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மனைவி செய்த துரோகத்தால் இறந்த நடிகர் | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Cinema New - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Japanese Try Taiwanese Snacks (Taste Test) - Duration: 14:43.-------------------------------------------
Overwatch Moments #64 - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Daddy Issues - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
Sandra und der Aushilfslehrer #barrierefreiTag - Duration: 6:23.-------------------------------------------
Star Wars: Top 5 Sith Personal Starships (Legends Sources) - Spacedock Short - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
АННА и ЭЛЬЗА или ПОНИ? Прямой эфир распаковка Anna Elsa Kristoff FROZEN Disney online vlog review - Duration: 17:18.-------------------------------------------
Officers jump into action after bridge collapse - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Skyforge PS4 - The Risen Exiles Announcement Trailer - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
How To Identify Your Gifts And Purpose - Duration: 28:31.TERRI: I heard someone say the other day that the two greatest
days in a person's life are, number one, the day you were
born, and number two, the day you discover why. I want to talk
to you today about how you discover your unique
gifts and talents that God wants to use.
TERRI: Hi, I'm Terri Savelle Foy and you're watching
Live Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself
today, you're captivated and you're catapulted
to live your dreams. I want to talk to you specifically about
your potential, your talents, your gifts. Do you know that
what you're able to do God wants you to do? I heard someone say
one time that there is a direct connection between your
potential, your passion, and your purpose. Isn't that
interesting? Those things that seem to just come natural to
you, those are gifts that God has given you. You've been
created with certain talents and gifts that are unique to you to
help you fulfill your purpose. Whether you recognize it or not,
you have a special gift. 1 Corinthians 7:7 says, "Each man
has his own gift from God. One has this gift, another has
that." Now, notice it doesn't say, "Most men have a gift." No,
it says, "Each of us have a gift from God." God has given every
one of us something that he's expecting us to stir up on the
inside of us and use it during our time here on earth. There's
a couple scriptures in Proverbs that actually say, "Once you
stir up the gift that's on the inside of you, your gift will
make room for you and bring you before great men. And then
another benefit of using your gift is it will prosper you."
Did you know that? Your gift is supposed to bring you financial
increase. For example, if your gift is organizing, people will
pay big money to have a professional come organize their
closets. That's a gift. A gift of organization. Or maybe your
gift is numbers, or accounting, or filing taxes. People will pay
big money to have the best file their taxes. Or maybe you have a
gift for styling hair. In fact, I know a lady who discovered her
gift for hair styling and she began develop it and now she
does hair for celebrities all over Los Angeles and Hollywood.
She charges tons of money for bangs. She's developed. This is
a gift that God has given me, and it's prospering her. If
you're like me, you might say, "I don't think I have any
special abilities to offer. I'm not that talented." Of course,
there are some people who talent just oozes out of them. They
seem to be blessed with just an overwhelming amount of gifts and
talents. I can think of one of my friends right now who he has
the most amazing singing voice, he plays four instruments, he's
an amazing graphic artist, also a first class photographer, an
exceptional TV editor, and did I mention he writes his own music?
I mean, talent is just coming out of him. Well, if your
talents aren't quite as obvious, like mine, to others and to
yourself, believe me, I can relate to that. But let me just
ask you, what does come natural to you? Think about the areas of
your life that things just come natural and maybe you thought,
"That's not a gift or a talent because it comes so natural."
That's the thing about gifts and talents. Many times it's things
that we think, "Oh, anybody can do that." But it's not true, not
just anybody can do what you do the way you do it. I love this
story that I read about a woman, this is a true story, about a
lady who became very successful doing what simply came natural
to her. Now this was during World War II, this woman worked
at a little deli in Los Angeles, California. She said her day to
day duties involved waiting on customers, taking orders,
delivering food, cleaning off tables. Well, she said one day,
the owner of the deli expressed to her that he was getting
frequent requests from faithful customers to begin offering pies
at lunch. He suggested that she begin baking these pies to
fulfill the request. Well, think about it. That very moment, she
could've declined the suggestion because, "I'm already busy as it
is." But, instead, she seized an opportunity to use her gifts.
She began making pies and the customers loved them. In fact,
they loved them so much that people started coming to the
deli just because of her pies. Well, soon after that, she began
to realize that if people enjoy her pies so much, maybe she
should open a pie shop. Eventually, she quit her job and
she launched out in the business for herself making and selling
pies. Of course, it wasn't easy at first. She said, during the
first year of being in business for herself, she barely broke
even. She was extremely discouraged, ready to nearly
give up. I think these are good stories for us to hear. But, her
husband said, "No. I don't want you to give up. I believe this
is what we're supposed to do." He said, "If I have to quit my
job and join you in making pies, then that's what we're going to
do. We're going to see this thing through." That's what they
did. He said, "The entire family got involved and making pies
became the family business." Well, not long after that, the
business took off. By 1964, she had 115 pie shops in 14 states
across the globe. In 1986, Ramada Inn incorporated bought
her pie business for approximately $90 million. That
lady with a gift, just a natural gift for making pies, was Marie
Callender. What am I saying? Don't ever think your gift isn't
a gift. The Bible says your gift will make room for you and bring
you before great men. It also says your gift will prosper you
when you discover it and you develop it. Don't ever think
that your gift or your ability to organize, or administrate, or
assist, or repair, or server, or sew, or decorate, teach, coach,
clean, whatever it is, don't ever think that those aren't
gifts. Those are gifts that God has specifically put on the
inside of you because he's expecting you to stir it up and
use it. Think about the things that seem to just come natural
to you. The times that people have even said to you, "You are
so good at that." What were you doing when someone said that to
you? You might've thought, "It's not a big deal." But it is a big
deal. There is a connection between your potential, your
passion, and your purpose. Think about the things that God has
stirred up on the inside of you. Now, let's read that scripture
again. It says, 1 Corinthians 7:7, "Each man has his own gift
from God. One has this gift, another has that." I want to ask
you two questions today to help you locate or try to identify
some of the gifts that God has given you. Number one is what
brings you joy? Do you light up when you have the opportunity to
decorate a new home? My mom sure does. She can look at an ugly,
outdated room and I mean instantly, her wheels start
turning. She'll say, "Oh, that needs a facelift." And in her
mind, she's already designing things. She loves to take
something that's very unattractive and just make it
beautiful. The thing is, she will work tirelessly, I've seen
her many times, until it's done. That's another way you can tell
what your passion is, is you forget what time it is. Time has
gone by and you're just lost in the activity. Or you even forget
to eat, now you know it's a passion when you forget to eat.
Now I think about the lady, Christy, who decorated our
offices here at the ministry. She turned these offices into a
showcase. In fact, we had some ministers from France take a
tour the other day and they said, "This is like Disneyland
for ministers," because she is so gifted at taking something
bare and making it amazing. That's a gift. Or, you know,
maybe it's a gift for organizing. I know a lady who
loves to organize. I was teaching the message like this
at a conference. Well, on the break, I went into the restroom
and this lady said to me, she said, "Terri, I don't really
know what my gifts are. I mean, I love to organize. You should
see my house. Everything is in order, everything is perfectly
clean." I was like, "Man, that's a gift!" She said, "But how do I
use this gift?" I said, "Well, you could just start by telling
your friends, 'Hey, I'm starting an organizing business, I'd love
to come organize your entire kitchen while you're at work.
You'll come home, the kitchen's going to be in order.'" I said,
"And tell them, this is what I charge per room." She said, "I
can do that?" I said, "Yes! This is a gift." When I left the
restroom, I went back to the table and I'm talking to the
pastor of the local church there and I said, "I just met a lady
in the bathroom who loves to organize and she's going to
start a business." The pastor goes, "Who is it? I want to hire
her!" Another lady at the table said, "Seriously, did she give
you a business card?" I said, "No, she's just starting the
business. I'm her PR girl right now." I saw her a year later,
she said, "I started my business." Well, see, those are
gifts that you may not have thought they were a gift, but
God's giving you that to prosper you and to bring you before
great men. Another lady who decorates trees and turned it
into a full time business decorating Christmas trees. She
said, "I only work four months out of the year." But she's
using that gift. Think about what brings you joy. What is it?
