Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 18 2018

Tensions continue to build

after a teenager was shot and killed in the street.

There's the public record of Michael Brown's death,

and then there's what really happened.

The cover up to me,

is one white officer's more important that all these

African-Americans put together.

One cop, he said "It ain't right,

and it needs to be uncovered".

There's enough evidence to disprove

the official version of events that was given.

We all just want people to know the truth.

For more infomation >> Stranger Fruit | 'Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri' Teaser | STARZ Documentaries - Duration: 0:45.


Frank Emi Defies the Draft of Japanese Americans During WWII - Drunk History - Duration: 6:57.

Hello, my name is Randall Park, and you are about to hear

a story about Frank Emi. Uh...yeah.

[bright music]

So Frank Emi was born in Los Angeles,

and he worked for his parents' produce market.

And when Frank became of age, the parents were like,

"Okay, it's time for you to take over this fruit market."

And Frank was like, "Sweet, because I got plans.

I'm gonna live the American Dream."

Then on December 7, 1941, Frank Emi was listening

to the radio, and he hears... [mimics static]

"Hey, everybody, this is the radio,

"and I have news for you.

"It's breaking news--the Japs have bombed Pearl Harbor.

"Don't be offended this is what--how--

"this is how what we call them right now.

"We call them 'Japs.' It's all good.

And they just bombed Pearl Harbor."

[mimics static]


So--so he was like, "Oh, shit. This is crazy,

"but probably won't affect me. I'm an American citizen,

"and I've been here all my life.

It'll be fine."

And then a couple months later from the bombing

of Pearl Harbor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt

basically said, "The Japanese are officially

"a national threat to the national security.

And, yes, I used 'national' twice in the same sentence..."

[belches] Excuse me.

"Therefore, we must put them-- round them up and put them

in internment camps because they're too dangerous."

And then--and then, uh... and then--

Sorry. I lost my train of thought.

I was onto something.

Oh, man, I'm, like, gone.

So, like, basically Frank was like, "Is this for real?

This is mind-blowing."

And the next thing you know,

it's, like, a knock at the door.


"It's the--it's the United States of America."

"Uh, yeah, what do you want?"

"Well, it's time for you to go to your--

to your internment camp."

- They were a bunch of Jeff Foxworthys?

- Yeah, yeah, and they were like, "You know you're

"a redneck if you're walking people into trains to get

sent off into internment camps and you don't give a [bleep]."


And then they got rounded up into these trains,

and they head off to Wyoming, and then they get to

this internment camp called Heart Mountain.

What a name, right, for an internment camp.

- How much heart was there?

- No heart, no heart, no love. - Just a mountain.

- Just a mountain. They should've just

called it Mountain.

So here's this Japanese phrase, "Shikata ga nai."

It basically means "It can't be helped."

- Shikata... - Ga nai.

- Ga nai. - Ga nai, yeah.

- Shikata ga nai. - Yeah, that was right.

So Frank is like, "No, this is-- we got to do something

"about this. We're Americans.

This is completely in--unconstitutional."

And that's when a soldier comes up to him and is like,

"Fill out this loyalty oath."

And on it, it has a bunch of just questions.

"Do you like hamburgers?"

- Do you like hamburgers? - Dumb questions, right?

- Well, do--I know, I'm asking you, do you like hamburgers?

- Are you questioning my loyalty right now?

- No, I'm just asking if you like hamburgers.

- Cheeseburgers. - Of course.

- Yes, okay. - You're a [bleep] asshole

if you want a hamburger. - Yes, if you had the choice.

- Yeah. - Right.

And then he comes to this question "Are you loyal

to the United States?"

And he's like, "Whoa, wait a minute.

"You just, like, stripped us of our rights and privileges

"as citizens of this-- of the United States,

and now you're asking us if we're loyal?"

So Frank stood up, and he's like,

"Under the present circumstances,

I cannot and will not answer these questions."

- That's so cool. - Boss move.

So he starts posting flyers all around the camps.

"Hey, everybody, like, don't check these boxes.

Come with me and defy this order."

And as he was hammering this thing on a post,

this dude comes up to him and is like, "Hey, man,

I'm coming with you." Frank Emi was like,

"What's your name?" He was like,

"I'm Frank Inouye."

and they were like, "Oh, shit, Frank.

"We're both-- that's kind of cool.

But this sucks."

So why don't we meet and figure out what to do about this?

And then the government was like, "We need more troops.

We're gonna start drafting Japanese Americans

to fight in the war.

Take it from a drunk guy on, you know, on a comedy show

on Comedy Central, this is [bleep] ridiculous.

So at that point, Frank Emi was like,

"Oh, hell no. No, no."

This is when The Heart Mountain Fair Play Committee was born.

And their mantra was "No shikata ga nai."

And they would say this. No shikata ga nai.

both: No shikata ga nai. No shikata ga nai.

No shikata ga nai.

- They were now this unified group that--

and their main tactic was to resist the draft.

During these mandatory recruitment sessions,

the first thing they'd do is send this pre-draft physical--

don't even touch it.

Just return it empty. - Yeah.

- And then they, well, they won't be able to do anything.

And then these U.S. Marshals with guns, and they're like,

"You guys are under arrest. Come with me."

So they came.

"Comed"? - They "comed" to the court.

- They "comed" to the court.

They were 63 of them in this trial,

and at this point, these guys were, like,

masters of the Constitution.

So they were like, "We're gonna be okay."

And then this judge comes up.

The first thing he refers to them as is "You Jap boys."

Then they all realize, like, "We're done."

And they ended up going to prison.

So when all was said and done, almost 500 men throughout

all the internment camps resisted the draft in some way.

So eventually the war, like, ends.

So Frank Emi ended up spending 18 months

of his four-year sentence in prison,

and then in 1947, President Truman

officially apologized to Frank Emi.

Sorry we kind of screwed up.

And he basically said, "Thank you."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Let's help each other.

- [mumbles] We're all the same.

- Come.

- I mean, not-- - We come the same color.

- Let's come together.

- [laughs]

- I came twice.


For more infomation >> Frank Emi Defies the Draft of Japanese Americans During WWII - Drunk History - Duration: 6:57.


Democrats denounce border detention policy - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Democrats denounce border detention policy - Duration: 2:39.


Zero tolerance immigration policy creates GOP division - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Zero tolerance immigration policy creates GOP division - Duration: 3:08.


Mini Culture Shocks | Japan to Korea - Duration: 12:32.

I wish these moments here because you only get to experience something new

once yeah you only get to experience it welcome to Tokyo Tuesday if you're a

regular viewer welcome back I'm sitting on the floor today what

we're gonna be talking about it a little bit of my experience coming to South

Korea for the first time and some of the minor culture shocks now just a little

bit of a disclaimer for this one all the opinions stated within this video are

just my own and some of the movie Sharla's probably as well for those

of you who just stumbled upon the video and this is your first I am originally

from Canada but have been living in Japan over 10 years Sharla lives in

Japan for 12 years and currently lives in South Korea where I'm visiting her

for the first time ever if I want to jump right in I've made a little bit of

a list but one of the first things that got me as soon as I came into the

country yeah was the dark tinted windows of the car wait I asked my husband he's

like yeah that's still really normal here everyone does it like everything

except for the windshield dang I wouldn't be surprised at people like

even the driver side windows you can't do that in Japan you can't do that in

Canada safe driving the second one on the same note of the cars the honking oh

the hug you seem coming in from Japan I wasn't used to the constant how Japanese

people rarely use their horns like they do in the countryside there weren't like

traffic so especially bus drivers not to mention the fact that every bus or large

sized vehicle or like corporate vehicle like a taxi is covered in advertisements

yeah that feels a lot more like North American it's not like bison sometimes

in Japan are covered in corporate advertisements like there was one where

they use the tire to make a lens for a Yodobashi camera

the brief interruption it looks really good let me show you but oddly enough

like the honking and all that doesn't really bother me there's something

refreshing in the directness of everything the next one I got me and

again not so much like a culture shock but just coming from Japan into Korea I

was surprised by the number of like western food option yeah like I came in

I saw Quiznos right away Dunkin Donuts and yet at the same time they still have

all the very obvious Korean food options yes feels really really mixed and I

think that's a really nice segue into it's hard to get a grasp on Seoul coming

out here I'm only here for 48 hours just for a very short project time in here

feels like you're in Asia but it also feels like you kind of in Toronto yeah

that's so true so how do you feel now after a few months I just find it really

convenient because whenever I want something they haven't do whether it be

something North American or something Korean they've both so living here I

find it makes it very comfortable for me someone who's live both in Asia and in

North America because they have all the things that I've grown to love over the

years I really like that I did not see coming so I can see why you like it I

can see why you like that aspect of it there are entire brands that I've

forgotten about like brands of car brands of electronics, everything yeah it's not

as few there's a lot of like great Korean brands out there that aren't

apparent or available in Japan like we were talking yesterday about Kia cars in

Hyundai and stuff like that things that you almost never see in Japan

yeah you completely forget that they're actually a thing let's put a couple like

here there we go but yeah being in Japan what Korean

brands are the thing it was interesting to see them coming in here. I was like.. oh yeah Kia

cars forgot about those another one that I didn't realize because I've been in

Japan for so long is just your comfort level with streets and buildings Oh like

I've gotten so used to navigating Japanese streets that I go into a new

area and never get long yes I have a sense of direction I know what

everything looks like I think he's just coming into a new country we're not

familiar with the layout yeah over the place here it's not like a nice grid

layout the streets are pretty like I decided to go for a walk like first

thing in the morning this morning and was instantly lost yeah I decided to do

this like little spin thing with the camera and then I was like oh no I'm not

which one yeah one that I should have been prepared for but didn't even think

about it power converters and everything that

kind of thought of but I wasn't thinking about the plug shake yeah I didn't

expect Korea to have a European plug I don't know why that is I found that

really interesting I just went out and I bought a converter yeah suck that I had

to buy one I brought one but I needed an even work I thought they'd be easy to

find but they're not oh so now that you've been here as long as you have how

do you feel well I still use mostly Japanese

electronics so I need to constantly be using converters and also transformers

because bondage is different so it's a paint but

like I'm more used to it now than it was for the first week yeah it's just become

