Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 19 2017

This Tuesday...

Have you heard the big rumor?

Cheryl was a huge gossip.

A certain someone's been eating all the brains of the local busy body.


And now that someone..

What's with wearing a padded bra today?

Can't stop dishing dirt.

His ex moved to Virginia.

Those two were up to something, that's for sure.

What the hell is up with you?

Okay, one more thing...

iZombie, all new this Tuesday at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> iZombie 3x04 Extended Promo "Wag the Tongue Slowly" (HD) Season 3 Episode 4 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:46.


कुरकुरीत साबुदाणा बटाटा चकली | Sabudana Batata Chakli by MadhurasRecipe | Sago Wafers - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> कुरकुरीत साबुदाणा बटाटा चकली | Sabudana Batata Chakli by MadhurasRecipe | Sago Wafers - Duration: 6:46.


Вспыш и чудо машинки новые серии ДЖОКЕР раздавил игрушки Вспыш Развивающие мультики про машинки 2017 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Вспыш и чудо машинки новые серии ДЖОКЕР раздавил игрушки Вспыш Развивающие мультики про машинки 2017 - Duration: 4:56.


Breaking Trump Just Defunded Liberals' Favorite Organization, They So Pissed Now Details - Duration: 13:05.

Breaking Trump Just Defunded Liberals' Favorite Organization, They So Pissed Now [Details]

For so many years, liberals have enjoyed countless entitlements and other government pork funding

for so many of their pet extremist projects and other useless and unnecessary government


These government funded liberal organizations have been a drain on taxpayers and have increased

our deficit, while at the same time carrying out liberal policies that are far out of synch

with the values of the majority of Americans.

Thankfully, President Donald Trump just announced that he has defunded the very worst of these

liberal organizations.

President Trump just signed an executive order that gives all fifty U.S. states the right

to block using state taxpayer money to fund infamous abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

Trump just reversed extreme liberal President Barack Hussein Obama's executive order where

he denied each state government the right to defund Planned Parenthood, which was a

gross violation of constitutionally guaranteed states' rights.

Stated anti-abortion activist Marjorie Dannenfelser about Trump's latest move, "This week

the pro-life movement had two huge victories: first, the swearing-in of Justice Gorsuch

and now, President Trump will undo former President's parting gift to the abortion


The resolution signed today simply ensures that states are not forced to fund an abortion

business with taxpayer dollars.

Rather, states have the option to spend Title X money on comprehensive health care clinics

that better serve women and girls."

How happy are you that Trump just crushed Planned Parenthood?

Elizabeth Warren Shouts Her 'Favorite Curse Word' On Live Television, She Is A Nutcase

lizabeth Warren proved what a weird person she really is in an interview on "CBS This


For whatever reason the interviewer decided to ask her to name her favorite curse weird.

The answer she gave was bizarre.


Elizabeth Warren immediately shouted.

As a viewer you might be surprised how quickly and forcefully she gave her answer.

The interviewer wasn't buying it.

"That's a goody-two-shoes favorite curse word if I ever heard seen one," said CBS's

Chip Warren.

But Elizabeth Warren insisted that 'poop' was a great curse word.

"No, it's not.

Are you kidding?

Have you ever seen a woman like me look you straight in the face after you've finished

some long explanation of something, and just said 'Poop?'

Try it," said Elizabeth Warren.

She is right that it would be freaky.

The interviewer went on to ask if she has ever randomly shouted 'poop!' on the senate


Elizabeth Warren says that she has not but maybe one day she will be forced to.

Why is this the type of thing that they want to discuss on television.

While President Trump is destroying ISIS and saving America, Elizabeth Warren continues

to insult Trump for being vulgar and than talking about shouting poop.

Check out the cringe-worthy clip below.

CNN Anchor Bravely Gave Trump One Compliment, It May Have Cost Him His Job

One CNN anchor, Fareed Zakaria actually said something nice about Donald Trump.

It could have been enough to cost him his job.

After Trump's airstrike on Syria he said that "Trump appears to have listened carefully

to his senior national security professionals, reversed his earlier positions, chosen a calibrated

response, and acted swiftly."

He then faced the wrath of liberals.

"From the response on the left, you would have thought that I just endorsed Donald Trump

for Pope.

Otherwise thoughtful columnists described my views as "nonsense."

One journalist declared on television, "If that guy could have sex with this cruise missile

attack, I think he would do it."

A gaggle of former Obama speech writers discussed how my comments were perhaps the stupidest

of any given on the subject," described Zakaria.

He went on to criticize liberals for needing to insult everything he ever does.

"Liberals have to be careful to avoid Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If Trump pursues a policy, it cannot axiomatically be wrong, evil and dangerous.

In my case, I've been pretty tough on Donald Trump.

I attacked almost every policy he proposed during his campaign," said Zakaria.

"Those of us who opposed him face an important challenge.

We have to ask ourselves: Would we rather see Trump reversing himself or Trump relentlessly

pursuing his campaign agenda?" asked Zakaria.

"It raises the quandary: Do we want what's better for America or what's worse for Donald

Trump?" he explained.

Check out the video below.

Read more: Michael Moore Is Done Playing, Exposes Plan

To "Bring Down A Sitting President Of The United States"

ichael Moore got serious this easter by releasing what he thinks is a plan to 'bring down'

President Trump.

This delusional man thinks that if he makes an anti-Trump movie he will be able to 'move'

millions of Americans into hating Trump.

"I think I need to make a movie.

Or bring back my weekly series to TV.

Or stand on a stage and howl.

Or something.

Or anything.

Or all of it," wrote Moore.

"It's all happening so fast — the daily dismantling of sections of our government,

bombing Syria, threatening war on nuclear North Korea, allowing states to defund Planned

Parenthood, eliminating all programs to fight climate, and now trying to turn the Supreme

Court into a right-wing junta for the next 40 years," he wrote.

He went on to discuss how he feels his powers as a director can manipulate the masses.

"A crazy thought enters your mind: "Can a simple movie actually bring down a sitting

president of the United States?"

Can an urgent, funny TV series meant to reach the people who watch wrestling and the shopping

channels actually move them to a better place?" he wrote.

"Can I go somewhere where I can just walk out and say whatever the eff I want and suddenly

some citizens might be moved to peacefully, legally take him down… and take him down

NOW?" he wrote.

Check out his whole post here.

Trump Just Gave Epic Middle Finger To Crazy Lib "Tax March" Protesters, "Sorry,

I ______"

On April 15, grumpy liberals who are still upset that establishment-backed Democrat Hillary

Clinton is not in the White House staged more pointless protests across the country as part

of their "Tax Day March."

These confused liberals, who seem to have forgotten that Tax Day is April 18th this

year, screamed their lungs out and ended up making fools of themselves when violence broke

out at one of their protests in Berkeley, California.

Thankfully, President Donald Trump just stuck it to these snowflakes with a vicious message.

Liberal lawmakers saw these protests as an opportunity to create even more partisan conflict

in Washington.

Said Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin on the Capitol steps, "How can we determine

his conflicts of interests or stop him from receiving payments from foreign governments

if he won't show us the names of the people and corporations that he is in active partnership

with all over the world?"

