Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 17 2018

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~ ) (subtitles optimized for fullscreen devices)

so today! tadaa I'll be eating 1.8kg of cereal today

This looks like a collaboration between kellogs and hersheys

a korean viewer sent me these before and these have been sold there for some time

and I ate them a while back and they were super delish

and I was hoping that they'd someday be sold here in japan

and it seems as though they did start to be sold here and many of my viewers told me about it

I totally had to try these Japanese versions of the cereal

I'm so happy to be able to get these here now and I heard a lot of my viewers saw me eating these

and went to Korea to try them out for themselves

I've been looking forward to this... alrighty lets dig in

And this is the cereal that I received from Korea

In Korea they sell these in 500g boxes

And here in Japan they sell 360 G bags of these

time to dish em out

It smells so sweet

Love that sound

I somehow managed to fit them all in

pitch black

When you break it in half can you see it? the white cream within?

lets give it a try

It's so light crunchy and delish

kitty cat fell down

oh yeah I almost forgot this is made by the person who designed a bunch of my merch

its a tiny 'LON'

Doesn't it look just like LON

and of course.... its not for sale

time to get back on track I've readied 2L of milk

This stuff is super yummy even without any milk on it

lets try some more out itadakimasu

its yummy as is

They really put a lot of thought into this it reminds me of 'Koala no march' cookies

my jaw is weak... I forgot.... if I keep this up I'mma kill my jaw

time for milk

2L of milk

I love the contrasting colors of white and black

K I've used 2L

itadakimasu This big Square looking thing looks almost like a pool

the crunchy exterior is softened a bit by the milk and when you bite into it the cream in the middle comes out

It's also got a very slight saltiness to it that I love

When you cover corn flakes in milk I imagine it gets soggy right away

These choco bits remain crunchy even when drenched in milk

And of course it's way crunchier when not covered in milk

but even with the milk it retains its crunchiness

The milk doesn't get overly sweet as well

but I guess that's one of the good points about the flakes.... the coatings dissolve into the milk and

make the milk so sweet The crunchy stuff in this doesn't dissolve so

it doesn't change the flavor of the milk

the cream in the middle is so sweet The sweetness bursts in your mouth when you bite into it

This stuff is so yummy I'd get so excited to have this for breakfast

cereals are so handy to have... It's perfect when you're kind of sort of hungry

with 4.5kg of cereal..... When you're eating 5kg of other Foods

you get to experience a wide variety of flavors all at once...

With all sorts of rice and toppings and other things like sauces and such...

with 4kg of cereal its just the milk and the flavor of the crunchy bits and the cream within....

Don't get me wrong this has a wider variety of flavors than a regular cereal but...

I've been eating these same 3 flavors this whole time and even for an eater like me.... I'm starting to crave other flavors

I'm not tired of it per se... but I kinda want to taste something else as well

Perhaps a bit of fruit

A banana should pair nicely with the chocolate

It's super yummy but I'm tired of these flavors

I'm craving some Gindaco takoyakis

I wonder how many of these choco bits I've eaten today

It's probably time to cut my hair

It's been awhile since I've had a bob I know I'm going super off topic right now

I think I'll go for a bob

finally almost done

we have remaining....

19 of them

why'd I go and count them?

last 2 itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita The choco bits that have finally arrived here in Japan

were so yummy .... oh yeah I did eat the Korean version and I never said

anything about the diffrences in flavors well....

its prolly the same...

There really wasn't much of a difference in flavors The Korean one was very yummy as well

and these Japanese ones are yummy as well It's definitely something for people with a sweet tooth

These are so very yummy and they're finally available even in Japan so why don't you give them all a try

And as always thank you for watching if there's anything You want me to do or each please tell me in the comments section

below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 HERE IN JAPAN!!! [Hershey's X Kellogg's] Tasty Choco Flakes [3.8Kg] 10000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 8:10.


What Is Hezbollah? - Duration: 5:41.

Imagine you live in a small country with more than a hundred thousand missiles pointed at it.

And imagine the leaders who control those weapons had one stated purpose: to destroy you

—to literally wipe your country off the map.

What would do you?

Strike first and try to destroy all the weapons?

Set up an anti-missile defense system?

Or would you ignore the problem and hope it goes away?

You can now stop imagining, because these are real-life questions that one country in

the world has to ask itself every day.

That country is Israel.

And the leaders who control these missiles (and the number I gave is a low-ball estimate)

belong to an organization known as Hezbollah—Arabic for "Party of God."

Moreover, they're not rogue terrorists.

They actually run a country—Lebanon.

You should know something about them.

Hezbollah first burst onto the international scene in 1983, when they simultaneously bombed

the United States Marine barracks and French paratrooper base in Beirut.

241 Americans—the largest loss of American military personnel in a single incident since

World War II—and 58 Frenchmen were killed in the attacks.

But this was only the beginning.

More bombings followed, killing 24 people at the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut in 1984;

killing 85 at the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994; and killing 19 at

a housing complex for American oil executives in Saudi Arabia in 1996.

In 1985, Hezbollah terrorists highjacked TWA Flight 847, during which they beat passengers,

separated those with Jewish-sounding names, and murdered U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem.

Hezbollah also supplied roadside bombs and helped organize groups who committed terror

attacks against American forces during the Iraq War.

They routinely assassinated political rivals, most notably the former prime minister of

Lebanon, Rafic Hariri in 2005.

They provoked numerous border clashes with Israel, which escalated into a war in 2006

during which Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets at civilian targets.

Today, Hezbollah is a military force, a political party, a terrorist group and a transnational

criminal organization engaged in drug trafficking, money laundering, and arms smuggling.

But the most important thing to remember about Hezbollah is not Hezbollah; it's Iran.

Hezbollah is an extension of Iran and it operates under its command.

Don't take my word for it.

Take it from the man who has been running Hezbollah for the last twenty-five years and

is now the most powerful man in Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah.

Here's what he said in 2016:

"We are open about the fact that Hezbollah's budget, its income, its expenses, everything

it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, come from the Islamic Republic of Iran."

That's pretty much always been the case.

Indeed, Hezbollah is the demon child of the Iranian Revolution.

Its founders were Iranian revolutionaries who operated out of Lebanon in the 1970s.

After overthrowing the Shah of Iran in 1979, they set up Hezbollah in Lebanon.

This is why in the early days, Hezbollah referred to itself as "the Islamic revolution in Lebanon."

That definition still fits.

In the 1990s, Hezbollah added politics to its resume.

This led many scholars to claim that the group had abandoned its terrorist past

and its subservience to Iran.

If only.

In truth, throughout the decade, Hezbollah extended its murderous influence into Africa

and Latin America, and even into North America.

Cocaine trafficking (they got very cozy with Colombian and Mexican drug cartels),

phony charity operations, and a wide variety of other criminal activities brought in more

cash with which to finance their political and terror operations.

Today, Hezbollah dominates Lebanon.

It directs the nation's major domestic and foreign policy decisions, including war.

It has gained control of the Lebanese parliament as well as its military and security agencies.

It has also effectively turned Lebanon into an Iranian missile base.

That's where the more than 100,000 rockets come in.

Iran is working to surround Israel with missiles capable of hitting anywhere inside the country,

all while pressing ahead toward developing nuclear weapons.

As Hezbollah and Iran entrench themselves in Syria, where they're intent on activating

a new front against Israel, the likelihood they will trigger another war—more devastating

than the one in 2006—is growing.

In addition, Iran has used Hezbollah to further its ambitions to become the dominant power

in the region.

Hezbollah operatives are deeply involved in the conflicts in Iraq and Yemen.

Since 9-11, the world has come to associate terrorist threats mainly with non-state actors

like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

But unlike all these others, Hezbollah is a state enterprise.

As such, the threat Hezbollah poses to the West, to Arab countries, and to Israel's

existence is different—and far more dangerous.

How do we stop Hezbollah?

The key: Stop Iran.

I'm Tony Badran, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies,

for Prager University.

For more infomation >> What Is Hezbollah? - Duration: 5:41.



Steam the prawns, slipper lobsters, crabs and fish for 5 minutes.