habit now but yeah I guess I'm the future after we've been living here for

a couple years it'll be nice to like switch to Korean electronics so we don't

have to do that yeah so I'll put the differences between like Japanese and

Korean me here and here now if you're using a device that's rated for like a

hundred volts to 240 or 220 volts or something in the range you can still

plug it into a crane slot providing you have the plug yeah that fits it you just

need to make sure that it is rated for that and make sure because it will light

on fire it's not have you had that happen yeah that's one which I'm

thinking it might have been nice to start with actually because it's kind of

big okay but there's something I saw in you something that I've got you see

Charla and I have known each other for well over 15 years and I saw something

in Charla that I've never seen before and it was genuine honest fear terrified

about getting hit by a car yeah I get the feeling that she sees some stuff so

what have you seen well I've only been here for three months and I've already

seen I think - taxi crashes and one crash of two regular people like head-on

crashing into each other but not only did they just head-on crash into each

other one guy just sped off after like totaling the guy's car and our friend

they got hit by a car here and like the car destroyed her ribcage and she almost

died Wow so like you need to be very careful over the cars here yeah I will

say for sure the driving cultures and is likely locked down as I feel it is in

like Canada and Japan and whatnot like today we watched a guy completely ignore

the red light go over to the other side and then drive through the pedestrian

crowd on his motorbike as if it was nothing yeah and they'll go off on the

sidewalk too with cars with bites with anything not to mention the number of

people I've seen riding motorcycles with no helmet yeah is that like a normal

thing it's not normal but they don't enforce their rules as much here like

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to do that but again nobody's checking so if people

are lazy but they don't wear one I have a huge huge believer in to each their

own I believe that these little differences are what make each country

unique is the things that I love about it is being able to come to a new

country and experience ease like just because driving and honking and all that

seems a little more aggressive in Korea doesn't mean that it's in any way like

worse or better or anything like that I just I enjoy it enjoyed it it's a change

after driving in Canada for as long as I did I felt going and driving in Japan

was a really nice change because it felt very safe although super crowded people

will wave you in people don't really Hall yeah there's a conscious and

considerate driving culture here it's just like I'm going don't get hit by me

and it works though because like everyone is driving with that mentality

I am sure that if I was gonna here a little bit longer there would be so many

other cultures but before I wrap this up before I wrap this up Sharla I just

remember that there was one more one more really big one both of us speak

Japanese so it has been so long since I actually felt helpless

yeah and unable to communicate in another country yeah it's a different

feeling like lots of things that we needed language phone calls just but

everyone was so named so helping without the language word

able to get through it so it took a little time but is there anything that

students you at the beginning and after a few months living in Korea still

stands out now if I click the biggest difference is both like strangers and

like workers at shops wanting to have like genuine conversations with me so I

think like I was really shocked at that at first I was like oh maybe this person

is just like really nice but then literally everyone wants to talk to me

and like ask me where I'm from either in Korean or English sometimes we'll just

come up to me and Koreans speak to me in Korean but I think it's nice it's a nice

change it's cool that they're curious I had an experience like that last night I

got back to my hotel area like really late it was like 12:30 at night and I

was about to just just head in and do some work and there were guys sitting

outside there I can't come and drink with us and story why do I have had that

in Japan mm-hmm I have had especially during the holiday season you know

colleagues down cut it does happen and it tends to happen a lot more when

you're new I think you give something off when you're new yeah you and excited

million you got that you got that new excited fresh foreigner smell right that

might be why because I've got the fresh foreigner smell in Korea yeah right

you're like wide eyed bushy tail everything exciting I feel like you put

that out there and it like brings but I wish you could hold on to that forever

yeah yeah like I wish these moments here because you only get to experience

something new ones yeah you only get to experience a new place once and then

it's not new anymore and so I wanted to put this all into

this for you guys but more for me so someday I can look back at this and be

like huh that was strange to me back then probably now or maybe there's

something even more shocking than this guys thank you so much as always for

joining listen if you enjoyed this one give that like button some love do not

forget to leave me something in the comment like your biggest culture shocks

when traveling to a new country and lucky remove have you been into

Japan have you been out to Korea what are the amazing things to you I'm we're

still like halfway through today yeah this is just like yeah I'm recording

this a little premature so I'm sure I will have more to share with you at some

point and yeah you guys you know that I will see you again real soon

welcome to Tokyo Tuesday well your regular viewer

laughter vo welcome to Tokyo Souza white doing the voice like the state in your


For more infomation >> Mini Culture Shocks | Japan to Korea - Duration: 12:32.


The Time I Broke our Boom - Behind the Scenes 'How To' videos Ep. 146 - Duration: 19:08.

- [Elayna] Morning!

Peanut butter sandwich.

(mellow acoustic music plays)

- Oh come on!

- [Riley] Bonjour Mathieu!

- [Elayna] So you guys have met Stefan before.


- Slow us down, slow us down!

- Like I didn't tighten up on the main sheet tight enough.

What are we gonna do about this?

♪ I've always been running ♪

♪ Don't know why ♪

- [Riley Voiceover] La Vagabonde made a quick dash over

to Antigua from Barbuda last week, to dodge some bad weather

that was on its way.

♪ I know you are mine ♪

We anchored in a busy harbour to get some jobs done

before sailing towards seclusion once again.

♪ We are running ♪

♪ Cool running ♪

- Come here you!

- [Riley] Give it here.

- No, no I wanna get it!

Come on little one.

I tell ya this isn't as easy as it looks.

Come on.

It's gone.

('Ball and Biscuit' by The White Stripes playing)

I'll get you later.

(sound of waves crashing)

- [Elayna] Morning!

- Morning.

- [Elayna] Peanut butter sandwich.

- Thankyou.

- So we have some exciting news.

Riley and I are going around the corner back to Jolly Harbour

today, to go and pick up Mathieu.

So he's coming on board to see us and also our friend Stefan

who we met in the Canary Islands.

He's in the area too so we're like, guys jump aboard,

because we're gonna make some how-to videos

and we're gonna need Mathieu's help, and Stefan,

he's good with the camera so yeah, get excited,

we're gonna do a bunch of how-to videos,

how to anchor, how to hoist the main, et cetera et cetera,

because we've had lot of requests from you guys, so

that's what we're doin' today!

Riley and I stayed up late last night watching PewDiePie,

which I've never watched before and Riley's always trying

to get me to watch him.

And I refused.

And then last night, at one stage I actually thought

I was gonna die of laughter.

- Because seeing this therapist, I would just run.

I would not tell this man what I ate for breakfast.

He's a reptile.

This man is a reptile.

- You have the formula, okay.

- [Woman] Yeah, sure!

That's the whole point of this whole thing

is that people can--

- You see that!

- You have--

- [Woman] That's the whole point of this whole thing

is that people--

- Morning there boys.

Trust you had a nice sleep in this here calm anchorage.

- [Elayna] What accent is that?

- I got no idea.

I think I heard Tom Hanks doing it.

Much better than that, once.

(acoustic guitar music)

♪ You're running away from it again ♪

♪ You're running to where I don't know ♪

♪ You're running so far away from home ♪

- So when you, when I'm travelling, or for those of you

who haven't been to the Caribbean, you like,

you get an idea of the sort of music that they listen to,

but it's a bit of a stereotype, and you're thinking,

"oh you know, it's probably something that you're

"trying to avoid, especially when you're travelling",

but listen to the radio stations here.

(radio plays reggae rap music)

(radio plays upbeat calypso music)

Every single one is exactly what you'd imagine.

(radio plays mamba music)

- Also I can't forget to say a huge thanks to Paul Simmons,

he's on holiday here with his family from the U.K,

staying at the Jolly Harbour Hotel, I think it's called.

But anyway, we bumped into him - [Riley] Really nice guy

and him and his family are going on a bit of a tour today

and he had a hire car and said we could borrow it.

So cheers Paul and the fam!

Hope you've had a fab day.

- No, come on!

- Bonjour Mathieu!

(Elayna laughs)

- [Elayna] What have we got here?

- We've got oil filters, and books, and all sorts of stuff.

And the creme de saladeu.

Oh mate!

- Some specialties from Kiron.

- [Elayna] Awww!

Amazing. You the best.

- [Riley] Did you bring any Vegemite?

- Aw, yeah we really want Vegemite!

Oh, yes, this stuff's so good!

- [Riley] Your whole bag's full of presents!

- Oh my gosh.

We don't need any more alcohol, but cheers.

- [Riley] Thanks mate.

- This'll be great.

- [Elayna] Alright, so you guys have met Stefan before,

previously in the Canary Islands, on your boat,

what was the name of your boat again?

- [Stefan] Antawa.

- [Elayna] What are you doing here on La Vagabonde?

- Actually I had in mind to cross in mind to

cross the Atlantic with my own boat but yeah, I guess

I underestimated a bit the amount of time and money

a 40-year-old boat my size consumes.

Yeah, I ripped the sails and in the end I just

wasn't able to cross the Atlantic,

and I just met Riley and Elayna before they

crossed the Atlantic.

And then you sent me a message, I mean, you, Elayna,

behind the camera, and were asking if I could

hold the camera for a while, and give you a bit

of assistance, and obviously I said yes.

- [Elayna] So, what's happening to your boat?

- Yeah, I'm probably gonna sell it.

Simply because it's just too much work and money

and I'm by myself and I just can't

and I don't want to handle it anymore.

But it shouldn't keep anyone from getting a boat and

I would maybe do a proper research and get a survey done

and really check what's necessary to do

to go long-term sailing.

Before you go for it, I, yeah.

- [Elayna voiceover] We were up bright and early

the next morning and ready to get practising .

(acoustic guitar music)

Mathieu's been sailing since he was a kid,

so he's super knowledgeable, and the way

he effortlessly teaches and manages to always remain calm

makes him someone we love having on board.

We were really grateful he could join us and teach us

some more specific skills.


- Slow us down, slow us down!

- [Elayna] You get the next one alright?

- [Elayna Voiceover] We tired La Vagabonde

and our cameras out in a few short days.

Although we've been cruising for four years now,

and sailed over 55, 000 nautical miles,

it's not every day we stop and practise certain manoeuvres

and honestly, there's an endless amount of skills to learn.

(acoustic music, vocalising)

- [Stefan] For the ladies!

