Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 5 2018

-I don't believe this actually came out today,

but we were expecting that Robert Mueller was gonna release

the sentencing documents for Michael Flynn today.

Paul Manafort, we're hearing, maybe Friday.

These are called public-facing documents?

-Yeah. It's bringing information to the public

about why they're doing what they've been doing.

For instance, for Flynn, it's about what Flynn

has been providing for them

since he's been cooperating for a year.

I think they've delayed his sentencing recommendation

for four different times,

'cause they were still cooperating.

So this will be whether or not

he thinks Flynn should face any jail time

and what he's been doing to help.

-As a betting man, do you think, in the end,

people will be satisfied or disappointed?

Let's put it -- When I say "people,"

people who have been looking to this Mueller investigation

as the moment that it will all come crashing down.

Do you think they will be disappointed or satisfied?

-Well, there's certain left-leaning cable hosts

that I think that they will be very disappointed,

because it won't be, you know, literally Donald Trump,

a picture with him and a smoking gun and, you know,

a tattoo of Vladimir Putin on his chest.

But I do think it won't be good.

-Yeah. -I think it'll be ugly.

I don't think it will necessarily affect him, per se.

And he won't be indicted,

because there's Justice Department guidelines

that sitting presidents are seldom, I think, never indicted.

But, look, in the end, here's the honest answer.

None of us have any idea. -None of us have any idea.

-Really. I mean, had you ever heard of George Papadopoulos

before he was --

you know, before that plea agreement came out?

-I had not, no. [ Laughter ]

Tell me about this. Last time you were here,

you were talking about your "New York Times" best-selling

fiction book, "Hellfire Club." -Yes.

-You had written a nonfiction book a ways back

called "The Outpost." -Yes.

-A wonderful, thrilling book

about a real-life incident that happened.

And now it's being adapted into a film?

-That's right. Rod Lurie, the director,

we just finished shooting in Bulgaria,

where they had re-created the entire Army base,

Combat Output Keating.

My family and I, we went to go visit

and look at this Army base.

There were three actual veterans who served at COP Keating.

It was attacked.

It was a horrible battle in 2009.

And they're working on the set. I hooked them up with Rod.

And they're working on the set and advising on the movie,

acting in the movie.

And they were there, and they were kind of, like,

spooked out but also found it cathartic

that they were on this recreation of a U.S. base

that had been attacked and had been destroyed.

-And, obviously, some lives were lost,

and this is a case where now people are being --

some of those real-life people

are being portrayed in this film.

-Yeah. So this is -- That's Rod Lurie, the director.

This is Jacob Scipio.

He's a British actor who plays Justin Gallegos.

Justin was killed on October 2, 2009.

And he actually --

He was awarded, posthumously, a Silver Star,

and the Army just announced

that they're upgrading it to a Distinguished Service Cross.

So, it's great.

It's a way to honor these men and their families.

And I hope it's meaningful for them.

It's been meaningful to be part of it.

-Another thing we talked about is your daughter

wrote an op-ed in "The New York Times.", yes. -Yes.

-An op-ed about -- -And she is how old now?

-She's 11. She was 10 when she --

when she and Bari Weiss, the editor, worked on it.

-Good. 'Cause 11's a little late.

[ Laughter ] Yeah.

I'm glad she got it in at 10, because, by 11,

most people have written their op-ed in "The New York Times."

-She came up with this great idea to encourage girls

to raise their hand in class.

She noticed that boys would raise their hand

even if they had no idea what the answer was.

Squirrels! They would -- you know.

But girls didn't do --

Girls were very reticent, very reluctant.

And so she talked about it with her Girl Scout troop.

She came up with the idea for a patch,

a Raise Your Hand patch to encourage girls

to raise their hand.

And I tweeted the picture of the patch,

I was so excited, and Bari Weiss

from "The New York Times" saw it,

and Alice wrote an op-ed for "The Times."

-And now it's being adapted -- [ Cheers and applause ]

If you like that, you guys are gonna be blown away by this.

It's adapted into a book, "Raise Your Hand."

-"Raise Your Hand." Yeah.

This is -- It's so great, right?

It comes out in March.

And it's basically Alice's story.

Marta Kissi did the illustrations.

They're amazing. And, yeah, that's Alice.

That's what she looks like. She's cuter than that.

-That's fantastic. [ Applause ]

You are also an accomplished -- an accomplished artist.

You do the "State of Cartoonion" every week.

-Yeah. "State of Cartoonion" every week, yeah.

-Were you ever in the mix to maybe do the art for this book?

-No. Look how good this is.

I mean, this is -- No, no, no.

They asked me. -I mean, I'm not surprised.

I also think this is better than yours, but I was wondering...

[ Laughter ]

You knew right away that you weren't gonna get the gig.

-I didn't want to. I'm not that good.

This us -- This is amazing stuff.

They did ask me to do some illustrations

that are in the liner notes,

like, you know, when you open the book

before you get to the pages.

It's kind of like the very forgettable pages.

-Yeah. The one you flip through, because you're like,

"This isn't the book yet." -This isn't the book.

I'm not in the book.

The liner notes have some illustrations.

They're not in this copy here.

They have some illustrations that I did,

but I feel like they did that to make me feel better.

-Uh-huh, yeah. Like they wanted

to let you down easy for the fact that --

-"Well, Alice has a big book coming out,

and, you know, but you can do the cartoons.

No, not the ones that people will look at."

[ Laughter ]

-Are you a little -- Obviously, you know,

now you're both in the book game.

Are you a little worried

more people are gonna buy Alice's book?

-I hope more people buy her book than mine.

Although, we should note, all of the money,

Alice is donating all of it

to the local chapter of the Girl Scouts.

-That's fantastic. [ Cheers and applause ]

Because I'm pretty sure with both of your books,

you famously kept all the money, right?

-No, no. For the novel I did,

but I did give a portion of "The Outpost"

to military charities.

-And let me just say real quick,

because you do so much with military charities,

and you've helped me

get involved with some of them, as well.

I remember reaching out to you

to ask what some of the best are.

-And every year, when we do our auction,

you donate a visit to the set here

and a photo-op for our auctions

to raise money for Homes For Our Troops.

-But you have been so helpful with me.

Do you feel like, right now, obviously, we have --

And, again, we're talking about when you mention John McCain,

you mentioned George H.W. Bush.

You know, obviously, they served this country.

We have a president who talks a lot about

how he's the best president for the military ever.

Real quick, is this country doing enough for our vets?

-Never. We're never doing enough for our vets.

I mean, the very fact that a charity

like Homes For Our Troops has to exist,

where it builds mortgage-free, specially-designed homes

for the most severely wounded veterans

from Afghanistan and Iraq,

just so they can have some semblance of a normal life,

the very fact that that charity has to exist

says we're not doing enough for our veterans.

But what I'm most concerned about right now is,

I think we're actually now at a point where

more troops have killed themselves, post-war,

than died in the first Iraq war or in the Iraq war,

the most recent Iraq war,

because of the rate of military suicides.

And so dealing with that is something that I think

society really has to grapple with.

-Well, I certainly agree with you.

And thank you for everything you do for the vets,

and thank you for being here.

It's always such a pleasure to see you.

-Happy Hanukkah. -Happy Hanukkah to you.

For more infomation >> Jake Tapper Speculates on the Outcome of the Russia Probe - Duration: 7:08.


[도환시 ATTACK] B#8 길도환 (KIL DOHWAN) l YG보석함 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> [도환시 ATTACK] B#8 길도환 (KIL DOHWAN) l YG보석함 - Duration: 0:52.


Let's do a Q&A! - Duration: 3:17.

Is this recording already? Hello?

Oh! Hello!

Sorry, I'm still getting used to this camera.

So, anyways, uh, it's been a long time since the last time we met, right?

And a lot of things happened!

... some more pleasurable than others, I guess.

Anyways! That doesn't matter.

So I've been pretty busy lately, and that's the reason...

... all of my recent videos are shitposts.

Sorry about that!

But yeah, I had no time to work on anything serious,

and I unfortunately have nothing to show you yet...

But I have been doing all I could,

Even if I didn't achieve much... sorry...

But yeah, that's also the reason why I'm recording this video like this

instead of using pictures like I used to, because I...

All of my drawings are outdated at this point and I have no time to make new ones...

(Sigh). This sucks.

So, because of my lack of time, I've been thinking...

What if I do a... Q&A video?

I mean, they look pretty fun, and I'm sure some people have questions, so...

Why not?

It's easy to do and fun so it's a win-win situation, right?

You can ask me about my channel, any of my other projects,

about myself, or...

I don't know, anything that's not an obvious troll or...

... too personal, I will try to answer it in the answers video.

I don't really care if the answers (I meant questions) are in spanish or english...

... as long as they are in a language I can understand.

Please don't put them in Russian or Chinesse

I have no idea about chinese...

But yeah.

Any comment with a question in this video will be answered in the answers video

... unless you say otherwise or it's obvious that it's not a question.

I'll say which day I'll stop taking questions

in the pinned comment in the comment section.

So, before asking, make sure to check it out.

Also, this is the first time I make a video like this,

recording myself this way.


Yeah, I might do more like this, but I would like to know...

what you think about it, so feel free to comment how you feel about it.

I might do more videos this way,

like the one replying to your questions,

and, well, I would like to read your feedback.

So that's all.

I guess I should go back to work now

because I have a lot of things to do...

But anyways, see you soon!

Okay, now how do I turn this off...?

For more infomation >> Let's do a Q&A! - Duration: 3:17.


《妖精的尾巴》Fairy Tail - 伽吉魯和蕾比撒狗糧,卡娜看上朱比亞,旁人情何以堪 |中文字幕cc| - 魔導少年 - 大劇焦點 😱😱😱😍😍😍😍 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 《妖精的尾巴》Fairy Tail - 伽吉魯和蕾比撒狗糧,卡娜看上朱比亞,旁人情何以堪 |中文字幕cc| - 魔導少年 - 大劇焦點 😱😱😱😍😍😍😍 - Duration: 4:36.


Bill Burr Got His Helicopter License Because of a Conspiracy Theory - Duration: 6:16.

-You're about to do what is my dream tour.

You're going to Europe to do stand-up in Europe,

and you're also going in the winter.

-Are you one of those Americans

that just automatically thinks they're smarter over there?

'Cause you gotta go -- 'Cause everybody American goes,

"Oh, my God, the food and the people are so enlightened."

You go over there, it's some idiot

eating fish and chips,

screaming about soccer or whatever.

It's like, "I know that guy. I've seen that guy," you know?

It's like everybody's over there in, like, lab coats,

figuring stuff out. They're not.

[ Laughter ]

Everything is so much older and so much cultured.

They still get on social media and trash each other.

[ Laughter ] -Are you going to any places?

You've obviously toured a lot over there before.

Are you going places you've never been?

-Yes, this is like a thrash.

I'm going through Eastern Europe -- like Estonia.

I'm doing Prague, Bosnia.

