Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 25 2018

The woods are lovely, dark and deep - but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before

I sleep.

The immortal words of Robert Frost, written in his 1922 poem - Stopping by Woods on a

Snowy Evening.

The forest has played an important role in global culture since ancient times.

Ever since we first sat around a blazing campfire, we'd tell stories about the dangerous creatures

that lurked in the woods - and that arcane magic has, essentially, never really left.

What's going on guys - and welcome back to the scariest channel on YouTube - Top 5

Scary Videos.

As always, I'll be your horror host Jack Finch - as today, we curiously take a look

at the Top 5 Scariest Forests You Shouldn't Visit At Night.

Roll the clip.

For the curious amongst you, that clip was from 2004's The Village - directed by M.

Night Shyamalan.

Which, if you're up for only watching 75% of a film - then this one's for you.

Before we dive into this list horror fans - you know how it is by now, make sure to

hit that thumbs up button and ding that subscribe bell so you can stay up to date with our latest

and greatest uploads.

Show us some love in the comment section down below - and if you stick around till the end,

I'll be reading out some of your most creative comments from the past few days.

Just a small precursor - you'll probably expecting the Aokigahara Forest or the Island

of the Dolls on this list - but for the sake of keeping things fresh and interesting, spoilers

- they're not.

On with the show.

Kicking off at Number 5 - Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania.

Purportedly the most haunted forest in the world - which is arguable, but it's definitely

the most haunted forest in Romania.

Although - they do have the whole Transylvania thing too - so I don't even know what to

think anymore.

Situated near Cluj-Napoca, the Hoia Baciu Forest covers an area of over 250 hectares

- and has fervently been referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of the country.

It carries the reputation of being the location of thousands of ghost sightings, unexplained

apparitions, disembodied faces appearing in photographs - and even a hot spot for UFO


It's most notorious feature its what locals call - the dead zone, an inexplicable clearing

in the forest that is a complete vegetation dead zone.

A nearly perfectly circle deep in the centre of the woods where nothing has grown for centuries.

Soil samples have been taken of this site, and even local geologists have claimed that

there is no explanation for the lack of vegetation.

Which is worrying, right?

Granted - while a lot of the mystery surrounding the forest has been exaggerated by local legend

- there's something not quite right about this place.

This mystery continues.

Coming in at Number 4 - The Black Forest, Germany

I mean - this place literally got its name from being a dark, ominous, creepy tangle

of wood and thorns.

And then we had the old Brothers Grimm, who took one look at the place and thought - this

place is creepy, let's write some fairy tales about it.

Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood - they ARE the folk legends that they are,

because of the sinister dread of The Black Forest.

Don't get me wrong - this place is beautiful, and a breathtaking sight to behold - but beneath

the surface are some truly hair raising tales.

Take the legend of the Freischutzen for example - arcane marksmen of legend that were said

to have retreated into the forest to make a pact with the devil.

They never made it out alive, but instead were bound to the Black Forest - shooting

at intruders with demonic accuracy.

Then there's the wolf of Freudenstadt - an elusive beast that always managed to catch

a sheep without being seen.

When a farmer stayed awake to catch it - he managed to shoot the wolf, and the next morning

a villager was found lying in his bed, covered in blood - with a gunshot wound to his chest.

The Black Forest has been a hive for European folk tales and urban legend - and a mystical

reminder that not everything may be as it seems.

Next up at Number 3 - The Devil's Tramping Ground, North Carolina

I mean - it's kind of in the name, but it seems that the entirety of North Carolina

has an obsession with naming things after the Devil.

Devil's Rock, the Devil's Courthouse, Seven Devils, Kill Devil Hills, Devil's

Branch, Devil's Chimney, Devil's Nest - Devil's Knob, hell - even the Devil's

Potato Patch - and of course, The Devil's Tramping Ground.

Strangely enough though - this forest bares a striking resemblance to that of the Hoia

Baciu Forest in Romania, and the tramping ground itself is a strange, unexplained barren

patch of Earth where nothing grows.

As the local legend goes - the place itself was the site of a battle between two rival

tribes of Native Americans.

Supposedly, the blood of those killed soaked the ground so thoroughly that nothing would

ever grown there again.

Allegedly, not even a single blade of grass with grow in the limits of the circle - seeds

have been sowed there that refused to sprout, and otherwise healthy transplanted plants

wither and die within a few days.

Obviously, the local legend has mutated into varying versions throughout the course of

history - but one thing remains the same, no one really knows what on Earth is going

on at The Devil's Tramping Ground.

Swinging in now at Number 2 - Epping Forest, England

Of course - we've got to throw England somewhere in this mix, and there's nowhere more notorious

than Epping Forest in Essex.

Although the home of many alleged paranormal sightings - the real matter of fact is that

Epping Forest is the grizzly site of over 15 murders, and has notoriously been used

as the hideout and retreat for murderers and criminals throughout British history.

Throughout the Iron Age - the forest itself is thought to be the location for numerous

Roman battles - and is thought to be a candidate for the unknown final resting place of Boudica,

Queen of the British Iceni tribe.

Allegedly, her ghost walks amongst the dense thicket, at the deepest part of the wood.

Epping Forest was also used as a hideout for the infamous highwayman - Dick Turpin, who

had retreated into the forest following a string of robberies and assaults, alongside

other highwaymen such as Tom King and Sixteen String Jack.

In more recent times though, Epping Forest has seen a series of brutal and tragic murders.

In the 1970's - two children were found dead in a copse near Lippitts Hill - which

would eventually become known as the Babes in the Wood murders, a tragic case that deeply

affected the nation.

Epping Forest is unparalleled in its violent and grizzly significance - and it's a place

where I definitely wouldn't like to take a stroll through late at night.

And finally at our Number 1 spot - The Pine Barrens, New Jersey.

Without a doubt - the most haunted - and well, just straight up weird place in America.

There are so many folk legends surrounding the New Jersey Pine Barrens that it's hard

to pinpoint exactly where to begin - but there is one tale that supersedes all others.

The Legend of the Jersey Devil, and the Pine Barrens most notorious resident.

Although it's origins are unclear, the most widely held belief of the Jersey Devil begins

with a Mrs. Leeds - a resident of Estellville, a town which borders the Pinelands.

When she found out that she was pregnant for the 13th time - in disgust, she cried out

- Let it be the devil!

Well, when the baby arrived, that's exactly what it was - and it gave a screech, unfolded

its wings - and flew out the window into the dense and desolate Pine Barrens.

The creature has allegedly haunted the Pine Barrens for over 250 years - and locals, affectionately

known as Piney's, consider its sightings to be too numerous to explain away as fiction.

It doesn't end there though - because The Pine Barrens harbour many more creepy tales

than just the Jersey Devil.

Captain Kidd, the headless ghost of a Scottish sailor.

The ghostly visage of the Black Dog.

The Golden Haired Girl - the ghost of James Still.

The White Stag.

The Blue Hole.

There is a hell of a lot of creepy stuff in New Jersey, and all of it pretty much happens

in the Pine Barrens.

Well - there we have it horror fans - let us know what you think is the creepiest forest

on Planet Earth in the comment section below.

Before we depart, let's read out some of your most creative comments from the past

few days.

Amanda Schroeder says - So glad I found your channel!

This has been a good and creepy binge!

Well Amanda, keep that horror binge going - and we're super stoked to have you on

board, cheers for being a horror fan.

Riri Pari says - You guys wanna know what the scariest video posted on YouTube?

YouTube Rewind 2018.

…….. Well, you're not wrong there Riri - you're not wrong at all.


Well - that's enough horrifying content for now, horror fans - cheers for sticking

around all the way till the end.

It's been a pleasure seeing you all once again, as always, I've been your horror

host Jack Finch - you've been watching Top 5 Scary Videos - and until next time, you

take it easy.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scariest Forests You Shouldn't Visit At Night - Duration: 8:33.


What If Jesus Was Alive Today? - Duration: 6:42.

2.3 billion people on this planet are Christian, and the birth of jesus of nazareth, which

took place on Christmas day, is celebrated on this day.

Jesus changed the world forever with his teachings, I mean, the world we live in is predominantly


As Louis ck said, what year is it?

Christians, even though they believe that jesus is always a presence in their life,

have never actually seen him in person.

But what if that changed?

What if jesus were around to witness the society we have become.

How would he be received?

Would he be proud of us?

Would he be ashamed?

So what if jesus were alive today?

That's the question we're asking, right now on life's biggest questions.

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, and happy holidays from everyone

at LBQ.

By the way, I'm charlotte, and if this is your first time here, leave a thumbs up, subscribe

and turn on those notifications.

And if you want to connect with the creative team behind life's biggest questions, our

social media handles are posted in the description.

It is believed by most historians and religious people alike that jesus was in fact a real

person who was born in the first century.

He was a jewish preacher who was crucified under the command of Pontius pilate some time

during 20 to 30 CE.

First of all, jesus was not a Christian, he was jewish.

And he looked very middle eastern.

He was olive skinned.

This directly contradicts the blonde, blue eyed version of jesus so many people are familiar

with in modern times.

It would be, needless to say, a shock.

And then there's the question of whether or not people would believe him when he said

that he was jesus.

2018 is not the 1st century AD.

Most people believed in the supernatural 2 thousand years ago, people these days are

far more sceptical.

But this is jesus we're talking about, he's not some televangelist, he's the real deal.

Jesus would probably start performing miracles to prove he was the son of god, and start

gaining a following.

If jesus were alive today, its likely that he would use the media to preach his message.

In the days of social media, word of a modern day jesus would spread very quickly.

Needless to say, if jesus suddenly started performing miracles, there would be video

coverage of it because everyone has smartphones.

Videos of jesus' miracles would be posted to youtube, where he would most certainly

go viral.

People would dissect every second of these videos, judging the authenticity of jesus'


It would be a really hard thing to grasp.

A real life jesus?

There's no way.

This has to be a hoax.

But its not.

Jesus is everything everyone hoped he would be and more, and he proves it to the masses.

Plus, he's a pretty chill guy.

Soon enough, jesus would be mainstream.

He would be invited to speak on ellen, oprah.

He would be invited to the white house, and to the UN, where he would preach his message.

The world is very different now than it was 2000 years ago, and yet, in many ways the

world is very similar.

Jesus preached about overthrowing an immoral and unjust society where the poor were controlled

by a corrupt ruling class, and when you think about it, things haven't changed all that

much in that regard.

We still live in a society that is plagued by imbalances between the rich and the poor.

There are still 40 million slaves in the modern world.

There are still unjust wars.

There are still A modern day jesus would see that and would still try to change it.

Jesus said time and time again that he was against violence.

Theres no doubt in my mind that he would detest how our society glorifies violence in the

media, in films, in video games.

Jesus was also extremely anti materialistic, think about how he would feel about the consumer-driven

society we live in today?

He said, do not store up treasures for yourself on earth and sell everything you have and

give it to the poor.

This sounds great in hindsight but it definitely wouldn't be received well by corporations.

Its likely that in their own interest, and to keep making money, they would try to discredit

jesus and everything he stands for.

If jesus were alive today, he would likely have a lot to say about how the bible was


The new testament was written many years after jesus lived, and have been changed many times.

Its been rewritten to include teachings that contradict the teachings of jesus.

Many have died in jesus' name since he was alive.

People who used the bible as justification have been wreaking havoc on the world for


The crusades, wars, slave trades, sexual abuse in the church.

Its quite likely that jesus would have a lot of negative things to say about how people

have distorted his teachings for their own personal gain, and that includes the present

day catholic church.