It didn't take long for Trump to strike back.

Wrote Trump on Twitter, referencing the fact that globalist billionaires like George Soros

are bankrolling the liberal protesters, "Someone should look into who paid for the small organized

rallies yesterday.

The election is over!"

Trump wasn't done, however.

He added, "I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the

Electoral College!

Now Tax Returns are brought up again?"

How much do you love rump for destroying these idiots?

Afghanistan Vet Who Lost Both Legs Blasts Obama With Brutal Message For What He Did

It goes without saying that no U.S. President in modern history cared less for our courageous

men and women in uniform than extremist liberal President Barack Hussein Obama.

This did not go unnoticed by former Marine Johnny Jones, who lost both of his legs fighting

for our country in Afghanistan.

After witnessing how President Donald Trump finally took a stand against ISIS by dropping

the "Mother of All Bombs" on their headquarters in Afghanistan, this Afghanistan vet was motivated

to send Obama a vicious message about what he did to him.

Wrote Johnny recently via his Twitter account, "I lost my legs because my gov't was afraid

to use the tools they had and saw me as expendable.

I wish I'd had this admin."

He added, "Because, I believe, more of us would've come home alive and whole if we'd

used bombs to eradicate enemy safe havens-Feel free to disagree.

We begged to use bombs on the minefield ghost town I lost my legs clearing.

But by all means-continue your rhetorically righteous tweeting."

Johnny concluded, "After losing a Green Beret Hero in Afghanistan a few days ago,

@POTUS sent a new message to the cowards who killed him.

#MOAB" Are you proud of U.S. Marine Johnny Jones for speaking up against Obama's failures?

Breaking Popular Fox News Host Just Got Tragic News, It's So Sad, Will You Pray For Her

Fox News has faced countless personnel shake-ups in the past year, from the departure of longtime

chairman Roger Ailes and controversial reporters Megyn Kelly and the embattled Andrea Tantaros

and the return of Neil Cavuto.

Unfortunately, the turnover and turmoil has not ended, and Fox News received news that

one of its most beloved network personalities got some deeply tragic news.

According to reports, popular host Gerri Willis has not defeated breast cancer, as many had

hoped and prayed.

As a testament to Willis' strength and courage in the face of this terrible disease, she

recently appeared on the Fox Business Network without her wig.

Stated Gerri, "It's been a real journey.

I had a mastectomy of my right breast…I then went into chemotherapy—eight treatments

over four months.

The 'red devil,' which is the really caustic chemotherapy, then Taxol.

Then after that, I had breast reconstruction and then finally five weeks of daily treatments."

She added about her hair loss, "That was the second chemotherapy and it fell out after


A little note to self if this ever happens to you—just shave your head, to begin with,

because pulling your hair out in lumps is a real drag…My priority is getting better,

who cares about my hair."

Willis concluded, "If you are worried about this…I know a lot of people who stay away

from the mammogram for that reason alone… you have to take care of yourself."

Will you continue to pray for Gerri Willis?

Watch below:

Breaking You'll Never Guess Who's Playing Dick Cheney In The New Movie [Details]

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is about to get depicted in a big budget biopic directed

by Adam McKay, the filmmaker who won a Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for writing

the script for The Big Short, which he also directed.

Adam McKay is an interesting choice to make the Cheney movie, since he is perhaps best

known for his "Funny or Die" work and for making the comedies Anchorman and Talladega

Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.

However, the choice of actor to portray Dick Cheney is what is turning most people's


For this singular role, McKay chose none other than Englisj actor Christian Bale, who is

most famous for suiting up as Batman in the Dark Knight trilogy.

Bale also won an Oscar, for his role in the boxing drama The Fighter.

Stated Bale about why he wanted to work with McKay on this high-profile project, "In

the same way as it was a journey of discovery with 'The Big Short,' Adam was able to

take a story that most people would go comatose listening to.

His ability to make it startling and entertaining and intelligent without compromising anything

— he's masterful at doing that."

According to reports, the Dick Cheney biopic will also feature A-listers Amy Adams as Dick's

wife Lynne Cheney and Steve Carell as Bush era defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Do you think Christian Bale is the right actor to play Dick Cheney?

For more infomation >> Breaking Trump Just Defunded Liberals' Favorite Organization, They So Pissed Now Details - Duration: 13:05.


Сюрпризы Щенячий патруль новые серии Развивающие мультики Изучаем Цвета Игрушки для детей Paw Patrol - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> Сюрпризы Щенячий патруль новые серии Развивающие мультики Изучаем Цвета Игрушки для детей Paw Patrol - Duration: 6:35.


GFX stories with HASEO -World of my Creation- / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:59. not want to take photo of the world.

I want to take photo of the world that I envision.

I visualize my world with people in it, so wide angle is essential.

Otherwise, everything will not fit in a frame.

Many people are surprised to hear "wide angle" and "portraiture" in a same sentence,

but my photo is about my vision of the world with people in it, so I absolutely need it.

"Turn your body a little like this..."

"Put your leg towards me."

"Put your hands like this"

I want to add more flowers to the picutre.

I use real flowers.

If it can be done, then you must do it. You cannot be lazy.

That's how I think.

If you can prepare real flowers, then you must prepare them.

We prepared about 5,000 roses. I don't even know about the rest of the flowers.

When I think about what it means to take a photograph,

it is about permanent memory. Things all cease eventually.

I think that's photography.

Flowers are beautiful now, but eventually it will die and thrown away as trash.

Things are never the same.

Capturing them in their most beautiful moment is the fundamental to this art.

And that is how I create my photography.


"Turn your face this way"

My interest is not to take portraiture, but to create a photo with people in it.

So, the detail of the scenery is very important.

What I am after is the perfection for my creation

"Even you take a picture with a smartphone, it will be a nice one."

The concept of the project is "Do not trust people who only say good things"

The motif is a famous painting. Roman emperor makes people suffocate to death with flowers for joy.

I wanted to create the scenery in which the people are smothered to death in beautiful scenery.

"Good, beautiful"

The best thing about the camera is the wide coverage of the autofocus area

You can use it to almost all corners of the display.

In terms of composition, it lets you to place your main subject to far corner.

You can also play around with different angles of view, so the possibilities are broadened.

The camera is very light. It is so light.

I feel that it can be lighter than that of a DSLR with a decent lens attached. I am very surprised.

With GFX, you can also move more freely.

You can capture a spontaneous facial expression of a model or an unintended scenery that suddenly emerges with the GFX,

This comes very handy for a long session.

In terms of image quality, medium format has an advantage.

I often take a group shot of people.

If your job is to take a group shot and zoom into individual faces to crop them one by one for a new photo

pixel count is very important.

Most people do not own a medium format camera.

Smartphone can never take a picture like this.

Full size cameras are widely available nowadays. More and more, people are using it.

If you aim for an higher level of image quality and execution,

then your choice is not full size, but medium format.

And the question is, How far can you go with it?

For more infomation >> GFX stories with HASEO -World of my Creation- / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:59.


Pizza in a bun. Mini pizza in a bun in the oven - Duration: 1:13.

