13 reasons why
what's up everybody Lee the fourth coming at
you once again with another TV show
review a netflix one again because that
seems to be my thing this story was
originally a novel written by jay asher
and published way back in two thousand
seven so it's been about ten years and
now we got a netflix original TV series
adapted by Brian Yorkey we got a young
girl she's in high school she goes
through a series of bad events that
eventually calls her to take her old
life but before she does so she leaves
behind a bunch of tapes 13 in fact and
they're all giving reasons why she
decided to make the decision that she
did now when I first saw this pop up on
netflix I wasn't too intrigued but as I
kept scrolling through my facebook feeds
every day I kept seeing all of my
different friends on Facebook oh my god
this 13 reasons like that 13 reasons
live is and then I'm like what is the
big deal with the show I know a lot of
Netflix shows come out and they're great
and everything but I never heard of this
you know the little you know artwork or
whatever didn't look too appealing and I
just kind of scrolled by it just didn't
really look like anything I just think
it was another you know waste away
Netflix show cuz you know that place has
a lot of those as well but as I saw it
kept getting more and more popular I was
like you know what I gotta look into
this so I looked into it found out a
little bit about and then I was like you
know what I want to go ahead and check
this show out now the first episode was
really compelling it definitely wrote me
in pretty quick and then I was hooked
from there and I was like you know what
I got to see what is going on I got to
find out all the reasons why this Hannah
Baker girl decided to kill herself and
I won't stop until I get to the bottom
of it so I got definitely say that the
story was well done it definitely kept
me intrigued now there were some things
that I thought you know we're kind of
contrived you know with the Tony Padilla
character he kept always popping up like
the damn cheshire cat or like Yoda like
they even say in the show or just you
know any other like enigma kind of type
character that just keeps popping up
knowing everything and being off cryptic
and you know I just felt like that that
was kind of forced cuz I was like you
know why would you always know where
clay is all the damn time I understand
that he's aware that clay has the tapes
but somehow he always knows which take
clay is on in which place that clay is
going to be at you know according to the
tapes you
the tape same clay on these different
little missions I guess you know and
Tony Padilla this always kind of knows about it
and I was kind of conflicted whether or
not this guy was trustworthy whether or
not this guy was up to something so that
was cool but I just didn't feel that you
know him popping up all the time was
really appropriate it just seemed a
little force but aside from that I liked
the story we got dylan minnette as clay
jensen we got Katherine Langford as
hannah baker we got christian navarro as
Tony padilla Alisha Boe is Jessica
Davis we got Brandon Flynn Justin
Foley we got Miles Heizer has Alex Standall
all we got Ross Butler has Zach Dempsey
we got Devin Druid and it's tyler down we
got Derek Luke as Kevin Porter and last
but not least we got Kate Walsh as
Olivia Baker now I really enjoyed all
the characters there were a lot of
different levels to these characters and
it made me feel like I was back in high
school like the job type characters or
you know just a bitch nigga characters
like I'm sorry for the language and
everything but I just felt like I was
back in high school dealing with those
people I'll just like man this guy
reminds me of so-and-so such as such I
remember characters just like that
archetype back in my school I remember
this person and there's times where like
a character would come up like a lot of
times with Justin Foley character he
will come up and say some stupid shit
I'm gonna shut the fuck up I'll learn it
out loud because I was just with stink
like man that's how I would react back
in high school now I'm not saying I want
some tough guy some badass but I was
definitely not the type to lay down to
be bullied or anything so a lot of times
when the bullying scenes came up i was
getting kind of pissed off for the
character or getting pissed off that
they weren't reacting the way that I
would react because I just I wouldn't
stand for that kind of shit but I do
know kids back in my high school days
that you know what up they would have
just kind of like turned the other cheek
or whatever you want to call it but it
was crazy i really felt like the
characters were well done they really
immersed me into their world i felt like
i was going to high school with them and
it was good like all the actors really
really came with it they had a lot of
good chemistry together they really felt
like they knew each other like they went
to the same school they were dealing
with some of the same problem some hated
others it was good like the actors the
characters well done props
now the music I don't really care for it
to much it was mostly a lot of like
teeny bopper pop style music alternative
rock you know I'm not saying that it's
bad that I hated none of that but it's
not my thing so I gotta say that the
music was just whatever it's just like
any typical you know just show that is
about like teenagers they got their
little like alternative rock bands
playing in the background and just for
me I don't even like really notice it
you know it's kind of like cancel it out
cuz they played in the background during
talking clean stuff like that and it
fits as far as you know the narrative
goes and what they're you know going
forward with this show so in that right
I gotta say it's good but as far as me
personally enjoying that not really now
the cinematography was definitely one of
the standout components of this series I
enjoyed it they got a lot of the
different movements correctly as far as
capturing the movements you got a lot of
