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The Findings Ep. 5: a curated list of fashion ideas and inspiration. - Duration: 4:14.Hi everyone!
Here's another episode of the finding,
a curated list of the newest, best fashion related things.
Are you ready to geek out?
Did you know that each year, 2 billion pairs of tights
are produced, worn a few times and then discarded ?
Nylon is a synthetic fabric used for modern tights
is actually very harmful to the environment as it is not biodegradable.
The hosiery industry is in for a big change.
This Swedish brand figured out how to make eco-friendly tights
for all shapes, needs and sizes.
They have all kinds of tights, stockings and socks: basic, patterned, sexy.
And all of them are made out of recycled nylon.
On top of that, they also have a Recycling program
that will let you recycle your old tights
as they're usually made out of materials that take centuries to decompose.
We all have reasons to like or dislike fast fashion ,
but it's hard to really see behind the curtains of global brands and their processes.
In this podcast episode of 'Adam Ruins Everything'
professor Laura McAndrews - who previously worked at Gap
travelled to factories all over the world to oversee their fashion production.
Have a listen to her story touching on what she saw
the work conditions in those factories and how workers were treated.
A very honest and, in my opinion, much-needed insight into fast fashion production.
Charity shops might not be your first go to when you're thinking of updating your wardrobe.
I've been impressed with Holly Moore's take
on how many treasures lie waiting for the curious, avid fashionistas.
Watch the full video on What's Your Legacy youtube channel.
'How to stay stylish on a budget?'
is one of the questions that I get the most.
And apparently, I'm not the only one trying to express my style on a tight budget.
This article offers the same solutions I have offered my clients over the years
but in a fresh voice.
I had a good time reading it and found it inspirational.
I hope you do too.
Colour is a hard topic to approach for most of my clients and students.
Just like the saying that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' so is colour.
But fear not, this Instagram account curates colour
in a such a simple and easy to understand way
that you'll feel more at ease with bringing your own colourful touch to your wardrobe.
3D printing in fashion is nothing new
but did you know that the thin line between tech and fashion
has gotten thinner in more than just production ?
Accessories like watches, rings, and jewellery are getting smarter and more affordable as well.
How did we get this far and how much further we can go ?
It's all covered in this in-depth article.
That's it. I hope you liked this episode of the findings.
Please, let me know where you get your fashion inspiration from
and what cool blogs or movies you've seen recently.
Let's discover things together and inspire each other.
Give this video a Like, share it with other fashion enthusiasts and
don't forget to subscribe to my channel.
Thank you for watching, I'll see you next time !
Embarrassing Things That Happened On Live TV - Duration: 5:51.There was a time when embarrassing mishaps on live TV had a relatively short shelf life.
But in today's terminally streaming world, these moments have achieved immortality, destined
to be shared until the end of time.
Sit back and embrace the awkwardness that has been bestowed on our TV screens over the
War on weather
If you ask weatherwoman Teresa Mannion about Ireland's unpredictable weather, you'll be
primed and ready to stare right into the cruel eye of the apocalypse itself.
"Don't make unnecessary journeys!
Don't take risks on treacherous roads!
And don't swim in the sea!"
As Storm Desmond raged along Ireland's West coast in 2015, Mannion was in the trenches,
soaked to within an inch of her life, but ready for battle.
"Incredibly, people have been spotted in the water!
… Their actions are idiotic!"
She became a viral sensation almost instantly.
Obligatory dance remixes and countless other parodies were created mere hours after it
[Set to electronic music] "Don't make unnecessary journeys/don't take risks on treacherous roads"
"Don't make unnecessary journeys!
Don't take risks on treacherous roads!
And don't swim in the sea!"
Mannion was a good sport, admitting on Australia's The Morning Show that she loved the laughter
and creativity it inspired — and that ultimately, it was a message of safety being spread around
the world.
"Both today and yesterday…"
The Mal Award
Former Australian Rugby League star Mal Meninga was not the most suitable contender for the
Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly elections in 2001, something pointed out by
...Mal Meninga.
During a televised interview with ABC Radio, Meninga, well, abandoned his political aspirations.
"I'm just a person out there, makin' sure that I was, um…
I'm b-------.
I'm sorry."
He instantly resigned, marking the shortest political career on record.
Satirical comedy group The Chaser started nominating politicians for the "Mal Award"
as part of its election coverage, intended to honor the greatest acts of political self-sabotage.
It's hard to know exactly what was supposed to happen during a Fox 5 News segment covering
the San Diego Yacht and Boat Show, but whatever it was, this was better.
"Here at the San Diego Yacht and Boat Show, good morning everybody.
I'm hanging out with my friend John.
Fox Five morning news starts- look over there."
"And it starts right now!"
What followed in the studio was just as good.
" your Fox 5 News."
And then the re-emerged and undeterred "John" commandeered his mighty transport over the
pier like a wetsuited angel.
What a time to be alive.
Table trouble
You're never too old to act like a brat on live TV, as these two elderly Jordanian journalists
ably demonstrated on the talk show Seven Stars in 2014.
The two men got into a heated discussion about the civil war in Syria, and things got a little
out of hand.
[Yelling, arguing]
Stay classy!
Third one
According to the New York Times, Rick Perry's presidential bid was already on life support,
but when he took to the stage for this Republican presidential debate in 2011, he basically
took that bid and tossed it off a cliff.
"It's three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone!
Commerce, education, and the um, what's the third one there, let's see."
What follows is the slow, excruciating disappearance of a man's presidential hopes and dreams by
his own hand.
"Uh, the, uh… commerce.
And let's see, I can't, the third one, I can't.
It's like that song title you just can't put your finger on, but with considerably higher
stakes involved.
Dropping the ball
Few performers have entertained a live audience quite as large as when Mariah Carey stumbled
and fumbled her way through disastrous renditions of "Emotions" and "We Belong Together" on
New Year's Eve 2016.
[Music] "Put these monitors on please."
It's hard to know what exactly went wrong on the night, or just how many people were
fired because of it, but Carey was having none of it.
That was…"
As reported by the New York Times, her managers blamed the event organizers, the organizers
claimed everything was working fine on their end, and Carey herself just blamed everybody.
"We didn't have a soundtrack for this New Year's baby.
It's okay, you guys...and girls.
It just don't get any better."
Emotional support paper
BBC newsreader Simon McCoy is no stranger to live TV mishaps.
But he's probably best known for inexplicably holding a large ream of paper during a report
in 2013, and he can't seem to live that down.
