After Dianne Feinstein Pulled A Dirty Stunt On Kavanaugh Karma Instantly Knocked On Her Door
meanwhile the meet to movement has
become let's face it a powerful force as
victims have come forward to make
accusations against those who they say
abused them we've seen this in Hollywood
major figures taken out the media majors
figures taken out and politics ditto
first-hand accounts backed up by
witnesses have led to some of the
accused admit their guilt in the end
which brings us to the latest charges
against Supreme Court nominee Brett
Kavanaugh now in this case no one has
come forward and witnesses dispute the
charge but the New Yorkers reporting
allegations of an unnamed woman who
claims that Kavanaugh while in high
school tried to force himself upon her
now Cavanaugh is vehemently denying it
took place in high school and or at any
time and the only other corroborating
witness has no recollection of it
so what are we left with a nearly four
decades old anonymous charge released
late in the game now remember we told
you last night that Senator Dianne
Feinstein had a letter containing
allegations back in July related to this
well she chose to sit on it so she let
Brett Kavanaugh go through a series of
Senate meetings three days worth of
seemingly unending testimony on the
Senate Judiciary Committee and answered
263 pages worth of follow-up questions
but now at the last minute the Democrats
dropped this bombshell on him and some
of these media people just lap it up
it's all eerily reminiscent of what the
Democrats did to my old boss Clarence
25 plus years ago after a leaked FBI
memo they reopened his confirmation
proceedings so they could basically
publicly humiliate Thomas and his family
how would any member
on this committee any person in this
room or any person in this country would
like sleaze said about him or her in
this fashion or this dirt dredged up in
this gossip and these lies displayed in
this manner how would any person like it
the Supreme Court is not worth it
no job is worth it I'm not here for that
I'm here for my name my family my life
and my integrity
the Cavanaugh case has an
all-too-familiar taint doesn't it
detailed legitimate concerns should be
dealt with in the FBI background check
process or then followed up at of course
in the public hearings not in this 11th
hour media circus joining us now with
reaction is Megan McCaleb she's one of
65 women who knew Kavanagh in high
school who wrote a letter supporting him
Helga Walker worked with Brett Kavanaugh
in the White House counsel's office and
Porter Wilkinson is a former clerk for
judge Kavanagh helgi let's start with
you of the entire panel probably you've
known Brett Kavanaugh the longest and I
am livid about what they're doing to him
I can imagine you are as well your
reaction Laura you and I have been
friends with judge Cavanaugh we used to
call him Brett for 25 years I've also
worked with him in the White House
counsel's office side-by-side every day
he treated me like a serious lawyer like
his equal
like his teammate in every fashion he
took me seriously he debated issues with
me this is a man who treats women with
the utmost respect courtesy he's a
complete gentleman
he's a kind and a gentle and a decent
person and it makes me upset to Laura
that somebody who is willing to be on
the Supreme Court who we are fortunate
to have a person of those qualifications
be willing to serve to be smeared like
this at the very last minute when such
obvious attempt to try to stop him or at
least tarnish him in some way because
some people just can't accept the fact
that he is so well qualified I'm gonna
get him and that he is gonna be on the
Supreme Court Megan I want to go to you
because there has been some whispering
around Washington about this letter the
65 classmates who signed this letter in
support of judge Kavanagh and it was
said that this letter had been written
long ago is that is that the case
because I know you signed it I just want
to clear that up once and for all no it
is that is absolutely not the case we
got wind of this yesterday from my
husband received a call from a reporter
with those those allegations and we we
couldn't believe it absolutely couldn't
believe it I've known Brett since I was
a freshman in high school and we knew we
had to rally around him I mean you've
known him since high school you've known
of a longer than even we have and it's
anything in his character indicate
behavior such as that is alleged today
again by an anonymous person and a
letter that that Feinstein sat on since
July anything in his background her
character absolutely nothing he always
treated us with girl girls with respect
always and it was simple to find 65
women to sign that letter from five
different high schools everybody jumped
on board and was happy to sign it on his
behalf and they all saw it and agreed
with it I have to say I think this is a
big embarrassment for the me2 movement
there are legitimate claims that have
been raised and voiced and people put
their names behind those claims and
accusations even if they're long ago
this is someone who refuses to give her
name for whatever reason and it ends up
in the hands of Dianne Feinstein had
never released Porter I have to ask you
about this what about those
circumstances Dianne Feinstein doing
this in this way well I'm not a
political commentator and so I don't
have a lot to say about chef Dianne
Feinstein has handled this besides for
the fact that I believe that she takes
the concerns of women seriously and if
she thought that there was a serie
credible allegation here that she would
have come forth sooner and said
something and during the FBI background
check or the hearing tell us about judge
Cavanaugh the boss it was a law clerk to
judge Cavanaugh in 2007 and 2008 and I
worked closely with him day in and day
out helping him prepare for cases and
decide cases and he is unfailingly kind
and respectful and a man of the highest
character unassailable integrity and
these allegations are flatly
inconsistent with the man that I've
known well for over a decade you know
it's amazing ladies is that there was a
tweet from Obama's top guy Bryant and
foul in the campaign or is a Hillary
