14 Bollywood Stars Per Day Income 2019
Let's meet Wendy and Eric Nam as well as Solar. [Music Bank / ENG, CHN /2018.12.21] - Duration: 2:22.I'm Wonmyeong in the green room for the last time.
And I'm Kei.
Want to listen to a nice, sweet Christmas song?
Then pay attention right now!
Two teams with attractive voices!
Let's meet Wendy and Eric Nam as well as Solar.
Happiness! Hello, I'm Wendy of Red Velvet!
Hi, I'm Eric Nam.
Nice to see you.
Hello, I'm MAMAMOO's Solar.
Glad to have all of you.
First, Wendy and Eric Nam!
You two did an MSG performance in the spring.
And you're back together! What will you perform?
We'll sing a carol since Christmas is coming up.
It's called "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."
It's a sweet, rhythmical song,
and has a lot of charm,
and me and Eric Nam will sing in a sweet harmony,
so look forward to it!
I love that carol so much.
Can you sing a few lines for us?
Yeah. Ready?
♪ Have yourself a merry little Christmas ♪
That's all for now.
That was great.
Who chose the song and how?
While checking out Christmas songs...
Last year... Or was it 2 years ago?
Wendy rearranged and released this song.
So that's why this time we're doing
a rearrangement that's a dance jazz duet version.
And there's a goddess right next to me!
Solar, what are you going to perform today?
I'll sing a medley to bring you back to your childhood.
I can't wait!
♪ Do you want to build a snowman? ♪
♪ Come on, let's go and play ♪
Thank you.
That was like a cartoon.
- Really? / - Yes.
Thank you.
Before we check out their performances,
please wish our Music Bank viewers
a happy new year!
It's been cold, so watch out for colds,
and I hope you have a very happy 2019!
Good luck in 2019,
Merry Christmas, happy new year,
and be happy and healthy.
Wrap up 2018 well
and have a happy new year in 2019!
Merry Christmas!
Let's meet B1A4 and OH MY GIRL and ONF! [Music Bank / ENG, CHN /2018.12.21] - Duration: 2:24.I'm Wonmyeong in the green room again.
And I'm Kei.
Let's meet 3 teams who'll perform together.
Let's talk to them.
2, 3! Let's fly, B1A4!
Hello, we're B1A4!
2, 3!
Found her! OH MY GIRL!
Hello, we're OH MY GIRL!
2, 3!
Lights on!
Hello, we're ONF!
Nice to meet you.
I haven't seen B1A4 on Music Bank in a while.
Please greet your fans.
Bana, how have you been? Here we are!
We missed you so much.
We're here today with OH MY GIRL and ONF
to perform a song called "Timing,"
and we hope you love it!
I can't wait for the performance
that all of you prepared together as one group.
Hyojung, please tell us about it.
Sure! It's a song full of Christmas spirit.
It's called "Timing"
and B1A4, OH MY GIRL, and ONF will sing together.
We hope you love it!
The youngest of all of you, ONF!
How was preparing together? Any fun stories?
It's our first time doing a performance
with senior artists,
so we were really nervous and anxious.
But they always
treated us so well, so we felt comfortable.
Thank you so much.
You feel like a real family.
I'm jealous.
It's Christmas in a few days.
What are your plans for Christmas?
We've planned something very special
with our fans for Christmas.
Look forward to it!
I think we're all going to drink hot chocolate together
and listen to "Timing."
As for us, ONF,
one member's birthday is on December 24,
so we're going spend time with him
for Christmas and his birthday.
One performance by three teams!
When are you going to perform?
B1A4 and OH MY GIRL!
And ONF will all sing a sweet winter song!
"Timing" is coming up very soon.
Don't miss it.
Coming up soon!
How Pep Guardiola Improves His Players - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
Special Meeting! fromis_9, Stray Kids, NATURE! [Music Bank / ENG, CHN /2018.12.21] - Duration: 2:22.I'm Wonmyeong, in the green room.
And I'm Kei.
We've decorated the green room
for the Christmas episode!
It's so pretty!
Let's meet today's special performers!
2, 3!
Hello, we're fromis_9!
2, 3!
Step up! Hello, we're Stray Kids!
2, 3!
We'll make you feel good! Hi, we're NATURE!
I heard that three teams here
have prepared special Christmas performances.
First, NATURE! Nice to meet you.
What are you performing today?
Christmas is coming up,
and Christmas means carols,
so we're doing a Christmas carol a capella.
Is there any part that you
put special effort into for the performance?
Our performance has our unique sweet a capella singing
as well as a fancy dance number,
so I hope you all enjoy it in the spirit of Christmas.
NATURE will sing Queen's song! I can't wait!
Stray Kids, what performance have you prepared?
Our song today is a hit from before we were born
that fits winter perfectly.
It's DJ DOC's song "Winter Story."
That song came out before Stray Kids were born.
How did you end up performing this song?
We prepared a hot song that'll warm you up
in this cold weather.
I think it's going to be a performance that'll
make Stray Kids' unique humor stand out.
And lastly, fromis_9!
Your outfit is Christmas-y already!
- Thank you. / - So pretty.
Tell us about your performance for today!
A song that you always think of during Christmas!
