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COURBURE TERRESTRE, L'EVIDENCE, à sous-titrer - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
WE FOUND DESTINY [Jimin AU Story] FINAL - Duration: 4:03.I had a dream and just like any other dream
I wanted to fight till Iget to it
And I did
Booktube and Sustainability | Discussion [CC] - Duration: 11:56.Hi everyone!
My name is Frede and today, I've got a discussion video on a topic that's been kind of floating
around in my mind for quite a while, but I never really got around to making a video
about it.
So I just watched a video over at Harriet Rose's channel where she talks about things
she would like to see more on Booktube, and one of the things that she mentioned was people
talking about Booktube and reflecting us as some sort of a subculture.
And this video actually made me want to film this one that I'm filming right now.
Basically, I want to talk about, or even more kind of ask the question of how sustainability
in an environmental sense fits into what we do here on Booktube.
Before I start, I just want to say that I'm by no means an expert on this topic. I'm
I'm a humanities student, so I probably have a much narrower perspective than someone who
would study environmental studies for example.
But that's also kind of the point of this video, I would like us to try and have a conversation about this maybe.
Now obviously, the reason we're here is because we love books.
But I think we might want to reflect on how our passion for books impacts the environment.
Sometime last year, Ariel Bissett made a video about things you can do in your everyday life
to live a bit of a more sustainable life.
And Sanne at booksandquills has a second channel called derpinaMODE where she and her friend
talk about mostly cruelty free cosmetics, but also, I've seen them talk about upcycling
and more sustainable period products, and then also Jean at Jean Bookishthoughts made
a video at the beginning of the year where she talks about how she wants to try and avoid
plastic in her everyday life.
So the concept of sustainability does seem to be on the minds of at least some of us,
but I've never really seen anyone talk about this as it relates to books.
So that's what I would like to do today.
Another reason I'm kind of bringing this up is that at the beginning of January, a lot of
people, especially on Twitter, were like freaking out because by 2050 there might be no chocolate
anymore because of climate change.
But then no one actually seemed to be willing to do anything about that, to change their
behaviour, to try and change other people's behaviour. And then about a week later no
one was talking about it anymore.
And this actually made me quite angry, because climate change is not something that's gonna
happen at some point in the distant future, but it's happening right now as we speak.
And there is obviously nothing we can do about that as individuals, but I think there are
little things that we can do in our everyday life that can at least minimise the way that
we contribute to that.
And I think a lot of those things are talked about in the videos that I just mentioned
which will obviously also be in the description, as well as some other stuff that might be interesting.
And then the last disclaimer before I start, obviously, I'm aware of the huge amount
of privilege that comes with me being able to sit here, to complain about people who
don't change their behaviour and to be able in general to make these small decisions.
To be able to eat no meat, to be able to try and buy groceries that are not packaged in
plastic, I'm aware that I'm very privileged to be able to do so.
But I think that actually quite a lot of us on Booktube are in this privileged position.
And I think because of that we might want to try and take some responsibility for things
we do, even as it relates to our hobbies.
Also, I really don't want this video to come across as this kind of eco freak yelling
at you and telling you what to do, but I just kind of think that if we want to talk about
sustainability, our free time and our hobbies do have to do something about that and we
need to take that into consideration.
So if we look at our shelves, doesn't matter if you have 10 books on there or 100 or 1,000,
that's a lot of paper.
And obviously, that had quite the effect on the environment.
Trees were cut down, transported somewhere, turned into paper, transported somewhere,
printed with ink that had to be produced, transported somewhere, probably bound somewhere
else, transported somewhere, maybe even wrapped in like plastic, sold to you at the bookshop,
you might take it home in a bag of the bookshop.
And even if you order it online instead, it's shipped to you, like a lot of transport, a
lot of packaging.
So I think it is safe to say that the books that we have on our shelves had in some way
or another a very negative impact on the environment, and I just wonder what we can do about that.
Now the first thing that came to my mind at least was, I asked myself whether E-Readers
might be a better alternative and I did some research and in a lot of the places I looked,
people weren't quite sure either.
Because obviously, making an E-Reader also has a huge impact on the environment.
You need different materials, but it also is shipped to places.
Obviously, an E-Reader is also not like the greenest thing you can have but apparently,
if you read something between 60-100 books on your E-Reader, that is actually more sustainable
than buying 60-100 books new in a bookshop.
Now I personally don't like reading off screens, and I actually like having a book
in my hand, like an actual book reading off paper.
I'm also this kind of materialistic person who just likes owning stuff.
