Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily report May 20 2018


-Reverie is a place where the impossible becomes possible.

You're put inside a waking dream of your own design.

You can go anywhere you want, change your appearance.

You can even bring loved ones back from the dead.

-"Reverie's" about this high-tech,

virtual-reality program where people are going in

and kind of designing these alternate worlds for themselves.


-And the problem is, it's so good, it's so addictive

that people are getting stuck,

and they're not wanting to come out,

which is causing a problem,

leaving their bodies in a coma in the real world.

-That's where Mara Kint comes in,

this character played by Sarah Shahi.

She's a former FBI profiler and a hostage negotiator.

And she's hired to go in to other people's reveries

to get them out.

-I promise I'm gonna do everything I can

to bring your dad back.

-Her superpower is her empathy and her people skills.

-Everyone that's in the reverie has to choose to come out.

You can't just drag them out.

And she facilitates that.

-I've only been here a couple days.

-You've been here for two weeks.

-There's a mystery at the heart of every episode,

which is who is this person?

Why did they get stuck?

And that's really part of the job of the episode

and Mara and the team is really digging into this person

and figuring out what is it that's keeping them inside?

-This program is magical!

Amazing things can happen here.

-What amazing things are you waiting for?

-With this show, you can go so many different places.

-It's a significant journey. It's emotional.

-With whatever time I have left, I'm gonna be with my daughter.

-This isn't real.

You're giving up on real people who love you.

-Every week, we're gonna go into these great cinematic worlds

with these characters that we're gonna know and love.

-In a reverie, anything can happen.

-If you become disconnected with what's real,

you get into some pretty dangerous territory.

-[ Gasps ]


For more infomation >> Reverie (NBC) First Look HD - Sarah Shahi, Dennis Haysbert series - Duration: 4:10.


LUMARK // hold me tight [eng] - Duration: 1:32.

I think I'm getting used to it now

I've imaged this since I was short

Doing whatever I want, having a good night's sleep

Wherever I go, I always

Act confidently

Though I still lack a lot

I'll make my dreams come true, you know

I always gain strength because you're there

How was your day?

I can feel it from your voice

Someone made you upset again

Yeah, it's all that person's fault

I want to pat you on the head

You worked hard today as well

Let's go somewhere this weekend

But for now, close your eyes and lean on my arm

Baby, I only have you

You can comfortably come into my arms today

Don't be scared

This night is brightly greeting us

Close your eyes

Close your eyes

Wrap your arms around my waist

Trust me and follow me

Although the song is not all about you

The story of us began because you were there

It would be great if your day was happier because of me

I have never lied to you

For more infomation >> LUMARK // hold me tight [eng] - Duration: 1:32.


ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part49【minecraft1.10.2】0165【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part49【minecraft1.10.2】0165【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:33.


8 Survival Myths That Will Definitely Make Things Worse - Duration: 11:02.


Let's say your car breaks down in the middle of the desert, or in a howling blizzard.

Your phone battery is dead,

and you didn't stock up on food and water like you maybe should've.

How are you gonna get out of this one?

If you find yourself in a survival situation, you're going to have certain priorities:

water, not dying of exposure, not being mauled by wild animals, and,

y'know, getting back to wi-fi as soon as possible so you can watch SciShow.

For most folks, food can actually be a lower priority.

But there's a lot of bad survival info out there.

Some tips seem too good to be true, and they are.

Others are ingrained enough to be common knowledge, except they're wrong.

So here's a list of 8 survival tips you definitely shouldn't follow,

and what to do instead.

First up: water.

What about all the snow that's piling up in the blizzard?

That is made of water.

Snow can be safe to eat, especially if it's freshly fallen.

While it can collect contaminants as it falls, things like soot from wood fires and coal plants,

that generally won't be enough to hurt you.

Snow that's already on been the ground for a while is riskier, since it might have accumulated,

like, who knows what, pollutants from the road, maybe,

you know, you can insert your own yellow snow joke here.

But eating snow might be a bad idea for a different reason:

It has to melt inside your body, and that uses your body heat.

Water has a high heat capacity, because it has

pretty strong bonds holding the molecules together.

So you need a lot of energy to break those bonds to boil liquid water or melt ice.

Energy your body would otherwise be using to keep you warm.

Plus, you'd have to eat a lot of snow to get enough water, since

piles of snow contain a lot of air.

So to keep your body temperature from falling too much, find a way to melt the snow first.

But the worst way to do that is to like hold it against your skin to melt it.

Don't do that, it's still going to cool you down.

If you're in the desert, don't count on cactuses as, like, secret jugs of fresh spring water.

There's a lot of water in there, yeah.

But there's also a bunch of noxious chemicals.

Cactuses use an unusual type of photosynthesis, called CAM.

CAM photosynthesis uses way less water than other kinds, so it's handy in the desert.

CAM plants gather CO2 through pores at night and store it in the form of organic acids.

Then they can close those pores during the day to minimize water loss,

using the stored carbon to get on with the light-dependent parts of photosynthesis.

For storage, they mainly use malic acid, which isn't so bad for you.

It's in various fruits, although too much can irritate your mouth.

But many CAM plants also make oxalic acid.

Oxalic acid is toxic, because it binds to calcium, which can mess up your body.

It can also build up in your kidneys in the form of calcium oxalate,

the stuff kidney stones are made of.

In addition to the acids, a lot of cactus flesh contains alkaloids, which are a diverse

family of plant chemicals that generally aren't nice to eat and can really affect your body.

Cactus juice won't get you high, like it did to Sokka in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

But it can make you sick enough to cause puking or diarrhea,

which will dehydrate you and make matters worse.

Fishhook barrel cactuses and young prickly pear cactuses contain few enough of the unpleasant

chemicals to be kind of edible when raw.

They still don't taste good, but they'll do in a bind.

But you'd better be pretty confident in your botany skills.

Bodily fluids are also mostly water, so you might think you can recycle them.

Drinking urine might help you survive ever so slightly longer,

but it's only safe to do for a day or so.

That's because the waste products in your pee are waste for a reason.

If you put them back in your body, they'll build up faster than your kidneys can eliminate them.

And that can send you into a state similar to kidney failure, with your body unable to

process all of the potassium, nitrogen compounds, and calcium you're throwing at it.

As for blood… it's sometimes safe to eat in small amounts.

In certain places, it's fairly common, but that's more for its

protein and iron content than as a source for water.

In large amounts, which you'd need to stay hydrated, blood contains more iron than your

body can handle, and it becomes toxic.

Your body tries to store it in places like your heart and liver,

but that can lead to organ failure and death.

Plus, you're at risk from bloodborne pathogens.

So going full vampire to survive is probably not the best idea.

But let's say you've found some water, and now you need a way to get home without GPS.

And maybe you've heard that moss always grows on the north sides of trees.

This is one of those things that's true in general, but not 100% reliable all of the time.

So it's not so useful for navigation.

Here in the northern hemisphere, the northern side of a tree will get the least sunlight,

thanks to the Earth's tilt.

That means the northern side of the tree is most likely to be shady, cool, and damp,

all things that moss likes.

Mosses are non-vascular plants, which aren't as good at retaining water

as other types of plants.

They essentially lack the plumbing to transport water inside of them,

so they need all the moisture they can get.

So if some other situation is creating good conditions on any particular side of a tree,

moss can grow there just fine.

It's not necessarily pointing north, it's just the nice-for-moss side.

You're going to need some shelter too, or at least a way to stay warm.

And you might have seen people in old-timey books or shows

giving a swig of booze to warm someone up, especially in a blizzard.

This one almost seems intuitive, because alcohol brings a flush of warmth to your cheeks.

But that is the exact opposite of what you want if you need to stay warm.

Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it opens up the blood vessels near the surface of your

skin, probably by altering your brain's blood vessel controls.

That increased blood flow is why you might feel or look flushed when you're drunk.

But it also transports warmth towards the surface of your skin,

where it can conveniently diffuse away from your body and into the colder air nearby.

Thanks, thermodynamics.

When your body is trying to stay warm, it actually constricts those blood vessels to

try and conserve warmth in your internal organs and your brain,

which need to stay at 37 degrees Celcius to keep ticking.

Don't undo that hard work.

And if you're cold, rubbing yourself to stay warm seems intuitive,

the friction generates a bit of warmth.

But once frostbite sets in, that is a horrible idea.

On a cellular scale, frostbite means ice crystals are starting to form in your tissues.

And ice crystals are sharp.

They can puncture cell membranes and other cellular structures,

not to mention freeze the water those cells were using to live.

Rubbing will jostle those sharp chunks of ice around,

and cause them to rupture nearby cells.

That's going to make things much worse.

Also, even though it's painful, it's not good to thaw those frostbitten toes if they're

still at risk of refreezing.

More ice forming again will do more damage and risk more permanent loss of tissue.

Frostbite mostly affects the extremities.

If hypothermia actually sets in, meaning the body's core temperature has dropped below

35 degrees, the key is careful, slow reintroduction of warmth.

Plunging a victim of hypothermia in a hot tub could cause irregular heart rhythm

or even a heart attack.

The proper way to treat frostbite and hypothermia is, like, by a doctor,

but when that's not possible, caution is best.

Try to sit tight, and don't risk doing more harm.

Finally, on your way home, it's best if you can avoid being mauled,

bitten, or stung by anything.

But if you are, be careful what advice you listen to.

Like, that one myth that tells you to like, slice open the snakebite and suck out the toxin.

The effects of snakebite vary based on the kind of snake and the venom it's packing.

Some bites may cause severe tissue damage and internal bleeding,

while others are neurotoxins, there's a bunch!

Snake venoms are fascinating!

So in reality, this so-called "treatment" will increase the risk of the wound getting infected,

possibly spread the venom into the victim's bloodstream much faster,

and not actually remove very much venom.

In other words, don't do it.

An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002

strongly discourages incision and suction for snakebites.

Instead, they recommend keeping the wound below the level of the heart,

keeping the victim warm, avoiding tourniquets or any kind of restrictive clothing or jewelry,

and getting to the hospital as soon as possible.

Hospitals can administer antivenom to neutralize the bite.

Antivenom is made up of antibodies that are carefully made to bind to the venom

and stop it from having effects on your body.

Since different snakes make different kinds of venom, one of the main things

is to remember as much as you can about what the snake looked like.

You don't need to, like, catch the snake and, like, bring it along with you though,

that's not gonna help; nobody's gonna like that.

And some kinds of antivenom work for multiple kinds of snakes.

