Mukesh Ambani Luxurious Lifestyle
ALEX & VLADI ft. MARIA - ЗА МАМА [Official HD Video] - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
クリスマスは猫達に被り物をプレゼント - Duration: 10:11.-------------------------------------------
Huawei Mate 20 Pro REVERSE WIRELESS CHARGING Test with Note 9 | Zeibiz - Duration: 3:01.To activate this feature, go to Settings-Battery then turn on Reverse Wireless Charging.
Reverse Wireless Charging is ON!
Let's see how fast the charging is...
Note 9 gains 1% after 4 minutes.
Gains another 1% after 8 minutes.
Gains additional 1% after 8 minutes.
Mate 20 Pro loses 8% of battery life while Note 9 gains 3% percent of battery life.
Huawei Mate 20 Pro can charge any QI enabled devices.
The charging time is very slow but can be very useful in an emergency situation.
WestJet Christmas Miracle: Uniting Through Traditions - Iceland | Day 24 - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
La minute permaculture #13 : Gérer le vent en permaculture - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Military Homecoming Surprise - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
How To Look Confident In Job Interviews - Interview Body Language Tips - Duration: 7:50.Body language in a job interview means everything.
Most hiring managers generally decide after only 1 minute if they want to hire someone
or not.
You can have the best CV and an impressive experience perfectly fitting into the role.
But it's your body language which is calling the shots.
And your confidence is what will secure the job position you are interviewing for.
I am Marat from EMMOTION -, Human Resources and Recruitment Agency, look
us up on LinkedIn.
I Managed Recruitment in well known companies, before setting up my own business.
And I can guarantee that the expression "it's not what you say, it's how you say it"
means so much more during the job interviews than anywhere else.
The communication research and study done in 1971 had first shown something before unimaginable:
55% of our communication comes from our body language, 38% from our voice tone and only
7% comes from the actual spoken words.
Before I proceed further I would like to remind you to subscribe to my channel below, and
hitting the little bell, so you won't miss out on any content, to continue your professional
and personal growth.
So we've already established that the interviewer is paying more attention to what you do and
how you are saying it, rather than what you actually say.
You are being evaluated from the moment you step through the door, even before you start
So which are the best ways to show confidence with your body language, to ace your interview
and get hired faster?
Tip number one: Smile and try to enjoy the process
Confident people smile, nervous people wrinkle their face looking serious or distracted.
Smiling expresses many positive emotions and character traits at the same time.
These include confidence, gratitude for the opportunity, friendliness and charisma.
And believe it or not, smiling will also help you to relax and calm your nerves.
And it doesn't mean a constant stiff and creepy smile.
Keep a relaxed face and smile in a natural way.
Especially when you first meet, when you talk about something that is highly interesting
to you and when you are saying goodbye.
Tip number 2, maintain good eye contact.
The worst thing you can you in terms of body language during an interview is not establishing
an eye contact with your interviewer.
There's nothing more important than the eye contact when it comes to showing confidence.
And it's extremely noticeable if you are staring down or to the side when you talk.
A tip to remind yourself to make regular eye contact is to focus on a spot between the
interviewer's eyes.
It's a way to show that you're actively listening, that you are engaged and confident.
Remember to take natural breaks, like looking down at your resume every once in a while.
It's a balancing act, so just keep practicing until it feels comfortable.
Avoiding an eye contact will give an impression of you being dishonest.
Tip number 3, A proper handshake.
The key to a proper handshake is to match your interviewers grip.
A firm, but not overly firm handshake is quite important when it comes to a positive first
While shaking hands, look your interviewer in the eye and let the handshake feel natural,
not too long and not too short.
Everyone always talks about an importance of a "firm handshake" but that doesn't
mean "not stopping until you hear bones crack".
Keep it comfortable and professional.
Tip number 4, Body positioning
A good posture during an interview is essential, it has to be long and tall.
Sit up straight.
It may seem obvious, but if your seat has side rails you can be tempted to lean to the
Sitting up straight during the interview signals to the employer that you are confident and
This open posture will also make the conversation flow more natural.
Tip number 5, don't fidget during your interviews.
What does this mean?
It means sitting still and making controlled and calculated movements.
Insteading of nervously moving your hands and feet.
Holding and moving a pen or paper, tapping with your hands or any other objects.
It is fine to be engaged and talk with your hands, it shows your enthusiasm.
But don't move your hands around when you should be listening!
Don't touch your face, don't move around a lot in your seat, don't tap and don't pull
out your clothing.
This will give the impression that you are unreliable and uncertain.
Sometimes we don't even know we have such habits.
It's a good idea to practice your interview with someone, who could give you an honest
feedback on how confident you come across and what you should avoid.
Preparing questions for the interviewer will make you feel more comfortable and confident.
Check out the video I made with some of the most important questions for hiring managers
and recruiters.
Tip number 6: Your voice tone
Don't try to appear overly confident by screaming.
To convey confidence, always speak in a clear and controlled voice.
Vary your tone and pitch, without coming across as too excited or emotional.
Remember to breathe before answering a question.
If you rush out an answer in your interview, you can't take it back.
So never be afraid to pause.
This gives you time to react and formulate an answer that you will deliver in a confident
Also don't worry about asking them to clarify the question, if you are unsure what is being
And a bonus tip, think positive and keep a positive focus
It's really important to remind yourself that you would not have been invited to the
interview if you weren't considered a potential candidate for the role!
Keeping this in mind is big advantage to mentally cheer yourself up before the interview, and
make things flow in a natural and positive way.
Job interview is not a life-or-death situation, things can never be perfect.
Hiring managers are humans too.
They will understand your nervousness and any minor mistakes you might make.
But these tips will definitely improve your interviewing skills and boost your confidence
during job interviews.
Thanks for watching.
If you know someone that might be interested in this video, feel free to share it with
And please subscribe below for more career and personal growth tips.