like clay jensen driving around we're not
driving around but Tony Padilla drives around
you got clay jensen riding around on his bike
you know there's a couple times he eat
shit and they got that good and a lot of
the key scenes that were really like
dire really like series they captured
that with you know a lot of finesse
especially one of the scenes in the the
last last episode that made me almost
want to throw the fuck up they really
capture that well and it just it really
sucks you and it makes you feel like
you're you're like watching your homies
go through some shit or watching people
you didn't really like too much go
through some stuff and you're dizzy your
feeling for them you feel like man you
wish you could just jump in there and
help out or something but you're on the
sideline you know on the outside looking
in but it was good I really like the way
they capture these scenes in this show
nether in the spoiler section I'll go
ahead and go over a couple of things
that I thought about the series you know
I'll be able to get more in depth now
and one of the things that it's crazy
that you find out that mr. Porter
actually knew the whole damn time the
hannah baker was going to try to kill
herself well not the whole time but
right before she killed herself on the
day that it happened she went to him as
her last ditch effort to save her own
life now by this plane the series we
already know that Bryce Walker the damn serial
rapist rap Hanna Baker and the jacuzzi and
she also red Jessica Davis and that Justin Foley
character just stood by and pretty much
happy now I don't care if you're my best
friend I don't care if you're my daddy I
don't care if you're my brother you try
to go in the room or rape my girl we
gonna be duking it out you could throw
me off the room all you want I'm kicking
the damn door and I'm beating the shit
out of you there's no way i would let
that slide that seemed really pissed me
off and yeah like back to the port of
thing he knew he found out about it and
he didn't you know take the the proper
procedures like me i would have been
immediately on the phone with the
parents i'll have been immediately
calling the cops doing something to try
to keep the girl from murdering herself
and then you want to cry the end of the
tears like oh there you know you right
gray up to the does something like man I
understand you're a human as well you
weren't like a bad character in the show
it seemed like you were trying to do the
right thing but you punked out and
really dropped the ball in that category
shame on you and then like the the first
rape scene with Jessica Davis that was hard to
watch I really like that got under my
skin and then the one with hannah baker i
also got under my skin and I got to the
point where I was really getting sick of
this damn bright guy was already
sticking him before this shit but then
when clay jensen goes over to his house
pretending like he wants to buy sweet or
whatever and he's trying to record them
and he just lets himself get his ass
whooped in order to get the you know
confession that was cool and everything
but man I just couldn't I just can't be
the type of person to stand there and
just get myself beat up now I understand
these characters are me and I'm not the
toughest guy in the world but damn clay
come on man when you punch Bryce you
punch like a little bitch and then the
last spoiler scene I want to talk about
that almost made me throw up was the
scene at the end where Hannah baker finally
commits the damn suicide on camera oh my
god I didn't think they were going to
show it you know what they're gonna pull
that whole thing that a lot of shows do
where you know I thought she was going
to like begin to cut and then like it
was going to cut away and let you kind
of know okay that's where she did it may
be cut back here with her like laying
there but they actually showed her going
oh my god I don't care man I guess I'm
queasy with that stuff I don't know how
a lot of you people out there watch
beheading videos and all this other
stuff i get like kind of sick to my
stomach with stuff like that now I've
seen way worse in different movies and I
don't know what it was it just felt so
tragic I felt like I knew the character
like personally and it just looks so
realistic to me now I don't know what it
looks like to slice your damn veins open
but if anything I feel like that's
exactly what it would look like and that
was so hard to watch it really made me
gag I had
was in like my girlfriend probably
things like now you know what a chump I
don't care i just i had to pause there
it goes splash some water on my face or
something because I've never had a scene
in anything affect me like that I've
seen way more brutal stuff and I don't
know I don't know what it was it's just
like the only thing I can chalk it up to
is that I felt like I actually knew this
character and I saw all the horrific
shit that happened to her and you know
if I was in you know any one of those
kids shoes I think I would have probably
handled it a little bit better I mean
anyone can say that but I just feel like
I don't know I just don't know if I
would have stood by and just let it get
that bad but well no I'm not them I
could be thrust into a situation like
that someday and handled it poorly as
well but Jesus Christ that was hard to
watch so for my overall verdict I'm
going to give this show a pretty damn
great definitely well done I can't quite
get it up to a masterpiece because the
one flaw I did have with it is the you
know the whole series kind of you know
leaned on the whole Tony Padilla thing and him
popping up you know very conveniently
and shit like that and I just thought
that was a little forced Cubs
realistically come on man you're not the
Cheshire Cat as much as you want to be
in you just kept popping up every damn
where and I just didn't really believe
it but aside from that it was almost
near perfect that's why I'm giving it a
pretty damn great what do you guys think
of thirteen reasons why go ahead and
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