And I think a lot of us do.
So I'm just asking myself what else can we do to minimise our impact on the environment?
Now I have always loved secondhand books, they are much more affordable than new books,
also you can find old stuff in there which is also fun.
So I always loved secondhand books, but I think with all these things I just mentioned
kind of in the back of my mind, they even seem more appealing to me.
So they definitely seem like an option that we all might try to reach for more often than
some of us do.
Now I live in a town that actually has quite a lot of secondhand bookshops, but I know
that a lot of towns don't have that.
So again, we could ask ourselves the question: what's worse, going to a bookshop and buying
a new book or ordering a secondhand book online that might even have to be flown in and transported
to your doorstep because the seller you would buy it from is not set in your country?
I honestly don't know, but I think that's just something we might want to think more about.
It's at least something that I think a lot about.
So I really try to not order too many books online even if that might be a bit more expensive.
As I said, I'm aware of the privilege that comes with being able to say "okay I'm
willing to pay 2 or 3 euros more and not order something online."
Also I think most of us own way too many unread books anyways, so if we're looking for a
book that we would in any case order online, buy in a bookshop, try to find in a secondhand
bookshop, we might always want to ask ourselves "do I really need that?
I have a lot of unread books, I might want to read those first."
So I think the main point of this video is actually that a way for us to be more sustainable
as it relates to books is being more conscious and reflected about what we do, especially
when it comes to buying books.
For example, when it comes to classics, I would never go to a bookshop and buy a classic
for like 10 euros, 15 euros, if I could get it in a secondhand bookshop for so much less money.
And like for example, this is my copy of Wuthering Heights.
It's an ugly cover, the spine has been broken multiple times, it's coming apart, like
you can almost take the cover off.
It's not that much of a battered copy apart from that, but it is a battered copy and I
know that a lot of people on here don't like that.
We are very much obsessed with like books in this pristine condition.
And I was wondering if we might want to try and change something about that.
Because like as I said this is an ugly cover but this was already printed many, many years
before, so no tree has to be killed.
I bought this actually in a shop so it didn't have to be shipped to me.
And of course, you could get yourself a beautiful Penguin edition but the content is the same,
so you might as well pick up this one, right?
So I think in that sense, the topic of this video also kinda ties into the discussions that
have been popping up every now and again about how here on Booktube, we're very much obsessed
with owning new books, owning books that are in a perfect condition.
And how that can also be deterrent for people who cannot for some reason or another buy
that many books at the same time.
Maybe they can't, maybe they don't want to, but in any case, this focus so much on
owning and having, I guess that really ties into sustainability in that sense.
And I think it also ties into the idea that we might just want to be a bit more reflective
of our buying choices and behaviours.
I suppose after all, the best thing you can do is get your book from the library.
Now as I just said myself, I like owning books.
But I also use the library quite a lot, especially when I try out authors that I've never heard
of and I just wanna see if they're for me, the library is an amazing place.
Also obviously, you don't have to pay for the books individually.
Usually, like at least at my library you have a yearly fee which at my library is 5 euros
so I think that is definitely worth it.
And then, if you're a uni student, at least my uni also has fiction books that you can get.
So I think there are ways that we can try and get books and read them and not have to
kill trees for that.
And not have to contribute to the pollution that's being done to the air, to the water,
to the ground in any kind of ways negatively affecting the planet.
This was a bit of a rambly video I guess and I very much focused on book-buying.
You could obviously take this much further and say "well, your camera and your laptop
and if you have lights and whatever also take up electricity so hm what about that?",
but I think at some point you need to draw the line.
Like, I'm not gonna move into the woods just because I don't wanna have an impact
on the environment, because you cannot possibly live on this planet without negatively impacting it.
But I think we should try and reflect our choices and be a bit more conscious of what
we do and the impact that it has.
So that was kind of I guess the point that I was trying to make here.
Also this video obviously doesn't mean you can never buy a new book anymore, otherwise
you're a bad person.
I also buy new books.
But I think one thing that's just important is that we're aware of the impact that we
have and that if we have the opportunity to make certain decisions, that we should maybe
try and make those decisions.
So please let me know what you think about this topic.
Maybe there's something that I didn't really think of, that I didn't really touch
upon in this video.
As I said I just mostly focused on book buying because that's the biggest thing that kind
of came to my mind.
So maybe you have a broader understanding of how for example climate change works or production
of paper vs. E-Reader, I don't know.
If there's anything knowledge-wise especially, that I didn't touch upon, that maybe I do
not know myself, please, please share this knowledge with us!
