Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2018

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet. I am your host, Rebecca

Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Angels Caught on Tape Flying. I am not

sure where you stand RE Angels…for me they're somewhat like ghosts, vampires, demons and

loch ness monsters. Whether they are real or not remains to be seen, but the ten points

on this list seem to offer a shred of prof…or are they fake? You decide.

Before we get into this video, I want to ask you guys whether you have ever seen something

crazy you cant explain? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below. Stick

around til the end of the video when I will be reading out comments from a previous video.

Also please do leave a thumbs up on this video and share it with a friend! - Okay

10 - Truck On In May 2018 a fire chief in East Jordan claimed

that a security camera took this image of an angel flying over his truck. Glen Thorman

said that CCTV caught an angel flying over his vehicle and then disappeared out of frame.

He said "That's an angel – And I was just blown away." The Jordan Rivers Facebook

page shared the image and said : ..These photo's have not been altered in anyway. The second

photo, the security camera also shot because the angel was moving away. The camera is designed

to photograph anything in motion or unusual.... lots of tears today when they opened the security

on their camera ...WOW! Some skeptics are saying it is a moth nearer to the camera and

that the picture lacks depth perception….but others are straight up convinced its an angel.

9 - The Texan Experience Danny Ferraro was driving in Texas in July

2018 when he saw something beautiful in the sky. He stopped to take a picture of his view

down highway 105 and then shared the image of the sun setting in the clouds on facebook.

The beams of light through the clouds very much look like an angel spreading their wings

and the good people of facebook thought so to. The image was shared on the social media

platform 12,000 times. Ferraro said that the sighting came at the right time – he had

been having some family issues and said God can speak to us in many different ways and

for that, I'm thankful.

8 – Angels in Mecca A youtube video was upload to the video sharing

site in August 2010. The video was said I have been shot in Mecca in 2008 – Mecca

of course is a a holy dessert valley in Saudi Arabia sacred to those of the Islamic faith.

SO this video is pretty blurry, but such was life in 2008! I have to admit something strange

is happening here – perhaps it is an angel visiting one of the holiest spots on earth.

Or maybe it is a lens flair.

7 - Dark Angel or Dementor Some people in Kitwe in Zambia were convinced

that they had seen a dark angel, an angel of death perhaps, looking over the Mukuba

Mall. The dark humanoid figure appeared in the clouds with seemingly no explanation.

The apparition was 100 metres long and verrrry much looked like a Harry Potter dementor – who

administer kisses of death to suck out souls. People had mixed reactions to the figure in

the clouds – some thought it was an angel or another kind of embodiment of god – so

they started worshiping it. Others were terrified and ran away in fear. Apparently the mystery

cloud hung around for half an hour before disappearing. How strange.

6 - Guardian Angel A lot of people talk about Guardian Angels,

benevolent forces that watch over them and protect them from harm…a lovely idea but

is there any proof? Well…. this CCTV footage from a road in China seems to offer a shred.

A guy on a motorbike is about to be obliterated by an oncoming truck when his guardian angels

flies in at super speed and rescues him right in the nick of time, leaving him confused….baffled…

but alive! Have a look! The video was uploaded in September 2012 and has been watched over

11 million times. Proof of a higher force, right. Weeeelll…it turns out that acccctually

this is a hoax – a viral marketing campaign for a Chinese game called Dragon Totem Girl.

That's sad.

Speaking of Guardian Angels, it seems one showed up in a hospital at number 5

I found this image alongside the story of Chelsea Banton. Chelsea was 14 when she nearly

died of pneumonia. Her illness had reached the point where Doctors recommended switching

off her life support. Her mother made the unthinkable decisions to follow the Doctors

advice.. It was thought that Chelsea would die, but she survived the night and then began

to make a miraculous recovery…. One of the nurses had reported a man standing by Chelsea's

door…and when her mother seemed baffled, CCTV footage was checked…and this was the

image they saw. Whether or not it is just a patch of light from a sunny window, or whether

what you are seeing is the figure of an angel, one thing is for sure, what happened to Chelsea

was a miracle.

4 - The Stairway to Heaven In July 2018, footage from Tuscaloosa Alabama

was uploaded to the internet. The video was shot on a stormy day and the camera captures

the dark clouds….only, there is something going on in those clouds. If you look closely,

you can see what looks like two people walking through the clouds. They don't appear to

have wings, but could these be angels, anyway? It seems that the footage was shot as part

of a live stream and only later were the figures spotted. On Youtube the miraculous video has

been viewed 2.2 million times. Alabama is a pretty religious place and it seemed to

have many people locally, as well as further spread across the world, convinced of heavenly


Something very similar happening in Ghana at number 3

A Ghanaian News Channel reported on a strange sighting in Dansoman Ghana. The news presenter

shares the video in a segment called "an encounter with the dead." Whatever is in

the clouds looks a lot more like it has wings than the figures in the Alabama clouds, so

maybe this is an angel… but also maybe angels can choose to have wings when they want….and

maybe sometimes vampires can't go in the sun, but maybe sometimes they glitter like

Edward Cullen. See what I'm saying.

2 - Fairies or tiny Angels Anyone roughly my age or a few years older

from the UK Remember Goldie Looking Chain? I enjoyed them as much as a teen can enjoy

some Welsh rap …you might wonder what they are up to now? Spotting fairies in the garden,

that is what! SO John Rutledge, a member of GLC, was out having a lovely walk with his

dog in Newbridge, Wales when he decided to take some snaps of the beautiful sunny summers

day. If the sun is shining in the UK, especially wales, you want to catch that on camera, O

get it. But it turns out that John got more than he bargained for. When he surveyed his

pictures after his walk he realised he had actually captured what looked like seven tiny

winged humanoids….. are these tiny angels or fairies? Are fairies just tiny angels!?

The popstar said "ever since childhood I've wanted to witness a paranormal event…'The

last thing I expected was a winged entity in a wood in South Wales, but there it is,

smack bang in your face - it's solid evidence.' On closer inspection of he seemingly legit

pictures, it does look like little winged people.

1 – The Russian Landing. In 2016 on a live News Broadcast in Russia,

a bright light interrupted the host. I don't know what she is saying, but maybe our Russian

audience will know! Have a watch… The presenter seems totally shocked …. Her reaction seems

pretty genuine. What else could this be? We don't see wings or anything…. Just a ball

of light….. VERY VERY strange! Was this an angel caught on camera?

SO that was the top 10 Angels Caught on Camera…what did you think to this video? Which was the

most convincing to you? Comments : Scary Wizard of Oz Urban Legends

Playxr said – Every Like I Get I'll Add a Rebecca…….and…well…. this

Young Conservative Patriot wrote: I can't believe that my favorite movie actually has

a dark side to it! What's worse is that I'm actually from Kansas!?

Madison Gracelyn Said: Great video Rebecca and my favorite movie is the wizard

of Oz? – Mine too – or one of them. Tell theatre Palladium Story.

Interestingly I'm Jay Schif said : Did u know the lion costume was made of real lion


For more infomation >> Top 10 Angels Caught On Tape Flying - Duration: 10:19.


5 WWE Wrestlers Who Are Working Through An INJURY - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> 5 WWE Wrestlers Who Are Working Through An INJURY - Duration: 7:43.


Only Connect S14 E7: Ancient Alumni v Three Peaks. 3 Dec 2018 - Duration: 29:00.

For more infomation >> Only Connect S14 E7: Ancient Alumni v Three Peaks. 3 Dec 2018 - Duration: 29:00.


University Challenge Episode 19. Edinburgh v UCL. 3 Dec 2018 - Duration: 28:56.

For more infomation >> University Challenge Episode 19. Edinburgh v UCL. 3 Dec 2018 - Duration: 28:56.


What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.

What's going on

guys - as always I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we forget all

about the Illuminati - because listen up guys - they're small fry compared to what lurks

its bulbous head beneath the shadowy sects of civilization.

Hold onto your hats - because we're doing it, as we ask the question - What If The Sarkic

Cult Was Real?

Now - it's important to note that - the word cult was used more for dramatic effect,

shall we say.

A better phrasing would be the Sarkic Religion - or Sarkicism, but that's by the by - and

I'm not in the business of offending anyone.

Particularly not any anomalous occultist organisations, that's for sure.

Let's not get bogged down with semantics because there are some absolutely mammoth

themes that we're going to have to traverse over the next 7 or so minutes - the majority

of which serve as a lynchpin to the SCP Foundation and its mythos that makes up its entire established


Well - er - multiverse.

Before we indoctrinate ourselves with that though folks - you all know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of this video, the SCP Foundation - Sarkicism - the mystical properties of flesh

- or just Life's Biggest Questions in general, then demonstrate your arcane propensity and

hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay inundated with

our SCP based uploads.

If you'd like to get in touch with myself or the creative team here at LBQ - then go

ahead and take a peek at the info box down below.

The beacons are lit.

The War of the Flesh has arrived.

On with the show.

Where do we even begin with Sarkicism - a religious/philosophical system that encompasses

a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices - largely based on the teachings

of Grand Karcist Ion - the Foundation's version of Jesus Christ, Moses and the Prophet

Muhammed all rolled into one.

It's perhaps the broadest theme in the entirety of the SCP Foundation - established by eaons

of history, cryptic origins and practiced anomalous religion.

It's also important to note that followers of his teachings are split into two opposing

branches - proto-Sarkicism - and Neo-Sarkicism.

Yeah, don't get the two mixed up either, because they'll be pretty pissed.

Either way though - both of these camps are agreed on several things when it comes to

their religion.

They both practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy,

dimensional manipulation and have no problem forming blood pacts with otherworldly entities.

The best way to explain this flesh based philosophical lexicon, then - would to be at the start.

It's creation story.

Sarkic cosmology is pretty bleak - and as far as it's concerned - existence is on

the lowest pecking order of importance.

Life is a brute form - corruptible, discordant and devoid of any higher purpose.

The principle power in the universe is Yaldabaoth - the God Eater - The Womb of Chaos.

Remember I spoke about those two opposing branches?

Yeah, well Neo-Sarkites revere this entity, worshipping it's base desire to consume

and destroy.

On the other hand - Proto-Sarkites often describe it as the true enemy of all people, viewing

it with fear and disgust - and regarding it as both the creator and destroyer of all life.

Now, enter Grand Karcist Ion - the saviour of Sarkicism - who somehow usurped control

of this cosmic entity, wearing the flesh of the Old God as an armor and ushered in a new

age in the ancient times of our planet.

Again, proto-Sarkites hold Ion as their ultimate saviour - they worship him with reverence

and take his teachings to remain steadfast in an ever changing world.

On the other hand, Neo-Sarkites take Ion's life as an example of their own apotheosis.

If he can rise to the power of killing an Old God - then so can they.

Now, if I'm being honest - the proto-Sarkites are pretty chill dudes.

Yeah, they might sacrifice a few human beings now and then, and cultivate flesh like a Bonsai

tree - but they're harmless enough.

They're just waiting for their saviour to return and usher them into a new paradise.

The real bulk of this question resides with the Neo-Sarkites - and the possibility that

they could actually, hypothetically speaking, be active - right now - in our own society

- and we'd never even know it until it was too late.