It's Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You."
We'll perform it with our own unique colors.
I hope you look forward to it.
I can't wait.
Please greet your fans!
To all the Music Bank viewers,
I hope you have a warm Christmas
with lots of lovely, happy memories.
Please introduce the next performers!
♪ All I want for Christmas is you ♪
You can check out fromis_9's cheerful carol…
And the performance with a full Stray Kids vibe!
"Winter Story" is coming up very soon.
First, here's NATURE, a group that grows on you!
Cue the music!
Kijoon was scolded big time by Junsang?! [Happy Together/2018.12.20] - Duration: 9:42.So Youngki, what do you have to erase?
I have many incidents to share
that happened on stage.
Out of them all,
there's one I'd like to forget about.
Since it's a live show, the lyrics...
- Do you forget them? / - Yes.
Your mind suddenly goes blank.
Of course.
This happened when I was performing with Sohyun.
I played the leading lady.
It was "Jekyll and Hyde".
Sohyun's everywhere, isn't she?
She did a lot of shows.
Anyway, it happened during "Jekyll and Hyde".
The number was "Confrontation"
which is when Jekyll and Hyde finally meet.
- During that song... / - It's the biggest number.
The song is incredibly hard
since I have to play both characters at once.
I had to stand on a podium
that had fire coming out of it.
Anyway, I took my position...
I have a bad feeling about this.
The podium was a little shaky.
It was a little clunky.
(Playing Jekyll)
Then I turned around to play Hyde
when the podium clunked once again.
I suddenly forgot all the lyrics.
(He sang the melody without any lyrics.)
You forgot the lyrics?
It was all so sudden.
I thought I was doomed, but the sound director
lowered the volume on my mic
and turned up the volume
of the background music.
To muffle the sound of the lyrics?
Thankfully, I remembered
the lyrics when I was to play Jekyll again.
I was so relieved
that I thanked the sound director.
When I went to eat after the matinee,
I met my fans outside the theater.
I thanked them for showing up,
and they told me they enjoyed the "Nanana Song".
(The legendary "Nanana Song")
The fans all knew.
- Of course. / - They're die-hard fans.
I guess they heard my voice.
(It's quite addictive.)
We'll erase this bad memory
if you sing us that song once more.
- Will we erase it then? / - Yes.
(His version of Jekyll is alert.)
(Hyde is a little bit off though.)
(The perfectly split two identities.)
How could the audience not hear that?
It'd be hard to not hear it.
The other actors backstage were in a frenzy though.
This was a legendary event.
It was hilarious.
Sohyun, you also made a mistake that day.
We shouldn't add anything on.
Did Sohyun make a mistake too?
- Yes. / - Please tell us.
What did she do?
♪ After my mother left ♪
♪ My father became strict ♪
♪ He sheltered me from everything in this world ♪
You remember others' lines so well.
Meanwhile, he forgets his own lines.
So what happened?
Anyway, Sohyun
sang the song by woofing.
- What? / - Sohyun, wait.
(Was it for dogs?)
- You woofed? / - How could you woof?
It was a show I sang on
for about 100 times as the only female lead.
How could you have woofed?
I didn't imagine I'd forget the lyrics,
but the woofing just came out.
It's not like I forgot the lyrics.
Can you woof the song for us
since Youngki sang his earlier?
After my mother left, my father became strict
(A legend was born.)
I can't believe she actually woofed.
How could you?
I don't know what I did that.
- Nanana was better. / - I couldn't
- understand it. / - The woofing...
Nanana could sound like the original lyrics,
but woofing is what dogs do.
Even though you practice a thousand times...
- Suddenly. / - Yes, in that moment...
It's as if there was a motor on my mouth.
Kijoon, have you made mistakes like that too?
I have.
- Really? / - We probably all have.
Tell us about it.
It was during "The Count of Monte Cristo".
The last song is called "Hell to Your Doorstep"
and I sing it on a podium.
The character sings of his revenge.
- How does it go? / - ♪ I will present to you ♪
♪ The worse purgatory there is ♪
♪ Hanna, hanna, hanna ♪
(Ten dollars each. Take your pick!)
(Give me two!)
(Thus, the "Dollar Song" was born,)
(No way!)
I'm sorry but...
can't musical actors have teleprompters?
No, it'll interfere with the show.
It's too bad.
There's something trending between those passionate.
Yunho has something called Yunho Time
which we were told about by SM artists.
Junsang, I hear you have one of your own too.
When we first planned to have our concert,
we met to take a photo for the poster.
Since it's our first concert,
Junsang suggested that we sing a song he wrote.
He was supposed to let us hear it that day.
Instead of giving us the sheet music,
he hummed the melody
and told us that's how the song goes.
We couldn't know anything from that.
It was only all in his head.
I wrote down the details of it though.
It was the song I wrote on the train
while traveling through Europe.
♪ You are the best, thank you, my friend ♪
I wrote the lyrics
and was satisfied with what I had accomplished.
I was greatly excited
to share the music I had wrote with them,
but they just asked me
for the sheet music.
The two kept making fun of him.
The two of us majored in classical singing.
- So you need sheet music. / - It's easier for us.