"Problem drinking is on the increase, and action is needed to deal with it."
According to a BBC spokesperson at the time, McCoy had meant to pick up his tablet, but
accidentally grabbed the ream of paper instead ...and just decided to roll with it.
The incident was puzzling enough to tickle viewers around the world for years afterward,
prompting McCoy to tweet in 2017:
Here's to many more mishaps in the future.
"Sports news, over at the BBC…
I've just dropped something."
"What was that?"
"It's alright" "Oh, and again!"
"Well, that's good, sport!"
"It's not salvageable.
It was my career."
Thanks for watching!
Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Do Cell Phones Lower Sperm Counts? - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
LEARN JAPANESE with Yuriko Tiger : "BASIC GREETING" Lesson 05 - Duration: 5:58.hello guys and welcome to a new Japanese lesson, number 5!
today we have the participation of Yuriko Tiger, she will teach us how to greet in japanese
- why didn't you teach how to greet in japanese at the beginning?
no I teached how to pick up a girl, how to ask for marriage,
the greeting is missing
let's begin with:
こんにちは Konnichi wa
this is like the basic and don't forget to bow
you don't need to close the hands like this, this is used only in China
are you sure it's not thailand?
you bow like for...
- how many degrees?
some people say 360 degrees...
- how can you bow 360 degrees??
- do a 360 degrees bow!
- the bow should be between 20/30 degrees
ユリコタイガーと申します Yuriko Tiger to moushimasu
今日は宜しくお願い致します Kyou wa yoroshiku onegai itashimasu
what did you say?
it's the most formal way to say hello
you should present yourself like this for example at work
Hello, my name is Yuriko Tiger, nice to meet you
it's obviously a formal way of greeting
- this one you really need to learn
- please repeat!
と申します to moushimasu. is like my name is ...
but you are automatically on a lower level
- you can't walk in in an important agency and greet the boss: " Hi, i'm Mario
yes, you need to say --
yes you need to say --
and if you would say, I come from Italy in a formal way, how do you say it?
イタリアから参りました Itaria kara mairimashita
to a friend you say Itaria kara kimashita
but, to your boss Itaria kara mairimashita (formal way)
this is a bit difficult to understand
did you have some problems, if you couldn't say the formal way in a right way?
not really, because they understood that I was a foreigner,
but you will make a better impression
and if you add words like: します、するShimasu, Suru or 致します Itashimasu
and with adding these words, they will recognize that are at least you try to speak formally
Japanese people really appreciate when you speak in a formal way
I'm doing a short resume: Hajimemashite (nice/pleasure)
Watashi ha Yuriko Tiger to moushimasu
(my name is Yuriko Tiger)
this one is the formal way
itaria kara mairimashita
(I come from Italy)
if you're talking with friends, you say:
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu is the informal way and Yoroshiku onegaitashimasu is the formal way
they sound similar, but the ending is changing
you can also say よろしく Yoroshiku if you're under friends
こんにちは。Konnichi wa is good morning
おはようございますOhayou gozaimasu you say it when it's getting dark
if your at work you can say Ohayou gozaimasu it sounds better than Konnichi wa
at work you always say Ohayou gozaimasu
because the day of work is beginning
yes exactly
and at night we say こんばん Konban wa
and おやすみ Oyasumi is good night
what else can you say at work?
Saki ni ittekimasu or Saki ni shitsurei shimasu
失礼 Shitsurei, it means like doing a mess?
- yes but it's an impolite thing
it means beeing unpolite
ok, I hope that you enjoyed this lesson
but really, just learn those few formal words
and you will do a good impression
also if you don't say them perfectly
they will see that you at least try to be formal
and these things Japanese people appreciate a lot
just remember, when you go at work you must say: Ohayou gozaimasu
these two words are fundamental at work
and always remember to do the bow
今日はありがとうございました Kyou ha arigatou gozaimashita
またよろしくお願いいたします mata yoroshiku onegai itashimasu
お疲れ様でした Otsukaresama deshita
Bye, I really hope you appreciated this lesson!
if you want go and subscribe also to my channel, I'm not doing japanese lessons, but who will now, maybe in the future
if you want that yuriko talks about how to pick up a boy, just leave it in the comments
I really hope you liked this video, See you with other videos
and maybe I will do some japanese lessons to, on my channel
-what are you doing?
my video!
Jared Kushner Loses Access To Highly Classified Information | TODAY - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Dream English Magic Story for Kids with Steve and Maggie with Bobby | Learn Speaking Wow English TV - Duration: 4:11.It's Steve and Maggie.
Wow English TV.
Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
Hey, there are sixteen stars in that group.
Yes Maggie.
But a group of stars is called a constellation.
Oh hey.
It's me.
And it's you, isn't it?
It's, your name is ... oh sorry.
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
I remember.
You're looking bigger and bigger.
How old are you?
How old are you?
Oh hey, you remember my friend, don't you?
What's her name?
What's her name?
It's Maggie.
How are you?
Oh sorry.
I forgot to ask how are you.
Are you happy?
Are you sad?
Are you ok?
I'm happy.
Do you remember the song.
I'm happy.
How are you?
How are you?
I'm happy.
How are you?
Steve, Steve.
Maggie what is it?
The star is getting bigger and bigger.
No don't be silly.
Is it a helicopter?
No, it isn't.
Is it a plane?
No, it isn't.
Let me look.
What is it?
Hey, I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
It's, it's a UFO.
This is a test.
Listen carefully and answer the questions.
Three questions to blast off.
Three questions for you.
Here are your questions.
Your answers must be true.
What's your name?
My name is Steve.
His name is Steve.
How old are you?
I'm thirty eight.
He's thirty eight.
How are you?
I'm fine.
He's fine.
That's the end of the test.
So climb aboard the space ship.
We're waiting for you.
The adventure is starting and you can come too.
Will the next person please step forwards.
Three questions to blast off.
Three questions for you.
Here are your questions.
Your answer must be true.
What's your name?
My name is Maggie.
Her name is Maggie.
How old are you?
I'm six.
She's six.
How are you?
I'm okay.
She's okay.
That's the end of the test.
So climb aboard the space ship.
We're waiting for you.
The adventure is starting and you can come too.
The doors are closing.
Come on.
Next stop in three two one.
Oh Maggie this is crazy.
What's going on?
I don't know.
Something is coming.oh.
What is it?
My name's Maggie, this is Steve.
No, this is Steve, I'm Maggie.
No, no.
Hello Steve, hello Maggie.
How are you?
How old are you?