Baby Butt Scoot Boogie - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:29.Thank you for watching, remember to subscribe to the channel
祸起技改换板?告别"散养"的刘诗雯,拿什么拯救你?- 互动热点 - Duration: 4:29.东京奥运会周期
27岁的刘诗雯被公认为国乒 女队绝对主力。
四夺世界杯和年度总决赛单打 冠军的她
两次与奥运会单打名额擦肩而 过。
天性好强的小枣不顾长年征战 落下的满身伤病
因此深得广大"枣蜜"的疼爱 。
刘国梁当选出任中国乒协主席 的那一天
小枣当时在微博中送出的祝福 是
我相信以后在刘主席的带领下 中国乒乓球的发展会越来越 好
我也会全力以赴贡献自己的一 份力量!加油!"而刘国梁 则是暖心鼓励
加油"! 你是暖阳
在我心上! 然而
在刚刚结束的仁川国际乒联总 决赛
刘诗雯惨遭朱雨玲4-0零封 出局
刘诗雯2-3不敌18岁的小 魔王孙颖莎
导致自己挂帅的鸿安京阳0- 3惨负陈梦领衔的深圳大学 。
而在22日结束的第十轮的女 团争夺中
鸿安京阳队对阵拥有2位小魔 王王曼昱与陈幸同的山东鲁 能
居然在第五盘不敌对方国乒边 缘小将刘高阳
如果算上乒超第 八轮惜败八一南昌队的木子 那一场
小枣在这不到一个月的时间内 已经是迎来了乒超的三连败 !那个曾经领衔安心百分百 俱乐部两次登顶的"乒超女 王"去哪儿了?如果连败的 势头再不止跌
东京奥运会单打名额恐怕与她 失之交臂。
刘诗雯曾在刘国梁王者归来之 前抱怨自己遭到"散养"。
上面的几场败仗全部是在自己 的恩师马琳回归指导以后取 得的。
永不言败! 值得注 意的是
刘诗雯就曾被传出过因为"换 板技改"而陷入低潮。
然而紧接着她就在2018年 初
她又在被誉为地狱级的白金赛 事卡塔尔公开赛上勇夺女单 冠军
当时被马琳称赞为"宇宙公主 "。
她再次在白金赛事澳大利亚公 开赛上夺得冠军。
小枣还以11胜2负排名乒超 个人胜率第二。
小枣加油!2019一 起走! 可是临近年关
由于尚未得到她本人和教练的 盖章
刘诗雯目前最大的瓶颈应该是 心理层面。
或许才是她最急于解决的问题 。
Đấu giao hữu Việt Nam, HLV Triều Tiên quyết thắng vì lý do rất đặc biệt buộc báo Hàn lên tiếng ngay! - Duration: 21:12.-------------------------------------------
Eastport Plaza locked down Sunday night while police respond to suicidal armed man - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
印度人逃難,整廢數個國家;中國人大逃難,卻建了一個偉大的國家! - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Jingle Bells | Schoolies Cartoons | Christmas Carols & Xmas Music - Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:11.Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Hey..Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go, Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight!
Oh Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Hey..Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride
And soon, Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side,
The horse was lean and lank misfortune seemed his lot
We got into a drifted bank and then we got upsot.
Oh Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Hey.. Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
See you on the other side - Duration: 0:52.I gave her everything she took
beautiful tonight
Stars on the roof, they matching with the jewelry
Damn, my AP goin'
Who am I?
Someone that´s afraid to let go, uh
You decide, if you´re ever gonna let me know, yeah
Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh
I'm sad and low, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah
希盟止步丹州的两大主要原因曝光了! - Duration: 11:12.希盟在第14 届大选中大 获全胜, 一 举夺下中央 政权, 而马 来西亚也迎 来了60年 来首次的政 权轮替。 尽 管希盟在许 多州属都取 得空前的胜 利, 但是在 一些地区, 希盟始终无 法攻下, 其 中包括东海 岸的吉兰丹 与登嘉楼。
吉兰丹选民指 出, 只要马 哈迪与行动 党继续留在 希望联盟, 该联盟都不 可能成功进 入吉兰丹, 获得当地居 民的支持。
丹州选民告诉 《透视大马 》, 他们不 接受希盟的 另一个理由 是因为他们 不重视伊斯 兰教。
马哈迪首次担 任首相时, 孤立了吉兰 丹及剥夺该 州发展, 而 马哈迪因素 是丹州人民 所不喜欢的 。
受访的丹州选 民说, 行动 党被视为反 伊斯兰政党, 因此, 丹 州选民基于 诚信党与行 动党的关系 而拒绝他们 。
马末阿里指出, 尽管马哈 迪现在是希 盟的一份子, 但他所推 展的是国家 议程, 而不 是丹州人民 要的伊斯兰 议程。
"我们反对马 哈迪在吉兰 丹。 事实上, 我们讨厌 他。 我们的 先知不接受 将我们卖掉 的人。 "
"当他在巫统, 他不让钱 进入吉兰丹, 甚至停止 我们的石油 税。 现在他 在希盟, 他 还是没改变, 或因他拒 绝伊斯兰教 而变得更糟。 "
这名来自彭加 兰芝柏的7 7岁长者说, "他们组 成政府后批 准啤酒节, 作为穆斯林 的我们如何 接受?为什 么我们要支 持这些人? "
伊斯兰党于1 990年执 政吉兰丹时, 马哈迪停 止支付石油 税予新政府, 接下来几 年, 中央政 府资助的发 展计划也停 止, 导致吉 兰丹成为全 国最贫困州 属。
吉兰丹选民在 第14届全 国大选也以 行动拒绝希 盟候选人, 致使59位 国州议员候 选人中高达 47人失去 按柜金, 包 括以诚信党 旗帜上阵, 已故伊斯兰 党精神领袖 聂阿兹的儿 子聂奥马。
末巴卡(69 岁)指出, 选民是因为 聂奥马的伊 斯兰斗争与 其父亲不一 样而拒绝他 。
他补充, 聂阿 兹可与马哈 迪匹敌, 他 一直认为首 相的才智没 用运用在发 展及推广伊 斯兰。
他说, 尽管聂 奥马受到母 亲端莎巴黎 雅的反对, 但他仍然坚 持在希盟旗 帜下竞选, 促使他经历 了尴尬的败 选。
以诚信党旗帜 上阵, 已故 伊斯兰党精 神领袖聂阿 兹的儿子聂 奥马也在第 14届大选 中, 败北而 归。
末巴卡说, 结 果是所有利 用聂奥马作 为希盟政治 筹码的候选 人都败选。
"聂奥马说希 盟可以赢得 吉兰丹, 不 过这里的人 不喜欢他, 就连他母亲 也反对他的 决定。 "
来自聂奥马败 选的真巴卡 选区的他说, "他忽略 了其父亲斗 争的事项, 他与反对伊 斯兰者成为 朋友。 "
另一位选民罗 哈妮说, 行 动党被视为 反伊斯兰政 党, 因此, 丹州选民基 于诚信党与 行动党的关 系而拒绝他 们。
"当伊党要推 介伊刑法时, 行动党的 人嘲笑他们 说要砍掉四 肢。 伊刑法 必须依据证 据来惩处, 但是行动党 拒绝这一点。 如果诚信 党要获得我 们的支持, 拒绝行动党。 "
希盟在第14 届大选中大 获全胜, 一 举夺下中央 政权, 而马 来西亚也迎 来了60年 来首次的政 权轮替。 尽 管希盟在许 多州属都取 得空前的胜 利, 但是在 一些地区, 希盟始终无 法攻下, 其 中包括东海 岸的吉兰丹 与登嘉楼。
吉兰丹选民指 出, 只要马 哈迪与行动 党继续留在 希望联盟, 该联盟都不 可能成功进 入吉兰丹, 获得当地居 民的支持。
丹州选民告诉 《透视大马 》, 他们不 接受希盟的 另一个理由 是因为他们 不重视伊斯 兰教。
马哈迪首次担 任首相时, 孤立了吉兰 丹及剥夺该 州发展, 而 马哈迪因素 是丹州人民 所不喜欢的 。
受访的丹州选 民说, 行动 党被视为反 伊斯兰政党, 因此, 丹 州选民基于 诚信党与行 动党的关系 而拒绝他们。 (档案照 :透视大马 )