For this reason, its quite likely that the present day catholic church might not accept

a modern day jesus.

Which sounds weird to say, but think about it.

Jesus was crucified because he continued to be an issue for roman authorities.

Jesus preached about love and acceptance, which directly contradicts many branches of


And what about other religions?

How would they accept jesus?

If jesus gained a following in modern day, what does that say about Hinduism or islam.

Would they suddenly renounce their religions and become Christian?

I would imagine that some religious fanatics would take it upon themselves to try to assassinate

jesus because his presence directly contradicts what they believe in.

Elton John once said in an interview that if jesus were alive today, he would support

gay marriage, because he is all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying

to bring people together, and that is what the church should be about.

And Elton john is technically right.

Jesus once said that every human being is precious in the eyes of god, including the

poor, the oppressed and the marginalized.

That includes gay people.

If jesus were alive today, its quite possible he would want to rewrite the bible, so that

we have a new religion to follow.

One that is less altered by history, one that will bring us together instead of tear us


He would tell us to be kind to each other, to help the poor and to except one another

for who we are because we are all human.

We all make mistakes, we all deserve to live life to the fullest, we all deserve to love

and be loved.

But now I open up the question to you, how do you think jesus would feel about our modern


Let us know in those comments.

For now, I'm going to wrap up this video by responding to some comments from my video

Julie Pavlovic – why is this in my recommended.

I don't know Julie, its probably based on some of the videos you've watched in the


Why don't you tell me why its in your recommended.

Tessa Geary – Watching this channel makes me feel smart.

Hey, working for this channel makes me feel smart so I can see where you're coming from.

Timer – remember when this thannel once had good questions.

Nope I don't.

Mommy 143 love – what if all animals talked like humans.

We have actually already answered this question.

What if Animals could talk.

Definitely check it out after you're done this video.

Marcus – I am slowly catching up on all the videos I've missed.

that might take you a while, but the playlist that's going to be flashing on your screen

in just a few seconds might help you out.

We have reached the end of the video, if you want to continue watching LBQ, check out the

playlist that's currently flashing on your screen.

And On behalf of life's biggest questions, Happy holidays to all of our wonderful subscribers,

and may this season bring you so much happiness and time spent with family and friends.

That is it for me, and thanks for watching life's biggest questions.

For more infomation >> What If Jesus Was Alive Today? - Duration: 6:42.


Especial Navidad 2018 (activen subtitulos) - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Especial Navidad 2018 (activen subtitulos) - Duration: 0:47.


Nicci & Synthpojkarna - En Stund På Jorden - Duration: 3:07.

Yes, I was there,

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

Yes, I was there,

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

Yes, I was there,

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

A moment on earth,

How wonderful it was not

I was close, I was close,

I was close, I was there

For more infomation >> Nicci & Synthpojkarna - En Stund På Jorden - Duration: 3:07.


The BEST Triathlon Taren Videos of 2018! - Duration: 10:35.

- What's up Trainiacs?

Welcome to ... again I missed you!


Welcome to this week's Triathlon Newsday-Tuesday.

In this week's Newsday we go over IRONMAN entering India.

For the first time ever, USA Triathlon creates a task-force

to combat dopers and the first ever

Women in Triathlon Summit occurs in Tempe, Arizona,

Girl power!

(upbeat music)

What's up Trainiacs?

Welcome to this week's Triathlon Newsday-Tuesday,

where every single Tuesday we go over all of the news that's

happening around the world of Triathlon.

As always, make sure you stick around to the end,

where we share everyone's favorite aspect of

Triathlon Newsday,

that is a story from the Trainiac community and this week's

addition is a good one.

And as always, full links to everything we talk about

will be in the description below.

Let's start off with IRONMAN, in their continued expansion

into Asia and the Pacific Rim area, considering that they

are now owned by Wanda group, which is an Asian company,

They are setting up the first race ever in India.

This is going to take place in Goa, which is

a very tourist-centric location in India.

The first race is going to happen on October 20th, 2019

and it's going to be a half IRONMAN.

Now, looking into our stats if it interests you at all,

zero-point-two percent of our viewers of the YouTube channel

are from India so if you want to go and cherry pick a spot

to the 2020 half IRONMAN world championship, that might be

the place to do it.

(banging noise)

They're picking up garbage outside, like I said,

we're professional here.

Next up, USA Triathlon announced that they will be investing

$100,000, approved by their Board of Directors to combat

doping more than they currently are, now they are going to

be expanding the amount of amateurs that get tested

for doping at national and non-national events and they

have also created an anti-doping taskforce.

Now, I'm going to create a little bit of scuttlebutt,

I would actually say that there's probably more doping

going on even just in the amateur ranks of triathlon than

most people think about.

Comments below with your thoughts or questions about that

and maybe we talk about that in another video.

Strava released their annual year in review for 2018

and of the 36,000,000 users that they have worldwide,

they have an average of 20 activities uploaded every single

second to pull data from, of some of the more interesting

data this year,

Tuesday is the most frequent day to work out.

May 6th is the most worked-out day all around the globe.

Men tend to upload cycling rides more than anything else.

Women tend to upload running events more than anything else.

And if you want more kudos on your posts, add an emoji

to it.

The full report is in the description below.

It's always a very interesting one.

Fun little note, Sebastian Kienle joined the ranks of all

of the pro-triathletes and I know that there are actually

going to be more talking with some of my my pro-triathlete

pals out there that have been asking me about how to start

a YouTube channel.

Well, Sebastian Kienle threw his hat in the ring

and in Sebastian Kienle fashion said that he turned down

millions from Netflix to start his own YouTube channel.

I'd take the Netflix money man, there's no money in YouTube,

it sucks.

And finally for the news, the first ever Outspoken Women

in Triathlon Summit hosted by Triathlete magazine happened

over the weekend in Tempe, Arizona.

This was a three day summit that a lot of the absolute

best of the best from the world of triathlon gathered

for discussions and networking with amateur

and pro-triathletes, industry representatives,

media representatives, really well covered,

and interestingly enough,

we'll name drop a certain Triathlon podcast

that happens to be the most highly rated Triathlon podcast

in the world,

the Triathlon Teran podcast but we are bringing on Ashley

from the IRONWOMEN podcast

who helped cover the Outspoken Summit and she's going

to come on our podcast and talk about some of the

highlights, so make sure you're subscribed to that

and while we're at it,

another YouTuber out there, one of the very most popular

in the endurance world, the Vegan cyclist Tyler Pearce

was on our podcast, we just published that on Sunday

so go check it out if you like him, #bruh

Surprisingly, we actually had a very busy race calendar as

far as IRONMAN races are concerned.

The South American full IRONMAN championship happened down

in Argentina with Michael Weiss and Sarah Crowley punching

their tickets to Kona, apparently it's comeback season

as Terenzo Bozzone won for the second time in two weeks,

beating out Cameron Wurf, by the way Cameron Wurf is the

two-time bike course record holder from Kona and he's

teaching a "How-to Bike with Cameron Wurf" masterclass,

if you're interested in that go to

Early spots for the "How to Swim with Lucy Charles"

masterclass is sold out but if you still want to get in on

the early spots for that you can buy the all-access pass

which gets you access to all the classes that we're going to

create every single year for half-price, $90 a month

instead of $180 and Cameron Wurf is right at the bottom

of that early masterclass page.

And then finally half IRONMAN Cartagena happened,

I love saying Cartagena, well Paulo Da Silva won

the men's race while Lauren Goss won the women's.

Now let's get into the Trainiac's story which is a shorty

but a really goody because it's all about coming full circle


Hey Teran, when my then fiance now husband started doing

triathlons almost two years ago he began watching

your videos.

Therefore, I also started watching your videos.

I really enjoyed them although I had no intention of doing

a triathlon.

I used to calling running the bane of my existence,

basically tried any workout I could that did not involve

cardio but race after race of being a sherpa,

I started thinking maybe I wanted to try to finish a race.

I kept the thought in the back of my mind,

but still not quite confident enough to say anything

to anyone I didn't.

I never really swam, I had a 50 pound Schwinn cruiser bike

and as previously mentioned I hated running so it really

just seemed like a fleeting joke of a thought.

Then one night while I was going to sleep my fiance was

watching your video where you read the very first Trainiac


I listened to Steve's story about all he'd overcome

and in that moment I decided I could do it.

The next day I told my fiance I wanted to try a triathlon,

he was pumped and I started training right away.

When I began I could only swim 25 yards without stopping,

I was riding my 50 pound Schwinn cruiser bike and I could

barely run half a mile without stopping.

Whenever I struggled, I remembered Steve's story and it

inspired me to push through.

Seven months of training and encouragement from

my incredible now husband Mitch, finally getting

a road bike, your videos and Steve's story helped me exceed

my goals of finishing a sprint-tri without walking

and landed me a second place finish in my age group.

I cannot thank you and the Trainiac community enough,

I will add in especially Steve, thank you Steve for sharing

your story because this is the stuff that happens.

I've officially got the triathlon bug and I'm so proud

and excited to be a part of this supportive community

of triathlon, biggest thanks Trainiacs, Alex.

That is so awesome Alex, it's great to hear.

The whole idea when we wanted to start sharing these stories

is that this is more than me talking to a camera,

pontificating about my thoughts about triathlon.

All of you by sharing your stories here on Triathlon Newsday

inspires each other and that's the best part, the community

that triathlon creates is the most amazing part of this

sport so congratulations Alex, thank you for sharing

your story and I hope that you and this story pass it

forward to somebody else.

So, if anyone else wants to continue that cycle of getting

more people into triathlon, email me at

No story is too big or too small.

Thanks to everybody for watching, if you aren't already

subscribed hit that subscribe button below and if you are

subscribed, send in your stories.

We like em, we love em.

Way to go Trainiacs, later.

For more infomation >> The BEST Triathlon Taren Videos of 2018! - Duration: 10:35.


Magenta - SO1E1 - Cócegas | Websérie LGBT [Subtitles] - Duration: 6:19.

The mixture of light that dwells in us is what makes us be what we are. Be love, fury, passion, sadness, be Magenta.

Manuela: Today I feel better than yesterday.

Manuela: I spent the day fine,

I even managed to go in the yard.

Manuela: I sunbathed, I looked at the sky...

but I couldn't not cry

because when I...

Nina: When I remember we lying in our house,

which is now hers,

late afternoon, looking at the sky,

trying to find shapes in the clouds...

Nina: I remember how incredible everything was,

how fun we were with so little.

Nina: How we lived each moment intensely.

Nina: If I close my eyes, I can even hear.

Nina: I think it's very reminiscent of this mole here.

Nina: So I think that one is for you!

Nina: I sent it there!

Manuela: You did?

Nina: Yes.

Manuela: I can even hear her laughing.

Manuela: I loved to tickle her!

Manuela: It was so funny the way she squirmed!

Manuela: When I stopped, she always smiled with her eyes at me.


Nina: She always smiled with her eyes at me.

Subtitles: Maria Clara Rolim

For more infomation >> Magenta - SO1E1 - Cócegas | Websérie LGBT [Subtitles] - Duration: 6:19.


grown-ish Season 2 | Promo: Sophomore Year | Freeform - Duration: 1:13.

I personally love a sequel.

It's the opportunity to do things bigger and better.

Hello, adulthood.

Cool. This is my nightmare.

Did I say bigger and better?

Oh. I meant filthier and absolutely devastating.

We're talking about ride-or-die commitment.

Are we not relationship goals?

Zo— Can I help you?

No. We're being adorable. Don't fight it.

Don't fight it.

