Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 12 2019

Hey what's up everybody, we are in the peak of award season right now.

Over the weekend we had Grammys and coming up we have the Academy Awards.

Today though Verizon, we are celebrating the 11th consecutive win from RootMetrics.

It's another win for our Network. That win includes top overall score as well as

wins in network reliability, call performance, data performance, and speed.

This is one of our 4 big Network wins - and we're the only Network to win in all

four awards. But, we know - it's not all about the awards. It's about what these awards

represent and the people who make them happen. It's about all of the hard work behind

the scenes that makes our customers the biggest winners.

Thank you to all of the team who make this possible.

Now from the opening bell to the end of the day, you can now catch 8-hours of live streaming

coverage from Yahoo Finance. It's the perfect one stop shop for everything finance

throughout the day including those critical afternoon check-ins to see how the

market is performing. You can download the Yahoo Finance app

to stay in touch with the market throughout the day.

And Valentine's Day is just a few days away, so you'll want to take advantage of some

of these sweet deals from Verizon including Apple and Android buy one,

get one free promotions. Also $300 off the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.

As well as so great deals on accessories like the PowerBeats 3 wireless headphones,

and so much more. You can get all of the details on the web. Don't miss out.

Now, that'll do it for today, make it a great Tuesday everybody,

and until next time, you're up to speed.

For more infomation >> Up To Speed, February 12 - Duration: 1:27.


Airdrop - PUBG Logic (fighting for drops in Vikendi) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 1:33.

Not too happy with my loot aye...

Yeah me neither. What have you got?

Just this UZI and some bandages

Well, at least you're not only rocking a pistol Alan

Okay, here's what I think we should do - we should--

OH! Look! An airdrop!

Ohhh! OH that's close!

That's really close!

Looks like our lucks finally turning

Let's go for it

Let's go

Yes, okay we went to a pretty obscure part of the map I don't think we'll be contested for this

Na, no chance man

Finally something working out for us

You believe i've never got in the airdrop before? r


Yeah, never





Too late boys

Well, it looks like this was...

A hot drop!


Thanks to PUBG Corp for sponsoring that ep

And remember to check out the new snow map, Vikendi, now available on PS4

For more infomation >> Airdrop - PUBG Logic (fighting for drops in Vikendi) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 1:33.


Stephanie, Dayana and Marie Face Off Again | Cartel Crew - Duration: 4:12.

Oh. How are you?

How are you?


(Marie) Are you coming with Nicole this time?

No, she's busy watching your webcam.

Come on, babe, you can't come in here, throwing all those jabs.

Don't give me jabs and I won't give jabs back.

Forget throwing jabs. Like, we're not little girls.

Seriously, this is not even about Nicole. This is about us.

Like, we can't talk about somebody who's not even here.

(Stephanie) Nicole's going through some (bleep)

these girls know nothing about,

and I am not going to sit here and listen

to Marie and Dayana talk (bleep) about her.

(Loz) I honestly feel that you guys

have a lot of love for each other at this table,

pero let that girl defend herself

and you guys have to find unity again, because it's not worth it.

You're putting this girl up here.

(speaking Spanish)

(Kat) I just want y'all to fix what's here between y'all.

(Marie) You know what? I know that it's on me,

and I understand what I've done in my past,

but it wasn't fair that you brought her and then she attacked me.

(Stephanie) You don't think that, from the moment we walked in,

you guys weren't even giving her a fair shot.

When are y'all gonna just stop being this

and be (bleep) women about (bleep)?

I'm never gonna see that (bleep) eye to eye.

The same (bleep) she did to you, she did to me that day.

Stephanie, let's not forget what she said about your father.

Nicole is a shady (bleep) and she's not someone you can just trust.

The little Caesar salad ass whupping that I gave you

didn't teach you no mother(bleep) lesson.

Like, you really need to learn

not to cross (bleep) lines, bitch.

How about we relax, have a little brunch, and talk (bleep)

about somebody that's not present.

(Stephanie) I think you should stop (bleep) worrying about Nicole

and worry about your relationship.


Did he know about your webcamming?

Now you're... Now you're crossing the line.

Do you have something to do with that?

Because, clearly, since you got little jokes,

it's 'cause you (bleep) knew what Nicole was coming over with.

No, actually, listen to me.

Yes, I'm listening.

I'm a (bleep) woman of my word!

I'm a woman of my word, and I did not have time

to (bleep) put dirt on you! I don't give that much of a (bleep)!

(Dayara) I'm pretty sure you (bleep) set that up.

Why are we doing this? That's the (bleep) I don't (bleep) understand, man.

What don't you understand, Stephanie?

Your (bleep) mouth! I don't understand it.

It needs to shut up!

You really think that

you're better than everybody, and you're not!

Just because you were out here, making out with Lil Wayne

and doing your (bleep), making your money how you make.

What are you talking about?

You know what I'm talking about.

You got a webcam on me? That (bleep) is (bleep) over.

Let me be. Let me be me. Stop (bleep) watching me,

stop (bleep) trying to degrade me!

This isn't (bleep) high school.

I haven't (bleep) up (bleep) once!

But let me ask you something.

Are you really signed?


'Cause I haven't heard anything on the radio.

You really haven't gone nowhere.

I don't hear your music nowhere.

It don't matter, bitch.

Yo, that's how they get to the top,

by (bleep) their boss.


I'm not Nicole, bitch! I will (bleep) you up!

(overlapping shouting)

Stop! This is not what I brought you bitches here for!

You're just like Nicole! Just like Nicole, bitch!

(overlapping shouting)

Dayana, Dayana, Dayana, stop! I want you guys to get along!

Kat, please! Don't touch me right now.

I find Stephanie to be so fake, so, yeah, I'm gonna press her buttons whenever I see her.

I'm sick of it. Let's see how she feels when her back is against the wall.

I didn't even have to dig for that (bleep). Everybody's saying it.

You go be friends with her and Nicole! I don't give a (bleep)!

This is the (bleep) that I need on my reputation?

This is the (bleep)? The (bleep) ratchet friends you have?

Why does it gotta get physical every (bleep) time?

Talk to your girl! Tell her to close her mouth!