What a crazy dream about UFOs, aliens, little blobs.
Oh dear.
I have to get ready and go to school.
See you there.
Did you like that?
Then please like it, if you love it, you can subscribe.
Just touch here.
Go on.
If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here.
Thank you.
STRANIERI mangiano RAGU' ITALIANO per la prima volta - thepillow - Duration: 5:06.The other day a friend of mine sent me a video from Australia
here is what he said
hey man, you're probably sleeping now
but I have to show you what people call "Ragù"here
but there's something even worse
this is a jar called Raguletto
"the home of bolognese"
it's supposed to be a good one
the sauce inside it's so liquid
I can't see any meat or veggie inside either
a big hug and goodbye from Melbourne
after seeing this i was shocked
but then I realized the mission I had
so we went to Dopa Hostel
a Bologna hostel where we prepared some italian Spritz for the many guests
and the hostel chef made some authentic ragù
once ready, we let the guys taste it
here you find their reactions
ora poi assaggiare
la chiesa
questo perché è la camminata domani fernet con coca cola un voto da 1 a 10
conosco gli spaghetti alla bolognese
e quanto conferma i nostri timori che sia tutto ok
perché io amico carissimo prima cosa no
this is a jar called Raguletto
gusto sasuke paese
Marjory Stoneman Douglas student: Still believe in the Second Amendment - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
Barack Obama's 'Secret' Speech Leaks — And He's More Delusional - Duration: 4:22.Barack Obama�s �Secret� Speech Leaks � And He�s More Delusional Than Ever
Details of former President Barack Obama�s �secret,� speech on sports policy at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology leaked Monday.
Reason Magazine reports:
1) Obama thinks Google, Facebook, etc., are �a public good as well as a commercial enterprise,�
and should consider whether they are corroding our democracy. Obama described social media
platforms as a �hugely powerful potential force for good,� but then immediately hedged.
�What�s also true is that our social media platforms are just a tool,� he said. �ISIS
can use that tool. Neo-Nazis can use that tool. I do think the large platforms�Google
and Facebook being the most obvious, Twitter and others as well, are part of that ecosystem�have
to have a conversation about their business model that recognizes they are a public good
as well as a commercial enterprise. [�]
2) It�s okay to argue about how we should address climate change. It�s not okay to
deny the underlying science.
[�] �You and I can have an argument about climate change in which you conclude, �we�re
not going to stop the Chinese and the Indians from burning a bunch of coal, it�s gone
on for a pretty long time, we�re just going to have to adapt, and maybe we�ll invent
some new energy source in the nick of time, and that�s why I�m opposed to the Paris
Accords,'� said Obama. [�] 3) Obama really likes basketball�and he�d
like it more if the NBA had a junior league. [�]
4) Diversity isn�t about �charity or political correctness, it�s just common sense.�
And it�s why his White House was scandal-free, according to the president. [�] Obama didn�t
comment on the #MeToo movement specifically, but he did stress that it should be a top
priority for companies to make women feel safe and respected at work, give them equal
pay for equal work, and make an effort to actually listen to what they are saying. If
women are afraid to speak up, or are talked over by men, a good boss should call on them
and ask their opinions.
�In today�s culture, if you are not deliberately doing that, you are going to fall behind,
and someone is going to beat you,� he said.
Obama said that this was the approach he took while in office, and it helped get him through
eight years without a major scandal.
�We didn�t have a scandal that embarrassed us,� he said. The former president admitted
that his team made mistakes, but no massive screw-ups. He then said, �I know that seems
like a low bar,� at which point the audience burst into laughter. �Generally speaking,
you didn�t hear about a lot of drama inside our White House,� he said. This was the
closest Obama came to critiquing the new administration.
In January of last year, then-outing White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough told
CNN�s Jake Tapper that his boss was �historically free of scandal.�
Of course, we know such a sensational claim is a bold-faced lie.
Here�s a short list of just a few of Obama�s scandals:
Benghazi Hillary�s private server
Fast and Furious AG Holder being held in contempt of Congress
Solyndra Delivering pallets of cash to Iran in the
dead of the night Obamacare �You can keep your Doctor�
IRS targeting conservative groups Bowe Bergdahl
Spying on journalists Unmasking/spying on political opponents
The early warning signs of heart problems - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Israel not the second Silicon Valley, first innovation nation: Chemi Peres - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Bayer CEO on consumer business weakness in US - Duration: 6:28.-------------------------------------------
Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg - Which Bag is the Best? - Duration: 1:19.These kill our planet.
We should tax them, ban them, just avoid
them, and start using paper bags or
cotton bags instead.
Dead wrong.
Plastic bags are actually pretty good,
at least if we don't throw them into nature,
but recycle them by throwing our garbage
into them, so that they end up being
burned and turned into new energy and heat.
These paper bags seem so environmentally
friendly, because- I don't know-
because they're brown?
But it actually takes much more energy to
produce them, to transport them and
recycle them, so that you would have to
use one of these 7 times more than a
plastic bag to get the same low
global warming impact.
And these cotton bags, the kind of cotton
bags used by every hippie you've ever met,
is actually even worse.
The energy it takes to produce the cotton
yarn and the fertilizers to grow the
cotton has so much of an environmental
impact that you would have to use one of
these 327 times more than a plastic bag to
compensate for the damage it does to nature.
So as the saying goes:
Life in plastic - it's fantastic!
ANDRÉ AQUINO - SIM E AMEM (LIVE) - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Ryan Seacrest Denies Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct As Witness Speaks Out | NBC News - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
B'Break preparation - Duration: 1:47.B'Break preparation
Preheat oven to 230°C/446°F Damper closed
Plating: leave a space between the bread so that air can circulate (on a 400x600 mm tray)
Defrosting B'Break are 100% baked, just defrost for 45 minutes and they're ready to serve
Cooking option: although 100% baked, you can pop them in the oven at 180°C / 356°F for 2-3 minutes to make them even crispier
Cooking tip: do not mix sweet and savoury products in the oven to avoid the aromas intermingling
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Family Edition - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 150 Business Class - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Family Edition - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Mel B Lets Slip Spice Girls Royal Wedding Performance (2018) - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
How Do People Buy Guns Legally? - The Legal Brief! (AD-FREE) - Duration: 5:07.Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and
misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.
I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're going to tell you the truth about the gun
buying process.
After the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, gun control has been trotted back out as a way
in which we can prevent these incidents from occurring.
While gun control advocates continue to push for more restrictions on law abiding citizens,
it has become rather clear that a number of people are undereducated on how guns are bought
and who can actually buy them.
