Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 2 2018

Americans of European background

call themselves "white"

Are you white?


Ori Rishon Lezion

Me. I am a person of the world

I am from everything

Do you know the concept?

I know about it

Is it something that people say here in Israel?

There are those who say it but less here in Israel

What is your ethnic background?

My mother is French

and her parents were from Turkey

My father is from Morocco

of blessed memory

Pini Givataim

No, I am not white

I asked you where your parents are from and you said Persia

Just look at my skin Is it white skin?

But most Israelis are mocha like that

some people from outside would say you are not black

you are whitish


We can be Italian, Greek Whatever


Do you think Israelis in general are white?

I think Israelis in general are Mediterranean

We are part of the Mediterranean

Even the Ashkenazis who came from Poland?

Even the Ashkenazis

If you were born here you are part of this territory

There is no doubt about it

Yann Tel Aviv


My grand grand grandparents

were born somewhere over here and not in the hottest places

Where is "over here"?

Not in Africa


Sapir and Ido Modiin

Look at me

We are closer to Mexicans

Middle Eastern

If you were in the US, would you be white?

Somewhere in between

Definitely not white

but not black as well so something...

I think Americans would describe us as Hispanic


What is your ethnic background?

North Africa

and a bit Iran today




but we insist we are Israelis

so we don't try to make such an impact

on how we are today

We were born here our parents were born here as well

It's our grandparents

people here

say about others

I don't think it matters the way it matters in the US

what the colour of your skin is

I am not sure about it but

Uri Tivon

Do you know in America the concept of being white?


Have you heard of it? - No

Being white - No

I don't follow these things

Are you white?

I guess, yes

How yes, what do you mean?

It's my skin colour

It's not because I chose it It's how I turned out

So in the Israeli context, are you white?

In Israel, we don't think about this No one...

I never encountered anyone telling me I am white

Other than your question now The first time it came up

What is your ethnic background?

My parents came here from Iraq

There is a concept in America

about being white

Rachel Geva Binyamin (West Bank settlement)


I am very black (how Israelis of this colour define themselves)

Something that very much defines my identity is that I am not white

and I feel very dark

because it influences a lot of my behaviour

What is your ethnic background?


Both sides? - Yes

If you meet Palestinians

are they white?


They are also black

They are also very close to me in culture

Eastern culture

that was once very much on the periphery

but now has more room in the mainstream

They are not white

Are you speaking about the Eastern (Jewish) culture

or the general Israeli culture?

I am speaking about the Eastern Arab culture

Eastern Arab culture

which includes those (Israelis) that came from North Africa

and also Palestinians

that also many times, want a lot of connections with their culture

Music, food

style of ...

So the culture was once more at the peripheries and now more central

I think at the time of the establishment of the country because we were at war

and it also happened in the 1950s with the treatment of Eastern Jews

so it remains that things that are Arab and Eastern (Jews)

are outside cultures that need to be fought against

and now we are in a different place Israel is very "Eastern" today

which gives a lot of respect to that

and sometimes those who are Ashkenazi like my husband here

feel... - He doesn't want to be on camera

feel they are on the fringes but

I think our stength is

we know how to find within ourselves both white and black

As someone Ashkenazi, your culture is much more fun than ours

Also my children who are mixed

also seem to me sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other

but in a good way

Have you heard of the concept of being white?

Bar and Avraham Jerusalem

From the United States

They speak about white people

Have you heard about this?

Umm, yes

Meaning it became an insult Is that what you mean?

It's like...

I don't want to explain too much

They say that Israelis are white

that you are white

Umm, yes

We are fine with that

As you can see, not so white

we are more

black-brownish - Yes

You are okay with it that you are white?


Everyone can say what they want

Every can decide ... - We accept it with love

What? I didn't hear

We accept it with love

Everyone can decide...

But do you define yourselves as... what are your ethnic backgrounds?


Both of you? - Yes

We are brother and sister

Do you define yourselves white or

No. Black-brownish


We are white, black-brownish

For us, I don't think in Israel that concept exists

(this idea) has less influence

So what is there in Israel Explain

There are all the people who live here

We really work hard on accepting the other

and so there won't be differences between people

That there won't even be a conversation

about skin colour

But day to day, is there a conversation about it?

Like do you have a lot of friends who are Ashkenazi

or Ethiopian

Do you ever talk about that?

In our school... - I have Ethiopian Friends, white friends

like you said, Ashkenazi friends

All sorts of people

but we try to accept the other

and put effort that it will happen

David Jerusalem

As a Jew, are you white?

Culturally, I think I am

I mean, I have the privilege of white man

but here in Israel...

Like what? Give me an example

I behave, in Europe for example

I behave like I am a white man

I have all the privileges I deserve

or need to be

Here in Israel, it is not so recognized

white man, black man

There is a little bit of racism here in Israel

It's not

as (much) talked about

as in the US

Here it's more like

there is stigma about some groups of people

not so much their colour

Which group are we talking about?

Name something as an example

Here in Israel it is the Ethiopian

they are Jews

and they have a little bit of racism towards them

but it is pretty subtle

Like what?

I don't know from my experience

but I heard that

that there is a little bit of police bullying them

and treating them a little bit not the way they should

Specifically more

there is a group of


here in Israel

that are treated really really bad

and they are not even citizens

so it is even more

really really bad

With your friends, family have you ever heard anyone say

something against any of those groups?

Friends, yes

Family, no

Even though my family is religious

Ultra orthodox Jews - Really?


You turned out different

Thank you

What did your friends say? Give me an example

I know someone

who is

she is a really old lady about 80 years old

and she is Moroccan

and she is really really racist

and quite

it's not rare at all in those communities

they are racist

By those, are we talking about older people

Northern African people

Old people

I had a grandmother too that was a little bit racist

I know it

It sounds like something from the old millenia

that still exists

Dov Jerusalem

Yes, I think so, yes

You would define yourself as white

I don't think of it that way

but put in context

put in context

Standing next to a black man I suppose yes

But how do you think of yourself?

I think of myself mostly in spiritual terms

In terms of the way you...

who you are as a person your identity

My ethnic identity?

My ethnic identity is defined only in relation to

society, to other people

So living in Israel

what do you feel?

