Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 2 2018

Forgive me.

I feel it again;

The pull to the Alt-Light.

The Internet senses it.

Show me again,

the power of misogyny...

...and I will let nothing stand in our way.

Show me...


...and I will finish...

...what you started.


(Oh no! They buried me alive!)

(Help me! I'm trapped in a coffin like Whitney Huston!)

(What the fuck?)

(I gotta get out of this goddamned coffin!)

(I gotta get out of this goddamned coffin!)

For more infomation >> I will finish... - Duration: 1:12.


Henri falls into evil ways - Duration: 2:42.



For God's sake.

Being unable to see Henri-kun skating anymore.


What sad Togepowower!

This is despair you created.

Like this... like this...

My future is no more.

I'll show you at first.

Order: Mou-Oshimaida!

Order your hope now!

Destroy everything.

This future!

Henri-kun, I'm sorry!

I don't know what I should say!

But, I can't leave you sad!

I might be selfish.

But, I want to cheer you up!

Stay away!

Don't come here!

You first deny anything, you know?

But, I know!

You'll hold our various feelings tightly if we face you seriously.

hold tightly?


We love you!

And we love us!


You must be having a very hard time!

But... but!

Destroying your own future.

Don't say that!

Hurrah, hurrah!

Hurrah, hurrah!

Ask your heart!

What do you...

What do you...

What do you want to be?!

What I want to be?

For more infomation >> Henri falls into evil ways - Duration: 2:42.


身患癌症的藝人,已有5人離世,最年輕的33歲,最後一位最可憐! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 身患癌症的藝人,已有5人離世,最年輕的33歲,最後一位最可憐! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 8:27.


Oregon man recalls chance meeting with George HW Bush - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Oregon man recalls chance meeting with George HW Bush - Duration: 2:54.


Новогодние и рождественские песни для детей: Гостья зима, Дед Мороз, В Лесу Родилась Елочка - Duration: 20:16.

For more infomation >> Новогодние и рождественские песни для детей: Гостья зима, Дед Мороз, В Лесу Родилась Елочка - Duration: 20:16.


EXPECTATION vs. REALITY!!! Siblings Brothers and Sisters! (CC Available) - Duration: 10:37.




Thanks Leo!


Hey wait, wait...

Leo, open the door...



I'm gonna go first

No, I'm first

You're older you have to let me go first


Hey Banh Bao!


Mom, Banh Bao has a boyfriend

Hey Leo, stop it!


Wow Leo!

Can I have some?

Thank you!


Give it to me...Give me some...



Ahhh...Who turn off the lights?



Hey...Who turn off the lights?


It's ok

High five! Good job!

Good game!

Let's keep playing






It's gonna be the best selfie ever



Hey Banh Bao, have something to eat?



Help me Leo!



Do you want to eat, Banh Bao?

What a chicken, Leo?

Where is he?

How dare you get in my house?

Leo, the superhero!

For more infomation >> EXPECTATION vs. REALITY!!! Siblings Brothers and Sisters! (CC Available) - Duration: 10:37.


Monterey Trail vs. Folsom D1 Section Championship - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Monterey Trail vs. Folsom D1 Section Championship - Duration: 1:38.


【張柏芝產下兒子】孩子爹的照片曝光!今年3月認識,是新加坡連鎖飲食集團股東! | 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> 【張柏芝產下兒子】孩子爹的照片曝光!今年3月認識,是新加坡連鎖飲食集團股東! | 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 9:39.


Late Saturday Night Weather Update December 1st, 2018 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Late Saturday Night Weather Update December 1st, 2018 - Duration: 4:21.


Macron : tous ses soutiens historiques qui doutent de lui aujourd'hui #part 2 - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Macron : tous ses soutiens historiques qui doutent de lui aujourd'hui #part 2 - Duration: 6:59.


A Day After College | UCLA毕业后的日常 - Duration: 13:21.