Also I mean even if you're a cynic and you think we're all gonna die anyways, and the
planet is dying so we might as well just not give a shit, maybe you just really don't
give a shit about the environment.
Like, you do you.
But I would just really like to hear your thoughts and opinions, not particularly on
this video because I know it was rambly, but on this topic.
I would really like to hear what you think about this, if this is something that is on
your mind, or whether me talking about this was kinda the first time you thought "oh
well, maybe that's something I could think about."
Any kinds of thoughts about Booktube and sustainability, I would love to chat about that with you in
the comments.
Please do be kind though, even if you thought this video was shit [laughs].
But yeah so, thank you for watching this video, please talk to me in the comments, and I will
hopefully see you in my next one.
[VOSTFR] 180111 Jin - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Tail is too cute when a Funny hamster has a peanut! - Duration: 2:12.Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!
I'm a little worried. Where else you wash that for this how will be alright to Train easy?
It's gonna be a rough game
Come on
Cue pop yeah daddy, yeah, I got it
sean gares Oh
Sean first me look at this
You first picked me dude. Yeah, I was building this fruits you nice
I was just like dude. I'm normally not this this pig
Washed a team of all time yeah
Each one more washed up, dude
I'm a little worried. We're all to wash that for this how we'll be all right dude train easy
Help it. Whatever you want Dave to to to me three three three
You might have a twenty bucks
We just let those guys walk up through hell, oh hell yeah
Every night save this
It's gonna be a rough game our team wash up is a that as expected
Yeah, I think we should just oh yeah, yeah, yeah, give me important you got the right idea
Five one down lower one inside. That's bomb. I'm watching hell
He might, just try to alert this
One's in the side when topping lower
Watching no, I'll push
That one
Phones are weak where'd that other guy go. Oh hey? He was IV could be backside nope he's whole camera
Lens deep
Not sure what's it? That side well it's been fun
Work he's had attended yeah definitely
Shut you down op up, or what sure
Please get a force force it in I have perfect about with it which it definitely
Shouldn't be the one having the gun, but I'm gonna do it you bet sucking water my pre flash decon right now. Oh
God so 100 times
One idea it's like a ladder it up
60 what at three he just disappeared into the fuck in this game
It's the spot
Camera Jesus read it flashy motor flashers my flashers ready. Yeah, I found two
Warmer outside one was ebooks
One back once inside ladder for sure okay in ladder
Maybe clan oh, I'm going either, okay?
And it's clear sofa, so I think I found the recipe though stomach call a strat Sean and everybody else completely disregard it and
Then when we win wait I'll take it
Mike are you having fun? Yeah a little bit shit's hard
Counter-strike is always stressful. You know
15:11 close Fijian Shawn hunter
Oh, no good one
Nothing could be fuckin as bad when you're we have pent expressing you're from
DIY FROSTER SLIME 🍧🥤🍹 !!! STAYS COOL!!! - Duration: 9:01.
How to Forge MeMe (Creepypasta Parody) subs EN - Duration: 0:29.Im waiting for that only moment
The moment i met you
i cloud go to other way
How much i can give to forget
All the moments witch are on 'no'
Becouse i want (i want)
Don't think about it
and swallow it like less crumble
Yes, now (yes, now)
Just don't want to remeber
Situacions where heart falls on knees
I won't let go
No matter how much i want
I hope you know it too
ARATA KASUGA !! Top 10 Trinity Seven Funny Moments - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
Democrat Darling Mayor Found Robbing $33K From Taxpayers To Have Illicit Affair - Duration: 3:21.Democrat Darling Mayor Found Robbing $33K From Taxpayers To Have Illicit Affair.
We just can't go one week without learning about another dirty democrat.
I mean, seriously, the news just keeps coming!
It seems like the entire party is corrupt.
Democrats across the country are being exposed.
They are committing all sorts of atrocities.
Be it money laundering, bribery, scamming charities, or sexual harassment.
If there is something bad you can do as a politician, the Democrats are guilty of it.
So it shouldn't come as a shock that investigators were on the trail of one sick Democrat.
Looks like a Tennessee mayor was engaged in all sorts of illicit behavior.
And we're talking about really bad stuff.
Although the official denies it, law enforcement just got the evidence they needed to put the
nail in her coffin
From Tennessean: The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says
it has obtained nude photos of a woman taken on the phone of former Sgt.
Rob Forrest, evidence that investigators believe shows Nashville Mayor Megan Barry engaged
in an affair with her former bodyguard while he was on duty…
The affidavit cites explicit images of a woman's body found on Forrest's phone that appear
to be taken while he was on out-of-town trips with the mayor.