马末阿里指出, 尽管马哈 迪现在是希 盟的一份子, 但他所推 展的是国家 议程, 而不 是丹州人民 要的伊斯兰 议程。
"我们反对马 哈迪在吉兰 丹。 事实上, 我们讨厌 他。 我们的 先知不接受 将我们卖掉 的人。 "
"当他在巫统, 他不让钱 进入吉兰丹, 甚至停止 我们的石油 税。 现在他 在希盟, 他 还是没改变, 或因他拒 绝伊斯兰教 而变得更糟。 "
这名来自彭加 兰芝柏的7 7岁长者说, "他们组 成政府后批 准啤酒节, 作为穆斯林 的我们如何 接受?为什 么我们要支 持这些人? "
伊斯兰党于1 990年执 政吉兰丹时, 马哈迪停 止支付石油 税予新政府, 接下来几 年, 中央政 府资助的发 展计划也停 止, 导致吉 兰丹成为全 国最贫困州 属。
吉兰丹选民在 第14届全 国大选也以 行动拒绝希 盟候选人, 致使59位 国州议员候 选人中高达 47人失去 按柜金, 包 括以诚信党 旗帜上阵, 已故伊斯兰 党精神领袖 聂阿兹的儿 子聂奥马。
末巴卡(69 岁)指出, 选民是因为 聂奥马的伊 斯兰斗争与 其父亲不一 样而拒绝他 。
他补充, 聂阿 兹可与马哈 迪匹敌, 他 一直认为首 相的才智没 用运用在发 展及推广伊 斯兰。
他说, 尽管聂 奥马受到母 亲端莎巴黎 雅的反对, 但他仍然坚 持在希盟旗 帜下竞选, 促使他经历 了尴尬的败 选。
以诚信党旗帜 上阵, 已故 伊斯兰党精 神领袖聂阿 兹的儿子聂 奥马也在第 14届大选 中, 败北而 归。 (档案 照:透视大 马)
末巴卡说, 结 果是所有利 用聂奥马作 为希盟政治 筹码的候选 人都败选。
"聂奥马说希 盟可以赢得 吉兰丹, 不 过这里的人 不喜欢他, 就连他母亲 也反对他的 决定。 "
来自聂奥马败 选的真巴卡 选区的他说, "他忽略 了其父亲斗 争的事项, 他与反对伊 斯兰者成为 朋友。 "
另一位选民罗 哈妮说, 行 动党被视为 反伊斯兰政 党, 因此, 丹州选民基 于诚信党与 行动党的关 系而拒绝他 们。
"当伊党要推 介伊刑法时, 行动党的 人嘲笑他们 说要砍掉四 肢。 伊刑法 必须依据证 据来惩处, 但是行动党 拒绝这一点。 如果诚信 党要获得我 们的支持, 拒绝行动党。 "
希盟在第14 届大选中大 获全胜, 一 举夺下中央 政权, 而马 来西亚也迎 来了60年 来首次的政 权轮替。 尽 管希盟在许 多州属都取 得空前的胜 利, 但是在 一些地区, 希盟始终无 法攻下, 其 中包括东海 岸的吉兰丹 与登嘉楼。
吉兰丹选民指 出, 只要马 哈迪与行动 党继续留在 希望联盟, 该联盟都不 可能成功进 入吉兰丹, 获得当地居 民的支持。
丹州选民告诉 《透视大马 》, 他们不 接受希盟的 另一个理由 是因为他们 不重视伊斯 兰教。
马哈迪首次担 任首相时, 孤立了吉兰 丹及剥夺该 州发展, 而 马哈迪因素 是丹州人民 所不喜欢的 。
受访的丹州选 民说, 行动 党被视为反 伊斯兰政党, 因此, 丹 州选民基于 诚信党与行 动党的关系 而拒绝他们 。
马末阿里指出, 尽管马哈 迪现在是希 盟的一份子, 但他所推 展的是国家 议程, 而不 是丹州人民 要的伊斯兰 议程。
Boy with autism raising money for service dog - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
ONE hour of Bruder toys - Best of compilation! - Duration: 1:04:12.Best of Bruder toys!
Harvester Show #13: How Did We Come This Far? - Duration: 13:14.Hi there, Initiates!
In December 2016 I wrote a script for a Christmas episode called "How Did We Come This Far?"
I shot it and I started the editing work
but I didn't have enough time to finish it before Christmas.
There was no point releasing the episode after Christmas so I just forgot about the whole thing.
A while ago a Christmas miracle happened and I found that lost episode.
I found the raw footage and a part I had already edited and I decided to finish it.
It was a weird trip because back in 2016
I was still living in my old apartment and Milla was still alive.
So here it is: The lost episode of The Harvester Show.
Here ends the part I had edited in December 2016.
The rest of the editing I did during this month which is 2018 (I forgot to say December!).
From now on there's gonna be these YouTube subtitles, which you have of course turned on.
So let's continue the lost episode and see what stupid things IMDb claimed about the censored Harvester.
"UK and Australian versions had several gory scenes shortened."
No, there was only one scene that was censored.
This here contains at least some truth in it.
"UK and Australian versions replaced most of the offensive dialogue about gays, Italians, and Indians."
That's not true.
"UK and Australian versions removed all verbal references to S&M, but left the S&M scenes intact."
That would be totally pointless.
"UK and Australian versions have a disclaimer before the game starts."
Whoever wrote this has clearly never even played the censored version.
"Curiously, the UK and Australian versions changed the main character's name to Mike instead of Steve."
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Why would anyone do that? Is the name Steve too offensive?
I wanted to prove all this was bullshit
so in January 2013 I wrote an email to British Board of Film Classification
which was responsible for the censorship of Harvester.
They wrote me back and confirmed that they had removed two cutscenes in the sequence "Mystery of Motherly Love" and that's it.
So there was hardly any reliable information about Harvester on the Internet.
I wanted more and the only way to get some was to talk with the people who created the game.
Actually I began to track down Gilbert Austin, the writer and director of Harvester, over ten years ago.
It was hopeless. It was like he had disappeared in 1996 (when Harvester was released).
The only thing I could find was Professor Griffin's Midnight Shadow Show.
It was a local TV show in Austin, Texas.