Flatten the dough

Put the ketchup on the middle of the flat cake

Put a piece of sausage


Collect the edges and pinch

Place on a baking sheet turning over

Mix butter, chopped garlic and seasonings

Grease buns with a mixture

Sprinkle with grated cheese

Bake at 200 ° with 15-20 minutes

Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Pizza in a bun. Mini pizza in a bun in the oven - Duration: 1:13.


[Eng Sub/Cut] 170418 Xu weizhou quick Q&A cut (MTV头号人物 - 许魏洲) - Duration: 3:44.

- Hello Weizhou, please say hello to our MTV's friends

ZZ: hello to MTV audience, I am Xu weizhou

[Quick Q&A]

- Okay, let's go?

ZZ: okay

- First question, what's the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning?

ZZ: open my eyes

- How long do you usually take to tidy yourself up before heading out?

ZZ: roughly half an hour

- Are you an otaku/homebody?

ZZ: yes

- What do you usually do when you are at home?

ZZ: I usually...

ZZ: when I'm resting, I play the instrument(s), play games, read and watch movies

- Do you sing when you are showering?

ZZ: I do

- What songs do you sing when you are showing?

ZZ: I sing all sorts of song

- When you were writing your first song, under what kind of circumstances were you inspired?

ZZ: the first song was during....

ZZ: junior high

ZZ: at that time, I just learned how to play the acoustic guitar

ZZ: and playing guitars

ZZ: I was troubled by love

ZZ: that's how I got my first song

- Favorite body part to train when you are working out?

ZZ: arm

ZZ: biceps

- Do you have a pet phrase?

ZZ: rest assured

- What is the extreme sports that you want to attempt the most?

ZZ: extreme sports?

ZZ: the extreme sports that I want to attempt the most is...

ZZ: parachuting, I've not done it before

- Biggest dream when you were a kid?

ZZ: my biggest dream was to become a policeman

[Policeman, what are you looking for?

- What is your favorite dish?

ZZ: my favorite dish is...

ZZ: scrambled eggs with tomatoes

- If you have to stay alone in a deserted island for one week and there is only one thing that you can bring, what would you want to bring?

ZZ: mobile phone

- Which color do you think represents yourself the most?

ZZ: black and white

ZZ: I want white

[Quick Q&A -Choose one from two options]

- Liberal arts or sciences

ZZ: liberal arts

- Sense of humor or handsomeness

ZZ: handsomeness

- Do you want coffee or tea?

ZZ: coffee

- Iron man or Captain America?

ZZ: Captain America

- Do you prefer wearing swimsuit during winter or wearing cotton-padded jacket during summer?

ZZ: wearing swimsuit during winter

- Durian or stinky tofu?

ZZ: stinky tofu

- Long or short hair?

ZZ: long hair

- Eat eat eat or buy buy buy?

ZZ: eat eat eat

- Rational or perceptual?

ZZ: rational

- Restrain or indulge?

ZZ: restrain

- Beer belly or bald?

ZZ: beer belly

- "Career line" (cleavage) or "armor lines" (abs)?

ZZ: what is "career line" (cleavage)? oh

ZZ: err, armor lines (abs)

- You are more afraid of having no mobile phone or no internet?

ZZ: more afraid of having no mobile phone

- "The song of fifth ring" or "Little apple" (songs)

ZZ: little apple

- Do you want to kiss or hug?

ZZ: hug

[What the heck?!]

ZZ: and already leaving?

- Do you think that's a surprise or shock?

ZZ: surprise

[Baobao is frightened]

- Play games or sleep?

ZZ: practice on the instrument(s)

- Forest or sea island?

ZZ: park

- British Shorthair or Exotic Shorthair cats?

ZZ: I like both

- Blue or yellow?

ZZ: blue

- Sweet or salty?

ZZ: sweet

- Watermelon or grapes?

ZZ: banana

- Valentine's day or Qixi festival?

ZZ: national day

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub/Cut] 170418 Xu weizhou quick Q&A cut (MTV头号人物 - 许魏洲) - Duration: 3:44.


Moon Jae-in and Ahn Cheol-soo announce their pledges for welfare programs for elderly citizens - Duration: 2:02.

Let's begin our pre-election coverage with the two frontrunners in the opinion polls...

Moon Jae-in and Ahn Cheol-soo have laid out their detailed plans on how to help Korea's

growing elderly population.

They have pledged a range of benefits, with a particular focus on medical care and state


Park Ji-won has the details.

The top two presidential candidates announced their set of pledges for the senior population


And both Moon Jae-in of the Democratic Party of Korea and Ahn Cheol-soo of the People's

Party seemed to have a lot in common in terms of their welfare policies regarding senior


Moon Jae-in's camp announced a total of nine pledges,... and their top goal is to increase

monthly pension to about 280-U.S. dollars to people aged 65 years or older in the lower

70 percent of the income bracket,... from the current 175 dollars.

They also pledged to strengthen national support for dementia treatment,... and lower the cost

of dentures and dental implants by half.

Quality job creation for senior citizens was also among the pledges.

Ahn Cheol-soo's camp also announced a similar set of pledges,... including an increase of

the monthly pension to about 280 dollars to people over 65 in the lower 50 percent of

the income bracket.

Ahn also vowed to lower medical costs, especially for dementia patients,... and strengthen education

programs for seniors and employment opportunities.

A key pledge presented by both camps was to expand senior citizen community centers, as

well as medical and educational support.

One out of four voters in May's presidential election is over the age of 60,... so candidates

are eager to target and win the support of this crucial demographic.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Moon Jae-in and Ahn Cheol-soo announce their pledges for welfare programs for elderly citizens - Duration: 2:02.


Upselling strategies for B2B startups: How to upsell in 2017 - Duration: 12:11.

This is Steli Efti with, let's talk about the power of the upsell.

Recently I was giving a webinar with Lincoln Murphy from SixteenVentures and Gainsight.

Lincoln is awesome, and if you're in SaaS, I highly encourage you to read his blog and

everything he writes.

So we were giving this webinar about upselling, especially about the upselling opportunities

in 2015, and how to think about it and how to prepare for it, and how to put a process

in place for it.

I wanted to record a quick video after the webinar, inspired by it and share some more

thoughts and go a little bit more in-depth on my philosophies, my strategies and my thinking

about the power of upselling.

So first of all, I think that most people, most sales people as well as most companies

truly underestimate the power of their current customers.

They think once somebody has become a customer selling ends.

Your job in sales is done.

And nothing could be further from the truth.

You need to understand that once somebody becomes a customer you still have to sell

to them every single day.

Just selling, if you're doing it right, and if your product or service is good, should

become easier and easier and easier.

No sales are easier than second and third and fourth sales.

Once somebody has gone over the hurdle of trusting you, of researching the market and

deciding for your solution, and you've developed a relationship.

As long as you deliver on your promises, it should be incredibly easy to keep selling

to them and give them more value through your products and services.

The other thing that people kind of misunderstand, or have a blindspot for, is that they think

the biggest opportunities for future sales is in people that haven't bought from us yet.

When in reality your current customers are your best prospects for future sales.

Your current customers are by far your best prospects for future sales.

So you need to treat them as your best leads.