- It's been the biggest day in the blaring hot sun.

Stefan's sunburnt.


- [Elayna] Riley was dead before but--

- You're all tuckered out!

- [Elayna] I made him sail because I'm too tired.

Mathieu's watching, what are you watching Mathieu?

- Working.

- [Elayna] You're working, right.

No you are working now, I can see your mouse moving.

Yeah, a second ago he was watching a TV series.

(acoustic music)

- [Elayna] Uh-oh, Riley's on the whiteboard!

With a ruler.

- [Mathieu] Yes, now we're talking.

(Elayna laughs)

- [Elayna Voiceover] A few days passed, and we felt like

we'd achieved quite a bit.

- Darn I knew you were gonna hurt my elbow.

Go, quick!

- Nah.

- Little one, just a little one!

- Nah, fool me once.


(Reggae music plays)

- [Elayna Voiceover] And then came along a 25-knot wind day,

and I broke the goose neck.

This is the part attaching the boom to our mast,

not an actual goose's neck.

And it was all my fault and I was pretty sad.

- Alright, we can turn on the engines now.

- [Riley Voiceover] It certainly wasn't the perfect day

to be practising these manoeuvres, with winds gusting

to over 25, but we did wanna practice in those conditions.

Not surprising that we made a mistake and broke something

really, but that's exactly what these days are for.

- [Stefan] You got any thoughts when, while the emotions

are still fresh?

- Just, you have to be paying attention to everything

100 percent of the time.

Cos I was more worrying about the fender that was

wrapped around our prop than actually driving that, like,

I didn't tighten up on the main sheet tight enough,

and then this happened.

- [Stefan] Have you got anything to say while you're

heart rate is still a bit higher?

- Nah.

Looking forward to repairing it.

Uh can I get a, can I get a jumper from inside please?

- [Elayna] Anything else?

- Yeah, just a towel, yeah.

Just some big manoeuvres happening in higher wind,

got the buoy caught around the prop,

tangled up in the bucket.

Then Elayna jibed and we didn't tighten up

on the main sheet.

('Untitled' by Simple Plan plays)

- All good?

- All good.

What are we gonna do about this?

- Get another one of these parts sent out,

and then fix it and it's no drama.

- [Elayna] So Mathieu's leaving us tomorrow,

and the spare part doesn't arrive for a few days.

So Mathieu's trying to teach Riles what to do.

Mathieu, show us the broken part.

- Did a nice job on that, didn't you Pants?

- [Elayna] Yeah, I'm sorry.

(all laugh)

(Riley and Mathieu murmuring)

- [Elayna] How are you Stefan?

- I'm super good.

- [Elayna] Yeah?


You smell very nice.

- I smell very nice?

- [Elayna] Yeah!

- Yeah?

- I smell like Carib.

(both laugh)

- [Riley Voiceover] Before we'd say goodbye to Mathieu,

he insisted on beaching our boat for the first time.

So the steps change with each different type of hull,

but for us with daggerboards, all we had to worry about

was our rudders at the stern.

So we needed a beach with a quick, deep drop-off,

calm weather, an off-shore breeze, a sandy bottom,

and on low tide, to ensure that when we went to leave

her later on, there would be no dramas.

We approached very slowly and shut off the engines

completely, just about a few metres before grounding,

to avoid sand being sucked up into the engine intakes.

Elayna was at the helm, and I was already in the water,

running the anchor to shore, and then Elayna came in

on the anchor chain, locking us into place.

- [Riley] Yup!

(mellow electronic music)

Alright, come in!

Gimme some more!


- [Elayna] This is crazy!

This doesn't feel right!

So weird.

La Vagabonde is beached.

Beached her for the first time!

And I'm so excited.

It doesn't look right.

- [Riley Voiceover] To leave, all it took was coming in

on the anchor chain, and a bit of a push.

The wind took care of the rest until we were

far enough away to fire up the engines and head off.

(electronic music)

- I was paying too much attention.

I just should've chilled out a bit.

I kept worrying if we were gonna swing sideways.

- [Elayna] Yeah.

- But even if the rudders hit, I mean it was that calm.

- [Elayna] Yeah.

- Pretty awesome though.

(airport intercom)

- No worries, thanks for coming.

- Legend. Thanks a lot.

(Riley and Elayna make sheep sounds)

- [Elayna] Aww look at the baby one!

Hey cuties!

- [Riley] Look at this guy, look at this one!

- [Elayna] Hello!

We just said goodbye to Mathieu, at the airport,

and we're going over to Riley's spearfishing friend

George's house for dinner tonight.

With Stefan.

- Hola!

- It's been a really good week.

It's a shame about the boom.

But we've been doing other things in the meantime.

- I learned more talking to Mathieu for an hour

than I do spending a week on the internet researching shit.

- [Elayna] Yeah.

- He's a fountain of knowledge.

- [Elayna] He really is.

How's your week been Stefan?

Oh speedbump!

Good week?

- Amazing week, yeah.

- [Elayna] Yeah?

(all laugh)

How much do you hate the camera?

- Uhhmm.

- [Elayna] Out of ten?

- Eleven.

(all laugh)

No it has been fun.

I've been a bit sunburned but--

- [Elayna] Yeah you're brown!

You've bronzed up a bit.

- Yeah, it's getting browner. Brown.

- [Riley] Thanks for poking the camera at different things

for us mate.

- [Elayna] Alright, so we've been invited to dinner

by the lovely George and Sophie.

(all laugh)

What's going on boys?

- I'm getting schooled.

Big time.

If it's not Mathieu, it's George.

- [Elayna] What's the story George?

- No story, love to spear fish.

Got into blue-water spearfishing.

And it's now an obsession.

- He's a wizard, and if anyone wants to go spearfishing

with George in Antigua, we'll put his details

in the description below.

- [Elayna] And they've got some gorgeous dogs.

- [Riley] He's gonna get me a Wahoo before we leave.

- [Elayna] Doggies!


Aw aren't you cute?


You're big.

These are the three biggest dogs I've ever seen.


You don't like me.

You're the friendly one, hey?

Aren't you?

You like me.

Like, I dunno if the size is actually showing up on camera,

but they are like horses.

(dog barks)

(Elayna giggles)

- The idea is you take this in your hand,

and you scoop the food.

- [Riley] . Yeah.

Wrap it up and eat it.

We're headed that way.

- You could ride this.

- I did see one in the lagoon.

- Your dogs wanna come back home with me.

- [Riley] They're bigger than your boat.

- Yeah they seriously are!

So George went spearfishing today, and he's about

to show us what he got.

Nice work.

- [Stefan] You need to put something next to it, to--

- [Riley] George reckons the one I shot was three times

the size of that.

- [George] It was.

- [Elayna] Really?

- [George] Three times the size of that.

- That's a big fish.

- Your one would've been this thick.

The head on yours would've been to here.

- The one you shot but the flopper--

- The flopper didn't engage.

- Right.

- Well, that's a shame .

- It wasn't a story, he had the video, I could see

it was a perfect shot.

- [Elayna] Yeah, he showed me the video.

Well, I'm definitely gonna need a second shower for the day.

After touching those dogs.

I told Sophie, that was the best food I've had in Antigua

for the entire however long we've been here.

I'm just beyond impressed.

What do you think boys?

- [Riley] Well done Soph.

- [Elayna] Well done Sophie.

- [Riley] Great spread.

- [Elayna] Can we get a clap for Sophie?

(clapping sounds)

and George cos I'm sure he caught the fish.

No clap for George! Sorry George.


The boys are tired.

(boat motor running)

(all laugh)

- [Elayna] Was that to annoy me, was it?

- Nah it was, you were poking the camera at me,

so I thought I'd crash into something.

(all laugh)

- Not really sure what was going on.

- [Elayna] No, I was like did he forget something?

Or, I dunno.

I dunno, that tired.

(mellow music plays)

- [Elayna Voiceover] Next time, Antigua holds us captive

for a few days with some delays.


We were forced to make the most of the place

with some diving and some other boaty shenanigans.

- Just go to town on it.

♪ Cool runnings ♪

For more infomation >> The Time I Broke our Boom - Behind the Scenes 'How To' videos Ep. 146 - Duration: 19:08.


8 Common Foods and Drugs You Should NEVER Mix - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 8 Common Foods and Drugs You Should NEVER Mix - Duration: 4:35.


Monday Sunset. Watercolor landscape - Duration: 20:21.

In this series of watercolor paintings

I will be showing real time recordings

of landscape paintings

Each landscape will represent a sunset

for every day of the week

I am not going to give any commentary this time

but will keep the video pure and not edited

so you could see the process of painting a landscape

from the very beginning till the very end

without fast forwarding the video and cropping

so you could follow along

Unwind, get ready for the night

and enjoy this meditative process of painting...

For more infomation >> Monday Sunset. Watercolor landscape - Duration: 20:21.


EastEnders spoilers: 25-29 June 2018 - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> EastEnders spoilers: 25-29 June 2018 - Duration: 1:43.


Drowning Victim Found - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Drowning Victim Found - Duration: 2:20.


Abilene could be next tent city for immigrant children - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Abilene could be next tent city for immigrant children - Duration: 2:07.


B-52再抵近东海,距离浙江只有350公里,8架F-22抵达东海! - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> B-52再抵近东海,距离浙江只有350公里,8架F-22抵达东海! - Duration: 4:43.


Mitsubishi Space Star - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Space Star - Duration: 1:06.


Opel Zafira 1.6 Temptation Nav. Clim.contr. Xenon - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 1.6 Temptation Nav. Clim.contr. Xenon - Duration: 1:12.


Carlos Queiroz: "España circulaba en quinta… y Lopetegui ha puesto sexta y séptima" - Duration: 46:39.