Adding some butter in each vessel and steam them for a minute.

Add some prawns, lobsters, crab meat and fish in each vessel.

Adding some crushed pepper.

Adding some green onions.

Adding salt

Adding crushed pepper.

Adding turmeric powder.

Adding chili powder.

Adding a pinch of garam masala powder.

Adding a little ginger and garlic paste.

Add some water and mix it well.

Add the mixture in the eggs and mix it well.

Steam them for 5 to 10 minutes.

For more infomation >> KING OF ALL EGG DISHES - SEAFOOD OMELETTE - Duration: 13:12.


HAIRDORABLES КУКЛЫ С ПРИЧЕСКАМИ РАСПАКОВКА! Куда же Панки приглашает Единорожку МУЛЬТИК ЛОЛ - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> HAIRDORABLES КУКЛЫ С ПРИЧЕСКАМИ РАСПАКОВКА! Куда же Панки приглашает Единорожку МУЛЬТИК ЛОЛ - Duration: 11:55.


כאן | יום כיפור הראשון שלי בארץ - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> כאן | יום כיפור הראשון שלי בארץ - Duration: 1:54.


Storm Team 8 Forecast: Daybreak 091718 - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Storm Team 8 Forecast: Daybreak 091718 - Duration: 3:39.


Pinpoint Weather 12 Forecast - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Pinpoint Weather 12 Forecast - Duration: 3:27.


ROS Free Diamonds -or- Rules of Survival Hack PC, IOS,APK & Androids 2018 *update* - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> ROS Free Diamonds -or- Rules of Survival Hack PC, IOS,APK & Androids 2018 *update* - Duration: 3:57.


Difference between beside and besides | What's the difference between beside and besides | Speaklish - Duration: 3:31.

what is the difference between beside and besides?

Hello everyone! This is Sudipta from Speaklish.

And today I want

to discuss the differences between beside and besides.

I will outline their definitions,

their functions in a sentence

and some easy tips to avoid the confusion.

So let's begin.

when to use beside? The word beside

without the s, functions as a preposition

and it's most common definition is at

the side of or next to. For example, my

best friend will always stand beside me.

The soldier had his pistol beside his

hips. We all sat beside the fire and

enjoyed the evening beside also has a

few other definitions but we are not

going to those definitions at this

moment popular phrases using the site

there are two popular phrases that

always use the word beside, Not besides.

Those phrases are : beside the point and

beside oneself. How to use them in

sentence? Let's see. That is completely

beside the point

I am completely beside myself right now. That means extremely excited or agitated.

When to use "besides"?

The word besides, with the s,

can function as both an adverb and preposition.

As an adverb

besides is defined as in addition to, as

well, moreover , furthermore. For example I

am perfectly willing to take on more

work and besides I want to. I'm too tired

to go swimming besides the water is too


as a preposition besides is defined as

in addition to apart from besides the

award there was a write-up in the local

paper no one besides the store manager

can make that call besides your father

no one else understands where I'm coming

from remember the difference a great way

to remember the difference between

besides and beside is to look at the

length of each word

besides has an additional letter on the

end and means in addition to you can

remember that the longer word means in

addition to so to sum up the whole video

I would like to say that even though

these words are very close to each other

in spelling it's best to observe the

distinctions that separate beside and

besides besides is a preposition that

means nearby or at the side of besides

is an adverb and a preposition and it

means in addition to as well and apart

from so that's it for now

thank you a lot for listening to the

video watching the video hope you

learned the difference and if you liked

it please don't forget to share comment

and like the video that will help the

channel thanks a lot

For more infomation >> Difference between beside and besides | What's the difference between beside and besides | Speaklish - Duration: 3:31.


已婚男人愛上你,那不是愛情! - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> 已婚男人愛上你,那不是愛情! - Duration: 6:20.





韓 영공, 주변국 방공자산에 발가벗겨지나? - Duration: 13:49.

For more infomation >> 韓 영공, 주변국 방공자산에 발가벗겨지나? - Duration: 13:49.


🎈🎈Pubg android hack - pubg hack - Pubg mobile hack season 3 🔥🔥 - Duration: 3:30.

pubg hack

pubg mobile hack

pubg mobile season 3 hack

For more infomation >> 🎈🎈Pubg android hack - pubg hack - Pubg mobile hack season 3 🔥🔥 - Duration: 3:30.


Protez Diş Fiyatları - Diş Protezi Zararlı Mı? - Duration: 1:26.

Dental Implant Prices

Whether emax or zirconium or laminated

these three

Different kinds of prostheses

after gluing into patient's mouth

because the paste process is already

We do beam through the beam after hardening is achieved

patients immediately begin to use their teeth

For more infomation >> Protez Diş Fiyatları - Diş Protezi Zararlı Mı? - Duration: 1:26.


How To Make Bamboo Water Fountain with Water Powered Hammer and Hand Saw - Duration: 10:06.

How to make Water Powered Hammer and Hand Saw for Bamboo Water Fountain

For more infomation >> How To Make Bamboo Water Fountain with Water Powered Hammer and Hand Saw - Duration: 10:06.


'Presidential Alert': FEMA to test emergency alert system Thursday morning - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> 'Presidential Alert': FEMA to test emergency alert system Thursday morning - Duration: 0:36.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Ambition | Style | Cruisecontrol | Airco | LED - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Ambition | Style | Cruisecontrol | Airco | LED - Duration: 0:55.


ソフトB、またケガ…今宮、負傷交代で守備位置"大シャッフル" - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> ソフトB、またケガ…今宮、負傷交代で守備位置"大シャッフル" - Duration: 2:04.


負傷交代のソフトB今宮「大丈夫」 左脚の肉離れなし、自力で球場階段上り病院へ - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 負傷交代のソフトB今宮「大丈夫」 左脚の肉離れなし、自力で球場階段上り病院へ - Duration: 1:48.


ピタゴラ国旗クイズ3 - Duration: 6:58.


Hello, I'm Hossy

I am his friend, Tsukimi

I'm about to take a trip and give you quizzes about flags.

Please guess which national flag it is

For example

The answer to this national flag is


Let's Go

Question 1

If you can answer now, you get 100 points

Let's sum up your scores later

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If you can answer now, you get 50 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If you can answer now, you get 30 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1


If you can answer now, you get 10 points

The correct answer for question 1 is...


Hi, how many points did you get?

Hossy, let 's give quizzes a lot today too!

Yup! Tsukimi, let's go to various countries

Let's go in search of flags

Question 2

If you can answer now, you get 100 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If you can answer now, you get 50 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

30 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1


If you can answer now, you get 10 points

The correct answer for question 2 is...

United Kingdom

Question 3

If you can answer now, you get 100 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If you can answer now, you get 50 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

30 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1


If you can answer now, you get 10 points

The correct answer for question 3 is...


Question 4

If you can answer now, you get 100 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If you can answer now, you get 50 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

30 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1


If you can answer now, you get 10 points

The correct answer for question 4 is...

Saint Lucia

Tsukimi, it's fun to have various national flags

Let's go travel more and give out a quiz

Hossie It is about time to go home

Well, next is the last question!

Let's go!

Question 5

If you can answer now, you get 100 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If you can answer now, you get 50 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

30 points

5, 4, 3, 2, 1


If you can answer now, you get 10 points

The correct answer for the last question is...


Hi, how was everyone?

How many points was the total score?

I will announce the ranking

Please check yourself somewhere

Then the result announcement

People of 500 points are SUPERHUMAN

People between 250 and 450 points are FLAGS MAGNATE

People between 50 and 240 points are FLAGS EXPERT

People between 10 to 40 points are FOND OF FLAGS

People of 0 points, please learn by watching my flag dance video

See you

Thanks for watching

Please subscribe to my channel

Push the Good Button

See you next time

For more infomation >> ピタゴラ国旗クイズ3 - Duration: 6:58.


Do you know how to get in touch with us? - Duration: 0:37.

I used to to look up the timetable online, but I just use Google now instead.

Only for my free bus pass!

Probably either through the website or through social media.

Er, on the internet, yes.

Most probably by phone, I'm not that familiar with social media.