I'm gonna start doing my makeup now

I really like these two cushion foundation lately

this is from CLUBCLIO

this is from Joah Beauty

This is a US brand but inspired by K-beauty

They are sold at CVS

It's very very natural

Feels like nothing but a smooth filter on your skin

So today I'm not doing anything special other than picking up my diploma

So I'm not gonna do a full glam maleup

The eyebrow pencil i'm using today is

NYX professional micro brow pencil

It's very similiar to Anastasia Brow Wiz

But it only costs less than $10 and that costs more than $20


Eyeshadow today is from Visee

No. BR3

I'm gonna go out now

I just got a package

from Lilah Beauty

My friend works there

Their packaging is on point

I'm so excited to open it

They are a high end brand

The packaging is very delicate

IDK how to open this

It opens from here

so pretty omg

so pretty omg*2

It slides apart!

Anyways i'm gonna call Lyft now

calling lyft now

I just arrived at UCLA campus

This is UCLA Murphy Hall

Every graduation/course/registar related things we will go here to

I'm picking up my diploma here

I'm so confused rn

I can't find 1113

idk where to go

oh i found it!

I just got my diploma!

I could've picked it up during August

But I hella procrastinated

And I'm gonna introduce our campus

This is Royce Hall

This is Powell Library

This is like the center of the school

But I graduated

So i don't go to school anymore hiahiahia

These are the students and I used to be one of them

Now the school just started

so most people are still enthusiastic

it will slowly change as the quarter goes on loll

JK there are still lots of good students

That's John Wooden center

I always practice there

This is UCLA store

They have a lot of stuff to buy

Up there is Ackerman Union which has a lot of restaurants

This is called Bruin Plaza

from here we can go to dorm on that side

and this side is campus this is called Bruin Walk

I'm gonna go to Westwood from here

and go to UCLA extension

I just got out of campus

I just remembered I have two practices later tonight

We have a performance this Friday

I thought practice is tomorrow but it's today

So I have only 4 hours to do what I gotta do today

It's not a lot anyways

Main thing is I need to clean my room

I'm going to westwood rn

Chinese is 西木区

it's the safest neighbourhood in LA

BUT the rent is very expensive

So I'm not living here rn

Also about me

I just graduated from UCLA

And then..bc I took a Typography class at UCLA

I really enjoyed it

But I can't take more because I'm not a Design major

So I decided to take a design program at UCLA extension

Design Communication Art Program

They teach you everything about graphic design

I'm now gonna print some documents

Just finished printing and I'm gonna hand it in at UCLA extension

I went to the wrong building...

So I need to walk two more blocks

life is hard

I'm going to CVS on the way there

Finally found it

to cure my cold sore

Also gonna buy food while walking there


Wow it's not fully built yet

Just handed in the document

going to pick up the food I bought

I walked so much today

I got my beef roll and gonna call lyft to go home

Because I own too much makeup

So I put them into boxes

It looks messy

I finally finished cleaning my room

Now it's 5:30pm

I have practice at 6:30

I'm gonna organize my schedule for the week

I use this calendar from Amazon

It looks very simple

I also got some cute stickers from Michales

and I will use them to decorate my calendar

like this

The 6342968th time to call Lyft today

Going to practice now

I just got home from practice

It's 11:07pm rn

I'm gonna finish learning "Wow Thing"

I will film this cover with my friends tomorrow

So I have to finish today

Say hi~

But I'm gonna rest for a bit

Livelove polish sent me some nail polish to try

It's very pretty

I'm soooo tired rn after practice

I'm going to sleep now~

Good night everyone~

Don't forget to subscribe~

Good night~~

For more infomation >> A Day After College | UCLA毕业后的日常 - Duration: 13:21.


laulima giving day - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> laulima giving day - Duration: 3:03.


Justin Bieber's Wife 2018 - Duration: 3:22.

Justin Bieber's Wife

Wife: Hailey Rhode Baldwin (m. 2018)

Born: November 22, 1996 (age 22)

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber's Wife 2018 - Duration: 3:22.


50歲翁虹老公身份曝光,背景強大財力雄厚!兩人當年因「一部電影」決定閃婚,10年來恩愛不減! - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> 50歲翁虹老公身份曝光,背景強大財力雄厚!兩人當年因「一部電影」決定閃婚,10年來恩愛不減! - Duration: 6:17.


