Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2018

So after a long ass time, and a whole lot of requests, a video on Denzel Curry is finally

here, and today we're gonna be covering his fastest verses.

Real quick, I do wanna give a huge shoutout to the Denzel Curry subreddit, who helped

me find a large amount of the verses in this video.

As a way of thanking them, their community will be linked in the description.

So let's get right into this, this is CDTVProductions, you can join my Amino also linked below to

discuss hip hop with me and other music lovers like yourself, and let's look at the 10

Fastest Denzel Curry Verses.

12 - Narcotics (Verse 1) - 6.9 SPS

This is the one that surprised me the most, because when I first heard it I thought it

was an 8 SPS verse for sure.

I'm not sure what makes it slower than it sounds, but I've counted it repeatedly and

over 10 seconds this is the speed it hits.

Amazing verse though.

11 - Parents (Verse 1) - 7 SPS

A lot of Denzel's Nostalgic 64 project has a very gritty sound to it, and don't get

me wrong that sound is still present here especially with the story Denzel is telling,

but Denzel's lyrics sound kinda tongue in cheek and it adds a nice humorous layer to

the track which helps make it slightly less dark.

Not to mention, he's laying down some facts on this one.

10 - Dark Tournament (Verse 2) - 7 SPS

This track is still pretty damn nice, but you can tell Denzel has came a hell of a long

way since this released.

The fast rapping part is nice, but you can tell it's a little bit more shaky here than

it is nowadays.

There's still great wordplay on it though, and it apparently samples it's instrumental

from an Anime show theme.

I really don't like anime so I have no clue, but if you are a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, then

I'm sure this track will grab your interest.

9 - The Federation (Verse 2) - 7.1 SPS

I hadn't heard this song until I did research for this video, but I honestly think it contains

one of my favourite Denzel verses.

Every single flow he uses on this track is entertaining and all are somewhat rapid whilst

switching it really often.

I actually had to count like 5 different sections of this song because he keeps the pace up

on almost every section of it, it's just great.

It's cool to hear Denzel on such a laid back track as well, as most of his catalogue

is fairly dark in terms of tone.

8 - Lord Vader Kush II (Verse 1) - 7.1 SPS

And here we have the only track on this list from 32 Zel, a project which definitely showcases

Denzel taking on more of a trap influence.

I really love the sound on this project, and this song really encapsulates it's sound.

Spacy melodies, forceful drums and Denzel jumping all over it with his cadences, it's

a combo that I really do love.

Interestingly, I didn't think this track would be faster than songs like Envy Me or

Ultimate, which came from the same project, but by my measurements, this is the fastest

one from the EP.

7 - Flying Nimbus (Verse 3) - 7.2 SPS

The transition from the second verse, which is performed by Lofty305, into the third verse

which you just heard is so good on this track.

We shift gears insanely quickly from Lofty's confident mid tempo flow, to Denzel's rapid

and turbulent flow in the drop of a hat, and the way it shifts is so great.

He absolutely kills it here, and brings a hell of a lot of energy and excitement into

the song.

He does say the word *thot* (whisper) here though, so we might have to copystrike Denzel

for that one.

6 - Always With Me (Verse 2) - 7.2 SPS

Now as you can imagine, Ronny J's production is always a bit hit and miss for me, with

me being the old distortion hating Boi that I am, but when he doesn't use distorted

bass he can make some beats that I absolutely love.

And that is the case with this song.

If there's one thing I can say, it's that he programs his 808s like a master.

On top of this, Aaron Rose comes through with a really great verse on here, and you already

know Curry came through and slaughtered it.

Check this one out if you haven't heard it, it's worth it.

5 - Bloodshed (Verse 1) - 7.2 SPS

This is pretty much the song I can credit with getting me back into Denzel's music,

one day I just decided to listen to the 13 EP, absolutely loved it and then went through

every single other project Denzel has made.

And this song was at the very start of that EP.

It pulled me in right away, that dark, booming bass produced by Eric Dingus (which is a great

name) and Denzel's rapid fire rapping with his frenetic flow really got me intrigued

in what he was gonna do, and he didn't disappoint.

The whole 13 EP is pretty amazing from start to finish in my opinion, but Bloodshed remains

as my top track from the short project.

4 - Unmask (Verse 1) - 7.6 SPS

Here we have a great collab between Denzel Curry, Craig Xen and Ski Mask the Slump God,

who I have also done 2 Fastest verses videos on, and those will be linked in the description


I can definitely see why this one is faster than a lot of the other tracks on here.

On pretty much every bar, Denzel crams as many syllables in as he can, and it makes

sure his verse here always has this kinda velocity to it, it just keeps moving forward.

Everyone on here kills it, brings their own style to the song, and it makes for a brilliant


(Although I won't lie.

Craig Xen kinda terrified me the first time I heard this song.)

3 - Talk That Shit (Verse 1) - 7.7 SPS

Here we have what is probably the most trap flavoured track on the N64 album, with a brash

sound to the instrumental and Curry matches this with his lyrics and vocals.

Interestingly, the hook on this track is actually Denzel quoting and essentially sampling one

of his earlier songs titled Strictly For My Raiderz, which is a song I can recommend if

you haven't heard some of Denzel's really early material.

Lyrically this is a pretty interesting track too, with some of the earlier bars having

a somewhat spiritual vibe to them, and there's also a couple references to other rap songs

thrown in there too.

It's a nice track, and probably one of the hardest ones on N64.

2 - Drogas (Verse 1) - 7.8 SPS

I thought this one would've been number 1 for sure, but it did miss out on that spot

by a small margin.

But goddamn does he come right out with the pace at the very start of his verse.

It's seriously impressive.

This is also probably the most unique track that we have on this list, the beat has a

pretty strange sound to it, and Denzel's vocals are mixed pretty deep into the beat.

It creates a very cool sound.

I'm not gonna lie though, I laughed my ass off when Lofty305 was singing about pussy,

that part of the song was hilarious.

There's like 3 or 4 different rappers on this track that aren't Denzel as well, so

I'd recommend checking this out if you wanna be introduced to some artists you might not

have heard before.

1 - Gettin' Rich (Verse 2) - 8.1 SPS

Here we have yet another track that features both Denzel Curry and Mike Dece (pronounced

Mike Dee-Cee), and I think I've decided I love it whenever these guys collaborate.

The other collab they did was also on this list, that being our number 9 song The Federation,

and I loved that too.

Not to mention, they both were on the previous song Drogas as well.

I think it's just cool hearing Denzel over these more light hearted and airy beats.

He absolutely breezes through it with his flow, and raps fast enough to get him his

first verse that peaks at over 8 syllables per second.

And there you have it, Gettin Rich contains the fastest Denzel Curry verse that he has

laid down

so far.


For more infomation >> 10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.


I Speak to You ALL DAY LONG Learn to Recognize Me Beloved - Duration: 16:04.

I Speak to You ALL DAY LONG (Learn to Recognize Me, Beloved)

June 30, 2-18


You have broken through to me.

You ARE communicating with me all day long.

Please, give us the grace to hear and see what You are saying to us.


Well, the Lord approached me right away after prayer, and He said, "It's been a long time

since you've talked about dancing with Me, and some wonder if you still have that relationship

with Me.

Please tell them you do.

"Please tell them that I love to dance with them, sing over them and tenderly rest their

heads over My heart.

Nothing has changed in the way I have approached you, Clare, but you do not share that.

So, it would please Me very much if you would."


What can I say to that??

Oh, dear family, what a sweet gentlemen He is when He wants to dance with His Bride!

I always see myself in a formal gown, in the evening, on a ballroom floor.

There were people milling around tonight as we danced and it reminded me of a scene from

"The Princess Diaries".

If you've seen that movie.

Later, as the music changed to one of the garden songs with an playful tempo.

We were dancing in a spacious garden with islands of flowers all around us.

Jesus so gracefully took my hand and joyfully twirled me around and around to this joyful


And then He played several worship songs and I entered into worship, lifting my hands,

but ever so aware of His Majesty.

And how He comes to us so humbly, but is still the God of all Glory.

When He approaches me, I am smitten by His natural grace and stately demeanor!

And His penetrating eyes.

Yet He is so approachable, so kindly, so intensely taken by a single-minded gaze from His Bride.

I've always struggled with this concept.

One moment, He is my spouse and we are dancing.

And other moments, I am in the midst of those who are lifting hands and worshipping Him.

And then, there is the Presence of Father God.

And a song He that He frequently plays for me, called "Oh, Daddy God", a cover song

by Dominic Chin.

It is so moving!

And it puts me right into His presence in the Throne Room.

Oh, dear ones, don't be afraid to put your songs on shuffle and allow Holy Spirit to

lead you into deeper worship.

You will find a list of songs I use on our web site.

But if they aren't exactly to your taste, it's ok.

That should not be your prerequisite.

Anointing should be what you look for.

Something that touches your heart, even if it sounds like it's for 'old fogies'.

You need to find songs that glorify the Lord that you can sing along with.

I even have a notebook with all the song lyrics in plastic sleeves.

And I use it every time I come into worship, so I can follow along with the words.

Which, by the way, is a good way to develop your vocal cords if you're a singer.

Jesus continued, "What My Father and I enjoy to no end is your sincere worship and gratitude

when you sing from the heart, Clare.

I wish for you all to sing to Me from your hearts!

And this practice of letting Us pick the songs, and the order in which they are played, is

very fruitful.

I long to express My love for all of you in this way.

"I do want to say to every one of you: I am with you all the time.

I am communicating with you all the time.

I am NEVER distant.

This is a lie of the enemy to cause you to feel rejected, so you will look for comfort

from him.

Or things of the world, that do nothing to bring you closer to Me.

And eventually can cause you to turn you away from Me—as has happened in the letter Clare

will put up in another day or two, to help you understand the enemy's tactics.

"When I say 'closer to Me', I mean closer to being able to see and understand Me clearly.

Beloved ones, there is no way you can get 'closer to Me'.

I live in your hearts; we are already SO very close!

What is missing is your ability to hear and see Me.

This is a matter of stillness of heart and mind, and a matter of prayer and training

to perceive My voice from your own, the world's, and the enemy's."

Gosh, guys - we have SO MANY video messages about that!

If you check the playlist on Discernment.

He continued, "If you have given Me your life, repented of your sins, and sought Me

with all your heart—know that I am there.

If you have given Me your heart, I have taken up residence, even as it is written in Scripture:

"If you love me, keep my commands.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with

you forever—the Spirit of truth.

"The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.

But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Before long, the world will not see me anymore, BUT YOU WILL SEE ME.