I'm all about, like, peaceful living and giving each other space

and ultimately respecting each other's boundaries.


Aww! Huggy!

What would have had us in a ball,

ugly crying last year,

we will now handle.

I have an idea.

You're black. I'm white.

If we leave at the same time, we cancel each other out.

That sounds dumb as hell.

Let's do it.

For more infomation >> grown-ish Season 2 | Promo: Sophomore Year | Freeform - Duration: 1:13.





hey welcome back on brian Stelter this is reliable sources last week days before the

opening of the Democratic convention WikiLeaks published a trove of hacked stolen DNC emails

and voice messages indicating efforts by party officials to hinder Bernie Sanders campaign

and assist Hillary Clinton's campaign this bombshell led the DNC chairwoman to step down

but that was just the beginning of this story US government sources and

private security firms strongly suspect that Russian intelligence agents were behind the

data breach WikiLeaks is promising to publish more DNC or Clinton related documents in the

months to come so let's ask what the leaks founder Julian Assange about that and he's

joining me live remotely from London from the Ecuadorian Embassy where he's been under

house arrest for years mr.

Assange let me show you what Hillary Clinton said just a couple of hours ago on Fox News

talking about this data dump here's what she said we know that Russian intelligence services

which are part of the Russian government which is under the firm control of Vladimir Putin

hacked into

the DNC and we know that they arranged for a lot of those emails to be released and we

know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin so were you suggesting

that Putin would rather see him as president than you well I'm not going to jump to that

conclusion but I think laying out the facts raises serious issues about Russian interference

in our elections mr.

Assange is Hillary Clinton wrong to link this to Russia well she's made several untrue statements

now not surprised I'll get to them it's not surprising unfortunately that Hillary Clinton

makes untrue statements just a few days ago she made a statement that James Kony I did

not say that she was sloppy in the handling of her emails when there's Ridge everywhere

of James

Kony telling the head of the FBI telling Congress precisely that so unfortunately he can't trust

what Hillary Clinton says I'll get to the words that she's used now for WikiLeaks we're

in a very difficult position we have a perfect 10 year record of always presenting accurate

information to the public that's the best in any media whatsoever and we we also have

a perfect record in ever exposing our sources occasionally someone allege sources step for

themselves but web never expose we know I understand new cars have a source protection

organization you're not willing to disclose your sources which is understandable and yet

how can we get leaks claim to promote transparency in politics without being open about the backstage

interests that influence and possibly steer your operation isn't it hypocritical to do

that we're media organization and media

organizations have an obligation to protect their sources amer that's that's one oh that's

101 let's let me take you through a hypothetical let's say hypothetically Russia gives you

access to a trove of hacked stolen emails would that hypothetically give you any pause

ethically would it be an issue for you now let's not talk about hypotheticals let's talk

about about the real case Hillary Clinton on Fox is trying to undermine our publication

trying to draw attention away from the fact that she conspired with the Debbie wasserman-schultz

her former campaign manager was head of the Democratic Party this advert an election in

the United States now there is what is the result of that the result is the free market


electoral candidates was ruined instead you had a regulatory organization the DNC abusing

its radiant regulatory function the paper one candidate above another including by pumping

out black media black media campaigns trying to undermine Bernie Sanders in complicity

with a lot of the media and that has been covered that has been covered but what about

your role what is the end result the end result may well be that the less competitive candidates

in an open market competition which is what is coming up in the proper election has managed

to secure the nomination and the result of that could well be the election of Donald

Trump so that all published that news has been reported on but why did we publish voicemails

our jewelry market

why did you publish social security numbers from innocent people why publish that kind

of material doesn't it hurt your cause WikiLeaks has contributed to hundreds literally hundreds

of court cases prosecutions liberating innocent people from prison now we're not going I was

inspired by WikiLeaks I remember interviewing you six years ago I was so inspired by WikiLeaks

but let me put up Edward Snowden this tweet on screen this is I think the key as Snowden

said democratizing information has never been more vital and WikiLeaks has helped but their

hostility to even modest curation is a mistake why publish social security numbers why publish

voicemails from children oh as I just explained we publish pristine archives that can be used

in court cases and I used in court cases one for example was used in the Yukos case which

produced a 56 billion dollar dollar finding against Russia in example in relation to expropriation

of oil assets that had previously belonged to a Russian oligarch so we're talking about

at the highest level in terms of civil cases and at the highest level for example in CIA

rendition programs so it's extremely important to not tamper with the evidence to have a

pristine archive and that's what we do now if you want to talk about the reporting of

personal details it's false there there are not full credit card numbers in what we published

what there is is what you see on 7-eleven receipts the last four digits of credit card

numbers there has been a final decision there is no ability to appeal the decision of the

United Nations the lawfulness of my detention or otherwise is a now a matter of settled

law you can't decide that you

are going to recognize a forum take place in proceedings respond to the other party

and then at the end when you don't like the outcome because you have been breaking the

law and you don't even bother to appeal come out with press statements and say well we

disagree it is now the task of the states of Sweden and the United Kingdom as a whole

to implement the verdict now why they can be attempts for the media for the popular

press to look tough and attempt to undermine that a serious attempt not just for show would

have the effect of undermining the UN system and there are consequences of doing that and

Sweden and the UK know full well that there are consequences those consequences include

not merely weakening a human rights and international law instrument to which both countries have

signed binding treaties but rather it will have the diplomatic effect and upon diplomats

know it the diplomatic effect will be to make life difficult for Sweden and the United Kingdom

to be treated seriously as an international player as international players that obey

the international legal obligations their attempts if they proceed to undermine the

UN system we'll see we'll see various enforcement measures that can be taken by the UN how concerned

are you that the emails that WikiLeaks has has

released could have been hacked by the Russian secret services and could have been released

to you as a way of manipulating or influencing the u.s. presidential elections these are

separate questions Exce experts or so-called experts the Hillary Clinton campaign has been

quoting in terms of analysis they are not analyzing our materials they have been analyzing

previous materials are being published by the hill the smoking gun and Gawker now they

didn't publish emails they analyzed their material it's positive this material given

that it's suspected very seriously that the russians hacked the the DNC accounts it's

possible that this material also came from the Russians and was also

released in order to cause maximum damage to the Clinton campaign well what we try and

do as a source protection organization is we like to create maximum and big Uwe T as

to who our sources up because a big was a hard drive that came from eBay maybe consultants

maybe activist maybe state actors maybe whole lotta but you're not specifically Russian

well perhaps one day the source or sources will step forward and that might be a interesting

moment some people will have take on their paces and will be interesting but obviously

to exclude certain actors is to make it easier to find out who our sources are so we never

do it but but as an open source organization you

encourage material from from whatever source like that was like a vacuum cleaner are you

alright with the fact that it could have been the Russians that have done this to manipulate

the presidential elections but you could have been used by the secret services in Moscow

for precisely that reason are you comfortable with that what we have right now is the Hillary

Clinton campaign using a speculative allegation about

hacks that have occurred in the past to try and divert attention from our emails another

separate issue that WikiLeaks is published now because they are having so much political

impact in the United States and I think this raises a very serious question which is is

that the natural instincts of Hillary Clinton and the people around her that when confronted

with a serious domestic political scandal that she tries to blame the Russians blame

the Chinese etc because if she does that when she's in government that is a met a political

managerial style



Peaceful Holidays - Duration: 3:03.

[Aw, hell yeah, this is my JAM]

[Christmas bois]

[time to put pieces of coal up yer ass]

[Is this the new Gundam?]

(Aww, that's apple bot)

[Hell yeah, drink dat egg boi]

["Super Jerma Odyssey" by Philip OnBread, go check 'em out]



[Man's ideal fantasy, right back there]


[Knockbacks are fair and balanced]

[When your mom doesn't want to buy V-bucks for you]

[Shhhh you fuckers, he's sleeping]


[ ... ]

[I thought this was a christmas video, what the fuck?]

l͚͇̥̗̞̓̉̀ͣͤ ͇l͈̮̳̙͍ͣͭͥ̅̉͊̌ͅl̳͈̦ͨ͘ ̮̜͎̫̗̫̓ͨḽ̣̙̖̮̿ͧ̓͝l͕̺̰̣͕̓̓̿ ̢̘͓̞͈̹̭͐ͫ͊͋̾̓̿l̤̲̘͖͔͕ͮͨͭͩ̈͆͘_̬̩̮̪̱͛͋







*get this weak shit outta weak*

(Oh shit, he angry)

(It's not even fucking 12PM yet)

(oh god, did we fuck up too?)

u wot m8?

*fucking dead*

*love tap*

(i need an adult ;-;)

