Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018

Hey there, Welcome to Life Noggin!

I get a lot of questions on so many topics, even some questions that are just about me,

so i've gathered some of those questions, and i'm calling it "DEAR BLOCKO"

Today's Dear Blocko is about the human body! ...and my body for some reason.

Zach asks - Can you donate blood after death?

Blood can technically be used after death, though most places don't let you donate it.

According to the book Stiff: The Curious Life of Human Cadavers, the blood inside a dead

body stays usable for about six to eight hours after death.

The first cadaveric blood transfusion actually happened in Russia back in 1930, but it never

really caught on.

Next question, Kardo asked me Why do we have / get body hair?

You humans are thought to have body hair as a sort of evolutionary leftover from your

hairier ancestors.

You actually have about the same density of hair follicles as your ape friends, your hairs

are just much smaller and finer.

It might not seem like your body hair does much, but recent research suggests it might

help you detect bedbugs and bloodsucking insects.

This next question comes from Serena Is nail-biting actually bad for you?

Biting your nails might be seen as a bad habit, but it could actually be good for your body!

According to a recent study, biting your nails may have a small protective effect against

common allergies.

Since nail-biting can have long-lasting downsides, like permanently damaging the nail tissue,

I wouldn't start it up if you don't already do it, but it might not be all that bad!

Aurora asked: Why do people get acne?

Acne is super common for teenagers and young adults, but can occur at any age.

People tend to get acne when they're young because of the hormonal changes that go along

with puberty.

Beyond your hormones, you get pimples when your follicles get blocked and oil builds

up under your skin.

Other factors might also play a role, like certain medications, menstruation, and emotional


Now we can answer some questions that you guys have had about me

Justin - Why do you move your head when you talk?

Idk...that just happens when i speak?

Oh i'm conscious of it!

My animator didn't give me a face or even a mouth so that movement was the next best thing!

Austin - Does Blocko have organs?

I don't have any organs but I do have these.

I guess it's true, It's what's on the inside that counts!


Hey! Who said that!?

If i had a face you could totally tell that i was angry right now!

Last question from Carly - Where does Blocko go when the computer turns off?

Oh, simple. I go to the void.

It's quite comfortable.

Sometimes people scream into it though which is frustrating.

So let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions that you want me to answer.

They can be about your world, or my world!

If you wanna send me anything you've made from the real world

or have a question for Dear Blocko, I now have a mailbox just for that!

All the stuff will transfer over to my world. Don't worry!

I'll feature some of the stuff you send me at the end of a future episode of Dear Blocko!

I can't wait! Thank you so much for all the support!

If you enjoyed this video, check out the video we did where i enter your human world.

For more infomation >> Can You Give Blood After Death? - Dear Blocko #1 - Duration: 3:31.


✅ Za vlajku ve vagíně a Ježíše znásilňujícího muslimku škrty v dotacích? Slíbený milion (ne)dostanou - Duration: 2:15.

„Necítím se být oprávněná být cenzorem, ale hanobení státního symbolu mi přijde už hodně za hranou," řekla první náměstkyně hejtmana Taťána Malá (ANO)

Jihomoravský kraj chtěl kvůli průběhu her, při kterých dokonce asistovala policie, zkrátit divadelníkům původně slíbenou milionovou dotaci, nakonec ji ale vyplatí

Ovšem s podmínkou. „V žádném případě se nejedná o cenzuru. " objasnil hejtman Bohumil Šimek (ANO)

Trnem v oku politiků je nejen hra, ve které Ježíš znásilňuje muslimku, ale i druhý festivalový kus Prokletí

V něm inscenoval režisér Frljić kromě jiného i felaci umělého přirození papeže Jana Pavla II

Rozpočet festivalu je až 12 milionů Podle ředitele Národního divadla Brno Martin Glaser se náklady na obě představení u každého pohybují v jednotkách stovek tisíc korun

uvedl Glaser. Peníze z kraje by tak divadlo použilo na jiné hry festivalu. Předpokládaný rozpočet festivalu je 11 až 12 milionů korun

Celý milion pro divadlo hájí klub Zelených a Pirátů Krajští politici festival podpoří jako celek, vyjma zmíněných dvou her

reagoval náměstek hejtmana Marek Šlapal (ČSSD). Úřady potrestají protestující diváky Při sobotním představení v divadle Husa na provázku opustilo po výzvě policie hlediště 26 lidí, kteří bránili v pokračování představení

řekl Blesku policista Pavel Šváb. Kontakt protestující divačky policie kvalifikovala jako přestupek proti občanskému soužití

For more infomation >> ✅ Za vlajku ve vagíně a Ježíše znásilňujícího muslimku škrty v dotacích? Slíbený milion (ne)dostanou - Duration: 2:15.


Islami Bichar V 3 আহারে দিলটা কেড়েনিল Khaled Saifullah Ayubi Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 24:55.

Islami Bichar V 3 আহারে দিলটা কেড়েনিল Khaled Saifullah Ayubi Bangla Waz 2018

Islami Bichar V 3 আহারে দিলটা কেড়েনিল Khaled Saifullah Ayubi Bangla Waz 2018

Islami Bichar V 3 আহারে দিলটা কেড়েনিল Khaled Saifullah Ayubi Bangla Waz 2018

For more infomation >> Islami Bichar V 3 আহারে দিলটা কেড়েনিল Khaled Saifullah Ayubi Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 24:55.


5 Best Sciatica Stretches for a Herniated Disc - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 8:20.

hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you my top 5 sciatica

stretches for a herniated disc. so let's get started.

if you haven't already subscribed, make sure and click on the button down there.

so as I said earlier, this is for if you have a herniated disc. these stretches

would be a little bit different if it was something like piriformis syndrome.

so the first stretch is going to be rolling over onto your stomach lying

down. so this is just a simple prone prop. so what you're doing is you're starting

in the lying down position. get nice and comfortable. bring your elbows up towards

your head and then prop up on your elbows. so you can bring them in a little

bit closer if you want to. the goal of this is to keep your hips down. so you're

just coming up and getting that bend right there at that low back. so what

this is doing in theory is this is pushing that herniated disc back in to

take the pressure off the nerve, and so when that nerve gets pressed on that

sciatic nerve, that's what causes that numbness tingling going down into your

butt, down into the back of your leg, and that's what sciatica is. so with these

props, sometimes it's a little more painful at first. you might feel a lot of

the symptoms coming on, and that's ok as long as it starts to go away or subside

as you do it more. so I would just start off with 10 or 15 second,s come back down,

take a little break, and then prop back up and do this you know 3 or 4 times

slowly building up your time. so you know 20 seconds 30 seconds, and then again if

it is coming from the disc, the more you do this that pain should start coming

back to the center, or we call it centralizing and that's a good thing. a

lot of times people will say well I don't feel it anymore here, but I feel it

more in the low back, and that's centralizing, and that's actually a good

thing. that's what you want. so after you do those four a couple times, then you're

going to roll over onto your back, and even though the sciatica is coming from

the disc, we want to stretch out the piriformis muscle.

so a great one for that is the figure four stretch. that one's the one that I

like the most. so the side that you want to stretch, if it's my left side I'm

going to cross that leg over. and the reason it's called a figure four is

because if you look down it looks like the number four. so for this one, you can

do it a couple different ways. the easiest way if you have some flexibility

and if you can do it without straining your neck, it's just to grab underneath

the other side and pull up towards you and you should feel that stretch right

through there, that piriformis area. so you want to hold that stretch for thirty

Seconds. now if this is something where you're not super flexible or you're

already feeling the stretch right here, you don't have to do that extra piece. or

if you having a hard time grabbing that leg you can just slide your heel up

closer to your bottom which will bring that leg up a little more, or you can

take like a belt or strap and wrap it around that leg and then just pull it up

that way because you don't want to end up stressing your neck and getting your

neck hurting to try and get the low back in that sciatica feeling better. so make

sure that you're keeping the rest of your body in a good neutral position. so

the last couple stretches and I I say quote "stretches" are really going to be

nerve glides because if the sciatic nerve is getting compressed at your discs, you

want to do some things where you're kind of trying to move or glide that sciatic

nerve to get it freed up. now with nerve glides or neural flossing some people

call it, you really want to be very careful with this because nerves are

pretty fragile. so if you do a lot, sometimes you just irritate it more so I

always tell people just do 10 once a day that's it. don't do ten, three or four

times a day throughout the day, I would just start off with one set and stick

pretty close to that because again if you do too many you're going to irritate

it. so this time if it's still my left side that has that sciatica on it, I'm

going to bring my leg up to about a ninety degree at the hip and grab

underneath right here. you don't have to pull up you're just kind of supporting

that leg. and then all you're going to do is

straighten out your leg and kind of bend your toes towards you and then come back

down. so this isn't a 30-second hold like the piriformis stretch, this is actually

just going up and down. so toes are kind of pointed as you come up pull them

towards you and you just go till you feel, you might feel that numbness and

tingling as you go, but this is kind of flossing or gliding that nerve. and so

again you just want to do about ten of those and then that's it. so the last two

are going to be sitting in a chair. so the fourth stretch is going to be

another one of those glides. so I had mentioned on the other one that you're

always supposed to do ten just once a day. if you're doing different ones it's

okay to do just ten of each as long as it's different, but if you're feeling

like you did one set and it still is still feeling a little tingling, that

tingling didn't go away, I wouldn't recommend doing all these at one time.