One of the characters of the show was called Dan-Dan and he was played by an actor named Gilbert Austin.
Too bad Dan-Dan was a character who always weared a mask so you couldn't see his face.
On the website of the show there was only one small photo of the actor of Dan-Dan.
The man was bald and he didn't have a beard.
There was also a description that said: "Gilbert is a very talented actor, singer and comedian as well as a professional comic book artist."
Nothing about the video games. Still I was sure he was the Gilbert Austin I was looking for.
He liked horror, lived in the same city and although he didn't have hair and beard he looked the same.
I sent emails to every address I could find from Professor Griffin's website, but I never got any answer.
By the way, it's a damn good thing I took a screenshot of the Dan-Dan page two years ago
because the website of Professor Griffin's Midnight Shadow Show doesn't exist anymore.
I tried to track down other people too,
mostly Lisa Cangelosi and Kurt Kistler, the leading actors of Harvester.
And I once found Lisa. She was doing some marketing stuff in some company.
I was so excited that I didn't know what to write to her because to me Lisa was like a movie star.
When I finally figured out what to say she wasn't working in the company anymore and I lost her.
In 2008 I joined Facebook and that changed everything.
I went through the credits of Harvester and checked if there was people on Facebook with the same names.
If their profile looked promising enough, I wrote to them.
The first answer I got was from a woman who confirmed that she was the Lisa Cangelosi I was looking for.
On Facebook there was already a fan page for Harvester, but it was a piece of shit.
There was hardly any content, you could do nothing there and nobody answered your messages. The page was totally dead.
So in 2011, I created my own fan page, but then I got scared.
I had no idea how to run a fan page or any other page either.
There wasn't any content on my page yet so I decided to delete it and forget the whole thing.
I was about to do that when I noticed that there were already two people liking my page.
That was a sign! I got a mission from the Lodge!
I Began to flood my page with pics and videos and all kind of Harvester related content I could find.
I answered every messages and helped if people had questions.
My main goal at the time was to release written interviews with the people who were making Harvester.
I was in touch with Lisa and we were doing the interview but the process was very, very slow.
Lisa was - and still is - very nice to me, but she had become a Newborn Christian
so acting in a violent video game while wearing only lingerie wasn't the first thing in her mind.
Then: boom! I got a message from Dustin Nulf.
Half a year earlier I had sent him a message where I asked if he was one of the programmers of Harvester.
I had also sent him a bunch of questions in case he really was that programmer.
And he was! Dustin answered to all my questions and in March 2012 I was able to release my very first interview.
By the way, do you know that on Harvester you can skip the town and go straight to the Lodge?
Yeah, all you have to do is type "Dustin" during the gameplay.
Gee, I wonder where that cheat is coming from.
I don't know if the interview with Dustin was too much for the guy who was running the other fan page
but he began to harass me with the messages like "Nice secondary fan page."
The other fan page still exists and I would really love to say it's a nice secondary fan page, but I can't.
It's not nice. It's still a piece of shit.
In March 2013 I finally released the interview with Lisa.
From the point I sent her the first Facebook message
it took three years before the interview was finished, but it was worth all the work.
What happened after that? Was the actor of Dan-Dan really Gilbert Austin I was looking for?
Well, that's another story. Or actually it's not, the same story just continues.
I'll tell you the rest in the next episode.
Now there's one person that should be here any minute now
Santa Claus!
You couldn't say it better. See you next year!
Hey, wait for me!
Okay, okay, that's enough!
Sergeant at Arms wanted to be as convincing Santa as possible so he was drunk as hell.
And I might have been too.
When I was writing the script for "How Did We Come This Far?" I realized I had way too much material for a single episode
so I decided to release it in two parts. You just saw the first part.
Should I create the second part? Tell me what you think.
Now if you want to give me a Christmas present please support me on Patreon.
By doing that you are not supporting just the show but the whole fan base.
No other video game has a cult following like this and let's keep it that way.
That was it. See you in 2019.
Merry Christmas, guys!
Must Watch New Funny 😂 Comedy Videos 2019 😂 people doing stupid thing p160 - Duration: 10:43.Comedy Videos 2019
赵薇再次临近预产期,b超单已出炉?黄有龙:从此幸福一家5口了 - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
03_11 MOGnautilus goes to Morocco: Tata - Sidi Ifni / Legzira - Duration: 10:54.THERE in the rock is a monkey face - and this obviously means stop
Good morning!! We're going to the Atlantic!
we're looking forward to rock bridges
Camels - at first I only saw two but there are a few more indeed
(yes, all the dark dots smaller than trees)
'tis very close hey you sweet things!
Would you show your side? Or course. Moin (good morning for Northern Germans)
we're reaching Akka through the city gate
(sand and mist in the back already condensing)
Guelmim coming up
the street plants are really cacti
fig cacti all over
Hey mountain goat! Hey mountain goater! (and no, my German equivalent does not exist either)
and down again
There are Argan trees here just to mention it -
and someone is doing roadworks - no need for the red white traffic cones when you have stones
cacti figs
the mix of cacti (figs) and argan (oil) trees is good: it's not very easy to go through and steal things
you could also leave away what I was saying..
Argan trees only grow in this area worldwide and are endangered - but here they still exist
now: Guelmim (and leaving it again)
back there the coast is falling into the Atlantic ocean.. and here are green mountains
and there is (another) Landrover in its habitat...
I am also in my habitat - in my own juices .. it's about time we get there
driving around here is in any case lovely, beautiful, wonderful and also to be chauffeured ..
- we are looking forward and are curious .. and all the other adjectives we always use
well.. most likely it's gonna rain soon.. we'll see..
a little washed out from the rain- the water makes a nice whirl here..
and somewhere back there is Lanzarothe but here's Legzira
Hey there! We made it! We are in Legzira at the Atlantic with just a little fog which of course will dissipate
What's this? Barnacles! Very sweet white, pink and purple barnacles.
Sound will be great in the video.. the special here are the rock gates..
5 อันดับ การค้นพบดาวเคราะห์ที่คล้ายกับโลกซึ่งเราอาจอาศัยอยู่ได้! - Duration: 9:43.-------------------------------------------
Mithuna Rasi 2019 February Month Rasi Palan Gemini | மிதுன ராசி 2019 பிப்ரவரி மாத ராசி பலன் - Duration: 1:59.