Ḑ̧̻͉͙͈̫̬̘̓ͣ̑́̎̂̓́̕ͅi̢̱̟͍̹̘̙͇͔͕̩̞͍̤̪̮̝͆͋͌ͧ͆̂͆ͤ́͜͝ͅc̷̛̫̺̗̞̞̏̈́ͨ̎ḳ̨̛̖̭̈́̾͂͒̆̃͂ͅ ̨̹̲͓̮̱̖͊̇̊́͝ͅiͫ̓͐ͥ҉̼͖̦̟͚͈͔̀͠s̴̷̢͔͙̗̤̳͇͓͚̠̞̣͈ͣ͌͗̈̍ͬ̐̆̓ͯ͢ ̸̘͍̯̟̜́͑̂ͣ̍ͦ̋̂͆̚͢ċ̵̘̥͕̪͓̬̙̘̦̬͙̰͖̙̩̉̔ͤ̑̊͆͒̉ͬ̃̌̄̍ͩͨ͆͜͝͠ͅoͨ̏̔̾̆̒͠͞͏͚̰͉̹͖̘o̴̤̠̮͚̦͚̜̰̐͂ͪ̓͊ͧ̅̏̆͗ͩͭͬ̄̓ͩ͛͂̓̀͞ͅl̴̥̱̩̘͔̆ͯ̈͂̆ͨ̒̈̎̾ͪͬ͘͞ ̡̡̛͉͎̺̭̙̦̠͇͖͕̫̥̳̹̮̄ͧ̉͛ͨͩ̒̇ͬͦ̎͋͐ͪ͢͜b̴̜̯̞͙̜̏ͯ̈́͆̋̚͢͢u̴͌̿͌̈̔͌̉̇̇͂ͥ͢͝҉̸̗͇̬t̸̤̳̺̼̹͈͈̬͖͙̟͔͎͍͕̳̱͛̀̓̇͒̏̏͐̐̃́͛ͨ̌ͪ̔ͮͮ̀ͅ ̉̓̎ͫ̽̈̋̏̊̽̑͑͜͡҉̵̧͔̮̼h̴̪̺͕̻͑̑̿̅͂̆ͪ́ā̵̆̌̅ͥ̋̾͆͗̋̂͊̎̊̓ͬ̒͌͟҉̜̝͉̹͇̕͠v̢͓̗͚͔̱̥̬͍̩̻̝͈̣͆̏͗͒͋͛̀͐̒ͮͦ̓͞ē̿͗̽̂ͫ͌̅ͩ͊ͬ̀͐̆̅ͦͬ̚͠͏̠̲̞̜̯͙̺̭͜ ́̾̋̎̔͌ͦ̇҉̝̖͙̜͓̦̤y̛͊ͧ͒ͬ̌̓̽̉͋͒ͨ̊ͯͣ̉̌̐́͜҉̱̖̦̖͈̙̭͚̙̦̠̱ờ̓̄̏͏͉̳̻̬͙̺ͅu͋ͥ̿̃̈́ͤ͆͠͏͏̛̦͎̮͓̬̰̙̫̳͕̥͔̦͢ ̡̪̪͎̟͈͉̄ͩ͌͂̎ͨͬ͠t̛ͮ̂͌͌͂ͦ̃͆̓̓̐ͪͤ̄́͞҉̻͎͔̝͜r̶̢̒̋͂̆̆͑ͫ͋̓͟͏͚͔̗̜i̵͒ͭ̿̋ͭ̐ͥ͑̐ͧ̿̚͏͕̹̱̤̝̠̜͖̺͎̞͍̘͈̲͍̙͓̜ẹ̵̵̢̤͉̜͇̫̗̼̮͗͊ͬ́͆̍̓͢ḑ͙̪͎̞̇̿̐̆̋̎ͯ͌ͤ́͋͡ ̵̡̃̉̀̉ͣͭ̔ͤ͒̽̚̚͟͞҉͙͇̣͍̱̣̮̟͚̪͕f̨͇̺̤̠̣͉̻̱̲̹͕͎̻̲̬͗ͪ̉̋̔̈́̓̋͗̽͒̕͢i̢̲̹͖̹͍̪̖̮̲̠̫̥̠̠̗̫̫̖ͯͤ̓͊́̚l̢̡ͬͩ̿͗̒̍̋̈̑ͥ̒ͬ͋̎͋ͧ̅̌͆҉̨̧͓̱̰̥̗̦̲̘͙l̶̶̸̢̬͖̰̦̀̒̍̆̓͆͂̔ͦ̄ͣ̃ͧ̕ͅǐ̧̗̦̳̳͐̇͋͌̽̍͊͗͛ͩ͗̑̈̿̓̑͌͠n̯̹̻̖̫̟̫͐̿̇͛̓̔̆̈́̈́̀͜͞g͖͙̰̖̻̹̘͙̰͋̓̃͆ͫ̂͂͂̏ͫ̀̎́͞͞ ̔ͣ̆̄͆͒̿̑ͦ͊̆̇ͪ͗͐̉͏̡͉̟̮͇̦̼̗͔̞̟͕͇o̩̼͔̫̳̬̰̰͇̣͎͓̮͎͔̭͛̂ͮ̔͆ͮ̄ͥ̃͋̊ͮͦ̎͑̓ͫ̌͝͠ư̶̘̱̩̫͚̼̖̣̪̘̣̲̣̯͇̳̝͎͊ͥ̎̄͡͝ͅr̵̢͍̻͔̠̺͗͋ͯ̄̋͊̅̎̆́͒ͬ ̶̭͚͕̫̣͓̰̜͔̻̈́͗̂ͩͤͮ͌̽ͨͤ̕͞ṁ̛̦̩͇͙͛̋̄̽̽ͤ́ͥ̋ͪͤ͋͛͌ͯͪ͛̚͢͡͡ͅȏ̺̺̺̻̫̙̼̿̃̓͆̓͑ͮͣ̒̈̊́̕͠ú̲͖̙̤̈ͥͯ͋̿ͬ̾̈́ͨͩ͗́̚͟͜͢͠t̶̗̫͎͖͎͈͖̦̠̙͖͎̾ͭ̾̔ͥ͒̌̏͒̓͊̾̈̅̀̚͞h̷̵̘͇̺͍̭̹̥͙̱͉͔̍ͥͨ̽́͟ ̌ͩ͋̓ͮͨ̄ͥ̓͏́͝͏̪͉͎̘͚͓̳̖̞͕̝ͅw̵̢͓̳̬ͭ̅̃͋ͬ̓͒ͭ͒ͧ̋̉̓ͥ̈́̒̏͜͟͝i̵̡͂̆̈̀̍͊ͧͧͭ̆̂̔҉͍̙̮̯̣͟t̸̝̥͍̪͙̔̆̿̋͗̍͊͢ȟ͍̬̫̳̪̞̤̩̰̿͊͛̇̐̅ͬ̕̕͡͠ͅͅ ̬̠͓͓̙̘͚͕̄̅̓̾͆ͯ̔̅ͤͦ̎̾ͭ̚͟͢͝ťͩͫ̋̀̈́̅̆ͩͤ̅̐̐ͯ̚҉̶̨̖̣͎̺̯̝̭̜̳̘̕͢ḩ̧̢̯̰̲̱̞͇̪̬̪̱̤̯͖̈ͭ̉̈͒͆͑ͣ̊̓̐̈́̂̈̃ͦ͋̚ͅe̡̠̦̳̽̈́̏̇̒ͩͮ̔ͫ̀̀͌̐͒͌̓̈͆͜͢ͅ ̡̬̥̼̫ͬ̓͛ͪ̎͛̂̀́w̸̴̴̢̧͖̮̝̖͖͇͔͇̙͓͇͍̫̟͍̝̝̲̍̉̈́̄̆͑̚o̯̥̼͕̺̙ͦ͒̀̓ͪ̓̀̕͜͢͞r̶̡͙̤̹͎̲̋̎̔̋͊̀̅͋̋̈ͣ̊̾̈́̚͟ḑͤͮ͗ͯ̉̀҉̝̮͓͍̟̘͎̜̥͖̞̳̟̱̭́͢s̸̰̰̤̣͔̞̗̙̟͙͔̟͖̲̻̑̈̓ͨ́́ ̾͌ͩ̓̈́̈́̍͏̸̘̙̪͖̠̳̻̘̟͕̻̱̣̗̮̭́ͅò̧̳͕͙̗̝͎̼̱̪͖̬̝̦̦͗ͣ̚͞ͅf̢̼̬̦̺̫͇̻̘ͩ͊͐ͮ̚ͅ ̴̝̬̜̙͎̱̼̰̖̝̗̝͍̳͔ͧ̓̾ͪ̓ͤ̍̉͊ͦ͆̌̕͟͜o̧̧̩̻͈͖̖̞̼̫͚̜͔̖̙͚͙̒̓̔̂ͪ̓͋̆̈́͒͑ͬͩͣ́ͩͥ̀͢uͦ̒ͬ͛҉̡̻̼̞̝̥̕͟͢r̡̛̥͚̦̫͉̻̙̱̈́͆̔͂̓ͦͫ̒̄̔̀ͯ̆͛͝ ̷̴̧̫̖͓̯̽͛͑̉̈́ͪ̈́̒̍̈́͑ͭ͑ͭļ̴̵̡͉̮͎̫̝̗̩̭̟̓̏̋ͯ̑́ͅô̸̱̥͕̖̱͓͔̗̪̳͓̞̣͙̏ͪͥ͆ͅͅṟ̵̱̲̠̜̤̫̞̏̑ͨ̈ͨ̿ͥ́͢͜ͅḑ͆̔͗ͪ̅͒ͣ̽͌͊̕͏̶͈͔̻̙̤̳̳͉̘̣͕͙̜̜̬̣͕̞͕̕ ̶͖͖̦̟̹̗̺̫̬͎̠̜̩͖̲̲̙̯̩ͤͧ̀͛̉̿̐ͩ͒͗̊̋̎͒͐͊͞a̡̳̫͛͋̍̓ͬ̈ͫͯͤ̒̓͛̍ͪ̓͜ͅṅ̨̛̫͈͓̙̘̖͍̟̼̘̱̗̱̬̰̔̄̒ͯ̾͌ͨ̓̅ͬ̇̽̌̚͡d̡̏͗ͬ̏̅̽͊̎̓̓͋͂ͩͨ́̔ͮ̚̚͜͠͏͏͙̳͕͖̺̼͓͚̗̳͉̺ ̷̡̛͚̥̤̓̀̐̊͆̃̂̄̑ͦ͛́͛ͨ̇̔̅̚͘͞s̑̓̇́̄̓̄̄̅ͮ̽ͤ͠͏̯̻̞̺̬̣̯͉͎͙̼äͤ͋̅̋̐͊ͩͥͣ́̍ͦͭͩͨͪ̾͠҉̞̪͙̰̟͖͚̙̼̤̹͝v̶̵̸̡̲̺͔̼͈̱̰̜̌ͦ̈́ͮ͐ͧͨͤ̐̇̃i̶̥̞͉͖̘̘̱̣͇̞̪͇͉ͧͦ͛͗̈̊̀ͭͪͪ̄͜o̓͆͗̀̓ͫ̄ͯͦ̄̉̂ͧ̈͂͛̽̀̚͏҉̖̰̰̞̝̺̳̗͕̠̼̘͚r̴̝̼̙̖̺͓̗̘͙̹̦͕̰̻͖ͦ̔͒ͯ͗̈́̃̽ͣ̎̂̍́͢͢͢ ͙͉̠̘͈̻̘͇̼̭̩͓̤̔̿̌͆͊ͮ̈́̇̽ͧ͜͡Ş̡̦̩͚̽̿̊̍A̴̡̦̜̜̩̯̤̅͂͂ͯͣͭ̂͊ͫ͊̎̉̕͠T̴̵͖̩͉͓̰͈̩̝̪̹̟̭̏̔͊̌͆ͩͦ̅̌ͪͪ̀̽̅ͬ̔ͣ͢Ą̷̺̳͇̣̯͕̝͈ͮ͑̂̑̑̀ͅN̷̴̨̨̛̮͇͉̲͙̪͉̺̠̳̮̹͚̘͓͍͈ͪ͌ͦͪͬ͆͐ͥ͗͋̃ͧͪ͋͑͂̆̚ͅ?̷̢̩͎̰̮̞̺̥͇̟͉̮̻̝͔͔͓̥ͧͨ̇̕͟͟ͅͅ

Actually...'re right.

It is christmas...'s your gift, buddy.

*real shit?*

Many thanks! :D

look at this smug cunt

(Oh boy, I hope it's sandwich!)


[Oh my god, what a fucking asshole]

[This is the face of a man who is proud of his work]


plz no


[Oh, he gave a gift for him? How wholesome!]



I̸̵̫̝̝̝͉̟̟͕ͣ̐̀ͩ̃ͤ̈́̈̐̕͢͝ ̷̴ͭͧͦͯ͠͏͕̘̘͖͙͖͇̬ǹ̸͓͙̝̥̺̫͙ͧͩ̔ͪ̈́̄ͩ̐̓̇̍̓̽̌͐̄̉̀͡e̶̲̼͕̳̫̖͉̱̬͎͔͍̭̠̱̜ͯ̿̎͋̔̃ͪ̌͋̿ͪ͆ͦ͜ͅͅv̧͛ͨ̆̒͂ͮ͑̅̿̂̍ͥ͐̚҉̲̣̰̣̬e̷͍̝͈̩̘͈̰̦̳̋̈ͣ̈́̉͆̃̿̓ͤͅr̷̭̜̥̱̘̬̩̤͈̟ͭ͒ͪ̈͘͟ ̸̧̔̉̅ͮ̂͋ͣ͗͛̿ͫ͛̌͒͒͑͝҉̟͔͖̼̯̝͔̱͘aͯͤͯ̌͛ͦ̀̀̾̍̏ͣ̉͐̒̾̐͐́͡҉̨͖͈͖̱s̵͕͎͈̖̙̤̙͚̜̫̪̞̟̪̟̰̳͎͓͌ͦ̓̐́ͦ̀ͨ̍́͆̾̏͂̐́́k͉̬̟͙̹̰̃ͥ̔̽̀͘͞͡e̵̢̗̯̮͕̪̘̹̫͐̾̌ͪ͌ͭͥ͑̉̆̚͟͡d̷̵̟͔͖̪͓̣̜̘͇̜ͮͯͤͮ͌ͣ̊ͫ̀ ͚̬̺̼̭ͭͦͣͩ͐̀̍̃̾̒ͮ͋͟͟f̨̡͉̫̤̪̥̬̹̙͇̜̗̯̗̻̣̮͔̂ͦ͋̌̓͐͡o̵̸̶̵̝̫͇̭̫̍̉̌͐͑r̴̴̻̝͚͇̹̱̖̦ͧ̀̽ͣ̌ͣ͜ ̶̢̛̯̥͎̲̫̥̦̗̼͍̖͗ͣ͒̾̑̓̐ͪ̔͂ͥ͋̉͊̀̀͢ͅţ̸̥̺̹͇̳̳͔̝̦̦̜̤̫̙̟̈́̆͂͊ͭ̅̎̅͐̉ͮͣ̚ḩ̴̨͕͉͇͈̠̰̖̑̅̇ͥ̍ͫ͐̊ͧ̉ͩ͐ͥ̆̊̚͜͡i̸͓͙͍̘̻̰͙̣̥̰̝͉̳̱̰̅͛̾́͜͠ͅs̵̢̧͎̱̩̘̥̼ͬͬ͐͋̋̆̉͊͒̐̚͠.̶̶ͭ͛̍̂̈́̔ͦ͛̉̚͏̙̤͎̰̳͇̰̮̫͔̜̭̠̞̳͉̣͈̭

[game ended]

oh, not this shit again






For more infomation >> Peaceful Holidays - Duration: 3:03.