It depends on the exact cocktail of antibodies.

So you're best off leaving the treatment, hey, to professionals,

because I don't think you have a venom-binding antibody serum in your back pocket,

and if you do, that should be refrigerated!

And last but not least, suppose you're stranded on the shore instead of in a forest

and got a nasty jellyfish sting.

Should you just… pee on it?

Besides sounding totally gross and weird, it's not worth it.

Pee doesn't work, and it might even make things worse.

Jellyfish tentacles contain stinging cells called cnidocytes,

which discharge tiny harpoon-like stingers when they touch you, plus the venom.

And some of that venom can poke holes in cells or cause all kinds of biological mayhem.

But not many of the cnidocytes on a stinging tentacle fire when you first touch it.

So the trick is to get it off you without triggering the thousands of others.

The myth claims that urine will neutralize those cnidocytes,

so they don't go off and sting you.

But certain chemical changes can fire off cnidocytes as well as touch.

Like, alcohol is known to trigger them.

And at least one study has shown that urine can do so as well.

A 2017 study published in the journal Toxins found that many popular sting treatments,

including scraping the stung area with a credit card or shaving cream, don't work.

Seawater can help you rinse them off, but it won't chemically prevent them from firing.

That's where jellyfish live, after all.

Instead, they found that a good dousing with vinegar is best,

which is just the chemical acetic acid.

That will actually neutralize the ones that haven't stung you yet,

maybe by bringing the pH too low for them to function.

Then the tentacles can be carefully plucked away by tweezers,

and heating pads will help ease the pain of a sting.

Now, you may never need to use any of these tips, I certainly hope you don't,

but there's a lot of misinformation out there, and emergency survival is something

you don't really want to take chances with.

So a little bit of scientific rigor is maybe the best way to know if a tip could save your life

or make things much worse.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you want to keep learning more about the weirdness of human bodies

and the world we live in, you can go to to subscribe.


For more infomation >> 8 Survival Myths That Will Definitely Make Things Worse - Duration: 11:02.


The Truth About Julia Roberts' Brother - Duration: 4:50.

You may not recognize the name Eric Roberts — or even know that America's sweetheart

has an older brother — but you've definitely seen him at some point.

He's been in so many movies and TV series he can't even keep count.

But his journeyman approach to acting isn't entirely intentional.

A severe cocaine addiction derailed his once-promising career, leading to arrests, bodily harm, and

crippling damage to his professional reputation.

However, it appears Roberts has his life in order again, bouncing from B-movie to B-movie.

Along the way, he's left a remarkable trail of personal and professional anecdotes.

Let's take a closer look at Julia Robert's older brother.

"Everybody knows everything you do, if you like it or not."

Just say yes

In a 2018 Vanity Fair profile, Roberts revealed the reason he's racked up close to 500 film

and TV credits.

After he stopped getting offers in larger films, he resorted to accepting B-movie roles,

and before he knew it, he had done around thirty films in just a few years.

"How's this feel?"

"I don't want you as her doctor."

He went on to explain,

"Suddenly it's like 250 movies, and I realize, I went from being a joke that'll do anything

to being, 'Is there anything he can't do?'"

In fact, by taking these roles, Roberts found himself making some unusual deals for compensation.

Speaking with The A.V.

Club, he recalled how legendary camp producer Roger Corman only got him to agree to star

in Sharktopus after he allowed Roberts to bring as many guests as he wanted to stay

for the entire month-long shoot in a Mexican resort town.

Roberts said,

"So I brought everybody I ever met, everybody I've ever been related to, and we all had

a great time in Puerto Vallarta while I made a bad movie."

On top of his seemingly endless film and TV credits, he's also become the "king of music

videos," and you'll recognize him alongside some of music's biggest superstars as they

belt out their hit songs.

Roberts in Russia

Roberts revealed to Vanity Fair that he has an inexplicably large following in Russia,

which he traces back to his Oscar-nominated performance in Runaway Train, as well as the

Best of the Best action flicks.

According to Roberts, he's, quote, "like Elvis" in Russia, and he even had to hire bodyguards

while visiting Moscow because of the frenzy he caused just by walking down the street.

Violent history

Back in 1985, Roberts opened up to People about the traumatic 1981 car accident that

left him in a three-day coma.

Decades later, he revealed to Vanity Fair that he was high on cocaine at the time, and

he had to, quote, "learn how to walk again and talk again."

In 1987, Roberts was arrested for drug possession, harassing a woman, and assaulting a cop.

Eight years later, he was arrested again in connection with violence against his wife,

Eliza — who called 911 after an argument.

Police told the New York Daily News that Roberts had, quote, "pushed the victim, causing her

to hit her head against the wall," but both he and his wife later denied any physical


Bro and sis

Roberts went through an ugly custody battle with Kelly Cunningham, the mother of his daughter,

Emma Roberts, and according to People magazine, Cunningham got assistance from Julia at the


It was a move that apparently served as a final straw in the brother and sister's already

strained relationship.

Eric took all of the blame for the fractured family relations, and claims his younger sisters

finally just grew tired of his self-destructive behavior.

He later told Vanity Fair that it was a surprise invite to the hospital for the birth of Julia's

twins in 2004 that sparked what has now become a lasting reconciliation.

"The most common question fans ask me is 'do you and your sister get along?' and we do."

Eric was also quick to take credit for his superstar sister's career.

"I got her started… I'm very proud of that. I got her her

Screen Actors Guild card."

Celebrity Rehab ruse

In 2017, Roberts finally made an epic appearance on Eric Roberts is the F***ing Man, a project

described as a "woefully misguided podcast examining the life, career, and works of actor

Eric Roberts."

In the interview, Roberts revealed his motivations for doing Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew in


Thinking it would be a way for him to connect with the show's younger audience, his wife-slash-manager

encouraged him to take the gig and try to play up a heavy addiction to marijuana.

Roberts showed up and was clearly not as in need of rehab as the other cast members, so

according to him, producers encouraged him to stir up drama to make up for it.

"Who was the girl I called the 'C' word?"

Oh right, Janice Dickinson!

Janice Dickinson. She's so mean to everybody."

These days, Roberts doesn't claim to be sober, but he does say that he was born an addict

who knows how to use marijuana in a way that works for him.

And hey, no judgement — the guy's IMDB page shows he's already got dozens of projects

lined up for 2018 alone, so clearly he still gets the job done.

"Let's go get 'em."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Julia Roberts' Brother - Duration: 4:50.


BREAKING: Trump Just Found The FBI's Secret Mole In The White House – 'BIGGEST SCANDAL' - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Just Found The FBI's Secret Mole In The White House – 'BIGGEST SCANDAL' - Duration: 6:33.


Nightcore - Jocelyn Flores ✗ Be Careful (XXXTENTACION/FEMALE MASHUP) - Lyrics - Duration: 1:53.

This video include lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Jocelyn Flores ✗ Be Careful (XXXTENTACION/FEMALE MASHUP) - Lyrics - Duration: 1:53.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode May 20, 2018 - Duration: 26:47.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode May 20, 2018 - Duration: 26:47.


Donald Takes $1.6B And 4,000 Jobs From Overseas, Gives It To Southern State - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Donald Takes $1.6B And 4,000 Jobs From Overseas, Gives It To Southern State - Duration: 6:24.


The Most Satisfying Art Video In The World! Try Not to Get Satisfied Challenge 2018 - Duration: 10:58.

The Most Satisfying Art Video In The World

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Art Video In The World! Try Not to Get Satisfied Challenge 2018 - Duration: 10:58.


The hamster said that strawberries are tasty,but…【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> The hamster said that strawberries are tasty,but…【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.


USA breaks 4x100M Women's Records In London 2012 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 4:36.

Even the best athletes in the world

get it horribly wrong once in a while.

So what happens when you take four top sprinters,

and ask them to hand over a 30 centimetre baton, three times,

over 400 metres in a flat-out sprint?

Take the US women's 100m relay team at Athens 2004.

They were favourites to win gold, but disaster struck.

Team USA were disqualified when this happened.

The baton transfer was just too late.

Four years later in Beijing,

another group of superfast women were dreaming of gold -

until they dropped their chance.

Passing a baton around a track is pretty simple in principle,

but doing it at light speed in front of millions

can make for interesting viewing.

They should make the baton something really precious.

You know, if it was a smartphone,

no-one would drop it.

Ha-ha-ha! Yeah - I'm going to tweet that.


So what's the problem?

It can't be lack of practice. Right?

In fact, athletes put a lot of work

into perfecting their relay technique.

Right to left.

Left to right.

Early take.

Late take.





Now on to the 2012 Games in London.

The US women's sprint team had to fix this.

A third consecutive failure did not bear thinking about.

Team selection would be key.

First up was Tianna Madison,

a long jump world champion with impressive track speed.

Next, Allyson Felix -

also not a 100m specialist,

but as the 200m Olympic champion,

no-one ran the bend better.

Third up, Bianca Knight, the world junior champion.

And finally, Carmelita Jeter for the last leg.

Her job was to close the deal.

Jeter had run the fastest 100m in the world in 2012.

Their closest rivals, Jamaica,

were led by 100m gold medallist Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce.

Madison was to run leadoff against the champ.

Fraser-Pryce off like a rocket for Jamaica

with Madison outside her. She's going very strongly...

She held her own against the Jamaican on the first leg,

handing over to Felix.

The US had a super changeover there...

Felix ran an extraordinary bend,

putting the Americans into the lead.

Allyson Felix here to Bianca Knight...

Wow, terrific run, the Jamaicans are in second place,

there's casualties further back

but we'll come back to that later

because this is a brilliant run.

It's coming up to the final handover -

Carmelita Jeter to take the baton...

One more to go. Just don't drop it.

And here they come now. Carmelita Jeter,

this is a huge lead for the US.

Let's look at the time - this is special.

This could be a world record by a huge margin...


We've witnessed history here tonight.

What an amazing performance from the US women.

This perfect handover enabled Jeter to carry the baton home.

Her split time over the final 100 metres

was a sensational 9.70 seconds.

The US didn't just beat the world record -

they shattered it.

The East Germans had owned this event in the '70s and '80s,

setting a world record that lasted an amazing 27 years.

Until now.

It means we're the best in the world -

in history - and I'm just so happy.

We haven't had one since '96

and we're glad to be the team to do it.

We got the stick around. That was the most important thing,

and all I knew was I had to bring it home.

But I looked at that clock and I saw that we was moving!