Tarantino se oženil, vzal si o dvacet let mladší izraelskou zpěvačku - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Tarantino se oženil, vzal si o dvacet let mladší izraelskou zpěvačku - Duration: 6:33.


EXPECTATION vs. REALITY!!! Siblings Brothers and Sisters! (CC Available) - Duration: 10:37.




Thanks Leo!


Hey wait, wait...

Leo, open the door...



I'm gonna go first

No, I'm first

You're older you have to let me go first


Hey Banh Bao!


Mom, Banh Bao has a boyfriend

Hey Leo, stop it!


Wow Leo!

Can I have some?

Thank you!


Give it to me...Give me some...



Ahhh...Who turn off the lights?



Hey...Who turn off the lights?


It's ok

High five! Good job!

Good game!

Let's keep playing






It's gonna be the best selfie ever



Hey Banh Bao, have something to eat?



Help me Leo!



Do you want to eat, Banh Bao?

What a chicken, Leo?

Where is he?

How dare you get in my house?

Leo, the superhero!

For more infomation >> EXPECTATION vs. REALITY!!! Siblings Brothers and Sisters! (CC Available) - Duration: 10:37.


李小璐真的可怜?继贾乃亮回应后保姆也发声了,7字令人倍感痛心 - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> 李小璐真的可怜?继贾乃亮回应后保姆也发声了,7字令人倍感痛心 - Duration: 3:32.


The GIVEAWAY draw! - Duration: 6:31.

Sorry people. This giveaway was only for people living in the Netherlands. So no Englis translation!

For more infomation >> The GIVEAWAY draw! - Duration: 6:31.


Miracle de Noël WestJet : Unis par nos traditions - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Miracle de Noël WestJet : Unis par nos traditions - Duration: 4:18.


For more infomation >> Miracle de Noël WestJet : Unis par nos traditions - Duration: 4:18.


Aïkido Cenon (33) : stage international dirigé par Alain Peyrache shihan - édition 2019 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Aïkido Cenon (33) : stage international dirigé par Alain Peyrache shihan - édition 2019 - Duration: 1:09.


For more infomation >> Aïkido Cenon (33) : stage international dirigé par Alain Peyrache shihan - édition 2019 - Duration: 1:09.


Comment aider une femme à avoir son premier 0rgasme ? - Duration: 5:39.

Comment avoir un orgasme ? Voici la question que se posent des milliers de femmes.

C'est un plaisir qui n'est pas facile à atteindre pour un bon nombre d'entre elles.

Certains hommes ne savent pas comment utiliser leurs atouts pour que leur partenaire atteigne l'orgasme mais ce n'est pas chose impossible.

Vanessa Marin, une sexologue réputée, a mis à la disposition des hommes, huit mesures à prendre pour aider leur partenaire à atteindre le Saint Graal.

Suite à une étude effectuée par Vanessa Marin, sur la capacité des femmes à atteindre l'orgasme, il en est ressorti qu'elles rencontrent beaucoup de défis et de blocages pour atteindre le point culminant.

Aussi, elle a mis au point des techniques pour aider les femmes à lâcher prise et à se détendre pour se laisser aller vers l'univers enivrant du plaisir.

Voici pour vous, messieurs, les 8 étapes pour aider votre partenaire à atteindre l'orgasme.

1. Ne lui mettez pas la pression: L'une des principales frustrations que rencontre la femme lors d'un acte sexuel est la pression exercée par son partenaire pour atteindre l'orgasme.

De ce fait, la femme aura l'impression de ne pas être performante. C'est le facteur de blocage par excellence.

Conseil : N'abordez pas le sujet de l'orgasme avec elle. Mettez-là à l'aise avec des paroles apaisantes en lui montrant que le plus important est qu'elle sente du plaisir à faire l'amour avec vous.

2. Faites d'elle votre centre d'intérêt: Une femme aime être le centre d'attention et d'intérêt de son homme et de sentir son souhait de lui procurer les délices du sexe. Cependant, beaucoup de femmes n'ont pas cette chance.