Why can't we sit down and have a conversation? Sit down!

(Michael) Yo, watch out, man. Chill out.


Listen, everybody relax!

This is where your opinions get you!

I'm not (bleep) Nicole! I'll come toward you, bitch!

I need us to get along, because I came here

to invite everybody to (bleep) Colombia!



For more infomation >> Stephanie, Dayana and Marie Face Off Again | Cartel Crew - Duration: 4:12.


Steve Harvey's Valentine's Day Advice - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Steve Harvey's Valentine's Day Advice - Duration: 5:27.


Getting Real In Your Relationships | Holly Furtick - Duration: 9:49.

if we want to build healthy relationships it is time for us to stop

pretending look at verse 9 it says do not lie to

each other since you have taken off your old self with its old practices

sometimes I think we lie to others about who we are because really we're lying to

ourselves we don't want to look in the mirror and admit and accept what we

see do you know anyone in your life who is just not self-aware like they have no

idea that they just dominate conversations or that they show up late

to everything or that they make everything about them you tell a story

about your kids they tell story about their kids you tell a story about a trip

you went on they went to a better place recently I got honest with myself about

how I was not a good listener I started to realize that even when someone was

talking I was thinking about what I was going to say next

and I don't know why I'm smiling cuz it's not a good thing it's a terrible

thing and guys I'm working on this ok it's not that I don't want to listen

it's just I have a lot to say it's why you're all here today right I have a lot

to say sometimes I dominate conversation when I

sense that the other person isn't in a cheri mood do you know what I mean by

that I'm one of those people that I don't do well with conversational space

you know some people are okay with just quiet and some people aren't and I'm not

and so when somebody else around me if I feel like they're quiet or if I feel

like they're insecure about a situation and I will just fill the space with

words so a few months ago I had lunch with a very close friend of mine and I

wasn't having a great week so I completely dominated the whole lunch

with my problems and my kids issues and on and on and on I went and I could

feel myself doing it but I don't know I couldn't stop and

looking back when I look back on the lunch I could sense that my

friend was holding back but I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to be

pushy and I felt like well if she is something she wants to talk about she'll

talk about it after all I mean we've been friends for a long time so I just

kept going I went on and on and a few weeks later she came to me and she just

poured her heart out about a major crisis that she had been facing in her

family and when I put two and two together I realized that she was in the

thick of this crisis that day that we had been at lunch and my problems were

not crisis okay my problems were just everyday things thankfully we've been

friends for years and we have a history together so she didn't make me feel bad

about it I even said to her I was like oh my gosh that day that we went to lunch

and I went on and on you were going through this and she was so gracious to

me maybe she wasn't even ready to share that day but that's not the point the

point is that I was so unaware that I was dominating the conversation and I

was so consumed with my mini crisis or my perceived crisis that I didn't even

realize that she was struggling more than I was nobody wants to be friends

with someone who doesn't listen and who doesn't pay attention no one I have to

stand in front of the mirror and I have to say hello my name is Holly I am not a

good listener I'm going to work on this if you feel like your relationships are

struggling it could be that it's all their fault if that's the way you want

to live always blaming others that's your choice but you do have another

option you can look within and you can be honest and like Paul says you can

take off the old self so after I'm truthful with myself then I

have to begin to work on being truthful with others we live in a world where

people are craving authentic relationships yet we all wear masks it's

a way that we protect ourselves from pain but if you want to grow and you

want to get closer with the people who are in your life you are going to have

to take off the mask truthfulness in relationships it can take on so many

meanings and I'm not really talking about being truthful with your friend

and telling her you have lipstick on your teeth you know there's a time and

place for that but that's not what I'm talking about I'm also not talking about

when you sit your friend down and you tell her that she really needs to break

up with that guy and he's not good for her there's a time and place for that

what I am talking about is being real no one wants to be friends with somebody

who they feel like is pretending pretending to be someone that you're not

pretending to be perfect which by the way is the stupidest thing that you can

pretend to be because it really just looks like you're hiding something I had

a girl in one of my groups one time that she was so perfect and every time we

somebody shared about anything she had a solution something that she

had learned and how you know well we don't have money problems because we

have an envelope system and we don't ever fight because we just sit down and

talk it out and it's like I don't want to go to lunch with her she's just gonna

make me feel bad about my life you know even pretending that you know

about something but maybe you don't nobody wants to be around that I don't

think that we realize how much social media can cause damage to our real-life

relationships have you ever been scrolling through Facebook or Instagram

and come across a post by a friend that you know like a real-life friend and

thought liar

it's all lies she's such a liar I know her she does not love

waking up at 3 o'clock in the morning to breastfeed her baby subconsciously it

makes you trust her less so listen to me I'm not just talking about when other

people lie I'm talking about when we pretend

when you pretend when you put something on social media to make yourself look

good or to make yourself feel better you're actually hurting your real-life

relationships because the people that know you are going liar it's not true and

then subconsciously it injures a relationship with them because now

they're like well if she lied about that how do I even know if she's telling me

the truth some people take this idea of honesty too far and they're constantly

verbally vomiting but they're always overdramatizing their issues for the

sake of attention that isn't honesty either honesty is when we are real with

our friends and we are real with our lives and our relationships up close

just focus on the idea that the people in your life they don't need you to be

perfect and they certainly don't need you to be a basket case healthy

relationships are built when both parties are growing when you're able to

see something in your life that you want to work on and you change it we can all

think of someone in our lives who stopped growing somewhere along the way

and how difficult they are to be around I don't want to be that difficult person

whether they're like that because they experience some life trauma that they

just couldn't overcome or maybe they just gradually became bitter these

people are impossible to have a healthy relationship because they refuse to

change and I don't want to be that person in

someone else's life Paul is telling us take off the old self

take off that mask stop pretending and look at this put on the new self which

is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator let the Holy Spirit

reveal one area you can work on personally and just decide I'm going to

grow for me it's listening right now for you it might be that you need to share

more with others for someone else it might be a simple thing like punctuality

and respecting the person that I'm meeting or remembering people's special

days and birthdays or maybe I'm gonna work on not blaming or not arguing

with everyone I don't mean to spell it out for you I just want to get your mind

in the right direction hey thank you for watching make sure you subscribe to this

channel so you don't miss a single video or livestream and share this video with

a friend and don't forget you can join me live every Sunday

thanks again for watching

For more infomation >> Getting Real In Your Relationships | Holly Furtick - Duration: 9:49.