Those four women took a massive half a second

out of the longest-standing record in women's sprinting.

The only thing that dropped... was the time on the clock.

For more infomation >> USA breaks 4x100M Women's Records In London 2012 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 4:36.


[FFXIV] 1.0 Seasonal Events & Copperbell Mines | RoaR | Episode XXXII - Duration: 10:43.

Hello Eorzeans!

Welcome back to Remnants of a Realm!

In the previous episode we looked back at the 1.0 Materia System, Stat System, and Skirmish!

In this episode we'll start off by heading into the warm desert landscape of Thanalan,

to explore the depths of 1.0's Copperbell Mines!

In 1.0 Copperbell Mines was a dungeon marked on the map northwest of Ul'Dah.

However it was not instanced.

Instead, Copperbell Mines was an open world dungeon with little to no backstory.

All that was known at the time was based on the names marked on the maps at the time.

During mining operations in Copperbell, the miners accidentally uncovered parts of the

Sil'Dih aqueducts.

This portion of the dungeon would be used by the Lambs of Dalamud during the final stretch

of the game's life.

The initial dungeon portion was called the Mining Pit, and the second part, with the

Sil'Dih aqueducts was called the Formicary.

The dungeon was considered an open world free dungeon, where there was no goal.

This was a dungeon used for grinding specific crafting items such as bomb ash and spoken


Other than that though, Copperbell Mines was nothing to write home about.

It was basically Nanawa Mines in a different location.

In a Realm Reborn, this changed.

Nanawa Mines became a loading tunnel, but Copperbell was turned into an instanced low-lvl


The location is still pretty much the same as before, all the changes to the map's

overall design considered.

So that's Copperbell Mines.

Another question I often get from fellow Eorzeans, is whether or not 1.0 had seasonal events,

and if so, what were they like.

Well, wonder no more, cause that's our next topic!

Seasonal Events did exist in 1.0, and was officially introduced on December 15th 2010,

with the first ever Starlight Celebration.

And uh… well, it was a humble beginning.

In all three city-states, the so called "Festive Bells" popped up.

Ringing these would summon a Smilebringer NPC who would present you with a gift.

These gifts could contain one of the following exciting items:

Powdered Sugar Young Dodo Roaster

Dodo Stuffing Dream Hat Materials

Dream Tunic Materials Dream Boots Materials

And a Twinklebox.

Now as you've probably gathered, the materials were of course meant to be used to create

the dream gear – the holiday outfit for the Starlight Celebration.

But if you didn't have a crafting class, or you just couldn't be bothered, the Twinklebox

could be handed over to one of the 6 less-fortunate children spread across the city-states for

a full set of the dream gear.

You could only ring the bells once every 8 hours.

And that was the whole event.

But surely, things would take a…


Introduced on December 11th 2010 to celebrate the new year!

Well eh… *ahem* Festive Bells.

Ring the bell, get Fish Stock

Raw Urushi And the one everyone wanted Usagi Kabuto.

Happy New Year.

February 1st 2011 saw the first ever Valentione's Day event, and…


You'd ring the festive bells.

A Smilebringer NPC appears and you'd get…

Powdered sugar.

From which you could craft Heart Chocolate and White Chocolate.

If you think you're seeing a pattern, let me tell you, you are.

The early FFXIV 1.0 events all revolved around the Festive Bells.

It's possible this was because the dev team had… a few … other things to focus on

during that time.

The first ever Little Ladies Day would follow suit with the Festive Bells, which would reward

you with – hold on to your butt – POWDERED SUGAR!

And a peach branch.

Fun times were had.

But then.

Things finally changed.

On April 15th 2011, the first ever Hatching Tide event began, and for the first time,

the festive bells were nowhere to be found!

Jihli Aliapoh makes her first ever appearance as the hatching tide quest NPC, which lead

you to a questline split into two parts.

The Dreamer's Gospel & The Dreamer's Dilemma.

By providing an NPC with certain egg types, you'd receive specific egg caps.

And a bonus cap could be obtained by providing all the different eggs you could receive to

another NPC – the chocobo egg cap.

Next came the Firefall Faire.

This was… a strange one.

There's some lore tied to this which I won't dive into, but basically you were tasked to

lure bombs lurking around hamlets to their doom by first enraging them using any of the

following emotes: /wave /laugh /rally /dance and /pose.

The bomb would then start following you, and you'd have to lead the enraged bomb into

one of the furnaces placed within the hamlets, where they'd get incinerated.

Mobs would occasionally spawn, trying to damage the bomb – if they damaged the bomb too

much, it would explode, and the mission would fail.

Completing the mission would reward you with various swimwear!

The The festival would return in 2012, but under

the name Moonfire Faire, which was kept, and is still used today.

Now, normally this would be where I played some obscure seasonal event music, but all

the festival music in 1.0 was actually reused in 2.0!

So instead, we'll be listening to the theme that would play during the game's credits


This somber theme was called "Aetherial Slumber".

Don't fall asleep now!

On September 6th 2011, the Dalamud storyline had been set in motion, triggering the first

and last Hunter's Moon event.

Dalamud is acting strange, and mice have started to infest the realm.

Rumours had come about that an ancient curse was arising, dubbed The Curse of Dalamud.

Enemies would spawn in large numbers around Eorzea, which would drop specific rewards

based on their levels.

The rewards were: A Moonlet

A Dalamud Nut And a Moon Nut.

Following the Hunter's Moon event, a slightly sadder event was presented.

Foundation Day.

This event occurred on September 22nd 2011, and was meant to commemorate the 1 year anniversary

of the game.

The sad thing here is that the game was not doing well.

It was overall a very dark time for the game and the community overall.

The in-game lore made the celebration's theme be about the celebration of the founding

of the game's Grand Companies.

And simply speaking to the Grand Company officer in the Grand Company headquarters would award

you with 1000 GC seals, and speaking to the Quartermaster would allow you to buy the fireworks

we all know and love today.

The event would return as the last ever event in 1.0 in 2012, and completing this one would

award you with the achievement "Crystal Bearer".

Last but not least – All Saints' Wake.

This was the most complex one of the lot.

Imps in disguise would provide you with riddles.

The imps would only appear between 7pm – 5am Eorzean time, during which an audible cackling

and dark ominous fog would loom all over the city-states.

The imps would appear as normal Eorzeans, but with the prefix "Suspicious" in their


Interacting with the suspicious NPC would transform it into a trickster imp, and it

would provide you with one of several possible riddles, which had to be answered correctly

for it to provide you with the reward.

Answering correctly would award you with 9 pumpkin cookies, before the imp disappear,

dropping a Treat Basket, which anyone participating in the quest could grab 3 of, including yourself.

The cookies could be traded to an event NPC for the following items:

Pumpkin head, Unripened Pumpkin Head, White Pumpkin Head, and Ripened Pumpkin Head.

It's clear FFXIV 1.0's events improved over time, and these were only the first incarnations

of the events.

The following year, they would see further improvements.

Most of these events survived the calamity, and can still be enjoyed every year in FFXIV!

And with that we've reached the end of this episode of RoaR!

Thank you so much for watching!

Special thanks to our Patreon Supporters scrolling above my head right now – if you want to

be part of that cool gang, consider supporting me on

I'll be back in the next episode of RoaR!

Until then – May you ever walk in the light of the Crystal!

For more infomation >> [FFXIV] 1.0 Seasonal Events & Copperbell Mines | RoaR | Episode XXXII - Duration: 10:43.


These 170-Square-Foot Luxury Tiny Homes Have Everything You Need | Southern Living - Duration: 2:09.

Try It Tiny is an online platform

where folks can actually rent tiny houses,

so here today, we're standing at Bristol Motor Speedway

in the first ever pop-up tiny house village comprised

of a clustering of tiny homes.

So, the houses range from being 20 feet long

to 26 feet long, actually,

and they're all eight and a half feet wide.

Most of the units are going for about $500 a night,

but we also offer a private driver service,

a 24-hour concierge service,

we do a fun reception, which will take place tonight.

Of all the units that we have,

there are about eight or nine different floor plans.

Each one has its own character, though,

I would say, and we've tried to

tailor each house so that it really

has its own personality.

I do name all of the houses,

and it's kind of part of the fun

as we try and build out each personality of the home.

For example, the house that you're staying in

is named Southern Living, and so,

we've tried to really capture

what we think Southern Living is all about

and have that certain charm,

that local charm, too, in it,

and make it as homey as possible.

And the one behind me is named Mint Julep,

you know, largely for the color,

and so, maybe someday, that'll go to

the Kentucky Derby or something.

Away from just the interest

and appeal of tiny houses themselves,

I think that there's a real utility

that we're trying to kind of use

as both a means to spread awareness

about the movement, but also, just to

help in circumstances like this,

but when you have, you know,

thousands, you know, 40, 50,

100,000 people descend on a town,

it's natural for those accommodations to fill up,

and so, what we're hoping to do

is kind of help with some of that overflow.

I think in general, people are really trending more

towards a more minimalistic lifestyle,

but whether or not you wanted to go tiny

or just simplify in general,

I think the creative uses of space

and the interesting ways that you can store things

or be a little bit more creative,

so I think people are taking a lot

of things from the tiny house movement

and adopting them into their own lives.

For more infomation >> These 170-Square-Foot Luxury Tiny Homes Have Everything You Need | Southern Living - Duration: 2:09.


[한글자막] 180519 방탄소년단 The Morning Mess (모닝메스) 인터뷰 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> [한글자막] 180519 방탄소년단 The Morning Mess (모닝메스) 인터뷰 - Duration: 4:12.


BTS (방탄소년단) - Undelivered Truth (전하지 못한 진심) Official MV - Duration: 5:17.


I want to see my friends, hyung

Full of loneliness

This garden bloomed

Full of thorns

I bind myself in this sand castle

What is your name Do you have a place to go

Oh could you tell me?

I saw you hiding in this garden

And I know all of your warmth is real

The blue flower your hand was picking

I want to hold it but

It's my fate

Don't smile on me

Light on me

Because I can't get closer to you

There's no name you can call me

You know that I can't

Show you me

Give you me

I can't show you a ruined part of myself

Once again I put a mask again and go to see you

But I still want you

Bloomed in a garden of loneliness

A flower that resembles you

I wanted to give it to you

After I take off this foolish mask

But I know

I can't do that forever

I have to hide

Because I'm a monster

I am afraid

I am shattered

I'm so afraid

That you will leave me again in the end

Once again I put on a mask and go to see you

The only thing I can do

In the garden

In this world

Is to bloom a pretty flower that resembles you

And to breathe as the me that you know

But I still want you

I still want you

Maybe back then

A little

Just this much

If I had the courage to stand before you

Would everything be different now

I'm crying

That's disappeared

That's fallen

Left alone in this sandcastle

Looking at this broken mask

And I still want you

But I still want you

But I still want you

And I still want you

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) - Undelivered Truth (전하지 못한 진심) Official MV - Duration: 5:17.


Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.

hello everybody and welcome back to my

channel my name is Thomas if you're

brand new here and I like style and he

related videos every single week so if

that's your kind of thing make sure you

hit the subscribe button and come back

and visit me every single Monday so

welcome to hair growth process check-in

number 12

it is in fact number 12 this week I

called my last check-in check-in 12 when

it was actually checking eleven but

today I'm not lying to you it's actually

check-in 12 and I'm just bringing a few

new things to the table in my last

check-in I did ask you guys if you

wanted me to continue with these

check-ins and the response was actually

crazy I'm gonna have all the comments

showing up right here right now

so many of you wanted me to keep going

we're documenting the growing out

process and I thought help I'll keep

doing it so each month now when I check

in the series is going to be called hair

growth tips and myth bust

that's what you've got to look out for

now it won't be called hair growth

updates or chickens or anything like

that I'm kind of gonna stop those now

because I reach my goal but yeah we are

still gonna be talking a lot of hair

growth alright so now it's time to cut

the fat how much hair did I grow in the

last month again we've had another shit

month I have grown another point five of

an inch so that's at least still

something consistent over the last three

months it's just been point five of an

inch each time and my hair that I'm

growing out is actually sitting at 10.5

inches so I mean can I be disappointed

yes No I don't know I just want more

hair growth that's pretty much it

I still don't know where I'm going with

it and how long it's gonna get but

that's what the results were for this

month now it's time to move on to the

first product slash method that we're

gonna be trying over the next couple of

months to see if I can get my hair

growing even more so the next product on

the list is Hairfinity by I think it's

Brock beauty so hopefully these another

brand much like sugarbear hair that has

the same market usually they market to

women for longer luscious more beautiful

looking hair and if you guys do remember

from check-in number seven I was trying

checking number five I was trying to the

sugar bear hair vitamins as well but

yeah and also again whilst I was going

through the the watermen stage I did

also use the water man's Gro Pro

vitamins so yeah Jeff finiti is the next

one on the block I have been watching a

lot of reviews about it again because

hair supplements are so expensive I

thought I am NOT going to actually spend

my money on these

unless they're gonna work right and of

course like any other product I've done

my research on the ingredients and I

actually compared the ingredients from

Hairfinity to sugar bear hair and the

water man's Gro Pro vitamins that I'd

been using because I thought all of

these things claim to do the same thing

do they have the same ingredients what's

like the correlation here and what I

found was actually really really

interesting so with all three of these

products like together lis if you

compared all of them side-by-side

the only three things that all of them

have in common is they all have biotin

which we all know is good for growing

hair and nails they all have calcium and

they all are gluten-free that is it

that's the only thing that they have in

common all together but when I take a

deeper dive into the ingredients I

actually found some really interesting

things so the first relationship I found

was between sugar bear hair and the

Hairfinity tabs was they have a lot of

products or a lot of ingredients in

common the common ingredients in these

ones were like vitamin b12 vitamin A

vitamin D pantothenic acid I think

that's how you say it and it also had

folic acid as well so all those

ingredients are in these two which

Waterman doesn't have which I found

really odd and at that point of

discovering that I thought well how did

Waterman z' work out for me and sugar

bear hair didn't and what does that say

about Hairfinity I kind of went okay

well let's compare Hairfinity to the

Waterman zagro Pro ones don't know and

then I actually found a relationship

between these two as well so the

relationship I found between these were

they both have hydrolyzed collagen they

both have MSM and they also have silica

now all three of those ingredients plus

horsetail whatever the hell that is a

part of Hairfinity secret I've wrote it

down here exclusive caps Alana complex

now I don't know what that is either but

that's pretty much their formula that

they claim is the moneymaker or the hair

grower in their product right and that's

kind of weird because Waterman says the

exact same thing and I'm kind of

wondering well how exclusive is your

formula if Waterman z' has it you know

what I mean essentially what I'm seeing

here is Hairfinity have kind of looked

at sugar bear hair they've looked at

Waterman and they've actually formulated

both of these products together to make

the one this little factors got me kind

of like peg that Hairfinity is actually

going to turn out pretty well I mean I

did say that the

reviews that I've seen we're really

really good on it so my hopes are kind

of high for it and I really want it to

be worth it because I did pay a lot of

money for these vitamins I didn't get

her Finity to send me these I really

wanted to just like buy them myself test

them out and show them to you guys and I

thought as well seeing as I'm doing my

first check-in talking about Hairfinity

today I was gonna just try them on

camera as well I mean they're not

gummies they're not gonna be yummy or

anything they're kind of like horse pill

II just like to grow pro ones as well

but yeah we're gonna do it so this is

what they look like my depth of field is

back here

can't forget that I'll show some up here

as well so they come with a sealed tab

on them like that open them up and they

also gave me instructions with them as

well so they gave me instructions just

to take two pills a day which all of

these vitamins seem to be the same thing

you can take two at the same time or you

can take one at the start of the day one

at the end of the day easy peasy brand

placement yeah there's something like

not so enjoyable about swallowing a big

pill I mean sugar bear hair have it in

that department like at least they make

their gummy like really yummy and chewy

but yeah

that was just like taking a normal pill

so yeah that's pretty much like what

I've got going on I'm really really

interested to report back to you with my

honest opinion of these hair vitamins

again I don't want to be bullshitting

anyone I'm testing these and I'm gonna

give you my honest result just like I

have with my whole growing out process

right you guys have been on this journey

with me and I'm so thankful for that so

it's time to like start busting some

myths and testing some real products

okay so Hairfinity I hope this lights a

fire under your ass and you guys better

you guys better work so yeah I'll be

reporting back in another month with

those results just to see how we go with

one month of Hairfinity

I did by two months so we're gonna be

testing this over the next two months

and seeing how it works but yeah you

better stay tuned for it and let me know

if you're happy with what I've set up

with this hair growth series and doing

myth busting stuff because I'm really

interested to know if there's any other

methods out there that you want me to

try and you should leave me a comment


so make sure you join the Facebook group

if you haven't already the link for that

is gonna be in the description box below

and yeah we've got a really cool

community growing in there and

everyone's talking about their hair grow

and it's actually really really fun so

make sure you jump on that and I'll see

you next week for another video okay

good bye growing hair out men growing

hair growing hair fast growing hair out

going head long growing hair long men

hair grows hair grows time lapse hair

growth tips hair growth treatment hair

growth oil hair growth journey hair

growth masks hair growth hacks

For more infomation >> Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.


Memória da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria, Mãe da Igreja (Homilia Diária.852) - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Memória da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria, Mãe da Igreja (Homilia Diária.852) - Duration: 5:41.


Upstate Medical University-College of Medicine Commencement Ceremony - Duration: 2:53:43.

For more infomation >> Upstate Medical University-College of Medicine Commencement Ceremony - Duration: 2:53:43.


ASMR Brushing Hair Extension Soft Talking 🎧 GigiASMR - Duration: 12:39.

ASMR Brushing Hair Extension Soft Talking

For more infomation >> ASMR Brushing Hair Extension Soft Talking 🎧 GigiASMR - Duration: 12:39.


Donald Takes $1.6B And 4,000 Jobs From Overseas, Gives It To Southern State - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Donald Takes $1.6B And 4,000 Jobs From Overseas, Gives It To Southern State - Duration: 6:24.


Memória da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria, Mãe da Igreja (Homilia Diária.852) - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Memória da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria, Mãe da Igreja (Homilia Diária.852) - Duration: 5:41.


Nightcore - Jocelyn Flores ✗ Be Careful (XXXTENTACION/FEMALE MASHUP) - Lyrics - Duration: 1:53.

This video include lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Jocelyn Flores ✗ Be Careful (XXXTENTACION/FEMALE MASHUP) - Lyrics - Duration: 1:53.


The Truth About Julia Roberts' Brother - Duration: 4:50.

You may not recognize the name Eric Roberts — or even know that America's sweetheart

has an older brother — but you've definitely seen him at some point.

He's been in so many movies and TV series he can't even keep count.

But his journeyman approach to acting isn't entirely intentional.

A severe cocaine addiction derailed his once-promising career, leading to arrests, bodily harm, and

crippling damage to his professional reputation.

However, it appears Roberts has his life in order again, bouncing from B-movie to B-movie.

Along the way, he's left a remarkable trail of personal and professional anecdotes.

Let's take a closer look at Julia Robert's older brother.

"Everybody knows everything you do, if you like it or not."

Just say yes

In a 2018 Vanity Fair profile, Roberts revealed the reason he's racked up close to 500 film

and TV credits.

After he stopped getting offers in larger films, he resorted to accepting B-movie roles,

and before he knew it, he had done around thirty films in just a few years.

"How's this feel?"

"I don't want you as her doctor."

He went on to explain,

"Suddenly it's like 250 movies, and I realize, I went from being a joke that'll do anything

to being, 'Is there anything he can't do?'"

In fact, by taking these roles, Roberts found himself making some unusual deals for compensation.

Speaking with The A.V.

Club, he recalled how legendary camp producer Roger Corman only got him to agree to star

in Sharktopus after he allowed Roberts to bring as many guests as he wanted to stay

for the entire month-long shoot in a Mexican resort town.

Roberts said,

"So I brought everybody I ever met, everybody I've ever been related to, and we all had

a great time in Puerto Vallarta while I made a bad movie."

On top of his seemingly endless film and TV credits, he's also become the "king of music

videos," and you'll recognize him alongside some of music's biggest superstars as they

belt out their hit songs.

Roberts in Russia

Roberts revealed to Vanity Fair that he has an inexplicably large following in Russia,

which he traces back to his Oscar-nominated performance in Runaway Train, as well as the

Best of the Best action flicks.

According to Roberts, he's, quote, "like Elvis" in Russia, and he even had to hire bodyguards

while visiting Moscow because of the frenzy he caused just by walking down the street.

Violent history

Back in 1985, Roberts opened up to People about the traumatic 1981 car accident that

left him in a three-day coma.