11th Shooting On Dan Ryan - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> 11th Shooting On Dan Ryan - Duration: 0:22.


Swastikas spray painted on Alafaya Trail apartment covered with wrapping paper, messages of love - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Swastikas spray painted on Alafaya Trail apartment covered with wrapping paper, messages of love - Duration: 1:48.



shroud and stewie

For more infomation >> SHROUD & STEWIE REUNITE! S1MPLE'S SPECIAL MOUSE! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:04.


Young men surprise needy families with Christmas gifts - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Young men surprise needy families with Christmas gifts - Duration: 2:13.


Links - For The Glory [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Links - For The Glory [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:06.



hi everybody my name is Rhys Baber I'm the audiologist here at audiology

associates thank you very much watching our video today if you've never come

across one of our videos before or if you haven't looked at the channel before

what we do here is post ear wax removal videos we post new ones every Tuesday

and every Friday so if you have any questions about the video that you go to

watch then pop them into the comment section below and that way then the most

popular questions we can answer at the end of the week so enjoy the video and I

shall see you at the end Merry Christmas everybody this is Rhys Barber from

audiology associates thank you very much for watching ourear wax removal compilation

video today well you can see that this patient doesn't have a tremendous amount

of earwax but what he does have is a little ear wax stuck to the eardrum itself which

is just causing a bit of reduced hearing there so we're going to use the micro

suction to remove this earwax so just very slowly working our way along the canal

wall here just lifting this ear wax away you can just see it starting to pull away

now coming away a long sheet so just be very gentle with this obviously the

eardrum is only just a few layers of skin thick so we've got to be very

careful not to put too much pressure on the other drum itself once you all start

the peeling in bigger sheets looking at the wax you can see it's got a very high

glossy Sheen to it I think this is the result of some softening drops going in

and the wax is then hardened on the drum if you're not subscribed to our YouTube

channel or our Facebook page you can check us out and pop a subscription on

YouTube on audiologyassociatesUK or on facebook on audiologyassociates1

there's new content going on both channels every week so check both out

guys so you can see there we are got a long plate of earwax that's come away

now from the ear drum you can see there's still a little bit of debris in there so

we're just gonna work our way through that now still sticking with the suction

tube at the moment it's doing a good job so working this close to the ear drum

you couldn't use anything like a Jobson horn for risk of

perforating the drum we've had a few people ask what happens or what does the

patient experience if we actually touch the eardrum with the suction tube we do

have to suction off the eardrum quite often the patient would experience a

little bit of a like a sharp pinching sensation that's that's the kind of

sensation you get so nothing major there is always a risk of perforation to the

eardrum when you introduce any tool into the ear canal but because we're looking

in here the whole time it makes this a much safer procedure than something

say such as irrigation which we don't use here at audiology associates and a

lot of the doctors in the local area around us have stopped using syringing/irrigation

because it's it's got a few quite nasty side-effects or potentially quite

nasty side-effects such as infections and perforations so just a bit of

tidying up being done in here and see how all this is peeling away from the

canal wall really nicely and the eardrum itself looks really healthy there just

a little bit of tidying up to do but all looking good

and there's the ear drum just held on that there for you a bit so this is what we

removed so you can see it looked absolutely huge on our video but when

you actually measure it up again so any better centimeter the largest piece but

that's about the diameter of the eardrum anyway so this is another patient now we

can see we've got some earwax in here a little bit of a gap at the top of the

ear wax we can just see the edge on the bluish colour bit there through so not

completely blocking the ear canal but just causing a little bit of irritation

and mild discomfort for this patient you can see you can see with a micro

suction in there as soon as we got a grip on that ear wax it started to turn and

we were able to get a better grip underneath so it's all coming away

really nicely a lot of the micro section and earwax removal procedures we get are

this kind of thing your simple easy enough to do

obviously we show you guys some of the more

difficult ones to do as well but this is by far the majority of what we get

through in clinic so this is the same patient but the other ear so this one's

a little bit more blocked up only a very small gap above the wax on this side so

just using the suction tube just to peel the earwax away from the ear canal wall

first there just see it starting to lift so it's all staying together quite

nicely it does look like there may have been a little bit of a cotton bud use or

q-tip use in here because the wax has a slightly indented front end so when you

look at it it looks like it's been pushed in the center which makes it a

little bit more difficult then to get a grip on with the suction sometimes so

we're just turning it over so that we can get to the flatter side underneath

and that gives us a bit of a better suction grip normally and if you are

watching this video guys and you do enjoy it then please don't forget to

either like the video share with your friends that would be great you've done

a fantastic job with our subscriber count' so far sol carry on the good work

guys! so you can see the eardrum looks nice and healthy there there's the earwax

that we removed so quite small pieces that's that's what we removed from both

ears there okay so we're on our final patient now for this compilation so very

light earwax so quite newish ear wax there obviously the light of the earwax is the

new or the earwax is so you can see that it looks quite soft so we're going to use

the micro suction to remove this so getting a grip there we are just

starting to unravel see a little bit of skin come away then as we suck that into

the machine

there it is just starting to come out in pieces these are still connected there's

also a long strip of skin this one you can see the striations and it there's

we're pulling or just broke off we've almost got in one piece so just using

the the suction now just to get a grip further along and pull again you can see

how the skin has come out in a ribbon

sometimes we can get this out in one go sometimes it detaches or breaks away

which is what it's done there so we can see the entrance to that ear canal there

we've got this loose skin you can see it peeling from the ear canal just a strip

of very dry skin basically here we are you can see that hole you can see how

that the ear canal skin forms almost like a little tube and they looks like

there's some wax sitting behind it we're just going to work that down now

sometimes the skin can hold ear wax inside the canal blocking it's it's

route out and there we are there's the ear drum so looking nice and healthy on

that side so this is what you removed from this patients are a mixture of skin

and wax I hope you guys have a lovely Christmas and we shall carry on with the

videos into the new year and have a great 2019 thank you very much for

watching our video today if you did enjoy the video then please like if

you're not subscribed already you'd like to do so you can click the subscribe

button here if you'd like to check out some more our videos they're also up

there now if you want to follow us you can do on Facebook Twitter Instagram and

also check our website if you want to know a little bit more about us as

always guys until the next time take care

For more infomation >> OUR LATEST EAR WAX REMOVAL COMPILATION - EP 119 - Duration: 8:07.


Brook Lopez | Milwaukee Bucks Vs New York Knicks (20 points) | Full Highlights 2018.12.25 - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Brook Lopez | Milwaukee Bucks Vs New York Knicks (20 points) | Full Highlights 2018.12.25 - Duration: 1:20.


Béatification à Oran / Беатификация в Оране - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Béatification à Oran / Беатификация в Оране - Duration: 5:17.


Giannis Antetokounmpo | Milwaukee Bucks Vs New York Knicks (35 points) | Full Highlights 2018.12.25 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Giannis Antetokounmpo | Milwaukee Bucks Vs New York Knicks (35 points) | Full Highlights 2018.12.25 - Duration: 2:00.



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Hello guys, I'm kodi best build and back with you again with another video. I wish you all the win

Well having a great time with your friends with your family

With your kids or wife or anyone?

Preparing for the Christmas holidays and enjoying your Christmas holidays. So be safe

Be careful and have fun. So don't forget guys to subscribe to my channel for more builds and add-ons and

apks for movies and TV shows

So today we're gonna install a great build working for kodi krypton n in version 17

So to install it press right here on system as you can see in the top

Then guys press on system settings

so right here scroll down to add-ons and click on it and

here press on announcer says and then

Press on it to enable to install things from unknown sources

So right here press on file manager

Then guys scroll down all the way to add source click on it

Then press none and right here just copy and paste the source

So sorry I was copying this

youtube link

So here guys

Paste as you can see right here the link get it from my website and paste it right here

So do not forget to visit my website if you missed any video, you will get it into my website. So press on. Okay?

Right here get wizard. So press ok, press

Back and

Back again to the home page of Kodi right here scroll down all the way to add-ons click on it

Then press on this little box in the top


scroll down to install from zip file, so

Here guys, scroll down all the way you will get

You will get the wizard

So click on it and here we get the name Z wizard

So press on it to be install it into your kodi

If you got any problem any issue, just put it in the comment section

I'm gonna replace you guys and I'm gonna help you if you got any problem with Cody

So right here just be waiting until the wizard is

Install it into your kodi

So right here you get the name Z wizard install it now press on continue right here press on the build menu

So here we get one build for Cody 18 and

Right here get two builds for Cody Cripe town

so here we got the Manx black help build silver skin and

Get the black out light bill. So today we're gonna install the Manx black help build Silvo, so press on it

So it's really great build so right here if we got a previous build install it to your kodi

You got a lot of damn shit files

You got a lot of problems into your kodi do a fresh install

right here the standard install if you don't have anything yet install it into your kodi and you need to install a build and

Your meal to curry press on

Standard install. So right here got a previous build. I'm gonna do a fresh install and hit continue

So right here we got

The wizard is gonna clean out all your files and folders and replace them by new ones

So right here as you can see with me

So don't not press on cancel or press on this empty space right here

Just be patient and wait and hold on and so everything is done, right?

Then you can get this bill. It's a heavy bill as you can see right here. You need at least

700 megabytes

To get this build installed into your device if it only if you don't have a bigger space

Into your device to not install this build


you need a bigger space into your device to enjoy this fully loaded build with a lot of Kodi add-ons and


So right here guys you get the download process done

And now it's installing your files as I told you guys you need at least

800 megabytes to get this build but

It's really great and amazing and fully loaded

You will get a lot of movies and TV shells into this build and you can watch a lot of sections

If you got any problem any issue using cody or anything, just put it down in the comment section

I'm gonna reply you and help you and don't forget to

Join my facebook group and my facebook page

Cody bad spill so you will get a lot of things

about Cody

So right you guys you got everything done right

without any problem press on first cloves Cody and

Restart it again to get this great build install it into your device

So guys after install in this build you will get this amazing homepage

So the build is really fully loaded with a lot of Kodi add-ons as you can see right here

You got the system right here. If you want to back to the normal skin of Cody

you press on system right here and

You get interface?