 De Figo a Cristiano, de Portugal a Inglaterra, del Real Madrid al Manchester United, de sir Alex Ferguson al Irán de los Ayatolas, hay un cosmos futbolístico en la cabeza de Carlos Queiroz (Mozambique, 1953)

Pocas personas han peregrinado más por campos más variados. El miércoles en Kazán este teórico vanguardista dirigirá a la selección asiática contra España en la segunda jornada de la fase del Grupo B

 Pregunta. ¿Cómo se hizo entrenador de fútbol?  Respuesta. Empecé muy pronto. Mi primera experiencia en el fútbol federado la hice en el fútbol infantil en la temporada 80-81 con categorías inferiores del Belenenses

Hace un rato que estoy vistiendo este ropaje.  P. Desde el punto de vista de la táctica, en estas cuatro décadas, ¿cuál fue el momento más transformador?  R

En mi vida profesional como entrenador la etapa más importante, más significativa de toda mi carrera, curiosamente ocurrió al principio

Comencé en las dos orillas del río: en el campo y en la Universidad Técnica de Lisboa

Dediqué la primera etapa a hacer mucha investigación. En 1982 hice la primera maestría superior en fútbol

Esto fue casi una revolución porque la Universidad Técnica era muy tradicional y conservadora

Había maestrías en biomecánica y en fisiología, las disciplinas científicas que soportan el entrenamiento, pero no en entrenamientos de fútbol

Yo me batí hasta la última gota de mi sangre para hacer una maestría en metodología del entrenamiento de fútbol

No estaba sistematizado. No existía la licenciatura en fútbol. Yo fui el primero y con eso abrí muchas cosas en mi vida en el campo intelectual como entrenador

Hice una ruptura que fue un paso de gigante.  P. ¿Cómo fue el proceso?  R. Yo estudié durante años todas las escuelas de entrenamiento más características: la sudamericana, la europea meridional, la europea septentrional, Inglaterra y Alemania, y también los conceptos de entrenamiento de los países del Este

Los caractericé hasta que en 1982 se me ocurrió la idea de empezar a hablar de una cosa que yo llamé 'la simplificación de la estructura compleja del juego'

Cuando presenté ese trabajo empecé a extraer los elementos básicos de los juegos reducidos: 11x11, 8x8, 7x7, 4x3, 3x2, 2x1 hasta los elementos sencillos del juego

En ese trabajo concluí que el juego se fundamentaba en tres elementos base y un elemento que sintetiza y armoniza los otros tres y transmite la ciencia compleja del trabajo de equipo

Presenté un estudio para abordar el cambio metodológico de todo el entrenamiento bastado en estos tres elementos: espacio, tiempo y número

Con esos tres vectores estructuré una cuarta componente de observación de la complejidad relativa del juego que formaba la cohesión y el juego de equipo

Eso cambió mi vida. Cuando tuve la oportunidad de aplicar mi visión al trabajo con las categorías inferiores de la selección de Portugal gané dos copas del Mundo

Luego conduje toda mi vida de entrenador con los fundamentos metodológicos de ese tiempo

Observé que el entrenamiento tenía que reflejar la naturaleza del juego y mostré cómo hacerlo y por qué

Esos niños que cogí con 12, 13 años, Figo, Joao Pinto, Rui Costa… todos han trabajado conmigo con esa visión diferenciada del entrenamiento

Ese ha sido el marco más importante de toda mi vida.  P. Guardiola, Lillo, los entrenadores de la escuela de Oporto, los que hablaban de la integración de todos los elementos en la práctica, la "periodización táctica", etc

¿No se refieren a la misma idea?  R. Cuando hice mi tesis observé que cuando jugábamos en un patio, espontáneamente, nos organizábamos

Fuéramos cuatro, cinco, seis, siete u ocho, siempre jugábamos. Tres contra dos, cuatro contra tres, y el portero-jugador…

¿Cómo es posible que si mi sueño es ser profesional, voy a jugar y me ponen a subir escaleras y a hacer carrera continua? Los niños llegaban al campo de fútbol y se confundían

Eso me ha estimulado a estudiar con otro ángulo. Al final, lo que estábamos ofreciendo a los niños en la educación no era fútbol

Y más grave aún: se hacía un trabajo de división de la técnica. Las teorías de aprendizaje que tienen que ver con la pedagogía nos decían que la suma de las partes hace el todo

Eso ha sido un desastre durante años para el fútbol. Primero entrenaban la física, mañana la técnica, pasado la táctica

¡Y la suma no daba el todo! Eso he escrito. "La suma de las partes de los todos es lo que da el todo: y más, tiene que dar el todo con una componente muy importante, que es la libertad de decisión"

Porque ese ha sido el error de la pedagogía del fútbol durante muchos años. Los entrenadores llegábamos ahí y destrozábamos el juego

Porque nos volvíamos directores del juego. Creamos la abstracción de la decisión

No queríamos jugadores con habilidades para tomar decisiones. Eso es lo que ha cambiado

Por eso el fútbol ha cambiado en ese siglo. Porque la mayoría de los entrenadores percibieron que es la parte de los todos lo que da el todo

Y que los jugadores imaginativos y creativos se construyen estimulando la libertad de decisión

Por eso la calle antes era muy importante.  P. ¿Ahora son más importantes los entrenamientos en las escuelas?  R

Se nota en la espiral de calidad en Europa. ¿Cuál está siendo la mayor ruptura del fútbol de Europa con África, e incluso con Sudamérica…y Asia…? La espiral de calidad, de equipos y jugadores

En Europa de muchos tiras uno. Cuantas más cualidades tienes en la base más diferencias se hacen en la cúspide

La espiral de calidad potencia la excelencia del todo. Por eso Europa camina a una velocidad que va a sacar muchos años de adelanto a África y Asia, incluso América

Los únicos países que están sobreviviendo en términos de trabajo de selección son los equipos que tienen la suerte de tener jugadores en edades formativas en Europa

Se benefician de esta espiral de calidad. Cuando tienes mucha calidad en la base compitiendo, si quieren hacer la diferencia Cristiano, Messi y Neymar tienen que ser más geniales que nunca

Los americanos dicen: "from many comes one". Esto no es totalmente correcto. Hay que decir: "from many comes one but in quality"

Porque la cantidad por sí sola no acrecienta la calidad, pero la cantidad en calidad acrecienta la genialidad

 P. ¿Cómo se refleja este cambio en la competición?  R. La evolución de los partidos y la competición reflejan la nueva concepción en la base metodológica de los entrenamientos

Los entrenadores son los agentes de la transformación del juego porque cada año, cuando introducen elementos nuevos más perfeccionistas, más adaptados a la naturaleza y a la esencia del juego, consiguen cambiar la formación de los jugadores y transformar el propio juego

 P. ¿No cree que esto ha conducido a que los equipos se ordenen cada vez más, y el orden ha hecho que los jugadores por sí solos no puedan transformar los partidos como en su día hicieron Ronaldo Nazario, Zidane, Maradona o Cruyff?  R

No es lo normal. Hablemos de Copas del Mundo. Pensemos en Italia 90 o en USA 94. Ahí sí es verdad eso

Fue un periodo un poco monótono, dictatorial, en que los jugadores estaban un poco presos, amarrados a los sistemas estáticos y la disciplina de juego, de la norma del equipo

Pero si pensamos en 1982, en 1986, en 2008, en 2006 o 2010, es diferente. Ahí pudimos observar grandes equipos que no estaban sujetos a la dictadura de la disciplina

Un fútbol que respetaba la cohesión del equipo, los principios de la mentalidad del equipo sin romper con los fundamentos de la libertad, la creatividad y la decisión de los jugadores

Lo vimos en Sudáfrica. Vimos la exaltación de las individualidades con base en la potencia que el trabajo de equipo les puede dar

A la correspondencia de una gran cohesión y disciplina de juego se eleva la posibilidad del riesgo individual

Hemos también observado dos tipos característicos de grandes jugadores. Puedo comparar dos jugadores que todo el mundo compara: Cristiano y Messi

Ambos tienen cuatro fundamentos iguales: una habilidad atlética superior, una superioridad técnica y táctica genial, una preparación mental fortísima, y la capacidad de sintetizar estos elementos en el trabajo de equipo

Cristiano se diferencia un poco de Messi porque él es un solista que dice: 'Vale, soy solista pero si en la orquesta falta un pianista, un violinista o un violoncelista no tengo problema si tengo que tocar el piano o el violín o la viola, yo lo hago'

Messi es un poco diferente: puede ser el mejor solista también pero se presta como un maestro haciendo que sus compañeros sean lo mejor que pueden ser

En dos formas diferentes de jugar tenemos dos jugadores que nos trazan un quinto elemento en el juego, que es exclusivo de los genios: el elemento final de la cohesión y de la maestría colectiva

Con dos actitudes de base diferentes. Cristiano si siente que alguien no toca bien el piano, dice: 'yo lo toco'

Y Messi es el mejor tocando todos los instrumentos. Hace sentir que son parte constante del juego

Hay momentos que sí, la dictadura de la normalidad nos traza un fútbol aburrido que no es innovador, pero pienso que hoy estamos viviendo un momento fantástico

 P. ¿Por qué está tan seguro?  R. Porque el elemento de la libertad y la decisión individual está promovido en las normas colectivas del equipo

Ahora los genios lo pueden hacer de un modo increíble porque el nivel de riesgo puede ser cada vez mayor

Como entrenador y persona del fútbol me entusiasma esta rivalidad genial que tenemos de Cristiano y Messi

Los comparo con Lennon y McCartney. Si uno lo hace bien el otro quiere hacerlo mejor

Si uno nos asombra con lo mejor, el otro nos ofrece la excelencia. La gran pregunta del fútbol moderno es: ¿hasta dónde? Atención: porque llega Michael Jackson, que es Neymar

Estamos en un momento bueno. En algunos momentos los reyes y los príncipes del fútbol se han apagado un rato pero no es lo normal

El fútbol se ha caracterizado siempre por etapas con reyes y príncipes. Hoy los príncipes y los reyes están a un nivel como nunca antes han estado

 P. Es cierto, pero ¿no cree que al final se impone el orden colectivo al jugador heroico? Messi chocó contra Alemania en 2014 y Portugal sin Cristiano se impuso a la Francia de Pogba y Griezmann en 2016

 R. La belleza del fútbol es que siempre nos ofrece lo inesperado. Hay que considerar también que los equipos sin jugadores de talento no pueden ganar

Pero el fútbol es un juego de equipo. Ganas con los talentos, pero salir campeones es otra cosa

Con talento tienes calidad para ganar. Para salir campeones hace falta carácter, repetición, sacrificio, jugadores dispuestos a sacrificar sus egos por el equipo

