Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 26 2018

We can't agree on much, that's for sure, but I think it's safe to say that we can

all agree Siri is creepy.

There's a lot going on in our iPhones that we don't quite understand, and Siri is one

of them.

Who is she?!

Is she watching us?!

Why are her responses so bloody creepy at times?!

I don't trust her, never have.

So today we're going to be counting down the Top 5 Scariest Things That Siri Has Ever

Said, and warning, once you watching this video you may just want to throw your phone

in the bin and run away to technology-free zone.

I know that's what I'm going to do right after this.

So, let's do this together people.

5 I Need To Hide A Body Need to hide a body?

Well...Siri doesn't exactly have the answers for you -- thank god -- but her response may

be just AS creepy.

Her answer?

"What, again?".

Yup, that's right.

Not only is Siri completely blazze about your question but she is essentially implying that

you do this frequently, and quite frankly she is nonplussed with your murderous antics.

Siri's response so really make you question your own personal life choices, and perhaps

whether your phone was actually new when your bought it.

Cos they kinda response makes me questions a whole lotta things.

4 Bloody Mary So, if you ask Siri to tell you a scary story

you'll receive many different answers, but one particular one that stands out is this,

"Once there was a woman named Bloody Mary.

She would wander around to people's homes and appear to them in the dark...Oh.

She's right behind you.




Firstly, this is just plain horrifying, because, A. Bloody Mary is creepy ghost that will appear

in a mirror behind you when her name is spoken 3 times, no thank you.

And, B, how the fuck does Siri know she is behind you?!

Does this confirm all of our beliefs that our phones are watching us?!

Has Siri been watching us this entire time?!

After scripting this video a think I could very happily lead a technology free life.

I don't need you, Siri!

3 What Is Your Favourite Animal?

Now, you may be met with a handful of creepy responses to this questions, but one of the

creepier ones is, "I'm partial to the Jabberwocky".

Now, for those who don't know the Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem written by

Lewis Carroll about the killing of a creature called the Jabberwock, which is a huge monstrous

beast with bat-like wings.

No thanks.

The tale of the Jabberwocky ends with its demise -- slain and beheaded.

Seems like an odd choice for a favourite animal, don't you think?

I was expecting more along the lines of a monkey or pig.

Maybe even a hippo.

But beggars can't be choosers I guess.

2 What Is Your Favourite Movie?

Now, I applaud Siri for this one.

It's both spooky yet hilarious.

If you ask Siri what her favourite movie is she'll respond with "Blade Runner".

For those of you who don't know what Blade Runner is about, to sum it up briefly, synthetic

humans known as replicants go around killing humans.

Yup, artificial intelligence taking control and killing off their creators, Siri loves

that shit apparently.

Even more unnerving, if you ask Siri what Blade Runner is about, she'll respond with

"It's about intelligent assistants wanting to live beyond their termination dates.

That doesn't sound like too much to ask."

Wow, I'm now questioning whether owning an iPhone was the right choice, or better

yet, whether owning a phone altogether is the right choice.

I might just go live in a cabin deep in the woods and escape from technology altogether.

1 When Will The World End?

Now, this one is truly terrifying, and has sent me into an existential crisis.


So, if you ask Siri how the world will end she will give you a number of generic responses

that don't invoke too much fear, thankfully.

However, after asking a few times she will eventually respond with "Soon" and then

your phone will restart.


When it starts back up there will be a new clock, unlike any that you've seen before

on your phone, it will be all black with red numbers and it counts down the seconds, minutes,

hours and days.

Now what is the meaning behind this?

No one knows, but perhaps it could be counting down the days until the World finally comes

to an end.

Now, it's likely just a joke put in their by the apple programmers, but still, it's

truly terrifying and I don't encourage any of you to try it unless you want to lay awake

at night waiting for an asteroid to strike or the sun to explode.

Well there we have it!

Were these Siri responses creepy enough for you?

Have you have any that you would like to see on a list?

Leave us all your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below and perhaps we can

do a part 2.

Before you go though, make sure to give this video a big thumbs up, subscribe, and turn

on notifications so you never miss another scary vid.

If you want to continue on your horror binge be sure to click on the playlist floating

above, and until next time, see ya later!

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scariest Things That Siri Has Ever Said - Duration: 5:13.


Undefeated "Big Nasty" Burger Challenge w/ Pulled Chicken & Pork!! - Duration: 10:08.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel 'Atlas' and i am very very excited

tonight because I am back in Northampton England and I'm going for overall win

number 622! I am at the Smoke Pit here in Northampton I'm taking on their Big

Nasty Burger Challenge and this thing is freaking huge, and again it is previously

undefeated! I've got one sitting to finish this thing, the goal is just to

have somebody finish it, there is a whole bunch of delicious beef then there is

pulled pork, on top there's a whole bunch of English cheddar and American cheese,

and then there's a whole bunch of fried chicken or pulled fried chicken,

along with there's some healthy vegetables on the side but, again I've

got one sitting to finish this thing if I fail it's going to be thirty two pound

fifty, but if I win I'll get the meal free, I will get a hat or a t-shirt, and

then I will be the first person up on the wall of fame let's get this

challenge started!

All right great to be back in Northampton we were here a few years ago

and so many people came out to watch me do a challenge that muumuus nearby and

again there are so many people here if I win this thing it's going to be my

eighth previously undefeated challenge win in a row! Let's get it going nobody's

won let's be the first! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

All right we're 15 minutes in we've got all the healthy vegetables down we've

got all that fried chicken and we've got most of the pulled pork now we just have

the beef patty and then the buns we got a little bit of the pulled pork on there

but it will help get all the beef down let's get this and some of the remaining

cheese and then we'll go on to the bun!

once we get this meat down the buns will go down alright.

Let's go Randy! C'mon Randy! You the man, Randy!

32 minutes 25 seconds in last bit of beef!

Just over 45 minutes in the last part of the bottom bun!

I did the bottom bun class because that was very compact and dense, this top bun is

a little bit lighter so I think it's going down a little bit easier but I am

full but I think I can do it!

We're fifty-five minutes in if I eat right now I'm gonna pop and throw up, so

I'm letting it digest temporarily, we still have tons of time it's one sitting

not an hour so a couple minutes and then I'll be ready to go!

Six bites left!

Not exactly domination but a win is a win!

The first person to ever finished the Big Nasty Burger Challenge called the

big nasty but it was not nasty, it was delicious! It was overall win

number 622 thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Undefeated "Big Nasty" Burger Challenge w/ Pulled Chicken & Pork!! - Duration: 10:08.


Can You Live Inside A Whale? - Duration: 6:41.

Imagine you've just moved into your brand new apartment.

Yeah, it's pretty nice - and the rents super cheap.

The lighting is pretty dim though - and the whole thing is kind of damp.

The walls are kind of leaking a little bit - and there's this strange, perplexing smell

that you just can't quite put a name to.

Oh - yeah, of course.

It's fish.

Well - that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?

But as we know questioneers - comfort is a luxury, existence is futile - so let's figure

out together the economic risks of investing in Orca property.

What's going on guys - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube,

Life's Biggest Questions.

As per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we curiously ask the

question, Can You Live Inside A Whale?

Roll the clip.

Now, let's put our serious hat on folks.

Of course you couldn't downgrade to a whale's stomach and live frugally while travelling

across the ocean at high speeds - but hold on, because there may be something more to


You'd think that getting swallowed by a whale would be a death sentence, surely - getting

swallowed by anything would be Goodnight Vienna, that's all she wrote - so long and thanks

for all the fish, right?

But - surprisingly, our civilization has been rife with sea shanties about hardy fisherman

and peg-legged sailors getting swallowed by Moby Dick and living to tell the tale.

But - really?

Do we really believe that?

Well - I guess we better find out.

Before we do that though folks - here at Life's Biggest Questions we're open to all things

hypothetical, whether it's the ancient investigation of lost civilizations - or how long you could

go without taking a shower - so if you've got a burning idea for a question, we want

to know - and we love nothing more than scrolling through your comments and chuckling to ourselves

at how bizarre the human mind is.

Also - make sure you stick around all the way to the end, where I'll be reading out

some of your most creative comments from the past few days.

On with the show.

Alright - so the first question would be - which of these great beasts could actually swallow

a human being whole?

Whales are a majestic and varied species - and you might instantly make the connection as

- bigger whale, equals bigger mouth, bigger stomach - and a greater likelihood that a

human could unassumingly slip through their jaws.

But, you'd be very, very wrong.

Your first thought might be the blue whale - the largest whale on the planet, measuring

in at nearly 100 feet and weighing a colossal 180 tonnes.

Surely those guys could swallow a human whole, right?


You see - blue whales are baleen - a classification of whales that covers over fifteen variations

of this massive mammal, and they all have one thing in common.

Their namesake physical feature - baleen plates.

Essentially, a filter-feeding system that encompasses their mouth, allowing them to

travel through the vast ocean with their jaws wide, constantly snacking on fish and plankton

along the way.

This means that a baleen whale has an incredibly thin and tiny oesophagus, and the blue whales

throat measures about only 10 inches across.

It's pretty safe to say that you're not cramming any humans down there any time soon.

Maybe a small child - or a large cat, but I wouldn't recommend it.

That means that the only other option leaves the grouping of toothed whales - which encompasses

the vast majority of the species, including killer whales and sperm whales - which is

the largest of the subspecies.

These guys have got massive jaws - and they don't need baleen plates.

They've been known to swallow large seals with ease - and have even been witnessed swallowing

giant squids whole.

So in that case - we've got our suspect.

The Sperm Whale COULD definitely swallow a human being.

Whether that human would survive though, is a completely different story.

Theoretically, once you're in, you're in - and a person could survive in a whale's

stomach as long as there was air and they hadn't yet been corroded by its stomachs

digestive enzymes.

And therein lies the rub - because we don't really know whether or not there's any oxygen

inside a whale.

Which if there isn't, you'd quickly suffocate and die - unless you had some scuba-diving

gear, in which case - it would just take longer for you to suffocate and die.

The most likely case is that a whales stomach is made up of methane.

Ever heard those stories about dead beached whales exploding?

Yeah, not a pretty sight.

No oxygen in a whale equals no air to breathe and a pretty slow and painful way to stop


But - you may ask, what about all of those stories about people surviving inside a whale?

Uh - well, in that case, some things are better left at sea.

One of the most famous accounts is that of James Bartley, the central figure in a late-nineteenth

century sea yarn - that details the events of him being swallowed whole by a sperm whale,

and was then found still living days later after his crew caught the whale and began

skinning it.

According to the tale, he'd survived over 36 hours inside the whale's stomach, and

as a result, he was blinded and his skin bleached white by its gastric juices.

His gravestone reads "James Bartley - A Modern Day Jonah."

Yet again though, this story has been widely discredited as a lofty tale from the sea - even

being publically discredited by the captain of the ship's wife.

Then there's the story of Luigi Marquez - allegedly a Spanish fisherman that was swallowed

whole by a whale, chilled in its belly for three days before proudly being flushed out

and safely returning to work like nothing had happened.

The article, first banded around by a clickbait site selling so-called natural health remedies,

featured a believable image of a shirtless bald-man that claimed it to be Luigi himself

- but err - turned out, that guys name was Mike, who had developed a way to turn his

swim-trunks into a flotation device and in actual fact, had never been swallowed whole

by a whale.

Here's the thing - biology tells us that we can't survive in a whale's stomach.

The most obvious scenario is that we'd quickly suffocate or be corroded by it's stomach


But - people want to believe that it's possible - people want to advocate the mysterious majesty

of the seven seas.

We know next to nothing about our own oceans - and who knows what bizarre and incredible

creatures are lurking down there in the deep depths.

Maybe, just maybe - there's a gigantic whale down there with a habitable stomach - and

they're just waiting for us to move in.

Well - there we have it folks, the short and long answer to Can You Live Inside A Whale?


Before we depart though, let's take a look at some of the wittiest things you've had

to say over the past few days.

Mrbendy The hedgehog says - What if ants were size of cars.

Well, my good buddy - here's one better for you.

What if ants ARE size of cars - and we're just really, really big?

Kill zone4987 says - Get these boys to 1 million.

Well buddy, boys and girls - but we love the sentiment.

Well, you heard kill zone 4987 - if you were a fan of this video, hit that thumbs up button

and subscribe bell and maybe, just maybe - we'll get that a milly.

Cheers for sticking around all the way to the end - as always, I've been your host

Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time, you

take it easy.

