Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

There were seven of us who headed off to Croatia at the end of summer.

We spent a week just two kilometers from Trogir,

a little but lovely town which historic

city centre was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1997.

We had a lot of fun but also did some sightseeing.

We drove to nearby Split,

the second biggest city of Croatia,

and to charming Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On our way back to Trogir, we stopped by Kravica, this stunning waterfall.

And then, time has come to return home again.

For more infomation >> Vlog: Croatian Adventure - Duration: 3:38.


Conan O'Brien's DNA Test Stunned His Doctor - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> Conan O'Brien's DNA Test Stunned His Doctor - Duration: 9:57.


Colbert Throws A Super Bowl Party - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Colbert Throws A Super Bowl Party - Duration: 3:45.


▶ BEST 2019 Just For Laughs Gags | NEW Compilation [#59] - Duration: 11:18.

New Videos Always! Click link subscribe! <3

For more infomation >> ▶ BEST 2019 Just For Laughs Gags | NEW Compilation [#59] - Duration: 11:18.


Steve Carell Gets Into Stephen Colbert's Personal Space - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Steve Carell Gets Into Stephen Colbert's Personal Space - Duration: 5:48.


Cory Booker's 2020 Announcement, Dissected - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Cory Booker's 2020 Announcement, Dissected - Duration: 2:33.


When Manchester United Were Last Relegated - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> When Manchester United Were Last Relegated - Duration: 6:38.


Stephen Colbert's Post-Super Bowl Monologue - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Stephen Colbert's Post-Super Bowl Monologue - Duration: 3:38.


RUSSIAN BOXER vs POLAND FIGHTER !!! MMA Rematch !!!! - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> RUSSIAN BOXER vs POLAND FIGHTER !!! MMA Rematch !!!! - Duration: 4:28.


《晚吹 - 總有一瓣喺左近》第75集 猛鬼郊野公園 - Duration: 22:40.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 總有一瓣喺左近》第75集 猛鬼郊野公園 - Duration: 22:40.


EA Sports Puts Stephen Colbert Into Madden NFL '19 - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> EA Sports Puts Stephen Colbert Into Madden NFL '19 - Duration: 8:55.


James Taylor Performs 'Your Smiling Face' - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> James Taylor Performs 'Your Smiling Face' - Duration: 3:27.


《知否》繼小秦氏之後,又一"頂級白蓮"來襲,比康姨媽還壞! - Duration: 3:41.