In short, the article is being nice.
What this is really saying is that Mayor Barry was the nude woman in the photos.
It is becoming quite clear that she had an affair on the taxpayers' dime, and perhaps
her lover Sgt.
Forrest was holding these photos for blackmail.
Sounds a lot like a made-for-TV-movie.
Also on Forrest's phone, subpoenaed by the TBI earlier this month, investigators have
uncovered 260 deleted chats between that device and Barry's phone number as well as 35 deleted
call logs, the affidavit states…
Based on the photos and deleted chats they discovered on Forrest's phone, the TBI says
it has probable cause to seek evidence they believe could show a crime was committed.
The affidavit cites state statutes for misconduct of public officials and employees and theft
of property.
It seems like Barry admitted to having the affair, but claims no crimes were committed.
Um, lady, that's bad enough.
An elected official, entrusted with running a city, should not be jumping into bed with
one of her staff on the citizens' dime.
Evidence suggests that the guard was engaging in sexual activity while on duty.
That crosses into some muddy waters.
What else was going on that Barry tried to hide?
Shouldn't voters know that they elected a shady person into office?
Surprise, surprise, despite being exposed, she refuses to step down.
Do all Democrats have mental problems?
This woman has been outed as violating her office and marriage.
The relationship could have created a conflict of interest and misuse of public funds.
That's enough to remove someone from office
The smart thing for her to do is step down and deal with this criminal investigation.
It's time to let someone else run the city.
what do you think about this?
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Top Stories Today.
Welfare Queen Loses Benefits, Gets Thrown In Prison When Cops See Her Facebook - Duration: 7:27.Welfare Queen Loses Benefits, Gets Thrown In Prison When Cops See Her Facebook
A "model" who once claimed she was so poor and down on her luck that she needed
to beg for food from food banks in order to survive has now been jailed after being busted
for leading a glamorous and jet set lifestyle.
32-year-old Brit model Carina Reid claimed more than $70,000 in housing and council tax
benefits in order to help fund her luxury trips to Ibiza and Dubai.
Although she had more than $250,000 in 19 different bank accounts spread out around
the world.
The con artist model even went as far as to claim she needed money to pay rent on a flat
she herself owned on the King's Road, Chelsea.
A place where the average price for a flat is $2.9 million.
Reid told Kensington and Chelsea Council that since her beauty business in Wandsworth, South
London, was struggling even though she was actually planning to open new salons in Dubai
and Los Angeles and her salon's website claimed she had a "VIP film star" clientele,
which included Friends star and director David Schwimmer and singer-songwriter Michael Buble.
The scam went as far Reid sending $228,000 abroad in 2013-2014 to acquire property in
The whole scam went south when investigators looked at her Facebook page and saw pictures
of her lavish lifestyle.
Although Reid claimed that the trips were gifts from friends and boyfriends she was
sentenced to three years in prison at Isleworth Crown Court after pleading guilty to nine
charges of dishonestly claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit.
To date, none of the money she was paid in benefits has been recovered.
Via Evening Standard:
Model who claimed £50,000 in benefits while living jet-set lifestyle is jailed after inspectors
spotted her glamorous Facebook holiday snaps
A model who claimed she was so poor she lived on food handouts from her local mosque has
been jailed after benefits inspectors uncovered her jetset lifestyle from glamorous holiday
snaps posted on Facebook.
Carina Reid, 32, claimed more than £50,000 in housing and council tax benefits to help
fund luxury holidays in Dubai, Hong Kong, Spain, Portugal, France and Switzerland and
meals at the West End's top restaurants.
She claimed handouts to pay rent on a flat in an upmarket block in King's Road, Chelsea,
which she actually owned, and was found to hold £180,000 in 19 separate bank accounts.
Reid, who also works as a beautician, told Kensington and Chelsea Council she had no
savings, took no holidays and made so little from her Wandsworth beauty business Enhance
Medica that she accepted free food and drink from her local mosque.
Another holiday snap of Reid by a pool in Dubai (Facebook)
But on the firm's website, she claimed a "VIP film star" clientele including Michael
Buble and David Schwimmer, and revealed plans to expand into Dubai and Los Angeles.
While claiming benefits between 2009 and 2014 she went on a string of luxury trips which
were uncovered by suspicious council fraud inspectors who trawled through her social
media profile.
Her Facebook account, under the pseudonym Cara Delmonte, shows her sipping champagne
in Harrods and dining at other top establishments including Scotts in Mayfair, the Dorchester
and the Berkeley.