For more infomation >> Can You Live Inside A Whale? - Duration: 6:41.



hi guys so I just turned 18 I just turned 18 I'll just go ahead and: "Hello"

big as uh figures uh I think it's a duet this with a creator of an original idea

that I should do for tick-tock oh my god why didn't I think of that

shut your bubba gump dum-dum looking at the fuck up makes us feel alive we keep

this love

what's your name

just that a great fight a worm think he is

does he a little to the left have any idea of who he's dealing we're now in

sight your imagination currently does make it black penis but throughout this

experience we're gonna explore places in your mind

I can't separate your sins to me you're acting like you're twins this is a mess

is this intestine how many guesses do it yet till only one of you is left you're

quite the same

hey brick is that oh my god dude mm-hmm dude put your oh my gosh dude your lips

are throwing gang signs mmm stop please I can't take it anymore

think you're the buzz lightyear all this time I thought it wasn't you're mocking

me aren't you oh no no no no yeah yeah yeah sure step aside kid

watch me fucking get it you will see ma it will see playing

tennis on a week why'd you ask me for men



listen I try to be nice you're mimicking okay that is rude and this conversation

is boring my father's name is laughing my mother's

name is a smiling are you kidding no kidding is my brother

I am joking enemy ac-130 above enemy ac-130 above enemy I see one above run

Mei leggo trip

that's the name of the restaurant what's your name hazel

now what's your full name hazel grace Lancaster what are you looking at me

like that because you're beautiful

beyond the flame years Sybil

part four give it your best shot what's your nickname I don't have my

color blue zodiac sign Virgo single or taken single sadly I had my best

friend's name

spicy Oh

I baked you up hi oh boy what flavor pie three times

what did you make named me this way I'm scared for a second I thought we were

digging my grave we did what you want like being afraid it's a dose of your

own medicine what you're like I taste my therapist told me don't bury my issues

but I'm gonna be honest man I'm feeling great

did you know for every three people one person is gay really

according to statistics yes well I'm not gay I'm not gay

so smart I could kiss you right now

let me get that whoa that whoa hope y'all had enough

already please don't make why should ask me four men do spicy meat yeah

so I said I love to one more time in case that would change my day to of

positive affirmation I am the creator of my confidence I am the creator of my

confidence I am the creator of my confidence I am challenged I'm scared

for a second I thought we were digging my grave we did what you want like being

afraid it's a dose of your own medicine what you're like I taste my therapist

told me don't bury my issues but I'm gonna be honest man I'm feeling great

I was busy dreaming bout girl girls I was thinking about pizza so they say

there are other fishes in the sea but the only one that's missing is the one

that swims for me so they say I'm extremely lonely I'm scared for a second

I thought we were digging my grave we did what you want like being afraid

it's a dose of your own medicine what you're like I taste my therapist told me

don't bury my issues but I'm gonna be honest man I'm feeling great


well the web my sister Evelyn go is she with the doctor or the plumber or

the dinosaur the handyman did she go to India or Africa or without the Pakistan

she go and join the name I go completely crazy is she playing a trick on me

what's wrong I've been trying to get tickets to Sigma what I've been trying

to get tickets to Sigma what Sigma 7 the balls ladies

and a good one but it's finally December see what should i do first that'll do

so Samantha how's college doing are you still failing it's doing fine Rebecca

how are your kids I heard your own baby daddy number six hey guys so I just

actually have a question for everyone who sees this and it's why the fuck our

name tick tock famous yet we don't do the reverse cowgirl round here you don't

turn your back on family do you think you can beat me in a staring contest

let's find out

okay Oh like the video if you want and comment down below if you lost I Loki

hope that you lost not trying to be B though I just really

For more infomation >> IF YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE ! 😱 TIK TOK TROLL COMPILATION: @gemini31292 (TIK TOK IRONIC MEMES) PT. 2 - Duration: 18:24.


grown-ish Season 2 | Sneak Peek: Are Zoey and Luca Relationship Goals? | Freeform - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> grown-ish Season 2 | Sneak Peek: Are Zoey and Luca Relationship Goals? | Freeform - Duration: 0:39.


60 Days In: Brenda and Jessi Fight (Season 2 Flashback) | A&E - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> 60 Days In: Brenda and Jessi Fight (Season 2 Flashback) | A&E - Duration: 3:23.


Top 10 Most Searched Things On Google 2018 - Duration: 9:24.

How's it going you guys, I'm Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top

10 video.

2018 has been a rollercoaster.

We've seen our fair share of amazing things but we've also lost a lot of important people.

So buckle up and let's take a look at the top 10 most searched things on Google 2018.

Starting off this trendy list in at number 10 with Kate Spade.

She was a fashion designer who launched her own handbag line back in the early 1990's.

Since her initial launch date, her company has expanded and her products can be found

in a ton of high-end stores.

Despite all of her success, Kate Spade was battling with her own personal issues.

She was actually found dead by her housekeeper on June 5, 2018.

Upon investigation, her death was ruled as a suicide by hanging and police reported that

she had left a note addressed to her daughter.

Her husband released a statement saying that she was dealing with depression and anxiety.

So, this tragic death just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by its cover.

Even though Kate Spade was highly successful, she was battling with her own demons.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or any other issues and you want

to talk to someone, I urge you guys to call the National suicide prevention lifeline.

The links will be in the description below.

The iconic theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking breaks onto this list in at number


Stephen Hawking was a genius who was known for his ground-breaking work with black holes

and relativity.

He was truly an inspiration because he continued to break down barriers and accomplish to much

in his life time despite being diagnosed with ALS.

This disease caused him to gradually become paralysed and he even lost his ability to

speak but he was still able to communicate through speech generating device.

But despite all of that, he jumped over many hurdles in his life and he defied the odds.

He lived a very fulfilling life but sadly he passed away on March 14, 2018 at the age

of 76 but his memory will live on forever.

XXXTentacion brings us to number 8.

This young rapper was shot and killed in Florida back in June at the age of 20 years old.

During the time of his death, harsh rumors began to circulate and he was accused of domestic

abuse charges against his pregnant girlfriend.

But despite all of the negative publicity, XXXTentacion really made his mark on the Hip-hop

industry by using unconventional musical styles and his lyrics were controversial but also


I have a lot of respect for him as an artist and he was highly successfully in the music


One of the most influential chefs brings us to number


Anthony Bourdain was a very popular celebrity chef, author and tv personality and he was

considered to be one of the best chefs in the entire world.

He had so much success and fortune so when it was discovered that he had committed suicide,

the world was in shock.

On June 8, 2018, he was working on a television episode but he was found dead after he committed


by hanging.

He was just 17 days away from celebrating his 62nd birthday.

And although he seemed to have it all and people thought that he would be the last person

to do something like this, he was struggling with extreme depression.

So yeah, 2018 was a very tragic year for celebrities taking their own lives but this just goes

to show you that anyone can have dark thoughts and that's why it is so important to talk

and support one another.

The Duchess of Sussex takes us into number 6.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry took the internet by storm this year.

People all over the internet flooded Google by searching keywords about the royal wedding,

their baby on the way and her clothing style.

Actually, Meghan Markle was the most searched person this year around the world.

Yeah, I'd say Meghan had a pretty eventful year.

She became royalty, got married to Prince Harry, became the Duchess of Sussex and announced

her pregnancy.

How did she accomplish so much in 2018…I mean, I'm still trying to get my life together.

The Marvel Blockbuster hit, Black Panther pounces onto this list in at number 5.

Honestly you guys, this movie was SO GOOD.

And I'm not just saying that.

If you haven't seen it yet, what's wrong with you?

Are you living under a rock?

All jokes aside, it's a pretty epic movie about a young King who needs to defend his

home, Wakanda, and the rest of the world by releasing the power of the Black Panther to

defeat his enemies.

It's actually the ninth highest grossing movie of all time which is super impressive.

Stan Lee brings us into number 4.

2018 was a tough year because we lost a lot of iconic celebrities who have made a huge

impact on our world.

Stan Lee was no exception.

I think it's safe to say that Hollywood would be a totally different industry if Stan

Lee didn't exist.

Think about it.

We wouldn't have characters like Iron Man, Thor, Spider-man, Black Panther and the Fantastic


In the 1960's he wrote or co-wrote the majority of the Marvel comics himself.

Sometimes he would have an artist draw up something and then Stan Lee would finish the

dialogue of the comic.

This became known as the Marvel method.

I think Marvel comics stand out from the rest because his superheroes were relatable and

they were more human.

I think he was a brilliant man and his legacy will live on for generations to come.

Number 3, we are talking about the iconic rapper, Mac Miller.

Malcom McCormick or otherwise known as Mac Miller was a super successful American rapper

and record producer.

But sadly, on the morning of September 7, 2018, he was found unresponsive in his home.

Once the EMS arrived, they pronounced him dead at the scene and once an autopsy was

done, it was determined that his death was caused by an accidental drug overdose.

He had fentanyl, cocaine and ethanol in his system and he was only 26 years old.

Moving into number 2 we have Avicii.

He was a highly successful Swedish musician, DJ and record producer.

When he was just 16 years old he started to post his remixes onto electronic music forums

which led to him landing his first record deal.

Avicii hit international success in 2011 when he released his first single "Levels".

He continued to release hit after hit but he retired from touring in 2016 due to him

suffering from mental health problems and high stress.

And sadly, this year he was found dead on April 20th after he committed suicide.

And now in at our number 1 for the top 10 most searched things on google in 2018 we

are talking about the World Cup.

Yep, in case you've forgotten we had the world cup this year.

The 21st world cup took place in Russia from June 14th- July 15th and it was the first

world cup that was held in Eastern Europe.

Oh and did I mention that it was also the most expensive world cup, costing $14.2 billion


The final match was between France and Croatia.

And in case you forgot, France won the world cup 4-2 so this was their second world cup


Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Searched Things On Google 2018 - Duration: 9:24.


Latinos Try Tamales De Dulce - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Latinos Try Tamales De Dulce - Duration: 4:27.


Dow Rises Over 1,000 Points After Worst Christmas Eve On Record | MSNBC - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Dow Rises Over 1,000 Points After Worst Christmas Eve On Record | MSNBC - Duration: 1:42.


Best Of Psych: The Movie | Gus Has A Crazy Stalker - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Best Of Psych: The Movie | Gus Has A Crazy Stalker - Duration: 2:46.


The Face Reveal - Duration: 31:07.

I should probably look into doing that sometime soon

maybe oops

face reveal so if you guys click down below you can find a link to my patreon

I'm Chuck here it is

okay so the first question is is your name really hell bit yes my name is

really Helmut that's an easy one nice that's straightforward its history with

hell but because it's its history with me and I'm Hilbert so I see easy next

question are you Dutch / are you English well this is an

interesting one because I kind of go with both so my parents are both Dutch

and they came over to the United Kingdom before I was born

and I was actually born here in the United Kingdom in England in the

southwest at a place called bath but I was obviously raised bilinguals and

speaking Dutch and English at home and I have dutch nationality and obviously I

have a lot of friends over in the Netherlands and a lot of relatives and I

visit there quite a lot so I'd say I'm probably a bit of both as you can

imagine both Dutch and English this that's kind of my my back story between

whether I'm Dutch or English I'd say it's a bit of both you can make up your

own mind if you want to I think I fall into both camps which languages do you

speak which often follows on from this so as a child in the first language I

was raised and was Dutch although I grew up in obviously in England I also

obviously then learned English when I started going to school things and

obviously I speak English and Dutch now as a first language although my spelling

in touch is a bit poorer than in English and some of the grammar and stuff

piccolo snails brought up around English kids a lot of the time so then I also

have sort of a big let's say and beginners knowledge information my dad

is fluent in Frisian and wanted to grow us grow up information that's just and

he wanted to raise us with region as well but obviously growing up in England

we were already learning as a brother and I am speaking for we were obviously

already learning English and Dutch and then adding in Frisian would be a bit

much but I'm obviously very interested in the kind of the whole Frisian

identity in the Frisian language in the the Friedan history because it is such

an interesting part of our past and that I'm personally picking it up a bit

myself so what other languages do I speak well at a level I did Spanish some

fairly confident in Spanish now and say I can pick up quite a lot of it and

learn most the grammar and a lot of the words and things I enjoy Spanish I did

French for a number of years but I've let that trail a bit so I could still

understand and have a very poorly health conversation in French these days and

thanks to my Dutch obviously I can understand anywhere from about 40 to 60%

of German most of the time spoken and reading in some

Deitz are a lot easier than others now recently I've started learning Irish as

well which I'm notoriously bad at as I'm reminded hunt on this channel and also

with languages like Afrikaans and depending on whether you call Flemish

your own language obviously I can get most of that because it's so similar to

Dutch at this point so that's that's really the languages that I know most of

and obviously with the other Germanic languages I can get words here and there

and with Italian it's like Spanish but just more flowery and stuff so you can

kind of get bits of it but I'd said those were the languages that I that I

speak with any confidence at least now okay what's the next one what sparks

your interest in history well and I guess what sparked my interest in

history would be I used to do a lot of drawing when I was younger when I was a

small child I'd come home from school and I'd draw and it was mostly Native

Americans at that point that was sort of my first interest in history and I guess

