you by the sycamore tree.

It's a tree that is in America and you know, it's got bark that falls off,

and butchers use it for blocks, people make instruments out of it.

The sycamore tree. I made it, I love it, check it out.

Okay, well today we have a very special guest.

He's a little cherub of a god type of guy and shoots arrows at people to make them--

- That's right. - Yep. It's Cupid.

- Hello Cupid. - Cupid!

- Hey Cupid! How are you? - I'm doing good, God.

So Cupid, so you go around and you're a little baby who flies,

and then you shoot people with the arrows to fall in love.

What do you care about love I guess?

I think that love is the most important thing

and ever since I can remember I just wanted two people to fall in love,

- and of course eventually have sex. - You think about sex when you shoot them?

Oh yes. I imagine the two of them having sex,

- and then I force it to happen. - Cupid--

I say, I would like to see those two people have sex and I shoot them in the rear end.

Jeez. How do you decide who goes with who?

I picture what their genitals look like

and I think about what it would be like if the dentals came in contact with each other.

- You think about the generals first? - Yeah.

And for some men who are gay I think about a butthole and then the penis.

Well, it's good that you shoot all sorts of couples.

- Yeah. - Have you ever like, shot three people

so they would have a threesome or something like that?

- Of course I have. - Man.

It just feels a little weird to me to drug people via arrow into a threesome.

- It's a part of nature. I view myself-- - Definitely not.

- That's definitely not a part of nature. - I feel like I'm a part of nature.

Cupid is a part of nature. I'm just like a little bird or... Yeah.

No. No. Birds don't affect how two people are to the point

- where they were having sex. - I just think sex is beautiful

- and love is beautiful. - It is beautiful.

It sounds a little more like you're horny.

I don't think my balls ever drop, so I don't know--

- So you can't... - Yeah, so, I can't get an erection.

I mean, so you being a Roman god, are you just pretty much a human body,

or are you just following those rules? You're just kinda-- But you're stuck as a little baby.

I describe by testicles as a little empty feather, so.

- I didn't ask you to describe it. - Ah well, I just thought I would.

A little empty feather bag. Nothing in there. No balls.

- Okay. I get it. You're a little baby. - Yeah, just little baby.

I can fit in your panty drawer, but I am flesh and blood.

- I just started bleeding the other day, in fact. - What?

- My gums are a little bit inflamed. - Oh God, you're right.

- Are you chewing right now? - Yeah. I'm dipping skull.

Oh, my... I wanted to bring up that disgusting cup that you brought.

It looks like an ancient chalice.

Have you been carrying that around and spitting in it for hundreds of years now?

Well, yeah. This little spit cup is my baby blanket--

I'm just gonna throw it out there, I think you should shower,

- because you're covered in dirt. You got-- - Okay, okay.

You have like a little sink so I can take like a little babies bath?

- Like bird baths? - Yes. I'll splash a little water in my mouth--

In your mouth?

You got bleeding gums, and you're putting bird bath water in your mouth.

Well, I think it tastes good. It's refreshing.

Jeez Louise.

When you shoot people with the arrows,

do you ever clean them before you shoot the arrows off?

Because, I mean, those arrows look disgusting.

I don't clean them, but I don't think it's been a problem.

- That's all the time we have on Good God. - Thank you for having me.

Thank you Cupid for being on the show.

Is there any last parting words that you would like to say?

Thank you for creating sex, because I like to watch it.

Today's episode has been brought to you by the sycamore tree.

It provides a lot of shade, its kind of tall, it could get really big, it's green.

You know, hey, give one a hug next time you see it.

The sycamore tree. I made it, I love it, check it out.

This has been Good God. God out!

For more infomation >> Good God! with God & Special Guest Cupid - Duration: 4:06.


Chapel Hill Water Crisis + UNC/Duke Game - Duration: 7:56.

oh macy did you miss me

it was fun

super bowl night


75 degree february days, i don't hate it

For more infomation >> Chapel Hill Water Crisis + UNC/Duke Game - Duration: 7:56.


Kendall Jenner: Baby Got Back | TMZ Live - Duration: 1:28.



































For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner: Baby Got Back | TMZ Live - Duration: 1:28.


Trump defends ban, Trudeau has opposing view - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Trump defends ban, Trudeau has opposing view - Duration: 1:16.


RHOA: Marlo Hampton Crosses the Line with Kenya Moore (Season 9, Episode 13) | Bravo - Duration: 1:28.

- If a person's mother

don't want to be

bothered with them, you know

something ain't right.

- Oh, all right. - Marlo, just shut up.

Nobody want to hear this disgusting sh--.

- I don't even want to talk about what I would do

if somebody said that to me about my mama.

Y'all already know how I am, I don't even want to go there.

Come on, girl, you don't have to hit like that.

- Guys, okay so. - You want my lifestyle.

- I don't want your lifestyle.

Nobody wants to be a prostitute.

- Uh-uh.

- This Kumbayah moment just turned

into Kanye West meets Taylor Swift.

- Her mother don't want to be bothered with a person.

- Marlo!

- Your mom, your mom, your mom,

I talk about what I want.

Why she always trying to hurt other people?

- A mother don't want to be-- - Stop, stop, Marlo.

- You're evil, you're evil. - All right.

All right, so we came out here for unity and sisterhood.

As women, it cannot be acceptable to call each other

hoes and bitches and prostitutes.

If you selling it and you get some money for it,

hey, it's your business, I don't care.

But at the end of the day, we have to make

a conscious effort to change.

- You're right, Phaedra, you're right.

- We receive what you're saying, and we acknowledge it.

I think we all do, right?

Okay, so we got that point and thank you for making it.