If we could offer a real world parallel - then Neo-Sarkites would be the Illuminati on crack

times a million.

Whereas proto-Sarkites renounce any form of technology, opting to live a simpler life

based on the teachings of the flesh - Neo-Sarkites are much more cosmopolitan.

They embrace technology and modernity - often found in heavily populated cities - living

the same life as the people that they pass on the street.

They're wall-street bankers, high flying socialites, governors and politicians.

The reason that they can operate though, is that they exist in a vacuum - each cult revolving

around an ancient family, unified by incest and familial bonds.

In theory then, could the Neo-Sarkite's exist in today's society?

Well - yes.

Now don't get me wrong - let's eschew the thought of a New World Order and not get

bogged down in that whole kerfuffle - but it is safe to say that there are some very

influential families on this planet that we know next to nothing about.

The Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's, the Du Pont's - The Morgan Family - collective

groups that enjoy the wealth of secrecy.

As the SCP Foundation record states - they have knowledge of a Sarkic organisation known

as Adytum's Wake - thought to be the oldest neo-Sarkite organisation in North America

- with evidence of their existence dating as far back as 1650.

Up until 1952 - the group was led by Cornelius P. Bodfel the Third - a millionaire industrialist

with an acute interest in the occult.

This group was often dismissed by the Foundation as being a decadent upper-class social club

- much like how the likes of Bohemian Grove, The Skull and Bones Society and Hell Fire

Club are viewed in our society - and in reality, there lies the rub.

The veil of secrecy exists right up until it's broken.

If such a groups intentions were nefarious - we'd never have knowledge of said intentions

until it was too late.

In that case then - let's hope they'd just want to seize control of the planet under

one unified government - rather than consume us all into a writhing mass of flesh.

Actually, now I've said it - I'm not sure which ones worse.

Well - unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you were a fan of this video - go ahead and give us a thumbs up - and speak your mind

in the comment section down below.

If you'd like to carry on with your questioning binge - please, feel free to hit that playlist

floating shortly above.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.


Top 5 Scariest Lovecraftian Monsters - Part 3 - Duration: 8:32.

Hello horror fans - and welcome back to the scariest channel on YouTube - Top 5 Scary

Videos - your one stop little shop of eldritch horrors and the quizzically bizarre world

of Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

What's going on guys - as always, I'll be your spirit guide Jack Finch - as we once

again stare into the cosmic abyss - and guys, if we keep this up - eventually it's gonna'

start staring back - as we take a look at the Top 5 Scariest Lovecraftian Monsters - Part


Roll the clip.

Well - look at us, Part 3 eh?

We've managed to skip our way through the terrifying world of H.P Lovecraft - racking

up three videos worth of his most sinister and grotesque creations - and guess what?

- Still, not a sniff of Cthulhu.


Because we're better than that - Cthulhu's been done to death - he's the Taylor Swift

of the Great Old Ones.

Don't worry guys - we've got you.

Before we jump into that though - you know how it is by now horror fans - if you're

a fan of this video, this particular Lovecraft series - or just Top 5 Scary Videos in general

- then please, be a dear and hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe bell

so you can stay up to date with our latest and greatest uploads.

If you'd like to get in touch with myself, Lucy - or the creative team here at Top 5

Scary Videos - then be sure to take a peek at the info box down below.

On with the show.

Kicking off at Number 5 - Zoth-Ommog

An entity that really lives up to its namesake of being weird, amorphous and full of tentacles.

Zoth-Ommog - also known as The Dweller in the Depths - is a Great Old One who's first

appearance was in 1975's Out of the Ages by Lin Carter - who then later emerged in

Brian Lumley's Titus Crow series.

Zoth-Ommog is described as being distortedly cone-shaped and having four sucker-lined arms

similar to that of a starfish - apexed with a tooth filled maw and a great mane of tentacles.

Zoth-Ommog was spawned as the third son of Cthulhu and Idh-yaa untold aeons ago in the

binary star system of Xoth.

His brood brothers and sisters are Ghatanothoa, Ythogtha and Cthylla - and along with their

father Cthulhu - they all shipped off to Earth.

Eventually, Zoth-Ommog was defeated in the long war with the Elder Gods - and he was

imprisoned deep beneath the seabed near his father's tomb in the dead city of R'lyeh.

There he waits for eternity - whispering into the darkness, waiting to cast his will into

the dreams of mankind.

Coming in at Number 4 - Eihort

First appearing in the 1980 Ramsey Campbell novel, Before the Storm, although appearing

in reference notes since the late sixties - Eihort is quite the mysterious Great Old


And that's saying something, because as you know - these guys are pretty elusive.

Here's something to sum this guy up - his name is derived from the German word Ei - which

means Egg - and horten - which means hoard.

Yeah, he's a walking, clicking sack of Great Old One babies.


Eihort - also known as The God of the Labyrinth - lives in an endless network of caverns and

tunnels, situated beneath the Severn Valley in England.

Which is near where I grew up … no thank you.

Eihort appears as an enormous, gelatinous blob - supported on hundreds of tiny, bone-like


It's whole body is covered in a shifting, writhing mass of eyes - which constantly disperse

and reform at random.

The real kicker though - is the reason for Eihort's existence.

It lives for the sole purpose of capturing humans who strays into its realm.

Once it captures a poor, hopeless, unfortunate victim - it offers them a bargain.

Either they allow Eihort to implant its young into their still-living body - and eventually,

after incubation - burst into a disgusting brood of it's vile babies - or immediately

be violently and gruesomely consumed.

Yeah - I think I'd take the latter.

Next up at Number 3 - Ithaqua

Otherwise known as the Wind Walker or the God of the Cold White Silence - Ithaqua is

the Lovecraftian equivalent of both the Wendigo and the Yeti - yet like with many of these

terrifying Great Old Ones - he's a thousand feet tall and inspires horror on a cosmic


Ithaqua is an enormous humanoid with webbed feet and glowing red eyes - who frequently

stalks the Arctic wilderness, preying on the unwary and the unfortunate.

Many of those who live in Ithaqua's hunting grounds leave sacrifices in a stark effort

to appease the beast - but as you can guess, it's not very successful.

Anyone who is unfortunate enough to be caught by Ithaqua - are dragged off to his true home,

the ice-ridden planet of Borea - where he aims to swell his growing band of worshippers.

It gets weirder though - because Ithaqua will then attempt to mate with any females by inserting

a physic seed into their womb - inevitably developing into a Great Old One offspring.

He aims that one day, one of his terrifying children will help in destroying their true

enemy - the Elder Gods.

Though - historically, this hasn't gone too well, and Ithaqua still waits for his

true, terrifying heir.

Well, we've said it before - but the Great Old Ones are some pushy parents.

Swinging in at Number 2 - Yig

And if you've got a fear of snakes - you might want to look away with this one.

Yig - also known as the Father of Serpents - or even more conveniently, The Snake-God

- has a pretty straightforward role in the pantheon of the Great Old Ones - although,

it's in his method where the real fear lies.

Yig manifests as a gigantic snake with the arms of a man - although he sometimes appears

as a bizarre reptilian humanoid - Lizard people, am I right?

Yig is considered to be the god of snakes and serpents everywhere - and his fierce devotion

to his children is the source of his wrath.

When he emerges from his sleep - his sole purpose is to punish those who have harmed

his serpentine brood.

In the Curse of Yig, written in 1929 by Zealia Bishop and edited by H.P Lovecraft himself

- a couple from Arkansas move to Oklahoma in search of a better life in the late 1800's.

Unfortunately for them though, the husband has a fear of snakes - and his wife deliberately

destroys a nest of newborn rattlesnakes to ease his phobia.

Well - yeah, bad news - and Yig sends swarms of his children to attack the couple - killing

their dog in the process.

In the end - to ultimately take his vengeance, Yig forces the woman to kill her husband with

an axe - before transforming her into a part-human, part-reptile monstrosity - cursing her to

wriggle on her belly like a snake for all eternity.


And finally - at our Number 1 spot - Azathoth.

The big guy himself - and the fact that it's taken us three videos to finally reach this

guy is saying something.

Now - you see, it's difficult because Azathoth isn't a Great Old One or Elder God - he's

an Outer God - and that means that he doesn't concern himself with the likes of Cthulhu

and his brood.

He's an intangible horror - an entity that lurks in the darkest depths of space - writhing

in an eternity of cosmic torment.

Also known as the Nuclear Chaos, the Daemon Sultan and the Blind Idiot God - Azathoth

first appearance was in an unfinished 500-word short story written by Lovecraft in 1922 - which

would later be transformed into The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Azathoth exists outside reality - and there can be no definite description, as everyone

envisions his ever changing visage differently.

He gave birth to The Darkness, The Nameless Mist Nyarlathotep - and spat forth Yog-Sothoth.

In The Insects from Shaggai by Ramsey Campbell - his worshippers are many - and in a forest

temple in the Goatswood, his cultists worship an idol carved in his image - a horrible,

bestial, mouthless face - with deep-sunk eyes and covered in glistening black hair.

As far as Lovecraftian entities are concerned - they don't get much more cosmically terrifying

than Azathoth - a creature so vile that even uttering his name can drive most people to


I guess I best shut up then.

Well - unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you'd like to continue on with your horror binge - please feel free to hit that playlist

floating shortly above.

Make sure to hit that thumbs up, ding that subscribe bell - and show us some love in

the comment section below.

As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Top 5 Scary Videos

- and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scariest Lovecraftian Monsters - Part 3 - Duration: 8:32.


Buttercream Flower Cupcake Bouquet Eating Challenge!! - Duration: 8:16.

I'll feel a lot better right now than I will in 35 minutes! Hey everybody this is

Randy Santel 'Atlas' and I am very very excited today because this right here

looks delicious! These are not flowers they're actually cupcakes! I'm down for

the first time in Wexford, Ireland I am at Bouquets and Buttercream and I'm here

with the owner named Allison and she is about to tell me about the challenge for

the first time that we're doing today? It's the 30 Cupcake Bouquet Challenge so

your birthday consists of 30 regular-size cupcakes - vanilla, salted

caramel, chocolate fudge, red velvet, and pink velvet and here to devour this

beautiful display is 30 minutes or less. Yes 30 cupcakes 30 minutes if I fail

it's gonna be 75 euros, but if I win I will get the whole bouquet for free, I

will get a sweet t-shirt to add to my collection, and I will get win number 616!

I wanted to show this off right here while she's here what is this that's a

chocolate biscuit flowerpot. Yes yes she does all kinds of crazy stuff that she

taught herself and I know she was up till 2:00 a.m. last night making these

for me and then Mitch is doing one on afterwards but let's get this challenge


All right great to be down here in Wexford our friend Alison and her family

they've been watching our channel for about two years now, which is much

appreciated it was great to meet them here they've got more than just the 30

cupcake bouquet they've got 7 ,12, 19, and 24 and then this big 30 so this is

going to be 75 euros if I fail do not want to pay that so

let's dominate! I'm not gonna speed eat because these looks so good but I'm

still gonna eat fast so let's eat and just beat this thing in under 30 minutes

1, 2, 3. . .Boom! All right and then like she said there's a whole bunch of

different kind so we'll just have to see what I get is I go one bite first one

red velvet

She goes through quite a few kilos of sugar here in her bakery and now I see

why I'm sure there's a couple grams in this challenge!