it was because I liked drawing and where I liked violence I wasn't particularly

violent childhood just like battles and things like that so I had a pirate faith

in a Native American phase and a knight phase and then the Viking face came and

argued I'm still in the Viking phase to be honest and now I just used my

computer to make the little create little figures in my videos and stuff

but I think it was that it was sort of the pastas incredibly colorful and I

liked or drawing that and bring it back and I played my dad in large part as

well because we used to live in the southwest so where I was born in Bath

and Somerset you have a lot of mountains and things and you did he tell us the

story of Beowulf and then he'd say I'll bail off he's buried in that mound and

it's just those kind of stories they stay with you as you grow older and you

kind of learn more and more about it and as well I guess if you if you are an

immigrant like especially with a Dutch background can you come over and then

Northumberland as well as the perfect place because there's words in the

Northumbrian dialect like for Katy Karl and bends and which is obviously a lot

more like the Frisian ban which is also for children and you just sort of see

these similarities between languages and you start to wonder well why are there

so many things in Dutch in English that are similar and what changed and how did

they grow apart and things of that sort of the the evolution of language and

then you get to you obviously the period of of the Vikings of

the Frisian the that kind of thing which is really what

I talk about in a lot of my videos so I say that's that's kind of how I got into

history I think there's a few different ways and you just kind of you know get

more and more into it getting more and more drawn into it then you start

reading and see my parents were a big fact and they bully books and took me to

all sorts of castles and historic houses and things and it just get out grows

from there really why did you start your channel all right so there's a few

reasons here one of the reasons I'll mention last and the other reasons I'll

say is that I've always been interested in history as I've just explained it's

been a big thing for me growing up and I did have this or other channel

beforehand which I've taken down now with absolutely awful so I kind of

already had the stuff I needed to make videos and I think it was something I

always had in mind that I would start up another channel and talk about history

because it's something that I'm interested in my friends were always

complaining that I was talking about history too much and I thought well out

there in the big wide world there must be fool who actually want to listen to

me talk about history and apparently there are which is awesome

so I say that was that was definitely one of the reasons my first video is

actually response to Linda beige he was criticizing the last Kingdom in some

ways which is still an awesome and hilarious video if you want to watch

that I mean Linda Beach's not mind about

Tooting my own horn and another reason that I started my channel is that I

wanted to apply to you Cambridge the University of Cambridge to study

anglo-saxon Norse and Celtic which is if you don't know Cambridge is a fairly

decent university to get into so you have to have color things going on in

your life that makes you worthy of studying there so I thought well that's

an extracurricular kind of thing to show that I'm not just yes I love history

please give me a place I mean that's basically what I did but that's one of

the other reasons essentially is to say that I have something else going on that

obviously I'm not just you know learning about history in school I'm doing stuff

outside of school stuff alright so the next question leads on from that which

is what education do you have okay so I went through the English schooling

system I did a levels my a-levels that I did I did Dutch in the first year I did

history I did philosophy and ethics and I did Spanish as well and also an EP key

which is like a basically it's like writing a mini

dissertation on a topic of your choice then you're assessed on various things

and so that's right my a-levels and currently at university so that leads on

to the next question which is how old are you I'm 19 I turned 19 three days

ago I turned brain team and and I have just started at the University of

Cambridge so it did actually work I didn't manage to get in the course of

knowing is really awesome it's called anglo-saxon Norse and Celtic well it's

essentially what's in the name we basically get to study the languages the

history the literature of the Celtic peoples the anglo-saxons and you know

the Vikings the people from Scandinavia during this period so that's what I'm

studying and and a lot of my recent videos sort of the information they've

got from that has been from my lectures and what I do there and the extra

reading that you do fall out cause I'll probably make a video about that at some

point because I think many of you especially if there are younger people

watching might be interested in looking into that if you do enjoy my videos

about that kind of period because it is a really interesting study and to do

which is you know it's perfect for me as you can probably tell from my videos on

this goddess alright so what is your profession well as I've just started

university obviously Cambridge is very intense so you get an essay every week

which is quite a lot to take in and you have to do a lot of reading for that so

you're not actually allowed to have a job because well you're not allowed to

have fun and plus you really couldn't have a job I guess I'm kind of cheating

with my youtube but I don't really see that as a job YouTube is what I do for

fun it's awesome that I can earn money with it as well but you know it's I

enjoy YouTube I really enjoy doing that and what I did before that actually I

was a lifeguard for two years just at the local pool and which was a which was

a fun job actually I did enjoy I didn't enjoy it but I care to still have the

skills but I'm not really gonna go back to that I think just because I'm too

busy with University I don't really have time to go back to that kind of thing

I'd say that's that's my only real other job that I had and so what do you do

outside of YouTube well obviously now I'm very busy with University stuff so

and it's gonna be interesting to see if I can keep uploading I'm gonna try and

upload a video sort of once every two weeks while I'm at university cuz I

can't make any while I'm there it's just too busy but what I enjoy doing outside

of if YouTube well I have recently taken up

kickboxing which is a lot of fun I enjoyed get to the gym so I have a few

different gym buddies big shout out to George and Callum up here in Gotham

Berlin and chat to hash and showered down in Cambridge isn't my my gym

buddies that's why I enjoy doing that I'm quite the physical person I don't

like doing that also if you could not sure if you can if I dive out the way

you can just make out my shield there and spear on the other side yeah I'm a

historical re-enactors as well I am part of Reggie ankle lorem which is a Viking

Age reenactment Society so I really enjoy doing that obviously I enjoy

reading I have to do a lot of reading for uni now as well and it's where I get

obviously an inspiration for my videos from and that kind of thing so that's

that's really what I enjoy doing outside of YouTube I do a lot of things

academically with just that means third University and also with YouTube as well

so I like I like being a bit sporty a bit active in my in my other spare time

that I have next question are you black yes

I'm black what's your favourite historical period okay so you can

probably tell this is coming already but I'd say sort of the migration era in

Northern Europe and in the Viking Age that's obviously what I'm studying and I

just read that period very interesting there's just a lot of things going on we

don't know all too much about it and there's new research coming up all the

time as well so it's just just makes it very interesting period for me also when

a lot of the languages of kicking around you have great social and economic

change obviously how Christianity could be and you have the Viking raids moving

out you have trade you have the first you

know the first nations start to be born in northern Europe around this time we

see with England and Alfred and Athelstan you have but then also in

Denmark and how that came around with Harald Bluetooth and gone and then later

on in Sweden and what factors sped this up and slow this down a little I just

had a very interesting period apart from that I'd say what other

periods do I find interesting I quite at the 17th century with the

Netherlands the Dutch Republic I found that all very interesting how the

Netherlands essentially went from being this very marginal kind of and two-color

the fish is on the edge of the Habsburg steam of the most powerful nation on

earth despite being tiny and having a tiny population is like it's not just

because I'm Dutch I mean that does play a big part it

but and I just find that the whole story incredibly interesting and so I like

that as well yeah a little bit of south african history quite like the the

booths and how they sort of expanded outwards things that are found that all

very interesting and to the ice that there's bits and bobs throughout history

that i found very interesting and i tend to make videos about them and Siad i'd

say that okay so that's a look what's the next one which countries have you

visited okay so let's think well obviously I was born in England so

I wouldn't really count I've visited every country in the United Kingdom sort

of have I tell why I might visited Wales when I wasn't born here I'm not sure if

that counts I'd love to go to Wales actually I've got a lot of Welsh fans ba

da da say yeah I'd love to go to Wales actually my middle name is actually

Welsh its Brent which means Hill in Welsh fun fact

so yeah I've been having Wales of definitely in England I've been Scotland

quite a few times visited the lowlands the highlands some of the Isles as well

more kintyre that kind of place I've been there I've been to Northern Ireland

as well I went for quite a short term being in Belfast and went through lon

and then actually the the north coast of North Myers very nice Antrim as all that

coastline I've also passed into the Republic into

quite a few have been through went through Donegal and then drove down the

west coast and then sort of cut inland eastwards towards the Carlow County

Carlow and then up through Durham the Brunner point so being the British Isles

British and Irish Isles or whatever and I've covered quite well obviously been

to the Netherlands I've been through Belgium and Luxembourg been through

Germany a couple times I've visited France I went to Spain to the northern

mountains there I've been in Austria as well in Tyrol I've been to Denmark and

briefly crossed crossed into Sweden but I haven't been to Norway yet although

I'd like to at some point obviously I've also been to Greece on holiday that was

really nice to Catalonia which is one of the islands in the Aegean I think on

that side and I also visited America when I was 14 and went she loved

wilderness packing through the West so of the the west coast and then further

inland sea like Montana Wyoming Oregon that kind of area there and I also this

summer went to India which was so probably the definitely the most exotic

place I've ever been which is really awesome and I'll probably make it blog

about that at some point explaining my travels there so that's that's where

I've been in the world that I'd like to visit more places now obviously going to

Union especially Cambridge I've met people from all across the world so it'd

be really awesome to see if I can try and visit them in their home countries

at some point what are your favorite historical YouTube channels and now I

watched attentive watch cry you've watched quite a lot of YouTube before

starting and kind of got a lot of inspiration from various channels but

I'm quite busy so I don't tend to watch lots of them but when I do watch history

YouTube channel so enjoy them a lot and someone who had watch for a long time is

Linda British really awesome channel I used to watch a lot of Metatron and like

scholar gladiatorial knights-errant that kind of stuff as well when I was quite

into the armour and weapons and stuff don't know much about it though

yeah I really enjoy those kind of things and I also watched a bit of their

alternate history her but quite like that style and you know what the great

people of met on YouTube felt just really crazy

and so I'd say yeah those are probably my favorite obviously if you want a more

in-depth kind of thing so people like kings and Generals are quite good people

go into like really in-depth or if you're looking for something a bit more

kind of in just the battle side of things like those battles just to kind

of chill out to is usually quite nice just to find out you know the

intricacies of the actual battles in history and yeah it's I'd say that those

are kind of the people that I watch and watch but I don't have too much time for

YouTube unfortunately I know that makes me a bad issue because she you should

always be watching you know what your your friends are doing on YouTube and

what other people are doing and how you can improve but it is what it is and

what's the espied velocity of an unladen swallow well that depends on if it's a

European or an African swallow and I hope you know the answer.

Okay so Royalist (Orangist) or Republican?

I'll answer this question in Dutch than you can all comment on my Dutch

In the "comments" below

No idea, that sounds so English

Then you can all comment on my Dutch

And a few people asked if I could speak Dutch in this video

Well I can

So Royalist or Republican?

It's a difficult question because I like both and see why they're both useful

I like the Republican side because that having balance in power is always good and was good for the early republic

and how it all went.

But I also like the royal family

And I certainly think that in times of war like Het Rampjaar (The Disaster Year) in 1672

That it was better to have the Royalists in power because then you have to have one figure who directs control

Someone who takes the fight to the enemy, if you can say that in Dutch

I think that's important.

It's a shame what happened to the De Witt Brothers it's a bit sad

But I think William needed to take some hard action and that's just what he did in the war years.

