Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 10 2019

Hey man, hey.

Are you 'Schattenspieler'?

Yeah okay.

You got the stuff?

Of course. You got the money?

Yeah, sure.

Hey, one's missing. One's missing. Hey.

You mean this one?

Yeah, yeah. Gimme.

Cash first.

Are you safe?

Sure. Where else do you wanna get this stuff?


Watch out! Everyone wants those.

Yeah, so this was a short sketch about these dice.

Here you can see all of them in the light, I think they look really nice.

And if you ask yourself: how can you get those dice and can you still get them?

Well, if you pre-register for a YCS, you always get a few extras.

The YCS itself is on Saturday and Sunday, but you can already pre-register on Friday.

And if you do just that, you always get a few extras like these dice.

And if you ask yourself: can you still get these dice or are there any other dice or something else??

Then check out 'CardJournalist' - he also made a video about that

and he explains in detail when you could get these dice and what you will get nowadays.

Well then, stop by at 'CardJournalist' and see you later.

For more infomation >> ICH will DIESE Würfel haben, um JEDEN Preis!!! - Duration: 1:24.


This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:18.


Kardeşimle GTA San Andreas Gülmeme Challenge! - (imkansız) - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> Kardeşimle GTA San Andreas Gülmeme Challenge! - (imkansız) - Duration: 12:45.


Torta con sorpresa per San Valentino - CUCINA BUTTATA - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Torta con sorpresa per San Valentino - CUCINA BUTTATA - Duration: 12:46.


BALDI'S Basics Gamers vs GRANNY Gamers - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> BALDI'S Basics Gamers vs GRANNY Gamers - Duration: 7:32.


韓國瑜被抓包! 默默送年菜給獨居老人 - Duration: 3:31.

高雄市長韓國 瑜1月26 日行程滿滿, 有些行程 公開, 有些 未公開,

今天上午到鳳 山探訪兩位 獨居老人並 送年菜的行 程就「默默 」進行, 沒 有公開,

究其原因, 原 來是不想引 來「韓粉」 和新聞媒體 拍照採訪, 避免干擾獨 居長輩。

高雄市社會局 每年農曆春 節前都會送 年菜給低收 、中低收以 及榮民獨居 老人,

今年的年菜禮 盒備了12 49份, 2 5日起到3 1日由區公 所里幹事、

長青社區關懷 服務隊志工 分送給這些 老人家。

為了解送年菜 及年節慰問 情形, 韓國 瑜今天由社 會局人員陪 同, 到鳳山 探訪2位獨 居老人,

送上年菜禮盒, 市長紅包 、禮物袋, 和老人家聊 聊生活起居 ,

並籲請家有年 老父母的子 女們, 工作 再忙也要多 回家陪伴父 母。

韓國瑜今天探 視的獨居老 人, 一位阿 公住在鳳山 近20年, 平時喜歡到 鄰近公園玩 象棋,

偶爾唱唱老歌, 一位阿嬤 是環保志工, 為社區環 保貢獻一己 之力。

兩位老人家很 高興見到韓 國瑜, 阿嬤 回送韓國瑜 感謝卡。

送年菜、慰訪 獨居老人本 來是社會局 年節前重要 的工作, 市 府通常會安 排媒體採訪 ,

但韓國瑜默默 的去、默默 的走, 和老 人家聊一聊, 叮嚀老人 家要穿暖一 點、吃飽一 點。

社會局人員表 示, 韓國瑜 之所以不要 公開探訪獨 居老人的行 程, 不是不 重視獨老照 顧,

是不希望太打 擾老人家, 因為他如公 開行程, 可 能媒體、韓 粉會趕去採 訪、拍照, 長輩可能會 不習慣。

今年高雄市政 府為獨居老 準備的年菜 禮盒, 內有 1份鍋物、

1份養生品, 由在地膳食 業者結合專 業廚師烹煮 ,

區公所里幹事 和52個長 青社區關懷 服務隊動員 800多位 志工分頭把 年菜送到獨 居長者家中 。

禮物袋裡則有 有保暖外套 、衣服、圍 巾、帽子、 襪子及春聯 。

For more infomation >> 韓國瑜被抓包! 默默送年菜給獨居老人 - Duration: 3:31.


Jeremy Corbyn | Labour Local Government Conference - Duration: 1:41.

The Tories in Westminster slashed your funding

then sit back and let councils carry the can.

Since 2010, councils have lost

half their real terms funding from central government.

People's local identity and their sense of place

in the community is actually very important

but it's been lost as local government has gutted by the Tories.

When you lose your libraries, you lose your Sure Start Centres,

when your high street is lying with vacant shops

with their roller blinds permanently down,

it saps the life and feeling out of your community

and combined with the loss of secure jobs and social housing

it creates a loss of confidence in our communities.

Stripping back councils until they provide only essential services

damages local identity and local democracy.

If the Thatcher government ruined our communities

by destroying industry, as they did.

Then the Cameron and May governments have ruined communities

by destroying local government.

The solution, and it may be a total shock and surprise to hear this from me,

the solution to this is a Labour government.

But change is coming.

Together my friends we will rebuild Britain for the many, not the few.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Corbyn | Labour Local Government Conference - Duration: 1:41.


ريزدنت ايفل 2 : النهاية الأولى ! - مترجم عربي | Resident Evil 2 #5 - Duration: 44:51.

For more infomation >> ريزدنت ايفل 2 : النهاية الأولى ! - مترجم عربي | Resident Evil 2 #5 - Duration: 44:51.


Các cầu thủ bóng đá nổi tiếng thế giới từng thi đấu cùng nhau. Bạn có thể không biết ? - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Các cầu thủ bóng đá nổi tiếng thế giới từng thi đấu cùng nhau. Bạn có thể không biết ? - Duration: 2:16.


American in Rome FOR THE FIRST TIME! - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> American in Rome FOR THE FIRST TIME! - Duration: 8:12.


(Eng Sub)(감동주의) 그토록 바랬던 강아지와의 첫 만남. - Duration: 3:14.

Is this MinKyo's birthday?

It's her birthday. She is a puppy lover who doesn't have the puppy. unhappy with no birthday present.

I have some present for you.

Please close your eyes.

One, two, Happy Birthday, MinKyo!

What's this?

What the...

What's this?

Your little sister!

I know you have wanted the puppy.

Happy with my present?

Please hug her.

She is the member of our family and also your friend from now on.

Your little sister!

You wanted it. didn't you?

You wanted the puppy.

Hadam, What's wrong?

Why are you crying?

​Happy Birthday, MinKyo!

I love you!

Don't cry.

Is this really my little sister?

Yes, she is.

Please say Hi to her.

Hug her carefully.

She is so cute.

She is lovely!

I brought her as a member of our family.


Welcome to our family!

Can she poop?

Where? where?

The family that is embarrassed at the first big event.

She must be a genius.

For more infomation >> (Eng Sub)(감동주의) 그토록 바랬던 강아지와의 첫 만남. - Duration: 3:14.


Apex Legends Datasheet and "Leaks" - Duration: 6:14.

Hey, it's Shampooh, voiced by the lovely Captain Dickhead once more.

In case you missed the memo, Respawn's released a new game titled Apex Legends.

It's running on the Source Engine again, so that means I'm back in business.

Datamining, stat sheets, leaking, the works.

For starters, I've got a pretty thorough stat sheet going right now for all of the weapons and most of the attachments so far.

It's of course sourced from the game files, so it's as accurate as it gets.

Discounting server-sided rebalancing like the past, at least, but there's no reason to think that the current numbers are wrong at least.

I'm working through the attachments at my own pace, and I'll get to throwables soon after. Link in the description, peruse at your leisure.

As far as leaks go, there's not a whole lot to talk about at this point.

This was becoming pretty apparent by the end of Titanfall 2's development, but Respawn has learned pretty well to keep their pants tight when it comes to accidentally leaving unfinished content in the release client.

There are a few things to go through, mostly stuff that I think is old and cut, a few might be something we see in the future.

I've got a link to the full write up on my GitHub like in the past in the description, but here's the highlights:

Unlike its missing compatriot the Volt, the CAR comes up a few times in the game's localization text bank.

This isn't super indicative of anything, as there is no weapon stats file, but it's more than nothing.

I suppose the Volt and CAR are both sort of redundant, though if it were up to me I'd put the Volt in instead for that beautiful reload animation, and maybe to give energy ammo some more value.

Well, that is, if I weren't already developing an energy assault rifle.

This one I'm more confident in: There is an assault rifle named the "HAVOC Rifle",

described as a "Full-auto charged energy rifle. Accepts multiple Hop-Ups."

According to its stat sheet, it can equip the Turbocharger, Precision Choke, and/or Fire Selector.

From the sound of it, with all three equipped, the rifle gets access to a charged shot mode.

Each shot would be doing a whopping 90 damage, but at the cost of 5 rounds of ammo per shot.

Hell, it seems like Respawn played with giving these shots some explosive damage, but those stats are currently disabled.

In terms of its base performance, it seems like it would already be the most powerful assault rifle out of the box, with the top damage and DPS in its class,

a respectable capacity, and only a little bit more recoil than the Carbine.

Basically, think of it as an assault rifle with the potential to become a railgun if you're able to win the gamble of finding all the hop-ups for it.

Unfortunately, there's currently no way for me to provide a visual for this gun.

I cannot currently repack game files to forcibly enable the gun or model swap,

and Respawn has further developed the model format into something newer that isn't even in the VPKs anymore.

For the thumbnail, I used the Fukuda Battle Rifle from the Titanfall 2 art book, an unused modification of the G2/G7 platform,

like how the R97/R99 is a mod of the R201/R301.

A lot of new weapon designs from Respawn seem to come up in prior art books, so that's just my guess!

One last potential future weapon is the good 'ol L-STAR.

I'm not super sure about the likelihood of it coming back, but if it does, I think I can say one thing with certainty: it'll probably be a care package weapon.

It has no ammo type defined, just like the Mastiff and Kraber.

As Titanfall 2 veterans will recall, the L-STAR's main gimmick is that it uses infinite ammo, and rather than being reloaded you have to keep it from overheating.

For Apex Legends, it seems that it'll still have no mandatory reloads and instead use a heat gauge,

but rather than totally infinite ammo it'll fire from a single big ammo pool;

this is actually how it functioned in the Titanfall 2 campaign.

Additionally, it seems like it may do 50% extra damage to shields, though this stat is disabled like the HAVOC's explosions so that might not make it to release.

And I'm very curious if it'll still make targets explode when they are killed;

this came from the damage flag "GF_GIB", which is still present in the version currently in the game.

It would be absolutely bonkers if the L-STAR instantly killed without downing,

but from what I understand the gibbing only happens when a character is ragdolling so it would only happen if you're finishing someone off with the L-STAR.

That would still be really satisfying, at least, Apex Legends has a disappointing lack of gibbing compared to the prior titles.

Finally, there are a few things that may hint towards a future Legend.

There are some new damage types/death types that are labled "Sonic Blast" and "Sonic Boom".

Notably, the "Sonic Boom" uses some effects from Titanfall 2's Reapers, the effect for when they jump and do a ground pound.

So maybe the character would have a ground pound ult or something?

Maybe the new Legend will be Titan, and his ultimate will be Fall.