For more infomation >> Mithuna Rasi 2019 February Month Rasi Palan Gemini | மிதுன ராசி 2019 பிப்ரவரி மாத ராசி பலன் - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Educated Villagers | Farmers Struggle | రైతు కష్టం | Theenmaar - Duration: 6:25.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Educated Villagers | Farmers Struggle | రైతు కష్టం | Theenmaar - Duration: 6:25.-------------------------------------------
WPRI 6pm News, July 18, 1996 - Duration: 31:13.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> WPRI 6pm News, July 18, 1996 - Duration: 31:13.-------------------------------------------
朱丽倩年轻时照片曝光,难怪刘德华宠了她30年,网友:很般配! - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 朱丽倩年轻时照片曝光,难怪刘德华宠了她30年,网友:很般配! - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Challenge Smart-------------------------------------------
'キンコン梶原... "犬猿の仲"M-1王者に17年越しの謝罪....「生意気に言ってしまった」 ***[] - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Obelink Pisa 3 - Afbouwinstructie | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Mithuna Rasi 2019 February Month Rasi Palan Gemini | மிதுன ராசி 2019 பிப்ரவரி மாத ராசி பலன் - Duration: 1:59.
Obelink Pisa 3 - Opbouwinstructie | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Ba khía rang me đặc sãn miền tây ( roasted crab tamarind ) | TNV - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
Drunk Reading Christmas Erotica for the Holidays [CC] - Duration: 15:24.Hey, YouTube, it's Kathy. I am Pet Sitting at my best friend's house, where there is
no fewer than three Christmas trees in this immediate vicinity, so that explains
where I am. What I'm doing, you'll probably figure out from whatever I
decide to title this, but basically my friend Rebecca has made it a yearly
tradition to drink wine and read a book on her channel, and I thought that
sounded delightful, especially since I have this space to myself. In any case, my
besties said, "hey, you can definitely drink that bottle of wine that's in the fridge"
so that's gonna happen. We have some Jackson Triggs Pinot Grigio 2017, with
a screw top, because that's way easier to open on camera. And these probably aren't
wine glasses but they're real cute, so it's what I'm using. Also, if I use something
with a stem, I would definitely knock it over in the middle of this video, so
that's just not happening. So the plan for this is I am going to use yee old
Google to find some Christmas erotica and read it. I will put links to whatever
I find down in the description. So if you decide that you want to read it, sure.
But for now, I'm just going to Google... "free Christmas erotica". The first thing that
comes up is called In Santa's Lap. This this already sounds like I'm not gonna
want to read it, but I'm clicking on it. I'm gonna need some wine first. I will put a
screen grab of what is at the top of this page for you so you can see what
I'm seeing right now. Just based on the title and this photo, I'm assuming that
this is not only Santa kink, but specifically Mall Santa Kink, which I
learned a lot about in Sarah and Rebecca's podcast that I listened to, so
I will leave links to that down below, as well, because it's a delight. So rather
than reading it out loud to you, because this is not my work, I am going to read
this and tell you, kind of, the highlights of it. In Santa's Lap: An Erotic Christmas Story.
Exactly what I asked the internet for so. In our first paragraph, we have
the protagonist just basically creeping on the mall Santa. The first line is
"He was finally done for the day" and she watched from a distance as the
final shoppers were herded out. Everybody's leaving the legendary older
man and his white trimmed hat, velvet plush suit... still on his chair.
No doubt he's tired. A couple weeks ago her office closed for Christmas and she's just been
coming to the same mall for something to do, or someone to do, I imagine. Come for the
budget shopping, stay for the Santa. Who she points out she knows is not the
Real Santa but that's not gonna stop her, apparently. He's a really good facsimile
for what she thought Real Santa would look like, so that's what she's digging.
Whoo, she's gone so far to even notice, like, which shifts he's taking, and not a
different Santa. Closing time Saturday afternoon, on Christmas Eve eve, which is
today. It's a Sunday, though... but still. I'll make sure that this goes up on
Christmas Eve just as my present to you. Though she's never talked to Santa
before, it looks like and she's gone up to just, like, approach him for what she
wants, those sexy times, and basically as soon as he starts talking to her, she
just, like flushes, with embarrassment and stands there stockstill, and is just
like, staring at him, which is definitely akin to my flirting methods.
Oooh, apparently he's noticed her sitting on the bench for the last few weeks and now
he's inviting her to come over and sit on his lap and talk about her troubles.
He's off duty but he's still such a nice guy. She feels like she's being
transported into a magical world. He's making sure she feels safe.
I appreciate this. Here's some quoting for you: "He helped her position herself
in his lap, her bottom over his crotch." That's not how you sit on Santa's lap, children.
"Her skirt had ridden up somewhat obscenely during her climb
rendering her rather more slutty than the 'virginal young lady meeting Santa'
scene she often dreamed about." Santa's already breathing hot and rapid in her
ear... sexy? She felt a definite stirring beneath her bottom and she's already a
slippery mess. Oh! Oh, here's his pickup line: "You know your trouble, young lady?
You're extremely good at being very, very naughty." "She melted, well at least part of her did."
"Hard as a candy cane and twice as sweet." Okay! "She wanted so desperately
to feel it inside her, to feel Santa filling her with his magical warmth."
"Trousers yanked down to free merely the important part of him."
All of you is important; you're not just a dick, Santa.
Oh, there's a Santa sack joke.
Oh no! The end of this. Oh no, it turns out it was all a daydream. That is so sa.d
"It was a dream all along" - worst trope ever. All right, I have not had nearly
enough wine, my camera is still recording. Let's see if we can do one more story,
shall we? I come to the understanding, no pun intended, that there is a lot of
Christmas porn, or erotica, we should say, to be accurate, probably porn as well, I'm
not checking that, is incest based, and I am NOT about that. That is an "oh no no" for me.
So not clicking any of those. There's also some non-human, which I don't know
what that means. Oh it's a Krampus one. Hmm, how long is
this Krampus erotica? Oh, there's no sex in this story. So that's not what we came for.
Some of these titles, though, like "Mistletoe Mommy" which is definitely an
incest one. No thanks. And, like, no shade. If these are things that you enjoy, I am
very happy for you; it's just... it's just not what I want to read, at least not on camera.
There's something under sci-fi.... The Elf's Christmas Miracle. These stories
are a little bit too long. Basically what you've learned is there is a Christmas
tag on Literotica, so if you didn't already know that, you're welcome.
I keep finding freebies but then you have to sign up for websites that I am NOT
interested in signing up for because I don't really read a lot of erotica and
if I do I'm just gonna read whatever free stuff I can find, or whatever's at
the library, which obviously isn't a crap-ton... because public. Although I have
read some great romance from the library, specifically the best one that I've read
was actually an audio book called Smut. And a friend of mine sent it to me not
knowing it actually took place in my city, and there is a scene in the library
at the university I attended. Which, I feel very bad for the one book in that
scene, but other than that, it was pretty great smut. But that's not what we're
doing in this video. We're trying to find some short smut. Let's let's try one more
google thing: "free short Christmas erotica". Still, In Santa's Lap comes up first,
so it's got its SEO going, I guess. There's not necessarily Christmas ones
on here, but the very first title on this website is "Little Red Riding Crop".
I mean, to be fair, when Rebecca did this she did have to read, like, a 40 page book.