MFF - Sneak Peek 2 e eventos - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> MFF - Sneak Peek 2 e eventos - Duration: 6:26.


Adam DeVine on His Big Break - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Adam DeVine on His Big Break - Duration: 6:36.



For more infomation >> SÉAN GARNIER vs LION - BEST EXPERIENCE EVER - Duration: 12:48.


MI EXPERIENCIA CON LAS JAPONESAS...😢 Los extranjeros no somos tan atractivos en Japón - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> MI EXPERIENCIA CON LAS JAPONESAS...😢 Los extranjeros no somos tan atractivos en Japón - Duration: 5:55.


YULI'S YOUTUBE DEBUT?! (한글 자막) - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> YULI'S YOUTUBE DEBUT?! (한글 자막) - Duration: 9:33.


Как начать зарабатывать деньги коучу? Преимущества онлайн школы и онлайн консультаций - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Как начать зарабатывать деньги коучу? Преимущества онлайн школы и онлайн консультаций - Duration: 3:25.


Cardi B posts expletive filled rant about Grammys negativity after Ariana Grande's diss - Duration: 2:46.

Cardi B posts expletive filled rant about Grammys negativity after Ariana Grande's diss

The rapper has responded to negative feelings about her Grammys win including Ariana Grande's outburst.

The fallout from Cardi B winning Best Rap Album at the 61st Grammy Awards is continuing at apace, with the 26-year-old rapper posting an epic expletive filled rant before deleting her Instagram account.

7 million followers were treated to a couple minutes of Cardi B sounding off in reaction to the negative feelings being shared about her winning the top award.

Pop singer Ariana Grande was the highest profile objector to Cardi B's win, hitting out on Twitter after her ex-boyfriend Mac Miller was overlooked, following his death. Ariana first tweeted 'trash,' followed up by 'f***' and then 'bull****' in a third tweet.

She finished it up with: 'literal bull****,' before deleting all the posts. Along with a swathe of negativity towards Cardi B has led to the opinionated performer to share her thoughts on the situation, before removing herself from social media.

Speaking about working on Invasion of Privacy, Cardi B said that she, "worked her ass off," and that she had stayed up for, "four days straight," despite being pregnant at the time.

There had been rumblings on social media that Cardi B was an undeserving winner but she took down the trolls in the only way she knows how.

During the lengthy rant, Cardi said: "I f***ing worked my ass off, locked myself in the studio for three months, didn't go to sleep in my own bed, sometimes for four days straight – pregnant!".

Cardi B has deleted her social media pages before, only to return once she's cooled off. Whether she will return this time remains to be seen, as she was incandescent with rage about how her win has been received.

For more infomation >> Cardi B posts expletive filled rant about Grammys negativity after Ariana Grande's diss - Duration: 2:46.


8. Mushroom cream pasta - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 8. Mushroom cream pasta - Duration: 2:58.


LIVE JAZZ AT DEN BLÅ PLANET - Pernille Bévort Trio - 2/ - Duration: 15:13.

For more infomation >> LIVE JAZZ AT DEN BLÅ PLANET - Pernille Bévort Trio - 2/ - Duration: 15:13.


Sing Along w/ the F.U.N. Song!! #TuesdayTunes | SpongeBob - Duration: 5:24.

♪ F is for friends who do stuff together ♪

♪ U is for you and me ♪

♪ N is for anywhere and anytime at all Down here in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ F is for fire That burns down the whole town ♪

♪ U is for uranium, bombs ♪

♪ N is for no survivors when you're--

Plankton, those things aren't what fun is all about.

Now, do it like this.

♪ F is for friends who do stuff to--

Never, that's completely idiotic.

Here, let me help you.

♪ F is for friends who do stuff together ♪

♪ U is for you and me ♪

Try it!

♪ N is for anywhere and anytime at all Down here in the deep blue sea ♪

Wait, I don't understand this. I feel all tingly inside.

- Should we stop? - No.

That's how you're supposed to feel.

- Well I like it, let's do it again! - OK!

♪ F is for frolic Through all the flowers ♪

♪ U is for ukulele ♪

♪ N is for nose picking, sharing gum And sand licking here with my best buddy ♪

♪ Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ♪

♪ Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ♪

Batter up!


I got it! I got it!


♪ Da-da-da-da-dum ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-dum ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-dum ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-dum ♪


♪ Da-da-da-da-dum ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Da, dum, da-dum, dum ♪

Hey, Patrick.


Thought yesterday went pretty well, don't you think?

I had fun.

Me too.

Wow! My turn!





I think I'm gonna be sick!

Here you go, Patrick. Now we never have to be apart.

Even when we're not together.

This is great!

- See ya forever, SpongeBob! - Yeah!

Let's make lots of faces!

Hey, you mean like this?







I can't breathe.

Patrick, I have a confession to make.

I was really scared about going on this ride.

Me too.

I didn't know how to tell you, because well, I didn't want to disappoint you.

I didn't want you to be disappointed in me!

But now we don't have to face our fears.

- The ride is broken. - Yeah!

- Oh wait, it's fine. - Huh?

Have fun.


Patrick, I don't wanna face my fears! I'm afraid of 'em!


- Goodbye, Patrick. - Goodbye, SpongeBob.




Please wait until the car has come to a complete stop.

- And stop crying! - It's over.

- You can get out now. - We did it!

We conquered our fears!

We stopped crying!

We survived The Fist of Pain!

Hold it right there.

- You forgot these. - Our spines!




- Let's go again! - Yeah!

For more infomation >> Sing Along w/ the F.U.N. Song!! #TuesdayTunes | SpongeBob - Duration: 5:24.


