- Morning Trainiacs, that was an off-season swim
if there's ever been one.
1,600 meters in 34 minutes.
Cruise, with some floaty pads yeah too.
So, you know I realized this morning
that I have never actually walked you through
point-for-point in one video what my morning routine is.
So I wrote them all down today
and today we're gonna talk about
the 10 things I do every single morning
to make sure I have a good training day,
I'm mentally ready for the day,
and every single day I'm getting a little bit better
than the day before. Go!
(upbeat electronic music)
So, Trainiacs, I start every single day
with about a mason jar's size serving of water.
Now, it's not just any water,
this is as Aubrey Marcus from Onnit calls it,
the "Morning Mineral Cocktail."
Getting topped back up on water first thing in the morning
with some very specific water is critical to flexibility,
it's critical to repairing yourself.
Basically overnight we have been sweating,
losing minerals, losing electrolytes, we might be as much as
a pound or two lighter than when we went to bed,
so we've gotta replenish that before we do anything.
So what I do with this is I fill this up with water,
I take a lemon wedge and I squeeze that in there just to get
a little bit more minerals and electrolytes in there,
and then I take Himalayan sea salt, the pink stuff,
and add that to get the electrolytes in there.
Not just regular table salt, but the Himalayan sea salt
to get a whole bunch more minerals in there,
and it's a little bit more natural.
Pound that, and then get on with the next step.
And then, after I've pounded that and before I eat anything,
'cause I don't want to do this next step on an empty stomach
is I go through my morning meditation,
which is right now, it is the Wim Hof Method.
And specifically it's a nine minute meditation routine
that is designed to help build endurance
by making your body more efficient,
specifically your muscles more efficient
in pulling oxygen out of the blood by basically
kind of hyperventilating yourself,
getting your body into an alkaline state,
and doing some deep breathing,
and a little bit of exercise and movement
without any oxygen coming into your blood
so your muscles have to learn how to
strip oxygen out of the blood really well.
Right Pete? You watch it every morning!
(dog tags jingling)
You stare at me the whole time.
Now the next thing I do is...
Every single one of us has a tight area.
Maybe it's your front quads, maybe it's you glute med.
In my case, coming from the situation I had last year
where I had Achilles issues, I find that
stretching my hamstring and my calf
with this little stretch that I do
just for three minutes every single morning
ensures that it never really gets very tight.
So after the meditation I go into this every single morning,
hold it while I'm listening to a podcast
for two to three minutes, and just rock gently
back and forth, oh yeah that's nice.
Now, related to that, I found that massage for the calf
ends up doing a really good job of working out any of the
accumulated knots and tightnesses that gum up as you run
and just do what we do as triathletes.
And I don't go for massage every single day,
but I've got this, the TheraGun, and I think that there are
a whole bunch of different versions of these.
But I use this, beat up the inside of my calf
every single day, and that loosens up the Achilles,
the ankle mobility, everything in there, feels great.
And by that point, if that's all I've done for my Achilles,
I'm pretty much good to go for most days.
So what we learned working with Erin Carson,
the strength trainer to the stars
that I met with in Boulder that's going to be doing
the strength training master class with me,
is that almost all of us are really tight in the chest.
So very quickly, I do eight reps of wall angels.
Just work to keep that lower back pressed up
against the wall, try to keep the back's of your forearms
pressed up against the wall as well.
Your head, your shoulder blades,
everything pressed up against the wall.
And (straining) just do eight of these horrific movements.
So now the body is basically ready and primed
to be active throughout the day.
But we've also gotta set up the day for productivity.
Because if we're so busy with work,
and we're constantly just running in circles,
we're not gonna have time to consistently train.
So I start off every single morning journaling.
And I'll save you all the hippie-dippie,
like I am grateful fors, but I will get to
the most critical thing that I do every single morning.
And that is write down three important things
that I have to do each day.
And it's three because that's basically
the sweet spot of what people can accomplish
that are bigger tasks every single day.
And if you focus on bigger tasks,
things that are real needle movers,
things that will really improve
your business or your personal life.
As Tim Ferriss refers to as the "lead domino,"
the most important things that you can get done that day.
Even if it's just a sliver of a bigger project,
that means that every single day
you're gonna be moving yourself forward in your career,
as opposed to just running through the treadmill
of meetings, of emails, of phone calls, of things like that.