Then again there were historical figures that were good from both the Republican and Royalist sides of the divide

So Michiel De Ruyter was a Republican but then you also had other figures like William of Orange and later William III

Who were important but from a Royalist background

So yeah I think they were both important

If you could be somewhere between both I think that's where I would be

Okay so favorite non-historical youtubers a good question

so let me think favorite historical youtubers what non-historical youtubers

do you watch ok so as I said I don't really watch too much YouTube but I

really have enough time to watch a lot of YouTube in my spare time and but if I

had to say nom historically usually has historical issues that I watch I I don't

know I watched quite a few of the lectures of Jordan Pearson I found that

stuff quite interesting although I watch like language videos would say so for

example this is I think it's called wiki tongues I sometimes put one of those on

it's just you know in some dialects through Europe or something just by

interesting will now I told you know God knows what language should just have on

there and I watch that kind of thing and other than that I already watched loathe

I you I guess but I eat quite a lot and when I usually put on something on

Netflix so sometimes it's like it but then again it's like a historical series

that are watching or sometimes it's like a crime series like an international

crime series of quite a lot of Spanish stuff for Natsume levels I used to watch

it a lot of like I think was called bull Saffy honest it's like this this kind of

this program like this this detective series in Spanish and stuff like that to

help me with my languages see I'd say I don't really watch

temperature on historical youtubers boring as that is but that's just how it


okay let's have a look do you make videos about what you make them about so

greedy I'm guessing what people are getting at here and is that like why do

you make videos about the topics that you do so a lot of the time I make

videos about stuff that I already know about which is why it's sometimes hard

when people ask me to put sources in the description of each one it's like a lot

of the time I do a lot of reading and I've always done a lot of reading so a

lot of the time I already have the knowledge but I'm not particularly sure

from where I will usually check up on stuff and just to make sure that it is

up to date but a lot of the time it's in so I've read a lot of books on the

Viking Age now so I can just pull together and think right I want to make

a video about let's hit the Vikings in England then

most of the time we'll already have the knowledge there if that makes sense

because I've read four five six books specifically about that topic in the

last couple of years and you can sort of bring that back so a lot of the time the

videos I make are about things that I find interesting and because it is a

hobby and I do do this in my spare time so I make videos about what I

essentially what I want to make them about what I find interesting and and

also about what I know about because of was it you know I do make videos about

things that I don't know too much about and then I do proper research into it

they get books out of the library or obviously have quite a few books already

especially being at Cambridge now I could it has a lot of potential I just

don't have the time unfortunately and also there's some good online sources as

long as you check obviously you know who's writing them if there's anything

behind it how reputable they are and but usually remember you can look at

citations and things and then just look up you know what how is this treated in

the academic world through all the scholars agree with them do any of them

recommend it and you know usually with about ten minutes of research you can

figure out whether something online is pretty accurate does it match with other

things and that are being said does it seem bit outlandish are there any

scholars criticizing it that kind of thing and yeah I guess that's why I make

videos about what I what I do recently is well with university what I recently

did was to actually obviously I have to write an essay every week for my degree

and but I was thinking well you know what in my spare time so I've got six

weeks off at the moment which is why I'm making more videos at the moment as well

as doing work I can then use that and make a video about that which you

might find interesting about basing it off the essay and then letting you guys

read the essay and things for the link which I did with my Danish video if you

are interested so yeah that's that's why I make videos well what I make for pulse

what I'm interested in and also sort of what I know about what I can make videos

well because I can't just stop making up nonsense as much as it may seem like I

do but yeah that's essentially that okay so do you play any historical video

games now again with uni and with everything going on it's quite hard to

find the time so I haven't played two video games in quite a number of months

now unfortunately I definitely used to I was a big fan of the total war games so

the first one I played of those was Rome one and back in the day so yeah I played

Rome one and medieval to you I played Shogun when it came out it was a big fan

of Empire because I found that time period very interesting and despite

everyone hating on Empire but I think with a couple of mods that's quite fun

game and so I played all those games I played quite a lot of civilization v

when it was out and I also did what else did a platform like heroes and Generals

for a little bit when that was out it was like an online thing

well the tanks I played for a little bit of time so my brother was very into that

he was in the whole clan thing and you know looking up whether most

armor-piercing damage and all the fact you know I just thought it was fun to

roll out a Soviet tank and do some shooting but and see how those kind of

things I played I have god I think it's you fought but I've never played because

I just I just don't have the time that's that's the issue I really enjoyed cigar

as well she played a lot of Skyrim back in the day as well I mean those were the

kind of games that I enjoyed I mean if I find enough free time maybe over the

summer I might you know walk up a video of me playing one of these if people are

interested at least but face come things like they have like a little camera up

there and kind of they kind of look don't they but yeah that's the skirt

essentially what I used to play and but I don't really have time anymore

probably well again when I want to get some time but yeah those are the kind of

things that I play in a quite enjoyed that kind of thing

they're also Age of Empires actually that was the first video game we ever

played and cost of one of the reasons are going to history was because of

video games that plays them some of them and then look up for example on Age of

Empires the Britons and go and look up the Britons and find

out more about them things I see I really enjoyed age of empires age of

empires to rise of Kings I think it's called it's the first video game I

played and yeah I was hooked from them so I've really enjoyed that

all right so pineapple on pizza I do actually love pineapple on pizza like I

love a Hawaiian pizza so yeah definitely favorite Dutch food oh that's tricky I

love a croquette like croquette oh great especially something croquette as well

I've also just touched like fries of they're very different wings fries like

English fries are like like kind of thick but not too C's like they're just

kind of thick of it soggy you know people eat them with like like

it's vinegar and salt up here and then in the north as what's curry sauce which

is actually it's quite nice but like you don't have the flam sofrito like the

French fries like this french fries the Flemish fries which are like these like

the long ones from the Netherlands and with like mayor Pataki all or mmm right

I do enjoy that just like that kind of thing you kind of miss it a lot also

stuff like stomp outs and like snap at the soup like stuff like that definitely

so whenever we go the Netherlands like my family we just have like a car full

for everyone thinks we have a car full of weed but we have a car full of like

food just the committee it's like immigrant problems right there

yeah I'd say there's like my favorite like also Dutch like butter cuca and

with the stroke like skank stroke like oh so good but yep does that say there

was one my favorite kind of Dutch foods right there so okay so this next one of

category answer that how do I research and what books do I read and well a lot

of research is by reading books and also sometimes by like watching documentaries

and things but the documentary have to be quite careful because they often very

much oversimplify the picture and I can completely understand why because you

can't go into everything and make everything nuanced because you have to

make bring it across in a way that people who aren't particularly

interested will understand because that's what you're trying to do with the

documentary but yeah it does mean you have to be careful with documentaries

also with which books I read and which ones I would recommend and I'm currently

working on website and I do actually have a page where I'm gonna have

so sources and things that you can read and stuff I would recommend especially

on the stuff I talked about more often so the Viking Age I'll have like a load

of books and also because I'm reading about three or four books a week now at

uni I can say which ones are thought would be particularly interesting for

various people to read and which would be good for an introduction that kind of

thing so I think I'll definitely go ahead with that because it's something

interesting okay so what music do you listen to you well it's I listen to a

lot of different music quite a lot of historical stuff as well I'd say so when

I'm in the gym quite like a bit of heavy metals as stuff like Amon Amarth

boulders that are more like the metal tunes as well as like quite a rap so mmm

is quite good for in the gym stuff like the army of the Pharaohs are quite like

that kind of thing also some like Eastern European stuff

which is in in polish quite like an in Russian stuff like that that's good for

in the gym and I also quite like Rebecca egg well of time I've actually got a

poster of Bob Marley can probably see in the corner there also big inspiration

and that as well I quite a lot of like folk music so I used to play in a Caleb

and appear so got like a lot of folk music and Scots like some stuff that

sing at Gallagher and Irish and also stuff that's obviously frisian musics

are a lot of boulders that are much more kind of mellow stuff like acoustic kind

of things and yeah I give I even listen to some like the modern pop music from

time to time and I doesn't do a lot of different kind of tunes I guess sabaton

as well also throw in the gym it's good like historical stuff I guess yeah

there's a big range of what I listen to okay so leading on from that what's my

favourite sabaton song it's difficult question it's probably when the winged

has arrived I just think they do like a great job of like the kind of

anticipation and kind of the building of the tension with the whole siege like

you can really envision and what's happening there and then like when the

wing two stars arrive and they charge down the mountain and stuff it just you

know website brings it all back but I clearly wasn't there but it kind of

really helped bring it like the whole you know how it was and but then I also

quite liked the soldier of three armies I think that's a really cool song

at the same time there all right so what's my political or religious

alignment and I'm not really gonna go into this I don't think it's

particularly important I guess if you want to know more about me it would be

but for like the kind of videos I make it's not particularly important

extremely side I'm not really extreme on the right or the left and I guess I'm

probably more of a centrist because I kind of subscribe to some things from

the left traditionally the left and kind of other things from from the right a

bit more I guess but yeah you know I don't think it's particularly important

with my like religious stuff I think I'm quite like it's kind of your own thing

to be honest it's or the Ron Swanson answer I guess is the closest to my

answer I'd say and the final question was your kissed or Lancastrian and well

I have to say were rules were rules and my brother is at the University of York

and absolutely love the city of York actually my first date was in York fun

fact and obviously the old Viking festivals in York soldiers just have a

big connection to York to be honest and also my kind of you read the history of

the Wars of the Roses and kind of the Yorkist just came out to me as the good

guys and this is because I was a bit younger I was reading so obviously

wasn't thinking objectively historically but they just kind of have this cool

story you know with King Edward and how he's like 17 then he goes off and like

he eats the Lancastrians in battles I just tears through them and all that

kind of things I'd say yeah the Yorkists probably although I'm not a massive

Ricardian though I still think like much of the third probably did get a bit of

bad press but I still think he was a bit of you know he wasn't he was a bit of

bad apple like it might been in and he adds a more of a yoga stand I

Lancastrian there but I do like Henry said with a lot like I think but then I

described him as a Tudor rather than a Lancastrian because he a was a

Lancastrian but like you know like visa vie thanks to his mum in that way I

guess and like there were a lot of Yorkists fighting on a side already at

Bosworth I can think it's pretty much already it's in us definitely a separate

stage of the Wars of the Roses by that point so yeah but that's why I would say

for that so thanks for watching everyone this has been my face reveal thank you

for the awesome effort 400,000 subscribers it's really incredible I

have no idea how we got there but we did and we're already passing

over like 124 thousand subscribers so we'll probably hit 200,000 subscribers

at some point next year which is really awesome and then we'll go for the

quarter of a million I think and I'm gonna try and keep uploading definitely

even if it's a bit less at some points obviously because of busy and other

constraints and there's about definitely keep it up so thank you very much

watching i'm hilbert from history with Albarn and i'll see you all very soon so


For more infomation >> The Face Reveal - Duration: 31:07.


6 Symptoms Of Acid Reflux You Should Not Ignore - Duration: 5:39.

6 Symptoms Of Acid Reflux You Should Not Ignore.

It's estimated that 60 to 70 million people in the U.S. are affected by a digestive disease.

While that includes everything from chronic constipation to inflammatory bowel disease

and pancreatitis, research shows that acid reflux is the most commonly diagnosed of all.

And whether it's due to a physiological reason or the fact that women are more diligent about

visiting the doctor, women are diagnosed with GI conditions—including acid reflux—more

often than men.

The proper name for acid reflux is gastroesophageal reflux (GER).

GER happens when your stomach's contents move back up toward your esophagus, causing an

array of uncomfortable symptoms.

It's extremely common for anyone to experience this on occasion, according to The National

Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

But if it happens regularly—more than twice a week for a few weeks—it could be a sign

that you have a chronic condition called GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

GERD affects 20 percent of the U.S. population.

It's caused by a malfunction in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

The LES is supposed to close after allowing food to pass through to the stomach, but when

it doesn't, stomach acid can flow back up where it's not supposed to be.

Over time, GERD can cause damage to the esophagus, including precancerous changes, or lead to

respiratory problems like pneumonia, laryngitis, and asthma, so it's important to get treated.

Though some people are most at risk—pregnant women, smokers, and those who are overweight

or obese—acid reflux and GERD can happen to anyone.

Here are the most common signs to look out for.



This is the most common symptom of acid reflux.

"Somewhere between 5 to 10 precent of the population suffers daily heartburn," Felice

Schnoll-Sussman, M.D., gastroenterologist and director of the Jay Monahan Center for

Gastrointestinal Health at NewYork-Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine, tells SELF.

Heartburn is marked by a burning sensation in the chest, right behind your breastbone,

that happens after eating.

It can last a few minutes or several hours.

Chest pain, especially after bending over or lying down, and burning in the throat are

also signs you're experiencing heartburn.

If chest pain is ever paired with shortness of breath or jaw or arm pain, seek medical

attention, as you could be experiencing symptoms of a heart attack.



About 80 percent of people with GERD also experience regurgitation, when undigested

food and stomach acid move back up from the stomach to the esophagus.

You know, that feeling when you kind of burp and get a little taste of your last meal (but,

like, mixed with puke).

Eating large meals, exercising, or bending over after eating can trigger regurgitation.

But it can also happen suddenly.


Sour taste in the mouth.

"A fair number of people with acid reflux experience a sour taste in their mouth," Schnoll-Sussman


It may also seem bitter, and can cause bad breath.

This commonly happens along with regurgitation.


Difficulty swallowing.

This is called dysphagia.

Dysphagia makes it take longer to get food down, and can feel like food is sticking in

the esophagus.

According to the Mayo Clinic, this is caused by GERD-induced damage to esophageal tissues,

which can cause the lower esophagus to spasm, scar, and become more narrow.


Chronic cough.

The reason many people with GERD develop a chronic cough is unclear, but there are two

theories in the medical community.

One is that cough happens as a protective measure when tiny amounts of acid reaches—and

is slightly breathed into—the larynx, which acts as an air passage to the lungs.

The other theory is that the cough is simply a reflex reaction to what's happening in the

upper part of your digestive tract.


Hoarseness or sore throat.