Pop singers normally listen to demos
and the lyrics
and memorize the song as they hum along.
Then they go ahead and record the song.
We find sheet music more comfortable though.
We look at the music
and figure out the layout of the notes
before deciding on how to sing it.
He kept making us listen to the song though.
It's why Publae and I made fun of him.
We asked for sheet music
since hearing a demo was confusing for us.
I guess we were
- getting on his nerves. / - Right.
Publae and I kept teasing him.
You didn't know.
We were having fun teasing him.
During my individual photo shoot,
Junsang was nowhere to be seen.
I told them to look for him
saying that Junsang was upset.
They brushed it off,
but still went to find Junsang.
I went to them after I was done
only to see Junsang scolding them
and them looking like this.
(We're sorry.)
(Junsang Time was thrilling.)
Junsang, my goodness.
(Why did I do that?)
Just so you know,
he's only eight months older than me.
(He's only eight months older than me.)
- He was born in November. / - What?
And I was born in July.
Hold on a second.
You're not even a year older than him.
He had to stand with his hands behind him.
- In the parking lot. / - In the parking lot?
- Were you really angry? / - I was.
Come to think of it though,
they did that on purpose.
I had to pay for it more than once.
They're now duping you.
On that day,
I thought they were truly sorry
which made me think I did the right thing.
However, I wouldn't have done it
had I known what they'd do.
Is it because they keep telling this story?
No, they put me in trouble during shows.
The show is happening on stage,
and it's my turn to enter,
but they'd lock me in my room.
(He was imprisoned.)
They'd check that I was about to exit
and then lock the door from outside
while the music is playing outside.
Oh, no.
"I'm sorry. I was wrong!"
"Please. Publae, I'm sorry!"
He even offered to buy us barbecue.
"I'll buy you barbecue!"
They'd open the door
seconds before I have to be on stage.
- I see. / - I have to make a run.
Don't you argue about that though?
I don't get angry with them anymore.
You don't seem to ever cross the line.
I know it'd only backfire.
Sohyun, did you know about this?
I've seen him apologize to them before.
- Really? / - Also,
I was reminded of this
when I heard the anecdote.
We were rehearsing for "The Three Musketeers",
and Kijoon was scolded big time by Junsang.
- Really? / - Do you remember that?
Why are you mentioning this?
- What did he say? / - Was it on the first day?
It was extremely scary.
- I can never forget it. / - Was it on the first day?
- Do tell us. / - The others were done
practicing the fencing sequence.
I was supposed to practice it too
after they had left though.
They waited for me knowing that.
They figured it was best to practice together.
I was exhausted
since I was filming a TV series at the time,
so I was about 30 minutes late.
All the actors and members of the staff
were there waiting for me.
Junsang figured that he should teach me a lesson,
but it was actually just for show.
He threw his sword the moment I entered.
- On purpose? / - Then he cursed at me.
Back then, I didn't want Kijoon to be
bad-mouthed by the cast.
I didn't want them
to say bad things behind his back,
so I scolded him harshly.
- I regret it though. / - Why?
I'm still receiving payback.
Every anecdote leads to you
being tormented by the others.
I don't know why I put myself in this mess.
You yelled at him so that the others
wouldn't say bad things about him.
He took the initiative.
Hearing from the four of them today
made me want to be their fans as well.
For the viewers of Happy Together,
could you perhaps sing a song?
Here's one that every musical actor sings on TV.
It's "This Is the Moment".
We're the first to sing it as a quartet though.
(The first quartet performance)
- Will you sing it for us? / - Sure.
(Let's hear it then.)
Um Yu Min Pub!
Costa Mesa Man Builds Elaborate 'Stanta's Village' On Front Yard - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Two teams with special winter performances! Gugudan, LOVELYZ! [Music Bank / ENG, CHN /2018.12.21] - Duration: 1:57.I'm Wonmyeong in the green room again.
And I'm Kei.
I can't wait to see who we'll see next.
Two teams with special winter performances.
It's gugudan and LOVELYZ!
Stand by, cue!
Hello, we're Gugudan!
2, 3!
Hello, we're LOVELYZ!
Great to see you!
Gugudan, what's your special performance like?
Our special Christmas performance
is a cover of Fin.K.L's song "White."
Let us warm up the end of 2018 with "White,"
a song that'll warm your hearts!
So that's why only 4 of you are here.
Yes, that's right.
Who's doing the part of Hyori, who everyone loves?
Tell us about each of your roles!
We couldn't choose any of us to do it,
so we split the lines among the members
and will cover Fin.K.L in Gugudan's style!
I can't wait to see Gugudan cover Fin.K.L!
LOVELYZ, we have a special performance too.
Wait, shh.
It's a LOVELYZ-like Christmas song!
We're going to perform "Twinkle."
That's right!
Twinkle" is a song from last year.
I know! I heard it's climbing the charts again!
That's right!
Yeah! Since Christmas is approaching,
people must have streamed the song a lot!
Thank you so much.
So we can watch "Twinkle" again today.
When are you all going to perform?
Before LOVELYZ's winter song "Twinkle…"
And Gugudan, who have turned into 4 angels!
Two teams who won 1st place on Music Bank.
Shall we check out NCT 127 and MOMOLAND?