Muchas veces en el fútbol, el baloncesto, ves salir campeones a equipos con menos talento individual y más sincronización y poder de síntesis, de sinergias para la victoria

Para ser campeón no basta tener un equipo con grandes jugadores hay que ser funcional

Eso hace la diferencia. Lo demás es el juego.  P. ¿Qué hay de verdaderamente novedoso en el fútbol contemporáneo?  R

Hoy nosotros vivimos una involución; estamos subordinados a la dictadura del opinatorio

Todos dan opiniones sin moralidad. Hay irresponsabilidad, impunidad e injusticia en las opiniones que muchas veces crean ambientes alrededor del equipo que condicionan los resultados

Es un fenómeno… Muy temprano en mi carrera tuve el privilegio de colaborar un ratito con los analistas de Brasil 1982

Probablemente uno de los mejores equipos de Brasil de siempre. Pero mira el ejemplo de Italia: cómo Italia creó un concepto de "nosotros contra el mundo"

El entrenador Enzo Bearzot provocó una pelea con toda la sociedad italiana y todos los entrenadores

¡Y salieron campeones! Eso me dio una visión de otra componente que para mí es muy decisiva del trabajo con los jugadores

Porque nosotros podemos maniobrar en el tiempo, la intensidad o la metodología del entrenamiento, pero nos olvidamos mucho del cerebro

Nos olvidamos de cómo operar todo el entrenamiento a través de una cosa que… Nosotros como seres humanos crecemos y nos desarrollamos utilizando el cerebro para hacer todo, y el cerebro ha sido el elemento menos utilizado e investigado en la vida humana

No sabemos nada del cerebro. Pienso en el entrenamiento mental. ¿Por qué factores exógenos pueden influir tanto en la definición de un equipo: la confianza, la autoestima la convicción, el carácter…? En resumen: sí podemos comprar talentos e intentar ganar un campeonato, pero tú no compras carácter para salir campeón

 P. Usted ha visto crecer de cerca a Cristiano. ¿No cree que cada año juega mejor en la medida en que cada año toca menos el balón?  R

¡Normal! Hay una palabra muy simple que hay que introducir en la reflexión: madurez

El entrenador puede hacer todo con el jugador: trabajo técnico, mental, físico. Podemos comprar talento

Pero no podemos comprar carácter y experiencia. Un jugador que juega un Mundial y una Copa de Europa con 31 años no es lo mismo que el jugador que jugó conmigo el Mundial de 2010

No es un jugador diferente. Ha hecho una evolución natural. Recuerdo bien algunas cosas

Un día lo llamé a mi despacho en Manchester y le dije algo que solo he dicho a dos jugadores en mi vida: "Hemos trabajado un tiempo, te conozco desde que jugabas en el Sporting, y vamos a llegar a un acuerdo entre los dos: tú naciste para ser el mejor jugador del mundo; si estás dispuesto a trabajar y a caminar para ser el mejor del mundo; yo estoy dispuesto a trabajar encantado contigo

Hay un precio para pagar en la vida cuando quieres tener éxito. Si quieres te vas a casa, piensas y mañana hablamos y empezamos un nuevo día de trabajo

Porque ya eres un gran jugador de fútbol. Pero llegar a ser el mejor es otra cosa"

Fue interesante porque una de las cosas que empezamos a trabajar fue que hay que llegar al área

Le decía: "Cristiano, tú tienes gol, pero no puedes hacer goles fuera del área, siendo un jugador de servicio, de entrega del balón a los otros

Porque es en el área donde tú puedes hacer la diferencia y tener un mayor impacto

Es en el área en donde tú puedes demostrar por qué vas a llegar a ser el mejor del mundo"

Poco a poco, como extremo… Los jugadores de esas características, como Cristiano o Figo, quieren el balón al pie

No quieren llegar. ¡No quieren entregar el balón!  P. No quieren jugar sin balón

 R. Es muy interesante. Un día yo estaba hastiado y estaba echando la bronca a los jugadores y vino Roberto Carlos y me dijo: "¡Míster, no se cabree, dígale a ellos que si hay un problema que me den el balón a mí! Yo resuelvo"

Los grandes jugadores quieren el balón al pie. Tienen que entender que a veces la maestría del juego está en encontrar una salida sin balón

Un día un gran entrenador me ha enseñado una cosa: "El entrenador tiene que saber cuándo hablar y qué hablar, pero lo más importante de un entrenador es saber cuándo tiene que estar callado y dejar que hable el silencio"

Eso me ha marcado mucho. Traslado eso a los jugadores. Los jugadores se afirman con balón y sin balón

Esa ha sido la transición de Cristiano. No puede estar siempre al piano, a la guitarra, al violín y a la batería

Porque al final el maestro tiene que conducir el colectivo haciendo impacto, por ejemplo, haciendo los goles

Messi en esto es como Michael Jordan. Jordan estaba en los rebotes, estaba en los puntos y en las asistencias, pero al final el equipo trabaja funcionalmente a su alrededor

Eso no está al alcance de todos. Eso está al alcance de los que no son del fútbol

Son el fútbol. Cristiano, Messi, Eusebio, Pelé, son el fútbol.  P. ¿Llegó a coincidir con Sergio Ramos? Se lo va a encontrar en Kazán…  R

Sergio fue una de mis derrotas. La prensa conoce bien mis derrotas con el Madrid al final de la temporada 2003-2004

Hablo de mis derrotas con el presidente Florentino Pérez. El presidente ganó con sus decisiones y los que quisimos traer a Sergio Ramos del Sevilla en 2004 perdimos

Así es que Florentino 5, y Queiroz y Valdano 0. Lo ficharon más tarde, en 2005, y fue mucho más caro

Yo peleé mucho para traer a Pepe y a Sergio. ¿Recuerdan cuando yo decía que un Ferrari con tres ruedas no puede correr?  P

¿Cómo valora la trayectoria de España?  R. ¡Fantástica! Con Del Bosque la selección tuvo una tonalidad muy acentuada en los componentes del control del juego, de dinámicas colectivas y de expresión individual en todo el campo

Veías por todas partes jugadores con muchas iniciativas y libertad de decisión con todos los jugadores armonizados en una coherencia de tiempo, de ritmo, de pase, penetración y progresión

Yo siento que España ha tenido un aval con los últimos resultados. Por una razón sencilla

El fútbol es muy conservador. Hace unos años se decía: "equipo que gana no se toca"

Es al contrario: cuando estás al top de tu juego hay que cambiar. Porque cuando ganas los otros te copian, te imitan, te desafían

Ese ha sido el problema de España en los últimos años: no ha tenido una aproximación diferente basada en jugadores que con los años no podían dar el mismo rendimiento

Siento que Lopetegui observó esta situación y aportó al equipo otra velocidad. Estaban circulando en primera, segunda, tercera cuarta quinta… y Lopetegui ha puesto la sexta y la séptima

Hacen lo mismo que hacían antes pero de una forma más consistente y efectiva. Me parece que con eso España puede ser un serio candidato a ganar la Copa

Claro que depende de muchos factores. España, Portugal, Alemania, Francia… Todos los jugadores llegan con 60-65 partidos en las piernas

Y el factor de fatiga mental puede causar daños.  P. El objetivo de Irán superar fase de grupos

¿Tiene alguna ventaja respecto a España, Portugal o Marruecos? ¿Puede concentrar más tiempo a sus jugadores?  R

Tengo que ser honesto conmigo y con todos. Respondiendo directamente a esa pregunta soy cada vez más pesimista

¿Por qué? Porque nosotros no estamos… Para todo en la vida hay un precio. Para un éxito tan grande, tan milagroso, para una misión casi imposible…

Para hacerlo posible tienes que pagar un precio muy alto. Si quieres tener éxito con un equipo que sale de Asia para que se clasifique contra España, Portugal y Marruecos tienes que ser valiente

Tomar decisiones grandes no decisiones de compromiso y simpatía. ¿Qué pasa? Nosotros hemos sido el segundo equipo del mundo en clasificarnos para la Copa

Teníamos un año y cuatro meses para prepararnos. Desde el primer día he dicho: para lograr la clasificación a octavos hay que pagar un precio

No puedes tener éxito en la Copa del Mundo a precio de saldos. Tienes que tener una preparación intensa

Especial. Única. ¿Cómo lo vas a hacer? ¿Siguiendo las normas de FIFA con una concentración cuatro días antes de la Copa, como España y Alemania que tienen jugadores del Real Madrid, Barça, Liverpool, Manchester City, United o PSG?  P

¿Por qué no pudo preparar el Mundial como creía?  R. Pensaba que pondríamos una preparación intensa, digna, muy responsable

Pienso en la responsabilidad y la dignidad de la competición. El compromiso, la entrega

Esas no son cosas que pasan de moda en la vida. Están presentes cuando quieres lograr un objetivo

Yo solo soy el entrenador. ¿Y qué hago? Poner todas mis ganas. El 5 de mayo empezamos una concentración con jugadores locales

Teóricamente teníamos que empezar con 20. Pero voy a empezar con tres. ¡Mejor tres que cero! Es la realidad

Cuando haya cuatro vendrán cuatro. No puedo hacer más pero las posibilidades que nosotros tenemos antes de que empiecen los partidos tienen que ver con las responsabilidades y capacidades de cada uno

¿Qué tenemos que hacer? Cuando salió el sorteo teníamos tres posibilidades. Primero, cambiar de Copa del Mundo

Con el grupo que nos tocó, que uno ocupe nuestro lugar y nosotros lo dejamos para el 2022

¡No lo queremos hacer! Si hay un equipo que piensa que vamos a ofrecer nuestro puesto, que se olviden

Queremos ir a Rusia. La segunda: cambiar de objetivos. Si nos planteamos clasificarnos para la segunda fase frente a España, Portugal y Marruecos, la actitud de los jugadores va a bajar

Entonces, como tenemos la Copa de Asia en enero, lo que digo a mis jugadores son dos cosas muy sencillas para todos

La ventaja de Irán jugando contra Marruecos, España y Portugal es una: nosotros tenemos dos resultados

España Portugal y Marruecos tienen tres: pueden ganar, empatar y perder. Irán solo puede ganar o aprender

De una forma u otra tenemos que salir ganadores. Para que cuando empiece la Copa de Asia, Irán solo tenga una cosa en su cabeza: ganar la Copa de Asia