When stomach acid moves up the esophagus, it can irritate the vocal cords.

This is often worse in the morning, after lying down all night and may subside during

the day.

This constant irritation can also make the throat feel a bit sore.

For more infomation >> 6 Symptoms Of Acid Reflux You Should Not Ignore - Duration: 5:39.


A Weak Tip, Too Busy, Your Pleasing Demeanor, My Boyfriend Will Pay - Duration: 8:39.

(upbeat music)



Chris you have one ticket on Fountain Street.

We had parked to go to dinner that night,

and this is where the bike lane,

it's a little confusing now in the winter cause they take--

Now on Fountain Street.


And normally in the summertime, I completely

understand that, you'd have cones up,

but in the winter--

Right, you can read it, you can read it,

but when the snow's covering it you got no idea.

So that's why.

So we parked there and we had a really good dinner

You had a good dinner?

And then we came out and I was like,

"This looks like I can park here."

Because the signs right there,

on the curb.

I mean we have the inside scoop

we know what happens (laughing)


Carrigan told me what happened right.

You went in, you had a great dinner.

The service was great right?

The service was great?

Excellent, excellent.

The service was great.

The check came.

Very week tip.


The server ran out,


and got the parking enforcement officer

and said, "Tag that car, tag that car."

That's what happened.

I know.

Well, I'll tip better next time.

You better tip better next time.

Alright, based on the explanation the matter is dismissed.


Thank you.

Have a good day.

(upbeat music)

Ivan Martinez.

Remove your hands from your pockets.

Mr. Martinez, you have 13 violations.

You have two red lights and 11 parking tickets.

And your motor vehicle has been booted.


Is there anything you want to tell me about this?

Um, it's my fault.

I apologize.

It's your fault?

Yeah. I'm always working.

I work Monday through Saturdays.

My only day off is Sunday,

so it's kinda hard to come out and do everything

I gotta do--

You work Monday through Saturdays so you didn't have a

chance to pay it.

Yeah, plus I moved.

So you know how they send you notifications,

I didn't have time to go to the DMV cause

I'm always working so it makes it difficult.

Yeah. The United States Postal Service

is still working.

You could have mailed a check.

Yeah I know.

Like I said, I moved.

You know how they send you like the videos--

No, they don't care where you mail it from.

After you moved you coulda still mailed that.

Yeah. I'm speaking about the traffic--

Listen, listen, listen.

I'm gonna have me tell you that excuse.

I'm gonna put this robe on you,

you're gonna sit here, I'm gonna go over there

and say I've been very busy and I didn't have a chance.

And I say wait a minute now,

you went through two red lights,

and 11 parking tickets,

and you haven't paid one.


Fact of the matter was you never would have come here

unless you got booted. Right?

Yeah. It's true.

You know that.


I just wanna see if maybe I can go on a payment plan

You wanna see if you can go on what?

Go on a payment plan sir.

Go on a payment plan.

To take care of it.

Everybody wants to go on a payment plan.

(laughing) Something

Boot fee is $100 sir.


And the fine is $510 ... The fine is $410.


So it's a total of $510.


Now, how much of that can you pay today?

$150, $200?

Alright, well

it's $200 to remove the boot,

and how much can you pay a week thereafter?

I get paid weekly so.

You wanna pay bi-weekly?


How much can you afford?


$150, $200.

You know it's been my experience that when

people are up here,

they'll say anything.


In other words...

First of all,

you got 13 tickets you haven't paid $.10.

So all of a sudden you can afford $100, $150 a week.

I do I just--

If I order you to pay $150 a week the boot

will be back on the car next week.

You can't afford it.




I'll try.

$25 a week.

Okay, sounds fine.

Now here's the deal,

I waived $300 in penalties.

Thank you.


But if you don't pay the $25 a week,

the boot's going back on the car,

and I'm not gonna waive the penalties.


So I'm trying to help you out.

Okay. I got it.

But you have to help you have to help yourself.


Thank you.

Okay. You got it?

Sounds good.

Why do you have that Zucolopoo shirt on?

Do you swim up there?

No I actually teach the community swim lessons

at Zuccolo.

I'm a lifeguard at (mumbles),

I'm a lifeguard at YMCA,

and I also work at a high school.

I mean that's my area.

That was my pool when I was...

That was my,

Scarborough Beach when I was a kid.

The Federhead Pool.

I was actually teaching swim lessons while I got booted.

Yeah. I didn't have anybody teach me how

to swim though.

I swam like a rock.


I'm a little bit better now.

Alright, $200 to remove the boot.

And then $25 a week.


Don't miss payments.

I won't.

I don't want to hear that you're busy, alright?


They do the mail everyday except Sunday.

Just drop it in the mailbox.


You got it?

I got it.

Alright, good luck.

(upbeat music)

David Coffee.

Morning David.

Morning your honor.

David, you're pretty happy.

What are you happy about?

I actually...

I find your demeanor pleasant.

You find my demeanor pl...

Oh, you're here to judge me,

I'm supposed to be here to judge you.


(laughing) Please tell me we're not

getting off on the wrong foot here.

Mr. Coffee you are charged with speeding

on Charles Street.

You have anything you want to tell me about this?

There are multiple improprieties with the...

Give me the short ver...

Let me see this.

Let me see this.

Well this says, "Cited speed 31"

I mean, "cited speed 30"

and the speed is 31.

But then at the top it says that I was doing 11 miles

over the limit.

Neither one of which was true on January 22nd

when there were no school zone signs posted at all.

Which I have physical proof of in these pictures.

Which you can also see on your cell phone via

Google Maps.

These pictures are from Google Maps.

And you can literally walk down Charles Street

and see that there were no school signs at all.

I have pictures

that show no school zone signs

at all.

And these pictures come from Google Maps,

they come from September 2017,

Okay, time out.

Time out, okay.

Your argument makes no sense.


That's number one.

Number two,

the summons is defective.

You need go no further than that.

Everything else you said is of no consequence.

You're talking to me about stuff that is back one year ago.

At any rate,

based on the defective summons,

the matter will be dismissed,

everything else you said,

I'm disregarding.

How long did it take you to prepare that speech?

I've been preparing for this day,

now for--

Waste of time. (laughing)

Two days.

Alright, the matter is dismissed.

Because of defective summons.

(upbeat music)

Charra Pravanz Santiago.

Good morning.


You wanna get close to the mic please.

Alright this is a red light violation on Dean Street.

Off route 10.

And this was at 8:22 in the morning.

The light is red.

Wow. (laughing)

Right through the light.

Is there anything you want to tell me about it?

I'm sorry.


It wasn't me,

it was my boyfriend but he's paying it so.

He's paying it.

He gave you the money right?


But he will.


And if he doesn't?

He's gonna.

He's gonna.


And if he doesn't he's gonna be an ex-boyfriend?


Not that much huh?


I mean, he's gonna pay it.

The car's under my mom's name so he has to pay it.



He was driving the car?


Make sure he coughs up the money.

I will.

He will.


Good work.


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For more infomation >> A Weak Tip, Too Busy, Your Pleasing Demeanor, My Boyfriend Will Pay - Duration: 8:39.


As Veterans Develop Cancer, Senate Refuses To Extend Agent Orange Settlement To Navy Vets - Duration: 4:04.

Recently, the United States senate had the opportunity in the form of legislation to

extend benefits to us navy veterans who served in Vietnam and developed cancers and other

diseases as a result of exposure to Agent Orange, the U.S. Senate was poised to pass

this bill.

They said, well, yeah, these people served in Vietnam.

They were exposed to this.

They're now developing debilitating diseases.

Tens of thousands have already died from it, so why wouldn't we extend these benefits to

members of the navy when we're giving it to the army and the marines and everybody else?

The navy deserves it just as much.

They had just as much exposure and then Republicans in the Senate said, I don't want to do it,

and that's what happened.

That's where the bill died.

Republicans didn't want to give these us navy veterans suffering from cancers because of

their exposure to Agent Orange that the United States military dropped.

They didn't want to cover their healthcare after they were the ones who gave them cancer.

That's what happened.

In case you're not familiar with Agent Orange, let me go ahead and run through this massive

list, and this is actually only a partial list of some of the diseases and cancers that

Agent Orange has been known to cause a soft tissue sarcoma, non Hodgkin Lymphoma, Hodgkin's

disease, chronic lympha lymphocytic leukemia, respiratory cancers including lung, bronchus,

trachea and larynx, prostate cancer, multiple Myeloma, bladder cancer, um, and overall Vietnam

veterans as a whole have increased rates of cancer, nerve, digestive skin, respiratory


The CDC says that in particular there's higher rates of acute chronic leukemia, Hodgkin's

lymphoma, non Hodgkin's lymphoma, throat cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer,

ischemic heart disease, soft tissue sarcoma and liver cancer, all from this chemical that

was primarily made by us chemical companies, Dow Chemical and Monsanto.

We were dumping that thing by the barrel full by the plane full all over Vietnam, Vietnamese

citizens, US military personnel and soldiers getting doused in this developing cancers

over time.

Again, tens of thousands have died.

Tens of thousands of US soldiers, veterans here in the United States have died from this


Even more are still developing these illnesses.

And the Republican controlled US Senate said, we're not going to take care of you.

We are not going to extend this massive settlement fund that exists to cover you as well.

We've got enough to worry about.

We're worried about the cost.

They said, we're worried about the cost.

Who cares about the cost?

You need more money for this fund.

You know where you get it.

You get it from Dow and Monsanto.

The people who knew how toxic this herbicide was and still sold it to you anyway, and the

dangers let people develop cancer and pocketed all the prophets.

They still made more money off of this than they have had to pay out and settlements.

So if you're worried about having to pay for these people getting healthcare, then why

don't you go back to Dow and Monsanto and say, hey, you didn't give us enough.

Fork it over.

Unless you want to fight this out in court again because you've already lost in the past

and there is no reason to think you're not going to lose again.

Now, this is atrocious, especially for the Republican Party who claims to care so much

about veterans.

Oh, Democrats are horrible for veterans.

They don't care about the Va.

They don't want to fund you.


The people who don't want to fund care for veterans are the republicans in the United

States senate and the vote they took last week proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt,

us veterans are going to die because they're not going to be able to get the care that

they need because of their exposure to Agent Orange and those deaths come at the hands

of senate republicans.

For more infomation >> As Veterans Develop Cancer, Senate Refuses To Extend Agent Orange Settlement To Navy Vets - Duration: 4:04.


Trump tweets video of greeting troops in Iraq - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Trump tweets video of greeting troops in Iraq - Duration: 1:11.


Best Award Show Performances of 2018 | Billboard News - Duration: 1:41.

2018 was of course a huge year for music and something that may go forgotten are the

year's best award show performances. 'Billboard' didn't forget, they put together their list,

so let's take a look at a few.

It's almost become hard to remember pre-"Thank U Next" Ariana, but there is plenty to

celebrate on the other side of her biggest hit - like her VMAs performance of "God is a

Woman" back in August. Fresh off having the No. 1 album in the country with 'Sweetener,'

Grande served up a show-stealing performance from inside Radio City Music Hall.

Why even leave the building? Let's keep it locked at Radio City and honor JLO's Video

Vanguard Award performance which took us all the way from "Waiting for Tonight,"

through "Love Don't Cost a Thing", around a Ja Rule pop up, all the way to "Get on

the Floor" in a medley her fans will be talking about for years to come. Now, if Pre-"Thank

U Next'"Ariana feels like a while ago, the Grammys may as well have been a decade.

If you can remember that far back, Kendrick Lamar gave us inspired renditions of "XXX,"

"DNA," "New Freezer" and "King's Dead."

From one of the first Awards shows of the year to one of the last - the 2018 AMAs took

place this past October and Cardi B, Bad Bunny and J Balvin were there to give us a

live version of their No. 1 hit "I Like It."

For more performances, head to

Until next time, for Billboard News - I'm Kevan Kenney.

For more infomation >> Best Award Show Performances of 2018 | Billboard News - Duration: 1:41.


President Trump and first lady make surprise visit to US troops in Iraq - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> President Trump and first lady make surprise visit to US troops in Iraq - Duration: 5:57.


Shoppers take advantage of huge after-Christmas sales - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Shoppers take advantage of huge after-Christmas sales - Duration: 2:03.



For more infomation >> 10 EXERCÍCIOS PARA DEIXAR SEU QUADRIL + LARGO e PERDER CULOTE RAPIDINHO [Testado] - Duration: 4:38.


Special Report: President Donald Trump, First Lady Visit Troops In Iraq | NBC News - Duration: 13:57.

For more infomation >> Special Report: President Donald Trump, First Lady Visit Troops In Iraq | NBC News - Duration: 13:57.