I read like what, at best, would have been a two-page book, so I'm just being really
too picky. There's also a Merry Christmas tag, apparently, Literorica, which -- and
Christmas Party. Let's check out the Christmas Party tag, just for fun.
Under the Christmas Party tag on Literotica, there is one called Better Late Than Never.
Again, I'll link it down below. So in the first paragraph, we already have a
woman named Tara who is looking out the window at work and basically going,
"I'm never gonna make it to the Christmas party". Of all days she did not want to be
late for this one, for some reason. Apparently her ongoing obsession, who's
the boss she's been working for for three years, is going to be there. She's a
nurse and he is a doctor. That's what this erotic coupling is. Nurse/doctor.
In the middle of this, let's just talk about like, oh no noes, and ew factors. Like, my
mom's a nurse, so in theory I could be like, "nope can't read this" but also it's fine.
I think it's probably because I watch a lot of Grey's Anatomy and a lot
of sex happens in that show, so reading this, my first thought wasn't even, like, a
nurse and my mom. My mom watches my videos; this is gonna be a great part to edit in.
My first thought was mostly, like, "oh these two professionals are finally
gonna get it on at this Christmas party, probably". Let's find out. She's been
secretly hoping tonight would be the night they would "finally grow a pair of
alcohol-induced cojones and spend some quality time together." Christmas is
always bringing people together. She's staying late so she can really get
her job done for this old man named Frank, and you know what? I appreciate that.
Usually I'd be like, "why is this paragraph even here?" Oh, you're making me actually care about this character.
I appreciate that, thank you. Apparently there's an issue with his
insurance... not covering the medication he needs, and she's spending
45 minutes on the phone just to make sure he gets his medication, which, yes.
Thank you, Tara. You're great. I like you. This is a trope I really like. I'm gonna
need more wine in just a second, but I'm gonna tell you about it first. She gets
off the phone. She's very happy that she's finally gotten this thing for this
patient, which is wonderful, and she's doing a victory dance, and she's [singing]
"Oh the weather outside is frightful" and she doesn't care about her terrible singing
voice because she thinks she's alone, and she's just putting the last pen back in
the pen holder, and then oh fuck, the doctor that she likes is apparently in the room right now.
He's leaning against the door frame.
He was smirking with his arms crossed, and Tara smacked a hand over her mouth in shock.
Those tropes are fun because who doesn't want to be seduced by somebody being their
ownselves? Like, I like that. I'm gonna need to order
some vegan pizza after this. "Oh my god, how long have you been standing there?" is
a sentence that should exist in so many things. I love it. He's teasing her about
her terrible singing. He's chuckling with a sexy lopsided grin, which makes it okay,
I guess. She's laughing it off and swatting his chest and "mentally patting
herself on the back for not swooning as her hand met this solid mass of muscles
that was his body." I might have to take off this hoodie soon; it's getting a
little warm in here. Ooh he doesn't like her singing but he
does like her dance moves. Just, like, "what are you still doing here? Shouldn't you
be at the party?" And he's like "I could tell you that it was charting but it
that'd be bullshit." He probably doesn't like parties. That's what we're gonna get
to - let's find out. The truth is... well he noticed she was still here on the phone
and he just kind of waited around for her, which is pretty sweet.
Ooh, yep, no, definitely. Aand decided to change my plans so I could get you alone for once".
Yeah, they definitely dig each other. This is good. This next paragraph is,
like, digging back to, like, when she first met him and how she's been attracted to
him ever since, and I appreciate this level of detail because I'm demisexual,
so, like, if they had just met each other and wanted to bang, I'd be like, "uh this
story is boring to me personally" but like, they've gotten to know each other.
They still really like each other after a while. I'm digging it. Also, making a
point of not just saying that he's just hot but he has a great personality - also
appreciate, because I expect people to be hot in these things. Like, I expect
because it's a fantasy that, like, everybody has the perfect bodies and
they've got the muscles or whatever, but when an author takes the time to put in
their smut that somebody is a good person, I root for them more.
Oh, they have a long-standing tradition of pranking each other. Okay, yeah this
couple needs to get together. I want it to happen. He goes in to kiss her ever so
lightly, she kisses them back. Hallelujah - is literally a word used in this paragraph.
Also, I like this paragraph just because he's like "I need you and to
be honest I wanted you since we met" and she's like,
"truthfully, I was planning it convinced you to come back to mine after the Christmas party"
and I've basically had this conversation with somebody before, so yep.
Okay they've gone from light petting to her literally saying, "Please tell me you
have no qualms about fucking me in this building, Brian, because if you tell me we
have to stop, I will spontaneously combust right here." I mean, I think we all
assumed today we're gonna fuck in this building. Let's be honest.
I also appreciate that she's in blue scrubs because, like, what hospital on TV doesn't
have blue scrubs? Ooh, they're taking it to his office to be more private.
Here's something that takes me out of the narrative a little, is we know it's
snowing, we know that they're supposed to be at a Christmas party. There is still
some daylight entering the office. My problem with this is: if they are low
enough in latitude... longitude? - which ever one is across and not up and down -
to still have light but they have snow, and it's probably it's got to be, like,
after 6:00 because I assume that's when Christmas parties start even in this
picture universe? Mmmm, I don't know, man. Like, there's enough daylight to shine
through like the cracks of the closed blinds is what it says. That's me being
picky AF. I just really missed the Sun. Like, the Sun goes down at like 4:00 here.
It sucks, and we don't have snow. All right, I see the word "ass" coming up so
they're gonna do some things now. Let me - let me read it. Oh, they're on his desk.
Yep, that makes sense. Mm-hmm, cuppping some boobs.
Thumbs grazing nipples, teasing each other a bit, mm-hmm. Sexy flirty talk, good times...
"Diving in with all the Zeal of a kid on Christmas morning" while undressing him.
That brings back to the Christmas theme, like it. Which morphs into
overwhelming pleasure... and because this is fantasy she makes the point of saying
that she's never been able to reach orgasm with penetration alone, and yet
somehow it's happening. Pounding, pounding, heat in her lower abdomen. Mm-hmm.
These are people in a medical field, and only now, after he's come, do they both
realize that he was not wearing a condom. They're assuring each other they're both clean.
She has an IUD . That's good, I guess. And then he says basically like,
"come home with me; I know I'm gonna want to do that again and often" and then she teases
him by being like "I need some time to think about it" and then almost
immediately she's like "yep, I would definitely do that again and again, repeatedly.
Now take me home, Dr. Taylor." Which is only an awkward phrase to say
because my roommate is named Taylor and also I have many friends named Taylor
so if any of the Taylors I know in life have just watched that, you're welcome,
and I'm sorry> I don't know. But yeah, Better Late Than Never.
That - that was some pretty good erotica. I appreciated some aspects of it.