For more information about Transport for Greater Manchester check us out on social media,

on Facebook and on Twitter @officialTFGM

For more infomation >> Do you know how to get in touch with us? - Duration: 0:37.


Comparable Company Analysis | How to identify comparable companies? - Duration: 16:13.

hello everyone welcome to the channel of Wallstreetmojo friends today we are

going to learn thing called comparable company analysis and this is basically a

beginners guide this is basically a part two of the equity valuation series

articles comparable comps is nothing but

identifying doing relative valuations like an expert to find the fair value of

the form the comparable comp process starts with identifying the comparable

companies then selecting the right valuation tools and finally preparing a

table that can provide easy inferences about fair valuation of the industry and

the company in this tutor we will discuss the following things I mean what

is comparable company analysis how to read them we are going to see the Box

IPOs comparable companies analysis how to identify comparable companies how do

we prepare professional comparable company analysis table and any important

adjustment in the comparable company analysis in order to fully understand

this concept you should have a reasonable knowledge of relative

valuation multiples like every by a beta PE ratio price-to-book ratio PEG ratio

etc however if you want a very quick refresher you may refer to the part 1 of

the equity valuation series that was covered under the topic of relative

valuation multiples what is exactly the comparable company analysis also it is

known as trading comps or comparable comps see comparable analysis or trading comps

can we best explain with the help of an example let's assume that you are

planning to buy a house in New York why not who doesn't like that obviously you

may search search on the many real estate brokerage website and you would

also draw comparable comparative study on the same you would compare one

apartment with another and would also try to get a sense of what they are

worth as compared to each other as you can see over here when you're comparing

apartments you would consider different attributes such as number of rooms size

of bedrooms number of bathrooms layout etc in doing so what you would notice is

that apartments with similar kind of attribute

may cost similarly in this context let us know let us now try and understand

what is comparable company analysis or comparable comps below is the basically

definition I mean that we are going to discuss which is source from the

investopedia it says that process used to evaluate the value of the company

using the metrics of other business of similar size of the same industry

comparable company analysis operates under the assumption that similar

companies will have a similar valuation multiple such as EB by ebeta analysts

will compile a list of the available statistics for the companies being

reviewed and will calculate the valuation multiples in order to compare

them from the above apartment related discussion and investopedia definition

we can draw the following inferences regarding the comparable analysis just

like comparing the apartments comparable company analysis helps you to the

compare compare different companies with similar size and industry and there have

a fair value for them instead of second that is instead of looking at the number

of beds location bathroom etc you look at relatively valuation PE multiples like

every by ebita PE p by p book value ratio etc third you infer from such

comparison regarding a company's Frye's is overvalued or undervalued

I guess this with the basic analogy we should be able to proceed and move

forward to reading the comparable company analysis how to read the

comparable company analysis table for learning to read to comparable company

analysis table or comparable comps I'll take a real-life example of boxing with

that had earlier announced its IPO we want to understand at what valuation

price point should we invest in boxing IPO shares below is the comparable

company analysis table for boxing IPO and there are broadly 5 parts to

the trading comes first the comparable information this includes company's name

ticker again be very sure what I'm saying name ticker

price ticker is a very unique symbol given to the company to identify public

listed company you may take Bloomberg Reuters tickers as well also note that

the prices that we take here are the most recent prices we make the tea table

in such a way that this prices are linked to the database where they would

get updated automatically second size of the company this includes the market

capitalization and enterprise value we normally sought the table on the basis

of the market capitalization now market capitalization also

provides us a sudo for the size of the company and the price value is the

current market based valuation of the firm now we may know we may not want to

compare a small market capitalization company with a large market

capitalization company third valuation multiple this should includes two to

three appropriate valuation tools for the comparison we should ideally show

1 year of historical multiple of and in 2 years of forward PE that for PE

multiple will be estimated choosing an appropriate valuation tool is the key to

successfully valuing the company for operating metrics

this may include fundamental ratios like revenue growth ROE etc this is the

important so that we can understand the fundamental of the company at once you

include profit margins ROE net margins leverage etc to make the comp more

meaning fifth the summary this is simple mean median low high of the above

metrics mean and median provides core insight to the fair valuation

if a company's multiple is above the mean median we tend to inform that the

company may be overvalued likewise if the multiple is below the mean median

remain for undervalued so high and low also helps us to understand the outliers

and the case to remove those if they are too far away from the mean and median

now reading to the trading comps or comparable company analysis of box IPO

let's let us know now look at the summary of the comparable company

analysis of IPO Box IPO the cloud companies they're basically trading at

an average of 9.5 X EV by sales multiple we note companies like

zero in an outlier trades around 44x EV by sales multiple expected 2014 growth

rate at 94% and Louis EV by sales multiple is close enough to 2 X

so the cloud companies trade at EV by beta 32 X now box valuation from the

financial model of the box we note that the box is a beta down negative so we

cannot proceed with every buyer beta as the valuation tool the only multiple

that is suitable for the valuation is EV by sales since the median EV by

sales is around 7.7 X and the mean is around close .2 in the

neighborhood of 9.5 X me we may consider

three scenarios for the evaluation optimistic that is 10 X EV by sale

base case 7.1 into EV by sales and pessimistic case of 5.0 EV

by sales now as you can see in the table that it shows the Per share price using the

three scenarios in co-valuation range from 15.65 pessimistic

case to 29.38 the optimistic is most expected

valuation for the boxing using relative valuation is 21.40

expected now how to identify the comparable companies the most important

element of the comparable analysis is to identify a right set of comparables

comparing value of Apple to oranges does not make any sense here it is important

to conduct a preliminary study on the comparable companies and it is

generally involves just three sets first identify the industry try to zero down

the industry in which the companies are classified this can be tedious as

different sources would give different industry for the same company and also

industry names would be different in various sources generally the

classification available are very broad ones and cannot be relied completely if

there is no surety about the industry classification which is the case most of

the times try to identify some keywords relevant to the business description of

the company's example building material companies like the relevant keyword can

be roofing plumping framing insulation tilling construction service and so on

and so forth though this example is simple however for applying the same in

the real life scenario one needs to establish the value in the value of the

driver makes several adjustment to it be understand the company description it is