I love this story. This was about a guy named Brian Acton
and he said he had a natural love for computers and
programming. He graduated with a degree in computer science and
he became a systems administrator and then a product
tester at Apple Incorporated and Adobe Systems. He said in 1996,
he became the 44th employee ever hired at Yahoo! He has this
natural gift for programming, smart guy. 2009, he was the
software engineer that nobody wanted to hire. He said his
dream job was to work for Facebook or Twitter so he
applied at both and both of them rejected him. He decided, "I
might as well pursue my own dream," and he decided to team
up with a former coworker from Yahoo! And began creating his
own app. In five years time, he sold that app to Facebook for
$19 billion when he created WhatsApp. Isn't that amazing?
I've used that many times. That was just a natural gift,
something that he enjoyed doing, but it was a gift that God gave
him. The second question I want to ask you today is what angers
you? What is it that makes you so mad when you see that
happening? Believe it or not, out of your frustrations, you
can locate your passions. Isn't that amazing? You may have never
thought of it like that, but listen to this. This was a guy
named Gary Heavin. He said that he watched his mother die of
obesity at a very young age. The loss that he experienced in his
life compelled him to turn his pain into a solution towards the
illness of obesity. He said this became the driving force behind
the career providing fitness centers and offering healthy
alternatives to women only clubs. He became the founder of
a little franchise called Curves. You know that was
birthed out of anger. He was so mad that his mother died of
obesity that he thought, "I've just discovered my vision, my
purpose, my gift." He's in the Guinness Book of World Records
for the world's largest fitness center franchise and on and on.
Obesity angered him and it led him to discover his gifts. I
can't help but think of my friend Deborah George. She said
she would see people on the street with no hope. She would
see drug addicts, prostitutes, even strippers, and she said, "I
would meet these people and think they're so lost and
nobody's going out there to give them hope." She said, "I'm going
to the streets." Well, that anger on the inside of her
helped her discover her gift. She has turned it into a full
time ministry. She goes to the gang areas, the inner city, she
actually goes in those strip clubs and gets the bouncers born
again, she gets the girls born again. You think about how her
anger is what caused her to discover her vision. I think
about in my own life when I would see, and I would get
stories from young teenage girls who were pregnant before
marriage, eating disorders, kidnapped into prostitution and
human trafficking. It made me so mad on the inside that I
thought, "We got to reach these teenage girls." Now we get our
dream kids and our resources into safe houses, juvenile
detention centers, girls homes. It helped me discover the
outrage that God called this ministry to. Well, Andy Stanley
says, "Frustration is a sign you have vision. Vision is always
the solution to a problem." Think about in your own life,
what is it that frustrates you, that makes you mad, because
those are indicators of what God's wanting you to pour your
passion into. In fact, when we come back,
I want to share with you a startling story of the
consequences of not discovery your gifts. I'll be right back.
ANNOUNCER: Your talents and abilities are a gift
from God, and discovering and developing those
gifts can dramatically change your life. That's why
Terri is offering you her three part teaching called Your Gift
Today. In this motivational series, you will be inspired as
you discover how to unlock, develop, and increase your
gifts, how your personality compliments your purpose, how
your capabilities support your calling, and much more. It's
never too early or too late to know what God wants to do with
your life. Plus, for a limited time when you request Your Gift,
we'll also send you The Story of Your Life bonus CD. You didn't
have a choice on how your story started, but you have everything
to do with how it progresses. Don't delay, call toll free
800-795-5597 or visit us online at to request
your copy of Your Gift along with A Story of Your Life.
TERRI: I heard Rick Warrens say the other day, he said,
"When we get to heaven, God's going to ask us
two questions. Number one, what'd you do with
my son, Jesus? And number two, what did you do with
the gifts I gave you?" When I read that, I thought,
"Oh, my goodness, God is really expecting us to not
only discover the gift that he gave us, but develop it." We've
heard today how once you do, once you stir up that gift
that's on the inside of you, God promised in his Word that your
gift will not only go before you and bring you before great men,
but your gift will prosper you. God wants your gift to bring
financial increase in your life, but we have to discover it. I
heard this true story which is just startling. I mean, it is
crazy. True story about the richest diamond mine in all of
South Africa. Now years ago, people were rushing over there
by the droves to get rich quick, hoping to find gold or diamonds
that would set them up for life. Well, there was this one man who
lived in South Africa, he owned his own farm, but he didn't take
care of it. He didn't take time to develop his land, but he
wanted to go out and find diamonds. Well, to make a long
story short, he did this for over 30 years and never found a
trace of diamonds. He is spending his life just looking
all over the place, trying to get rich quick, and in 30 years,
you're not getting rich quick. But, eventually, it lead to him
owing a large sum of money to the creditors. His farm was run
down, he had weeds built up, barely livable, he wound up
selling the property. It says here, "He barely got any money
from all this property simply because of the poor condition
that it was in." Well, I don't know all the details, but his
wife had had it with him. She said, "I can't take this
anymore," and she left. His children abandoned him because
he was never there for them, he never provided for them, they
were always struggling. They grew up and basically just
walked away from him and his life. Well, one day, it says,
"He just couldn't take it anymore. He wrote a note to the
family asking them to forgive him and he went out to a
riverbed and drowned himself." Well, it's a sad story, but
listen to what happens. Later, a successful farmer bought his
farm. He saw an opportunity to have a better piece of property
that, once it was cleared out, cleaned up, it could increase in
value. He cleared it out, he restored the barn and the house,
he restored the field, then he ended up loving it so much, he
moved his family there to live. His family lived there and they
continued farming. Couple months passed and one day his children
were out playing in this little creek that ran alongside a
mountain. They noticed something in the water. They bent down and
picked it up, and it was a crystal type substance. Very
big, like the size of a potato, so much bigger than this. They
ran inside and showed their dad, and he said, "Man, that is a
beautiful crystal." He put it up on top of the mantle above the
fireplace. He said he set it on the mantle and every night,
about dinnertime, the sun would start to set. He said, "The sun
would hit that crystal and it would just bounce rays all over
the house. For years, years went by, and this crystal is sitting
on the mantle." One day, and uncle came over for dinner and,
sure enough, the sun set and the rays just hit that crystal. It's
sending rays all over the house. The uncle's looking around and
he says, "What's producing all those different colors?" The
farmer said, "Well, it's the crystal over there on the
mantle." It says here the guy got up from his chair, went over
to the mantle, look at the crystal, and he turned to the
relative and he said, "I don't think that's a crystal." He
said, "I think that's a diamond." The farmer said, "No,
there's no way that could be a diamond." He said, "It's too
big. Diamonds are little bitty things." He said, "Look, there's
no way it could be a diamond." The uncle said, "Well, I'm not
rock expert, but I do believe it's a diamond." The farmer
said, "You don't understand. That can't be a diamond." He
said, "Why?" He said, "Because the creek bed over there is
chuck full of those things." The relative said, "Take me to the
creek bed." It says that they got two six gallon milk buckets
and went over to the creek bed and filled them up with diamonds
the size of potatoes. They took them to the city and, sure
enough, found out they were diamonds. Instantly, that man
became a multimillionaire. Of course, he did sell the property
and it turned out to be the richest diamond mine in all of
South Africa. Well, when I heard that story, I thought, "Think
about it. There was a man who had diamonds, he had wealth, all
that time in his very own backyard. But for 30 years, he
went out searching for it, trying to get rich quick
somewhere else when all along, it was right there." The same is
true with us. So many times we look everywhere else for our
gifts and callings, we just need to look right within us. It's in
here all along. We try searching all over the place, trying to
make money and all along, God is saying, "Your gifts are right
here on the inside of you." I'm expecting this gift to make room
for you, to bring prosperity into your life. God is saying,
"I have a gift for you and this gift that I've given you, it's
more than enough to make you wealthy, to prosper you, and to
bring you before great men." Well, I heard this other story
that I thought was pretty cute. It was according to an ancient
legend and it says there was a time when ordinary people had
access to all the knowledge of the gods. Yet, time and again,
they ignored this wisdom. Well, one day, the gods grew tired of
so freely giving a gift that people didn't use, so they
decided to hide this precious wisdom where only the committed
of seekers would discover it. They believe that if people had
to work to find this wisdom, they would use it more
carefully. One of the gods suggested, "Let's bury it deep
in the earth." "No," the others said, "Too many
people could easily dig down and find it." "Let's
put it in the deepest ocean," one of the gods
said, but that idea was also rejected because they
figured one day people are going to learn to dive, and then
they'll find it too easily. One of the gods suggested hiding it
on the highest mountaintop, but it was quickly agreed that
people could climb mountains. Finally, one of the wisest gods
suggested this, "Let's hide it deep inside the people
themselves. They'll never think to look in there." And so it
came to be, and so it continues today. Isn't that amazing? If
you're a believer, you have the wisdom of God already on the
inside of you. You can look all over the world for direction,
for wisdom through fortune tellers, mediums, palm readers,
you can always ask other people, "What should I do? What should I
do with my life?" You can waste your whole life searching when
God's saying, "It's right here, it's already on the inside of
you. I've given you a gift, a talent, a special uniqueness
that's unique to you. You just have to discover it." I've asked
you what angers you, what frustrates you, what brings you
joy, what do you light up when you get a chance to do it? But
another question to ask yourself is what is God speaking to your
heart? I mean really and truly, what is God stirring up on the
inside of you that if you were just to get away with the Lord,
get quiet, maybe get a pen and a journal, and just listen for
that still, small voice. What is it that just keeps coming up
over and over? Because those are indicators of what God has put
in your heart to do. You think about it like what if you were
to purchase, let's say an expensive painting, and you
wanted to know all the details about this painting. Who would
you ask? Would you ask the person who sold you the
painting? Would you ask the person who framed the painting,
maybe the museum curator? Well, yeah, they would all have some
insight into the painting, but the best person to ask would be
the artist, right? The creator of the painting. Well, here's
the thing. God is your creator. He's the one who hand crafted
you. He put thought, he put time and attention into creating you.