Because I live, you also will live.

"On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in


Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.

The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I, TOO, WILL LOVE THEM AND SHOW MYSELF


John 14:15-21

He continued, "Because we are dwelling together, I hear every beat of your heart, every thought

from your mind, every painful loss, and every joyful moment.

Once more: I waste no time trying to get your attention and speak to you.

"Sometimes, it is an outward sign.

Others, it is an inner stirring and a desire that leads you.

"The problem comes when you doubt.

The devils are masters at manipulating Doubt in your minds.

After all, they've been at it for 6,000 years, beginning with Eve.

"Yes, that is good.

Get a picture of Eve.

She doubted My goodness and look where it led her and the rest of humanity?

And look at where her unbelief led Me?

To be crucified on the Cross.

"I dwell in the garden of your hearts, My People.

And if you doubt My word to you, how can you perceive that I am there?

Yet you blame Me and accuse Me of forsaking you!

Don't you see?

It is your unbelief that is blocking you from experiencing Me.

"What does Scripture say is the duty of a Christian?"

And that's in John 6:28.

Then they inquired, "What must we do to perform the works of God?"

Jesus replied, "The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent."

John 6:28-29

"And, My People, this is indeed work, very hard work.

Because the Accuser of the Brethren is hard at work with his devils, night and day, accusing

you to yourselves and accusing you to Me.

And accusing Me to you!

So that you believe the lie that I have rejected you, I am not with you.

"That's a lie!

"Is it not written: (and then He quoted from Revelation 12:7)

Then war broke out in heaven.

Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought


But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads

the whole world astray.

He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and

the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah.

For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night,

has been hurled down.

Revelation 12:7-10

Jesus continued, "Yes, My people, I wrote this for you, so you would know where accusations

come from.

Accusations always, 100% of the time, without any doubts whatsoever, come from Satan and

his demons.

"I never, never, never accuse you.


"I do, however, convict you—and you need to learn to discern the difference between

Accusation and Conviction.

I have spoken on this before, but it's always good to have a refresher.

Conviction happens IN THE HEART.

You feel something isn't quite right, you feel unsettled.

It's an uneasy feeling of compromise, like maybe... you've missed Me.

"Condemnation almost always happens in the head and it starts like this, 'You shouldn't

have done that.

You are bad.

You are stupid and foolish.

What were you thinking?

Now God is angry with you.

You blew it.

Now He won't hear your prayers.

He's rejected you.'

"Now, there is a reaction to those words that DOES happen inside of you, immediately.

So, you must catch it at the outset, because the enemy will try to duplicate that feeling

of conviction, when you are under conviction.

"But the major feeling is condemnation.

Feeling badly about yourself, feeling rejected by God, unable to pray, lack of faith that

you will be heard.

These are all signs of demonic twists to cause you to draw away from Me, to cause you to

give up on seeing or hearing Me, so you will hunger inside for any kind of relationship

to fill the empty place inside.

The place where all your unanswered questions and insecurities land.

"A soul can have an entire warehouse of doubts and questions—and I promise you,

Satan has an answer for every single one.

So, he leads you into the New Age, or Islam, or Eastern Religion, or Secular Humanism—which

has been used to indoctrinate children into error from a very early age.

And these children are now adults in influential positions.

"I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these thoughts DID NOT & NEVER

WILL come from Me.


If you have identified these feeling in yourself, they are from Satan, not Me.

"My reaction to you, doing something you shouldn't have done, is to come to you tenderly

and hold you.

Because I know how badly you feel for betraying My trust or failing in your efforts to please


And when you do embrace me, confession and conviction will come spilling out of your


I will forgive you, and you will finally have peace, along with the resolution not to make

that mistake again.

"Lessons are not easily learned, My precious ones.

Habit patterns tend to dominate your actions, and these habits must be retrained to correspond

with Godly behavior.

And this takes time.

"You are so hard on yourselves when you fail!

I am not that hard on you, because I know how weak you are.

"You can be made stronger by My Grace, but it requires you to NEVER criticize or judge

another soul.

The actions of a soul may be wrong, and it is permitted to disclose that.


In extreme necessity.

But as far as the person goes, never judge them.

You just don't know what kind of pressures they are under or what their thinking is.

I am the only One who knows those things.

"So, to review what I want you to retain, dear ones.

If you feel badly about yourself or that I will no longer hear your prayers, recognize:

this is from the enemy and renounce such lying thoughts.

"Then turn to Me with your whole heart and beg forgiveness.

Ask for the strength not to repeat this sin.

And if you are working with other souls, be sure to return them, and put them back on

the right path.

Otherwise, you will spread error and make the problem of self-condemnation much worse.

"Remember: I dearly love you, each and every one.

You can never be replaced in My heart by anyone else.

And I am always communicating with you.

"Please, learn to hear Me.

Pay attention to a 'heart' rock, lying in your path.

Pay attention to a balloon blowing right into you.

Pay attention to a scrap of paper from a candy bar saying, "Joy".

Pay attention to the song in the supermarket when you're shopping.

Pay attention to the songs I shuffle to speak to your heart.


Pay attention, My dearly Beloved one, and listen very carefully.

Then you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I am truly there with you in your heart, by your side, and forever holding you close to

My heart.

You can never be replaced.

You are one-of-a-kind…

"Oh, bless Me with your love!

The world is dark and cruel.

And I need your love, just as you need Mine."

For more infomation >> I Speak to You ALL DAY LONG Learn to Recognize Me Beloved - Duration: 16:04.


Why Don't Whales Deafen Themselves? - Duration: 3:50.

Whales and dolphins can make some impressively loud sounds.

For example, blue whales use calls almost 190 decibels in volume to communicate with

one another up to 800 kilometers away.

And the clicks sperm whales use to find and track their prey can be louder than 230 decibels.

But the human eardrum is said to rupture at 150 decibels, and anything above 85 can cause

hearing loss.

So how do whales, which have many of the same ear parts we do, constantly hear such loud

sounds and not go deaf?

Turns out there are a few reasons whales don't deafen themselves.

But the main one is that sound is just very different underwater.

What we call sounds are really pressure waves, and since water is a lot denser than air,

sound waves move through it differently.

So scientists actually use slightly different units when describing sound intensity in air

and in water.

Decibels aren't a simple unit of measurement like a centimeter — they're based on a

ratio that compares a sound pressure to a reference value.

So the number is meaningless unless you know that reference, Ted Cranford, a whale biologist

at San Diego State University, explained to SciShow.

When scientists say a blue whale's call is 188 decibels, they're using the in-water

reference pressure for the ratio: 1 micropascal.

But when they say a jet engine makes a painful, 150 decibel sound, they're using the air

reference pressure of 20 micropascals.

If you do the math, a 188 decibel sound in water works out to about 126 decibels in air.

This comparison isn't completely accurate because of other differences between water

and air, but it can partly explain why whales don't go completely deaf: their calls are

probably more like rock concerts than jet engines.

Except, of course, for the sperm whale.

A sperm whale's clicks are the loudest biologically generated sounds we know of, Cranford said.

They're so loud that they're just about the loudest sound possible in water, before

the pressure would be so high that the water would start to do some strange things like

heat up or even boil.

And how they make such loud noises without going deaf is not as well understood.

[Ode Pah-chee-nee] But there are a few possible explanations,

Aude Pacini, a marine mammalogist from the University of Hawaii, told SciShow.

For one thing, their clicks are directed forward in a very pointed manner, so the sound isn't

traveling towards their ears when it's loudest.

And their ear bones are disconnected from their skull, which means that any vibrating

that happens during sound production doesn't directly rattle their ears like it would for


But perhaps more importantly, like other toothed whales, sperm whales can probably tune out

loud sounds when they know they're coming.

That's something Pacini and her colleagues showed.

When given a warning sound that indicated a loud 170 decibel sound was following, four

different species were able to make some kind of adjustment so the sounds they heard were

13 to 17 decibels lower.

While sperm whales weren't one of the species tested, odds are they can do this, too.

They might also be able to handle such loud sounds because they hear things differently:

that is, they don't rely on their ear canals.

Sperm whales and large baleen whales like blue whales don't have open ear canals that

take in and focus sound—those are plugged with wax.

Instead, the waves first vibrate fatty tissues in their jaw.

Those vibrations are then propagated through a special structure called the acoustic funnel,

which relays the sound information to their ears.

And other bones and tissues may also conduct sound, so basically, they hear with their

entire head.

That, plus the whole being-in-water thing, means we can't apply the same kinds of damage

thresholds we use for our hearing to theirs.

But it's still important that scientists figure out which sounds are damaging and why,

because there's evidence that the noises we're creating underwater can be a problem,

even if they're not that loud.

And while the animals might be able to make extreme sounds without going deaf, they can

still be harmed or confused by the sounds we add to their environment through things

like sonar and boating.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, and special thanks to Ted Cranford and Aude

Pacini for their time and insights!

If you're interested in more weird questions with even weirder answers, just go to

and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Why Don't Whales Deafen Themselves? - Duration: 3:50.


Dallas Fuel | On the Watch | Ep.21 - Stage 4 Playoffs - Duration: 12:57.

Since we went 3-1 against Valiant to end it, we knew that playoffs were very

much within our reach. But now we relied on other people. We needed London

to take one map even just to draw with Philadelphia in order for us to have the

map differential to make playoffs. That day we had scrims scheduled for right

after the time when London-Philly were supposed to play so players were kind of

getting to the office in the middle of the match. And looking at the match score,

Philly 2-0 against London halftime. I was like no way they're actually gonna 4-0

them. During the London match I was so nervous, like actually I'm not really

nervous when I play but watching that match was so nervous for us because it

was like our chance to show everyone that we can be in stage playoffs. You don't

have the fate in your own hands right? They just put it in somebody else's and

hopefully they do it for you right it's a it's not a good feeling to have,

especially when you're a person like me who always expects the worst.

The last map starts and we're all like "oh no it's 3-0 Philly". Everybody's

like looking at the game like this is "they have to win this".

London is attacking they pretty much just have to cap it and they win.