Next up is a song you can't help but dance along to.
Late Tuesday Night Weather Update December 25th, 2018 - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Uber driver gets $100 tip for $4 fare - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
all right as we continue on Hannity while President Trump continually fends off the
resistance the Clintons ever notice they seem to always get a free pass today the Daily
Caller report and the FBI has raided the home of a whistleblower who testified they actually
gave documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and uranium one to a government watchdog you
want real Russia collusion the real story with real evidence real proof I'll remember
the Clinton State Department multiple
other agencies they approved the transfer of 20% of US rhenium to that Russian company
and by the way interests linked to the Iranian one deal gave millions and millions to the
Clinton Foundation and just today Judicial Watch announced that they are suing for documents
about the efforts by the Obama DOJ to shut down an investigation into the foundation
what about the Foundation's silence on all their donations from the Saudis and other
foreign governments that we have documented on this program hardly a peep from the mainstream
media any of this here with reaction by the way the host of Huckabee Mike Huckabee is
with us Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce is back with us you know I look at the Iranian
one deal and I know William Campbell and I interviewed him and he saw the bribery extortion
kickbacks money laundering and Putin but Putin's thugs here in America Tammy and Robert Muller
would happen to be the FBI director at the time he's getting the information the sale
went through was approved the money are kicked back not a peep in the media now just like
there's no peep in the media about the phony Russian dossier that Hillary paid for
yeah why well look the system is established to protect and for things like this this is
why you had such a sloppy system with the Hillary campaign there's been such a level
of protection that they haven't had to be careful then and suddenly thank goodness because
the American people and Donald Trump that environment changed and they were unprepared
this has been going on well who knows how long generation certainly certainly through
the 20th century so system is meant to do this and it's of course it's it's a mutant
kind of system that protects the the bad guys we're in the process of changing that and
going to take more than two years or one term or two years it's going to take at least a
generation to move us out of this corrupt kind of framework and of course it's going
to fight back and when you've got the entire monster geared to fighting back it takes somebody
really strong and it takes the American people this is you know we're the bulwark here that
legacy media has abandoned their job and the American people are the ones now through thank
goodness the internet new media multiple modes of communication cable television that makes
the difference so so we're going to be able to do it but the communication framework is
going to be different for example governor so you have all these people in the Senate
I believe whatever the charge that they believed at all but they didn't say a word about the
charges not 36 years ago about keith Ellison emotional and physical abuse didn't they all
love the Clintons we know all the allegations against Bill they didn't say a word about
avenatti he wasn't going to give Brett Kavanaugh due process and presumption of innocence so
it's not the issue they care about the politics they care about just like here Russia collusion
but not if it's Hillary's dossier or uranium one giving 20% of America's uranium to the
hostile regime of Vladimir Putin thought Russia was so bad that they would want to join us
and really get to the bottom of it well this isn't about truth justice of the American
Way this is about raw power and keeping it and if you lose it then get it back even if
you have to try to
overturn the results of an election and that's why it should be so very troubling Sean I
don't think you or anybody else in America truly believes that Bill Clinton gave a speech
that was worth half a million dollars in Moscow while his wife happened to be the Secretary
of State and amazingly and coincidentally it just happened that the uranium one deal
came through FBI director was Bob Muller I don't he's investigating that while he's got
this incredible unit of Democrats that he's assembled to do investigation of Russia collusion
the real Russia collusion is seemingly going uninvestigated right but then you have online
yeah but with like an island here bringing up news and information with evidence something
they don't have against Donald Trump and yet it
penetrates and it penetrates and I bet anything Muller is gonna use a sledgehammer to try
and bludgeon in his report Donald Trump well there's no doubt about that but the one thing
that has to happen is that the president has to appoint a permanent Attorney General not
not a temporary like Whitaker maybe it's Lindsey Graham maybe it's trey Gowdy I don't know
maybe it's Sean Hannity for heaven's sakes I wouldn't get one vote yeah you know what
it's probably a bad idea they'll never confirm you that's for sure they've gotta have someone
Sean who is going to be relentless not in trying to be a harsh to the Democrats but
trying to be
fair to the truth but no matter it bothers me because the person that is going to do
the best job is going to be the person that the Democrats freaked out about the most this
is why the Senate as it exists now the new the newbies coming in even with Romney we've
got to make sure the president makes it clear to Mitch McConnell and every other senator
in the Republican Party that that this matters that his next Attorney General must be confirmed
that they cannot allow the Democrats to muck up the waters and change this framework everything
is at stake because the person who's right for that office in every appointee if the
president is going to upset people specifically because they intend to clean house and that's
what's important here all right
guys great analysis will stay on it will do their job eventually hopefully the truth comes
out all right we're told the FBI has been cleaning house trying to get rid of those
nefarious characters or those that might have biases whatever you want to call it not everyone
is buying it though former Justice Department official Jake Christian Adams here to sort
all this out um what can we believe that I had a tough time understanding how difficult
it is to fire someone period but but what do you think's going on well at the FBI they