maybe spread it out through the day. so now that you're sitting this time for

the glide. what you're gonna do is you're gonna kick out that leg and as you kick

out that leg, you're gonna bend your head back. and then when you come back down,

you're gonna curl your chin in towards your chest. so it's gonna be kicking out,

looking up, and then as you come down kind of tuck it in. so we're just taking

that nerve all the way the whole chain up to the neck, and flossing or gliding

it through. so if it's kind of compressed somewhere that's getting pinched

somewhere, this kind of helps loosen it up and gets that nerve free. so it's not

getting compressed on, it's not getting pinched on, or maybe if there's some

scarring it will break it up. so get just ten of those and then if you're doing

another kind of a stretch that's okay, or a different glide, but don't keep doing

them all at one time because then that might just irritate it. so the last one

you're gonna be using a stool. so this one is still kind of a glide, but

it's slightly different. so that's why I think it's okay to do it with these

other ones. but again just ten of them. so I'm just going to

switch it up because the stool is on my right side so the side that you're

having that sciatica, you want to prop it up. the key to this is you want to

keep your toes and your foot straight. a lot of times if you have really bad

sciatica, once you start doing the glide that I'm going to show you, a lot of

times the leg wants to turn in. it wants to follow your body. really try and keep

it nice and forward because if it starts going over, then you're not really

getting that Glide or that stretch or that flossing that you want. so just try

and keep those feet, the the foot and the toes straight forward. so you want to

keep your body nice and upright, and you want to look straight ahead. so I'm going

to be looking at you a little bit but you want to look straight ahead. keep

your head in that neutral position and then once you get in this nice position,

you're going to take the hand of the opposite side, and just lean away from

that side. so again if you are really tight and you have a lot of that

irritation going on, a lot of times when someone bends to the side, their foot

wants to go like that with their body. try not to let it do that.

you want to keep everything nice and straight, and just lean away from that

side. so again, just doing about 10 of these. don't feel like you have to go all

the way down to the floor, you're just going till you feel that little bit of a

stretch, and then come back up because you don't want to irritate that nerve. so

those were my top five sciatica stretches from a herniated disk. if you'd

like to help support my channel, click on the link to find out how, and don't

forget to subscribe by clicking down there. and remember, be safe (don't

irritate that nerve), have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> 5 Best Sciatica Stretches for a Herniated Disc - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 8:20.


Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.

Good Morning Song

For more infomation >> Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.


Get Your Free Vision Board Book - Duration: 11:07.


TERRI: Hey, I'm Terri Savelle Foy, your cheerleader of dreams.

Hey, I want to share something with you that's really special

to me and I've never done on a podcast before. Now, I've been

recording this little podcast for 10 years now, and this is

the first time I've ever done this. I wrote a book called

"Dream It, Pin It, Live It," all about how to make vision boards

work for you. Now, I'm a big believer in having a vision

board. In fact, you should see the one in my office. It's

massive because I've seen what it's produced in my life.

Everything from getting my books in bookstores to sharing the

stage with John Maxwell, motivating the Dallas Cowboys

cheerleaders, even meeting Oprah Winfrey. Well, I want to teach

you how to make a vision board to see your dreams come to life,

and I want you to understand why in the world you even need a

vision board. Now, I'm doing this by giving away this book

absolutely free. You just have to pay the shipping to help me

mail it to you. But, this is not a joke or a gimmick. We are

giving this book away 100% free, you just pay the shipping. But

first, let me explain. You know the famous Helen Keller, she was

blind and deaf, and they asked her one time, they said, "What

could be worse than having no sight?" She said, "To have sight

but have no vision." That would be the worst thing, to have

sight but have no vision for your life. Now, let me explain

to you why it's vitally important that you have a vision

and a vision board. Let's just imagine it's pouring down rain

outside. You jump in your car. You turn the car on. It turns on

fine. You turn on your lights, you turn on your air

conditioning, whatever it is. Everything seems to be working,

even the radio, except for one thing. Pouring down rain, and

your windshield wiper is not working. How many of you know

you're not going anywhere? See, as long as your vision is

impaired, you're going to stay where you are. And it's the same

with life. If you have no vision, then this year will just

be a repeat of last year. In fact, the Bible tells us in

Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

Now, obviously the word perish means die. The word die, it

means die. I looked it up. Well, that's what's happening. If you

don't have a vision, something that you're aiming towards, then

you're just perishing year after year. In fact, they've proven

that the average person who retires dies within three years

of retirement. Why? Because they had no vision, no reason, no

purpose to get up in the morning and aim towards something. Well,

once you get a dream, a vision, a goal to aim towards, you won't

be in this same place next year at this time. I'm telling you

from experience. And you know I love getting testimonies from

people who have read this book, they're making their vision

boards and now they're truly living their dreams. I think

about a girl in Minnesota who opened up her own gym. She was a

fitness trainer for years, and then she said, "I want my own

gym." She sent me pictures of her standing in front of her gym

saying, "I did it." Then, a lady in Colorado, she had been

driving a bus for 31 years. Nothing wrong with that, but she

said, "I just felt like God has more for my life." Well, she

read the book. She made a vision board. She said, "Terri, I just

got my real estate license to start selling homes in Vail,

Colorado." I love that. Well, I'm thinking about a single mom

of four kids recently divorced living in Switzerland. She took

a train to come hear me speak in Germany, and after hearing this

message, she made her vision board, launched her own cleaning

company, and she said, "I'm hiring employees." Isn't that

amazing? I think about another couple who opened their own

restaurant in Mississippi, and they were voted one of the best

restaurants in their city. Well, in fact just recently I was

in Denver, and I met this precious girl after I spoke at a

conference, and she could hardly wait to come up to me with a

letter printed out of everything she has achieved since she made

her vision board. She said she started watching this podcast 18

months ago on YouTube, and she said for the first time, she

decided to stop watching everybody else live their dreams

and get serious about going after hers. Now, listen to some

of the things that she has achieved in less than two years.

She lost 70 pounds, she bought her dream car, a Jeep, she went

skydiving, she completed her nursing exam after failing it in

the past, she has read 50 books in less than two years, she

moved to Denver and got her dream job, she got a $5000

signing bonus, and she said she's tripled her income. That

amazes me. But, I'm telling you this can happen to you. In fact,

I heard someone say, "The worst day in Heaven would be when God

gives you a glimpse of all that you could've had, all that you

could've done, and all that you could've been, but for some

reason you gave up. For some reason you wouldn't give

yourself permission to dream." Well, God has so much more for

your life, but you've got to get crystal clear on what you want.

In fact, Steve Harvey says, "If you can see it in your mind, you

can hold it in your hand." Well, one of the most important keys

to success is to grab a pen and paper and write your dreams and

goals. In fact, there was a professor at Virginia Tech who

did research on successful people and people who write

their goals. He said he walked up to random people on the

street and he just asked them one question. He said, "What are

your goals? What are your goals for life?" He said 80% said, "I

don't know. I don't have any." Sixteen percent said, "I have

some, but I've never written them down." Three percent said,

"I've written my goals at some point, but I don't know where

they are." One percent said, "I have goals. I've written them

down, and I review them on a consistent basis." In other

words, they're constantly before my eyes. He said, "Do you know

who the the 1% were? Millionaires." And the clues

these millionaires gave us is number one, I have dreams and

goals. Number two, I write them down. And number three, I keep

them before my eyes. Well, this principle comes from the Word of

God. God's the one who said in Habakkuk 2:2, "Write the vision,

and make it plain." Well, you have to have a vision, and

you've got to keep it before your eyes. You've heard that

expression, "Out of sight, out of mind." Well, it's true. See,

your life moves toward the dominating images that you keep

before your eyes. There's a principle in the Word of God

that you become what you behold. You become what you behold. So,

my question is, what are you beholding? What are you looking

at? When you try to imagine your life five years from now, what

do you see? God's the one who said in his Word, He said, "All

that your eyes can see can be yours." Isn't it time you fix

your eyes on your future, your dreams, your goals? Just as you

would never get in a car and just start driving having no

idea where you're headed, you should never go through

life without a clear, mapped out destination. In fact,

I love this about Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is what he

said. He said, "I decorated my bedroom wall as a teenager.