important to understand the business in order to select the comparable company

try to find out the exact business description of the company possible

sources for in the order of preference would be comparable company website

research reports company filings latest and gay annual report etc like Yahoo

Finance note company websites are very useful in

I mean helping to visualize the all the products and service but the research

reports and company filing provide actual segment data to give a true

business mix of the company see identify the key competitors comparable company

can be identified from the following sources in the order of reference

research reports company filings that is competition section yahoo finance that

is compared industry sections and Hoover's that is

competitor and industry section now professional comparable company analysis

a step-by-step approach okay the key to preparing comparable company analysis or

trading income trading comp is it is the arrive at the right multiple that is

EV by sales PE etc so as you can see this is a particular set of company

analysis the requisite output of the company 1 2 and 3 is linked from

the input tabs company 1 company 2 company 3 respectively preparing the

comparable comp table is not difficult however correctly calculating the

requisite valuation multiple sometime is challenging hence we will focus

primarily on correctly calculating this multiple with in-depth example ok and

for the same you can either download some excel time template which is

available to you and you can practice that what are the key formulas that are

used see the basic equity value is what let's let's go and quickly calculate the

basic equity value is going to be the common shares outstanding into this

share price okay the diluted equity value is going to be

the diluted share outstanding in to share price now the diluted from the

options okay that is going to be options less the options in two x's as friends

divided by the share price resolution from the convertibles convertible bonds

into the conversion ratio the enterprise value is going to be equity value minus

cash plus debt as minority interest plus preferred stock for it for the dilution

calculation above the exercise price your conversion price needs to be below

the share price if the conversion price of the exercise rises above the share

price then there will be no dilution an option will not get exercised and

conversion of the bonds will not take place comparable company steps input

basic information input balance your information then calculate in the money

stock options calculate in the money convertible security and find the

diluted EPS calculate the LTM numbers X non recurring items calculate the equity

value and enterprise value calculate the respective multiples okay let us now

proceed step by step to understand this fully I have basically taken an example

of Robert Half international picker RHI and even though the data used here is

pretty old 2006 10k and 10-q those are the filings I'm sure it will still

to be useful for understanding the general methodology the step 1 is going

to be the input the basic information for a company the last fiscal year end

and all the details these are all the basic details that you have entered

populate this field manually and this will be calculated subsequently because

this option warrant and convertible debts will be calculated step 2 input

the latest available balance sheet information like cash total assets total

debt minority interest and preferences total equity shoulders and capital

invested so post or with the quarter one financial 0-7 filing rho announced the

acquisition of some of the small staffing companies worth of 47 million

dollar psychos ition was assumed to be financed from cash so that's why there

is a negative cash balance now step 3 calculate all the money the stock

options the over here all the details of the stock options will be given here

there is a little bit of dilution will have a dilute effect on the common

outstanding shares okay now calculate all the in the money still is therefore

in the money convertible securities for RHI does not have any convertible debt

for convertible preferred security as you can see the data so as with the

options you you only get dilution from the

convertible bonds if the company's current share price exceeds the converse

conversion price of the bond okay how you factor the convertible bonds into

enterprise value if they if the convertible bonds are in the money they

can convert to shares then you can calculate the dilution and add to the

shares outstanding if they are out of the money they cannot convert into

shares and there then you count the bonds as the debt instead so dilution of

the convertibles is equal to close enough to convertible bonds into

convertible convert conversion ratio convertible bond is equal to convertible

dollar amount divided by the par value the conversion ratio is equal to the

par value divided by conversion price and the conversion price is equal to the

par value divided by the conversion ratio now the most important that is the

step 5 calculate the LTM number that is x non-recurring items now if you are

wondering what is non recurring item then you you need to understand to all

those items which are not going to repeat and the near future which is not

going to occur in near future this is our step Faiz income statement how we

are going to calculate the Altium the latest 12 years data over here this

is the most recent period data less the period ending 1 year prior to the most

recent ok step seven is to calculate the respective multiples this was our step

six is left calculate the equity value and the enterprise value we now know

what is equity and enterprise value calculate the respective multiples okay

and those multiples that is EV by revenue EV by ebeta and EV by ebit

those all those multiples you'll be able to calculate from this

particular data okay now there are some very important adjustments that you need

to take care of while while while analyzing like item cash what is the

thing that you should not think of cash as a free gift when you buy a company it

reduces your effective price because of you get the targets in time balance

sheet as a part of the acquisition and you need to subtract from the cash okay

now there is one additional info for the cash you almost always include the short

term investment as a part of the cash a number but long term investment depends

on the liquidity and what your bank usually does second debt debt refers to

the loan that a company has taken out normally when you buy a company you are

required to refinance its debt so it's counted as one of those of the hidden

cost to make the acquisition and this taking you will have to add some

additional info on particularly all debt related to in items should be counted in

this number short-term debt long-term debt revolvers mezzanine and so on the

only exception convertible bonds which may or may not be counted it's better to

use market values for dead but if you don't have them you can just use what is

listed on the balance sheet that is book value preferred stock

preferred stock is a very similar to debt investors receive a guaranteed

dividend usually in the form of interest rate on the preferred balance and you

this particular thing you will add some additional info on the preferred stock

preferred share is listed on the liability in the shareholders equity

side of the balance sheet now next minority interest when you own more than

50% of the another company minority interest refers to the poster that you

don't own so you need to add it back to the

enterprise value because the other company's revenue and profit are

included in your own financial statements so you need to make sure that

its value is reflected in the EV and this particular thing you need to add

some additional for minority interest minority interest is listed on the

balance sheet and the liabilities are shareholders equity in most cases you

are fine listing what's in the filling but if we have market numbers you can

use them absolutely okay now this was it for comparable company analysis I hope

you have got the best of the best knowledge from here thank you everyone

for for the tutor all

For more infomation >> Comparable Company Analysis | How to identify comparable companies? - Duration: 16:13.


Difference between beside and besides | What's the difference between beside and besides | Speaklish - Duration: 3:31.

what is the difference between beside and besides?

Hello everyone! This is Sudipta from Speaklish.

And today I want

to discuss the differences between beside and besides.

I will outline their definitions,

their functions in a sentence

and some easy tips to avoid the confusion.

So let's begin.

when to use beside? The word beside

without the s, functions as a preposition

and it's most common definition is at

the side of or next to. For example, my

best friend will always stand beside me.

The soldier had his pistol beside his

hips. We all sat beside the fire and

enjoyed the evening beside also has a

few other definitions but we are not

going to those definitions at this

moment popular phrases using the site

there are two popular phrases that

always use the word beside, Not besides.

Those phrases are : beside the point and

beside oneself. How to use them in

sentence? Let's see. That is completely

beside the point

I am completely beside myself right now. That means extremely excited or agitated.

When to use "besides"?

The word besides, with the s,

can function as both an adverb and preposition.

As an adverb

besides is defined as in addition to, as

well, moreover , furthermore. For example I

am perfectly willing to take on more

work and besides I want to. I'm too tired

to go swimming besides the water is too


as a preposition besides is defined as

in addition to apart from besides the

award there was a write-up in the local

paper no one besides the store manager

can make that call besides your father

no one else understands where I'm coming

from remember the difference a great way

to remember the difference between

besides and beside is to look at the

length of each word

besides has an additional letter on the

end and means in addition to you can

remember that the longer word means in

addition to so to sum up the whole video

I would like to say that even though

these words are very close to each other

in spelling it's best to observe the

distinctions that separate beside and

besides besides is a preposition that

means nearby or at the side of besides

is an adverb and a preposition and it

means in addition to as well and apart

from so that's it for now

thank you a lot for listening to the

video watching the video hope you

learned the difference and if you liked

it please don't forget to share comment

and like the video that will help the

channel thanks a lot

For more infomation >> Difference between beside and besides | What's the difference between beside and besides | Speaklish - Duration: 3:31.


Opel Agila 1.0 Berlin - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.0 Berlin - Duration: 1:03.


Pronar T132 + ZHS10 Spreaders - Presentation Specifications - Duration: 1:36.

Hello! My name is Rencsik Sebastian and today I want to introduce you two Pronar spreaders.

The first is the one behind me, it is a towing model with a capacity of 5500kg.

It can work with it at high speeds up to 40km / h

A sand splash efficiency of 2.5 to 6 m

The load is hydraulically operated, so the scattering capacity can be adjusted here

The trailer can be loaded with both salt and sand.

This is the second spreader model that can be put on any type of machine that has a 3-point grip and a hydraulic system.

It has a load capacity of 1700kg. The bunker it is self-loading.

It is used at the same time with a snow plow or a snow blade, but it can also be used alone when it comes to glazed frost.

For more snow removal equipment please go to

For more infomation >> Pronar T132 + ZHS10 Spreaders - Presentation Specifications - Duration: 1:36.


Renault Twingo 1.2-16V Authentique - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 1.2-16V Authentique - Duration: 0:52.


《中餐厅》炒锅太脏?网友们都说明星当厨师,终究不靠谱 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> 《中餐厅》炒锅太脏?网友们都说明星当厨师,终究不靠谱 - Duration: 3:13.


馬麗被開心麻花放棄?兩年無戲可拍,快本一個舉動暴露內情 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 馬麗被開心麻花放棄?兩年無戲可拍,快本一個舉動暴露內情 - Duration: 2:47.


Các hệ đếm và chuyển đổi số giữa các hệ đếm - Tin học văn phòng - Duration: 32:39.

For more infomation >> Các hệ đếm và chuyển đổi số giữa các hệ đếm - Tin học văn phòng - Duration: 32:39.


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE - Duration: 0:52.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE - Duration: 0:52.


Better or Different? Getting competitive advantage for your product. - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Better or Different? Getting competitive advantage for your product. - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> Better or Different? Getting competitive advantage for your product. - Duration: 2:18.


ユーリャブリンチクと一緒に5秒で世界へ旅立とう!【Cambly】 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> ユーリャブリンチクと一緒に5秒で世界へ旅立とう!【Cambly】 - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> ユーリャブリンチクと一緒に5秒で世界へ旅立とう!【Cambly】 - Duration: 3:01.