La segunda cosa que digo a los jugadores es muy sencilla en cada partido: al final de los 90 minutos tienen que tener la certeza de que la camiseta de Irán está en un lugar mejor

 P. ¿Intentó concentrar a los jugadores y no le dejaron?  R. Intenté desarrollar un plan de preparación específico desde el año pasado

No solo concentrando a los jugadores en Irán. En el Mundial de 2014, de 23 jugadores nosotros solamente teníamos tres compitiendo en Ligas fuera de Irán

Ahora, de los 23 tenemos 14-15 que están fuera. Pero tú tienes que sustentar el éxito también con los jugadores locales

Hace más de un año introduje un plan para que los locales tuviesen una preparación complementaria para compensar la diferencia de intensidad y ritmo de la Liga iraní con las europeas

Pero para hacer eso hay que pensar en dos cosas: un liderazgo fuerte y tomar decisiones fuertes, hay que entender que debes hacer sacrificios y determinar prioridades

Infelizmente ese no ha sido el caso. Estamos limitados. Pero eso no quiere decir que no estemos haciendo un trabajo específico

Estamos haciendo pero no lo que yo pensé que sería fundamental para que los futbolistas iraníes hagan un campeonato del mundo brillando y con mucha dignidad en la pelea por los resultados

Ese era mi objetivo. Pero si en lugar de diez meses dispones de seis, entrenas seis meses; y si en lugar de tener 18 jugadores tenemos tres entrenamos con tres

Y si tuviera que entrenar con uno entrenaría con uno. El entrenamiento de uno aportará algo que si no entrenase no podría aportar

 P. ¿Cómo define el carácter del jugador iraní?  R. Por justicia y moralidad, tengo que hacer una afirmación sobre los jugadores iraníes: nunca he visto en mi vida jugadores que ofrecen tanto al fútbol y al equipo nacional a cambio de tan pocas compensaciones

En ningún lugar del mundo hay jugadores que se entregan con tantas ganas y motivación y al final no hay ni un "gracias"

Eso habla mucho del carácter de los jugadores del equipo nacional. Llevo siete años con ellos y es un placer y un honor

Son personas muy educadas, muy simpáticas, muy dedicadas, y que tienen una ambición de aprender, de desarrollar, de jugar al fútbol… Si mandas entrenar siete horas en el campo dos veces por día irán siempre con una sonrisa en los labios y trabajando son fantásticos

Esa ha sido la nota más positiva. Pero cuando llegué aquí tenía un punto muy débil que era una tendencia que traen de fuera, no sé si es cultural o social

Muchas veces procuran la disculpa y la victimización de la situación.  P. ¿A qué se refiere?  R

Daré un ejemplo. Cuando empecé mi trabajo estaba analizando a los jugadores en partidos anteriores y vi los cuartos de final de la Copa de Asia: Irán contra Corea

Al final del partido vi a todos los jugadores en la hierba sentados o tirados. Muchos llorando

Me chocó. Ver jugadores llorando sentados… Cuando nos reunimos por primera vez les mostré las imágenes y les dije: 'Conmigo aquí tu trabajo no es llorar por Irán; tu trabajo es hacer que los otros lloren por su países

A partir de hoy no quiero ver a nadie llorar. Tienen que tener la certeza de convertir a los otros en héroes que lloran por sus países'

 P. ¿Y Cómo influye un régimen político totalitario y clerical en su trabajo?  R

He trabajado con equipos de selección muchos años. Las virtudes y defectos del fútbol son comunes en todas las partes del mundo

Si hay una cosa virtuosa del fútbol es que tiene una raíz común: el impacto político, social y cultural provoca las mismas reacciones en todo el mundo

Todos quieren ganar, todos tienen opiniones… He visto en Portugal ministros que no tenían opinión política pero siempre tenían una idea futbolística y creían que era la mejor

Pasa lo mismo en Irán. La prensa es muy agresiva en términos de crítica y cobertura

Las personas ligadas a la política hacen comentarios sobre el fútbol como en todos los países

En esos términos, el fútbol de Irán está igual de desarrollado que en los países más desarrollados del mundo

En Irán no hay una tentativa de influencia de los dirigentes en lo que pasa en el campo

Ves que en países modernos la parte política y administrativa está entrando dentro de las cuatro rayas

Es uno de los grandes problemas del fútbol. La parte comercial está entrando demasiado en las cuatro líneas

Tengo el ejemplo del United y el Madrid, donde el tiempo de reposo de los jugadores está siendo utilizado como tiempo activo para cuestiones comerciales y financieras

Tenemos que saber vivir con eso pero a veces esa incursión es anárquica. Por respeto: por lo menos habría que cuidar ciertas formas

Tú no entras al despacho del presidente sin golpear la puerta, pero los ejecutivos sí están entrando al campo sin golpear la puerta

Y eso no es bueno para el fútbol. Esa cuestión es muy curiosa: en el equipo nacional de Irán no tienes ese problema: son muy respetuosos de las áreas de actuación de cada uno

For more infomation >> Carlos Queiroz: "España circulaba en quinta… y Lopetegui ha puesto sexta y séptima" - Duration: 46:39.


FIT Happy Hour // Day 2 Workout - Duration: 15:59.

It's going to be two minutes on and one minute off for five rounds. For each

station you'll do the first movement for one minute straight into the second

movement for one minute. Then you'll rest for a minute. You'll do that for each of

the three stations, doing two rounds four stations one and

two and one round of station three, so there will be five rounds total.

Hopefully you got all that if not let's get a little more specific at the start

of go you'll do one minute of kettlebell swings straight into one minute of

hay balers. If you don't have the kettlebell you can do dumbbell swings or you

can do swings without weight. For hay balers you'll do it standing with one

dumbbell or without weight. You'll then rest for one minute. Then you'll repeat

the swings and hay balers for another round each for one minute followed by

one minute of rest. That's two rounds of that first station and you'll not come

back to that station again. Next you're moving on to goblet squats for one

minute then dumbbell lunges for one minute then you'll rest for one minute

and repeat the squats and lunges one more time. For the goblet squats you can

do it with a kettlebell or dumbbell or you can do air squats. For lunges you'll

hold the dumbbells at your side you can also do the lunges without weight. The

final round will be one minute of ground touch with shuffle hop and one minute of

crisscross jumping jacks. We have coach Brittani leading the workout today and

before we get started you can check out the demo videos if you need more

information or a refresher on any of the movements.

We're gonna start with swings in three two one and go.

This is a full body movement and the purpose is to strengthen the posterior

target areas including the glutes and the hamstrings. The power and movement

comes from the hips not the arm so keep the arms relaxed keep your head neutral

and aligned with the spine throughout the movement.

Nice job! You have about 20 seconds left here on these swings. We really want to

feel a flow with this movement. Three two one and switch to hay balers. You can grab

your dumbbell if you're using weight. We're gonna have a split stance. We want

to tension down to load and then we're rotating up so think of that as an

explosive movement up. As you bring the weight down, you should be rotating

towards your back leg and moving up towards the front leg. We're gonna switch

sides in three two one and switch. Try to keep this movement fluid and rotate from

the abdominal muscles. We're really working on that rotational movement.

Nice job! We're gonna rest in three two one and rest. We're gonna start back up

again at the 11 minute mark and we're gonna do round two which is one minute

of kettlebell swings. So we'll do swings and then hay balers and then we'll move

on to the next station and you won't come back to these movements again.

We're gonna start with swings and three two one and go!

We want to hinge at the hips and remember that that power and movement

comes from the hips and not the arms so you shouldn't feel like you're just

raising your arms - they should kind of flow up naturally so keep those arms

relaxed and keep the head neutral aligned with the spine.

Nice job you're halfway there.

This is a full body movement and we're really trying to strengthen the

posterior target areas including the glutes and the hamstrings. Nice job - ten

seconds left here. Three two one and switch to hay balers. Grab your dumbbell

if you're using one get into that split stance and you're tensioning at the bottom

and rotating to the top.

This movement is working on your abdominal groups and the core

stabilizers. We're gonna switch in two - one and switch sides. So switch up with that

split stance. Great work! You don't have to work fast here - we want to work on

that form. Ten seconds left - three two one and rest

for one minute. We're gonna start back up at the eight minute mark and we're gonna

do one minute of goblet squats.

You can use either a kettlebell or a dumbbell or you can do this without

weight but if you're using a kettlebell or a

dumbbell you're gonna hold that weight right under your chin and you can kind

of rest it on your chest so it's really important to keep your chest up during

the duration of the squat. Even if you're not going into full depth on that squat

you really want to keep the chest up and eyes forward. The goblet squat is going

to be paired with dumbbell lunges so if you plan to use weights for the lunges

make sure you have those two dumbbells handy.

We're gonna start in three two one and go!

For these goblet squats, remember to hinge from the hips and sit back so the

butt should be initiating the movement not the knees. Make sure the knees do

not pass the toes and make sure to keep the shins as vertical as possible. Also

only go as low as your body will let you without compensation so it's more

important for the form here versus the speed and the depth.

Nice job! You have 15 seconds left on these goblet squats.

We have dumbbell lunges next in three two one

and switch! You're gonna have the two dumbbells at your side this is kind of a

farmer's carry but you're just relaxing the arms but making sure that the

shoulders stay stabilized and you can do either forward lunges or reverse lunges

but you're gonna alternate with each rep.

For the lunges, make sure that the knees track with the ankle and do not pass the


Just like the squats, you want to keep your chest up keeping a neutral spine so

you shouldn't be kind of folding over when you're doing a lunge. We want to be

full footed when stepping into the lunge and push off the foot to get out of the

lunge. Nice work! Three two one and we're gonna rest for one minute. We're gonna

start back up as a five-minute mark and we're gonna do one minute of goblet

squats and one minute of dumbbell lunges. After that we have one full minute of

rest again followed by one round of one minute of ground touch with shuffle hop

straight into one minute of crisscross jumping jacks.

Okay we've got goblet squats in three two one and go!

We're going to be here for one minute.