He's the one you need to ask to just say, "Lord, why did you
create me? What am I here on earth for?" In fact, just
spending time in prayer, just seeking the Lord and asking him,
the Bible says, "My sheep know my voice." God wants you to know
his will for your life. Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask and it will be
given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be
opened for everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds,
the door will be opened." Just ask the Lord, just say, "Lord,
what are my gifts and my talents? What did you put in
me?" Get quiet before the Lord, just spend some moments alone,
get in his presence, and just listen. Don't do all the
talking, just listen for a little while. Well, I want you
to know I am so excited about this teaching. I was going over
my notes with my daughter, Kassidi, and she was like, "I
love this, mom! I want to know more." Because I just kind of
went on this quest, years ago, trying to discover my own gifts
and talents. My talents aren't just oozing out of me, so I had
to search for them. I discovered five questions that you can ask
yourself to help you locate, identify, discover, the gifts
that God has given you. I had some fun with this. On one of
the audios, I put in here the fun like personality, what do
you call it? It's not the test, but it actually gives you a
summary of the four different basic personality types. I talk
about the strengths and the weaknesses of these four
personality types. As you're listening to it, it's actually
really fun. My daughter Kassidi and I were doing it
last night. We were like, "That's me! That's you! No,
that's daddy!" We're going over all these strengths, you know,
they make you feel real good. Then you start listening to some
of the weaknesses and you're like, "That's me too." But do
you know you need to know yourself? You need to identify
your unique personality that fits your strengths because once
you locate your personality, then it helps you develop those
strengths and those gifts that God's given you, and you're not
confused about it. I know you're going to have fun with this,
just identifying the gifts and talents. You're going to hear
fun stories of people who change the story of their lives. It
doesn't matter how old you are, how much time has gone by, do
you know that you can still change the story of your life?
That's what this message is about. In fact, I tell fun
stories of some crazy things like there was one guy who used
to write fraudulent checks, like $2.5 million in fraudulent
checks, now he owns a fraud consulting company. That was a
gift, I guess, God gave him. He can help identify fraud! Well,
you're going to love listening to these stories of different
people, personality types, but it's going to help you discover
your gifts. I love this scripture from Ecclesiastes
9:10, listen to this. It says, "Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might for in the grave, where we're going,
there's neither working, nor planning, nor knowledge, nor
wisdom." What is the Lord saying with that? Don't take your gifts
to the grave. Don't live and die with all your potential
untatpped. There's something God's expecting you to do that
you have to discover. I believe these five questions are going
to help you locate the gifts that God has given you. Let's
stop waiting, let's stop procrastinating. I don't believe
we have another year to waste. Let's stop waiting for more
inspiration, a clear set of instructions, somebody to come
along and encourage us. I believe God's speaking to you
today saying, "Come on. I gave you a gift, and I'm fully
expecting you to develop it and run with it." I believe,
according to the Word of God, your gift for organizing,
baking, selling, negotiating, sewing, dancing, whatever
it is, your gift is not only going to make
room for you and bring you before great men, but your gift
is going to prosper you. I believe you're going to enjoy
this package. Let me just close out by saying don't look at all
the years you've lost, let's look at the years you've got
left and start developing the gifts and the talents that are
already on the inside of you. Your gift is going to
prosper you. Thank you so much for watching.
I look so forward to seeing you next week. (Music)
ANNOUNCER: Your talents and abilities are a gift
from God, and discovering and developing those gifts can
dramatically change your life. That's why Terri is offering you
her three part teaching called Your Gift Today. In this
motivational series, you will be inspired as you discover how to
unlock, develop, and increase your gifts, how your personality
compliments your purpose, how your capabilities support your
calling, and much more. It's never too early or too late to
know what God wants to do with your life. Plus, for a limited
time when you request Your Gift, we'll also send you The Story of
Your Life bonus CD. You didn't have a choice on how your story
started, but you have everything to do with how it progresses.
Don't delay, call toll free 800-795-5597, or
visit us online at, to request your copy
of Your Gift along with A Story of Your Life.
Deja Vu: Past Life Memories Or Just Brain Misfire? - Duration: 7:14.Hey guys, it's my chant let me ask you have you ever gotten that odd?
And I'm settling feeling or since that you've been in an exact
Situation before or you've already experienced something that you know for certain you are doing for the first time have you ever felt that?
Overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that you shouldn't be familiar with at all this phenomenon is called Deja Vu which imprint
Literally means already seen essentially it is a sensation that something we are
experiencing at the moment has happened before whether it's just a single element such as a taste a site or a
Sound or whether it's an entire sequence of events?
Deja Vu is a common intuitive feeling that has happened to around the sixty to seventy percent of people and it occurs more frequently
To people between the ages of 15 and 25 deja vu is a rather complex phenomenon and like many unusual
Phenomena involving the brain it has yet to be fully understood and there is much speculation
As to how and why this phenomena occurs in people too many?
Parapsychologists this occurs when things and experiences from our past lives merge with our present life several
psychoanalysts on the other hand attribute to the phenomenon to not be more than simple Fantasy and wish
fulfillment of our desires and dreams then there's the
psychological Standpoint which Generally considers Deja Vu to be caused by a
Memory Mismatch that in turn causes people to feel that they've already
Experienced a specific event that they know is completely novel to them
not fully proven some experts in the field are generally agree that Deja Vu occurs because of a communication issue between the
Short-term and Long-term
memory a rare occurrence that functions something like a circuit breaker although the actual cause of Deja vu has yet to be confirmed by
Science there are many different theories that attempt to explain how it happens
And they each have interesting implications for the mechanisms of the human break for those who are fascinated by this
phenomenon and want to try to get to the bottom of this pSychological mystery here are [3]
Psychological theories that have been proposed to explain Deja vu one theory suggests that Deja vu is caused by memory
Failing to form correctly in the brain history is called dual processing and it is the most widely accepted
Take on this mysterious phenomena among
Psychologists the dual processing theory is based on the way the human brain processes new information, and how I stores short-term and long-term
Memories essentially the theory holds that deja vu happens when two cognitive processes are momentarily out of sync in
1963 Roberts Ephraim at the Veterans Hospital in Boston tested his proposed idea that a delayed
neurological response is what causes Deja Vu according to him because information enters the
processing centers of the Brain Via more than a single path it is likely that there are instances that the blending of the
information might not synchronize correctly and testing history
Not only [did] he find the temporal lobe of the brains left hemisphere to be
Responsible for sorting incoming information he also discovered that the temporal lobe received this incoming information twice
But with a milliseconds long delay between transmission the information arrives once
Directly and a second time after is detoured through the right hemisphere of the brain should the second transmission get delayed by just slightly longer
Than the brain might put a later time stamp on that information and consider it as a difference memory from the previous memory already
Processed by the first transmission this neurological delay is what could possibly explain the sudden sense of familiarity?