Poland is a big one I wanted to go to.

-Do you go in with an expectation?

Do you think to yourself,

"Oh, a Bosnian audience will like this part of my act?"

Or you do just go in and do exactly what you would do?

-I act like I'm right here, because if you go over there --

The first time I did London,

like, I was just in my head the whole time.

I'd have, like, a joke coming up about, like --

and it involved a squirrel, and then, in my head,

I'd be like, "Do they have squirrels over here?

Did I see a squirrel? Is this going to bomb?"

And I would be, like, freaking out.

And then, I swear to God,

you pull back and then they'd pull back,

and then it just becomes like this staring contest.

So I just act like I'm here.

I use references, I use slang, and I just go until it bombs.

And then I make fun of it that they didn't get it,

and then I just go again. [ Laughter ]

But I've gotten some of the funniest...

I was in Stockholm, Sweden, one time,

and I was onstage and there was some guy...

I was saying, "All right, what do I do after this?

Where should I go?" Blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-blah.

And I just hear this guy in the crowd yells out.

He goes, "Come to my house! We'll have a party!"

[ Laughter ]

I was just like, "Yeah, I think I'm going to skip that one."

[ Laughter ]

I don't think I'm gonna meet you anywhere, buddy.

But they had a great sense of humor.

And I remember when I did Stockholm --

uh, uh, Stockholm, Sweden --

I came out and I said, "Hey,

it's great to be here in Switzerland."

And they all laughed, thinking I was joking,

and I just played it off. I was like, "Aw, [Bleep]."

[ Laughter ] "So, anyways, I, uh..."

-Do you feel a bigger rush? Is there something, you know,

when you think about all the small rooms you played here

and where you're from,

and when you go over to a whole nother country,

do you have a rush of, "I can't believe

I'm killing it in a foreign country in a big crowd"?

-Yeah, definitely, but I always had that thing,

you know, you have a job to do, these people paid for a sitter.

They're coming out in that thing,

and I'm always trying to get, like, better.

But there's definitely --

I've been starting to add some shows over there,

and it's just like, you know, it's YouTube, it's Netflix.

Like, your stuff can just go international.

And I definitely feel blessed that I can go to these places,

make a little bit of money, you know,

and, yeah, meet all these different people.

-Can you enjoy yourself the day of?

Like, if you -- Obviously, you're going city to city,

so you don't have a lot of time.

If you have a show at night in Prague,

can you go out and enjoy a day in Prague,

or are you in your head about the fact that you got a show?

-Probably not, 'cause this is my first time there.

The first time there is always just

you go there like, you know, an animal,

sleeping on a futon and all that.

Then, you build a following.

Then, I can bring my wife, you know?

She shows up once all the land's been cleared,

all the hard work's done. [ Laughter ]

"No, I want to go. That seems like fun."

[ Laughter ] I didn't bring her.

She'd probably buy some stupid antique over there,

and I got to figure out how to bring it

halfway across the world. [ Laughter ]

"But I like it." -You break even

on the whole trip 'cause you got an old piano.

-That's the word that's gonna kill me earlier

is gonna be "why." That's what my wife always does.

"Do you like this?" "No, I don't like it.

It's a piece of [Bleep]. Don't get it."

And then she's always just like, "Why?"

[ Laughter ] "But I like it."

And then, it's just like, "All right, buy it!"

"No, but I want you to like it, too."

And it's just like -- there's just no winning.

-You're a licensed helicopter pilot.

-Yes, I am. -This is true.

How long has this been the case?

-Um, I got it in 2014 or 2015. I can't remember.

-What made you want to become a licensed helicopter pilot?

-A conspiracy theory and living in Los Angeles.

-What is the conspiracy theory that led you to it?

-Well I'm not into -- Like, you know, people think

if you're into conspiracy theory,

they just automatically think that you think, you know,

there's lizard people and shape-shifters

and you have this aluminum hat on.

No, I just sort of read up on the banking system,

and I'm like, "This is kind of a giant Ponzi scheme."

[ Laughter ]

And you know, I was living in L.A.,

And I was just looking at us

like, "You can't get out of this city

even when it works.

Like, what if [Bleep] ever hit the fan?

How do I get out of here?" And it just seemed like

up and out was the only way to do it, so...

-Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]

-I think you know. -Yeah, but then, I always

watched "Magnum, P.I.," and I always liked TC,

and he flew that Huey 500, which I thought was cool.

And I'm also sort of a closet gearhead,

where I don't know a lot of stuff,

but I watch videos of people repairing engines.

And I just really got into it, and next thing you know,

I'm flying around in those things.

-I guess my question would be, though,

based on your escape plan, do you have your own helicopter?

-No, there's a lot of holes in it.

[ Laughter ]

-This is not enough for your family.

[ Laughter ]

-I know. I know.

But I can only afford -- I just rent those things.

It's just like -- Yeah, that's the thing.

There's another thing, too.

Whenever you watch, like, a zombie movie

and some guy comes running up to, like, a plane --

a helicopter, I should say -- and just starts it up

like he's getting in, like, you know, a Corvette

and just drives away, that's not how it works.

You got to warm the whole thing up.

You'd have to kill half the zombies

by the time you went through your preflight,

just to get up and out of there.

I didn't know that, so I went ahead and I did it.

And I will tell you,

it's one of the big accomplishments in my life,

'cause I was terrible in school.

But that was something that I was actually --

I wasn't worried about learning how the fly it.

It was the ground school and all the rules you had to know.

But I was so interested and it was so fascinating,

I was actually able to do it. So, you know....

-Well, fantastic. And congratulations on that.

-Thank you. -Congrats on the show.

Have a great trip to Europe. -Oh, thank you very much.

-It's always a pleasure to see you.

-I'm grateful we finally did this.

-Bill Burr, everybody!

For more infomation >> Bill Burr Got His Helicopter License Because of a Conspiracy Theory - Duration: 6:16.


Bill Burr Hates When People Pretend They've Changed When They Have Kids - Duration: 4:37.

-Welcome to the show.

-How you doing? -I'm doing wonderful.

Congrats on the third season of your show.

You play a father of three.

This is you there. -Yes, I do.

-And you did not make it look like you.

You decided to go a different direction.

-Yes, I did. That's Frank Murphy.

Yeah. Loosely based on my dad.

Everybody watches that and goes,

"Did your dad do this? Did he do that?"

No, it's loosely based, 'cause I wanted my family

to be able to watch it and not, you know, be mortified.

-And do you enjoy -- Are there things that you find you can do

in animation that you couldn't do in live action?

-Yeah, I mean -- Yeah. 'Cause a lot of the --

You know, when I try to do live-action shows,

they would never pick them up.

Everything I wanted to do, they'd be like,

"That's too mean. You know, kids will cry."

And, you know, all the stuff that they say.

But, you know, nobody cares about animated kids, so...

[ Laughter ]

It works out fine.

-More often than not, they're not --

It's adults being the kids, the voices.

-Yeah. So it's kind of -- Yeah, it kind of works out.

But I've always, you know -- My whole career has kind of

just been, you know, just off to the side.

So no one really pays attention to me,

but enough people do that I stay in the business, so....

-It's a nice place to be. -Yeah, it is.

-I'm certainly glad. You have a 2-year-old yourself now.

Congratulations. -She's going to be 2 next month.

-That's fantastic.

And you're turning 50. -Turned 50.

-Turned 50, and your next special is called "50."

How are you feeling at 50? -I feel good.

I mean, I haven't drank in like 10 days, which is like --

It's boring, but, you know, you wake up, your stomach's flat,

and you're like, "All right. This isn't that bad."

But, no, I obviously became a dad late at 48,

so I got to make sure.

I got to be there for at least 30 years

to make sure, you know, she doesn't marry a jerk.

And then, yeah, then I can just kick off, and that'll be it.

Happy holidays, everybody!

There you go.

Very environmentally sound.

-Oh, you mean getting out at 70 is environmentally sound.

-No, 80. I'd be 80. I got to go to 80.

And then me and my wife, two people who only created one,

and then we die before she makes anybody, right?

No more traffic, like, produced by us.

That's how you got to do it. -That's great.

I feel like they should --

You should get a free plot if you do that.

-Should get a tax break. -Yeah.

-If you don't create any people, like, you should be like a hero.

They should have, like, a parade for you.

-Because it goes the opposite direction now, of course.

You get a tax break for the more kids you give.

So you're saying it should go the other direction.

-Yeah, yeah. No more kids. I'm anti-kids.

They need to be stopped. No. I don't know.

-Are you --

I've heard you're thinking about going back to church.

-Yeah. I don't believe --

I don't believe in any of it, really.

And my church, I feel like when I'm going there,

I'm helping to pay for a legal team, so...

[ Audience groans ]

No, oh, they only raped kids. Come on. Here we go.

You're not against that, are you? Jesus Christ.

I never understood why people groan that.

"Ohh! He brought it up!"

I didn't do it.

So I'm against it...

if you were confused about what I was saying there.

But then every other religion

just seems too far down the line.

They got the giant book, and I never read the one

in my religion, so I'm not doing that.

But then, I can't go to, like, some, you know --

Like those new groovy ones where everyone

is just dressed in regular clothes.

Like, "Hey, man. Everybody gets to share."

It's just like -- I can't do that.

So I don't know.

I just think it reminds you

to not be, you know, an ass [bleep].

-Do you think that -- -Once a week, you just kind of

go there and you sit down

and you think about your week or whatever

as the person tells all the,

you know, stuff that's hard to believe.

-Is it because you're a dad? Is having a child now

why you're being reflective and thinking of...?

-No. I never had that moment where I had a kid --

I hate those people that have kids,

and then they become this new person

and they pretend like they weren't this guy

doing keg stands and driving drunk

or whatever the hell you did.

It's like, "No, I was a jerk."

So I'm not going to try to become somebody I wasn't.

But it was just -- No, I'm doing well in this business.

You start selling tickets, and you start feeling like

you're kind of living a slothful, more gluttonous --

What am I doing smoking this cigar

and drinking this high-end hooch?

Who are you? Go back to church, you idiot.

So it's more along those lines. -That's a good reason to go.

For more infomation >> Bill Burr Hates When People Pretend They've Changed When They Have Kids - Duration: 4:37.


12月財運不一般的6個生肖!一個財富高漲,兩個好運連連,三個升職加薪!你是哪一個? - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 12月財運不一般的6個生肖!一個財富高漲,兩個好運連連,三個升職加薪!你是哪一個? - Duration: 6:03.