It's worth noting that when we are talking about gun laws, federal and state law comes
into play.
Let's start with the most common misconception.
Background checks.
No one is able to walk into a gun shop or gun show and buy a gun from a dealer without
undergoing a background check.
Federal law requires that a dealer complete a background check on the person purchasing
a gun prior to transferring the gun to them.
The person must complete a form called the Firearms Transaction Record or 4473 which
contains a number of questions related to federal prohibitions.
Questions on the form include things like whether the person is subject to a restraining
order, been convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year imprisonment, whether
they've been dishonorably discharged and if they've ever been involuntarily committed
or adjudicated a mental defective.
We actually covered the ins and outs of the 4473 and prohibited persons in separate videos
which will be linked in the video description.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
A person could just lie and get a gun.
Not quite.
After the form is completed, the dealer must run a NICS check, otherwise known as the National
Instant Criminal Background Check System, on the person.
Some states, like Pennsylvania, are point of contact states, where the dealer contacts
the state police who then in turn contact NICS.
Either way, NICS gets contacted.
NICS is run by the FBI and contains a repository of information which, among other things,
pertain to the criminal records of people.
The system tells the dealer they can either proceed with the transfer, delay the transfer
(meaning NICS looks to obtain more records or information about the individual attempting
to purchase the gun before making a decision) or deny the transfer.
If the background check system denies a person, the dealer is prohibited from completing the
In other words, they don't leave with a gun.
There are a variety of reasons that a person can be denied.
As I mentioned before, those reasons include things like being subject to a restraining
order or being a felon.
On top of that, states have their own prohibitions which go beyond that of the federal government.
I've included a link to Pennsylvania law as an example.
Currently, the federal government prosecutes less than 1% of individuals who attempt straw
purchases, which is a fancy name for buying a gun for someone who can't legally possess
one, or making false statements on the 4473, since a person is certifying their answers
are true under penalty of perjury.
This figure was relayed to me by a representative of FBI at the NICS Retailer Event.
Federal law also prohibits a dealer from transfering a handgun or ammunition to be used in a handgun
to an individual under twenty one years old.
Eighteen year olds may purchase a shotgun or rifle and the ammunition to be used in
There is also no lawful way for a person to mail order a modern firearm and have it delivered
to their doorstep.
Any firearm ordered online must be sent to a licensed dealer, who then must conduct a
background check.
While some politicians would have you believe that you can walk into a dealer and walk out
with an automatic rifle, that is simply not the case.
It is true machine guns are legal for civilians to own.
However, civilians are banned from owning a machine gun made after 1986.
As a result of market economics, on the cheap end, a machine gun is on average around 7
to 10k.
Couple that with additional paperwork requirements and the tax for a machine gun, the number
of people who purchase them are extremely limited.
It requires a lot of their hard earned money, time and compliance with additional requirements
to own one.
As you can see, gun laws at the federal level are not as lax as some might have you believe.
There are already a number of existing laws that prohibit people from legally obtaining
However, all the prohibitions in the world don't actually matter if the government
does not enforce the existing law.
And to those out there that are shocked a person is able to purchase a firearm and take
it home the same day, I leave you with this thought.
It's a good thing that law abiding citizens are able to do so.
If you aren't a criminal, you should be able to exercise your constitutional right to keep
and bear arms without a hassle.
Just like you should be able to walk down the street without the police stopping you
and asking for your papers.
Just like you should be able to hold an unpopular opinion, express it, and not fear reprisal
for doing so.
After all, these are your RIGHTS, as enumerated in the Constitution.
Sick of bad information finding its way around the internet?
Make sure you share this video with your friends.
Don't forget to hit that like button, get subscribed and consider supporting us via
the links down in the video description.
If you haven't yet, be sure to download The Gun Collective Podcast on iTunes.
We would love to get your feedback on that!
And as always thanks for watching!
Bangla TV News Today 28 February 2018 On Channel 24 Ajker Bangla Live Shera TV News - Duration: 17:04.
TRAKYA ÇUKURCUMA OPERASYONU !!! BOMBALI SALDIRI - Duration: 8:45.-------------------------------------------
2 voix - Gymel en tierces inférieures - Duration: 4:28.Hello everybody!
Today, we are going to improvise a gymel in lower thirds.
To this effect, we shall take as a cantus firmus – that is as the basic melody –
the song from the Chansonnier of Bayeux « Puisque Robin j'ay a nom ».
Lise and Marie are going to sing the beginning of this melody at the unison
Then Marie will carry on with the cantus firmus
while Lise will improvise the gymel.
How to do a gymel in lower thirds ?
You shall begin with the unison, or with the third,
and then make thirds below each note of the melody...
As you have just heard,
it is pleasant to make beautiful cadences.
Whenever the written melody, at the end of the musical phrase,
goes into a descending stepwise movement, called « tenor cadence »...
… the improvisor can make a cadence by leaving the third to reach the unison.
To do this, he goes into an upward stepwise movement called « soprano cadence ».
It is often pleasant to have this cadence follow a syncopation, in this way
which causes a delightful dissonance of second.
In some cases, you must not forget to add, if necessary, an alteration at the last note but one.
To make a beautiful cadence, indeed,
you must reach the unison through the minor third.
It's your turn now !
Teaser de la chaîne, par Barnabé JANIN - Duration: 2:46.Hello everybody
Welcome to our channel: "Singing upon the book at the Renaissance"
Singing upon the book, at the Renaissance,
means adding extra vocal parts, while singing,
to a melody written in the book.
The book can be a collection of sacred music,
such as a gradual or an antiphonary,
as well as a songbook.
Singing upon the book means adding extra vocal parts
in live performance, without noting them down,
to a basic melody which is called the cantus firmus.
You can thus add one,
even four voices to this cantus firmus,
and then switch from monody to polyphony.
To create these extra vocal lines
the singer obviously has to know
a few principles of counterpoint
the art of superposing melodic lines.
Well, precisely, the videos you will find on this channel
describe the various techniques of counterpoint
that will enable you to sing upon the book
As you can see on the homepage of our channel,
they appear in different sections,
according to the number of parts and the technique in use.
The viewer can, of course, choose to watch them
in the order he finds suitable.
Two final points:
you can also "play upon the book",
using instruments instead of voices;
you will therefore hear instrumental polyphonies
in some of the videos.
Lastly, you can also do without the cantus firmus,
and wholly improvise all of the parts;
this is what happens in the various kinds of canons, for example.