H̛a̕h҉a. H̛͞a̴̢h͟a̛̕͜h̨a̸͠.͞ Ḧ̸̫̭̺͇́͂͗ͫ͢à̢̧̞͍̹̫͛͋͊̋̂̾̚h̦̟̟͖̊͆̈̏̾̽͟͝a̷̪͍ͯ̈ͫ͒̅͡ H̼̗͓̼͙̭̦́͊̎̉̽̅̂ͣ̋ͤ͋́̚͡a̫̥̹͙͙̼̦̰̦̙̦̩̖̝͉͗͗ͩͬ̋͒́̀ͣ̀͟͝.̨̬͎̟͇͇̼̹͇̣̻͚̳͔̼͙̱̦͆̓̑ͧ͒ͥ̌̂ͮ̊ͤ̀͘͘

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I guess we'll see with time if this goes anywhere, but this stands out to me a lot as the only unused new damage definition.

Alright, that's all I've really got for you now.

! I could ramble more about some of the interesting technical apects of AL,

such as the new model format or how Respawn had to develop an almost comically in-depth system for doors,

but you can read all that on the GitHub if you're really interested.

More to come when it comes. Later.

For more infomation >> Apex Legends Datasheet and "Leaks" - Duration: 6:14.


Seduced By Evil: Derek Alldred - FULL EPISODE | Oxygen - Duration: 1:05:44.

For more infomation >> Seduced By Evil: Derek Alldred - FULL EPISODE | Oxygen - Duration: 1:05:44.


TRAINING DAY: HAMBURG - NOCCO trinken - 230kg KNIEBEUGE ballern! - Duration: 13:39.


We agreed on having breakfast at 8:00 AM

Seems like you missed that

Good morning, friends of cultivated competetive sports!

Welcome back on my YouTube channel

Today from windy and cold Hamburg

for the NOCCO kick-off

But my trainer also told me to do a workout

that's why I'm visiting CrossFit Hammerbrook now

and you'll be part of it

Everytime I'm in a box I'll warm-up using the airbike

And then my trainer asked me

if we should also install an airbike in our training hall

And I said: NO!

Well, today Mareike is there

Caution, coffee

Doesn't matter

Mareike, NOCCO

And Maximilian is also here

Put the phone away now

That's Maximilian

so we can be distinguished from each other

Max, cool

Maximlian also rhymes with cool but...

Yes and you my friend

I'm also there

Eric Schneidenbach

Managing director of the German wrestler federation

Also being there my friends airbike and bike air

And my barbell

It lays...

where it supposed to be

No, that's where it's wrong

Now the question is: What am I actually doing today?

I think today it's getting spectacular

I'll do power-jerks

Usually I do it from the blocks

but there are no block available here

That'w why I'll use the stands today

up to 170kg

It becomes interesting when I have to decrease weights again

I'll also do heavy clean pulls up to 200 kg

afterwards squats

and then we'll see how it goes

stay tuned

I'm done with the first exercise

I'm really satisfied with the clean-jerk

I only did that

2 or 3 times during comp prep

therefore the feeling is maybe a little bit missing

Nevertheless I'm really satisfied

Now I'm going to do clean pulls

let's see how it goes

and then the big final


Tim this old lifting platform

Look tim is cheating with his hands

Look look he's pushing

Take your hands off, man...

Other than that

you can definitely load more people on it

It's like a bakery here

It feels like flour

If this thing didn't stand out like that

maybe a very small plate would fit on it

but now that's already enough

If you stop breating too long

and keep pushing

it gets buzzy for a short time

You can't go wrong with squats

From time to time you should check whether this really works

But so far it has always worked

CF 74

Cristiano Fronaldo 74

200 are on the barbell now

but it looks like 750 kg

Now it's slowly getting serious

Focus has to be on point now

Training plan says

3 reps at 210

and 3 reps at 220

For the end of a heavy week

it's definitely a lot

but I think that's manageable

I'm always willing to help

That looks really strange to me

That looks really strange to me

Totally unusual

20, 60, 80, 200, 220, 230


I'm trying to

open this package

You guys

I'm tellling you straignt

These bumper plates...

I can't deal with them

It looks really heavy

that's incredibly cool

but those guys are swinging

that's enormous

I didn't had to put so much effort into it

because when I'm in the turning point

there is a big blow

and those are swinging back on their own

But ok, I don't want to speak it ill

It worked

with rubbers

Jesus, rubbers have made it possible

And if I'm not mistaken 230 for 3 is new PR

I'm really happy with this

By the way, if you hadn't noticed

I went straight from 210 to 230

Does somebody clean that up?

Or is that my job?

I have a last question

concerning my pants

I almost sent it back but independent

friends gave me the advice to keep it

I'm interested in your opinion: What do you think?

In my opinion it's really special

but it fits perfect because it's not too long

and my upper leg also fit in too

And that's why I think I'll keep it

It's too late anyway because it's already dirty

What do you think?

Leave it...

you already know how that works

Alright, training is done

But the next big events are already casting their shadows ahead

because now we are going to...

visit NOCCO

But first of all we are going to have some good food

Because training properly means also eating properly

Did Mrs. NOCCO already told us... Oh no it's a surprise

I don't really know what to expect either

And that's why I'm definitely excited

We're done

Suitcase is packed

I'm gonna have a milkshake now

protein shake


That's it for today

from CrossFit Hammerbrook

If you liked it, thumbs up. If not, thumbs up

Tell your grandparents that there is a new lifting video from Max

For more infomation >> TRAINING DAY: HAMBURG - NOCCO trinken - 230kg KNIEBEUGE ballern! - Duration: 13:39.


The US Army Black Hornet-3 Pocket Sized Nano Drone - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> The US Army Black Hornet-3 Pocket Sized Nano Drone - Duration: 5:30.


DESHALB lohnt sich die VORANMELDUNG! (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Duration: 8:19.

hey guys!

we'll talk a bit about the preregistration for tournaments

especially because YCS Düsseldorf is just 2 weeks ahead

so it's an interesting topic

and I am asking myself: is it worth it? Or: why you should propably try it, if you haven't.

so the decision to preregister covers a lot - like the organization of the travel

so I thought: why not make a video about it and talk a little bit

and then you can of course write a comment what you think about it :)

so why is there even a pre-registration?

the most obvious point is: because of the tournament organization

it's important for the organizer to know how many players will eventually attend the event, and pre-registration helps to guess

in the last years, the numbers changed quite a lot, so the result now is, when the guess from pre-registration is correct, the tournament will run smoothly

and that is of course in the interest of the players as well

so pre-registration is basically always fridays from 2PM-6PM on the venue

you can play with other players, public events, trade and of course pre-register for the event

so you can get goodies for pre-registration (in ycs and the big nationals)

until 2016 there were token with different pictures. every year is different

and they were replaced by the attribute dice

very popular, and often seen on the offical livestream as well

personally, I like the dice much more than the token

they look amazing and you can sell them for around 15-25 bucks per dice

the divine dice is a special one, because you could only get it at the 200th ycs

the other ones were distributed in these little bags

you never know what dice you will get, it's completely random. But some are more popular than others - the light and darkness dice!

but when you only need the water dice for the collection you might spend a bit more money on that. collectors, you know...

so THESE dice were replaced recently, but you can get them at public events still, if you're lucky

so now you can get the new millenium dice

they are pretty as well, BUT there is more to them. Because if you're extremly lucky, you might find the GOLD version of one of them

you can sell one of these for more than 100 euros, depending on the dice

so with a little bit of luck, there is the chance you will get one of these and be like: wow, best day ever xD

its a great reason to pre register as well

so then there is another one: this judge dice, you will need as well for the whole collection. before that, there was a judge token as well. so judges always get something extra

so basically, it has gotten better over the years. first, just tokens. then attribute dice, then the chance to get a really rare dice!

nobody really knows how long they will last, but I hope they do last quite a while

so why should you also preregister?

because it is often times more expensive, if you are traveling to the venue at fridays (except you live near the event venue)

because you need to pay the extra night

but some want or can only come on saturday morning

but it's definitely more relaxed to get to the city the event takes place,

so you can chill at the venue, make some trades or so, and then you can sleep in, don't think about the deck all the time

you just know: you have everything checked and are ready for the first round

so you might call this a psychological advantage

but there is of course the other side: the guys who want to see what decks are played at the event, and then rebuild their deck towards the most popular decks at the venue

so last minute, they make changes to get an advantage

so I definietly understand that point, but

it's pretty stressfull.. maybe you will think that you really need a certain card,

and you will also be more insecure because you trained with that one deck build and then changing it last minute ... could destroy the consistency

only because you see other players (you can't even see all of them) and HOPEFULLY play against these guys... not sure if it's worth it

so that is difficult for your whole long time brain as well.. it's like with tests in school. if you learn something short term, you overwrite the long term memory.

that's actually a real thing... you shouldn't learn last minute for a test....and I've done that unfortunately as well..

but yeah, some players will do that and like it

actually, I've had these situation as well. I needed 2 tour guide back when they were fresh out of the first reprint in the battle pack..

they were like 20 bucks a piece

and at event these cards are much more expensive as well

so you will propably make minus if you get cards last minute

it's stressfull and risky

if you are unlucky, you won't even get the cards you searched for and stressed about

and you don't want that

personally, I like it when you have everything checked on fridays, getting a dice, not care about the deck list anymore

and play the day before at the event, because it's not boring. public events, testing with others.. or just get to know the city... the atmosphere there is completely different from the main event days

it sure is worth it. of course, you need to decide on the budget you have and the training you have had with the deck

theoretically you can sell your dice and pay the extra night with that money... :D

it's your choice!

depending on where you travel

ycs can be italy, spain, etc. so you propably are even there on fridays anyway. traveling on saturdays would be way too risky for me at least

so if you are there anyway, you propably will preregister for the dice and to have less stress on saturday.. I guess most people do that

or you actually want to prepare your deck for the decks played and trust your experience or whatever...

but the goodies - you don't want to miss the chance on the gold dice, do you?

these are very rare btw.. there are no real numbers on that, but don't expect them :D

so TLDR: who wants to have a great weekend, no stress, sleep in just fun, and get a neat dice - preregister!

for the gold dice, for the security of knowing that everything is ready. work with what you have trained for

you have the time to train on fridays anyway, so you propably don't need extra time on saturdays

its relaxing, loose.

if you wanna have a great event, you should do that in my opinion

but if you want to have every upper edge you can get, and look for the decks you want to prepare last minute, do that! with enough experience, this might be the way you need

but what do YOU think? wirte me a comment about if you preregister or if you don't, and why! I would love to hear your thought about it.

relax or make everything last minute? let me know :) so thats it, thanks for watching!

so you can watch the video of Schattenspieler as well, he made a short sketch about the dice. and then we will see each other in the next video :)

For more infomation >> DESHALB lohnt sich die VORANMELDUNG! (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Duration: 8:19.


離別時刻總是感傷,女兒哭了 Tears of my daughter(Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 離別時刻總是感傷,女兒哭了 Tears of my daughter(Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 10:02.


커제 울린 남자를 울린 남자[슈퍼루키의 탄생] - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 커제 울린 남자를 울린 남자[슈퍼루키의 탄생] - Duration: 1:20.


