How to present a gift to someone you love ◆ Learn how to make a gift
Время покупать биткоин? Bitcoin полный прогноз и рекомендация на 2019 год. Уровни, цели, даты - Duration: 18:19.-------------------------------------------
Meet The Press Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
Black History Presentation - SNL - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
中國你惹不起!外交部全員亮劍,西方傻眼 - Duration: 10:57.說起天團
不信你看 他們有顏值
比如?你看: 有個記者提問:「外長
您怎麼看?」我們的外長霸氣的說:中國人的敗類! 一直都有人說
真的嗎~~~去年的洞朗事件不知道大家還記得不?這叫懦弱? 印度方面還想找個說法
阿三現在這麼貼心啊? 我們的可愛外長
我們的華春瑩大姐姐直接一句:叫做「相由心生」 怎麼樣?解不解氣!現在還有誰敢說我們種花家是懦夫?告訴你
逼急了兔子都會咬人的! 這不
多米尼加是什麼地方? 小賢也不知道
你們有沒有被我們這個可愛又霸氣的天團圈粉了呢? 三千多名軍工高科人才集體「跳槽」中國
我國使出一招讓美直跺腳 我們知道
華為在北京研究所和我們分享了它關於 5G 進程的消息——從基站晶片天罡再到終端晶片巴龍 5000
我們能看出華為已經對即將到來的 5G 做好了準備。
比起 5G 基站建設而言我們更專注的是余總給我們提前曝光的大料——華為將會在下個月的 MWC 上發布搭載 5G 技術的手機。
不久前余承東宣布將在巴塞隆納公布一款 5G 摺疊手機 不過不同於類似三星跟小米這些要麼被泄密
我們只能得出搭載了 5G 晶片和摺疊螢幕這兩點。
我們就暫且叫它 HUAWEI Flex 好了。
5G 首發搶來搶去
但自研晶片這是頭一個 從 moto 的 5G 模塊在到各個手機廠商在去年年底的各種 5G 試驗機。
究竟誰家的 5G 才是最快落地的我們還不得而知
但用上巴龍 5000 的 Flex 肯定是頭一個。
支持 2~5G。
支持 NSA 和 SA 雙架構
支持 FDD 和 TDD 實現全頻段使用。
而在 5G 時代相信華為的優勢將更加明顯。
所以 HUAWEI Flex 可能未必是第一部 5G 手機
從終端到基站的 " 一條龍 " 服務 更不用說
本來全球不少的基站建設也是由華為來完成的——華為終端 + 華為基站
曲到極致就是摺疊 華為其實早就做好了準備 從 OLED 螢幕問世以來
所以從一開始使用 OLED 的手機就是能彎折的。
華為早在 2017 年 9 月就向世界智慧財產權組織提交了關於摺疊手機的相關專利。
這一特性正是依賴於柔性 OLED 屏。
京東方的摺疊螢幕 因此
我們有理由相信這一次的華為 Flex 一定有了一套完善的摺疊屏解決方案——至少不會像目前的某些廠商一樣只能看不能摸。
此前兩家在 Mate 20 Pro 的螢幕上就給出了一個不錯的答案
摺疊都是概念 怎麼玩好才最重要 相信有不少的讀者會產生這種疑問 " 摺疊屏也好
5G 也好
跟我們有什麼關係嗎?" 所以比起廠商炫技
我們更關心的其實是華為能夠給摺疊 5G 手機帶來什麼顛覆性的玩法。
西部世界已經為我們展示了摺疊手機有多炫酷 最重要的是
在加上 5G 的到來
未來的手機終端很有可能取代傳統 PC 的位置
未來的雲電腦可能連外接顯示器都用不著 當然
想要達成這一點需要的可不僅僅是 5G 和摺疊這兩個技術就夠了。
至於華為究竟能夠在下個月的 MWC 上為我們帶來一個什麼樣的手機
你心目中完美的 5G 摺疊手機又是怎樣的形態
Riverdale - SNL - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Halsey: Without Me (Live) - SNL - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
A Night in Tunisia Play Along - Duration: 8:24.The Mambo is back!