Structure of the videos
Each video comes in two parts.
The first part features musicians singing upon the book,
according to a given technique.
The second part goes into the details of that technique,
with words,
notated musical examples
and sound excerpts of the piece recorded above.
To go further, do not forget to refer
to the description of the video
As you can see on our homepage,
this channel is now under construction,
and numerous videos are still to come.
Gradually, at a rate of about one per month,
we will upload them.
"We" means Antonin and myself.
(He is the editor).
With our little hands, we patiently make up these videos,
which are produced by
the Conservatoire National Supérieur de musique
et de danse of Lyon.
Then do subscribe to the channel
so we can let you know about our latest videos!
2 voix - Canon à la 5te supérieure (voix graves) - Duration: 7:10.Hello everybody ! Today, we are going to improvise
a canon at the upper fifth.
The antecedent of this canon—that is, the first part—
will be improvised by Raphaël,
whereas the consequent—the second part,
which imitates the first—will be sung by Emmanuel.
Our two friends have chosen to realize
a Christe, taken from the Kyrie eleison.
How can we improvise a canon
at the upper fifth ?
Let us first point out that this is easier to realize
if the consequent (the one that repeats)
can do so one beat after the antecedent
(the one who improvises).
Throughout our explanations,
we will choose to give each beat
the value of a whole note, as is implied
at the Renaissance, by the barred-C sign.
Thus in a single-beat canon at the upper fifth,
if the antecedent begins, for instance, on a D,
the consequent will start on an A,
on the following beat.
Therefore, we can imagine which note
the antecedent will sing on the second beat.
This note will have to be consonant with the A.
For instance, the antecedent can hold the same note,
which will produce a fifth with the consequent ;
But he/she can also go up a third
to produce a third,
Or again go up a fifth to produce a unison.
Yet he/she can also go down !
For instance down a second
(which will produce a sixth with the consequent)
Or else down a fourth
(to make an octave)
or down an octave
(which will give a 12th)
We can thus sum up the melodic intervals
that the improvising antecedent can produce
from one beat to the next
in the following chart :
Let us check it out in a short extract from our video :
As you heard in the video at the beginning,
ornamenting your canon will make the best of impressions ;
to this effect, the improviser, from one beat to the next,
should use simple ornamental phrases,
usually made of conjunct movements.
For example, the melodic unison
can be ornamented with embroideries, from above
or underneath, slowly
or more rapidly.
The third can obviously be filled up
with a passing note…
or ornamented with quick notes.
As for the fourth,
it can be filled with two passing notes,
or even sometimes, for a downward fourth, with a single note.
Lastly, one must not forget
to liven up the unisons with a variety of rhythms :
For instance by transforming a repeated note
into a long note
Or by repeating notes more often
Or even by starting on the up-beat.
Let us check out some examples of ornamentation
in an extract from our Christe in canon :
And finally, let us mention cadences.
To end a phrase, the antecedent can merely
hold a long note,
and wait until the consequent naturally comes to rest on a fifth,
through the mere play of the canon.
However, the two partners can also agree
to carry out cadences that produce the sequence :
major 6th-octave.
To do so, they have to follow
a pre-defined procedure
such as this one, for example :
the improvising antecedent, by a hand gesture,
stops the consequent upon a note
and asks him to hold.
during that time, he comes to sing a seventh
below this note
then the two voices
each realize their own cadence :
a treble cadence for the consequent,
and a tenor cadence for the antecedent.
Raphaël and Emmanuel have tried it out for you
4 voix - à 4 voix avec un cantus figuré au ténor (I) - Duration: 10:12.Hello everybody !
Today, we are going to improvise with four voices,
adding three voices to a melody of a psalm
placed in the tenor.
To this effect, we have chosen, from the psalm-book
published in Geneva in 1562,
the melody of psalm 137
« By the rivers of Babylon »,
which tells us about the despair of Hebrews
in exile in Babylon,
in a version magnificently versified by Clément Marot.
This cantus firmus will be sung by Raphael, in the tenor.
Emmanuel will improvise the superius part,
Jean-Yves that of bassus,
while Barnabé will sing the altus part.
How can we improvise 3 parts around a cantus firmus placed in the tenor ?
We shall construct the polyphony this way :
first we shall add the superius,
then the bassus,
and lastly we shall fit in the altus.
Above the tenor, the superius has to place a gymel in sixths.
As we saw in the « Gymel in sixths with bassus » video,
this gymel requires, besides a succession of sixths,
cadence phrases ending on the octave,
as well as aptly located octaves.
To make his task easier, the singer in charge of this part
can visualize on the staff thirds instead of sixths,
and unisons instead of octaves.
In this excerpt, sung by 4 voices,
let us focus on the tenor, and the soprano,
here presented without ornamentation.
The bassus will make up his part below the tenor,
with a regular alternation of thirds and fifths.
This strict alternation is necessary
for the altus to be able to improvise his part.
Moreover, the bassus must be aware of a few peculiar situations :
On the first note of a piece, he can sing either a fifth,
or a third, or a unison too.
In the last case, the choice of fifth or third
as the first consonance of the alternation
is transferred to the second note of the cantus firmus.
The bassus must also make specific moves on the cadences.
For further details of the various cadences of the bassus,
see the « Gymel in sixths with bassus » video.
Lastly, from time to time, he must be able to make
two notes against a single note at the tenor,
as well when needed as for the beauty of the melody.
In this excerpt, sung by four voices, let us focus on the tenor and the bassus.
The altus will make up his part in complete coordination with that of the bassus,
without which it cannot be managed.
Thus, if the bassus sings a third below the tenor,
the altus will then sing a third above.
On the other hand, if the bassus makes a fifth,
then the altus will make a fourth above the tenor.
As a result, the altus will sing strictly alternating thirds and fourths,
in keeping with the alternating thirds and fifths of the bassus.
If he strays from this regular alternation,
the bassus has to inform the altus,
either in advance, or by signalling while singing,
of the various choices he is led to make.
This will be the case, for instance on the first note of each piece,
as well as on the first note of each phrase.
If the bassus should sing a unison, or an octave,
the altus must then make a fifth,
as he can do in some cadences.
And if the bassus makes two notes against one,
the altus has to follow suit.
Whenever the tenor sings repeated notes,
the altus has to adjust his melody to that of the bassus.
The bassus can stick to the same note…
…or change as he pleases.
Watch and listen to the altus in this extract from our hymn :
Each improviser can ornate his melody,
once the basic guidelines have been assimilated.