Alongside a photo from Laduree tea rooms in Harrods in August, 2014, she wrote: "Drinking
It's a hard life!"
Pictures from the same year show her taking a helicopter trip at the Cannes film festival,
posing in a glamorous evening gown by a luxury cruise liner in Lisbon and relaxing at a rooftop
In February 2014 she went skiing in Davos and posted: "It's bloody hard.
I'm aching but surviving.
Might give snowboarding a whirl too."
Reid was jailed for three years, one of the most severe sentences ever to have been handed
out in London for benefit fraud She spent New Year 2013 in Barcelona, while
just weeks earlier she posted a picture of herself draped across a Lamborghini in Dubai
after attending a yacht party.
During a trip to Macau, Hong Kong in 2010 she wrote: "Getting over the pool party
yesterday so relaxing and chilling with millionnaires drinking champagne and Pimms!"
Investigations by Kensington and Chelsea's anti-fraud squad found the King's Road flat
she claimed to rent in her benefit claim was purchased with a deposit of £20,000.
She was able to acquire a mortgage based on genuine tax returns, which showed Enhance
was a thriving business.
In 2014 she took a helicopter trip at Cannes and she sent cash abroad to buy property in
Dubai A further financial investigation revealed
she sent £116,000 abroad in 2013-2014 to acquire property in Dubai.
Yesterday, Reid was sentenced to three years in prison at Isleworth Crown Court having
pleaded guilty to nine charges of dishonestly claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit.
It is one of the most severe sentences ever to have been handed out in London for benefit
The court heard she had been overpaid £51,110 in benefits, none of which has been recovered.
Reid told the court that she did not believe she had an extravagant lifestyle and claimed
some of the trips abroad were paid for by friends or boyfriends, while others were business
training trips.
She insisted she had always been truthful in her tax affairs.
Sentencing, Judge Douglas Marks Moore described Reid's fraud as "sophisticated" and
"premeditated" and designed to fund her "lavish lifestyle".
He said this was "not a passive fraud" and that every time she filled in a claim
form there was a "positive demonstration to deceive."
Her beauty services are based at a separate unconnected beauty business, Regina Doctor
H, in upmarket shopping street Old York Road, by Wandsworth Town rail station.
Neighbours today told of their shock that "a glamorous and charming" businesswoman
had been exposed as a fraudster.
Andreja Oblak, 31, a barista at a coffee shop opposite Enhance's outlet in Old York Road,
said: "I can't believe it.
She always seemed so polite and sophisticated.
I can't believe she was such a scammer and she was ripping us all off to pay for her
A neighbour at her block in Kings Road said: "It's a shock.
We barely saw her because of her jetset lifestyle.
She was always partying and just gave the impression of being very successful."
Councillor Nicholas Paget-Brown, leader of Kensington and Chelsea council said: "Money
that was intended for those in greatest need was instead dishonestly used by Carina Reid
to fund a lavish lifestyle at taxpayers' expense.
"I am very pleased that following our investigation, which uncovered her real circumstances, that
the court has handed down this custodial sentence."
Forget modeling and styling hair.
What this woman should really be doing is writing a book on how to be rich off welfare.
She would become a multi-millionaire just on her book sales alone.
what do you think about this?
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Top Stories Today.
Plumbing Inspection Los Alamitos CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Inspection Los Alamitos CA - Duration: 1:07.Plumbing Inspection Los Alamitos CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
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roots intruding into sewer lines.
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roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
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We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
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If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Youtube Kacke | Dome wird zum Neger - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Trump Calls Deputy a 'Coward' for Not Engaging Florida Shooter - Duration: 1:44.Trump Calls
Deputy a �Coward� for Not Engaging Florida Shooter
President Donald Trump criticized a sheriff�s deputy who was present during a massacre at
a Florida high school last week but stayed outside the building, calling him a coward.
The deputy, Scot Peterson, �certainly did a poor job,� Trump said.
He �didn�t react properly under pressure or they were a coward,� the president said
to reporters as he left the White House Friday morning.
A former student armed with an AR-15-style rifle killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman
Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Feb. 14.
Trump has proposed training and arming some teachers to deter and fight assailants.
�You have to have a certain amount of offensive power� within schools, Trump said.
The National Rifle Association, he said, �wants to do the right thing.
I�ve been speaking to them and they do want to do the right thing.
🔴ESTE POLVO ES EL CHUPA GRASA CASERO QUE APLANA EL VIENTRE RÁPIDAMENTE - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Çukur / The Pit - Episode 18 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.My brother has come.