People feel on certain experiences were even another theory suggests that deja vu could be triggered by things that we have seen
Subliminally, but we just haven't [registered] on a conscious level yet
This is called divided attention
This theory relies on the brings inability to focus on all things at once which means it has the tendency to momentarily
Forget about other actions where events that are happening in real time according to this theory it is not necessary for people to actually have
experiencing events or stimulus in the past for Deja vu to occur is that
Divided attention theory tells us that when we are first exposed to a situation
We are momentarily
Distracted by something else such as a thought or a sight this causes us not to pay [attention] to what's going on around us
While we may not have consciously taken note of what what's happening to our surroundings that time we have however?
Taking it in unconsciously
But as we regain awareness the entire sequence of events
Rushes back to us as eerily familiar as if our memory is convincing us that we've been there before
Which we kind of have the last theory that we will be discussing is the hologram theory dutch
PsyChiatrist, Herman snow proposed the idea that memories are like holograms which means that a person can recreate the entire
Three-dimensional image from any fragment of the whole based on his reasoning human memories are so interlinked with each other that
Experiencing just a single [fragment] isn't enough for a person spring to reconstruct an entire Multi Sensory Memory however
There is a caveat to the brings automatic process of filling in the blanks
And that is the smaller
Defragment the fuzzier the ultimate picture a war scene will be according to snow Deja Vu happens when certain details in the current environments
We are in be it sight sound smell or something else
Resemble some remnant memory in our past in our bring recreates a complete picture were entire scene from that fragment alone this could be
Particularly confusing if our memory of that past event is either vague or incomplete sister bring
We'll just have to put in other bits of information to complete the picture even if the added memory isn't actually our own this brings
out a feeling of familiarity as well as the powerful sensation of reliving a forgotten memory which in turn could trigger the
experience of Deja Vu and so based on this theory you could experience Deja vu when picking up a can just because the feeling of
the metal is the same as the bike handle that you once had wore when you go to a restaurant and saw a
Tablecloth without actually remembering that your grandmother also had the same one on her dining table when you were just a small child so in
conclusion although Deja vu has been extensively studied as a phenomenon for over a century and researchers have come up with dozens of
Advanced theories about its cause there is no specific theory that claims to be one hundred percent
Accurate to answer this mystery so until now we can honestly say that there is no simple
explanation for how exactly
digital works
And why it happens personally for me when I experience Deja vu let me know if you feel the same way when I?
Experience Deja, vu it kind of feels like I tree about a particular thing happening
So when I'm experiencing Deja vu I could've swore
I'm like yo, I had a dream about me doing this exact thing and if I think hard enough
I could almost picture that entire dream in my head, so I don't know I believe [every] [incarnation]
So I do buy into the past life thing
But also, I might be a pSychic when I'm asleep anyway guys let me know your thoughts on this topic
Why do you think Deja Vu happens and also do you think is something more mysterious?
Do you think it's like a memory from a past life a prediction of the future war?
It's just our brains misfiring. Let me know in the comments below. Thank you all so much for watching this video. I'll see you later
İLK KEZ TELEVİZYON İÇİNDEN ANNELERLE KONUŞTUK (FİNALDE SÜRPRİZ VAR) - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
無料案内!新宿歌舞伎町需知[東京逃學之旅] - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Draining the City: VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Segment) - Duration: 5:21.What was supposed to be a cordial meeting between British Prime Minister Theresa May
and Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission,
turned into a diplomatic disaster over the terms of Brexit.
Juncker reportedly found May's demands to be delusional,
including her assumption that the U.K. would continue to enjoy the perks of the E.U. club without paying dues.
One of those perks is unfettered access to Europe's financial markets for London's banks,
a privilege they're set to lose in March 2019.
The breach will create an opportunity for other European cities
that want to steal tens of billions of dollars in business
from London, the financial capital of the world.
That heist is already well under way,
and England's next-door neighbor is after the crown jewels.
— To see the future-of-Brexit London, come here... Dublin, in Ireland.
— So that's PWC right in front of us.
So Facebook are just down there.
So this here is AirBnB's headquarters in Dublin.
That's Google Land, or G4,
or "Silicon Docks," as we like to call it.
— The Irish have got some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley.
Now, they're coming for London's banks.
— Are you seriously thinking you could become
the European headquarters for lots of international businesses?
— We're in Europe.
Big U.S. corporates need to have an EMEA HQ,
why not Dublin?
And if we can assist with Brexit and the fallout of it, we will.
On a mutual, kind-of beneficial basis.
— One newspaper even runs a "crane count":
It's up to 70, which, in a city this small, is a lot.
These aren't cheap houses for Irish workers, but pricey offices for multinational businesses.
When Britain leaves Europe in March 2019,
its banks and fund managers will lose their right to trade in the rest of Europe.
So, the Irish government has made it a priority to lure as many refugee bankers as possible.
That's this man's job.
Call him Ireland's Minister for Brexit.
— How much effort are you realistically putting into getting banks into Dublin?
— There is a huge amount of effort going on on behalf of the Irish government,
every part of the government,
to make sure we're across all of the risks,
but also the opportunities that Brexit presents to the Irish country.
— He wants those fleeing financiers,
and their tax money.
— A number of companies have told us privately that they are relocating to Dublin, or to Ireland,
as a result of the Brexit decision by the British people.
— A number of companies. What number?
— When people ask for firm and hard numbers, it's very difficult to say for certainty.
But, if you look at one area in particular— for example, insurance.
We can say that five companies have made applications for authorization,
and there are another 15 to 20 who are there, or thereabouts, in making an application.
— The irony is that the Irish are still paying the price for their last banking crash, less than a decade ago.
That one nearly broke the country.
Besides, Dublin's not the only city after Brexit refugees.
You can see why—
in London, finance provides over 700,000 jobs,
and $31-billion in taxes.
The next biggest is Frankfurt—
it's barely a tenth of the size, with 75,000 workers.
And what about Dublin?
Just over 35,000 jobs, and $2-billion in taxes.
— The long 250-year, perhaps, dominance of the City of London as the center for global financial trade
is probably peaking, and has probably passed.
And that is going to be spread out amongst smaller chunks of it
going to a greater number of countries, like France, Germany, et cetera.
— They don't come much more London than this 300-year-old business.
It's even called Lloyd's...
...of London.
But the insurer has just set up in Brussels:
— Insurance is a highly-regulated industry,
and we require licensing to be able to issue insurance policies,
and that would have been a big impact on Lloyd's.
— How big an impact would it have had on you?
— Well, it's about 5% of our revenues.
So that's about $2-billion.
— $2-billion a year.
That's the first time Lloyd's have put a figure on how much Brexit could have cost them,
and it's almost as large as its entire annual profit.
London isn't just a city.
It's a business model, one based on hosting the world's money and taking its spare change.
But after Brexit, London will struggle to remain quite such an open city,
in a nation that's a bit more closed-off.
The big question is,
what does London—and Britain—do instead?
— What's the historical analogy that we should use?
— Well, if we look across 1,000 years or more of financial services, you see cities that were dominant.
You see Florence.
You see Paris.
You see Amsterdam.
And these were, at their times, and for maybe 100 years or more, the cities.
And London has lasted longer than most of those, but, maybe,
in the long sweep of history, in 200 years' time,
we'll be saying, "Well, and then the City of London,"
"and it went, and it came, and it's gone."
Space to Ground: A Short Time Ago: 05/05/2017 - Duration: 2:36."HOUSTON, STATION ON SPACE TO GROUND."