I feel an Israeli

I feel a Jew

If you ask me to compare myself to others

relating to my height

or my skin

or my host culture

or particular culture I live in

in Israel now

I can do that

but I prefer to frame things regarding Israel

and Israelis as a whole that we are all Israelis

that those of us who are Jewish Israelis are Jews

For more infomation >> Israelis: Are you white? - Duration: 12:08.


Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.


{Dubsona} Chapter 9: honey nut feelios - Duration: 17:08.

Welcome to my wingdings translation office

Are you sure this is an acceptable form of revenge?

Oh my.

Do either of you know how to restore my font settings to normal?

I am aware of that.

Futaba must be added back to chat.

For more infomation >> {Dubsona} Chapter 9: honey nut feelios - Duration: 17:08.


Tekken 7 - Feng Season 2 Changes - Duration: 2:51.

Feng has received a pretty even handed set of both buffs and nerfs.

The biggest buffs are to his counterhits - ff3/BT3 now giving a full launch on counter hit and

(24)1 giving a free shoulder on counter hit.

The latter isn't particularly useful, since it's -13 on block and if delayed can actually

be floated before the last hit, but ff3 is a nice addition to Feng's already impressive

okizeme since not only does it hit grounded and partially tracks siderolls because of

the f, f input, it now CHs getup kicks very very hard.

In addition, because it's now +8 (!!) on block, even if they do manage to stand-up and block

it in time you're still at a huge advantage.

The biggest nerfs is to his kenpo step, which needs 5 more frames before Feng can go into

auto block.

This really does hurt Feng as it's one of his best tools and is now quite a bit riskier.

Another notable nerf is ff+4,3 always being -14 on block now.

Before if you delayed the second hit it would be -12.

On the plus side is Feng's buffed wall game.

Feng's wall bounce is df22, which is a safe mid,mid natural combo and definitely one of

the stronger ones in the game.

One flaw that Feng had in previous games is that his splat moves like ss+1+2 didn't stun

unless the opponent was really close to the wall, so the buff to df+2,2 really helps him

in that regard.

Overall we'd say Feng is about the same, though perhaps just a bit weaker thanks to

the kenpo nerf.

Having said that he was one of the most solid characters in season 1, and certainly remains

that way in season 2.

For more infomation >> Tekken 7 - Feng Season 2 Changes - Duration: 2:51.



Hypnotexer: Hmmmm....Where are you sweet boy?

Hypnotexer: AHA! THERE YOU ARE!

Hypnotexer: You thought that you could run away from me so easily?!?!? Hehehe looks like that you-

Hypnotexer: B-B-Brandon.....????? A-Are you a-alright....?

Dark Destrandon: Hehehe! Yes little asshole! But soon I'II KILL YOU!!!!!!!

Hypnotexer: That.......HURT!!!!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!!!????????

Dark Destroyer: Didn't Kexetor tell you about me?

Hypnotexer: What? My boss never told me about you. I don't know you at all!

Dark Destroyer: And yeah! I know that you don't know me as well. But I will introduce myself before I'II put Brandon to finish you off! My name is Dark Destroyer and i am here to collect every chaos emeralds and Master emeralds from ALL the dimensions and to make them into dark ones too! And when that will happen then I'II finally kill all the demons and to create a better world here with my army! This ''Mobius'' will get started from the ZERO soon!!!!!


Dark Destroyer: Hehehe! You think that you can escape?

Hypnotexer: YES I CAN!!!!

Dark Destroyer: *Starts absorbing Hypnotexer's power*

Hypnotexer: what are you f*****g doing!!!!!??!?!

Dark Destroyer: Just relax Hypnotexer!!!! I almost finished!!!!

Hypnotexer: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!! *Feels weak*

Dark Destroyer: Well Brandon! KILL HIM!!!! HE DESERVES TO DIE!!!!

Dark Destrandon: As you wish master!

Hypnotexer: B-Brandon!!!!!! NO!!!! DON'T!!!!!



For more infomation >> NEW DEMON SHOWN UP AND HE MADE BRANDON TO KILL HYPNOTEXER! - Duration: 3:25.


大地震!习近平会见俄罗斯总统普京!中美贸易战带向何方?中国将彻底终结美国霸权! - Duration: 15:47.

习近平会见俄 罗斯总统普 京

当地时间11 月30日, 国家主席习 近平在布宜 诺斯艾利斯 会见俄罗斯 总统普京。

习近平指出, 中俄关系发 展顺应时代 潮流和两国 人民共同愿 望,

具有强大内 生动力和广 阔前景。 今 年以来,

中俄双方共 同努力,

推动各领域 合作取得一 系列新的成 果。

明年是中俄 建交70周 年,

这将是两国 关系发展的 主线,

届时要举办 隆重热烈、

丰富多彩的 庆祝活动,

推动各领域 务实合作取 得更多实实 在在的成果 。

习近平强调, 中俄要继续 保持元首年 度互访的传 统。

相信在两国 元首引领下,

中俄关系定 将蓬勃发展。

要加强"一 带一路"建 设同欧亚经 济联盟对接, 深化经贸 、

金融、能源 、科技等合 作。 要完善 两国地方合 作机制布局,

为两国地方 合作不断注 入新的动力。

要密切在二 十国集团、

金砖国家等 多边机制内 的协调,

推动各方坚 定维护多边 主义, 维护 世界贸易组 织的核心价 值和基本原 则,

支持贸易自 由化、便利 化,

反对保护主 义和单边主 义。

普京表示, 俄 中保持密切 高层交往十 分重要。

当前俄中各 领域合作取 得显著成效,

双边贸易迅 速增长, 制 造业、高科 技、

农业领域合 作稳步推进,

大项目顺利 实施, 在国 际和地区事 务中有效协 调。

俄方致力于 同中方深入 推进各领域 务实合作, 继续密切协 调,

为维护全球 和平与安全 、

建设开放型 世界经济共 同努力。

两国元首还就 当前重大国 际和地区问 题交换了意 见。

11月30日, G20峰 会在阿根廷 首都布宜诺 斯艾利斯开 幕。

与往届峰会不 同的是, 这 次会议的" 主菜"并不 聚焦在各项 议程之中。

全世界都关心 的, 是中美 两国元首即 将举行的会 晤,

以及这场会 晤将把中美 贸易战带向 何方?