You press on it, and then press on skin and here press on skin again

So here we got the estuary is the normal skin of Cody if you want to back to it

press on it and that way you back to the normal skin of Cody and

That way you don't need to announce style Cody and install it back. So here get the top Cody add-ons

So once you got right here the best working QT add-ons

So you got a lot of

Kildee add-ons get George y-you. Got a Reynolds numbers. You got Yoda as you can see right here

I told you this is really fully loaded build

So he'll get movies in this section. You can enjoy all the latest movies and TV shows also right here

We got the commentaries you got networks

so here

In movies section you get a lot of sections

also most folded most popular people watching box office the Oscar winners

So press on any section you want to watch?

Any new movie or any movie you want to watch it you can watch it best but for a better experience

I suggest you guys to get a VPN to

Stream a lot of movies and watch any movie you want. So here get Aquaman you got spider-man you get

Romo you got bohemian. You got a lot of great movies right here. We got Avengers the nfinity war

So you got diehard

It's an old movie, but it's really great. So here got a lot of movies

You can enjoy them and watch them without any problem. So

This is Yoda. And here you got Joshua. I got piranhas you got the raisin tights

Yeah placenta incursion

So here you got this top Cody add-ons section

So he'll get all-in-one as you can see we got

Supremacy Skynet you got project and we got maverick you got the magic dragon

so really

Amazing Cody build to get so here we can find magic dragon on Twitter magic dragons 80

So you can follow them so he'll get people watching you get the new movies

You got real debride. 4k catch-up TV. I got a lot of things

So he'll get new movie released. You can enjoy this section and watch anything you want

So as you can see right here, there is a lot of things to watch and enjoy


Here we got live TV. I don't wanna wanna show the live TV because there's a lot of

problems on it a

lot of copyright

Material on it. I don't want to show it. So here we got TV shows

We can watch a lot of amazing things in this TV show

So got a triage got 8d flakes and here got the commentaries for sure if you want to watch any

Documentary you can't get it

So here get movies in this movies section. You got a lot of things

Also, you get a lot of movies you get a lot of stuff. So don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more

coming videos about Cody about Cody

bills and Adams and streaming apks so we need to reach

6000 subscriber before

2018 and and

then we're gonna start a new goal to reach 10,000 subscribers and then back to the

40,000 subscribers and Cody best build channel

So as I said here is movies so I enjoy a lot of movies

They got this great amazing. So it's Christmas too this time

You can watch the Christmas movie with your friends with your family and enjoy it

So here we got a lot of great movies

So here got kids so enjoy this section with your kids

It's really great an amazing one

So here you got a lot of amazing

sections in this build

so don't forget to like the video share it with your friends with your family and

Leave me your comment in the comment section. Thanks a lot for your time

You give to me to the Cody best build channel. Thanks for your support guys

Don't forget also to comment on my community section in

The channel to get more content and I want to know your reaction and your comments

So right here guys we are in the end of the video

So this is Cody best build new channel

don't forget to press on subscribe as you can see right here and

press on the bell icon right here to get every update or every

video at a post on the channel

So don't forget also to check my other videos and videos check

Section and if you want to subscribe to my other great channels right here we can do that

So thanks for watching me and see you soon for another

great video



Pancia gonfia: ecco come eliminarla disintossicandosi - Duration: 3:12.

Dopo anni di studi, la medicina ha scoperto che la maggior parte delle malattie è causata da un intestino intossicato.

Una dieta povera e uno stile di vita sedentario, infatti, possono compromettere il normale funzionamento di questo organo.

Quando abbiamo problemi digestivi, i sedimenti si accumulano nel colon e aderiscono alle pareti dell'intestino.

Questi residui, insieme ad altri microrganismi e tossine, fermentano all'interno del corpo e fanno gonfiare la pancia.

Perché depurare il colon? Depurare il colon regolarmente aiuta a prevenire molti problemi come: allergie,

stipsi, scarso appetito, sovrappeso e alito cattivo.

Ci sono molti modi per pulire l'intestino. Quali metodi preferire.

I più efficaci sono sicuramente assumere dei lassativi oppure ricorrere a dei rimedi naturali.

I lassativi possono essere efficaci, tuttavia spesso pregiudicano l'intestino e altri organi come il fegato in quanto stimolano artificialmente il movimento intestinale.

La medicina naturale offre dei rimedi naturali per la pulizia intestinale meno rischiosi e altrettanto efficaci.

Uno di questi è un succo che evita la produzione di gas e, per questo, rende la pulizia più delicata.

Inoltre, essendo diuretico, favorisce anche la perdita di peso.

Ecco la ricetta del succo che ti farà dire addio alla pancia gonfia INGREDIENTI; 1 ananas; 2 arance; 1 cetriolo; 1 mela; 1 limone; 1 cucchiaio di aloe vera; 2 tazze di acqua.

PREPARAZIONE; Lavate, sbucciate e tagliate tutti gli ingredienti e metteteli nel frullatore.

Otterrete un succo da bere 3 volte al giorno per 3 giorni.

Seguendo questa ricetta otterrete 3 tazze di succo, bevetene subito una e conservate le altre 2 in frigo.

Controindicazioni: le donne incinte non dovrebbero seguire alcuna disintossicazione durante il periodo di gestazione.

Nb: Le informazioni contenute in questo articolo non intendono sostituire il rapporto diretto tra medico e paziente.

Per maggiori informazioni è opportuno rivolgersi ad uno specialista.

For more infomation >> Pancia gonfia: ecco come eliminarla disintossicandosi - Duration: 3:12.


(Fluid 277) Schnabelbecher die Zweite # Mit Silikon 100 - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> (Fluid 277) Schnabelbecher die Zweite # Mit Silikon 100 - Duration: 10:26.


Alberto Monnar - Cuidado (CC Available) - Duration: 2:46.

Be careful, very careful because you are taking the wrong direction Be careful, with your lies That I can guess when you look at me

Be careful, very careful I'm back when you have not started Be careful, I'm not so blind to let you continue with this game

Be careful, when you have to put me aside, think that the world will keep turning, and sometime you'll end up crying

Be careful, because you will have me bound to your life, because in your mind I will be present because when you come back you'll tilt your forehead

Be careful, when you have to put me aside, think that the world will keep turning, and sometime you'll end up crying

Be careful, because you will have me bound to your life, because in your mind I will be present because when you come back you'll tilt your forehead

For more infomation >> Alberto Monnar - Cuidado (CC Available) - Duration: 2:46.


TWICE (트와이스) -『CANDY POP』 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> TWICE (트와이스) -『CANDY POP』 - Duration: 3:22.


杨幂:有一种离婚,叫喜提单身 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 杨幂:有一种离婚,叫喜提单身 - Duration: 3:06.


Maxima des Pays-Bas enceinte à 47 ans, la rumeur enfle - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Maxima des Pays-Bas enceinte à 47 ans, la rumeur enfle - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> Maxima des Pays-Bas enceinte à 47 ans, la rumeur enfle - Duration: 1:35.


NOMRAH- "The Teaser" Official Video (Freestyle) [YouTube Version] [EXPLICIT] - Duration: 2:14.

All right, listen

So I gotta ask, before I move on to the next task

Why do you makin' stupid wishes for these clueless bitches who have new assistants in the office?

Who presume the difference regardless of the politicians claiming they're harmless shoutin' fake news and deporting his targets.

I wear this mask in an effort to garner respect among martyrs the kings and their daughters

But all you want is a suit and tie, the new true guy, to abuse his rights for you and I


This shit is real life, this ain't no Nintendo. If you switchin' up,

We break your bones with no extendo. If you N, E, or S

imma take the W. 3D like 64 beat you 'till I'm done with you.

You don't pay attention to lyricists, a king or his daughters or the tracks that he slaughters, you must be fuckin' delirious.

I hope that you're serious. The person that's seein' this, throw me over Trump's wall, you bet that I'm reachin' it!

I'll break into the White House to knock Cheeto man's lights out, then I wake up on my couch...

it was all a dream and

That's the end of the story it seems

After the glory and no more streams. I'm scared of the fame and what it might bring

But I want it so bad that I'll do anything for a single chance

This project will leave you stuck like your hand in a Pringles can

February 14th the best of the century, NOMRAH, ain't nobody bestin' me. 3636 the gang that we reppin'

You know when I tested I'll surely be bestin' any of these motherfuckers I'll beat 'em like Tekken!

I've had enough you trappin' hits. It's sounding so blasphemous, I'd tell you to suck my dick, but instead just put your mouth to this

When I drop Simu-Larity you'll hear similarities like prophets and pharisees when they're hearin' the angels speak

But don't you dare to compare me to the heresy airing, I'mma need therapy, The critics are tearing me, they're sayin' I'm terribly

Destroyin' the art, I've been torn apart, and I've played a part of this renaissance

But I fight for what I believe in, don't give a fuck if I hurt your feelings. I'm on top of this mountain peekin'

Looking down upon all you heathens

Yo, that was hella fun, I got to do this more often... Simu-Larity, February 14th, stay tuned.

For more infomation >> NOMRAH- "The Teaser" Official Video (Freestyle) [YouTube Version] [EXPLICIT] - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> NOMRAH- "The Teaser" Official Video (Freestyle) [YouTube Version] [EXPLICIT] - Duration: 2:14.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


NOMRAH- "The Teaser" Official Video (Freestyle) [YouTube Version] [EXPLICIT] - Duration: 2:14.

All right, listen

So I gotta ask, before I move on to the next task

Why do you makin' stupid wishes for these clueless bitches who have new assistants in the office?

Who presume the difference regardless of the politicians claiming they're harmless shoutin' fake news and deporting his targets.

I wear this mask in an effort to garner respect among martyrs the kings and their daughters

But all you want is a suit and tie, the new true guy, to abuse his rights for you and I


This shit is real life, this ain't no Nintendo. If you switchin' up,

We break your bones with no extendo. If you N, E, or S

imma take the W. 3D like 64 beat you 'till I'm done with you.

You don't pay attention to lyricists, a king or his daughters or the tracks that he slaughters, you must be fuckin' delirious.

I hope that you're serious. The person that's seein' this, throw me over Trump's wall, you bet that I'm reachin' it!

I'll break into the White House to knock Cheeto man's lights out, then I wake up on my couch...

it was all a dream and

That's the end of the story it seems

After the glory and no more streams. I'm scared of the fame and what it might bring

But I want it so bad that I'll do anything for a single chance

This project will leave you stuck like your hand in a Pringles can

February 14th the best of the century, NOMRAH, ain't nobody bestin' me. 3636 the gang that we reppin'

You know when I tested I'll surely be bestin' any of these motherfuckers I'll beat 'em like Tekken!

I've had enough you trappin' hits. It's sounding so blasphemous, I'd tell you to suck my dick, but instead just put your mouth to this

When I drop Simu-Larity you'll hear similarities like prophets and pharisees when they're hearin' the angels speak

But don't you dare to compare me to the heresy airing, I'mma need therapy, The critics are tearing me, they're sayin' I'm terribly

Destroyin' the art, I've been torn apart, and I've played a part of this renaissance

But I fight for what I believe in, don't give a fuck if I hurt your feelings. I'm on top of this mountain peekin'

Looking down upon all you heathens

Yo, that was hella fun, I got to do this more often... Simu-Larity, February 14th, stay tuned.

For more infomation >> NOMRAH- "The Teaser" Official Video (Freestyle) [YouTube Version] [EXPLICIT] - Duration: 2:14.


Magenta - SO1E1 - Cócegas | Websérie LGBT [Subtitles] - Duration: 6:19.