Right next to my bed there was a big wall that I decorated with

pictures." He said, "I hung up pictures of strong men,

bodybuilders, wrestlers, and boxers. I was driven to think

big and to dream big." He said, "Everybody thought I was crazy,

but what you do is create a vision of who you want to be and

then live into that picture as if it were already true." Well,

how do you start? Where do you begin? I've shared this on other

podcasts, but I love what I heard about Will Smith. Will

Smith, he acts in movies, but he also produces them and directs

them. Well, a guy was visiting his house one day, and he said

when he walked in, he saw this big glass wall with like 150

little index cards all over the wall. So, he asked him, he said,

"What is that?" Will Smith said, "That's my next movie I'm

working on." He said, "But what are all these cards?" He said,

"Those are my different scenes. I move them around, you know,

conflicts and victories, good characters, bad characters." The

guy said, "This looks so confusing," he said, "How do you

even know where to start?" Will Smith said, "That's the easy

part," he said, "You always start with the final scene. You

decide how you want it to end, and then you work towards it."

Well see, that's what your vision board is. You're starting

with how you want the next five years to be, how you want the

end of this year, December 31st, how do you want it to end? The

Bible says that God's the one who declares the end from the

beginning. So, think about it. How do you want this year to

end? How do you want the next 12 months to wrap up? Imagine it's

December 31st of this year, and you say, "This has been the most

amazing year of my life." Well, what needs to happen for you to

say that? See, whatever it is, write it down. Well, in my book,

I'm going to give you the exact vision board steps that I use

that took me from ghostwriting books for other people to

authoring books, from attending conferences to speaking at

conferences, from watching TV for hours to hosting a TV show.

Now, this is what I take my staff through, high-level

executives, stay at home moms, teenagers, kids, you name it,

it's for you. I'm telling you today, God has more for your

life. Now, like I said earlier, I've never offered this for free

on a podcast, but we wanted to bless you, inspire you, and

invest in your dreams. What you just heard is what I'm going to

teach you for free. But, you have to take the first step. You

have to request this book. Now, it's going to cost you a little

bit of shipping and handling money, but that's it. There's no

trick here. We are sending you this book for free. So many

people say, "Terri, I've made too many mistakes, I've missed

too many opportunities, I've wasted too many years. Well, I

always say this, "Stop looking at the years you've lost. Let's

look at the years you've got left and live your dreams." I

don't believe you're watching this by accident. I believe

God's trying to get your attention that it's time for you

to get serious about your future, your dreams and your

goals. And remember, when the vision is clear, the results

will appear. You owe it to yourself to live your dreams.

Let me show you how. So, get your free copy today. You can

click the link on the description there or go to and we will deliver this book right to you.

Like I said, all you have to do is help me pay the shipping, and

that's it. And I love what Richard Bock said. He said,

"Here's the test to determine whether or not your mission

on earth is finished." Are you ready? He said, "If

you're alive, it isn't." So remember, I'm cheering you on

to live your dreams. Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Get Your Free Vision Board Book - Duration: 11:07.


✅ Hledala schránky,uvízla v rašelině! - Duration: 1:13.

Událost se stala u osady Třídomí u Horního Slavkova. „Cestu si chtěla zkrátit přes louku, kterou ale tvoří rašeliniště

V něm po pás uvízla a nedokázala se ani po hodině vlastními silami vytáhnout," říká mluvčí hasičů Martin Kasal

Místo aby se jí dařilo dostat ven, stále klesala hlouběji do bahna. Naštěstí dokázala zavolat mobilem záchranáře

Pomocí pevné páteřové desky nakonec hasiči z prekérní situace ženu dostali. „Vyčerpanou pacientku jsme zkontrolovali a lehce ošetřili, převoz do nemocnice nebyl potřeba," dodává mluvčí záchranky Radek Hess

For more infomation >> ✅ Hledala schránky,uvízla v rašelině! - Duration: 1:13.


20 Places That Will Disappear In Your Lifetime - Duration: 10:10.

Mother Nature has bestowed our planet with many wonders.

There are so many beautiful things to see and experience that one often wonders how

one planet can hold so many wonderful sights.

But unfortunately, not all of these sights will last forever.

There are many places on Earth which you might not be able to enjoy as they will cease to

exist much sooner than you think.

Lets take a look at some of them.


The Great Barrier Reef.

If there is one thing that Australia is synonymous with apart from the Kangaroos and beer, it

is the great barrier reef.

This great reef is one of the most amazing sights in the world with the turquoise blue

water holding over 1500 varieties of fish!

It also covers an astonishing 1680 miles.

But sadly, the reef is dying.

It has been estimated that over half of it has already disappeared in the last 27 years

and that it will be damaged irreversibly by the year 2030.


Easter Island.

Located in Chile, the Easter island are home to some of the most interesting statues.

In fact, 887 statues carved by the Rapa Nui people adorn the island.

That has obviously led to a lot of tourists coming in and that has ironically had an adverse


The influx of tourists have led to a disturbance in the ecology and the garbage left behind

by them does not help either.

The statues are being damaged because of that and even the indigenous people of the island

are under threat.



A huge island in Africa, Madagascar is home to many indigenous species of plants and animals.

The rainforests of Madagascar are full of life and a treat for everyone who decides

to visit.

But unfortunately, these magnificent forests are in real danger of disappearing, and sooner

than you expected.

Multiple forest fires along with massive deforestation have taken a huge toll on the rainforest and

it is predicted that they will be around for only about 30 more years!


Majuli Island, India.

On the Brahmaputra rives in India lies the island of Majuli, which is the biggest river

island in the world.

In fact, it is the only island which has been recognized as a district by the government

of India.

But if you want to enjoy the sights and scenes of the Majuli island, you better hurry.

Major flooding and soil erosion have led to the island being submerged under water.

The rising water levels in the island are threatening to make it a part of history very




This small and enchanting country is a treat for all.

It has some of the most stunning beaches in the world along with absolutely wonderful


The shoreline surrounded by pristine blue water on one side and green trees on the other

is simply one of nature's best works.

And yet, there is a very real threat that no one would be able to visit Maldives anymore.

Because is it sinking.

The rising water levels due to global warming will affect everyone on Earth but Maldives

will be its first victim as it is the lowest lying country in the world.

So much so that the government has started buying land elsewhere to rehabilitate its



Glacier National Park.

Close to the US Canada border in the state of Montana, is a national park which spreads

over a million acres!

The park is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna and 2 mountain ranges.

But the crowning glory of the park were the 150 glaciers which were there.

But thanks to the changes in climate, the glaciers started melting and today, only 25

active glaciers remain in the park.

And scientists assume that if the weather pattern does not change soon, there will be

no glaciers left in the Glacier national park.


The Great Wall of China.

Supposedly, the only thing on Earth that is visible from space, the great wall of China

is a marvelous construction.

It simply leaves you in awe every time you look at it.

And while the wall has been well preserved for over 2000 years, it does not have a bright

future ahead.

Over farming and air pollution in the area have led to the deterioration of the wall

and it is estimated that by 2035, the Great Wall of China will be just ruins.


Mount Kilimanjaro.

With snow capped peaks, Mount Kilimanjaro is a treat to the eyes.

Scaling it gives one a breath taking view of vast ice fields and enchanting glaciers.

And if this is something on your bucket list, better do it soon, because the snow might

well be gone soon.

Due to global warming, the glaciers on the mountain are melting and the snow cover is


In fact, it has reduced over 85% in the last century!

And in the next 20, it might not be there at all!



One of the most beautiful and iconic cities in Europe, Venice is a must visit for every


The gondola rides are something which can truly be called magical which is probably

why it is the city for romance.

And it is truly a travesty that the city of Venice is submerging.

The beautiful canals are sinking and poets and lovers all over the world should visit

it while they can because it is estimated that in 20 years no one would be able to enjoy

its beauty.


The Dead Sea.

One of the most invigorating things to experience is a dip in the dead sea where every one floats!

And not just that, it is also a spectacle to behold.

But unfortunately, it draws water only from the River Jordan and since countries around

it are continuously drawing water from the river, the dead sea faces extinction.

It has already sunk over 80 feet and shrunk by about 33% in the last 40 years.

And if these trends do not stop, the sea might very well be gone from the face of the Earth

in 50 years.


North Africa.

There are many wonderful things to behold in Africa.

From the lions to the jungles, it is an absolute thrill to explore Africa.

And yet, it might not last for all that long.

The Sahara desert is growing at a really scary pace of 0.8 kilometres per year.

And if that trend is not resolved soon, the entire North Africa may become a desert.

According to studies by scientists, that might just happen in the next 35 years!


The Seychelles.

If beaches are your thing, then Seychelles might just be on your list of places to visit.