Decades later, he revealed to Vanity Fair that he was high on cocaine at the time, and

he had to, quote, "learn how to walk again and talk again."

In 1987, Roberts was arrested for drug possession, harassing a woman, and assaulting a cop.

Eight years later, he was arrested again in connection with violence against his wife,

Eliza — who called 911 after an argument.

Police told the New York Daily News that Roberts had, quote, "pushed the victim, causing her

to hit her head against the wall," but both he and his wife later denied any physical


Bro and sis

Roberts went through an ugly custody battle with Kelly Cunningham, the mother of his daughter,

Emma Roberts, and according to People magazine, Cunningham got assistance from Julia at the


It was a move that apparently served as a final straw in the brother and sister's already

strained relationship.

Eric took all of the blame for the fractured family relations, and claims his younger sisters

finally just grew tired of his self-destructive behavior.

He later told Vanity Fair that it was a surprise invite to the hospital for the birth of Julia's

twins in 2004 that sparked what has now become a lasting reconciliation.

"The most common question fans ask me is 'do you and your sister get along?' and we do."

Eric was also quick to take credit for his superstar sister's career.

"I got her started… I'm very proud of that. I got her her

Screen Actors Guild card."

Celebrity Rehab ruse

In 2017, Roberts finally made an epic appearance on Eric Roberts is the F***ing Man, a project

described as a "woefully misguided podcast examining the life, career, and works of actor

Eric Roberts."

In the interview, Roberts revealed his motivations for doing Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew in


Thinking it would be a way for him to connect with the show's younger audience, his wife-slash-manager

encouraged him to take the gig and try to play up a heavy addiction to marijuana.

Roberts showed up and was clearly not as in need of rehab as the other cast members, so

according to him, producers encouraged him to stir up drama to make up for it.

"Who was the girl I called the 'C' word?"

Oh right, Janice Dickinson!

Janice Dickinson. She's so mean to everybody."

These days, Roberts doesn't claim to be sober, but he does say that he was born an addict

who knows how to use marijuana in a way that works for him.

And hey, no judgement — the guy's IMDB page shows he's already got dozens of projects

lined up for 2018 alone, so clearly he still gets the job done.

"Let's go get 'em."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Julia Roberts' Brother - Duration: 4:50.


Wratten verwijderen met natuurlijke middelen - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Wratten verwijderen met natuurlijke middelen - Duration: 7:51.


Motivation or Discipline? - Duration: 3:57.

Krishnamurti said:

"It's not important what we do, what's important is if we're giving it our full attention,"

Especially in this age where attention is almost extinct, the implementation of this quote is something to be discussed.

All will be well

The cell phone we carry in our pocket,

the computer screen we use at work,

television and newspapers, all virtual or real platforms, and audio and video, are all after our attention.

Even so, attention is definitely not one of the popular and sexy concepts of our day and age.

We're more inclined toward motivation.

Because motivation is cool and assertive.

So long as we're motivated we can accomplish anything,


Keeping our motivation strong is the first step to success.

To be motivated to learn, to develop ourselves,

the importance of motivating our team,

motivation meetings,

the art of being motivating…

motivation seems to be a magic formula that imbues everything it touches with a will to move forward and the courage to succeed, as well as confidence and creativity.

Yet it is also momentary and ephemeral.

For more infomation >> Motivation or Discipline? - Duration: 3:57.


Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch

For more infomation >> Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch


For more infomation >> Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch


IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Knockout Maxi Dress and N... - Duration: 17:50.

For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Knockout Maxi Dress and N... - Duration: 17:50.


For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Knockout Maxi Dress and N... - Duration: 17:50.


IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Knockout Maxi Dress and N... - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Knockout Maxi Dress and N... - Duration: 9:34.


For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Knockout Maxi Dress and N... - Duration: 9:34.


La danse : quel est son effet sur notre santé ? - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> La danse : quel est son effet sur notre santé ? - Duration: 7:16.


For more infomation >> La danse : quel est son effet sur notre santé ? - Duration: 7:16.


Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.

hello everybody and welcome back to my

channel my name is Thomas if you're

brand new here and I like style and he

related videos every single week so if

that's your kind of thing make sure you

hit the subscribe button and come back

and visit me every single Monday so

welcome to hair growth process check-in

number 12

it is in fact number 12 this week I

called my last check-in check-in 12 when

it was actually checking eleven but

today I'm not lying to you it's actually

check-in 12 and I'm just bringing a few

new things to the table in my last

check-in I did ask you guys if you

wanted me to continue with these

check-ins and the response was actually

crazy I'm gonna have all the comments

showing up right here right now

so many of you wanted me to keep going

we're documenting the growing out

process and I thought help I'll keep

doing it so each month now when I check

in the series is going to be called hair

growth tips and myth bust

that's what you've got to look out for

now it won't be called hair growth

updates or chickens or anything like

that I'm kind of gonna stop those now

because I reach my goal but yeah we are

still gonna be talking a lot of hair

growth alright so now it's time to cut

the fat how much hair did I grow in the

last month again we've had another shit

month I have grown another point five of

an inch so that's at least still

something consistent over the last three

months it's just been point five of an

inch each time and my hair that I'm

growing out is actually sitting at 10.5

inches so I mean can I be disappointed

yes No I don't know I just want more

hair growth that's pretty much it

I still don't know where I'm going with

it and how long it's gonna get but

that's what the results were for this

month now it's time to move on to the

first product slash method that we're

gonna be trying over the next couple of

months to see if I can get my hair

growing even more so the next product on

the list is Hairfinity by I think it's

Brock beauty so hopefully these another

brand much like sugarbear hair that has

the same market usually they market to

women for longer luscious more beautiful

looking hair and if you guys do remember

from check-in number seven I was trying

checking number five I was trying to the

sugar bear hair vitamins as well but

yeah and also again whilst I was going

through the the watermen stage I did

also use the water man's Gro Pro

vitamins so yeah Jeff finiti is the next

one on the block I have been watching a

lot of reviews about it again because

hair supplements are so expensive I

thought I am NOT going to actually spend

my money on these

unless they're gonna work right and of

course like any other product I've done

my research on the ingredients and I

actually compared the ingredients from

Hairfinity to sugar bear hair and the

water man's Gro Pro vitamins that I'd

been using because I thought all of

these things claim to do the same thing

do they have the same ingredients what's

like the correlation here and what I

found was actually really really

interesting so with all three of these

products like together lis if you

compared all of them side-by-side

the only three things that all of them

have in common is they all have biotin

which we all know is good for growing

hair and nails they all have calcium and

they all are gluten-free that is it

that's the only thing that they have in

common all together but when I take a

deeper dive into the ingredients I

actually found some really interesting

things so the first relationship I found

was between sugar bear hair and the

Hairfinity tabs was they have a lot of

products or a lot of ingredients in

common the common ingredients in these

ones were like vitamin b12 vitamin A

vitamin D pantothenic acid I think

that's how you say it and it also had

folic acid as well so all those

ingredients are in these two which

Waterman doesn't have which I found

really odd and at that point of

discovering that I thought well how did

Waterman z' work out for me and sugar

bear hair didn't and what does that say

about Hairfinity I kind of went okay

well let's compare Hairfinity to the

Waterman zagro Pro ones don't know and

then I actually found a relationship

between these two as well so the

relationship I found between these were

they both have hydrolyzed collagen they

both have MSM and they also have silica

now all three of those ingredients plus

horsetail whatever the hell that is a

part of Hairfinity secret I've wrote it

down here exclusive caps Alana complex

now I don't know what that is either but

that's pretty much their formula that

they claim is the moneymaker or the hair

grower in their product right and that's

kind of weird because Waterman says the

exact same thing and I'm kind of

wondering well how exclusive is your

formula if Waterman z' has it you know

what I mean essentially what I'm seeing

here is Hairfinity have kind of looked

at sugar bear hair they've looked at

Waterman and they've actually formulated

both of these products together to make

the one this little factors got me kind

of like peg that Hairfinity is actually

going to turn out pretty well I mean I

did say that the

reviews that I've seen we're really

really good on it so my hopes are kind

of high for it and I really want it to

be worth it because I did pay a lot of

money for these vitamins I didn't get

her Finity to send me these I really

wanted to just like buy them myself test

them out and show them to you guys and I

thought as well seeing as I'm doing my

first check-in talking about Hairfinity

today I was gonna just try them on

camera as well I mean they're not

gummies they're not gonna be yummy or

anything they're kind of like horse pill

II just like to grow pro ones as well

but yeah we're gonna do it so this is

what they look like my depth of field is

back here

can't forget that I'll show some up here

as well so they come with a sealed tab

on them like that open them up and they

also gave me instructions with them as

well so they gave me instructions just

to take two pills a day which all of

these vitamins seem to be the same thing

you can take two at the same time or you

can take one at the start of the day one

at the end of the day easy peasy brand

placement yeah there's something like

not so enjoyable about swallowing a big

pill I mean sugar bear hair have it in

that department like at least they make

their gummy like really yummy and chewy

but yeah

that was just like taking a normal pill

so yeah that's pretty much like what

I've got going on I'm really really

interested to report back to you with my

honest opinion of these hair vitamins

again I don't want to be bullshitting

anyone I'm testing these and I'm gonna

give you my honest result just like I

have with my whole growing out process

right you guys have been on this journey

with me and I'm so thankful for that so

it's time to like start busting some

myths and testing some real products

okay so Hairfinity I hope this lights a

fire under your ass and you guys better

you guys better work so yeah I'll be

reporting back in another month with

those results just to see how we go with

one month of Hairfinity

I did by two months so we're gonna be

testing this over the next two months

and seeing how it works but yeah you

better stay tuned for it and let me know

if you're happy with what I've set up

with this hair growth series and doing

myth busting stuff because I'm really

interested to know if there's any other

methods out there that you want me to

try and you should leave me a comment


so make sure you join the Facebook group

if you haven't already the link for that

is gonna be in the description box below

and yeah we've got a really cool

community growing in there and

everyone's talking about their hair grow

and it's actually really really fun so

make sure you jump on that and I'll see

you next week for another video okay

good bye growing hair out men growing

hair growing hair fast growing hair out

going head long growing hair long men

hair grows hair grows time lapse hair

growth tips hair growth treatment hair

growth oil hair growth journey hair

growth masks hair growth hacks

For more infomation >> Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.


For more infomation >> Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.


Kiratto Pri☆Chan 07 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Kiratto Pri☆Chan 07 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:30.