Becky Lynch Pulled From WWE Wrestlemania Match & Replaced by Charlotte Flair - Duration: 1:29.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Becky Lynch Pulled From WWE Wrestlemania Match & Replaced

by Charlotte Flair Triple H and Stephanie McMahon kicked off RAW this week and said

that they are going to do what is best for business Then Becky Lynch entered without

an introduction Triple H apologized to Lynch about claiming that there was no injury She

made it to the doctor and everything checked out so her suspension was lifted Becky Lynch

had a real problem with apologizing to Steph and Triple H Becky Lynch said she doesn't

trust the McMahons Becky Lynch said she will fight Triple H Stephanie McMahon and Vince

McMahon for that matter What she won't do is apologize Lynch and McMahon got in each

other's faces and were screaming Then Triple H said that Lynch needs to put her pride behind

her Triple H hyped Lynch up about not blowing her WrestleMania match Then Vince McMahon

suspended Lynch for 60 days which ends 5 days after WrestleMania Suddenly Vince McMahon

announced Charlotte Flair will replace Becky Lynch at WrestleMania Friends what are your

thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Becky Lynch Pulled From WWE Wrestlemania Match & Replaced by Charlotte Flair - Duration: 1:29.


Becky Lynch Reacts to Being Replaced by Charlotte Flair at WWE Wrestlemania - Duration: 1:33.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Becky Lynch Reacts to Being Replaced by Charlotte

Flair at WWE Wrestlemania Becky Lynch thought that she would get her WrestleMania RAW Women's

Title match if she just apologized to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon for assaulting them

last week Unfortunately that was not the case at all Vince McMahon ended the broadcast by

coming out and saying he won't accept an apology He said that Lynch feels like she

is bigger than WWE Then he reminded her that she is not The Man because he is Then Vince

McMahon suspended Lynch for 60 days which ends 5 days after WrestleMania Suddenly Vince

McMahon announced Charlotte Flair will replace Becky Lynch at WrestleMania Needless to say

Becky Lynch had something to say about this on social media after it was all said and

done She tweeted Complete and utter bullsh*t It might seem bad for Becky Lynch right now

but she is still scheduled for that match.

It will just be a triple threat match After all Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch is currently

being advertised for Fastlane so that match could very well have a WrestleMania stipulation

attached to it to get The Man back on the Mania main event Friends what are your thought

about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Becky Lynch Reacts to Being Replaced by Charlotte Flair at WWE Wrestlemania - Duration: 1:33.


野球ニュース 阪神・矢野監督はどうなる?捕手出身監督の初年度成績 - Duration: 6:57.

阪神を率いる矢野燿大 督 (C) KYOD NEWS IMAG S◆ 昨季ファーム日 一を経験  春季キ ンプ真っ盛りのプロ野 界。今季は5人の監督 入れ替わったが、その かでも注目を集めてい のは、初の大役を任さ た阪神の矢野燿大監督 ろう

 現役時代は巧み リードで投手陣を引っ り、2度のリーグ優勝 大きく貢献。Bクラス 指定席となっていた阪 を変えた中心選手とし ファンからも厚い信頼 受け、2016年にか てのチームメイトであ 金本知憲が監督に就任 るのにあわせて現場復 した

 昨季は二軍監督 して若虎たちを率い、 ァーム日本選手権を制 。チームを12年ぶり ファーム日本一に導い いる。  そんな手 が評価され、今季から 軍の監督に就任するこ になった

プロ野球界では名将が いとされる"捕手出身 の監督ということもあ て、「昨季は最下位に んだチームを変えるの は……」と期待される 方、一軍監督は初めて いうこともあり、経験 の面を不安視する声も る

 ということで、 こでは過去の捕手出身 督の"1年目"に注目 その成績をまとめてみ 。 ◆ 弱小チー を変える特効薬に!  今回検証したのは、 去50シーズン(19 9年~2018年)に 督を務めた捕手出身者 初年度成績

まずは、近鉄を含めた ・リーグの7球団を見 いく。(※球団名は当 のものを明記) 野村克也(1970 ・南海) 就任初年度 績:69勝57敗4分 2位 前年成績:50 76敗4分=6位 ※ 任監督 ▼ 上田利 (1974年・阪急) 就任初年度成績:69 51敗10分=2位 年成績:77勝48敗 分=2位 ▼ 森  晶(1986年・西武 就任初年度成績:6 勝49敗13分=1位 日本一) 前年成績: 9勝45敗6分=1位 ▼ 田淵幸一(19 0年・ダイエー) 就 初年度成績:41勝8 敗4分=6位 前年成 :59勝64敗7分= 位 ▼ 梨田昌孝( 000年・近鉄) 就 初年度成績:58勝7 敗2分=6位 前年成 :54勝77敗4分= 位 ▼ 伊東 勤( 004年・西武) 就 初年度成績:74勝5 敗1分=2位(日本一 前年成績:77勝6 敗2分=2位 ▼ 久保博元(2015年 楽天) 就任初年度成 :57勝83敗3分= 位 前年成績:64勝 0敗=6位  過 に7人が指揮を執り、 半数となる3人が前年 り順位を上げた一方、 位を落としたのはわず ひとりだった

 就任初年度から 武を日本一に導いた森 晶や伊東勤も素晴らし が、印象深いのは南海 代の野村克也だろう。 番打者、正捕手に加え 監督という3つの重責 抱えながらも前年最下 のチームをいきなり2 に押し上げ、名将の片 を見せた

選手としてもリーグ2 の42本塁打を放つ活 ぶりは圧巻だ。 パ・リーグとはうっ 変わり…?  続い セ・リーグ各チームの 手出身監督の初年度成 を見ていく

▼ 土井 淳( 980年・大洋) 就 初年度成績:59勝6 敗9分=4位 前年成 :59勝54敗17分 2位 ▼ 大矢明彦 1996年・横浜) 任初年度成績:55勝 5敗=5位 前年成績 66勝64敗=4位 ▼ 達川晃豊(199 年・広島) 就任初年 成績:57勝78敗= 位 前年成績:60勝 5敗=5位 ▼ 古 敦也(2006年・ヤ ルト) 就任初年度成 :70勝73敗3分= 位 前年成績:71勝 3敗2分=4位 ※兼 監督 ▼ 谷繫元信 2014年・中日) 任初年度成績:67勝 3敗4分=4位 前年 績:64勝77敗3分 4位 ※兼任監督  パ・リーグとはうっ 変わり、セ・リーグで 年から順位を上げた監 は古田敦也のみといま とつな印象

前年Bクラスのチーム 引き継ぐケースが多か たとはいえ、成績的に さほど変わらないケー が目立つ。  果た て、矢野燿大が指揮を る阪神は、今季どんな 績を残すだろうか

文=福嶌弘(ふ しま・ひろし)

For more infomation >> 野球ニュース 阪神・矢野監督はどうなる?捕手出身監督の初年度成績 - Duration: 6:57.


