Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 10 2019

welcome back to my channel

today i'm going to work on planting in the ground

it's a unique way to plant in ground


marking the ground area for planting


just dig a little bit in the marked area

remove the ground soil


marking the point to plant


planting the ground plants or any plants

now i'm planting some wax begonia plants

adding the soil mixture

i didn't add the same ground soil because that is not suitable for the begonias


i just add the prepared potting soil in this planting area

soil mixture is mixing the equal part of coco peat, rice husk ash, garden soil ground soil,sand and some natural compost


i just place a small plastic pot near these plants for beauty

after planting

add the saw dust or mulch on the top layer of the soil

this will help to keep soil moisture and improving health of the soil and also reducing weed growth

after all water immediately and we can water once or twice a week

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Excellent & Unique Idea for Planting | Plants Potting Idea in the Ground | Garden Idea//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 7:19.


Dân Chơi Tài Xỉu Phát Hoảng Vì ĐỒ CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP BÁO RUNG này - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Dân Chơi Tài Xỉu Phát Hoảng Vì ĐỒ CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP BÁO RUNG này - Duration: 6:47.


贏得比賽當天直飛國外,究竟是福還是禍?居然住到了5星級酒店!(CC字幕) - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> 贏得比賽當天直飛國外,究竟是福還是禍?居然住到了5星級酒店!(CC字幕) - Duration: 10:31.


iddaabilirTV | 11 Şubat İddaa Tahminleri | Spor Tahminleri - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> iddaabilirTV | 11 Şubat İddaa Tahminleri | Spor Tahminleri - Duration: 10:46.


Them Trumps: State of the Union - SNL - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Them Trumps: State of the Union - SNL - Duration: 2:15.


Halsey Monologue - SNL - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Halsey Monologue - SNL - Duration: 2:20.


PAIJO, JOGJA ISTIMEWA, NGELMU KYAI PETRUK (Medley) Cover by Ferachocolatos ft. Gilang & Bala - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> PAIJO, JOGJA ISTIMEWA, NGELMU KYAI PETRUK (Medley) Cover by Ferachocolatos ft. Gilang & Bala - Duration: 4:25.


Boy Scout Kneels To Protest Racism - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Boy Scout Kneels To Protest Racism - Duration: 4:53.


CBS2 2/9 Nightly Forecast at 11PM - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> CBS2 2/9 Nightly Forecast at 11PM - Duration: 3:07.


又拿北農說嘴?韓國瑜要這樣處理罷工 - Duration: 2:24.

又拿北農說嘴?韓國瑜 要這樣處理罷工 華航罷工事件延燒

機師工會理事長李信燕 宣布今(10)將持 續

交通部希望今天能繼續 談判盼有所進展

也重申對於短期輸運並 不會有問題。





會把營運的紅利部分儘 量發給勞工。

韓國瑜今日繼續發 紅包的行程

被問及若自己面對罷工 會怎麼處理


他會要董事會在管理部 門達成營運目標之後

把獲利的部分儘量發給 勞工

「這是我認為的一個價 值」。


自己不知道華航是怎麼 處理的


勞工過年過節辛苦了一 年就是希望有豐厚的 年終獎金



我不了解華航內部怎麼 處理



為了台灣航空業觀光產 業

希望華航罷工能儘早落 幕


陳宜民也一定很關心這 件事情


對高雄觀光業也是打擊 」。


似乎與之前韓國瑜擔任 北農總經理時的作風 類似

過去韓國瑜就曾因疑似 多次以高價向公司董 事採購禮盒後

再將禮盒分送公司員工 作為公關



他在北農總經理任內濫 發獎金高達8400 萬元。

For more infomation >> 又拿北農說嘴?韓國瑜要這樣處理罷工 - Duration: 2:24.


店家如再哄抬物價 韓國瑜:市府列不推荐名單 - Duration: 2:01.