For more infomation >> Kiratto Pri☆Chan 07 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:30.


DIY - Tuto paire de boucles d'oreille créole ethnique en macramé - Duration: 11:47.

19 x 16 inches (x2)

2 x 16 inches (x2)

Tie 19 threads

Place the threads

+ 1 yellow thread 16 inches

Insert a bead on the two center threads

Make 11 knots

Do the same thing on the other side

Make 11 knots

Do the same thing on the other side

Cut and burn all the extremities

Using the pliers, attach: the hook and the two small rings at the top, and at the bottom the charm and the ring

Thank you for viewing my video. I hope you liked it. See you soon ! Caymoon Style

For more infomation >> DIY - Tuto paire de boucles d'oreille créole ethnique en macramé - Duration: 11:47.


For more infomation >> DIY - Tuto paire de boucles d'oreille créole ethnique en macramé - Duration: 11:47.


TWC Satellite Local Forecast on Dish Network- May 20, 2018- 2:19PM PDT - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> TWC Satellite Local Forecast on Dish Network- May 20, 2018- 2:19PM PDT - Duration: 1:24.


For more infomation >> TWC Satellite Local Forecast on Dish Network- May 20, 2018- 2:19PM PDT - Duration: 1:24.


겨울철 집에서 패딩 손 쉽게 세탁하는 방법 ► Gift of Life ► - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 겨울철 집에서 패딩 손 쉽게 세탁하는 방법 ► Gift of Life ► - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> 겨울철 집에서 패딩 손 쉽게 세탁하는 방법 ► Gift of Life ► - Duration: 3:15.


Hard Bounce Trap Type Beat ...

For more infomation >> Hard Bounce Trap Type Beat ...


The hamster said that strawberries are tasty,but…【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> The hamster said that strawberries are tasty,but…【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.


[FFXIV] 1.0 Seasonal Events & Copperbell Mines | RoaR | Episode XXXII - Duration: 10:43.

Hello Eorzeans!

Welcome back to Remnants of a Realm!

In the previous episode we looked back at the 1.0 Materia System, Stat System, and Skirmish!

In this episode we'll start off by heading into the warm desert landscape of Thanalan,

to explore the depths of 1.0's Copperbell Mines!

In 1.0 Copperbell Mines was a dungeon marked on the map northwest of Ul'Dah.

However it was not instanced.

Instead, Copperbell Mines was an open world dungeon with little to no backstory.

All that was known at the time was based on the names marked on the maps at the time.

During mining operations in Copperbell, the miners accidentally uncovered parts of the

Sil'Dih aqueducts.

This portion of the dungeon would be used by the Lambs of Dalamud during the final stretch

of the game's life.

The initial dungeon portion was called the Mining Pit, and the second part, with the

Sil'Dih aqueducts was called the Formicary.

The dungeon was considered an open world free dungeon, where there was no goal.

This was a dungeon used for grinding specific crafting items such as bomb ash and spoken


Other than that though, Copperbell Mines was nothing to write home about.

It was basically Nanawa Mines in a different location.

In a Realm Reborn, this changed.

Nanawa Mines became a loading tunnel, but Copperbell was turned into an instanced low-lvl


The location is still pretty much the same as before, all the changes to the map's

overall design considered.

So that's Copperbell Mines.

Another question I often get from fellow Eorzeans, is whether or not 1.0 had seasonal events,

and if so, what were they like.

Well, wonder no more, cause that's our next topic!

Seasonal Events did exist in 1.0, and was officially introduced on December 15th 2010,

with the first ever Starlight Celebration.

And uh… well, it was a humble beginning.

In all three city-states, the so called "Festive Bells" popped up.

Ringing these would summon a Smilebringer NPC who would present you with a gift.

These gifts could contain one of the following exciting items:

Powdered Sugar Young Dodo Roaster

Dodo Stuffing Dream Hat Materials

Dream Tunic Materials Dream Boots Materials

And a Twinklebox.

Now as you've probably gathered, the materials were of course meant to be used to create

the dream gear – the holiday outfit for the Starlight Celebration.

But if you didn't have a crafting class, or you just couldn't be bothered, the Twinklebox

could be handed over to one of the 6 less-fortunate children spread across the city-states for

a full set of the dream gear.

You could only ring the bells once every 8 hours.

And that was the whole event.

But surely, things would take a…


Introduced on December 11th 2010 to celebrate the new year!

Well eh… *ahem* Festive Bells.

Ring the bell, get Fish Stock

Raw Urushi And the one everyone wanted Usagi Kabuto.

Happy New Year.

February 1st 2011 saw the first ever Valentione's Day event, and…


You'd ring the festive bells.

A Smilebringer NPC appears and you'd get…

Powdered sugar.

From which you could craft Heart Chocolate and White Chocolate.

If you think you're seeing a pattern, let me tell you, you are.

The early FFXIV 1.0 events all revolved around the Festive Bells.

It's possible this was because the dev team had… a few … other things to focus on

during that time.

The first ever Little Ladies Day would follow suit with the Festive Bells, which would reward

you with – hold on to your butt – POWDERED SUGAR!

And a peach branch.

Fun times were had.

But then.

Things finally changed.

On April 15th 2011, the first ever Hatching Tide event began, and for the first time,

the festive bells were nowhere to be found!

Jihli Aliapoh makes her first ever appearance as the hatching tide quest NPC, which lead

you to a questline split into two parts.

The Dreamer's Gospel & The Dreamer's Dilemma.

By providing an NPC with certain egg types, you'd receive specific egg caps.

And a bonus cap could be obtained by providing all the different eggs you could receive to

another NPC – the chocobo egg cap.

Next came the Firefall Faire.

This was… a strange one.

There's some lore tied to this which I won't dive into, but basically you were tasked to

lure bombs lurking around hamlets to their doom by first enraging them using any of the

following emotes: /wave /laugh /rally /dance and /pose.

The bomb would then start following you, and you'd have to lead the enraged bomb into

one of the furnaces placed within the hamlets, where they'd get incinerated.

Mobs would occasionally spawn, trying to damage the bomb – if they damaged the bomb too

much, it would explode, and the mission would fail.

Completing the mission would reward you with various swimwear!

The The festival would return in 2012, but under

the name Moonfire Faire, which was kept, and is still used today.

Now, normally this would be where I played some obscure seasonal event music, but all

the festival music in 1.0 was actually reused in 2.0!

So instead, we'll be listening to the theme that would play during the game's credits


This somber theme was called "Aetherial Slumber".

Don't fall asleep now!

On September 6th 2011, the Dalamud storyline had been set in motion, triggering the first

and last Hunter's Moon event.

Dalamud is acting strange, and mice have started to infest the realm.

Rumours had come about that an ancient curse was arising, dubbed The Curse of Dalamud.

Enemies would spawn in large numbers around Eorzea, which would drop specific rewards

based on their levels.

The rewards were: A Moonlet

A Dalamud Nut And a Moon Nut.

Following the Hunter's Moon event, a slightly sadder event was presented.

Foundation Day.

This event occurred on September 22nd 2011, and was meant to commemorate the 1 year anniversary

of the game.

The sad thing here is that the game was not doing well.

It was overall a very dark time for the game and the community overall.

The in-game lore made the celebration's theme be about the celebration of the founding

of the game's Grand Companies.

And simply speaking to the Grand Company officer in the Grand Company headquarters would award

you with 1000 GC seals, and speaking to the Quartermaster would allow you to buy the fireworks

we all know and love today.

The event would return as the last ever event in 1.0 in 2012, and completing this one would

award you with the achievement "Crystal Bearer".

Last but not least – All Saints' Wake.

This was the most complex one of the lot.

Imps in disguise would provide you with riddles.

The imps would only appear between 7pm – 5am Eorzean time, during which an audible cackling

and dark ominous fog would loom all over the city-states.

The imps would appear as normal Eorzeans, but with the prefix "Suspicious" in their


Interacting with the suspicious NPC would transform it into a trickster imp, and it

would provide you with one of several possible riddles, which had to be answered correctly

for it to provide you with the reward.

Answering correctly would award you with 9 pumpkin cookies, before the imp disappear,

dropping a Treat Basket, which anyone participating in the quest could grab 3 of, including yourself.

The cookies could be traded to an event NPC for the following items:

Pumpkin head, Unripened Pumpkin Head, White Pumpkin Head, and Ripened Pumpkin Head.

It's clear FFXIV 1.0's events improved over time, and these were only the first incarnations

of the events.

The following year, they would see further improvements.

Most of these events survived the calamity, and can still be enjoyed every year in FFXIV!

And with that we've reached the end of this episode of RoaR!

Thank you so much for watching!

Special thanks to our Patreon Supporters scrolling above my head right now – if you want to

be part of that cool gang, consider supporting me on

I'll be back in the next episode of RoaR!

Until then – May you ever walk in the light of the Crystal!

For more infomation >> [FFXIV] 1.0 Seasonal Events & Copperbell Mines | RoaR | Episode XXXII - Duration: 10:43.


5 Ghost Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone Reaction - Duration: 14:13.

What's up, guys, still cryosphere walking back to another reaction video

So, we'll be reacting to five ghost videos that you shouldn't watch

Alone, by top five finest

So it's like cement

7:00 in the morning

Well i should, be lucky that it's not like midnight or like at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning or like devil's hour

And going for that but it's, like, 7:30 in the morning right now

So i think i may be good but i am the only one up so

I'm not sure but

whatever and

It's been a, while since i last reacted to a. Scary video i don't know

When, was the last time that i reacted to a. Scary, video i'm not sure but

Whatever let's just react to it and it's been long since i last

Reacted to tell fights finance so it's gonna be cool too so old credits goes through him in the description below

And the comment section pinned so without any further, ado let's begin, this video and let's see how

It goes wrong video now

And also make sure to like comment subscribe and also turn on post link asians next to my, channel, name let's go

Make, sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified, every, day for more amazing content with that being said

Let's begin number five

Ghost in mirror are this little girl has something strange going on with her and we wouldn't be surprised that she grows up

Definitely seems like, she's possessed by

Some ancient evil although it could just be that some malevolent spirit is busy haunting her every

Waking moment this video is terrifying and after seeing it we wouldn't?