McDonald's adding donut sticks to breakfast menu - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> McDonald's adding donut sticks to breakfast menu - Duration: 0:31.


指原莉乃、卒業シングル名にジワる「秋元さんギャルなん?」 坂道AKBメンバー発表も - Duration: 2:03.

拡大写真 A B48の55th ングルのセンター 務める指原莉乃 C)ORICON NewS inc  AKB4 の通算55枚目シ グルのタイトルが ジワるDAYS」 3月13日発売) 決定したことが1 日、公式ブログで 表され、センター 務める指原莉乃が 身のツイッターで 報告した

【写真】初選抜! ロライブでファン 魅了したAKB4 "新星"矢作萌夏 同曲は、4月28 に横浜スタジアム の卒業コンサート 控えるHKT48 原莉乃が最後に参 するAKB48の ングル表題曲

指原は自身のツイ ターで「卒業シン ルのタイトルが発 されました! 『 ワるDAYS』と 告すると「やば~ ワるんですけど~ 秋元さんまじジワ んですけど~」と っかったうえで、 秋元さんギャルな ?」とツッコミを れた

共通のカップリン 曲として、指原が ロで歌う卒業曲( イトル未定)も収 される。 このほ 、春シングル恒例 なったAKB48 ループと乃木坂4 、欅坂46、日向 46の合同ユニッ 「坂道AKB」の 曲(タイトル未定 初回限定盤/通常 Type-B収録 の選抜メンバーお び新ユニットの新 (タイトル未定、 場盤収録)の選抜 ンバーを発表

For more infomation >> 指原莉乃、卒業シングル名にジワる「秋元さんギャルなん?」 坂道AKBメンバー発表も - Duration: 2:03.


Proof of "limit (x^n - a^n)/(x - a) = n*a^(n - 1)" using geometric series | ZJ learning | Limits#5 - Duration: 5:29.

Today we will be looking into this theorem and prove it using the geometric series.

The theorem is that the limit of (x to the power n - a to the power n) divided by (x

- a) as x tends to 'a' is equal to n*a to the power n - 1. So we can use this theorem

when solving limits. So for example if we take limit of (x cube - 8)/(x - 2) as 'x'

tends to 2. Here we can write 8 as 2 to the power 3. So now we can see that this is in

this form. So we can write n*a to the power (n - 1) that is 3*2 to the power 3 - 1. This

gives our final answer 12.

So now we are going to prove this theorem using the geometric series. So now lets take

our theorem. We have the limit of x to the power n - a to the power n divided by (x - a)

as 'x' tends to 'a'. So what we do 1st is we take out x to the power n out of the numerator.

So this gives us x to the power n into (1 - a/x to the power n). And from the denominator

we take 'x' out. This gives us x(1 - a/x). So now here we can see we have x to the power

n divided by x to the power 1. So this means we'll get x to the power (n - 1). So now what

we do is we apply the limits separately to both of these. So the limit of x to the power

n - 1 as x tends to a will give us a to the power (n - 1).

So now for this 2nd limit we use geometric series to get our answer. So have a look at

this geometric series. Here we have a general geometric series for 'n' no. of terms. So

here the 1st term is 'b' and the common ratio is 'r'. So the first term will be 'b', the

2nd term will be 'b*r' and 3rd term will be 'br*r' that is br squared. Similarly we can

get the other terms. This will go on for 'n' no. of terms. The nth term will be b*r to

the power (n-1).

So if you remember your lower grade math, the sum of this geometric series, we can write

as b(1 - r to the power 'n') divided by (1 - r). That is the 1st term into 1 minus the

common ratio to the power of the no. of terms divided by 1 minus the common ratio. So now,

lets substitute 'b' = 1 and r = a/x, So what we get here is 1 + a/x + a squared / x squared

+ a cube /x cube, so all until we get our nth term (a/x) to the power (n - 1). So our

sum also will be (1 - (a/x) to the power n) divided by (1 - a/x).

Now if you look at the sum we got here, it is the same as the one in our limit here.

(a/x) to the power n is a to the power n divided by x to the power n. So it is the same thing.

So what we do is we substitute this whole geometric series for this into our limit.

So that will give us a to the power n - 1 into limit of 1 + a/x + a squared/x squared

up to 'n' no. of terms as 'x' tends to 'a'. So now we use direct substitution for this.

So that will give us (1 + a/a + a squared / a squared, + a cube / a cube until 'n' no.

of terms. So you can see that all of this cancel off giving us 1. 1 +1 +1 + 1 for 'n'

no. of terms. So that means we have n*1. So finally we can get our answer n*a to the power

(n - 1).

So that's the proof of our theorem using the geometric series. In our next video, we

will prove this theorem using algebraic division. Feel free to ask us any questions related

to this topic in the comments below. Until we meet again, take care.

For more infomation >> Proof of "limit (x^n - a^n)/(x - a) = n*a^(n - 1)" using geometric series | ZJ learning | Limits#5 - Duration: 5:29.


For more infomation >> Proof of "limit (x^n - a^n)/(x - a) = n*a^(n - 1)" using geometric series | ZJ learning | Limits#5 - Duration: 5:29.


Catalina Épisode 45 - Duration: 40:57.

For more infomation >> Catalina Épisode 45 - Duration: 40:57.


For more infomation >> Catalina Épisode 45 - Duration: 40:57.


Animal Mortel En Nz! | SWEET AS KIWI #2 | Eng Sub - Duration: 5:27.