Mystery Wheel of DUMP IT Slime Challenge!! | JKrew - Duration: 15:25.

and we will have to spit 10 times each to make our slime but there is a dump it

on here to dump it oh that's so scary so that means that the person that gets the

dump it has to dump all their slime into the other person and Abby's gonna have

to start all over again I'm kind of nervous we may or may not

end up with slime I didn't even think about that I'm gonna be first since I

wouldn't rock paper scissors shoo I still told why you're not gonna dump it

cuz if I get dumped it

I do need some glue I love these foam balls it's already like this time I

actually get glue they're like whoa I guess okay I mean I wouldn't they're to

be color yeah - do I wonder what I'm gonna get we have no color either of us

have no color like Oh better fit our plane Oh

shaving cream come on with me brah even while mustard color because I hope

Maddie gets clutch Ustica just in case you get stumped as you asked them in of

mine yellow I got yellow blue and yellow love your color look how pretty this is

oh my gosh this is so gorgeous Wow y'all Aaron Loup is so bad because I've

never see at stores like I'd be always watch the side sections to turn

I never see it there's like none like everything buying it

there may be blue and purple and pink and stuff in red but there's no yellow

look how pretty that is so it's my turn to spin again

hopefully I don't get jumped you were you're so close in a bit

there we go this finally words the cat finally works this looks like the sky so

the shaving foam make the clouds blue is the sky and the clouds I don't have any

blue yet guys this is gonna go so bad I don't know if I'm gonna make slime oh

boy moving on to round or ever so it's gonna spit these charms really pretty

together oh look at these two cooling is so


you're gonna go my stick with this really pretty

is the sky is the sky I hope I don't get any like bad ingredients because yeah

but this good together like very well look at glitter it's

glittery and look I love the glitter it makes it really hard to get out I really

wanna dump it so I'm gonna get rid of this slide and make a new one because I

don't know what it's gonna turn out make let us not get you're not good I mean

this is okay I really like this this blue is a really nice color see oh look

how pretty that is

oh wow well it's all your fault okay oh my gosh this is so pretty with the blue

people have not got dumped it yet let's see what I get

that's a lot of blue glitter and you guys know I love whoever said no slide

I'm just watching this goofy little super round and bloopers don't get glue

glue or anything in here well I do a little bit of blue look here so there's

only one more spin for me so I better get something else but this is going

crazy this is like a war like is it oh my gosh my mind's just like confused

okay that's my turn

so blue in my turn blue color because we have like red blue blue purple and some

green can I still get silver with yes we're just gonna wait wait and wait and

wait and wait and wait and wait flying and then we have the Suez

that's good ears little girl here say that so do you think yours is better

okay oh thanks first comment down below what color you think it will turn out

wait why is this away is it because I because those shaving cream oh my god me

and Jim can be sort of fun not know that it's turning Johnson turning out to be

like a grandma you see that I mean I did have odd silver so okay so now I have is

my tiniest line it's definitely gonna be yellow like this probably it was because

of my leftovers on the sides right here

a very tiny side Maddie has a big boy big nose does make big bubbles and these

are not really nice do you do that I really like my slide it's actually cut

looks kind of pretty it's very stretchy it can make some bubbles yeah I really

impacted my son here nice slide it's great with a water blue glitter look how

pretty that is it can make awesome bubbles if the

poking is just so good I can't believe it

at first I thought I wouldn't get fun cuz at the last round I thought I was

gonna get dumped it but I did it so yeah look how much larger mine is compared

from Priscilla's don't forget to comment down below which one you like the best

so hope you guys enjoy this video I made shots go she should know

and thank you guys for watching down below

For more infomation >> Mystery Wheel of DUMP IT Slime Challenge!! | JKrew - Duration: 15:25.


Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.81 [SUB: ENG, CHN/2018.12.05] - Duration: 33:21.

(Episode 81)

YB will keep denying that they stole technology

from a small company like this.

There are reporters outside.

They must be here to do a story on us.

Our story won't be out until tonight.

I'll go out.

Stay here.


What scandal?

Calm down. You can't do this here.

Please back off.

This is a factory. Why you...

How did you start this company?

It used to belong to YB Cosmetics.

Did you get it from Chairman Kang Jehyeok?

We did not. What is it that you wish to know?

What's your relationship with Chairman Kang's son?

What are you talking about?

- It's Kang Hyeongi. / - It's Kang Hyeongi!

It's Kang Hyeongi.

Put your cameras away now!

Do you know a photo of you two is circulating online?

What's your relationship with her?

Who is the father of Han Gayeong's son?

Hey, you. How could you say that?


- What are you doing? / - Hurry!


I can't just leave.

Go. I'll handle it. Go on.

Please get in.


Don't come this way!

If you post any pictures from today,

I will press charges against all of you.

You're YB Apparel's CEO, Kang Hyeongi, correct?

- I am. / - Is it true that you forfeited...

YB Apparel's home shopping slot to Han Gayeong?

I believe YB Cosmetics is the one

who went on during that slot.

When you were the director of planning 6 years ago,

you helped her enter your duty free shops, correct?

Who told you that?

The product followed all proper procedures.

Check for yourself.

It even went through a blind test.

Why are you here now?

Press charges for every fake news that comes out

and don't do anything for now.

Why is this happening?

I'll look into it.

Go home for now.


I need to meet with my attorney.

Why did you attack Hyeongi?

I told you to stop the newspaper article,

not do something like this.

You told me to create a scandal.

You told me not to touch Jeonghan!

But he's my son!

What if he gets hurt?

Do you know who will see blood first?


If the board gets rid of him or something...

Even my job will be at risk. Don't you get that?

Get me the director of PR department.

Then how can I attack Gayeong?

There's no other way.

If the article about their stolen technology gets out,

both of us are finished.

Gayeong is contacting the FTC and even

the Technology Mediation and Arbitration Committee.

We have to make sure they don't trust her.

What about Hyeongi?

Gayeong and Hyeongi are on the same side now.

Don't you know they're digging into you right now?

The director of PR is on the line.

Hold off...

On denying Hyeongi's story for now.

You called the reporters, didn't you?

You always blame me

if anything something happens.

Do I have nothing better to do?

You kicked Gayeong out of the company

by creating a scandal with Jeonghan.

Is this a new hobby?

The program manager at the home shopping channel

took the photo of you and Gayeong and

posted it online.

The rumor spread all over that company.

Why did you give her your home shopping slot?

You're the chairman's son.

You stole their technology and

kicked her out of her company.

Can't I do that much to help her?

And you stole that home shopping slot as well.

That was only natural from father's perspective.

Regardless, we need to stop the stories.

Please call PR.

I told them to do that already.

I don't know if it'll work though.

We should hold off on this for a while.

Yesterday, you said we have a good chance

of winning.

I thought all the conclusions from the experts

were in our favor.

Didn't you see the story on you that just came out?

What story?


Please tell me the truth.

If you're dating the son of YB's chairman,

why are you doing this to his company?

We are not.

That's all a lie.

Are you saying you don't believe me?

All lawyers from all agencies

won't listen to anything you say at the moment.

- You need to clean up... / - First...

Press charges for everything

including the stories from today.

Then our lawsuits for the theft of technology

will never even start.

It'll drag on and just wear you out.

I will not negotiate

no matter what the circumstances may be.

I understand.

But YB will take a big hit from this as well.

I don't know why they're not doing anything.

Normally, scandals like this...

Are quashed by the companies in the beginning.

I can't believe it.

How could they publish such lies?

Don't bother reading them.

Don't respond even if you see reporters.

Even the lawyer can't believe me.

This will hurt you much more

than when they kicked you out of the company since

YB Cosmetics and Chairman Kang are involved too.

Is Chairman Kang just sitting back and watching

as they do this to his own son?

Yes. I understand.

What is this mess?

We're blocking the tabloids

but there are so many.

PR will stop them.

I just came from PR.

The director of PR completely turned cold.

PR is intentionally not stopping it, right?


Is he your real father?

How could he do this?

I wonder if he's really my father as well.

You saw him take Sena's side at

the press conference last time.

Do you still trust your father?

How's Gayeong?

What do you think?

Only Sena is capable of doing such a thing.


What was PR doing?

They should've stopped it immediately.

Chairman Kang told them to leave it alone.


With the board of directors sending him a notice,

Jeonghan publishing news

about the stolen technology and gathering evidence,

and Gayeong suing him,

he must have felt cornered.

He threw his son into a pit to save his own neck?

What a despicable rat.

I'll postpone the board meeting for the time being.

Hyeongi will be the only one being attacked for now.

Bring Jeonghan to me.

(YB Group's heir, Kang Hyeongi and his mistress)

I know everything about them.

How ridiculous is this?

Hey, let's go tell the papers.

That Hyeongi is Ms. Ha's future son-in-law.

He is? Are you going to just take this?

Keep it down!


What's going on between Gayeong and Hyeongi?

I'm speechless.

You too? What's wrong with you?

Emily said the same thing.

People don't say things for no reason.

Yes, they do. They always do.

It happens so often online nowadays.

They kill innocent people overnight.

How did this happen to Gayeong?

Last month, it was an affair with Jeonghan.

This time, it's Hyeongi?

You're his real girlfriend.

Why are they saying it's her?

That's right.

I need to go.

Hey. Where are you going?

I'll tell you later.

I'm here to see Apparel's CEO, Kang Hyeongi.

Who may I say is here?

I'm his girlfriend.

It's true. It's been 20 years.


I'll press charges for defamation and spreading lies.

I'll see you in court. Okay.

Have a seat.

What brings you here?

Can't YB's prince even stop stories like that?

Why would you get so upset?

Isn't your PR team handling it?

My father told them not to stop it.

Can you believe it?

I'm too ashamed to face you.

Chin up.

This isn't the first time.

You may have another scandal soon.

- What? / - When I checked in...

I said I was your girlfriend of 20 years.

Reporters may come running again.

I'll tell them that I am your real girlfriend.

What do you say? Why don't we go out there and...

- You're not laughing. / - Not in the mood for jokes.

I'm not joking either.

You'll get hurt too.

I'm prepared.

I can just quit my job.

Thanks for the thought.

Do you want some tea?

Why are you cutting me off?

I'm being sincere.

It won't become news.

No one will write about it.

That's right.

I'm not an heiress or a celebrity, so...

- Sorry. / - No, I'm sorry.

I must have taken this problem too lightly.

I couldn't even understand how you felt.

I don't care about myself...

But Gayeong shouldn't be treated like that.

She's raising a child alone.

How could she go through this?

I'll go now.

Sorry, I can't see you out.

It's okay. You should take it.


So you're the one who took the photo

of Han Gayeong and me?

I'll report you for being the first to disseminate it,

so prepare to be taken to court.

Hey. You're the one who told the reporters...

- About Master Hyeongi, right? / - What?

You were in charge of the duty free shops

6 years ago.

Who else would know what happened back then?


Even if she hates Gayeong,

how could she make her brother look like a moron?

Think about it.

They're saying he was duped by a seductress.

But how could the chairman just sit back and watch

his fake daughter do this to his real son?

I think he's being victimized unknowingly

and knowingly.

- Then he's an idiot. / - You punk.

Is she inside?

Go on in.

Good luck.

She's Emily, the Kang Sena catcher.

I can't wait.

Did you do it?

Why did you come here?

You must be curious about Jeonghan's response.

- What? / - His woman...

Is in a scandal with another man.

He can't be happy about it.


Tell me how much of that story is true.