- Every though I have all of these lesbian rumors

For more infomation >> RHOA: Marlo Hampton Crosses the Line with Kenya Moore (Season 9, Episode 13) | Bravo - Duration: 1:28.


2017 Land Rover Discovery Review: First Impressions - Duration: 1:46.

land rover has an all new SUV called the

discovery now I know you're thinking

wait a minute don't they already have

the discovery

well technically that's the Discovery

sport which despite the shared name is a

much smaller vehicle built on a

completely different platform

this is a discovery a full-size SUV with

up to three rows of seats its land

rovers largest vehicle short of the

flagship range rover itself to

interesting throwback to earlier

discovery models the first one is this

route that raises slightly here past the

c-pillar actually gives a little bit

more space to third row passengers land

rover says and there's a glass panel

here over the third row that can be

manually moved a little bit to let in

air back their second thing is this

asymmetry in the rear end just about

every car out there is a symmetrical

rear and not so with the discovery check

out where this license plate is where

the actual cut out everything's kind of

shoved over here very interesting to

look at the discovery does have some new


among them this partition right here

that goes behind the third row you can

power lower it with a button it also

handles more than 500 pounds of weight

if you actually want to set off the end

and when you have it up it keeps your

cargo back here so you're parked on the

hill and have some cantaloupes and back

they won't roll out melon fans your SUV

has come now the discovery appears to be

easily configurable on the inside with

things like power-folding second and

third-row seats that you can do all the

way from controls up in the cockpit this

all cost you between $50,000 are so

where it starts all the way up to the

mid-seventies for a fully-loaded

discovery land rover says when it hit

dealerships in spring of 2017 thanks for

watching click here for more videos and

here to subscribe to our YouTube channel

For more infomation >> 2017 Land Rover Discovery Review: First Impressions - Duration: 1:46.


Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X - Duration: 8:48.

Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X

For so many years I had heard reports of a mysterious 9th or 10th planet in deep space

(if you still count Pluto as a planet) commonly referred to as �Planet X� or �Niburu�


Nibiru � meaning the bright star of the crossing).

Mainstream scientists and government agencies were quick to dismiss the possibility of this

unknown planet as sheer �quackery.� But due to some recent findings, those same scientists

are now having to eat a little crow.

The new evidence comes from a pair of respected planetary scientists, Konstantin Batygin and

Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, who prepared

for the inevitable skepticism with detailed analyses of the orbits of other distant objects

and months of computer simulations.

Their findings point to data that something bigger than the size of Earth lurks in our

outer solar system and its gravitational pull is affecting other planets and ultimately

Earth weather.

�If you say, �We have evidence for Planet X,� almost any astronomer will say, �This


These guys are clearly crazy.� I would, too,� Brown says.

�Why is this different?

This is different because this time we�re right.�

But without being able to clearly see this mysterious Planet X through a telescope, will

the rest of the scientific community believe them?

This blog is not another science article.

I�ll leave that to the experts.

I was more curious if, indeed, anything was out there and why so many countries in the

world had suddenly started building large telescopes about 10 years ago to view our

outer solar system.

Even the Vatican invested in two large telescopes, one named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.

Did they know something they weren�t telling us?

Were they taking seriously the biblical prophecies about the 3,600 year return of the planet

called Wormwood aka Planet X?

This celestial �star� was said to have caused the pole shift that brought about the

Great Flood and destroyed many civilizations as well as the dinosaurs centuries ago.

As a sometime remote viewer, who learned the art from Russell Targ who, along with Hal

Puthoff, RIR-130203 headed up the Stanford Research Institute�s (SRI) remote viewing

program for the CIA�s Stargate Project, I knew it was time to take a look at Planet

X for myself.

In the past few years I�ve discovered some rather unexplainable and unusual objects in

space while remote viewing that are clearly not �ours� (read Stargate Journeys and

Consciousness Assisted Technology blogs).

Sometimes you get a treasure trove of info and sometimes nothing.

It was worth a shot, so I sat down meditated and sent my mind to the outer reaches of space

looking for answers to the great mystery of Planet X.

What did I find?

Well, there is indeed a very large object out there.

It�s not a planet, but it looks and behaves much like a planet.

I felt immediately dizzy-headed upon approaching it.

There is a magnetic gravitational flux that feels both expelling and contracting at the

same time.

I�ll let the scientists figure out what this all means, but there is also a deep resonant

sound vibration you can feel, which made me aware that this planet-like object felt both

alive and teeming internally with life.

Sometimes when remote viewing with your mind, there is an all-knowing feeling.

Telepathic awareness kicks in.

I knew then that the object was really a mammoth planetary space vehicle, despite its outward

barren appearance.

While this totally surprised me, it also sparked my intense interest.

I zeroed in on its interior.

It was hollowed out, vast, beyond the size of several large cities and multi-layered.

I found myself inexplicably drawn to a large chamber where I saw giant human-like beings�12-15

feet in stature.

Several of these beings had red hair.

I was aware that I had poked in during a rather heated discussion.

Immediately I felt a sudden sharp mental push as if I had been discovered and psychically

kicked out.

But the odd thing is that whoever had mentally pushed me out, had left a mental imprint behind

that contained a myriad of images and thoughts which I was able to glean some information


Planet X is not a Galactic Federation spaceship, as might be seen in a Star Wars movie.

I got a strong �No� when I mentally inquired.

This is an �ancestor� ship.

I call it this because this race of beings inside have been around longer than prehistoric

man on Earth and they are not strangers to our planet.

They know all about us and once walked our lands.

I got the impression that they don�t think very highly of us.

Despite this, there appears to be factions of their race that are in disagreement about

the best way to interact with Earth humans.

The interesting thing is that they find themselves in a dilemma.

Many of their kind see us as a threat to their survival, much as we would see them to ours.