He can add passing notes and embroideries
As well as rhythms somewhat different from those of the cantus firmus.
As an example, here is the ornementation
of the superius in the beginning of our psalm
3 voix - Faux-bourdon à l'anglaise - Duration: 7:28.Hello everybody!
Today, we are going to improvise a faux-bourdon in English style.
To this effect, we have chosen the hymn Conditor Alme Siderum as a cantus firmus.
To make up the soprano part, Lise is going to sing the written cantus firmus,
adding rhythmic values, ornamentation and cadences.
Romain will improvise the tenor part,
while Barnabé will improvise the contratenor part, between the other two.
You will hear the first two verses of this hymn,
sung according to the alternatim principle :
the first verse will be monodic, read upon the book ;
the second verse polyphonic, improvised in faux-bourdon style below the cantus firmus.
How to improvise a hymn in faux-bourdon, English style.
Sing the melody an octave higher than written :
it will then provide the soprano part of the faux-bourdon.
The monk Guilielmus, at the end of the 15th century,
tells us that placing the cantus firmus in the soprano part
is the actual English style.
At the end of each phrase, you have to make « soprano » cadences,
i.e. with a stepwise ascending movement.
These cadences sometimes already exist :
However, if the melody doesn't have a soprano cadence,
you have to make it up, adding two notes at the end of the phrase,
rising by a semitone most of the time.
…adding an alteration, if necessary.
Sometimes you only have to insert one note between the two final notes,
or just add an alteration to the penultimate.
he tenor part, the lowest voice of the faux-bourdon,
will be created by singing the first note at the octave,
then, on the following notes, a gymel in sixths below the cantus firmus.
Finally, you will end each phrase with an octave,
to make a tenor cadence.
From time to time, the tenor can also insert an octave
between two sixths.
To make up his part with ease,
the tenor can visualize notes above the written melody,
starting with a unison (so as to sound an octave),
and then thirds (so as to sound sixths),
to end up on a cadence at the unison,
not forgetting to insert unisons now and then.
As for the contratenor, he will improvise his part by singing throughout the piece
at the lower fourth of the cantus firmus, cadences included.
Let us now watch and listen to an excerpt from the "Conditor Alme Siderum",
improvised in faux-bourdon style,
disregarding the singers' ornamentation,
but paying attention to the tenor's octaves.
Finally, as you have heard,
the faux-bourdon may be ornamented
with rhythms, grace notes and cadence phrases.
In this regard, the 15th-century faux-bourdon hymns can be taken as models,
whether they be by Binchois, Dufaÿ or others.
Let us see how to go about it…
The soprano gives a plain rhythm to the cantus firmus,
through long and short notes.
She can also, if agreed with her partners,
fill out the thirds with grace notes, slow or fast.
She can point out the note changes with explicit gestures.
Lastly, improvisers will agree upon a few cadence phrases
suitable for bringing diversity and unity to their realization.
In these phrases, each voice must have his/her role clearly defined.
Here is an example :
The soprano ornaments the last three notes of her melody according to the following phrase.
The contratenor doubles the soprano throughout at the lower fourth.
The tenor rhythms his last three notes with an iambic pattern (short-long).
Let us watch again the beginning of our hymn,
fitted with rhythms and ornaments, and with a cadence phrase
signalled by Lise with a wave of the hand.
And now it's your turn !
NOWË - Outshine [No Copyright Music] - Duration: 2:34.
Présentation du cours, par Géry Moutier - Duration: 2:20.Hello everybody and welcome,
The National Conservatoire of Music and Dance of Lyon
is happy to offer the first installment of an online course
about improvisation in the Renaissance.
It brings together about 25 short videos,
each one devoted to a particular improvisation technique.
This set of 25 videos
offers a panorama of the various ways to improvise
while singing "upon the book",
i.e. by creating in live performance
one or many extra melodic lines
around the written melody.
This usage, attested since the Middle Ages,
has been revived for the last twenty years
within the department of early music of the Lyon Conservatoire.
Along with the practice of written composition,
improvisation "upon the book"
allows students to handle and assimilate,
in a musically sensitive and creative way,
the diverse elements of counterpoint.
About fifteen artists join forces in the work here presented,
teachers as well as students and former students
of the Lyon Conservatoire
and we hope it will reach a wide audience
and provide it with motivation and inspiration
to deepen our understanding of improvisation techniques
in a manner both lively and pleasant to all.
This artistic laboratory approach
perfectly epitomizes
the overall conceptions of our Conservatoire
about research applied to musical practice,
and our wish to deepen the field of knowledge
and make it available to all.
Thank you for your attention.
Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA-------------------------------------------
2/27/18 10:06 PM (6318 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 2/27/18 10:06 PM (6318 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
2/27/18 10:11 PM (6356-6366 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 2/27/18 10:11 PM (6356-6366 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
Rap Về Mina | Liên Quân Mobile - Kunzing - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Rap Về Mina | Liên Quân Mobile - Kunzing - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
The Price Tag Hasn't Always Existed, It Had To Be Invented | Planet Money | NPR - Duration: 3:14.The world most of us have known has been
a price tag world.
Everything has a price -- one price.
But if you take the long view, that's a bizarre aberration.
For a long time, we lived in a world where customers and shopkeepers
haggled over most transactions.
And there's a good reason
things were like that.
If a customer needed a lower price on something, they'd do their research, say,
"Hmm, I bet I can get a good price off these suckers."
And spend the time making their case to the clerk.
But if a rich person thought, "
You know, time is money;
I'm too busy to waste my time haggling."
They'd pay more not to haggle.
Everyone paid what they thought was reasonable, and the shopkeepers made a profit.
Everybody won.
That's the way things were for centuries, and just about everyone accepted it.
Everyone except the Quakers.
The Quakers thought charging different people different prices
for the same thing was morally wrong.
So they did this radical thing in a Quaker store: They said, "Each item has one price.
The price is just the price."
And it was a moral stance, but they were ahead of the times economically too.
See, in the 1800s businesses started getting bigger and bigger, and haggling got to be
a hassle for the stores and the customers.
For instance, it took years to train clerks to work in haggling stores.
When you own your own store you know everything you need in order to haggle.
But when you add help, it takes time to learn.
You know, how much you paid for the stuff you're selling.
How much other people are selling it for.
How to stand your ground on your price or else you're going to get totally ripped off.
So clerks spent years learning and training,
which was costly to the shopkeepers and in turn
probably drove up the prices.
"Just a bit higher than I thought, that's all."