Hellllooo my little pickle spiders!

today we're gonna speak about a story happened 8 years ago in new zealand

but it still continue to scare in new zealand

but it change the fact

that no animals can kill you in new zealand

it's totally wrong!

let's go

so it's not really precise where!

where this story happened in new zealand

but it speak about a 22 years old canadian

8 years ago he just took some holidays

in new zealand for a couple weeks

and this canadian had the good idea

honestly it's a good idea!

to swim naked in a river

at this point you can think it's normal!

it's cool to swim like adam and eve!

in beautiful rivers in new zealand

yep but be careful!

during this awesome bathing

this canadian got bite

the tip of the penis

so yeah the tip of the penis

by a katipo spider!

the katipo spider is a cousin of the black widow

it's a really popular spider

in australia

she is venomous

but you cannot die after the bite

but you can die with the condition

of the after bite

the next day when he woke up

his penis was huge!

and he had a red stuff on the tip!

and he was like "what happen fuckkkk"

he started to have really strong pain

and bad feelings

so he went directly to the hospital

where they treated him

under medicine he was way better

but it still continue to have some heart problem

so he was transfer for 7 days

in the auckland hospital

where doctors and specialist followed him

to try to find what happened

and how to resolve this situation

because his life was in the line

it's crazy because it was the first time

that the bite of this spider

create a myocardite or heart inflamation

so everything's end good!

he was treat

but you need to know

well this spider... it can be small but

but this spider killed two people in new zealand in the 19th century

after that i did some research

to see if it was true that there is no mortal animal in new zealand

and i found a website that you can find on description

they spoke about the katipo spider

well it maybe not katipo the real prononciation...

pardon my french

but yeah they also speak about the red back

red back in french

this spider is really popular in australia

it's one of the most venomous spider in the world

and you can find some in new zealand!

and this website show us how

to act if we got bite by this spider

but yeah

when you arrive in new zealand first thing that people said

no worry compare to australia

no animal can kill you!

but it's wrong eventually !

but for this canadian the doctor

said that this particular bite

was in a bad place!

i think it was in a place

really highlight of the human body!

yep the tip of the dick

well yeah hard to be bitten there!

it was hard!

but in the other point

it can change the idea that

we are safe everywhere

and you need to be careful

so yeah there is... yes new zealand

is an island far from everywhere

but it's normal that you can find animals or


can come in this country

so yeah just be careful

when you hangout

yeah so just to tell you

that you cannot take new zealand

like a care bears country

or teletubbies world

so yeah be careful


well once again i hope that i'm not scare you!

don't worry it's not gonna be just horrible stories!

but yeah i really wanted

to change this theory like

in new zealand no animals can kill you

yep it's possible

but yeah you can also be crush by a cow

it can kill you too

it not because of the animal

but yeah be careful there are some spiders

who can put your health in risk

so imagine you already have a heart problem

just a little bite

and it's... shit

well hope you liked this video

always subscribe!

if it's not already done! like this video

and comment if you are some stories to tell

if you want that i talk about

or that you heard or just your advise

on those little interesting stories

and sympatic

hope you liked

open your eyes have a free mind

see you next time


For more infomation >> Animal Mortel En Nz! | SWEET AS KIWI #2 | Eng Sub - Duration: 5:27.


For more infomation >> Animal Mortel En Nz! | SWEET AS KIWI #2 | Eng Sub - Duration: 5:27.


明星靠助理人數撐場面?baby帶七名助理,胡歌卻很慚愧帶了三個! - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 明星靠助理人數撐場面?baby帶七名助理,胡歌卻很慚愧帶了三個! - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> 明星靠助理人數撐場面?baby帶七名助理,胡歌卻很慚愧帶了三個! - Duration: 4:22.


Actualité TV - Claire, alias Milkywaysblueyes, est suivie par 145.000 personnes sur Instagram: ou c - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Claire, alias Milkywaysblueyes, est suivie par 145.000 personnes sur Instagram: ou c - Duration: 1:23.


For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Claire, alias Milkywaysblueyes, est suivie par 145.000 personnes sur Instagram: ou c - Duration: 1:23.


Como trocar cabeçotes amortecedores dianteira AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Como trocar cabeçotes amortecedores dianteira AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:28.


For more infomation >> Como trocar cabeçotes amortecedores dianteira AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:28.


Hitler versus Rothschild - Volk vs. Finanzelite - Freiheit vs. Sklaverei - Deutscher Geist vs. ... - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Hitler versus Rothschild - Volk vs. Finanzelite - Freiheit vs. Sklaverei - Deutscher Geist vs. ... - Duration: 4:51.


For more infomation >> Hitler versus Rothschild - Volk vs. Finanzelite - Freiheit vs. Sklaverei - Deutscher Geist vs. ... - Duration: 4:51.


Medical Reasons For Not Losing Weight - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Medical Reasons For Not Losing Weight - Duration: 12:55.


GET EXPERIENCE FIRST or DO YOUR OWN THING?! Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:03.

Hey Dan here and if you're at the stage of life where you're thinking about well

just that life what's next for you may be thinking about your life plan or the

path you want to follow then this video is definitely for you now if you're new

to the channel my name is Dan this is Dreams Around The World and my mission

here is to help you become the best version of yourself all while creating

the most awesome life possible for you and those you love in the last few days

I've had this pretty much same conversation with two clients and the

conversation has been about the life path and ultimately do you jump into

exactly what you want to do your end destination so say your goal is to

become a coach do you jump right into that at age 23 or do you take a job and

gain some experience first there's a lot to unpack with this decision because as

we all know at least you know if you've been following this channel for long

enough the ear loves to mess with us right and it loves to come in and

discolor things so you think hey I need all this experience before I could

succeed in this right and therefore I'm not gonna do the thing I really want to

do because I have this fear right now and I think I need to do all this other

stuff then also we do live in a real world where you need to develop skills

and experience I don't know if I shared the story before on the channel but in

my early 20s I jumped into being a coach and I failed miserably I mean I didn't

really put myself out there that much so I don't know how much I failed from a

painful point of view I kind of pivoted and did other things but I had a

business card I think the quote on the back this was pre Tiger Woods scandal

was I have a quote because I can't see myself swaying or I have a quote I have

a coach because I can't see myself swing from Tiger Woods right I had the

business cards and all of it and the truth is I was over able to overcome the

fear and I was able to jump right into it I didn't really have enough life

experience and I didn't really know what the hell I was doing

and so maybe had I stuck to that track I would have become some wonder kid 24

year old life coach speaker guy I wasn't bad at it actually in terms of the

speaking part but I to think that the time between then and

now gave me a lot of real-world experience where now I'm not another

cliche douchey kind of life coach guys viewing out the same lessons on the law

of attraction and this and quoting Brian Tracy or Tony Robbins and whoever else

and I actually have some debt and some knowledge that sort of grounds me in my

confidence with what I'm doing so there really is some complexity to the debate

of whether you just jump in to do what you want to do or whether you gained

some real-world experience and knowledge before doing it it's not this black and

white thing of like no you need 10 years experience before you can do anything on