店家如再哄抬物價 韓 國瑜:市府列不推荐 名單 高雄市長韓 國瑜今天上午繼續在 左營、


針對今年春節高雄人潮 量大





他誠懇建議店家要愛惜 羽毛



市府一定會暫列入不推 荐名單

一旦被高雄市暫列為不 推荐名單


強調如業者想再藉此機 會「殺雞取卵」

市府為對所有觀光客負 責任



針對燈會金銀財寶 夜市晚上10點過後 人潮還很多




考慮是否再延長營業時 間到10點半或11 點。

今天上午韓國瑜分 別在楠梓的元帥府、

左營舊城城隍廟發送紅 包

在元帥府有位吳姓市民 在今天凌晨三就來看 排隊

還有民眾對著韓國瑜高 喊總統好!另有一名 男姓市民還主動低頭

希望韓國瑜摸一下他的 頭。

For more infomation >> 店家如再哄抬物價 韓國瑜:市府列不推荐名單 - Duration: 2:01.


18 New Nail Art | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation💓👍 #346 - Duration: 10:27.

black with transparent undercoat, matte top, black gk, and sprinkling, the secret of sprinkling, mix sparkles with black acrylic

1. Color Galaxy 008. 2. Draw the geometry. 3. we add colors at will. 4. Points. 5. Top Galaxy without hp.

To complete it, you will need: 1️. Black gel polish Lunail 2️.Maty top Lunail to create a velvet backdrop 4️. Liquid Foil Lunail "liquid foil 2" 5️.Thin brush This design requires a partial overlap top!

For more infomation >> 18 New Nail Art | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation💓👍 #346 - Duration: 10:27.


WBZ Weather Forecast - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> WBZ Weather Forecast - Duration: 3:04.


North Shore Preps - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> North Shore Preps - Duration: 3:50.


SIX MONTHS TO AVOID AN ARMS RACE: What Trump needs to do to halt path to NUCLEAR WAR - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 6:14.

SIX MONTHS TO AVOID AN ARMS RACE: What Trump needs to do to halt path to NUCLEAR WAR

DONALD TRUMP announced the US will withdraw from the nuclear weapons treaty but what will

happen next?

Will a new treaty be negotiated in the six-month window?

US President Donald Trump announced the US would be withdrawing from the Intermediate-range

Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, saying: "We will move forward with developing our own

military response options" to Russia's suspect missile.

The announcement has triggered a six month expiration period in which renegotiations

can take place.

So the treaty could be salvaged in that 180-day window but only if Russia destroys all of

its violating missiles, launchers and associated equipment says the President.

In his statement, Trump warned that unless Russia destroyed its missile by August, the

USA "will move forward with developing our own military response options and will work

with Nato and our other allies and partners to deny Russia any military advantage from

its unlawful conduct."

For 32-years a treaty has been in place with the intention of limiting two of the most

powerful countries in the world with their intermediate-range weapons.

However, American politicians have claimed Russia has continued to violate the terms

of the deal with no consequence throughout the treaty.

Neil Clothier, Head of Negotiations at global sales and negotiation skills development company

Huthwaite International explained to the potential outcomes of negotiations around

the treaty.

Mr Clothier said: "First, it is useful to understand Trump's negotiation techniques

since he has been in office.

"During his time as President, Trump has had very public problems with China, North

Korea and Russia, while also challenging the majority of Europe.

"To say it has been an eventful Presidency term, would be an understatement.

"After implying nuclear war could be an option with North Korea by saying "My [nuclear

weapon] button is bigger than yours" and calling leader, Kim Jong Un a "little rocket

man" we know that Trump has an aggressive form of negotiating.

"In fact, it's a well-trodden technique known as the 'mad man' approach, also

used by President Nixon in the 1960s and 1970s, aimed at emphasising (or over-emphasising

in Trump's case) an initial stance, to help pave the way for a lesser, but related, demand."

But is this 'mad man' technique effective?

It has arguably helped Mr Trump become the first US President to meet North Korea's

head of state - but what about Russia?

Mr Clothier said: "In this case, his threat that if a new treaty isn't negotiated, America

will outspend and out-innovate other countries is arguably designed to frighten Russia and

other countries, like China, into negotiating a new treaty before the six-month withdrawal

period – whether he intends to carry out his threat or not.

"This is a classic case of leverage – or implied leverage – aimed at giving Trump

the upper hand without him having to necessarily follow through.