What do you mean?

Do you wish Gayeong and my brother

really were in a relationship?


That's the only way

you can claim Jeonghan for yourself.


Hey, you! This is for Hyeongi.

Is your head filled with garbage only?

How could you do that to your brother?

Close the door!

Jeongbin, calm down.

Why are you here?

How could you be on friendly terms with her?

I came to slap her too.

You're here because you wonder

if they really are romantically involved.

Isn't that why you're here too?


Excuse me, Miss Sena.

Han Gayeong is in the chairman's office.

How dare she go there?

Call his secretary.

Tell them to keep her out.

Yes, ma'am.

You can't go in without an appointment.

If you leave your number, we'll call you.

I'll wait until the chairman meets me.

You can't do that.

I'll call security.

Gayeong is here.

She went to see the chairman

but they didn't let her in.


You won't be of any help even if you go now.

That's right. It'll just create another scandal.

Where's Han Gayeong?

She was here but she just left.

(Explain the truth behind Cells Beauty's acquisition)

Gayeong, I'll do this.

Go back. You work here.

The reporters are coming already.

What if you're photographed holding this?

That's why I'm doing it.

I need to say what I want.

This is insane.

Please make sure this picket is visible.

And if you write stories, do your research first!

Are you doing this because

YB's chairman won't permit your marriage?

Why isn't Kang Hyeongi coming out?

What? She's protesting?

She's surrounded by reporters right now.

What are you doing? Get rid of her at once!

Aren't you going to see Gayeong?

What good will come in seeing her now?

That's right.

You may be thrown into Hangang again.

My gosh.

Look who's here.

I heard you secretly bought our factory.

It must be about the stories that came out today.

The person who started it

was the home shopping merchandiser.

Hyeongi already pressed charges against her.

I came to tell you something.

Sena was behind the acquisition.

She led the mask production as well.

The person who gained the most through all of that

is you.

Ever since we became in-laws 6 years ago,

you told Sena to steal our blueprints.

That's absurd.

It'll be made public soon.

If you don't want all the crimes you've committed,


and spreading lies to fall on your shoulders,

take down the articles right now.

Spreading lies?

I'm glad.

I was afraid there really was

something going on with my son.

That's a great idea.

Should I pay you back for everything your

fake daughter did

to our family after marrying my brother?

Are you saying...

You'll really do something with Hyeongi?

There's no rule that says

I can't take over YB Cosmetics.

What did Gayeong and Hyeongi do

to make people do all this?

Explain it to me.

This is the story they wrote.

Gayeong knew Hyeongi from before she got married.

The reason she got a divorce after 3 months

might be because of him.

When Yunsu was born,

he was at the hospital with her.

They're in-laws.

What's wrong with them meeting from time to time?

They knew each other from before.

He helped her enter their duty free shops 6 years ago.

He was with her when her baby was born.

He was at the factory with her today

and was photographed with her.

And her family is enemies with Kang Jehyeok

but they accepted Hyeongi.

Even still.

What did Gayeong do so wrong

to be insulted like this?

She's raising a child.

They're also saying Hyeongi

could be Yunsu's father...


She protested in front of the YB building?

The reporters rushed over

but they asked only stupid questions.

Anyway, Chairman Kang didn't even try to meet her

but he was shocked and brought her in.

What would she say to a scumbag like that?

She's better than I am.

I went and begged him to try to get along.

My daughter has guts.

It must have been so cold standing outside.

Where did you leave her?

Why did you come home alone?

Our homepage crashed

and everything we sold yesterday was returned.

Why did you protest?

It only ignited cynical comments.

We need to tell the truth.

But I'm worried now.

You know our company is out of funds.

The employees are panicking too.

You're making sure

the checks being cashed next week

won't bounce, right?

Yes, it'll be fine.

I wonder if people know that our company

is struggling because we don't have even $10,000.

I mean, that would be absurd for a woman

dating a conglomerate's heir.

You're right.

How can you laugh?

Then should I cry?

Hey, hang in there.

Life throws you lemons at times.


I can't believe it.

But I don't see the mom.

She's probably with her lover.

He's not her lover.

That's all made up fake news.

It's a good thing.

Her future is set now after her father's business failed.

How could you...

How could you say that?

If you're going to say that, go eat elsewhere.

Why did the owner's daughter get divorced?

What? How would I know?

She lived with her ex-husband for only 3 months.

And she knew Kang Hyeongi from before.

What did you just say?

Who are you people? Get out right now!

Why you...

I ordered with my own money!

We won't charge you, so get out right now!

You should've taught your daughter better.

What was that? Why you...

Get out! We don't need your business, so get out.

- Get out. / - Seriously. Get out.

We don't need your money! Get out!

Seriously. How dare you people such things here?

Don't say anything to Gayeong.

It's not like she won't know.

She must have faced much worse outside.

The daughter is here.

- Isn't that her? It is. / - It is her.

- I can't believe it. / - Unbelievable.


- I'm home. / - Hi.

Welcome home. You must be tired.

You must be cold.

Did you eat?

I should.

You finished early today.

Yes. We ran out of ingredients.

The pork stew I made is a big hit.

Shall we throw a party then?

Jihun, Haeri, what do you want to eat?

- Chicken and beer? / - Yes.

Let's order in. I haven't had chicken in a while.



I'm totally fine.

It's not Hyeongi's first scandal.

I saw him dating around with girls at our school too.

He was like that?

I wasn't jealous even back then.

If I freak out about fake news,

I'd be the fool.

Then what's wrong?

I went to see Hyeongi today.

I told him that we should tell the reporters

that he and I are dating...

But he was only worried about Gayeong.

Tell me. What is their relationship?

Do you remember how Jeonghan

was mean to her in the beginning?

When he found out Sena married her brother,

he broke up with her.

Hyeongi was the one who comforted her back then.

Once, he even punched Jeonghan.


From then until now,

Gayeong must mean so much for his heart.

What? His heart?

Explain in simple terms.

Is she a woman to him or not?

To him, I'm a woman. Gayeong is...

Don't you even know that much?

I don't.

Knowing that only makes life more complicated.

You're home late.

Are you satisfied to save only yourself

after making a mess out of your son's life?

It's not your first scandal.

What about Gayeong and her company?

Must YB fall because of something like that?

You must get out

for our group to flourish. Don't you know that?

No large corporation is spotless.

You'll regret what you did today.


Are you saying you'll send me to prison or what?

Yes. I won't hesitate anymore.

Even the last bit of sympathy I had for you

is now gone.

Thank you for letting me fight you without guilt.

Jeongbin said Gayeong met Hyeongi

before she met you.

Is it true he wanted to marry her as well?

Just directly ask your questions.

Don't use my sister as an excuse.

Should I be honest?

I wish those two would get together.

If Gayeong were to marry him,

what do you think will happen?

She'll be the daughter-in-law of the Kang family.

How dare you say something so ridiculous?

If I were Gayeong, that's how I'd take revenge.

I'd use the same method Sena used

by marrying into her family.

She can kill her in-laws from the inside.

You should coach her.

That's enough.

I was just thinking out loud.

I guess you're jealous just from imagining it.

Mr. Kang, why are you here so early?

Did you lose something?

It's nothing.

What is it? I'll help you.

Well... The thing is...

Someone asked me to bring something.

What do you mean?

Like a toothbrush, hair, razor...

Or even a tissue into which you blew your nose.

Who was that?



A paternity test with you?

With who...

Those scumbags.

Let me get a look at you.

My son looks even more handsome today.

- I'm going to go to grandma. / - Okay.


- Is your mommy's name... / - Han Gayeong.

My gosh. You're so smart.

Can I look at you?


Who are you?

Go to mommy.

Who are you?

Hey. Who sent you?

- Who are you? / - Who sent you?

What's wrong?

Daddy caught the bad man.


Answer me right now.

Answer me!

Who was it?


What nonsense...

Even still. How could they do that to a child?

Yes. I understand.


I'm not going to work today.

Do you want to skip kindergarten

and play with me?

I'm not going to kindergarten?

No. Let's go somewhere nicer.

Then I'm going to pack my toys.

- What is it? / - They said not to send him...

Because there are reporters.

The parents are complaining,

so they want us to transfer him out.

How could they do that?

He started beating me up!

He grabbed a 6-year-old child and pulled out his hair.

Please find out who paid him and how much

he was paid.

Why did you do such a thing?

The kid was so cute...

Tell the truth!

You did it to give it to a reporter.

Look. Even still, you can't beat someone up.

Imagine if that happened to your son.

Son? As if.

Isn't Kang Hyeongi of YB his real father?

Why you little...


How dare you spew garbage like that?

What is it?

This punk paid a cleaning lady to steal my DNA.

- Punish him. / - You should've called the police.

How dare you bring him here?

Look. You have no proof.

Your accomplice was caught in the act.

What do you mean?

He pulled out Gayeong's son's hair.

How would you feel if that happened to Songi?

Why you wicked scumbags.

You need to take responsibility this time.

You just watched the group's image being tarnished.

Morris' agent, James Jang, caught his accomplice

and was taken to the police.

You'll fix that for him, right?

Call the legal department.

Thanks to you, the company is a big mess.

Chairman Jeong wants to see you.

I have something more urgent to tend to.

How's Yunsu?

You're so good.



Were you scared earlier?

You punished that bad man, right?

Good job.

I'm not going to kindergarten today.


Then should we go somewhere and play?

Is that okay?

Of course, it's okay.

Let them take our pictures.

Let's go.

Let's go!

For more infomation >> Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.81 [SUB: ENG, CHN/2018.12.05] - Duration: 33:21.


Ceaser Replaces Sky w/ Tati 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:17.


(woman) There's a roach on the wall right by y'all head.

Kill it!


(woman) Oh, my God!

Yo, somebody kill that (bleep), man.

I'm not killing that (bleep) with my shoe.

You know, the last time I killed a roach,

I'm past that.


(Donna) This is not acceptable.

We having a staff meeting.

We need to talk about these roaches.

Of course, there's a (bleep) cockroach on the wall.

This place is full of bad (bleep) juju.

First Mel left. And now Sky is fired?

I don't know why everyone's so upset about it.

Nobody's ever really fired from Black Ink.

Cease is probably having this mandatory meeting today

to tell us that Sky is coming back.

(door buzzes)

Yeah, what up, y'all?

How y'all doing?

Why y'all so quiet?

We just wanna know like what this meeting's about.

Have you spoke to Sky?

What are we talking about Sky for anymore?

What's going on with that?

I mean, that's your sister.

Like I just wanted to know...



Yeah, your sister doesn't betray you

and open up a shop behind your back.

Matter of fact, from this day on,

we ain't even gonna talk about Sky no more.

What?! I didn't see that coming.

(Ceaser) There's gonna be some changes around here.

Tati, you've been a manager in training.

Well, I'm gonna promote you one step beyond manager.

Tati, you the VP of this whole shop.

You over all these mother(bleep)...


(man) Wait, wait, wait. What?