Conseil : Portez attention à son corps et soyez habile par votre communication en lui faisant comprendre que vous faites passer son plaisir avant le vôtre.

3. Faites en sorte qu'elle se sente bien dans son corps: L'une des raisons pour lesquelles il peut être difficile pour une femme d'atteindre l'orgasme, est la gêne par rapport à l'odeur et au goût de son organe génital.

Conseil : Rassurez-là et mettez-là à l'aise, en lui faisant des compliments sur la beauté de son organe, son goût. Redonnez-lui confiance en elle et faites-la sentir comme une Reine et que vous pouvez vous perdre entre ses jambes.

4. Flirtez avec elle: L'une des plus grandes erreurs que commettent les hommes est d'aller très vite en besogne et de vouloir passer rapidement à la pénétration. La plupart des femmes aiment prendre leur temps avec des préliminaires, des baisers et des caresses.

Conseil : Passez beaucoup de temps à effleurer son cou de baisers, à lui embrasser les cuisses et à frôler ses sous-vêtements avec vos lèvres, jusqu'à ce qu'elle vous supplie de vous aventurer entre ses jambes.

5. Caressez son clitoris: Un homme doit comprendre que le clitoris de la femme est plus délicat que son pénis. Ainsi, il doit être manipulé avec beaucoup de douceur et de finesse. La brutalité ne fait que rendre son clitoris insensible au plaisir.

Conseil : Comme le clitoris est le centre de l'univers orgasmique de la femme, faites en sorte de le stimuler avec habileté. Utilisez vos doigts, votre langue ou les deux pour le caresser. Avec votre langue, essayez de faire des mouvements ronds. Elle vous en remerciera.

6. Demandez-lui ce qu'elle aime: Une femme a besoin qu'un homme soit aux petits soins avec elle et qu'il soit attentif à ses besoins.

Conseil : Ne lui demandez pas ce qu'elle veut, vous ne ferez que la mettre dans l'embarras. Il sera plus intelligent de lui demander entre deux vitesses ou deux pressions, quelle en serait sa préférence afin qu'elle vous mette sur la bonne voie.

7.Soyez patient: Les femmes mettent environ 20 minutes pour atteindre l'orgasme. L'homme doit maintenir une cadence lente et être patient tout en continuant à la faire sentir à l'aise.

Conseil : Si vous voyez qu'elle commence à s'impatienter, rassurez là et dites-lui que vous adorez cela et que vous allez continuer jusqu'à ce qu'elle vous demande d'arrêter.

8. Amusez-vous bien: Le plaisir sexuel, c'est d'abord s'amuser. Il ne faut pas hésiter à explorer plusieurs plaisirs sensoriels à votre partenaire.

Optez pour toutes sortes de jeux que ce soit avec des gadgets ou des jeux de rôle, si elle aime ça. Il n'y a pas mieux que d'avoir un partenaire enthousiaste. Elle sera en mesure de se détendre et de se laisser surprendre par le plaisir.

Un homme doit être en mesure de répondre aux besoins et aux désirs de sa partenaire.

L'ouverture d'esprit en matière de sexe est primordiale et tout ce qui pourrait exciter votre dulcinée doit être pris en compte pour son épanouissement sexuel. Vous serez son premier orgasme, son favori.

For more infomation >> Comment aider une femme à avoir son premier 0rgasme ? - Duration: 5:39.


For more infomation >> Comment aider une femme à avoir son premier 0rgasme ? - Duration: 5:39.


Location Courte Durée : les dangers - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Location Courte Durée : les dangers - Duration: 8:45.


For more infomation >> Location Courte Durée : les dangers - Duration: 8:45.


「M-1グランプリ2018」"ザテレビジョン的"優勝予想はこのコンビ - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> 「M-1グランプリ2018」"ザテレビジョン的"優勝予想はこのコンビ - Duration: 5:58.


Define Joy 💛 | #MindfulChristmasChallenge Day 2 - Duration: 2:09.