Occasionally I was taken out of it because I don't understand where you are
in the solar system, basically, but some good times. So yeah, that is my homage to
Rebecca reading erotica on camera while drinking. I asked on Instagram if this
was a thing that people would want to see and nobody voted against it.
This really just makes me want to bring back my Come Drink With Me series which is
something that I used to do years ago, actually before I was officially, like,
straight up a BookTuber, where I would just ,like, drink and talk with my friends
about whatever topic they wanted to talk about, because it was a little bit more
fun to get sauced on camera with somebody else. I can see
why Sarah and Rebecca do this together. In any case, I know this is not my usual
BookTube type content, but if this is something you have enjoyed, please let me
know because I would be willing to do this for whatever seasonal thing is
happening, if it's something you guys actually enjoy. I'm an adult!
None of this wine is going to be left. I'm gonna drink it and then order pizza.
And there you have it! Let me know down below if you enjoyed this type of video.
I'm assuming that you did if you got to this part of the video. Also please check
out Rebecca's video because I absolutely loved it. Like, the novella she was
reading was so preposterous that I might have to search it out and read it for
myself just to laugh at it. On the way down to the comments, if you hit that
Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you. You can like and share this with
all of your festive friends as you see fit, and I'm sure I will see you very soon. Bye!
[outro music]
Obelink Shelter Serie - Afbouwinstructie | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 博多華丸・大吉、「ヒルナンデス!」"突然"卒業「なぜ、このタイミングでって」 - Duration: 2:26.拡大写真 多華丸・大吉 お笑いコンビ 博多華丸・大吉」 博多華丸(48) 博多大吉(47) 24日、レギュラ 出演していた日本 レビ系「ヒルナン ス!」を卒業する とが番組内で発表 れた
司会の「ウッ ャンナンチャン」 南原清隆(53) 「月曜レギュラー った博多華丸・大 のお2人が今日で ルナンデスを卒業 ます
突然ですけどね。 年9か月いっしょ やってもらって」 発表し2人をねぎ った。 大吉は なぜ、このタイミ グでって、みなさ に大きなクエスチ ンがあると思いま けど」とスタジオ ざわつかせ、これ での出演シーンを TRで振り返った
また今年の漫 日本一決定戦「M 1グランプリ」終 後に、とろサーモ ・久保田かずのぶ 39)とスーパー ラドーナ・武智( 0)が審査員だっ 上沼恵美子(63 への侮辱発言で騒 となったが、20 7年に「とろサー ン」が「M―1」 者として番組にゲ ト出演したシーン 映し出され、大吉 久保田に「不祥事 けは起こすなよ」 注意している場面 回想された
2014年4 から月曜レギュラ になった2人。最 は華丸が「とって 楽しい4年9か月 した」とぼけなが 、笑いを誘ってエ ディングを迎えた
HOW TO DRAW SANTA CLAUS | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 2:59.How to draw Santa Claus
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Subscribe! (◕‿◕)
Obelink Milos Deluxe - Afbouwinstructie | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
M1 Finance - Selling Quick Run Up Stock Gains, Rolling Into Negative % Stocks. - Duration: 11:02.hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my
name is Brent and today we're gonna be going over the n1 finance Roth IRA
portfolio and we're gonna be going over a new sort of idea that I had in my head
just within the last few days watching a stock run up over 20% just within the
last week this kind of gave me the idea to maybe use m1 finance to take those
gains and reinvest just the gains elsewhere in the portfolio into stocks
that have been hammered in the opposite direction say a stock that's gone down
over 10% just within the last week so I would take gains from one stock and move
him into another intake you know it would still balance out the portfolio so
that's we're gonna be going over in today's video if you are brand new to
the channel hit that subscribe button below if you have had this idea or
haven't had this idea let me know in the comment section below let me know what
you think of it and if you do like the video hit that thumbs up button below I
highly appreciate it so what exactly do I mean well if I take a look here at the
one chart one-week chart we can see here that a new stock here I added to my
wife's Roth IRA just a few weeks ago is ticker symbol ABM this is the ABM
industries incorporated it was a brand new stock headed to my wife's Roth IRA I
believe it was a good position to buy had strong financials added in there and
just over the last week it is now up over 20% making fifty one dollars and
thirty four cents and gains it doesn't go ex-dividend until January so that
still has me gives me a little bit of time to capture this the the equity here
that I made just in the last week roll that into another stock that may be
going ex-dividend here soon or that has just been hammered here within the
portfolio just within the last week so this is something that's fairly new to
me and I kind of wish I had maybe thought of it a little bit sooner you
know earlier in 2018 I had Cisco Apple IV a few others here that were up in the
portfolio by some twenty to thirty percent so here we can look at the all
and we have quite a few stocks here still in the green
amb number one and it's only been added in my portfolio just the last week or
two so it's already outperformed Pfizer we can see Cisco has gone down almost
you know it's at five percent now it used to be up in the portfolio some
thirty thirty five percent so kind of looking at this how I can I take an
advantage how can I take advantage of m1 finances free trades
I can also reinvest my cash on balance these are just a couple dividends that
I'll spit out this week so this week already I've made five dollars and two
cents from Abby's Stanley Black & Decker in Kellogg so dividends right there
five dollars free back into my portfolio able to be reinvested elsewhere now okay
so here's what we're going to do this is my plan take advantage of these quick
gains now I'm only doing this with stocks that have ran up very quickly in
a short amount of time I believe this stock is going to be falling back I
don't know if it's going to be falling back five percent ten percent you know
fifteen percent who knows but at this time it has ran up over twenty percent
in a single week so with the advantage of m1 finance I can go ahead and select
the stock sell a piece so here my gain is currently fifty one dollars and
thirty one cents so I can go ahead and say that I want to sell off fifty
dollars of this specific stock I can go ahead and hit continue and confirm what
this is going to do on Friday or when you guys are watching this video it's
going to sell off fifty dollars of shares of this stock you know it's
partial shares now at you know at that time I will have fifty five dollars in
two cents to be able to reinvest back into the portfolio now I don't want to
reduce I don't want to increase my risk by reinvesting those funds into stocks
here that are more towards the bottom of having dividend growth and have high
payout ratios so what I've actually done here and as I've looked at a couple
structure lows for example is another one I've added in recently but a utility
company here that has been Edison and Southern Southern Southern Company so
some of the company is currently down it has six
years of dividend growth it's utility companies so yes it has a high payout
ratio but it's still a strong company overall and utilities are sort of that
safe play right now I want to build up the equity within these portfolios these
specific stocks so what I'm going to do is I've sold off $50 worth of ABM I've
looked at the new buying power so ABM I bought it with a yield on cost of 2.6 -
it's now trading at a current yield of 2.25 if you were to buy back into that
stock Esso summit company I bought it at five
point one two percent yield and now at a current starting yield it's offering me
a five point three two percent starting yield on that stock so I'm able to kind
of move equity from one position into another capture my gains that I've made
within one stock and roll it into another giving me an increased decreased
unit cost and increased yield on cost and it'll basically increase my overall
dividend payout with the same amount of equity because all I'm doing is taking
the equity that I've made within one role in Reverse true and other and kind
of going from there so I don't want to make it too confused in there but I you
know I think you get the gist of it so let's go ahead and make our buy on
Southern Company so on Friday morning I'm gonna go ahead and initiate this