When are you going to introduce us?
But.. let me know about the time, alright?
I have a trouble to deal with..
What kind of trouble?
Someone called Emrah.
I know dear Yamaç... you cannot go to sleep without your father reading you a fairy tale.
I am not here for him. I am here for you.
* Inaudible *
Vartolu Saadettin...
... is apparently your son.
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COURBURE TERRESTRE, L'EVIDENCE, à sous-titrer - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
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Is This Socially Acceptable? - Duration: 1:51.Hello.
It's Shades.
My mom thinks that some things aren't socially acceptable, but I'd beg to differ.
If someone, especially if he or she is younger than you, enthusiastically tells you something,
like a joke, or a fun fact, do you act like you don't know the answer, even if you do?
Like what if a little kid walked up to you and said, "Did you know that when people
threw tomatoes at bad actors, they used to think the tomatoes were poisonous, and they
were trying to aim it at the actor's mouth to kill him or her?"
I knew that, but do I say, "Wow, that's pretty fascinating!"?
I don't want to come off as fake or phony, and I don't know if the kid will detect
I'm lying.
Or do I just be real and say, "Yep.
Saw that on the internet."?
Whenever I'm about to leave the house in sweatpants, my mom says to change because
I shouldn't wear that in public.
But it's comfy, loose, and that's my whole wardrobe!
The only other pants I have are gym shorts from school uniforms.
People in gyms wear sweatpants.
Shoppers in Wal-Mart wear sweatpants.
So why can't I wear them to a 5 minute doctor's appointment?
Is it socially acceptable to take snacks everywhere with you?
My dad sometimes tells me to put away my popcorn because I don't want to inappropriate.
It's probably more appropriate than letting my stomach grumble loudly enough for others
to hear.
I mean, that's just awkward.
And finally, if you encounter ducks, can you quack back at them?
Or is it rude?
Is that disturbing nature?
The ducks probably think I'm insensitive.
There could've been a secret duck language, and I potentially cussed them out by accident.
This video probably is giving you the impression that I'm socially awkward, but I just never
leave my house.
Thank you for watching. Like & subscribe for more content, & Shades out.
Other cool swanky recommended videos to check out! The left one is helpful to learn animation, the right tells you what facial mask to never purchase. Helpful indeed.
Manga / Anime Animated, Sparkle Music Video - DEAMN - Ecstasy (SecretNc Edit ) - Duration: 4:34.I love you in LA
I don't know how you did it
You stole my heart that night
You know just what to say
To make me weak in my knees
But I'll be fine
Yeah I'm growing, growing up with you
We're rolling, rolling down the hill
And I'm falling, falling hard for you
Baby, you're my ecstasy
Only you can give me feels
These drugs, they ain't enough
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
Only you can give me feels
These drugs, they ain't enough
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
I hate you in LA
I took too many drinks *Soft drink*
You'll never see me cry
I'm gonna walk away
You got me poppin' these pills *Soft Medicine*
But I'll be fine
Yeah I'm growing, growing up with you
We're rolling, rolling down the hill
And I'm falling, falling hard for you
Baby, you're my ecstasy
Only you can give me feels
These drugs, they ain't enough
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
Only you can give me feels
These drugs, they ain't enough
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
Only you can give me feels
These drugs, they ain't enough
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
Only you can give me feels
These drugs, they ain't enough
These drugs, they ain't enough
They ain't, baby
Bun Bum Adventures: Body - Duration: 10:35.