seemed to move them to human resources Neil it doesn't make any sense to say they're cleaning
house because look who they've gotten rid of Andrew McCabe he was found by the inspector
general to have repeatedly lied under oath okay so he's gone Peter struck who appears
to have been trying to sabotage the presidential election okay he's gone I mean look that's
a good start but the problem is bigger than that if you read the Inspector General report
there's unnamed FBI agents who were engaged in this behavior we haven't heard anything
about them and and that barely even touches the surface scratches the surface at this
point you know I mentioned it before but I did mean it in this regard like I about the
bias that was clearly evident in the inspector general's report and whether that added influence
or not or triggered an investigation or not of what I'd not seen is a bias toward the
president would you like the guy here or not I haven't seen any agent texting back
before they might be out there praising then candidate Donald Trump not not a lot of that
in fact not any of that well there's a couple reasons for that number one the FBI agents
who might have been a favor of Donald Trump know how to do their job and they don't use
government cell phones to text those things a lot of sense all right yeah the other possibility
is Neil but it's like a Jackalope it just doesn't exist I mean it's one of the two either
either they behave properly I'm like all the other anti-trump FBI agents or those people
just don't exist what I also don't understand is this idea of context for some of the remarks
of struck made now quartz there was 11 hours of testimony so I don't know what came to
that testimony but is it
is your understanding that there might have been contacts to this that there might have
been a revelations we don't know about that that some of these again giving every bennett
of the doubt here might have it printed information on the russians if there was such a thing
that was coloring their view well look anil of there might be of course but even if they
knew about the russian investigation that doesn't excuse what they did i mean if they
knew that there was this parallel russian investigation taking place that doesn't mean
that you should rush out the closure memo on the hillary investigation like Peter struck
said he was going to do after watching the Republican convention and being nervous about
Trump winning so even if you know there's a Russian investigation that doesn't excuse
the bad behavior that was manic yeah I'm looking at the backdrop for all of this no matter
revelations might come to mind some of these comments are so tawdry and almost childish
they go beyond worries about the safety of our nation's state so you're right about that
but where does this all go now we've had this back-and-forth about bias at the FBI how difficult
it is to fire people there revelations that come to mind only well after the fact if not
for these texts for example they still would have been getting information released struck
would have been getting information and the cave would have still been helping out with
the investigation for Bob Muller and we would have never been wiser
right and if Trump hadn't won we wouldn't know that that's the other frightening prospect
here what where does this go the American public now knows that the top levels of the
FBI were biased against Republican candidate for president then after he won that bias
seems to have continued so at least we have more information are people gonna go to jail
well Andrew McCabe repeatedly lied under oath according to the Inspector General report
will Jesse Liu who's the US attorney in DC prosecute Andrew McCabe let's see if justice
applies for everybody or if it just applies to people like Mike Flynn and Martha Stewart
we'll see we'll see whether that takes place you know another thing I just wanted to step
back and see is it it's nothing is done on this on any of
these accusations about bias what have you at a mullet report eventually comes out and
let's say it's damaging to the president doesn't necessarily get too personal to him but to
those around him isn't the report risking being damaged goods period no matter who would
think yeah it already I think is I think if you look at the polling numbers it's just
astounding how little trust the American public now has in the FBI in the Justice Department
because of their bad behavior it's not for any other reason Neal it's because people
behave badly and and so it's deserved you know you you had rod Rosenstein testifying
yesterday you've seemed a very thin skin he talked about he scolded Jim Jordan for attacking
him personally well he's making personal decisions these are
CHRISTMAS MORNING 2018 // WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS // STAY AT HOME MOM - Duration: 15:47.Good morning guys!
And Merry Christmas!
It is officially Christmas.
The day we have all been waiting for.
I couldn't sleep I was so excited.
It took me like three hours.
To fall asleep?
Oh man and you were up at what time?
You don't even know.
I don't even know, I don't care, I just care that it's today.
They woke us up at 7:00 so we're all ready for our present opening, yeah!
So we just wanted to invite you into our home for Christmas.
So Merry Christmas to everybody.
Thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
Let's have ourselves a merry little Christmas.
So first we find the pickle so whoever finds it gets to open the first present.
Giving her a 15 second start because she has only found it like twice.
Oh, I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do!
Alright guys so that was our awesome family Christmas.
2018, it went by so fast.
It did go by fast.
Did you guys get everything you ever wanted?
Oh yeah.
You guys got some awesome gifts, yeah everybody did pretty good this year.
So our Christmas tradition is to make some cinnamon rolls and have like little mini,
the little mini boxes of cereals.
I don't know that's just always been our tradition.
It's been my tradition.
I don't know where it came from, or when it will end.
From when I was a kid.
It's not going to end, you're going to have kids and you guys are going to do it and
their kids are going to do it.
It's awesome.
I'm going to tell them not to do it.
So I'm going to go make my cinnamon rolls and we will have some breakfast and then after
that we head down to see hubby's family.
So they will get even more.
So we will have to.
So much more.
So we're going to do a little Christmas haul after that.
Probably tomorrow sometime.
And show you what we got over there.
Blessed we are guys.
Be so thankful.
I'm tired.
Tired from opening up presents.
So Merry Christmas to all of you.
Thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And we will see you next time.
Merry Christmas!