提起當下最火 的電視劇,

想必《知否知 否應是綠肥 紅瘦》定是 榜上有名。

該劇自播出之 後,

就一直處於居 高不下的狀 態,

不管是收視率 還是網播量 ,

正在熱播的電 視劇都都無 劇能敵。

《知否》是正 午陽光的精 心大作,

為了呈現出最 好的劇作效 果,

該劇花了兩百 多天的時間 才全部殺青 完結,

可想而知它的 用心程度。

而《知否》的 質量確實沒 有令觀眾們 失望,

看的劇粉們是 欲罷不能。


《知否》的主 演陣容也是 十分給力,

趙麗穎飾演的 盛明蘭機智 過人,

馮紹峰飾演的 顧廷燁智勇 雙全,

朱一龍飾演的 齊衡溫潤如 玉,

每一個人物形 像都塑造的 惟妙惟肖,


配角們的驚艷 助力更是讓 該劇精彩不 已,

王一楠飾演的 小秦氏,

作為黃金段位 的"頂級白 蓮",

小秦氏為了讓 自己的兒子 奪得爵位,

可謂是機關算 盡,


"借刀殺人" 玩的爐火純 青,

自己卻總是裝 作一副好人 模樣。

張棪琰飾演的 康姨媽可以 說是該劇中 最令人厭惡 的角色之一 ,

一切與她無關 ,

但她卻總是嫉 妒別人,

見不得旁人比 她好。

看見明蘭高嫁 之後,

總是與她作對 ,

不僅為顧廷燁 塞來小妾,

還與小秦氏組 成"蓮花T wins" 陰謀詭計不 斷的加害明 蘭。

繼小秦氏之後 ,

《知否》又上 線了一位" 頂級白蓮" ——傅淼飾 演的劉貴妃 ,

她的狠毒之計 比康姨媽還 略高一籌。

作為新任皇帝 的寵妃,

不僅沒有站在 皇帝這一邊 ,


離間皇帝與" 新貴"顧廷 燁的關係。

當顧廷燁和桓 王一同去巡 查鹽務時,

她在皇帝身邊 枕邊風一吹 ,

幾句話就把二 叔從忠心耿 耿的將軍變 成了結黨營 私、好大喜 功的權臣。

先是說二叔故 意受到太后 的責打,

在家養傷休息 ,

以此來避開朝 堂上要尊親 舒王為皇考 的紛爭。

接著又說顧廷 燁去巡鹽是 因為看見皇 上身邊的得 力助手都下 了馬,

才特意邀功願 意走一遭。

更過分的是她 還將忠心耿 耿的二叔、 桓王、盛長 柏等人在一 起為皇帝分 憂,

說成是三位一 體,


這誅心之計簡 直是險惡至 極,

比康姨媽壞多 了。


你們怎麼看? 你們認為《 知否》中,

哪位"頂級白 蓮"的段位 更高呢?歡 迎大家一起 留言討論!

For more infomation >> 《知否》繼小秦氏之後,又一"頂級白蓮"來襲,比康姨媽還壞! - Duration: 3:41.


Crews prepare for possible overnight snow - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Crews prepare for possible overnight snow - Duration: 2:36.


"Лоли в костюмчиках, кажется я попал в рай!" | - АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №18| Смешные моменты под музыку - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> "Лоли в костюмчиках, кажется я попал в рай!" | - АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №18| Смешные моменты под музыку - Duration: 9:50.


📷Pourquoi les projets 52/365 ne servent à rien - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> 📷Pourquoi les projets 52/365 ne servent à rien - Duration: 6:55.


SKAM FRANCE EP.3 S3 : Lundi 8h41 - Plan pourri - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.3 S3 : Lundi 8h41 - Plan pourri - Duration: 2:27.


Kinh hoàng ĐÊM 29 TẾT khu vực ĐƯỜNG HOA NGUYỄN HUỆ - Chợ CẦU MUỐI ĐÊM KHÔNG NGỦ I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 20:20.

For more infomation >> Kinh hoàng ĐÊM 29 TẾT khu vực ĐƯỜNG HOA NGUYỄN HUỆ - Chợ CẦU MUỐI ĐÊM KHÔNG NGỦ I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 20:20.


Mia Ms - Tangise Batin [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Mia Ms - Tangise Batin [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:48.


Playboy Model Explains How to Dress to Attract Her - Duration: 11:53.

hey guys today we're gonna talk about fashion Tony hustle here I'm not gonna

talk about fashion because I know less about it but my girlfriend knows a great

deal about it she's been a fashion model for ten years Italy Europe Asia

she's been on Playboy magazine she's a huge modeling agency here in London at

the moment and she's been on catwalks all around the world so without any

further ado I let her take over a let her give her opinion of what the Playboy

model things a guy should wear to attract impress and date her hi guys

today I will talk about fashion and give you some advices how to dress nice the

girls they care about style I don't know which kind of girl do you like but if

you like models girls who care about how they look they care about the garish

looks - I am this kind of girl I really care about that guys who dressed nice

you don't need to look like a famous actor like breath beard or someone with

a great look I think if you dress nice or care about yourself what you were

wearing so this is something that to take my attention in the first first

look if I look for some guy for sure you pay attention how the guy dress I like

more sophisticated style it's very important if the guy pay attention in

the basic if the clothes fit very nice for his body type if it is not too too

colorful it's important if the items fit together

don't overcomplicate it are you give you guys some good rules that you guys can

follow so you can impress girls in the first few second and you will look

stylish for every occasion hi guys today's video I will teach you how to

dress nice and improve your style which piece should I start with it's very

important to you guys start with basic pieces like t-shirt a shirt pants like

jeans blazer or leather jacket shoes belts and watches this

kind of pieces it's very important because basic pieces you can combine and

create a lot of outfits secondly it's very important that you buy these pieces

and simple colors like white grey black or dark blue it's also important to

check it fits very well in your body not oversight or too tight choose the best

size for your body let's have a look at a few examples

for the genes it's very important to choose the right genes for your body

type for example for the thing body type this kind of body usually have my small

shoulders and flat chests the best genes for this kind it is straight leg jeans

with low-rise styles that you can avoid it skin jeans for example can make you

look even more slim high-rise jeans will make you bum look flat and wide legs and

baggy jeans will look too loose on you

the second example it is for athletic man body type this kind of body has ice

lean waist with muscular legs and bum wear jeans that draw attention to your

body for example it's lean feet or a straight leg with a low rise it's

perfect for attractive men a classic man should avoid back jeans that hide the

form of your body the third example it's for bigger men

usually this kind of body have large hips so the perfect jeans for this kind

it is relaxed fit jeans one size up to get a comfortable fit so your jeans

don't stretch across your ground the perfect jeans for this type of body it

is straight leg jeans with high rise

it's very important to avoid it skinny jeans because they create a feminine

silhouette the other thing to avoid it is the low-rise jeans that sit on their

hip accentuating the wide hips or blazer and leather jacket it's not about your

body type or style it's all about how the item fits leather jacket it's one of

the most versatile and easy to wear items for example combine a leather

jacket with a white t-shirt and jeans it's a classic and casual look perfect

for most day to day occasions

the rule on fit for Blazers it's more or less the same as with suit jacket ablaze