Entra en el "3"de la Clave.
Yeah. Yeah, ya pasó! [Laughter]
...and then , we go into, like, kinda' "big finale"
when the trumpets really roar.
All right! Let's run it!
So, what I'll do, is, that I'll hold: bah, hi, bi, bi da, aah, holding in, ahh!
...and I'm holding that.
Congratulations you made it to the end of this video!
This is Christian and Steffen from the Grammy award-winning Latin big band Pacific Mambo Orchestra.
Make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe. Come on be proactive, stop this
video right now and subscribe. This is the best way for you to get all the updates
and enjoy more videos of Mambo music.
Big Shout out to all the PMO members and musicians, without you guys we wouldn't be here where we are right now.
You can get our music on Amazon, CD Baby, iTunes, Spotify, Apple music...
And remember, the Mambo is back, and back to stay!
live Latin big-band. Salsa dance. Latin jazz. Improvisation. This is Pacific Mambo Orchestra
Halsey: Eastside - SNL - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
UFC 234: Post-fight Press Conference - Duration: 1:22:15.-------------------------------------------
Dünyanın En İlginç Meyvesini Yedik | VLOG - Galle Kalesi - Duration: 18:56.-------------------------------------------
21 Savage Arrest EXPOSES ICE Cruelty and Incompetence - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Film Stars, Rockers Come Out To Thank Firefighters For Going Beyond The Call Of Duty - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
ÜNLÜLERİN GAYRİMENKUL MERAKI - Duration: 13:23.Yes, I'm with Dr. Çağdaş Şirin.
Mr Çağdaş what are we going to do in this program?
We are going to interpret according to datas. We are not going to interpret without any datas.
We are not going to fabricate but we will interpret according to datas.
We will look at the datas and we will talk about the newsworthy topics we wonder around the world and Turkey. We will comment on them and we will have fun.
But we not just going to talk about the datas, it's boring. You studied statics and you have done researches for long years and also you're a doctor.
I'm … a little because in this channel we have to laugh and smile.
You can laugh time to time as it's famous.
Okay. We are going to talk about the topics both from Turkey and world.
We have some topics that we talk about in social media in daily media. Some datas are completely different if you check the datas.
Let's see what it looks like if we talk about the datas and comment on them.
It's a thing that I've done for many years for both my career as a manager and academic.
I always look at the data first and then extract the story from that data.
Interpreting after these procedures gives more accurate results.
But we just won't look, we'il make a conclusion
We'il do a refined program.
Yes, crude oil is in the Middle East, but it is the West that adds value to oil.
Therefore, we will add value to the data and process crude oil and refine crude oil and discuss the data.
Why are we doing this conversation with Çağdaş Şirin?
He's an academician, he has also 20 years of professional career in research companies, private sector.
Yes, my career adventure is based on data management.
In big private companies and academies where I work
You say you don't talk without data.
I'm talking without data while chatting, but when I turn that conversation into strategic depth, I try to understand what the data is telling.
You shut up, let the data speak and let's start
Okay, Where are the celebrities investing?
Where are the celebrities investing?
It's very interesting. We all read about where the celebrities are investing in newspaper pages.
Usually there is a legend about our celebrities that they invested in a taxi.
I read a story about this. I said What's the story? How is this situation in Turkey and in the world?
I looked at public data with my assistant. I look that Where are the most celebrities investing?
where are they invested? Let's start Turkey
There is a story in Turkey. There are lots of stories about celebrities investing and sinking.
For example, celebrities affected by this situation, for example, Kivanc Tatlıtuğ says he invested in real estate.
Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, Ata Demirer, Bülent Ersoy have invested in real estate. Ebru Gündeş invests in real estate and horses.
Horse? in Turkey or America? Maybe now she can invest in the America.
Ebru Destan, Nadide Sultan, Demet Akbağ have invested reaş estate. Doğuş invest internet sites.
Tarkan, Sertap Erener invested real estate.
This is very interesting.
Maybe thery have other investments bu we can see these data from public information.
For example, I know a celebrity who opened a shoe shop
Shoe production or sales? -Sales
People say there is also an investment in the crane. -It is also a real estate and construction.