蘋果生吃就白吃了!蘋果煮熟吃,一個月後身體會有可喜的變化,還能有效排出腸胃毒素 - Duration: 11:28.-------------------------------------------
High Winds Topple Tree, Knock Down Power Lines In Hollywood Hills - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Baby Cute Kissing - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:39.Hi, Please subscribe to my channel to watching best videos
因为他们離婚,而杨幂的公司市值縮水12億!是不是劉愷威7宗罪? - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Ricky Rubio (14 pts, 3 reb & 6 ast) | Utah Jazz Vs Blazers | Full Highlights 2018.12.25 - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
عندما تصارع أبطال مارفل وأبطال دي سي في الكوميكس! من الفائز؟ || Marvel Versus DC - Duration: 13:17.-------------------------------------------
How To Spend Boxing Day In Bed - Duration: 3:30.So it's the day after Christmas and I'm sure everybody is hung over from that turkey dinner
so what better to do on Boxing Day then just to chill out and relax in bed.
So if you're interested in hearing all my tips on how you can spend your boxing day in
PG 13 style.
Please keep watching.
Hi everyone The Pretty Witch here.
Welcome back to my channel.
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter.
Today I'm going to be showing you how you can have fun in bed on boxing day.
But before we go ahead and get into the actual video please make sure you hit the subscribe
button that way you become part of my YouTube family.
Also be sure to hit that bell symbol that way you get notified on any of my latest videos.
So first thing you can do in bed is pig out.
Maybe eat some of your leftover turkey dinner.
Eat some of the candy or chocolate that you got in your stockings.
Read a book.
Go down a YouTube rabbit hole and watch a bunch of videos.
Go online and do some retail therapy.
Today is the perfect day to go online and find tons of great boxing day sales.
Start thinking of some new year's resolutions like maybe cutting out junk food.
Next thing you can do is cuddle with someone special.
Come on come you're so close so close.
Have fun playing video games.
Jack come back jack.
Toto I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.
ET phone home.
Alright guys thank you so much for watching.
This was just supposed to be a funny video.
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and even better boxing day in bed.
Happy holidays and soon to be happy new year to everyone and I will see you guys in 2019.
КРУТАЯ САМОДЕЛКА | Точилка для ножей Костыль Скомороха - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
BPLRT SMRT Trains C801A Set 125-132 Ride From BP6/DT1 Bukit Panjang to BP10 Fajar (Service B) - Duration: 6:07.-------------------------------------------
03_12 MOG nautilus goes to Morocco: Sidi Ifni/Legzira - Mirleft - Duration: 11:14.We're in Legzira at the Atlantic - with a little fog, just a little
The special thing here are those rock arches
Let's hope we won't get hit - there are a few small stones, good enough for holes in the head
Let's go through
Everything is full with barnacles which means the water washes up here
(the rock all over is bedload, what was pressed together below a glacier)
don't overlook the fisher, uhm angler back there
hey cutie, come here! nope, not interested
a frog!
oops .. wait .. SINGING.. alge rastaman
looks as though there were three arches what a collapse
look, here's one of our next travel destinations: Las Americas!
the morning sun!
very nice: feet. take'em away now
tree nursery
back there by the truck it's very steep
Hey there! We have found our dream bay for the night - it is possible to walk down without falling, up in the dark
we`ll go bathing back there - it is nice and warm, the rocks have 27°C/81°F, sweet!
we were promised that the sun would come out in the afternoon - we're curious, as always, great adjective
MAKIN' WHOOPEE (Walter Donaldson/Gus Kahn), by Chris Tanner Trio, feat Alice Carreri - December 2018 - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
2018剧终,地球真正独立的国家只剩2.5个 - Duration: 12:11.-------------------------------------------
美专家:华尔街大佬决定2021年结束贸易战 - Duration: 14:16.-------------------------------------------
韓国国防白書、敵ではなくなった北朝鮮。一方で「脅威は全て敵」 - Duration: 6:37.Korea Defense White Paper, North Korea is no longer an enemy. On the other hand "all threats are enemies" (Translated by google.com)
The Korean Defense Ministry will start from the defense white paper published in January next year
Delete the expression "North Korean army is our enemy".
On behalf of it, "all the powers that threaten the territory of the Republic of Korea and the lives and wealth of the people are enemies"
The expression of the subject of incorporation will be included.
The Korean government decided that the circumstances changed as North Korea neglected denuclearization.
But of course there are concerns that it is premature for some.
The hostile expression to North Korea was 1995 after speaking "Sea of Fire in the Sea of 1994"
It was the first time to be expressed as a hostile enemy during the Kim Young Sam administration.
After that it changed with direct military threats, serious threats, direct and serious threats.
Tianan Ship Sinking Incident and Yeonpyeong Island Bombardment came in succession in 2010,
Again the expression "North Korean army is our enemy."
North Korea's nuclear weapons, mass destruction weapons such as missiles,
Cyber attacks and threats of terrorism exist.
However, without prescribing this as a North Korean army, it is said that all the forces may become choreographers.
Of course, if North Korea threatens South Korea, it means that it will fall into the category of enemy
Military officials point out.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2BHimi7 http://bit.ly/2BQv6Dp http://bit.ly/2BF0lB2 http://bit.ly/2BJUDOb
Korean reaction
If you are not an enemy, those who died protecting the country until now are dogs dead.