Your best opportunities.

If you do that philosophically, incredible opportunities open up and ways to generate

more revenue for your business, ways to make more sales for you as a sales professional,

that are going to be so easy and so smooth you won't even believe it.

Now, if it's so obvious that your current customers are your best prospects, and if

upselling is the best and easiest way to make more money, why isn't everybody doing it?

Why do I even have to talk about it?

Well, the answer is really simple: The answer in one word is: fear.

Yap, you got it right.

It's fear.

People are afraid to reapproach their current customers to sell them some more services,

products or other things.

And why are they afraid?

Well, for a multitude of reasons.

Number one, they're afraid because they might rattle the cage, they might upset their current

customers by trying to sell them something else.

Well, that fear is totally unreasonable as long as you know that what you're selling

is good.

As long as you know that you're creating and delivering value, there should be no way that

you have to hide from selling them some more stuff.

As long as you give them more value than what you're charging them for, you should try to

sell them as much as humanly possible.

It's actually your responsibility to, if what you're selling is good and valuable and actually

helps them succeed.

That's one.

People are afraid because they don't want to pitch somebody that already pays them money

because they don't want to upset anybody.

Get over yourself!

Number two, people are afraid to actually go for the upsell, go to their current customers

for future sales because they don't want to hear bad news.

Sometimes sales people will suspect that maybe a customer is not that happy.

Maybe they're not that successful.

Maybe they didn't get as much value out of the service or the product as it was promised

to them.

So, as long as I... most sales people or companies think that, as long as I don't hear from my

customers, that's a good thing.

And I don't want to proactively go out there and have them tell me how happy or unhappy

they are.

They're afraid to hear bad news, they're afraid to hear their customers tell them: Your service

sucks, your product sucks, or something is wrong with it.

So as long as the customer doesn't approach them, they don't want to approach proactively

the customer, because they don't want to hear things that might be bad news for their business.

Well, again, get over yourself.

You have to understand that if somebody is unhappy with your product or service that

it is a massive opportunity to both improve your product or service hopefully, improve

the way you sell and the promises you make and make it right for that customer.

Actually turn something negative into something positive.

If you go for the upsell and your customer is telling you they're not happy, that's not

a bad thing... that's not like: Holy shit, I wanted to sell them some more and now they're

telling me that they're not happy with what I sold them in the first place...

that's a great thing!

That's an opportunity for you to actually turn a potentially very, very unhappy customer

into a happy one.

Find out why they are unhappy and see if there is anything you can do to turn that around.

Anything you can do to make them successful and happy, that's your responsibility, and

that's your opportunity.

And once you do, you know what I realize is that...

most companies, because they're hiding away from their customers, especially from the

ones that might not be as happy currently... once you actually do, if you're a company

that does show up when things go bad, that does show up when a customer is not as happy,

and then turns that situation around and delivers on the original promise... that creates an

incredible opportunity to really bond with your customers and develop a relationship

that's really powerful.

So don't be afraid to hear bad news, that's actually a good, a healthy thing that your

business and you need in order to grow.

And it's a normal thing.

Once in a while customers are unhappy, and if you don't talk to them proactively, most

of them won't tell you, so you won't know, so you won't have a chance to actually fix


So there's a massive opportunity to actually find out if things are wrong to fix them and

make them right.

So now that we know that your current customers are our greatest opportunity for future sales,

and upselling is really an amazing way to make more money and make it easily, and we

know why we might not have done it so far, and what our personal and organizational fears

are that have prevented us from it, now that we know these two things, how do we move forward

to actually put some tactics and best practices in place?

Well, very simply.

Number one: you have to make the upsell part of the deal.

Make it part of the way that you sell from the very first interaction with your customers.

When you talk with your customers and you qualify them, why not qualify them for future

upselling opportunities?

Why not ask them: "Hey, you know, how are you intending to grow the business?

How are you intending to grow the usage of our service?

What's kind of your vision for the next twelve months?

If everything went right, would you use the service or our product at the current capacity,

or would it grow?

And to what degree?"

Why not try to find out what the future opportunities are with the current customer, rather than

just focusing on the short term, and short-sighted current opportunities of today?

Let's talk a little bit about tomorrow as well.

To know what to look for and to know what to work towards.

The other thing is: let's prepare the customer as well.

Let's tell them that: "Hey, I'm going to try to upsell you in the future.

Hey, if I deliver my promise today, I will come back to sell you more.

Just so you now and you're prepared for it.

And is that a fair deal?If we deliver all this value to you, keep our promises, is it

fair that I will reapproach you in three, four, six months when you've accomplished

x, y or z to actually deepen our relationship and get you to the next level of our service?"

Tell them!

Prepare them.

Make them aware that that's the way you like to work.

Not just sell them something today and then never hear from them, and they never hear

from you again, but actually over the long term keep delivering more and more value and

have them buy more and more from you.

You know, if you start early, it's going to actually set the tone for the direction of

the relationship.

The next thing is, not just make it part of the early deal, but I know some companies

that actually, where the sales leadership will demand from every sales rep when they

present their opportunities in the morning.

You know, what are the opportunities I'm trying to close this week?

To not just show the current dollar value or amount that the opportunity or the deal

has, but to talk about future value opportunities, future opportunities for sales.

And in some organizations they're so religious about the upsell that they won't allow their

sales people to close deals that don't have a chance for growth.

They will only focus on closing customers today that will grow over the next twelve

months with them.

That's pretty aggressive, but it's a pretty amazing way to actually, not just close any

customers, not just be so short-sighted in your sales, but really take a long-term approach

and maximize the value you deliver, and the value you get back as a business from your


The next thing is, you know, most of the times, and I hinted to this before, most of the times

sales people are really reactive in the way they talk to their current customers and accounts,

rather than being proactive.

And when they are proactive, they usually are just proactive once in a while when there

is some kind of a sale going on, some kind of a promotion... how about checking in with

your customers every quarter, every three months, and checking in how they're using

the product, how successful they are... and if they're happy and if they're successful,

actually trying to find ways to deliver more value to them.

So being proactive in the way that you communicate and interact, and making it a habit to actually

check in with your current accounts and your customers once a quarter regardless if there's

a promotion or anything else going on in your business, to see if your customers are successful,

and then sell them more to make them more successful.

The other thing is, you know, you have to start small.

A lot of people are thinking: well, how do I do the upselling?

What should be the script?

How do I know if they should be using more or not?

Well, why don't you just start by writing down ten names, right now, you know, you can

stop the video, we're almost at the end.

Pause the video and write down 10 of your customers... if you don't have that many customers,

write down five or three, it doesn't really matter that much, but write five to ten customers

down on a piece of paper that you think are happy.

You would assume they are happy or you know for a fact they're happy, and call them today.

Or send them an email right now, today, to ask them, you know, if there is other ways

that you can serve them, to ask them to jump on a quick ten, fifteen minute call, to explore

if there is ways to grow with your service.

And you can upsell them on buying more of your current service or product.

You can upsell them on buying a different tier or plan, you know, a premium version

of your offering, you can upsell them on buying, a different thing, a completely different

product or service that you offer to similar customers.