I'm gonna repeat some of the key points here so we want to hinge from the hips

and sit back in that squat - so initiate the movement with the butt not the knees

and make sure the knees do not pass the toes as you're squatting down. Keep

those shins as vertical as possible throughout the movement. We really want

to focus in on form here so only go as low as your body will let you without

compensation. If you feel like you're coming up off your heels, rounding your

back, or if your knees are passing your toes, you've gone too far, so just ease up,

focus on your form, and you'll get there. Three two one and we're switching to

dumbbell lunges. We're getting right into it and we're gonna be here for one

minute - so again, you can do either forward lunges or reverse lunges. If

you're doing forward lunges, you want to step full footed. If you're doing reverse

lunges, that front foot is already full footed so you're stepping back and then

using that back leg to push up out of the bottom of the lunge just like the

squats we want to focus in on form so if you feel like your back is rounding or

that front knee is passing the front toe try to ease up a little bit and focus in

on form so keeping that chest up looking forward maybe focusing in on your


All right, we're almost done here - three two one and rest! Great job! You're doing

awesome! We have two more minutes left so we're gonna start back up at the

two-minute mark. We're gonna do one minute of ground touch with shuffle hop

and one minute of criss cross jumping jacks. This is going to be round number

five so you only have to do these two movements once. I'm gonna go over some

of the key points for ground touch with shuffle hop. You want to keep the arms

relaxed and reach for the outside foot. When shuffle hopping, push off the outside

foot to transfer the movement towards the inside foot and then squat down

towards the ground only as far as your body will let you. We're gonna start in

less than ten seconds - three two one and go!

This is a very dynamic movement, so you can kind of take it slow if you need to.

You don't have to touch the ground but if you're going towards the ground make

sure you're squatting down and not just reaching down with your back. Nice job

you're halfway there.

Good! Less than 10 seconds to go then we're gonna switch right into criss

cross jumping jacks. Three two one and switch! Alright this is a full body

movement here. We're gonna do kind of a switch stance with the feet while you

open and close with the arms really opening up that chest.

Try to mostly land on the balls of your feet with your heel lightly touching the

ground. If you get out of rhythm you can always stop and start back up again

starting with the feet first to get the rhythm going and then add in the arms.

Here we go! Last 15 seconds of the workout. Here we go five seconds left.

Keep it up! Three two one and time. Great job! That was an awesome effort for this

first workout. It's time to cool down, stretch, and hydrate - see you next time!

For more infomation >> FIT Happy Hour // Day 2 Workout - Duration: 15:59.


Seat Leon 1.0 EcoTSI 115PK Style Connected | Navigatie | Climatronic - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.0 EcoTSI 115PK Style Connected | Navigatie | Climatronic - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 TURBO N-CONNECTA 163 PK PANODAK NAVI 360 CAMERA LANE ASSIST TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:07.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 TURBO N-CONNECTA 163 PK PANODAK NAVI 360 CAMERA LANE ASSIST TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:07.


The Beat With Ari Melber 6/18/2018 | Breaking News Trump Today June 18 - Duration: 44:04.

For more infomation >> The Beat With Ari Melber 6/18/2018 | Breaking News Trump Today June 18 - Duration: 44:04.


For more infomation >> The Beat With Ari Melber 6/18/2018 | Breaking News Trump Today June 18 - Duration: 44:04.


Hardball with Chris Matthews 6/18/2018 | Breaking News Trump Today June 18 - Duration: 25:00.

For more infomation >> Hardball with Chris Matthews 6/18/2018 | Breaking News Trump Today June 18 - Duration: 25:00.


For more infomation >> Hardball with Chris Matthews 6/18/2018 | Breaking News Trump Today June 18 - Duration: 25:00.


Audi Q3 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Audi Q3 - Duration: 0:42.



For more infomation >> MINERADORA DANDO 200 GHS FREE PARTIU MINERAR - Duration: 8:37.


For more infomation >> MINERADORA DANDO 200 GHS FREE PARTIU MINERAR - Duration: 8:37.


LOL Surprise Eye Spy Pets

For more infomation >> LOL Surprise Eye Spy Pets


Ex-CIA chief: I'm scared of America - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Ex-CIA chief: I'm scared of America - Duration: 7:51.


8Bll pool indirect shots 8M and 50 M 2018 - Duration: 7:02.

That's How i Celebrate My 2018 Valentine's Day -Miniclip 8 Ball Pool Trickshots-

8Bll pool indirect shots 8M and 50 M 2018

8 Ball Pool Rafeef Berlin Platz Indirect Games

Random Amazingness ( Inspired by Hatty xD ) - Indirect Trickshots Highlights - Miniclip 8 Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool Subscribers Gameplay Trickshots/indirect -Play Indirect With Me Every 2nd Day From Now -

For more infomation >> 8Bll pool indirect shots 8M and 50 M 2018 - Duration: 7:02.



For more infomation >> HONEST TRENDY TRESSES GODDESS CURLS REVIEW| LIA LAVON - Duration: 18:08.


Sprowadzał chłopców z Polski do domu publicznego dla homoseksualistów. Niemcy nie chcą go wydać - Duration: 3:01.

 Hans M. niemiecki sutener miał stanąć przed polskim sądem. Niemcy nie chcą go wydać, bo psychicznie ucierpiał

 Sutener ściągał z Polski nastolatków i mężczyzn do domu publicznego dla pederastów w niemieckim Essen

Od 10 lat prowadzone jest przeciwko niemu śledztwo. Według Prokuratury Okręgowej we Wrocławiu kierował gangiem handlującym ludźmi

 W 2008 roku Hans został wydany Polsce na podstawie Europejskiego Nakazu Aresztowania

Po kilku miesiącach w areszcie wypuszczono go za kaucją. Sutener wrócił do Niemiec i do seksbiznesu

 Śledztwo w sprawie Hansa M. dwukrotnie zawieszano z powodu choroby jednego z jego kompanów

 Po wznowieniach było prowadzone przez wrocławską prokuraturę. W Polsce łapano i stawiano przed sądem kolejnych sutenerów

W końcu za Hansem M. po raz kolejny wysłano list gończy i zażądano od władz niemieckich jego ekstradycji do Polski

 Trafił do aresztu ekstradycyjnego w Niemczech, z którego po kilku miesiącach go zwolniono, a Niemcy poinformowali polską prokuraturę, że ekstradycji nie będzie

 Powodem jest uraz psychiczny, którego miał doznać w areszcie w Polsce. Lekarz zwyrodnialca twierdzi, że gdyby znów trafił u nas za kratki, to mógłby popełnić samobójstwo

 Zobacz też:  Źródło:

For more infomation >> Sprowadzał chłopców z Polski do domu publicznego dla homoseksualistów. Niemcy nie chcą go wydać - Duration: 3:01.


richer Morin's channel - Duration: 0:38.

Hey this is richer morin from welcome to my channel this is a channel about

practicality experiential tecnhiques that helped thousands of people here in canada

with my mentor ive been mentored by him for the last 4 years i became really good at what

he does so if you wanna become a superhuman and really help yourself improve your life

improve who you are really fast thats the channel for you thank you for being here thank

you for watching this channel and subscribe

For more infomation >> richer Morin's channel - Duration: 0:38.


27 The Enemy of Our Souls - Duration: 9:48.

Hi. I'm Sarah Ashworth. I'm the author of the website,

Today, before I start, I want to share that I feel alive and

bright today. It's the first time in a few weeks, and I'm so grateful.

It comes from from my relationship with God, from talking with him and from

feeling the spirit. Over and over again, each time that I

connect with God, He tells me how much He loves me and that fills me up. It

fills me with brightness and expands my soul and helps me be bright and

alive in the world. I'm grateful for it. My thought today is almost

exactly the opposite, actually. It's about Satan or the enemy of God, the

adversary, the devil. I feel uncomfortable talking about him which

has been interesting to me. I think in my mind I have this voice that keeps

telling me that it's not socially acceptable to talk about him. So if

I do, and the more I talk about him, the more people will think I'm crazy.

Isn't that interesting? But I'm going to do it anyway and hopefully you

will not think I'm crazy. You know, as I've been

making this blog, and then through various other experiences, I have been

becoming more aware of the influence of Satan or the

adversary in my life, resisting me and making things difficult. So I've

been thinking about it and learning about it. I also read a book

called, Walking with God, I believe, by John Eldridge. He talks a lot about

what he calls spiritual warfare, meaning the war between us and Satan, or maybe

between God and Satan; That spiritual warfare that we go through

every day with Satan attacking us and pulling us away from God. I have

to tell you, I read his book and it was too much.

Whatever that voice is in my head that says, "This is crazy!" -- I felt a

lot of that. So I've been struggling with that and

rumbling with that ever since. Then this morning three thoughts

were in my mind and so I'm gonna share them with you as quick as

possible. The first is that there is a section of

scripture in the Book of Mormon that we tend to call the war scriptures. So in

the Book of Mormon, there's a book called Alma and in Alma there are twenty

chapters -- Alma 43 through Alma 63 -- that talk about wars between two groups

of people, the Nephites and Lamanites. There

aren't many, in fact I think there aren't any sermons or discourses in there. It's just

an account of the strategy and wars and the strategy that captain Moroni

uses to fight this war against the Lamanites and against the people who are

trying to overthrow the government of the Nephites.

As I read these scriptures... especially as I was growing up, people

said, "Why is this in here?" It was hard to get through that part as

I read through the Book of Mormon. But as I've grown older, no! Just in the last

year, I've grown to appreciate these scriptures. In my mind

they are an allegory or a metaphor for spiritual warfare.

They are a metaphor for the battle between us and and Satan. In my mind each of

the cities that captain Moroni is trying to capture or defend, I

like to read it as if they are people that we love, or even ourselves

that we are defending against Satan and all of the yuck that he sends our

way, trying to capture and take over our souls. So that's my first thought. It is

that in those chapters I have found much insight into the battle that I'm

fighting against the adversary. In the strategy of those chapters it's also

taught me a little bit about God's strategy. As the Spirit

has talked to me while I've read those, I feel like I've learned a lot. I'm

sure there's more to come. The next thing that I wanted to say is that I

have been struck -- I think it was just last week -- that a lot of the

conflicts that I feel with people, especially well probably everybody, but a

lot of the conflict I feel with the people in my

life, where in the past I've thought it's their personality

or they're grumpy or they don't like me or whatever, -- I have been

noticing this last week that I really think it's Satan getting in the way.