And if it is, you might want to go there as soon as possible because it is actually disappearing.

The beach erosion is taking an adverse effect and it is predicted that it might disappear

completely in the net 50 to 100 years!


The Sunderbans.

Located in India, the sunderbans is a 4000 mile expanse of water and land.

It is an absolutely breath taking place with many species of plants and animals found there.

They are also home to the largest mangrove forests on Earth.

Unfortunately though, deforestation, pollution and a strong dependence on fossil fuels is

raising the water levels at an alarming rate which has caused severe erosion.

As such, the entire area is under threat and it might disappear altogether!


Azure Window.

The waters around Malta are a delight in themselves.

But on Gozo, the second largest island there, there is a special sight.

A natural limestone arch has formed there which has turned into a massive tourist attraction.

However, the arch is disintegrating and geologists have predicted that it will last for only

a few years more at max.

So hurry up and get there if you want to see it!


Aral Sea.

If you think that climate change does not affect the world as much as some seem to think,

to visit the Aral sea.

Located between Kazakastan and Uzbekistan, it was once the fourth largest lake in the


But thanks to Soviet irrigation projects, the rivers feeding it have been diverted.

So much so that what was once a large expanse of water has shrunk down to nearly 10% of

its original size and that too is divided over several smaller lake.

The great view that the Aral sea was no longer exists today.


Taj Mahal.

One of the most iconic images associated with the vibrant land of India, the Taj Mahal is

truly a wonderful example of man creating art.

The white marble building is a testament to love but it might not stand the test of time.

A number of factors like population, air pollution, acid rain have led to the disintegration of

the construction material.

A major crack was observed in the monument in 2010 and thankfully restoration attempts

have started.

But they might not be enough!


Franz Josef Glacier.

New Zealand is a beautiful country and attracts a lot of visitors every year.

And for most of them, one of the must visit places is the Franz Josef glacier, a magnificent

natural wonder which was growing every year till about 2008.

Since then, it has started reducing at an alarming rate and scientist fear that it will

disappear completely within a 100 years.


The Twelve Apostles.

In Victoria, Australia there is a collection of 12 limestone stacks which were called the

12 apostles.

Unfortunately, wave erosion has been eroding these stacks and have led to 4 of them collapsing


With global warming causing the water levels to rise, the erosion will probably only increase

and very soon, there will no longer be any of the apostles left!



Nauru is the second smallest country in the world and is located in the south western

pacific ocean.

The rising water levels are a grave threat to Nauru whose tallest point stands at just

71 metres and it is at serious risk of being washed away completely if the rising water

level is not kept in check.


Congo Basin.

This is one of the scariest of things you can probably imagine.

The Congo basin occupies 3.7 million square kilometers and is home to some of the world's

largest tropical rainforests.

These forests produce around 40% of the oxygen in the world.

But 10 million acres of the forest have already disappeared because of mining, agriculture

and wars!

Estimates say that 2/3rd of forests will disappear by 2040.

All because of man made reasons.

If this trend is not stopped, forget about travelling anywhere except to maybe a store

to buy whatever oxygen you can!

Have you ever seen one of these places?

If so, do let us know what your experience was like as it may well turn out that our

next generation will not be able to witness some of them!

Also, please remember to subscribe to our channel for instant updates on our videos!

For more infomation >> 20 Places That Will Disappear In Your Lifetime - Duration: 10:10.


「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Radioactive ✗ Believer ✗ Whatever It Takes and MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 5:39.

Nightcore - Imagine Dragons Mashup (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Radioactive ✗ Believer ✗ Whatever It Takes and MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 5:39.


Ее брат хотел нас убить!(Story booth на русском)Русская озвучка - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Ее брат хотел нас убить!(Story booth на русском)Русская озвучка - Duration: 4:03.


Đời Đời Kiếp Kiếp Bị Quả Báo...Nghe Để Tránh Mọi Tai Ưng Trong Cuộc Đời - Truyện Nhân Quả nghiệp Báo - Duration: 2:00:01.

For more infomation >> Đời Đời Kiếp Kiếp Bị Quả Báo...Nghe Để Tránh Mọi Tai Ưng Trong Cuộc Đời - Truyện Nhân Quả nghiệp Báo - Duration: 2:00:01.


"Первая передача". Выпуск от 27 мая 2018 года - Duration: 31:50.

For more infomation >> "Первая передача". Выпуск от 27 мая 2018 года - Duration: 31:50.


ابل تهزم سامسونج في قضية السرقات! لينوفو.. افضل هاتف على الاطلاق! ابل كانت تعرف عن مشكلة الايفون 6 - Duration: 12:07.

Youtube will be blocked in Egypt for a month. We will miss you.

There won't be an Essential 2, and Vivo has made a great ad that has gone viral among other information. Let's know them together.

Peace be upon you all. This is your host, Faisal Alsaif with a new technology and science episode.

I will make this episode short this time. Lots of comments asked us to shorten the episodes.

We will gladly do it. Tell us if you like the new length of this episode.

First, congratulations to the Arab teams from KSA and Egypt for winning Intel's science and engineering competition.

KSA was the biggest winner.

There were countries like Egypt and Jordan who also won prizes. Congrats to them.

The link to the tweet is in the VD in case you want to know the names of those who won!

Xiaomi enters the Saudi market with a new phone called Xiaomi Redmi Note 5

The campaign will be called 'The Camera Beast'!

Camera Beast in his own price category. This category proved itself universally.

We will tell you about the prices in KSA, which will be cheaper than in the rest of the Arab World.

If you want a full review of it, give us a like, and we will gladly do it for you. Keep following us!

Researchers in MIT university developed a capsule that's once swallowed, it will help discovering internal bleeding.

The idea is very great!

Researchers from different fields like bioengineering and biology developed this capsule that can be connected to a phone

The capsule will be in your abdomen and it will be connected to a phone. It is something we are familiar with

but inside this capsule, there are bacterias that react with other enzymes and cells even they don't touch.

Then bacteria color will change and sensors in the capsule will turn on which in turn, will send signals to the phone that there is bleeding.

The idea is complicated. I posted a link in the VD of the video, through it, you will understand the idea better.

The size of the capsule is the size of tip of my finger.

This capsule has receivers and transmitters, bacterias and light sensors.

Once you swallow it, it will inform you if there is bleeding or not!

"You have been given only a little of the Knowledge". It is major field. The amount of technology in this capsule is crazy!

A new problem facing content creators on Youtube using the mobile app!

All you subscriptions should be shown chronologically. Not anymore!

Youtube is changing it. It won't be chronologically. Lots of users and content creators complained.

Even with the new notification system, you might not get notifications for new episodes!

If you are watching this episode because of a notification, you are one of the few lucky people!

Not all people will receive notification. If you are not enabling the notification bell, enable it to get the latest from us and others.

Huge changes are happening in Youtube's app and policy.

They want more money and profit!

Another news about Youtube is that it will blocked in Egypt for a month!

The case goes back to 2011 when Youtube was sued, and the trial was postponed to 2012, but now the judgement is Youtube to be blocked for a month!

The reason is because the offensive videos of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The court made a decision against Youtube itself.

Youtube will be blocked for a month. We will miss you a lot. Give us the best platforms you would like to watch us on

We could upload our content to Facebook. Give us your opinion!

Clarification, we don't know when the blockade will start!

American Congress sent a message to Amazon founder asking for more details to the 'Recognize' program made by Amazon.

Through this program, Amazon will recognize faces. Security forces and Police in USA will use it!

The Congress needs more details!

Congress is asking for information because the program is used in some places.

Let's discuss HTC U12. The phone started to ship. Thank God, we received a reviewing unit. The review will be soon.

The changes are the squeeze feature is better, and it has 4 cameras now, 2 front and 2 rear cameras.

The front facing cameras are for better depth and the the rears ones are for more enriched photos.

The color we got is light blue, the more beautiful color.

In the last episode, we asked you if robots will take our jobs in the future, 51% of said yes.

31% of you said that there will be new jobs, which is a topic many scientists are discussing.

Indeed, there will be new jobs.

Jobs like Data and robot analysts will be made. We have to dynamics in the future to create more jobs.

Everyone expected the Essential 2 won't be successful. There will be no Essential 2 phone. The company is offered to be bought.

Vivo Apex is a phone we must all be excited for.

Vivo is the official sponsor of the World Cup, and according the World Cup ad, the phone will have no bezels.

Screen to body ratio could be 95%.

The camera can also be hidden inside the phone. It appeared in the ad.

Their conference will be in no time. We will know if Apex is real, when will it be released, and the price.

We have another Vivo device in the studio. It is called X21 with an in-display fingerprint sensor.

We will also review this device for you. Do you like it?

There are more leaks about Lenovo's Z5.