#PES 2019 #MOBILE #PATCH 3.1.0 #Champions League (NO ROOT) | Реальные лого, формы и тренера - Duration: 2:27.

hello pesera with you walrus and short Video released patch for the new version will find out

the game we have recently refreshed and own here I post it links

as usual will apache author therefore to me there are no

claims and guys on different patches Sorry I can not lay out I already

getting a strike from some person not I know all photos sharif programming

can not the story can tell me how could a person say

copyright to the patch which is essentially is a gray software well I before

somehow youtube did not reach his strike took advised me to talk to

I advised you to not know a lawyer think head what lawyer

with my size now you see on its screen that this patch changes in

in general, everything is already replaced by the standard background and replaced the field on the field itself in

match does not change anything except buttons pauses some football player changed

cards grandson sense pictures on cards

we have added all sorts of interesting pictures on agents marked league type

champions basically a nice combination i have purple gold colors

now this moment is exactly this patch if something more interesting i'm

Of course, I'll find Unfortunately, there is no command as usual

teams with emblems and forms in the first League I do not know why they do not work

add to other peppa piggy available here in the other leagues added on

logo and original commands but to Unfortunately, you will see not changed names and

they will have the usual form of standard I think this is already a classic for patches

which do not require root rights actually how to install patches

link will be fixed comments that's what else I think something else

I have now changed a little bit and forget changed the look of the awards after the match now

now now a bit of video with them like times and will, in principle, as usual swing

set use so here looks on

excited too in the style of the Champions League with pretty girls

pictures in general on this I have everything snakes write bye bye sign and set


For more infomation >> #PES 2019 #MOBILE #PATCH 3.1.0 #Champions League (NO ROOT) | Реальные лого, формы и тренера - Duration: 2:27.


2019 Yamaha Monster Series Exciter 150, Aerox/NVX 155, Freego 125, Lexi 125/155, NMax 155, XMax 300 - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Yamaha Monster Series Exciter 150, Aerox/NVX 155, Freego 125, Lexi 125/155, NMax 155, XMax 300 - Duration: 11:06.


List Of Top 10 Most Cutest Dog Breeds In The World 2019 🐕 - Duration: 4:33.

Welcome dog lovers to the world of the most cutest dogs!

In this video, you will see the list of top 10 cutest dog breeds in the world.

When it comes to a cute look, the puppies are usually the cutest choice.

However, I tried to point out the dog breeds that are the most beautiful and the cutest

in the world.

Ok, now you certainly wanna see the list, right?

List of top 10 cutest dog breeds in the world:

Number ten, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs are: fearless, social, playful, kind and patient.

Dog breed number nine, Akita.

Akita dogs are: protective, responsible, independent, careful, brave and loyal.

Dog breed number eight, Corgi.

Corgi dogs are: protective, social, playful, brave and persistent.

Dog breed number seven, Bolognese.

Bolognese dogs are: friendly, obedient, serious and loyal.

Dog breed number six, Pug.

A cute little Pug dog is a pet that is always playful and friendly to children, making them

a popular dog breed for the families with kids.

Pug dogs are: intelligent, stubborn, social, playful, careful and silent.

The cutest dog breed number five, Bichon Frise.

Bichon Frise dogs are:

playful, sensitive, gentle, loyal and happy.

The cutest dog breed number four, Golden Retriever.

Golden Retriever dog breed is one of the most popular in the world.

Dogs of Goldern Retriever breed are considered to be friendly, kind and very beautiful.

Golden Retriever dogs are: friendly, intelligent, reliable and kind.

And now the moment you have been waiting for.

In the following part, you will see the top

3 cutest dog breeds in the world, ready?

The cutest dog breed number three, Papillon or Continental Toy Spaniel.

Papillon is a gorgeous little dog with a characteristic butterfly shape ears.

They are extremely cute and beautiful dog breed that is ranked as third in the list

of the cutest dogs in the world.

Papillon dogs are: friendly, always happy, intelligent, energetic, careful and brave.

The cutest dog breed number two, Yorkshire Terrier.

Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog and a great pet.

Many dog owners consider Yorkshire Terrier dog breed as the cutest in the world.

However, as I say I tried to point out the most beautiful and cutest dogs in the world

so I place Yorkshire Terrier dog breed on second place of cutest dogs in the world.

Yorkshire Terrier dogs are: protective, curious, energetic, kind, alert and loyal.

And now the final and the cutest dog breed in the world.

The cutest dog breed in the world is Pomeranian.

Pomeranian is considered not only as the sweetest dog breed in the world but also as the most

beautiful dog breed in the world.

The gorgeous big Pomeranian dog hair has many fans all around the world.

Pomeranian dogs are: friendly to everyone, beautiful, sweet, social, smart, playful and


I hope you enjoyed the list of top 10 cutest dog breeds in the world.

Do you want to see more?

In the description, I place for you links to the:top 10 most beautiful, smartest, popular,

smallest and biggest dog breeds in the world.

So check it I promise you won't regret it.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy.

Take care!

For more infomation >> List Of Top 10 Most Cutest Dog Breeds In The World 2019 🐕 - Duration: 4:33.


Lego Star Wars Review - 5004408 Rebel A-Wing Pilot [PL with ENG Subtitles] - Duration: 3:38.

Hi! It's Michał and this is quick review of polybag 5004408 - Rebel A-Wing Pilot

The set, If we can say like that about this, was release in 2016, is assigned to the Rebels series

As you can see, it contains only 5 elements with one blaster

we haven't instructions here

I bought it for about 4-5 EUR

it is not so expensive

the figure is A-Wing's pilot

I bought it for my next MOC

B-Wing Starfighter, soon on my channel

Lego used a helmet, which was used by B-Wing pilots, the A-Wing pilots had different ones

A-Wing pilot helmets looked exactly like in this minifigure, not like this from polybag

let's open the polybag and check what's inside

we have 5 parts, building a minifigure is a moment

that's how it looks ready

minifig has nice prints on his torso

unfortunately, the legs are not printed

the head is double-sided with two faces

the best element is a helmet, it has a lot of details

I do not know if you've seen, there are stamps on the back that symbolize the shot down Tie Fighter

great curiosity and detail

there are a lot of details here, like a microphone, I do not know if it's just paint or convex plastic

minifig is great! I really like its red color

This is how the A-Wing pilot looks in the company of other rebel pilots

the minigig is great and worth buying

soon on my channel you will see his B-Wing Starfighter, I need maybe 2 weeks on build.

Thanks for your attention, see you! Bye!

For more infomation >> Lego Star Wars Review - 5004408 Rebel A-Wing Pilot [PL with ENG Subtitles] - Duration: 3:38.



For more infomation >> TERKEDİLMİŞ DELİLER HASTAHANESİNDE BİR GECE !!! / OUTLAST / 1.BÖLÜM - Duration: 12:38.


醫生:如果你睡覺時沒有這3種情況,說明你的肝臟非常健康。 - Duration: 14:16.

For more infomation >> 醫生:如果你睡覺時沒有這3種情況,說明你的肝臟非常健康。 - Duration: 14:16.


강경호, UFC 한일전서 서브미션 승…링네임 바꾼 마동현은 TKO패 - Duration: 6:28.

강경호(32·부산팀매드)가 'UFC 한일전'에서 승리하며 지난 경기 패배의 아픔을 씻어냈다.

강경호는 10일(한국시간) 호주 멜버른의 로드 레이버

아레나에서 열린 UFC 234 언더카드 밴텀급 3라운드 경기에서 일본의

이시하라 데루토(28)에게 1라운드 리어 네이키드 초크로 서브미션 승리를 거뒀다.

경기 초반 전진을 시도하다 왼손 카운터를 허용한 강경호는 다리가

풀리며 경기장 바닥에 무릎을 대기도 했지만,

노련한 경기 운영으로 위기를 잘 극복했다.

1라운드 절반이 지난 시간 상대를 옥타곤 구석으로 몰아넣은 강경호는

이시하라의 턱에 니킥을 꽂아 넣으며 타격전의 포문을 열었다.

이후 상대와 마주 선 채로 20여초간 주먹을 주고받은 강경호는 장기인 테이크

다운으로 이시하라를 넘어뜨린 뒤 리어 네이키드 초크를 성공시켰다.

이시하라는 항복 선언을 하지 않은 채 그대로 기절했고,

허브 딘 주심은 이시하라의 의식이 없는 것을 확인한 후 강경호의 승리를 선언했다.

지난해 8월 브라질 출신의 히카르도 라모스(24)에게 1-2로 판정패했던 강경호는

이번 경기 승리로 UFC 통산 전적 4승 1무 2패를 기록하게 됐다.

마동현(31·부산팀매드)은 이날 데본테 스미스(26)와의 라이트급 경기에서 1라운드 TKO 패를 당했다.

지난해 2월 대미언 브라운과의 경기에서 정강이뼈를 다친 후

새로운 링네임(링에서 사용하는 별명)으로 복귀전을 치른 마동현은 4연승이 좌절됐다.

원래 본명인 '김동현'을 링네임으로 사용하던 그는 별명인

'마에스트로'의 앞글자와 자신의 이름을 합쳐 만든 새 링네임 '마동현'으로 링에 올랐다.

탐색전으로 진행되던 1라운드 후반 레그킥을 시도하다 다리를

다친 마동현은 중심을 제대로 잡지 못하며 스미스에게 연속 펀치를 허용했다.

그대로 앞으로 고꾸라진 마동현에게 스미스는 연달아 파운딩을 꽂아 넣었고,

주심은 두 선수 사이로 몸을 던지며 경기를 끝냈다.

마동현의 UFC 전적은 3승 3패가 됐다.

For more infomation >> 강경호, UFC 한일전서 서브미션 승…링네임 바꾼 마동현은 TKO패 - Duration: 6:28.


Top Best Movie Villains 2019 Cast In Real Life Name and Age(Then and Now) Big Screen Movie Villains - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Top Best Movie Villains 2019 Cast In Real Life Name and Age(Then and Now) Big Screen Movie Villains - Duration: 10:52.


Ananasın Faydaları Nelerdir - Duration: 2:35.

hello friends derman in nature

Welcome to the youtube channel

in this video we believe you will benefit a lot

we want to share an information

The biggest manufacturer in Hawaii as well

pineapple in Costa Rica, Honduras, Brazil

Mexico, Dominican Republic

El Salvador,Nikaragua,Filipinler

Tayland ve Çin de yetişmektedir

Pineapple Vitamin C

Vitamin B6 is a source of manganese copper

Also named bromelain


The group contains digestive enzymes

A Complete Life Saver

Ananas viewing many research pineapples

naturally found protein digestion

enzyme focused bromelain

Bromelain specifically includes:

Poor cell and tumor development


Prevent platelet aggregation

Fibrinolytic activities

Anti-infection actions

Leather cleaner especially

Improve the absorption of drugs (amoxicillin)


Father of alternative drugs, bromelainin

Hard bruises, bruises on

says it is an effective treatment

The result of clinical trials

bromelainin acts as blood thinner

and angina thrombophlebitis findings

has shown comfort

by fighting these mineral free radicals

does the following

improves the immune system

facilitates calcium absorption

creates and refresh bones

helps regulate glucose levels

to achieve all these benefits

all we have to do

five milligrams per day or a slice of pineapple

to consume

If You still haven't subscribed to our channel

Clicking the Subscribe Button in the Right Bottom Corner


Goodbye to see you in our next video

For more infomation >> Ananasın Faydaları Nelerdir - Duration: 2:35.