AMÉLIE ET COMPAGNIE #2 - L'arroseur arrosé - Duration: 25:01.

For more infomation >> AMÉLIE ET COMPAGNIE #2 - L'arroseur arrosé - Duration: 25:01.


For more infomation >> AMÉLIE ET COMPAGNIE #2 - L'arroseur arrosé - Duration: 25:01.


Cette graine peut guérir le diabète, vous aider à perdre du poids! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Cette graine peut guérir le diabète, vous aider à perdre du poids! - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> Cette graine peut guérir le diabète, vous aider à perdre du poids! - Duration: 3:51.



For more infomation >> HOMER ET LA BOUFFE ! YTP FR LES SIMPSONS - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> HOMER ET LA BOUFFE ! YTP FR LES SIMPSONS - Duration: 3:01.


Retired veteran, Ray Wood,

For more infomation >> Retired veteran, Ray Wood,


I'm sure of victory in Osun poll - Senator Adeleke - Duration: 1:54.

I'm sure of victory in Osun poll - Senator Adeleke

The candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the September 22 Osun governorship election, Senator Ademola Adeleke, has said no amount of intimidation can stop his victory in the coming poll.

The PDP candidate told The Tribune on Sunday, September 16, that his confidence was based on the massive support of all the indigenes of Osun and the consultations he engaged in during campaigns.

The governorship aspirant described his six-point agenda as the path of redemption and collective prosperity for Osun state.

In a related report, the PDP candidate told members of the Osun Democratic Society who paid him a visit that his agenda is for the people, by the people and of the people.

He stated that his plan for the state is all about the people and how to return prosperity in place of hunger and want.

Meanwhile, the Economic and Financial Commission (EFCC) has dismissed claims by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), alleging that the bank accounts of a governorship contestant in Osun state, Senator Ademola Adeleke, had been frozen.

Spokesman for the commission, Wilson Uwujaren, in a statement on Sunday, September 16, described the claim as false.

He urged the public to disregard the claim which he termed as fake news, insisting that such allegations was intended make the commission appear bias politically.

For more infomation >> I'm sure of victory in Osun poll - Senator Adeleke - Duration: 1:54.


【第一印象】M-Benz C-Class小改款實車解析搶先看(中文字幕,非直播):外觀內裝科技升級、EQ Boost導入 | U-CAR 現場報導 - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> 【第一印象】M-Benz C-Class小改款實車解析搶先看(中文字幕,非直播):外觀內裝科技升級、EQ Boost導入 | U-CAR 現場報導 - Duration: 7:55.


(ENGSUB) PSS LIVE *GODBITAR* - Golden Axe M/ Special gäst!!! - Duration: 6:44.

October 21, we will continue playing "Kirby's Fun Pak: The Great Cave Offensive"

and one week after, October 28 we will continue the "Super 3D Noah's Ark."

The time is 15:00 and the link is in the description.

Ladies and gentlemen, Let me introduce Markus!

Come on now!

Everybody Applauds! Everyone is waiting for you right now!

Hello everyone!

I'll give you headphones to hear.

Everyone loves you on the live broadcast!

Lets see, Now a bit of trouble.

Maybe not the best.

There you go!

Thank you so much everyone!

We're going to get started and play.

-Absolutely -I have a little ...

-Before we start ... -Do you have anything you want to say?

-Yes... Is it "Hi Mom!"?


How Sonic games says "Sega".

On Sonic 3D, there does not say "Sega."

It's a random person who shouts "Sega" and that sounds a bit:


-Exact, that's true. -Very ironic.


Do you have any choice what you should be? -I do not really know.

I'm going to be a woman for when I tested ...

it was something awesome.

Then I choose the gnome.

I will come and say, "Ho, ho!"

"Is there any nice children?"

"Because I have a AXE!"


"Are there any nice children here?"

"I can karate too!"

My Coca Cola! Come here!

Give me back my Coke!

Oh, sorry. Come here!

"Well, I'm a bit old for this. "

You understand what I mean.

Oh yes, I think I know.

What? What have we done to you?

I haven't said anything about raping you.

Come here!

-Oh sorry. -Ah!

What the f**k! Beware my beard!

Let's see.

I do not have to do anything.

Thank you.

Now it's coming, and that's why i use this one.

Wow, and it was made of silver as well.

-You need some life -Chicken, chicken.

Or maybe it's pork meat.

Do you think so?

-Yes as long as it's not human meat. -Yes exactly.

Who wants to eat it really? I don't want to become a cannibal!

Oh, now he's suddenly rolling!

-I didn't know you could do that. -Neither do I.

And yet we did it.

Come here!

Well, that's was...

Talk about bullying.

Where did bullying come? It's because we play so much.

The game teaches you about bullying.

Let's bully him!

Who am I going to take? Who am I going to take?

Got you because you're kidding with a woman.

Excuse me, who are you talking about again?

Okay, now you will not f**k up here.

Close you would push me down.

Oh, I think we're getting closer, I think. I don't know.

Ganon, is that you?

That must be it.

Is that Kalle?

-KallE, is that you? -Who's Kalle?

From Treasure of Love I made.

Ah, good there.


-Why?! -Oh sh*t.

-I don't even have powers. -Now you shouldn't f**k up this one.

You look like your brother.

Or you look like that person ...


-No. -No!

He uses your power!

-Is that game over? -I think so.

Yes, it's game over.

Oh sh * t. We have come so far.

Then stopped there.

Oh, oh, oh. Breakdance, Breakdance


There I died.

What a luck I do a style.

Well it's really tragic thing.

And our winner is player 2!

Oh, what a light voice he had.

Maybe he dosen't gone through with the voice.

I was going to say. He looks like he...

... is a person with a dark voice. But since he starts talking:

Hi everyone, how are you?

Thanks so much.

Thank you Markus for coming. -Thank you for being here.

And see you later. Hey!

Grettings! Or bye, I mean.

You're just looking happy: "Hi, how are you?"

Merry Christmas everybody!

For more infomation >> (ENGSUB) PSS LIVE *GODBITAR* - Golden Axe M/ Special gäst!!! - Duration: 6:44.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 318D M-Pakket int & ext./NAVI/CLIMA/CRUISE/XENON/17" - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318D M-Pakket int & ext./NAVI/CLIMA/CRUISE/XENON/17" - Duration: 1:06.


【MUKBANG】 HERE IN JAPAN!!! [Hershey's X Kellogg's] Tasty Choco Flakes [3.8Kg] 10000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 8:10.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~ ) (subtitles optimized for fullscreen devices)

so today! tadaa I'll be eating 1.8kg of cereal today

This looks like a collaboration between kellogs and hersheys

a korean viewer sent me these before and these have been sold there for some time

and I ate them a while back and they were super delish

and I was hoping that they'd someday be sold here in japan

and it seems as though they did start to be sold here and many of my viewers told me about it

I totally had to try these Japanese versions of the cereal

I'm so happy to be able to get these here now and I heard a lot of my viewers saw me eating these

and went to Korea to try them out for themselves

I've been looking forward to this... alrighty lets dig in

And this is the cereal that I received from Korea

In Korea they sell these in 500g boxes

And here in Japan they sell 360 G bags of these

time to dish em out

It smells so sweet

Love that sound

I somehow managed to fit them all in

pitch black

When you break it in half can you see it? the white cream within?

lets give it a try

It's so light crunchy and delish

kitty cat fell down

oh yeah I almost forgot this is made by the person who designed a bunch of my merch

its a tiny 'LON'

Doesn't it look just like LON

and of course.... its not for sale

time to get back on track I've readied 2L of milk

This stuff is super yummy even without any milk on it

lets try some more out itadakimasu

its yummy as is

They really put a lot of thought into this it reminds me of 'Koala no march' cookies

my jaw is weak... I forgot.... if I keep this up I'mma kill my jaw

time for milk

2L of milk

I love the contrasting colors of white and black

K I've used 2L

itadakimasu This big Square looking thing looks almost like a pool

the crunchy exterior is softened a bit by the milk and when you bite into it the cream in the middle comes out

It's also got a very slight saltiness to it that I love

When you cover corn flakes in milk I imagine it gets soggy right away

These choco bits remain crunchy even when drenched in milk

And of course it's way crunchier when not covered in milk

but even with the milk it retains its crunchiness

The milk doesn't get overly sweet as well

but I guess that's one of the good points about the flakes.... the coatings dissolve into the milk and

make the milk so sweet The crunchy stuff in this doesn't dissolve so

it doesn't change the flavor of the milk

the cream in the middle is so sweet The sweetness bursts in your mouth when you bite into it

This stuff is so yummy I'd get so excited to have this for breakfast

cereals are so handy to have... It's perfect when you're kind of sort of hungry

with 4.5kg of cereal..... When you're eating 5kg of other Foods

you get to experience a wide variety of flavors all at once...