会晤之前, 美 国和中国的 表现是不一 样的。

从国外的报道 看, 美国一 如既往地对 外释放着各 种前后矛盾 的信号。

比如11月中 旬, 美国总 统特朗普在 接受《华尔 街日报》采 访时就放过 狠话。

"接受中方要 求推迟上调 关税的可能 性非常低"

"如果G20 期间中美元 首会晤不成 功,

会对另外2 670亿美 元中国输美 产品加征关 税。 "

但是到了11 月30日, 特朗普先生 的口风不出 意外地又变 了。

"我认为他们 想(达成协 议), 我想 我们也愿意 "。

"(双方)很 有可能达成 点什么"。

前言搭不上后 语, 还是熟 悉的配方, 还是熟悉的 套路。

中国这边的态 度则淡定得 多。

除了外交部和 商务部的发 言人例行阐 述立场之外, 并没有太 多话。

很有些"我就 静静地看着 你装 "的 感觉。

现在大家就关 心一个问题, 这次会晤 最终将有什 么结果?

贸易战不是中 国人挑起来 的, 会晤会 有什么结果,

美国人的态 度很关键。

看清美国人现 阶段的行为, 可以从三 个角度切入 。

第一个角度, 这段时间的 美国, 对于 缓和经贸摩 擦紧张局势 的需求很迫 切。

这个结论似乎 与目前主流 舆论, 尤其 是西方舆论 的看法相左 。

但是, 如果把 中美贸易战 这8个多月 的进程梳理 一下,

再结合美国 目前的经济 政治情况看,

这个结论却 在情理之中 。

美国挑起贸易 战, 有三方 面的原因或 者说诉求。

解决贸易逆差, 对华国家 竞争, 转移 国内矛盾。

现在贸易战打 了8个多月, 这三个问 题一个都没 解决,

甚至还有恶 化的迹象。

贸易逆差越打 越大。

8个多月前, 美国挑起贸 易战的主要 借口,

是中美之间 存在巨额贸 易逆差。

大半年过去, 就连最反华 的美国人可 能都不太好 意思拿这个 理由说事儿 。

关税大棒挥舞 半年多, 美 国贸易逆差 飙升至历史 新高。

"今年9月, 美国对华贸 易逆差创新 高——34 1亿美元,

较上一年同 比上升13 %,

也是美国对 华贸易逆差 连续第二个 月创纪录,

今年8月美 国对华贸易 逆差为31 0亿美元。

列举出这一 系列数据的 美国VOX 网站12日 评论说,

特朗普的贸 易战略'正 在失败'。 "

遏制中国力不 从心。

近期人们看待 中美贸易战, 谈得比较 多的原因,

是美国要遏 制中国崛起,

所以提出各 种借口来打 压中国。

这种提法的产 生, 其依据 大约是美国 在历史上曾 对苏联和日 本进行过打 压。

这未尝没有 一些历史的 影子投射到 现实的味道。

"修昔底德 陷阱"理论 就是对这个 提法的高度 概括。

这种分析是有 道理的, 但 实事求是地 说,

以中美目前 的体量对比 和发展趋势 分析,

只要我们自 己不折腾,

做好自己的 事情加快发 展,

那么美国遏 制中国的胜 算并不大。

几天前美国商 界的一封请 愿信就非常 说明问题。

"美国近15 0家行业协 会27日致 信美国总统 特朗普,

敦促其利用 本周阿根廷 二十国集团 领导人峰会 期间中美元 首会晤的机 会解决对华 贸易争端。 "

"'数百万的 美国农民、 企业主、公 司、

工人和家庭 都指望你能 达成协议。 '该联盟说。

解决对华贸 易争端对于 保持美国的 国际竞争力 、

支持美国经 济增长和就 业'至关重 要'。 "

如果美国决心 用经济和技 术手段来打 压中国发展,

能不能成功 且不说,

美国自己将 付出的代价 将是非常惨 烈的。

转移贫富差距 矛盾。

美国发动贸易 战的深层次 原因, 是美 国贫富差距 日趋扩大,

又无力在现 有体制框架 下解决, 于 是树立假想 敌,

转移国内矛 盾和注意力 。

这是一个十分 明显却又被 很多人有意 无意忽视的 问题。

苏联解体后, 在外部竞争 对手消失的 情况下,

美国国内分 配体制日趋 僵化,

贫富差距越 拉越大,

终于造成今 天不可收拾 的局面。

"统计显示, 美国最富裕 的1%人群 所占有的社 会财富持续 增加,

2016年 占有全国3 8.6%的 财富。

而占总人口 90%的大 众所拥有的 财富和收入 水平在过去 25年里总 体呈现下降 趋势。 "

"美国《大西 洋月刊》的 评论称, 社 会阶层分化 让美国陷入 政治极化,

从而进一步 增加社会不 平等,

这一恶性循 环让美国社 会治理陷入 难解的困境。 "

世界上头号强 国, 面对贫 富差距, 2 0多年间几 乎毫无作为 。

说出来谁信呢 ?

是解决不了? 还是不想解 决?

解决不了, 说 明能力有问 题。 不想解 决, 说明态 度有问题。

说到底, 还是 个美国的体 制问题。

贸易逆差, 国 家竞争, 贫 富差距。

这是美国发起 贸易战最主 要的三个原 因, 或者说 诉求。

三个诉求短期 内都看不到 解决希望, 重实利的美 国人,

至少在这个 阶段的贸易 战, 该如何 坚持打下去 ?