That last fight was very much a flip flop because we got super

excited when boombox fell off the map with his trance on, and then a D.VA bomb

came and killed a couple people. And it was it was all over the place and was very

hectic. It was like a roller coaster you just like it looks like they're

doing it and then if it's like this fine they doing it and they throw it well

everyone's fully invested in it you know you hear people calling out like don't

soon I don'ts now call targets what are you doing

London is now best friends with Dallas fuel fans is Philadelphia fails to

somehow they clash it out they got the one map we want it and we got the

playoffs we will hold super happy super I don't

know like amazed we were going to play us

I'm so so exhausted from that game make

now it's such a good feeling how's that a good feeling because now we had one

more thing on to how this stage was for us he wasn't just us doing well now it

wasn't just us beating an undefeated team it wasn't us just you know having a

good stage we were now in stage playoffs you know we're one of the eight teams

that have made a stage playoffs now and I think that means the world to

everybody I mean I guess Amitabh early guys tell me that yes - I love you so

much 70 oh we definitely had to go into practice little late because you know we

had the chill we had the you know take a breath at going into practice we didn't

know if we'd be playing against gladiators against Tommy I guess in New

York so we went in with mostly working on just the basics we didn't want to go

too crazy into our stuff we had a couple tweaks like we didn't go too crazy on

practicing for one team individually and it went well everyone was super focused

and excited because it was our chance to stamp our name in the play

time ooh what's your educated guess who will the gladiators pick I think they're

gonna pick us they think we're the worst team so they're gonna pick us in the

players respect to play against gladiators because they are the first

see it well at first we actually thought that gladiators will pick us no it's not

valiant the team that given us the most adversity this stage was the LA valiant

so we want to choose them head-on I

wasn't shocked you know I thought gladiators would pick us because I'm

pretty sure they see us still as a weak as a weak team whatever it was you know

I was happy either way I wasn't actually that surprised I think even though they

said they wanted to have the valve la I think they were just scared

I think they taught that and I wouldn't figure it out we didn't have much time

to prep for New York we didn't play them at all on stage four and we anticipated

them making it to the finals so we had a little bit of prep already for him but

we then took it a little bit further going deep Brenda how everyone plays and

you know we definitely prepped very hard and you didn't have much time but we

were still confident going it just be a proud of everything that we've done this

stage yeah no matter what happens out there we rocked this stage today we're

gonna we're gonna give it our all we're gonna leave it all out on the stage all

right so we're gonna burn blue on three you ready boys one two three it's time

to meet your team please welcome to the stage the squad from Texas it's the fuel

we'll so that the restaurant money can it's a nice grass deliver a woeful AKM

another two pills mindful shortly after and that is just about the end of that

song here for New York and Alice will take second point without this trend

sentence as well but meanwhile all the kills continue to come through

Harry hookless four percent away from Valkyrie but he will sit with it and

spawn and the New York excelsior of old

kills himself three remain here for Dallas fuel and that's not gonna be for

long either time load Uncle Harry hooked and and that is gonna be it well that

belt could be up for the next push

nobody close enough Harry Hogge going for the mouth trying to fly his way back

into this fight but they will not make it in time it is gonna be two ticks and

a second map picked up for the New York XL taking the lead in this best of five

series I think we came in like into the match really stress winner vez so we

didn't really play the way we wanted to play and we did way too many mistakes

that castle is it the first two maps not calling the proper targets they

countered our strats we don't adapt again and we pretty much lost like

really bad the players got a little bit flustered because they we weren't

expecting New York to handle it that way no team has handled it that way but this

was another one of those moments where we stopped we chilled out and we talked

about it we had a bit of a cooling down session the backstage era had a good

speech and then we were like yeah we need to play more aggressive we're

playing so scared oh these maps the key is just being aggressive we're playing

like we're scared yeah yeah like playing so scared like so passive

pre-much so scary about like doing mistakes so I say I don't care I don't

care if we lose as long as we play aggressive focus on the lot to be focus

on being sad we're not gonna get anywhere

okay so put that shit behind you doesn't matter anymore we're just focused on

stomping their ass okay no the other four is the best team

in the league right now but we cannot give them too much respect we need to

play all styrene to play the way we always play the shot second just a

liberal alone the Tigers going back to Dallas was waiting around the corner

it'll be the next man in touch the point to get on that body may be there to


for a Dallas fuel to find the victory that's pretty much gonna snuff it here

for Dallas your bride oh gee the char is off the balcony all over the place for

New York this is the initial fight here from time of unrest will can't do it

he's gonna put this tanks come in as you

can see the bag yeah sure there you go do I need to heal my teammates know

everything else is dead I walk became crazy means else there'll be no

hesitation on his side all of the stuff from Seagal again with the stylish

self-destruct again with the massive famine even go baby touch he gets away

somebody who your Excel would agree to in the end advancing to the finals over

Dallas but what a dream it was what a ride that spot hex thank you very much

our boys in blue for that beautiful set of overwatch

they certainly burned bright today I feel like New York have way different

playstyle so we can learn how to play against them but it was too late dry so

we pushed New York who is considered the best team in all of overwatch we pushed

them to the final fight to less than 30 seconds left I went almost like a series

in a reverse sweep it was very close well some people were a little

frustrated I think everyone looked at it from a traumatic perspective on the

moment obviously we were super disappointed because we knew that if we

didn't really mess up our first two maps we had to be higher chance to win if we

don't play like that if we don't play that scare at the start of the game we

won that game so we we feel sad in a way because we know we could've won that

game for sure it was not a failure like it was still super happy but the match

was that close against the best team in the world and that we even managed to

get there so of course we were not disappointed we were pretty happy and

proud of ourselves and during the season expectations were

high for the team things happen and everything kind of went downhill for the

first few stages but coming into the last stage everyone really put their

heads down grinded it out and worked really hard on both themselves on the

team and they came out being one of the best teams in the league still you know

it's been an incredible ride for these guys and the season was over now and

they're able to reflect and ending the season on a high note means a lot to all

the players because when the seasons been like this you know been up and down

it's been a roller coaster you know we were at a point now where we're happy

with how this they did it it was by far our best stage and we're really hopeful

looking at season two and regardless of what happens you know this stage shows

that all of the players on the Dallas fuel are still world-class players

all fuel Envy fans thank you so much thank you so much for sticking with us

the season has been quite the roller coaster for you guys for us and it means

a lot that you know you still stuck around and cheered for us glad that all

of you that supported us even through the hard times hopefully you're enjoying

to get tens now and I hope you guys enjoy watching us even though we have a

tough time and we would try to be the base I don't know what's going to happen

in season two but Dallas field is gonna be stronger than ever you know we're

gonna come into season two with fire and we're ready to rock season two so I'm

thank you so much for sticking around and I can't wait to show you what we

have in store we won't make you guys disappoint it


For more infomation >> Dallas Fuel | On the Watch | Ep.21 - Stage 4 Playoffs - Duration: 12:57.


Kendall Jenner Super Expensive Secret Relationship | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:50.






























































For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner Super Expensive Secret Relationship | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:50.


Trump on Democrats calling to abolish ICE: "I love that issue" - Duration: 2:51.

Trump on Democrats calling to abolish ICE: "I love that issue".

President Trump said he hopes that Democrats who are calling to abolish U.S. Immigration

and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "keep thinking about it."

"Because they're going to get beaten so badly," he said.

Mr. Trump made the comments to Fox News' Maria Bartiromo in an interview that will air on

Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Features" with Maria Bartiromo at 10 a.m.

"You know ICE, these are the guys that go in and take MS-13, and they take them out,"

Mr. Trump said.

"Because they're much tougher than MS-13, like by a factor of 10.

And these are the ones – you get rid of ICE you're going to have a country that you're

going to be afraid to walk out of your house.

I love that issue if they're going to actually do that."

Mr. Trump also tweeted Saturday morning from New Jersey that the elimination of ICE will

"never happen."

Sens. Kristen Gillibrand of New York and Kamala Harris of California have suggested the agency

responsible for enforcing immigration laws be eliminated.

On CNN Thursday, Gillibrand said ICE has "become a deportation force" and said, "you should

get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works."

Harris said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday that the nation's immigration enforcement

should "start from scratch" by eliminating ICE.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender who suddenly rose to prominence

after defeating Rep. Joe Crowley in a New York Democratic congressional primary last

week, started the calls to abolish ICE.

Democrats who have suggested abolishing the agency have yet to propose what agency or

strategy might replace it.

The president's approach to immigration has come under renewed scrutiny since the revelation

that the administration's "zero-tolerance" policy involved the separation of families

at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mr. Trump signed an executive order to end those separations, but many children still

remain apart from their parents.

The Trump administration has asked a federal judge to allow the government to detain families

together for longer than the current 20-day legal limit.

A Republican push for a comprehensive immigration bill that would have, among other things,

addressed the family separation issue failed on Wednesday, with more than 100 Republicans

voting against the measure.

Mr. Trump has tweeted that Republicans are "wasting their time on immigration" and should

wait until after the midterm elections to find a legislative fix.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump on Democrats calling to abolish ICE: "I love that issue" - Duration: 2:51.


Strange Things About Bam Margera's Marriages - Duration: 4:00.

Though Jackass star Bam Margera is happily married to wife number two, Nicole Boyd, and

raising their son these days, his love life hasn't always been so blissful.

Way back before Margera officially tied the knot for the first time, with Missy Rothstein

in 2007, he was in a chaotic seven-year relationship with fiancée, Jenn Rivell.

Margera even ended up filing for a protection from abuse order against Rivell, claiming

that post-break up, she broke into his house, vandalized his belongings, and even physically

injured him on one occasion.

But at the time, Margera had already moved on to a relationship with his soon-to-be first

wife, Missy Rothstein.

Sound nuts already?

Here are some other strange things about Bam Margera's marriages.

Romance at the mall

In a January 2007 New York Times profile of Margera and Missy Rothstein, Margera relayed

his unconventional approach to romancing his then-fiancée, saying,

"If it's Valentine's Day, I don't want her to expect flowers from me just because that's

what you're supposed to do.

My Valentine's Day is May 5."

And speaking of romance, Margera proposed at the Cartier store at King of Prussia Mall

after finding a diamond sparkler that fit Rothstein perfectly.

Margera said of the moment,

"I was like, 'Now's the time.'

We just sat there and drank three bottles of Champagne.

Then we forgot to get gas on the way home, and we straight up ran out of gas on Route


Palyboy calling

On The Howard Stern Show in September 2007, the newlyweds revealed how private photos

of Rothstein were leaked on the internet.

Margera said that Palyboy approached him to do the shoot and he couldn't resist.

The spread was only supposed to feature the tame shots, but someone on set leaked some

photos of Rothstein posing fully nude, that had been taken for private use only.

Earlier that year in January, Margera and Rothstein visited The Howard Stern Show to

fling their bedroom door wide open.

"I figured out a way to hump in the car, as I'm driving and she's sitting on top of me

facing the road as well."

And along with humping in Margera's Hummer, Rothstein also confessed that she bought Margera

a "Real Doll" to spice things up.