Hi guys welcome to day two of my mindful Christmas challenge if you

want to catch up with day one and know what the challenge is all about I'll

leave links in the description box below to yesterday's challenge and also to the

video explaining the challenge itself so for today I want us all to have a moment

of joy with our children and I want us to fight the exhaustion the rushing

around the being here there and everywhere and just focus on one simple

moment of joy with the kids whatever that looks like for you if it is sitting

down and having a hot chocolate with your children or playing with them on

the floor or tickling each other whatever makes you all joyful smiley and

happy and really be in that moment keep yourself in that moment for as long as

possible notice and pay attention to how you feel

when you're in that moment and please share that with me when you share your

post on Instagram I would love to know how that moment of joy felt for you and

what did you notice about that moment so that's today's challenge for you I would

love it if you could take a snippet of that moment and share it with me on

social media using the hashtag mindful Christmas challenge and I will be

stalking that hashtag to see what you guys post I'll be posting my own moment

later today on my Instagram stories so if you're not following me on instagram

then make sure you follow me to see what my moment of joy was with my children so

yeah thank you for watching and I will see you tomorrow bye

For more infomation >> Define Joy 💛 | #MindfulChristmasChallenge Day 2 - Duration: 2:09.


Просветление. РАСШИРЕНИЕ СОЗНАНИЯ. ПРОСВЕТЛЕННОЕ УТРО. Выпуск 65 - Duration: 58:18.

For more infomation >> Просветление. РАСШИРЕНИЕ СОЗНАНИЯ. ПРОСВЕТЛЕННОЕ УТРО. Выпуск 65 - Duration: 58:18.


In Search of Playtime # 3 - Baldi Basics's Basics in Education and Learning - Duration: 11:08.

What are you looking at?

Who are you?

I see you


Listen, are you a fool?


Fool's answer

I wish the royal Russian throne

Headed foreign sas

Well fuck

What did you get up like a moron?

I forgot to ask you

Want to fight?

You want to shit now

I'm not a Playtime


For more infomation >> In Search of Playtime # 3 - Baldi Basics's Basics in Education and Learning - Duration: 11:08.


Justin Bieber's Wife 2018 - Duration: 3:22.

Justin Bieber's Wife

Wife: Hailey Rhode Baldwin (m. 2018)

Born: November 22, 1996 (age 22)

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber's Wife 2018 - Duration: 3:22.


5 Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress - Duration: 11:17.

Hey guys I thought today we would talk about stress and in particular chronic stress

the difference between stress and chronic stress is going through

a few weeks that are especially tough and feeling very stressed in that time

and then being able to go back to your normal routine, that is just regular

stress and while it's not the best it's not a chronic issue. Chronic stress

is when you are constantly week after week after week for a very long period

of time dealing with constant stress and that can be physical emotional or mental

there's a whole lot of reasons for all of these and sometimes it just isn't

possible to totally take away the stress and in those periods of time it's good

to implement these extra five tips so that you're able to move on and be able

to just live the best you can at that point in time so the first one is diet

absolutely diet this is where I always start you want to be making sure that

you are eating as good of a quality of food as you possibly can

having lots of fiber and antioxidants that's your dark colored fruit and

vegetables like your berries raspberries strawberries your dark leafy greens the

cruciferous vegetables like kale cauliflower or broccoli and then you're

very rich dark Tomatoes all of those kinds of things absolutely amazing for

the body and making sure you having good quality healthy fats as well if you

choose to eat meat seafood that might be the salmon eggs that sort of stuff or

there's avocado nuts and seeds various kinds of oils lots of healthy things

that are just going to help lubricate the body and allow it to deal with more

inflammation that's especially the three so it's going to help with that

and what diets does essentially is it makes physically makes the building

blocks that either are going to be of high quality or they're not going to be

of high quality that are going to help you deal with the inflammation and the

stress hormones that are coursing throughout your body and each building

block each cell is made up of protein and fat and then you get your energy

from carbohydrates so it's a very complicated system that needs fueling

correctly secondly is good quality sleep I think we've all heard this before but

as a chronic insomniac for many years as well as a single mom of a young child I

know this one myself all too well and it can be very important especially for

those who struggle with sleep to actually have a good sleep hygiene

routine that is turning off your phone and screens two hours before bed if

that's not possible then at least turn it there is a mode you can select in

your settings for a certain time frame you can turn off blue light and this

won't cancel out the issue of the bright screens altogether but it does improve

you want to be doing restful things and the two hours leading up to bed so maybe

that's having a bath or a shower or reading a book maybe it's some quiet

family time whatever it is that you like to do that can't see down and definitely