So finally, around 1870, a few people took the plunge and broke from the haggle world.
They took that Quaker idea of one price one step further, and invented the price tag.
The little piece of paper that tells you the final price.
And it was't about fairness anymore.
It was about building really big stores.
There were two stores that especially pioneered the price tag.
Maybe you've heard of them?
Macy's in New York, and Wanamaker's in Philadelphia.
Macy was a Quaker.
And though Wanamaker wasn't, he was trying to build a store in Quaker country Philadelphia,
and he became a price tag evangelist.
He felt it was the fair thing to do; it was good for hiring
and it was good for the customer, too.
No more arm wrestling every time you wanted to buy something.
And customers loved it.
The price tag spread until it was everywhere.
And from that day on, we've lived in a price tag world.
Everything has one price.
(Except, I guess, if Uber is surging.)
For more infomation >> The Price Tag Hasn't Always Existed, It Had To Be Invented | Planet Money | NPR - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
JAGUAR I-PACE : PRÉSENTATION OFFICIELLE LE 1ER MARS - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> JAGUAR I-PACE : PRÉSENTATION OFFICIELLE LE 1ER MARS - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
UNBOXiNG! On ouvre une boîte de KiwiCo :) - Duration: 9:33.Hi everyone! Welcome to Maman Simplifiée, today I'm super
to present your a product that
I've already presented to you
For those who don't know,
we are going to
homeschool our kids
So we're starting to get more serious about it
not that we were not before,
but now it's starting for real. We bought activity books,
but there was something missing in my everyday life,
and it was activities, crafts
and things like that.
Because let's say it, Pinterest
is very cool, but
every project we find on it
it needs a lot of motivation,
it's a matter of self discipline, I could
do projects on Pinterest, but I found much simplier
and it's activity boxes
I saw that
"did we receive a new box?"
"No, not yet."
"This one is the one we already did"
So I saw that on Facebook, I saw other companies,
so I decided to explore that.
So I found two
companies that I decided to order from.
One that is named,
well, there are many collections
"they go to the park so, so, so, so ..
nobody was coming today ..."
It's Kiwi Crates,
but there is also
I don't know how well you can see ...
there is also Cricket, Koala, Kiwi,
Doodle and Tinker.
I receive one per child,
this one here is 5+ for Viviane,
and Liam I receive one hum ...
I'll go get it.
See, this one is Koala
this one is 3+.
So I chose this company because
there are a lot of them for example
I went too see Pandacraft there wasn't much
good reviews honestly regarding
their habits with our credit card number
I don't know if it's true but I decided to not risk it.
There is also "Ma boîte Timbrée" which is from Quebec,
but this one was more just paper crafts.
On the other hand with Kiwi Co,
there seemed to be more scientific stuff,
so that's why I chose it.
So we receive
the box, I receive both boxes at the same time
and right now well,
we already did them, so the video you will see
after, we already lived it
But ...
"yes you can eat some"
when we open the box, we receive
I mixed them together, there is always a theme
see Viviane was Secret Agent. I took it also because it was
in english
but if you don't understand english it's still
very easy to follow
there are multiple activities per box
this one is Secret Agent but that's not the one I'm showing you
today. The one I'm presenting to you today
is Liam's,
which was on reptiles. We crafted a
snake with tongues like these,
We built a little chameleon,
and we made a turtle box. So my little boy has his little box
now, we have the snake and
kids having fun
a lot with this. It was really
little interesting activities with a lot of manipulation
especially for my little boy
so let's look at this right now
"We will make just one at a time,
let's open it
but what is it? "Mine!"
Will we make a snake?
ok wait a little bit Liam, before getting everything out
what will we do this month?
So let's start by the first
oh no no Liam, don't unglue them
listen, you need to wait. I know
you're eager,
but we need to wait, if we loose parts we won't be able to complete it
Ok, we need
we need a body snake,
snake body, we need that
the pink
this is the body of the snake
For more infomation >> UNBOXiNG! On ouvre une boîte de KiwiCo :) - Duration: 9:33.-------------------------------------------
Kissed - 1996 - 1h18 - V.O St.Fr - Nécrophilia - Film complet - Duration: 1:18:43.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Kissed - 1996 - 1h18 - V.O St.Fr - Nécrophilia - Film complet - Duration: 1:18:43.-------------------------------------------
Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 55 AMG / YOUNG TIMER - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mブレーキキャリパーを装着し、大幅パワーアップ! 新型・BMW X2の高性能モデル「M35i」をフルヌード撮 - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
TOM from TOM AND JERRY series - Character Evolution - Duration: 11:16.Thanks for watching! Subcribe for more!
National Coverage Determinations and Denials - Duration: 7:46.This question, speaking of the compliance and regulatory on the NCD (National Coverage
Q: �'I'�m seeing a ton of denials for NCD 20.4. Do you have a link to this NCD?
I pretty much know this is a diagnostic code issue, just not sure what diagnosis code they
are wanting.�
A: I just simply did a Google search on NCD 20.4 and this is what I found. I�m going
to do it right now live, NCD 20.4. Don�t be afraid to use Google to do work searches.
A lot of people don�t realize that it will yield exactly what they�re looking for.
Oftentimes, if you type it in exactly how you�re thinking the question, it will get
you even closer to a page that will give you what you�re looking for.
Here it is, it took me right to the website 20.4, is the very first hit, it is
exactly what I was looking for. That�s the link that they ask for. This one happens to
be about the implantable automatic defibrillators. It gives you the policy number, the effective
date, and it goes into what it is. It consists of a pulse generator and electrodes for sensing
and defibrillating the heart.
Then, here�s what they�re really asking, the indications and limitations of coverage.
What is a reason that they can have this device that it would be paid for? If there�s a
limitation, then they�ll know what it won�t be covered for. This is a very long and complicated
NCD. A lot of times your National Coverage Determinations will result in a local carrier
one because they have a contract with Medicare to carry out their decisions, so they would
read this and they�d come up with a local carrier one, the LCDs. So, NCD and LCD is
often talked about at the same time, but it normally starts with an NCD.
I got this little explanation from CMS itself. Basically, it�s telling us that an NCD sets
forth the extent to which Medicare will cover specific services, procedures, or technologies
on a national basis. Medicare doesn�t cover everything. So these will help communicate
what they do cover and under what circumstances.
�Medicare contractors are required to follow NCDs. If an NCD does not specifically exclude/limit
an indication or circumstance, or if the item or service is not mentioned at all in an NCD
or in a Medicare manual, it is up to the Medicare contractor to make the coverage decision.