Their CEO say they have fixed the front of the device

They also fixed the earpiece under the screen too.

They fixed lots of issues. They say the phone could last for 45 days on standby!

They also said that the battery is 9000mAh. Wait a minute! It has 2TB of internal storage!

See this menu. They it will make it to the phone!

Are they tryin to make Lenovo a big player? Or will this project destroy them?

This phone will be great for Lenovo's reputation. If these information are not true, it would be a huge loss for them!

Let's wait and see what will Lenovo do next!

We must clarify that there are Chinese phones like OnePlus and Vivo that are not available in the Saudi market, yet we have to talk about them.

Vote if you would like us to review famous Chinese phones that are not available in the Saudi market or not?

I am shocked by the votes of the question we asked whether you would like to us review gaming devices like PC and phones.

71% said they don't want PC reviews. We will glady continue working as you like!

Let's discuss Apple and Samsung news. Let's talk about Siri: it might get the auto response feature for some phone calls.

To clarify, if you are driving a car and your phone is plugged to the CarPlay, you can use Siri to send messages to callers.

it is not proved yet. Let's hope it will happen.

Another news about Apple: their next phones will have more advanced NFC to work with doors with NFC capabilities.

You can change your door handle with a smart one with NFC capabilities.

You can open the door using your phone once programmed.

I guess keys are better for us. Let's stay that way.

The last court verdict was issued between Apple and Samsung in regards to apps patent.

Apple demanded USD10billions on 2015, but they settled for USD539

This amount of money will be given to Apple. The case was back to 2012 between Apple and Samsung.

There are lots of lawsuits between the two companies. Let me remind you that Samsung manufacture tech for Apple and Apple are happy for it, yet both fight in courts.

it shows lots of things between these two companies.

Let's finish this episode with the news about Apple knowing about BendGate!

Apple knew before producing the device that the strength of the device and build quality is not as old iPhone, and they expected it would bend.

BendGate made UnboxTherapy famous with the video he made back then.

It also made other tech enthusiasts famous.

These beds and dents were caused by the bendgate!

Apple knew about it!

They'd been silent about it for 4 years. As time goes by we will know more information about Apple and other companies.

This is the end of the video. Glory and praise be to Allah. I witness there is no God but Allah. I ask Allah for forgiveness and I repent to Him.

Do you like this shortened episode or not?

See the time, feel relax and give us a like!

In God's hands. Peace be upon you all.

For more infomation >> ابل تهزم سامسونج في قضية السرقات! لينوفو.. افضل هاتف على الاطلاق! ابل كانت تعرف عن مشكلة الايفون 6 - Duration: 12:07.


Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 1.6V AUTOMAAT (AIRCO CRUISE LM-VELGEN DAKRAILS PDC 45DKM!!) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 1.6V AUTOMAAT (AIRCO CRUISE LM-VELGEN DAKRAILS PDC 45DKM!!) - Duration: 1:09.


PRISTIN V Comments On Promoting At Same Time As SHINee And AOA(News) - Duration: 1:07.

PRISTIN V Comments On Promoting At Same Time As SHINee And AOA

On May 28, PRISTIN V held a press showcase for the release of their first unit album. As SHINee and AOA are releasing their new albums at the same time, the PRISTIN unit was asked about the strong competitors.

Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. In response, Nayoung commented, They are such established seniors, and we think of it as an honor to promote at the same time as these seniors who we look up to.

She continued, We have never thought of it as a competition. We think that we have to learn from watching them, so we plan on working hard with our promotions..

The new albums by PRISTIN V, SHINee, and AOA will all be released on May 28 at 6 p.m. KST.

For more infomation >> PRISTIN V Comments On Promoting At Same Time As SHINee And AOA(News) - Duration: 1:07.


Taehyung Jealous Moments in Tear comeback 2018 [ 태진 | 뷔진 ] - Duration: 4:30.

This garden is filled

With blossoming loneliness

I tied myself

To this sand castle filled with thorns

What is your name?

Do you even have a place to go?

Oh could you tell me?

I saw you hiding in this garden

And I know

Your heat is real

Your hand picks the blue flowers

I want to hold it but

This is my destiny

Don't smile on me

Light on me

Because I can't go to you

There's no use in calling me

You know that I can't

Show you me

Give you me

I can't show you my pathetic self

So I'm putting on a mask to go see you

But I still want you

A flower that resembles you

Blossomed in this garden of loneliness

I wanted to give it to you

As I take off this stupid mask

But I know

This can't go on forever

I must hide

Because I'm a monster

I'm afraid

So pathetic

I'm so afraid

In the end, will you leave me too?

So I'm putting on a mask to go see you

What I can do is

To make a pretty flower

That resembles you

Blossom in this garden, in this world

Then breathe as the person you know

But I still want you

I still want you

Maybe back then

If I had just a little more courage

And stood before you

Would everything be different now?

I'm crying

At this sandcastle

That's disappearing

And breaking down

As I look at this broken mask

And I still want you

For more infomation >> Taehyung Jealous Moments in Tear comeback 2018 [ 태진 | 뷔진 ] - Duration: 4:30.


★Phận Yêu Biker - Part 3 | Sirius Độ Kiểng NANO Đẹp | Hội Xe Việt - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> ★Phận Yêu Biker - Part 3 | Sirius Độ Kiểng NANO Đẹp | Hội Xe Việt - Duration: 3:37.


Ex-Green Beret and former NFL player reacts to national anthem guidelines - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Ex-Green Beret and former NFL player reacts to national anthem guidelines - Duration: 7:51.



Unboxing gifts given to me by my fans at Pokahra Meet & Greet 2018 James Shrestha United Kingdom

For more infomation >> GIFTS FROM POKHRELI FANS! - Duration: 7:28.


Learn To Deal With Study Pressure - Study Advice - Duration: 10:36.