更何况, 伴随 着货币政策 的持续收缩,

国际金融危 机之后美国 通过货币放 水来刺激经 济的做法接 近尾声,

新的增长点 又无从谈起 。

换句话说, 美 国经济后劲 不足的问题 正变得越来 越明显,

特朗普三个 月内接连8 次批评美联 储并不是无 的放矢。

把上面这些情 况一结合就 能看到:

一方面是贸易 战的诉求无 法满足, 另 一方面美国 经济乃至政 治局势都不 稳定。

因此, 现阶段 的美国有缓 和贸易战紧 张局势的内 在需求, 未 必会停止,

但需要缓和 局势寻求调 整政策空间 的考虑。

第二个角度, 美国虽然有 缓和贸易战 局势的需求,

但势必要在 舆论上造成 压服中国赢 得胜利的态 势。

我们看到, 特 朗普政府在 元首会晤前 夕,

变着花样放 出各种信息,

一会儿似乎 很有谈成希 望,

一会儿又表 示不会放松 对华施压。

纷繁芜杂的变 化当中, 特 朗普政府的 真实想法只 有一个。

让他的选民有 取得胜利的 获得感。

就好像之前美 国和加拿大 达成的新贸 易协议中,

加拿大并未 作出涉及根 本利益的实 质性让步,

但这个协议 却被特朗普 包装成了天 大的胜利。

同样的戏法, 能对加拿大 使一次, 美 国还要在中 国身上使第 二次。

可以想见的是, 一旦这次 会晤取得某 种成果,

比如中美贸 易战能得以 停止,

或是取得相 对缓和的结 果,

必然会有一 股声音蔓延 开来。

这声音会去把 这场徒劳无 功的摩擦包 装成美国人 伟大的胜利,

也可能会通 过各种渠道 在国内舆论 场弥漫,

说中国付出 了多大代价 云云。

贸易战局面缓 和, 本来是 相互妥协的 结果,

美国人也一 定会把它打 扮成通过施 压收获的胜 利, 大做文 章,

在国内政治 上加点分。

历史上, 美国 人这么做也 不是第一次 了。

比如, 当年被 缺医少药装 备差的志愿 军战士在冰 天雪地里打 残的陆战一 师。

他们往南逃跑 撤退, 不叫 向南逃跑撤 退, 而是叫 向南进攻。

摇身一变, 就 成英雄了。

第三个角度, 中国该如何 面对可能的 结果。

元首会晤, 无 非三个结果 。

谈得好, 谈崩 了, 谈得不 好不坏。

谈得好, 这个 不用多说。

唯一要多个心 眼的是美国 人可能再次 翻脸。

谈崩了, 无非 就是现在的 这种状态,

情况也不会 更坏下去。

贸易战中无赢 家, 要么和 解, 要么双 输。

我们感到困难 的时候, 美 国人的日子 也不好过。

要知道, 美国 150多家 行业协会联 合请愿,

这背后是受 了多大的罪 ?

谈得不好不坏, 那就继续 谈下去。

继续接触沟通 下去, 也不 是坏事。

总而言之, 贸 易战打了8 个多月, 中 国的立场没 变化。

"不愿打, 不 怕打, 必要 时不得不打 "的态度没 有变。

"坚定维护国 家尊严和核 心利益"的 态度也没有 变。

立场坚定, 思 路清楚, 所 以表现出来 的态度很淡 定。

不管美国人玩 出什么花来, 中国都将 用这个淡定 的态度去应 对,

然后专心做 好自己的事 情。

更何况, 以中 美目前的实 力对比, 中 国能从容地 顶着压力坚 持到现在,

甚至没有什 么明显撑不 住的地方,

这已经让全 世界很多人 大跌眼镜了 。

这让更多有脑 子的人看到 挑衅者的色 厉内荏。

这让更多能真 正独立思考 的人看到中 国的韧性。

美国暴风骤雨 似的拳击无 法击倒中国,

中国以柔克 刚的太极反 而让自己腾 挪的空间更 大。

所以, 看待接 下来的元首 会晤, 乃至 于这场纷争 最终的走向,

可以借用西 方媒体的评 论来形容:

美国不胜就是 失败, 中国 不败就是胜 利。

For more infomation >> 大地震!习近平会见俄罗斯总统普京!中美贸易战带向何方?中国将彻底终结美国霸权! - Duration: 15:47.


英国王室对查尔斯不满?路易下意识动作能证明,不会是凯特教的吧 , 凯特王妃才不会被梅根气到哭,从她妈妈的宠辱不惊就可以看得到 , 在皇室过的第一个圣诞节好不自由,梅根永远不能像三年前这么穿了 - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> 英国王室对查尔斯不满?路易下意识动作能证明,不会是凯特教的吧 , 凯特王妃才不会被梅根气到哭,从她妈妈的宠辱不惊就可以看得到 , 在皇室过的第一个圣诞节好不自由,梅根永远不能像三年前这么穿了 - Duration: 12:12.


Victim Of Slippery Rock Twp. 9-Vehicle Crash Seeks Identity Of Helpful Good Samaritan - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Victim Of Slippery Rock Twp. 9-Vehicle Crash Seeks Identity Of Helpful Good Samaritan - Duration: 0:25.




FBI agents raided the home of a recognized Department of Justice whistleblower who privately

delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government

watchdog, according to the whistleblower's attorney.

The Justice Department's inspector general was informed that the documents show that

federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary

of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased

Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.

The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to enforce

criminal laws pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached

to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges.

Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether Donald Trump's presidential campaign

colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

"The bureau raided my client to seize what he legally gave Congress about the Clinton

Foundation and Uranium One," the whistleblower's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told TheDCNF, noting

that he considered the FBI's raid to be an "outrageous disregard" of whistleblower


Sixteen agents arrived at the home of Dennis Nathan Cain, a former FBI contractor, on the

morning of Nov. 19 and raided his Union Bridge, Maryland, home, Socarras told TheDCNF.

The raid was permitted by a court order signed on Nov. 15 by Magistrate Judge Stephanie A.

Gallagher in the U.S. District Court for Baltimore and obtained by TheDCNF.

A special agent from the FBI's Baltimore division, who led the raid, charged that Cain

possessed stolen federal property and demanded entry to his private residence, Socarras told


"On Nov. 19, the FBI conducted court authorized law enforcement activity in the Union Bridge,

Maryland area," bureau spokesman Dave Fitz told TheDCNF.

"At this time, we have no further comment."

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected

whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice

Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according

to Socarras.

Cain further told the FBI agent the potentially damaging classified information had been properly

transmitted to the Senate and House Intelligence committees as permitted under the act, Socarras


The agent immediately directed his agents to begin a sweep of the suburban home anyway.

Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF.

Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage

through the home for six hours.

"After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member

of his staff physically take Mr. Cain's classified document disclosure to the House

and Senate Intelligence committees," Socarras told TheDCNF.