Special thanks to my Patreons! Ratty Apple, Christopher Ols, Kit-Cat, Kahuna Drake, Big Bad Shadow Man, and Maximum Rex
Best Way To $100 A Day Online CPA vs CPS Affiliate Marketing - Duration: 10:15.What is going on guys my name is Anthony Villa welcoming you back to yet another
video here on the channel where today guys we're gonna be talking about cpa
marketing versus cps marketing of course these are both gonna be affiliate
marketing topics but they're definitely be differences between these two i'm
gonna cover in this video we dive into my computer and i'm sure you guys the
key differences between CPA Burgess cps I just want to say that if you guys are
brand new to my channel and this is the first time you're watching one of my
videos then please subscribe right now they're brand new videos every single
day and with that being said guys we're gonna dive into my computer right now so
I can cover some of the key differences between the two go over them both in
detail and hopefully by the end of the video you guys can know which one you
like best which one you think you might want to start doing and with that being
so let's I'm into my computer right now and start this video off
alright guys we're now in my computer as you can see on my whiteboard CPA versus
CPS marketing I got CPA on the left EPS on the right I'm gonna pull that big
box down a little bit a little explain some of the key differences some of the
key similarities between the two I'm not gonna waste any more your ass how much I
start this video off we pull the first box away in the beginning guys the first
thing I have on here it's pretty much explaining exactly what each of these
things are if you do not know yet so I got a CPA marketing or just CPA is this
equivalent it just stands for cost per action what a cost per action is and
what actually it's talking about specifically can be a lot of things
industry lead generation and underneath I put a few examples to you guys just to
give you guys a better idea of exactly what I'm talking about so the action
could be downloading an application on your phone on your computer it can be
completing a survey and signing up with your email or entering your phone number
for something else and of course there are even more action you has to do this
with I just won the list a few things you guys like a very good general idea I
have two that like I'll back over to the right side we're just gonna BCPs which
is gonna equal or it's gonna stand for cost per sale of course guys this one's
gonna be a little bit more basic British pretty much saying any time somebody
purchases a product service maybe it's a course maybe it's coaching whatever it
is it's gonna be every time a person actually makes a sale or purchases
something guys that's gonna be the very key different straight off the bat
cpa is cost per action CPS is cost per sale may be two very different things
I'm gonna pull the Box down a little bit more now and go over someone like the
actual the key differences in similarities between the tube but that
being said I'm gonna pull it down little by little something that's going on
right here guys sharing of the bat cross fraction and then see costs per sale the
very obvious thing is gonna be you're gonna earn money and you're gonna be a
paid based on that action over every time somebody actually enters their
email into an opt-in page and signs up or completes the survey that's when
you'll actually get paid whereas on the other side you're like actually be
earning based on sales you only get paid when somebody actually goes through the
entire process and ends up purchasing a product boards or service like I said
above that's gonna be the key difference between the two right there I'm gonna
pull the Box down a little bit more not waste too much time and then one of the
big differences between CPA versus CPS it's gonna be very obvious as soon as
you start one or the other but with CPA you're gonna have very significant lower
commissions whereas on the other side with cost per sale the Commission's are
gonna be a lot a lot higher and that's simply just because of the next thing
that I'm gonna go over I'm gonna pull that down which is with CPA mark and
you're gonna have a lot higher conversion rates whereas with CPS cost
per sale you're gonna have a lot lower conversion rates and the reason for that
guys is with CPA marketing and cost per action getting somebody to sign up for
like an email newsletter is getting somebody to enter their phone number in
or you just download an app it doesn't cost that person anything it's
completely free to do and because of that it's you're gonna get a lot higher
of a conversion rate whereas on with cost per sale somebody actually has to
be spending money and purchasing a product service or course or whatever in
order to attack you to actually get paid your conversion rate for cost per sale
is gonna be that much lower whereas with CPA cost per action your
conversion rate is gonna be a lot a lot higher because let's just say for
example you send like a hundred people over to an opt-in page or a landing page
or a company who's selling late to say beauty products and makeup stuff you
guys can actually get like on average all right like forty percent of people
will actually sign up into an email address and then sign up for that
particular email newsletter signup whatever it is and then every time sunny
signs up you'll get paid based on that action you guys will have like a forty
percent conversion rate let's just say they'll pay you like 50 cents every
single person you get to sign up for their email newsletter or whatever it is
you have 40 people at 50 cents that's like well like $20 I think which of
course is not bad but then we go over to CPS cost per sale whereas somebody
actually has to purchase something getting somebody actually purchased
something let's go back to the same example of using the same hundred people
the same number with cost per sale when you're actually selling up physical
purchase when you're actually selling a product or service to somebody
the conversion is gonna be a lot lower in most cases when your shirt let's just
say you're selling a product to a hundred people
realistically an optimal conversion rate or the conversion rate that you're
probably gonna get unlike average it's probably only gonna be like one to two
percent which of course is gonna be significantly lower than cpa which is
it's pretty much exactly I just explained but the thing that saves cost
per sale the reason it's still so good is because you have so much of a higher