"I have fantasies about having threesomes, but I don't wanna do that because I know that

it'll ruin everything [...] She totally got me a real doll it's on the way."

After all of that, a caller wanted to know if Rothstein was "turned off" by the brand

Margera famously got on his rear.

"There's a bunch of 'em.

I have a d--- farm on my a--."

Rothstein, of course, didn't mind.

Wedded blowout

Margera and Rothstein's unconventional 2007 nuptials were chronicled on the reality show

Bam's Unholy Union.

After Margera seemingly destroyed his wife's wedding dress with paintballs, the actual

wedding was exactly the kind of manic party you'd expect from any of the Jackass crew

- and even featured a performance by Iggy Pop.

Later, Margera revealed to longtime friend Kat Von D,

"I have $13,000 worth of damages I have to pay for [...] Everybody got so wasted, they

started breaking light fixtures and kicking in the bathroom doors."

But, really...did he expect anything less?

The look of love

Margera and Rothstein commemorated their union with - what else?

- mouth tattoos.

According to The New York Times, the couple did the deed at X-Treme Ink Tattoo Parlor

in their hometown of West Chester, Pennsylvania on the day they signed their marriage license.

Rothstein got the Detroit area code, 313 - the location where they purchased their wedding

bands, and Margera got a heart with the words "Missy Forever"...along with the name "Dr.

J." because, as Margera says of the basketball legend, "He's the man."

The couple split in 2012, but Bam's devotion to Julius Erving is clearly forever.

Take two

Eleven months after his divorce, Margera was walking down the aisle again, this time during

the Random Hero Festival in Reykjavik, Iceland, wearing a classy black hoodie and sunglasses.

Immediately after saying their vows, Margera jumped onstage with his band and played a

set complete with a mosh pit and crowd surfing.

Strange in literally any other circumstance?


Par for the course with Bam Margera?


Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Strange Things About Bam Margera's Marriages - Duration: 4:00.


Honeymoon House: Tour Drew Scott and Linda Phan's New Home - HGTV - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Honeymoon House: Tour Drew Scott and Linda Phan's New Home - HGTV - Duration: 4:11.


The best World Cup football trade so far! - Duration: 11:24.

so one of the more popular videos that I uploaded recently was too simple trades

that any Bettinger user could do and they showed a couple of things that you

could do when certain situations occurred within the market and a couple

of questions came up from that one was how can I find those opportunities and

the great thing is with Bettinger you can find them really quickly and easily

and the other one was how often do they occur so I thought it would be worth

doing a video to appraised what happened this week please like and comment on the

video below that will allow me to produce better quality videos and more

of them in the future if you're interested in learning to trade

successfully in sports then why not visit the BET angel' Academy where we

have more detailed videos so yeah the first question to answer is how often do

they occur and in fact they occur much more frequently than you expect in fact

I would say across the entire market unexpected things occur more frequently

than they really should and I may have covered this in a couple of videos

before but it's an area of the market that I lurk in repeatedly because the

fact is that when you look at the way that a lot of people do things they're

looking for a very simplistic process with a high strike rate and the fact is

that very often that is not the place that you will find the most amount of

value or the place where you'll find the best trades because everybody's doing

the same thing and it's sometimes you need to flip stuff on its head you need

to invert it and look elsewhere for opportunities so when when everybody is

doing one type of thing it generally pays to do the opposite the only time

that that wouldn't happen is if there's a fire and everybody's running away from

you probably don't want to run to so you know use your discretion however

what I'm telling you is in there near 20 years worth of experience I've got in

the market unusual things happen much more frequently than you would expect

yesterday we actually had a situation develop where there was a brace meeting

in Newcastle and the market was acting unusually now this is something that I

could quantify for you but I would be boring but it's very often what you tend

to find over a certain trading session is that you I do the first cycle for

example in racing and then I get a feel of how the market is behaving sometimes

you know you're not getting orders filled the markets are erratic and it

just feels horrible and other times the market sings to you you can hear some

sweet music emanating off of the market and other times you just pick up general

characteristics within the market so a new cast yesterday evening was a

yesterday evening camera room it could have been the afternoon anyhow at

Newcastle yesterday what we actually found was that the market was behaving

itself quite well there were some strong moves within the market and they were

generally readable but there was a couple of unusual things going on in one

particular race what actually happened was the price of a I remember what the

name of the runner is generally I don't know the price of a horse was going

along fairly normally on a slight drift and then suddenly a spiked out and then

came all the way back in now the reason for that spike it could have been

anything it was probably a bot some wave got something wrong somebody pressed the

wrong button and it just set in motion a series of events I did discuss this on

the other video and that basically sent the price flying out and then flying

back in again now the way that I spot those things because I'm answering two

questions here now is that I will run a piece of automation in the background

that just looks at the entire market and basically looks for and a change in

variation within the market so when it sees a sudden change in something it

just sends me an alert and then I can go and look and understand exactly what I'm

looking at so pretty simple to do if you want to get hold of a template for that

then just visit form and we've got it in the order

we'll talk about this in a second so yeah upon seeing that a Newcastle I was

thinking well that's odd because that sort of sums up Newcastle today some

really strong moves and there seems to be no basis for those moves there's

something unusual going on there and I actually traded Newcastle pretty well so

yeah that occurred in one race and what occurred in the next race exactly the

same it was you look at the two graphs I'll put one over here and one over here

and it's difficult to figure out that they were two separate races half an

hour apart two different runners but the only thing that was the same between

them was they were both the Newcastle so you know are the first one I probably

didn't do as good a job of that as perhaps I could have done because I was

trading something else however on the second I absolutely smashed it had a

good day and you'll be surprised how often this happens but the underlying

theme here is if you load all of your markets into potential Guardian that can

refresh the markets 50 times a second now that is much faster than you can

refresh the markets if you're looking at them manually so I stick a bit of

automation on there that basically scans the market and it sends me an alert you

can get a message or you can get a sound but basically it will send me an alert

when something unusual happens when there's a significant deviation from the

current price or the amount of money traded in the market or any number of

those things it just bang tells me that there's something going on and then I

can look at it you can even get better angel to switch to that market

automatically so very often I'll run more than one version of bet angel and

one of it will just be it's pure purpose will be either gathering data or

scanning the markets for something unusual and then it will switch to the

market as soon as something happens and then I can have a good knows of what's

going on you know it's it's a beautiful use of and that's one of the reasons

we've designed all these tools it's beautiful use of potential so yeah you

know these things occur with an amazing amount of regularity and we had to half

an hour apart at Newcastle yesterday but the best example of this is at the World

Cup because we had a really bizarre situation at the World Cup again it was

one of these unexplained unexpected didn't know it was going to happen it

just came straight out of the blue sort of things so and when Egypt were playing

in the latter stages torment you expect teams to put out

you know a full-strength team you're expecting everybody to be in the

starting lineup and of course for Egypt you know the star player is Moe's seller

so you know to have masala not in the scored would be something pretty amazing

now obviously he would didn't play in the first game or was on the bench

because of his injury and he probably hasn't been a hundred percent which is a

bit of a shame for the World Cup however you know it was likely that he was going

to play now there is a bit of a backstory to this because there was a

bit of controversy about him meeting I think it was the Chechen leader or

something and there was a bit of a backstory but it's not unusual to get

back stories at the World Cup because you know press companies will run

stories because it's a chance to get things for a very high visibility and

you know if you're journalists you want to get a big headline story so digging

up some dirt on somebody or making a meal out of something isn't unusual so

that was an unusual itself so I saw the story didn't really pay much attention

to it because you know there was bitty controls about whether Salah would

continue to play for Egypt but I felt that that was going to affect things

after the World Cup however you know we come round to the day of the match and

when the team sheet is announced on the Egyptian FA s official Twitter feed

they've got a lovely big graphic there with a manager looking totally perplexed

at the team selection and masala isn't on there you know what is going on so if

you look at what happens to the market boom the price went absolutely flying

out at that particular moment in time and you know it was a huge reaction to

the fact that Saleh wasn't in the team so betting I was in the garden at the

time unbelievably but I had a speaker pointing out the window and all of a

sudden the alert goes off and I'm thinking okay what's happening there run

back to my desk have a look and then the price on Egypt is rocketing out so I

immediately start scouting around try to identify what's happened and I find the

Egyptian FA Twitter feed and it has on there the team sheet and then underneath

it in Arabic or a load of people going where so like what's happened so and all

of this sort of stuff now thank goodness for technology because I don't I can't

read Arabic so I basically got it to translate it

for me and very quickly a follow-up email came from the Egyptian FA versus

saying a while actually he is playing we're really sorry that you know that

for the incorrect information and then of course what happens to the price then

the price came rocketing back down so I was on to it like flash having a good

look at what was happening within the market and you can see that upon

spotting the opportunity there obviously the the price flew out but then you

could see everybody basically figuring out actually he was playing and then the

price reverted back to where it was but the point for showing you and discussing

that with you is just to show you that opportunities come out of everywhere

there's no predefined situation that leads up to those opportunities it could

be anything that causes it but the fact is those opportunities do exist now the

fact is that the Egyptian price came in quite a bit from that point onwards so

if you looked at it from a statistical perspective and you plowed through data

mining and spreadsheets and all of those things you would never have seen it

because the starting price was here that was probably reasonably accurate but

from a trading perspective what we're interested in is not necessarily what

the price necessary should be we're interested in how volatile the market

and whether that presents opportunities and obviously on this particular

occasion they presented an absolutely first-class opportunity will it happen

again this world cup I don't know you can't predict those sort of things they

just come out of the blue but the thing that you can do is you can set up pet

angel to go through those markets monitor when the activity is unusual and

then to alert you and then as a trading you can make a decision at that point

about what you choose to do within that particular market now I have actually

blogged that a funny incident with the Egyptian team and if you want to

download a file that will allow you to look for a carbon copy of those types of

opportunities and nip into the forum I'll put the link in the comment section

below or in the description below I should say and you can go into their

download that put that in to bet angel and start messing around now I suggest

that you you fiddle and create what you want with the templates there for you to

design and and however you want to scan those

markets but the great thing about bet Angeles if you load all of those markets

they could be any market at all tennis football cricket racing whatever you

want into Guardian get it to scan through those markets it can spot those

opportunities for you and they it will alert you before you even know that

something unusual is going on so anyhow bit of a follow up to the previous video

but also to highlight you know what has been one of the best trading

opportunities of the World Cup so far


For more infomation >> The best World Cup football trade so far! - Duration: 11:24.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode June 30, 2018 - Duration: 27:25.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode June 30, 2018 - Duration: 27:25.


