Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

It's February 4, 2019 and it's time to review five of the most outrageous, infuriating,

or just plain baffling things that have happened lately.

It's your Facepalm Five.

Let's count 'em up!


Transphobes go on a global hate spree.

So, week before last the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Trump's ban on transgender people

serving in the military to go into effect while its legality is decided in lower courts.

I made a whole video last week about why that's a shitty idea that nobody who isn't an intolerant

asshole should support, so if you want to hear me go on about the trans military ban

go watch that video.

In this segment of this video, I'm gonna mention a few of the other attempts to disenfranchise

and dehumanize trans people that went down over the last couple of weeks, because there

were a bunch of 'em!

First, last week in Washington, D.C. a contingent of TERFs – that's "trans-exclusionary

radical feminists" for those of you who aren't hip to the lingo – participated

in a panel hosted by the Heritage Foundation.

The purpose of the panel was to raise objections to the Equality Act, a piece of legislation

Nancy Pelosi has called a priority for the new congress, which would officially ban discrimination

on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity under federal civil rights law.

Why would feminists have a problem with expanding civil rights protections?

Good question.

Also: why would feminists accept an invitation from a right-wing and blatantly anti-woman,

anti-LGBTQ outfit like the Heritage Foundation?

Two good questions, both with the same answer: anti-trans bigotry.

TERFs like those who participated in the Heritage panel, and those who livestreamed themselves

harassing trans activist Sarah McBride a few days later, because that happened, too, believe

trans women are men who are invading women-only spaces and are therefore a threat to women.

That threat loses its force when you account for the fact that trans women are not men,

but women – it's right there on the label.

But TERFs don't account for that, because they're bad people.

Second, last week Republican members of the South Dakota House of Representatives introduced

a series of bills that could potentially be very harmful to trans children.

Yeah, it's about time somebody stood up to the most bullied kind of kid.

The bills would ban public schools from teaching about gender identity until eighth grade,

give parents the right to refuse gender-affirming health care for their trans children, and

force trans student athletes to participate in school sports according to the gender they

were assigned at birth.

Ah, the old "just ignore them, and legally empower their parents and educators to abuse

and discriminate against them, and they'll go away" strategy.

That'll . . . work.

All right, there's one more and it's really bad: Week before last the Supreme Court of

Japan ruled unanimously that trans people have to get sterilized.

Transphobia in a country other than the United States.

Yay, we're not the only bad place.

The court ruled to uphold Law 111, which requires that trans people who want to legally change

their gender designation be sterilized and undergo gender confirmation surgery before

the change can be approved.

This, according to the court's opinion, is acceptable because it helps to avoid confusion.

Right, because if some people are confused and think trans people are human beings entitled

to rights and basic respect, this law will set 'em straight.

Oh, but don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds: two of the justices wrote an additional

opinion where they acknowledge that the suffering experienced by trans people is everybody's

problem, and assert that society should be accepting of "the diversity of sexual identity."

So there.


A little positivity from two of the judges who voted to keep the law that compels trans

people to get sterilized in order to legally transition.

I mean, why even write that opinion if you voted to uphold the transphobic law?

Their words, however well intentioned, are rendered meaningless by their actions!

Hey, do you have to be from Japan to serve on the Japanese Supreme Court?

If not, next time there's a vacancy they should nominate Jeff Flake.

Seems like he'd fit right in.


McConnell accuses Democrats of attempted "power grab" for wanting to make it easier to vote.

Mitch McConnell took to the floor of the United States Senate last week to denounce bill H.R.

1, The For the People Act, which was recently introduced by Democrats in the House of Representatives.

McConnell called the bill "a political power grab" that would "victimize every American



This bill must be pretty bad, huh?

Wanna know what's in it?

Automatic voter registration.

Making election day a federal holiday.

Prohibiting voter roll purges.

Ending partisan gerrymandering.

Stricter campaign finance regulations.

How could our democracy survive?!

That's the question Mitch McConnell seems to be asking.

I, on the other hand, am wondering how our democracy has survived so long without this


McConnell belittled the bill, calling it the "Democratic Politician Protection Act,"

saying its provisions didn't pass the laugh test.

So, if someone proposes that we make it easier for people to vote and increase regulations

and oversight to help ensure elections are free and fair, and your response is to laugh

and accuse them of attempting a partisan power grab, I can only conclude two things: one,

you're a huge asshole; and two, you're worried your political party won't be able

to win elections if it can't cheat!

Look, I hate the Republican Party.

I've thought it was garbage for years.

But even I am still a little shocked at how brazenly corrupt it's become.

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, read this bill that would protect people's

right to vote, make it easier for everyone to exercise that right, and protect the integrity

of the electoral process, and he was like, "This is outrageous!

The Republican Party could never survive this!

They're trying to destroy us!"

And then he went out and said all of that in public!


Clueless billionaire baffled by backlash against vanity presidential run.

Howard Schultz, who got rich overcharging people for just-okay coffee, announced recently

that he is considering a run for President of the United States in 2020.

A lot of people are annoyed by that, and Schultz just don't get it!

The former CEO of Starbucks, Schultz also has a new book to promote, which looks like

exactly the kind of shallow, excessively focus-grouped drivel every other aspiring presidential candidate

publishes a year or two before the election.

The opposition to Schultz's candidacy has come mostly from Democrats and those further

to left, something Schultz says he's surprised by.

But since he started talking about running for president, Schultz has come out against

Medicare for all, against raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, accused his detractors

of criticizing him for being successful, and declared that he left the Democratic Party

because it was too far left.

Did he expect progressives to applaud for that shit?

And please, for god's sake, can we stop putting super rich people on TV and letting

them whine and fearmonger about tax proposals that would make them slightly less rich?

A top marginal tax rate of 70% or higher is not going to make billionaires into hobos.

For one thing, even if taxes were raised so high that billionaires lost all their money,

most of them wouldn't be hobos.

They'd be bums.

Hobos work.


Republican member of Congress throws bigoted tantrum.

I realize you need me to be more specific.

To wit: Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota and one of the first Muslim women to serve

in the U.S. House of Representatives, was recently selected for the Oversight and Investigations

Subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

This probably would have been no big deal, except that Republican member of Congress

from New York Lee Zeldin, who is also on that subcommittee, tweeted "Just learned Freshman

Rep. Ilhan Omar was also put on this committee w oversight of US foreign policy.

Crazy to watch what House Dems are empowering/elevating."

Rep. Omar hit back with a tweet of her own, implying that Zeldin is an Islamophobic bully

and saying she looked forward to watching him lose his marbles.

Zeldin responded to that by promptly losing his marbles.

"Those poor innocent ISIS fighters & Palestinian terrorists right?"

Zeldin tweeted, adding, "Your anti-Semitic & anti-Israel hate is strong & wrong."

Now, to be fair to Zeldin, there is a lot of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel rhetoric that

does cross the line into antisemitism.

I don't think Rep. Omar has been guilty of that, but it does happen.

And after their Twitter fight, Zeldin released a hateful message left on his office voicemail

that called Jews "maggots" and "bloodsuckers" and declared they were worse than Hitler.

That is obviously unacceptable and disgusting, and Rep. Omar quite rightly condemned it.

There should be no place in politics for that kind of derogatory, dehumanizing rhetoric.

But here's the thing, that's true when the target is a Jewish man, and it's also

true when the target is a Muslim woman.

If Zeldin expects Omar to disown the hatred, ignorance and intolerance antisemites throw

at him, the least he can do is do the same for the hatred, ignorance and intolerance

Islamophobes throw at her.

And he can start by apologizing for publicly flipping out over her being appointed to a

committee and accusing her of sympathizing with ISIS.

When he's done that, he can also apologize for inviting Steve Bannon to headline a fundraiser

during his election campaign, and for supporting and continuing to support Donald Trump.

And if he's not willing to do that, maybe he should just shut the fuck up!

And now it's time for the segment devoted to some of the other things Donald Trump has

done recently to disgrace the presidency and embarrass and/or endanger the United States

and the rest of the world:


The Further Misadventures of Lord Dampnut.

Please keep in mind as always: the following is not a complete list.

He reacted to the arrest of his former campaign advisor Roger Stone by declaring "Border

coyotes, drug dealers and human traffickers are treated better!"

That really depends on what color they are and how much money they've got, doesn't


He tweeted his support for the smug little MAGA-hat-wearing pricks from Covington Catholic

who were involved in a confrontation with Native American activist Nathan Phillips in

Washington, D.C.

He lashed out against Democratic Senator Dick Blumenthal after Blumenthal expressed doubts

about the truthfulness of Donald Trump Jr.'s testimony to Congress about possible collusion

between Trump and Russia, calling Blumenthal "Da Nang Dick" and repeating the lie that

Blumenthal had falsely claimed to be a Vietnam War Hero and later admitted the truth with

"tears pouring down his face."

He criticized leaders of the intelligence community for being "extremely passive and

naive" in their assessment of the threat posed by Iran during testimony to the Senate

Intelligence Committee, then, after meeting with them the next day, declared that the

intelligence community actually agreed with him, and their testimony was mischaracterized

by the media.

Their testimony was aired live as it happened!

How did the media mischaracterize their testimony?

By showing us what they said?

He endorsed Bible classes in public schools, which the ACLU has said often violate the

separation of church and state because teachers use Sunday school lessons as class materials.

And finally, he met at the White House with a group of far-right activists that included

Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, an organization designated as an anti-Muslim

hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA, an extremist

anti-immigration group.

During the meeting, according to the New York Times, one activist told Trump that women

shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military, while another denounced same-sex marriage,

and another expressed skepticism that sexual assault was all that common in the military.

In any other administration it would be alarming and profoundly upsetting to learn that such

ignorant, intolerant people had gotten a meeting with the president.

But now?

I dunno, I'm not so much alarmed or upset as I am confused.

Why would Trump need to waste time inviting people to the White House to hear this kinda

rhetoric when he can get fed the exact same bullshit from people who already work for him?

That's five.

Speak out, act out, resist, look after each other.

For more infomation >> Bean-Burning Billionaire Baffled By Backlash! - The Facepalm Five: February 4, 2019 - Duration: 15:23.


The deadly race to the South Pole - Duration: 5:37.

Everyone in this photo died soon after it was taken.

These are British explorers standing at the South Pole in January 1912.

The photo marks the finish line of a race into the unknown.

Two teams, one British, one Norwegian, trekked 900 miles into brutal territory and had to

get back to safety before winter hit.

And at first glance, this looks like a victory photo for the British.

Except that is the Norwegian flag.

And it only gets worse from here.

Robert Falcon Scott was a meticulous planner.

And his dream was to be the first person to reach the South Pole.

He and his English team of explorers and scientists had been conducting research in Antarctica

and collected years of data on seasonal cycles on the continent.

These lines show what they estimated average temperatures would be throughout the year,

with summer ranging from around 30 to negative 10 degrees Fahrenheit, and huge drops beginning

around April.

Remember this chart because later, it will help us understand Scott's decision-making.

Scott planned to use pony transport for the first 425 miles across the Ross Ice Shelf,

shoot them at the base of the Beardmore Glacier, and finish the rest of the journey on foot.

Which included a 125-mile hike across the top of the glacier, 350 more miles to the

pole, and all the way back again, all while hauling hundreds of pounds of equipment.

Using ponies and brute strength made sense to Scott at the time:

British explorers had used this method to haul equipment during an earlier attempt on

the South Pole.

Plus, the English didn't have experience with the other good option: dog teams.

And they believed man-hauling was the surest way to make the tricky climb up the glacier

and on to the Polar Plateau, where the South Pole sits.