staying away from caffeine ideally no caffeine after 12 p.m. that includes

your green teas and such as well so then after that period of time if you're

still wanting a hot drink sticking with herbal teas and especially chamomile and

lemon balm loveand teas that are very calming and restful

and thirdly one as an anxious person I find very beneficial is writing things

down when you're in that state laying there trying to get fall asleep and you

just keep having all these thoughts pop into your head I can't forget this and I

can't forget this it really helps have a notepad next to

your bed to write things down or a list on your phone and also to have that

throughout the day just writing down anything that is really important and

that you need to get to and sometimes it's helpful to do a brain dump we

putting every single thought down and then you can sort of forget about it if

it's not important or you can put it in a to-do pile if it needs to be done you

know in the next few days or weeks and then you can put there actually

important things down in its own specific list and you can start them

straightaway writing things down very important if you don't like to

physically write things down having a Google Calendar or some kind of app is

also very beneficial just as long as it's physically somewhere that you can

see and that you're actually going to look at and use day to day number four

is exercise making sure that we are working our body and we're getting our

sweat on as well ideally you want to be doing twenty to thirty minutes between

three to four times a week I like to do walks around the block or I'll take my

daughter to the playground and I'll just run around with her climbing all over

the playground you can do yoga or swimming jump rope jogging running a

team sport anything that that you enjoy and you're actually going to be able to

do the best kind of exercise that you can plan to do is exercise you're

actually going to do so myself I am NOT a fan of swimming so I'm not going to

put swimming on my exercise to do list so that's very good and it

helps your body recognize between daytime and nighttime because in the

daytime we work our bodies and everything's moving around

we're also flowing our lymphatic system which helps us get rid of excess toxins

and fluids within our body and then at night time we can rest and recuperate

ready for the next day plus feel-good hormones who doesn't want those

seriously a number five is active rest there is a huge difference between rest

and actually having active rest active rest is when you sit down or lie down or

gently casually walk around whatever it is you choose to do and choose to be in

that moment doing what it is that you feel like doing that is restful to you

so you don't want to be scrolling on your phone mindlessly you don't want to

be just sitting watching TV you want to be doing something fulfilling that is

restful so you might want to go through a very light walk through maybe you've

got a forest path near you or a rainforest walk if you're an exercise

kind of person or you could be reading a book you've always wanted to get to you

could be having a very relaxing bath with you know facial and all those

things you could do painting you could do so many various different things and

it's not about sitting still doing absolutely nothing it's taking being

mindful about what you're doing and really rejuvenating yourself in that

experience so their top five tips that I would say help reduce chronic stress and

I thought I would add in two oils that I love for stress the first is

frankincense the king of oils I love this oil for basically everything I put

this into my self-care routine almost every single day I might do a face mask

or Hair Mask I will defuse it if I'm going

to do any kind of meditation it's very calming to the central nervous system so

it's amazing before bed after any kind of anxious of particularly stressful

episode it's also good to preemptively use it if you know you've got to do a

speech in front of a lot of people or if you've got to go meet new people

anything that is going to end pup the stress response within your body using

frankincense before and after it's very beneficial and it's going to help you

not release as much of the stress hormones that cause havoc throughout the

body and my second favorite is the balanced

blend this is grounding blend and I like to think of this oil as a big tree when

we're applying this in the 19-yard bodies in balance blend we are setting

our roots deep into the ground we're grounded become we're just relaxed

we're conscious of where we are like a tree with their slow moving they are

stuck there and happy they're restful there they thrive and then our trees in

front our branches and our leaves are free to grow up as high as they can and

we can spread our wings from there so I absolutely love balanced blend and like

frankincense it's good preemptively and after any kind of anxious episode of

stressful situation it's good to start my day off with balance as well that way

I know I'm going to get through the day alright and I will just apply throughout

the day as well it's not a sleeping oil but it is a good oil to apply before bed

if you have a lot of thoughts constantly running through your head and you find

it difficult to take time to just sit and relax and calm also I absolutely

love this Pleasant smells amazing this is a great perfect

while but I hope you have enjoyed those tips if you've got any more leave them

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For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress - Duration: 11:17.