everyone has their own individual pressures as students you have pressures

to study people who work go through pressures of deadlines and commitments

at work people who are married are worried about family pressures they have

mortgages their bills and their mother-in-law's and father-in-law's and

sister-in-laws and brother-in-law's and whatever else exists you know I was

telling the story the other day this is my favorite story I just keep sharing it

all the time this is what really happened you can't believe this but this

happened i came to london heathrow once and at London Heathrow I came to the

immigration officer and this immigration officer elderly man he said so what are

you here for I said to give talks he said then are you living in to

waterboard centre I said yeah he said how long will you stay here for I said

about two weeks he said and can I ask you a personal question

I said please sir he said are you married I said you are an Indian aren't

you I'm a monk he said no I was just cross-checking just in case and then he

said can I ask you another one please I said yes he said are you not missing

anything in life he thought he caught me at the wrong foot

are you not missing anything in life I said of course I am

he said what I said problems

you know what he loved my answer believe me hand on my heart he stamped my

passport and as I'm walking out of the gate he put his hand on my head

blessing me said son remain like this son remained like this you will never

have to go through any issues and your problems in life God but you know what I

mean it's nice to laugh at but as I walked through the gate I turned to him

and told him look gentlemen I must tell you something don't think that me as a

monk is free from problems anyone who lives in this dog-eat-dog live world as

they might say or anyone who lives in this world full of rat race and

pressures whether it's you who are a student study or won a few culprits of

business people who's working or married man or lady who's kind of dealing with

family life or myself is a monk we are all subject to our own pressures we are

all subject to our own stresses we are own subject to our own individual

worries and anxieties just the flea was like I'm a very effective person when

I'm by myself and went after working groups like I fall to pieces like does

not work well with others is what it said in every report card I got until I

dropped a nice hole in the 10th grade and I think that's that's very true so

for me that creative process is one where and finding that cadence that you

talk about of making a video every day was one where I removed every

obstruction between me and finishing it and other people are the biggest

obstructions I have an idea well let's talk through that idea and the metaphor

that I use of discussing ideas in groups is like what an idea at its inception

it's an ice cube and it's rock-hard you can look at it you can see it you can

study and you know what it is but when a discussion begins you have to pass that

ice cube around the room it starts to melt and melt and then after enough

discussions the ice cubes gone and everybody's hands are wet and weak white

remembers what that idea was that's a major obstruction so for me

when it comes to creation like remove that obstruction don't talk don't

involve other people don't need anything from anyone to realize this new video

every 24 hours and that's that's wildly effective that old cliche it'd never be

the smartest person in the room and all that it's I have a better way to say you

be around people who make you uncomfortable at the ego level when you

feel uncomfortable in settings that is when they learn it's not just who's

smarter because sometimes smarter people don't help you there's many forms of IQ

there's emotional you know but get around someone where you're like I kinda

don't fit in and because we're all narcissists because of society and

Instagram and all this and I'm guilty of that too we don't like to be

uncomfortable because a narcissist story to themselves is you're the best and so

you don't you your worldview is messed up that's a wiring issue let me put it

this way I meet people who think they're smart

okay what it really tells me is they've never been around actually smart people

if you're really smart watching this let's say you have 155 IQ that's what

Bill Gates has in Albert Einstein were up there my step grandfather had 155 IQ

he speaks 14 language fluently he can write Chinese he's a chess master he can

play three other chess masters without looking at the board while they look at

the board and beat all them if you're smart you can do that if you're not I

got good news for you Warren Buffett says you only need about a 125 IQ to be

very successful but it's better to stay in your lane and just go I'm not that

smart but you can hire 155 IQs but that's an example of what I'm talking

about of this rewiring and right so these practical things will change your

life I really think creativity is important

whether whatever you do I think it's fun to be creative with meals that you cook

or meals that you eat or vacations that you go on or dates that you set you know

I just think it's fun to be creative everyone likes that and I think

authenticity is just super important time

be hyper aware of it because I grew up in an industry that's wrought with

inauthenticity that people will look you right in the face and and totally tell

you what you need to hear at the moment I don't think that's unique to that

industry but it's filled with it there so I I think transparency and

authenticity is just super important I don't mind having conflict with someone

if we can then be done with it it's that years spent where you know that some

things going on and you're not talking about it those awful Thanksgivings with

the family of cousins you're like hey Jim I know I hate that I hate that

life's too short for that stuff here is how I actually have experienced the

world so passions are created they are not innate it's not something that's

born within you I've walked people through how I develop

my passion for film before I've walked people how I developed my passion for

the body and helping people with nutrition so I won't belabor that point

now but just know that it is something that you create it starts with an area

of interest you engage with that interest it either gets more interesting

to you which I'll call a fascination or doesn't if it doesn't move on to

something else find another area of interest engage with it and see if it

grows and interest and the easiest way to understand that is as you engage with

that as you spend more time with it is it giving you more energy than it takes

so if it gives you more energy and you feel alive and you look forward to and

you want to do it that's a very good sign that this is something that's

leading towards a real fascination now in the book so good that can't ignore

you Cal Newport really differentiates between the classical view of a passion

which is like I was born with it I'm on fire and it's just naturally amazing and

what I think is actually a passion which is the act of gaining mastery takes a

deep fascination and turns it into a passion but I think like love is a

reciprocal relationship and you're not actually in love if there's no

reciprocity I don't think you actually have a passion unless you're gaining

mastery in it and you're able to alter the world in some way through that

whether it's a musical creation whether it's becoming an incredible teacher and

you know that you're impacting people's lives whatever it is

your skill set actually allows you to serve other people and that emotional

resonance of going wow I worked really hard for this skill set I am actually

good at this thing and being good at this thing actually allows me to

manifest that in some way that is tangible in the real world your biggest

failure and how did it change you to really think hard about that failure

there's your answer well there's a ton of failures along the

way that's for sure I said as a support for SpaceX the first three launches

failed and we were just barely able to scrape together enough parts and money

to do the fourth launch that fourth launch had failed we would have been

dead so multiple failures along the way I tried very hard to get the right

expertise in for SpaceX I tried hard to find a great chief engineer for the

rocket but it not the good Chief Engineers wouldn't join and the bad ones

will lose look no point of hiring him so I ended up a chief engineer at the

rocket so if I could have found somebody better then we would have maybe had less

than three failures if you really want to be creative just go really no Steve

Steve judges by our Steve Jobs biography by gregory isaacs on water in which

Steve Jobs as how it was when she was in meditation that often a lot of his best

ideas for Apple came to him he calls it being able to listen to the whisperings

that otherwise we we are really too busy there's too much static in our lives to

listen to that yeah beautiful and Bill Gates you know he would have his what he

called think weeks when he would take a week off without any devices have got to

a cabin and and again to go back to another Greek

you know I always go back to the Greeks who came up with his Eureka moment in

the bath you know often how often don't we have a most creative ideas in the

shower all about

For more infomation >> Learn To Deal With Study Pressure - Study Advice - Duration: 10:36.


Richie | Sollathan Nenaikirane Video Song | Natty, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli | B. Ajaneesh Loknath - Duration: 3:18.

Smart ass, zip your lips and come

"He plans to profess his love But ends up evasive somehow"

"Whatever advice worthwhile"

She should powder her face, not you

'He flashes his million $ smile"

Give way to 'sir' Move aside...!

"Looking into her eyes soulfully Exchanging smiles joyfully"

"Only intention simple To become a couple"

"Crossing the seven seas he falls in love with ease"

"Not getting what he set his heart on he quickens his stride all forlorn"

"How much longer will this dude be all alone in solitude?"

"If she nods her head, willing straight head for the wedding"

"Poor lad! He is so smitten Fell into this trap eyes wide open"

"Love is wings on a bird when alive A feather when it doesn't survive"

"Love can be dried leaf also Bewildered, I float in love's halo"

"Love can be a prison too Can prey on us two"

"It is an experience I live in its existence"

"To lure this Bay of Bengal lassie"

"This lad is casting his net earnestly"

"Crossing the seven seas he falls in love with ease"

"Not getting what he set his heart on he quickens his stride all forlorn"

"How much longer will this dude be all alone in solitude?"

"She nodded her head favorable This girl who is ever so lovable"

"Poor lad! He is smitten forever He can't imagine life without her"

Yov! Powder won't do the trick You should be bold and speak up

Tomorrow I will-

Express your love That's it? Come

For more infomation >> Richie | Sollathan Nenaikirane Video Song | Natty, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli | B. Ajaneesh Loknath - Duration: 3:18.


Girls feat Cardi B, pourquoi le single inspiré par Cara Delevingne ne fait pas un carton ? - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Girls feat Cardi B, pourquoi le single inspiré par Cara Delevingne ne fait pas un carton ? - Duration: 4:30.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI PRESTIGE Automaat * Leer * Airco * Nieuwstaat * - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI PRESTIGE Automaat * Leer * Airco * Nieuwstaat * - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION / NAVI / PDC / XENON - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION / NAVI / PDC / XENON - Duration: 1:12.


Zinsstark sparen mit staatlicher Förderung - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Zinsstark sparen mit staatlicher Förderung - Duration: 0:59.


Mazda CX-3 1.5 SKYACTIV-D 105 Skylease+/ Full map navigatie/ Stoelverwarming/ Cruise control/ Tel. b - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 1.5 SKYACTIV-D 105 Skylease+/ Full map navigatie/ Stoelverwarming/ Cruise control/ Tel. b - Duration: 0:54.


Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.

Good Morning Song

For more infomation >> Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.


Musica Soft Relax Ideale Per Rilassarsi - Leggere - Massaggi Spa - Duration: 1:11:21.

Soft Relax Music Ideal For Relaxing - Reading - Spa Massage

For more infomation >> Musica Soft Relax Ideale Per Rilassarsi - Leggere - Massaggi Spa - Duration: 1:11:21.


"大佬"易烊千玺为何总是板着一张脸,让人捉摸不透啊! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> "大佬"易烊千玺为何总是板着一张脸,让人捉摸不透啊! - Duration: 2:15.


Origami Pac-Man Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 5:41.

Hyo Ahn's Origami

Origami Pac-Man Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn

Level: Beginner Base: 2x2 Matrix

Published on December 7, 2011 at

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We start with a 4" x 4" (10cm x 10cm) square paper.

Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply another slanted valley-fold and then unfold.

Open the paper.

Prepare to get dot stickers to make eyes for the Pac-Man.

Put two dot stickers to make eyes.

Prepare to make use of crease lines to build a Pac-Man.

Let's build a Pac-Man by utilizing existing crease lines.

Congratulation! You have completed making an Origami Pac-Man.

For more infomation >> Origami Pac-Man Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 5:41.


Good Vs Evil | Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Videos - Duration: 47:57.

Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Good vs Evil

For more infomation >> Good Vs Evil | Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Videos - Duration: 47:57.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk, Innovation ** Zeer luxe Crossland X ** - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk, Innovation ** Zeer luxe Crossland X ** - Duration: 1:12.


《奔跑吧》兄弟团变身体育老师和阅读分享者 以爱心助力"奔跑正能量" - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 《奔跑吧》兄弟团变身体育老师和阅读分享者 以爱心助力"奔跑正能量" - Duration: 8:27.


Musica Rilassante Per Dormire Profondamente. Relax Music - Duration: 3:04:10.

Relaxing Music To Sleep Deeply. Relax Music

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Per Dormire Profondamente. Relax Music - Duration: 3:04:10.


Hvorfor købe en GPS? Elgiganten forklarer - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Hvorfor købe en GPS? Elgiganten forklarer - Duration: 1:51.


《爵迹》第二部来了,看到TFBOYS的CG颜值,网友:变恐怖片了 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 《爵迹》第二部来了,看到TFBOYS的CG颜值,网友:变恐怖片了 - Duration: 3:03.