It was hard, slow work, but the route they were on had reached the plateau before, and

it seemed to be worth the effort.

But Scott's team wasn't alone.

Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen was camped nearby.

And he wanted to get to the pole first.

The Norwegian team, all of them expert skiers, knew how to travel in cold conditions.

And to make matters worse for the English, Amundsen had dogs — and he knew how to use them.

News of the Norwegians' last-minute bid worried Scott, but he was still optimistic.

Amundsen had started about 60 miles closer to the pole but was taking a route not yet

proven to be passable.

Coming against an unknown obstacle

or falling into an unmarked crevasse could end his attempt prematurely.

But that's not how it happened.

By the time Scott reached his goal, Amundsen's flag was there waiting for him.

The Norwegians and their dogs had comfortably reached the pole five weeks earlier

and were almost back to their starting point by the time the English arrived.

Scott and his team were heartbroken.

They took this photo outside of Amundsen's tent the day they started their long journey back.

Scott wrote:

Left a note to say I had visited the tent with companions.

Bowers photographing and Wilson sketching.

We have turned our back now on the goal of our ambition and must face our 800 miles of

solid dragging — and good-bye to most of the daydreams!

This is where the trouble really begins.

It's mid-January in this photo —

still the height of the Antarctic summer.

Told you this chart was coming back.

According to their research, the team had about 3 months left before temperatures on

the Ross Ice Shelf, the last leg of the journey back, would drop to deadly levels.

That left plenty of time to make the long trek on foot.

But this isn't what happened in 1912.

This is that average line again, and these are the temperatures Scott's party endured

that summer: consecutive days of temperatures around minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Those conditions, at prolonged exposure, are not survivable.

The first man died here — he collapsed and soon went comatose following several falls

on the glacier.

The next man died about a month later, after crippling frostbite in his hands and feet

began hurting the team's progress and their chances of survival.

Nearly unable to walk, he left the tent and sacrificed himself to a snowstorm.

The last three, including Scott, made it here before getting trapped in their tent by a blizzard,

just 11 miles from the supply depot that would have saved their lives.

The tent, along with the bodies, journals, and photographs, was found 8 months later

by a search team.

As time went on, Scott's legacy vacillated between fearless explorer and bumbling fool

who tried to take ponies into the Antarctic.

But the thing is his plan should have worked.

Measurements from modern weather stations along his route show the predictions he was

relying on were impressively accurate.

What Scott couldn't have known is that 1912 was an anomaly — the temperatures his party

suffered through occur roughly once every 15 years, turning an already risky venture

into a hopeless one.

The photo they took outside of Amundsen's tent was meant to be a gentlemanly admission

of defeat at the end of a long race.

But instead, it was the starting line of a race they didn't see coming — a desperate

attempt to escape from the coldest place on Earth.

Darkroom is a new series I'm working on where each episode tells a story based around

a single photograph.

Here's a quick look at some upcoming episodes.

And you should also check out our new YouTube membership program, the Video Lab.

For a monthly fee, subscribers get access to tons of special features.

I'll be sharing stuff there that I come across while making Darkroom, so if you're

interested, head on over to and sign up.

See you there.

For more infomation >> The deadly race to the South Pole - Duration: 5:37.


挑戰Google超瞎翻譯,你絕對猜不到這是哪道菜! feat. 劉沛 - Duration: 14:17.

For more infomation >> 挑戰Google超瞎翻譯,你絕對猜不到這是哪道菜! feat. 劉沛 - Duration: 14:17.


Impact of unrest in Venezuela on the oil market - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Impact of unrest in Venezuela on the oil market - Duration: 5:53.


Storm Team 8 Forecast - Daybreak 020419 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Storm Team 8 Forecast - Daybreak 020419 - Duration: 2:09.


Downsizing To-Do List Apps - Duration: 4:56.

And welcome back to the keep productive YouTube channel on today's future

I wanted to talk to you all about how to downsize your to-do-list application

This is becoming increasingly popular as a way to simplify a lot of your workflows and processes

So I want to talk about the reasons why people would do this and a few things around about best practices for you to consider


Downsizing so let's dive into today's video

So I know many people are considering this move

It's a move to reduce complexity move from a bigger and more complex to lose application to something simpler and easier to control

in everyday use and this is becoming more popular with those who are retiring soon those who cannot use a

fully-fledged task manager at workplace for security reasons or those who already have a big

Useful work based project management tool. That means they don't need a fully fledged task manager for at home

So it can come in many different

Experiences and even many people are looking in the case of workplace stress trying to get something simple to get started and build foundations

And I definitely think basic to nudist applications have a place and they definitely help people to get started

They're brilliant foundations. So you're probably wondering what are basic to do this applications

What do they include so some of the basic tools include Microsoft to do Google Tasks?

Apple reminders Google heap goober we do and other such tools

They really don't have a huge amount of complexity

They have the basic ability to add due dates and a few notes

Sometimes the ability and subtasks and see lists per project and this is really simple and a great way for people to build up

Foundations. So let's start with a scenario

So let's say we have someone who is retiring very soon who's under being self-employed or in the workplace for many years using todoist

Day-to-day as a task manager now during this period of time and in this transition, they might not necessarily

Want to continue using todoist maybe the tool has become too complex for their own day-to-day uses

they don't necessarily find value in labels and filters abilities and some of the other features seem

Underused when they're using it every single day so they might move to something like mark soft to do or Google Tasks

So there you can use it in a more casual basis now

Naturally that's gonna take a bit of time to get used to but it's definitely something to consider

Another scenario is you could have moved into a new workplace

Where your workplace has a project manager that centralizes most your tasks for work and your own personal to-do list

this is popular with apps like clique up which have a solo plan and allows you to separate work in life a lot easier and

This is becoming more and more common

So you can see in these two scenarios are an opportunity for people to move to more simple to do this tap vacations

So here are some things to consider when you're moving or downsizing your to do this application ask yourself

Are you overwhelmed by the use of your tool above the task itself?

Are you getting stressed out by how much you're having to maintain the tool?

Above the actual completion of the task itself if you're asking yourself this question

Chances are you might need to downsize?

Because you're probably overwhelming yourself

The second question is are you using tool to its full capacity?

If you find yourself not utilizing it and you're paying for the service. Maybe it is time to downsize. Maybe you've over compensated

So for example, you could be using an intermediate level of the application, which is absolutely fine

But for example with you're only on basic use and you hammer take advantage of the advanced use of the application

Then chances are you might need to downsize so one of the topics is well to have a look at is essentialism

this is something I've seen on many Tim Ferriss podcasts and which has recently helped me with a lot of

Expenses and I'm pushing out. So for example, let's take the tools. We use every single day. Are we utilizing these tools?

Are we making full advantage of them or can we reduce down to something simpler something that's going to be more?

Fine-tuned for the things you're gonna be doing and something that I recommend when you're moving to different experiences in your life

But there's also something called scaling down and it's definitely worth considering so guys. Hopefully this was a nice overview

Let me know in the comments what you thought of this video. This is just a couple of thoughts and somethings to consider

But let me know if you like them

Anyway guys if you're brand new hit the subscription button keye productive be great to have you here in this community

Anyway guys, thank you so much, and I'll see you guys very very soon


For more infomation >> Downsizing To-Do List Apps - Duration: 4:56.


Miami To Host Super Bowl 54 In 2020 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Miami To Host Super Bowl 54 In 2020 - Duration: 3:09.


11 Bad Men's Style "Rules" to Ignore - Disregard These Tips - Duration: 17:41.

Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette!

In today's video we'll be discussing a number of supposed style rules or pieces of advice

that you may have heard before that we don't necessarily think you need to follow all the

time or in some cases at all.

Our primary mission here at the Gentleman's Gazette is to educate our audience about what

it means to be a Gentleman.

And a big portion of that has to do with the history and traditions of classic menswear.

Often when men are discussing these menswear traditions their conversation can come to

be framed in terms of style rules that must be followed at all costs.

While we certainly do believe that there are great many pieces of advice that are rooted

in sound logic and the principles of aesthetics, thinking always in terms of ironclad rules

that have to be followed is simplistic and pedantic and limits your options in terms

of what you can wear stylishly.

In other words you don't have to think of some of these things as rules that have to

be followed a hundred percent of the time and some of the things we're going to mention

today can just be discarded altogether.

With that said then, here are some supposed rules or pieces of advice that we think can

be bent, broken or just left aside.

These aren't necessarily in any particular order of importance but we've numbered them

today just to keep things consistent throughout the video.

Here is piece of advice number one, just wear a suit and you'll automatically look fantastic.

While this piece of advice does advocate for dressing up which of course we support, it's

a little bit too simplistic in nature.

As we've said countless times before in the channel, fit is the most important factor

when wearing any outfit.

You may have a suit that's constructed from the most luxurious materials available but

if it doesn't fit your frame properly it's still going to look sloppy.

For a complete overview on how a suit should fit properly you can take a look at two videos

on the subject here.

Number two, two closely related tips the more clothes you have in your closet the better

and if it's on sale in a store buy it.

Here's the thing about these two related pieces of advice.

Ultimately, quantity does not equal quality.

You don't need to have a pair of pants in every color under the sun or a jacket for

each day of the month in your closet.

There's nothing wrong with having options, of course, but having a modestly sized closet

full of garments that you wear regularly and that look good on you will ultimately serve

you just as well if not better than having an excess of options.

This dovetails into another tip don't buy something you're not going to wear.

Even if you see a deal in a store and it's 90% off, if you don't think the garment in

question is one that's going to look good on you or one that won't harmonize with other

pieces in your wardrobe, don't buy it.

Save your money however small the amount may be for something that you will wear regularly.

On that note you can check out our video on building an effective capsule wardrobe here.

Number three, another two closely related tips if something is expensive it must be

of high quality and you should only buy name-brand items.

These are sort of the reverse of the tip about items being on sale.

Just because something is very expensive or has a brand name associated with it doesn't

necessarily mean that it's high quality.

Oftentimes you're really just going to be paying the extra money for the brand name


Whenever you're buying any garment, your primary focus should be on the quality of construction,

the materials used and whether that garment in question will work well with other pieces

in your wardrobe.

For a great illustration of this principle, you can check out the playlist for our ongoing

series "Is it worth it?" here.

Number four, an easy way to get started with dressing better is to follow some of the current

trends that are going on.

It's never a bad thing of course to want to upgrade your personal style unless you're

just doing it for superficial reasons or to fish for compliments.

If you go out and buy a bunch of items of clothing that are trendy at the moment chances

are that they're probably going to be out of fashion in a year or maybe even less time.

After all trends are trends for a reason.

Instead just invest in quality garments that follow these solid principles of aesthetics:

fit, function, color theory and so on.

If you do this, people's compliments about your improving style will be genuine as will

their respect.

Number five, a general tip and a more specific tip.

Everything in your outfit should match and more specifically that you can't wear black

and brown together.

People often advocate for a monochromatic look because it's a relatively safe way of

looking put together after all you won't have any wildly clashing colors if you're wearing

all the same color.

Similarly, people say that black and brown are two fundamentally different in terms of

formality to be paired together both of these tips require a bit more nuance to be helpful


First of all not every article of clothing in your outfit has to match exactly.

The thing you should be shooting for is for all of your garments to harmonize in a way

that's aesthetically pleasing.

For example, you could be wearing an all-black outfit but keep in mind that there are subtle

variations in shades of black between different garments of different fabrics and with different

dyes and so on.

And if some of these blacks in your clothes are looking almost the same but not quite

this can be jarring to the eye.