Hold on a second. You heard that!

What does that mean?

That means she can fire any one of y'all stupid asses.

(Ceaser) You know, Tati's all about the business.

She gives me that respect as a boss.

I don't even know why I didn't promote her ass sooner.

And as a bonus, I get to give Tati

a higher position than Sky ever (bleep) had.

That's called karma, bitch.


For more infomation >> Ceaser Replaces Sky w/ Tati 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:17.


고양이에게 새로운 애착인형을 사준다면 반응은?! - Duration: 5:40.


Aww cute. Look at his face.

What do you want?

Old toy...

This octopus toy is the favorite toy to Chobee when he's young.

He'll come back soon.

Just happens.

Mr. Chobee is coming.

Mommy buy a new octopus toy.

Chobee- Here is a new toy.

He's curious about it.

Chobee, do you like it?

Aww what's this?

Chobee shows interests on unopened toy.

I didn't open yet.

Chobee, do you like the octopus toy?

Chobee, do you like the octopus toy?

Do you know what it is?

How does he know it?

Ta-da- Look! Chobee!

New! Octopus! Toy!

He likes it.

Does it include Catnip?

I think so.

But he still likes the old one. I think Catnip flavor was gone long time ago.

That's true.


I think he likes this shape.

Anyway, this is new one.

His nose turns red.

Chobee- New one has clear color.


He really likes it.

He's sniffing a lot.

Do you love it? / He loves it.

You love it-

Chobee is so happy.

Chobee is happy-

I wanna try new toy vs old toy.

Where is the old octopus toy?

Over there.

Chobee- New toy vs old toy.

What's it?

Oh, old toy is left out!

Left out-


He's confused.

Here Chobee-

What do you want?

Old toy / New toy

New one has more clear color.

Old one's eye looks sad.

Oh! Do you like the old one?

Ah! New toy has a mouth.

Old toy might have one... Uh..

He's taking it.

He's taking the new toy.

Old toy is left out-

Poor old toy..

He really likes the new one. We would buy it long time ago.

Right. I thought he likes "this" toy, not the octopus toy.


I think this is only favorite toy.

Chobee likes the "octopus toy". We though he likes "this" toy.

Chobee is happy.

Chobee- Mommy bought the toy.

Please remember- Mommy gives it to you.

Looks like the new one is not soft to bite.

Choee's going-

It's heavy.

New one is heavy.

Ah we need to remove the stick.

He's going away.

Chobee, are you happy?



He really likes it.

Chobee is so happy.

Chobee, please remember mommy bought it.

Chobee, I have more gifts for you.

Chobee does not need other gifts.

Let's try new toy vs old toy one more time.


What happens?

Looks like something is dropped.


Aww you scared?


Aww there there.

Chobee, look.

He likes mommy- Mommy gives you the new toy?

New toy / old toy

He doesn't care the old one.

Oh he's considering.

Which one do you like?

You like the new one.

Clear choice!

But it's little bit heavy.

He chose the new one without hesitance.

Poor old toy-

Chobee still likes the old toy in night.


For more infomation >> 고양이에게 새로운 애착인형을 사준다면 반응은?! - Duration: 5:40.


My Favorite Books of the Last 10 Years - Duration: 16:40.

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and I am one of the contributing editors over at book riot.

Today's video is inspired by an email that was sent out by Jenn

Northington who works for book riot. So if you are a part of book riot insiders,

which there will be link to that down in the description, you get monthly emails

from different people who work at book riot. And so in November, Jenn sent out an

email and she did a list of her favorite books from the past decade. And I

really like that idea. And when I was going through her email and like reading

about the books that she has loved over the past ten years, I realized that I

could also do this myself. I've been on Goodreads since 2007. 2007? Yeah, around

then, six, seven, something like that. And so I have kept track of all the books

that I've read for the past decade, which is crazy to think about. And I also have

the benefit of one, creating a favorite shelf. So I can easily like go back and

see all the books I marked as favorites from previous years. And two, I very rarely

give 5 star ratings on Goodreads. And so basically what I did is I went back to

2008 and I found what books I marked as 5 stars in every year since that point.

I had one five star book every single year but there were a couple of years where

there were two or three. And so I basically picked the one that I think

is my favorite from that year out of those few recommendations. But for the most part,

it was only ever like one book that I gave a five star rating to. People

ask me like when I'm talking about books like why I only gave a book four

stars versus five stars and it's because there's that something special that

there's nothing the author really could have done to make it a five star book a

lot of times. But it was just like that perfect timing, perfect book sort of

situation. And those books end up leaving a lasting impression on me

to the point where like even today when I was picking out these books for this

video, I still have very strong memories of reading that book and that time

period in my life. So yes, what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go from the oldest

book to the newest and just talk about my favorite books of the past decade.

So the first one that I have is one that when I

saw was my pick for 2008, oh man, it warmed my heart a little bit. It's

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. Anyone who knows me knows I adore

Jhumpa Lahiri and this is my favorite book from her. She won the Pulitzer Prize

for interpreter of maladies but honestly I love this collection so much more.

These short stories are on the longer side for short stories. I think there's

like six. There are eight stories in here and they-- and this book is around 300

pages long. So yeah, these stories are a little bit on the longer side which

means that there's like more detail and all these different things to them. But I

like distinctly remember being in college picking up this book and like

reading some of the stories and just like bawling my eyes out. They're

beautiful and moving and if you haven't read Jhumpa Lahiri before, this is a great

place to start with her. Or if you think you are someone who doesn't like short

story collections, I highly recommend this one because I consider myself

someone who has a hard time with short story collections. But this one is

amazing. Alright for 2009 I have A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled

Hosseini. I don't think I need to talk about this one very much. I know some

people who didn't like this book as much as The Kite Runner but I think a lot of

people were expecting The Kite Runner like part two or something along those

lines when they picked up this book. And I think that if you just take it for

what it is, this is a really beautiful, really moving book as you would expect

from Khaled Hosseini. But yeah, I can't imagine anyone here who hasn't given his

books a shot yet. So yeah, Thousand Splendid Suns, I loved it so much.

Alright for 2010 I have the war for late night by Bill Carter. This is one of those

books that was like the perfect book at the perfect time thing. Because when I

was in college I was like super obsessed with network television. And not just

like the TV shows that were on, but like I wanted to almost become a network

executive and like be the person who handled programming. Like I loved seeing

the schedules come out and to see how different networks were changing things

up in order to get better ratings and what shows got picked up and which shows

that canceled then I love that whole sort of puzzle and game and everything

along those lines. Also, I was obsessed with Conan O'Brien. And so when he was on

late night with Conan O'Brien, I watched them any

chance I could. And then I was super excited when he got switched over to

late night and then-- or not late night, when he got switched over to the Tonight

Show. And then this whole drama occurred where there was like this fight for The

Tonight Show between Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno. This book has all of the

information you need to know about that. Bill Carter is a fantastic journalist.

He writes or he writes a lot for the New York Times now I think. He also did a

book called the late shift which was about the whole kerfuffle between Jay

Leno and David Letterman when Jay Leno got The Tonight Show originally. He also

has another book called desperate networks which I've read which has to do

with like network television's like big shift back in like 2005 I want to say

now when like Lost was on the air and Desperate Housewives were on the air.

When NBC was like this huge network and ABC ended up grabbing the reins from

them and all of these different things. Like I was so into all of that stuff. Now

television is just a completely different landscape and world and none

of those things matter anymore. But yes, so this is a fantastic book all about the

Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno kerfuffle and it's fantastically done. The amount of

information Bill Carter was able to get from people, like people trust him. He

does a good job. Like he's very fair and his reporting and analysis and things

like that. I don't know if this book holds up unless you are someone who

again like me, really enjoys network television and like drama, behind the

scenes drama like this. But yeah, it's really well done. I love it a lot. I mean,

I read the Leno-Letterman one way after it all happened and I still

thought it interesting. All right for 2011 I have a very popular book and that

is the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. This is a book that I, to

this day, am still recommending to people, especially if they are someone

who thinks that they don't like nonfiction books. This is a great

non-fiction book that I think anyone in the world would enjoy. I also recommend

this book a lot to my friends because a lot of my friends work in the medical

field and so they are aware of HeLa cells but they don't know necessarily

this whole history behind them all the time. So yeah, in case you aren't aware,

this follows the story of how back in the 50s, yeah, Henrietta Lacks was

having a procedure done. She was this black woman. She was having a procedure

done. Some doctors took some of her cancerous cells from her and like kept

them to use in the lab and they didn't ask for her consent or anything like

that because it was the 50s and she was black woman. Her cells were so

extraordinary that they would reproduce so quickly that doctors and scientists

were able to get results on different experiments really fast using her cells.

And to this day HeLa cells are still being used in labs by scientists and

doctors. And Henrietta Lacks never knew, her family never knew. She never got any

sort of compensation even though her cells were used for medications and in

different pharmaceutical things and for different companies and all these

different things. So this is a fantastic report about how all that happened, why

it was allowed to happen, and what's been done since then. Yeah, if you haven't read

this book yet for some reason, highly, highly, highly recommend it. Especially if

you're someone who thinks that they don't like nonfiction, I think this will

change your mind. All right the next book that I have is

one that I, again, just really loved but I also feel really weird saying that I

love it a lot because it's a really disturbing book and it's the devil all

the time by Donald Ray Pollock. This is a book I picked up completely on a whim.

I remember being at Barnes & Noble and just seeing this on a table and like

just picking it up being like, "oh, this sounds interesting." And then I took it

home and it was just like [explosion sound] Like this book is so dark and so disturbing. And so when

I'm recommending this book to people, I have to give them that warning and be

like, look this book is messed up but it's so well written and you're not

going to be able to put it down. Like there are serial killers in here, there

is rape, violent, is extremely graphic, like all of that stuff happens

in here. But this book is so well written. Like I've read Donald Ray Pollock's other

books but this one is still, by far, the best in my opinion. um You are following

I think it's three different characters and all of them are completely messed up.

But if you can handle like dark and disturbing books, you have to pick up the

devil all the time. It's so well written and so well done. But if you cannot

handle dark and disturbing books, stay away. All right next one is

one that I know is kind of a universal favorite. So for 2013 my pick is Where'd

You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple. If you can see, my copy is super beat-up

because I have lent this book out to almost everyone I know. I adored this

book. I remember reading this entire thing in basically one day because I

could not put it down. I thought it was so smart, so funny. Maria Semple wrote for

a bunch of different comedies including Arrested Development. And when you like

read this book and you know that, you can see the connection. So if you like

that sense of humor, you'll like the sense of humor in here. I don't think I need to

say a whole lot about this book because I feel like everyone and their mother at

this point has basically read this book. But if you're looking for a light, funny

read, but funny in terms of like Arrested Development funny specifically, where'd

you go Bernadette I think is hilarious. And like legitimately everyone I've

given this book to you has adored it. Alright 2014 was one of those years

where I had like three five-star books because I also read brown girl dreaming

and Station Eleven that year. But the book that I'm picking for this because I

think it's the one that I still think about is The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld.