Is Saito Tiger thinking that Kim Jong-en is a friend and the opposition is an enemy?
Cheonan is a dog death and 5.18 is not a hero? You got crazy.
If it is not the main enemy, only the number of people who praise Kim Jong-il will increase in the middle of Seoul.
State treachery can not charge sin by removing the enemy.
It will be a way for spies to live using this.
Then, you do not need a forward division 's New Year' s work, is it? Let me all retreat to the back.
The United States is the main enemy and Japan is a target, soon young people in this area will join the People's Army 2nd Squadron?
If the mighty men who entered in 6.25 know this fact, they will be angry in the basement.
The main enemy of our country is North Korea and the main enemy of North Korea is our country.
It seems premature yet.
Well done. There were times when we fought between our brothers and they probably did.
Is the main enemy still North Korea? It is Japan.
An army whose history view is so messed up can not be done from the Tang army.
A human who chooses the president to avoid thawing the story of who the main enemy is is a problem.
The real enemy is Japan.
This government is truly generous to Kim Jong Il. It is really ironic.
Send all soldiers back home. Why are you struggling to get away from your family in a cold place though it is not an enemy?
Freedom The main enemies of the Republic of Korea are subjects ideological factions in-charge government!
We must make it obvious to the defense white paper!
The subject-centered ideologicalist regime will try to delete the word "freedom" of the Constitution.
The main enemies are China and Japan.
How can North Korea achieve unification if it is called Korean people but it is a main enemy?
What changed in the Pyeongchang Olympics and the inter-Korean summit talks?
Does North Korea have been developing weapons all the time, do not you open facilities that you can use?
Denuclearization has never progressed.
So is that the current North Korea is not an enemy?
Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2BQv66n http://bit.ly/2BF0nsE http://bit.ly/2BE1o4g http://bit.ly/2BF3Bwg
The idea of Japanese editors
It would have been such content as a result of consideration to various aspects.
There are so many backgrounds that it is necessary to make a lot of thought even by reading this sentence.
First of all, it is as good as defining that the North Korean army is not even a military threat.
It is such thing that one sentence was deleted whether it is serious or not.
I will understand to advance the inter-Korean dialogue line, but the war has not ended yet.
It certainly has the effect of solving the North Korean alarm by softening the attitude like this in this way.
Of course the aim is that one point.
There is no point in showing outwardly like a dangerous bet.
President Taekwa Tiger has been opening up to North Korea in such a way of throwing away.
That means that it is continuing.
On the other hand, this ambiguous expression that "threats are all enemies"
Just because I wanted to show that if North Korea becomes a threat it can become an enemy again.
However, because it did not show a specific country,
As soon as Korea feels it is a threat, any country can be an enemy.
Whether it is Japan or the United States or China, it means that if it becomes a threat it becomes an enemy.
This is of course a negative musical solution.
As a matter of course, the Korean government does not have any other countries than the North, but you will be criticized because you can take anything.
In all countries reality is so.
However, it is unusual to incorporate a strong expression of enemies into the defense white paper in this way.
So it became a very strange sentence.
This defense white paper is a manifestation of determination to promote inter-Korean relationship improvement by the sentimental tiger regime,
Only opposition parties and the media can praise these expressions.
Apart from neighboring countries I do not think that Korea has come to this.
The media in Japan will also make a fuss, but in fact the fact is that the essence is not changed at all.
Although nothing has changed, just changing a word for a while
Since North Korea 's attitude changes seriously, is it okay with this?
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.
For more infomation >> 韓国国防白書、敵ではなくなった北朝鮮。一方で「脅威は全て敵」 - Duration: 6:37.-------------------------------------------
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement-------------------------------------------
eggman's hot, sticky fluids - Duration: 0:13.I've called you all together because
I am masturbating
I'm waiiiitiiiing
*eggman nuts
Very easy new year greeting card DIY l DIY quilling new year card easy - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
JavaScript achievements of the Year 2018 and key Frontend's trends - Duration: 3:15.Hi!
Let's talk about JavaScript achievements of the Year 2018 and key Frontend's trends.
I'm Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the Frontend development.
[Music playing]
Apparently a major achievement for the Front-end community this year is an establishment of
a joint organization by Node.js Foundation and JS Foundation.
First of all it's aimed to support Node.js and JavaScript communities.
It is very important for a steady and healthy growth of the JavaScript ecosystem.
React 16.3 has brought a new version of API context, fresh lifecycle methods, Strict Mode,
and more.
And that might be a game changer in React ecosystem.
It's possible, that Context API in combination with GraphQL and React Hooks could replace
all state management libraries.
Another great news this year is "deno".
Ryan Dahl (an author of Node.js who quitted the project) has made a report "10 Things
I Regret About Node.js".
He has presented his new project "deno", that is simply better with major issues fixed.
ES2018 was officially released and published at the end of June by TC39.
JavaScript has been enhanced with new powerful features: Async iterators and generators,
Object rest and spread properties, Promise.prototype.finally and Various RegExp.
This year we're spectating on steady JavaScript's maturing.
[Music playing]
Webpack 4 has been published.