Obamacare Replacement is Disastrous for Queer People: May 5 Debrief - Duration: 3:56.Despite rumors, the long-feared "license to discriminate" order failed to materialize
this week -- but Trump DID sign an order that could be used to attack LGBT Americans.
And Congress voted to replace Obamacare with a system that could put health care out of
reach for a lot of queer people.
Also gay man in Mississippi says a funeral home told him they wouldn't cremate his husband's
body when they found out he was gay, saying they don't "deal with their kind."
I'll have all that news and more, plus actions you can take, on Weekly Debrief.
There was a rumor this week that Trump was about to sign an order that would have allowed
businesses and government officials to discriminate against LGBT people nationwide.
That order never came -- but what he signed instead is still very dangerous.
This week's order gives broader permission to religious groups to raise money for political
causes and tell parishioners how they should vote.
Churches aren't supposed to be politically active because they enjoy a unique tax-exempt
But that hasn't stopped them in the past from mobilizing their congregations against LGBT
For example, in 2008, the Mormon church organized fundraising and volunteer efforts that helped
pass Prop 8, banning marriage in California.
Now, the next time a ballot measure or constitutional amendment that discriminates against LGBTs
comes along, churches will have a unique advantage in pushing for it.
They'll now be able to raise money tax-free, while their opponents have to pay taxes to
a government that's tipped the scales against them.
Meanwhile, in the last few years, several states have banned so-called conversion treatment,
also known as pray away the gay.
In response, religious groups sued, claiming that the practice was just free speech.
These conversion practices are known to harm victims, and even though it is a kind of speech,
it's speech that misleads people, takes their money, and hurts them.
That's fraud, and there's a compelling reason for the government to prohibit it.
Thankfully, this week the US Supreme Court upheld a ruling from California saying that
conversion therapy "creates a potential risk of serious harm."
So for now, California youth are safe from ex-gay camps.
However -- this could be a perfect test of the expanded influence Trump just granted
to religious groups.
They could now challenge the ban at the ballot, with a financial advantage that their opponents
don't have.
Also this week, a funeral home in Mississippi is accused of backing out of cremation service
when they found out the deceased was married to the man.
This is a perfect example of what happens when businesses are allowed to turn people
away based on the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman.
The nearest funeral home was 90 miles away, which put a huge burden on the surviving spouse
at what was surely an already painful time.
But the good news is that this week Democrats introduced a bill in Congress to provide nondiscrimination
protection nationwide.
It's called the Equality Act of 2017, and so far it has the support of 241 Members of
Congress -- not enough to pass, but it's still more than previous years' versions of the
bill had.
If you want to see the Equality Act passed, call your member of Congress and voice your
And on the subject of Congress, this week, the House voted to dismantle the ACA, also
known as Obamacare.
Their replacement creates huge new barriers to health care, particularly for those who
are trans or have HIV.
Queer people have heightened risk of a wide range of illnesses, from depression to breast
cancer, and this replacement would allow insurance companies to jack up rates for LGBTs to the
point that many wouldn't be able to afford coverage.
Essentially this bill turns queerness into a pre-existing condition and says that LGBTs
don't deserve to live.
Now the bill goes to the Senate.
They haven't scheduled a vote yet, so there's still time to stop this bill from becoming
This week's action item is to visit, and tell your Representatives that if they
supported Trumpcare, you won't support them in the next election.
Then tell your Senators to oppose Trumpcare in the upcoming vote.
Please keep sharing these videos and let me know your thoughts in the comments and @mattbaume
on Twitter.
Subscribe to stay up to date, and I'll debrief you next week.
Best Airplane Fight We've Ever Seen | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:02.YOU'RE CRAZY!
Quick facts:
Crashed and seen by many, but in close proximity to one man living on a houseboat.
He said it did not explode but rather just went "thud", it was green/blue/metallic and
glowing at the time of impact.
17 minutes post impact military helicopters (4) showed up accompanied by a sky crane helo.
It went down and retrieved it then flew off, apparently while it was still glowing.
The fleet in the air is spotted by others in neighboring cities it flew through, it
had stopped glowing at this time.
All of them report it as a relatively oblong shape.
Local radio station owner next day sees convoy of MIB come through with something large and
oblong on a truckbed covered with tarps.
They then post up surveilance on him for the coming months.
Others report intimidating encounters with either those who identify as MIB (federal
agents at least) or by plainclothed people with military style haircuts very clean cut
who claimed they wanted to get in on the UFO hunt and grilled people very aggressively
about what they had seen.
News goes to interview guy on boat who it crashed next to.
The night before a wildfire burns the whole area of the marina down and everyone in the
marina is forced to evacuate.
Guy with the boat dissapears for 6 months.
Concurrent to this a special forces group and a military helicopter normally stationed
in Europe are present at the airport.
The night of the crash, the airport is inundated with the planes that fly area 51 employees
to and from town.
My Opinion
Given that the military was present a mere 17 minutes after the crash leads me to believe
with was a secret UAV craft that likely crashed.
Then again I was in a special operations unit and our whole job was to be able to deploy
anywhere in the world in a certain number of hours so it wouldnt surprise me if the
government could mobilize something in 17 minutes.
Also lending credibility to the it being a government plane hypothesis is that they brought
a skycrane, indicating they knew exactly the dimensions and how to extract it.
See CBS short video.
The video link is in the article below in our description
Nenu Mee Kalyan S01E05 - 'The Break' | Telugu Web Series | A ChaiBisket Original - Duration: 20:10.I feel like you worked in Goa, and not in the Army.
Insane family.
What's up?
Even if Geeta doesn't turn up, the party is going good.
Geeta will surely come, meet us, and get fixed with us on our family photo!
Leave all that aside, how did your family react to this surprise birthday party?
Changing your birthday dates will cause a chaos in the solar system, you fool!
If the girl accepts, will you fake your birthday throughout your life?
If U get 1 kg sweets with the cake, I'm fine with anything.
What about your brother?
Yes, sir! I'll finish the project in 3 days.
Is this party important now? I need to finish this project in 3 days. Lucky!!!
You have 3 days to finish this, is it important now? Is it of use to anybody?
Brotherr! One day only no. Take it!
Okay, only today!
*gibberish* *distant talking*
Leave small kids alone!
Mom, you look lovely!
Will she like me?
Ofcourse mom, you are awesome!
Don't bother her when she comes, okay?
She will be coming.. There's so much time, why worry?
Is the watch showing the right time?
She must have started already, mom.
Wait for 5 minutes more.
How much more longer
Maybe she is stuck in traffic
Let's see
She told me that she started. It must be the traffic.
I don't think she's coming. I'm going.
Wait mom!
When is the girl going to come? When are they going the cut the cake? When can I eat the cake?
Wait for 5 minutes.
Geeta is about to come. Why did you call for a pizza?
It's past the time of her arrival.
Its 11:30
You want a bite?
I'm wonder where Geeta is and here you are eating pizza!
I ordered extra cheese!
Then give me some
Geeta is calling!
I got a call from VISA office when I started to come to your place.
Took me so long to get back.
If your birthday was tomorrow, I could've made it!
It is tomorrow!
You said it is today though!
I heard it right. You said it was today.
I get confused with yesterday, today and tomorrow's.
My dad asked me to take him to a hospital yesterday, I took him today. It's confusing.
I don't understand. So your birthday is..
Tomorrow means?
What's wrong with him,mom?
I'm in love, mom!
Look at your dad!
Dad, dad, dad.. I'll call for a red velvet if you are okay with the party tomorrow.
Tomorrow is his birthday!
Why are you looking around to drink your own drink?
I got used to drinking like that
Geeta's calling
Why is she late? Talk to her
My friend fell sick all of a sudden. I'm at the hospital
I'll give you a treat tomorrow, I'm free tomorrow evening
Are you sure you are free tomorrow?
Then, tomorrow's my birthday!
You said it's today though!
What'd I say yesterday?
That it's your birthday today.
I said it's dad's birthday today.
Why are you eating the cake? Look at your son!
Didn't you hear him? It's my birthday today!
Are you there?
Today's my dad's birthday. Tomorrow's mine. The day after is my brother's birthday.
We were all born one after the other.
So, you want me to come to your house tomorrow evening, right?
So, tomorrow's the birthday!
Kids! No kids sir!