is supposed to be more a slim fitting should fit well in your shoulders and

cover your behind if you are wearing a blazer keep your name in mind in the

other hand your Blazers shouldn't end above your waistline in terms of sleeve

length this leaf terminates just above the large bone in the wrist a half inch

of linen it's a good guideline for the relationship between a suit jacket and

the shirt worn under it about the half an ancient of the shirt should be

visible beyond the jacket cuffs

the next item that we will focus on is shoes you always choose your shoes

according to the occasion now let's look for casual occasions for example

training's and boots can be good choices to achieve a great weekend look for the

trainers try to opt for a plain white or black or dark colors

for a smart casual occasions or events you can use a touka boots or loafers for

a relaxed it look very easy to combine with jeans shirt and blazer

for more formal occasions you can use Oxford's

there be shoes and loafers that will ensure that your look it's elegant and

more formal

and to improve your style you can use belt watches and make sure that the belt

matches with your shoes

and to complete the outfit a good watch and a good person make the difference

for watches you can use simple colors like black silver or dark brown make

sure that your watch advance fits well wear a band that fits properly

fragrance it's an invisible part of our personal style and it has a powerful

effect and how people see and remember you wearing a fragrance will make you

more attractive to women avoid sweet and garlic persons choose instead a dry and

manly perform in the summer you can use a lighter fragrance in the winter you

use a heavier version

so guys that's it for the fashion tips as they say no Gucci no hoochie no

Armani no punani and if you dress up properly you get girls like Tony House

will put in the effort the time and the law and the street will give you the

loft back peace out

For more infomation >> Playboy Model Explains How to Dress to Attract Her - Duration: 11:53.


Local Girl Scout Channels Her Inner Cardi B To Make That 'Money' - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Local Girl Scout Channels Her Inner Cardi B To Make That 'Money' - Duration: 1:26.


野球ニュース - ソフトB工藤監督「最高でした」キャンプ初休日はゴルフでリフレッシュ - Duration: 1:10.

外出先から宿 に戻った工藤 督(撮影・岡  丈靖)   ソフトバ ク・工藤監督 、キャンプ初 休日にゴルフ 楽しんだ。「 もなくて天気 良かったし最 でした」とス ア82でラウ ドした

   5日か の第2クール 向け「多少、 体に)張りは ると思うけど リフレッシュ てね。今のと ろ(コンディ ョンが)おか い人は聞いて ないので、順 に来ている」 話した


For more infomation >> 野球ニュース - ソフトB工藤監督「最高でした」キャンプ初休日はゴルフでリフレッシュ - Duration: 1:10.


HOW TO DRAW PERRY THE PLATYPUS | Phineas and Ferb Drawing for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 5:53.

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW PERRY THE PLATYPUS | Phineas and Ferb Drawing for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 5:53.


Twitter reacts to Maroon 5's lackluster Super Bowl halftime performance - Duration: 3:10.

 Performing for the Super Bowl is always a challenge: how can you squeeze a stadium-worthy spectacle into just a few minutes that's entertaining enough to appeal to one of the biggest televised audiences possible? There have definitely been standouts, but looks like Maroon 5 won't be one of them

Even with the help of Travis Scott and Big Boi, Maroon 5's set was still about as entertaining as the first half of the football game — and of course, Twitter delivered the jokes

The last time I saw someone look as dead in the eyes as Adam Levine does now it was when I told my parents I was majoring in English  — Ali Drucker (@ali_drucker) February 4, 2019 Adam Levine looks like the present day version of every person who wore Ed Hardy in 2005  — Kristin Chirico (@lolacoaster) February 4, 2019 This has truly been one of the most inoffensive, milquetoast Super Bowls of all time

 — Matthew D'Ambrosio™ (@drmattdambrosio) February 4, 2019 I literally tripped into the Halftime Show midway

It was like watching boxed macaroni and cheese perform.  — Michael Arceneaux (@youngsinick) February 4, 2019 Adam Levine playing more songs after Big Boi performs at an event in Atlanta is deeply disrespectful and should be banned by law

 — Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) February 4, 2019 They invited Adam Levine to the barbecue and it's not going as planned