You can have the rest if you want. But then I have to buy them. Seven minutes in, I'm halfway done with these

cupcakes they are so good but they are heavy and I need to get these done

before I start feeling awful so let's finish them!

Should've gotten 24

I think from what she said the chocolate ones are the densest so hopefully I

don't have many of those remaining. Starting to fill up!

Seven left we're 13 minutes and 15 seconds in.

20 minutes then this is literally two and a half kilos of cupcakes this is so

much better oh we're gonna get it down!

Loved the first 15, once I got halfway I started to really feel it I don't even

want to know how many calories there are all of those cupcakes and however many

grams of sugar that was that was crazy, and it was definitely not owe anything

free but it is free price-wise! Thank you to Alison and her family and bouquets

and buttercream thank you guys all for coming to watch, great to be in Ireland

thank you guys for watching too!

For more infomation >> Buttercream Flower Cupcake Bouquet Eating Challenge!! - Duration: 8:16.


10 Best Scoliosis Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 13:12.

hey everybody it's Doctor Jo and wonder Kali, and today I'm going to show you my top

10 exercises for scoliosis. so this get started.

so scoliosis can be a bunch of different things, and scoliosis can be either

postural induced or something that you've had all your life. so sometimes

you have a C curve. sometimes you have an S curve. sometimes it goes one way or the

other way. so you have to get evaluated by your doctor or physical therapist to

know that. I can't tell you what that is since I can't evaluate you. so these

exercises are general exercises. they should help for all of that, but a lot of

times it's best to know what kind of curve you have. so let's start off with

bridging. bridging is one of my favorite exercises it's easy to do and it really

helps strengthen the the pelvis, the core, and the back muscles. so it's a really

good exercise, and it's pretty easy to do. with bridging, what you want to do is

prop your knees up. and you want to make sure you control the movement. so you're

not just coming up and going down like that. with a bridge you want to really

control the movement. kind of go one segment at a time. but you don't have to

stop at each segment. and when you come up, really kind of push forward that way.

your knees are kind of going that way versus just kind of popping up like that.

so really start kind of one segment at a time come up, pushing those knees forward,

and then nice and slow coming back down. so again you don't have to stop at each

segment, but that's what you want to feel. that one segments coming up at a time,

and then same thing going back down. so you're kind of curling that back up and

down. so I would just start off with maybe ten of these, two sets of ten, one

to two sets of ten, again it really depends on how severe your scoliosis is,

how long you've had it .and so since I can't evaluate you, I don't really know

those answers. so you'll just have to use your best judgment on that. but start off

with a little bit and then slowly progress up from there. so then the next

one is just going to be a side crunch. with side crunches, you don't have to

come all the way up into a full sit-up, especially if you have some back issues

and it's a little uncomfortable to do. some people like to hold their hand back

here just to kind of support their neck. some people kind of like to come up in

here, but all you're going to do is just come up a little bit right here and then

just kind of crunch side-to-side. some people like to have their arms down and

then kind of do a side-to-side like this. you can even have your hands here and

then do a little bit of a rotational crunch side-to-side, but you don't have

to come all the way up, and try not to stress your neck neck muscles out. I'm

coming up just a little bit because I'm talking to you, but normally I try and

get myself in a more neutral position and then just come up a little bit so my

shoulders are coming up off of the floor, but not my whole body. and again if you

have problems getting up off the floor, you can do these exercises on your bed

or on a couch. you don't have to get down on the floor if you have a hard time

getting back up. so then the next one is going to be a bird dog exercise. and so

that's just kind of getting on to all fours with this one. again if you're not

comfortable doing this you know like maybe it bothers your knees or your

shoulders a little bit, you can hold off on this one. but just kind of getting in

this position. what you want to try and do is keep your back as flat as you

possibly can. I know if it's scoliosis, sometimes that's a little hard depending

on what kind of curve you have, but you really want to keep your back in a

neutral position. a lot of times when people go into the bird dog, they end up

kind of trying to come up and lean but imagine that there's something on your

back and you don't want it to fall off. so I would start off with maybe just

doing your arms first. so you're just gonna take one arm and kind of stretch

it out and just alternate back and forth. so if this is easy and you can keep your

back in that neutral position, then next try your legs. so then you're just going

to kick out. so again I'm not kicking up like this, see how I'm really twisting

that back? you want to keep it straight and just kind of kick your leg out,

keeping those the pelvis in a neutral position. and then if you have that down

pretty good, then you're going to do opposite arm

opposite leg. and so it just kind of looks like a dog a bird dog pointing at

the bird. they call it that. so really trying to

keep that back as straight as you can, trying to keep those hips as straight as

you can. so not you know coming up like that, it makes it easier but then you're

not really doing that exercise very well. so the next ones I'm gonna use a Swiss

ball. you can just lie down on your stomach, but I like using the Swiss ball

a little bit better. so Swiss ball. the next one for that is going to be Ts. so

we're gonna be some exercising the upper back now. so the reason I like the Swiss

ball is sometimes it's just a little more comfortable. you can just kind of

get in this position. if you want to make it harder you can bring your knees up

off the floor, but you don't have to do that. and then all you're gonna do is

bring your arms out to the side with your thumbs up and then just bring them

back squeezing those shoulder blades together. so again I can lie all the way

down on my stomach and do this, but it's a little bit harder in the fact that you

don't have as much motion. but I'm what I'm really doing is just trying to

squeeze those shoulder blades together while my arms are straight with my

thumb's in that upward position. so I would just start off again with maybe 10,

1 to 2 sets of 10, a couple times a day and then progressed from there. so then

the next one is a back extension movement. and this is the same thing you

can do it lying down on your stomach but since I have that curve in my hip over

the ball, I feel like I can do a little bit more motion with it. so you might

want to start lying all the way down on the floor, but then if you can work your

way up to the Swiss ball or some people call it therapy ball, stability ball, you

can do that as well. so this time you're just going to kind of place your hands

on the back of your head and you're just going to kind of go back bending that

back back into extension. so again if you have scoliosis this might be kind of

tough. it might be a little hard it might be a little bit painful.

if you're feeling any sharp pain or anything like that you want to hold off

on this one, but I'm really just kind of getting that bend and going into

extension. so really kind of working those back trunk muscles. you can do a

little pause if you want to. come back down. you can make it harder by

coming up on your knees and then coming back down, and that adds a balance

component to it. so that one's a little bit harder. you might just want to start

off with five, maybe three sets of five, and then just kind of see how that goes

from there. so then the next one is going to be a side plank, but we're gonna do it

modified because again depending on how severe your cases is, a lot of these

exercises might be pretty tough to do. so that's why you really just want to build

them up, you want to modify them. if you're still having a hard time, make

sure and go see your physical therapist because then they can modify things even

more. so with a side plank modified, you're gonna be on your knees. but even

though you're on your knees, you still want to get your body in a very straight

position as much as you can. if you're bending up like this, then

you're not quite getting that exercise right. so I'm just going to start here.

make sure that elbow is kind of an alignment with your shoulder because if

you're too far this way or too far this way you're gonna end up getting a

shoulder problem. and then you're just gonna I like to put my hand on my hip. if

you need this for balance you can place it on the floor and kind of come up, but

see how I'm still kind of in a straight line? so I like holding it up here just

so sometimes I can feel if my hips start collapsing in, and if they do then you're

probably not quite ready for it yet. but you really want to be in a straight line.

if I'm sagging down like this, again I'm probably not quite ready for this yet. so

I'm going to start off with maybe just like a 10-second hold. eventually you

want to work your way up to maybe a minute, but that's gonna take you several

weeks to do. so don't try and force it because if you end up being in pain or

hurting yourself some more, then you're not gonna want to do any of the

exercises, and then it kind of defeats the point of doing everything. so the

next exercise is just going to be a standing side lean with a weight. so this

is just a soup can, vegetable can, usually they may be at the most one

pound, depends on if you're getting extra

chunky soup or not. but you want to start off again with something pretty light

and work your way up because if you start off with like a 10-pound weight,

you really might end up hurting yourself a little bit. but all you're gonna do is

just kind of get yourself in a good stance position, pick it up,

shoulder-width apart, and just hold the weight on one side. and you're just

gonna lean over and then come back up. but the goal is you're not kind of

leaning forward like this or twisting, you're really just bending over towards

the side and then nice and controlled coming back up. so I would maybe just

start off with five and then come over to the other side and do five on the

other side, but really try and get that full side Bend, not twisting, not coming

over. so if you have that scoliosis and this is all you can do because you're

really tight on one side, that's okay, that's that's fine to do, but just make

sure that you're getting that nice controlled movement with those exercises.

so again start off with something really light,

then you can kind of progress from there. so then the next one is going to be bear

hugs. and so using a resistive band is a really nice way to do the bear hugs. make

sure again you're starting off with the lightest resistive band. different brands

have different colors, so make sure you're paying attention to which one is

the lightest one because a lot of times with resistive bands it might feel

really easy, but then after later after you've kind of settled down a little bit,

then you're you're hurting. so make sure you're not overdoing it. again just

starting off with maybe ten ,you know two sets of ten, a couple times a day. but

with the bear hugs you're gonna put it around behind you. and the goal is is

just like you're going in to give somebody a bear hug. so if someone was

standing in front of me, I would come around and touch, and then come back

around because I don't want to smack them when I come back in. keep it a

little bit low some people kind of try and arch their shoulders up, but try and

keep those shoulders down and come around nice big hug, and then come back

in. and get that little squeeze at the end so nice big rounding it out, make

sure you're not taking the person out when you come back in. so again just

start off with a little bit, and then kind of progress your way up from there.

so the last full ones are going to be squat movements. so again these are a

little bit tougher, so make sure that you're ready for them. you might not

quite be ready for them. you might have to work up to them a little bit, so the

first one is going to be a side squat with a little bit of a reach.

so make sure that you're keeping good technique with your squats. squats should

be your feet are flat you have equal weight shift. so you're not up on your

toes, you're not back on your heels, you're keeping that equal weight shift.

you're not taking your knees in front of your toes because that's putting all the

weight on your toes. so really sticking your butt back, hinging at your hips, and

keeping your back straight. so when you go to step out, you're stepping into that

squat. and as you step you're gonna reach over. But see I'm keeping my knee kind

of where it is, I'm not leaning over past my toes. it's still staying in that range.

so I'm coming down, reaching over, coming back up. squat down, reach over, come back

up. if you want to alternate back and forth, squat down, reach over, come back up,

you can. but make sure that you're not doing this because then you're going to

know having your knee hurt you. so make sure you're doing good

controlled movements, proper technique, and if you don't feel like you are being

the exercise is not worth it to end up and even hurting something else. so the

last thing is going to be a squat with a reach to either the opposite knee or

the opposite foot depending on how much flexibility you have and how much

balance you have. so all still the same techniques where you're doing that

correct spot squatting to get that correct technique.and when you come down

into the squat, I'm just going to rotate it over a little bit and touch the

outside of my knee. if this is easy and you can do a lot, and you can keep that

good form, and you have no problems, then you can eventually squat down and touch

the outside of your toes. but again if I'm doing this and really leaning over,

and putting all that weight on that side, then it's not worth it because you're

gonna end up hurting something else. so I would just definitely start at the knee

and just get that little bit of a rotation with that squat. so those are

your top 10 exercises for scoliosis. if you'd like to help support my channel,

make sure and click on the link up there, and don't forget to subscribe by

clicking where? Down there. and remember, be safe, have fun, and I hope

you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> 10 Best Scoliosis Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 13:12.


martino & niccolò | i'm gonna be [skam italia] - Duration: 2:21.

he left a few drawings in my backpack.


yeah, it's our thing.

c'mon let's go.


at my place, let's grab the bike.

basically we hung out a couple times

i stayed at his place once.

too bad he has a girlfriend.

look, just say that you are afraid of getting your hair messed up.

you think i care about hair?

absolutely yes.

oh yeah?

i like someone.

is it that guy who gave you back the earphones at the gym?

hi, i'm maddalena.

it's very rare that they leave their girlfriends to be with a man.

i think he should really dump the girl.


why don't you trust me?

but i swear to you, i'm done with her.

he's in bracciano.

he's come all this way.

it had never happened before to me.

to me neither.