This project is like my kid. You don't have to worry at all.
Not you, sir!
sir! Why would I say such things to you, sir?
I'll pull an all nighter with the project.
What work do I have this this guy now? Crazy family!
Are you even a human? I have a project to do.
Your dad has sugar, look at how he is gobbling up the cake.
Don't you have any responsibility?
Thought you would understand when the girl didn't come on the first day.
Thought you would get clarity when she didn't turn up on the second day
You think she would come today? She won't come!
Who is this new girl?
She's only Geeta!
I'm Ramu, I am an Assistant Manager at Penna Cements.
I have a project to do. You both can go talk in our balcony. Sorry bro.
No, talk tomorrow. Let's party now!
Not now, wait.
Why are you doing all this?
No buts
I don't know how to tell you this. I don't think we are good for each other.
We are not good for each other
My mom, dad, brother, and Lucky also say the same thing. Now, you also said it!
If we don't spend time with each other, how will we know if we are good for each other or not?
You can know.
Get your phone out.
I'll ask you a question, reply the answer to me.
Why this questionairre now?
Your reply is to sit in the same balcony with your wife in 3 years, have bhajjis while watching the rain.
I like bhajjis
What'd I write?
I want to look at the Eiffel Tower, while sipping champagne alone.
Neither is your ambition small, nor is my ambition big here, we're just different.
If we have to be together, either of us have to compromise our ambition.
That's why maybe we can't be together.
You are a really good person!
The way you think, and feel about love, and your partner, it's amazing..
Don't feel bad.
There are 1000s of girls with the same thought as yours.
It is my duty to make sure you get that girl. Okay?
I'll leave now.
Wouldn't you drop me if I asked?
You guys must have felt this feeling. A person above 25 years must have seen this in their lives.
Some people take it as an experience and move on.
Some people take it as a failure and ruin their lives.
I'm the second kind
Is there anything to reduce pain?
Yes, one heartbreak drink!
One isn't enough. Call for four.
It is true, everyone in our life teach us something.
my brother taught me how great things take time to happen.
while my dad taught me how to live every moment happily.
My mom showed me how every thing with a great intension, turns out great.
How much ever stress our loved ones put us through,
it is because of love,is what my sister-in- law and Lucky taught me.
Geeta made me understand what kind of girl I was looking for.
Those two thoughts made me understand why was I making a mess out of my life.
wrote the diary was about to enter my life.
One more girl? We aren't getting even one girl here, and you are talking about 2 girls!
So, why did you start talking about Geeta when she's your best friend?
Even if Krishna is married to Rukmini, wouldn't he start the story from the start?
But you aren't Krishna.
No, but if I had to talk about the diary girl, I had to tell you about Geeta
What is the girl's name, btw?
What's in a name? How about address? Contact number?
How did you look for her?
It's a loong story!
6 months after getting rejected by Geeta, my life was..
Stop it right here.
I need a break!
Let's also take a break!
Wait.. We're coming back with a season 2, we are working on that.
You saw Kalyan's love story with Radha till now, Rukmini is yet to enter.
Even I don't know who she is. Let's all wait and watch it together!
Four Eyes - Psycho [Ascension NCS Release] - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Hand and Foot Whitening Tips | Dasi totkay for hand and foot whitening tips in urdu - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Real Estate in Florida, pillola n° 1 - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Real Estate in Florida, pillola n° 1 - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
[360°] 100 Alumnos dijeron || Grupo 2 "D". 2017 || Sec. Téc. N. 27 "Benito Rincón López" T. V. - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> [360°] 100 Alumnos dijeron || Grupo 2 "D". 2017 || Sec. Téc. N. 27 "Benito Rincón López" T. V. - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 05.04.2017 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 05.04.2017 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Weight Loss Drink that Really Works | Natural Treatment & Home Remedies - Duration: 2:16.natural treatment and home remedies
presents video on amazing weight loss
drink that really works
Apple Cinnamon water is an amazing
weight-loss drink and it really works
for you Apple Cinnamon water detox
recipe is not only a low-calorie drink
but also contain lot of energy for your
body one glass of Apple Cinnamon water
will strengthen your metabolism with
almost no calorie drink it helps you
lose weight fast and boost metabolism in
natural way this way it is also called
natural detox drink ingredient to big
apples or 3 small apples do 2 3 cinnamon
sticks one glass of bottle with a wide
opening 1 liter of water please
subscribe our Channel natural treatment
and home remedies for learn more things
thanks Preparation wash apples while and
make sure that it is clean from all
pesticides cut apples into small slices
and put them in a bottle add 2 to 3
cinnamon sticks
add water to it close the bottle and let
it overnight in the fridge drink a
solution every day for a couple of weeks
for natural results lemon or orange
juice can also be added for taste boost
hope you like this easy to make detox
drink recipe Apple Cinnamon detox water
is also good for lowering blood sugar
levels besides used as weight loss this
drink also hydrates the body on a
regular basis so overall it comes with
numerous health benefits I hope you
enjoyed watching the video on this is an
amazing weight loss drink that really
works please subscribe our Channel
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learn more about new things thanks for
watching video subscribe comments likes
and share thanks
Natural Cures Drink This Before Going to Bed to Help Burn Belly Fat
WaysAndHow How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week
For more infomation >> Amazing Weight Loss Drink that Really Works | Natural Treatment & Home Remedies - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Microchip PIC32MZ EF Curiosity Development Board | Maker Minute - Duration: 1:13.Microchip Technology's PIC32MZ EF Curiosity development board is a fully integrated, 32-bit
development platform featuring the high-performance PIC32 MZ EF series MCU. The MCU has a 2 MB
Flash, 512 KB RAM, integrated FPU, Crypto accelerator, and excellent connectivity options.
The Curiosity development board includes an integrated programmer and debugger, two MikroBus®
expansion sockets, and an on-board Wi-Fi™ N module, and it is fully integrated with
Microchip's MPLAB® X IDE. The board offers expansion capabilities making it an excellent
choice for a rapid prototyping board in connectivity, IOT, and general purpose applications. To
learn more, visit this product page on
For more infomation >> Microchip PIC32MZ EF Curiosity Development Board | Maker Minute - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Шикарное Ожерелье из Бисера и Бусин Мастер Класс / Chic Necklace of Beads and Beads Master Class - Duration: 11:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Шикарное Ожерелье из Бисера и Бусин Мастер Класс / Chic Necklace of Beads and Beads Master Class - Duration: 11:58.-------------------------------------------
BMW 5 Serie 530I AUT.*!*M-PAKKET/SCHUIFDAK/SPORTLEER/NAVI*!* - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
How i style my Death Hawk/mohawk 10 different ways - Duration: 19:25.-------------------------------------------
Car which attracts the men! PEUGEOT 306 ● S02E01 ● #mcr_season2 ● (EN+CZ subs) - Duration: 18:38.If you arewatching my videos carefully
You've allready mentioned
I'm driving Peugeot 306.
And today
It will be just a slight change for me.
306 I'm going to drive today
has no roof!
To get ready for it I'm at least opening my
roof window.
Station wagon.
I'm almost at the meeting point.
Because I'm in Prague
I will switch to Czech language
so, if you can't understand me in Czech
Just switch on the subtitles
somewhere below.
And enjoy the rest of the video...
Hi! That 50 speed limit here is terrible...
I hope yours won't die, dude!
I'll crash you...
Actually for me this is first ride in convertible. This year.
Not for me.
How many times have you been riding without the roof this year?
Look, it was about
three times, four times for sure.
But frozen.
It's fine when you put the heater on.
Not for long routes, right?
Just when you want others to see you.
Well, look...
You put down the roof
let all Octavias take over you.
Why 306?
Why 306?
That's obvious!
Because when I was appretice
my dad somehow get one
and we had it for about half year.
Purple one.
With or without the roof?
Without the roof.
I was overwhelmed!
I liked to ride i it so much.
It was cool.
And you have a relation to Peugeots?
Or it was just about the convertible?
Not really.
In general to cars, but
not exactly to Peugeots.
But I like the convertible :)
You're not a Francophile, right?
No! No! No! :)
Don't you feel hypnotized by this
Sometimes I do!