Where do celebrities invest abroad?
For example Ashton Kutchev invest to Skype, Flipboard , FourSquare, Airbnb.
He has invested in them, and these practices have acquired shares before ıt grow.
Justın Tımberlake invested to Myspace, Stipple, Tapulous. Kim Kardishian invested to ShoeDazzle
Edward Norton invested to Crowdrıse. -A minute, you know Kim Kardashian's rapper husband set up a brand named Yeezy.
Kim Kardashian's sister was the richest woman in the world, producing make-up. It is a billion dollar sector.
Also Rihanna does the same kind of things..
Justın Bieber invested to Spotify, Tinychat, Stamped, So Studios, Mc Hammer also invested Square Bump Technologies
There is a noticeable difference when you look at these two tables.
- Why?
This is a situation driven by the ecosystem rather than the preferences of these individuals.
When we look around, people in different fields of business seem to be making money from real estate.
That's what we call an ecosystem. The ecosystem abroad is very different, celebrities invest in untested areas.
Of course there are those who fail in them. They lose money.
Celebrities abroad have an ecosystem that supports investment in these different untested areas
The point that I'm trying to look as an economist at here. Let us think that you invested in two buildings in Turkey so real estate..
Let's say you bought ten apartments. When I looked negatively, for example you bought ten apartments or villa etc.
Let's keep the dreams big and say mansion
In such investments, ıf the investment loses value, you lose money.
Only you are affected by this damage.
And who has been positively affected by the failure of the investment ? Maybe the contractor, the craftsmen working there, etc.
But think about the opposite.
I invested to Uber
Uber or Yemek Sepeti . Let's say these investments failed.
When such investments fail, you lose money, but many people working on that investment will gain experience
I call it knowledge intensive employment. Real estate investment does not generate information intensive employment.
But in investments such as creating a new food product, creating a brand, many people in the process receive a positive return from the failure.
I invested a certain amount in a company, then I received a letter from them that the company failed.
Of course, this is a risk, but this risk has a benefit.
Go Pro's investor Nixk Woodman has made many attempts and failed. But in the end, he esteblished two and a half million dollar brand like Go Pro.
Is he the only one who earns this money? We've come to a very important place, the message is hidden here.
All people wins who invest in Gopro win, but most importantly, the country wins
Why? -Because they are going to what we call high economy.
When such positive information intensive investments are made, a positive overflow effect occurs.
A similar story exists in the Silicon valley.
Silicon Valley is a valley where America supports NASA in the space race. All the computers ect. are made in there.
Are all the crime in celebrities?
Ecosystem is important.
Who will create this ecosystem?
We will create this ecosystem.
The answer to the question of how we will create will be understood later in these videos. The best example is South Korea.
How do they improve the situation worse than Turkey in the 1980s.
We look at the countries that the population is less than Turkey, and produce more than Turkey we can get good results.
The other point we see in the chart is the intensive employment rate.
The nondiversity of such investments is reflected in the information intensive employment rate.
When we look at the research on European Statistics Institute's about information-intensive rate statistics, Turkey unfortunately the last. twenty-two percent
How many countries? -About thirty countries. Luxembourg's rate is forty-nine percent
What do these rates mean?
So someone else can do the work you or Cüneyt can also do Çağdaş's work very easily. Because there is no intensive use of information.
It doesn't matter where you do the production when there's no intense information.
When there is intensive information, you make production in Turkey because this information was proveded from this country.
Of course, this ecosystem problem only does not stem from the investments of celebrities.
Celebrities can make a social benefit event.
I say be both famous and angel investor.
Okay they can invest on real estate and without risk invests but my advice is being both famous and angel investors.
In Turkey we have many business administrators, engineers and teachers that are not assigned.
We will talk about the teachers that are not assigned in another episode.
But there are many economy and management graduates; engineers, entrepreneurs, business administrators that are not assigned.
They come together and create an idea.
If an angel investor supports their idea even if they fail they can be successful at their other attempt.
Because Elon Musk too failed many times but then he became successful with his every single achievement.