your own orgeous you should do it right away

right but here's what's really important if you take one thing away from this

video this is what I want it to be whatever you choose to spend your time

doing now ensure it's building your foundation and it's going to contribute

to that long-term goal you want to reach so in my case between young 20-something

year old want to be coached in and the den you see today I did a couple things

I got involved in a start-up as well as my own business which failed miserably

but I had people working for me and learnt a lot a lot about myself good and

bad I was involved in a set in another startup with a team of people and I

worked as a freelance copywriter and all of those things and I became an author

too I guess before I was really coaching and that contributed and all these

things added a lot to what I'm doing now you know being part of a team as well as

having my own startup or company or whatever I learned a lot about the

realities of managing people and also what I wanted and being a copywriter I

mean copywriting is one of the most important business skills there is I

think and so even though I think deep down I knew I didn't want to be a

copywriter my whole life even though it provided a awesome lifestyle and I liked

a lot about it it gave me the ability to live how I wanted at the time

and contributed to my success afterwards because I developed a skill that would

stay with me I wasn't doing something completely unrelated to what I am doing

now I was learning a lot and actually a lot of my clients as a copywriter were

coaches so I got to know a lot of coaches and learn about how they

operated and what kind of people they were as well as how to market and grow

their businesses and that obviously was pretty useful when I decided to jump all

in and be a coach myself so I definitely can't tell you especially through video

format here what specifically you should do next on your life path so maybe

you're really not ready to do the thing that you want to do but change direction

so you're at least on track for it or at least learning something that will be

part of the foundation which eventually makes you really successful as I said

you might take a pay cut maybe you have to go apprentice for someone or take a

lower paid job in an industry that is not maybe as appealing to your friends

is what you're doing now who cares do that it's so much more

important that what you're doing now is building a foundation for yourself so

that eventually you'll be ready and have all the tools and knowledge and

experience and whatever else you feel you need to succeed in that thing you

really want to be doing thank you for watching this video I publish new ones

every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a.m. Eastern so if you haven't yet hit

that subscribe button and the bells you're notified of new videos and I will

catch you in the next one very soon thanks for watching


For more infomation >> GET EXPERIENCE FIRST or DO YOUR OWN THING?! Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:03.


Meghan Markle Royal - Meghan Markle's leaked letter 'could trigger Kensington Palace legal action' - Duration: 3:54.

  Kensington Palace is considering legal action over a leaked letter Meghan Markle wrote to her father, according to reports

 The five-page letter was shared by Thomas Markle Sr and has since been widely re-printed around the world

 The private correspondence from the Duchess of Sussex to her father has been widely publicised and scrutinised since it was first published on Sunday

  And aides at Kensington Palace are reported to be considering whether or not to take a stand over the public disclosures, taking legal advice before pregnant Meghan decides if she wants to take formal action, reports The Daily Telegraph

 Meghan's estranged half-sister Samantha has said that their mutual father Thomas "is prepared to release more" of the letter

   Thomas Jr, half brother to the Duchess, told the Mirror that the father-daughter relationship was 'broken beyond repair'

  Meghan is not thought to have seen her dad since he required heart surgery days before her Windsor wedding to Prince Harry

 That health episode came soon after it emerged Thomas Markle Sr had trousered cash to pose for photos of him preparing for the royal wedding

 The exact nature of the legal action is not known however under UK law, the Duchess owns the copyright of the handwritten letter, which was first published as a 'World Exclusive' in the Mail on Sunday

   The leak came the same week five friends of Meghan revealed that the letter existed to US celebrity magazine People, as they came to defence of the Duchess, who has faced repeated criticism from her own family

 The friends disclosed she had told her father: "Dad, I'm so heartbroken, I love you

 "I have one father. Please stop victimising me through the media so we can repair our relationship

"  One friend continued: "He writes her a really long letter in return and he closes it by requesting a photo op with her

 "And she feels like, 'That's the oppose of what I'm saying. I'm telling you I don't want to communicate through the media, and you're asking me to communicate through the media'

"  But the plea apparently did not have the desired effect as Thomas Markle responded by showing the letter to the Mail on Sunday, which published emotional excerpts

 He said the way the letter was presented in People vilified him. He added: "It was presented as her reaching out and writing a loving letter in the hope of healing the rift but the letter isn't like that at all

 "I have the right to defend myself."  Fans of the Duchess have recently criticised Kensington Palace for 'failing to protect' her from 'negative' coverage

 Kensington Palace, who declined to comment to the Daily Telegraph, also declined to comment to the Daily Mirror

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Royal - Meghan Markle's leaked letter 'could trigger Kensington Palace legal action' - Duration: 3:54.


Worst comes to worst my beat comes to first【英語VLOG】a trip to Kanazawa やりたいことやろうぜ - Duration: 4:36.

Hi I'm Takeshi

I'm back again

the last episode I said that I had my MacBook Pro stolen

and I felt very depressed

I rapped about my feeling so please check out my previous video

and then many people many people in Japan outside Japan

sent me a lot of messages which were very heartwarming

thank you so much for supporting me

I would have given up without your help

don't worry man I'm okay now

I've restarted making vlogs making beats again

I'll never give up whatever happens

I'm gonna focus on the quality of my beats

focus on the quality of my vlogs

so please look forward to my future videos

worst comes to worst my beat comes first

peace out

For more infomation >> Worst comes to worst my beat comes to first【英語VLOG】a trip to Kanazawa やりたいことやろうぜ - Duration: 4:36.