[Steven Universe] Pink + Blue Diamond fusion animation - Duration: 1:57.

My Diamond...

Where is Pink? So you did not find your Diamond yet?

Protect and serve her is your ONLY purpose on life, and you can't even do it right.

You're just a pearl between millions after all




Why, Blue?


...I only damaged her physical form...why she doesn't move...?

...Because she's dead, Pink




...I didn't wanna to ....

Shhh... is for the sake of our kingdom...

For more infomation >> [Steven Universe] Pink + Blue Diamond fusion animation - Duration: 1:57.


Disgusting Signs About Melania Just Went Up All Over America Today And Immediately Backfires - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Disgusting Signs About Melania Just Went Up All Over America Today And Immediately Backfires - Duration: 4:31.




Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on the hot seat.

He's allowed the Deep State to run wild and refused to prosecute the criminals scheming

against the President.

Now Sessions has launched an investigation into a Trump ally, crossing a line that Trump

and his supporters may never forgive.

The New York Times broke the story that the FBI and Department of Justice are investigating

Trump campaign vendor Cambridge Analytica for the alleged data breach during the 2016


Cambridge became the latest liberal boogeyman – even though they did the exact same thing

the Obama campaign was praised for in 2012 – and Sessions is allowing this investigation

to proceed because his chief concern appears to be placating the swamp and anti-Trump media.

The Times reports:

















Investigators are snooping around Cambridge despite giving a pass to the Obama campaign,

Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, James Comey, and other heroes of the left who committed

multiple crimes.

The Times also reports:













Trump supporters are beginning to question if Sessions is incompetent.

Sessions outrageously recused himself in the Russia investigation and has allowed Deputy

Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to thumb his nose at Congress and the Constitution by obstructing

document requests.

Sessions has compounded that error by permitting Trump's enemies to criminally leak and conspire

to destroy Donald Trump while allowing the full force of the federal government to be

turned on Trump allies like Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and now Cambridge Analytica.

Critics believe Attorney General Sessions sat back and allowed the Deep State to run

wild while ignoring clear crimes by the left because he is afraid of liberal media blowback.

This behavior is unacceptable.

Do you think Donald Trump should fire Jeff Sessions?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.

For more infomation >> TRUMP GOES ROGUE – DROPS BOMB ON JEFF SESSIONS - Duration: 11:43.


[ENG][PT-BR] All the Mamamoo gay moments I found - Part 2 - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> [ENG][PT-BR] All the Mamamoo gay moments I found - Part 2 - Duration: 5:37.


The FBI Colluded With This Deep State Operative On One Massive Cover Up - Duration: 13:48.

The FBI Colluded With This Deep State Operative On One Massive Cover Up

Anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok is at the heart of the Deep State conspiracy against

President Trump.

Strzok appeared before Congress behind closed doors to answer questions about his role in

both the Clinton and Russia investigations.

But when Strzok showed up for his interview, something awful happened.

Strzok's closed door interview with members of the House Judiciary Committee did not go


The disgraced FBI agent was not only accompanied by his personal attorney, but three FBI attorneys

as well.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte told Fox News that the FBI attorneys instructed

Strzok not to answer many of the questions Congress had for him.

Goodlatte stated, "Unfortunately the FBI counsel in the room has instructed Mr. Strzok

not to answer many, many questions, and that's going to be a serious problem moving forward."

"So we will be raising questions with the FBI and the Department of Justice about why

it is that their counsel is instructing Mr. Strzok not to answer questions."

Strzok also downplayed his anti-Trump text messages to his lover, FBI official Lisa Page,

where Strzok told her they would "stop" Trump.

Reportedly, Strzok told Congressional investigators that was merely an intimate chat.

The FBI attorneys ordering Strzok not to answer questions is only fueling suspicions of a

cover up.

Congress is already breathing down the Department of Justice's neck over their failure to

comply with document requests.

Some members of Congress are so fed up, they are insisting they will move ahead with impeachment

proceedings against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if the DOJ does not immediately

produce the documents Congress is requesting.

Now the FBI is piling on the cover up by enforcing a code of silence with the one agent who was

at the heart of the Trump-Russia investigations.

Strzok was the lead investigator on "Crossfire Hurricane" – the name given to the FBI's

investigation into Trump-Russia collusion.

This was the same investigation Strzok and Page referred to as "an insurance policy"

against Trump winning.

And the investigation Strzok was running was why he was able to promise Page he could stop


Strzok's claim that these messages were just intimate chatter defied belief.

Republicans had every right to be outraged that Strzok would try and peddle such nonsense.

Donald Trump ripped Strzok for his performance and once again blasted the Russia investigation

– which Strzok led – as a fraud, tweeting:

"Lover FBI Agent Peter Strzok was given poor marks on yesterday's closed door testimony

and, according to most reports, refused to answer many questions.

There was no Collusion and the Witch Hunt, headed by 13 Angry Democrats and others who

are totally conflicted, is Rigged!"

Strzok is sure to be called back to an open hearing where he will be forced to answer

questions in public.

Will FBI attorneys be hovering over his testimony demanding he engage in a cover up?

The American people are beginning to wonder what the FBI has to hide.

If the Russia investigation was run on the up-and-up, why all the delays in providing

documents to Congress, and why are FBI lawyers instructing Strzok not to answer questions?

We will keep you up to date on any new developments

in this story.

For more infomation >> The FBI Colluded With This Deep State Operative On One Massive Cover Up - Duration: 13:48.


Growing Lemon Trees From Seed - 12 Months Old Update - Duration: 5:05.

hey everyone its Rob the backyard gardenerr here and yeah I owe you an

apology I have not updated you on my lemon or my

orange trees growing from seed series in so long and I'll be very honest with you

I was postponing the lemon series because in the last video my large lemon

seedling almost died it lost most of its leaves if you remember it had that leaf

curl and it lost most of its leaves and took me months of letting the soil dry

out putting it in the direct sunlight in the backyard to even get it to start to

come back and then it's taken several more months for it to even look

presentable the good news is both that lemon trees survived, the large one looks

a lot better now than it did before and the small one after losing every leaf

every leaf has finally started to come back as well so it looks like we might

be through the worst of it they're practically at this point I

believe just over a year old now they're not gonna look that great because for a

year old they should be a lot bigger but I'll let you know I'm learning a lot as

I grow these and this is the first time I've grown citrus from seed so let me

flip the camera around show you the lemon trees that I've grown from seed

and talk to you about what I've learned alright guys so here are the two

lemon trees that I've grown from seed the surviving two you can see this guy

he had severe leaf curl last time he lost most of his leaves you'll see a lot

of bare spots where a lot of the Leafs fell off him and he literally was in a

state of comatose if you will for about three or four months not even moving

it wasn't until March April where he started to break buds again and put on

leaves and he's really doing well now and I'll tell you this is the key to

citrus that I've learned you need to make sure that their soil is almost

bone-dry and I mean like you need to let the soil dry out completely

between waterings then thoroughly flush the the soil out let it get

saturated and let it fully drain out and don't water it again until it's bone-dry

again also I didn't know this and I knew they liked full Sun but these guys these

all the citrus and I'll show you my orange series this weekend

they love the heat and they love the Sun just baking on them I mean it's crazy I've

put them in the shade and they do worse and when soon as I put them in the Sun

they do better so the learnings on the citrus is let the soil dry out

completely then give them a thorough watering make sure it drains completely

and let them be in the Sun you remember in my last video - with my oranges I had

buried some of the pots in the soil thinking that the pots would get too hot

and then it was a good thing to keep them with some shade it doesn't matter

guys they love the heat at least what I found

out this one has struggled as well he's in a smaller pot and maybe that's

because his pot gets hot but his leaves get a little bit weak so I'm thinking

about not keeping him exposed to direct sunlight

since the pot, I mean this pots already hot right now and what happens is he, his

leaves look good at night and then in the middle of the day they're a little bit

sad looking I know he loves the Sun though but I think the pots just getting

a little too hot for this guy either way you could see how much

foliage he has lost and he's just starting to come back

he was the weaker of the two you remember the last video I had the big

one and I had the second one he was the weaker of the two but he is coming back

pretty nicely anyway not that big of a plant for a year old as you can see not

that big of a plant but I'm pretty happy with the progress citrus is slow growing

anyway and I think from the first year having all kinds of leaf curl problems

nutrient problems over watering being indoors I think he finally is going to

take off and I think this next 12 months we should put on some really good size

on this lemon tree this one I don't know we'll keep working on them

so there you have it everyone that's my lemon trees grown from seed update just

over a year old about a year and a half a month few weeks past the year let me

know what you guys think are you growing citrus from seed as well are you

experiencing any difficulties is there any tips or tricks that you can

recommend to me or the viewers of the channel to help them get along with

their citrus I'd love to hear them below anyway everyone hope you enjoyed this

update sorry that it's been a long time if you did please give the video a

thumbs up and as always happy gardening and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Growing Lemon Trees From Seed - 12 Months Old Update - Duration: 5:05.


Daniel Seung Lee: The Photographer on LOGO30 | Logo - Duration: 3:00.

- Coming from a culture full of repression around identity

I think I've learned that I'm a lot more

tenacious and maybe a little more outspoken

than I originally once thought I was.

(uplifting music)

My name is Daniel Seung Lee and I'm a photographer

and I proudly shot this Logo30 Campaign.

I think it's really hard to discuss these things about

the struggles around race, identity, intersectionality,

shame, but I also think it's really important

that we do have these conversations.

Because I think it's really the only way

we'll grow and change as a community.

I think with the work that I'm doing right now,

I'm really proud to be making work

that actually matters

and is potentially able to make a change.

This wasn't always the case.

I've always been really afraid to talk about my struggles

with race, my identity, my intersectionality.

And so I've I think surprised myself

that I'm able to speak on these issues.

But all I knew I could do is speak from the heart

and speak my truth.

One of my favorite things about my job specifically

in shooting portraits as a photographer

is really just meeting people

and getting to talk to them about what they do,

what they're amazing at and getting insight on

where they come from.

And I feel like I'm in school everyday when I work.

And it's been such an amazing experience

meeting all of these other 29 amazing people,

I feel truly honored to be a part of this group.

So it's just been amazing to get

to meet all these amazing 29 activists

and talking to them about all the amazing work

that they've been doing.

I think with the pride celebrations

it is a form of protest in a way, right?

And I think being out there being your authentic self

is amazing, but at this point today,

unfortunately, we need to do a little more

with our current administration.

We do need to take action.

And I think that's the most important thing to do right now.