You can try to upsell them to grow into their organization.

So if one department is using your solution or product, you could ask, and try to grow

into other departments, and broaden your usage.

So there is so many ways that you can deliver more value, and it's your responsibility to

find out which of these are the best to tackle next, and you should always think about what's

the next thing I can sell, what's the next thing I can deliver value to my customers


Because if you keep your promises and if your services or products are great, the upsell

is where an amazing amount of opportunity lies, right in front of you, ready for the


It should be as easy as that.

You just have to do it, and do it regularly.

Alright, so I hope that that was helpful, I hope that you'll take these upselling lessons

and philosophies and thoughts and implement them in your plan for 2015, and make next

year even bigger and better.

And if you want more of these lessons, if you want more of these videos of me sharing

some of the sales insights and sales tactics, just subscribe to our YouTube channel... you

know, just subscribe somewhere to make sure that you get all the videos, and you can always

get in touch with me personally: Shoot me an email if you have questions, if

you want to add something to the discussion, looking forward to hear from you guys.

Go, and service your current customers better by upselling them every single day.

For more infomation >> Upselling strategies for B2B startups: How to upsell in 2017 - Duration: 12:11.


【幼稚遊戲老師說】許洋洋失控了!!宜蘭三星出遊記 [YYTV / 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 【幼稚遊戲老師說】許洋洋失控了!!宜蘭三星出遊記 [YYTV / 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:24.


1.5 yo twins do yoga pose Ananda Balasana [English subtitle ] - Duration: 7:28.

[ moving their feet ]

Do it!

That's right, both feet.

yes, nicely done.

Ha ha! You are stepping on her head.

Great! Well done!

Hee hee!

Great! Doing exercise. Nice moves.

Doing exercise.

Wait! Don't get me in your shot.


Raise your arms too.

Raise your arms.

Great! You reached high.

Ha ha! That's pretty high.

[ moves enthusiastically ]

Hey! Where are you going?

Oh! She wants to do it in front of you.

Wow! You did well.

Oh! You also came over.

Yes, raise your arms too.

Hey! Where are you going?

[ Nagging ]

Don't go there.

She wants to throw out the trash.


Throwing out trash.


She picked up a piece of trash to throw away.

Come out when you are done.

Throw it and come out.

Lil Sis, your throw that away too.

Come out to exercise.

Hey come here.


Hee hee!

Yes, that's it. Lift your feet.

Yes, that's right.

Come out.

Yes, that's right. Exercise!

Daddy to look at her doing exercise.

See how high her feet reached.


You are not videotaping her.

See how high she reached.

See she raised her feet high.

Both doing it.

Yes, reach high.

High! Hee hee!


Yes, so high. Wow! Feet are high.

How about you? Raise your feet.

[ Big Sis doing Ananda Balasana ]

You don't want to reach high?

Watch Big Sis! See how well she exercises.

Yes, exercise.

[ Lil Sis kisses Big Sis. ]

Wow! What are you trying to do?

Lil Sis, are you kissing Big Sis?

Eeh! She kissed Big Sis.

Oh! You want to kiss grandma?

Good girl!

Oh! You want to kiss grandma too?

Good girl!

They are good girls.

Oh yeah!

Oh! You found another piece of trash.

Going to the trash can again?

[ utter satisfaction ]

Nicely done.

Yes. Drop it in.

Good girl.

[ nagging ... ]

Want to wipe your hand?

Lil Sis, what are you doing? Come out, hurry.

Big Sis, why do you go inside again?

Hey, you two are taking shifts.

Big Sis.

Huh? What do you want to do?

You want to buckle up the seat belt?

What are you doing in the dark?

Look at Big Sis ... [ indistinct words ]

Why are you making noise?

[ squealing in joy ]

Hey! Don't play with that rag. It is dirty.

Come out, come out, come out, come out!

[ sound of the sliding door closing ]

[ nagging ]

What is the matter?

What is the matter?

[ nagging ]

What is the matter?

That's a button.

Your shirt has no button.

You get a heart on your shirt.

Baby, the figurines in the clock are dancing.

Dancing with music.

[ The clock continues to chime with music. ]


You pulled up your shirt again?

[ nagging and running to the clock ]

Yes, that clock makes noises.

[ point at where the music comes from ]

You can dance.


Yes, that's it. Dance.

Why do you dance with your shirt pulled up?

Bare your belly.

What is this one doing?

Lil Sis, why are you so embarassing?

Yes, she pulled up the shirt.

She saw that and she does the same.

Hey! Why do you bare your tummy?


It is embarrassing to pull up your shirt like that.

[ laughters ]

Joanne, what are you doing?

You climb on mommy again?

Come, be a good girl.


Why do you bare your tummy?

Yes, she does that often. Don't know what she wants.

Hey hey! So embarrassing.


She keeps pulling there.

Don't know what is there.

Let me check your diaper.

Pinching her, perhaps.

Let's see, come over.

Help her pull it up.

Is the diaper pinching you?



What are you doing?



Joanne, are you ignoring daddy?




Come. Come here.

Come, I will carry you.

Don't climb, you'll fall to your death.

[ nagging ]

Go watch TV.

For more infomation >> 1.5 yo twins do yoga pose Ananda Balasana [English subtitle ] - Duration: 7:28.


Brownie Buba Funny Talking Buba Talking Booba - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> Brownie Buba Funny Talking Buba Talking Booba - Duration: 10:59.


Growing number of illegal Chinese workers leaving Korea in wake of Beijing's travel ban - Duration: 0:52.

China's unofficial retaliation against the THAAD missile defense system, including its

ban on group tours to Korea, appears to be impacting Chinese workers in the country illegally.

According to immigration authorities Wednesday, over 13-hundred Chinese workers in Korea illegally...

left Jeju-do Island voluntarily to return to China between March 1st and April 10th,...

a ninefold increase from last year.

The Korea Immigration Service says over eight thousand Chinese nationals are known to be

working illegally in Korea at construction sites, restaurants and bars.

But with more Chinese restaurants closing their doors after a decline in the number

of Chinese tourists to Korea, the Chinese workers who are here illegally are leaving,


For more infomation >> Growing number of illegal Chinese workers leaving Korea in wake of Beijing's travel ban - Duration: 0:52.


Dosa Batter Recipe in Tamil | Idli Dosa maavu in Tamil | How to make Dosa batter at home - Duration: 6:24.

Hello friends welcome to Madras Samayal

Today lets see how to make Idli batter.

Not only Idli, we can make lot of other recipes like Dosa, Kal dosa, set dosa, Uthappam , kuzhi paniyaram etc..

I have taken 4 cups of Idli rice (washed 3 times and soaked in water for 4 hours)

for 4 cups of rice we need 1 cup of urad dal,

the ratio is 4:1

but for some rice/ some brand rice we need to follow 3:1 ratio rice: urad dal

similarly I have soaked skinless black gram in water for 4 hours.

and we also need 1/2 to 1 tsp of fenugreek , I have taken 1 tsp today (soaked for 4 hours)

Now lets grind the dal first .

We need to grind the dal until it turns very very soft and fluffy (the batter should be very light)

Do not add too much of water while grinding dal, whenever required sprinkle water and grind

Since fenugreek takes longer time, grind it along with urad dal.