For more infomation >> martino & niccolò | i'm gonna be [skam italia] - Duration: 2:21.


Christmas Tree Worms? - Duration: 3:10.

Before you start to freak out - No - Christmas tree worms aren't worms that eat or life inside

your Christmas tree - Thank God.

What gave these worms their common name is not where there live but how they look like.

The most recognizable feature of these oceanic worms are the 2 cone-shaped trees of colourful

tentacles that each worm has that look almost like decorated fir trees.

Because of this these coloured worms - I mean worms of colour - are one of the most popular

photographic subjects for divers.

You can find Christmas tree worms in coral reefs all over the world.

They typically populate stony corals like brain corals or Porites.

The corals give the worms a place to live and provide protection from predators and

in turn, the worms make the corals unattractive for coral-eaters like the Crown of Thorns


They also keep the coral free of algae and detritus thereby playing an important role

in keeping the entire coral reef healthy What you can see of them, the two roughly

25mm big, extravagantly coloured trees is actually only the front of the worm - their

tentacle crowns, that they use to filter plankton, algae and organic particles out of the water

and also to breathe.

Each of these crowns is essentially a big spiral comprised of dozens of sticky branches

that guide everything they catch down towards the mouth.

The rest of the roughly 10cm(4in) long worm is hidden inside a limestone-tube that they

can secrete for themselves, which normally gets buried deep within the coral when the

coral grows around the worm This provides an almost impenetrable protection.

The only part exposed and vulnerable are their crowns.

But thanks to their well-developed nervous system that allows them to detect even the

slightest changes in water currents they can sense most approaching predators quickly enough

to retract them into the tube.

They even have a special appendage with a little limestone plate at the end that acts

as a plug and seals the remaining hole shut, protecting them from any threat on the outside.

Because of this evasive lifestyle, they have basically no natural predators.

Some Crabs like to nibble on their crowns from time to time but this isn't life-threatening

for them.

This allows them to live a long and peaceful life for 20 30 and sometimes even 40 years

- breathing feeding and reproducing all without once having to leave the comfort of their

home Despite their sedentary way of life, there

are actually female and male Christmas tree worms.

they reproduce like so many sea creatures by simply releasing their genetic material

into the surrounding water simultaneously.

If the ingredients meet they develop into a larva within 24 hours which will float through

the ocean as plankton until it finds the perfect coral to settle on and start the next generation

of Christmas tree worms.

For more infomation >> Christmas Tree Worms? - Duration: 3:10.


House and Senate Democrats spar over border wall funding - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> House and Senate Democrats spar over border wall funding - Duration: 6:40.


Can the U.S. trust China? - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Can the U.S. trust China? - Duration: 5:01.


Did Man Cheat on His Baby Mama? - Duration: 4:13.


- Craig and Simone have gone from puppy love

to parenthood fast.

But can these high school sweethearts make it last?

Simone says she loves Craig, but doesn't trust him

after rumors spread that he cheated on her.

She says he needs to get a steady job and man up.

But Craig stands firm that he did not cheat

and it's actually Simone who is telling lies

and he just can't catch a break.

So, who is telling the truth?

(audience clapping)

We gonna find out the truth today!

So Simone, what are your main issues with Craig?

- We met in high school, I was 14, he was going on 16.

We were together for five years and right now

we're not together, the main thing is truth.

He doesn't tell the truth, I think that he lies a lot.

I don't trust him.

- Ooh, Craig, the shade.

Okay, right, I mean, wow.


How do you feel about hearing that?

Is she always accusing you, or is she telling the truth?

- Always accusing me.

- Why does she accuse you?

- I mean, I'm saying, I'm a nice guy.

I'm a father, 22.

I'm in between jobs right now.

- You're always in between jobs.

- What's she mumbling to you?

- [Craig] She said I'm always in between jobs.

- [All] Ohhh.

- [Vivica] Is that true, Craig?

- I'm with a temp agency

So I have to sit around and so called

wait for them to call me.

But I'm not a sit around type of guy.

So I try to do same day pay jobs and stuff like that.

Because she needs her hair and nails done.

And she gotta call me.

- Actually, I don't call you cuz I work

five days a week, all the time, so I make my own money.

If anyone is getting haircuts and stuff, it's him.

I'm paying for it.

- Simone, you have an issue with Craig's music, right?

Tell us about that.

- Yeah, while he's waiting for them to call him,

he is sitting doing music, he doesn't call them.

He doesn't go out and send his resume to anyone.

He just sits there and does his music all the time.

And that's all he cares about.

- Tell us about this music.

What kind of music is it?

- Well, I got into rap music when I was nine years old.

And ever since then it just stuck with me.

And now I'm getting into acting,

so I wanna be an actor and a rapper.

- Have you made any money as a rapper?

- I've done shows.

- [Simone] No. - So I've made money.

- [Areva] Have you made any money?

- I've made money from shows.

- [Simone] Not true.

- Okay, can we back up here, let me understand something.

Did you graduate from high school?

- I did not.

- Did you get your GED?

- I have not yet.

- [Mary] \Why not?

- I'm not into school.

(audience oohing) - He's into music.

- Is that an issue for you Simone, that he hasn't graduated?

- Yeah, he doesn't wanna study.

I ask him, let's study, let's look at this video,

let's look at that video, let me help you with your math.

And he's like, okay when I finish this verse.

When he finishes the verse, he moves onto another song.

- So Craig, how are you going to support your child

without a high school, at least a high school education?

- I'm almost done with my GED.

I've did three of the tests, I only have

one more left, which is math.

- [Mary] Oh good. (clapping)

- Those three, like over a year ago.

It's been this whole last year with him

not doing anything about it.

- Sit down and get it done.

Sit down and dedicated your time to taking that last test.

Get it done and move on.


- But is that why you're not together?

Is it about the GED?

- No, that's a part of it.

The main part is when we were together,

there was rumors about him cheating on me.

And he started acting very differently.

We play around with eachother a lot, and that stopped.

Us being best friends almost stopped.

He started hiding his phone, he deletes his history.

- Hiding the phone?

- Like you know the tilt, the tilt.

- [Vivica] The tilt.

- [Simone] So when you look over like what's going -

- Craig, was you doing the tilt?

(laughing) - No.

- And his history would be empty, empty.

- Craig, you ain't got to lie to kick it Craig.

- Hold on.

- Craig, was you doing the tilt with the phone?

- [Simone] Yes.

- Cause you know women, we notice

different behaviors start happening.

- Okay, but it doesn't necessarily mean I was cheating.

She can be insecure.

- Why are you deleting?

- She has been insecure?

[Craig] she can be insecure.

- And would you ask him, are you cheating on me?

- Yeah, and he would be annoyed.

- [Vivica] And what would he say?

- Stop, what the hell you talking about?

I'm not cheating on you, I'm here with you all the time,

which is not true, and when we were younger,

we would go to the studio together all the time

and I would help him write.

Now, he wants to go by hisself.

People would tell me he's in the studio with a girl.

For more infomation >> Did Man Cheat on His Baby Mama? - Duration: 4:13.


Lil Baby's Overnight Hip Hop Success | Incoming - Duration: 4:05.

He only started rapping two years ago,

but Lil Baby has already positioned himself

as hip hop's next trap superstar.

Here's what you need to know about him.

22-year-old Atlanta rapper Lil Baby

is a testament to how quickly talent

and being surrounded by the right people can birth a star.

Raised by a single mother, the artist born Dominique Jones

never seriously considered a career in music.

That is until 2017, when after serving a two year

prison sentence on drug charges,

Baby was convinced to try his hand at rapping by

Pierre 'Pee' Thomas and Kevin 'Coach K' Lee

of Quality Control.

After turning his attention and focus to music,

Lil Baby released his first mixtape, Perfect Timing.

As it turns out, the project's intro was the first track

he had ever recorded.

Perfect Timing featured ATL heavy hitters like

Young Thug, Lil Yachty, and Young Scooter,

but most notably, it contained two collaborations

with fellow rap newcomer, Gunner.

The first taste of what would become

a fruitful artistic relationship between the pairing.

Harder than Hard, Baby's DJ Drama hosted second project,

would follow just three months later.

The tapes second track

"My Dawg" was an instant standout

and Baby's first Billboard Hot 100 hit.

Baby would drop two additional mixtapes

before the end of 2017.

A joint project with fellow QC signee, Marlowe named

2 The Hard Way and another solo tape named

Too Hard, his first ever release to crack the Billboard 200.

And featured on four tracks

on the first QC compilation album

Control the Streets Volume I.

In 2018, though, Baby hit nationwide.

His debut album Harder than Ever,

featuring guest appearances by

Drake, Lil Uzi Vert, Offset, and Young Thug debuted

at number three, while the album's

Drake assisted second single "Yes Indeed"

became a Top-10 hit and gave

Baby his first platinum plaque.

Five months later,

Baby and Gunner teamed up for Drip Harder,

establishing themselves as rap's best new duo,

and scoring each a top five hit in "Drip Too Hard"

and another top 15 single in

"Never Recover," yet another collab with Drake.

Showing no signs of slowing up, Lil Baby

has just dropped his third project of 2018, Street Gossip.

Lil Baby is already a star as Pee and Coach K told

Noisey, "[He's] got that swag,

[he's] the definition of a real Atlanta dude."

It's that authenticity that has the industry

in the palm of his hands.

Baby has already scored multiple hits alongside

Drake performed at the 2018 BET Awards.

♪ Drip too hard, don't stand too close ♪

♪ You gon' (censored) around drown off this wave ♪

♪ Doing all of these shows, I've been on the road ♪

♪ I don't care where I go, long as I get paid ♪

Collaborated with the likes of Migos, Gucci Mane,

Kodak Black, Tory Lanez, YoungBoy Never Broke Again,

and more.

And collected a platinum plaque for "Yes Indeed".