So one of the things that our famous people can do as a little social benefit is being angel investors.
Now all this conversation taught me that I wish I didn't reply "Go away" to the...
...mail that came years ago from Zuckerberg, the guy from Harvard.
Did it really come?
Of course, what do you think?
A secret famous and rich person is sitting in front of you.
Clive Davis' Pre-Grammys Party Remains Hottest Ticket In Music - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Weekend Update: Apple Introduces Disability Emojis - SNL - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Weekend Update: Guy Who Just Bought a Boat's Respectful Valentine's Day Tips - SNL - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Weekend Update: Blackface and Blackmail Scandals - SNL - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Weekend Update: Nico Slobkin and Brie Bacardi - SNL - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
這個叛徒在台灣走了了:14億中國人拍手叫好! - Duration: 8:14.-------------------------------------------
A Night in Tunisia Play Along - Duration: 8:24.The Mambo is back!
Entra en el "3"de la Clave.
Yeah. Yeah, ya pasó! [Laughter]
...and then , we go into, like, kinda' "big finale"
when the trumpets really roar.
All right! Let's run it!
So, what I'll do, is, that I'll hold: bah, hi, bi, bi da, aah, holding in, ahh!
...and I'm holding that.
Congratulations you made it to the end of this video!
This is Christian and Steffen from the Grammy award-winning Latin big band Pacific Mambo Orchestra.
Make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe. Come on be proactive, stop this
video right now and subscribe. This is the best way for you to get all the updates
and enjoy more videos of Mambo music.
Big Shout out to all the PMO members and musicians, without you guys we wouldn't be here where we are right now.
You can get our music on Amazon, CD Baby, iTunes, Spotify, Apple music...
And remember, the Mambo is back, and back to stay!
live Latin big-band. Salsa dance. Latin jazz. Improvisation. This is Pacific Mambo Orchestra
Loving Giulia | Roger Leyens | Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint | TRAILER - Duration: 0:43.Of course there are lots of cars that are more valuable and rare
but for me, and that's all that matters, this Alfa is the perfect combination
of the engineering of its day and a beautiful body.
Built in Italy, that's passion and technology in perfect harmony.
HOW TO DRAW A LOVELY HEART KISS | Special Valentine's Day Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 5:04.Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Subscribe! (◕‿◕)
ONE HAPPY DAY IN CHAYAMA HOME - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
过年招待亲朋好友,就做鱼头炖豆腐,年年有鱼都有福,寓意吉祥 - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
21 Savage Arrest EXPOSES ICE Cruelty and Incompetence - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 21 Savage Arrest EXPOSES ICE Cruelty and Incompetence - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Maintenant, ça va [6] - Egarements Funèbres - Duration: 2:36.For a long time, I felt a need for change.
I couldn't stay long in one place.
Either I grew tired, or I realized
that the choices I had made didn't suit me at all,
or I started to know people too well;
and above all, they started to know me too well.
I was afraid that they would discover the truth.
I was afraid that they would discover that I was depressive.
That I was crazy.
And yet, without a precise guideline,
I felt empty.
I felt lonely.
I felt lost.
I am lost on the tortuous paths of existence
It's not even that I'm hesitating at a crossroads
Nor that the ground is too soft or too hard,
too slippery or too stony
I am lost, that is all
I'm following the "No direction" signs
They allow me to continue moving forward,
but for how long still?
All along these paths,
time gets filled as if by itself
Or it disappears,
sucked up in famished black holes
None of my actions has neither meaning nor aim
But they fill in the distances on the pathways
They saturate this tainted space-time
They bank up the imperfections of the ground
And sometimes make it even less passable
by their loathsome monotony
One needs to keep one's five senses in order to make believe in a tangible reality
And so we speak to say nothing
And so we observe others only to judge them with eagerness
And so we munch fruits that are victims of their very life
And so we smell the scent of flowers that don't really exist
And so we write until we make holes in the sheet of paper
We fool ourselves
We bathe in hypocrisy
We adorn ourselves with imposter jewels
And I continue moving forward as worst I can
Dragging my feet on the wooden floor,
the macadam or the wet soil
I still don't know where I'm going
Nor whether I will reach it one day
Provided that the destination even exists
Still today, I find it hard to stay put.