With all sorts of rice and toppings and other things like sauces and such...

with 4kg of cereal its just the milk and the flavor of the crunchy bits and the cream within....

Don't get me wrong this has a wider variety of flavors than a regular cereal but...

I've been eating these same 3 flavors this whole time and even for an eater like me.... I'm starting to crave other flavors

I'm not tired of it per se... but I kinda want to taste something else as well

Perhaps a bit of fruit

A banana should pair nicely with the chocolate

It's super yummy but I'm tired of these flavors

I'm craving some Gindaco takoyakis

I wonder how many of these choco bits I've eaten today

It's probably time to cut my hair

It's been awhile since I've had a bob I know I'm going super off topic right now

I think I'll go for a bob

finally almost done

we have remaining....

19 of them

why'd I go and count them?

last 2 itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita The choco bits that have finally arrived here in Japan

were so yummy .... oh yeah I did eat the Korean version and I never said

anything about the diffrences in flavors well....

its prolly the same...

There really wasn't much of a difference in flavors The Korean one was very yummy as well

and these Japanese ones are yummy as well It's definitely something for people with a sweet tooth

These are so very yummy and they're finally available even in Japan so why don't you give them all a try

And as always thank you for watching if there's anything You want me to do or each please tell me in the comments section

below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 HERE IN JAPAN!!! [Hershey's X Kellogg's] Tasty Choco Flakes [3.8Kg] 10000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 8:10.


What's mum doing on newborn baby Timo?Newborn baby timo tired and sleep/Jussy monkey425 - Duration: 16:41.

For more infomation >> What's mum doing on newborn baby Timo?Newborn baby timo tired and sleep/Jussy monkey425 - Duration: 16:41.


태국 연어는 맛이 다를까? 배달연어먹방!!!!Muk-Bang - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> 태국 연어는 맛이 다를까? 배달연어먹방!!!!Muk-Bang - Duration: 10:33.


Sam, Sam² but different - The new FOCUS Sam - Duration: 2:07.

You're good?

Yeah man. Let's send it!

You need some water?

Hey Olly you wanna swop bikes?

Yeah now worries mate.

See you in a bit. Have a good one!

Later gator.

Ohhh man.

Woow. Dude you want the SAM?

I think I got this.

You f*****

You f*****

Arrogant ******

For more infomation >> Sam, Sam² but different - The new FOCUS Sam - Duration: 2:07.


Girlfriend & boyfriend denger love story part 1 real allahabadi - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Girlfriend & boyfriend denger love story part 1 real allahabadi - Duration: 2:54.


Cristiano Ronaldo chases first Juventus goal before Champions League return to Spain - Duration: 6:02.

Cristiano Ronaldo chases first Juventus goal before Champions League return to Spain

Cristiano Ronaldo chases first Juventus goal before Champions League return to Spain.

  Cristiano Ronaldo faces Sassuolo on Sunday still chasing his maiden competitive goal for Italian champions Juventus before he returns to Spain for the first time in the Uefa Champions League.

Bolstered by five-time winner Ronaldo, Juventus begin their quest for the Champions League title which has eluded them since 1996 in Valencia next Wednesday.

Despite a seventh straight Serie A title last season the Turin giants plunged into the red with a 19.2-million-euro ($22.4m) loss as a result of their European quarter-final exit.

Serie A returns after a two-week international break with former Real Madrid player Ronaldo having skipped Portugal duty to focus on his new club, just as his teammate, Croatia's World Cup runner-up Mario Mandzukic, did.

During the break the 33-year-old was pictured relaxing on board his yacht off St Tropez on the French Riveria.

"Vitamin D," wrote the five-time Ballon d'Or winner under a photo of him lounging on the deck of his yacht.

"As my teammates say, back to reality, work done," he later posted.

"Feeling good!! Let's go." Coach Massimiliano Allegri says he is not concerned that Ronaldo has failed to find the net despite 23 shots at goal in three games.

"It takes time.

We'll all be fresher after the break and that's when the real season starts," said Allegri.

Ronaldo had to wait until his fourth game for Real Madrid last season to get his first league goal.

Germany midfielder Sami Khedira pointed out in an interview after his contract at Juventus was extended this week that the Portuguese star was brought in not to rack up goals but to make the difference in the Champions League and turn "dreams into reality".

Juventus beat Sassuolo 7-0 in their final match last season, but the club from Modena have made a strong start this campaign and are just behind the champions in the table after two wins and a draw.

Allegri will be keen to rotate his side with a crowded schedule of seven games in 21 days, and defender Andrea Barzagli sidelined with a calf problem.

Argentine Paolo Dybala -- Juventus's top Serie A scorer last season -- and Brazilian Douglas Costa look set to start on the bench.

Despite being overshadowed by the arrival of Ronaldo, Dybala insists he feels fortunate to play in the same team as the five-time Ballon d'Or winner.

"I told myself after I was lucky to play with Lionel Messi in the national team, I have now had the opportunity to play alongside Ronaldo," said Dybala.

Napoli, Roma and Inter Milan also have Champions League games on their minds.

Roma host Chievo on Sunday after their loss to AC Milan before the break, and ahead of a trip to Spain to take on holders Real Madrid.

Inter Milan play at home against Parma on Saturday before playing Tottenham Hotspur in the San Siro in their first European game since the 2011-2012 season.

Luciano Spalletti's Inter -- with last year's star forward Mauro Icardi fighting to shake off a muscular injury -- are coming off a 3-0 win over Bologna after taking just a point from their first two games.

Carlo Ancelotti will look to put his first defeat as Napoli coach behind him when last season's runners-up host Fiorentina before playing Red Star in Belgrade on Tuesday.

Fiorentina have won two games with their first match against Sampdoria postponed because of the Genoa bridge disaster.

AC Milan head to Cagliari in Sardinia with former Juventus forward Gonzalo Higuain also waiting to score his first goal for his new club.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo chases first Juventus goal before Champions League return to Spain - Duration: 6:02.


#StreetPrize Winners - KY11 4XH in Dunfermline on 15/09/2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 2:49.

I'm wearing my red jacket and I've got loads of cheques. That can only mean one thing:

It's Street Prize time. We're in Dunfermline, which is in Scotland. Yay!

Cannot believe it. We've got wonderful winners,

and this prize is promoted by the Postcode Local Trust.

So, let's go and do this.


Sara, how are you doing? - I'm well!

- Can I steal you for a second? I'm Danyl from People's Postcode Lottery.

- Amazing. Knock at the door, open and just have this wonderful surprise.

- £30,000. - Wow!

Oh wow, thank you! - Is that good? - That is amazing.

- Should we hug it out for that? - Oh thank you.

- Best part of my job, to be honest.

- No words can really explain what's just happened.

- Getting her picture taken, very happy.

£30,000 - and we've got a couple more! Yay!

See our team? This is how many people we need to go and do this.

- Just got a knock on the door.

And it was a very nice knock!

Makes a change.

- Elaine?

How are you? I'm Danyl from People's Postcode Lottery.

- It wasn't just the postie. And my husband never knocks at our door. He just comes in.

So you know it's an important knock.

- It's at least £1,000, yeah?

It's actually £30,000.

- That'll do. - That's nice isn't it?

[SINGING] Celebrate good times, c'mon!

- Fae Thursday last week, every night I've slept for a couple of hours and woke up.