He brought the potato salad with raisins in it.  — Martellus Bennett (@MartysaurusRex) February 4, 2019 This isn't Maroon 5 this is a group of dads performing Maroon 5 songs at their kids talent show  — Madeline Hill (@mad_hill) February 4, 2019 The M stands for "Meh"  — Tim Long (@mrtimlong) February 4, 2019 if anything this halftime show is making me feel great about my karaoke ability  — this is a 7000 series casey (@csymrl) February 4, 2019 yeesh if this is what they came up with for Maroon 5 I don't even want to know what Maroons 1 through 4 sounded like

 — Lincoln Michel (@TheLincoln) February 4, 2019  Several tweets noticed the hypocrisy of Adam Levine going shirtless: Oh but we can see Adam Levine's nipples @FCC  — Ira (@ira) February 4, 2019 IF TWO ADAM LEVINE NIPPLES WERE APPROVED THEN SOMEONE OWES JANET JACKSON A BIG APOLOGY  — Katie Zack (@katiefzack) February 4, 2019  Referencing the ICE arrest of 21 Savage: why couldn't maroon 5 have been secretly british  — Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) February 4, 2019  …And finally, wishing there had been more than just the tiniest glimpse of "Sweet Victory

" wait, so, was there not going to be more spongebob stuff  — clara b (@clarabellum) February 4, 2019 I'm watching the Spongebob "Winner Takes All" video to cleanse my palate

 — Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) February 4, 2019 I need more Spongebob please…

while you're at it bring out Doodlebob… to erase this Halftime show haha.  — Melvin Gutierrez (@melvinsings) February 4, 2019 my dad walked in the living room when we all shouted "spongebob" but Travis Scott was on TV & he goes "… that's not spongebob" and walked out & I haven't seen disappointment like that in a long time  — Gabriela Harrod 🦋 (@harrodgabriela) February 4, 2019  Better luck next year, NFL

For more infomation >> Twitter reacts to Maroon 5's lackluster Super Bowl halftime performance - Duration: 3:10.


SKAM FRANCE EP.3 S3 : Lundi 8h41 - Plan pourri - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.3 S3 : Lundi 8h41 - Plan pourri - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.3 S3 : Lundi 8h41 - Plan pourri - Duration: 2:27.


Netflix Reveals New Intro for Original Programming - Duration: 0:55.

[sfx: woosh]

[sfx: woosh]

[sfx: Netflix "ba-dum"]

[sfx: woosh]

[sfx: woosh]

For more infomation >> Netflix Reveals New Intro for Original Programming - Duration: 0:55.


For more infomation >> Netflix Reveals New Intro for Original Programming - Duration: 0:55.


Tema Pretend Play and Ride on toys Sportbike Power Wheels - Duration: 2:41.

Tema Pretend Play and Ride on toys Sportbike Power Wheels

For more infomation >> Tema Pretend Play and Ride on toys Sportbike Power Wheels - Duration: 2:41.


For more infomation >> Tema Pretend Play and Ride on toys Sportbike Power Wheels - Duration: 2:41.


RUSSIAN BOXER vs POLAND FIGHTER !!! MMA Rematch !!!! - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> RUSSIAN BOXER vs POLAND FIGHTER !!! MMA Rematch !!!! - Duration: 4:28.


ASMR 咀嚼音 Grilled Cheese & S'mores Dip グリルチーズサンドとスモアディップ 구운치즈샌드위치와 스모어딥 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> ASMR 咀嚼音 Grilled Cheese & S'mores Dip グリルチーズサンドとスモアディップ 구운치즈샌드위치와 스모어딥 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 12:00.


How to Make a Wood Cutter at Home - Wood Cutter Making - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> How to Make a Wood Cutter at Home - Wood Cutter Making - Duration: 11:56.


Arsenal boss Unai Emery praises two players despite disappointing Manchester City defeat - Duration: 2:22.

 The Gunners were beaten 3-1 by the Premier League champions at the Etihad. Sergio Aguero netted a hat-trick for Pep Guardiola's side with Laurent Koscielny scoring from a corner for Arsenal

 The defeat means Manchester United have leapfrogged Emery's side as a result. But the Spaniard was still happy with Torreira and Guendouzi

 Emery said: "I cannot say a lot about that. They showed their superiority at the end of the match

 "We lost some duels. We have some young players who are playing their first year in the Premier League and they can improve a lot

 "I'm very happy with Matteo Guendouzi and Lucas Torreira's performances today, but they also need time to improve and to take confidence, to take experience for their future here

 "With the result, it's not easy to say that, but there are some positives that we can look at from our players today

"  Torreira gave his own verdict on losing to the champions at the Etihad. He explained: "Well it was a very difficult game to come up against one of the best sides in the Premier League

 "We knew that would be the case and there were times where we managed to stay in the game, we were sticking together and we pressed them

 "From there, we managed to get the equaliser in the first half. "Then, because of things that happened in the game, they managed to get it to 2-1

Then in the second half it was a completely different game. "We went looking for the equaliser

We couldn't create the chances, they did, and they got the third goal." Arsenal return to action on Saturday when they travel to bottom of the table Huddersfield

For more infomation >> Arsenal boss Unai Emery praises two players despite disappointing Manchester City defeat - Duration: 2:22.