I want to see the world.
But I feel more like this is
a conscious and reasoned choice
rather than a forced drive.
Before, I was fleeing.
I was fleeing myself and fleeing others.
Now, I'm moving towards.
I'm going places to do things,
meet people,
learn new things.
I don't go to avoid something worse anymore.
I'm leaving, but in order to build.
Because now…
Now I'm fine.
For more infomation >> Maintenant, ça va [6] - Egarements Funèbres - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Ant Utama - Daisy [Original] | The WIP Series - Duration: 5:29.Daisy, I look in your eyes and think maybe
I'm in for a surprise, cause lately
Feels like something's missing
I'm crazy, for this lady
Baby, you come out of nowhere, it's hazy
Just as fast you disappear, but maybe
I'm gonna find you, I'm crazy for this lady
Those amber eyes were so deep, there was nowhere to hide
You are the prize, and I'll go for this ride
I'll search for you til the sun goes down, and when that sun rises I'll be there
Crawling the earth until you're found, I just want, no I need to be near
With you
Daisy, don't know how you do it, you amaze me
When I lose hope I find you waiting
Run into my arms, I'm crazy, for you lady
Those amber eyes are so deep, there's nowhere to hide
You are the prize, and I'll go for this ride
I'll search for you til the sun goes down, and when that sun rises I'll be there
Crawling the earth until you're found, I just want, no I need to be near
I search for you no matter how far, know that I will persevere
When I'm in doubt, I will follow my stars
I just want, no I need to be near
I just want, no I need to be near
Cause I know, I need you right here with me
Napoli will accept bid but Kalidou Koulibaly might REJECT Man Utd transfer - pundit - Duration: 2:04.That is according to ESPN FC pundit and ex-Arsenal and England striker Paul Mariner
Koulibaly has constantly been linked with a move away from Napoli in recent months
Manchester United are one of a host of top clubs in Europe who are keen on the Senegal star
Mariner believes Koulibaly would be a big improvement on the current defenders at Old Trafford
However, he reckons the 27-year-old may want to move to a club likely to win major honours straight away
And he doubts United are the right club for that. "Do Manchester United need him? 1 per cent they do," Mariner said
"Will they get him? Because this guy, there's not many around [like him]. "Everybody talks about him and everybody wants to make a bid for him
"Will Napoli crumble eventually? Of course they're going to because of these massive clubs coming in
"Koulibaly to Man United? He would be fantastic for Manchester United. Fantastic
And he would help them. "But this guy may want to go somewhere where can win immediately and I'm not sure he can win immediately at Man United
I'm talking about the big stuff. "I'm not talking about getting into the Champions League, I'm talking about winning big stuff
"I love the guy, he's fantastic." Koulibaly joined Napoli from Genk in 214 and has played 192 times for the Serie A side, scoring eight goals
The Future of Jobs (Deep Learning) - TEDx Talk Analysis - Duration: 11:25.Hey everybody this TEDx Talk Analysis on MindStretch with Fletch
Today we're gonna be goin' through a talk from 2014 by a
Technologist called Jeremy Howard about Deep Learning
and The Future of Jobs.
Everybody has to do somethin' in order to eat and have
a place to lay their heads. Fer a long time, humans spent
most of their days doin' only that, just like a lot a
other beins'. But at some point, they figured out how to
grow and store food, enslaved certain animals, and learned
to build themselves their own spaces that cut'em off
from the wild to keep'em safe.
Once they did this, they had time to do other things besides
just trying to survive every day. Like playin' around, creatin'
new technologies, and even philosophising. And this extra time
allowed some people to get better at some things, and others
at other things. Creatin' a division of labor. Some skills are
more valuable than others to the rest of everybody.
So some people have more status and stuff than others.
But that's just how it works.
Then over the generations people got better and better at things
streamlinin the means of production and the exchange of goods
and services. In the 1700's there was a major breakthrough
called the industrial revolution. And this is when humans
started working with mechanical machines to make their stuff.