And it might have been a better decision to wear something in different colors that harmonized


Similarly black and brown can absolutely be worn together if the garments in question

harmonize in terms of intensity and formality.

Take for example the outfit that I'm wearing today.

My casual black cardigan goes well with the brown elements in my outfit because they're

also similarly casual.

Number six, pieces of advice on fit.

Things like you should wear all slim fit clothing if you want to look thinner or larger men

should only wear clothing that's more roomy.

The bottom line with any advice in terms of fit is this.

Properly fitted garments are ones that are proportional to your individual frame and

thus that flatter you well.

As an example if a larger man is wearing slim fit clothing in order to look thinner but

the garments are actually too tight on him all of the wrinkling and tugging in different

places around the outfit is just going to make him look too big for his clothing.

On the other hand a big man who has too much fabric on his frame is just going to look

like a tent.

Any well fitting article of clothing on you should be just loose enough to be comfortable

and let you be mobile but still fitted enough so that it's not billowing, sagging, dragging,

or so on.

You can take a look at our recent video style guide for the slim man here, which covers

some related advice to this tip for thinner men.

And, stay tuned for future videos for men of different body types.

Number seven, some old chestnuts about what to wear, when.

Like no wearing white after Labor Day, no wearing white before Memorial Day or no Brown

in town.

All of these supposed rules are entirely antiquated today.

They got their start in the 19th century as a way for the old money aristocracy to easily

socially separate themselves from the new money or nouveau riche as well as the lower


These old sayings are just rooted in classism and social stratification and as such they

really don't have any place in the 21st century.

While it is true that some informally styled brown suits or other brown ensembles aren't

totally appropriate for traditional white-collar business settings even this is starting to

change to some extent.

On a related note you can take a look at our videos on business attire and what to wear

as a lawyer here.

In the broad-strokes for all of these tips however just remember that if it looks good

on you you can wear it at any time.

Number eight, if your trousers have belt loops you have to wear a belt. This tip comes from

the fact that above all most men's clothing really is rooted in purpose and utility.

Belt loops are another similarly utilitarian feature.

After all belts are designed to hold up your trousers but they were also historically used

to carry things for men who were working.

Because this use for belts is really only confined to a few industries or applications

these days, you won't see belts in as many situations.

And think of it this way, if your trousers are really fitting properly you won't absolutely

have to have a belt to hold them up.

As such you've got a variety of options for how to keep your trousers up whether or not

they have belt loops.

You could wear suspenders if your trousers also have suspender buttons.

You could use side adjusters if your trousers have both loops and adjusters.

You could use an old tie as a belt if you wanted to go for an especially casual look

or yes you could go beltless.

Ultimately here you just have to keep in mind the level of formality of the outfit you're

trying to assemble.

On a related note for a comprehensive guide on how pants should fit you can check out

our video on that topic, here.

Number nine, you always have to match the leathers and the metals in your outfits.

This guideline is designed to help men who are just starting out with the principles

of classic style to assemble outfits that are more harmonious.

And while it's never going to look bad if you match the metals or the leathers in your

outfit you can also be tasteful about bending this rule.

For example you could be wearing gold cufflinks and a watch with a subtle and tasteful silver

case or you could be wearing a darker brown belt with slightly lighter brown shoes.

In either of these cases no one is going to arrest you if you try to wear these items


The key with pairing any articles of clothing is to make sure that no single element of

your outfit is overpowering.

As long as everything is working in harmony together and your elements are tasteful, you

can go ahead and wear slightly different metals or leathers in the same outfit.

With that said there are certain metallic tones and leather colors that harmonize better

with specific skin tones.

For a video on how to find the right individual colors for your skin tone, you can go here.

Number 10, you should always match your socks to either your pants or your shoes.

This one has its roots and aesthetics basically the thinking is that if you match the color

of your socks to the color of your shoes, your leg line is going to be broken up when

you sit down or when your socks are otherwise exposed.

Similarly if you match the color of your socks to that of your pants, your leg line is always

going to look longer.

And while these two fundamental rules are true and sound, that doesn't mean that you

always have to feel like your socks should match your pants directly.

After all there's been an ongoing trend over the last few decades for more crazy and colorful


And while we don't necessarily advocate for socks that are really out there, you can feel

free to wear them if you think they work with your casual outfit.

Otherwise for a slightly more formal outfit feel free to match your socks to your shirt,

your tie, or some other element of your outfit.

Again the key here is harmony.

It's always going to be safest and most conservative if you match your socks to your pants but

you don't have to do so 100% of the time.

And finally, just follow all of the advice of your favorite style youtubers or authors

to the letter and you can't go wrong.

Obviously, we here at the Gentleman's Gazette think that we're providing the best advice

possible to all men who are looking to upgrade their style.

And while we do hope that you'll follow the guidelines we put out.

Keep in mind that they are just that, guidelines.

If you want to experiment to some extent to find your own personal style and expression,

go ahead and do so!

After all at the end of the day you are you and you can express your individuality however

you so choose.

In conclusion then it's most helpful to think of the principles of classic menswear more

as guidelines and guardrails than hard and fast rules.

Some of these can be bent, some of them can be broken from time to time, and some of them

can be discarded completely.

If you're just starting out on your menswear journey it can be helpful to follow some of

these pieces of advice more closely so that you won't be making grave mistakes.

As you become more experienced however by knowing more of these guidelines you'll be

able to break them tastefully.

And if you happen to have any questions on specific types of garments, let's say for

example about pleated pants perhaps you can check out the playlist for our video series

"Should you wear?" here.

So what did you think of our list?

Are there any that you really think we got dead wrong in our advice?

Do you think some of these rules should still be followed to the letter or do you have a

different perspective?

Whatever the case may be, share with us in the comments below.

And of course a reminder as always, to subscribe to the Gentleman's Gazette YouTube channel

and hit the little bell icon so that videos like these can come straight to your inbox.

In today's video, I'm wearing an outfit that is attempting to illustrate how to tastefully

bend some of these supposed rules.

I'm wearing an off-white shirt today.

It provides a good amount of contrast with the black cardigan but because it's off-white

and not bright white it still harmonizes with the brown tones elsewhere in my outfit.

The shirt has French cuffs and of course I'm not wearing it with a jacket, but the cuffs

are situated in a barrel style to be worn under the sleeves of the sweater and I'm also

just wearing simple unobtrusive black cufflinks.

I am wearing an old black necktie as a belt today but that's not really for any particular

style statement.

It's meant to be unseen.

I'm wearing a tie because it's a little bit less bulky under my sweater so it provides

a better silhouette.

Still this illustrates a principle in that even though my trousers have belt loops I'm

not wearing them with an actual belt.

My socks which are brown in color and also feature a subtle diamond pattern don't directly

match either my trousers or my shoes but because everything is in different shades of brown

it's still harmonious.

And speaking of my shoes, their wingtip derby that feature heavy broguing and their tan

in color so they harmonize with both my socks and my

trousers and also their informal in nature which helps them harmonize with my cardigan


My cufflinks are relatively simple today but I could have gotten away with wearing something

just a little bit more ornate.

Take for example the Eagle Claw cufflinks in the Fort Belvedere shop.

Either gold ones with tiger's eye as the stone for a more brown feel or the sterling silver

ones with onyx as the stone for a more black feel.

On that note you can take a look at those cufflinks as well as various other types of

jewelry, neck wear, accessories and so on in the Fort Belvedere shop here.

For more infomation >> 11 Bad Men's Style "Rules" to Ignore - Disregard These Tips - Duration: 17:41.


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Said He Won't Step Down Without A Fight - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Said He Won't Step Down Without A Fight - Duration: 0:37.


கணவர்களின் வலி புரிந்துகொண்ட மனைவிகளுக்கு மட்டுமே தெரியும் மறக்காம இந்த வீடியோ பாருங்கள் பகிருங்கள் - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> கணவர்களின் வலி புரிந்துகொண்ட மனைவிகளுக்கு மட்டுமே தெரியும் மறக்காம இந்த வீடியோ பாருங்கள் பகிருங்கள் - Duration: 1:43.


12 Most Beautiful Homemade Cookies Decorating Ideas For Party | So Yummy Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:16.

12 Most Beautiful Homemade Cookies Decorating Ideas For Party | So Yummy Cake Recipes

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> 12 Most Beautiful Homemade Cookies Decorating Ideas For Party | So Yummy Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:16.


Honda CR-V 2.0i V-TEC 4WD Executive - Winterbandenset - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i V-TEC 4WD Executive - Winterbandenset - Duration: 1:16.


Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, I'm Beetroot Art and today will tell,

what stages can be broken work on any watercolor drawing.

1. We are determined by the fact that we draw.

After the object of drawing is chosen, we pay attention to what it attracted us with -

what is particularly like about him.

For example: what attracted me to these peppers?

Their contrast to each other, glossy surface or shape ..

All these features need to be fixed in the head or on paper.

2. The choice of composition.

We determine how the objects will be located in relation to each other and on the sheet

I make a sketch on a sheet of writing paper, where there are peppers,

to make sure the correct composition.

3. Decomposition by tone.

Very important stage.

It is necessary to decide which object in the image will be the lightest,

which one is the darkest, as well as highlight the tones between them.

It is very useful and convenient to make a tone sketch with a soft pencil,

where the brightest areas to leave open;

and the darkest highlight very dense color.

I have a special notebook where I make similar sketches.

4. Layering and order of work on the picture.

We need to make a clear outline of the drawing sequence.

Based on the previous 3rd paragraph, we determine that we will paint with the first layer,

second, where and how we will specify in the final work.

Usually in watercolor, work begins with light objects.

For example In the peppers, I will begin work on the highlights.

I recommend to see any object stained.

This will facilitate the work on any plot, and also doesn't take much time for its execution.

Detailed masterclass on these peppers you can find on the link above.

I hope these tips can help you too.

Inspiration to you and successful creativity.

For more infomation >> Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.


Adistya Mayasari - Cukup Semene [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Adistya Mayasari - Cukup Semene [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:26.


" BEGINILAH KITA " Eps. Bukan Kelengkeng | Collab with Maell lee - Duration: 8:01.

Not a Longan

104, 105, 106, 107..

Honey, go honey. You can do it !

Don't give up. Although your body is thin.

Hurry up!


Go Boss!

This is too much!

Go Honey.. // Go Boss..

Go honey, go.. you can do it!

Go honey..


how noisy you are!

Go Honey..

Go Boss..

Mad Kucil: 99% The Original Curly Monster.

Maell Lee: The Strongest Goon on Earth.

Go Honey..

Go Honey.. Go!

Go Boss!



Go Honey..

Go go Maell Lee!

Go Honey!

Go go Maell Lee!

Go Honey!

Go Boss!




You said you're a strongest goon on earth?

But you lose!

I'm Mad Kucil, not a longan!

You are superb, honey!

Of course I am!

You are really strong!

How fucking strong that ugly boy, Marcow!

Wow you were amazing, honey.

You can beat that stronger goon on earth!

I'm so proud to have a boyfriend like you.

It should be like that, babe.

As a man, I should be strong and should be reliable.

If there is someone bothering, just do

(imitating the martial arts style)

Where's the money?

Here you are, Boss!


These are plenty, Marcow.

How crazy that boy.

I don't know how many girls have been tricked.

It must be a lot, boss

Until he bribed us.

Later, please!

Let's eating out!

I agree, boss!




Get out!

What's wrong with this guy!

Get out!

I don't know..

Get Out!

Is he on rally?

Get Out!

Why our genre to be action !

I don't know, Honey!

Our genre should be comedy ?


Argghh, how can be he is weak as a man.