And part of the reason why I still think about and talk about this book is

because I still feel like it's pretty underrated. In this book you are

following this unnamed lady prison investigator and she works with people

who are on death row to try to get them off of death row. And so she comes across

this one prisoner who is refusing her help. And she's like really confused

because she doesn't understand like why he doesn't want to get off of death row.

This story is kind of like an exploration of her past, an exploration

of his past, as well as a couple of the other people who like work in and around

the jail. This is a really short book but it's a really impactful book. There is a

little bit of like magical realism in this book. So just be forewarned of that.

But I feel like it's relatively, I don't want to say self-explanatory, but I feel

like it all works really well together. This book is really, really beautiful, but

it does tackle some dark topics. And I think that's part of the reason why I

like it, is because it handles these dark topics in a way that's like your heart

broken while reading this book. But it's just like so beautiful and so well

handled. And Rene Denfeld works as a prison investigator herself.

And so it feels a little bit like she's pulling from her own experiences and

things like that for this book. And you can feel the heart for these people when

you're reading this book. Alright my 2015 pick is a book that I don't have on me

because I have lent it to a friend because, again, I love that book so much

and it's one that I recommend constantly. And that is signal to noise by silvia

moreno garcia. This was another one of those books that

I picked up completely on a whim. I think I may have heard someone talking about

it over on book riot at some point. But I just remember like getting it from the

library and being completely blown away by it. It takes place in like 1980s in

Mexico City, I believe. It takes place in a major city in Mexico. You are following

this main character and her two best friends and she finds out that she has

like the ability to conjure magic. But it's a very like low fantasy sort of

book. So it's not like they're in a completely different world. Like it feels

very much like they're in our world but they're able to sort of like do these

small little magic things. And obviously that has impacts on the way that they're

living their lives and you sort of flash forward to the future and you find out

that the three of them aren't friends anymore and you see sort of what

happened in their relationship. It's a really, really well handled book about

like what it's really like to be an angsty teenager. I know some people

didn't like this book because they found the main character to be a little bit

annoying, which I understand. But also I feel like that's just how teenagers are.

But yeah, like I said, I'm constantly recommending that book to people, still

constantly giving my copy away to my friends so that way they can read it.

And again, it's another one where I feel like the vast majority of people who I give

this book to end up loving it. Alright for 2016, I have a little bit of a

literary darling and that is homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. This book, again, completely

blew me away. I actually got an ARC copy of this book and I remember reading it

and being like, this is gonna be my favorite book of the year for sure.

In case you haven't heard all of us talked about this already over the past couple

of years, this book takes place over 300 years. You started off with these two

half sisters living in Ghana. One of them ends up getting taken into slavery

and sent over to the United States. The other one ends up marrying an English

slave owner and staying in Ghana. And you follow a generation down every chapter.

And the way that Yaa Gyasi's able to weave these stories together is

brilliantly done. I'm someone who generally doesn't like books that have

multiple perspectives because it feels like you don't really get to sink your

teeth into the story. But because there's enough time overlap between all the

different chapters, you still feel like you're getting bits and pieces of these

characters histories and futures while going down through the generations.

And the way that it all ties up together, I think was really, really well handled.

I think some people have a little bit of quibble with the ending. But overall I

mean I love this book so, so much. I was just very surprised by how much Yaa

Gyasi was able to pack into a book that's like only around 300 pages. And

finally, for my 2017 pick, it was a back list book but it was, again, one of

those books that I read at the perfect time. And that's we gon' be alright:

notes on race and resegregation by Jeff Chang. I was in Madison, Wisconsin when

there was, I think it was the white supremacists marching in North Carolina

or something along those lines like the dudes with the tiki torches, and I was

like on vacation. And I was just like, I can't deal with this right now. And I

remember being-- going to the bookstore, seeing this book and being like, yeah, I'm

gonna, I'm gonna read this right now. And this book was just like the perfect book

at the perfect time, again. This is a really, really well-done nonfiction book

that talks about, obviously, race and resegregation. It connects all of these

different events of the recent past from like black lives matters to Oscar so

white to looking at the ways that our cities and neighborhoods are resegregation.

It looks at the recent protests from Ferguson to Washington DC. It just sort of like

creates this link about how this is a thing that has been building and how

this didn't just pop up out of nowhere. Like there were hints of this in the

past and we can see sort of how everything's been moving towards this

point. But it doesn't leave you completely hopeless either, like the last

chapter is full of hope and is about the work that can be done in order to

fix what we're seeing in our society today. So yes, if you haven't read this

yet, highly recommend it. It's super tiny. So it doesn't take very long to read but

I like took my time with it because there's so much great information here.

I didn't want to rush through it. So those are my favorite books of the past decade.

I didn't talk about the one from this year because, even though it's December,

there's still technically time left for a book to become my favorite of the year.

So I don't like to pick my favorites until like literally the last minute. All

right, so that's everything that I have for you guys. Leave me a comment down

below letting me know if you've read any of these books and if any of these are

on your favorites list. I think it's kind of fun, especially like when you have

like the record of all the books that you read, to go through and see what some

of the books you've loved in the past are. Especially the farther cast when you

might not remember that you read it in a certain year or something like that or

you like pick up a book and you remember the situations that you were in when you

were reading that book. Stuff like that I always really, really loved. So yeah,

that's all for this week and I will see you guys next week. Bye.

For more infomation >> My Favorite Books of the Last 10 Years - Duration: 16:40.


7 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 7 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries - Duration: 3:39.


ப்ளீஸ் சார் விட்டுடுங்க அதெல்லாம் பரவாயில்லை நான் பாத்துக்குறேன் | Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> ப்ளீஸ் சார் விட்டுடுங்க அதெல்லாம் பரவாயில்லை நான் பாத்துக்குறேன் | Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 1:30.


iZap4u | Zap #220 (Short edit) - 2018 - Duration: 33:15.


For more infomation >> iZap4u | Zap #220 (Short edit) - 2018 - Duration: 33:15.


محاولة صيد شاهين وطير حر /لما الطير ما يقيمك ولو بنظره - Duration: 3:34.

There is a hawk over the communications tower

He saw it above the tower

I will put his food above the surface of the shop

I hope that I will spend in his captivity

The falcon still above the tower fell on the bait and did not catch

So we will move the cage to him

This is the bait

That is the falcon

For more infomation >> محاولة صيد شاهين وطير حر /لما الطير ما يقيمك ولو بنظره - Duration: 3:34.



For more infomation >> 1000 РУБЛЕЙ КАЖДОМУ ПОДПИСЧИКУ, КОТОРЫЙ СПРЯЧЕТСЯ В КС ГО // ПРЯТКИ В CS:GO - Duration: 9:30.


Cynthia Hughes | Changing The World | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 2:21.

Hi I'm Cynthia Hughes. I live in Santa Barbara, CA and I've been giving to Orphan's Promise for 10 years.

It started with my adopted daughter, Elena. We wanted to help

individual orphans and it's very difficult to sponsor individual orphans.

And then I was introduced to Orphan's Promise, and one donation gets spread

across an entire orphanage. You can make a very large impact, not just one

child, but an entire group of children. And then you see the changes in all of

those lives, and it became more impactful than just sponsoring one child at a time.

They're stewards. They they look at the

money as if it's their own. I completely trust

their discretion and their oversight and the wisdom, and it all comes from the top,

from Terry. She sets the pace. She's a Godly woman that wants to change the

world. And her vision is what inspires the staff, and then as an OP partner you

grab the vision and you become part of what she started and it's so rewarding.

There was a little boy named Roger in Peru and we were able to see the video

of how his life was changed, and so we all saw Roger before we were able to go

to the House of Hope in Peru. And my son was about the same age when we visited,

and to see Mark playing with soccer balls and running around with this

little boy that's life has changed, it was really overwhelming. Just deeply

touching. If you give to Orphan's Promise, you think you're helping other

children...You end up getting so many blessings in return!

God blesses your family in ways that you would never imagine. For instance, our

home was just burned from the Thomas fire in California and we had many, many

trees destroyed and I was talking with my son, Mark, about well we're going to be

replacing some things and he tells me, "but mom, that money could go towards an

orphanage. And for him to think in that way is a blessing. He's looking at

everything he spends in a different way now and that's an impact on our family

that everyone should have. If you're blessed then this is a blessing that's eternal.

For more infomation >> Cynthia Hughes | Changing The World | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 2:21.


Are Cardi B and Offset over? - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Are Cardi B and Offset over? - Duration: 0:57.


Cardi B says Offset and her are done - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Cardi B says Offset and her are done - Duration: 1:47.


[도환시 ATTACK] B#8 길도환 (KIL DOHWAN) l YG보석함 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> [도환시 ATTACK] B#8 길도환 (KIL DOHWAN) l YG보석함 - Duration: 0:52.


BTS ranked 8th on Billboard's 2018 Top Artist list - Duration: 0:32.

Global K-pop sensation BTS made it into the top 10 of Billboard's 2018 Top Artist list.

The boys ranked 8th in the Billboard Top Artist charts released on Tuesday, U.S local time,

with Drake topping the list followed by Post Malone, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and Cardi

B. Three BTS albums also made it into the year-end

Billboard 200 Albums list.

2018 has been a hugely successful year for K-pop group, which topped the Billboard 200

main album chart twice and embarked on a major world tour.

For more infomation >> BTS ranked 8th on Billboard's 2018 Top Artist list - Duration: 0:32.


Comparativa: Ford Fiesta contra VW Polo (2018) | ¿Cuál es mejor (para ti)? | Autoscout24 - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> Comparativa: Ford Fiesta contra VW Polo (2018) | ¿Cuál es mejor (para ti)? | Autoscout24 - Duration: 11:19.


"Rolnik szuka żony 5": Marek przeżył wielkie rozczarowanie. "To bardzo uczuciowy facet" - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> "Rolnik szuka żony 5": Marek przeżył wielkie rozczarowanie. "To bardzo uczuciowy facet" - Duration: 4:46.


Treinen & Trams Varkenoordseviaduct Rotterdam (5 december) - Duration: 3:09.

Rotterdam zuid

For more infomation >> Treinen & Trams Varkenoordseviaduct Rotterdam (5 december) - Duration: 3:09.


Pregnancy Week By Week : The Ultimate Video Check List - Duration: 8:53.

Whether you're trying to conceive, you've just found out you're pregnant or whether

you're in your later stage of pregnancy, you're going to be overloaded with advice and information!

Friendly neighbours, your best friend that's never been pregnant herself and even random

strangers will offer their expert advice!

That's why I am here with you in my 34th week of pregnancy.

I have researched a lot and have come up with a week by week guide which has a lot of information

out for, what you need to avoid and so much more!

I will give you all those handy tips that I've learnt over the course of my pregnancy.


Lets get started!

Weeks 1 to 3 If you're trying to conceive, here are a

few things to keep in mind.