"So, following this thinking, if Trump's main aim is to open talks with Russia and

China to create a new treaty that all countries will abide by – including serious consequences

if broken – then we should expect to see America bringing great incentives to the table

to interest all parties.

"This could include a shared security intelligence or even an allied relationship."

However, the US President is dealing with a similar 'strong man' in Russia's leader,

Vladimir Putin - so this approach is risky.

Mr Clothier said: "In business – and the wider political world – effective negotiation

is about compromise and securing a win-win for both parties.

"Unsurprisingly, it is also essential for both parties to be willing to negotiate.

"However, if Russia is already refusing to cease making missiles, then this doesn't

exactly lay the most productive foundations for a negotiation.

"To effectively move forward, the key thing would be for both Trump and Putin to reconsider

their approach to negotiations and head back to the original treaty as a starting point.

"Trump should be acutely aware that Russia can be expected to play 'dirty negotiation

tricks' from the outset, such as delaying negotiation talks until the very end of the

treaty so America would be more willing to concede on points with a looming deadline."

There are only six months until the current treaty is abandoned and both countries will

be free to make weapons with no consequences.

Mr Clothier said: "This is something that many countries will want to avoid – not

least as many critics claim it would be the first step to a global arms race.

"To implement a new treaty in time, the next few weeks will be vital when it comes

to offering insight into what the other countries stances may be when considering a new treaty.

"Importantly, this should see Trump looking to increase pressure on countries, and he'll

likely do this by selling the benefits of joining a treaty and promoting the consequences

of not having one in place.

"However, when negotiations actually begin, Trump will need to be much more reserved.

Negotiations are built on a diplomatic and strategic approach.

"If Trump strikes a careful balance between strength and cooperation, there is an opportunity

for prolonged and sustainable success.

"Whether that will happen – only time will tell – but for Trump, and Global politics,

the consequences of getting it wrong could be devastating."

For more infomation >> SIX MONTHS TO AVOID AN ARMS RACE: What Trump needs to do to halt path to NUCLEAR WAR - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 6:14.


Jeff Jamison's Weather Update - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Jeff Jamison's Weather Update - Duration: 3:08.


Five Food Hacks to Improve your Health - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Five Food Hacks to Improve your Health - Duration: 3:08.


Homestead falls to HSE on 2/9/19 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Homestead falls to HSE on 2/9/19 - Duration: 2:28.


大量資金撤走 美國矽谷不行了 中國將取而代之? - Duration: 10:44.









他國投資者未必會填補「中國真空」 中國資金撤出矽谷或許正合了美國政府的意。



















矽谷優勢面臨美國政策威脅 矽谷的信仰正在被美國政府一手打破。


































或被其他「矽谷」替代 隨著中國投資者、





























歐洲多國支持華為 美國惡毒奸計完敗 作為世界第一大電信設備供應公司










































美國呼籲世界多國禁止華為的陰謀已經失敗了! 前不久















京東平台將iPhone8和8 Plus的價格分別下調了600元和800元

蘇寧也將iPhone XR 128G版本下調了1200元。




降價換來的銷量增長究竟能支撐多久呢? iPhone的銷量占蘋果總銷售額的三分之二




















蘋果公司才推出了擁有雙SIM卡的iphone X




































For more infomation >> 大量資金撤走 美國矽谷不行了 中國將取而代之? - Duration: 10:44.


SC State Ends Losing Streak With A Tough Win - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> SC State Ends Losing Streak With A Tough Win - Duration: 1:02.


野球ニュース - ソフトB・和田 2度目ブルペンで43球「少しずつ上げていきたい」 - Duration: 1:00.

ソフトバンク 和田    ◇ソフトバン ・春季キャン (2019年 月10日)   左肩痛から 復活を期すソ トバンク・和 が、今キャン 2度目のブル ン投球を行っ

   捕手が った状態で4 球を投げ込み 腕を振って投 ることができ し、球数も( 回より)伸ば ことができた 少しずつ上げ いきたい」と した。 

For more infomation >> 野球ニュース - ソフトB・和田 2度目ブルペンで43球「少しずつ上げていきたい」 - Duration: 1:00.