But really he's a coward

But.. I love him, but I hate too. Arggh

Why do you walking back and forth in front of me?

Do you think I'm horny with you?

Then you think I'm walking back and forth for your horny?

Hey! If you walking back and forth once again!

I'll throw this phone to your face!

Why you don't throw it? I'm waiting

WTH! Are you really want me to do?

Here you go!

Fuck! You said you'll throw your phone?

My phone is more precious!

So don't you dare to said it!

(Phone is Ringing)

Oh hallo, babe!

Just listen, I wanna have a boyfriend that can be relied

I'm so sorry, babe.

Not all problems should be done with violence and hitting each other.

It can be discuss carefully, with a cup of coffee that can make spoiled our tongue, isn't it?

I don't wanna have a boyfriend that can't protect me.

How can you protect me if you can't take care of yourself?


Stop! I'm busy right now, don't call me!

But you were call me..


Cimit is angry with me again!


I'm bored you both always fighting!

Oh, it means you have tired to be my friend?

You have tired to borrow my money?


Okay, what's going on? You both always fighting.

Please let me know, because I'm your friend!


Hey, get out!

Is there something, dude?

There is block, knife, also hammer!

Sorry dude, I don't want to buy it

I already have in my home, I swear

Allahu Akbar, blacky!

I don't want to sell it, I want your money!

Give me your money or you will die!

Can I pay it by transfer?

Do you think I'm Indomerit? Please give me what you have now!

Here you go.

What is it?

It's money, dude!

I knew it.. but it is less!

I don't have more money, dude!

Oh, you'll die!

Please have mercy on me!


give me your wallet, please!

Why should my wallet?

It's better than I've to die. Give me, please!

Hurry up!


Good! Lucky you, I can't driving.

If I can, I must be take your car away!

Oh yeah, I realized it..

Of course!

Thanks a lot, dude!

No matter. Go away!

Don't you report this to the police.

If you do. I will tell your parents that you both dating in under ages!

Go Away!

How sneak you are, Cil! And you can't prove her that you can be protect her?



You're a man, a man should be able to do martial arts.

Not for show off, but to protect the people we love.


I agree with you but please, you act like a sissy!

I've made a mistake.

This is me when I'm in emotional situation

Well, I don't care. Then, what should I do?

Why don't you ask for a help to Maell? To revenge that goon.

If I ask for a help to Maell, Cimit will feel queer.

Queer? What do you mean?

Actually, I did an arm wrestling with Maell in front of Cimit, and I won

You won? Did an arm wrestling with Maell?

How strong you are!

Yes, I've paid him

Huhh, you same with a political activity!

I have an idea. Why don't you ask Maell to teach you to revenge that goon?

So you can prove to Cimit that you are really a strong man!

What else do you want?

I need your help, Ell.

What kind of help ?

Please help me to be strong!

For more infomation >> " BEGINILAH KITA " Eps. Bukan Kelengkeng | Collab with Maell lee - Duration: 8:01.


Naval Traditions: Naval Cookery | World of Warships - Duration: 4:46.

Naval Traditions

Naval Cookery

Did you know that on today's fashionable restaurant menus you can find dishes

that were once invented by ordinary sailors?

Take, for example, farinata.

According to a legend, it was invented in the 13th century

by Genoese sailors coming back home after their victory over Pisa.

During a storm, several barrels with olive oil and chickpea flour

broke in one of the ships' holds.

Their contents mixed with the sea water and,

as there were no more provisions left on the ship,

the sailors tried to dry the mixture in the sun.

The flatbreads turned out to be so tasty

they were called "the gold of Pisa".

Or this one.

Labskaus is an old-time dish of North European sailors.

Corned beef, herring, potatoes, pickled beetroot,

eggs, onions, and pickled cucumbers

were all thrown into a cauldron and stewed for a long time.

It is believed that "labskaus" means "a dish for sturdy men"

in one of the European dialects.

In ancient Greece, the basis for the seafarers' diet

was constituted by the so-called "Mediterranean triad"—

wheat, olive oil, and wine.

Since it was mostly slaves who were rowers at that time,

no one really cared about the diversity of their menu.

Captains and merchants, on the other hand, are a different matter:

their tables were overflowing with delicacies.

There were quite original solutions, too.

For example, it is known that the ancient Chinese fleet

included ships used for growing rice.

A sort of floating plantation.

The most recognizable attribute of the seafarers' ration—

the biscuit—has survived unchanged to this day.

Oh, how many lives it has saved, this bullet-proof piece of stale bread.

During Columbus' expedition,

every sailor received 50 grams of beans,

half a litre of wine, and 700 grams of biscuits daily.

That's the ration that once helped people discover new lands.

Glory to His Majesty the Biscuit!

The life of a sailor has never been easy.

In the Golden Age of sailing, when Britain ruled the seas,

food supplies on Royal Navy ships became the concern of the State.

From the Crown, sailors received a kilo of corned beef each week,

which could also be used to make buttons.

As for crackers, experienced sailors advised to eat them in the dark

so you wouldn't see the worms swarming in them,

while the rum provided to sailors on a daily basis

was just a very diluted sweet pop wine.

Surprisingly enough, English sailors never rioted because of bad food.

In the second half of the 19th century, preserves were invented.

The technology for packaging ready-to-use products into tin cans

on an industrial scale revolutionized the ship's food procurement.

Home-made fast-food, though, didn't lose its popularity.

During World War II, British and American sailors could have coffee with a sandwich

while in the action station, attendants on duty on the Japanese Imperial fleet ships

could grab a bite of onigiri— rice balls filled with fish or vegetables.

At the beginning of the 20th century,

the Russian Imperial Navy served pasta with meat to sailors

as a reward for heavy emergency work on the ship,

for example, for the loading of coal.

Today, there's hardly anyone in Russia who doesn't know pasta navy-style.

Naval culinary tradition is a fusion of sailors' centuries-old experience,

cultural traditions of different peoples, and governmental regulations.

It is true, though, that today a sailor's meal doesn't differ much

from that of an ordinary worker's at a factory canteen.

Traditional naval dishes can be sampled at any port city restaurant.

For more infomation >> Naval Traditions: Naval Cookery | World of Warships - Duration: 4:46.


PELO BRASIL - Duration: 2:44.

-Holy fuck! -God dammit!

Get down! Get down!

Soldiers! We may've lost this battle but we won't lose the war!

Let's get out of here and kill every enemy on sight!

For our honor!

I'm sorry, for what?

-For our honor! -For honor, Colonel?

All due respect, but there's so many bullets.

-Dude's got a bazooka! -Yeah, a fucker with a bazooka.

Not to mention we're outnumbered. And you wanna talk about honor?

This war didn't make sense before,

and now it makes even less, sorry!

-Then let's fight for Brazil! -Shit, now it's worse.

"For honor" at least had some usefulness.

But for Brazil? You been going there?

Have you been to Brazil? Be honest.

-It's been a while. -Nothing works there anymore.

It's pretty bad.

If you just said: "Let's stop fighting for Brazil

and fight for Norway!"

It'd be kinda bizarre, but we'd do it.

"For Japan!" Great, I love yakisoba.

It's not Japanese, but they do it, too.

We can fight for Japan. But Brazil?

Brazil's not worth it, sorry.

Get fucking down!

-Then let's fight for our dignity! -He's impossible today!

Dignity, Colonel?

We've been shitting in front of each other for over 2 years.

Fuck, mosquitoes here the size of hummingbirds.

Gonçalo blows the whole fucking platoon

in exchange for instant noodles. Yeah, I said it!

And you wanna talk dignity? All due respect,

we'd better keep quiet to avoid grenades!

Then let's fight for one reason!

Because I'm the Colonel and I said so!

Nope, can't do it. It doesn't add up.

Lemme tell you something, speaking for myself,

I'm out! Fuck the world!

Anyone else wanna quit?


If everyone wants to leave, there's nothing I can do.

Let's retreat!

-Thank God. -Where are you going?

I'm gonna eat my noodles at home.

-Why? -Wait, we got noodles here.

For Gonçalo, for Gonçalo. For Gonçalo!

Let's go! Move!

What the hell? How'd you get that?


-Know what I did for this? -Show some respect.

You owe me three packets!

-Three packets of noodles! -Lower your voice!

-You left me all alone here! -You said we'd be together!


And you do this to me?

Shit, Rafa...

Don't do this to me, man.

-Don't do this. Gimme some. -See if it's clear.

-Just a bite. -Here you go.

For more infomation >> PELO BRASIL - Duration: 2:44.


NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster - Duration: 5:15.

NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster

For more infomation >> NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster - Duration: 5:15.


GUARDIANS OF EMBER Review ENG SUB | Hack´n ´Slay MMO + Beta Link GoE | Vossi - Duration: 5:43.

Hey guys! I have been asked to look at the game

Guardians of Ember

I agreed to that!

Played the game for 7 hours and wrote down some points

and here is my review for that!

First things first, you got to create a character!

you can choose 4 races

Human, fairy, dwarf and Neia

It's a mere aesthetic decision. After you choose your race,

you choose your class

You can choose Knight, Hunter, Engineer, Acanist, Priest and Dark Knight

Every race can choose any class

After, you can adjust visual modifications on your character

You can adjust hair, beard, skin colour and more, just like your personal preferences

when you finished creating your character

the tutorial starts immediately

it is created very minimalistic. You won't find any monologue

instead, you will find yourself on a battlefield

and you will have to defeat your first enemies.

Learning by doing is the motto

and I, as a player, liked that a lot

there is not really a great story

you will merely understand that you are on a battlefield

and that you have to protect the society against bad monsters

You will do this!

and help some NPCs to defeat the monsters

After, you will get your first tasks and will have to travel to some different areas

the cool thing is, that when you travel to a new area,

you will first have to explore the map in order to see something on the mini map

Every step you take, will explore the map a little

and the minimap will evolve a little more

countless quests are awaiting you!

some of which will lead you to dungeons

any dungeon is playable in 3 different difficulties

if you managed level 1 you unlock level 2

if you managed level 2 you unlock level 3

the special thing is, you get different loot

and of course, the harder the difficulty the better the loot you drop

every new level you achieve,

will get you a skill point

and status points that are free for your use

the nice thing about skills is

that after every second skill points that is invested,

the skill will be improved, it will reach a new form

later, you can develop skills of a second class

it will give you a lot of options to

optimize your skillset

as I said earlier, you will

get equipment as reward for dungeons but

you also get that from monsters that you find on the way

the worth of the equipment is visible in the colour of the font

grey things aren't that good, greens are better

and blue things are very good

the equipment has a lot of boni. What I really liked

is, that you will see immediately, if

the boni is better or worse if equipped

furthermore, you can choose vor different variations

either you choose a two-handed weapon,

that does more damage... or

you use a one-handed weapon and a shield

that gives you a lot of armor and naturally makes you more robust

lastly, you have your very own home

that you can design however you want

Obviously, I was only able to test the "beginners-stuff"

but, I have been sent a picture how it could look

in that area, you have a huge inventory

to store things, that you can't use right now or can't wear right now.

ok guys, How did I like the game?