He always nods the head
Like: Go! Go! Go!
Look, a dog!
Came to meet us.
Look out, don't hit him!
He's perfect!
Well, he's from my wife!
Wife's armadillo, right?
Over the crossing?
Over it and up the hill!
Nice mountain path :)
Dude, I see it!
You've chosen a road.
Dude, it's for off-roader!
The road is not maintained in the winter.
Show what's Peugeot able of.
Well, probably it will make it.
Concrete road, dude!
It's luxury!
It's like D1 highway!
Back massage.
I think about all.
To have a massage.
There will be a gate again.
Dude, the animal has already gone mad.
Well, the armadillo is a bit freaking out.
Did you ever experienced during driving it.
It started raining.
And you couln't close the roof on time?
Not really.
It's not raining here.
While you ride.
But can't stop!
Right, you can't stop.
We drove like this.
Few times.
From Boleslav to Prague.
I've caught the rain three times.
Of course not a rainstorm :)
However if you drove into the wall of water.
Well, not that...
It would wash you the mouth a bit :)
You go to the car was?
You can't with the roof, right?
High pressure only.
So it handles high pressure car wash.
Even the roof.
Even the fiber is fine.
But not the brushes.
It's nonsense.
I think it could handle it.
The roof looks to be pretty solid.
Don't know.
I think it couldn't like it.
IMHO you just don't do that :)
It would be interesting
the brushes bending the roof.
You don't know.
Car was goes mad.
and it would wrap your roof...
Wraps the roof and washed your face.
At every car wash so far
I've seen "no pickups" sign.
To not take the water away.
But O haven't seen "no convertibles" sign.
When I get an pre-restoration convertible.
In to the car wash.
First I'll take it to car wash.
With roof down.
Sittin in it?
You've actually directed me to a foolishness.
I start looking after a convertible.
In such a condition
to be ok with the future restoration.
Because most likely I won't find such a freak
to give me fine convertible
to get it into the car wash.
Anyway if there is such a freak
let's get in touch!
14 days ago
when I washed my car.
I returned home.
And there had to be an elephant flying.
And it had to [beeep] it all over.
Did you ever experineced
that the [beep] came into the car?
That's the one thing
I'm afraid of while driving a convertible.
That a birt [beep] on you.
Well, that the bird [beep] on me.
Not that.
More likely the car [beep] up.
Not while the car is in move.
I know in move it would probably hit the windshield.
It would splash over
or it would go to the back seat.
But more like...
Dude, it would have be huge!
To fly up to back.
But when you stop somewhere
on traffic lights
in Prague. The center.
There's a lot of pigeons.
It can happen, right?
You sit there like macho.
You look. All look.
And sudennly...
Elbow from the window
and a [BEEP] on it.
Pedals are just like in yours.
It's the same.
No need to get used to something new.
Your clutch is much harder.
I just ask you...
Could you my phone to the glove box?
Not to loose... Well!
I'm not riding in here so often.
But it's fine...
Maybe it's second time?
Someone is driving...
Mostly I drive.
Look! Black cat on the road!
Well, black cat.
That's bad.
When a black cat is crossing the road.
It means nothing.
It's just
the animal waling somewhere.
She couldn't chose to born in black.
Well, buddy, I don't know.
Where to put you?
He could grab us...
We could tow him on the skateboard.
And brake!
We'd have him on the windshield. From inside!
Look, but the car behind us
there are still good people.
They stopped.
He kills them! :)
Jump! Jump! Ditch!
It would be too bad!
I don't like ditches so much :)
That's a nice road!
But I wouldn't like to jump down here.
Roll over the roof.
Which we don't have.
We'd jump out probably!
This would collapse.
The rest of us is...
Not good.
I try to keep us on the road.
You should!
You see there?
Good. Go!
Hey dude!
It's not spinning?
It spins mad!
With a sand under the wheel.
Everything spins!
As we ride. Two men in hats. In convertible.
We'll look like couple of gays.
This car attracts the men!
When I stop somewhere you know.
Gas station.
Or somewhere.
Or at the shop.
Men are comming to you.
You don't pick up a woman.
Men are comming...
How many men did you picked up?
That's wrong debate!
We should probably skip this.
Not to have problems with your wife.
When I put this into the video
you'll look like an old pervert! :D
Well, again... The man looking at us...
They look.
At you!
Dude, he has a ride!
He's got a ride and he's already picked up...
And he's got a man!
I won't fit there!
Look, next man looking at us.
More with is [beep] out!
Look! Wasn't it that new Ionic? Electric?
Dude, those electromobiles...
It corresponds to why it's standing by the road.
It died.
He's looking for closest cord :)
We're done.
No power!
Those, they have another problem.
Whatever you pour in. It won't go!
There's just a battery.
That's correct.
Maybe if you pour an acid...
Or maybe if inside
you had that...
the dynamo!
They use it for charging flashlights.
Just to give it a kick.
You meen the passenger
was like...
Wobbles next to you.
Mum would have a handle...
Guys from
they did a video
about a life with electromobiles.
I enjoyed it!
They did well!
Guys, now you have an ad here! :)
Ondra took petrol unit
And he had it in trunk?
And was it attached to a car?
He was just charging it.
And he was reading naked magazines and so...
That's cool!
It's like reserve in tank.
When the battery's out...
You use half of the trunk
You put there diesel unit!
Half ot the trunk is the unit
The rest takes the can to feed it.
Huge one.
Dude, you just can't
You can't close yourself inside with it.
You won't go much further.
You need to have many cigarettes and magazines.
Because you wait until you charge it...
Well, shooting is over.
It was pretty nice experience for me.
Because I am used to drive
Peugeot 306
But today I have driven
a car without the roof.
even if the car behaves
just like mine
something else.
It's different.
It's just the feeling
of the convertible.
Now I'm leavin home
full of experiences.
I hope you liked this video
even if the car is
nothing superold.
If you liked it, give the video a like!
Share it to your friends!
I hope you have some friends who love Peugeots.
Soon! See you in next video:
It has advantage.
You can see the rock now.
If it starts to fall. It's quick.
Rock into the eye!
You won't struggle too long.
On the other hand those who have the roof
they just get pressed
and they struggle...
It's quick for you.
There lands a 100 kilos piece.
Swish! You're done!
You don't struggle.
It's kind of really considerate car.
That's what I wanted to say!
That's advantage!
Kills you fast!
It whistled!
Cars that whistle?
Maybe he had that animal scare thing.
Scare the animal.
The whistle. You put it on the bumper.
And it whistles.
It makes some...
As the air flows through?
Some high frequency air...
Sorry, sound!
Not air, dude!
It makes the sound and scares
the animals.
I haven't seen this.
Not to hit it.
True! Here on the riverside
it's totally effective weapon.
If there jumps a...
Exactly a carp jumps
A catfish jumps out.
To the road.
And he knows to go back.
Look at it!
That's ride for you.
Look, station wagon.
Hearses were made of these, right?
Ambulances were made of these!
If it was ambulances than totally also hearses!
Look, there you have a Maluch!
But it's kinda pre-death.
Dude, this road is not for us!
Wait! I'll make pictures of Maluch at least.
It's nice...
It's picture only for "abandoned vehicles"...
Abandoned vehicles?
Go around. I want a footage!
Hot Wheels!
It's not Maluch, It's Hot Wheels!
It doesn't look here...
Mainly the map went somewhere...
Look! That's some field road.
Luckily it's not a dump!
You made me remember...
Few months ago...
Should I go further?
A bit more...
There's dump prohibited!
We can't let it here...
Few months ago
I was... You get that?
I was tagged by one rude account on Instagram
in post saying Peugeot 306 is a trash!
Did it happen to you?
Not that...
Can you reverse?
Don't know uf I can see there!
Over the cam?
Don't forget the american smile!
Try it on roundabout.
To go around.
And accelerate...
When I lose the grip?
So you correct it...
Dude, I'd be a jerk...
Going 10 circles... What's wrong?
Dude, not at 8am when all go tho work! :))
Can we find high traffic?
To try it?
Those two Peugeots going round and round...
For half hour...
I think I'd throw out earlier
Here you know a sh*t!
But they say
If you know the sh*t.