撞脸热巴的中国最佳男闺蜜,即将是赵丽颖的小哥哥,你认识他吗? - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 撞脸热巴的中国最佳男闺蜜,即将是赵丽颖的小哥哥,你认识他吗? - Duration: 2:39.


「时尚U先生」赵丽颖时尚穿搭,清纯可爱典雅大方,美颜暴击一波 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 「时尚U先生」赵丽颖时尚穿搭,清纯可爱典雅大方,美颜暴击一波 - Duration: 2:13.


Flower bed design ideas. How to recycle tree stump. Wood log garden decorations - Duration: 4:46.

Flower bed design ideas. How to recycle tree stump. Wood log garden decorations

Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> Flower bed design ideas. How to recycle tree stump. Wood log garden decorations - Duration: 4:46.


L'Impardonnable Épisode 119 - Duration: 20:34.

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Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch

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For more infomation >> Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch


2018-05-28 6:51 AM (2501 Pasqua St N, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0,) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 2018-05-28 6:51 AM (2501 Pasqua St N, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0,) - Duration: 4:58.


For more infomation >> 2018-05-28 6:51 AM (2501 Pasqua St N, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0,) - Duration: 4:58.


2018-05-28 6:56 AM (3081 Pasqua St N, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0,) - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 2018-05-28 6:56 AM (3081 Pasqua St N, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0,) - Duration: 4:56.


For more infomation >> 2018-05-28 6:56 AM (3081 Pasqua St N, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0,) - Duration: 4:56.


Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Sane Trilogy with commentary and Subtitles, Part 1 - Duration: 32:19.

For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Sane Trilogy with commentary and Subtitles, Part 1 - Duration: 32:19.


For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Sane Trilogy with commentary and Subtitles, Part 1 - Duration: 32:19.


[VOSTFR] iKON TV - Episode 2 (1/5) - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] iKON TV - Episode 2 (1/5) - Duration: 10:42.


For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] iKON TV - Episode 2 (1/5) - Duration: 10:42.


N-BOXだけじゃない、ホンダのおすすめ最新車種【2018年版】 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> N-BOXだけじゃない、ホンダのおすすめ最新車種【2018年版】 - Duration: 4:13.


For more infomation >> N-BOXだけじゃない、ホンダのおすすめ最新車種【2018年版】 - Duration: 4:13.


BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216D 115pk Aut./ Panoramadak/ Lederen interieur/ Stoelverwarming/ Full map n - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216D 115pk Aut./ Panoramadak/ Lederen interieur/ Stoelverwarming/ Full map n - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216D 115pk Aut./ Panoramadak/ Lederen interieur/ Stoelverwarming/ Full map n - Duration: 0:54.


[THÁNH CA ] - Năm Xưa Trên Cây Sồi - Thu Hoài - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> [THÁNH CA ] - Năm Xưa Trên Cây Sồi - Thu Hoài - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> [THÁNH CA ] - Năm Xưa Trên Cây Sồi - Thu Hoài - Duration: 4:42.


Biocoiff' Pro : l'histoire des pionniers du Végétal. - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Biocoiff' Pro : l'histoire des pionniers du Végétal. - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> Biocoiff' Pro : l'histoire des pionniers du Végétal. - Duration: 2:19.


「充実した守備練習だった」と手応えのGK東口(ゲキサカ) - Duration: 3:12.

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For more infomation >> 「充実した守備練習だった」と手応えのGK東口(ゲキサカ) - Duration: 3:12.


Good Vs Evil | Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Videos - Duration: 47:57.

Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Good vs Evil

For more infomation >> Good Vs Evil | Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Videos - Duration: 47:57.


For more infomation >> Good Vs Evil | Little Red Car Vs Haunted House Monster Truck Videos - Duration: 47:57.


Hurra - Rock'n'Roll Realschule - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Hurra - Rock'n'Roll Realschule - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> Hurra - Rock'n'Roll Realschule - Duration: 3:40.


Nicki Minaj : est-elle vrai­ment en couple avec Eminem ? - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Nicki Minaj : est-elle vrai­ment en couple avec Eminem ? - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> Nicki Minaj : est-elle vrai­ment en couple avec Eminem ? - Duration: 3:01.


勝負師の凄み…西野ジャパン2日で急成長/記者の目(日刊スポーツ) - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> 勝負師の凄み…西野ジャパン2日で急成長/記者の目(日刊スポーツ) - Duration: 9:44.


For more infomation >> 勝負師の凄み…西野ジャパン2日で急成長/記者の目(日刊スポーツ) - Duration: 9:44.


Voici, d'après la science le meilleur moment pour faire l'amour - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Voici, d'après la science le meilleur moment pour faire l'amour - Duration: 7:21.


For more infomation >> Voici, d'après la science le meilleur moment pour faire l'amour - Duration: 7:21.


千葉MF山本真希、逆転ゴールにつながるクロスは「狙い通りです」(GOAL) - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 千葉MF山本真希、逆転ゴールにつながるクロスは「狙い通りです」(GOAL) - Duration: 2:10.


For more infomation >> 千葉MF山本真希、逆転ゴールにつながるクロスは「狙い通りです」(GOAL) - Duration: 2:10.


原口とのポジション争いを「理想」と表現する酒井宏樹(ゲキサカ) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 原口とのポジション争いを「理想」と表現する酒井宏樹(ゲキサカ) - Duration: 3:38.


For more infomation >> 原口とのポジション争いを「理想」と表現する酒井宏樹(ゲキサカ) - Duration: 3:38.


宇佐美「アピールする」3バックなら香川本田と競争(日刊スポーツ) - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 宇佐美「アピールする」3バックなら香川本田と競争(日刊スポーツ) - Duration: 2:56.


For more infomation >> 宇佐美「アピールする」3バックなら香川本田と競争(日刊スポーツ) - Duration: 2:56.


Khloé Kardashian : Nouveau selfie avec sa fille, l'adorable True - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian : Nouveau selfie avec sa fille, l'adorable True - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian : Nouveau selfie avec sa fille, l'adorable True - Duration: 2:25.


How to Use Social Media Marketing to Successfully Grow Your Business - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> How to Use Social Media Marketing to Successfully Grow Your Business - Duration: 4:28.


For more infomation >> How to Use Social Media Marketing to Successfully Grow Your Business - Duration: 4:28.


Corée du Nord : «La Chine n'acceptera jamais une guerre ou le chaos à ses portes», prévient Pékin - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Corée du Nord : «La Chine n'acceptera jamais une guerre ou le chaos à ses portes», prévient Pékin - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> Corée du Nord : «La Chine n'acceptera jamais une guerre ou le chaos à ses portes», prévient Pékin - Duration: 2:59.


Download New Beat

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Mazda 2 1.3 84pk 5-DRS BiFuel GT-M line LPG - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.3 84pk 5-DRS BiFuel GT-M line LPG - Duration: 1:05.


BMW 1 Serie 116I SPORT M-LOOK - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116I SPORT M-LOOK - Duration: 1:08.


Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2018 💄😱 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas | Part 37 - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2018 💄😱 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas | Part 37 - Duration: 10:06.


Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.

Good Morning Song

For more infomation >> Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.


OC Speed-Paint + Animation Process - Duration: 2:51.

Just music :)


doo doo doo doo

For more infomation >> OC Speed-Paint + Animation Process - Duration: 2:51.


美两艘军舰擅闯西沙领海 中国国防部回应 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 美两艘军舰擅闯西沙领海 中国国防部回应 - Duration: 2:43.


Fitness and Street workout parks: Pécs-Diána tér / CheckThisOut - Duration: 5:09.

Hi. We will show in this video the Street Workout park of Pécs-Diána square, when opened in November, 2017.

The nearest bus stop is the Pécs, Berzsenyi utca (bus line #3,#103,#973), when 130 meters from here.

The buses often go from here.

There are shadowing trees beside us, and new shrubs were planed, which will increase in 10-15 years.

There are benches on the adjacent playground...

Let's say that it has, but not directly here. There are still some bench on the promenade.

The drinking fountain is on the promenade, 100 meters from here.

There are two shops near us, which one is open until 21:00.

The good news is that there are several dustbins.

Here are two dustbins and one selective in the parking.

The car park is next to us. There are few parking spaces in the afternoon, because the occupants here occupy.

How do they imagine this?

Don't worry, there will be parking space, which is free!

No bicycle storage, it would be worth building. Maybe it will be once.

The devices are new, almost feels the smell of paint.

We can't complain. You can do many types of practice. There are shown on the table.

The floor is our favorite, tartan...

I masturbat...

You can do any step of convict conditioning.

For example, the walker help in the single leg squats.

This is a perfect, 10-point convict conditioning park. I can only recommend.