I have to say, I had a lot of fun trying it

Although, it was the first game I tried in that genre

It wasn't too hard and not too hard

I had to adjust to the user interface and to the in-game camera

after approximately 1 hour, it was not a problem

the hotkeys

such as the backpack with the button "B" was easy to find out

what I didn't like that much were the inbetween-scenes

although they were very-well made, I would have preferred the dialogues to be spoken by the characters

as the gaming community is very international

the english language would have been sufficient ...

what I really liked though, is that the maps have to be explored

and that while doing so, one will discover map-events and can do those with over players

also, I believe that the game has a huge PVP potential

as I heard that you can do duels with, for example, 3vs3

Furthermore, the dungeons are very well made

for one, I even needed 30 minutes

personally, I played a dark-knight dwarf

I can only recommend that one

In case you wanna have a look at the game during the beta

you will find the link in the video description, as well as in the pinned comment

I really hope you liked the review, please leave some feedback

I'd really appreciate it

see you! greetings, Vossi!

For more infomation >> GUARDIANS OF EMBER Review ENG SUB | Hack´n ´Slay MMO + Beta Link GoE | Vossi - Duration: 5:43.


Welcome to CUPOCAFE - the introduction (love of coffee) - Duration: 1:58.

hi my name is Theo and this is jonathan Hi my name is Melissa and welcome

here at cupocafe our passion is people and connecting people with a good cup of

coffee we strive to develop the coffee culture in our community by introducing

to you guys special a home brewing methods and perfectly roasted Arabica


so come on over to our store we would love to introduce you to home brewing

methods we would love to help you activate your coffee pallet with

different single-engine coffee's

or press the botton's down here if you would like to learn more...

click them click it

For more infomation >> Welcome to CUPOCAFE - the introduction (love of coffee) - Duration: 1:58.



For more infomation >> ЗАСМЕЯЛСЯ - ПРОИГРАЛ / ТЕСТ НА ПСИХИКУ - BEST MEMES #14 - Duration: 5:03.




For more infomation >> Son GoKu VS OPTIMUS PRIME AND BUMBLEBEE! Son GoKu VS FRIEZA, CELL AND MAJIN BUU ! EPIC BATTLE - Duration: 20:17.


淡路島MTBパーク!里山に自転車キャンプの拠点を作りたい - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 淡路島MTBパーク!里山に自転車キャンプの拠点を作りたい - Duration: 6:10.


Dont'a Hightower's Girlfriend Morgan Is 'Home' With Her Man | - Duration: 6:07.

Dont'a Hightower's Girlfriend Morgan Is 'Home' With Her Man |

Dont'a Hightower is in Atlanta, Georgia, for tonight's Super Bowl.

He and his team, the New England Patriots, will be taking on the Los Angeles Rams in an epic showdown that is sure to keep fans of both teams on the edge of their seats.

Hightower, who was selected by the Patriots in the first round of the 2012 NFL Draft, will have the support of his longtime girlfriend, Morgan Hart.

As previously reported by Heavy, the two have been together for seven years and are so incredibly in love.

Before Hightower left for ATL, Hart shared a sweet photo of her and her man.

The pic was taken at an event a couple of weeks ago.

"Home," she captioned the shot, adding a red heart emoji.

The couple appeared to be standing in a restaurant and the background is blurred while Hightower and Hart are barely in focus.

The couple sweetly gazed into each other's eyes as someone captured the moment.

You can see the photo below.        .

Fans were quick to comment on the post, sending love and support to the couple and to the NFLer, who is hoping to win his third Super Bowl with the Pats.

"You guys are soooo cute!!! Your man is gonna kill it in the Super Bowl.

GO PATS!!" wrote one Instagram user.

"Everyone should find someone who looks at them like you two look at each other," added another.

"Beautiful Morgan.

Good Luck in the SuperBowl Dont'a.

Here we go again," echoed a third.

Hart will undoubtedly be at Mercedes-Benz Stadium for tonight's game.

It's going to be a huge night for Hightower and his teammates and Hart will be cheering them on the whole way.

Interestingly, she didn't make it out to Kansas City for the AFC Championship game.

She did, however, watch the intense game, which kept her on the edge of her seat.

"Y'all ever watched a game that had you so far on the edge of your seat you ran out of actual 'seat'? Totally lost feeling in my bum but it's fine 'cause ATL WE COMINNNN'" she captioned a photo of herself sitting on a coffee table in front of the television.

If the Patriots are able to hold off the Rams, you will more than likely see Hart on the field with Hightower, finding her "home" in his arms in front of thousands of screaming fans.

If the Patriots don't earn the outcome that they are hoping for, the team will still be applauded for doing a great job and having an outstanding season.

Hart is so proud of Hightower and that will not change no matter who wins Super Bowl LIII.

"For the last seven years, I have been honored to sit front row & watch you live out your biggest dream.

I like to call it your magic, because every time I watch you work, both on the field and off, there's just no other word to describe what I'm seeing.

Playing in the NFL is not for the faint of heart.

With every new season our lives have been changed, sometimes in little ways, sometimes in big.

Your first 5 seasons were remarkable, to say the least, but what you've done in the last two has been far more significant.

I know in ways no one else ever could what it means to you, being here on the eve of this AFC championship game.

I know how you fought to get back here, & I know how long the road back has been.

An uphill road that, at times, grew steep enough to make timid souls turn back.

But you? You climbed it so admirably.

The critics were loud in their bets against you (#gopats) – but you, my love, have been louder.

& I have never, ever been more proud of you.

I love you.

NOW LET'S DO THIS!!!!" Hart captioned a pic of Hightower a couple of weeks ago.

For more infomation >> Dont'a Hightower's Girlfriend Morgan Is 'Home' With Her Man | - Duration: 6:07.


GUARDIANS OF EMBER Review ENG SUB | Hack´n ´Slay MMO + Beta Link GoE | Vossi - Duration: 5:43.

Hey guys! I have been asked to look at the game

Guardians of Ember

I agreed to that!

Played the game for 7 hours and wrote down some points

and here is my review for that!

First things first, you got to create a character!

you can choose 4 races

Human, fairy, dwarf and Neia

It's a mere aesthetic decision. After you choose your race,

you choose your class

You can choose Knight, Hunter, Engineer, Acanist, Priest and Dark Knight

Every race can choose any class

After, you can adjust visual modifications on your character

You can adjust hair, beard, skin colour and more, just like your personal preferences

when you finished creating your character

the tutorial starts immediately

it is created very minimalistic. You won't find any monologue

instead, you will find yourself on a battlefield

and you will have to defeat your first enemies.

Learning by doing is the motto

and I, as a player, liked that a lot

there is not really a great story

you will merely understand that you are on a battlefield

and that you have to protect the society against bad monsters

You will do this!

and help some NPCs to defeat the monsters

After, you will get your first tasks and will have to travel to some different areas

the cool thing is, that when you travel to a new area,

you will first have to explore the map in order to see something on the mini map

Every step you take, will explore the map a little

and the minimap will evolve a little more

countless quests are awaiting you!

some of which will lead you to dungeons

any dungeon is playable in 3 different difficulties

if you managed level 1 you unlock level 2

if you managed level 2 you unlock level 3

the special thing is, you get different loot

and of course, the harder the difficulty the better the loot you drop

every new level you achieve,

will get you a skill point

and status points that are free for your use

the nice thing about skills is

that after every second skill points that is invested,

the skill will be improved, it will reach a new form

later, you can develop skills of a second class

it will give you a lot of options to

optimize your skillset

as I said earlier, you will

get equipment as reward for dungeons but

you also get that from monsters that you find on the way

the worth of the equipment is visible in the colour of the font

grey things aren't that good, greens are better

and blue things are very good

the equipment has a lot of boni. What I really liked

is, that you will see immediately, if

the boni is better or worse if equipped

furthermore, you can choose vor different variations

either you choose a two-handed weapon,

that does more damage... or

you use a one-handed weapon and a shield

that gives you a lot of armor and naturally makes you more robust

lastly, you have your very own home

that you can design however you want

Obviously, I was only able to test the "beginners-stuff"

but, I have been sent a picture how it could look

in that area, you have a huge inventory

to store things, that you can't use right now or can't wear right now.

ok guys, How did I like the game?

I have to say, I had a lot of fun trying it

Although, it was the first game I tried in that genre

It wasn't too hard and not too hard

I had to adjust to the user interface and to the in-game camera

after approximately 1 hour, it was not a problem

the hotkeys

such as the backpack with the button "B" was easy to find out

what I didn't like that much were the inbetween-scenes

although they were very-well made, I would have preferred the dialogues to be spoken by the characters

as the gaming community is very international

the english language would have been sufficient ...

what I really liked though, is that the maps have to be explored

and that while doing so, one will discover map-events and can do those with over players

also, I believe that the game has a huge PVP potential

as I heard that you can do duels with, for example, 3vs3

Furthermore, the dungeons are very well made

for one, I even needed 30 minutes

personally, I played a dark-knight dwarf

I can only recommend that one

In case you wanna have a look at the game during the beta

you will find the link in the video description, as well as in the pinned comment

I really hope you liked the review, please leave some feedback

I'd really appreciate it

see you! greetings, Vossi!

For more infomation >> GUARDIANS OF EMBER Review ENG SUB | Hack´n ´Slay MMO + Beta Link GoE | Vossi - Duration: 5:43.


For more infomation >> GUARDIANS OF EMBER Review ENG SUB | Hack´n ´Slay MMO + Beta Link GoE | Vossi - Duration: 5:43.


挑戰Google超瞎翻譯,你絕對猜不到這是哪道菜! feat. 劉沛 - Duration: 14:17.

For more infomation >> 挑戰Google超瞎翻譯,你絕對猜不到這是哪道菜! feat. 劉沛 - Duration: 14:17.


For more infomation >> 挑戰Google超瞎翻譯,你絕對猜不到這是哪道菜! feat. 劉沛 - Duration: 14:17.


ODS4 - Educación de Calidad (Resumen) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> ODS4 - Educación de Calidad (Resumen) - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> ODS4 - Educación de Calidad (Resumen) - Duration: 1:05.


NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster - Duration: 5:15.

NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster

For more infomation >> NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster - Duration: 5:15.


For more infomation >> NEW Nerf Mega Accustrike Bulldog Opening Review Nerf Blaster - Duration: 5:15.


Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, I'm Beetroot Art and today will tell,

what stages can be broken work on any watercolor drawing.

1. We are determined by the fact that we draw.

After the object of drawing is chosen, we pay attention to what it attracted us with -

what is particularly like about him.

For example: what attracted me to these peppers?

Their contrast to each other, glossy surface or shape ..

All these features need to be fixed in the head or on paper.

2. The choice of composition.

We determine how the objects will be located in relation to each other and on the sheet

I make a sketch on a sheet of writing paper, where there are peppers,

to make sure the correct composition.

3. Decomposition by tone.

Very important stage.

It is necessary to decide which object in the image will be the lightest,

which one is the darkest, as well as highlight the tones between them.

It is very useful and convenient to make a tone sketch with a soft pencil,

where the brightest areas to leave open;

and the darkest highlight very dense color.

I have a special notebook where I make similar sketches.

4. Layering and order of work on the picture.

We need to make a clear outline of the drawing sequence.

Based on the previous 3rd paragraph, we determine that we will paint with the first layer,

second, where and how we will specify in the final work.

Usually in watercolor, work begins with light objects.

For example In the peppers, I will begin work on the highlights.

I recommend to see any object stained.

This will facilitate the work on any plot, and also doesn't take much time for its execution.

Detailed masterclass on these peppers you can find on the link above.

I hope these tips can help you too.

Inspiration to you and successful creativity.

For more infomation >> Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.


For more infomation >> Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.


YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.


For more infomation >> YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.


Heartless Hathyara (Peiyena Peiyum Kurudhi) Hindi Dubbed Upcoming Movie Motion Poster - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Heartless Hathyara (Peiyena Peiyum Kurudhi) Hindi Dubbed Upcoming Movie Motion Poster - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Heartless Hathyara (Peiyena Peiyum Kurudhi) Hindi Dubbed Upcoming Movie Motion Poster - Duration: 0:42.