For more infomation >> ARTESANATO PASSO A PASSO SIMPLES E FACIL - Duration: 0:55.



(deep breath)

Good morning rise and shine

Xin Chao!

How amazing it is to be alive today and to be with

you and to be in this magnificent place on Earth

we are in the land of

rice farms

we are

in a place that has experienced

hundreds of years of war we are live from Vietnam


Goal is to share with you some of

the places I have been to and to share some of

the lessons

that I have learned

from this trip meeting

the locals

sitting with them

sharing with them, talking with them

the first local I met was on the plane

a student living in Malaysia in Kuala Lampur

he's doing his studies I asked him what is motivation for him in life?

To leave his country and his family and parents

and go abroad to study

and to build a career

that's the story of Tony

another day I was in a taxi and I asked the

question to the taxi driver and his answer was

motivation in life

was his wife and three daughters.

Another time I met with a local it was a woman who has a spa salon

I asked her what's motivation for her in life

And she said to stay active to keep on working

because once we stop working and stop being

active we slowly die...

Lessons learnt?

Lesson number one

listen to yourself listen to your inner voice

it has something very very special to tell you it

has a big message for you if you can't listen you

have to find that inner voice. In order to find

that inner voice you have to be yourself you have

to sit with yourself you have to block all


from outside

and open your inner eyes

open your heart

listen to it

Sit with your soul

Lesson number two is love yourself and be

happy with yourself and once you do that you're

able to love the world and be happy with the world

so start doing this

Lesson number three


Surrender to the world

to the universe to the past, to your pains

to your sufferings


it's okay, it's okay, we all go through, we all go through

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of Vietnam

I'm happy to have shared with you some of it

Until next time

I'll say thank you which is Cam on

in Vietnamese and stay amazing

and thank you for watching

For more infomation >> ASOM EPISODE 200 - HELLO VIETNAM XIN CHAO - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> ASOM EPISODE 200 - HELLO VIETNAM XIN CHAO - Duration: 3:51.


Dragon Ball Super : Broly - Trailer 5 Gogeta VS Broly(Réalité Virtuelle VR)720p60 - Duration: 0:25.

We are Gogeta


Let's go

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super : Broly - Trailer 5 Gogeta VS Broly(Réalité Virtuelle VR)720p60 - Duration: 0:25.


For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super : Broly - Trailer 5 Gogeta VS Broly(Réalité Virtuelle VR)720p60 - Duration: 0:25.


지구과학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 토론과학 생물 물리 중1과학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 지구과학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 토론과학 생물 물리 중1과학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> 지구과학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 토론과학 생물 물리 중1과학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:27.


Chicken White Karahi || Chicken Karahi Recipe In Urdu - Duration: 4:14.

ChatnCooking With Mahreen

Chicken White Karahi

Chicken 750 gm ,Cream 200 gm , Yogurt 200 gm

Cumin Crushed 1.5 tsp , Coriander Crushed 1.5 tsp

Salt to taste , Black pepper Crushed 1 tsp

Ginger garlic paste 2 tsp , Bullet Green Chillis

Fresh Coriander for garnish

For more infomation >> Chicken White Karahi || Chicken Karahi Recipe In Urdu - Duration: 4:14.


For more infomation >> Chicken White Karahi || Chicken Karahi Recipe In Urdu - Duration: 4:14.


DER GROSSE KRAN! | LEGO City Update #14 | Feb 2018 🏗️ (deutsch m. englischen Untertiteln) - Duration: 15:29.

hello fellow lego fans, hello friends

of decent brick combining, and



Yes, after a long wait of over 3 months

it's time for a new city update!

And a lot has been changed

in one of my latest videos I

showed you my rockwall moc

and i placed this in my city

you can check the video in the

card above

so let's get started with the update

as usual we start in the harbour area

where nothing really has changed

just this little beetle over there

behind the old fishing store

the underwater area will come in

the near future

so let's check out the biggest

new thing in the city

and it's the big yellow crane

look at this beauty

and together with ninjago city

this is the second highlight in

the city

I love the crane!

Normally the crane should reach

the construction site down at the

train station (this will be my

next project to finish!)

but the problem is that the crane

is a little bit to short

that's what the worker on top is

reallizing right now

but in the meantime there are some

minifigs who sat down on that beam

hanging down the crane

there are rocket, groot and thor...

...but there is also another minifig

who sat down next to them and this is

chewbacca and I'm not really sure

whether thor likes this or not

because there are already some

lightnings coming off his eyes!

on the crane I also placed sam wilson

aka the falcon with this trans clear


there is a reason why there are so many

marvel minifigs in this area of the city

and this is because of the sanctum sanctorum

that I placed right here

You can find the link to video in the

card above

next to this sanctum moc

there is another scene taking place

on the street

over there Cull Obisidian and the

Hulkbuster are having a fight

there is also a truck crashed because

of this brawl

I know this scene can nowhere be found

in the movies but I didn't have any

hulk so used Cull Obisidian as

the opponent for the hulkbuster

there are also some other minifigs

from those infinity war sets

ebony maw, peter parker aka spider man

and down there is doctor strange

but let's go back to the train station

where all those workers and are

trying to finish the building

I also put to more cars to the train

I also have one more but then the train

not able to pull them anymore

In front of the train station I placed

the donut shop and all the beautiful details

that come with it

next to the train station I replaced

the hotel with the brick bank

which was originally over there where

sanctum is right now

I had plans to replace the crane with

the downtown diner when it's built

but I'm not quite sure whether I

should do this or not because I love

the crane in it's place. What do you think?

ANother option is to place the diner

together with the assembly square in the

uptown area right where the airport is

I really like the placing of the brick bank

next to the brick bank I placed my lego store

moc. I hope you can see it right below

the monorail tracks

to make the transition from the

city to the valley looking not

that rude I built a little parking place

and through this parking area

you can also reach the back door

of the lego store.

apropos valley: Let's take a look

at the valley in it's entirety

in my opinion it looks amazing!

What do you think?

of course it's not that realistc

to place some natural paradise inside a lego

city but I think there are more things

reagarding lego that are not realistic

so I don't care ;-)

Unfortunatly the water transition between

ninjago city and this little lake

is not perfect but I will work on this

Another problem was the fact that

one support beam of the monorail tracks

has to be placed inside the valley

but I tried something out and I think it

looks quite good

I definitly like the look of this

support beam and maybe I will replace all

of the beams by this one made of

brick bricks

Let's take a look at ninjago district

where nothing really has changed

just added so little details like the rikscha

and the temple over there

which you can see from the other site

in just an minute

here you can see the other site

of the temple which I want to be

the entrance to the whole district

I will expand the district in the near

future because I need more space for

the temple of airjitzu and the temple

of resurrection

therefore I will have to finally

disassemble the airport

I also put the piloce station at the other

end of the road and the garage was

also put to a new place

and I really like to rearrange

my lego city because this is what

lego is all about and you need to

integrate new buildings that will

be released by lego

for example these great modular

buildings I definitly want to have

other buildings than the corner garage

so to speak... I did not say that ;-)

I really need a big hole in the middle

of my layout to reach every corner of it

it was so damn hard to place the rockwall

into my city

Just another question for you guys:

I built those tunnel entrances in the

rockwall moc with those grey brick

bricks but there is another tunnel entrance

over here which is build with only black bricks

Do you think I should change this tunnel

entrance to make it fit the other ones?

I'm not quite sure. so let me know

in the comment section what you think

so take a final look over my city

so i hope you enjoyed this city update

and all the changes i made to the

lego city

if you can't remember how the city

looked like before just check out

the playlist on my channel

I know you definitly like my city updates

and i can see this at my channel analytics

and I really want to post more city updates

this year

and I want to overcome the odds of

my city being over 100km away from

where I live to give you the content

you want

And if you like the video just give

it a thumbs up. And if you're new to my

channel feel free to subscribe

and don't forget to hit the bell

to not miss any upcoming content

and if you have any suggestions

for my city feel free to tell me

in the comments below. I really

appreciate it!

So thank you for watching

I wish you an awesome day

and I will see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> DER GROSSE KRAN! | LEGO City Update #14 | Feb 2018 🏗️ (deutsch m. englischen Untertiteln) - Duration: 15:29.


BALDI'S Basics Gamers vs GRANNY Gamers - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> BALDI'S Basics Gamers vs GRANNY Gamers - Duration: 7:32.


I HATE IT HERE! Handle competition and stress as an ENFP - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:30.