West Ham star issues warning to Liverpool.. again - Duration: 2:33.

 West Ham midfielder Michail Antonio has warned Liverpool he is ready to hurt them again

  The Hammers are hoping to put a dent in Liverpool's title challenge when they host Jurgen Klopp 's men at the London Stadium on Monday night

 Antonio has four goals in six appearances for West Ham against the Reds, and he is hoping to add to that tally tomorrow evening

   He told the Hammers' matchday programme: "I'm definitely looking forward to it!  "I've got four goals in six games against them, so if I keep getting in good positions, against a team that I've got a good scoring record against I can continue that and hit the back of the net again

" Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  Meanwhile, former Man City full-back Pablo Zabaleta insists he is not thinking about doing his old side a favour against the Reds

 Instead, he believes it's important for the Hammers to prove that they have what it takes to qualify for the Europa League

 He said: "It is going to be difficult because it's a team that is top of the league

 "Against the top teams, we've been playing really well. But we've failed three or four times to get that seventh position

 "That's something we've been talking about, how good it would be to finish seventh and to try and play in the Europa League next season

 "We just need to find that consistency if you want to be a better team. Every player needs to be on it, they have to feel proud to play for West Ham and to make this club better

"  He added: "I am not a Manchester City player now. I am a West Ham player and I just want to win for West Ham


For more infomation >> West Ham star issues warning to Liverpool.. again - Duration: 2:33.


World News - Rafa Nadal reveals he is engaged to girlfriend Mery Perelló - Duration: 7:26.

Rafa [Rafael] Nadal has got engaged to his long-term girlfriend, Mery Perelló following a 14 year courtship

According to Hello!, the couple are planning on tying the knot this autumn in Mallorca and have secretly been engaged for eight months

Hello's sister publication HOLA! revealed that Spanish player Rafa, 32, proposed to Mery, 30, also known as Xisca, back in May during a romantic trip to Rome

 However, they reported that the couple decided to keep the happy news private for the first eight months of their engagement

Share this article Share Perello, was born Maria Francisca Perello and she is a 30-year-old insurance worker and business graduate

The brunette beauty also serves as a project director for the Rafa Nadal Foundation, the charity he founded almost ten years ago

Nadal, who recently came second place at the 2019 Australian Open, has made no secret of his desire to have children, saying he is a 'family guy' and is looking forward to having his own brood in the not too distant future

But the dedicated sportsman admitted his tennis career has made it difficult to think about starting a family until now

He said: 'I would love to have children, boys, girls… I'm a person who loves kids and I'm a family guy

'But also I tell you that the reality is, the years keep passing, I would like to start to do all of this when my sporting life determines it

' He told Essentially Sports, at the end of last year: 'I have a girlfriend too and I am not alone to take decisions

(sic) 'You have to suit situations you know. Having family? I don't know, things are not easy to be predicted

At this age, I thought that I would have already been a former player and that I would have started a family

'Back in 2011, Mery spoke about her relationship with the tennis champ. She told The Telegraph: 'Travelling together everywhere, even if I could, would not be good either for him or for me

 'He needs his space when he is competing, and just the idea of me hanging around waiting on his needs all day wears me out

It would asphyxiate me. 'And then he would have to be worrying about me … No. If I followed him everywhere, I think there's a risk we might stop getting along

' Mery also revealed she is private about their relationship, even with her family, saying this works for them best as a couple

 Meanwhile, Rafa has vowed to fight on after being denied his 18th Grand Slam title in Melbourne Park by Serbian star Novak Djokovic

The world number two player fell at the hands of the world number one on Sunday night in the Australian Open men's final in straight sets

Following the spectacular defeat, Nadal addressed the crowd, thanking his family, friends, team and Mery, who painted a morose figure from the stands

Nadal heaped praise on his opposition following the defeat, telling the stunned crowd Djokovic deserved every point of the match

'It was an amazing level of tennis tonight and during both weeks [from Djokovic],' Nadal said