I think I would hope my legacy would be that,

I just want to help another queer Asian,

like myself, feel less alone.

Because I think the more we talk about this,

the more we can move on from the struggles

and the negative stigma that comes along with that.

And really focus on nurturing a culture of positivity.

For more infomation >> Daniel Seung Lee: The Photographer on LOGO30 | Logo - Duration: 3:00.


Overwatch - BEST New Hero? (Wrecking Ball Analysis/Review) - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> Overwatch - BEST New Hero? (Wrecking Ball Analysis/Review) - Duration: 10:43.


Nabil Fekir : Man Utd rival Liverpool by making offer for Lyon star ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:22.

LIVERPOOL target Nabil Fekir has sensationally received an offer from Manchester United.

The Red Devils appear to be providing direct completion to their arch rivals now for the

France playmaker.

Lyon and Liverpool had agreed a £53m deal prior to the World Cup.

But concerns over his medical and knee history saw the Reds pull out of a transfer as they

aimed to renegotiate terms.

Discussions between Lyon and Liverpool have been put on hold until at least after the

World Cup.

However, the French club's president Jean Michel Aulas did hint he had held discussions

with Jose Mourinho over Fekir.

And according to French outlet Le Progres, United are the latest club to make an offer

for Fekir.

There is little detail on the proposal from the Red Devils and whether an official bid

has been made to Lyon.

It seems, though, United are interested in hijacking Liverpool's move for the 24-year-old


Jurgen Klopp's side are keen to reopen talks with Lyon over the top target.

And the threat of United swooping will concern Liverpool ahead of the 2018/19 season.

Le Progres claims: "Liverpool decided to lower the price for Nabil by €5m, hiding

behind a cartilage problem of the player's knee, which was an old story and is not at

all preventing him from playing in the World Cup."

Fekir is currently away in Russia at the World Cup, having featured for France in the tournament.

He could play today when Didier Deschamps' team take on Argentina in the round of 16

(3pm UK time).

Once France's World Cup is over, though, Fekir is expected to return home to Lyon and sort

his future amid Liverpool and United's pursuits.

For more infomation >> Nabil Fekir : Man Utd rival Liverpool by making offer for Lyon star ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:22.


False starts and missed starts at the Olympics | Strangest Moments - Duration: 6:40.

For a sprinter, a good start can be the difference between

achieving everlasting glory and being forgotten forever.

It's no wonder, then, that so much of a sprinter's training

is geared towards getting out of the blocks

as quickly as possible.

In the 1988 Olympic Games,

the decathlon field was historically strong.

Defending champion Daley Thompson was back,

and a pair of young East Germans,

Christian Schenk and Torsten Voss,

were looking to make their mark on the grandest stage.

One man who was desperate

to make a big impression

was West Germany's Jurgen Hingsen.

He was the world record holder,

but had only managed silver in 1984.

He was 30 in 1988, in his prime,

and ready to claim the gold

that had slipped past him in Los Angeles.

The first event was the 100m,

not Hingsen's favourite discipline.

He would need an excellent start.

He was clearly keen.

It was Hingsen again.

Decathletes are allowed two false starts,

so he was still in contention.

As long as he didn't...


Despite protesting his innocence,

Hingsen's campaign was over before it had begun.

His Olympic career had ended with a whimper.

He would never return to the Games.

But Hingsen wasn't a full-time sprinter,

so his over-eager starting can be forgiven.

Specialist sprinters spend years perfecting their starts,

precisely to avoid situations like the one

Hingsen found himself in.

Linford Christie arrived in Atlanta

as defending champion of the 100m.

His gold medal in Barcelona

had come at the relatively old age of 32,

so, at 36, Atlanta was certain

to be his final Olympic Games.

Welcome to the opening ceremony of the Games...

Christie had defied his years to cruise to the final,

winning his second-round heat ahead of the world champion,

Canada's Donovan Bailey.

The line-up for the final was formidable.

Alongside Bailey, there was

world number one Frankie Fredericks,

who had finished behind Christie in 1992

to claim the silver,

the USA's Dennis Mitchell,

who earned bronze in the same race,

Ato Bolden, the superstar-in-waiting

who had become the youngest 100m medallist

in World Championship history the previous year...

..and Mike Marsh, who had won gold

in the 200 metres in Barcelona.

It was a high-calibre field.

There would be no room for mistakes.

Christie knew he'd need to run the perfect race

to retain his title.

A rare false start from Christie.

Famously an excellent starter,

he knew he'd have to be flawless today.

He'd pushed his luck.

One more of those

and his Olympic Games career would be over.


Another false start. This time, young Bolden was at fault.

Tension was building. Third time lucky?

Christie looked bemused,

but replays seemed to confirm that he was at fault.

His title defence was over, in heartbreaking circumstances.

Or was it?

Christie removed the second flag from his blocks.

He was refusing to accept the verdict.

It was remarkable behaviour

from the elder statesman of sprinting.

He was asked to leave the arena,

and after holding up the race for

nearly three minutes,

he reluctantly stepped away from the track.

He watched on helplessly

as he lost his crown to Donovan Bailey.

It was a bizarre end to the international career

of one of the greatest sprinters in history.

But at least Christie made it onto the track,

which is more than can be said for some.

Heading into the 1972 Olympic Games,

Rey Robinson and Eddie Hart

were two of the hottest prospects in sprinting.

They were joint world record holders.

Both were tipped to win medals in the 100m.

After qualifying easily from their first-round heats

in the morning,

the two young sprinters went back to the Olympic Village

to relax.

Their coach, Stan Wright,

was looking after their schedule.

He told them that their second-round heats

would not start until 6pm at the earliest.

At 4:15pm, Robinson and Hart met in the Athletes' Village

and turned the television on.

They saw a men's 100m race.

It was the second round.

The pictures were live.

Confusion set in. Then panic.

They hurried to the stadium. But it was too late.

Hart and Robinson missed their race and were disqualified.

Coach Stan Wright had been working

from the wrong schedule.

For both young sprinters,

their life's work had unravelled in front of them.

It was devastating.

To make matters worse, the gold was eventually won

by Valeriy Borzov of the USSR,

in a time of 10.14 seconds.

Robinson and Hart had both run 9.95 seconds

earlier that year.

Neither Robinson nor Hart would ever win an Olympic medal

in an individual event.

Their golden, once-in-a-lifetime chance

had been blown in gut-wrenching circumstances.

So, next time you sleep through your alarm clock,

and you get that sickening feeling

in the pit of your stomach, try to imagine

how Rey Robinson and Eddie Hart

felt when they turned on that television.

For more infomation >> False starts and missed starts at the Olympics | Strangest Moments - Duration: 6:40.



Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another great video

So what you guys doing?

we're having a great time with your family and friends and

anyone and I wish you a great week if you watching me from your xbox one or

Computer or mobile phone iPhone or Samsung or Android or any other phone or any device?

I wish you the best that wish you having a great time and

Enjoying your life for sure the first guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel

Join me in the Facebook group and Facebook page and follow me on Twitter and Instagram

Don't forget also to visit my website for more informations about kodi

If you missed any video

You will find it on my channel check the previous videos guys in the community section and videos section

So if you want more

informations about kodi go to my website

So guys today, we're gonna review an amazing kodi build from the singleton

entertainment kodi wizard

so to install the single tongue cody bill go right here to settings and then

Go to system settings

Check your atoms as you can see right here. If you allow the announced sources, press on it and then press yes and

then gas press back and

Here on file manager click on it

So we got profile directory and add source if your Cody is new you don't have anything install it here to your cody

If you use to install builds and stuff

You will get your list of sources right here. Double click on add source

press none and

Here you got to copy and paste the address right here to not miss anything

Press ok


Here you got

Singleton entertainment here. You can name it whatever you want

singleton or any

name you can put it right here, press ok, and

Here, press back and back one more time to the homepage. So

here dear friends scroll down to add-ons press on add-ons and

here press on this little box right here in the top and

Click on install from zip file. So here choose your file

So press spawn new wizard

Here we got plug-in program pro plugin program single tell single song entertainment wizard, press on it

As you can see the wizard is gonna be added and install it to your kodi crab town any version

17 if you got any version of Kodi crap town 17, you can get this great bill install it

So after installing the single town entertainment cody wizard

Go right here to it and press on it. So open it

Here we got builds. You got maintenance. You got save data you got contact you got settings press on builds

As you can see right here if you use

cody 18 on xbox you

Can get this great build right here get it for Cody 18

The one this one right here

Single tone Silvo as you can see right here

It works on Cody 18 if you're watching me and you have cody 18

Press on this one. If you're watching me and you have cody crap-ton


scroll down and press on single

single tone build right here

for Cody crap down and


It's just being updated

You can subscribe to singleton

Entertainment channel on YouTube doing a great job

one of the best

Developers and one of the best Cody builds if you have a previous build already install it to your kodi

You got a lot of problems. You got a lot of dmg files

You got a lot of issues with streaming with a lot of movies are not working. You gotta empty

links, so

press on fresh install to fix that and you will be it's gonna be

You will have to D new you will have everything you and your kodi

So here standard install if you don't have anything install it

Yet to your kodi. You just came across to my video and you're watching me

So press on standard install if your Kodi is new

So right here guys as you can see and then press on yes

So you you'll get the download process going so do not press on anything

Do not press on cancel

Or press on this empty space right here

If you do that, you have to restart the download from 0

So just be patient and hold on and wait until everything is done right without any

Problem and then you can run this great build and watch the World Cup watch movies watch TV show

What's anything you want and you got a Plex account for free?


I'm gonna back after the download process is done. Then we're gonna review together this great build

So here we got the download process done and now it's installing your files

So as I told you

Do not press right here in this empty space or press on Council if you do that

You have to restart everything from 0

To start the demo process from zero and then wait until it's installed in your files

then you can restart cody and

Use this great bill and watch movies and anything

So right here you got everything done right without any problem

Now first close Cody and restart it again. Enjoy this great bill working

Well without any problem if you have Amazon fire stick Nvidia shield Android box or any other box

Just force close and restart your Kodi to get this great bill

Working well without any problem

So after installing this great bill you got this amazing home page

So here we got the urban TV pro

As you can see right here. We got a lot of great urban TV shelves

So here we can pick any

urban TV show to watch it with your friends your family your

Girlfriend wife or anyone as you can see you got a lot of great TV shelves right here. We can check them and watch them

So here we got the Regal Cinemas

you got a lot great place right here to watch all

The greatest stuff available right now as you can see right here. We got Avengers

You got a lot of great movies

You can pick any movie as you can see click on it and you get a rhino's Kodi

add-on is

Extracting your links to watch this great

Movie in your Amazon fire stick or Nvidia shield or any other box?