Hey Dan here and in this video I'm answering an ask 10 question from an

ENFP in Romania Oana asks I'm an ENFP and a university student - at the moment

and I am in the position where I have to spend a lot of time every day

interacting and working together with my colleagues which may seem great as an

ENFP right well the problem is I can't seem to find any common ground with

anyone in terms of core values like integrity respect friendship

communication and appreciation and also the atmosphere is so competitive and

stressful all the time that I can feel the environment has a big negative

impact on my personality and mood how can I deal with this better and how can

I keep my mood up when so many things around me affect me one way or another

so that's an awesome question and something I think most of us have had to

deal with at at least one point in our lives if not all the time the first

thing I look at and I have three ways I would address this and different options

for you and the last one is probably what I would do which is not necessarily

the best option so the first thing I would look at is can you develop empathy

for them empathy in terms of understanding who they are and where

they come from one tool to do this might be using personality types figuring out

who they are based on that another might be just really making an effort to get

to know them better and that might be tough at first because you know you

don't like them and if you might not really want to get to know them that

much better but one of the really interesting things is most humans are

motivated by similar things you know deep down if you find someone who's

really arrogant a competitive probably deep down they weren't loved enough as a

kid and blah blah blah there's something there you can like about them now I'm

not saying to make these people your best friends personally I have certain

values and when people don't really meet those I'm pretty quick to cut them out

of my life or the very least keep them at arm's length right but getting to

know and understand where they're coming from and even trying to appreciate who

they are and where they're coming from maybe what's driving them it's going to

be one really useful for you as a human being developing that skill and two it

will make the environment a lot easier now when you accept people as broken as

they are or is different from you as they are it takes away a lot of maybe

that animosity or resentment or judging you might have and you just see like hey

that's Bob the guy with no integrity who's really driven and only cares about

winning that's Bob we love Bob you know so try developing the sense of empathy

for them and don't expect it back but do it mostly for yourself and one way I

would approach this is like your detective or psychologist investigate

them and try to kind of figure out like what makes them tick the second thing I

would really recommend doing as an ENFP is practicing expressing yourself and

disagreement so there's a chance I mean I don't know you we haven't met but a

lot of enfps were fairly agreeable we like to get along with people because

often arguing gets us quite emotional I know I find that there's friends I have

that love to argue they're into politics and will have the same argument and on

my end it gets pretty intense like it's really disturbing me and on their end

it's like yeah I argue politics all day this is just like a fun game right so

for that reason a lot of enfps we do tend to be fairly agreeable or go with

the flow until we go to the other extreme where we're definitely not

agreeable and so one thing I would definitely recommend is expressing

yourself you know don't let them say things to you or just generally be

saying things in a discussion that you really disagree with and you let it go

because you don't want to be confrontational or don't want to get

into an argument that's not going to serve you and that's not going to serve

them so it's a lot better to put it on the table

another thing I would say to do and this is something that I do a lot of my life

for better or worse and I really don't know if sometimes it's out of fear or it

is really just strategically the best thing to do but is change your

environment you know there's certain environments that appeal to certain

people some people love a really competitive cutthroat work environment

that's really thrive other people hate that they want to get along with their

colleagues and really be connecting and working together on a shared mission so

when you're thinking about your life especially beyond university I'm not

saying to go drop out of university necessarily but when you're thinking

beyond you know keep this in mind use this as a

learning experience what is the type of environment you want to be in and maybe

starting with is a taking notes like what environment don't you want to be in

what kind of people do you want to avoid and I would definitely say avoid work

environment that are going to be full of people who are very competitive and who

don't share your values now of course there's a lot of personal growth and

interpersonal skills you can gain from being in a really tough environment the

last thing you want to become is like an American child these days who gets a

trophy for everything they do right facing adversity is good it develops us

and makes us stronger but in the long run I do think that if you're constantly

an environment that really goes against who you are and you're using all that

energy you have all that willpower to get by in that environment you're

probably missing out on other things you could be doing and creating if you were

in a really energizing harmonious environment you could save all that

energy that you're otherwise using to survive the environment and put it

towards doing something really great and so that would be the big-picture

solution I'd look at especially looking forward is changing that environment

don't feel like there's something wrong with you or even necessarily something

wrong with the other people it's just maybe not the right environment for you

so the three possible solutions there choose one or all three one develop your

sense of empathy more for the people as you understand them and appreciate who

they are you're much less likely to feel negative emotions about the whole thing

to learn to speak up for yourself and express your opinion if you're not doing

that already and three consider changing your environment either now or in the

future thanks for watching this I publish new videos every Sunday Tuesday

and Thursday at 6 a.m. Eastern Time so if you're not yet a subscriber hit the

subscribe button and the bell and I will catch you in another video soon


For more infomation >> I HATE IT HERE! Handle competition and stress as an ENFP - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:30.


TRAINING DAY: HAMBURG - NOCCO trinken - 230kg KNIEBEUGE ballern! - Duration: 13:39.


We agreed on having breakfast at 8:00 AM

Seems like you missed that

Good morning, friends of cultivated competetive sports!

Welcome back on my YouTube channel

Today from windy and cold Hamburg

for the NOCCO kick-off

But my trainer also told me to do a workout

that's why I'm visiting CrossFit Hammerbrook now

and you'll be part of it

Everytime I'm in a box I'll warm-up using the airbike

And then my trainer asked me

if we should also install an airbike in our training hall

And I said: NO!

Well, today Mareike is there

Caution, coffee

Doesn't matter

Mareike, NOCCO

And Maximilian is also here

Put the phone away now

That's Maximilian

so we can be distinguished from each other

Max, cool

Maximlian also rhymes with cool but...

Yes and you my friend

I'm also there

Eric Schneidenbach

Managing director of the German wrestler federation

Also being there my friends airbike and bike air

And my barbell

It lays...

where it supposed to be

No, that's where it's wrong

Now the question is: What am I actually doing today?

I think today it's getting spectacular

I'll do power-jerks

Usually I do it from the blocks

but there are no block available here

That'w why I'll use the stands today

up to 170kg

It becomes interesting when I have to decrease weights again

I'll also do heavy clean pulls up to 200 kg

afterwards squats

and then we'll see how it goes

stay tuned

I'm done with the first exercise

I'm really satisfied with the clean-jerk

I only did that

2 or 3 times during comp prep

therefore the feeling is maybe a little bit missing

Nevertheless I'm really satisfied

Now I'm going to do clean pulls

let's see how it goes

and then the big final


Tim this old lifting platform

Look tim is cheating with his hands

Look look he's pushing

Take your hands off, man...

Other than that

you can definitely load more people on it

It's like a bakery here

It feels like flour

If this thing didn't stand out like that

maybe a very small plate would fit on it

but now that's already enough

If you stop breating too long

and keep pushing

it gets buzzy for a short time

You can't go wrong with squats

From time to time you should check whether this really works

But so far it has always worked

CF 74

Cristiano Fronaldo 74

200 are on the barbell now

but it looks like 750 kg

Now it's slowly getting serious

Focus has to be on point now

Training plan says

3 reps at 210

and 3 reps at 220

For the end of a heavy week

it's definitely a lot

but I think that's manageable

I'm always willing to help

That looks really strange to me

That looks really strange to me

Totally unusual

20, 60, 80, 200, 220, 230


I'm trying to

open this package

You guys

I'm tellling you straignt

These bumper plates...

I can't deal with them

It looks really heavy

that's incredibly cool

but those guys are swinging

that's enormous

I didn't had to put so much effort into it

because when I'm in the turning point

there is a big blow

and those are swinging back on their own

But ok, I don't want to speak it ill

It worked

with rubbers

Jesus, rubbers have made it possible

And if I'm not mistaken 230 for 3 is new PR

I'm really happy with this

By the way, if you hadn't noticed

I went straight from 210 to 230

Does somebody clean that up?

Or is that my job?

I have a last question

concerning my pants

I almost sent it back but independent

friends gave me the advice to keep it

I'm interested in your opinion: What do you think?

In my opinion it's really special

but it fits perfect because it's not too long

and my upper leg also fit in too

And that's why I think I'll keep it

It's too late anyway because it's already dirty

What do you think?

Leave it...

you already know how that works

Alright, training is done

But the next big events are already casting their shadows ahead

because now we are going to...

visit NOCCO

But first of all we are going to have some good food

Because training properly means also eating properly

Did Mrs. NOCCO already told us... Oh no it's a surprise

I don't really know what to expect either

And that's why I'm definitely excited

We're done

Suitcase is packed

I'm gonna have a milkshake now

protein shake


That's it for today

from CrossFit Hammerbrook

If you liked it, thumbs up. If not, thumbs up

Tell your grandparents that there is a new lifting video from Max

For more infomation >> TRAINING DAY: HAMBURG - NOCCO trinken - 230kg KNIEBEUGE ballern! - Duration: 13:39.


The best vitamins to improve cognition - Duration: 5:00.

The problem with brain health, unfortunately, is that there's still too much guesstimation.

There are things that we think probably are good for the brain, and if you do them, it

probably will benefit your cognition.

And that's OK, but really, we need better answers.

The good news is, we're starting to get them.

Take this piece of research that just came out a few weeks ago.

For the first time, it has identified eight specific nutrients that can be directly shown

to improve brain function and cognitive performance.

And if you are dealing with cognitive impairment, you need to know what those nutrients are.

Because if you are like most people over the age of 50, there's two of them in particular

that you many not be getting nearly enough of, and your cognition may be suffering as

a result.

Hi, I'm Tony Dearing of, the website for people with mild cognitive impairment.

The research I want to talk to you about today was done at the University of Illinois, and

involved 32 nutrients that are associated with the Mediterranean diet.

Using blood tests and brain scans, it isolated these eight nutrients as directly tied to


What I'm showing you here are the nutrients, and the foods they can be found in.

Susan McQuillan, a nutritionist and brain health writer did an excellent piece in Psychology

Today on this research, and I'm including a link to her article below.

I belong to a private group on Facebook for people with mild cognitive impairment, and

Susan recently joined me in a Facebook Live to discuss this study.

One thing she said is, don't take this list and think you should run out and buy a bunch

of supplements.

Now it's better, as much as possible, to get these nutrients from the food you eat.

But that's not always possible.

Susan McQuillan points out two vitamins that are hard to get even from a healthy diet,

if you're age 50 or older.

Those are Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. And that matters a lot, because deficiencies in either

of these 2 vitamins are strongly linked to cognitive decline.

B12 is an interesting case because it's easy to get, and abundant even in the traditional

American diet.

You get it from animal products like meat, poultry and dairy.

Ad what's more, we produce our own B12.

But here's the problem.

Around the age of 50, Susan McQuillan says we stop producing something called "instrinsic

factor," which is the protein required to produce B12.

That can be a double whammy, because it not only alters your ability to produce your own

B12, it also reduces your ability to absorb B12 from the food you eat.

As we age, we also become more vulnerable to a vitamin D deficiency, and that's something

that's hard to get from food.

So don't let either of those deficiencies go undetected, because they're both fairly

easy to fix.

As Susan McQuillan says, "If you're feeling a lot of brain fog, more than usual, vitamin

B12 is one of the things your doctor should be checking.

It is one of those nutrients, along with Vitamin D that you might want to talk to your doctor

about to find out if there's any benefit to taking supplements."

Now that's great advice, and of course, you also want to be paying attention to the other

nutrients on the list, and make sure you're stoking your brain with all of them.

If you want a copy of that list, I've added to the Free Library on my website,

When you sign up to join my Free Library, you get all these resources and you also get

my weekly brain health email.

It's all free.

To sign up, just go to my website,, and click on Free Library.

There's a link to that below.

Thanks for joining me today.

I hope you found this information helpful, and I look forward to seeing you again next


Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

For more infomation >> The best vitamins to improve cognition - Duration: 5:00.


Aimer - 10 Best Selection songs - Duration: 55:26.

Raise your flag, the only one

Don't look back! You don't let me down

Rushing out to rising sun

Nothing but the heart or crown

Raise your flag, the only one

Don't look back! You don't let me down

Rushing out to rising sun

Nothing but the heart or crown

That day, we were dancing in


Shaking it ON & ON

In TWO-FIVE-ONE, beat it loud




You're the one

[Raise your flag, the only one] You're the one

[Don't look back! You don't let me down] You're the one

[Don't look back! You don't let me down]

You're the one

[Rushing out to rising sun] You're the one

[Nothing but the heart or crown]

You were


Laughing, crying and singing

until your


went hoarse

Engrave them ONE BY ONE

Hoping to always be brave

Even if this world was full of distortion beyond you could ever imagine

Starting over

Right beyond there

Put your hands up, don't let them down

Put those tears away

It's fine to raise your voice loud

Raise yours

only flag

Don't be afraid of tomorrow

With your never changing pace,

You keep on

Sing on!

[Raise your flag, the only one] Sing on!

[Raise your flag, the only one] Move on!

[Don't look back! You don't let me down] Move on!

Reach out!

[Rushing out to rising sun] Reach out!

You're the one

[Nothing but the heart or crown] You're the one

[Raise your flag, the only one] You're the one

[Don't look back! You don't let me down] You're the one

You were

always yearning

For something


yet a bit


Facing to the outside of classroom

And that feeling

kept swelling

even bigger

"This is your real self." You don't need someone to decide on that

Turning over

With your own true face

This youth keeps on moving towards the unlimited ONE WAY

Put your palms up

high to the sky

It's fine to speak up your yearning

To reach the ONE DAY beyond the morning sun

Let's push ourselves a bit harder than usual

And I'll present a bouquet of flower only for you

You beam on

Laugh hard!

[Raise your flag, the only one] Laugh hard!

Spring out!

[Don't look back! You don't let me down] Spring out!

Dance on!

[Rushing out to rising sun] Dance on!

You're the one

[Nothing but the heart or crown] You're the one

You're the one

You're the one

A step that once went back to the starting point

will be moving forward

far way stronger than before

Put your hands up, don't let them down

Expose those tears away

It's fine to raise your voice loud

Don't lose the dream

you want to realize

Until the day

you could shine on

With your never changing pace,

You keep on

Sing on!