Whom do we recommend this park? FOR EVERYONE!

Everyone can come here to train from begginer to professional. Attention!

If you have been training before at the street workout park of Pécs-ANK, leave it there and come here to train!

Two of the park is 700 meters away from each other.

We can only recommend this park. We write the score on my face. :D

We don't know how much yet, but sure it is over 7 points.

In the end you can see a little workout! Good?

If you haven't yet subscribe, do it! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Our Instagram has been renewed or it will!?

This was the CheckThisOut, come here to train to the Street workout park of Pécs, Diána square.

For more infomation >> Fitness and Street workout parks: Pécs-Diána tér / CheckThisOut - Duration: 5:09.


55 | Como comprar um Veleiro na Europa /Compramos um veleiro novo! - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> 55 | Como comprar um Veleiro na Europa /Compramos um veleiro novo! - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 10:59.


How to Use Social Media Marketing to Successfully Grow Your Business - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> How to Use Social Media Marketing to Successfully Grow Your Business - Duration: 4:28.


Petition to punish Sergio Ramos for 'intentionally hurting' Liverpool Mo Salah hits 280K ● News #LFC - Duration: 2:37.

A petition calling for Sergio Ramos to be punished for "intentionally hurting" Liverpool

striker Mo Salah has surpassed its original 200,000 signature target.

Attracting global attention from both Liverpool fans and neutral supporters – the petition

has very much divided audiences.

Regardless of its controversial nature – 200,000 people have flocked to sign the petition – which

calls for action to be taken against the Real Madrid defender.

As of writing, more than 286,000 people have expressed their support for the claim Ramos

should be "punished" for his tackle in the post's short lifetime.

Now, a new target of 300,000 signatures has been set.

Egyptian "King" Mo Salah was forced to leave the pitch after just 30 minutes of last night's

Champions League final, causing uproar from across the football community.

Mo Salah's injury update on Twitter today gave fans hope that he may yet make the World

Cup however.

Many are calling for the Madrid captain to be punished, claiming that Ramos "intentionally"

injured the Liverpool star.

No foul was awarded for the clash and Ramos' intentions were unclear and may have been


He tweeted today: "Sometimes football shows you it's good side and other times the bad.

Above all, we are fellow pros.

Get well soon Mo."

Ramos was the subject of many social media arguments last night – as disheartened fans

questioned the tackle.

The pair were involved in a clash which resulted in Salah's arm being trapped under Ramos'

body as they fell to the ground.

Liverpool fans were left reeling after Ramos was pictured smiling as Salah was helped off

the pitch.

Liverpool goalkeeper Loris Karius made two monumental errors – gifting Real Madrid

two goals during the match.

He immediately went over to travelling Reds fans to apologise after the final whistle.

The youngster, who has improved dramatically across the season, admitted to costing his

team a chance at winning.

For more infomation >> Petition to punish Sergio Ramos for 'intentionally hurting' Liverpool Mo Salah hits 280K ● News #LFC - Duration: 2:37.


Animal Sound Song | Bob The Train Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 3:37.

Hi, I'm Bob!

Come let us listen to the animal sounds!

Can you hear the duck go Quack Quack Quack

Listen to the duck go Quack Quack Quack

Can you hear the hen go Cluck Cluck Cluck

Listen to the hen go Cluck Cluck Cluck

Can you hear the horse go Neigh Neigh Neigh

Listen to the horse go Neigh Neigh Neigh

Can you hear the cow go Moo Moo Moo

Listen to the cow go Moo Moo Moo

Can you hear the pig go Oink Oink Oink

Listen to the pig go Oink Oink Oink

Can you hear the sheep go Baa Baa Baa

Listen to the sheep Go Baa Baa Baa

Can you hear the dog go Woof Woof Woof

Listen to the dog go Woof Woof Woof

Can you hear the cat go Meow Meow Meow

Listen to the cat go Meow Meow Meow

For more infomation >> Animal Sound Song | Bob The Train Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 3:37.


OnePlus 6 price and why this deal is definitely NOT as good as it seems ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:52.

THE OnePlus 6 is now officially on sale but a new contract deal from O2 is not the cheapest

way to own this new smartphone.

The OnePlus 6 finally arrived in stores last week with the phone offering flagship specs

on a much lower budget.

The feature-packed phone includes extras you'd usually only find on devices costing almost

twice as much.

For your money, you get a 6.3-inch edge-to-edge display, fast Qualcomm 845 processor and a

dual-lens camera which can add DSLR-style effects to your photos.

There's also an all-glass design and a fast charging 3,300mAh battery which can be refilled

in a matter of minutes.

OnePlus has launched three colours, including Silk White, and numerous memory options with

prices starting from £469.

If don't fancy buying the OnePlus 6 SIM-free the only mobile operator offering this phone

on contract is O2.

However, before you rush to sign a 24-month contract it's worth noting that this is

definitely NOT the cheapest way to own the OnePlus 6.

O2's pricing starts from a pretty hefty £37 per month which includes 4GB of data

plus unlimited calls and texts.

To make things even more expensive this contract also includes an upfront fee of £89.99.

Added together, this means the total over the two year the term of the contract is a

whopping £977.99 - that's more expensive than the Galaxy S9.

Compare this to buying the OnePlus 6 SIM-free and adding a SIM-only plan shows how expensive

this contract is.

The OnePlus 6 with 64GB of memory and 6GB of RAM is £469.

If you then add the price of a 4GB SIM the total over two years is £781 - that's over

£200 less.

It's unclear if contract prices will drop but it might be worth holding on for a few

months if this is the way you want to pay for your new phone.

For more infomation >> OnePlus 6 price and why this deal is definitely NOT as good as it seems ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:52.


Overcoming Martial Arts Sales Objections - Duration: 3:09.

Do you deal with a lot of objections when you go to present your different

offers for your martial arts classes? Eight times out of ten the problem is

you didn't go deep enough the initial part of your tour and your consultation.

So make sure to go back and watch my earlier videos about martial arts sales

I'll link it in the comments below. But eight out of ten times if you ask the

right questions you're not gonna have to deal with the objections. But there are

gonna be ones you're gonna deal with so I'm just gonna go over a couple things

that it can help you with that. So when you're on your tour make sure you ask

them you know "are you married?" If they say yes, "is your spouse

behind you training?". Get all those things out of the way early. Don't wait

till that that one hit you at the end when you go to present your different

options. "Are you married" "yes" "okay great! Does your wife

support with what you want to do?" "oh yeah" "great okay". That's taken care of it. Don't

have to run that one at the end. Just the things like that. And

if you do get the most common one is pricing. They say "I need to

think about it". Whenever they say I need to think about it there's something

deeper than that. So there's a lot of thought that go with that. "oh okay I understand that you think

about it just so I know, what part do you need to think

about?" And then just shut up. Don't say anything just sit there. Silence.

Like I said before in the earlier video first one to speak loses. Just sit

down, listen with what they have to say. Because at the end of day we're there to help

them. There's something that they want. They don't just come to a gym because

they're bored and just watch exes. I mean maybe one out of a hundred is crazy

and does that. But most people are coming into the gym to look for something and

your gym might not hit what they wanted. They're gonna go to someone else's. So

find out. "what you think about it?" "oh it's a little bit

expensive" "okay what were you expecting to pay". Find that and then

attack the difference. If you're charging industry average 150 and they

say "I was expecting to spend ninety nine bucks" "oh I understand that but

it can be really hard to find a qualified gym at that rate. You

working out anywhere else?" "oh yeah I'm working out 24 hour fitness" "ok so what's

that run?" "you know about forty bucks a month okay so you're looking at 100 that

you were expecting to pay then the 44 24-hour fitness so now you had 140 you

know it's 10 you cancel that do membership you're 10 bucks away from

being old train here and reach your goals that you're obviously not

reaching at your current gym". So work those angles. Interact

with them, find out what they really need. And you'll be able

to help them out more. So just go deeper with your questioning. Because if you're

getting objections it's because one you didn't take care of it and a very good

tour and consultation and two they might have some kind of an issue. But if you

address it there with them, most the time you can overcome it I mean sometimes you

can't and that's just part of the game. But don't think of it as sales. We're not

in the selling business even though we call it sales. We're consulting people.

We're helping them change their lives. We're helping them get better. They're

coming in to your gym looking for something and it's our job to help them

find it. So think about it that way. Flip the script on how you think about it.

They're not sales objections there might have

something going on their life, things like that. The more you can find

out the more questions you can ask and make it about them and dig deeper the

better. So I hope this helps you out make sure to watch the previous video on how

to get more martial arts sales and have a great day.

For more infomation >> Overcoming Martial Arts Sales Objections - Duration: 3:09.


[FREE] TRAVIS SCOTT TYPE BEAT "Mcknight" - Duration: 6:33.

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