"For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain's home suggesting that those same documents

are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after

being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them

to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law," he continued.

Cain came across the potentially explosive information while working for an FBI contractor,

Socarras told TheDCNF.

Cain met with a senior member of Horowitz's office at a church close to the White House

to deliver the documents to the IG, according to Socarras.

He sat in a pew with a hoodie and sunglasses, Socarras said.

Cain held a double-sealed envelope containing a flash drive with the documents.

The IG official met him and, without saying a word, took the pouch over Cain's shoulder

and left.

If the complaint is found credible, the law protecting whistleblowers, which covers employees

of government contractors, requires the IG to share such information with the attorney

general — who at the time was Jeff Sessions.

The two law enforcement officials directed the documents be sent to the Senate and House

Intelligence committees for their examination, according to Socarras, who said that a high-level

IG official hand-delivered the documents to the two intelligence committees.

"I cannot believe the bureau informed the federal magistrate who approved the search

warrant that they wanted to search the home of an FBI whistleblower to seize the information

that he confidentially disclosed to the IG and Congress," Socarras told TheDCNF.

The whistleblower act is intended to protect whistleblowers within the intelligence community,

which includes the FBI.

"The (intelligence community) is committed to providing its personnel the means to report

violations of law," according to a 2016 intelligence community directive.

"The (whistleblower act) authorizes employees of contractors to take government property

and give it to the two intelligence committees confidentially," Socarras told TheDCNF.

The FBI has yet to talk to Cain's attorney despite the raid, according to Socarras.

"After the raid, and having received my name and phone number from Mr. Cain as his

lawyer, an FBI agent actually called my client directly to discuss his seized electronics,"

Socarras told TheDCNF.

"Knowingly bypassing the lawyer of a represented client is serious


For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS FBI RAIDS HOME OF CLINTON FOUNDATION - Duration: 12:37.




President Trump gave an in-depth interview to the New York Post.

In it, he laid it on the table for the Democrats and blindsided them.

If they insist on the never-ending probes and harassment against him and his administration,

he's going to make them pay a very heavy price.

The steps he would take would stun the Democrats and especially Hillary Clinton and her minions.

Trump said that he would declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents from Robert

Mueller's probe.

This would allegedly show a conspiracy between the FBI, the DOJ and the Clinton campaign

in order to set Trump up and stop him from being president.

The president is not one to show his cards early however and will only out the documents

when they are needed.

Trump is a scrapper – he'll give as good or better than he gets and the Democrats are

about to find that out.

The New York Post has more on this high stakes game:

In a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with The Post, President Trump said Wednesday that

if House Democrats launched probes into his administration — which he called "presidential

harassment" — they'd pay a heavy price.

"If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want to go and harass the president

and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me.

I'm a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they'd never been hit like that,"

he said during a 36-minute Oval Office sitdown.

The commander-in-chief said he could declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents

from Robert Mueller's probe — and predicted the disclosure would expose the FBI, the Justice

Department, and the Clinton campaign as being in cahoots to set him up.

"I think that would help my campaign.

If they want to play tough, I will do it.

They will see how devastating those pages are."

But Trump told The Post he wanted to save the documents until they were needed.

"It's much more powerful if I do it then," Trump said, "because if we had done it already,

it would already be yesterday's news."

Trump revealed his playbook just as Democrats are set to take over House committeesin January

where they are poised to investigate his potential business conflicts of interests, tax returns,

Russia dealings and more.

With the GOP losing power in January, its congressional investigations into alleged

Department of Justice misconduct in launching the Russia probe is expected to fizzle out.

In September, a group of Trump allies in the House – led by Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York

– called on Trump to declassify scores of Justice Department documents they believe

undercut the start of the Russia investigation and show bias against Trump.

The documents include Justice officials' request to surveil Trump campaign adviser

Carter Page and memos on DOJ official Bruce Ohr's interactions with Christopher Steele,

the author of a controversial dossier that alleged Trump ties with Russia.

Trump initially agreed to declassify the documents, including text messages sent by former FBI

officials James Comey, Andrew G. McCabe as well as Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Ohr. Trump

allies believe the revelations will show favoritism toward Hillary Clinton and a plot to take

down Trump.

Trump then reversed course, citing the need for further review and concern of US allies.

Trump added Wednesday that his lawyer Emmet Flood thought it would be better politically

to wait.

"He didn't want me to do it yet, because I can save it," Trump said.

The president also pushed back on the notion that all the Justice Department documents

should eventually be released for the sake of transparency.

"Some things maybe the public shouldn't see because they are so bad," Trump said,

making clear it wasn't damaging to him, but to others.

"Maybe it's better that the public not see what's been going



this country."



Latrobe Man Dies After His Pickup Runs Into Tree On Bethel Church Road - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Latrobe Man Dies After His Pickup Runs Into Tree On Bethel Church Road - Duration: 0:19.


2 Men, Woman In Custody After Body Found Wrapped In Blood-Soaked Carpet In Wissinoming Home, Police - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> 2 Men, Woman In Custody After Body Found Wrapped In Blood-Soaked Carpet In Wissinoming Home, Police - Duration: 1:40.


Pinpoint Weather 12 Forecast - Duration: 3:25.

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Bush White House photographer recalls life-changing job with First Family - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Bush White House photographer recalls life-changing job with First Family - Duration: 1:49.


韓国に登場した橋本環奈。韓国での反応は?銀魂2プロモーション - Duration: 5:56.

Hanamoto Anna who appeared in Korea. What's the reaction in Korea? (Translated by

Japan actress Hashimoto Naona (Kanna_Hashimoto) visited Korea for the first time with the promotion of the movie "Gintama 2: The rules are in order to break", which is also a topic in Korea.

At a press conference, "Korean fans really am delighted with me and am surprised and purely pleased."

I did not answer the question as to what I thought about the topic of becoming a topic in Japan as "a masterpiece in one thousand years".

Instead, Yuichi Fukuda (Yuichi _ Fukuda) responded "It is also called Fukuoka's miracle in Japan."

A reporter asked which nickname is better and answered "I think it would be better if the miracle of Fukuoka is better" while saying "I ask a very meaningful question."