Fabinho insists Liverpool require plan B as they look to win title - Duration: 3:29.

Liverpool's squad were regrouping back at Melwood on Tuesday after a second straight draw in the Premier League handed title rivals Manchester City a chance to dislodge them from first place

And Liverpool midfielder Fabinho has called on his team to develop a plan B as they look to end their 29-year wait for a league title

 Jurgen Klopp's side have now been held to two 1-1 draws in their previous two matches against West Ham and Leicester and have only won two out of six games in 2019

  This year's results have seen City close the gap at the top of the Premier League to just three points and if they beat Everton at Goodison Park on Wednesday night, they will replace Liverpool in first

The Reds were not able to find that all-important winning goal against Leicester last week at Anfield and away to West Ham on Monday

Brazil midfielder Fabinho believes he and his team-mates need to adapt their style of play to be able to break the opposition down

'We have confidence,' he told ESPN FC. 'We enjoyed a brilliant December, which was almost perfect, but now we have had this dip

Season at a glance Live tables Fixtures Scores Premier League Premier League Championship League One League Two Scottish Premiership Scottish Div 1 Scottish Div 2 Scottish Div 3 Ligue 1 Serie A La Liga Bundesliga More tables More fixtures More scores 'It is difficult to explain why this has happened

I believe that now teams who play against us sit very deep. 'We need to do things a little differently and maybe we aren't doing this - we are unable to find the spaces

'Often, we want to go through the middle and it is difficult against physically strong and defensive teams

We need to find solutions and in these past few games we haven't.'Liverpool welcome Bournemouth to Anfield in a top-flight clash on Saturday afternoon where it is essential that they get back to winning ways

  'Beating Bournemouth is important to continue with a three-point gap at the top of the table,' Fabinho added

'Now we only look at the next game and that is against Bournemouth.'Then there will be a run of difficult games, but we will get some players back from injury and the manager will have more options to choose for those games

For more infomation >> Fabinho insists Liverpool require plan B as they look to win title - Duration: 3:29.


믈런치 6. Goulash - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 믈런치 6. Goulash - Duration: 3:56.


You Can Only Share With up to 5 chats...PROBLEM SOLVED 2019 - Duration: 4:06.

Please Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> You Can Only Share With up to 5 chats...PROBLEM SOLVED 2019 - Duration: 4:06.


How Will Seth Rollins Respond to Brock Lesnar on WWE Raw Next Week? - Duration: 1:14.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Seth Rollins to Address Brock Lesnar on WWE Raw

Next Week Seth Rollins punched his ticket to face Brock Lesnar at WretleMania when he

won the Royal Rumble match The next night on RAW The Beast Incarnate left The Architect

laying on the mat Rollins had to miss RAW last week because he was suffering from a

bad back As we previously reported Rollins is set to be evaluated by a doctor before

RAW kicks off Therefore you never know if he could be able to come back sooner than

the end of the month Rollins will be on RAW this week to address Brock Lesnar He can't

be happy about how things were left between himself and Lesnar As we previously reported

Lesnar isn't expected to be back on RAW until after the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view

Therefore Rollins is very likely to be cutting this promo without Lesnar being there to hear

it Friends what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> How Will Seth Rollins Respond to Brock Lesnar on WWE Raw Next Week? - Duration: 1:14.


How WWE Upset Dean Ambrose During Contract Talks - Duration: 1:44.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News How WWE Upset Dean Ambrose During Contract Talks

Dean Ambrose is leaving WWE when his contract is up in April It is said that AEW will have

an interest in bringing Ambrose in when he is a free agent However the idea of Ambrose

using AEW to get more money out of WWE was not one he appreciated Ambrose is in good

financial shape Therefore he wasn't staying with WWE for the money In fact he resents

those who seem to be sticking around just for the paycheck Dean Ambrose's WWE exit

was due to frustration with creative Ambrose was already in a pretty frustrated mood because

his answer didn't change but there was still a series of meetings he had to endure over

the Royal Rumble weekend When the idea was brought up that Ambrose was just leveraging

AEW for a bigger paycheck from WWE the idea only upset him more Some within the company

believed this line of thinking In the meantime Ambrose is still a WWE Superstar and will

work all of the dates that WWE book him for The company even booked him against Nia Jax

later next month in an intergender match WWE said that the door is open for Ambrose's

return You never know if WWE might try something else to get him to stay in the meantime Friends

what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> How WWE Upset Dean Ambrose During Contract Talks - Duration: 1:44.