[Raise your flag, the only one] Sing on!

Move on!

[Don't look back! You don't let me down] Move on!

Reach out!

[Rushing out to rising sun] Reach out!

[Rushing out to rising sun] You're the one

You're the one

[Nothing but the heart or crown] You're the one

You're the one

[Raise your flag, the only one] You're the one

You're the one

[Don't look back! You don't let me down] You're the one

You're the one

[Rushing out to rising sun] You're the one

You're the one

[Nothing but the heart or crown] You're the one

Even if wrinkles on your face are getting increased than before,

I don't mind at all

Even if I can't anymore play guitar like I want to

But the song of my heart is overflowing with you

Can't produce high vocal, I can't sing like I want to

But still, would you nod your head,agreeing to sing along with me?

Clamoring applauses,

Sonorous cheers, I don't need those kind of things

I want nobody but you

Please realize me

Please realize me


My dream has become true

I can't find the exact words to express my feeling


My dream has become true

"I love you"

Once in a lifetime

Just for one person

I've tasted the happiness of being born on this world

Today is the main dish,

and for the end of day we'll eat bittersweet dessert

Mountains, valley, all of them in full course

I don't need some quotes

I don't need something splendid or special

I just want you

to stay by my side forever and ever

The older I get, the more this feeling of mine grows even stronger

I love you

Please realize me

Please realize me

Hey Darlin'

My dream has become true

I can't find the exact words to express my feeling


My dream has become true

My love for you keeps overflowing

Even if you ended up forgetting about me

It's a bit hurt, but...

I don't mind at all

But I'll never

let you to take on

a distant


ahead of me

Even if we get a chance to reborn

Even if we meet again in the worst way

I believe, I'll ended up falling for you again

This heart, my love for you is always unrequited

I love you

Please realize me

Please realize me

Please realize me


My dream has become true

I can't find the exact words to express my feeling


My dream has become true

Hey Darlin'

"I love you"

Make a circle with another half

and hold it tight

Wrap another half around

behind the circle

Then, go into the pocket formed in the middle

and wait for it to come

Draw it out from the spot where it came through

One-two, pull it tight

Even though, it would come out into

a really pathetic form at first

But, just put the same strength into it

So that its butterfly wings become wide

and the knot become tight

I want you

tofirmly tie it

I want you, I want you

to put your arms right here

and leave your memories

far away

It would become untied

even if you only pulled the other half

Because it's far easier

to break

what has been made

But, it's exactly

the same way

to untie the knot

I already know it

But, once it finished

One-two, pull it tight

I prayed so hard, with all my might

so it wouldn't come loose

And yet, I got perplexed over one butterfly wing that

has become too wide

So that its butterfly wings become wide

and the knot become tight

I want you to

firmly tie it

Your dreams are right here

Your memories are far away there

Come to realize it, We'd be fine this way

Don't pull the other half in silence

Don't let it become an awkward shape butterfly

When we're supposed to tie it, yet it becomes loose

When we're supposed to untie it, yet it becomes tight

In the midst of this vast bluish earth,

between countless

scattered things

We're choosing our own thread and both of us

reeling it close to each other

We weren't tied to be together, but we're tying ourselves to each other

One-two, We pulled it tight

So it wouldn't

become too small

or too big

We put our strength into it

We put our strength into it (In the midst of this vast bluish earth,)

We put our strength into it (between countless)

We put our strength into it (scattered things)

(scattered things)

(We're choosing our own thread and both of us)

(reeling it close to each other)

(We weren't tied to be together, but we're tying ourselves to each other)

(One-two, We pulled it tight)

(So it wouldn't)

(become too small)

(or too big)

(We put our strength into it)


Once upon a summer afternoon

Rain showering

Under the umbrella


Softly put a kiss

upon your wet cheeks

I'm still longing

for that season

Miss you

Sceneries beyond the window

that fade into the distance


I saw a rainbow,

How fleeting,

almost fading

I hope it's not raining tomorrow

Can't focus on anything


Nothing but you're the part of me


not enough


not goes out

The adolescence from our intertwining hands

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew

I get wet by those phrases

in the midst of rain


just not enough

I still

can't say it

Words to bid a farewell from the dream of days I counted

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew

If I never feel it,

I wonder could I still laugh?


White breath

soaring high

Under the sky


Blown by the strong wind

My frozen hands and

my weakness inside the pocket

No matter how far I look out

over those passing days

Nothing but you're the part of me

I want to

touch you again


simply so dazzling

that spontaneously I avert my eyes from your kindness

I wanna sleep in your feel

I wanna see you in the deep

Right now, through a song, I lined up

those phrases

That way back home

Swaying in the bus

I dreamed of something that wouldn't became true

I wanna sleep in your feel

I wanna see you in the deep

I'm still not getting used

to the ref:rain of seasons

If only I could be a little bit mature

I wonder, what would you say?


not enough


not goes out

The adolescence from our intertwining hands

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew

I get wet by those phrases

in the midst of rain


just not enough

I still

can't say it

Words to bid a farewell from the dream of days I counted

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew

If I never feel it,

I wonder could I still laugh?

I couldn't wake up

from unending dreams

while was hiding frozen desires with my left hand

I lingered in the world where nobody knows its end

while was gripping vain memories with my right hand

Thus, unceasing drops of rain keep pricking my body and sou

We need power to protect our beloved one

but weakness made us can't trust ourselves

Just accept all of them,

Let's search for future of ours

Brave shine

If you try to spread your hands, and

Stay the night

On a scar-covered night,

You save my life

Beyond the edge of blade you wield, I entrust prayers of our united feelings

Let it go, surpass time and space

Your brave shine...

I was gazing onto eternal shadow

left behind by the blue star

that has forgotten how to twinkle

Passing on the crimson orbit,

We're still innocent children who know nothing

All we did was wander through the unbroKen NIGHT

Weakness of lose things we shouldn't lost

and all the brittleness made us believe nothing

Even if we couldn't stand up anymore,

Fate keeps rolling

Break down

On a night when the crumbing constellations

collide each other

You're breaking dawn

Behind promise we've vowed together,

there was a single lucid dream you embraced tightly to support yourself

Just accept all of them to be able

to protect our beloved one

Let's search for future of ours

Light up the dawn

Brave shine

If you try to spread your hands, and

Stay the night

On a scar-covered night,

You save my life

At the end line of our piled up tears, our prayers found a single light

Let it go, surpass time and space

My brave shine...

When I got hurt,

I'd be glad if you could gently held me within your arms

When I fell down and couldn't stand up by my own,

Please give me a glimmer of courage

This love would never reach to your whereabouts

Today, I walk alone again through this cold town

I even couldn't remember where in the world this place is

I have only one single wish in nights without dawn

"I wish for a glimmer of light in a starless sky"

Even all things I've thrown away in a place I can never return

I believe, they'll be reborn and shine on tomorrow

In the midst of millions stardust, I've encountered with you

I wish we'd still feel the same if we happened to meet again

Even the times when I cried in a past that won't roll back

I believe, they'll be reborn and shine on tomorrow

When I faced sleepless nights,

I'd be glad if you could gently held my hands

Please whisper to me,

that night will break

I don't care even if it's mere a lie

My wishes would never come true


those wishes took away all the constellations

vanished completely,

and won't ever come back to me

I have only one single wish in nights without dawn

"I wish for a glimmer of light in a starless sky"

Even now, it's only a distant and ephemeral star

But I believe, they'll be reborn and shine on night sky

Miracle I'd encountered in the midst of millions stardust,

they become couldn't be seen again, engulfed in the midst of zillion humans

I bid farewell to nights of tears and pasts that won't roll back

So tomorrow,

I could believe that I can shine once again

Even though, I'm such a tiny constellation

I feel grateful that

you'd realized that

I still shine here

I have only one single wish in nights without dawn

"I wish for a glimmer of light in a starless sky"

Even all things I've thrown away in a place I can never return

I believe, they'll be reborn and shine on tomorrow

In the midst of millions stardust, I've encountered with you

I wish we'd still feel the same if we happened to meet again

Even the times when I cried in a past that won't roll back

I believe, they'll be reborn and shine on tomorrow

On a silent and calm evening, a floating small boat

became a cradle

for a traveler

whose scars

all over his body

How sad, his sleeping face

as if let nobody

could get close to him

Without knowing

this place,

just go

towards north and north

Our hands supposed to be

entwined together,

but now they're getting loose

It seems,

from the very beginning

You couldn't accept

"to be loved"

You always

confused on your way

No wonder, you couldn't back home

All you could do was scream and hope for someone's help

but it'd reach


"I'm all alone..."

I won't let you say

such sad thing like that anymore

Days when your heart was wavering,

Seepage of last night rain would flow

on the top of your scars

as if it'd erase your past

These ropes supposed to be fastened

but now they're getting loose

It seems,

from the very beginning

this boat unable to

stay in place

You always

confused on your way

No wonder you couldn't back home

You still scream, hope someone'd

find you

but it would reach


You were waiting in loneliness while hugged both of your knees

"I know, I'm all alone..."

You always

wandered on your way

Now, you couldn't scream anymore

All you could do

was walking and walking

through the darkness

"This is my way to survive, always all alone"

I won't let you say

such things anymore

Your determination is nothing more than a false courage

Merely make ripple on water's surface

As if,

from the very beginning,

you could fly

towards the sky



who couldn't back home

They'd try to scream and hope someone'd find them

but it'd reach


They were waiting all alone in lonely

while hugged both of knees

We always

wandered on our way

Above waves, all waves, no path for us to follow

This boat keeps sailing forward


just floating

This is our way to survive

Now, the two of us

have nowhere to go

have nowhere to go [I'll always]

have nowhere to go [be by your side]

Even when you couldn't hold back your tears and started to cry

I'll be a faint ray

in the darkness

We've been keeping this way to survive, I want to be yours only

Polaris for you, and solely for you

Please hear me

I want to tell you

Please sing to me

I wanna hear your voice

At the moment when the throbs of hours still reverberate

I sealed the bare words deep in my heart

My colorful memories start to fade away

in the nook of broKen world

I wish for nothing but to hold you close

Because that's all the present day of me can do

Quivering inside fake courage seems like a pride in my eyes

as if a lost child

Even my last voice has gone

with the wandering wind

As I held up my hands to the moon,

you vanished away to heaven's stars

Though I held you tight and said "I'm by your side"

But I won't be able to hear your singing voice anymore

Along with siren of incessant rain

Now, heaven keeps crying instead of me

Even now, I scrape all abandoned precepts up together

then burn them in my heart

But they'd merely look like a stage played an elegy for begging salvation,

like the way of adults recite a fairy tale

I don't need such vain hopes and guidances

that helpless without words

Such an embellished prayer

could never touch the traces of future

One day, I'd send it to you

An untitled poem of my youth that depicts all my selfishnes

I want to forget, even just once

Sleepless melancholy is engulfing my poem

[Freezing cold shatters my sorrow] Sleepless melancholy is engulfing my poem

[Freezing cold shatters my sorrow]

And scorching sand puts it together again

Freezing cold shatters my sorrow

And scorching sand puts it together again

An indelible mistake is far better

rather than a disposable justice

Now, once again, with these hands of mine

It'd be better if I exposed all my unspoken voices that hidden within my cowardice