They, like us, are also on an evolutionary path with regard to service to self vs. service

to others.

There are those of their race that want to help us while others want to destroy us to

save themselves.

It�s clearly a karmic dilemma, and it appears we on Earth are going through the same soul

learning process.

This is why are paths are destined to intersect.

It appears that their planet-like spaceship somehow got locked into a strange orbit (due

to an explosion with some other planet a very long time ago) that doesn�t always allow

full control of their vehicle�s trajectory.

As their orbit comes closer to Earth they know they will be bombarded by the same gravitational

pull that Earth is bound to also experience by coming into close proximity to them.

Some on-board fear annihilation unless they take aggressive action.

Others disagree.

While they appear to have smaller space vehicles that can exit their planetary vehicle at any

time, they don�t want to be trapped on Earth.

Sound fantastic?

I thought so, too, but these are the impressions I received.

Whether they are accurate, is yet to be determined.

I encourage other remote viewers to see what they pick up as well.

Who really knows if our two worlds will eventually collide.

So many have predicted this would happen in 2003, then again in 2012, and now in 2016.

It hasn�t happened yet, and perhaps it never will, but awareness that we are not alone

in the universe is definitely increasing.

The visibility of Planet X will eventually be evident in the skies to all, in time, as

it orbits closer.

Some believe this is why the CIA recently released some of their UFO files, preparing

for Disclosure.

Perhaps Planet X�s ultimate purpose in revealing itself is to awaken us to our true past.

The future is still being written, so I will not get into spreading additional fear about

what will or will not occur.

There�s enough fear in the world already and even if we were on a crash course with

Planet X, not much either side can do about it, so just enjoy life now.

What I find more fascinating is that it appears these beings brought early life to this planet.

They are our ancestors.

Are they the Annunaki race the ancient Sumerian texts refer as the celestial Gods from the

sky who were masters of DNA and genetic manipulation?

Planet X was once big news in the mainstream media in the early 1980�s, then suddenly

all mention of it disappeared.

Those who mentioned it were quickly ridiculed, which tells us they must have been too close

to the truth.

I like to think that everything in the universe is subject to change, and everything is right

on schedule.

Now, at last, appears to be the right time to take a second look at Planet X.

For more infomation >> Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X - Duration: 8:48.


Stupid crashes #40 - Duration: 21:06.

For more infomation >> Stupid crashes #40 - Duration: 21:06.




Today is a memorable day for me.

10k subscribers!


Thank you for your support, I can't get to this state without your follow from the beginning

of my channel!

10k is a milestone for me.

It's not small, not big, but it is all of your love for the table tennis sport.

Table tennis is my passion and also is your passion too.

I just want to share with you about my journey to improve my table tennis.

The journey when I discover that my table tennis is a lot of fun if I focus more on

the training, coaching, tactics and the techniques.

I can't believe that I can get 10k supporters!

1500 supporters, I'm really happy.

8888 supporters, wow!

9900 supporters, omg! and 10000, I'm very proud!

and I want to thank my 10k supporter "Dino Haniff"!

Please contact me Dino, I have a small gift for you :)

And this is my new logo to celebrate this new era :)


you again, and see you!

For more infomation >> THANK YOU MY 10k TABLE TENNIS LOVERS and HAPPY VALENTINE DAY! - Duration: 2:55.


It is REAL hard to be a man by TD Jakes (All Ladies should watch this) (Love Series) - Duration: 4:27.

May I pause just a moment And explain to women

Something that you probably never hear men say

Because some men are not

articulate enough to say it Some are not thoughtful

enough to speak it And Most are too

private to admit it,But it is real hard to be a man

and you have a whole lot of materials and information

that unearth the challenges you go through

and I am not minimizing the challenges that

you go through, at all because you go through

a whole lot but just let me

tell you, so that no offence

you have never spent not one day, as a man

let me inform you quite clearly

and emphatically that it is


hard to be a man that is why most give up on it

most quit most faint from it

most fall because of it and almost all of us die

trying to do it oh yes

the devil is out to destroy men If you look around this room

You will find many Saged, aged men

Go to your family reunions And you will see big mama

And aunt Kieze And they all standing around in the kitchen

talking about Girl, Is that chicken done yet?

I don't know mama Let me turn it over in a minute

get that bread out the oven before it burn

But have you ever asked yourself?

Where are Grandpapa?

And Big Poppa?

And Uncle Willie?

Where, what happened To Cousin James

What happened to our Generation

That there are few old men left?

That means we have few compasses To chart the course

And to lead us through the maze

of trying to get to our destination on time

We have many men Who model to us

How to get started But few that model to us

How to finish Show us

How to make it Through, The different ages

And stages of life Because the challenges of a 20-year-old

Is far different from the challenges

of a 50-year-old Is far different from

the challenges of a 70-year-old

and you need somebody who has been there

to coach you 'through the process

and look you in the mirror and say keep coming boy

I know you lost your Job but you can do this

Keep coming Don't give up

Come on boy Come on

I know your feelings is hurt

Come on Come on

No, You not gonna be able to do

what you used to 15 years ago

You are not supposed to You are going to have to re-adjust

And develop a new normal Come on

Come on Come on

If you come on You are going to get through this

Don't give up Don't follow her

She is not the answer She is a trick

Keep coming This way

We don't I am gonna talk to you tonight

See you and big momma can seat around

While yall Picking collard greens

And you can talk to her And she can tell you something

And there is an old woman Standing on every corner

Full of advice Ready to tell you

Girl This is what you ought to do

But we have few fathers Few compasses

Few teachers Few Leaders

Few guides And that is why

We have been lost in the Journey of becoming what

we are created to be We get lost

In the process Some as early

As 15 and 16 Years old

get lost in the maze of masculinity

some make it to 30 and collapse in the bush of despair

There is nobody coaching us Saying not that way

Go this way Come on

Go this way Come on

Go this way Go this way

men are not articulate enough to say it

Some are not thoughtful enough to speak it And Most are too private to admit it


it is real hard to be a man

For more infomation >> It is REAL hard to be a man by TD Jakes (All Ladies should watch this) (Love Series) - Duration: 4:27.