I think it's him just trying to derail the good that can come in that

relationship. It's so interesting because over and over I've seen it. For

example, there's one relationship in particular, -- it's

happened many times, but for one relationship in particular, at the

beginning of the relationship the spirit whispered that I

had much to give this person. Then, every time I interacted with that

person I ended up offended or reacting or something, because of

little nuances in tone and behavior that set me off. I decided the person

didn't like me and and it was a disaster. But I don't think that

was that person! I think that was Satan trying to get in the way of what

the spirit told me at the beginning, that there was much potential for good in

that relationship. I'm starting to notice this again and again in my

interactions with my husband. All the fights -- I think they are

Satan getting in the way every single time. The more I remember that -- I'm

just starting to experiment with this, but the more I remember that, the more I can

follow Christ. The more I can turn the other cheek. The more I can forgive. The

more I can remember that I love this person, well in the case of my husband

and maybe with everybody, I love them. They are a

child of God and we can get along and we have good things in our

interactions, good can come of them. The messy part, the messiness, is

really coming from the enemy of our souls. My third thought is

in this account, -- there's a book of scripture that we have

in my church called the Pearl of Great Price. In there there's an account of

Moses, like the prophet Moses from the Old Testament. It's an account where

Moses is talking to the Lord and the Lord shows him, I believe, all of creation

and talks to him. At the very beginning of that vision that Moses has

or that experience, the Lord talks to Moses

and then the Lord withdraws. Then Satan comes and tempts Moses. The

first thing that Satan says is, "Moses, son of man, worship me." This happens

three times, with Moses saying "get out of here!" each time. He's tempted but

he figures it out and tells Satan to get out of here. Then Satan tries

again. Excuse me. What I've wondered about for a long time is

when Satan says, "worship me," what does that look like? What does worship mean?

I've been wrestling with that... no, rumbling. Rumbling is the right word.

I've been rumbling with that for the last few years. Suddenly, just this week, on

Sunday, it struck me that worship can mean a few different things, but one of

the things it could mean is "belief." For example, I think that when I learn of God

and when I believe God's teachings, -- when I believe God's truth and when I believe

His words and His teachings -- that's a form of worship. That's a form

of yearning towards Him and coming towards Him and agreeing with the things

that He teaches. Agreeing with His perspective and His ideologies. I

think the same can be true of Satan. If Satan tells me lies and I believe

them or I agree with them, I'm internalizing them and I think that's a

form of worship. It's a form of choosing Satan and becoming like him. So

suddenly when I read that text in this context or with this idea, I saw that

Satan is saying, "Moses, son of man," -- he's challenging his identity, saying, "Look, you

are not a son of God. You are a son of man, You're nothing! You're not

like God. Worship me." I think that was an invitation, at least in part, for

Moses to believe Satan, to believe that he was not worth worlds. That he was not

of divine inheritance. That he was not who God said he was. To doubt what

God said. That is the way he can worship Satan. So again, that was

another way that I thought, "Oh my goodness! Every time I believe Satan's

lies, every time I buy into them, that's a form of worshiping him." Really, what

what my soul needs is to believe God, is to believe

what He says about me, which is that I'm amazing and glorious and divine and

He loves me. I long to believe that and yet somehow I get swayed

again and again by Satan's lies. And again and again I

repent and try to fill up my soul with God's truths. So my question for you

today is mostly just an invitation. Will you share in the comments, what is your

experience with Satan? What are your thoughts or ideas or opinions? How do

you feel even talking about it? Or listening to what I'm saying?

So that's an invitation. Please share in the comments or send me a message,

via email or there's a comments section on my website. I hope you're having a

good day. Keep shining!

For more infomation >> 27 The Enemy of Our Souls - Duration: 9:48.


Liverpool transfer news: Bayern Munich star Corentin Tolisso 'dreams' of Anfield move - Duration: 2:30.

 That's according to a source close to the midfielder, who's previously admitted his admiration for Anfield legend Steven Gerrard

 Liverpool are in the market for new recruits and have already got deals finalised for Naby Keita and Fabinho to join them next month

 The duo are set to form part of a new-look midfield on Merseyside next season, with Jurgen Klopp not afraid to change things up

 It seems another top talent would be keen on lining up alongside Keita and Fabinho, if an unnamed source is to be believed

 "Tolisso wants Premier League [move] and [his] dream [is] Liverpool," the source told Calcio Insider

 The revelation comes after Tolisso enjoyed a promising first season in Germany with Bayern

 Tolisso's form in the Bundesliga earned him a place in France's squad for this summer's World Cup

 It appears he could soon trade in life at the Allianz Arena for Anfield if he gets his way though

 And that would allow him to follow in the footsteps of Liverpool legend Gerrard, who he opened up about last year

 "For me, [the Bundesliga is] a very good championship," said Tolisso.  "But the best is the Premier League

There, there is more spectacle and competition. "I like the long game, the passes between two opponents, the passes behind the defence

It's beautiful stuff too I think. "I'm not going to say that because otherwise people will say: 'He compares [himself] to Gerrard', but I like the passes that Gerrard made

 "Steven Gerrard is someone who knew how to do everything. He could score, defend

You could see him everywhere."

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news: Bayern Munich star Corentin Tolisso 'dreams' of Anfield move - Duration: 2:30.


音樂圈打滾多年有話兒 卡式帶樂團:點解追糧仲好似自己唔啱 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 音樂圈打滾多年有話兒 卡式帶樂團:點解追糧仲好似自己唔啱 - Duration: 7:25.


双剑合璧出击!!反贪会之后,这次轮到警方出手对付纳吉了! - Duration: 19:29.

For more infomation >> 双剑合璧出击!!反贪会之后,这次轮到警方出手对付纳吉了! - Duration: 19:29.


✅ Wysportowana Paulina Holtz świętuje dzień jogi - Duration: 1:25.

7 Zobacz galerię MW Media Coraz popularniejsze w show-biznesie jest szukanie odskoczni od pracy w treningach sportowo-siłowych

Zobacz więcej Ewelina Lisowska między koncertami ćwiczy kick-boxing, a Joanna Przetakiewicz pręży ciało podczas fitnessu

Paulina Holtz trenuje jogę z gwiazdami Kilka gwiazd wytrwale wycisza się podczas jogi. Niedawno świętowany międzynarodowy dzień jogi skupił kilka z nich na warszawskim zgrupowaniu

Na wspólne wyginanie się na macie skusiły się Paulina Holtz, znana widzów przede wszystkim z serialu "Klan". Aktorka wraz z kilkoma innymi gwiazdami wtopiła się w tłum, by aktywnie spędzić dzień

Wraz z serialową Agnieszką Lubicz jogę potrenowały aktorka Małgorzata Pieczyńska oraz piosenkarka Natalia Przybysz. Zobaczcie, jak trenowały gwiazdy

Źródło: Sergiusz Królak Dziennikarz

For more infomation >> ✅ Wysportowana Paulina Holtz świętuje dzień jogi - Duration: 1:25.


《中國新說唱》吳亦凡唱主題曲兼做總顧問 玩trap玩出新《天地》 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 《中國新說唱》吳亦凡唱主題曲兼做總顧問 玩trap玩出新《天地》 - Duration: 2:52.


HHS releases new images of Tornillo detention facility for immigrant teens - Duration: 4:05.

 New images from U.S. Health and Human Services show the newly opened detention facilities for immigrant minors in Tornillo, Texas

 Thousands of protesters gathered outside the Tornillo site Sunday where teenage boys who illegally entered the U

S. without adults are being housed in tents tightly packed with rows of bunk beds

The protesters called on the Trump administration to stop separating children from their parents at the border

 The boys were being moved there to make room at shelters for a growing number of migrant children who were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy

 "We were told there were 98 kids in this tent city yesterday, we were told today there are 200 kids," said Democratic Congressman Beto O'Rourke, who organized the protest

  He added, "We've all got to own this, we cannot blame this on Trump, we cannot blame this on a political party -- this is America right now, and so America's gotta show up

" Newly released images show a detention center in Tornillo, Texas. Administration for Children and Families/U

S. Health and Human Services  The Department of Homeland Security numbers show that over a recent six-week period, almost 2,000 children were separated from nearly as many adults

 "I'm here because I grew up in a border town and now live in a border town, this just pulls at my heart strings," said Jaclyn Allotta, who brought her two children to the protest Sunday

"For me it's not a political issue, it's a mother issue, it's a neighbor issue, it's a what's right issue

"Inside the former Walmart holding 1,500 immigrant children in Texas Despite a number of requests, CBS News was not allowed inside the Tornillo facility Sunday

Officials said there are 200 kids inside now, but at capacity it could hold up to 4,000 children

 CBS News correspondent Mireya Villarreal contributed to this report.  Newly released images show a detention center in Tornillo, Texas

Administration for Children and Families/U.S. Health and Human Services

For more infomation >> HHS releases new images of Tornillo detention facility for immigrant teens - Duration: 4:05.


England vs Tunisia: Dele Alli discusses his lucky mascot… 11-year-old shinpads! - Duration: 1:57.

 Gareth Southgate's Three Lions kick off their World Cup campaign against Tunisia this evening

 And Tottenham ace Alli will be hoping his 'lucky' shinpads will work their magic for England in Russia – despite being 11 years old!WORLD CUP: FOLLOW ENGLAND vs TUNISIA LIVE! While talking to BBC pundit Gabby Logan, Alli revealed he's been wearing the same shinpads since he was 11

 Considering their age, Logan questioned whether Alli's secret weapon had a bit of a smell

GETTY "I don't know why but they don't smell that bad," Alli said. Alli admitted that he was forced to wear some different shinpads when he lost his prized ones but his performances in that time "weren't the best"

 "I lost them for like six months… I'm not going to say one of the happiest moments but it was a really good feeling when I found them again

 "I was over the moon when I found them again."  Alli will make his World Cup debut for England this evening when he starts against Tunisia

 Jordan Henderson gets the nod ahead of Alli's Tottenham team-mate Eric Dier while Raheem Sterling starts ahead of Manchester United star Marcus Rashford

 England XI: Pickford, Walker, Stones, Maguire, Lingard, Henderson, Trippier, Young, Alli, Sterling, Kane

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