You won't step on it...
That's important!
Acrylics on Watercolor Paper || Pretty Little Liars Fan Art Portrait || Emily Season 6 Prom - Duration: 3:35.Hi everyone!
Today I'm painting Emily from PLL with acrylics on watercolor paper.
I transferred the sketch to watercolor paper using graphite transfer paper.
I made the sketch and some parts of the painting off camera.
I don't film the whole painting process, because first of all I don't have enough space to
save all the footage and it's also kind of stressful to film all the time.
I have to make sure the painting is in frame the whole time.
And there might be a glare on the painting from the lamp so it's difficult to see what
I'm painting.
The reference photo is from PLL season 6 prom.
The background is dark and Emily is wearing dark eye-makeup and black earrings and a tiara.
I started by painting the background first and then painting the black details and her
dark hair over that to get sharper edges for them, especially because I wanted the background
color to show through the little holes in the tiara.
I used a light blue and a darker muted blue for the background by mixing some brown into
the blue.
My acrylic paints are not very opaque so I had to layer them to cover all the white and
to try and get the two blues to blend together.
This background wasn't part of the reference photo, but I wanted to use a light color near
the dark character to make a contrast between them.
I used blue shadows on the skin to tie the blue background and the character together
so that it seems like she's actually in that environment and not just cut and glued on.
I mixed some blue in to the hair color, too.
And I tried to paint the hair with brush strokes going into the actual direction of the hair
instead of just filling the area with paint.
And I added some white highlights on the skin and the hair.
I diluted the acrylic paint a lot with water for the shadows on the skin and I think you
can see the paint broke down a little, it doesn't look like a smooth transition, so
I maybe added too much water and should've added some transparent medium into the mix,
like matte medium, for example.
I can't sell this painting or the other three of this PLL series for copyright reasons.
So I was able to use them to experiment without having to worry about the outcome.
But I was thinking that maybe I can make coloring pages of the sketch drawings and give them
away to my email list subscribers for free.
You can sign up through a link at the end of the video to receive other coloring freebies
you can download, print out and color.
And maybe I'll send out the PLL ones later as well.
I almost forgot to paint the earrings at the end since I completely covered those pencil
lines, when I painted the hair.
But I added them after I stopped filming and they appear in the last clips.
Check out my channel for more speed paintings and thanks for watching!
Calypso Tiny House on Wheels by Baluchon - Duration: 3:02.Calypso Tiny House on Wheels by Baluchon
Full day of Eating | Indian Fat Loss diet - Duration: 5:43.Hello Friends!
Welcome to Fit Tuber.
In this video, I will share with you how exactly you can eat for fat loss.
I will try to keep this video very comprehensive.
Not only I will show you the preparation of each meal, but also the minute details like
when and how much water you should drink.
Now, all the food items that I am going to use in this video are very easily available near you.
Moreover, the recipes are very simple and quick.
Trust me, if I can make them anybody can.
After you watch this video, you will start feeling confident about your fat loss goals.
I promise you that.
So without any further delay, let's get started.
Good morning friends.
So, the first thing that I am going to have upon waking up is this fat cutter drink.
Now, it is so simple to make.
All you need to do is take half cup of fresh coriander leaves and blend them with just
a little water.
Now squeeze in one lemon, add a pinch of cinnamon and warm water.
Stir well.
This drink is known to have fat cutting properties.
But in case you are not able to make it, it's alright.
Drink a lot of water.
This drink alone can not decide if you are going to lose fat or not.
It all depends on nutrition which we are going to discuss further in this video.
So let's meet for breakfast.
So friends, it's time for breakfast and this is what I am going to have.
This is customised whole wheat porridge along with 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg.
Now whole wheat porridge is a great substitute for oats.
And also, it is very easy to make.
Let's checkout the recipe first.
Put on the gas.
Now, in a pan add low fat milk and whole wheat porridge.
Let it cook on a low medium flame for about 5-7 minutes.
Finally, customise it by adding banana, flaxseeds and almonds.
Customising porridge not only makes it tastier but also well balanced.
If you don't eat eggs, you can add one scoop of whey protein isolate in porridge itself.
Now, i am feeling very hungry.
So let me just enjoy this meal and I will see you for lunch.
Friends! this is my lunch.
This is a great combination of brown rice, chickpeas, paneer.
I am also having some cucumbers along with it.
This is easy to make, easy to take to your workplace.
Let's checkout the recipe.
Firstly, it is better to soak brown rice and chickpeas overnight.
Now, in a cooker, add this soaked mixture along with water, paneer, salt, pepper, turmeric,
ginger garlic paste, green chilli and give it a good mix.
Now, cook it on a low flame for about 20 minutes.
Once this is done, garnish it with onion, tomato and extra virgin olive oil.
Let these get steam for a while, then serve this healthy treat along with cucumbers.
Friends, it's time for pre workout meal and this is what I am going to have.
This is egg chana chaat along with green tea.
Let's checkout the preparation.
In a bowl, add boiled chana, onion, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs whites and peanuts.
Season it with salt, pepper, tomato ketchup and lemon.
Stir well.
If you are a vegetarian, instead of egg whites, you can use low fat paneer or you can skip
it altogether.
It has been 2 hours since my last meal and now it's time to workout.
I will see you with my post workout meal.
So I am done working out and this is what I am having as post workout meal.
These are 6 egg whites along with a small apple.
Now you can choose any fruit.
Dates, banana, orange, pineapple etc.
Now, here is something about post workout meal.
Post workout, our body needs fast digesting lean protein.
The best option that you can provide is one scoop of protein powder mixed in water.
Then second best option is egg whites as they are also fast digesting.
Then not so good options could be low fat paneer and tofu.
A piece of fruit is also required post workout to fill up the glycogen that we have depleted
while working out.
Now we do not need fats post workout.
They slow down the absorption.
So you should avoid foods like almonds, peanuts etc.
So friends, that's pretty much about pre workout meal.
I will see you next with my favourite meal of the day, which is dinner.
Now dinner is my favourite meal because I am having this.
Just look at this.
It is so delicious, so nutritious and so easy to make.
It is just like treating yourself at the end of the day.
Checkout the recipe.
Firstly, pre heat the air fryer for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, marinate the chicken breast with turmeric and ginger garlic paste.
Don't worry, we will add salt later.
Now grill this chicken for about 8 minutes.
Meanwhile chop capsicum and cabbage.
Yes, just like that.
Put it in a bowl along with low fat curd.
Season it with salt, pepper, tomato ketchup.
Add grilled chicken and mix it well.
Finally, take a whole wheat roti and apply this mixture on it.
Now, wasn't it easy?
And believe me, you will love it.
After full day of eating, now comes the best time of the day.
Sleeping time.
Good night.
So friends, that's all for this video.
Now the calorie intake depends upon person to person.
So you can just take this meal plan as a reference and increase or decrease the quantity of meals
Also if you noticed, throughout the day we did not use refined sugar or oil for cooking.
These are small small things which make a lot of difference.
So friends, I hope you found this video helpful.
Well, if you did, do give it thumbs up.
And also please do remember to subscribe to my channel.
My name is Vivek, I thank you so much for watching.
Microchip PIC32MZ EF Curiosity Development Board | Maker Minute - Duration: 1:13.Microchip Technology's PIC32MZ EF Curiosity development board is a fully integrated, 32-bit
development platform featuring the high-performance PIC32 MZ EF series MCU. The MCU has a 2 MB
Flash, 512 KB RAM, integrated FPU, Crypto accelerator, and excellent connectivity options.
The Curiosity development board includes an integrated programmer and debugger, two MikroBus®
expansion sockets, and an on-board Wi-Fi™ N module, and it is fully integrated with
Microchip's MPLAB® X IDE. The board offers expansion capabilities making it an excellent
choice for a rapid prototyping board in connectivity, IOT, and general purpose applications. To
learn more, visit this product page on
Hand and Foot Whitening Tips | Dasi totkay for hand and foot whitening tips in urdu - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
(Free) Real Old School Underground Hip Hop Instrumental Rap Beat | Prod. D-Low Beats - Duration: 4:06.All my beats are free to use for not profit project if you credit me and put my youtube channel on description
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