Solstice Classic Short Leather Boot by SmartPak Review - Duration: 1:42.

CHRIS: Hi, I'm Chris from Merchandising, and today I'll be reviewing the Solstice Classic

Short Leather Boot by SmartPak.

I love these boots for so many reasons.

It's so hard for me to narrow down what they are, but I'm going to try my best to.

The first thing - wonderful equestrian detailing in the buckles, which by the way, also say


And it has a stirrup friendly outsole.

There's a great spur rest.

Another thing I love about this boot is the zip feature.

It's really easy to get in and out of, and it also has you'll notice here, a bumper guard


This bumper guard detail is positioned in places where the boot has the most amount

of stress, so it really helps to keep your boots looking as new as possible.

This boot would be perfect for any rider that is busy and on the go, because it's versatile.

You can wear it around town and you can wear it in the barn and rest assured that you have

a stirrup-friendly outsole.

In terms of maintenance, because these boots are a smooth leather, it's very easy to keep

them clean.

I normally just take a soft cloth, dust off any dirt that's on it, and then take my favorite

or your favorite leather cleaner and conditioner and apply.

For me, I find that these boots run true to size.

I normally wear a 5 1/2-6, and I found the 6 was perfect, and it even gave me a little

bit of room to put on an extra pair of socks if I needed it.

I can't say enough good things about this boot.

I'm in love!

I'm Chris, and the Solstice Classic Short Leather Boot are my favorite boots this season.

For more infomation >> Solstice Classic Short Leather Boot by SmartPak Review - Duration: 1:42.


Santa Cruz Raid Targets Members Of Notorious Gang - Duration: 2:15.














For more infomation >> Santa Cruz Raid Targets Members Of Notorious Gang - Duration: 2:15.


What Happens When You Die? - Duration: 27:40.

Where are the dead, and what are they doing? Are they aware of the living? Do all people

"pass away" to heaven or hell? Will you see deceased loved ones again? Do human beings

have immortal souls? Do you? Is this life all there is?

The question of life after death has perplexed mankind throughout the ages. Millennia ago,

the patriarch Job asked, "If a man die, shall he live again?" This question remains.

Many religions profess to know what happens at death. Yet they disagree. Why such confusion

and mystery about the afterlife? If the Bible is the Word of God, we must examine what it

says, not what men say. Be willing to set aside cherished traditions and replace them

with Scripture. Then be willing to believe God, not men.

The World to Come. The Restored Church of God presents David C. Pack. Author of 80 books

and booklets. Editor-in-chief of The Real Truth magazine. Read by countless and growing

numbers in every nation and territory of the world. In a violent age full of bad news.

Answering life's greatest questions straight from the Bible, and announcing the wonderful

good news of the World to Come. And now, David C. Pack.

Most professing Christians believe they possess an immortal soul. They have been taught that

people go to either heaven or hell. Ministers, evangelists and religionists speak of "when

we all get to heaven." They declare these ideas to be the Bible's teaching. But are

they? We must not assume. Jesus warned, "In vain

do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside

the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men." Men have their ideas—their own

commandments and traditions—invariably based on Bible assumptions. This broadcast presents

God's view. Let's first discuss death and the concept

of an ever-burning hell. This idea is inseparable from the belief that all human beings have

immortal souls. Is this what God says? You will be surprised!

Most people do not understand the relationship between physical bodies and souls. You were

probably taught that all human beings are born with an immortal soul. The common belief

is that upon death the souls of unrepentant sinners go to hell forever.

But if the wages of sin is death, how could the Bible also teach that people are immortal?

The book of Genesis states, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,

and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

This verse does not say men have souls, but rather are souls. Adam became a soul—he

was not given one. Then, almost immediately, God commanded, "Of every tree of the garden

you may freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not

eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you [the person, Adam] shall surely die."

The Hebrew word here also means "destroy." Together, these verses plainly reveal that

men are souls and souls can die! The prophet Ezekiel twice recorded: "The

soul that sins, it shall die." Death is the absence of life—the discontinuance—the

cessation—of life. Death is not life in another place. It is not leaving "this life"

for "another life"—the "next life." Now consider what Jesus also warned: "And

fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear

Him [God] which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Everyone knows all bodies

eventually die—and that they decompose and are completely destroyed due to the process

of natural corruption. But souls can also be destroyed! According to this verse, just

as much as bodies. This verse introduces the truth that God destroys souls in hell! Bodies

can die and be destroyed in many ways. But God destroys souls.

The prophet Malachi wrote this about the future final state of the wicked: "For, behold,

the day comes, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all that do wickedly,

shall be stubble: and the day that comes shall burn them up [not just burn them], says the

Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch [there is nothing left of

them]. But unto you that fear My shall go forth, shall tread down

the wicked; for they [not merely their bodies] shall be ashes under the soles of your feet

in the day that I shall do this, says the Lord." The prophet Obadiah amplifies this

with "...and they shall be as though they had not been."

The dead will be so completely "dead and gone," it will be as though they had never

existed. Surely, if they were roasting in hell forever with millions of others, and

other millions "in heaven" witnessing it, this verse could hardly apply.

What about the precise moment of death? What happens?