Commission your Commission will be that much higher but when you might actually
only need to sell like one or two of these products to actually get a
commission of like 30 or $40 as commissions on affiliate products means
from like dollars all the way to like thousands of dollars depending on the
product the service or the program with that being said you guys can easily make
like a twenty dollar Commission based on just selling one product if not even
more you guys can of course make like fifty dollars per sale as a commission
which is that of course even if the offer just came running out like a 1%
rate and you only make me like one sale per hundred people you sent to that
offering if you're making $50 a commission based on that 1% sale you're
still gonna be making more than you would with CPA because of course like I
said before guys you sent a hundred people to a landing page to sign up for
an email newsletter you get 40 people they pay you 50 cents curly that's only
20 dollars whereas on the other hand with a 1 percent conversion rate and
only one out of every hundred people virtually I'll just say it's like a
hundred dollar product you get a fifty percent commission you'll don't have $50
or course guys that's one of the reasons I like CPS marketing and cost per sale a
little bit more is because of course you're gonna have significantly lower
conversion rates but your commissions are gonna be way way higher in most
cases that's not true in every single case but in my experience at least the
commissions for cost per sale are gonna be way way higher with a lot being said
I'm gonna pull the Box a little more guys alright guys now
the box one the last things I have on here is that CP a burst CPS with cost
per action networks gonna be a lot more exclusive I'm gonna top to your CP
networks can make it honestly a little bit difficult to even get in you're
gonna have to apply go through like a two or three step process just to get
approve and actually into the network I'm done require phone interviews we can
last like 10 to 15 minutes whereas with CPS networks cost for sale networks it's
gonna be a lot more open and available to pretty much everybody that's most
likely just because the CP network's want to keep their affiliates as top
tier and as high quality as possible and they want to make sure they're actually
sending high quality traffic and actual people actual traffic real visitors for
these to these leads to these offers whereas with cost per sale networks it's
a lot more open you know things like clickbank amazon associates other
networks like that are very opened it's because you're obviously gonna be
driving sales to them and for them you're gonna be earning the money
regardless they're not gonna really care whether where it comes from as long as
they're getting paid they're gonna be happier course whereas with CP networks
they need to be at least a little bit more selective with who they actually
bring in to be affiliates or their network because of course they want to
maintain and continue to be a top to network with the most high quality
affiliates possible because of course that'll get them better offers from
better companies and better your promotions but of course guys you guys
can still go either way it's not impossible to get into these cpa
networks it can be a little bit difficult sometimes I feel like a hassle
especially if you're applying for like more than one at a time you can feel
like a lot what if it isn't that bad at all
I might just be hyping it up a little bit just because I'm more of a CPS
marketer I only mess around a CPA that much I definitely have some experience
with it but my personal a personal preference is definitely gonna be with
cost per sale marketing just because I like the higher commissions lastly
though guys I'm a poll box moved out one more time it's the last thing on here
but the last thing I put down at the bottom this goes for both them of course
I put both of them are viable profitable and scalable business models of course
that's very important guys scalability is definitely something you're gonna
want to take into account when you're actually choosing a business model but
the great thing about both of these is it doesn't really matter which one you
choose they're both are very profitable both these can earn millions of dollars
a year every single year and they're both completely valid business models as
an they both work there are tons of people making these exact business
models work so at the end of the day really comes down to what you guys want
to do personally what your personal preferences I already told you guys mine
cost per sale marketing just because of the higher commissions I like that
personally but there's no reason you guys can't be CPM marketers if you
choose to be it's really up to you guys with cpa marketing you're definitely
gonna need a higher quantity of traffic than with cost personnel marketing again
just because of how much lower the Commission's are but how much higher the
conversion rates are you're gonna need to send more more quantity more people
to those leads so those offers know where to match up as in to earn about
the same of a cps marketer you might need to send like two times five maybe
and five times the amount of traffic they are but you'll definitely be
getting paid roughly the same and you can make it work but all that being said
lurgha's hopefully just give you a pretty good idea of what cpa marketing
is and what cps marketing is some of the key differences and the pros and cons of
both well all i mean some other guys i pretty much wraps up this video so if
you enjoyed definitely drop a like on it and guys definitely definitely subscribe
for brand new videos every single day and with all that stuff out of the way
hope you guys enjoy the video my name is anthony villa and i will see you in the
next one I am out peace
Volkswagen up! cross up! 1.0/75pk · Achteruitrijcamera · DAB+ radio · Cruise control - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Tail is too cute when a Funny hamster has a peanut! - Duration: 2:12.Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!
SALAD THE BEST RECIPE WITH BLACK AND RED CURRANT AMAZING FOOD - Duration: 3:04.In this video we will cook the most delicious that you ever knew before salad with black
currant and red currant.
To cook this salad we will need the following products:
red currant 100 grams, black currant 100 grams,
zucchini - 1 piece, Peking cabbage - 5 leaves,
garlic - 2 lobules, cilantro,
green onions, vegetable oil,
salt to taste.
Cooking process
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