 Djokovic, taking home his 15th Grand Slam title, returned serve.'I would like to return the favour and obviously give compliments to Rafa's couple of weeks,' Djokovic said

'Obviously a tough match tonight, but as you said, you came back from an injury that took you out from the tour since September last year and you were unfortunate throughout your career to go through some major injuries

'But you're showing to me and to all your other colleagues and many young tennis players around the world what is the definition of the fighting spirit and resilience, so thank you for that

'Nadal had a turbulent 2018, undergoing surgery after bowing out of the 2018 Australian Open with an injury

Recurring knee and ankle issues sidelined him for much of the 2018 tour, with speculation surrounding the possibility of him missing the 2019 tournament in Melbourne

   'It's been an emotional two weeks. Even if tonight wasn't my best day, of course, I had somebody who played much better than me, but it has been a very important two weeks for me,' Nadal said in his post-match speech

'I have been going through tough moments during the last year. I only had the chance to play nine events and had to retire in two, including this one, which was a painful one

'Since the US Open, I was not able to play a professional match before the first round of the Australian Open, so even if tonight was not my night, it was so important to be where I am today when coming back from injury

'I really believe that I played a great two weeks of tennis and that will be a good inspiration for me what is coming [up]

'Cheering and clapping at every won point was Nadal's long-term partner. The couple will now look ahead to the French Open in Paris in May, where Nadal's clay surface play style will be on full display

For more infomation >> World News - Rafa Nadal reveals he is engaged to girlfriend Mery Perelló - Duration: 7:26.


Liverpool's Dejan Lovren sets sights on Arsenal record - Duration: 4:31.

Dejan Lovren has stated his ambition to help Liverpool complete an unbeaten season and become the new Invincibles

Liverpool have given themselves a strong foundation to mount a challenge for the Premier League title, with 14 wins from 17 games, but such is the threat posed by Manchester City that they will probably need to maintain that ratio if they want to be champions

Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool's manager, was asked recently whether he felt his side could negotiate the campaign without defeat, but insisted it was not something he had considered given there are so many games — and so many taxing assignments — to come

Lovren, though, feels the ability in the squad — and the options Klopp has — give Liverpool a real opportunity to emulate Arsenal's squad of 2003-04 and bettering the Liverpool team of 1987-88, who went 29 games unbeaten from the start of the season

'I would say Manchester United was a good result for us,' said Lovren of the 3-1 victory over the old enemy on Sunday

'Hopefully we can be unbeaten until the end of the season. It will be a challenge, but this is what we want

This is why we came to Liverpool, because we know we can do it.'Asked whether he felt it was genuinely possible, Lovren replied: 'Arsenal did it before, so why not?' There is no doubt Lovren's comments will be digested by Liverpool's forthcoming opponents, starting with in-form Wolves, who they face at Molineux on Friday

Nuno Espirito Santo's side are on a four-game winning run and have already held City to a draw this season

Lovren's remarks will also have been noted by Pep Guardiola, who is plotting for the January 3 showdown with Liverpool at the Etihad

Season at a glance Live tables Fixtures Scores Premier League Premier League Championship League One League Two Scottish Premiership Scottish Div 1 Scottish Div 2 Scottish Div 3 Ligue 1 Serie A La Liga Bundesliga More tables More fixtures More scores Lovren, who is set for an extended run in the side following injuries to Joel Matip and Joe Gomez, accepts City are title favourites but promises there will be a proper fight for the biggest prize

'Look, there's a competition,' said the Croat. 'This is what we want, but we don't look at who is in front of us or behind us

It's just about us.'It's more about how we train, how we do on the pitch and the result will come

There are quite a lot of games still to go, but we go game by game.'I'm not sure City have any weaknesses

Last year they won by 19 points. They know how to manage even when they lose. They also lost one or two games last year

They still managed to be 19 points ahead.'There are so many games in front of us and in front of them

It will be a tight race and it's not only City; Tottenham are only a couple of points behind

'You cannot sit back and enjoy it and say, "We are five or six points in front of everyone"

It doesn't work like that. Every game is a final for us.'

For more infomation >> Liverpool's Dejan Lovren sets sights on Arsenal record - Duration: 4:31.


Twitter reacts to Maroon 5's lackluster Super Bowl halftime performance - Duration: 3:10.