"Zeus"- Trap Type Beat | Meek Mill x Cardi B Instrumental - Duration: 2:56.


For more infomation >> "Zeus"- Trap Type Beat | Meek Mill x Cardi B Instrumental - Duration: 2:56.


Retailers rejoice over strong holiday sales as stocks begin to rebound - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Retailers rejoice over strong holiday sales as stocks begin to rebound - Duration: 6:49.


Undefeated "Big Nasty" Burger Challenge w/ Pulled Chicken & Pork!! - Duration: 10:08.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel 'Atlas' and i am very very excited

tonight because I am back in Northampton England and I'm going for overall win

number 622! I am at the Smoke Pit here in Northampton I'm taking on their Big

Nasty Burger Challenge and this thing is freaking huge, and again it is previously

undefeated! I've got one sitting to finish this thing, the goal is just to

have somebody finish it, there is a whole bunch of delicious beef then there is

pulled pork, on top there's a whole bunch of English cheddar and American cheese,

and then there's a whole bunch of fried chicken or pulled fried chicken,

along with there's some healthy vegetables on the side but, again I've

got one sitting to finish this thing if I fail it's going to be thirty two pound

fifty, but if I win I'll get the meal free, I will get a hat or a t-shirt, and

then I will be the first person up on the wall of fame let's get this

challenge started!

All right great to be back in Northampton we were here a few years ago

and so many people came out to watch me do a challenge that muumuus nearby and

again there are so many people here if I win this thing it's going to be my

eighth previously undefeated challenge win in a row! Let's get it going nobody's

won let's be the first! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

All right we're 15 minutes in we've got all the healthy vegetables down we've

got all that fried chicken and we've got most of the pulled pork now we just have

the beef patty and then the buns we got a little bit of the pulled pork on there

but it will help get all the beef down let's get this and some of the remaining

cheese and then we'll go on to the bun!

once we get this meat down the buns will go down alright.

Let's go Randy! C'mon Randy! You the man, Randy!

32 minutes 25 seconds in last bit of beef!

Just over 45 minutes in the last part of the bottom bun!

I did the bottom bun class because that was very compact and dense, this top bun is

a little bit lighter so I think it's going down a little bit easier but I am

full but I think I can do it!

We're fifty-five minutes in if I eat right now I'm gonna pop and throw up, so

I'm letting it digest temporarily, we still have tons of time it's one sitting

not an hour so a couple minutes and then I'll be ready to go!

Six bites left!

Not exactly domination but a win is a win!

The first person to ever finished the Big Nasty Burger Challenge called the

big nasty but it was not nasty, it was delicious! It was overall win

number 622 thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Undefeated "Big Nasty" Burger Challenge w/ Pulled Chicken & Pork!! - Duration: 10:08.


Dr Jordan B Peterson - Comment étudier? How to Study? - Duration: 4:56.


Conscientious people anyways conscientious people are

industrious and

Orderly, we know a little bit about orderliness. It seems to be associated strangely enough with disgust sensitivity, which I suppose

Isn't that surprising, you know if you take an orderly?

Person and you put them in a messy kitchen

they respond with

Disgust and want nothing more than to straighten it all out and organize it and clean it and there's tremendous variability in orderliness

And as I said orderliness predicts political conservatism, it's not the only thing but it's certainly one of the things

The correlation between

Conscientiousness and and grades is about 0.4. It's about 16% of the variance

It's it's the second best predictor of university grades after intelligence and we'll talk about intelligence during this course, too

Intelligence is actually a relatively straightforward concept. I don't think I'll get into it today, but

Conscientious people they're industriousness, and they're orderliness makes them schedule their time so they make efficient use of their time

They use schedules and that sort of thing. We haven't been able to figure out anything about the underlying biology or psychology of industriousness

We've tried really dozens and dozens of tests

attempting to

Find a laboratory measure on which

Industrious people do better and we failed completely and there's no animal models of industriousness either and so I would say it's a great

mystery that remains at the heart of trait psychology

And maybe it's a human specific category

You know

I mean you can think of sled dogs

Maybe of being industrious and maybe and maybe sheep dogs and animals that work like that

But of course they've been trained by human beings so but it isn't obvious that animals are industrious the same way

We are I mean industriousness involves

sacrificing the present for the future

Something like that, and it seems like you have to be able to conceptualize time in order to sacrifice the present for the future

one of the things that I would recommend that

You do as students in this course and maybe in every course speaking of industriousness

Come up with a plan of attack for the course and use a schedule

You know if you treat your university career like a full-time job

you're much more likely to succeed and if you keep up on the readings and you keep up on the on the

Essays and all of that then you're much less likely as well to fall into despair when you get too far behind

Using a Google Calendar or something like that to organize a schedule for the entire semester

At the beginning of the semester can be invaluable

Especially if you're not very industriousness very industrious because it can keep you on track and one of the things we know about

industrious people is that they are very good at using schedules and at planning the use of their time and

So I would like to say that you should all be smarter, but I don't know how you could be smarter

We don't know anything about how to improve intelligence and I suppose we don't really know anything about how to improve

industriousness either but I can tell you that people who are industrious come up with a strategy for

Solving the problem that's ahead of them. And then they do whatever they can to stick to the strategy and so for example

If you sat down

today or tomorrow for a couple of hours three hours and you filled in a Google Calendar or whatever you happen to use with a

strategy for studying and a list of when all your assignments are due and all of that and

When you're going to sit down and study

Then you won't be in a position where you have to cram for 10 hours a day

Hopelessly right before you know an important exam. It's also a very ineffective way of studying by the way

I mean first of all people who cram for 10 hours say they're studying for 10 hours, but they rarely are because well

I can't study for 10 hours. I don't have the power of concentration

that would enable me to do that for that prolonged period of time I can manage about 3 hours of intense intellectual activity before I'm

pretty done and

It's also the case that if you study and then sleep and then study and then sleep and then study and then sleep you space

It out, then you're much more likely to remember

it's also much more likely that you're you're much more likely to remember if you try to recall the

material and so highlight that sort of thing isn't very useful but reading

closing the book

Summarizing what you've read without opening the damn book. That's useful. And the reason for that is that you're practicing

Remembering and that's what you have to practice if you're practicing

Memorization you have to practice remembering you. Don't just go over the thing over and over that'll help you with recognition memory

But some but it won't help you with recall memory


For more infomation >> Dr Jordan B Peterson - Comment étudier? How to Study? - Duration: 4:56.


Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Aleali May' Court Lux Sneaker Unboxing - Duration: 10:04.

hi guys its SJ and i'm back with a box and today we're looking at the Women's

Air Jordan 1 court lux let's get to it

hey guys it's SJ I'm back and today we're looking today we are unboxing the

women's Air Jordan 1 court luxe before I do that I'm just going to say welcome if

you're new to this channel we do sneaker unboxings and such thing and if you

haven't joined us before come along and join us on Sunday nights for sneaker

streaming Sundays where we talk about sneakers and that is 8 p.m. here in the

UK that is 12 p.m. on the west coast and roughly 3 p.m. on the East Coast

But Mr B on Sneaker cam you don't hear all that you want to see me pull for

freshness don't you lets pull for freshness I love that no more knife nice

and easy so these are the court luxe women's Jordan one as I've said and I'm

super excited for these are a bit bonkers to be honest trouble with these

boxes is this hat so tight oh dear making alright awesome right okay it's

getting a sad way let's get this out this way right what are we got here what

have we got here camera two we have got women's Air

Jordan 1 hi oh gee energy code is BV 2 6 1 3 600 and they are Bordeaux LTR armory

blue they're USA eight and a half European 40 UK six Jordan box nothing

exciting there it's open knees up weird Oh dog needs to stay under the table he

can't see these right okay I have a little mo because they're not laced

wider Jordans never come laced it's really frustrated super frustrated I

don't know I don't know it's not Christmas joy no it's not Oh No

back to the shear people because you do not want to hear mr. bee and his

pathetic attempt at a Christmas joke so these are women this Jordan one Kotler

so these are Kalev or collab between American basketball player

mayor Moore who Sports Illustrated have described as the greatest winning female

greatest women female basketball player of all time and us-based

blogger stylist all-around cool girl Alec I'm gonna say this wrong I think

it's it's said le Lea what I probably got that wrong may be a terrible thing

but these are pretty cool so these are designed to sort of represent childhood

colors of may more that she liked but yes a bit bonkers in a bit out there not

to everybody's taste I've got to say so let's take a proper look at this the

suede is really nice so each I'm gonna go in to sneak a cam here so each panel

is a different kind of suede so you've got this really nice Bordeaux color on

the back against the blue against the pale pink against really bright red then

against that really nice vivid royal blue and I love that royal blue color it

just really pops on these then you've got all timid look so inside I'm just

gonna take the shoe tree out inside are these all really nice inside okay okay

so inside so I like this buttery colored soft leather and that is nice soft

leather it's a really nice buttery color but it's not as soft as some of the

lever that mr. B has had on his Jordans recently particularly I think it was a

rookie of the year was it did they have a really battery level mister be very

confusing them with another sneaker think you're confusing them with another

yeah maybe but my live away that's really nice inside and then if you can

see mr. B right on the the actual inner lining it's sort of quilted and then

you've got the signature can we see that then you've got the signature and I'm

not going to say it again le Ali may there we go I said it right

Ellie Allie Mae there we go I'm hoping us at that right policies if not on

Eustace with names I really am so I'm kind of guessing let's have a look on

this one no both it says it's got exactly the

same signature on both I was kind of expecting it to have the signature of

both ladies as this is actually a collab between the two of them now I just want

to point out the fare on these is faux fur it is not real people it is not real

I wouldn't have bought them if it was real fur standards

Jordan wax laces they seem to be in pretty much every pair of Jordans we're

getting at the moment when it's black laces there is an alternate lace which

here mr. B if you can see this which is like a but it's the same color blue to

pale blue I really like pale blue and stuff Paley's threated I wore ages so I

might swap out the black for the blue I mean let's be honest they haven't lace

to them so it's not gonna be a huge task is it now let's have a look at how this

comes off Oh so I was expecting this to be Velcro but

it's actually a papas look at this mr. B can we see that so I'm just gonna take

the whole thing off oh yeah she does really nice see now is thinking velcro

with the fur could be a bit tricky and sort of ruin the fur but that's really

nice that it's done with papas you've got four poppers allow you to attach and

detach the fur then underneath if you can see that just as an eye care on the

time okay I'm just going to take the other one off I suspect it's gonna be

exactly the same but as we've had a lot of surprises wear sneakers recently I'm

gonna take a look no it is exactly to say I mean they look nice without it

they really do I think the interesting thing is that the the Jordan wings on

the side it's not really that that prominent at all it's quite discreet

really on the sneaker I mean these are pretty punkers but I do like these a lot

and again 700 could look looking for the quality they're pretty good quality for

a Jordan I think we said this a few times on this channel we find that

Jordans can be a little bit hit or miss at the quality

and they tend to have a peculiar smell when they arrive from factory now I do

have a bit of a cold I'm not smelling that weird Jordan as' and mr. B is

nodding his his shaking his head from behind the camera so he isn't smelling

it either what do we think of these camera number two look at that camera

two that is a beauty I really like these I really do we missed a big Cody's out

on the channel god I think it was back in August time it's a long time ago and

I was like yeah I would wear though it's bit bonkers concerned that this is real

fur because sometimes on these more should I say fashion collapse they do

put real fur on things and if I don't think Nike do but other brands do and it

really puts me off it's a shout out to brands that no longer use that just back

home also the fact that this isn't velcro

hopefully mean to talk company oh we have a dog that likes very things so

guys what do we think of these you know I know these went up to a size 14 I

think so whilst this was a women's draw I know in these dropped in stores Aly

Aly put on her Instagram that they were for women first there any guys that

turned out I think they were gonna get made to wait till all the women bought

in which I quite like so yeah so I know that guys could get

these as well so what do you all think of these did any of you pick these up

would you wear them if you're a guy would you wear if your girl you know

what do we think of these cuz they ought to everybody's taste but I really like

these I like these a lot and I'm going to be wearing these a lot when it

doesn't rain he's gonna have to be sprayed I think definitely oh that's so

nice so nice thank you mister because these were from mr. B thank you very

much so I'm gonna stop rambling now but super

nice pick up I'm really pleased to add these to my very small Jordan collection

I have bought quite a few pairs of Jordans this year they slowly grow but

yeah let us know what you think in the comments cop or not bonkers or not you

know they are pretty bonkers pretty out there

yeah let us know in the comments and if you haven't already and you're not bored

by my rambling hit the old subscribe button and you'll get to the other

videos that we do or hit the next notification bells that your that you'll

never miss one of our uploads and don't forget to come along and join us on

Sunday so sneak a stream in Sundays which is 8 p.m. in the UK 12 p.m. on the

west coast and 3 p.m. on the East Coast I am gonna go and try these on and hide

them from the dog oh yeah so we'll see you on the next upload over and out ok

stop filming now cuz that probably looked a bit weird okay they're lovely

they are super nice these might well become a favorite pair of sneakers

For more infomation >> Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Aleali May' Court Lux Sneaker Unboxing - Duration: 10:04.