So right here as you can see you get a lot of links

You can pick any link to watch this great movie in your device

For a better experience, I suggest you guys to get a VPN to not get banned or to not get a lot of

streaming problems

Sometimes the is plea ISP is blocking your IP from watching stuff on things for free

They want you to pay for that so

Using a VPN gonna make your life easy and safe

So right here, you got it working as you can see you can keep watching on it without any problem

So here it will get a lot of great

Movies you can watch any movie you want. It's a great library

great store

Working well without any problem


Here you got the tool the toddler child

You got some great


Corner right here. We can enjoy your family time with your kids for sure and watch this great section as you can see

Got you as a Disney Junior

You got a lot of great stuff


Here got kids. So in this kids section you get a lot of movies for kids

Got a tough dogs purpose. You got a lot of great stuff

You can enjoy any

movie right here for your kids and enjoy your family time right here as you can see you got a lot of

Great movies got a huge library for your kids

You can pick any one to them and enjoy your time or week or anything with your kids

Right here. We got Plex account as you can see in the Plex account. You got a lot of great stuff

We got movies. You got a great things

Here as you can see you got


Account for plex right here we can access to it

we can access to the first one or the second one as

You can see you got a plex server

It's a great from the developer many thanks to this great guy

giving you a lot of

Movies you can watch them right here. So

You can pick any one as you can see you can pick any movie right here to watch it as you can

See you can pick this one

the catcher was a spy and

You can watch it in your box as you can see right here

It works without any problem

You got also a lot of great movies right here 13 minutes

You got a lot of great stuff. You got me young lady

You got a lot of great things you can have or add subtitles

So this Plex account is really working well and safe without any problem. I

Think this is a great the only built that have a flex account working. Well without any problem, so

Right here

You got real tea bread as you can see you got a real lip read movies

You got a lot of great movies right here

You can serve all of them and watch any movie you want to with your friends or your family or?


Pick any movie right here and watch it with your teammates. It's really working well and great and safe

so right here we got movies as you can see you got all the greatest movies in the store and

All of these movies are working safe and well without any problem

Here, we got a lot of great movies. You got a huge library of movies

You can watch any movie you want. I got a lot of great movies

Monster Mash because so you got a lot of great things

So here guys you got American Dad get some animations you got a lot of great stuff right here

We can pick this

Section and find anything you want

You guys got retro TV. You got some classic movies and classic stuff right here

So if you love watching classic movies, you will get them right here

Here got the TV shelves and the TV show section. You got the great and amazing TV shows available right now

Again, a lot of huge stuff from Exodus so you can pick the 100

you got a lot of

seasons so you can pick

last season and

Here, we got a lot of great episodes. You can pick anyone to watch this great movie great TV show

And don't forget guys to subscribe to my channel and share the video with your friends family or anyone. I'm happy

To have you guys right here on my channel watching everything for for free without paying anything?

I'm here only to help you guys


Thanks for your support and you should support me and share my videos with your friends. I'll leave your comments and like

Thanks a lot for doing that great stuff, so

Here we got the links. You can pick any link towards this great TV show

with your friends family or any more

So as you can see right here it works it works well without any problem, I'm just

Gonna stop that to not get any copyright strike right here guys. You got Marvel IPTV and

This is really the great

surprise for this great build you get a Marvel IP TV account for free so

Thankful. Thanks to the great developer of this great build

So you guys got movies on demand as you can see right here. You got a lot of great you got pay-per-view

Replace you a lot of green stuff

So you guys get all?

As you can see you got a lot of great stuff. We got bright movie. We got Marvel

We got a great things. You can't find it by yourself right here and you can watch also

live TV on this Marvel


As you can see right here. We got a lot of great stuff. We got a lot of great movies

You can't pick any movie to watch it

So it's back and here we got live TV

As you can see in live TV, you got a lot of great things you get movies and pay-per-view channels

American oh

You got pay-per-view, even you got being sports you got local news. You got a lot of things

get some Canadian channels as

You can see right here. You can run any Canadian channel to watch it

with your friends family

You got a paid


Really great and thanks to the great

Developer of this great build as you can see right here

You got all the channels working well and safe without any problem. So you got some Arabic ones

As you can see right here

So if you are from Morocco

You live in the United States, Canada or whatever you are. You can watch this great amazing

Channels so you got a lot of great channels right here. It's really amazing job and

Love this great

Section of live TV here. We got as you can see you got

us channels

Got some HBO

So all of them are working well and safe without any problem

You can watch the IPTV right here on Marvel

IPTV you have a free account for free once you download this bill and you install it

We got a free account in this gray section

You guys got the live TV the free one so we can pick the other ones right here

Air-gap news as you can see you got a lot of news channels a lot of things

This is supercharged cody build

really great and safe

Here got crime. And here we have ladies night

You got the man cave as you can see got a lot of great things God be in sports

NBA a lot of things and here we got moto

you got the Formula One you get a lot of great things also and here we got great as

You can see right here. It's super

charger Cody build

Here we got the jukebox. We got up

sound music

You got some hip-hop right here

You got a great music gap YouTube also

So you got some car with karaoke chart stuff you got Beyonce yeah a lot of great things

Got comedy house you got or you?

Got a lot of great things. This is the only page that you need to install

I think it's really great and super charger

We got Fitness right here. If you workout your body, you can work out your body right here in straight section and

Here we got



You can see you got

educational things the commentaries and great things

So here

Can learn anything you want?

You guys got documentary as you can see

so this build is really


It's really great and amazing and working. Well without any problem

You can install this build in your Amazon fire stick Nvidia shield, Xbox one or any device and get this great


So we got as you can see you get the demo IPTV right here



IPTV if you're interested to it

Just contact this great

person on email to

get your subscription, but it works really great without any problem only demo if you get

The premium you're one you will enjoy it more

So this is the single tone entertainment Kodi build

Thanks for watching me

and don't forget to like the video share it with your friends and leave me your comment down in the comment sections and

See you tomorrow for another cody bill



Nata morta a Bologna: i genitori sporgono denuncia - Duration: 2:29.

 I genitori di una bimba nata morta domenica sera al Maggiore di Bologna hanno denunciato l'ospedale per accertare eventuali responsabilità o omissioni mediche e sanitarie

Lo riferisce il Resto de Carlino. Secondo i familiari della partoriente, una 35enne alla prima gravidanza, va chiarito perché alla donna non sia stato praticato il cesareo, nonostante la gravidanza a termine da 11 giorni

L'Ausl in una nota spiega che la madre era stata ricoverata in ostetricia per prodromi di travaglio la mattina di domenica con parametri vitali del feto e della donna regolari

 "Alle 19 circa fu accolta in sala travaglio, assistita dall'ostetrica che dalla lettura del tracciato cardiotocografico rilevava la necessità di un controllo ecografico dell'attività cardiaca fetale

Alle 19.30 l'ecografia evidenziava il mancato riscontro del battito cardiaco del feto

La 35enne – spiega l'Ausl – sarebbe stata immediatamente informata dal medico della sala travaglio e alle 23

30 ha partorito spontaneamente una neonata priva di vita".  "Come previsto dalle linee guida ministeriali e regionali, l'Azienda ha segnalato l'evento al Ministero della Salute e alla Regione Emilia-Romagna

L'Azienda è a piena disposizione dell'autorità giudiziaria rispetto agli accertamenti che la stessa vorrà disporre a seguito della denuncia della famiglia"

For more infomation >> Nata morta a Bologna: i genitori sporgono denuncia - Duration: 2:29.


杨幂的《扶摇》口碑和人气为什么比不过赵丽颖的《花千骨》楚乔传 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 杨幂的《扶摇》口碑和人气为什么比不过赵丽颖的《花千骨》楚乔传 - Duration: 1:01.


Distance except H Y P E mode is enabled for v1.0 and it is a meme on LSD and cocaine - Duration: 2:30.

Yes kids, don't try drugs. Although this stuff is alright.

Oh boy, that good shit is gonna kick in soon




O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo

AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-



oooooooooooo-Oſ -∩-∀-I-∀-∀-Ǝ∀∀∀∀ oooooooooo-O

oo-oo-oo-ooo-Oſ -∀-Ǝ-I-Ǝ-∀-Ǝ∀∀∀∀ ǝǝǝ-ǝǝ-ǝǝǝ-Ǝ -∀-∩-∩-∀-∀-O-Ǝ∀∀




wHeW, ThAt wUs SomE rIDE

Still tho, the next wave is gonna kick in





"aUtOmAtIc LOVER" (tf?)



*SoMe RAndoM LyrICs that im 2 lazy to type*

Ohh yeah, here comes the next W A V E


My bad, people

"OWO, a slice of salami?!"

jk pls kill me

E N T E R I N G H Y P E R S P A C E V 2

Honestly, this game's beautiful

Ain't no words needed to describe this


For more infomation >> Distance except H Y P E mode is enabled for v1.0 and it is a meme on LSD and cocaine - Duration: 2:30.


微博之夜众女星精心打扮,却被未出席的赵丽颖比下去 - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> 微博之夜众女星精心打扮,却被未出席的赵丽颖比下去 - Duration: 2:02.


胡歌曝期待生子 "胡太太"到底是谁! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> 胡歌曝期待生子 "胡太太"到底是谁! - Duration: 0:54.


Sorry To Bother You - "Mark It Down Now: No Other Movie In 2018 Will Come Close To This One" - /Film

For more infomation >> Sorry To Bother You - "Mark It Down Now: No Other Movie In 2018 Will Come Close To This One" - /Film


For more infomation >> Sorry To Bother You - "Mark It Down Now: No Other Movie In 2018 Will Come Close To This One" - /Film


「Kongo Watanabe」 | HOt NEWS 日本自動車販売ランキング 2017年11月 乗用車1位はトヨタ プリウス1万1,728台 軽自動車 N-BOXが1位 2万992台 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 「Kongo Watanabe」 | HOt NEWS 日本自動車販売ランキング 2017年11月 乗用車1位はトヨタ プリウス1万1,728台 軽自動車 N-BOXが1位 2万992台 - Duration: 2:49.


For more infomation >> 「Kongo Watanabe」 | HOt NEWS 日本自動車販売ランキング 2017年11月 乗用車1位はトヨタ プリウス1万1,728台 軽自動車 N-BOXが1位 2万992台 - Duration: 2:49.


Fortnite Meets Dances in Real Life - A Fortnite Cinematic - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Fortnite Meets Dances in Real Life - A Fortnite Cinematic - Duration: 3:53.