If you are using mixie / blender then grind them in small batches.

If we add everything in one go then it will take lot of time and the batter gets heated up

For more infomation >> Dosa Batter Recipe in Tamil | Idli Dosa maavu in Tamil | How to make Dosa batter at home - Duration: 6:24.


測了才知道 : 南亞冰酷隔熱紙實測開箱 - Duration: 15:12.

For more infomation >> 測了才知道 : 南亞冰酷隔熱紙實測開箱 - Duration: 15:12.


Marcela Valladolid "Casa Marcela" Handsigned Cookbook - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Marcela Valladolid "Casa Marcela" Handsigned Cookbook - Duration: 6:24.


Mt Albert Town Centre upgrade begins | Auckland Council - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Mt Albert Town Centre upgrade begins | Auckland Council - Duration: 2:16.


Папа требует : "Прекратите выступать против папства". Э. Энрикес - Duration: 27:15.

For more infomation >> Папа требует : "Прекратите выступать против папства". Э. Энрикес - Duration: 27:15.


2017 Japan Prize Laureate: Dr. Adi Shamir - Duration: 9:10.

2017 (33rd) Japan Prize "Electronics, Information and Communication" field

Dr. Adi Shamir (Israel)

Dr. Adi Shamir was born in 1952 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

He grew up in the warm temperate climate of the Mediterranean coast.

Dr. Shamir, who loved science since a young child,

participated in a summer program hosted by the Weizmann Institute of Science

at the age of 15.

He says that this experience made him determine to become a scientist.

In 1969, he advanced to Tel Aviv University to study mathematics.

Upon graduating from Tel Aviv University in 1973,

he advanced to the Weizmann Institute of Science.

There he chose Computer Science, which was a

brand new field at the time, as his main area of study.

At the time, computers were undergoing rapid progress.

As the new world of computer networks was being established,

there was an urgent need for a new system of

information exchange that was secure.

In 1976, two young Stanford University researchers,

Prof. Whitfield Diffie and Prof. Martin Hellman,

put forth a completely new concept for cryptography.

Cryptographic schemes up to that point required the

keys to be the same for encryption and decryption.

The concept of "Public-key cryptography"

proposed by the two was unique in that it offers

two types of keys for encryption and decryption,

and the encryption key is made available to the public.

In this scheme, the message cannot be

decrypted with the key that was used for encryption.

Decryption is only possible by the receiver of the message

who rightly has the decryption key.

Numerous researchers, including Hellman and Diffie, attempted to

develop a practical realization of this concept but none of them were successful.

In 1977, Dr. Shamir graduated from the Weizmann Institute of Science with

a PhD in Computer Science and went on to become a

mathematics lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Here, Dr. Shamir met Dr. Ronal Rivest and Dr. Leonard Adleman.

Despite having no experience in cryptography research,

the three mathematicians took an interest in "Public-key cryptography" and began

researching for the practical realization of this cryptosystem on their own.

First, Dr. Shamir and Dr. Rivest explored encryption methods for

public-key cryptography using various mathematical techniques.

Then, Dr. Adleman searched for flaws that could lead to decryption.

This process was repeated many times until they finally came up with a

successful encryption method on their 43rd iteration.

The essential basis of this encryption technique, which was named the

"RSA cryptosystem" after their initials, lies in the difficulty in the

prime factorization of very large numbers.

The product of two prime numbers is publicly released as the encryption key

and in order to uncover the decryption key, one must perform

prime factorization on the encryption key, and identify the two prime numbers.

The product of two prime numbers used in the RSA cryptosystem is so large that

even a supercomputer would be unable to compute it in 10,000 years.

This revolutionary encryption scheme is today used in services such as

online shopping, thereby contributing tremendously

towards secure online transactions.

In 1979, Dr. Shamir developed a new encryption concept

called the "secret sharing scheme", which ensures secrecy by

breaking up and storing classified information in parts.

In mathematics, an n-degree polynomial is described with n + 1 points.

If you consider the secret information as a point on the second degree polynomial,

the information needed to stipulate the polynomial equation is

stored as points on a parabola.

A second degree polynomial needs three points in order to be described,

therefore, the secret information can beconfirmed by

collecting three pieces of information.

As an alternative approach to this scheme,

Dr. Shamir also invented the "visual secret sharing scheme".

It involves splitting an image into two or more

sandstorm-like patterns, which when overlapped,

reveal the original image.

The secret sharing scheme has contributed towards the improvement of

information security against theft and destruction, and can also be a

useful technology for countermeasures against disasters such as earthquakes.

In 1986, Dr. Shamir developed the innovative "identification scheme".

In digital networks, presenting secret information such as a password poses

a risk of it being stolen, which could lead to identity theft.

Using the mathematical theory of "quadratic residue", Dr. Shamir developed

a scheme for proving one's possession of authentic secret information

during a transaction without revealing any of it to the other party.

Today, this scheme has been adopted by satellite broadcasting

services for their billing systems.

Along with such development of new cryptographic techniques,

Dr. Shamir has also contributed significantly in revealing flaws in

existing cryptographic techniques and raising the alarm.

Together with his pupil Dr. Eli Biham, Dr. Shamir developed the technique of

"differential cryptanalysis" which analyzes the statistical differences in

two encrypted messages and demonstrated its ability to decrypt the secret key cryptogram.

Dr. Shamir was recognized for his numerous innovative achievements

in cryptology, and has since received multiple international awards.

Today, as a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science,

he is dedicated to training the young.

For Dr. Shamir, Japan is a country that he is drawn to

for its rich nature and traditions.

Above all, Dr. Shamir says he has discovered the true beauty

of Japan through his exchange with Japanese researchers.

Behind Dr. Shamir's active work life, there has always been the

heartwarming support of his wife Leah, a researcher on urban planning,

and their children.

For Dr. Shamir, spending time with his family gives him the life force to

continue his busy research career.

With the emergence of numerous internet enabled devices, we now have

instant access to a vast amount of information at our fingertips.

As digital networks reach a new horizon, the information security research that

Dr. Shamir who has led plays an ever more important role.

In such times, anticipation surrounding the future of

Dr. Shamir's cryptology research has never been greater.

By reading various scientific papers with a broad vision, you will realize that

innovative ideas from all fields of science can tremendously contribute

towards discoveries in your own research field.

Be creative at all times.

By taking on challenges without being bound by preconceived ideas,

you will achieve significant results.

Have persistence.

Even when stuck,

keep revisiting the problem until it can be solved.

- Adi Shamir

For more infomation >> 2017 Japan Prize Laureate: Dr. Adi Shamir - Duration: 9:10.


Peugeot 2008 BLUE LION 1.2 PureTech 82pk ETG5 | NAVIGATIE | PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 BLUE LION 1.2 PureTech 82pk ETG5 | NAVIGATIE | PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 107 BLACK&SILVER 1.0-12V 5D | AIRCO | LM 15'' - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 BLACK&SILVER 1.0-12V 5D | AIRCO | LM 15'' - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 107 5-deurs Active 2-Tronic 1.0-12v 68pk AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 5-deurs Active 2-Tronic 1.0-12v 68pk AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:02.