And what you're gonna find is that the amount of work
that you have to do in a day actually gets smaller.
And this applies to whether you're self-employed
or you work for somebody.
So now that that's all done, it's time to get to work,
and I do so by starting off with a coffee.
Coffee is the lifeblood that fuels the dreams of champions.
But of course I can't just have any coffee,
it's a very specific coffee.
What I'm looking for in a coffee is to be able to
continue burning fat throughout the morning
until I have my main breakfast, or even beyond that.
But I don't want that caffeine from the coffee
to really hit me quick, and because it's on an empty stomach
it has the potential of doing that.
So what I have is regular coffee
or the Four Sigmatic coffee that I have.
And then what I do is I put a tablespoon of MCT oil,
that's coconut oil, into the coffee.
It's really just tasteless, but what it is
is it's clear liquid that is pure fat,
and it slows down the absorption of that caffeine.
And because it's clear it doesn't actually break a fast.
So once that's ready, get going!
So now this is where it gets into the game changing.
The really moving the needle
and changing you life from a work standpoint.
Grab my laptop, I pick one of the things from the journal
that I wrote down as a needle moving exercise,
and before I go do anything, I go do that.
Right now that means writing workouts
for the Team Trainiac training platform for an hour.
It's very tedious, but I get it done.
So now that a really big thing for work is done
it's time to get on with the workout of the day.
And for that, need a little bit of calories.
If you guys have been around for a hot minute you know that
I am into basically a version of the bulletproof coffee,
but it's really evolved over the last few months,
and the idea behind it is that I wanna stay
in a fat burning state but give my body
enough calories to preform a workout.
So we're incorporating a little bit of caffeine
for some energy, we're incorporating a little bit of
sunflower butter for fat and calories,
incorporating some collagen and gelatin for joint support.
But not saddle myself with a really big, heavy breakfast
that I'm gonna have to lug around throughout the workout.
And not a whole bunch of carbs,
so that my body can learn how to access the fat stores,
and I can stay nice and slim and trim.
Shout-out to Four Sigmatic.
Go to foursigmatic.com/triathlontaren
to get an alternative to coffee,
which is quite a bit more healthy than coffee,
tastes like coffee, and is good for you.
And also, shout-out to SP2 Life,
this is a new spirulina product that I've been trying.
I think that it is going to be
my exclusive spirulina product.
It has in my testing really increased
the amount of oxygen that's in my blood and...
Yeah, more on that later.
So now that I've put first thing first,
I've taken care of up here,
I've taken care of some of the maintenance things
to prevent a little bit of injury,
I've taken care of a little bit of work,
I've got time to actually go and do a workout.
And whatever the workout might be,
I'm basically prepped for the day
because I'm ready to burn fat,
and it hasn't really taken any much more time.
If you drink water, you're just drinking
a little bit of a more beneficial water.
If you drink coffee, you're drinking
a bit more of a beneficial coffee.
If you have breakfast, little bit more
of a sports specific breakfast.
If you work, you will have just worked
but you will have worked on something
that is actually going to move you forward in your career.
You will have done all of the injury preventative stuff
that people tend to put off.
You can go and just crush a workout.
Let's go.
So then that Trainiacs just brings us back here.
After the workout's done, I could get all of that done
if I got up early by eight, eight thirty,
and then every single day I have set it up
so that I'm organized every single day,
I'm getting a little bit faster every single day,
getting a little bit better professionally,
career wise every single day.
Every single day is set up to get a little bit slimmer,
manage my weight, and have good sleep and recover.
And it's not like it takes any more time really
because I'm being so much more effective with my training,
with my work, with just my organization day to day.
Everything else that I do throughout the day takes less time
so a lot of people think that I'm just busy all the time,
but most days I'm finished work by two thirty, three,
maybe a podcast in the evening, at most.
And then I've got time to train a second time if I want to.
Yeah, if you want more info like this go to
triathlontaren.com/traininglog, and every single week
I send out details on how I'm training, why I'm training,
kind of the structure of all of that,
and get a good sense of how I optimize things like this
so that I don't have to put in 20, 25, 30 hour weeks
and I can still do quite well in triathlons.
So, yeah, go check that out.
Alright, later Trainiacs, I'm going into the locker room,
I can't take you in there.
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