♪ Brand new whip got no keys ♪

♪ Tailor my clothes no starch, please ♪

♪ Soon as I nut you can gon' leave ♪

♪ Got M's in the bank like "Yes, Indeed" ♪

♪ Whenever I tell her to come, she comin' ♪

♪ Whenever it's smoke, we ain't runnin' ♪

♪ Drip too hard, don't stand too close ♪

♪ You gon' fuck around and drown off this wave ♪

♪ ...dawg for sure, That's my dawg ♪

♪ That's my dawg for sure, that's my dawg ♪

♪ Me and my dawg ♪

Lil Baby gives new meaning to overnight success,

and what he's done in just two years

is a credit to his pure talent, work ethic, and team.

Noisey deemed Lil Baby destined for rap greatness,

naming him one of Atlanta's greatest storytellers

while The Fader called him the 2018 rookie of the year.

In an interview with Vibe, Baby said he could see himself

transitioning from rap artist into label boss down the road,

but in the meantime he plans to stay busy

as one of the most prolific young stars

in hip hop, churning out hot 100 hits like it's nothing,

and rewriting the rules on how quickly a non rapper

can become a rap superstar.

For more infomation >> Lil Baby's Overnight Hip Hop Success | Incoming - Duration: 4:05.


Can Man Keep His Family Together after These Lie Detector Results? - Duration: 3:44.

- Simone and Craig are high school sweethearts

that is, until Simone says he cheated on her.

But Craig says he never cheated

and wants to win his woman back

and keep his family together.


Craig and Simone, please come join me

in the Circle of Truth.


Craig, you asked to take a lie detector exam

to prove to Simone that you never cheated.

And we have those results right now.

Judge Mary?

- So, we asked the question,

did you have sexual intercourse

with anyone besides Simone while

you were in a relationship?

You said no, the lie detector results

were that you were telling the truth.

(audience cheers and applause)

- Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute.

- The next question asked was,

did you have sexual contact with anyone

besides Simone while you were in

a relationship?

You said no.

The lie detector test said,

you were telling the truth.

(audience cheers and applause)

- Simone was like haha, better come back right.



How does that feel Simone, to hear

the results of the lie detector?

- It feels good.

- I know, you want to almost drop

some lyrics on me about it right?

Knew I wasn't right, yeah, uh, ow.


- That's right.

- Okay, alright truth team, what say you?

Judge Mary?

- The first thing you should do, Simone,

is put his tail to the fire and maybe

get a support order.

Get some judge to say, hey, this dude's

gotta start paying some real money,

because you getting pittlings to support

your child from him whenever he feels

like working, whenever he doesn't go

to paying for the studio, that money

should be coming to you for your child.

- [Man] Exactly.

- And it shouldn't be coming from you.

So you should get a support order

in place regarding that, so that

his tail's on the fire.

He's gotta get to work, because that job's

gonna enforce that order, and I put many

people in jail on contempt charges

for not paying child support.

So if that's gonna get him working,

maybe that's something you need to consider.

But you need a support order to protect

yourself and your child's future.

- [Woman] Yeah.

- [Host] Areva?

- Good advice, yeah, I just wanna say,

Craig, you can't support a family

without an education.

You can send out a thousand resumes,

but without a high school diploma

or a GED, those resumes are gonna go in the trash,

they're gonna go in the trash.

Nobody's gonna select you for a job

when they can select people with education

and even college degrees.

So we're gonna help you.

We reached out to Broward Community Schools,

and they're going to work with you.

Whether that means adult high school

or getting your GED.

Either way, you're getting that diploma, okay?

(audience applause)

- Doctor Judy.

- You don't want to get back into

a relationship where the dynamic is

you've got two children.

You've got Craig, and you've got your actual baby, right?

We need to make you guys equal partners,

and you guys need to be able to support each other

going forward, and we're gonna help you.

And both of you guys are gonna do this together.

Adulting School is gonna give both of you

a customized adulting coaching program

so you'll learn everything from how

to manage finances to how to manage

conflict within your relationship

so you can really become the adults that I know you can be.


- So look at that, on the roll to getting the GED

and then improving our relationship

so you can prove to her you really want her back.

And then write her that new song, okay?


Simone and Craig, thank you so much

for having the courage to face the truth.

For more infomation >> Can Man Keep His Family Together after These Lie Detector Results? - Duration: 3:44.


SCREAM NEW PRO TEAM! MIBR SWAG IS A BEAST! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:27.


For more infomation >> SCREAM NEW PRO TEAM! MIBR SWAG IS A BEAST! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:27.


This ODDLY SATISFYING VIDEOS Will Relax Your Mind - Duration: 10:01.


For more infomation >> This ODDLY SATISFYING VIDEOS Will Relax Your Mind - Duration: 10:01.


Tin Tức 24h 04/12/2018 | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY HÔM NAY - Thời sự vtv1 - Thời sự Việt Nam E4U - Duration: 23:57.

For more infomation >> Tin Tức 24h 04/12/2018 | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY HÔM NAY - Thời sự vtv1 - Thời sự Việt Nam E4U - Duration: 23:57.


Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 3 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:19.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 3 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:19.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Sports Tourer | Parkassist | Cruise control | Navi - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Sports Tourer | Parkassist | Cruise control | Navi - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition Navi,16inch,Cruise,Clima Hoge Zit - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition Navi,16inch,Cruise,Clima Hoge Zit - Duration: 1:14.


Buttercream Flower Cupcake Bouquet Eating Challenge!! - Duration: 8:16.

I'll feel a lot better right now than I will in 35 minutes! Hey everybody this is

Randy Santel 'Atlas' and I am very very excited today because this right here

looks delicious! These are not flowers they're actually cupcakes! I'm down for

the first time in Wexford, Ireland I am at Bouquets and Buttercream and I'm here

with the owner named Allison and she is about to tell me about the challenge for

the first time that we're doing today? It's the 30 Cupcake Bouquet Challenge so

your birthday consists of 30 regular-size cupcakes - vanilla, salted

caramel, chocolate fudge, red velvet, and pink velvet and here to devour this

beautiful display is 30 minutes or less. Yes 30 cupcakes 30 minutes if I fail

it's gonna be 75 euros, but if I win I will get the whole bouquet for free, I

will get a sweet t-shirt to add to my collection, and I will get win number 616!

I wanted to show this off right here while she's here what is this that's a

chocolate biscuit flowerpot. Yes yes she does all kinds of crazy stuff that she

taught herself and I know she was up till 2:00 a.m. last night making these

for me and then Mitch is doing one on afterwards but let's get this challenge


All right great to be down here in Wexford our friend Alison and her family

they've been watching our channel for about two years now, which is much

appreciated it was great to meet them here they've got more than just the 30

cupcake bouquet they've got 7 ,12, 19, and 24 and then this big 30 so this is

going to be 75 euros if I fail do not want to pay that so

let's dominate! I'm not gonna speed eat because these looks so good but I'm

still gonna eat fast so let's eat and just beat this thing in under 30 minutes

1, 2, 3. . .Boom! All right and then like she said there's a whole bunch of

different kind so we'll just have to see what I get is I go one bite first one

red velvet

She goes through quite a few kilos of sugar here in her bakery and now I see

why I'm sure there's a couple grams in this challenge!

You can have the rest if you want. But then I have to buy them. Seven minutes in, I'm halfway done with these

cupcakes they are so good but they are heavy and I need to get these done

before I start feeling awful so let's finish them!

Should've gotten 24

I think from what she said the chocolate ones are the densest so hopefully I

don't have many of those remaining. Starting to fill up!

Seven left we're 13 minutes and 15 seconds in.

20 minutes then this is literally two and a half kilos of cupcakes this is so

much better oh we're gonna get it down!

Loved the first 15, once I got halfway I started to really feel it I don't even

want to know how many calories there are all of those cupcakes and however many

grams of sugar that was that was crazy, and it was definitely not owe anything

free but it is free price-wise! Thank you to Alison and her family and bouquets

and buttercream thank you guys all for coming to watch, great to be in Ireland

thank you guys for watching too!

For more infomation >> Buttercream Flower Cupcake Bouquet Eating Challenge!! - Duration: 8:16.


Mercedes-Benz 515 CDI maxi automaat MARGE 150.000KM AIRCO 3500kg trekhaak btw vrij kleinrijbewijs b - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz 515 CDI maxi automaat MARGE 150.000KM AIRCO 3500kg trekhaak btw vrij kleinrijbewijs b - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active (70pk) Airco/ C.V. Afstand/ Elek. ramen/ Isofix/ Deelbare achterbank/ B - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active (70pk) Airco/ C.V. Afstand/ Elek. ramen/ Isofix/ Deelbare achterbank/ B - Duration: 1:12.


Seat Leon St 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK FR 18 inch/Navi/Clima - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon St 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK FR 18 inch/Navi/Clima - Duration: 1:09.


The End of Fortnite..😱 - What´s coming next? - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> The End of Fortnite..😱 - What´s coming next? - Duration: 1:39.


宋祖德微博喊话张杰做亲子鉴定,谢娜听后勃然大怒 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 宋祖德微博喊话张杰做亲子鉴定,谢娜听后勃然大怒 - Duration: 2:46.


Is One Of These Abs A Total Fake?! 🏋️ | Singled Out | MTV - Duration: 12:08.

(crowd cheering) (upbeat music)

- Of this episode of MTV's Singled Out.

Right here, we have 25 single men.

These are the IRLs, in real life.

And over here, we have 25 dating profiles.

They are the URLs on our URL board.

All 50 of them are competing

to be picked by one hopeful, who won't see any

of them until the final round.

- What do you think?

- And just like on any dating app,

these URLs could be catfish.


We never said this would be easy.

Our hopeful on this episode is Sara,

a self-described party girl looking for a spontaneous

and romantic guy who will take her seriously.

I'm Conceited, and here's your host,

the baddest chick in the game,

I should give her my chain, Justina Valentine.

Kickin' off round one.

- Okay, now Sara, we're gonna narrow these dudes down

to eight or less using these categories.

We have bod, social media, commitment,

package, cash money, and date night.

C-O-N, do you have all the answers over there?

- You know I got 'em for you,

but I did something a little better.

I had slapped it right on all their burly chests

so they can't cheat, and they can

never change their answers, and Sara you have nothing

to worry about because the URLs are locked in too.

- Sara, where do you wanna start, baby girl?

- I think I wanna go with social media.

- Social media.

(audience cheering)

Alright, what kind of man you looking for, girl?

All the time, or from time to time?

- I like a guy who has a presence and posts just as much

as I do, so I'm gonna go with all the time baby.

- Okay, if you ain't on your phone 24/7, y'all gotta go!

- Bye, guys!

- Okay, you can tell my man right here,

he don't even have an Instagram.

He's still stuck in Myspace.

Alright, so where we going next?

- I think I'm gonna go with date night.

- Alright, baby girl.

On date night, are you trying to movie and chill,

or are you down for a thrill?

- I need a guy who's gonna keep up

and who's down for the thrill, so what's up?

(audience cheering)

- If y'all trying to sex-flix and chill, you gotta go!

- Peace!

- I'm sorry!

- Alright, you have one last category.

Where we going?

- You know what's really important to us girls, the package.

(audience cheering)

- Whoo!