"How much have I won? How much have I won?"


I was even away at the football for the weekend down in London, and still

wakening up 3 o'clock in the morning: "How much have I won?"

The boys I was with were sick of my song: [BOTH SINGING] Someone's knocking at the door

By the time I left them on Sunday night, they were all singing it!

- You play with two tickets? - Yes.

- Well, good job, 'cause you've won £60,000.


- Yabba dabba doo!

- I think we've brought out the sun today. The Street Prize went very well.

Everyone was very happy, and do you know what?

Two people play with two tickets - amazing!

If you're not playing, and you don't wanna miss out go online - all the details

are somewhere on the screen.

And you never know, we could be knocking on your door or ringing your doorbell.

For more infomation >> #StreetPrize Winners - KY11 4XH in Dunfermline on 15/09/2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 2:49.


Breaking News - Bernardo Silva has fully adapted to Premier League life with Man City - Duration: 3:28.

Bernardo Silva has credited his positive start to the season with Manchester City to improved confidence and his versatility on the pitch

The 24-year-old Portuguese midfielder has started four of City's five Premier League fixtures so far this season, with the defending champions winning all but one of their opening games

Having joined Pep Guardiola's side from Monaco for around £43million in the summer of 2017, Silva started 15 of City's 38 Premier League matches last season but looks set for more action this term

And he credits his personal improvement to settling well into the English game. Silva said: 'The second season is always easier than the first one

When you change it's always more difficult. 'You have to adapt to the way your team plays, you have to adapt to your team-mates, to the league, to the referees

'Obviously I have more confidence, I feel better with the team and I hope I can do better than last season

'I'm happy because I'm helping the team and that I'm feeling well, I just hope that I can continue this way

'I can play either in the centre or wide, I can do whatever the manager thanks is best for the team

It depends on the games, I feel comfortable both ways.' City moved up to third in the Premier League standings following Saturday's 3-0 win over Fulham and they sit two points behind Chelsea and Liverpool, who have won all five of their matches

'It was a great start for them [Chelsea and Liverpool], for us as well even though we drew one game,' said Silva

'It's still the beginning, a lot of games to play, we'll see what happens but we want to try and win the Premier League

' German forward Leroy Sane scored his first goal of the season against Fulham and Silva praised his team-mate

'Everyone knows how important Leroy is for us, he was one of the best players last season, I hope and everyone hopes he can do the same this season,' he said

'He is doing well, once again he helped us and he's a fantastic player. 'When you play in a team like Manchester City where you have a lot of quality players, sometimes you just have to know that sometimes you won't start, but you have to keep working - that's what he does every day

' City begin their Champions League campaign with a home match against Lyon this Wednesday before a trip to Cardiff City in the Premier League on Saturday

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Bernardo Silva has fully adapted to Premier League life with Man City - Duration: 3:28.


유럽 여행 - 영국 가보고 싶었던 이유 | A month in London - Prologue - Duration: 3:44.

Hey guys as you guessed from the title and probably the thumbnail of this video, today's video is all about London yaaayy

So some of you guys may already know this but I spent 5 and a half weeks, nearly 6 weeks of summer in Europe.

Well, basically just two countries the United Kingdom and France

Quickly, the reason I went there is because one of my best friends from college was getting married to a British guy

And so they wanted to have their wedding

Somewhere in the countryside of England, which ended up being Frome which is a couple of hours away from London by train.

And it's a small town that is so beautiful. I ended up spending three nights there

The wedding was hands-down one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to and I'm so happy for her

But because this was going to be my first time in Europe

I wanted to stretch out my vacation as much as possible. I wanted to stay in Europe as long as possible

But here's the thing

I initially planned to just stay in London for about a week, and then go to Frome for the wedding and then go to France

And spend about a week there in Paris in another

City a town. I forget the name

I'm probably going to butcher it anyway

So I'm probably just gonna, like, put up the name of the town here.

And then, I was supposed to go to Germany and meet up with a friend

who actually lives there in Berlin and then we were gonna go to Italy later.

So I was supposed to spend maybe a week to 10 days in each country

But I ended up falling madly in love with London. So I actually ended up changing the latter half of my plan

I didn't go to Germany. I didn't go to Italy.

I actually bought a new Eurostar ticket to come back to

London from Paris and then I had to buy a new plane ticket to come home from London,

but it was all worth it because it was just that great. I think it all comes from the fact that growing up

I've always been a little bit of an Anglophile

It's sort of astonishing to acknowledge how much of British culture I was exposed to when I was growing up.

I mean besides the obvious - like the Beatles, and you know, who isn't familiar with the work of Shakespeare,

who doesn't know Sherlock Holmes?

I mean even if you haven't read the books,

you know what the series is about, and you know the name.

I don't know any Korean or American who doesn't know the name Sherlock Holmes.

Aside from that, the books that I read probably more than 10 times,

Definitely more times than any other book I've ever owned when I was a teenager, are Jane Eyre and the Lord of the Rings.

I've pretty much worn out the copies, and I feel like I can still recite some of the speeches said by Gandalf and Aragorn.

Um, I also read The Hobbit,

I basically fell in love with Tolkien

But I actually have never finished the Silmarillion,

and my friends are like "You can't go around and say you're a Tolkien fan without having finished a Silmarillion."

So I'm actually going to try to finish it by the end of the year. I don't know why I haven't finished it.

I think at that age, I was just so captivated with the Lord of the Rings, the movies

mostly the books actually, but the movies just turned out to be incredible.

I was actually more of the Lord of the Rings kid than a Harry Potter kid

Although harry potter was also a huge part of my childhood that was also British.

(Hermione): "It's leviOsa, not leviosA."

I've actually never really finished the 5th book and I never really bought the 6th and 7th.

I've seen all the movie so I know how it ends but,

by then I think I just kind of grew out of the series.

Oh wow I've been talking about Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, The Beatles

I'm pretty sure I sound like the most stereotypical Anglophile by now.

"Oh my gosh I love the Spice Girls! I love Adele and Amy Winehouse. I watch Downton Abbey and Sherlock!"

I like none of those things actually

With the exception of Amy Winehouse and Adele, come on, who doesn't like them.

I'm sure that pretty much covers why I wanted to go to the U.K. and why I was so excited to be in London more than

any other cities in Europe, so let's get into more touristy stuff that I originally wanted to make this video about

For more infomation >> 유럽 여행 - 영국 가보고 싶었던 이유 | A month in London - Prologue - Duration: 3:44.


Better or Different? Getting competitive advantage for your product. - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Better or Different? Getting competitive advantage for your product. - Duration: 2:18.


"A Star Is Born" song - "Shallow" by Lady Gaga (cover) - Duration: 1:17.

I'm off the deep end,

Watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface,

Where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the sha -

sha - la - la -

la - low

In the sha -

sha - la - la -

la - low

In the sha -

sha - la - la

la - low

We're far from the shallow now

We're far from the shallow now

For more infomation >> "A Star Is Born" song - "Shallow" by Lady Gaga (cover) - Duration: 1:17.


Puyo Puyo Quest - Warlock Series / ぷよぷよ!!クエスト: 魔法使いシリーズ - Duration: 4:10.

ITS YA BOI, ALBERT. god i hate his name, petition to change it to like, solis or something cool like that please

They literally just are counting up here.

Just look up counting in Japanese. You don't need subtitles every time.

"Starting the grill!"

"Nicely done."

"We got some nice ingredients."

its miriam-sama hey man, he told me to add sama to it who am i to say no

No extra translations for Miriam.

If anyone wants to throw translations my way, hmu. I read all comments.

*asleep at the wheel*

come on

wrong side dumbass

there we go

real talk anyone who speaks japanese i'd love you forever if you translated any of this

Richie 👀

No translations for Richie either. Sucks. Blame Nexus.

here's mattie, objectively the best one (except i dont quite like his voice but who cares what i think, yall aint here for my opinion)

"Please... be an easy one!"

"That was an easy win, huh?"

"I still have a long way to grow!"

ITS YA BOI ANTHONY SULLY SULLIVAN ASSHOLES (this is sullivan and he's very much a dude)

wow thanks nexus for another missing translation.