Royal Az - Meghan Markle's leaked letter 'could trigger Kensington Palace legal action' - Duration: 3:54.

  Kensington Palace is considering legal action over a leaked letter Meghan Markle wrote to her father, according to reports

 The five-page letter was shared by Thomas Markle Sr and has since been widely re-printed around the world

 The private correspondence from the Duchess of Sussex to her father has been widely publicised and scrutinised since it was first published on Sunday

  And aides at Kensington Palace are reported to be considering whether or not to take a stand over the public disclosures, taking legal advice before pregnant Meghan decides if she wants to take formal action, reports The Daily Telegraph

 Meghan's estranged half-sister Samantha has said that their mutual father Thomas "is prepared to release more" of the letter

   Thomas Jr, half brother to the Duchess, told the Mirror that the father-daughter relationship was 'broken beyond repair'

  Meghan is not thought to have seen her dad since he required heart surgery days before her Windsor wedding to Prince Harry

 That health episode came soon after it emerged Thomas Markle Sr had trousered cash to pose for photos of him preparing for the royal wedding

 The exact nature of the legal action is not known however under UK law, the Duchess owns the copyright of the handwritten letter, which was first published as a 'World Exclusive' in the Mail on Sunday

   The leak came the same week five friends of Meghan revealed that the letter existed to US celebrity magazine People, as they came to defence of the Duchess, who has faced repeated criticism from her own family

 The friends disclosed she had told her father: "Dad, I'm so heartbroken, I love you

 "I have one father. Please stop victimising me through the media so we can repair our relationship

"  One friend continued: "He writes her a really long letter in return and he closes it by requesting a photo op with her

 "And she feels like, 'That's the oppose of what I'm saying. I'm telling you I don't want to communicate through the media, and you're asking me to communicate through the media'

"  But the plea apparently did not have the desired effect as Thomas Markle responded by showing the letter to the Mail on Sunday, which published emotional excerpts

 He said the way the letter was presented in People vilified him. He added: "It was presented as her reaching out and writing a loving letter in the hope of healing the rift but the letter isn't like that at all

 "I have the right to defend myself."  Fans of the Duchess have recently criticised Kensington Palace for 'failing to protect' her from 'negative' coverage

 Kensington Palace, who declined to comment to the Daily Telegraph, also declined to comment to the Daily Mirror

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Meghan Markle's leaked letter 'could trigger Kensington Palace legal action' - Duration: 3:54.


tú mường -Trò Chơi Tuổi Thơ Sèng Sèng- Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> tú mường -Trò Chơi Tuổi Thơ Sèng Sèng- Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội - Duration: 20:05.


Typical fun with my German Shepherd/Typowa zabawa z moim Owczarkiem Niemieckim - Duration: 5:46.

Do someone remember this toy?

Pull Major

Get this shoe, pull!

That's it. A stick, a piece of old leash

& old shoe

& there's fun

Pull Major!

Show what you can do

Major is a strong dog

Major pull, strength

I've got only one hand

Like duel of wolves

For a prey

Tear it


What a strong jaws

Do you like this fun?

Pull, pull

Show, what you can do

Pull, pull

Suprise attack? Clever

Now me

It also doesn't work

Always a draw

None of us will win

Major won't tear a shoe

But he's trying a lot

& I won't take it from his teeth

Hey, you got my jacket

It almost worked

Good, that this

is a work jacket, it can be destroyed

Better a competition, who'll be tired first? Right Major?

It can take

an all day

Or I'll bring a bowl with food

Look on those fangs

A real wolf

Thumbs up for Major, a real wolf

Thanks for watching

& see you next time

Maybe we'll at last end this fun


For more infomation >> Typical fun with my German Shepherd/Typowa zabawa z moim Owczarkiem Niemieckim - Duration: 5:46.


Msuong Cầm Florentino Đi Rừng Bị Coi Thường Và Cái Kết ! - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> Msuong Cầm Florentino Đi Rừng Bị Coi Thường Và Cái Kết ! - Duration: 17:55.


Actualité TV - Claire, alias Milkywaysblueyes, est suivie par 145.000 personnes sur Instagram: ou c - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Claire, alias Milkywaysblueyes, est suivie par 145.000 personnes sur Instagram: ou c - Duration: 1:23.


Como trocar cabeçotes amortecedores dianteira AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Como trocar cabeçotes amortecedores dianteira AUDI A3 1 (8L1) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:28.


Gordon Banks dead: What England 1966 World Cup hero did with his medal - this is brilliant - Duration: 2:34.

 Banks will always be regarded as one of the Three Lions' greatest ever players thanks to his exploits 53 years ago

 The former Leicester and Stoke star played a crucial part as England overcame Uruguay, Mexico, France, Argentina and Portugal

 And he was awarded with a medal after helping his country beat West Germany 4-2 in the tournament's final at Wembley

 Gordon Banks and the other 21 members of Alf Ramsey's victorious squad are remembered as heroes for their roles in what remains England's solitary World Cup win

 However he, like many of his England team-mates, was not in possession of his medal all these years later

 Banks sold off his medal at London's famous Christie's auction house for more than £120,000

 And the reason why he decided not to keep the prize for his efforts is truly heartwarming

 Banks sold the medal in order to help his three children buy their first houses. Banks, who died peacefully on Monday night, has been fondly remembered by England manager Gareth Southgate

 "I am deeply saddened to hear of Gordon's passing," Southgate said. "An all-time great for England, I was privileged enough to be in his company on a number of occasions

 "It was particularly special to be with him at a Football Writers' tribute dinner last year and wish him well on his 80th birthday

 "Gordon spoke to the room about that incredible save from Pele against Brazil back in 1970 and moments like that from his remarkable World Cup-winning career will continue to linger long in the memory

 "On behalf of everyone connected with England, I send my condolences to his wife Ursula, his family and friends

" Banks' former England team-mate Peter Shilton also reacted to the news of his death

 "I'm devastated - today I've lost my hero our condolences to his family rip Gordon," Shilton said

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