Human minds are differentiated from animal brains by intelligent thought. Presumably,

if the dead are not dead, but are really still alive, then they must be capable of some kind

of thought. They must at least be conscious of their surroundings. These things said,

let's consider a series of scriptures. First is Psalm 146: "Put not your

the son of man...his breath goes forth, he returns to the earth; in that very day his

thoughts perish." When people die, their thoughts end immediately—"in that very

day." That is what your Bible says. This verse is not compatible with the dead

either being alive in heaven or consciously suffering in a place of torment. We could

suppose that, if they were enjoying salvation, they would certainly know they were—have

thoughts about it! We could also suppose that if they were suffering, they would know they

were. Could the tormented be unaware they were in pain?

Ask: What would be the point of their suffering, or of salvation, if they could not know of

it? Death (actually life) in hell would have to

be as though they were in a coma—completely unaware of what is going on around them—while

their sensory nervous system is feeling the excruciating pain of burning. How would this

work? Use the following analogy. Before someone

undergoes major surgery, he is anesthetized—rendered unconscious—so he will not feel pain. Medical

doctors understand this—why don't theologians and religionists? Why do they deny plain Bible

statements? Some willingly ignore the message of Scripture.

They allege that only "mortal" thoughts perish—whatever these are—in the sense

that the dead leave this earthly realm and experience some mysterious, new kind of "thought."

Of course, this is ridiculous, and the Bible does not say it. But they have to invent something

to justify other ideas incompatible with the Bible.

Let's consider an even more direct verse: "For the living know that they shall die:

but the dead know not anything..." The honest reader can't misunderstand this passage!

Now this: "For that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts; even one thing befalls

them: as the one dies, so dies the other; yes, they have all one breath; so that a man

has no preeminence above a beast...All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all

turn to dust again." Again, so says your Bible.

Psalm 6 further explains that the dead do not experience conscious memory: "For in

death there is no remembrance of You: in the grave who shall give You [God] thanks?"

Could anyone seriously suggest that the dead, suffering in hell, could experience the normal

range of human memories, but be unaware of God—not be able to "remember" Him? Would

God put people in "hell" and then leave them there to suffer, forever wondering how

it was that they got there—who it was that put them there—because they have no "remembrance"

of anything related to God? As the apostle Paul once said, I speak as a fool.

Applying the same logic to the saved is even more ridiculous. Could people supposedly be

"rolling around heaven all day and riding clouds"—enjoying salvation!—and be unaware

they were in the presence of God or of even Who He was?

No! When people die, they are DEAD! So far we have not explained everything about

life after death, but we know that further life does not immediately occur at death!

We have established that when a person dies, he is dead! But then what happens?

Remember to always let the Bible interpret the Bible. Keeping its truths simple allows

the hollow ideas of men to fall like a house of cards.

Here is why the dead do not remember God. Jesus said, "Marvel not at this: for the

hour is coming, in the which ALL that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall

come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have

done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation [or judgment]."

Jesus understood that the disciples would find this astonishing—that most people would

marvel at the thought that everyone who has ever lived is now "in the grave," awaiting

a resurrection! You should not marvel at Jesus' words. Accept them! He said "all" are

in the grave, not "some." There are no conscious thoughts and no remembrance

of God after death because everyone who has ever died is awaiting one of the resurrections

Jesus referenced. All people will be resurrected, either to eternal life or to judgment.

This is what your Bible says. No wonder King David said, "I will behold

Your face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness [God's

likeness]." He understood the resurrection was an awakening back to life. The prophet

Daniel referenced this awakening to salvation and eternal life, but also referred to another

separate resurrection, not to be sought. Job looked forward to being resurrected. Notice

the verses surrounding his "live again" question: "O that You [God] would hide me

in the grave, that You would keep me secret, until Your wrath be past [the coming Day of

the Lord, or of God's Wrath], that You would appoint me a set time, and remember me! If

a man die, shall he live again? [was his question. The answer?] All the days of my appointed

time will I wait, till my change come. You shall call [Jesus spoke of hearing God's

voice], and I will answer You." Job did not ask that God would only hide his

body in the grave, but asked, "hide me...keep me...appoint me...remember me." Job also

recognized that God would keep him secret. Ask how this fits with being in heaven or

hell. If this were the case, God would be pretty poor at keeping secrets and the rest

of the verse would make no sense. Look at Job's question—"if a man die,

shall he live again?" If Job was going to remain alive after death, how could he live

again? Job knew he would be " the grave" for his resurrection at an "appointed

time," when he would be "changed." But what does change mean?

Paul explained the "change" awaiting all true Christians. Let's read: "Behold,

I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment,

in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump...the dead shall be raised...and this mortal shall

have put on immortality, then [not yet] shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,

death is swallowed up in victory." It is certainly an almost complete mystery to most

that there is coming an awakening—and change—from physical to spirit at the resurrection.

Now ask: How can one go from "mortal" to "immortal" if he already has an immortal

soul? This idea is also a mystery—but, unlike the mysteries of God, it is one devised by

men that cannot be understood or solved, because it makes no sense.

Do you see the silly logic of men when they ignore plain scriptures?

Just as Job knew he would be "changed," and David knew he would "awake," Paul

knew Christians will be changed—will awaken from "sleep"—once the resurrection has

come. Those who are asleep will awaken from death.

The World to Come will continue. In addition to the literature ordered with this program,

you will receive a free one-year subscription to The Real Truth! This magazine answers the

question, why so much bad news in today's headlines? It explains the root causes behind

the bad effects and points to the good news of the only possible solution—the soon-coming

kingdom of God! Your subscription is free with any literature order.

Next ask: How can people be resurrected if they are already alive as immortal souls?