Man Utd 'would love to get rid of him' - big Jose Mourinho claim before Southampton clash - Duration: 2:41.

 That is the opinion of Sky Sports pundit and former Arsenal striker Charlie Nicholas

 Sanchez joined Manchester United from Arsenal in January this year in a straight swap with Henrikh Mkhitaryan

 But the Chilean has failed to settle at his new club, scoring just four goals in his 30 appearances so far

 Sanchez has often been left out of the team this season and is now set for a spell on the sidelines with a hamstring injury

 It's not just Sanchez who has struggled for United though, with Jose Mourinho's side languishing in eighth in the table ahead of Saturday's trip to Southampton

 Mourinho's future himself is in doubt, with Nicholas admitting he is surprised the Portuguese is still in charge

 But Nicholas says both Mourinho and Manchester United will want shot of Sanchez as soon as possible, especially because of his high wages

 "It's on the edge with (Paul) Pogba being left out, and (Juan) Mata being left out the other night," the pundit said

 "I think in a heartbeat they would love to get rid of Sanchez. "He could be one of the biggest wastes of money within our game because of the salary that he's got and because of the ability that we've seen before

 "I think it's right on the edge again, I think it's right on the edge. "A lot of the players look as if it's truly individual and just trying to survive and come through

 "(Marouane) Fellaini has been the one that's dragged himself saying 'I'm fighting for the manager after showing me faith'

 "I think the rest of them look as if 'well, in a matter of time Jose could be out of the door'

 "I think he's lasted longer than anticipated the manager." Mourinho rang the changes for the trip to Southampton, with Phil Jones the only recognised centre-back fit and available

For more infomation >> Man Utd 'would love to get rid of him' - big Jose Mourinho claim before Southampton clash - Duration: 2:41.


Vladimir Putin's Remarks Following Talks with Mauricio Macri - Duration: 6:30.

Mr. President, Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you, dear Mr President, on the successful holding of a large-scale international event - the G20 Summit.

You managed to create a very friendly, I would say, friendly atmosphere in the course of this multilateral work, which led to concrete positive results. Thank you very much.

We very much appreciate the goodwill and patience of the residents of the Argentine capital these days, despite the inconvenience caused by the holding of such a large-scale world forum.

I will note that the final declaration adopted at the summit reflects the priorities around which the work of the Argentinean chairmanship in the outgoing year was structured.

It is important that the G-20 states expressed a general mood for further coordinated work to ensure sustainable global economic growth, increase the stability of international finance, and develop the multilateral trading system, which should be based on the World Trade Organization.

At our talks with Mr. Makri, we reviewed key aspects of bilateral cooperation, as well as topical international topics. We had a really very informative conversation with one-on-one, in a narrow composition, and in an extended format.

You have just signed, as you have seen, a solid package of bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements, as well as commercial contracts. All this testifies to the mutual mood to strengthen Russian-Argentine relations in all areas.

Naturally, much attention was paid to the expansion of economic ties. In 2017, the trade grew, reached 890 million dollars, and in the first nine months of this year it increased by 26 percent. At the end of this year, we will reach a billion dollars.

We talked in detail with Mr. President about the importance of deepening industrial cooperation, the implementation of large bilateral projects. In this context, they discussed the issue of building on the territory of Argentina and a nuclear power plant using Russian technologies.

I am sure that the strategic document on cooperation in the field of the peaceful atom, signed by Rosatom and Argentine colleagues, will create the necessary conditions for the implementation of existing large-scale joint plans in this crucial area.

Positive experience has been gained in the field of industrial cooperation. I note that over 20 percent of the electricity in Argentina is produced on equipment produced in Russia. Our companies serve six Argentine power plants and plan to participate in a tender for the supply of units for six more hydroelectric power plants.