Even the orbit and a blooming light that I want to grasp

look like stained in monochrome because of my dried heart

I won't forget, those sceneries of today

because all the trivial hopes'd bestow their light on our paces

[I want to tell you] because all the trivial hopes'd bestow their light on our paces

[I want to tell you]

[Please sing to me]

[I wanna hear your voice]

Even if the star of sky that unites you into one is beckoning a single twinkling sound

But all of your dreams will only get drenched by the same downpour

Merely a parched light

(I'm getting sick of following an answer)

(to beat the opponents)

What I found beyond the endless daybreak without sun

is a crumbled morning

I've seized my daydream

No matter how far you've shouted and recited

both of our glory and tardy story

But not even a sound

could pass through the ruined tunnel

That's why we need silence,

in order to light a fire

Just like a puzzle, we need to suit a matching piece with the surroundings,

but It's just the same like a shapeless lie

Nothing more than awards that lined up neatly but ended up abandoned

Bunches of irritations that collected inside a box

are waiting for their turns to expose themselves,

to deceive humans with false goal

(Don't be above your daydream)

(Our visions will be softened by maturity)

(Even if your dreams have lost their way)

But I'll keep singing,

stretch you a bridge

That's why we need silence

in order to ring

Rhythm that flowing side by side my pace to anywhere

Passing townscapes will bring me faraway to the yonder along with my last true love

Inside a distortion image that couldn't be conyeved

There're awaken resistances

and outdated urges

These cry & dream have broken into pieces

They're nothing but a gate towards ideals

Even if the town is merrily drown into tumultuous noise

But I'll keep singing

and toss away this rudder

That's why we need silence

in order to resound

Don't be afraid, daybreak has come

Don't be afraid, daybreak has come

Don't be afraid, daybreak has come

Don't be afraid, daybreak has come

"We", who were drawn in, have vanished into

a small gap of boundary line between

the heaven and stars

Melt them all

Melt these eternal prognostic symptoms

The reason why every thing looks so small

Maybe, because it's a trap, set up by this universe

Someone said such lucid lies that this world is only one

and the indigo of this sky is actually dyed in crimson red

Melt them all

Melt the broken eternity of somebody

The beauty of this planet is so fragile

Dyed and full with crimson red

Do you feel lonely?

Don't let those colors of memories to go away yet

"We", who were hurt each other even forgetting

that the existence of this beautiful plane

could be destroyed

The reason why this world looks so ugly

is because "we" are completely painting it over

From here, I look down upon the color of discord noise

that seems too fickle

and it couldn't be destroyed anymore

What the hell were you screaming deep inside that indigo?

Uniting our hands by the window,

I lean into your back

We kept sensing the coldness of this world

Somewhere beyond there

the indigo of this sky is still dyed in crimson red

Melt them all

Melt the broken eternity of somebody

The beauty of this planet is so fragile

Dyed and full with crimson red

Within this serenity, nothing I could see

Even your loneliness is colorless

Beyond this sky to the yonder

It's keep falling apart

It's keep falling apart

What the hell does the madness could protect?

Don't destroy them away

Don't break them down

The one who have changed them are "us", right?

They're too beautiful, I don't understand anymore

We're sucked into delusion

Melt them all

Melt them all

Those loneliness couldn't be melted down

The throbbing of "our" hearts, please don't tear them off yet

I don't need things such memories

I want to sleep in eternity


morning sun wouldn't rise anymore

I even don't care

Within my dreams,

You're always smiling


oh why...

Why don't you just dissappear?

I gave you everything.

You gave me anything?


forever and ever

You're everything, still my everything.

I'm still loving you

Just like a fallen snow in the midst of midsummer

That's merely an ephemeral miracle


If I hadn't met you,

I won't feel such miserable

that wrings my heart to agony like this... but still,

If I hadn't fated to meet you,

I would learn nothing about

strength and kindness

Without seeing anything,

and just cried in the corner of my room

I don't need things such seasons

I want to touch nothing


I ended up forgetting

the name of that flower, it doesn't matter

But, within my dreams

You're always smiling

Even now,

[Why don't you just dissappear?] Even now,

still so

I gave you everything.

You gave me anything?

Never changing,

forever and ever

You're everything I'm still waiting.

May I continue to love you?

Just like a blooming flower

in the midst of midwinter

Now, you're just my fleeting memories


If I hadn't met you,

I wouldn't feel such loneliness nights

that let my tears flow incessantly... but still,

all I want to dedicate to you is

"You're still loved."

My feelings are still the same

like the night when you hugged me close

and I could laugh for the very first time

If only just one of my wishes

could become true

Once again, I want to feel your touch,

bathe inside the morning sun,

and feel glad ever born to this world

If I hadn't met you,

I won't feel such miserable

that wrings my heart to agony like this... but still,

if I hadn't fated to meet you,

I'd continue to live without learn

about strength and kindness

If I close my eyes,

I hope you'll be

close by my side

Even now,


I close my eyes,

I hope you'll still always

be close by my side

For more infomation >> Aimer - 10 Best Selection songs - Duration: 55:26.


韓國瑜被抓包! 默默送年菜給獨居老人 - Duration: 3:31.

高雄市長韓國 瑜1月26 日行程滿滿, 有些行程 公開, 有些 未公開,

今天上午到鳳 山探訪兩位 獨居老人並 送年菜的行 程就「默默 」進行, 沒 有公開,

究其原因, 原 來是不想引 來「韓粉」 和新聞媒體 拍照採訪, 避免干擾獨 居長輩。

高雄市社會局 每年農曆春 節前都會送 年菜給低收 、中低收以 及榮民獨居 老人,

今年的年菜禮 盒備了12 49份, 2 5日起到3 1日由區公 所里幹事、

長青社區關懷 服務隊志工 分送給這些 老人家。

為了解送年菜 及年節慰問 情形, 韓國 瑜今天由社 會局人員陪 同, 到鳳山 探訪2位獨 居老人,

送上年菜禮盒, 市長紅包 、禮物袋, 和老人家聊 聊生活起居 ,

並籲請家有年 老父母的子 女們, 工作 再忙也要多 回家陪伴父 母。

韓國瑜今天探 視的獨居老 人, 一位阿 公住在鳳山 近20年, 平時喜歡到 鄰近公園玩 象棋,

偶爾唱唱老歌, 一位阿嬤 是環保志工, 為社區環 保貢獻一己 之力。

兩位老人家很 高興見到韓 國瑜, 阿嬤 回送韓國瑜 感謝卡。

送年菜、慰訪 獨居老人本 來是社會局 年節前重要 的工作, 市 府通常會安 排媒體採訪 ,

但韓國瑜默默 的去、默默 的走, 和老 人家聊一聊, 叮嚀老人 家要穿暖一 點、吃飽一 點。

社會局人員表 示, 韓國瑜 之所以不要 公開探訪獨 居老人的行 程, 不是不 重視獨老照 顧,

是不希望太打 擾老人家, 因為他如公 開行程, 可 能媒體、韓 粉會趕去採 訪、拍照, 長輩可能會 不習慣。

今年高雄市政 府為獨居老 準備的年菜 禮盒, 內有 1份鍋物、

1份養生品, 由在地膳食 業者結合專 業廚師烹煮 ,

區公所里幹事 和52個長 青社區關懷 服務隊動員 800多位 志工分頭把 年菜送到獨 居長者家中 。

禮物袋裡則有 有保暖外套 、衣服、圍 巾、帽子、 襪子及春聯 。

For more infomation >> 韓國瑜被抓包! 默默送年菜給獨居老人 - Duration: 3:31.


DJI Ronin-S 😱 Dreams Come True!!! [Unboxing 2019] - Duration: 8:19.

there is, there is no intro for this

so, let's just get into this



so I finally, finally got my hands on the

Ronin-S this little bad boy Ronin-s

having this can just change the way that you Film

I have been a fan of DJI for years

I don't want to fit inside the frame

but I have been a fan of DJI for years

and finally after a long anticipation I

got my hands on a DJI Ronin s and since

I don't want to really use my iPhone

while I'm doing everything the set of

things out I decided to go for a command

unit and I haven't found any videos on

the command unit out there and here's

what it can do


so this thing is a beast it's straight

out of DJI new product and I'm really

happy and excited to open it up so let's

let's open this up and see what we get

inside one thing that I like about DJI

product is that they come in these

little handy pieces so I don't have to

spend hundreds of dollars buying case

that will fit my gadget and the good

thing about this is that unlike the

other Ronan's this thing is small enough

that can just you could just hold it and

take it anywhere you go so the only

thing inside of the package is this

little puppy and then we have some

instructional manual I believe which is

yeah just a huge booklet so let's open

it and see what we have inside such an

exciting moment I have not

peeped inside so I promise you guys

we're gonna see it together and we're

gonna feel it together so let's pop it


even the casing smells good let the

aroma just hits you in the face just

like having a fresh car this this has

that type of aroma in there the only

thing that fall fell out of it was this

silicone gel which I'm gonna keep inside

of here but yeah this this is it we have

another another product too and this is

the command unit for your Ronin


and we'll take it out put the Box away

and cool packaging so foam inside we

have a little user manual I don't need

that silicone gel put this aside and

then this is it this is a little command

unit basically this is a little monitor

that they could scroll through different

options basically but this you could

control your own and this is nice first

we have a little pouch and I believe in

here we have all the accessories that

comes in it silicone gel and a couple of

screws a couple of stuff this is cool we

have a mounting unit I have no idea what

these things are yet this is my first

time that I had an actual gimbal I

usually use that little tiny stuff and

recently I got myself this so this is

the fanciest gimbal that I ever had so

beside this actually this is really cool

too beside this this is the first time

that I'm actually having a gimbal and

this thing is a beast so if you charge

enough fully you can't get easily up to

seven to eight powers of the usage out

of it that don't quote me on this but

you could get a lot of usage out of it

and believe me you don't need more than

that because you're gonna be extremely

exhausted unless you're working on a set

and you have a crew and then if you have

a crew and you have a set didn't have

money to buy more batteries so problem

solved uh stuck to my power adapter so

basically a USB power adapter and we

have this let's see what

we have the actual battery so this is

the stand that this is the handle and

the battery lies inside of here and then

you have this thing right here that you

could indicate the battery percentage

and yeah this is this is really cool we

have the little stand we're gonna put it

on this little stand and one thing that

is good about this gimbal is that you

don't need an actual you could just put

it down like this the other gimble's you

have to have like an actual huge stand


and then we have the gimbal itself this

is like Christmas come early Destin look

at that clip right here okay so we have

the command unit on the command net is

on so just like this we are connecting

this little accessories to here and we

still have room right here to add more

stuff if we choose to and this this is

quite nice this is something else we

have a plate right here so there are

different type of plates we have the

long one we have the short one depending

on what you use I have no idea what this

is I have to read the manual guys and

trust me this is the first time open it

this is just an unboxing and I'm gonna

read the whole thing and then I'm gonna

tell you guys how to operate it the good

thing is that it has a USB type-c so I

don't have to figure out which bait to

put it in that's what she said although

this is a USB but I recommend using an

actual this don't use other things to

charge it it it should church professed

it is charging so I'm gonna charge this

up I'm gonna do a little test and then

I'll show you guys how this thing works

and I hope you guys liked it this was

just an unboxing of it a testing looks

so cool so technically at the end my

camera just sits right here at the end

of it and then I'll be able to take some

cinematic shots of cool stuff on the




For more infomation >> DJI Ronin-S 😱 Dreams Come True!!! [Unboxing 2019] - Duration: 8:19.