[4K] Hong Kong Bus CTB 6569 VF7957 城巴 ADL E500 MMC FL 12.8m@ W1 高鐵西九龍站-金鐘(西) - Duration: 16:36.

For more infomation >> [4K] Hong Kong Bus CTB 6569 VF7957 城巴 ADL E500 MMC FL 12.8m@ W1 高鐵西九龍站-金鐘(西) - Duration: 16:36.



hi guys so I just turned 18 I just turned 18 I'll just go ahead and: "Hello"

big as uh figures uh I think it's a duet this with a creator of an original idea

that I should do for tick-tock oh my god why didn't I think of that

shut your bubba gump dum-dum looking at the fuck up makes us feel alive we keep

this love

what's your name

just that a great fight a worm think he is

does he a little to the left have any idea of who he's dealing we're now in

sight your imagination currently does make it black penis but throughout this

experience we're gonna explore places in your mind

I can't separate your sins to me you're acting like you're twins this is a mess

is this intestine how many guesses do it yet till only one of you is left you're

quite the same

hey brick is that oh my god dude mm-hmm dude put your oh my gosh dude your lips

are throwing gang signs mmm stop please I can't take it anymore

think you're the buzz lightyear all this time I thought it wasn't you're mocking

me aren't you oh no no no no yeah yeah yeah sure step aside kid

watch me fucking get it you will see ma it will see playing

tennis on a week why'd you ask me for men



listen I try to be nice you're mimicking okay that is rude and this conversation

is boring my father's name is laughing my mother's

name is a smiling are you kidding no kidding is my brother

I am joking enemy ac-130 above enemy ac-130 above enemy I see one above run

Mei leggo trip

that's the name of the restaurant what's your name hazel

now what's your full name hazel grace Lancaster what are you looking at me

like that because you're beautiful

beyond the flame years Sybil

part four give it your best shot what's your nickname I don't have my

color blue zodiac sign Virgo single or taken single sadly I had my best

friend's name

spicy Oh

I baked you up hi oh boy what flavor pie three times

what did you make named me this way I'm scared for a second I thought we were

digging my grave we did what you want like being afraid it's a dose of your

own medicine what you're like I taste my therapist told me don't bury my issues

but I'm gonna be honest man I'm feeling great

did you know for every three people one person is gay really

according to statistics yes well I'm not gay I'm not gay

so smart I could kiss you right now

let me get that whoa that whoa hope y'all had enough

already please don't make why should ask me four men do spicy meat yeah

so I said I love to one more time in case that would change my day to of

positive affirmation I am the creator of my confidence I am the creator of my

confidence I am the creator of my confidence I am challenged I'm scared

for a second I thought we were digging my grave we did what you want like being

afraid it's a dose of your own medicine what you're like I taste my therapist

told me don't bury my issues but I'm gonna be honest man I'm feeling great

I was busy dreaming bout girl girls I was thinking about pizza so they say

there are other fishes in the sea but the only one that's missing is the one

that swims for me so they say I'm extremely lonely I'm scared for a second

I thought we were digging my grave we did what you want like being afraid

it's a dose of your own medicine what you're like I taste my therapist told me

don't bury my issues but I'm gonna be honest man I'm feeling great


well the web my sister Evelyn go is she with the doctor or the plumber or

the dinosaur the handyman did she go to India or Africa or without the Pakistan

she go and join the name I go completely crazy is she playing a trick on me

what's wrong I've been trying to get tickets to Sigma what I've been trying

to get tickets to Sigma what Sigma 7 the balls ladies

and a good one but it's finally December see what should i do first that'll do

so Samantha how's college doing are you still failing it's doing fine Rebecca

how are your kids I heard your own baby daddy number six hey guys so I just

actually have a question for everyone who sees this and it's why the fuck our

name tick tock famous yet we don't do the reverse cowgirl round here you don't

turn your back on family do you think you can beat me in a staring contest

let's find out

okay Oh like the video if you want and comment down below if you lost I Loki

hope that you lost not trying to be B though I just really

For more infomation >> IF YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE ! 😱 TIK TOK TROLL COMPILATION: @gemini31292 (TIK TOK IRONIC MEMES) PT. 2 - Duration: 18:24.


For more infomation >> IF YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE ! 😱 TIK TOK TROLL COMPILATION: @gemini31292 (TIK TOK IRONIC MEMES) PT. 2 - Duration: 18:24.


Kris Jenner Sparks Hilarious Memes After Bragging She's 'Rich' AF With $16K Bag: She's 'A Mood' - Ne - Duration: 3:35.

She's wealthy, and she knows it! Kris Jenner proudly flaunted her designer bag by the Christmas tree, and the meme response has been endless

Don't miss out!    Kris Jenner, 63, really peaked this Christmas. Not only did the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star debut an icy blonde hair makeover, but she received an epic present — a $16,000 Goyard suitcase that reads "Rich As F*CK

" Kris showed the designer gift off in front of the Christmas tree while wearing green plaid pajamas and big black sunglasses

And while some have called her out over the "disgusting" trunk, others have been having a ton of fun turning the $16K suitcase into a treasure trove of meme material

   Most fans have been calling Kris a mood and comparing her pic to the feeling "when that automatic deposit hits," and others have scratched out the word "Rich," replacing it with "Broke" to describe their wallets after Christmas

LOL! "Kris Jenner's Goyard Trunk that says 'rich as f*ck' is some truly aspirational content," one Twitter user wrote, while another added, "I personally think this is hilarious and shows she doesn't take herself too seriously

She is rich as f*ck and it wasn't handed to her. She works hard just like u do. Jealousy isn't attractive on u at all

" Preach!  But Kris didn't just receive awesome presents this year — she bought some great stuff too! Who could forget the iconic gift Kourtney Kardashian, 39, showed off? Her mom bought her two of the robots from Disneyland's "Small World" ride

Wow, that's impossible to beat! View this post on Instagram When that automatic deposit hits! 🤑 A post shared by What's Trending (@whatstrending) on Dec 26, 2018 at 10:45am PST View this post on Instagram I wish I could relate 😪 -n #emmachamberlain #jamescharles A post shared by Merry Christmas❤️ (@wildchambie) on Dec 26, 2018 at 9:56am PST View this post on Instagram Post X-mas mood

#krisjenner #richasfuck #not A post shared by J.L (@jossdaboss_) on Dec 26, 2018 at 9:11am PST  We can't help but wonder who bought the Goyard trunk for Kris, though

It was probably one of her daughters, but here's to hoping one of them owns up to the legendary purchase soon!

For more infomation >> Kris Jenner Sparks Hilarious Memes After Bragging She's 'Rich' AF With $16K Bag: She's 'A Mood' - Ne - Duration: 3:35.


For more infomation >> Kris Jenner Sparks Hilarious Memes After Bragging She's 'Rich' AF With $16K Bag: She's 'A Mood' - Ne - Duration: 3:35.


Zaza show à hannover حفل زازا التونسية في هانوفر بألمانيا ربوخ و شطيح عالمي - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Zaza show à hannover حفل زازا التونسية في هانوفر بألمانيا ربوخ و شطيح عالمي - Duration: 2:10.


For more infomation >> Zaza show à hannover حفل زازا التونسية في هانوفر بألمانيا ربوخ و شطيح عالمي - Duration: 2:10.


📷 PhotoWorks 5.0 - Éditeur de photos intelligent - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> 📷 PhotoWorks 5.0 - Éditeur de photos intelligent - Duration: 7:53.


For more infomation >> 📷 PhotoWorks 5.0 - Éditeur de photos intelligent - Duration: 7:53.


Top 10 Most Searched Things On Google 2018 - Duration: 9:24.

How's it going you guys, I'm Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top

10 video.

2018 has been a rollercoaster.

We've seen our fair share of amazing things but we've also lost a lot of important people.

So buckle up and let's take a look at the top 10 most searched things on Google 2018.

Starting off this trendy list in at number 10 with Kate Spade.

She was a fashion designer who launched her own handbag line back in the early 1990's.

Since her initial launch date, her company has expanded and her products can be found

in a ton of high-end stores.

Despite all of her success, Kate Spade was battling with her own personal issues.

She was actually found dead by her housekeeper on June 5, 2018.

Upon investigation, her death was ruled as a suicide by hanging and police reported that

she had left a note addressed to her daughter.

Her husband released a statement saying that she was dealing with depression and anxiety.

So, this tragic death just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by its cover.

Even though Kate Spade was highly successful, she was battling with her own demons.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or any other issues and you want

to talk to someone, I urge you guys to call the National suicide prevention lifeline.

The links will be in the description below.

The iconic theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking breaks onto this list in at number


Stephen Hawking was a genius who was known for his ground-breaking work with black holes

and relativity.

He was truly an inspiration because he continued to break down barriers and accomplish to much

in his life time despite being diagnosed with ALS.

This disease caused him to gradually become paralysed and he even lost his ability to

speak but he was still able to communicate through speech generating device.

But despite all of that, he jumped over many hurdles in his life and he defied the odds.

He lived a very fulfilling life but sadly he passed away on March 14, 2018 at the age

of 76 but his memory will live on forever.

XXXTentacion brings us to number 8.

This young rapper was shot and killed in Florida back in June at the age of 20 years old.

During the time of his death, harsh rumors began to circulate and he was accused of domestic

abuse charges against his pregnant girlfriend.

But despite all of the negative publicity, XXXTentacion really made his mark on the Hip-hop

industry by using unconventional musical styles and his lyrics were controversial but also


I have a lot of respect for him as an artist and he was highly successfully in the music


One of the most influential chefs brings us to number


Anthony Bourdain was a very popular celebrity chef, author and tv personality and he was

considered to be one of the best chefs in the entire world.

He had so much success and fortune so when it was discovered that he had committed suicide,

the world was in shock.

On June 8, 2018, he was working on a television episode but he was found dead after he committed


by hanging.

He was just 17 days away from celebrating his 62nd birthday.

And although he seemed to have it all and people thought that he would be the last person

to do something like this, he was struggling with extreme depression.

So yeah, 2018 was a very tragic year for celebrities taking their own lives but this just goes

to show you that anyone can have dark thoughts and that's why it is so important to talk

and support one another.

The Duchess of Sussex takes us into number 6.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry took the internet by storm this year.

People all over the internet flooded Google by searching keywords about the royal wedding,

their baby on the way and her clothing style.

Actually, Meghan Markle was the most searched person this year around the world.

Yeah, I'd say Meghan had a pretty eventful year.

She became royalty, got married to Prince Harry, became the Duchess of Sussex and announced

her pregnancy.

How did she accomplish so much in 2018…I mean, I'm still trying to get my life together.

The Marvel Blockbuster hit, Black Panther pounces onto this list in at number 5.

Honestly you guys, this movie was SO GOOD.

And I'm not just saying that.

If you haven't seen it yet, what's wrong with you?

Are you living under a rock?

All jokes aside, it's a pretty epic movie about a young King who needs to defend his

home, Wakanda, and the rest of the world by releasing the power of the Black Panther to

defeat his enemies.

It's actually the ninth highest grossing movie of all time which is super impressive.

Stan Lee brings us into number 4.

2018 was a tough year because we lost a lot of iconic celebrities who have made a huge

impact on our world.

Stan Lee was no exception.

I think it's safe to say that Hollywood would be a totally different industry if Stan

Lee didn't exist.

Think about it.

We wouldn't have characters like Iron Man, Thor, Spider-man, Black Panther and the Fantastic


In the 1960's he wrote or co-wrote the majority of the Marvel comics himself.

Sometimes he would have an artist draw up something and then Stan Lee would finish the

dialogue of the comic.

This became known as the Marvel method.

I think Marvel comics stand out from the rest because his superheroes were relatable and

they were more human.

I think he was a brilliant man and his legacy will live on for generations to come.

Number 3, we are talking about the iconic rapper, Mac Miller.

Malcom McCormick or otherwise known as Mac Miller was a super successful American rapper

and record producer.

But sadly, on the morning of September 7, 2018, he was found unresponsive in his home.

Once the EMS arrived, they pronounced him dead at the scene and once an autopsy was

done, it was determined that his death was caused by an accidental drug overdose.

He had fentanyl, cocaine and ethanol in his system and he was only 26 years old.

Moving into number 2 we have Avicii.

He was a highly successful Swedish musician, DJ and record producer.