It contains faster builds, smaller bundles (about 10% less) and what is most important
zero starting config.
In addition it supports Module types and Web Assembly.
And that is good.
Houdini has introduced a low-level JavaScript APIs for the browser's render engine.
Houdini has potential to radically change CSS's approach.
Chrome Canary already supports some APIs such as Layout, Paint, Animation Worklets and others.
Safari, Firefox, and Opera has this feature under development.
This summer Microsoft acquired GitHub.
On the one hand, it's an Open Source Identity Crisis, they say.
On the other, Microsoft called for a developer's freedom, openness, and innovation.
But what that really means for biggest open-source development platforms and communities?
We'll see.
Google in its turn has presented Material Design version 2.
Now that's not just a guideline but a complete set of the tools, components, assets and collections
that can be adopted for your project.
That's all in my list.
What's about you?
In your opinion, what's the most influenced on the Frontend this year?
Leave your comment down below.
[Music playing]
If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the
channel and watch other episodes.
Thanks for watching and Happy New Year!
League Of Legends Riot Point Hack (2018-2019) RP Skins Hack Working!!! - Free Riot Points - Duration: 4:47.Hey guys I'm gonna be showing you something I found a few weeks ago that's been kept a secret
Amongst all the other fake hacks and glitches you're seeing in the leading community right, now so if you go to this website right here
it was gaming back home your SEO bunch of articles (you need to finish to end)
Putting this gonna be a link right to one of the last League of Legends working public acts out there right now that I know
Ok, so guys I'm gonna be logging in right now to show you that I have no RP once right now but after
Applying this hi he will see that this will change?
As you can see oh you have a hundred 40 RP right now
This would change
You guys
Okay guys, so a back on the website Lou's gaming
So how we're gonna get these are P points
Go to this link that says riot points cheater call that's where they put there
Right here you're gonna make sure you want you the products you
just to hide your IP and everything just to be safe or you might as well you know and
I'm just gonna take I'm just gonna do this but you can get more if you like
And we're just gonna wait for this to be authenticated
Okay this is the most important part guys we're gonna have to click this link so
that it will unlock for us the riot points the
Application for us so let's just click this
it's kind of really make us do a survey but it's really easy really quick I'm gonna actually show you guys how it's done
alright this is how you're gonna do
Complete one on the surveys there's gonna pick any of them whichever you like I'm gonna pick the first one
right here I'm just gonna answer the questions
Okay guys I'm gonna move on to the next part to make the video shorter
but you're gonna make sure you want to put in correct information such as the phone number and the email
For it to be accurately assess and for the system to know that you actually did it correctly and to get the right points
Okay guys I'm gonna be logging into my cow now to show you to show you guys that the right points have been added to
And as you can see that the ride points have been added
And I will show you guys that you can use numb by going to store right now
I'm gonna try to buy something
Let's try to carry this chugging slow how's the job okay let me try something else
Baker Pantheon let's get this
And as you can see the purchase is successful. I have been using this for a couple of weeks now I thought
I've I've gone enough for iPods for this so it's time to sheriff to you guys
So if you liked the video like it and hope you guys have a great day thank you bye
【初音ミク】334人の敵 // Enemy of 334 People【VOCALOID4 カバー 】 (+VSQx) - Duration: 4:25.Yes, it's already the end. Cry as I may, it's useless.
I was loathed, and surely that is why.
So, I've decided to kill the face that I picked, at my own discretion.
"Maybe the worst thing about being all alone is being see-through?"
If I spat that out,
Assuming that something like love had bloomed there, it would probably wither away.
The one who's breaking is my person; The one who's bad is your person.
If I sorrowfully cry, I'll drown alone.
I'm not calling. I'm not listening. Only by hating:
I'm not crying. There's no love: Only by growing distant.
If you don't look at both the start and the end, I'll only ever sleep alone.
I'm not interested. I don't believe. Anyhow, if I vanish:
It's too late, and it was ages ago. So long as I've got a reason to live:
I don't feel anything. Even my brain itself just rots away. I only ever talk to myself.
"Sigh, I'm so tired."
The words I sighed float in the air and gently connect.
Maybe I'm used to the concept of never doing anything.
And so, lamenting that I've got no talent nor love, and surely envying all of that,
Each time another relationship crumbles away, I might want to disappear a bit more.
There's nothing to be done about what I lost, and I don't feel like recovering it.
I am still rusting away alone here.
Is there any compensation for my today that I kept alive til death?
To say that I had been tormented may have been a delusion.
Whirling up with misunderstandings, it's just like riches buried within dirt.
Can the nature of me that became ash be regained?
So long as it's diminishing roots, will it forsake me?
Being cornered, I began to feel that it was my own fault.
I had forgotten it all up until now.
Merely becoming alone, I noticed.
It's dark.
I'm not calling. I'm not listening. Only by hating:
I'm not crying. There's no love: Only by growing distant.
If you don't look at both the start and the end, I'll only ever sleep alone.
I'm not interested. I don't believe. Anyhow, if I vanish:
It's too late, and it was ages ago. So long as I've got a reason to live:
I don't feel anything. Even my brain itself just rots away. I only ever talk to myself.
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