The mixture of light that dwells in us is what makes us be what we are. Be love, fury, passion, sadness, be Magenta.

Manuela: Today I feel better than yesterday.

Manuela: I spent the day fine,

I even managed to go in the yard.

Manuela: I sunbathed, I looked at the sky...

but I couldn't not cry

because when I...

Nina: When I remember we lying in our house,

which is now hers,

late afternoon, looking at the sky,

trying to find shapes in the clouds...

Nina: I remember how incredible everything was,

how fun we were with so little.

Nina: How we lived each moment intensely.

Nina: If I close my eyes, I can even hear.

Nina: I think it's very reminiscent of this mole here.

Nina: So I think that one is for you!

Nina: I sent it there!

Manuela: You did?

Nina: Yes.

Manuela: I can even hear her laughing.

Manuela: I loved to tickle her!

Manuela: It was so funny the way she squirmed!

Manuela: When I stopped, she always smiled with her eyes at me.


Nina: She always smiled with her eyes at me.

Subtitles: Maria Clara Rolim

For more infomation >> Magenta - SO1E1 - Cócegas | Websérie LGBT [Subtitles] - Duration: 6:19.


Let's Talk - The lovely Alicia, Awhi Farm (SUB FR&EN) - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Let's Talk - The lovely Alicia, Awhi Farm (SUB FR&EN) - Duration: 6:53.


Soy Luna || All I want for Christmas (¡Feliz Navidad!) - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna || All I want for Christmas (¡Feliz Navidad!) - Duration: 0:51.


19 Facts About The Human Body That You Didn't Know - Duration: 11:50.

19 facts about the human body that you didn't know if you'd like a more

educational fix for your horror fascination why not look inside the

mysteries of the human anatomy sure you won't see serial killers roaming around

your bloodstream but studying the human body unlocks stories of zombie proteins

mystery resurrections unrelenting stalkers stone fetuses and the

ever-popular exploding bodies you might be surprised

now keep watching for facts about human body parts that will totally creep you

out before we begin this video don't forget to subscribe to our channel for

more daily tips like this and turn on notifications so you never miss our new

videos number 19 the brain we like to imagine that our brains have some

firmness and dignity to them but they're actually almost as soft as jello while

brains used in anatomy labs tend to be firm they've generally been fixed with

formaldehyde a human brain in the wild is about 3 pounds of easy dented goop

that's responsible for everything we think feel and experience the human

anatomy sure is pretty interesting isn't it

number 18 hydrochloric acid hydrochloric stomach acid the digestive acid in our

stomachs is as acidic as battery acid the body has a system of defenses to

keep the stomach acid from eating through our skin starting with the

epithelial wall cells of the stomach they make a basic mucus coating to cover

the inside of the stomach even then these stomach cells have one of the

fastest life cycles of any in the human body dying after only days want to know

about one extremely creepy fact about the human anatomy and the human body

that has to do with decomposition well stick around until the end to find out

what it is number 17 pain receptors although the brain

interprets pain signals it doesn't have any pain receptors itself this allows us

to perform conscious surgery for neurological conditions like brain

tumors and epileptic seizures enabling us to ask the patient about the bodily

sensations surgery is producing number 16 digestive tract

our digestive tract is essentially a 30-foot long tube with no interruption

between mouth and anus because of that nothing in the digestive tract is really

inside us it's just passing through the tube in the middle of us for a little

while number 15 pinky finger your delicate

pinky finger is in fact responsible for half of your hand strength while the two

front fingers coordinate on dexterity tasks the Pinky and the ring finger work

together to give the hand its power number 14 kidneys many people have more

than two kidneys if you are given a kidney transplant for a poorly

functioning kidney they leave the old kidney in that's because having the

extra kidney function at 1 or 2% is better than not functioning at all and

because it's such a big deal to remove the old one number thirteen bacterial

cells as of 2016 scientists believe that there are as many bacterial cells living

in your body as there are cells in your body itself how is that possible well

most of the bacterial cells are far smaller than human bodily cells meaning

that it's not even a stretch for them to fit don't worry

most of these cells are benign relatively number 12

spinal arc reflex the Lazarus sign is a spinal arc reflex that causes the arms

to rise and cross over the chest much like a mummy now that's pretty cool on

its own but what makes it creepy is that it can happen

after you're dead spinal arc reflexes are relayed directly to the spine

without any need to run through the brain so they can happen even after the

brain has already died number eleven zombies prions are the zombies of the

microbial world little proteins that infect other proteins into behaving like

them despite not being alive prions are responsible for mad cow

disease as well as kruetzfeldt Jakob disease a universally fatal brain

disorder in humans there's no known cure for these zombies but they can infect

you if you eat any beef tainted with mad cow disease and they're almost always

fatal number 10 the liver our liver function is vital to our existence the

liver is one of the only organs in the body that's capable of regeneration and

it can regenerate after the loss of as much as 75 percent of its volume that's

why a live donor can donate part of their liver the donated portion will

grow back afterwards during liver regeneration most of the functions of

the liver remain normal yikes did you know this fact about our

liver function the I sure didn't number nine walking humans aren't

particularly strong and we aren't particularly tough but we are incredibly

stubborn although slower than many other animals

our endurance when walking enables us to outpace other animals over the long run

early humans use this strategy called persistence hunting to literally walk

their prey to death number eight thinking with your stomach

if you've ever been accused of thinking with your stomach it might comfort you

to know that all humans technically do the ens enteric nervous system is a set

of semi independent neurons governing the gastrointestinal system it's made up

of five hundred million neurons just one two hundredths of the cells in the human

brain and it stretches between the esophagus and the anus number seven the

human body glows if you've ever marveled at a fireflies

glow you'll be thrilled to hear that humans are also bioluminescent in 2009

Japanese scientists released a study showing that under ultra sensitive

cameras human beings produced a tiny amount of visible light it's a thousand

times weaker than anything we could detect with the naked eye but it's still

pretty cool right number six our skin the skin is the

largest human organ if you stretched out the skin of an adult male it would be

around 21 square feet also your skin has multiple layers and the outermost one

the corneal layer of the epidermis is mostly dead talked about a cool organ

right number five being in space without a suit if you're ever caught out in

space without a suit don't worry your blood won't boil you won't explode and

you won't freeze while gases expand and liquids boil in a vacuum you'd be

protected by the envelope of your body instead you die from lack of oxygen

asphyxiated after a few minutes in the cold dark vacuum of space

isn't that so much better number four saliva every day our mouth produces two

to four liters of saliva which is important because saliva contains

enzymes that start breaking down food in our mouths before we even swallow it

even better the saliva is filled with far more

bacteria than our urine which is relatively sterile YUM

number three jaw muscles your face would look pretty nightmarish without muscles

and most of the difference is around the jaws that's because your misete are one

of the muscles involved in chewing is one of the strongest muscles in the body

pound for pound think about that the next time you're biting into an apple

number two mites in our eyelashes those of you who had traumatic early

experiences with lice should skip this next segment all the louse folks out

good because there may be tiny mites living in your eyelashes demodex mites

are microscopic little critters that thrive on people's skin oils they aren't

usually troublesome but if you've got too many of them they can cause

inflammation now that you've made it to the end here's the number one creepy

fact about the human body and it has something to do with decomposition

number one decomposition this is one of the worst facts about the human body

parts I've ever heard so of course I needed to pass it along

see after death there's a natural decomposition process that a body

follows and if the body's left in a place without oxygen like too tightly

sealed in a casket anaerobic bacteria can literally turn the body to brown

sludge releasing gases that quite literally make the casket explode

afterwards the sludge often drips out of the casket decomposition is creepy

enough already and I'm about to make it even creepier see it starts out a few

minutes after death with something called a loose

or self digestion as the cells run out of oxygen to deal with their toxic

byproducts enzymes start to digest the cell membranes yum which fact from this

video creeped you out the most let us know in the comment section below

enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your friends also

subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 19 Facts About The Human Body That You Didn't Know - Duration: 11:50.


You Don't Have To Play The Game | TDIII Talk | #12 - Duration: 3:33.

You are under no obligation to play anyone's existing game.

Hey everybody. So here are my thoughts today.

I spend a lot of time thinking about, talking about,

here on The Music Stuff Show and just with my friends about the current state

of music and how the new artists of today can create a career,

create a business without going through the normal channels of old,

right? I,

I think that a lot of the time the viewpoint is how can we beat the record

labels, how can we beat the existing system,

how can we win and give more power to the artist and,

and not let the money hungry suits beat us into submission?

Uh, I was watching a clip from Joe Rogan's

podcast on Youtube at lunch today and he was talking to Billy Corgan,

who is the lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins.

If you don't know who that is, shame.

And if you don't know who that is, learn it.

They're just one of the most dominant bands of the nineties.

Anyway, Billy was talking about some of his

experiences as a musician in the nineties and some of the things that

went on and how that impacted their career and impacted some of the

decisions they made and some of the successes and failures they had as a

result. And that interview,

that conversation, made me,

was the impetus for recording this episode.

It made me think about the importance of clarifying that when...

I do not believe that we as musicians in 2018 are under any obligation to try to

win against the record labels or the big bad record labels,

right? Or to try to beat them in the current

system. I think any successful innovation is not

built on trying to go head on against the grain of whatever exists.

It is all about forging a new path.

Today, the opportunity exists in the form of

creating a new business model entirely for creating music as a successful

business. It is not,

"I'm going to go against a record deal"

or "I'm going to make sure I get the best record

deal that's out there and somehow get leverage over and screw existing

labels." No.

You've got to think more outside of the box than that.

Now is the time when you can just build a business.

There is no gatekeeper. There is no need for a deal.

There is no need to play by any of the existing,

quote, rules.

If you... You have direct direct access to your

fan base and your consumer, now.

Direct. Nobody stands in your way.

The only thing that stands in your way is you,

through hard work. If you're willing to work hard and build

a business, just like any other entrepreneur in any

other field can nowadays and go direct to your consumer,

you will win. So don't get caught up thinking you have

to play existing games. Think outside of the box.

That is my biggest call to action for you.

Think outside of the box and do your own thing.

Make your own way.

For more infomation >> You Don't Have To Play The Game | TDIII Talk | #12 - Duration: 3:33.


La testimonianza di una donna, Antonella, fa emergere nuovi particolari sul caso di Desirée Mariotti - Duration: 3:58.