Cooperation in the field of railway transport is becoming stronger. In May, the Mechita center of railroad equipment, created with Russian participation, earned in Argentina. Our largest railway company, Russian Railways, is ready to assist in the implementation of an important initiative for the Argentine economy - the construction of a 700-kilometer railway to the Vaca-Muerta field.

I would especially like to mention projects in the field of transport infrastructure. Our bank Gazprombank is planning to invest in the construction of a large port and logistics complex on the Parana River. Such a hub will significantly reduce the cost of shipping Argentine agricultural products to Russia, exporting Russian oil products to Argentina and other countries in South America.

We see significant potential for increasing cooperation in the supply of fertilizers, drug production, green energy, space exploration and in many other areas.

The largest diaspora of Russian compatriots in Latin America lives in Argentina. We note this and want to thank Mr President and all our Argentine friends for maintaining relationships in this area. I have already spoken about this: just when Mr. President was the mayor of the capital, the Mother-Russia festival of Slavic culture began to work.

This tradition was laid back in 2009, when the President was the mayor of the capital, and this continues. We are very grateful for this.

It is important that, thanks to the Spanish version, Russia Today TV channel will continue to work in Argentina until 2022. I think that this also underlines the special nature of relations between our countries, gives Argentine viewers an opportunity to get acquainted with what is happening in reality in Russia and with our vision of what is happening in the world as a whole.

We agreed to expand coordination with the Argentine side in the fight against transnational organized crime, including in cyberspace, illicit drug production and trafficking, and other modern threats and challenges.

We actively and fruitfully cooperate in the international arena. And in many ways our positions in this area coincide or are very close.

I want to thank Mr. President for the opportunity to meet separately today, to hold these useful bilateral contacts. I am confident that we will continue to move along the path of expanding our interaction.

Thank you for your attention.

For more infomation >> Vladimir Putin's Remarks Following Talks with Mauricio Macri - Duration: 6:30.


usa today : 'SNL': Female Cast Members Sing 'All I Want For Christmas Is' The Mueller Report - Duration: 2:44.

The hilarious ladies of 'SNL' closed out the latest episode of 'SNL' by singing 'All I Want For Christmas Is You,' and by you, they mean Robert Mueller!    At the very end of this week's episode of SNL, all of the female cast members came on stage to sing "All I Want For Christmas Is You"… with one minor alteration: all they want for Christmas is the Robert Mueller report

Cecily Strong and Kate McKinnon began the sketch singing, "This need to be done by Christmas, I need a freaking ounce of cheer

" The show-stopping song's hilarious lyrics continue , "I don't need a full impeachment, I just need a little fun

Please don't tell us we aren't crazy. At least indite his oldest son." And after Kate sang, "You better prove that Trump colluded," Aidy Bryant added, "Or that he kidnapped Jon Benet

" The whole musical number ends with Cecily Strong going on a rant pleading for the report to finally come out so she can finally stop taking anxiety medication

Watch the night's stand-out sketch below!    On the last episode of SNL, the variety show feted one of the all-time greats of the Supreme Court: the ever-notorious RBG

 In the song "Live For Ginsberg", Pete Davidson and Chris Redd rap, "Broken ribs can't stop her, she eat that sh*t for lunch!" Throughout the hilarious faux music video, RBG disses fellow Supreme Court Justices, punches some frozen meat, and even break-dances

Needless to say, Kate McKinnon brought down the house as the justice.  Of course, this wasn't the only sketch McKinnon stood out in this season

She hilariously brought back her alien abductee character, who was having some wild paranormal experiences with a raunchy ghost

Her description of her encounter with Toby, a ghoul that looked like "if Danny DeVito got flattened by a train", is so worth it

All I'm asking and hoping for. Thanks @nbcsnl #snl for giving me my holiday anthem #AllIWantForChristmas #Mueller pic  — rhymeswithred (@rhymeswithred) December 2, 2018    We'll keep you posted with all of the latest SNL sketches

In the meantime, check out all of the photos from this past season in our gallery above

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