Start taking a daily prenatal vitamin this will help prevent neural-tube defects, such

as spina bifida.

Also alcohol and cigarettes are a big no no.

I recommend exercising for 30 minutes a day.

If you find out any early pregnancy signs buy a home pregnancy test.

Week 4 - 5 Congratulations, you're pregnant!

Now is when the real journey begins!

You may start to feel bloated, crampy, tired and moody, and experiencing sore breasts,

nausea/vomiting and a frequent need to pee.

Pregnant women are at greater risk of influenza virus

This is a good time Get a journal or memory book to record milestones.


Week 6 -7


morning sickness may be worsening.

Or, you may be hungry 24/7.

If you're nauseated, try eating several small meals throughout the day.

Pro Tip: Buy a belly band to extend the life of your pants.

Week 8

Kegel exercises or Yoga should be a part of your daily routine.

I have followed a lot of youtube videos

And I will provide the link in the description below

At this time in the pregnancy you also experience heartburn

Keep your antacids ready

Week 9:

Week 9 is when you need to get a prenatal test done.

These tests are useful to check for genetic issues like down syndrome.

Even today, it is not mandatory to get these tests done in some hospitals in India.

I am glad my gynecologist recommended it to me.

My gynaecologist chose LifeCell's prenatal screening program which offers a complete

panel of testing.

Weeks 10 to 12

Cravings also known as pica can reflect a deficiency in your diet.

Call your doctor if you're experiencing pica.

Moisturize your belly, hips and thighs daily to prevent itchy, dry skin as it stretches.

Avoid anything that will create too much body heat.

Buy a body pillow for sleeping.

Week 13 to 15

After the end of the first trimester, you will start gaining weight fast.

Its a good time to start thinking about baby names

You could also start taking weekly pictures of your beautiful belly.

You'll start to feel your baby movements and kicks in the womb

A detailed ultrasound is carried out.

Week 17 to 21

Drink plenty of fluids, avoid coffee or tea which are diuretics during the day.

If you're feeling good, go out, watch movies, have dinner, be with your friends, or do whatever you want to do

Sign up for a child birthing class

Week 22

You may develop hemorrhoids and constipation.

Keep downing the fluids and fiber-rich foods, but talk to your doc before taking any laxatives

Avoid crossing your legs and long periods of sitting or standing, which may result in varicose veins

Week 23 - 24


Risk for gestational diabetes is high if you're above 30 have a family history of diabetes, or you are obese

Schedule an appointment for your glucose screen, which checks for gestational diabetes.

Look into childcare options if you're planning to return to work.

Get more comfortable maternity clothes

Week 25

You may be afflicted with heartburn and leg cramps, especially at night.

To help prevent cramps, stretch your legs, especially your calves, before going to bed.

Write a birth plan.

Look for a good paediatrician

Week 26 and 27

Welcome to the third trimester!

Braxton Hicks contractions usually start about now.

They feel like an intermittent tightening in your abdomen.

Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of true labor:

Ask your doctor about doing fetal kick counts, which help assess your baby's well-being.

If your fingers are swollen, take your rings off and store them in a safe place

You should also discuss stem cell banking.

I chose lifecell to properly store the umbilical cord as it contains vital cells that could

be useful for my baby & entire family in the future.

Week 30 to 34

You might find yourself increasingly breathless as your growing uterus crowds your diaphragm.

Keep exercising to build stamina, turn down the intensity if you feel out of breath.

Schedule weekly doctor appointments

If you feel the baby movements have decreased, inform your doctor

Take breastfeeding classes

Buy an infant car seat which is compatible with the car harness

Make sure your doctor tests you for Group B strep between 35 and 37 weeks.

Consider doing perineal massage daily in preparation for labor.

The baby may drop lower into your pelvis in preparation for delivery.

This should make it easier to breathe—yet your pee breaks will become ever more frequent.

Review your birth plan with your doctor, and family members.

Week 37

Your breasts may be leaking colostrum—your baby's first food.

If this isn't your first pregnancy make sure your other kids are aware

Plan for your first few weeks with baby by cooking and freezing a few nights' or weeks'

worth of dinners.Stock up on diapers and formula.

Your pregnancy is considered full-term.

Pack your bag.


You need to go to the hospital when your contractions occur every five to 10 minutes

Practice any relaxation or breathing techniques you've learned.

Discuss with your partner the option of cutting the umbilical cord.

If your labour has started, start timing your contractions.

Buy a few cold packs and keep them ready

If youre two weeks past your due date most doctors will induce labor by then

So, there you have it!

A comprehensive, week by week guide to help you through your pregnancy!

Thank you so much for joining us doctor!

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Thank you so much for watching!

Make sure to give it a thumbs up if you found it useful.

Also make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you can stay up to date

with all the latest videos from us here at Momjunction!

For more infomation >> Pregnancy Week By Week : The Ultimate Video Check List - Duration: 8:53.


181127 张杰明年巡演方案疑似曝光 明年3月初或举办首站演唱会 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 181127 张杰明年巡演方案疑似曝光 明年3月初或举办首站演唱会 - Duration: 1:01.


陈赫爸爸地震只管狗,他被爸妈爆料,这些明星爸妈们的"神操作" - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> 陈赫爸爸地震只管狗,他被爸妈爆料,这些明星爸妈们的"神操作" - Duration: 7:10.


UN falling short in N. Korea aid for 2019; needs US$ 111 million - Duration: 0:37.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says aid to North

Korea next year will require some 1-hundred-and-11 million U.S. dollars, and so far they've got

less than a quarter of that.

According to its "Global Humanitarian Overview 2019," the estimated amount is similar to

this year's figures... aimed at helping about 6 million people in the regime.

It reported that while the sanctions on Pyeongyang have exceptions for humanitarian assistance,...

such work has been distrupted by the North's cutoff from the banking system, a breakdown

in the supply chain and delays in transporting goods to the North.

For more infomation >> UN falling short in N. Korea aid for 2019; needs US$ 111 million - Duration: 0:37.


For more infomation >> UN falling short in N. Korea aid for 2019; needs US$ 111 million - Duration: 0:37.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk N-Connecta *Navigatie*NEW MODEL* - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk N-Connecta *Navigatie*NEW MODEL* - Duration: 1:06.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk N-Connecta *Navigatie*NEW MODEL* - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> LA MORT OU TCHITCHI !? - GARRY'S MOD DARKRP - Duration: 18:51.


For more infomation >> LA MORT OU TCHITCHI !? - GARRY'S MOD DARKRP - Duration: 18:51.


GATEAU FACILE FOURRÉ FONDANT Recette cuisine marocaine - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> GATEAU FACILE FOURRÉ FONDANT Recette cuisine marocaine - Duration: 10:19.


For more infomation >> GATEAU FACILE FOURRÉ FONDANT Recette cuisine marocaine - Duration: 10:19.


SAVIEZ-VOUS? La Forme de votre NOMBRIL Dit des CHOSES sur Votre PERSONNALITÉ - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> SAVIEZ-VOUS? La Forme de votre NOMBRIL Dit des CHOSES sur Votre PERSONNALITÉ - Duration: 4:52.


For more infomation >> SAVIEZ-VOUS? La Forme de votre NOMBRIL Dit des CHOSES sur Votre PERSONNALITÉ - Duration: 4:52.


TVB男星被女粉絲控一夜情害懷孕!黃子恆喊冤:有做足安全措施 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> TVB男星被女粉絲控一夜情害懷孕!黃子恆喊冤:有做足安全措施 - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> TVB男星被女粉絲控一夜情害懷孕!黃子恆喊冤:有做足安全措施 - Duration: 3:14.


60歲馮小剛近照曝光,走路需要人攙扶,身體狀況不良讓人堪憂 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 60歲馮小剛近照曝光,走路需要人攙扶,身體狀況不良讓人堪憂 - Duration: 2:38.


For more infomation >> 60歲馮小剛近照曝光,走路需要人攙扶,身體狀況不良讓人堪憂 - Duration: 2:38.


ホンダ N-VAN vs ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ ! 徹底比較 - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> ホンダ N-VAN vs ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ ! 徹底比較 - Duration: 15:15.


For more infomation >> ホンダ N-VAN vs ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ ! 徹底比較 - Duration: 15:15.


VOYAGER AU BRÉSIL #3 | L'ARGENT - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> VOYAGER AU BRÉSIL #3 | L'ARGENT - Duration: 8:13.


For more infomation >> VOYAGER AU BRÉSIL #3 | L'ARGENT - Duration: 8:13.


Johnny Hallyday : son tacle à Sylvie Vartan, qui faisait tout pour l'éviter - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday : son tacle à Sylvie Vartan, qui faisait tout pour l'éviter - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday : son tacle à Sylvie Vartan, qui faisait tout pour l'éviter - Duration: 2:58.



For more infomation >> #3 RENARD LÉGENDAIRE : OÙ LE CHASSER ? RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 - Duration: 11:02.


For more infomation >> #3 RENARD LÉGENDAIRE : OÙ LE CHASSER ? RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 - Duration: 11:02.


Pourquoi elle a choisi de rencontrer l'homme qui a abusé d'elle sexuellement ! - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi elle a choisi de rencontrer l'homme qui a abusé d'elle sexuellement ! - Duration: 11:48.


For more infomation >> Pourquoi elle a choisi de rencontrer l'homme qui a abusé d'elle sexuellement ! - Duration: 11:48.


SOMS (Experimentele Film) - Duration: 3:36.



Sometimes I wonder

Why am I "I"

Why must I carry this heaviness

Why I?

I then want to drudge my feet in the earth

Scream into nothing,

Let my frustrations be carried by the wind

So I can make it known that I am here

That I am still here,

and that this is all that I can be

Sometimes I wonder

Why am I "I"

Why I think that I am me

Why I?

In those moments I realise that I am one with the wind

With the stars and the moon

That I am allowed to die

to be reborn into a new version of myself

That I am one with emptiness,

that I can frivolously be nothing,

and that it'll then be all

And then drudge in the earth again,

Eyes closed

and calmly breathe in.

Translated by Whitney Krens

For more infomation >> SOMS (Experimentele Film) - Duration: 3:36.


For more infomation >> SOMS (Experimentele Film) - Duration: 3:36.


Net Worth Update | $400k in Debt | December (2018) - Duration: 1:23.

hey everyone this is Johnny from YOLO fire just a quick video on my net

worth statement as of December 1st 2018 if you want to follow along my journey

to achieving fire please subscribe to my channel Here's a screenshot of my

personal capital dashboard and as you can see I have a net worth of negative

158 thousand we have assets of 242 thousand, liabilities of 400,000 as you can see my

cash balance is higher than usual some of that is from the transfer over from

Robin Hood after I pay my speeding ticket I will deposit more into tasty

works and my investment account is in 200-something range that includes my m1

finance and stash accounts I will and the tasty work to that soon I guess they

just added I recently to link up the tastyworks account credit card

balances in the 12,000 range paid off one small one and my loans are three

hundred eighty seven thousand my mortgage is minus 157 K and change

student loans are at 230 and change my other assets include my guns and my

rental property which is obviously the bulk of that and that has gone down a

little my loans have gone up due to the interest on the student loans so my net

worth has gone down from last month just under a thousand dollars alright thanks

for watching see you back here next month for another net worth update


For more infomation >> Net Worth Update | $400k in Debt | December (2018) - Duration: 1:23.