- Okay, for the package, are you trying to go king size

or you trying to go like my boy C-O-N, fun size?

(audience laughing)

Who are we going with, girl?

- Your girls a queen, so you know the girl needs a king.

What's good?

- All y'all shrimp gotta go.

- Sorry. (laughs)


- He doesn't even have a (bleep) print.

- Hey!

- [Justina] That's why it's so small, so he could do that.

- Justina, Sara, all the fun sizes are gone

off the URL board as well.

- It's good news, cause we're down to three IRLs

and three URLs, which means that's the end of round one.

Conceited, tell us a little bit about these casanovas.

- My name's Gabriel.

I'm a little unstable, but I'm very able.

- Okay. - Number two.

- What's goin' on, Sara?

My name is Chris, and 822.

That's all I got to say.

- [Justina] Is that the time you're going to say something

that makes sense, or--

- Nah, 822 is my credit score, baby.

- Okay, okay!

What's up? - Last, but not least,

introduce yourself. - How's it going, Sara?

My name is Avery, and I feel like

if you make a girl smile, it'll take you a mile.

- Okay.

- Let's see what the URLs have to say.

- Alright. - Number one, Christian says,

"Hey Sara, I'm Christian.

"I'm tall, dark, and ready to spoil the shh out of you."

- He's got some thick glasses, so you know.

- Okay. - Let's go to number two.

Oh damn. - It's abs.

- You just see abs, alright.

Well, if abs could talk, Lucas would say, "Hi Sara.

"I'm Lucas, and you're so fine, you make me wanna cuss."

You know what, let's go to number three.

- Oh, girl he's fine.

- Daniel says, "Hi Sara, I'm Daniel,

"and I'll always find a way to make you smile."

- Wait a second, Con, that's Daniel from Are You The One.

I don't know if that could really be him.

- That is him!

- Yeah, but would he be here now?

- I mean, there's no way he's single.

- Well these URLs could be catfish,

but girl, Daniel's lookin' good.

Alright, in round two, Sara's got a challenge

for the IRL guys and a challenge for the URL guys

that's gonna help her decide who she wants to keep.

Now, only one IRL and one URL can stay,

so you have a big decision to make.

Let's start with the IRLs.

Sara, let them know what they're doing.

- So, I need a soldier in the streets,

but a freak in the sheets, what's up?

So show off your best air sex moves one at a time,

and Justina's reaction will tell me who has the best action.

Oh, and lose the shirt, thank you.

- IRL number one, you're up first.

- Take it off, take it off.

- [Conceited] Can we have some music for him?

- (sings sultry melody)

(buzzer sounding)

- That's it, that's it.

- Next one.

- Chris, let's go.

- (sings sultry melody)

- [All] Take it off! Take it off!

- I don't want you to take it off!

(audience cheering)

(buzzer sounding)

- I'm not sure what to make of this yet.

- IRL number three, lets' go.

(audience cheering)

- He had some moves.

Sara, which IRL are you gonna go with?

- Ladies, what y'all thinkin' over there?

- Call it out, call it out!

- Help her out.

(audience yelling)

- Let's do number two.

- [Justina] Number two?

- Credit scores matter.

- Your moves got you into the next round.

Number one and number three, you don't gotta go home,

but you gotta get the heck up outta here.

- Work on your credit!

- You could wash the shit outta that thing.

- What the hell, really?

- Sara, that was crazy. - Oh my god, damn.

- [Justina] That was a little too much for us to handle,

but now we need to know what are we gonna have the URLs do?

- How a man treats his mama says a lot about him.

Screenshot the last text you sent your mom,

and send it to me.

- Let's see what number one, Christian, sent his mom.

"Mom, did you wash those shirts yet?"

And his mom said, "Yes, they are on your bed."

He's the one that said he was gonna spoil

the (bleep) out of you? - I'm done.

- [Justina] Yeah, good one. - Let's go to number two.

Here's Lucas, "Hi sweetie, did you get the package I sent?

"Love, Mom.

"Hi sweetie, just checkin' in, love you, love Mom.

"Are you getting my texts?"

- Wow, really?

Shady. - Sara, we haven't did

his last one, she says, "Maybe you'll want

"to text your mom back when that family plan

"your phone is still on shuts off."

- He shares a family plan with his mom.

- No, I can't.

- Daniel, "Everything good, mama?

"You are the best, the most beautiful woman in the world."

Heart eyes, and then this right here's something in Russian.

I don't know what it says, but it has a kissy face,

so it's gotta be good.

- Sara-- - Yes.

- The decision is yours, which URL did it for you?

- Number three sounds like a sweet guy.

I want a sweet guy.

- [Justina] You wanna keep number three?

- I think so.

- Get number one and number two up out of here, C-O-N.

We've made it to the final round.

We have one IRL and one URL, so only you can choose.

So here's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna turn you around.

You can check out your options, and get it poppin'.


- Ready, go.

- Give us a rundown on these two gentlemen.

- Alright well, the only thing you need to know about him,

his credit score's 822.

He did take off his shirt.

I mean he had some weird moves, but 822.

But we do know this guy, who is supposed to be Daniel,

loves his mom very, very, very much.

- You look unsure, but I have good news.

Those questions we asked you before the show,

we wrote down your answers.

Here you go, and we're gonna ask these guys,

and see who's the most compatible with you.

You ready? - Yeah.

- Guys, you ready?

- You ready? - I'm ready, baby.

- Let's go.

- Squats or tots?

- Squats all day.

- Daniel?

- Squats, keep that booty right.

Alright, send nudes or send noodles?

- [Chris] Send noodles.

- Daniel, noodles.

Send noodles!

- Con, we got the wrong friends.

Worst texting habit, taking forever to text back

or texting way too much?

- Oh, I take too long.

- Take too long?

Taking forever.

- Taking forever.

We three for three. - I've never seen this!

- This is crazy.

Alright, more important, physical strength

or emotional strength?

- I'm gonna say emotional strength,

because if a brother go crazy, it's over.

- Daniel, emotional strength.

Emotional strength!

- Alright, filter or no filter?

- Her fine ass don't need no filter.

- No filter, no filter!

No filter!

A perfect score!

A perfect score! - That is insane.

Okay, Sara, this has actually never happened

here before on the show.

We've never seen an IRL and a URL have

a perfect five for five score, so your man right here,

he's got the moves, he took his shirt off,

he has good credit, y'all could buy a house.

And then your man Daniel, he looks good.

He looks really good.

He loves his mama, but he might not be real.

Sara, the pressure is on.

- Can y'all help out?

- [All] 822! 822!

- Hey, girl, you gotta pick!

We can't be here all day!

- I like vanilla in my chocolate.

Like I want Daniel.

- Come meet your man, baby girl.

(audience cheering)

- It's him!

(trumpet fanfare)

It is Daniel!

- Okay!

- You guys saw all these guys go crazy,

do a lot to win Sara's heart.

Daniel, you're not getting off that easy.

Take it off!

- [All] Take it off, take it off!

- Alright, hopefully Daniel and Sara have finally found

their one here on Singled Out, and remember you at home,

if you can't find love, you could always be like Con,

and do some strange for a little bit of change.

- Hey, you know what, listen, that's enough.

Thank you for watching!

We'll see you right here next time, on Singled Out!

- We out!

New York City, you ready for a quick freestyle?

(audience cheering)

(beat boxing)

♪ Singled Out ♪

♪ You know I always got the plan ♪

♪ Sara came through and she won a man ♪

♪ She might've picked him but she picked Dan ♪

♪ And then he took off his shirt and I'm like hot damn ♪

♪ And now he's killin' it ♪

♪ Wash the shirt ♪

♪ My man Chris yeah he's still trying to flirt ♪

♪ You know me we can do our thing and then run ♪

♪ But if she want they can have a threesome ♪

♪ It gets crazy ♪

♪ You know it gets wild ♪

♪ Matter of fact you make my girl smile ♪

♪ 'Cause when I do it yeah ♪

♪ I do it one time ♪

♪ C-O-N, Singled Out, your girl Justina Valentine ♪

(audience cheering)

For more infomation >> Is One Of These Abs A Total Fake?! 🏋️ | Singled Out | MTV - Duration: 12:08.


For more infomation >> Is One Of These Abs A Total Fake?! 🏋️ | Singled Out | MTV - Duration: 12:08.


N.TONY - Where Is the Love? (behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:50.

Run towards camera



Start running



Close the keylid

Let's go

Don't hurry, yeah, run

Yeah, good, good. Stop, Anthony, a little slower

A little faster

Stop, Anthony, a little slower, slower

Tanya, drive slower

♪ motorcycle passing by ♪

Get closer, Anthony

More smoke

More smoke

More smoke

More smoke, Alex

More smoke!

Stop, Alex, less smoke!

I said less smoke

Less smoke, Alex

Less smoke, please!

Less smoke, Alex, c'mon!


Okay, can you run more?

Hold on


For more infomation >> N.TONY - Where Is the Love? (behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:50.


For more infomation >> N.TONY - Where Is the Love? (behind the scenes) - Duration: 1:50.


G99928TR Used 2017 Chevrolet Sonic LT FWD 4D Sedan Silver Test Drive, Review, For Sale - - Duration: 1:01.

ASHere is a very 2017 Chevrolet Sonic that only has about 47,000 miles on the odometer.

This four door sedan can get up to 37 miles per gallon on the highway and about 27 miles

per gallon in the city, making this an excellent everyday driver.

It has an ecotec 1.4L i4 Engine with a 6-speed automatic transmission.

As for entertainment, you will be pleased with the 6 speaker audio system that supports

an AM/FM radio that also includes sirius XM ready radio.

ABS brakes, traction control and OnStar access will also be there to maximize your safety.

Another cool feature you won't want to miss is the remote start.

This vehicle has passed our certified 172 point inspection and comes with a clean one

owner carfax report, so it's ready to hit the road.

We'll even help maintain this vehicle with our free lifetime mechanical warranty for

as many years and as many miles as you own it.

Come try it before you buy it with our free 48 hour test drive and see if this is your

next car!

For more infomation >> G99928TR Used 2017 Chevrolet Sonic LT FWD 4D Sedan Silver Test Drive, Review, For Sale - - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> G99928TR Used 2017 Chevrolet Sonic LT FWD 4D Sedan Silver Test Drive, Review, For Sale - - Duration: 1:01.


【ハムスター】野菜のおすす豆苗!その理由は癒されるから!おもしろ可愛い癒しRecommend of vegetables is to heal how to eat bean seeds - Duration: 2:39.

This is my favorite bean seedling


Yum Yum



Today the stem is delicious

This is my favorite cookie






Roll around and turn

I will eat from this side

Yum Yum

Yum Yum


Sitting and eating is the best

The place where I was bald have become better

Awww It was delicious

What is the sign?

I will eat the second cookie

Yum Yum

This way of eating…

becomes a habit

Yum Yum

Hey my Sweet

After all it is delicious

Yum Yum


I do not need it anymore.

See you tommorow

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】野菜のおすす豆苗!その理由は癒されるから!おもしろ可愛い癒しRecommend of vegetables is to heal how to eat bean seeds - Duration: 2:39.