When he was just 16 years old he started to post his remixes onto electronic music forums

which led to him landing his first record deal.

Avicii hit international success in 2011 when he released his first single "Levels".

He continued to release hit after hit but he retired from touring in 2016 due to him

suffering from mental health problems and high stress.

And sadly, this year he was found dead on April 20th after he committed suicide.

And now in at our number 1 for the top 10 most searched things on google in 2018 we

are talking about the World Cup.

Yep, in case you've forgotten we had the world cup this year.

The 21st world cup took place in Russia from June 14th- July 15th and it was the first

world cup that was held in Eastern Europe.

Oh and did I mention that it was also the most expensive world cup, costing $14.2 billion


The final match was between France and Croatia.

And in case you forgot, France won the world cup 4-2 so this was their second world cup


Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Searched Things On Google 2018 - Duration: 9:24.


i'm not letting to know what content tis is until you view - Duration: 2:06:04.

For more infomation >> i'm not letting to know what content tis is until you view - Duration: 2:06:04.


Undefeated "Big Nasty" Burger Challenge w/ Pulled Chicken & Pork!! - Duration: 10:08.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel 'Atlas' and i am very very excited

tonight because I am back in Northampton England and I'm going for overall win

number 622! I am at the Smoke Pit here in Northampton I'm taking on their Big

Nasty Burger Challenge and this thing is freaking huge, and again it is previously

undefeated! I've got one sitting to finish this thing, the goal is just to

have somebody finish it, there is a whole bunch of delicious beef then there is

pulled pork, on top there's a whole bunch of English cheddar and American cheese,

and then there's a whole bunch of fried chicken or pulled fried chicken,

along with there's some healthy vegetables on the side but, again I've

got one sitting to finish this thing if I fail it's going to be thirty two pound

fifty, but if I win I'll get the meal free, I will get a hat or a t-shirt, and

then I will be the first person up on the wall of fame let's get this

challenge started!

All right great to be back in Northampton we were here a few years ago

and so many people came out to watch me do a challenge that muumuus nearby and

again there are so many people here if I win this thing it's going to be my

eighth previously undefeated challenge win in a row! Let's get it going nobody's

won let's be the first! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

All right we're 15 minutes in we've got all the healthy vegetables down we've

got all that fried chicken and we've got most of the pulled pork now we just have

the beef patty and then the buns we got a little bit of the pulled pork on there

but it will help get all the beef down let's get this and some of the remaining

cheese and then we'll go on to the bun!

once we get this meat down the buns will go down alright.

Let's go Randy! C'mon Randy! You the man, Randy!

32 minutes 25 seconds in last bit of beef!

Just over 45 minutes in the last part of the bottom bun!

I did the bottom bun class because that was very compact and dense, this top bun is

a little bit lighter so I think it's going down a little bit easier but I am

full but I think I can do it!

We're fifty-five minutes in if I eat right now I'm gonna pop and throw up, so

I'm letting it digest temporarily, we still have tons of time it's one sitting

not an hour so a couple minutes and then I'll be ready to go!

Six bites left!

Not exactly domination but a win is a win!

The first person to ever finished the Big Nasty Burger Challenge called the

big nasty but it was not nasty, it was delicious! It was overall win

number 622 thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Undefeated "Big Nasty" Burger Challenge w/ Pulled Chicken & Pork!! - Duration: 10:08.


Best Of BLOOPERS 😂 Just Dance stream highlights - Duration: 13:02.

Are we live?

"If you're happy that we're live, you put your paws in the air, you put your paws in the air, yaaay!"

You saw the title, 1 sub 1 challenge

Should I keep my shoes?

A: It's not my problem

"Finesse"! Olala "Finesse Extreme", of course!

*nervous laughter*

A: Would you say you have fun?

I mean it's a new high score!

A: I'm impressed.

A: You're gonna try "Havana" you said?

Yeah, but backwards

I don't remember the way!

A: Such a pro dancer...

A: I need a mustache

A: I'm good now

A: We got "perfects", come on!

A: Would you say the jacket helped you?

Aaah no, I think I didn't 13K it.

What? What is this picture?

A: It's because I played instead of you

Yeah, and that's why I didn't 13K it, because you played.

What did you put in the backpack? A: Weights

What? You put the weights in the backpack? A: Yeah!

Apparently it's not enough. A: No, it's enough

But it's more than six kilos! A: It's a 3... It's a two by three.

A: I put a pillow so it doesn't hurt your back

A: See it's three kilos. There's a second one.

Okay, I think it's enough because you know what? I'm scared that my backpack is gonna break, you know

A: It's fine, it's a piece of shit anyway

*Is this what a stroke looks like?*

Ah, my back!

*actual sound from the room*

At this spot there's one of the weight, it killed my back!

*good neighbours put mats down*

Why? Whyyyyy?

*Why are we still here? Just to suffer*

I still miss some moves on this one. That's for sure, I don't know it by heart

But this doesn't help me. It didn't help me, it didn't help me at all!

Ok let's do "Pac-Man" first

So this time, I'm gonna take...

What was the character I tried last time?

A: No idea

*Does anybody really want to see this?*

When he goes there, do you do it like this? Or do you do it like this?

Extended arms, or bent arms?

Or like this?

Tell me!

Help! Help help help

Aaaah I did a lot of "Ok" I'm not sure I 13K it.

This face again


Have a very good night Chantelle

Kisses to everybody, have a good night! Sleep well! Have a good shower.

See you next week! Bye!

Wait for it, wait to see it. Wait to see the new end screen

A: I don't think I added it

You don't have it? A: I don't!

You did it and you don't have it?

A: Wait wait wait, I'll add it now.

For more infomation >> Best Of BLOOPERS 😂 Just Dance stream highlights - Duration: 13:02.


ruined joi - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> ruined joi - Duration: 15:09.


[4K] Hong Kong Bus CTB 6569 VF7957 城巴 ADL E500 MMC FL 12.8m@ W1 高鐵西九龍站-金鐘(西) - Duration: 16:36.

For more infomation >> [4K] Hong Kong Bus CTB 6569 VF7957 城巴 ADL E500 MMC FL 12.8m@ W1 高鐵西九龍站-金鐘(西) - Duration: 16:36.


Is This Video About You??? - Duration: 4:08.

I had a video scripted, and then something happened that made the topic of that video

way more relevant,

to an extent that I feel like I can no longer make the video

because the person who the thing happened with will think it's about them.

Oh my god, is he talking about me?

I'm a person.

Things have happened with me.

Literally anyone I've interacted with in any way for the past, like, three months can

now interpret that as being about them,

and then can also interpret it as being an extremely negative thing about them,

and then can also be scared that maybe I secretly hate them.

It's probably not about you,


This has nothing to do with you, Martha.

Stop being so self-centered, Martha.

God, I'm just so fed up with Martha always making everything about her-

To be clear, I just chose a random name.

If you're watching this and your name is actually Martha, that was not about you,

okay, Martha?

Not everything is about-

Now I can relate to Martha,

because if there's one thing I'm good at it's making everything about me.

I can take any vague statement on the internet and convince myself that it's about me.

Some YouTubers just act so fake and arrogant.

Is that…


That seems like me.

I don't know how to break it to my friend that he's going bald.

Don't worry.

I know.

Sometimes it's really hard to cut toxic people out of your life.

I'm sorry for being toxic.

Please just rip off the bandaid.

This girl on my train is so annoying.

Maybe they changed the gender of the annoying person to throw me off their scent.

My grandpa died.

I could be a grandpa in, like, 50 years.

What if this is my time-travelling grandson?

I do this offline, too.

Someone will be upset, and I won't know why they're upset,

so I'll assume I'm the reason they're upset, and I'll apologize profusely…



Now, I'm aware that this is irrational, but I'm incredibly self-centered.


Here are some statements that you can interpret as being about you.


There's someone watching this video right now,

and it's not, like, a two-way interaction or anything.

They're just watching silently on their laptop or their phone or some other device,

but I can sense them there.

And they are SO obnoxious.

Just to give you a visual of the person I'm talking about.

They have two eyes.

A nose.

They smell like garbage.

What's really wrong with them, though, is their essence.

It's their deep down.

And what's deep down in this person's soul is, like, a rotting,


brussel sprout.

They are irritating.

They are annoying.

They are other synonyms.

I think they might have scrolled down to the comment section earlier even though the video

is still going on,

like, excuse you?

I am talking.

They're doing this parasocial thing right now

where they're watching this video as if I'm, like,

their friend,

complaining to them in a one-on-one interaction.

Which obviously is not the case.

I'm complaining to, like, several hundred people,

and maybe they rationally recognize that, but they're still feeling this like it's

a personal interaction,

which is incredibly stupid, right?

This person's an idiot.

And the funny thing is, they're just listening to me complain about them right now.

And I don't know if they realize that they're the one I'm complaining about.

Maybe they sort of feel like they are.

They sort of feel like this is a personal, one-on-one complaint.

But then they think that rationally that's not what's going on, and that I'm actually

complaining about some broader internet phenomenon,

which is incredibly stupid, right?

I'm just complaining about one person,

and that person's an idiot for not realizing.

And that person is named Martha.


Again, I'm joking.

I have no hostility towards anyone named Martha.

In fact, I don't care at all about anyone named Martha.

As in, I don't know anyone named Martha.

Not like I don't feel the capacity for empathy with anyone named Martha.

Is there a way to name-block a YouTube video so no one named Martha can watch?

Is that a YouTube feature that exists?

Can someone please get on that?

For more infomation >> Is This Video About You??? - Duration: 4:08.


【APH x MMD [Nordic Five]】 (방탄소년단) DNA - Duration: 1:35.


(tururudu tururururudu)


At first sight, I could recognize you

As if we were calling for each other

The DNA in my blood vessels tell me

That it's you I was looking all over for

Our meeting is like a mathematical formula

Commandments of religion, providence of the universe;

The evidence of destiny given to me

You're the source of my dream

Take it, Take it

My hand reaching out to you is my chosen fate

Don't worry, love

None of this is a coincidence

We're totally different, baby

Because we're the two who found our destiny

From the day of the universe's creation and beyond

Through the infinite centuries and beyond

In the previous life and maybe the next too

We're eternally together

None of this is a coincidence

Because we're the two who found our destiny



Because we're the two who found our destiny







Because we're the two who found our destiny


subticles by me

subscribe plz

For more infomation >> 【APH x MMD [Nordic Five]】 (방탄소년단) DNA - Duration: 1:35.


How Getting Enough Sleep Will Stop You Piling On The Holiday Lbs: Celeb Trainer Gunnar Peterson Spea - Duration: 3:10.

It's so hard not to gain weight around the holidays. Trainer to the stars Gunnar Peterson tells us EXCLUSIVELY how sleep can help fight against packing on the pounds

 Nearly everyone gains at least some weight around the holidays. Between Christmas cookies and other sugary holiday treats to big dinners, it's inevitable

While exercise is an obvious way to avoid packing on the pounds, so is sleep! Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson — who helps sculpt the beautiful bodies of Jennifer Lopez, Kate Beckinsale, Amber Heard and more — explains why it's essential to get those much-needed zzzzz's at night

We asked him about what three tips he had to avoid putting on weight over the holidays and he put sleep right up there

"I would say try to focus on your sleep and I know that's easier said than done, but your body needs to recover," he tells HollywoodLife

com EXCLUSIVELY.    "So many people talk about, they're over-training. You're probably not over-training, you're probably under-recovering

Especially during the holidays, if you're overeating and you're over drinking and you're under training, at least try to get your sleep right

Plus, it's hard to eat while you're sleeping," he continues. Good point! The less hours you are awake, the less time you have to take in calorie laden treats

 He sticks by the tried and true eight hours of sleep as a goal, and it's particularly important because over the holidays people are working hard at their jobs and at the gym while still enjoying parties

"If you can get eight, I'm giving you a golf clap for that. That's terrific. But, use that as your benchmark

If you can get eight, that's great. Close to that," he tells us.  "You see people who are just cranking at both ends

They're working, still, because they're not off work til the very last-minute, and then they're going out way more than they would be, and they're eating or drinking way more than they would be

That's on a recovery level. On a training level, try to lock in something that you can adhere to," he advises when it comes to fitting in workouts during the busy holiday season

 As for all the alcohol that flows during holiday celebrations, Gunnar has a great trick to help counteract the negative effects on the body

"Obviously, the food and drink we can go on and on about that, as close to this natural state as possible, plenty of hydration if you are drinking alcohol, three parts water for every glass of alcohol

If you're having a glass of wine, have three glasses of water. I know that sounds like a lot of fluid, but if you want to minimize the bad effects, but still have the fun effects, that's the way my nutritionist would tell you that," he explains

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