Want to spend a single second in this little, girl's presence it seems like she's a completely normal girl, going peacefully

About her day there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary and it initially seems like nothing strange is gonna happen

she's just brushing her hair and having fun pausing to look at the camera every once in a

While clearly enjoying the attention, she's getting if you watch the mirror closely then you eventually see, what led

This video to gain so much attention at one point the girl looks

Back into the mirror and admires her reflection for a few seconds before turning back to the camera the only issue here

Is that one of her three reflections doesn't seem quite so ready to look

Away just then it continues to stare at us through the mirror on the far right with, the

Creepiest look on its evil little face

That sideways look is enough to give us chills all up and down our spines it basically says that it wants us all dead

And that it's only a matter of time before it's able to gain complete control of its hosts, we don't know

About you but

We think this is one of the scariest things we've seen in a long time

The person holding the camera then zooms in on the mirror making it clear that they saw, the same thing

We did why didn't they

Drop the camera and run for their lives is way beyond us they must be completely

Insane it could be that they already knew, about this secret power and that they're in on it too although that

Would make posting it online a pretty stupid move for them

we haven't heard much come of this video and this little girl, hasn't wiped out any cities on

Mass just yet but if she's allowed to continue to grow

Those powers then we're, sure it will happen eventually if it happens to be real then, again it could

Be that the relevant ghost-hunting

Authorities or some kind of exorcist, was able to expel the london from its host in which case

We don't have to worry quite as much just yet number four


Searching through and obviously dilapidated

To, make you isn't the star can

Do it also shows a complete lack of preparedness and recite in the cases video it's

clearly -

The herd, was haunted as a?

Deer but luckily the house itself is barton mansion located in california the house


looks Like it hasn't been lived in three years with mold and mildew

Creeping up all the walls and everything being in an advanced state of disrepair

The wood trim is pretty much rotted out and the night vision mode on their camera gives the entire scene a strange glow

They, navigate through the house talking, amongst themselves and making comments

About the place until one of them hears something strange and decides to investigate they prepare to head through an open

door Wait until one of them brings their flashlights up to reveal a truly

Terrifying sight there's a large figure in the doorway heading towards them looking disheveled

And like it really, means business they, don't miss a beat and start screaming obscenities as they run for cover with

The scene basically looking like it was every man for himself

After they noticed the figure it looks like it ducks back behind the door just as startled as they are they finally turn the camera

Off as they, make their escape making for quite a dramatic ending and leaving us unaware of their fate when

We went back to take a closer look at the ghost however we noticed a strange light in its hands that looks surprisingly like a

Dim flashlight leading us to believe that it could very

Well have been a friend positioned there to make for a

Good ghost story

When the video was eventually uploaded it's unclear what the object actually is and will concede that it could be some form of


Lantern that possibly features because the spirit died while holding it no matter what the real story is this is one scary ghost video?

When watched at night and it definitely gave us the creeps when

We discovered it many commenters are convinced it's one fairer than genuine

Although, there are plenty of skeptics just like us who can't get on board quite so easily

number three

Secondary school spirit

Taken a, deer park secondary school here has been hailed

By, some as being the most haunted school in cork, city. This video shows

Some very mysterious things happening after everyone went home for the day leaving the school completely empty empty

except for the spirits that haunt its, halls that is

This video, went viral when it was first uploaded and for good reason nobody

Wants, their kid to go to a school that's so clearly haunted because you never know. How

These, spirits will react

We have to admit that we probably end up going a little crazy if we were stuck between worlds in an eternal limbo unable to

Effectively reach out or communicate with, anyone else it would definitely be a lonely existence and it seems that most spirits

Who have to put up with a possible eternity of ethereal torment will eventually give in and start getting pissed

Off eventually building up to becoming violent

We really can't knock them for it but it does suck for the living having to put up with

Their worrying tantrums this one is definitely starving for attention although its timing could be better if it really

Were it starts slow, what's?

Closing, you're left thinking at least right off the bat that it could just be an, awkward right game

Then the motors start violently rocking back

And forth owners toppling over on a number of swings honour this continues for quite, some time until everything becomes

Deathly silent once again the final two incidents involve

Individual lockers flying open knocking papers on the floor, along with the wet floor sign being thrown

By an invisible force this is definitely paranormal activity at its best but like

We said earlier this scene isn't the safest especially for the kids thankfully there haven't been any incidents like, this reported, during the day

And we really hope this, was all just in a lab reactive phrases

Would allow us?

To, go, that was our case then we'd have to give to a read up but this is two of wittering sarna

Which is a real-life haunting then we'd be pulling our kids out of there with

The number two

tabletop, creepiness

This video starts with a, nanny cam watching a

Little girl playing in a room as she does a

Promise to strange things happening around her because we'll admit they're pretty slight at first

Nothing seems to be amiss until you see the doll resting on the leg of the chair on the left

Begin to move ever so slightly it keeps moving around

Bit by bit until it finally stops moving the girl continues playing with her other dolls

Thankfully, none of them show. Any signs of turning into possessed spirits because, we all know. How. That ends it's never a good house

react to generally pretty murderous once they get going this is going a picture at a table whence i

Simply, can't, miss the papers in front of her suddenly start flying around the room as if they've been tossed app, hazard li

by Someone or something unseen like the doll it starts with slight movements but slowly

Progresses into almost all of them being knocked off of the table the girl has at

This, point lost her cool, and gone running to find someone to help them, and were sure that she must have been terrified

Even watching, this video

Was enough to scare the living daylights out of us and seeing something like that would severely damage our psyches to the point, where

We possibly have a complete mental break the video ends on an even stranger and more

Violent note as the table itself begins large about and shifting itself towards

Where the girl ran off to perhaps the spirit, was another kid trying to play with her but

We think she did the right thing

By getting the hell out of there pronto we'd never take, any chances with the ghost i would rather run

From a haunting than try to see if whatever it is happens to be friendly this particular ghost doesn't seem like

The friendly, type and is less, akin to casper and more like something you'd see in the exorcist we've gone back

And watched this video dozens of times each time becoming more convinced that it must be real

We don't see, any signs of trickery especially with regard to the doll especially when a girl, is darnell's lurking around?

Manipulating things behind the camera plenty o'cash agree with us although we're

Still holding out hope that this was just a well-played trick instead of signs of spirits that do very much seem

Like their intent on causing harm with so many, ways to get hurt or killed these

days that's

Basically just one more thing for us to have to worry about and we wouldn't even have to go outside to become an unlucky victim

Number one rocking chair moving the eerie green lighting in this room

Along, with the creepy background music in this video i'll add to the absolutely terrifying

Surprise that happens as it progresses the rocking chair seemingly placed in a. Child's bedroom doesn't show

Any signs of being possessed and just sits there motionless

after quite

Some time and a lot of suspense being built up the chair all of a sudden

Begins to teeter back with the first signs of a

True haunting going from zero to rocking quite spectacularly all in the matter of a second or two it

continues along

Like this for a very short time only a few seconds before the truly terrifying part of the video kicks in as the chair stops

Rocking back, and forth a strange shape appears, below

It which you slowly rise to god rolling her way out from absolutely nowhere heading directly towards a chair

May, he say slowly but it all happens rather quickly and can

Easily catch you off guard if you happen to watch this

Alone with the sound up then you definitely get one hell of a good scare and we jumped clear out of our own chairs

When you're only expecting a rocking chair

To, move with the title of the video simply being rocking, chair seeing the creepiest little girl

Ever scurry up to you will absolutely


Your heart leap out of its chest and leave you breathless for at least a few seconds as you try to come to terms with

What you just witnessed the video then freezes on a close-up of her grizzled face making the moment even more surreal

All right top fibers, we have something very

Exciting for you to see make sure to visit our other channel the brilliant if you like, what

We have on top fives finest then, we know?

You, will love what, we have there too but be warned the videos over on the brilliant are extremely addicting to watch as

Well there will be a link in the description to the brilliant channel

So, make sure to visit us now or you can

Go, to our latest video popping up on screen right now come on click it you know

You, want to, oh, and while you're here subscribe, also hurt it gives you, superpowers anyway see you see

Wow, by the ender duck that scared me the most oh my god



Like, and don't like scary videos at the same time

Because i like scary videos

Because it gets you a pretty good scare and a pretty good reaction all of them and i don't like

Scary, videos because it could

like eventually like i

could like dream about them and i don't like, scary videos because watch it at the middle of the night and

I start to get paranoid or?


Anything's gonna happen on my house



Ain't nobody's guys, thank, you guys so much for watching please, make sure to drop. A, like comment down, below

Your thoughts and your video suggestions and also subscribe to my channel for more videos

Reaction videos and also turn on post vacation so you, guys will stay in order to fight on every single video

so yeah

Subscribe to tough fight finest in a description below and it comes sex pins and i will see you in the next video

goodbye everyone

For more infomation >> 5 Ghost Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone Reaction - Duration: 14:13.


Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.