Curtis Stone DuraPan 5Quart 4piece Nonstick Chef's Skill... - Duration: 34:31.

For more infomation >> Curtis Stone DuraPan 5Quart 4piece Nonstick Chef's Skill... - Duration: 34:31.


Boy Scout Kneels To Protest Racism - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Boy Scout Kneels To Protest Racism - Duration: 4:53.


For more infomation >> Boy Scout Kneels To Protest Racism - Duration: 4:53.


海贼王官方情报:尾田公布这位强者不会霸王色,明确不是第十一人 - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 海贼王官方情报:尾田公布这位强者不会霸王色,明确不是第十一人 - Duration: 5:42.


For more infomation >> 海贼王官方情报:尾田公布这位强者不会霸王色,明确不是第十一人 - Duration: 5:42.


Nightcore - NASA (Ariana Grande / Cover) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:45.

lyrics on the video

For more infomation >> Nightcore - NASA (Ariana Grande / Cover) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:45.


For more infomation >> Nightcore - NASA (Ariana Grande / Cover) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:45.


Dân Chơi Tài Xỉu Phát Hoảng Vì ĐỒ CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP BÁO RUNG này - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Dân Chơi Tài Xỉu Phát Hoảng Vì ĐỒ CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP BÁO RUNG này - Duration: 6:47.


For more infomation >> Dân Chơi Tài Xỉu Phát Hoảng Vì ĐỒ CHƠI TÀI XỈU BỊP BÁO RUNG này - Duration: 6:47.


SC State Ends Losing Streak With A Tough Win - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> SC State Ends Losing Streak With A Tough Win - Duration: 1:02.


Kendall Jenner Slays In A Tiny Leather Mini Dress During NYFW - Duration: 2:43.

Kendall Jenner looked stunning wearing a black leather mini dress at the Longchamp NYFW show! Check out her sexy, chic look here!

Even when she's spectating at fashion shows Kendall Jenner looks flawless! While sitting in the front row at the Longchamp show, the reality star wore a sultry black leather mini dress that was pure fashion inspo

Not only that but she was also accompanied by Emma Roberts and Kate Moss, who posed for a picture with Kendall

While so many celebs have stunned with their NYFW attire, Kendall is definitely one of our favorites so far

Check out her sexy NYFW look below!.We reported earlier how Kendall was grilled about her relationship with Ben Simmons while she was on Ellen

Ellen DeGeneres asked her about a pic of her watching the 76ers, with Ben in the shot, "Who's that guy that's in the way?" Of course, Kendall did not divulge too much with her answer: "I'm not so sure

" Then Ellen responded, "I'm not either. I don't know anything about basketball. Obviously, you're dating this guy who's on this 76ers —- is that what it's called? I don't know basketball

How long have you been dating him?" Kendall replied, "For a bit now," before adding that she thinks Kris Jenner would approve of him

.Speaking of Ben, Kendall has been seen out and about with the basketball star more than ever

The two lovebirds were recently seen packing on the PDA during a dinner at Cipriani in New York City on Feb

7. At one point, Kendall even nuzzled Ben's face! She was also previously seen cheering on Ben at a 76ers game on Jan

29, while rocking sexy leather pants.We'll keep you posted with all of the latest news about Kendall

In the meantime, check out all of the most recent photos of celebs attending NYFW in our gallery above

For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner Slays In A Tiny Leather Mini Dress During NYFW - Duration: 2:43.


Tennis news - Remarkable Konta stars as Great Britain reach play-offs in 'unforgettable' Fed Cup tie - Duration: 3:01.