Only the dead, like Christ from the tomb, need to be resurrected. That's the purpose

of a resurrection. Do not be fooled by deceivers claiming, "The resurrection only applies

to the body, since the soul remains alive"! We read numerous scriptures disproving this

fallacy. Upon just the most basic examination, the

ideas of intelligent men are often exposed as outright foolishness. Ministers adopted

the popular concept of hell as a means of scaring people into following their false

teachings. The true God would never roast people for all eternity—not allowing them

to burn up, to mercifully end their suffering. Only a monster would do this!

Billions have lived and died without knowing even the name of Jesus Christ, without having

had an opportunity for salvation. If, upon death, the unsaved go to hell, then over half

the people who have ever lived are there! Since no human has ever returned from the

dead to offer a firsthand report—forget the ludicrous testimonies of those who claim

or think they were dead—we must either choose to believe the ideas of men or search the

scriptures for what God reveals. This booklet, Is There Life After Death?, explains much

more about when the saints are resurrected, but includes the truth about when all others

are scheduled to be brought back to life. It explains Christ's and Daniel's statements

about two more resurrections—one to judgment, and another involving "shame and contempt"—while

also answering other questions on your mind. Your human existence is literally a matter

of life or death. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might

have it more abundantly." Yet, Paul wrote, "all have sinned" and "the wages of

sin is death." Man is not naturally headed toward eternal

life, but rather toward death! Human beings only live about 70 to 80 years (and in some

countries much less). A few manage to live longer, but eventually all die (read Hebrews

9 and verse 27). Yet this was never God's intention. His supreme purpose is for all

people to have eternal life. (Read II Peter 3 and verse 9 and I Timothy 2 and verse 4.)

God desires that everyone ultimately receive His Holy Spirit, that it eventually enters

all minds. Paul wrote: "The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit [the spirit

in man], that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God,

and joint-heirs with Christ...that we may be also glorified together." Two spirits

are described here. God's Spirit works "with" the human spirit (not an immortal soul) to

bring people to salvation as "joint-heirs with Christ."

Romans states: "Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed

of David according to the flesh; and declared to be the Son of God with power, according

to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead."

Most know Jesus was the Son of God, but He was only "declared to be" God's Son,

in the fullest sense, "by the resurrection from the dead." Of course, He was already

the begotten Son of God prior to His death and Resurrection. This scripture shows Jesus

was first physically born—descending from David "according to the flesh"—and later

spiritually born a Son of God "according to the Spirit...[again] by the resurrection

of the dead." Notice this: "For whom He [God] did foreknow,

He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He [Christ] might

be the firstborn among many brethren." Christ is merely the first "born again"

Son of God. The "many brethren" referenced here (all with God's Spirit over the last

6,000 years) will join Him at His Return. This astonishing understanding is known to

only the few called today (read John 6 verses 44 and 65).

Now for an amazing series of verses. First, Paul quotes David in the Psalms when he asked

the question: "What is man, that you are mindful of him?" Since God is eternal, and

sits over the entire universe and has all power under His control, no wonder David asked

this question. The astounding answer appears next: "You

made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor, and did

set him over the works of Your Hands." God intends to share rulership of His entire Creation

with His Sons. Again, Christ is merely the first of many.

Consider. The birth of a firstborn son does not preclude additional sons (or daughters)

entering a family. I have two sons, and am a firstborn son myself, with a younger brother.

My father was second born, with an older brother. Paul explains that God plans to give great

power and authority to His many Sons: "You have put all things in subjection under his

feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put

under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him." This has not yet happened,

but soon will—at Christ's Return. Now this: "But we see Jesus, who was made

a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that

He by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became Him, for whom

are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make

the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." This reveals the staggering

potential planned for all Christians. The begotten child of God has been called to "glory"—and

to be one of many sons. Jesus' suffering and sacrifice allowed Him to be the "Captain

of their salvation"—and potentially yours. What an incredible future for those whom Jesus

calls brethren: "For both He that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one:

for which cause He [Christ] is not ashamed to call them brethren."

This verse also reveals that Christians are "sanctified" (which means set apart from

the world). How? Jesus asked God to "sanctify them [begotten Christians] through Your truth:

Your word is truth." The cherished traditions and fables of men,

about life after death or anything else, are worthless. A Christian is sanctified by the

truth—what his Bible actually teaches! If Christ is not ashamed to call human beings

brethren, then God's begotten sons must not be ashamed to defend the very truth that

sanctifies them. True Christians "grow up" unto Christ, holding only to the true teachings

of God—all of them—taught by the Church Jesus built. They must qualify to stand beside

Christ over "all things." But will He rule Earth by Himself—or will

others be with Him? If men's governments require the efforts of many people assisting

the top leader, could God's world-ruling governmental structure be different? Let's

answer. Daniel spoke of Christ coming in the "clouds

of heaven." Just before His Return, God officially grants Him the authority to rule

the world. Notice: "And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that

all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting

dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

Again we ask: Will Christ rule alone, or will others join Him? Exactly how does God intend

to manage all the peoples and nations on Earth? More verses in Daniel 7 are critical to understand.

Notice: "But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom

forever, even forever and ever." The ultimate calling of true Christians is

to join Christ to share rulership in the kingdom of God forever. Truly, Christ is King of kings

and Lord of lords. These can be you or anyone else willing to accept God's terms for entry

into His kingdom. Daniel sheds more light on what happens when

the saints rule with Christ. Their first responsibility is to replace what Daniel calls the "fourth

beast"—which rules with the assistance of a "little horn," as it's described.

My thorough booklet about the Beast of Revelation covers this in detail.

Next, "I beheld, and the same [little] horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against

them; until the Ancient of Days [Jesus Christ] came, and judgment was given to the saints

of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom."

Finally, here is the marvelous potential lying ahead for the true saints of God: "And the

kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall

be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting

kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him."