Finally, "Although I came to Korea for the first time, I was really happy for the fact that the original Gintama is familiar to many people"

"I really appreciate the appearance of a warm fan, I want to show Gintama 3 surely, so ask a lot of love for this work."

Gintama is the second movie in this movie of the same name comic in Japan. In Korea, an age limit of 12 years old or older was established.

Discussions are also taking place this time on the fact that the design that made the reminder of the Asahi flag be displayed in the background with the first promotional video.

Article Source:

Korean reaction

I am very short. After all how beautiful and pure images are pushed by Korean actresses.

A real Japanese woman - an entertainer can not talk.

Did not you sell as an idol? Even in the worst performing acting in Japan, you used Hashimoto - Rina 's ability to attract customers, so they used it because they are excellent in the box office aspect?

The poor performance of Japanese entertainment that is filled with more dirty things than our country is poor.

Admit. I saw a lot of women, but such a child sees it for the first time he comes alive. I want you to grow well at the national level.

Is that face in Japan one in a thousand years?

This guy is a disgusted woman who is disgusted and is rumored that her personality is not good even in Japan.

This movie is a movie that falls in the level which rocked the war criminal flag.

I liked Hashimoto, I wonder why he took a movie with an inexperienced director. There is no eye to watch.

If that face were one in a thousand years it seems that in Korea one person is in every town in a million years.

I came out with a beautiful appearance but since I became an adult - I can not act, I am short and the style is off.

Although it holds with a certain face - becoming to disappear from the industry when aging begins.

You can just watch the Gintama with animation.

Once in a thousand years, exaggeration is intense.

Cute things are pretty, but that's cute - seems to be a lot of kids if there are kids.

Even though Japan's development of orthopedics develops, even though it is actually shaped, there are 90% of those who do not reach such an appearance.

What is one in a thousand years? Our country has one person in a million years.

The problem is that one person can do the same in that million years. Go to Gangnam, you can see a lot.

Frankly certainly Korean idols - more cute and cool things are facts.

It is not about as called one person in a thousand years, but in my country it is not easy to be noticed so much.

Is not it also a topic in the orthopedic power country Hellcolia that transforms the cuttlefish into the machine's face?

Comment Quoted from:

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

For me, Hashimoto is just a child who often appears in CM, especially nothing.

The preference of appearance is each person, I wonder who is better or which country is better.

In Japan it would have been accepted by many people. In Korea it is not so.

Depending on the article, there were a lot of enthusiastic fans and there was also explosive popularity, so I'm not sure.

There would have been a lot of fans of Ginza or Nao Hashimoto who actually took the trouble to the venue.

It seems that there is still a way out so far though it is an actress now. I think that it is about having experience.

In the case of Japan, if popular, it can be connected to growth to fill the field with big works.

Although I saw the first piece of Gintama, I'm worried about how Korea is being translated so much that it is a Japanese parade that I do not know unless I am Japanese like the original.

I am worried about how much profit can be raised in Korea.

Criticism of the Asahi Flag seems to be in the original and animation, but in the end it seems that there are only a few people who are making noise.

The Korean government also became stubborn at the time of the observation ceremony in Jeju and the media reported extensively, which seems to be only a bigger upheaval.

Hanajima Kana is pulled in every direction in Japan with some degree of familiarity and popularity, but it seems that it is not yet Asian level yet.

Whether you grow big or not depends on your own efforts.

Thank you for your viewing.

For more infomation >> 韓国に登場した橋本環奈。韓国での反応は?銀魂2プロモーション - Duration: 5:56.


how to get free robux on roblox - roblox codes 2018 - get robux free 2018 **NEW UPDATE DECEMBER** - Duration: 5:09.

how to get free robux on roblox - roblox codes 2018 - get robux free

For more infomation >> how to get free robux on roblox - roblox codes 2018 - get robux free 2018 **NEW UPDATE DECEMBER** - Duration: 5:09.


8 Minutes of My Fangirl Life (2017-2018) - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> 8 Minutes of My Fangirl Life (2017-2018) - Duration: 8:00.


Equipo de Noticias Telemundo evalúa los retos de AMLO | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Equipo de Noticias Telemundo evalúa los retos de AMLO | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:23.


WATCH: Cardi B Accidentally Flashes Crowd During Concert | - Duration: 4:54.

WATCH: Cardi B Accidentally Flashes Crowd During Concert |

Cardi B suffered a wardrobe malfunction during her performance at the 2018 iHeartRadio Jingle Ball.

The rapper performed wearing a revealing gold fringed outfit with a crop top and a short skirt, but when she turned around to dance during one of her songs, the skirt accidentally rose up to reveal her bare behind.

Cardi, 26, managed to bounce back from the slip up, however, and continue performing to a sold out crowd.

Later during the performance, she was joined by her husband, Migos rapper Offset, and their infant daughter Kulture Kiari Cephus.

Watch a clip of the accidental flashing below.

Cardi's Skirt Accidentally Rose Up During Her Jingle Ball Performance.

This is not the first time that Cardi has had to deal with wardrobe malfunctions. During the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, the rapper suffered a nip slip that forced the producers to cut away from her performance while she pulled up her dress.

When the camera cut back to Cardi to finish her introduction, she had managed to fix her dress and held her hand over her breast to make sure it stayed put.

Cardi's performance at the Jingle Ball was her first since reigniting her feud with Nicki Minaj.

The latter recently put out the music video to her single "Good Form", which featured two bartenders, Jade and Baddie GI, who are reportedly planning to sue Cardi for "ordering an attack on them at the strip club where they work.".

Cardi denies ever ordering an attack.

One of the bartenders, Jade, is rumored to be dating Tekashi 6ix9ine (more on her above), who worked with Minaj on the recent song "MAMA." The song sees Minaj accuse Cardi of offering sexual favors to get ahead in the music industry.

Give the track a listen below.

It Was Her First Performance Since Reigniting Her Feud With Nicki Minaj.

"I was out in Spain rockin' a Medusa head / I ain't never have to give a rap producer head/If I do, though, I'ma write a book like Supahead," Minaj raps.

"This ain't wonder that I'm makin', this that super bread / Splish, splash, f*ck him in a hurry, quick, fast." Cardi responded to the claim on Instagram Live, stressing that she never offered sexual favors to anyone.