It was game changer.
And this went on for a while. Automating the process of
weaving clothes, cotton mills, and harnessin the power of steam.
Eventually humans figured out about coal and oil which broke
the level of production wide open. This cheap and
powerful energy allowed all kinds of inventions like engines,
the automobile, which finally freed most the horses and mules,
new kinds of home heatin' and lightin', distributed electricity,
and eventually got'em off the planet and into space.
Somewhere in the middle of all this, somethin' in a league
of their own was invented. The electronic computer. Oh man!
This thing changed and is changin' everything as we know it.
And up 'til recently, everything it could do had to be
programmed by a human. But somethin' fairly new called
"Deep Learning" has changed the game again.
And this is where the story meets up
on the TEDx Talk with Jeremy Howard.
In 1956, he wanted to get this computer to be able to beat him
at checkers. How can you write a program, lay out in
excruciating detail, how to be better than you at checkers?
So he came up with an idea: he had the computer play against
itself thousands of times and learn how to play checkers.
And indeed it worked, and in fact, by 1962, this computer
had beaten the Connecticut state champion.
So Arthur Samuel was the father of machine learning, and I have
a great debt to him,because I am a machine learning practitioner.
So from this vantage point, I was able to find out a lot about
what machine learning can do in the past, can do today, and
what it could do in the future. Perhaps the first big success
of machine learning commercially was Google. Google showed that
it is possible to find information by using a computer
algorithm, and this algorithm is based on machine learning.
Since that time, there have been many commercial successes of
machine learning. Companies like Amazon and Netflix use machine
learning to suggest products that you might like to buy, movies
that you might like to watch. Sometimes, it's almost creepy.
Companies like LinkedIn and Facebook sometimes will tell you
about who your friends might be and you have no idea how
it did it, and this is because it's using the power of
machine learning. These are algorithms that have learned
how to do this from data rather than being programmed by hand.
Now just let that sink in there fer a sec. I know this idea's
gettin to be old hat. But them sites is using information
that you're a feedin' it with, to figure things out on its own.
Just like humans do.
Deep learning is an algorithm inspired by how the
human brain works, and as a result it's an algorithm which
has no theoretical limitations on what it can do.
The more data you give it and the more computation time
you give it, the better it gets.
Since that time, a lot has happened. In 2012, Google
announced that they had a deep learning algorithm watch
YouTube videos and crunched the data on 16,000 computers
for a month, and the computer independently learned about
concepts such as people and cats just by watching the videos.
This is much like the way that humans learn. Humans don't
learn by being told what they see, but by learning
for themselves what these things are.
Like when you watch a little kid or a baby just a figurin
somethin out. No matter how many times you tell 'em somethin'
they will just touch that hot stove, fall down the stairs,
or forget what somethin' is 'til they learn and remember it
on their own. And that's how it works for all of us no matter
how old we get, we just get better at it with experience.
Google announced it last year that they had mapped every
single location in France in two hours, and the way they
did it was that they fed street view images into a
deep learning algorithm to recognize and read street numbers.
Imagine how long it would have taken before:
dozens of people, many years.
So what does it mean now that computers can see? Well,
it's not just that computers can see. In fact, deep learning
has done more than that. Complex, nuanced sentences like
this one are now understandable with deep learning algorithms.
As you can see here, this Stanford-based system showing the
red dot at the top has figured out that this sentence is
expressing negative sentiment. Deep learning now in fact is
near human performance at understanding what sentences are
about and what it is saying about those things. Also,
deep learning has been used to read Chinese, again at about
native Chinese speaker level. This algorithm developed
out of Switzerland by people, none of whom speak or understand
any Chinese. As I say, using deep learning is about the
best system in the world for this, even compared to
native human understanding.
So we can see now that computers can not only see but
they can also read, and, of course, we've shown that they can
understand what they hear. Perhaps not surprising now that
I'm going to tell you they can write.
And here is some text that an algorithm
out of Stanford generated.
Each of these sentences was generated by a
deep learning algorithm to describe each of those pictures.