Astuces pour en finir avec les ballonnements et le ventre gonflé - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Astuces pour en finir avec les ballonnements et le ventre gonflé - Duration: 7:15.


For more infomation >> Astuces pour en finir avec les ballonnements et le ventre gonflé - Duration: 7:15.


Samsung N935 Galaxy Note Fan Edition Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 20:24.

Yes friends. Hello there.

Today. In GSM Communication

Samsung Galaxy

N935 model, with code

Samsung Galaxy Fan Edition model.

We're going to do that.

As you see. The screen is quite broken from there.

He took a blow.

Yeah. From the inside with the blow


Yes friends. All together

Samsung Galaxy

Fan Edition model

N935 code

We'll do the screen replacement of the Fan Edition model.

Some say Note 7, but

Note I have 7 saying, there is the Fan Edition.


We will make the screen change friends.

This operation is

half an hour after standing in the heat machine

20 minutes up to 25 minutes

The device is doing after warming up in the machine.

For your information.

We put the back of the device on the top of the heat machine.

Friends get your knowledge.

That's where the rear window cover is.

Yeah, we opened the back door. Now we're taking out his pen.

And we continue our process.

We're also removing the sim card slot.

Both sim card and memory card slot.

Friends. Behind

all of the screws holding the cover

The sizes are the same. But still

fixing the screws

pay attention and care. Because most models

This may not be the same. For him

consider the template of the phone

directory by him.

That's what we call NFC.

NFC. Wifi antenna twill master

Yeah. NFC, wifi antenna, also network antenna and bluetooth.

Bluetooth part.

This is also a wireless charge.

Wireless charge is what we call NFC. wireless charge

friends available here.

Friends. First of all, when a device is repaired.

Disconnect the current from the device.

So take out the battery socket.

The piece we call a bell.

Motherboard holding screw as you can see

slightly shorter than other screws.

For him. Pay special attention to him.

If long screw

if you replace the short screw, it goes up to the screen

and you can break the screen.

For him. The screws you disconnect from the motherboard

again to the motherboard.

Do not install any other screws.

This sound is on. Flexi switch-off.

This pencil.

Pen flexi.

Front camera sockets.

Internal headphone socket.

Sensor socket.

Display socket yes.

This is the main button.

As you can see on / off switch socket

that key is connected to it yes.

Touch ID.

Touch ID button socket yes.

Antenna cables.

Is that aerial antenna, master. Yeah.

This antenna socket is twill. Two of them. Yeah

Friends. The main thing on a device is the motherboard.

Be careful to remove the board precisely.

The motherboard is the device itself.

Yeah. We removed the front camera.

Try to remove the board precisely.

The motherboard is the device itself.

All other parts are available.

But the motherboard is the device itself friends.

Yes, as you can see.

Fan Edition model

motherboard this way.

Charging socket


and also external headphone socket.

They're all in one piece.

Their screws are black as you can see.

The headphone handset called the external headphone socket.

Part of external headphone socket.

Friends precisely

must be removed.

Yeah. As you can see on this piece

what's there


charging socket

at the same time network parts

This is the external headphone socket, yes.

Vibration motor.

Usta. Samsung's vibration motors are almost the same twill.

So very rare. Sometimes it's different.

But in general it is always the same. Yeah.

They use the same vibration motor.

Note 9, Note 8, Fan

all of them have the same vibration motors.

Yeah. To remove the battery

The liquid we spray does not cause any damage to the battery.

It keeps the battery comfortable.

You ask. Same time


In one piece.

Friends. This video is for information purposes only.

Non-experts watch our video

we do not recommend changing the screen.

Because it is an expensive screen.

In a little thing

can cause serious damage.

These videos are for our technician friends

taken for information purposes.

Outer sound: Showing matching pictures :)

That's the old glue.

We're removing the old adhesive from the back of the battery.

Yes friends. As you see.

Samsung Galaxy Fan Edition new screen.

Approximately 850 TL

The price varies between 160 $ ​​170.

Because of this,

we do not recommend doing such a thing.


can cause serious damage. As you see

charge socket and so on but still we

get guarantee

Let's put on your own part, yeah.

The screen comes in this way.

Yeah. The parts we have broken down

Now we're wearing our new screen, friends.

Vibration motor

you ask

light at the same time

charge or when you receive a message

Since the light is the same piece.

Internal Headphone

There's a call in the interior headset.

There's a headset.

There's an inner headset.

Charging socket

Charging socket, microphone and

external earpiece.

At the same time the network antenna parts

available. In this piece.

So your friends device's microphone is not working

If the sample is not listening to the audio track, this track must change.

If it is not charging

this part should change.

Sometimes the network is able to do this if it is not attracting.

That's why I'm trying to tell you the details of the piece.

As I said, the screws holding this part are black.

Make sure we put the right screw in the right place.

We'il replace the motherboard.

Samsung Galaxy

Fan Edition N935 model gold color

screen changing.

Yeah. After all sockets are replaced one by one


We're also replacing two short screws holding the motherboard.

Why did you stop, Master?

I didn't open it. We didn't open it, anyway.

I forgot.

Sometimes happen.

Thank you, master. Get past, by the way.

Yes friends. Finally we replaced the battery.

We replaced the buzzer.


We are also replacing the wireless charger and the wi-fi part.

And we're reattaching the screws.

Yeah. After replacing all screws

We also stick our warranty label.

The warranty label was also on the screen.

Let's stick it on the screws.

When the device operates in different places

The warranty comes from our guarantee.

That's why we're pasting this label.

Yes, we're finally wearing the back cover.

This is opened.

The phone is switched on. Okay, close him.

Opened. He warned me he didn't have a pen.

Yeah, last thing, stop.

After let the test screen. Where is the old screen

old screen.

Yes, as you can see

Samsung Galaxy Fan Edition screen exchange

with success.

Okay, master. Original screen does not need anyway

to test. Finally clamps

We are installing.

Friends. They are made of plastic.

It's plastic between them. It does not hurt any.

But try not to over-tighten.

Extremely tight

we can damage the screen or the rear window.

Yeah. Samsung Galaxy


FE model

gold color screen change was realized with success.

Thank you friends for watching.

For more infomation >> Samsung N935 Galaxy Note Fan Edition Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 20:24.


For more infomation >> Samsung N935 Galaxy Note Fan Edition Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 20:24.


Fest'inventio 2018 : "Atout cordes, de tout coeur" - Hommage à Etienne Vatelot - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Fest'inventio 2018 : "Atout cordes, de tout coeur" - Hommage à Etienne Vatelot - Duration: 2:33.


For more infomation >> Fest'inventio 2018 : "Atout cordes, de tout coeur" - Hommage à Etienne Vatelot - Duration: 2:33.


Ce mamă frumoasă are Penelope Cruz! A mers alături de ea la "Oscarurile" spaniole - Duration: 1:40.

Ca-n fiecare an, Penelope Cruz s-a prezentat la ceremonia de decernare a premiilor Goya, echivalentul spaniel al premiilor Oscar

Ea a fost acompaniată de mama sa, Encarnacion.Frumoasa actriţă în vârstă de 44 de ani a fost printre vedetele mult aşteptate la Premiile Goya, care au avut loc sâmbătă noaptea, în Sevilla, Spania

Penelope Cruz nu şi-a dezamăgit fanii şi a defilat pe covorul roşu al prestigiosului eveniment într-o rochie superbă, semnată de casa de modă Chanel

Marele absent al serii a fost soţul ei, Javier Bardem. Actriţa n-a venit, însă, singură

Ea l-a adus pe prietenul ei cel mai bun, regizorul Pedro Almodovar, dar şi pe mama sa, Encarnacion Sanchez

For more infomation >> Ce mamă frumoasă are Penelope Cruz! A mers alături de ea la "Oscarurile" spaniole - Duration: 1:40.


For more infomation >> Ce mamă frumoasă are Penelope Cruz! A mers alături de ea la "Oscarurile" spaniole - Duration: 1:40.


Webinar Resolución Consultas Clientes Agosto 2018 - IberoPistacho - Duration: 26:56.

Hi. Good Morning. Juan Gallego speaks to you IberoPistacho, as we promised,

we're here, at about 11 o'clock, and if Do you have any comments or questions?

I'm here to help you, with taste. We are working hours and therefore

if at some point you listen to the phone, mobile phones, as well as fixed ones, is a sign

that we are moving People from all over Spain will be connected, and

good to say to you that we are already close to The recollection. This year the collection

is more backward than last year because spring lengthened and summer took

in heating, and all crops, go with delay, and pistachio is one of them, with

which this year it is estimated that the campaign will start by the end of September, we'll talk

of the short cycle varieties, and surely that we will be depending on the zones and

the varieties, until mid-October. The questions you want to ask, here I am

at your disposal. Isa de Zamora, says last year I put a

plantation and I've lost some bushes, some plants, but the roots are still alive ...

See if the plant is working, thanks to the vegetation, which has left the

rootstock, the plant is alive, but if the graft has not sprouted, the graft is

dry. You have two options: - The first one, that you can graft in vegetation

that has left the rootstock. - The second that the palnta start it and

put a new plant, a grafted plant. We, in our case, in the case of IberoPistacho,

what we do is replace those plants, we replace up to 3%, because we have an average grip

of 96-98%. And as we sell grafted plants, the plants

that do not sprout the graft, we give them as plants of failure, which we recommend to the person

to take them out and we replace them plants, because when selling a grafted plant

you have to replace with a grafted plant, a plant that is sprouting from the rootstock,

is not fulfilling the objective, has failed, so to speak, and in our

case we recommend, remove the plant and return to put another plant, obviously grafted,

so we can get a sprouting, a graft vegetation.

With respect to plowing or subsoiling, each one describes it in one of these two ways,

we, we recommend always to plow, to not that the land is a piece of land,

have very good depth, and have ease for the root system.

Lapping, we have uploaded to our Facebook, in the clearing that we are doing in

our own farm, is with a machine, a caterpillar, of chains, is a machine,

Well, that is ready to break, more one meter deep, we in our

concrete case, we are breaking this depth, in a 7x5 frame, and we're going to break it in the

line, of 7, and on the line of 5, creating a cross. This cross that is created, that goes to

be the point where we are going to put the plant, we have practically 2 square meters

with a depth of more than 1 meter, which the earth is totally burst, and that

will facilitate that the first years the root can grow easily, not only in this

space of 2m2, but also in the four lines, which open up how it makes sense to

create a cross To break a piece of land not to break it I can

guarantee, that you notice in the first years of planting, and obviously then those

differences accompany years for years, years after years Tell us what we recommend

provided that the plowing, or subsoiling It is done in the months of August, September,

which are the months where the terrain is most dry, the part of the year, where there is more dryness,

on the ground, and that is when the best, work is done, of broken. The doing, when the earth

is wet, that can lead us to you can create galleries, and especially if

the earth has a high percentage of clay, and that may imply, that the air can

run through those galleries, and it may hinder an efficient development of the root system.