For more infomation >> Net Worth Update | $400k in Debt | December (2018) - Duration: 1:23.


Clean your Email Lists for better ROI, get 100 leads cleaned free today

For more infomation >> Clean your Email Lists for better ROI, get 100 leads cleaned free today


ナウ・アイム・ヒア 字幕和訳付き クイーン Now I'm Here Queen Live At The Rainbow '74 Lyrics Remastered - Duration: 5:43.

Here I stand

Look around around around around around

But you won't see me

Now I'm here

Now I'm there

I'm just a


Yes you made me live again

A baby I was when you took my hand

And the light of the night burned bright

The people all stared didn't understand

But you new my name on sight

Ooh whatever came of you and me

America's new bride to be

Don't worry baby I'm safe and sound

Down in the dungeon just peaches 'n' me

Don't I love her so

Yes you made me live again, yeah

Ooh, a thin moon me in a smoke-screen sky

Where the beams of your lovelight chase

Don't move, don't speak,

don't feel no pain

With the rain running down my face

Your matches still light up the sky

And many a tear lives on in my eye

Down in the city just Hoople 'n' me

Don't I love him so

Whatever comes of you and me

I love to leave my memory

with you

Now I'm here

Think I'll stay around around around around around around

Down in the city justa you 'n' me

caption : Nekoaruki

For more infomation >> ナウ・アイム・ヒア 字幕和訳付き クイーン Now I'm Here Queen Live At The Rainbow '74 Lyrics Remastered - Duration: 5:43.


M-1王者・霜降り明星「THE MANZAI」緊急参戦!M―1と違うネタ披露へ - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> M-1王者・霜降り明星「THE MANZAI」緊急参戦!M―1と違うネタ披露へ - Duration: 2:44.


M―1優勝「霜降り明星」が"お笑い界の貴景勝"と呼ばれるワケ - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> M―1優勝「霜降り明星」が"お笑い界の貴景勝"と呼ばれるワケ - Duration: 3:18.


霜降り明星『THE MANZAI』に緊急参戦 『M-1』とは別ネタで勝負「夢の舞台に立てた」 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 霜降り明星『THE MANZAI』に緊急参戦 『M-1』とは別ネタで勝負「夢の舞台に立てた」 - Duration: 4:53.


上沼恵美子、M-1審査員"引退宣言"のワケ オール巨人の「現役感」にギャップ 出場者として「出たい」発言も - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 上沼恵美子、M-1審査員"引退宣言"のワケ オール巨人の「現役感」にギャップ 出場者として「出たい」発言も - Duration: 3:46.


ESOcast 187 Light: First Light for SPECULOOS - Duration: 1:33.

First Light for SPECULOOS

A new quartet of planet-hunting telescopes is ready to begin operations at ESO's Paranal Observatory.

The SPECULOOS project has made its first observations at a site in northern Chile...

...also home to ESO's Very Large Telescope.

SPECULOOS, named after the delicious spiced biscuit, is the Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars.

The project's four telescopes will search for Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of nearby brown dwarfs and ultra-cool stars.

With one thousand stars to study, astronomers expect to find a host of new planetary neighbours...

...and to learn more about these fascinating alien worlds.

Transcribed by ESO; Translated by —

For more infomation >> ESOcast 187 Light: First Light for SPECULOOS - Duration: 1:33.


Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION - Falling Down - Duration: 3:17.

Yo let's do that song for Peep

Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around

Shit don't feel the same when you're out of town

'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling down

'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling down

Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around

Shit don't feel the same when you're out of town

'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling down

Rain keeps falling, tears keep falling Rain keeps falling, tears keep falling

Darling, your love is like walking a bed of nails

And I just can't keep on fighting 'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling

down (falling down) (Ooh, ooh)

Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around (I'm not around)

(Ooh, ooh) Shit don't feel the same when you're out of

town (Ooh, ooh)

So 'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling down

(Ooh, ooh) His name will live, brother

Bro, I got, I feel hella shitty because it's like, yo

Like, if I would have known he was so cool And it's like, yo, if I would have watched

interviews sooner, bro, we were so alike It's unfortunate because it's like, yo, when

people die, that's when you're there, you know?

'Cause your remorse kinda makes you check 'em out

Darling, your love is like walking a bed of nails

And I just can't keep on fighting 'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling

down (falling down) (Ooh, ooh)

Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around (I'm not around)

(Ooh, ooh) Shit don't feel the same when you're out of

town (out of town) (Ooh, ooh)

'Ko, let's watch the rain as it's falling down (Ooh, ooh)

For more infomation >> Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION - Falling Down - Duration: 3:17.


Spinach Waffles with Salmon, Cream Cheese & Avocado | Low Carb Recipes | In Carina's Kitchen - Duration: 4:21.

In Carina's Kitchen: Green Spinach Waffles with Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese and Avocado. Great low carb lunch option!

Start by cracking 3 eggs. I'm using the back of a table knife just to make sure I have a cleaner break for the video.

But before you do this, you really should weigh out 150g of frozen spinach and let it defrost.

Nope, that was not a small piece shell you saw there. (I removed it after the shot)

In a bowl or blender add the following ingredients: 1 deciliter room temperature water

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 deciliters steel cut oats

3 eggs (no shell)

150g frozen spinach, weighed when frozen. Squeeze the spinach a little to get rid of some of the excess water. It's ok if there still is some left.

Blend with a hand mixer (or in a blender) until smooth

Meanwhile, heat up a waffle iron. Add half of the batter.

It's so pretty....

Cook until done. It won't really go brown or very crispy.

Set the waffle aside.

Repeat with the rest of the batter.

Once both waffles are done, you can start adding toppings. Here's an easy suggestion:

Smear on cream cheese.

Layer on smoked salmon...

...and sliced avocado.

Season with freshly ground black pepper.

Serve with lemon wedges. Fresh dill would be good too!

Enjoy and thank you for watching In Carina's Kitchen. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to let me know what you think!

For more infomation >> Spinach Waffles with Salmon, Cream Cheese & Avocado | Low Carb Recipes | In Carina's Kitchen - Duration: 4:21.


ТОП 3 НОВОГОДНИХ ДИЗАЙНА 2019 l НОВОГОДНИЙ ДИЗАЙН l New Years Nails - Duration: 23:34.

For more infomation >> ТОП 3 НОВОГОДНИХ ДИЗАЙНА 2019 l НОВОГОДНИЙ ДИЗАЙН l New Years Nails - Duration: 23:34.


Cotton Swabs Christmas Wreath Painting DIY - Duration: 5:50.

hello my pumpkins have an ART day! it's Olga here welcome to the world of

creativity and expressing ourselves holiday time is just coming in today's

video I'm showing you a simple DIY tutorial of how to paint the most

exquisite Christmas wreath with cotton swabs technique I'm not gonna tell you

how to do it because because you'll see the comments on the screen while I'm

telling you something interesting okay well as this video is a tutorial

and I am a teacher - I can't help telling you the origin of a Christmas

wreath there are a lot of different stories of how this wreaths appeared long

time ago the pagans used to braid wreaths out of evergreen conifer tree

twigs. the wreath was also made of holly it was put on Jesus Christ had before he

was crucified. there were trees origins from the ancient english word writhe

which means twist.

in the second and more truly story they say about the german

theologian Johann Wichern and he brought the foster children from the poor families

for living with him. the children often wondered when the Christmas was coming.

he was annoyed from these questions and decided to take the wooden wheel and

braid it it with four big white and nineteen little red candles. it was the

countdown till Christmas comes. he lit them one by one day by day till

Christmas Eve.

if you're watching this far into this video and if you're

following along with me make sure to leave a holiday emojii so the way I can

get you're with me at this moment!

In Germany people liked the idea of

decorating houses with this wreath. later the tradition came into Europe - in

England they thought this wreath frightens the evil spirits and salutes

the Christ. in Scandinavia it meant the end of the workday. it had meaning of

hospitality and readiness to celebrate. A round shape means the infinite life.

it is not surely approved if this tradition is pagan or Christian

maybe a bit of both. as for Russia we have such tradition too

but people sometimes decorate their houses with it.

As for me once I made the

Christmas wreath I took some carton and two blue and

silver tinsel I cut out the round shape with a hole

out of the carton and twisted the tinsel around it. I also made a little stocking

and put it on it. Guys I have this video where I'm doing it but it's really old

and a little awkward so if you'd like you may watch it I'll leave the link in

the infobox below

ok this is enough talking for today now

just enjoy watching

love you, my pumpkins! adios

For more infomation >> Cotton Swabs Christmas Wreath Painting DIY - Duration: 5:50.


事態収拾のキーマンは松っちゃん? 上沼批判騒動への「発言」に期待感 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 事態収拾のキーマンは松っちゃん? 上沼批判騒動への「発言」に期待感 - Duration: 1:59.


霜降り明星、大阪凱旋で泣きながら漫才 - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> 霜降り明星、大阪凱旋で泣きながら漫才 - Duration: 2:41.


Cover Mashup Max Hay - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Cover Mashup Max Hay - Duration: 5:43.


మకర రాశి డిసెంబరు 2018 | Rasi Phalalu December 2018 | Makara Rasi December 2018 |Capricorn Horoscope - Duration: 2:36.

For More Updates Please Subscribe

For more infomation >> మకర రాశి డిసెంబరు 2018 | Rasi Phalalu December 2018 | Makara Rasi December 2018 |Capricorn Horoscope - Duration: 2:36.


パラコードで柄・グリップの巻き方 Paracord Grip Wrap Reef knot(Square knot Ver.) - Duration: 4:40.

This time, I tried rolling the para cord in a handle / grip.

It can also be applied to outdoor tools such as knives and axes.

I would like to wind up on this handle.

This time, the para cord was cut at about 3 m 50 cm.

When cutting it folds in half.

Next, let through the back of the handle.

Introduction Make a loop with the right string,

Lower the string on the left,

Pass through the loop.

Now make a loop with the left string,

Lower the right string,

Pass through the loop.

This made the first stitch.

Next, turn over.

I will make a second stitch from here.

Make a loop with the left string,

Lower right, Pass through the loop.

Ring with a right string,

Lower the string on the left, Pass through the loop.

Turn it over again, I knit it.

For the third knitting method, It is the same as the first knitting method.

For the fourth time, we knit with the same knitting as the second time.

I will weave once and twice the first knitting method.

I knit it to the bottom.

Cut the extra part,

I will stop fraying with a writer etc.


The position of the knot, It is a point to adjust to the corner of the handle.

This video is also recommended.

Subscribe thank you.

Until the last minute, thank you for watching.

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