This algorithm before has never seen a man in a black shirt
playing a guitar. It's seen a man before, it's seen black
before, it's seen a guitar before, but it has independently
generated this novel description of this picture. We're still
not quite at human performance here, but we're close.
In tests, humans prefer the computer-generated caption
one out of four times. Now this system is now only
two weeks old, so probably within the next year, the computer
algorithm will be well past human performance at the rate
things are going. So computers can also write.
So I'm very excited about the opportunities. I'm also
concerned about the problems. The problem here is that
every area in blue on this map is somewhere where services
are over 80 percent of employment. What are services?
These are services. These are also the exact things that
computers have just learned how to do. So 80 percent of
the world's employment in the developed world is stuff that
computers have just learned how to do. What does that mean?
Well, it'll be fine. They'll be replaced by other jobs.
For example, there will be more jobs for data scientists.
Well, not really. It doesn't take data scientists very long
to build these things. For example, these four algorithms
were all built by the same guy. So if you think, oh, it's
all happened before, we've seen the results in the past of
when new things come along and they get replaced by new jobs,
what are these new jobs going to be? It's very hard for us
to estimate this, because human performance grows at this
gradual rate, but we now have a system, deep learning, that
we know actually grows in capability exponentially.
And we're here. So currently, we see the things around us
and we say, "Oh, computers are still pretty dumb." Right?
But in five years' time, computers will be off this chart.
So we need to be starting to think about
this capability right now.
Now, just look at those faces. I've done watched me a bunch
of TEDx Talks and I ain't never seen concern like that
throughout the room. They more nervous than a long tailed
cat in a room full o rockin chairs cause they a realizin'
what's a comin'. Up 'til this moment, most of 'em had thought
that there'll always be somethin' people are better at than
computers. But they in a different place than ever before.
Now he's gonna talk about what I mentioned at the beginning
of this video about other leaps of technological advancement
from history and how this time... it's just different.
We have seen this once before, of course. In the
Industrial Revolution, we saw a step change in capability
thanks to engines. The thing is, though, that after a while,
things flattened out. There was social disruption, but once
engines were used to generate power in all the situations,
things really settled down. The Machine Learning Revolution
is going to be very different from the Industrial Revolution,
because the Machine Learning Revolution, it never
settles down. The better computers get at intellectual
activities, the more they can build better computers to
be better at intellectual capabilities, so this is going
to be a kind of change that the world has actually never
experienced before, so your previous understanding of
what's possible is different.
This is already impacting us. In the last 25 years, as
capital productivity has increased,labor productivity
has been flat, in fact even a little bit down.
So I want us to start having this discussion now. I know
that when I often tell people about this situation, people
can be quite dismissive. Well, computers can't really think,
they don't emote, they don't understand poetry, we don't
really understand how they work. So what? Computers right now
can do the things that humans spend most of their time being
paid to do, so now's the time to start thinking about how
we're going to adjust our social structures and economic
structures to be aware of this new reality. Thank you.
So's your mind stretched from that talk? I sure hope so.
Cause this impacts everybody and if you're a lookin' to have
a use on planet earth in the near future, you better think
about what you know how to do and whether a computer is gonna
be better at it than you very soon.
Course there's lots more to this that I can't cover
real quick like. But hopefully this gives ya somethin'
to think about. Just make sure that you're learnin' how to
develop your skills to be used in complement, not competition,
with artificial intelligence.
Or you aint gonna be worth a hill of beans.
Alright that's it for this video. I hope it stretched your mind
at least a bit. Just remember, "a mind, once stretched by
a new idea, never regains its original shape." See ya next time.
Be sure to subscribe or follow to join in on the MindStretchin'
conversation. And if you thought this video was worth seein',
please like and comment below to let me know what you thought.
And... share it to your social media so that everyone has
a chance to see it too. Thanks for tunin' in and if you're
up fer it, see ya on down the road.