Hillary's campaign excuse me and he
tweeted this out today in response to
this Emily singer tweet Emily singer
tweeted makes the whole bring in the
daughter's basketball team and talk
about how great a coach he was look even
more transparent and then Fallon's
tweets back and his emphasis on hiring
women clerks I'd like you to respond to
that so in other words he hired female
clerks for 12 years in anticipation of
being nominated to the Supreme Court
Porter Laura I'm not alone in my
assessment of judge Kavanagh I think you
know that women from every phase of his
life have written letters to the Senate
Judiciary Committee supporting his
nomination every single one of his
female clerks who wasn't prohibited from
signing a letter based on their current
employment vouch for his character his
integrity the fact that it is because of
him that they are succeeding in their
careers there's a moment in an interview
I did with Justice Thomas last
november's when we just started the
Ingraham angle about whether this whole
process and what he went through again
an 11th hour hit leaked FBI memo that
was already investigated by the FBI and
and dismissed accusations by Anita Hill
and this is what he said let's watch 28
years ago you went through the worst
confirmation spectacle in history was it
worth it I think we are called to do
certain things I don't thinks anyone
would choose to go through
unpleasantness but if it has to be that
what is right and so be it okay well I
clerked for Justice Thomas like you did
Laura were part of that special family
and it's just so disappointing that the
confirmation process and the Senate
Judiciary Committee has sunk so low we
could be having a conversation about the
Constitution we could be having a
conversation about the 300 opinions that
Judge Cavanaugh has written we could be
talking about the future of our country
instead we're talking about trash smut
anonymous allegations and even justice
Ginsberg yesterday a liberal icon a
fighter for women's rights respected by
so many people across the aisle said the
confirmation process the way it is now
is wrong so if liberals don't believe
Justice Ginsburg then I don't know who
they'll listen to Megan have you been in
touch with judge Kavanagh how is he
doing how is this family doing
throughout this process it certainly was
rough in that confirmation hearing
especially when they had the planned
protests and you had you know all the
usual suspects disrupting the
proceedings for so long you know I saw
them at the hearings and they're doing
as well as to be expected No well there
was one moment there was one moment last
night and I want you guys to respond
maybe helgi this is lawrence o'donnell
raising this issue of this allegation
let's watch the fact that the senator
and congresswoman issue issued
statements about it today and took this
step senator Feinstein took the step to
the FBI was what it is where we are now
and we do not know where we're going to
be tomorrow no this is I mean we overuse
the word unprecedented but for Supreme
Court nominations even with the Clarence
Thomas background this is absolutely
unprecedented morning Joe this morning
had to say this is kind of I mean they
were then can't stand Trump at Morning
Joe even they were saying come on guys
this is now this is this is you've made
a mockery of the Senate confirmation
process for the Supreme Court we have
all these incredibly impressive women
Porter is not Apple
a person decided to come on and put her
name out there tonight
obviously Megan you did the same thing
helgi you have better things to do but
you're out here just to stand against
unfairness and I would like American
women to know that all of the women on
this set today are accomplished
impressive women excluding myself who
have things to say and we all think he's
great and would you take the word of
people who've known him for 25 years or
would you listen to this ridiculous
last-minute character assess all of you
thank you so much for joining us tonight
Porter helgi Megan and what an
embarrassment for the media they ask you
about this Ronan Farrow getting this
memo though today and again it's the
same letter that Diane Feinstein gets he
gets it then he goes on TV and starts
talking about it well yes he won the
Pulitzer Prize he has he has a lot of
credibility in reporting these issues
obviously Weinstein what NBC did to stop
that story and other cases like it but I
was kind of surprised that he decided to
kind of like go on television and talk
about this given how thin and how old
and how uncorroborated this particular
allegation is yeah well before Ronan
Farrow did that today I think most of
the media were sort of cautious about
what had all the earmarks of a late hit
I mean mysterious letter anonymous
accuser about something that may
allegedly have happened when Brett
Kavanaugh was 17 years old but Ronan
Farrow because of his credibility in
reporting on Harvey Weinstein unless
Moonves sort of gave the rest of the
media covered and now go on TV and yeah
cannot heat it he did not interview this
woman he got a hold of the memo and you
know I admire his reporting but I think
it's fair to point out that he worked
for the Obama State Department I again I
will say what he did on the other
that's called shoe-leather reporting
this is taking a little gift wrapped up
from Diane Feinstein and going on
television saying okay everybody else
you're clear you have covered to go off
and talk about this as if it's some is
something that happened you know five
years ago in his in his office over
there at the DC Circuit I am I'm telling
you this is an insult to real assault
cases and real sexual harassment
who've been victimized should see this
for what it is a pure political attack
late hit on a great man I really
appreciate your job go ahead last word
we just don't have the details because
the accuser is anonymous and unlike
Anita Hill at least testified and was
cross-examined the media need to be
extraordinarily careful Laura but not
being used in an eleventh-hour smear
I appreciate it Howie Kurtz thank you
god bless you and God bless america
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