"It's beautiful!"

"It's such a beautiful victory, isn't it?"

"My name is Albert. Call me whatever you like."

"What, if you have a problem, try talking about it with me first."

"Sorry but, I can't really do anything extreme. I have an important younger brother and sister, so."

"If you're going on a quest, I'll come. I want to understand what kind of skills you have."

"I don't really like being told what to do. You should leave matters to me."

"My name is Miriam. You can add "-sama" to it."

"You always seem to be energetic and lively..."


"I'm just too calm?"

"You have to sleep properly."

"Otherwise the things you finally memorized won't stick."

"That Miriam..."

"When will he return the book I lent him some time ago?"


"You're someone who goes on quests, right? Al–right! I'll go prepare some snacks!"

"I'm Matthew!"

"Let's be friends!"


"I'm gonna explore around there for a bit!"

"Don't worry, I don't mind being alone!"

"I'm Sullivan. I look forward to working with you."

"If you have decided on something, I will not present an objection."

"If you are going to explore, allow me to accompany you."

"I can at least illuminate dark areas for you."

hey nexus fill in the blanks yo

For more infomation >> Puyo Puyo Quest - Warlock Series / ぷよぷよ!!クエスト: 魔法使いシリーズ - Duration: 4:10.



For more infomation >> GÖRÜKLE'DE BAŞLAYAN BİR AŞK HİKAYESİ - Duration: 9:51.


1960s London Taxi Driver oral history Part 5 | Chats with my Dad - Duration: 10:23.

And often I used to use the green shelters.

But you had to sort of climb over it to get in.

What, because of the benches?

You had to literally climb over the table to--

-- Get in!

Did you use them much?

No because I lived too near home.

Well a lot of drivers who lived out in Romford and Chingford, I mean they couldn't go home

for lunch or go home for a cup of tea and they used these (green shelters).

I remember you used to get a baby monitor-- Shhh...

-- so you could have a cup of tea and you'd still be able to hear when the--

When the call's on it.

-- when the dispatch...

Yeah I'm not supposed to have done that.

[Laughter] Well it's just another bit of radio isn't


Doesn't that count?

It's doing other people out of work.

Well, I'm sure others found ways round it.


[Laugh] You didn't stay in for long... it was just

toilet breaks... there's a statute of limitations on that I'm sure.

So you passed your test, you got your Green Badge, you've done your first job.

How did the first fare react to getting it for free?

I think he just ran away before I changed my mind.

[Laugh] I remember Jack, your mate Jack, he was in

traffic, and the fare was moaning about the fact that he was stuck in traffic and he just

turned around and said "Get out."

And I mean you can't do that, can you.

But I suppose it's "Your cab, your rules" I s'pose, isn't it?

You see the trouble is, you don't know why you're picking the person up - he or her could've

just been diagnosed with Cancer and just wants to get out, or vice versa, just been cleared

of Cancer, and in a happy mood.

You just don't know why people are using you and so you wait for them to talk to you.

Did you ever have any weirdos?

I can't remember.

I remember one story, where you're driving along and you can feel there's something on

the back of your head... and there's a bloke in the back who was just stroking the back

of your neck.

Do you remember that story?

Yes, I was a good looking fella in those days!

[Laughter] I was a pretty boy.

Did you get a tip?

I just want to get in and out and away we go.

There's so much I want to ask you, and it's probably...

They always say once you get your badge you should get an exercise book and write all

these things down.

But you never do.

I wish I had done though.

After all these years.

Well if you remember any, that'd be good.

And the radio circuit would have an annual...

I don't know what you'd call it, was it an AGM, or a beano?

Oh AGM, that's it.


No, just how you could approve (the radio circuit) and you could vote for who you want

to be on the Board of Management.

And you know you was always gonna get a fella who's gonna get up and say the staff are using

too much toilet paper, you know, because you're given a... what do you call it...

The accounts?

The accounts - what's going on.

We had to attend these meetings, and if you didn't you got fined £50.

Oh right, so it was mandatory?


We would see some fellas just used to get up and... we'd all say "His wife doesn't let

him speak at home!" because he's come up and he's rabbiting on (the microphone)...

Because you went up, up onto the stand with a microphone, and said whatever you wanted

to say.

Right because everyone had shares in this.

You were all part of, I've forgotten what it's called, was it like a co-operative?

Yes, because for tax reasons or something it was done like that.

Oh, I can't remember the names!

[Laughs] And did things like... you got your badge

in, what, 1966?

No, I got it in the 1st July 1968.

Oh, forgive me, 1st July 1968 [Laughter].

That's when you did your first job from Camden High Street to Elthorne Road.

And then erm... did it change over the 70s?

Did it get easier, or harder?

Well it did, because we had a Three Day Week, in the Seventies.

And what is that?

That's when the Miners went on strike, and Ted Heath said well, you needed the coal to

do all the lights and electricity.

And then they found, to keep it going, well they didn't have enough coal so they made

everyone work, or have, a 3 day week.

I think it was Monday to Wednesday.

I mean there was other work going on, but most of the... you know the offices, had to

shut down.

And that meant, it was really quiet?


For the rest of the week.

Very very quiet [Laughs].

And the other worst time was in the 90's.

When, erm, the (Bank Of England) Base Rate was 15%!

Like your mortgages.

And if you wanted to buy a cab, or something like that, it was a ridiculous high amount

to borrow.

So people never bought cabs, and didn't do a lot of things.

That was hard.

But there again, it was so different then.

Most of the fellas lived in council flats, and their wives had good jobs!

So if it wasn't for-- especially me.

My wife had a good job.

If not, I don't know what I would've done.

Or changed my job.

But you could keep your own hours?

Or work long hours, yeah.

That seemed to appeal to you, about the job.

That you could just get in the cab whenever?

Yeah but you've still got to do your hours.

You've still got to take your money.

And that's a bit of a myth when you say...

It seems as if "you can work when you like" then you can have some time off, or see the

kids... take the kids to school.

But then you still had to go from 6am or work in the evening to take your money up.

It's very hard to understand that.

Yeah, because you don't know how much work you're gonna do when you go out.

That's right.

Or if someone would say, look could you pick me up at 11 o'clock in the morning to take

me to wherever... but you had to stop an hour before because you never know where you were

going to end up!

I mean for 10 o'clock you're probably... if the person says Richmond, it's like sod's

law you're not gonna get back in time to pick the person up.

So you had to turn work down to get the "good job".

Yeah or stop for an hour.

Well, not a good job, a lot of it was just going round to the local stations, and you

had to stop an hour off - a good hour off before.

Which I found very difficult to explain to people.

Yeah, because you've got a guaranteed job but that means you've got to make sure you're

free for the guaranteed job.

So you're not ahead.

Airport jobs, were they always good?


But everybody wanted them.

Everybody was after them.

And then when you go to the airport, it was really regimented wasn't it?

That when you got to Heathrow, you then had to go into a very strict queue for the rank



I mean you'd usually average 2 hours and I couldn't be bothered to wait 2 hours.

I used to come straight back.

I can't think of stories to tell.

Yeah, no that's alright.

Do you know, it's just the basics of it.

Of how it works, isn't- I wouldn't be able to tell anyone, you know, how that worked

even just on a basic 'how do you get a taxi' level.

Or, you know quite how, you know, how regimented it was to, you know, get your licence from

the Carriage Office.

They were really strict weren't they?

Yeah, very very strict.

You didn't mind, because you knew the rules.

If you had to appear in Court for a witness, you had to wear your badge!

[Laughs] Really?


[Laughter] What, that was the Law.


Yes, because it was looked after by the Metropolitan Police?


I wish it was now.

Well, wish it was put back by the Police.

Because now it's Transport For London?


Civil Servants run it.


It was difficult when you were off the road, wasn't it?

If you had any - like a...


Yeah, or damage to the cab.

That would be quite hard, wouldn't it?

Thanks for watching the chat continues on the link on screen here or in the description

and thanks again for showing your love with a thumbs up or subscribe by clicking on my

face or the button below now here's the next part of the chat with my Dad.

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