"Nah, I never f*cked a deejay on God.

I dealt with scammers. Drug dealers.

I've dealt with some bum ass n*ggas but I never f*cked me a deejay," she explained.

"I know what y'all gonna ask me and I addressed this a whole lot of times, 'Didn't you f*ck Self?' No, I never f*cked Self.

I never been in a relationship with Self.

I never flirted with Self." Watch the full Instagram video above.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Cardi B Accidentally Flashes Crowd During Concert | - Duration: 4:54.


#TheOpenHouse - Any straws left? - Duration: 3:36:03.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - Any straws left? - Duration: 3:36:03.


Makassar Jenaka Lawas Nonstop Vol.2 A - A.Rasyid & Jamila - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> Makassar Jenaka Lawas Nonstop Vol.2 A - A.Rasyid & Jamila - Duration: 14:04.



For more infomation >> SOMETHING NEW TO OUR CHANNEL | VLOG 08 - Duration: 3:44.


昔日被冠名"国民校草"的李易峰,如今却火不起来 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 昔日被冠名"国民校草"的李易峰,如今却火不起来 - Duration: 2:40.


Emmanuel Macron: Je n'accepterai jamais la vi0lence - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron: Je n'accepterai jamais la vi0lence - Duration: 2:05.


For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron: Je n'accepterai jamais la vi0lence - Duration: 2:05.


✅ Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> ✅ Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> ✅ Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 2:58.


3 Ways to Draw Hair for All Types Of Hair / DP Truong - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways to Draw Hair for All Types Of Hair / DP Truong - Duration: 12:05.


For more infomation >> 3 Ways to Draw Hair for All Types Of Hair / DP Truong - Duration: 12:05.


Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.


For more infomation >> Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.


SHOPKINS PICK 'N' PACK SMALL MART | Pretend Play Grocery Shopping | itsplaytime612 - Duration: 8:33.

Shopkins shopkins hey guys it's playtime today, we have the Shopkins pick and pack small Mart

Small Mart or mini mart alright let's take it out from the box. Oh

I see my most favorite thing here a shopping cart

With fruits and juice

two in one cart in basket yeah you can take this out too

And this can be a basket

That is super cool and it is very colorful

Here's another basket (or shopping bag)

It's green


So, when you're gonna go pretend shopping at

Shopkins small Mart you're gonna pick which basket you can use either

This green basket or this blue basket

they're both cute

this one looks like a freezer for the popsicles, ice cream, etc

Hopefully we can find something that we can put here inside

Okay, here it is the shopping cart and

then our groceries

Since this shelf is empty let's put this cardboard

Yeah so it would look like there's something in it

this is the bag holder

like that

I didn't know we got two! Oh my G!

Bag spins!

Let's try it

But spinning is just manual which is fine

that's cool

Okay, let's take a look at the cash register so this is the Food Warmer or



There's a mirror here I wonder if we can flip this, oh cool

And the screen that you can spin

Teeny-tiny cash register

I wish they make it a little bit bigger

Okay, where is our?

here, we have the shopkins loyalty card

so you can get discounts when you shop

Swipe the card

That's cool

For now I'm gonna use Barbie Chelsea because I can't find our shopkins shoppies

That's perfect here's our first customer

Sugar queen

hmmm I need peaches!

Let's get one can of peaches for Sugar Queen

to the basket

Oh! Cake pop!

I think I'm good

Chelsea: hi Sugar Queen how are you doin' today?

Am good Chelsea, thank you!

are you ready to check out?

yes I am


first item is...cake pop!

Chelsea: Oh this is my favorite too!

next item can of peaches

Chelsea: May I have your loyalty card Sugar?

yeah it's here

let me swipe the card

all done!

thank you for shopping with us Sugar Queen!

no problem, have a good one!

you too!

Time to open the surprises!

first shopping bag we have

The cake pop time

Oh look at that!

the super cute CAKE POP!

Second shopping bag

Perfect peaches

Wow we got PEACHY!

Good thing about this playset you can play the containers


Let's put the shopping bag back to the stand like that

now let's try the food warmer

Cake Pop. I don't think we need to put peachy inside

but since this is just a toy

we can

There you go, they look cute inside

It didn't spin so

let's take out Peachy

and just have Cake Pop

So it's just for one shopkins, because if you put two it won't spin anymore

let's heat it up for

30. Seconds

All righty now let's try Peachy

You're not supposed to warm up Peachy but this is just pretend

Let's warm this up for maybe just 15 seconds

Now it looks warm and tasty

Alright guys thanks for watching!

Please stay tuned for more videos more Toys and Surprises!

And if you're new in the channel please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE ♥

Have a good one everyone take care!

For more infomation >> SHOPKINS PICK 'N' PACK SMALL MART | Pretend Play Grocery Shopping | itsplaytime612 - Duration: 8:33.


For more infomation >> SHOPKINS PICK 'N' PACK SMALL MART | Pretend Play Grocery Shopping | itsplaytime612 - Duration: 8:33.


Video: Superb Cedric free-kick see Manchester United go 2-0 down in clash vs Southampton - Duration: 1:42.

 A superb set-piece from Southampton defender Cedric Soares only compiled the misery on Man United in their match against the Saints on Saturday

 Having already been 1-0 down thanks to a goal from Nathan Redmond, United then found themselves 2-0 down due to a stunning set-piece from Cedric

 The Portuguese international curled his free-kick straight into the top corner in the 20th minute, leaving David De Gea helpless in the process

 Jose Mourinho is already under pressure at Old Trafford given United's start to this season, and following this strike, it just seems to be going from bad to worse for the 55-year-old

 Here's a clip of Cedric's free-kick this evening. Pick that one out! GOAL#Saintsfc 2-0 #MUFC  Cedric curls a beauty in to the top corner and Southampton are dominant against Man Utd

 Follow:  — Sky Sports Premier League (@SkySportsPL) December 1, 2018

For more infomation >> Video: Superb Cedric free-kick see Manchester United go 2-0 down in clash vs Southampton - Duration: 1:42.


For more infomation >> Video: Superb Cedric free-kick see Manchester United go 2-0 down in clash vs Southampton - Duration: 1:42.