Peugeot 308 GTI-R 1.6 303PK PERFORMANCE PAKKET - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 GTI-R 1.6 303PK PERFORMANCE PAKKET - Duration: 1:00.


Trump maintains strategic ambiguity on N. Korea - Duration: 0:38.

U.S. President Donald Trump is continuing to play his cards close to his chest on North


In an exclusive interview with "Fox & Friends" Tuesday, Trump said he doesn't want to "telegraph

what I'm doing or what I'm thinking."

He added he hoped things worked out well and that there would be peace.

Yet he also continued to warn Pyongyang not to provoke with more missile tests.

Regarding his softened tone on Beijing,... Trump also said...

he's dealing with China with "great respect,"... asking why would he start a trade war with

China,... while they are working together on North Korea.

For more infomation >> Trump maintains strategic ambiguity on N. Korea - Duration: 0:38.


For more infomation >> Trump maintains strategic ambiguity on N. Korea - Duration: 0:38.


Satellite images show workers playing volleyball at N. Korean nuclear test site - Duration: 0:42.

Satellite images of North Korea's nuclear test site have shown what appears to be a

group of workers playing volleyball.

The unusual activity was spotted by U.S. monitoring group 38 North, which has been looking for

signs of a sixth nuclear test at the Punggye-ri nuclear facility.

An expert from 38 North said it either suggested the site is going into "standby mode" or that

it's a deliberate ploy to confuse the U.S. and others monitoring the regime.

The group, along with the South Korean and the U.S. governments, has said the recent

activity around the site suggests Pyongyang is primed for a nuclear test and that it could

happen at any time.

For more infomation >> Satellite images show workers playing volleyball at N. Korean nuclear test site - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Satellite images show workers playing volleyball at N. Korean nuclear test site - Duration: 0:42.


Pence reiterates that all options on table on N. Korea - Duration: 2:14.

We start with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence's ongoing tour of Asia...

He's currently in Japan,... and his first schedule on his second day in the country

was to speak to American troops stationed near Tokyo.

His remarks stayed consistent to what he's been saying since he arrived in the region:

if North Korea gets out of line,... the U.S. will respond swiftly and strongly.

Connie Kim has our top story.

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence,... on the second leg of his Asia-Pacific tour, boarded

the USS Ronald Reagan at the Yokosuka naval base on Wednesday,... in yet another display

of Washington's commitment to peace and security in the region.

The USS Nimitz will be joining the Ronald Reagan at the U.S. base just south of Tokyo...

as tension on the Korean peninsula continues to rise.

Addressing a crowd of U.S. servicemen,..

Pence reassured that all options are on the table in dealing with North Korea... and the

U.S. will counter any military action by Pyongyang with an overwhelming response.

Continuing his trip from South Korea,...

Pence sat down with Japanese Shinzo Abe upon his arrival in Japan on Tuesday to discuss

measures to tackle the North Korean nuclear issue.

"As the situation regarding North Korea is getting increasingly severe, your visit is

very timely."

Pence delivered President Trump's strong resolve to closely cooperate with South Korea, Japan

and China to seek a peaceful solution to the North's nuclear issue.

"While all our options are on the table, President Trump is determined to work closely with Japan,

with South Korea, with all our allies in the region, and with China to achieve a peaceful

resolution and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

Calling the meeting a clear sign of the robust U.S.-Japan alliance,...

Pence stressed that Washington stands with Tokyo,... even during this difficult period

of continual provocations by the North.

In response, Abe called for the need to pressure North Korea to engage in dialogue.

Vice President Pence is around halfway through his ten-day tour of Asia.

He heads to Indonesia later on Wednesday.

Pence's trip has so far been dominated by concerns over North Korea.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Pence reiterates that all options on table on N. Korea - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> Pence reiterates that all options on table on N. Korea - Duration: 2:14.


Sprzedam- stacja uzdatniania wody Aquamix-N Veissmann 2400 zł - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Sprzedam- stacja uzdatniania wody Aquamix-N Veissmann 2400 zł - Duration: 0:37.


For more infomation >> Sprzedam- stacja uzdatniania wody Aquamix-N Veissmann 2400 zł - Duration: 0:37.


Groene Trein, Aankomst Amsterdam CS! (VIRM-10) - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Groene Trein, Aankomst Amsterdam CS! (VIRM-10) - Duration: 1:38.


For more infomation >> Groene Trein, Aankomst Amsterdam CS! (VIRM-10) - Duration: 1:38.


BMW 1 Serie 114i Sport Edition (M-Stuur/Navi/Bluetooth/Stoelverw) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 114i Sport Edition (M-Stuur/Navi/Bluetooth/Stoelverw) - Duration: 1:00.


Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.3 M-Jet 75 pk (Airco/Bluetooth/Elek. pakket/Schuifdeur) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.3 M-Jet 75 pk (Airco/Bluetooth/Elek. pakket/Schuifdeur) - Duration: 0:59.


I'm going to own the day! I'm going to make it my servant! | TB#51 - Duration: 2:12.

I'm going to own

the day.

I'm going to make it my servant.


My name is Andrew and welcome to Today's Brainwork where we start

every single day with

an idea

or a quote.

How do you feel today?

Do you feel full of

joy, passion, excitement?

Or maybe

you're angry and frustrated?

Or just

tired and bored?


I'm here to tell you it's all up to you.

It's still your day, it's

your decisions,

conscious or subconscious decisions that


your day what it is.

It's all up to you.


what do you have to do, what do you need to do,

do it

and spend the rest

of the day doing most important things

and the things you like.

Cause the truth is

you can't do 100%

of things - that you like.

But you can,

if I remember correctly,

if you work

on something you love

you can still manage to spend like

80% of your time

doing actually something that interests you.

So, whatever you

feel right now

this is still your day.

This is only


No one

can take it from you.

Own it.

Thanks for watching!

Leave a like or a comment below if you liked it! Subscribe if you want more videos like this!


remember to own your day!

See you!

For more infomation >> I'm going to own the day! I'm going to make it my servant! | TB#51 - Duration: 2:12.


A Story Parents will Appreciate --Writing Your Wills - Duration: 2:25.

- My name is Michael Geoghegan.

I'm a Wills, Trusts, and Probate Attorney

with Northwest Strategy and Planning,

and this is a story that I think

parents will particularly appreciate.

A few weeks ago I was at a meeting where I was there

to present a little bit about what I do for work,

and there were about 20 people in the room.

I was one of the last people to talk,

so I sat there listening to other people's presentations,

and it was going on for a little while, and I was exhausted.

I kept having these yawns come from deep inside me

and I'd fight to keep it down

'cause I find that disrespectful.

I hate it when other people do that when I'm talking,

and these yawns would come out,

and finally it came around to my turn to stand up and talk,

and at that point, I completely threw away the notes

that I had brought in to talk about that day

and I just said, very frankly,

"Hello, my name is Michael Geoghegan.

I'm an Estate Planning Attorney,

and I'm just totally exhausted this morning

because I've had nights of interrupted sleep.