For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】野菜のおすす豆苗!その理由は癒されるから!おもしろ可愛い癒しRecommend of vegetables is to heal how to eat bean seeds - Duration: 2:39.



For more infomation >> ÇUKUR 2.SEZON BOMBASI - ORGAN MAFYASI LİDER ! - Duration: 2:33.


For more infomation >> ÇUKUR 2.SEZON BOMBASI - ORGAN MAFYASI LİDER ! - Duration: 2:33.


每日热点新闻 - 中美关系一定要搞好,也一定会搞好 [神秘的藝術家] - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> 每日热点新闻 - 中美关系一定要搞好,也一定会搞好 [神秘的藝術家] - Duration: 11:45.


For more infomation >> 每日热点新闻 - 中美关系一定要搞好,也一定会搞好 [神秘的藝術家] - Duration: 11:45.


Dan Abrams: Why I'm Stoked on My Giant E-bike | Giant Bicycles USA - Duration: 0:39.

Oh, I'm stoked on my Giant Ebike.

The fast riders don't have to wait for me anymore.

I can ride with the group and guess who's drafting on me?

I love it.

I'm now riding over 150 miles a week.

This is the best thing that I ever did.

I've taken off 10 pounds,

I'm feeling a lot more energetic,

I'm able to exercise more now.

Now I'm out riding 3 times a week

what else could you ask for?

I love it.

For more infomation >> Dan Abrams: Why I'm Stoked on My Giant E-bike | Giant Bicycles USA - Duration: 0:39.


sometimes i hate my body - gender dysphoria - Duration: 8:43.

hey what's up y'all it's J this is comfy fat thanks for tuning and I'm trying

something different where I just kind of talk to the camera and see how it goes

I haven't really decided how I'm gonna talk about this

I asked folks on my Instagram if they'd be interested in learning a little bit

about what I mean when I say that I experience gender dysphoria specifically

how I experience gender dysphoria while I am on my period if that is a topic

that bothers you talking about bleeding or menstruation or whatever feel free

to not watch that's okay I'm just gonna try to talk about it in the least

gendered terms that I know but for some it's probably still TMI and that's fine

to start off I guess I'll just say I am non-binary I do identify as trans at the

same time because being trans to me means not identifying with the gender

that I was assigned at birth which is female I was assigned by a doctor the

term female based on chromosomes and genitalia that I was born with my body

makeup it's all bullshit I say I'm non-binary and I am non-binary

which means that I don't feel most authentically myself when I am placed in

any category like male or female I exist outside of the binary so what dysphoria

is gender dysphoria is something that trans folks face not always but a lot of

the time gender dysphoria is the distress that a person experiences as a

result of the sex and gender that they were assigned at birth and the fact that

their gender identity does not align with what they were assigned at birth

so it's dysphoria it's the stress that you feel most commonly about your body I

don't I don't really know how to talk about this so I'm just gonna try to talk

about my personal experience so the dysphoria that I experience comes

in the form of panic and anxiety it's more than discomfort it's more than just

like if you scrape your knee while it's healing it might be itchy or feel weird

with pants on or something and that's discomfort dysphoria to me feels

unbearable and I wouldn't say if I experienced it to the extent that a lot

of people do a lot of trans folks deal with dysphoria a lot more than I do it

could possibly be the reason that people go forward with medical transition

sometimes it's not I try really hard to like not use blanket statements to talk

about the whole trans community because I'm not the one spokesperson for all

trans people so I'm trying I'm doing my best I'm also open to suggestions of terms

that work better for people for me to say when I for me to use when I talk

about this because I I really don't know I don't really know what I'm doing and I

never want to be like triggering or bothersome or offensive or hurtful to

anybody to start off I guess I'll just say I have PCOS which is polycystic

ovarian syndrome it doesn't always mean that there are cysts on your ovaries it

basically just means that there's a chemical imbalance and your metabolism

is kind of fucked up and I'm not really gonna get into like PCOS and what that

means what it doesn't mean though is it oftentimes means irregular periods when

I was 16 I noticed I would get my period pretty frequently like more than every

28 days every two weeks or so they would last kind of long so I got on birth

control when I was 16 and for ten years I stayed on that birth control and it

made my period very regular I could expect it to be there 28 days on like a

Thursday morning and have it be very light and not a problem and it would be

over by Sunday and that was really great and then I recently realized that I was

26 and that I had been officially 10 years and maybe I should see what my

body is like on its own because body's changed ten years is a long time and so

I stopped taking it for the first three months or so it was like inconsistent

basically it would show up pretty early at any sign of stress or something I

would start bleeding and that sucked but it wasn't like super heavy it was

still kind of the way I had experienced it for the last ten years

this current time that I started bleeding at first of all it came very

early it's been 12 days and

it's been pretty fucking gnarly just like super heavy and uncomfortable and

if you have a period or if you bleed you might know that it's a very intimate

situation as far as using tampons or pads and the cleanup involved in leaking

and like it's just a lot and it requires being very intimate with your body parts

a lot of the time I have cried every single day

of those 12 days I have panicked more than once a day because this go-round

has required a lot of me I've been pretty like in a pretty bad mood I've

been kind of bitchy and Corissa has been like the most amazing supportive partner

I've ever had and I've still been kind of a bitch so that's kind of why I

haven't like posted any videos or I haven't been super present on Instagram

Twitter or anything like that because I've just been like kind of moping

around and not feeling great and I feel very lethargic and like just I have no

energy I did see a doctor I'm going back on

birth control things are gonna be okay but it has been it's been a rough couple

of weeks I've talked about other things mostly in writing that were vulnerable

like why it's hard to shower as a fat person and dealing with realizing I was

non-binary but I haven't really talked about those things on camera because

it's hard but I asked and people wanted me to talk about it so that's that's

basically it I don't really have like solutions for other people I just think

if you have a doctor and you trust your doctor talk to them when you feel like

something's off it's hard to explain like what what gender dysphoria feels

like it feels for me like I said it feels like a panic attack it feels like

I feel grossed out by my body but my body parts specifically sometimes

especially recently I want nothing to do with the bottom half of me right now

I I want to shut down all of my like reproductive organs or whatever the

whole system just kind of wanna like shut it all down I don't want to be seen

I don't want to be out in public I don't want to talk to people I don't want to

be kind to people which is I think kind of uncharacteristic for me I don't

really feel like spreading positivity I feel stuck and when I panic I start

hyperventilating and cry and it becomes hard to think and I just want it to be

over I guess I'm kind of rambling but that's kind of what I'm going through

right now I appreciate the love and support that I've been getting from

folks and the fact that you want to hear what's going on with me and like you'll

still support me not being totally all figured out you support me even when I'm

a mess and I love that so I really really appreciate that anyway I don't

know if I did any of that any justice but if you're really interested I would

say to some research and if you feel like maybe you're experiencing gender

dysphoria start looking into it and asking people online if you have friends

online who have experienced similar things reach out and talk to folks and I

definitely suggest therapy because that shit is a plus I think that's it

thanks for listening to my little rant I don't know if this was like even really

super worth it for you just listening to me ramble about like what's

going on with me but if you're into this leave me a comment and let me know

alright thanks for watching friends hearts and rainbows bye

For more infomation >> sometimes i hate my body - gender dysphoria - Duration: 8:43.


Smart Cities Challenge $10M Prize Category - Duration: 1:09.

Hi, my name is François-Philippe Champagne, and I'm your Minister of Infrastructure and Communities.

I'm here to talk to you about our exciting Smart Cities Challenge.

Today, I am reaching out to you, our finalists in the $10 million prize category.

The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Rural Municipality of Kelsey,

Côte Saint-Luc,

Nunavut Communities,

Saint Mary's First Nation,

Parkland, Brazeau, Lac Ste Anne and Yellowhead,

Airdrie and Area,


Guelph and Wellington County,


and Greater Victoria.

I am really excited to hear about what you've been up to, what progress you've made on your proposals and who you've met with.

You are part of something big and Canadians want to know all about it.

So tell us about your initiative and transformative ideas!

Only two of your proposals will come out on top. So who will it be?

For more infomation >> Smart Cities Challenge $10M Prize Category - Duration: 1:09.


Buttercream Flower Cupcake Bouquet Eating Challenge!! - Duration: 8:16.

I'll feel a lot better right now than I will in 35 minutes! Hey everybody this is

Randy Santel 'Atlas' and I am very very excited today because this right here

looks delicious! These are not flowers they're actually cupcakes! I'm down for

the first time in Wexford, Ireland I am at Bouquets and Buttercream and I'm here

with the owner named Allison and she is about to tell me about the challenge for

the first time that we're doing today? It's the 30 Cupcake Bouquet Challenge so

your birthday consists of 30 regular-size cupcakes - vanilla, salted

caramel, chocolate fudge, red velvet, and pink velvet and here to devour this

beautiful display is 30 minutes or less. Yes 30 cupcakes 30 minutes if I fail

it's gonna be 75 euros, but if I win I will get the whole bouquet for free, I

will get a sweet t-shirt to add to my collection, and I will get win number 616!

I wanted to show this off right here while she's here what is this that's a

chocolate biscuit flowerpot. Yes yes she does all kinds of crazy stuff that she

taught herself and I know she was up till 2:00 a.m. last night making these

for me and then Mitch is doing one on afterwards but let's get this challenge


All right great to be down here in Wexford our friend Alison and her family

they've been watching our channel for about two years now, which is much

appreciated it was great to meet them here they've got more than just the 30

cupcake bouquet they've got 7 ,12, 19, and 24 and then this big 30 so this is

going to be 75 euros if I fail do not want to pay that so

let's dominate! I'm not gonna speed eat because these looks so good but I'm

still gonna eat fast so let's eat and just beat this thing in under 30 minutes

1, 2, 3. . .Boom! All right and then like she said there's a whole bunch of

different kind so we'll just have to see what I get is I go one bite first one

red velvet

She goes through quite a few kilos of sugar here in her bakery and now I see

why I'm sure there's a couple grams in this challenge!

You can have the rest if you want. But then I have to buy them. Seven minutes in, I'm halfway done with these

cupcakes they are so good but they are heavy and I need to get these done

before I start feeling awful so let's finish them!

Should've gotten 24

I think from what she said the chocolate ones are the densest so hopefully I

don't have many of those remaining. Starting to fill up!

Seven left we're 13 minutes and 15 seconds in.

20 minutes then this is literally two and a half kilos of cupcakes this is so

much better oh we're gonna get it down!

Loved the first 15, once I got halfway I started to really feel it I don't even

want to know how many calories there are all of those cupcakes and however many

grams of sugar that was that was crazy, and it was definitely not owe anything

free but it is free price-wise! Thank you to Alison and her family and bouquets

and buttercream thank you guys all for coming to watch, great to be in Ireland

thank you guys for watching too!

For more infomation >> Buttercream Flower Cupcake Bouquet Eating Challenge!! - Duration: 8:16.