Кайфмэн meme it.A'm - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Кайфмэн meme it.A'm - Duration: 1:40.


{Dubsona} Chapter 9: honey nut feelios - Duration: 17:08.

Welcome to my wingdings translation office

Are you sure this is an acceptable form of revenge?

Oh my.

Do either of you know how to restore my font settings to normal?

I am aware of that.

Futaba must be added back to chat.

For more infomation >> {Dubsona} Chapter 9: honey nut feelios - Duration: 17:08.


VLOG- กดบัตรGOT7, Nestival2018 นก?!? - Duration: 4:32.

hi people!!

today I'm waiting to reserve the ticket

but I've never reserve the ticket online

I'm currently on the web page

but it doesn't show

For more infomation >> VLOG- กดบัตรGOT7, Nestival2018 นก?!? - Duration: 4:32.


Welch Allyn Professional Adult Stethoscope Unboxing - Duration: 3:16.

- In this video, I'm gonna show you my detailed unboxing

of the Welch Allyn Adult Professional Stethoscope.

(slow music) (pencil scratching)

Hey, hey, what's up guys?

Nurse Jenny here.

In this video, I'm gonna take you through

my detailed unboxing of the Welch Allyn

Adult Professional Stethoscope.

And if you're like me, into all things nursing,

consider subscribing.

And if you found this video at all helpful,

please give it a thumbs up.

Let's get into the video.

Okay, here we've got the Welch Allyn box again.

And it's got a picture of a stethoscope,

which is not the stethoscope you get in the box.

All the boxes look the same from Welch Allyn.

It's got the same stethoscope on the front.

So it's got Welch Allyn Stethoscopes,

hear the difference.

On this side, we've got Welch Allyn Stethoscopes

and just the address of their headquarters

in the United States.

It's just got the brand, Welch Allyn.

And on this side,

we've got just the bar code.

I don't know if I showed you that side.

Welch Allyn Stethoscopes, hear the difference.

And on the back as usual,

there's nothing.

Okay, so let's open this box and see what we've got inside.



On the top we've got a little user manual.

A little pamphlet user manual.

We've got, as far as spare kit,

we've get a spare diaphragm.

Spare plastic diaphragm.

And you also get a name tag.

This one does not have a metal piece to engrave on.

It's just the normal name tag.

Oh, I missed this.

You also get

a pair of hard extra ear tips.

Okay, and here is the

Welch Allyn Professional Adult Stethoscope.

Okay, so it's got the Y-frame.

It's got the ear tips.

These ear tips looks like they're medium ear tips.

And they are

screw on.

So they screw off

like that.

And they screw back on.

The chest piece is


it's turnable

and pretty normal looking like all the other ones.

It's got the open bell,

which does not convert to

a pediatric side.

Stay tuned for my detailed review

of the Welch Allyn Adult Professional Stethoscope

where I'll go through in detail

all the features of the stethoscope.

And also, remember, all these stethoscopes in my videos,

I give away.

So if you want the chance to win,

you can find the link in the show notes for that.

Thanks for watching my video.

I'll see you on the next one.

You have a great day.

And remember, listen with your heart.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Welch Allyn Professional Adult Stethoscope Unboxing - Duration: 3:16.


David Strong - Voice Over for Don Franklin Chevrolet - Duration: 0:16.

Get Black Friday Super Savings all month at Don Franklin Chevrolet

Super Savings on the all-new 2018 Silverado 1500 Crew Cab now only $31,990

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Find New Roads Stop by Don Franklin Chevrolet today!

For more infomation >> David Strong - Voice Over for Don Franklin Chevrolet - Duration: 0:16.


国民党为何会大胜?马英九8字回应:民心思变,民怨沸腾! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 国民党为何会大胜?马英九8字回应:民心思变,民怨沸腾! - Duration: 2:23.


Megan Fox, 32, Has Wardrobe Malfunction While Braless Under Tuxedo Jacket - Daily News - Duration: 2:51.

Close call! Megan Fox wore nothing underneath her tuxedo jacket in NYC on Nov. 28 and it led her to have a slight wardrobe malfunction in the ensemble

Check it out here!    Megan Fox, 32, flashed the camera more than the sparkles on her tuxedo jacket! The New Girl actress wore a sequined pantsuit for her visit to Watch What Happens Live! on Nov

28, but her outfit wasn't all business. She ditched a bra for her trip to the talk show, so her cleavage was the focal point underneath the co-ord's blazer! While Megan tried to prevent a nip slip from happening by firmly laying her hand on top of the jacket, she flashed a bit of nipple at one point, while cameras were flashing away

   Of course, Megan kept it cool, even though a slip-up happened. The raven haired beauty later posed for an Instagram Boomerang with Tyra Banks, 44, and had another close call with a wardrobe malfunction…that time, on purpose! She grabbed the lapels of her tuxedo jacket and pulled them apart, revealing even more cleavage for the camera

Now a mother of three sons (Noah, 6, Bodhi, 4, and Journey, 2), the lead of Jennifer's Body proved she's still one hot mama

 After her trip to Andy Cohen's show, Megan got in the holiday spirit and stopped by one of America's biggest Christmas events

You guessed it– the lighting of the massive tree in New York City's Rockefeller Center

See pictures of NYC's annual tradition, here! But the actress hasn't been hanging around the big city too much

She has put acting on the back burner to host and executive produce a show on the Travel Channel, Legends of the Lost With Megan Fox, which will premiere on Dec

4. The first episode will show her unpacking theories about female warriors in Scandinavia and England! BACKGRID  The Travel Channel gig is a 180 from Megan's usual track of big screen projects

She's even admitted to this, but insists that "archaeology and antiquities" is her raison d'etre

"There was a general sense of disbelief that this is something I'm genuinely passionate about," Megan told Entertainment Weekly in an interview published on Nov

27. "And then, depending on which topic and which thing we're discussing, I can be quite knowledgeable on archaeology and antiquities, and I think that was also really surprising for people


For more infomation >> Megan Fox, 32, Has Wardrobe Malfunction While Braless Under Tuxedo Jacket - Daily News - Duration: 2:51.


Cristiano Ronaldo - JUVENTUS Mashup #26 - Duration: 3:15.

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