The British number one battled into a tenth hour of tennis in four days, holding on to decisively defeat world number 57 Aleksandra Krunic 7-6 (7-1) 3-6 6-2 at University of Bath

Captain Anne Keothavong swelled with pride at her team's grit with exhausted Konta seen slumped in a court gangway before the start of the third set

"It's been an unforgettable week – everyone in Bath has made it so special for the team

I couldn't be prouder of everyone," said Keothavong, who added: " The guys and courage of Jo and Katie (Boulter) today, physically, these girls are stronger than they realise

I'm just so proud." Konta played her part in the Group A victory over Hungary that saw them advance to face Serbia at the end of a gruelling week

Her first-set tie break success showed spades of character and she fought back from losing the second to push past Krunic

"I'm feeling pretty rubbish but that's OK," said Konta. "The home support means a lot to all of us, to have you guys come out every single day to come out and support the way you did is incredible

"I just wanted to control what I could and really understand quickly my limitations, try to play within that and bring the most out of myself

" Katie Boulter's barnstorming week continued as she claimed the opening singles rubber 6-4 6-3 against Ivana Jorovic

The 22-year-old fought remorselessly against fatigue, coming off the back of two three-set tussles against Hungary, and a stubborn opponent ranked 117th in the world, rested on Saturday

Boulter broke serve twice early on to surge 4-1 ahead and despite being broken back, came to the net effectively to secure a fourth successive first-set victory of the week

The Leicester star called on reserves of resilience, pulling back from four break points down to keep the initiative and claim decisive victory

"I knew going into this match it was going to be really tough," said Boulter. "I grew up with her and I knew I'd have to bring my best game

I am just really happy with the win. "It means everything and so much more. I put everything on the court and have so much heart

It just means so much to me! "I think anything can be achieved. If you stick at it, anything is possible


For more infomation >> Tennis news - Remarkable Konta stars as Great Britain reach play-offs in 'unforgettable' Fed Cup tie - Duration: 3:01.


故宫博物院所藏的那些名"猪" - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 故宫博物院所藏的那些名"猪" - Duration: 4:01.


国家博物馆馆藏珍宝"中华第一龙"为什么长了一张猪脸? - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 国家博物馆馆藏珍宝"中华第一龙"为什么长了一张猪脸? - Duration: 4:44.


ROV มาแล้ว บริจาคโดเนท5วอลเอง - Duration: 4:36:24.

For more infomation >> ROV มาแล้ว บริจาคโดเนท5วอลเอง - Duration: 4:36:24.


Belarus, France open up big leads in Fed Cup World Group - Duration: 8:03.

Two-time Fed Cup champion France and rising powerhouse Belarus each claimed both their opening-day World Group matches in their opponents' territories

-A +AWTA StaffFebruary 9, 2019 Despite playing in front of partisan crowds away from home, Belarus and France each had undefeated opening days in World Group first-round action on Saturday

 In Braunschweig, Germany, recent Top 10 entrant Aryna Sabalenka and 2019 Sydney International semifinalist Aliaksandra Sasnovich each claimed a straight-set win to give Belarus a commanding 2-0 lead in their tie against the two-time champion Germans

 Read more: Halep draws Romania level against Czechs in Fed Cup Meanwhile, in Liege, Belgium, Frenchwomen Caroline Garcia and Alizé Cornet opened up their nation's campaign for a third Fed Cup title by grinding through two hard-fought battles to go up 2-0 over 2001 Fed Cup champion Belgium

 Belarus and France are each one match victory away from moving forward into the Fed Cup World Group semifinals, which will take place in April

🙌😃Aliaksandra Sasnovich gave Belarus a winning #FedCup start. — Fed Cup (@FedCup) February 9, 2019  Sabalenka and Sasnovich were responsible for the Belarusian Fed Cup breakthrough in 2017, when they propelled their country to its first Fed Cup final after upset victories over the Netherlands and Switzerland

That form was present again as the duo opened the first day of action. World No.33 Sasnovich opened the tie with a 7-6(3), 6-3 win over 67th-ranked Tatjana Maria, in the first meeting between the two players

Sasnovich had an equal amount of winners and unforced errors in the tilt -- 29 of each -- while Maria could only fire eight winners to 27 unforced errors of her own

 PHOTOS: Wonderful world: Pliskova, Halep, Garcia and more in Fed Cup action Neither woman could convert a break point in the first set -- Maria missed both of her chances, while Sasnovich was 0-for-6