 Performing for the Super Bowl is always a challenge: how can you squeeze a stadium-worthy spectacle into just a few minutes that's entertaining enough to appeal to one of the biggest televised audiences possible? There have definitely been standouts, but looks like Maroon 5 won't be one of them

Even with the help of Travis Scott and Big Boi, Maroon 5's set was still about as entertaining as the first half of the football game — and of course, Twitter delivered the jokes

The last time I saw someone look as dead in the eyes as Adam Levine does now it was when I told my parents I was majoring in English  — Ali Drucker (@ali_drucker) February 4, 2019 Adam Levine looks like the present day version of every person who wore Ed Hardy in 2005  — Kristin Chirico (@lolacoaster) February 4, 2019 This has truly been one of the most inoffensive, milquetoast Super Bowls of all time

 — Matthew D'Ambrosio™ (@drmattdambrosio) February 4, 2019 I literally tripped into the Halftime Show midway

It was like watching boxed macaroni and cheese perform.  — Michael Arceneaux (@youngsinick) February 4, 2019 Adam Levine playing more songs after Big Boi performs at an event in Atlanta is deeply disrespectful and should be banned by law

 — Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) February 4, 2019 They invited Adam Levine to the barbecue and it's not going as planned

He brought the potato salad with raisins in it.  — Martellus Bennett (@MartysaurusRex) February 4, 2019 This isn't Maroon 5 this is a group of dads performing Maroon 5 songs at their kids talent show  — Madeline Hill (@mad_hill) February 4, 2019 The M stands for "Meh"  — Tim Long (@mrtimlong) February 4, 2019 if anything this halftime show is making me feel great about my karaoke ability  — this is a 7000 series casey (@csymrl) February 4, 2019 yeesh if this is what they came up with for Maroon 5 I don't even want to know what Maroons 1 through 4 sounded like

 — Lincoln Michel (@TheLincoln) February 4, 2019  Several tweets noticed the hypocrisy of Adam Levine going shirtless: Oh but we can see Adam Levine's nipples @FCC  — Ira (@ira) February 4, 2019 IF TWO ADAM LEVINE NIPPLES WERE APPROVED THEN SOMEONE OWES JANET JACKSON A BIG APOLOGY  — Katie Zack (@katiefzack) February 4, 2019  Referencing the ICE arrest of 21 Savage: why couldn't maroon 5 have been secretly british  — Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) February 4, 2019  …And finally, wishing there had been more than just the tiniest glimpse of "Sweet Victory

" wait, so, was there not going to be more spongebob stuff  — clara b (@clarabellum) February 4, 2019 I'm watching the Spongebob "Winner Takes All" video to cleanse my palate

 — Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) February 4, 2019 I need more Spongebob please…

while you're at it bring out Doodlebob… to erase this Halftime show haha.  — Melvin Gutierrez (@melvinsings) February 4, 2019 my dad walked in the living room when we all shouted "spongebob" but Travis Scott was on TV & he goes "… that's not spongebob" and walked out & I haven't seen disappointment like that in a long time  — Gabriela Harrod 🦋 (@harrodgabriela) February 4, 2019  Better luck next year, NFL

For more infomation >> Twitter reacts to Maroon 5's lackluster Super Bowl halftime performance - Duration: 3:10.


Игра Вместе / Along Together - Duration: 5:06.

Since childhood I have loved colorful Disney cartoons and always

I looked forward to their beginning.

When I grew up, I looked for games with the same colors

and an interesting plot.

I will say more so far, I am looking for my

next colorful Disney-like adventure.

If you have not guessed what is this game then

present to your attention game Along Together is colorful

adventure game.

Developers classifies Along Together as an adventure

a point-and-click game, but I would say she is half

"Point and click" and half platformer.

The game begins with what do you choose with which

as a child you will be friends.

It will be a little boy or a little girl?

The story of along together is pretty simple but at the same time

colorful and a little emotional.

Choosing who your character will be boy or girl

you are shown a series of polaroid pictures showing

as far as your main character and his dog Rishu love

each other.

But on one tragic day the dog is lost. With this

sad scene begins our first communication with our

nameless baby - which crying under a tree I suppose

that this sadness is that caused us to this world?

In the game, the gamer becomes an unearthly blue hand that

make friends with a little child after

he or she (depending from the player's choice at the beginning

games) will lose its pretty a kind of purple


From now on, the two of you go to the extraordinary

adventure to bring back pet

Your task as imaginary friend - help your child find

your dog

As their invisible, all-seeing and controlling friend

you lead a small child with my ghostly hand

through a series of puzzles related with the environment so

can you capture certain subjects

and move them such as logs, magnets, carts

and even shoot a slingshot, to activate the switches

and leverage.

Although you are not really can control

baby - you look at him from a bird's height

flight but you can teach its a lot of things to do.

However that you can't do so make it

him die

Unfortunately, they can not be forced fight with other kids.