My three-year-old is in a regression right now

and he keeps peeing his bed at night.

He comes in at like two or three in morning

like, 'Daddy, I need help,'

and it's bringing me back to the bad old days

where you never got more than

four hours of sleep at a time."

And that basically is the deal for parents.

We show up for work, we're dressed professionally,

we've got our hair done, and we just try not to show

that we've had a blowout fight

with a three-year-old over a bowl of cereal

or whatever you're dealing with at home.

We're fronting half the time

just to show up and make it through the day,

and then you go home and you do your other work,

which is keeping your household and your family together,

and on top of all of that, you're expected to make time

for long-term projects like life insurance or making a will,

so it's no surprise that for many of us, it doesn't happen.

It certainly doesn't happen right away.

If that's you, you are my people.

I want to be working with busy parents

who've been putting this task off,

and all of my practice around parents

is dedicated to getting you through the process

as efficiently as possible,

so we spend as little time together as we need to,

but as much time as we need to guide you

through the decisions that you need to make,

and then I draft the documents, I show them to you,

we meet again, we sign, and we get it done.

So parents, I'd love to work with you on putting together

wills, trusts with guardianship provisions for your kids.

I do free 20 minute consultations

and you can sign up for that on my website.

For more infomation >> A Story Parents will Appreciate --Writing Your Wills - Duration: 2:25.


Trump maintains strategic ambiguity on N. Korea - Duration: 0:38.

U.S. President Donald Trump is continuing to play his cards close to his chest on North


In an exclusive interview with "Fox & Friends" Tuesday, Trump said he doesn't want to "telegraph

what I'm doing or what I'm thinking."

He added he hoped things worked out well and that there would be peace.

Yet he also continued to warn Pyongyang not to provoke with more missile tests.

Regarding his softened tone on Beijing,... Trump also said...

he's dealing with China with "great respect,"... asking why would he start a trade war with

China,... while they are working together on North Korea.

For more infomation >> Trump maintains strategic ambiguity on N. Korea - Duration: 0:38.


10 Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think - Duration: 4:47.

Hey everyone, its Jasmine.

Lots of foods LOOK healthy, but actually have hidden sugars and fats that make them just

as unhealthy as junk food.

Here are 10 foods, that aren't as healthy as you think.

Hopefully some will come as a surprise!

Oats are a great source of carbohydrates, as they are low GI, making you feel fuller for longer

However, instant oats that come in a sachet are often loaded with lots of sugar and flavours

that counteracts the healthiness of the oats itself.

Ditch the instant stuff and spice up a plain bowl of oats with fruits and nuts.

We always think of sushi as a light and healthy meal, which can be true.

But often sushi is loaded with lots of cream cheese, mayonnaise and fried ingredients.

For a healthier option, choose sashimi or grilled proteins and ditch the mayonnaise

Continuing with the Japanese theme, miso soup is thought to be a nutritious drink as it

contains fermented soybeans which provides probiotics to the intestines.

But miso is loaded with lots of salt that can quickly dehydrate your body,

if not enough fluid is restored quickly.

I'll be doing a video on salt and sodium, talking about why its bad to eat too much salt,

so keep an eye out for that!

This is sort of the same concept as instant oats.

Traditional or plain yoghurt is great for the body as it contains lots of probiotics and protein,

that the body LOVES.

But, fruit and chocolate flavoured yoghurts contain added sugars and artificial sweeteners,

and might not even contain probiotics, depending on the manufacturing methods.

Apricots, raisins, mangoes, bananas… the list goes on.

Dried fruits seem like a healthy snack option as you're eating, FRUIT.

But eating dried fruits can easily lead to excess sugar intake, as you can easily eat 10 dried apricots,

which is essentially contains the same amount of sugar as 10 fresh apricots.

Furthermore, dried fruits often have added sugar, and fruits like banana are deep fried,

which increases the fat content and destroys the good nutrients.

Margarine seems like a healthy alternative to butter, as its made with vegetable oils instead of dairy.

But, the process of making margarine causes the production of trans fats,

which increases blood pressure, and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Nowadays, a lot of food companies have reformulated their margarines to contain less trans fat.

To make sure you're choosing the right margarine,

look for ones with less than 0.1 grams of trans fat per 100 gram

Juices often contain lots of natural AND added sugar.

A glass of juice contains about 6 teaspoons of sugar,

which is about the same amount as that in coke.

Powerade and Gatorade are helpful for quickly restoring muscle glycogen during and after exercise.

It can help to refuel energy into your muscles, to help you keep going, and also to keep you hydrated.

But drinking sports drinks without exercise, means that the carbs are just going to sit

in your body and turn to storage.

All the fitness bloggers on Instagram are raving about granola,

advertising it as delicious and healthy.

However, store bought granola contains lots of added sugar and oils, added during production.

And it does often contain dried fruit too, which increases the sugar content by heaps,

as you would know by now.

Wraps are often thought to be a healthier alternative to bread.

But actually, they are more processed, contains more sodium, and more calories

compared to two slices of bread.

So there you go, 10 foods that aren't as healthy as you think!

I hope this was helpful and inspiring.

Don't forget to head to my blog if you want to read up a quick summary, the link is down below

Thanks for watching, and ill see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> 10 Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think - Duration: 4:47.


STORYTIME: Making Swedish People's Ears Bleed - Duration: 2:45.

I've got a- I've got a gin today.

Because I'm- I'm gonna need it.

Hi! So I'm gonna try and do something a little bit different today.

So I live in Sweden and I'm learning Swedish

One issue I have with foreign languages is speaking.

My heart starts racing, I get self concious

and nervous and I start sentences I can't finish.

It's really hard for me to do.

So I figured what I'll try and do today is speak Swedish to the camera.

Hence the gin.

Because when I drink alcohol my language abilities improve.

Non-Swedish friends, I'll include subtitles right here.

Swedish friends and viewers, let me know how I go!

But specifically I'd like to know how badly you cringe.

So, anyway.

Here comes the Swedish. Fuck me.


So, a quick Swedish lesson.

Swedish has "en" and "ett" nouns.

Eg. An "en" noun is "cat". En katt (a cat), katten (the cat).

"Photo" is an "ett" noun. Ett foto (a photo), fotot (the photo)

But in this video I switch ALL "en" and "ett" words around.

Eg. "ETT katt som heter Ellie" (a cat named Ellie)

This change then affects other parts of the language, like adjectives. I do my best to include these changes.

I'm told that this -should- sound VERY weird to Swedish speakers :)

And now, my non-Swedish speaking friends, you know enough to -hopefully- understand the joke I'm making. :)

I won't even remember making this video at this rate.

That was rough. That was really rough.

So let me know how it went!

Swedish speakers! Are your ears bleeding?

Non-Swedish speakers, you might be thinking:

"Oh Jace that was a really great job! You did better than I could"

or something like that, but

if that's what you're thinking then I urge you to restart this video

and click the little CC button, I don't know which side it's on.

And choose English.

and there I'll have some extra notes to clue you in on the joke that

probably only Swedish people understood.

This is all a lie I have a real Swede over there.

Helping me.

Say "hello" real Swede.

That's what vikings look like in 2017.

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