What could be plainer? This explains Jesus' promise that, "He that overcomes, and keeps

My works unto the end, to him [not to anybody else, to him] will I give power over the nations:

and he shall rule them with a rod of iron," and then adding a few verses later, "To

him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne..."

The phrase "In My throne" is used because Christ knew that His throne, unlike the Father's

in heaven, will be on Earth. Read all these other verses. They are almost entirely ignored

in the churches of the world. It is the Christian's responsibility, I

repeat, to qualify to be part of God's coming kingdom. Now, will you?

There is so much more to understand, but this is all we have time for.

Again, the booklet Is There Life After Death? goes further. It answers many questions. But

we have a great many other booklets—and even whole books—that you can read just

on the truth of what is salvation. And they are all free. The truths they contain are

not what anybody else is teaching you regarding plain scriptures in your Bible about the afterlife.

Notice these titles—Why Do You Exist?—Do the Saved Go to Heaven?—and How Religion

Deceives You About Your Incredible Future. These, and others, all relate to one last

crucial booklet—Which Is the True Gospel? The world's churches do not teach even the

most basic doctrines of God, again, preferring cherished popular traditions and oft-repeated

assumptions in their place. Can you really afford to assume when it comes to your salvation?

Should you not know with certainty everything God reveals about life after death?—how

you might spend all eternity! Until next time, this is David C. Pack saying,

"Goodbye, friends." This program was made available by Restored

Church of God members and donors from around the globe. Explore our vast library of literature

and other World to Come programs, which are all made available free of charge. To order

literature featured in this program, call toll-free 1-855-828-4646. That number again:


For more infomation >> What Happens When You Die? - Duration: 27:40.


North Korea Fires First Ballistic Missile Since Trump Took Office - Duration: 2:42.

North Korea Fires First Ballistic Missile Since Trump Took Office

by Carol Adl

North Korea has reportedly fired a ballistic missile, in the first test since Donald Trump

took office as US president.

The ballistic missile was launched on Sunday morning and reached an altitude of about 550

kilometers, according to a South Korean military source.

apanese officials said that the missile did not reach its waters.

Japan�s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the test was �absolutely intolerable� while

President Trump assured the visiting Japanese PM that Washington was committed to the security

of its key Asian ally.


Press TV reports:

South Korea�s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that the missile had been fired

from around Banghyon, in North Pyongan Province, which is where South Korean officials have

said the North test-launched its powerful mid-range Musudan missile on October 15 and

20 last year.

The latest missile flew about 500 kilometers and is believed to have fallen into the sea

between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

Japan�s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters that the missile did not

hit Japanese territorial waters.

South Korea�s Acting President and Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn has threatened to punish

North Korea over the move.

According to the South Korean Foreign Ministry, Seoul would make new efforts with its allies,

including the US and Japan, to toughen sanctions against the North and make the country realize

that it will �never be able to survive� without discarding all of its nuclear and

missile programs.

North Korea faced global condemnations and international sanctions following two nuclear

tests and a slew of rocket launches last year.

North Korea�s leader Kim Jong-un announced in a 2017 New Year address to the country

that the North Korean military was almost ready to test an intercontinental ballistic

missile (ICBM).

Pyongyang says it is developing its missile and nuclear programs as deterrence against

the United States.

It says it will not abandon the programs unless the US ends hostilities toward

the country.

For more infomation >> North Korea Fires First Ballistic Missile Since Trump Took Office - Duration: 2:42.


How to Update the GoPro Firmware with the Capture App - Duration: 4:31.

Hi, this is Rob.

I am going to show you how to update the firmware on the GoPro.

By using the GoPro Capture App.

You are going to need your smartphone, the GoPro Capture App on your phone and the GoPro

that you want to update.

I'm using the GoPro Hero 5 Black.

The first thing you will want to do is turn off the screensaver on your GoPro.

Swipe down, tap on Preferences.

Go down until you see screensaver.

Tap on screensaver.

Scroll down here until you see Never.

Tap on Never, make sure it turns blue to indicate that never is selected.

Then get out of the GoPro Menu System.

On the smartphone, open the capture app.

Then on the GoPro prepare it to connect with the capture app by swiping down.

Tap on Connect.

Go down to connect new device.

Tap on Capture App.

Now on the smartphone, tap on Connect Your Camera.

You may get this message on the app.

Tap on Yes, Wireless is On.

Once the smartphone is connected to the GoPro and there is an Update available.

You will see this screen first on the smartphone.

Hero update then the version number.

Under the highlights will give what is being improved in the update.

This update improves the SD card stability.

On the bottom are the buttons, Later and Install.

If do not want to update the GoPro now, tap on the Later button and the app will go to

its normal function.

I am going to tap on the Install button.

The app is connecting to the internet in order to download the firmware files.

For my phone it took about 15 seconds to connect.

Once connected, the app begins to download the software update.

During this firmware update there are three warning advisements.

The first one: Don't go anywhere.

Do not exit the Capture App or turn off your camera during this process.

The second one: Your camera will power off and on automatically.

The third one: When the update is complete your camera's LCD screen will return to


It took about 30 seconds for the app to download the update files.

It may take you longer depending on the update and your download speed.

Once all the firmware files are downloaded the app reconnects to the GoPro Camera.

Then you have to accept the firmware license agreement by tapping below on the blue part.

The app is transferring the firmware files to the GoPro.

This may take some time.

For this update it took about five minutes just to transfer the firmware from the Capture

app to the GoPro.

I will fast forward.

Once the firmware files are in the GoPro you will see this Installing Update.

During the Installing Update your GoPro screen will turn off and on.

Don't freak out, just hang on tight.