Enigmatique âme russe | Enigmatic Russian soul - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
Eden Hazard hails arrival of Gonzalo Higuain at Chelsea - Duration: 4:47.Eden Hazard was back to his brilliant best in his preferred role on the left wing against Tottenham on Thursday after playing in a false-nine role in recent weeks
The inclusion of a more traditional centre forward in Olivier Giroud certainly appeared to bring the best out of Hazard, who praised the striker's contribution
The Belgian also hailed Chelsea new boy Gonzalo Higuain, signed on loan from Juventus, as 'one of the best' while admitting he preferred playing out wide
Hazard said: 'For me as a winger you know I like to play with top players.'With Chelsea I had the chance to play with one of the best in Diego Costa for three years, and I think Higuain is one of the best
'My position is more winger than No 9, but me, I just try to have fun with my striker, with the other winger, so when the striker is there it is good for me
'We all know that I like to play the give and go with my striker, so if the striker just goes deep, I am going to be in trouble, but Giroud understands this, that's why I like to play with him
'We all know that, and I think Higuain is going to do the same, and of course he is a fantastic striker, he has scored a lot of goals, when you see his career, Real Madrid, Napoli, Juventus, he has always scored goals
' Hazard also issued a emphatic response to Maurizio Sarri's recent criticism, insisting he is big enough to shoulder his manager's negative comments
The Chelsea star is adamant he does 'not care' about his boss' opinion, essentially admitting he has ignored Sarri's recent critique of him
Having questioned the team's motivation following Saturday's disappointing loss to Arsenal, Sarri - ahead of Thursday's euphoric Carabao Cup semi-final win over Tottenham - claimed Hazard is not a leader
The Belgian star responded in resounding fashion against Spurs, scoring and producing a man-of-the-match performance as Chelsea made it to Wembley courtesy of a tense penalty shootout win
And after the game, Hazard insisted he does not take his manager's viewpoint into account
He said: 'My reaction is to be on the pitch and try to do my best. Managers in the past have talked about me, this manager talked about me, the next manager is going to talk about me
'My target is just to play football. I don't care what people think, I just want to do my best
'Today I did, not against Arsenal, of course, but now I look to the future and I will do my best again
'We didn't talk about (the criticism). I don't have a problem with that. A manager can think what they want to think
'For me the best response is to be on the pitch and winning games. I understand, when the team is not playing well, the manager has to criticise players
'I'm not saying I am the best player, but when there is always this kind of player who can help the team to win the game, I just try to do my best
'I am not focused on what the manager says, I don't care about that.'To be fair, if the manager has to say something he will say it, we are men, big men, so we can talk together, so no problem at all
'In the dressing room all of the players, we have almost won everything. We are big players
'We know when we are not playing well, and we know when we are playing good. So at the end we just need to look in the same way and try to win games
That's it.'
UFC 234: Israel Adesanya beats Anderson Silva by unanimous decision - Duration: 7:11.-------------------------------------------
Paul Gallen stops footy bad boy John Hopoate with a brutal knockout in the second round - Duration: 2:31.Cronulla Sharks skipper Paul Gallen stopped another NRL icon in John Hopoate in a brutal second-round knockout - ending the much anticipated in a matter of minutes
The two household footy names had stoked the fire ahead of the sold-out bout at Sydney's Hordern Pavilion on Friday night
Hopoate had wagered $50,000 on the outcome of the fight with Gallen - and the two exchanged a number of barbs at the weigh-in
Gallen started the fight tentatively before cornering his opponent halfway through the second round
The Sharks star delivered three ferocious punches to Hopoate's head before the ex-star fell to the canvas
Gallen's powerful performance came despite his opponent weighing in at 112kg for the heavyweight fight - 10kg heavier than him
'Hoppa is known as a bad guy but I know the bloke - he's made mistakes but he's only ever been a gentleman to me
'The last couple of weeks have got personal but I'm happy to shake his hand now - I've only got respect for him,' Gallen said according to The Daily Telegraph
'I got caught, went to sleep.I can't complain, Gal got me,' Hopoate admitted.Before the fight, Gallen had responded to criticism of his all-NRL bout headlining Main Event
'I think it's great for the sport,' he said.'To be able to attract people to the sport in front of thousands, it's only beneficial to boxing and I don't understand why people involved in boxing want to bag it
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