We always recommend rotating, it is important, and especially in areas that are short, when

a short terrain can be described as 30-25 centimeters, because there are many areas that

they have that depth, and you have to plow yes or yes, because there is very little ground for

tree development, which always except in very specific cases, very unique,

the terrain is very open, very loose, I would say that more than 90% of the land,

It is recommended to break because we are going to do a lot of good to the plant, not just thinking

in the first years, but in the long run, and then the recommendation, to make this break,

in the months of August, and September, where the terrain is drier and where we are going to

do a better job and let's say to eliminate that possibility of creating those galleries, that

can be detrimental to development radicular

We remind you that we are hiring plant all year, 12 months, and that always

we contract, plant to deliver, in the campaign, that we have availability. Now then still

we have a plant, for the 18/19 campaign, the campaign 18/19, begins at the end of October,

and ends at the end of March. When the plant we are finished, because what we do is that

we jump campaign, surely we then for the next month, end of the month

coming, maybe October, so let's keep hiring plant as we always do, but this time,

we will hire a plant, for the campaign 19/20, and that makes the person be guaranteed,

that he's going to have a plant, he's going to have a quality plant, a plant with a good

root system, with good genetic material, with a good graft point, with a graft

well lignified. We are every day happier, more proud of what

is happening to us with our plant, we are distributing plant, practically for all

Spain, when we talk about all of Spain, is for the areas that are viable, for the

pistachio cultivation and there are our Satisfied customers, which is the test, more

important, of the quality of the plant. What I was telling you about that spring,

rather, summer had come late, and that spring had lengthened, that

When the spring lengthens, then, the humidity Relative, then, was higher than normal,

in the months of April-May, and also in June and that has led, that we have, a

ideal cocktail for mushrooms, we have had this year, more fungal problems, than in

many years before, and this, then, has been general. We had to deal with not only

with preventive fungicides, but also with systemic fungicides, but good this

it's like that, every year is different, every campaign it's a story, you have to adapt, to what

comes, in temperatures, you have to adapt in relative humidities. This conference also

We will upload it on Facebook, you can contact me or else my email that I'm going to put here

in the chat, it is, and also on my phone, on 622 743

118, always at your disposal. Tatin, regarding your question of Sirora.

Syrora is a plant, as I suppose you know, of Australian origin, is a variety of

medium cycle, it is a variety that bears fruit, which is a little smaller in caliber

that Kerman has a higher percentage of open, this is because it is a caliber

smaller, and it's a variety that is going very well, there is not an important extension,

there are no Siroras with 15 years old, which is where you can really draw conclusions, let's say

important, the older Siroras, who we have are Siroras of 7-8-9 years old,

having production of these siroras, and the truth is that there are good results, the demand

of Sirora plant is growing. We this year we have taken more varetas, of the

that we have been taking in previous years, not only from Sirora, but also from Larnaka,

are two varieties, Larnaka is short cycle, and Sirora is of medium cycle, they are two varieties

that will grow quite a lot in the next years, it is clear that Larnaka, is focused

to industry and Sirora is focused on aperitif, but there are good prospects, it's going to be,

I do not say that it is getting, or go to put the same as Kerman, because Kerman follows

being the queen variety in demand, but Sirora is a variety, very interesting, that

is going to put a lot in the coming years and that has very good acceptance in the market,

both the fruit and the plant. Sirora is a vigorous plant, is a plant that adapts

very well in dry, obviously with the Terebinthus, and in irrigations with Atlantic or with UCB1.

The males, we have on our page, in, in the internal part,

we have a plan of how to distribute the males among the females, I invite you to you but

you are registered, you register, in, and once you have registered, you will receive

some keys of the system, you will access with these keys, and you'll go to "Documents of Interest",

and in documents of interest, there is the distribution of males and females, there we have it

echo 1-3, 1-3, 1-3 and then three complete lines of females, you will see it perfectly, in

the plane, this represents 8% of males and 92% of females, but this is the distribution,

standard, then, there is a part of these males, that we have to distribute them, let's say with more

intensity, on the perimeter, where the wind predominates in the week of April.

For more infomation >> Webinar Resolución Consultas Clientes Agosto 2018 - IberoPistacho - Duration: 26:56.


For more infomation >> Webinar Resolución Consultas Clientes Agosto 2018 - IberoPistacho - Duration: 26:56.


eDiscovery | View Hidden Content

For more infomation >> eDiscovery | View Hidden Content


Nightcore - bury a friend (Billie Eilish) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:46.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - bury a friend (Billie Eilish) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:46.


Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-Jet Actual Airco City Stuurbekr. Startonderbreker - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-Jet Actual Airco City Stuurbekr. Startonderbreker - Duration: 1:11.


Georgetown homicide investigation - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Georgetown homicide investigation - Duration: 0:23.


ᴴᴰ【MAD】進擊的巨人:gravityWall 【CC字幕】 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰ【MAD】進擊的巨人:gravityWall 【CC字幕】 - Duration: 3:47.


Noul concurent de la "Puterea Dragostei", Andrei, declarații surprinzătoare încă din prima zi: "Nu-m - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Noul concurent de la "Puterea Dragostei", Andrei, declarații surprinzătoare încă din prima zi: "Nu-m - Duration: 3:04.



Sawadi Ka everyone, Monday : new recipe !

If you are looking for an appetizer,

I think this will be a good one Today I will show you guys rolled chicken, stuffed with vegetables

And I'm pretty sure that you can impress your friends and family

Are you ready ? Let's go !

Spring onion Carrot

Onion Baby corn

Shiitake mushrooms Soy sauce

Oyster sauce Chicken breast

Cooking oil Black pepper

Salt And toothpicks

We will start with the chicken

Slice the chicken in the middle to open it up

Be careful, you don't want to cut it !

Marinate chicken with salt and black pepper, both sides

Let's prepare the vegetables

Stir fry vegetables with soy sauce and oyster sauce

Add cooking oil

Add onion

Add carrots

Add baby corn

Add soy sauce

Add oyster sauce

Add mushrooms

Add spring onion

Let's stuff the chicken, roll it and close it

I will use toothpicks to close it

But you can also use cooking rope if you prefer

Now that we stuffed it, let's cook the chicken

Add some oil

We will start by making the chicken brownish

To do so, use medium heat

Once you have the color that you are looking for on the outside

You can lower the heat to cook the inside

Flip it every 2 minutes (or so) during 5 to 10 minutes

If your chicken piece is big, you can use a cover to help the cooking

Remove the toothpicks

Cut it

Serve and decorate

If your plate is full and you still have some left, just eat it !

And voila, bon appetit !

So as you can see it is very easy right ?

I hope this dish is going to be one of your favorite appetizers

Many of you are new, so welcome !

Let's continue growing the Thai Food Lovers community

(even if today it wasn't really a Thai recipe)

Please consider subscribing if you haven't yet

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Thank you for watching, see you next Monday

Kob Kun Ka, byebye

For more infomation >> YUMMY APPETIZER : GAI YUD SAI (ไก่ยัดไส้) - STUFFED CHICKEN ROLLS - WITH NIN - Duration: 6:33.






For more infomation >> REVIEW MENU BARU DARI GEPREK BENSU ||ENAK NGGAK SIH ?? WORTH IT? - Duration: 5:34.


Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, I'm Beetroot Art and today will tell,

what stages can be broken work on any watercolor drawing.

1. We are determined by the fact that we draw.

After the object of drawing is chosen, we pay attention to what it attracted us with -

what is particularly like about him.

For example: what attracted me to these peppers?

Their contrast to each other, glossy surface or shape ..

All these features need to be fixed in the head or on paper.

2. The choice of composition.

We determine how the objects will be located in relation to each other and on the sheet

I make a sketch on a sheet of writing paper, where there are peppers,

to make sure the correct composition.

3. Decomposition by tone.

Very important stage.

It is necessary to decide which object in the image will be the lightest,

which one is the darkest, as well as highlight the tones between them.

It is very useful and convenient to make a tone sketch with a soft pencil,

where the brightest areas to leave open;

and the darkest highlight very dense color.

I have a special notebook where I make similar sketches.

4. Layering and order of work on the picture.

We need to make a clear outline of the drawing sequence.

Based on the previous 3rd paragraph, we determine that we will paint with the first layer,

second, where and how we will specify in the final work.

Usually in watercolor, work begins with light objects.

For example In the peppers, I will begin work on the highlights.

I recommend to see any object stained.

This will facilitate the work on any plot, and also doesn't take much time for its execution.

Detailed masterclass on these peppers you can find on the link above.

I hope these tips can help you too.

Inspiration to you and successful creativity.

For more infomation >> Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.


Thiago Silva speaks out after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watches PSG's defeat to Lyon - Duration: 3:11.

 Thiago Silva believes Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will have gone away 'happy' after watching Paris Saint-Germain lose to Lyon ahead of the side's Champions League clash with Manchester United

 Solskjaer and first-team coach Mike Phelan traveled straight to Lyon following United's 1-0 win over Leicester and were in the stands at the Groupama Stadium

 Nabil Fekir's 49th-minute penalty sealed a 2-1 victory for the home side as PSG suffered their first league defeat of season, with Thomas Tuchel's men were a long way from their best

 PSG travel to Old Trafford for the first leg of their round of 16 tie on February 12 and Silva knows the side must vastly improve to have any chance of reaching the Champions League quarter-finals

 'Solskjaer must be happy with what he saw,' the Brazilian defender said.  'We started the game well, but then we lost our concentration and did not have a good first half

 'For me, too, it was difficult. The second half was better but that was not enough

We missed a lot of things. We need to be more focused when we do not have the ball, for example

 'But do not be worried about us. Next Tuesday, in Manchester, it will be another competition, another environment, another atmosphere

 'In the meantime, we have to work between us to show something else.  'We will be facing a great team

Manchester United are on a run of nine wins in 10 games.'  Gary Neville is confident that Solskjaer will be appointed permanent United manager if he guides the side to victories over Chelsea, PSG and Liverpool

 'If they beat Chelsea, beat PSG, beat Liverpool, Solskjaer is absolutely in the box seat and you'd be saying, "How can you not give it to him?",' Neville told Sky s after United's win at the King Power Stadium

 'The club have appointed two big names with the last two appointments and it hasn't worked out

 'The idea of Ole going through that run of fixtures and coming out of it well, you couldn't sit here conceivably and see another manager

 'But I think Ole himself will think, "Let's get through February and March and if I'm doing what I'm doing now, I've staked a claim"

 'At this moment he is staking a claim but he knows there is massive challenges to come

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For more infomation >> Thiago Silva speaks out after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watches PSG's defeat to Lyon - Duration: 3:11.


UNSEEN JUICE FASTING VLOGS 2018-Juice Fasting Heals Scars😱 - Duration: 3:08.

hey guys I want to talk about juicing and the nutrition that you get from

juicing and also juicing being a big contributor to people who have scarring

on their body whether it's from things that you do in your daily activities

whether it's from detoxing like myself things coming out of your pores you

might pop it it leaves a mark on your skin I want to talk about how if you

start drinking a juice 16 to 32 ounces of juice a day and you stop detoxing the

body from the inside you will start to notice that your body will start healing

itself from the outside any of lesions or dark marks marks that you have on

your body especially like my face everything will start to clear up once

the inside the body is cleansed out I started noticing these results maybe

about a week seven days into my hundred forty-eight juice cleanse that's what

made me besides losing weight not want to stop I was addicted to it I'm now

eating solid foods but I have to have but 32 want to juice every single day

because of one of those benefits of looking lively are your skin feeling

feeling good looking good having a glow to it and also it's better than some

soaps that are on the market that promise to take away dark spots but they

don't I really do recommend that even if you use a salt regimen or a lotion or

whatever incorporating juicing into your diet is the best thing you do for the

body because juice and is considered clean eating and people might say well

juicing is not eating juicing is a form of food but in a liquid form and yes it

is eating and it's also eating clean when you juice I do recommend if you're

trying to clear up eczema or acne skin or blemish blemish problems and

stuff like that flaky dry skin if you stop cleansing the body from the inside

out you will start reaping the benefit from glowy cliff beautiful complexion

skin I guarantee that and if you are currently juice and please tell me in

the comment section about that I would love to hear it if you have any

questions for me about juicing please leave it in the comment section of the

video and I do all get back to everyone's comments and I don't ignore

anybody so I don't want to make this video too long I just want to let you

know that yes juice and does help clear up your complexion and clear up your

skin and all that good stuff so with all that being said please subscribe to the

channel like and share this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you guys

in the next video

For more infomation >> UNSEEN JUICE FASTING VLOGS 2018-Juice Fasting Heals Scars😱 - Duration: 3:08.


YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.


Valentines Day Paper Heart Door Hanging - DIY - Duration: 5:13.

Valentine's Day is coming up fast but there's still plenty of time for you to spice up your

home with the spirt of love.

This Valentine's Day paper heart door hanging is precious and so easy to make.

Are you ready?

Namaste friends, welcome back to Sangeeta's Kreations.

In this video I will be showing you to make very easy DIY paper heart door garland for

Valentine's Day.

Or you can use this heart garland on birthday, Diwali for home decoration, its perfect for

all occasions.

Please make sure to subscribe my channel by clicking the red subscribe button and also

make sure to click the bell so that you guys get notified whenever I upload a new video

and also give this video a big thumbs up.

For this you will need: colored paper Glue

Scissor Pencil

Don't forget to watch this video till the end to follow the step by step instruction

that will make your craft very simple and easy.

So let's get started Take colored paper, here I used red paper,

cut in 4 sections.

Now take 1 part of the colored paper and fold it into half, press it this way.

Repeat with the remaining piece of paper Now with the help of pencil draw the shape

of heart.

Repeat once again it will look this way Friends you can find more interesting and

similar videos on this channel for this, you can click the I button on the top or link

is in the description below Now with the help of scissor cut the paper

to form a heart shape.

You can make different sizes of heart as per to your desire

Here you can see we have 2 different style of hearts.

Keep on repeating with remaining papers and if you want you can add more colors to it.

You can arrange it as per to your wish.

Here I'm going to arrange this way, sky blue – red- yellow

Take green heart and give a cut bellow this way repeat with yellow heart the same way

Now arrange them by overlapping this way Now take white glue and paste it this way

repeat in the same way Looking so beautiful

Keep on repeating in the same way to make a beautiful heart garland.

For more valentines craft keep watching my videos don't forget you subscribe if you

haven't and hit the bell button next to it.

So you will be notified whenever I upload a new video.

Now take the red heart and paste it on top of c blue green heart, yellow on red c- blue

on yellow keep on repeating the reaming hearts.

It has come out so beautiful and I'm sure your loved ones will love it once decorated

in room.

Hope this video was very helpful.

If you are recreating it please do send me picture on Instagram, Facebook or twitter.

Give a big thumbs up and make sure to subscribe if you haven't?

Thank you so much for your support and growing this channel.

See you soon till than Namaste!!!

For more infomation >> Valentines Day Paper Heart Door Hanging - DIY - Duration: 5:13.


Chou Jigen Game Neptune mk2 - Kirihirake!Glazy☆Star - Duration: 4:08.

Shine! Star of dreams (Let's find it!) Over limit!

I'll go beyond all limits, I won't lose to anyone!

Hey, I'd like to gaze at the purple land's blue sky (and dancing greenery) with you once more (over and over again).

(I want to feel) your kindness and warmth.

Even though you're far away now, someday…!

Shine! Star of dreams (Let's find it!) Over limit!

My determination will never waver (glazy☆star).

Orbiting meteor (bifrost) tells me that.

I'll go beyond all limits, I won't lose to anyone!

I simply shed tears, because I couldn't do anything (frustration).

(I'm wandering about) in this world of nothing but nonsense.

The (everlasting) darkness has imprisoned you.

My heart looks like it's going to break… however!

With a flash of light, start flapping your wings! (Break through!) Super limit!

Unleash more strength not to give up (be sharper!)

Even if it's a tiny (drop) of hope, you've got the power to believe and courage in your hand.

Shine brighter that anybody else!

I will face all the pain and powerlessness.

I don't want to hesitate ever again.

Because you finally made it here, I can tell you honestly - I love you so much, and always will―――

Shine! Star of dreams (Let's find it!) Over limit!

My determination will never waver (glazy☆star).

Orbiting meteor (bifrost) tells me that.

I'll go beyond all limits, I won't lose to anyone!

Open the way for both love and the future!!

For more infomation >> Chou Jigen Game Neptune mk2 - Kirihirake!Glazy☆Star - Duration: 4:08.


Webinar Resolución Consultas Clientes Agosto 2018 - IberoPistacho - Duration: 26:56.

Hi. Good Morning. Juan Gallego speaks to you IberoPistacho, as we promised,

we're here, at about 11 o'clock, and if Do you have any comments or questions?

I'm here to help you, with taste. We are working hours and therefore

if at some point you listen to the phone, mobile phones, as well as fixed ones, is a sign

that we are moving People from all over Spain will be connected, and

good to say to you that we are already close to The recollection. This year the collection

is more backward than last year because spring lengthened and summer took

in heating, and all crops, go with delay, and pistachio is one of them, with

which this year it is estimated that the campaign will start by the end of September, we'll talk

of the short cycle varieties, and surely that we will be depending on the zones and

the varieties, until mid-October. The questions you want to ask, here I am

at your disposal. Isa de Zamora, says last year I put a

plantation and I've lost some bushes, some plants, but the roots are still alive ...

See if the plant is working, thanks to the vegetation, which has left the

rootstock, the plant is alive, but if the graft has not sprouted, the graft is

dry. You have two options: - The first one, that you can graft in vegetation

that has left the rootstock. - The second that the palnta start it and

put a new plant, a grafted plant. We, in our case, in the case of IberoPistacho,

what we do is replace those plants, we replace up to 3%, because we have an average grip

of 96-98%. And as we sell grafted plants, the plants

that do not sprout the graft, we give them as plants of failure, which we recommend to the person

to take them out and we replace them plants, because when selling a grafted plant

you have to replace with a grafted plant, a plant that is sprouting from the rootstock,

is not fulfilling the objective, has failed, so to speak, and in our

case we recommend, remove the plant and return to put another plant, obviously grafted,

so we can get a sprouting, a graft vegetation.

With respect to plowing or subsoiling, each one describes it in one of these two ways,

we, we recommend always to plow, to not that the land is a piece of land,

have very good depth, and have ease for the root system.

Lapping, we have uploaded to our Facebook, in the clearing that we are doing in

our own farm, is with a machine, a caterpillar, of chains, is a machine,

Well, that is ready to break, more one meter deep, we in our

concrete case, we are breaking this depth, in a 7x5 frame, and we're going to break it in the

line, of 7, and on the line of 5, creating a cross. This cross that is created, that goes to

be the point where we are going to put the plant, we have practically 2 square meters

with a depth of more than 1 meter, which the earth is totally burst, and that

will facilitate that the first years the root can grow easily, not only in this

space of 2m2, but also in the four lines, which open up how it makes sense to

create a cross To break a piece of land not to break it I can

guarantee, that you notice in the first years of planting, and obviously then those

differences accompany years for years, years after years Tell us what we recommend

provided that the plowing, or subsoiling It is done in the months of August, September,

which are the months where the terrain is most dry, the part of the year, where there is more dryness,

on the ground, and that is when the best, work is done, of broken. The doing, when the earth

is wet, that can lead us to you can create galleries, and especially if

the earth has a high percentage of clay, and that may imply, that the air can

run through those galleries, and it may hinder an efficient development of the root system.

We always recommend rotating, it is important, and especially in areas that are short, when

a short terrain can be described as 30-25 centimeters, because there are many areas that

they have that depth, and you have to plow yes or yes, because there is very little ground for

tree development, which always except in very specific cases, very unique,

the terrain is very open, very loose, I would say that more than 90% of the land,

It is recommended to break because we are going to do a lot of good to the plant, not just thinking

in the first years, but in the long run, and then the recommendation, to make this break,

in the months of August, and September, where the terrain is drier and where we are going to

do a better job and let's say to eliminate that possibility of creating those galleries, that

can be detrimental to development radicular

We remind you that we are hiring plant all year, 12 months, and that always

we contract, plant to deliver, in the campaign, that we have availability. Now then still

we have a plant, for the 18/19 campaign, the campaign 18/19, begins at the end of October,

and ends at the end of March. When the plant we are finished, because what we do is that

we jump campaign, surely we then for the next month, end of the month

coming, maybe October, so let's keep hiring plant as we always do, but this time,

we will hire a plant, for the campaign 19/20, and that makes the person be guaranteed,

that he's going to have a plant, he's going to have a quality plant, a plant with a good

root system, with good genetic material, with a good graft point, with a graft

well lignified. We are every day happier, more proud of what

is happening to us with our plant, we are distributing plant, practically for all

Spain, when we talk about all of Spain, is for the areas that are viable, for the

pistachio cultivation and there are our Satisfied customers, which is the test, more

important, of the quality of the plant. What I was telling you about that spring,

rather, summer had come late, and that spring had lengthened, that

When the spring lengthens, then, the humidity Relative, then, was higher than normal,

in the months of April-May, and also in June and that has led, that we have, a

ideal cocktail for mushrooms, we have had this year, more fungal problems, than in

many years before, and this, then, has been general. We had to deal with not only

with preventive fungicides, but also with systemic fungicides, but good this

it's like that, every year is different, every campaign it's a story, you have to adapt, to what

comes, in temperatures, you have to adapt in relative humidities. This conference also

We will upload it on Facebook, you can contact me or else my email that I'm going to put here

in the chat, it is, and also on my phone, on 622 743

118, always at your disposal. Tatin, regarding your question of Sirora.

Syrora is a plant, as I suppose you know, of Australian origin, is a variety of

medium cycle, it is a variety that bears fruit, which is a little smaller in caliber

that Kerman has a higher percentage of open, this is because it is a caliber

smaller, and it's a variety that is going very well, there is not an important extension,

there are no Siroras with 15 years old, which is where you can really draw conclusions, let's say

important, the older Siroras, who we have are Siroras of 7-8-9 years old,

having production of these siroras, and the truth is that there are good results, the demand

of Sirora plant is growing. We this year we have taken more varetas, of the

that we have been taking in previous years, not only from Sirora, but also from Larnaka,

are two varieties, Larnaka is short cycle, and Sirora is of medium cycle, they are two varieties

that will grow quite a lot in the next years, it is clear that Larnaka, is focused

to industry and Sirora is focused on aperitif, but there are good prospects, it's going to be,

I do not say that it is getting, or go to put the same as Kerman, because Kerman follows

being the queen variety in demand, but Sirora is a variety, very interesting, that

is going to put a lot in the coming years and that has very good acceptance in the market,

both the fruit and the plant. Sirora is a vigorous plant, is a plant that adapts

very well in dry, obviously with the Terebinthus, and in irrigations with Atlantic or with UCB1.

The males, we have on our page, in, in the internal part,

we have a plan of how to distribute the males among the females, I invite you to you but

you are registered, you register, in, and once you have registered, you will receive

some keys of the system, you will access with these keys, and you'll go to "Documents of Interest",

and in documents of interest, there is the distribution of males and females, there we have it

echo 1-3, 1-3, 1-3 and then three complete lines of females, you will see it perfectly, in

the plane, this represents 8% of males and 92% of females, but this is the distribution,

standard, then, there is a part of these males, that we have to distribute them, let's say with more

intensity, on the perimeter, where the wind predominates in the week of April.

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