It took about four minutes for this part of the install process.

I will fast forward.

When the firmware update is almost complete you will see this Reconnecting to screen.

When everything is complete, you get this All Set message.

Then tap on the blue OK button and the connected Capture app appears.

OK, that is it.

That is how to update the firmware of the GoPro by using the GoPro Capture App.

If you like this video please give it a thumbs up and please subscribe to this channel.

For more infomation >> How to Update the GoPro Firmware with the Capture App - Duration: 4:31.


a - Duration: 0:07.

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ESE DE LA CINTA - FER LA FE - Duration: 1:48.

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ПОЧЕМУ ВИТАМИНЫ ТАК ВАЖНЫ Ginnie Trinh Nguyen - Duration: 4:44.

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Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 BLUETEC EDITION 1 - Duration: 1:52.

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Fiat Scudo 1.6 M-JTD (Airco/BlueTooth/3-Zits/Hout) - Duration: 1:11.

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hey guys welcome to today's video and

thanks for choosing my video to watch

again today will be happy on a Korean

beauty product that will help you get

rid of those nasty blackheads today we

get to try the piggymom soak soak

nose pack this is similar to the tony

moly strawberry seed pore pack that I

used before in another video that has

terrible results so so excited to try

this brand and hopefully it does the

magic so the piggy mom is so focused

pack is a three-step approach to getting

rid of blackheads on your nose

step one is going to help melt away any

debris on the nose area while step two

is totally going to strip away all that

junk and step three is going to help

tighten and shrink the poor to prevent

future blackheads preparation for this

video i haven't used any exfoliant or

any poor service in the last little bit

so I'm so excited to give it a try

alright let's jump right into it by

starting with step 1

part of the trip from free motion so

we're just going to apply this right to

the nose area and leave it on for 10

minutes destruction was amazing it

smells really fresh and clean a little

bit so P so lost up one does is magic

and melting away all of the inert and

debris i'm going to set a timer for five

minutes and I'll meet you right back


alright so it's been five minutes I'm

going to peel this off and move on to

step two

alright so what else about I don't

really feel anything different in the

nasal region but I didn't expect to

so let's move on to step two oh my gosh

this one is pink to you

alright as you can see this is similar

to a movie or a strip i'm just going to

go ahead and let my nose and apply it

and once the area is what you just want

to go ahead and peel to start off of the

plastic backing here and apply it sticky

side down

I like to give it a good little push it

to the invitation of the nose that's

where most of my blackheads buildup is

just go around and pop this down make

sure it is in contact with all of those

pores so now that i'm applying step two

I don't want to talk too much because i

don't want to lift at the corners of the

strip here we're just going to go ahead

and wait for about 10 to 15 minutes or

until the strip dries down and i'll come

out here to pull it off

ok so what can minutes has passed and my

nose is feeling snatched honey it is

feelin so tight the strip completely

drive down a fourth dimension there was

no sent to the strip like the first one

but I'm so excited to pull it off and I

really hope it works

I'm going to do that in a little bit

closer and let's look at it together

artists are you ready the suspense is

killing me

let's do it right here we go oh here we

go please work better than the tony moly

we seeing anything

because everything anything at all o.o


oh I was really hurt

who's going to back out just we can do

the other side ok so let's finish

pulling this off now I always like to

use tweezers just because I don't like

to keep my fingers around the floors

when they're open and exposed

oh that feels that will show so good i

literally haven't done this in forever

guys i've been waiting

oh yeah out out we have a winner

guys we finally found one network there

you go guys you can see all of the gross

sebaceous elements of stuck to this

strip you know it's kind of hard to see

here guys

disgusting I'm so impressed with step

two I can't wait to a lot step 3

alright so step 3 comes with a cardboard

docking here you can see it sliding

around we're going to apply this

straight to the nose and then peel off

the top layer all this one smells just

like the first one it smells delicious

feel this way off and we left behind

with the strip

oh and it's silky smooth i wish you all

could feel it and smell it and step

three is so important because don't

forget it's going to help shrink and

tighten the floor to prevent any future

black heads from forming just going to

strip do with magic for about 10 to 15

minutes and I'll meet you right back


alright guys just like that 20 minutes

has passed and we are ready for the

final reveal

i'm going to go ahead and pull the strap

off and see what lies below

I'm just going to go ahead and top in

any of the excess serum here into the

poor soul my final impression of the

piggymom soak soak nose pack is a 10

out of 10

finally you guys we have found a three

step pore pack system network it is so

amazing to find a 3-step system because

it's way less abrasive than the typical

one Biore strip so if you're going to be

pulling out those Blackheads you want to

be doing it in the easiest and most

gentle way possible so having found a

system that works

sign me up the piggy mom soak soak nose pack

works so much better than the tony moly

a strawberry poor pack like a hundred

times better if you enjoyed this k-

beauty product review or if you've tried

these no service before leave a comment

down below don't forget to subscribe

before you go or that little bell

notification so you know every time I

upload a new video like always you can

find the products I've been talking

about listed down below as well as my

entire skincare routine and like always

don't think about with me on instagram

snapchat and Twitter until next time


For more infomation >> BEST PORE STRIP x REMOVE BLACKHEADS BETTER THAN BIORE - Duration: 5:52.


Bianca Ryan | All My Loving | The Beatles Music Video - Duration: 3:10.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you

Remember I'll always be true And then while I'm away

I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to


I'll pretend that I'm kissing The lips I am missing

And hope that my dreams will come true And then while I'm away

I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you

All my loving, I will send to you All my loving, darling I'll be true

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you

Remember I'll always be true And then while I'm away

I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you

All my loving, I will send to you All my loving, darling I'll be true

All my loving, all my loving Woo, all my loving, I will send to you

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