     Spuntano nuovi particolari sull'agghiacciante vicenda di Desirée Mariottini, la 16enne di Cisterna di Latina trovata morta in un palazzo abbandonato in via dei Lucani, nel quartiere San Lorenzo di Roma, la notte tra il 18 e il 19 ottobre

La testimonianza di una donna, Antonella, fa emergere nuovi particolari sul caso: "Mi disse che un uomo aveva cercato di stuprala la sera prima

Lì nel covo di via dei Lucani avevano organizzato tutto". Stando alle sue parole riportate da 'Il Corriere della Sera', Desirée sarebbe stata attirata in una trappola, così come aveva già ipotizzato il padre

 A svelare l'inquietante retroscena questa volta è Antonella, una donna che avrebbe conosciuto Desirée e che avrebbe parlato con lei al telefono poche ore prima della sua morte

"Il 18 ottobre verso le 11.40 ricevo una telefonata da Desirée nella quale mi chiede di andare in via dei Lucani perché aveva passato la notte presso un ragazzo, di cui non mi raccontava nulla, che aveva avuto intenzione di stuprarla", ha rivelato la donna, che ha poi spiegato di aver incontrato la 16enne il giorno prima del decesso

(Continua dopo la foto e il video)   Desirée, stando al suo racconto, sarebbe stata in lacrime e alla disperata ricerca di eroina e lei, impietosita, le avrebbe dato 10 euro

"Da quel momento sono diventata il suo punto di riferimento ed ha cominciato a parlare con me, aprendosi e raccontandomi cose della sua vita, anche familiare

Mi ha detto che era preoccupata di tornare a casa in quanto le avevano rubato il tablet e che la responsabile del furto era una ragazza di nome Muriel, che io conosco bene", ha spiegato la donna, che avrebbe incontrato Desirée anche il giorno successivo

Antonella infatti, scrive ancora 'Il Corriere', avrebbe raggiunto la 16enne intorno alle 12 e insieme sarebbero andate in cerca di droga

(Continua dopo la foto e il video)   "C'era un africano che secondo me ha pianificato tutto – ha raccontato la donna – aveva i capelli rasta con dread piccoli e una felpa gialla

Cucinava cocaina e Desirée cercava di fare un tiro. Lui le diceva di no e cercava di toccarle una spalla o una coscia come se ci stesse a provà

Lei lo scansava ma ho avuto l'impressione che potessero accordarsi". Antonella, stando ancora al suo racconto, sarebbe tornata dopo qualche ora e avrebbe trovato Desirée all'interno del palazzo abbandonato in compagnia anche di un altro ragazzo africano: "Una persona di m…, un viscido, un animale che si approfitta di tutte le ragazze, poiché chiede prestazioni sessuali in cambio di cocaina che, dopo il rapporto, non cede"

(Continua dopo la foto e il video) "I due africani la incitavano a bere vino da una bottiglia solo per lei" ha aggiunto Antonella, sostenendo che "c'era anche Muriel, con la quale Desirée ha una discussione sul tablet rubato, cosa a cui credo perché l'avevo visto nello zaino di Muriel, che diceva di aver 'svoltato' grazie a quel furto"

La testimone infine ha sostenuto di aver invitato Desirée ad andare via di lì "perché si stava creando una situazione strana, con troppi uomini nella stanza, mentre quello con i dread continuava a offrirle droga gratis

Una cosa mai vista. Desirée mi rispose 'levati', perché voleva restare lì".  Dietro le quinte del potere  Ti potrebbe anche interessare:

For more infomation >> La testimonianza di una donna, Antonella, fa emergere nuovi particolari sul caso di Desirée Mariotti - Duration: 3:58.


Alpha Outpost December 2018 Chestnuts Theme Box Unboxing - Duration: 0:52.

[ Intro Music Plays ]

[ Wind Swooshing ]

[ Bells Jingling ]

[ Christmas Music Plays ]

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe, and order your Alpha Outpost today!

Merry Christmas!

For more infomation >> Alpha Outpost December 2018 Chestnuts Theme Box Unboxing - Duration: 0:52.


Alberto Monnar - Cuidado (CC Available) - Duration: 2:46.

Be careful, very careful because you are taking the wrong direction Be careful, with your lies That I can guess when you look at me

Be careful, very careful I'm back when you have not started Be careful, I'm not so blind to let you continue with this game

Be careful, when you have to put me aside, think that the world will keep turning, and sometime you'll end up crying

Be careful, because you will have me bound to your life, because in your mind I will be present because when you come back you'll tilt your forehead

Be careful, when you have to put me aside, think that the world will keep turning, and sometime you'll end up crying

Be careful, because you will have me bound to your life, because in your mind I will be present because when you come back you'll tilt your forehead

For more infomation >> Alberto Monnar - Cuidado (CC Available) - Duration: 2:46.


subscribe to flophawk - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> subscribe to flophawk - Duration: 9:05.


UNDERTALE #1 💖| From flowers to goats - Duration: 21:43.

Long ago, two rces ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

They sealed the monsters underground, with a magic spell.

Many years later...


Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.

Oof that kid fell down a hole oh no.

The child dead.

UNDERTALE! Welcome to...Undertale.

Uhhh. No. Actually, the game's title is "PRESS Z OR ENTER"

It's...Uhh. A very complex game: you need to press Z...or Enter.

So, i'm just gonna-

*he pressed enter*

So, uhm...We're playing Undertale!

It came out in 2015.

Uhm, I'm playing it with a mod.

Uhm, you will see... Uhh...What this mod brings.

Uhh...I'm actually playing with two mods.

Uhh...a music mod and a...uhh... another mod.


Uhh...Let's- Let's name the fallen human!

What's his name?




I don't know. What IS his name?

Uhhh...Let's say...


Is this name correct?


Let's say that-

Let's say that it is correct.


And so this is a very ugly child. No wonder that it fell down here!


Hmm... You're new to the underground, arent'cha?

Golly, you must be so confused.

Just read the text box...


I didn't know I had a soul!

Well, thanks for the information!


Sorry. Had to make a cut. The phone rang and... anyways!

Yeah, pretty much. (Woah, very edgy...)


That uh...


Oh, it's a badly animated fireball.

Oh, it's a goat!

I don't trust goats! They- They have horns and they can stab me with their horns.

I don't like that!

I think it makes them...HORNY!

We have a goat mom!...I think.

Oh, this dark room has walls!

I don't know how that works...


Uhm...As you see, we're playing with a mod called

Undertale Remastered.

It, uh, turns the sprites into better sprites.

And uh, also, we're playing with a mod called "Undertale Better Graphics."

normally it makes the graphics better but it also has music in it so the music

so I put the music in there and know what to expect

the shot of the rules looms above you telling you with determination thank you

for downloading yeah yeah PewDiePie welcome to your new home

innocent one allow me to educate you and operation of the rules oh that's a very

nice puzzle means are full of puzzles engine fusions between the versions and

door keys ok one must stop them - from room to room please adjust yourself to

the side of them now I'm leaving

nope I'm leaving gone flowers they must have broken your fall mm-hmm I can't

leave all right

all the fearless may proceed Ravens foolish ones both walk the middle

road to make progress here you'll need to trigger several switches everything

I've labeled the ones that you need to flip Prezi to read science oh thank you

I used numpad one to read science silly me stay on the path the switch

I pissed it please press the switch to no no no you want to press out the

switch in labor for you Parowan - it could be a trap it's a trap

splendid in front of you

all right if you say so as a human living in the world Isis may attack you

who need to be prepared for the situation

when they encounter monster polenta fight

the fight struck up a friendly conversation that's all the time I don't

to resolve the conflict facts is talking to the blue why should I talk to a dummy

not talking to a dummy I'm not a dummy no Walter we'll check it

damn you takes your defensive Oh a cup of hot in the butter no you're the apple

of my eye that's huge

can I steal our toaster me to flirt I can start with salami

let's pass

that looks like it's going to follow them me in a nutshell

I mean if seconds ago

let me stand the write-ups might be any Tigers of your amorous shenanigans you

want you aren't your experience you were gold

yes that's wait why is it I'm still here that doesn't make any sense next room


all right if I die me love has in this room I wonder if you can solve it let's

fall out a goat rocket attacks you

what will I do

forget the heck forth since five life is difficult for the time

you only on 0x pn0 gold that look on our face if you delete your eyes you can see

her nose and her mouth and this looks like a face too like a little dopey face

the western room is Eastern blueprint that's nice this is the puzzle but yeah

take my hand for a moment

too dangerous for now you have done excellently thus far my child oh well I

have a difficult request to ask you I would like you to walk to the end of the

room by yourself Wow forgive me for this yeah bye Oh

what's blocking the doorway using some kind of magic it's oddly placed pillow

let's look talk

greetings my child doctor II I did not leave you I was merely behind this

pillar the whole time thank you for trusting me however there was an

important reason for this exercise to test your independence I must attend to

some business and you must stay alone for a while

please remain here it's dangerous to explore by yourself I have an idea it'll

give you a cellphone yes I could have done the math you mean yeah I have an

idea what's your idea huh huh but I'm not that funny

okay it's not that I'm not funny it's because I still have risk I still have a

little twink of respect for myself if you have a need for anything just call

be good all right nope seven let's let's call her this

historial you only want to say hello hello I hope that surprises this is Tori

oh you want to say hello again rotations is that enough No

jessa story oh are you bored I should have given you a book

my apologies we're not using imagination divert to divert yourself but you are a

monarch rule over the relief by with a fist of iron can you do that for me

no this is Tommy oh hello my child sorry I do not have much to say it was nice to

hear your voice tell me a little bit about yourself this is torreón you want

to know more about me well I'm afraid there's not much to say I'm just a lady

who worries too much let's call her mom this toriel huh did you just call me Mom

well I suppose would that make you happy to call me well then call me whatever

you like say hello to mr. Torrio hello my child

oh yeah yeah yeah let's flirt god dammit

yeah sorry oh yeah how adorable I could pinch your cheek you can suddenly find

better than not woman like me let's flirt again how do you are you serious

and after you said you want to call me mother you are interesting child yeah

let's not listen to it all and leave this room in three two one go I can't

sprint go ring hello the story oh yeah a lot left the room have you there are few

puzzles ahead today yet to explain would be dangerous to try to solve them by

yourself be good all right right right excuse me human I have some advice for

you about battling monsters if you act a certain way or fight until you almost

defeat them they might not want to battle you anymore if a monster does not

want to fight you please you some mercy human right yes I will use mercy

determination oh my god link will be linked for the March will be in the

description because link it by it says take one take a piece of candy yeah

piece of candy procedure of the menu no you don't say

I used numpad aids to open the menu take one take a candy yes took more

candy how disgusting ya know disgusting human being take one

yeah take another kiss feel like this frame of the earth let's take another

one you took too much too fast the candy spilled onto the floor

look at what you've done that was me was him and I didn't do anything I can't do

anything fuck it's up close check it I all did

that yeah

not the cat of frog okay King be whatever he wants and 180

now 19 anyway blushes deeply yes I said it out loud what should I do

what I can't add a sound for blushing it's like adding a sound for happy it's

all on a whole again

hello historia for now is in the particular prefer about Scott I prefer

butterscotch because it's molten sugar but that's why I like it it's molten

sugar Oh Lacey thank you very much I like things that make me fat hello this

is social not just likes and do you I know what your preference is but would

you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate right right I understand

thank you for being patient by the way relax Newman of course because it makes

me fat we had a far greater action commend you pushin it three out of four

so women approached meekly cuz that he won you're on 0 x pn 0 old well let's

push the rock even if I didn't I don't really trust rocks because rocks and

rocky and yeah please don't step on the leaves huh I'm stepping on the leaves

okay oh god it was me it was women some

you read to sign downstairs I'm on your leaves what are you gonna do now let's

let's choose the rocks wisely I'm gonna start with this one what a party you say

you could push me around me so you asking me to move over okay just for you

pumpkin that's not that's that's not Oh

you tripped into a line of more smalls okay spare more flirt with them you go

get your hips modest back what a meaningful conversation

imitating playing Baltimore you feel like you understand the world you want

me to move some more alrighty how's this no you're bad stop

bad stone me there was the wrong direction ok I think I got it thank you

now they're gone even I swear to God hmm you want me to stay there you give me a

real workout thank you oh that's cute this cheese has been here quite a long

time it's stuck to a table of course it's stuck to the table ok I don't know

I'd stick to the table don't the mouse might one day leave its

hole and cut the cheese it's fills you with determination yeah I think I'm

gonna end this part here hope you enjoyed it because I didn't if you want

to you can subscribe or not you can like the video I think if you have a youtube

account and I will see you in next video

you're a little piece of oh yeah little pieces of shit I will see you in the

next video

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