In the tiebreak, over half of the points went against serve, but it was Sasnovich who was steelier down the stretch, winning four straight points from 3-3 to earn a hard-fought one-set lead

 The only service break of the match came at 2-1 in the second set, when Sasnovich converted her seventh and final break point

That would be the only one Sasnovich needed as she coolly closed out the match, dropping only two points on serve the rest of the way, after one hour and 38 minutes of play

 "I was very nervous in the beginning because you play for your country and you want to win very much," Sasnovich said to fedcup

com reporters, following her win. "But I'm happy that I won that match and in the second set I think I show not bad tennis, but I think I can do better

"Belarus brilliance ✨@SabalenkaA makes light work of Andrea Petkovic to double her nation's lead 👊#FedCup pic — Fed Cup (@FedCup) February 9, 2019  Current World No.9 Sabalenka was even more efficient in her 6-2, 6-1 win over former World No

9 Andrea Petkovic, needing only 68 minutes to give Belarus a 2-0 lead. Hard-hitting Sabalenka crushed 23 winners, including eight aces, to only nine winners for Petkovic

Though Sabalenka had 27 unforced errors as well, Petkovic was also undone by 15 miscues

 "I really think [Sabalenka] almost played the perfect match," Petkovic told fedcup

com reporters. "She rolled over me and was just better in each and every department of the game today

" The cards were not in Petkovic's favor from the outset, as the German dropped her lengthy opening service game on Sabalenka's third break point of the game

Sabalenka cruised from there, hitting four aces and no double faults, to take the first set without facing a break point

 Sabalenka maneuvered to 4-0 in the second set before Petkovic finally got a chance to break serve

The German had four break points in that game, but Sabalenka evaded them all, using two aces to wriggle out of that jam and hold for a 5-0 lead

 Petkovic fired two aces herself to get on the board in the next game, but Sabalenka had no trouble closing out the win in the next game to queue up a substantial advantage for her country as they move into the second day of play

Job done for @CaroGarcia and that secures France the first point against Belgium! #FedCup 👏🇫🇷 pic — Fed Cup (@FedCup) February 9, 2019  Things were not as straightforward for the French team

First, 19th-ranked Garcia needed two hours and five minutes to advance past World No

50 Alison van Uytvanck, 7-6(2), 4-6, 6-2. Garcia eked out the victory after being helped by winning a solid 76 percent of points on her second service

 Neither Garcia nor van Uytvanck held a break point in the opening set, necessitating a tiebreak to settle that score

There, Garcia reeled off the first five points in a row en route to a dominant breaker win

 However, van Uytvanck got a handle on Garcia's serve in the second set, breaking the Frenchwoman twice, including at 5-4 to level the match at one set apiece

But Garcia recovered in the decider, jumping out to a quick 5-1 lead, and holding serve at love at 5-2 to seal the first point for France

C'est superbe! @alizecornet puts France 2-0 up in Belgium — Fed Cup (@FedCup) February 9, 2019  Following that, dramatics ensued in Cornet's 7-6(6), 6-2 upset of World No

21 Elise Mertens, in a match which was not nearly as tidy as that scoreline would suggest

Indeed, the two-hour and nine-minute match was longer than Garcia's victory. At 4-4 in the first set, World No

51 Cornet needed to fend off six break points before holding serve. But Mertens came through two games later, breaking with a stellar angled crosscourt backhand to lead 6-5 and serve for the set

However, strong returning in the following game gave Cornet a break point, and Mertens double faulted, sending the combatants into a tiebreak

 A winning drop shot gave Cornet a 6-3 lead in the breaker, with three set points to come

The Frenchwoman was unable to convert any of those, blasting a forehand error into the net on the final chance and bringing the tiebreak back to parity at 6-6

But a winning backhand down the line gave Cornet a fourth set point at 7-6, where Mertens promptly double faulted again to cede the set

 Cornet was excited to squeak out the first set, which took nearly an hour and a half, and she rode that momentum to a easy second-set win to put France up 2-0

Each player had an equal number of winners and unforced errors, but Cornet got two-thirds of her first serves in, while Mertens hit her mark on the first serve only half the time

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