Taiwan Travel Part 4|台湾旅行**台南&台北の旅**台北到着!しかしホテルでプチトラブル!? - Duration: 4:38.

The room looks different from the picture on the website.

So,we asked the receptionist to change our room to a room with windows, , if it's available.

They said they will prepare another room tomorrow.

So, we decided to change the room tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Taiwan Travel Part 4|台湾旅行**台南&台北の旅**台北到着!しかしホテルでプチトラブル!? - Duration: 4:38.


Střední Amerika na kole (11.) (HD) / Central America on bicycle (11.) - Duration: 28:26.

the moment we dreamt about

mainly in long uphills in Cordilleras, in rain and wind

during technical problems with bicycles - is here

after 1 114 km we arrived to Managua

we're at the finish of our journey

it's great

journey naturally doesn't end yet

we have to find bus station, hotel

get to Panama, ride a few kilometres in Panama City

but we've already reached the finish line

we checked in

a short distance from bus station

where we bought tickets for tomorrow noon to Panama City

this is our hotel

we have got a little problem, we ran out of dollars

and we try to exchange euros

we were in one bank, they don't change it

and ATM doesn't accept our cards

we keep on searching

we didn't find anything, we're unsuccessful

we've been in 3 banks

Western Union doesn't accept euros

now we were in car bank

and now we're going to another bank

we finally exchanged our money

we withdrew cash from ATM that worked

we're ordering hot dogs

shall i wait for you or shall i start?

it's cabbage?

how he holds his stomach

we got lost in park for mums with kids

we lost our way

we only came to eat hot dog

we have to watch our steps

a lot od holes and open drains

this one

4 beers Victoria

a little

big one

Sisa wants beer

he can pronounce "grande" well, even with accent

we're in a restaurant

Czech republic, Europe

now i can finish, we're in a restaurant

short distance from our hotel

last night in Nicaragua

we'll have a few beers, taste some coctail

and we'll have some good meal

they have ony bottled beer, we didn't see any draft beer

selection is always same: Tona or Victoria

dinner is on a table

Sisa has filet de jalapeno - beef with peppers

Jirka has chicken fajita with french fries

and Ruda has got chicken soup

the pub emptied a bit

we hope they will not close soon when we celebrate the finish

while i was away, they brought incredibly big bowl to me

i have seafood soup

the soup is brilliant

we choose some long drink

we agreed that we'll have cucaracha and daiquirí

i will have orgasmus

orgasmus will be some weird stuff

cucaracha is cockroach

- it's cockroach - so we'll have cockroach

today we experience strange things in Nicaraguan capital

we experienced drive-thru bank, you're allowed in only with car

so we thought about stopping some car

we weren't allowed in

and now we see video jukebox here

we taste white rum - ron blanco

it's served with salt and lime

two beers and four...

what did you order?

two beers and be surprised

- 4 beers - no, 2 beers and 4...

and 18-year rum

we're in Nicaragua, we have to try it

white rum dissapointed us, it tasted like vodka, too strong

and now main event of this evening: 18-year rum

waitress asked Ruda: do you want the greatest shit here?

and Ruda answered yes

that's why we had the white rum

smell it, it's the same

i would just want to ask you how do you rate this journey

it took 14 days, we rode about 1 150 km, it means record

Nicaragua, Managua - it was hard and it was great

even though i almost cried sometimes but

it was great with these guys

and i hope

that there will be another journey next year

i'm glad that i came in on this one and i hope that i will go on another and another and another

- till we die somewhere in mountains - exactly, peace

- so Ruda - what do you want to know?

the same question

how do you rate this journey?

regarding where i was before

it was very hard, my bicycle broke down several times

spokes, chain, everything fucked up

but then it changed

beautiful journey, of course

new people, culture, mainly the culture

good nice people

we didn't meet anyone who

untill today when someone attacked us with knife

i don't take it

- but the whole journey - we didn't mention that yet

- we'll tell that later - we'll tell that

the whole 1 100 km, beautiful journey

a rain i was nervous about came

actually i have got nothing to say

when i listened to Sisa and Ruda

i don't know what to add

i experienced two African expeditions but this one i enjoyed the most

Olda, tell us your opinion about this journey

i must say i liked it the most

i don't know the reason but every expedition is better and better

we are probably better prepared or we're able to enjoy it more

we're more experienced and this was another top for me

was it not caused by great Caribbean rum?

- it is not that great - i know, it's not that great

they have got some rules

rules, what rules?

one beer, one gulp and you go

they don't know what we went through

whipped by wind and rain

we may even not get here

yeah, that's right

yep, sure

they're closing

where is Sisa?

is Sisa here?

Sisa went away

Sisa is in San Felipe? Where is it?

i think Sisa is gone

in Nicaragua Sisa means this

Sisa where are you?

Sisa where are you?

it means he won't help us

Managua, Nicaragua is nice

in Nicaragua Sisa means this


what's up my friend?

oh my god



what Bulgaria? Czech republic

control yourself a bit


thank you friends

thank you friend

we don't understand you

and with woman?

with woman

we have got one uninvited guest here



plum brandy from Czech republic

he spat it out here



we will depart to San Jose soon

and then another bus to Ciudad Panama

bus ride will be arduous, it will take 24 h

we bought some snacks

that we'll start to eat before leaving the city

we're on the board

it's quite cold here

- good news for Sisa, the internet addict - bullshit, you're the one

he will stream live

we crossed the Nicaragua - Costarica border

we're riding to San Jose

it's 8:30 pm and we arrived to San Jose

now we'll have more than 3 hours before departure of another bus to Panama

we're back in Costarica so we're drinking Imperial again

one has to switch from one country to the other one

and we have just ordered Mexican food

so we'll see

food is on the table, it looks great

i have super burro

Ruda has got gringa

that's the gringa, we didn't have it the last time

Sisa has got chimichanga

and Jirka has got flautas

enjoy your meal guys

a man is observing us

we crossed the Costarica - Panama border

we spent around 2 hours on the border

we had to pay some dollars again

stand in a line, pull out all baggage

fill in some questionnaire

and go through random baggage check

it's breakfast time

sausages with rice

steward is serving coffee

coffee is coming Sisa

our steward is running around hard, we got another course

Panama Canal

after almost 27 hours we came to Panama City

here we have one totally fascinated guard

he's completely baffled by us

he compared his potbelly with belly of Sisa

we're 17 km from airport

Sisa will look for some hotel in navigation

is it close?

wait, it's slowed down

here we are, that arrow

and a hotel is here

soon it will get dark

navigation led us to a part of the city where is no any hotel

it's a bit wild here

one dog attacked us again

we have to ride 18 km back to city centre

there is no any hotel here

local police got involved in looking for some hotel

second hotel that was supposed to be here according to navigation and again nothing

one policeman is trying to connect to internet

i'm just sitting in police car and we're loading our bicycles

the whole squad got involved

and they will take us somewhere

what a experience

we're greeting you from a police car

we have just been detained

we're in Panama city and we were jammed into police van with our bicycles

we're crammed here and they take us somewhere

it's the first time we go by car

we are in police car

we always refuse offers for lift but to refuse armed policemen...

we have got absolute right of way

they called some woman who spoke English and she told me that we have to get out very fast from that neighborhood

that's probably why they took us

police special force had to intervene and take us away from dangerous area

For more infomation >> Střední Amerika na kole (11.) (HD) / Central America on bicycle (11.) - Duration: 28:26.


What Gary Lineker said on MOTD that had Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp LAUGHING - Duration: 2:44.

 His Liverpool team had just beaten Bournemouth 3-0 as they cruised back to the top of the Premier League on Saturday

 Victory put them three points clear of Manchester City thanks to goals from Sadio Mane, Georginio Wijnaldum and Mo Salah

 Lineker interviewed Jurgen Klopp himself after the win and said: "Jurgen, back to winning ways

Crisis over if you can call a crisis two games without losing a game." That had the German cracking out a smile and laughing as he replied: "I said it a few times, it's the nature of the thing and it's got completely predictable

 "As long as you win, people, especially the media, make you too good. When you don't win, then it's too bad

 "That's what I learnt early in my life, in my career, that it doesn't make sense to listen

 "For us, we wanted to show a reaction. It's our job not only to come through somehow, we want to convince and really perform

 "We really did that against Bournemouth and we had some outstanding football moments on the pitch

 "We could have scored more but I have to say I'm really fine with the result, not only because we scored three goals but Bournemouth were really good in all the moments that we let them be good

" Lineker then pressed on whose expectations it was harder to manager - that of his players or the fans

 "I have more influence on the players than the supporters," Klopp replied. "I thought we had an outstanding atmosphere today and the people know exactly

 "Supporters get a little bit nervous in different situation. That's completely normal

That happens everywhere, it's not just a Liverpool thing. "That's in other clubs where it's pretty similar

 "But our supporters know exactly what we are working for and they are doing their part of the job

" Wijnaldum got up off his sick bed to help give Liverpool a vital victory after being refused entry to the team hotel by the medics on Friday night because of a dose of diarrhoea

 But he declared himself fit to play after just a few hours' sleep - and Klopp praised him after the match: "That shows the character and mentality of these boys - and is the only reason we are where we are


For more infomation >> What Gary Lineker said on MOTD that had Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp LAUGHING - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> TERKEDİLMİŞ DELİLER HASTAHANESİNDE BİR GECE !!! / OUTLAST / 1.BÖLÜM - Duration: 12:38.



For more infomation >> ARTESANATO PASSO A PASSO SIMPLES E FACIL - Duration: 0:55.


So wirst du reich durch die Eigentümerversammlung (Teil 2/2) - Duration: 12:29.

For more infomation >> So wirst du reich durch die Eigentümerversammlung (Teil 2/2) - Duration: 12:29.


【BL廣播劇】《董事長,您有事嗎?》現代歡喜便利商店49元總裁小說耽美廣播劇|全一期|音箱x燒吉【聲音無限出品】 - Duration: 21:20.

For more infomation >> 【BL廣播劇】《董事長,您有事嗎?》現代歡喜便利商店49元總裁小說耽美廣播劇|全一期|音箱x燒吉【聲音無限出品】 - Duration: 21:20.


Vlog_06 취미 : 마을 만들기 / 파리로그 Parislogue - Duration: 7:15.

Craft paper village

I found this mini-lighting kit and wanted to make something with it.

I trim a piece of foam board I had at home.

And glue the pieces to make a stand.

While waiting it dries, I'll draw the lines on a paper sheet.

Always need to be calm to fill the strokes.


I cut the paper to the size of the stand.

I'll fix it with double-sided tape.

I also make little houses with cut papers.

I look at the position of them on the stand.

Now I'll make a tree with the left piece of paper.

I cut the sides to give a particular shape.

It remains only to fix them.

Just before, we need to make holes for electricity lines.

On the underside of the stand, I glue the battery part.

Then I fix all the other elements with glue gun.

Finally the batteries are charged,


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