BMW 3 Serie 330XI M SPORT EDITION AUT navi klein/xenon/alcantara/schuifkanteldak/standkachel/skiluik - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 330XI M SPORT EDITION AUT navi klein/xenon/alcantara/schuifkanteldak/standkachel/skiluik - Duration: 1:09.


martino & niccolò | i'm gonna be [skam italia] - Duration: 2:21.

he left a few drawings in my backpack.


yeah, it's our thing.

c'mon let's go.


at my place, let's grab the bike.

basically we hung out a couple times

i stayed at his place once.

too bad he has a girlfriend.

look, just say that you are afraid of getting your hair messed up.

you think i care about hair?

absolutely yes.

oh yeah?

i like someone.

is it that guy who gave you back the earphones at the gym?

hi, i'm maddalena.

it's very rare that they leave their girlfriends to be with a man.

i think he should really dump the girl.


why don't you trust me?

but i swear to you, i'm done with her.

he's in bracciano.

he's come all this way.

it had never happened before to me.

to me neither.

For more infomation >> martino & niccolò | i'm gonna be [skam italia] - Duration: 2:21.


What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.

What's going on

guys - as always I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we forget all

about the Illuminati - because listen up guys - they're small fry compared to what lurks

its bulbous head beneath the shadowy sects of civilization.

Hold onto your hats - because we're doing it, as we ask the question - What If The Sarkic

Cult Was Real?

Now - it's important to note that - the word cult was used more for dramatic effect,

shall we say.

A better phrasing would be the Sarkic Religion - or Sarkicism, but that's by the by - and

I'm not in the business of offending anyone.

Particularly not any anomalous occultist organisations, that's for sure.

Let's not get bogged down with semantics because there are some absolutely mammoth

themes that we're going to have to traverse over the next 7 or so minutes - the majority

of which serve as a lynchpin to the SCP Foundation and its mythos that makes up its entire established


Well - er - multiverse.

Before we indoctrinate ourselves with that though folks - you all know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of this video, the SCP Foundation - Sarkicism - the mystical properties of flesh

- or just Life's Biggest Questions in general, then demonstrate your arcane propensity and

hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay inundated with

our SCP based uploads.

If you'd like to get in touch with myself or the creative team here at LBQ - then go

ahead and take a peek at the info box down below.

The beacons are lit.

The War of the Flesh has arrived.

On with the show.

Where do we even begin with Sarkicism - a religious/philosophical system that encompasses

a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices - largely based on the teachings

of Grand Karcist Ion - the Foundation's version of Jesus Christ, Moses and the Prophet

Muhammed all rolled into one.

It's perhaps the broadest theme in the entirety of the SCP Foundation - established by eaons

of history, cryptic origins and practiced anomalous religion.

It's also important to note that followers of his teachings are split into two opposing

branches - proto-Sarkicism - and Neo-Sarkicism.

Yeah, don't get the two mixed up either, because they'll be pretty pissed.

Either way though - both of these camps are agreed on several things when it comes to

their religion.

They both practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy,

dimensional manipulation and have no problem forming blood pacts with otherworldly entities.

The best way to explain this flesh based philosophical lexicon, then - would to be at the start.

It's creation story.

Sarkic cosmology is pretty bleak - and as far as it's concerned - existence is on

the lowest pecking order of importance.

Life is a brute form - corruptible, discordant and devoid of any higher purpose.

The principle power in the universe is Yaldabaoth - the God Eater - The Womb of Chaos.

Remember I spoke about those two opposing branches?

Yeah, well Neo-Sarkites revere this entity, worshipping it's base desire to consume

and destroy.

On the other hand - Proto-Sarkites often describe it as the true enemy of all people, viewing

it with fear and disgust - and regarding it as both the creator and destroyer of all life.

Now, enter Grand Karcist Ion - the saviour of Sarkicism - who somehow usurped control

of this cosmic entity, wearing the flesh of the Old God as an armor and ushered in a new

age in the ancient times of our planet.

Again, proto-Sarkites hold Ion as their ultimate saviour - they worship him with reverence

and take his teachings to remain steadfast in an ever changing world.

On the other hand, Neo-Sarkites take Ion's life as an example of their own apotheosis.

If he can rise to the power of killing an Old God - then so can they.

Now, if I'm being honest - the proto-Sarkites are pretty chill dudes.

Yeah, they might sacrifice a few human beings now and then, and cultivate flesh like a Bonsai

tree - but they're harmless enough.

They're just waiting for their saviour to return and usher them into a new paradise.

The real bulk of this question resides with the Neo-Sarkites - and the possibility that

they could actually, hypothetically speaking, be active - right now - in our own society

- and we'd never even know it until it was too late.

If we could offer a real world parallel - then Neo-Sarkites would be the Illuminati on crack

times a million.

Whereas proto-Sarkites renounce any form of technology, opting to live a simpler life

based on the teachings of the flesh - Neo-Sarkites are much more cosmopolitan.

They embrace technology and modernity - often found in heavily populated cities - living

the same life as the people that they pass on the street.

They're wall-street bankers, high flying socialites, governors and politicians.

The reason that they can operate though, is that they exist in a vacuum - each cult revolving

around an ancient family, unified by incest and familial bonds.

In theory then, could the Neo-Sarkite's exist in today's society?

Well - yes.

Now don't get me wrong - let's eschew the thought of a New World Order and not get

bogged down in that whole kerfuffle - but it is safe to say that there are some very

influential families on this planet that we know next to nothing about.

The Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's, the Du Pont's - The Morgan Family - collective

groups that enjoy the wealth of secrecy.

As the SCP Foundation record states - they have knowledge of a Sarkic organisation known

as Adytum's Wake - thought to be the oldest neo-Sarkite organisation in North America

- with evidence of their existence dating as far back as 1650.

Up until 1952 - the group was led by Cornelius P. Bodfel the Third - a millionaire industrialist

with an acute interest in the occult.

This group was often dismissed by the Foundation as being a decadent upper-class social club

- much like how the likes of Bohemian Grove, The Skull and Bones Society and Hell Fire

Club are viewed in our society - and in reality, there lies the rub.

The veil of secrecy exists right up until it's broken.

If such a groups intentions were nefarious - we'd never have knowledge of said intentions

until it was too late.

In that case then - let's hope they'd just want to seize control of the planet under

one unified government - rather than consume us all into a writhing mass of flesh.

Actually, now I've said it - I'm not sure which ones worse.

Well - unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you were a fan of this video - go ahead and give us a thumbs up - and speak your mind

in the comment section down below.

If you'd like to carry on with your questioning binge - please, feel free to hit that playlist

floating shortly above.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.


#SaveLocalNews - Tina Song - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> #SaveLocalNews - Tina Song - Duration: 1:16.


【ハムスター】野菜のおすす豆苗!その理由は癒されるから!おもしろ可愛い癒しRecommend of vegetables is to heal how to eat bean seeds - Duration: 2:39.

This is my favorite bean seedling


Yum Yum



Today the stem is delicious

This is my favorite cookie






Roll around and turn

I will eat from this side

Yum Yum

Yum Yum


Sitting and eating is the best

The place where I was bald have become better

Awww It was delicious

What is the sign?

I will eat the second cookie

Yum Yum

This way of eating…

becomes a habit

Yum Yum

Hey my Sweet

After all it is delicious

Yum Yum


I do not need it anymore.

See you tommorow

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】野菜のおすす豆苗!その理由は癒されるから!おもしろ可愛い癒しRecommend of vegetables is to heal how to eat bean seeds - Duration: 2:39.


Want Your Rescue Pet To Be In A Music Video?? - Duration: 3:11.

Hi, I'm Taylor and I am a big dog lover

But I'm also a singer/songwriter and this is the reason why I need your help. At the start of this year

I released a song called 'Spark Off The New Year'

And when I released it I didn't have anything planned for it

I just put it up online and left it as that but it's been my

experiences this year that has made me want to actually do something about that song and I'm gonna make a new music video with your

help. 'Spark Off The New Year' is a song about

pushing the restart button, something happening in your life that has made you see the world in a completely

refreshed, new perspective, and this year did just that for me.

Earlier this year Sydney Dogs and Cats Home

contacted me because they had a dog they were caring for and they needed someone to foster this dog

Obviously I said yes

Within a couple of months. I fell in love and soon enough. I adopted Sasha

"She's Sasha Beadle-Williams"

"Sasha and I are gonna go home - okay bye!"


our life together did not last for too long because within a month of me adopting her she passed away unexpectedly

while I was on a holiday...

"I have just found out some very sudden and bad news about my dog that I recently adopted,

Sasha, in Australia. She suffered from a cardiac arrest and

passed away on the spot.

So she wasn't able to be revived and she's now gone..."

Obviously what happened with Sasha was completely unexpected and a tragedy.

But it has brought a whole new meaning to that song

I wrote so long ago. And therefore I want to honour Sasha and other rescue animals: dogs, cats,

any animal, and also honor the rescuers themselves. So this is where I need your help.

Now I need you to submit a video of you and your furry or feathered friend

Singing and dancing along to my song 'Spark Off The New Year.' Basically, just look up my song;

you can find it on YouTube, you can find it on Spotify, you can find it on iTunes. Find it,

set up a camera, and video yourself. It can be on your mobile.

The video needs to be approximately 30 seconds

Make sure that you film it in landscape mode

not vertical

Landscape mode horizontal mode and then send your submissions to me via my Facebook page,

my OFFICIAL Facebook page, and you'll find that link down below

Please feel free to introduce yourself and your rescued pet to me as well.

My aim is to choose my favorite videos and then edit them together and then create a whole new video for my song

'Spark Off The New Year'.

So let's Spark Off The New Year with a bang and encourage people to adopt not shop and

Rescue those poor animals who need our help and love. Please submit your videos by 14th of December,

Friday 14th of December.

That's in just under two weeks. So get your camera's out, get your paws up, and start dancing to 'Spark Off The New Year.'

I'm looking forward to seeing your submissions!

Thanks guys. See you soon

For more infomation >> Want Your Rescue Pet To Be In A Music Video?? - Duration: 3:11.


Young Muslim Writers Award #YMWA2018 [VLOG] [CC] - Duration: 3:31.

Last month, we celebrated Muslim Hands 25th anniversary

and during this 25 year journey we realized we need to help raise the standard of child literacy

We wanted to help young people become confident in communicating their ideas and to feel empowered

to share their narrative

So, to those nominated today,

please do not stop writing. Please do not stop sharing your stories and experiences because

words are wind. And just like the wind, they can redirect, push or steer people in the direction that can bring greatness.

This is an extract from the "Instruments of Harmony" by Amiera Sharif.

We will catch the lost voices of the bold, And let their stories be passionately told,

Finally, the instruments of harmony will be played, And our voices will sing in unity - no longer afraid.

You're writers, you're storytellers, maybe you have another story to tell about what happened to the ship's cook.

Thank you for putting pen to paper, for sharing your writing and for taking

our judges on an adventure. Whether or not, you walk away with a trophy

today. We hope this ceremony has inspired you to continue writing and explore new writing forms.

Whether you have travelled from across the road

or from across the country. Thank you for coming together this

afternoon to celebrate the achievements of young writers

For more infomation >> Young Muslim Writers Award #YMWA2018 [VLOG] [CC] - Duration: 3:31.


All of Me - Jazz Guitar Comping backing track - Duration: 5:15.













A7 (b13)









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