hello everybody and welcome back to my

channel my name is Thomas if you're

brand new here and I like style and he

related videos every single week so if

that's your kind of thing make sure you

hit the subscribe button and come back

and visit me every single Monday so

welcome to hair growth process check-in

number 12

it is in fact number 12 this week I

called my last check-in check-in 12 when

it was actually checking eleven but

today I'm not lying to you it's actually

check-in 12 and I'm just bringing a few

new things to the table in my last

check-in I did ask you guys if you

wanted me to continue with these

check-ins and the response was actually

crazy I'm gonna have all the comments

showing up right here right now

so many of you wanted me to keep going

we're documenting the growing out

process and I thought help I'll keep

doing it so each month now when I check

in the series is going to be called hair

growth tips and myth bust

that's what you've got to look out for

now it won't be called hair growth

updates or chickens or anything like

that I'm kind of gonna stop those now

because I reach my goal but yeah we are

still gonna be talking a lot of hair

growth alright so now it's time to cut

the fat how much hair did I grow in the

last month again we've had another shit

month I have grown another point five of

an inch so that's at least still

something consistent over the last three

months it's just been point five of an

inch each time and my hair that I'm

growing out is actually sitting at 10.5

inches so I mean can I be disappointed

yes No I don't know I just want more

hair growth that's pretty much it

I still don't know where I'm going with

it and how long it's gonna get but

that's what the results were for this

month now it's time to move on to the

first product slash method that we're

gonna be trying over the next couple of

months to see if I can get my hair

growing even more so the next product on

the list is Hairfinity by I think it's

Brock beauty so hopefully these another

brand much like sugarbear hair that has

the same market usually they market to

women for longer luscious more beautiful

looking hair and if you guys do remember

from check-in number seven I was trying

checking number five I was trying to the

sugar bear hair vitamins as well but

yeah and also again whilst I was going

through the the watermen stage I did

also use the water man's Gro Pro

vitamins so yeah Jeff finiti is the next

one on the block I have been watching a

lot of reviews about it again because

hair supplements are so expensive I

thought I am NOT going to actually spend

my money on these

unless they're gonna work right and of

course like any other product I've done

my research on the ingredients and I

actually compared the ingredients from

Hairfinity to sugar bear hair and the

water man's Gro Pro vitamins that I'd

been using because I thought all of

these things claim to do the same thing

do they have the same ingredients what's

like the correlation here and what I

found was actually really really

interesting so with all three of these

products like together lis if you

compared all of them side-by-side

the only three things that all of them

have in common is they all have biotin

which we all know is good for growing

hair and nails they all have calcium and

they all are gluten-free that is it

that's the only thing that they have in

common all together but when I take a

deeper dive into the ingredients I

actually found some really interesting

things so the first relationship I found

was between sugar bear hair and the

Hairfinity tabs was they have a lot of

products or a lot of ingredients in

common the common ingredients in these

ones were like vitamin b12 vitamin A

vitamin D pantothenic acid I think

that's how you say it and it also had

folic acid as well so all those

ingredients are in these two which

Waterman doesn't have which I found

really odd and at that point of

discovering that I thought well how did

Waterman z' work out for me and sugar

bear hair didn't and what does that say

about Hairfinity I kind of went okay

well let's compare Hairfinity to the

Waterman zagro Pro ones don't know and

then I actually found a relationship

between these two as well so the

relationship I found between these were

they both have hydrolyzed collagen they

both have MSM and they also have silica

now all three of those ingredients plus

horsetail whatever the hell that is a

part of Hairfinity secret I've wrote it

down here exclusive caps Alana complex

now I don't know what that is either but

that's pretty much their formula that

they claim is the moneymaker or the hair

grower in their product right and that's

kind of weird because Waterman says the

exact same thing and I'm kind of

wondering well how exclusive is your

formula if Waterman z' has it you know

what I mean essentially what I'm seeing

here is Hairfinity have kind of looked

at sugar bear hair they've looked at

Waterman and they've actually formulated

both of these products together to make

the one this little factors got me kind

of like peg that Hairfinity is actually

going to turn out pretty well I mean I

did say that the

reviews that I've seen we're really

really good on it so my hopes are kind

of high for it and I really want it to

be worth it because I did pay a lot of

money for these vitamins I didn't get

her Finity to send me these I really

wanted to just like buy them myself test

them out and show them to you guys and I

thought as well seeing as I'm doing my

first check-in talking about Hairfinity

today I was gonna just try them on

camera as well I mean they're not

gummies they're not gonna be yummy or

anything they're kind of like horse pill

II just like to grow pro ones as well

but yeah we're gonna do it so this is

what they look like my depth of field is

back here

can't forget that I'll show some up here

as well so they come with a sealed tab

on them like that open them up and they

also gave me instructions with them as

well so they gave me instructions just

to take two pills a day which all of

these vitamins seem to be the same thing

you can take two at the same time or you

can take one at the start of the day one

at the end of the day easy peasy brand

placement yeah there's something like

not so enjoyable about swallowing a big

pill I mean sugar bear hair have it in

that department like at least they make

their gummy like really yummy and chewy

but yeah

that was just like taking a normal pill

so yeah that's pretty much like what

I've got going on I'm really really

interested to report back to you with my

honest opinion of these hair vitamins

again I don't want to be bullshitting

anyone I'm testing these and I'm gonna

give you my honest result just like I

have with my whole growing out process

right you guys have been on this journey

with me and I'm so thankful for that so

it's time to like start busting some

myths and testing some real products

okay so Hairfinity I hope this lights a

fire under your ass and you guys better

you guys better work so yeah I'll be

reporting back in another month with

those results just to see how we go with

one month of Hairfinity

I did by two months so we're gonna be

testing this over the next two months

and seeing how it works but yeah you

better stay tuned for it and let me know

if you're happy with what I've set up

with this hair growth series and doing

myth busting stuff because I'm really

interested to know if there's any other

methods out there that you want me to

try and you should leave me a comment


so make sure you join the Facebook group

if you haven't already the link for that

is gonna be in the description box below

and yeah we've got a really cool

community growing in there and

everyone's talking about their hair grow

and it's actually really really fun so

make sure you jump on that and I'll see

you next week for another video okay

good bye growing hair out men growing

hair growing hair fast growing hair out

going head long growing hair long men

hair grows hair grows time lapse hair

growth tips hair growth treatment hair

growth oil hair growth journey hair

growth masks hair growth hacks

For more infomation >> Hair Update | Stage 12 Growing My Hair Out - Men's Long Hair - Duration: 7:09.


[AMV] Mám Doma Kočku ||Animefest 2018|| - Duration: 2:30.


One day my dear tells me

Darling, I want a cat

I tell her I want a dog

So we go to get a cat

They seem to have a nice choice in the cat shelter

Cats are completely free!

(just vaccinations for 1500)

After a long hesitation, discussions and two arguments

One of the kittens grabs my finger with its claws

And the choice was clear

My dear dried her eyes

But we had no idea what we were bringing home

I have a cat at home and I love her

She's my best friend

Only ever since I know her

My arms and legs are nothing but scratches and scrapes

She doesn't cuddle anymore

Living with her is really bad for my health

Every day I go through terror

I must have a cat with an error

First few days of living together everything looks fine

Kitty sleeps in my arms

and then poops all over the kitchen

Nothing you wouldn't expect after the cat shelter guarantees you

That kitty is going to learn to be housebroken in a few weeks

But several months have passed

Cat toilet still empty

Our flat stinks to high heaven

I follow the cat with a shovel everywhere

When I try to help her myself, to relocate her to the toilet

She manages to both scratch (ouch)

and stain my hands

I have a cat at home and I love her

She's my best friend

Only ever since I know her

My arms and legs are nothing but scratches and scrapes

She doesn't cuddle anymore

Living with her is really bad for my health

Every day I go through terror

I must have a cat with an error

She enjoys long sits in a window or at the door

God knows why, mostly in winter, when it's snowing outside

When it is -20°C in our living room, we are warmed

By the feeling that she's not spilling our blood at the moment

I have a cat at home and I love her

She's my best friend

Only ever since I know her

My arms and legs are nothing but scratches and scrapes

She doesn't cuddle anymore

Living with her is really bad for my health

Every day I go through a terror

I must have a cat with an error


For more infomation >> [AMV] Mám Doma Kočku ||Animefest 2018|| - Duration: 2:30.


DIY - Tuto paire de boucles d'oreille créole ethnique en macramé - Duration: 11:47.

19 x 16 inches (x2)

2 x 16 inches (x2)

Tie 19 threads

Place the threads

+ 1 yellow thread 16 inches

Insert a bead on the two center threads

Make 11 knots

Do the same thing on the other side

Make 11 knots

Do the same thing on the other side

Cut and burn all the extremities

Using the pliers, attach: the hook and the two small rings at the top, and at the bottom the charm and the ring

Thank you for viewing my video. I hope you liked it. See you soon ! Caymoon Style

For more infomation >> DIY - Tuto paire de boucles d'oreille créole ethnique en macramé - Duration: 11:47.


Can you feel my heart CMV- Bloopers and Outtakes XD (Eng sub) - Duration: 1:37.


*Stay calm XD*



Did my strand is good?


It isn't' hanging?


Now it's hanging

What are you doing?

Nothing c:

I was hit by cards!

Ok, again

We already know why Varian got depressed XD

Now, go


Let's go!

*Something went wrong XD*

Good morning!

I am an alchemist XDD


Are you still recording me?


I can't tear XD

Maybe I will...

Wait. Why I'm I talking while doing this?

For more infomation >> Can you feel my heart CMV- Bloopers and Outtakes XD (Eng sub) - Duration: 1:37.


Gela Saperihing Lara EPISODE 2 + subtitle - Duration: 15:45.

For more infomation >> Gela Saperihing Lara EPISODE 2 + subtitle - Duration: 15:45.


Top 5 Melhores Jogos by Kratos evil - Duration: 4:28.

Talking people, Kratos evil

Sign up for the channel if you are not registered

And give a like in the video, which helps the channel every day grow

In this video I will show you the TOP 5 BEST GAMES

That I already played on my computer

Remembering this is my opinion

Fifth place

Far Cry 4

Fourth place

Fifa 18

Third place

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Second place

Battlefield 4

First place

Call of Duty: World War 2

If this video has too many views

I do part 2 of this video

Thanks for watching this video and it's us.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Melhores Jogos by Kratos evil - Duration: 4:28.


Raymor - Chance On Love (Music Video) - Duration: 4:36.

You keep trying to figure out

Just what this man's about

I'm not gonna hurt you

I'm ready to love you

And I won't desert you baby

If you could read my mind

If you could see inside

There's so much more to like

If you just let me in baby


You Should

Take a



Love You got a chance babe

Girl you should take it

Just give me your heart babe

I ain't gonna break it

What your


For me


Be love What you been feeling

I think it's real babe

If you been broken

I'll make it heal babe

I know you wanna guard yourself

So you put your love on a shelf

Cause you got a baby

And your baby daddy

Be driving you crazy

I know just what you need

Don't you settle for anything

And I'll show you what love can be

If you just let me in babe


You should

Take a

Chance on

Love You got a chance babe

Girl you should take it

Just give me your heart babe

I ain't gonna break it

What your

Feeling What you're feeling baby

For me might Might be love

Be love Might be love, might be love

I think it's real babe

If you been broken

I'll make it heal babe

I don't wanna hurt you

I don't wanna hurt you

I just wanna show you this I think this could be

Could be love... Love...


Girl let me love you

So maybe

You should Maybe you should

Take a Take a chance...



Love On love... You got a chance babe

Girl you should take it

Just give me your heart babe

I ain't gonna take it

What your


For me might What your feeling baby

Be Love Could it be love love love?

I think it's real babe

If you been broken

I'll make it heal babe

Maybe you should I'll make it heal baby

Take a I'll make it up...

Cance on


You gotta chance babe Just give me your heart...

Girl you should take it

Just give me your heart babe I ain't gonna break it

I ain't gonna break it

What your feeling

I ain't gonna break it

For me

Might be love It might be love

It might be love, might me love

I think it's real babe

I think it's real babe If you been broken

I'll make it heal babe I'll make it heal babe

I know you want to guard yourself

Don't you put your love on a shelf

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