currently Southern Company just was done last week is down five percent good
discount they're better than my current overloaded stock they're at 20 percent
and now I can go ahead and place $55 in oops $55 in two cents that's correct we
can go ahead and do that and continue so on Friday
what's going to happen it's gonna sell $50 of my currently over position ABM
you know it's up 20% I don't mind selling it off here because
I've made 20% just within the last week and I want to roll those gains just the
gains over into stock hair that has gone down 5% that I believe is that you safer
you know it's still minima mitigating my risk it's still a very strong dividend
growth company it's utility company and kind of going forward I may do this a
little bit more I just thought it was kind of a neat idea to kind of capture
my gains because earlier in the year if I had captured and taken advantage of
you know doing this with Apple Cisco I could have rolled some of apples profits
I was up some three hundred dollars just in that position alone or I don't know
if a syringe of dollars in this portfolio but I know it was up thirty
percent at one point thirty thirty-five percent if I had rolled those gains into
a stock such as caterpillar or you know what a couple of these other ones that
were down for the year earlier in the year that would have increased my
starting yield for that position plus decreased my unit on cost for those
positions I wouldn't have lost any equity in the portfolio because all I
was doing is selling off the gains that I made out of one stock and kind of
rolling it into another so in this downturn I probably will continue to
look for stocks that run up very quickly say ten to twenty percent take some of
their earnings shave them off the top and kind of roll them into stocks that I
could be negative right now I only have a few positions that I'm actually up in
the portfolio and I have quite a few but you know a few more positions that are
actually in the negative right now offering me a very nice starting yield
and many of them so here so for example Altria currently has a starting yield of
6.5 - we have Simon Property Group has a starting yield of 4.85 where my starting
yield or my you my actual yield on this company is four point six nine so
there's a couple instances here where I can work on increasing my overall yield
of my portfolio I believe right now if I actually someone looked at my stock and
bought into it would start right around three point seven four but my actual
average yield of my portfolio clearly sits at three point four two percent as
far as what I have bought into so far now I currently have it sorted by the
stocks here that I paid and grown their dividend the longest so I feel a lot
more comfortable ruling my dividends my equity into positions that have grown
and raised or dividend for the past ten plus years so I only hold a few stocks
here that I've actually not paid or grown a dividend for more
than ten years I have Altria caterpillar Pfizer Simon Property Group avery
dennison Cisco JPMorgan and Apple so of those I'm not too worried that either of
them will either cut or discontinued their dividend JPMorgan I kind of I
don't think they will continue to raise or pay out a dividend if we were to go
into some hard time so right now I am just going to continue to look for
stocks that run up very quickly roll the earnings into some other stocks and kind
of go from there so that is all I want to kind of go over in this video and let
me know in the comment section below what you guys think about this you think
it's smart to remove positions or not remove all I'm doing is removing the
games that I've made over a short amount of time and rolling that into another
stock that has been hammered here in a short amount of time that is still a low
risk high dividend growth you know safe dividend growth investment I'm not
selling out of any positions I'm just rolling gains from one position into
another to kind of take advantage and capture those gains increase my yield on
costs on specific stocks increase my overall dividend payout so if you did
like the video hit that thumbs up button below if you are brand new to the
channel hit the subscribe highly appreciate it let me know in the comment
section below do you agree with me do you not agree with me do you disagree
with me you know m1 finance free trades no fees partial shares it all feels sort
of win-win-win and I know I'm going to be capturing a gain of 20 percent and
rolling that into a loss of 5 percent a very discounted stock there that I
believe will benefit me in the long run so that is it for this video thank you
all for tuning in I will say next time have a great day bye
Orlando Pirates Lessons on Winning & Losing Pt 3 There is Beauty in Darkness Motivational Video - Duration: 3:43.Orlando Pirates is affectionately known as Ezimnyama Ngenkani amongst its fans which
translates to purposefully stubbornly or forcefully black or dark South Africa
has a painful political history marred with an inhumane ostracization of black
people being black was seen as something inferior not something to be celebrated
a lot of black South Africans still carry this complex perpetuated by an
economic divide and disproportionate land ownership that still haunts South
Africa today what a Orlando Pirates teaches us is that there is no true
liberation without an acceptance and love of the self a resilience to
celebrate yourself completely even in the face of adversity stemming from
characteristics that distinctly define who we are for a long time I had to
wrestle with perfection there were parts about me that I did not like and I would
do anything to try and hide them which of course negatively affected my
confidence it is only when I discovered the gift of self acceptance and learning
to be stubbornly purposefully and forcefully me that I discovered the
liberating self belief to soar Orlando Pirates has experienced many dark
moments in its history like in 1985 when they only won five matches and lost 15
matches in that season the next season they would go on to concede 60 goals the
highest number of goals they have ever conceded in a single season on the 11th
of February 2017 they suffered their biggest ever recorded loss losing six nil
to Mamelodi Sundowns the losses are just as important as the
wins because to build a brand whose legacy has remained at the top of South
African football for the past 80 years requires a strength of character to dig
deep when the days are dark I'm reminded of the words of the late Muhammad Ali
who once remarked only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach
down to the bottom of the soul to dig for that extra ounce of power it takes
to win when the match is even the darkness of pain and defeat is
something we need to lean into and use as a motivating reminder of who we
really are the reality is we are all going to experience dark days where we
are going to fall if we allow fear to take over our lives because of fear of
dark days then we will never pursue anything great but if we celebrate the
dark days and see their beauty for how they reveal greatness in us then we will
rise up and dare to build great legacies like that of a Orlando Pirates like the
great president Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela put it so aptly when he remarked
the greatest glory in living lies in not never failing but in rising up every
time we fall the reality though is when we watch a Orlando Pirates play the
beautiful game in the limelight of television and grand stadia we are only
seeing a fraction of what what Orlando Pirates is made of most of the team's
character and greatness is build in the dark in the training grounds when no one
is watching being forcefully dark means being unrelenting about putting in the
hard work and long hours consistently when no one is watching the truth is
unless you identify yourselves with the dark lonely spaces where you sit down
and grind then there is no public Hall of Fame where your name will ever be
chanted a lot of teams have come and gone but the mighty Orlando Pirates still
stands tall because they are EZIMNYAMA NGENKANI
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