There are no monsters in the game, who want to drain

your body sucked all the blood and transform your bloodless

corpse in lamp shade.

No, this is an adventure for whole family where no one

dies and everyone gathers together for happy

although predictable, the end.

Along together starts enough just teaching the player the basics

move selected im baby and interaction

with objects; click and aim or click and gesture towards


The baby will automatically jump and climb

assuming the player does protrusions available on the corresponding


This is a simple story that guide you through the game


Although it is not particularly difficult game and you finish this

game until dinner, the game is all will bring you some


The main part of the game process is presented

in the form of puzzles requiring easy thinking.

If you have not received a lobotomy in childhood it should not

be a problem.

But as you progress games by gamer, puzzles

getting more complicated and interesting.

When you don't think about how to drag a log or

magnet to solve the puzzle or not decide which

platform jump to move cart along

track you should be looking for collectibles

in the form of toys that were left by the children

who were before you.

I wonder what the kids did in a volatile cave

mice, or in a dangerous car for crushing machines - probably

they just had to bored at home?

Anyway, pay attention to sparkling

the energy that they emit, and help your hero

pave the way to get before the subject and collect it.

Also at the end of each stage you return to your

tree house it's yours "Base of operations" as such.

After each stage you come back here and you can

easy to reproduce any stage you wish

and see right away if you found you are all treasures or not.

Speaking of stages, there are five on the first level set

(forest), four on the second (mines) and four at the last (dump).

Each stage consists of two or three scenes that

mainly represent related puzzles

with the environment that, usually complicated

as you go.

The level design itself is really good, everything is thought out and presented

so that is not too difficult but a little complicated and makes

to think about.

As I said, I'm big fan of colorful adventures.

Along Together is a colorful game. bright and very light on


I will not say that this is the best game but she's all

equals looking great as simple and clear

gamer helps keep atmosphere of kindness and friendship.

This is a wonderful adventure. which make you think

cheer up and maybe even cry,

trying to reunite these two lost friends


For more infomation >> Игра Вместе / Along Together - Duration: 5:06.


Ichigo Jam - Duration: 6:58.

Welcome to another video from Yenkna PCs. This time

we're gonna run a program that I'd like to call I jam on the Raspberry Pi.

Let's get to it. Okay, for people that don't know I Jam is a command-line

interface program that you can do basic programming. Let's go ahead and download

it. We are going to go to Edge.

type Raspberry Pi downloads.

Here we go. Raspberry We'll go here. All right go

down to I Jam.

This tells you how many pis that works with. Click here on download link. Download the

.zip file. Click "save as". Remember make it go in the download folder.

Alright, have it downloaded just hit save it will download it take a few minutes.

to do that.

Close Edge.

Open the Documents folder. scroll up to downloads. There we go. I Jam's right here.

now what you do is since there's no image file on here take a

SD card that is already reformatted into the computer.

Select all the files and just copy them over to the formatted microSD card.

All right all the files are copied to the card. Now, we're going to go to the

Raspberry Pi and get it to work.

Just a second here and I'll put the Pi in and get started.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen. This program is gonna be running basic

programming. I'm gonna do a simple code for you so you guys will understand how

to do it yourself.

Now, this is real simple last time I did this was in fifth grade. Now, watch. You

gotta do intervals of 10 on the screen.

like this 10 you want to make it repeat things use hit print,

space, open parenthesis, type whatever you want in there. (I'm putting my business

name in there), close parenthesis, make a repeat you hit 20 go to 10.

Hit enter again and then we're gonna run the code. Here we go.

As you can see, this is looping writing my business name on the screen. Now, to

get out of it, you hit escape and that's pretty much what

you want to do we write a loop command

As you can see it's relatively easy to write a basic program use I Jam.

Hope you found this video educational. Please, hit that like button. If you

haven't subscribed, please subscribe and get that notification bell and catch you


For more infomation >> Ichigo Jam - Duration: 6:58.


Chenmin moans (18+ content) read description - Duration: 1:20.

hello i'm back

so its 2 am and i really tired but i'm getting this up today so here we go

so I tried something new with the background music

i was getting sick of piano covers so i put an instrumental instead

i have a bunch of homework that's due tomorrow but i'm not going to do it

while editing this i messed up the audio twice so it took extra long doing that

ok i skipped a bit in the video

wanna hear a joke

what type of shoes do kidnappers wear

still thinking

(just give me the punch line already)

they wear white vans

i just realized how much i love taeil

theses subtitles are so random

i don't wanna feel nothing

yep this again

its different tho


For more infomation >> Chenmin moans (18+ content) read description - Duration: 1:20.


Relevant Meme I Swear - Duration: 0:09.


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