For more infomation >> Fortnite Meets Dances in Real Life - A Fortnite Cinematic - Duration: 3:53.


Wing Drumettes using the Vortex On The Weber Smokey Mountain - Duration: 7:56.


What's going on youtubers? This is the farm back with you today

I bet you don't know what this if you ever see one of these

It's a vortex

And I want to be cooking with it today. It's the latest rage out there

I've never used one before

But since I've converted my weber smokey mountain

Smoker into a weber kettle i'm going to go ahead and use it and i'm going to do

Some wing drumettes this evening and a couple of breasts for a little Brenda sue because she doesn't like the he doesn't like the wing

drum, it's




Just wanna make this is the first time I've ever lit one of these not sure how it's done

But I've got me a little lighter

Starter here and I made me like a little hole down in the middle

I'm gonna set it down here. And once I get it lit, I'm gonna take these charcoals and just set over the top

Oh, yeah, and this thing should light up pretty good

Right this thing gets pretty hot real quick that's all about up to

278 right now and you know, I just put the lid on it

So, uh, I believe we can go ahead and start putting this chicken on here

I've got me some some Applewood right here and I'm gonna just put it on there


All right, everyone about 40 minutes into the cook here know if you're looking pretty good then I'm gonna go ahead and turn these

Go ahead

So they'll get nice and put some barbecue sauce on them again on the other side

And we'll leave them in there for about another 40 minutes

So, uh

Never get done with that. We'll be back all

Right got them all turned over go ahead and put misma barbecue sauce on these things

Smoke kind of jumped me a little bit

All right, so we'll put them in there for another 40 minutes maybe 30 40 minutes and we'll be back I

bet the true miss when him took the drum it's off and

Man it. They really look good

so I'm gonna take test one of these and

I left the breasts on probably

for about another 15 minutes and then when they're done I'll

taste test one of those

Are you ready here goes?

Mmm-mmm-mmm back pretty good feller


with that rub on there the honey garlic rub and the

Mmm Stubbs barbecue sauce, very good. All right, Joe look at the breasts

It looks pretty good though, we're gonna take a little piece of that. Oh

Nice nice and tender get a small piece of that

All right, here it is oh


You know breast is usually dry

or drier than the other parts, but

Soaking it in that brine

Really makes a big difference. So y'all

This is great. I not I would strongly suggest

Soaking it in the brine

Alright folks. Well that brings another cooking session to cook to a close. I really appreciate you watching

I'm trying to do beer from kotaku brewing

It's called the hop Ness monster

Which is khattala brewing is a local brewery and it's one of my favorite beers what one of them that they have

So I'm going to be drinking that

And enjoying this these delicious wing drumettes with some mashed potatoes and firms on

squash I

Just want to tell you I'd really appreciate you tuning in and watching if you like my videos, please

Hit the thumbs up button and like and subscribe to my channel

Until next time I just want to say, please don't

Take this day for granted because when it's gone, it's gone

The bombs singing cheers Cheers y'all

Total Cook Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

For more infomation >> Wing Drumettes using the Vortex On The Weber Smokey Mountain - Duration: 7:56.


For more infomation >> Wing Drumettes using the Vortex On The Weber Smokey Mountain - Duration: 7:56.


Disney Comics That Will Ruin Your Childhood - Episode #1 - Duration: 4:10.

Disney Comics Series - Episode #1

For more infomation >> Disney Comics That Will Ruin Your Childhood - Episode #1 - Duration: 4:10.


For more infomation >> Disney Comics That Will Ruin Your Childhood - Episode #1 - Duration: 4:10.


✅ Deschamps, Giroud, Dembélé : Vis ma vie d'homonyme, c'est pas triste ! - Duration: 2:49.

 Avec une affiche telle que France-Argentine et la perspective de l'élimination directe d'une de ces deux grandes nations du football au bout de 90 (ou 120) minutes, il ne faisait aucun doute que les smartphones et les réseaux sociaux allaient chauffer, samedi 30 juin 2018

C'est sans doute encore plus vrai pour quelques citoyens français en particulier.    Dans son édition du jour, le journal Le Parisien a enquêté auprès de trois homonymes de Didier Deschamps, Olivier Giroud et Ousmane Dembélé

Lesquels ont témoigné des conséquences plus ou moins agréables suscitées par le fait de porter les mêmes noms et prénoms que les stars de la sélection nationale

   Pour Didier, qui "dirige un garage Renault dans le Nord" et a eu bien du mal à faire installer le câble chez lui - l'entreprise contactée ayant cru à un canular -, le pire est évité : "Moi, je suis un peu plus tranquille cette année car l'Italie n'est pas qualifiée pour la Coupe du monde

Vu que ma femme est de la famille de Gianluigi Buffon [emblématique gardien de la Squadra Azzurra, NDLR], on a droit à plein de comparaisons sur le sujet d'ordinaire", observe-t-il

Malgré un courrier à la Fédération Française de Football pour tenter d'organiser une rencontre avec le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France, il n'a pas (encore) eu cette opportunité de "le remercier pour les anecdotes vécues grâce à [leur] nom"

 "Gérant d'une entreprise d'ameublement dans le Rhône", un certain Olivier Giroud a pour sa part quelques mauvais souvenirs, en particulier durant la Coupe du monde 2014 : "Je recevais des appels téléphoniques en pleine nuit

Des gens me raccrochaient au nez ou se faisaient passer pour Didier Deschamps. Ça a duré dix jours, ça n'était pas très drôle, surtout pour ma famille

J'ai dû résilier ma ligne téléphonique", se remémore-t-il. En revanche, ses amis ne se privent pas de le taquiner en commentant les performances de son homonyme chez les Bleus

   Le Parisien a également mis la main sur un Ousmane Dembélé qui travaille dans le BTP en Haute-Saône et confie que les conversations téléphoniques peuvent se révéler plutôt amusantes : "Il y a des blancs en cours de conversation, on sent que la personne au bout du fil se demande : "Est-ce que c'est vraiment lui ?" !"  L'équipe de France s'étant qualifiée avec brio pour la suite de la compétition, les homonymes ne sont pas encore en vacances

For more infomation >> ✅ Deschamps, Giroud, Dembélé : Vis ma vie d'homonyme, c'est pas triste ! - Duration: 2:49.


For more infomation >> ✅ Deschamps, Giroud, Dembélé : Vis ma vie d'homonyme, c'est pas triste ! - Duration: 2:49.


✅ PHOTO – Karine Ferri bientôt maman, l'animatrice prend la pose à quelques jours de la naissance de - Duration: 2:07.

 Bébé numéro 2 arrive. Enceinte, Karine Ferri profite actuellement de sa grossesse sous le soleil. Comme en témoignent les différents clichés postés sur les réseaux sociaux, l'animatrice de The Voice se détend à la plage

Le 16 juin dernier, la future maman de 36 ans a partagé un cliché d'elle, allongée sur une chaise de jardin, vêtue d'une tunique blanche et cachée derrière des lunettes de soleil

Une photo où la collègue de Nikos Aliagas apparaît très souriante, visiblement comblée de bonheur : « Moment détente, moment bonheur », a-t-elle simplement écrit

 Très vite, les internautes n'ont pas tardé à commenter cette dernière publication, ravis de constater le bonheur de Karine Ferri : « Superbe photo pour une superbe dame », peut-on lire

« Un vrai rayon de soleil », a ajouté une autre abonnée.  En couple depuis 2011 avec le footballeur Yoann Gourcuff, Karine Ferri donnera naissance très bientôt à son deuxième enfant, après l'arrivée de Maël, aujourd'hui âgé de deux ans

Le quotidien de l'animatrice sera donc particulièrement chargé ces prochains mois. D'autant que Karine Ferri ne souhaite pas mettre sa carrière entre parenthèses

Sa vie est désormais partagée entre Paris et Rennes où vit sa tribu : « Cet équilibre me permet de ne pas ressentir la tension qu'il peut y avoir dans le milieu de la télé avec cette course contre la montre permanente, a-t-elle confié dans les colonnes de Télé 7 Jours

Quand je termine mes émissions, je retrouve mes deux hommes et je mène une vie normale. J'accompagne mon fils Maël à la crèche, je fais les courses

 » Une véritable maman poule.  Crédits photos : BestImage

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO – Karine Ferri bientôt maman, l'animatrice prend la pose à quelques jours de la naissance de - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO – Karine Ferri bientôt maman, l'animatrice prend la pose à quelques jours de la naissance de - Duration: 2:07.


Rambaa Somdet "M-16" - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Rambaa Somdet "M-16" - Duration: 6:26.


強欲ハムスター!全部食べるためにとった行動とは?おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスター What kind of behavior did greed Funny hamsters do? - Duration: 4:14.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> 強欲ハムスター!全部食べるためにとった行動とは?おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスター What kind of behavior did greed Funny hamsters do? - Duration: 4:14.


anything you want, you got it | why secretary kim - Duration: 1:15.

Secretary Kim has already been hit by...

Secretary Kim!

From now on, I'm going to be madly in love with you.

Whatever you do, Secretary Kim,

I am confident I can bear it.

Your secretary is here.

Your necktie...

I will refuse.

I like you, Vice President.

For more infomation >> anything you want, you got it | why secretary kim - Duration: 1:15.


Jupiter MAP - Duration: 2:27.

Great planets are spinning

They are far apart in space

To get more light

Planets spin like in a dance

They only see each other from a far

And they blink, giving sings

Night alone is their faithful friend

Day is their master alone in the darkness

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Look, see

Fleeing the Milky Way

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

Wait, don't go away

Fly, love

And me - somehow

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

Wait, don't go away

Fly, love

And me- somehow

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Look, see

For more infomation >> Jupiter MAP - Duration: 2:27.


Ashwagandha Story - Duration: 1:02.

Once I was at the farmer's market and a woman came up and she said "I have to

tell you about what happened with the Ashwagandha" and I said, "Please, tell me

what happened." She says to me, "I had a crazy week I almost got hit by a car

twice and some other crazy stuff happened" and I said, "Oh no! Do you think

the Ashwaganda jinxed you?". And she said "Oh no listen...", she says to me, "Usually

when stuff like that happens I have to go away and breathe and recover and deal

with the big freak out..." but she said "since I started taking the Ashwagandha

both of those times I got hit by a car almost twice, it just rolled off my back

like water". And then I got the goose bumps. And that's why I'm in this

business. I'm in this business for the goose bumps, so please tell us your

stories. Because that's how you can pay me as the farmer by giving me goose


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