Prior to an NCD taking effect, CMS must first issue a Manual Transmittal, CMS ruling, or
a Federal Register Notice.� So, they need to somehow communicate to the public about
this coverage determination. �That issuance, which includes an effective
date and implementation date, is the NCD.� And we just looked at what one looks like
on their website. �If appropriate, the Agency must also change billing and claims processing
systems and issue related instructions to allow for payment.� Once they determine
that it�s going to be covered, then they got to update their billing manual that tells
them how to do that.
At any rate, that is what an NCD is. If you have an encoder like Find-A-Code, they will
also include the NCD, so I went and looked for it today and if you go to Find-A-Code,
it�s under their info menu, Medicare and then NCD. I made a little quick link so we
could jump right to it� This is where they list out all the NCDs and
so the one we were looking at was I think 20.4, it�s in the cardiovascular system.
These are all hyperlinked and then we�ll expand. Here it is, 20.4, we could just click
on that. I�m not signed in, that might be helpful�
This is what theirs looks like. It�s going to give you the header from what we just saw
on the CMS website, there�s a transmittal you can go right to that PDF. It gives you
the coverage guidance, is what we were just talking about, the indications and limitations.
Coding information � these all say non-listed currently. I actually talked to Taylor from
Find-A-Code today via email. He said this has been a project that they�ve been working
on, they hope to be releasing it in the first quarter of 2018 where you�ll actually see
some codes that they�re letting you know would be covered. Kind of like how they do
for LCDs. The problem with NCDs is they give generic information. They don�t link it
to diagnostic codes.
Like here, they�ll say coronary artery disease with a documented prior MI. What is that in
an ICD-10 code? That�s what we�re looking for. That�s what the questionnaire was saying,
I�m sure it has to do with the diagnosis code. I am, too. You probably don�t have
a covered indication that you�re submitting. So, the answer is, unfortunately you have
to really kind of slug through this and figure out if your patient you�re trying to bill
this for has one of these indications. If they do, then you might have to appeal that
denial. That�s pretty much how that works.
You can also look at related LCDs because sometimes they give you more insight or they
might actually give you some codes to look at. It really is quite a big research project,
but it will pay off if your practice is doing these on a routine basis. You do your research
once and it helps you position yourself to capture the most revenue that you deserve
and helps
you be better prepared to know when you need to get that ABN (advanced beneficiary notice.)
So, you can see how this all fit into that compliance and regulatory concept. Hopefully
that will help with that one.
LEARN JAPANESE with Yuriko Tiger : "BASIC GREETING" Lesson 05 - Duration: 5:58.hello guys and welcome to a new Japanese lesson, number 5!
today we have the participation of Yuriko Tiger, she will teach us how to greet in japanese
- why didn't you teach how to greet in japanese at the beginning?
no I teached how to pick up a girl, how to ask for marriage,
the greeting is missing
let's begin with:
こんにちは Konnichi wa
this is like the basic and don't forget to bow
you don't need to close the hands like this, this is used only in China
are you sure it's not thailand?
you bow like for...
- how many degrees?
some people say 360 degrees...
- how can you bow 360 degrees??
- do a 360 degrees bow!
- the bow should be between 20/30 degrees
ユリコタイガーと申します Yuriko Tiger to moushimasu
今日は宜しくお願い致します Kyou wa yoroshiku onegai itashimasu
what did you say?
it's the most formal way to say hello
you should present yourself like this for example at work
Hello, my name is Yuriko Tiger, nice to meet you
it's obviously a formal way of greeting
- this one you really need to learn
- please repeat!
と申します to moushimasu. is like my name is ...
but you are automatically on a lower level
- you can't walk in in an important agency and greet the boss: " Hi, i'm Mario
yes, you need to say --
yes you need to say --
and if you would say, I come from Italy in a formal way, how do you say it?
イタリアから参りました Itaria kara mairimashita
to a friend you say Itaria kara kimashita
but, to your boss Itaria kara mairimashita (formal way)
this is a bit difficult to understand
did you have some problems, if you couldn't say the formal way in a right way?
not really, because they understood that I was a foreigner,
but you will make a better impression
and if you add words like: します、するShimasu, Suru or 致します Itashimasu
and with adding these words, they will recognize that are at least you try to speak formally
Japanese people really appreciate when you speak in a formal way
I'm doing a short resume: Hajimemashite (nice/pleasure)
Watashi ha Yuriko Tiger to moushimasu
(my name is Yuriko Tiger)
this one is the formal way
itaria kara mairimashita
(I come from Italy)
if you're talking with friends, you say:
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu is the informal way and Yoroshiku onegaitashimasu is the formal way
they sound similar, but the ending is changing
you can also say よろしく Yoroshiku if you're under friends
こんにちは。Konnichi wa is good morning
おはようございますOhayou gozaimasu you say it when it's getting dark
if your at work you can say Ohayou gozaimasu it sounds better than Konnichi wa
at work you always say Ohayou gozaimasu
because the day of work is beginning
yes exactly
and at night we say こんばん Konban wa
and おやすみ Oyasumi is good night
what else can you say at work?
Saki ni ittekimasu or Saki ni shitsurei shimasu
失礼 Shitsurei, it means like doing a mess?
- yes but it's an impolite thing
it means beeing unpolite
ok, I hope that you enjoyed this lesson
but really, just learn those few formal words
and you will do a good impression
also if you don't say them perfectly
they will see that you at least try to be formal
and these things Japanese people appreciate a lot
just remember, when you go at work you must say: Ohayou gozaimasu
these two words are fundamental at work
and always remember to do the bow
今日はありがとうございました Kyou ha arigatou gozaimashita
またよろしくお願いいたします mata yoroshiku onegai itashimasu
お疲れ様でした Otsukaresama deshita
Bye, I really hope you appreciated this lesson!
if you want go and subscribe also to my channel, I'm not doing japanese lessons, but who will now, maybe in the future
if you want that yuriko talks about how to pick up a boy, just leave it in the comments
I really hope you liked this video, See you with other videos
and maybe I will do some japanese lessons to, on my channel
-what are you doing?
my video!
The Findings Ep. 5: a curated list of fashion ideas and inspiration. - Duration: 4:14.Hi everyone!
Here's another episode of the finding,
a curated list of the newest, best fashion related things.
Are you ready to geek out?
Did you know that each year, 2 billion pairs of tights
are produced, worn a few times and then discarded ?
Nylon is a synthetic fabric used for modern tights
is actually very harmful to the environment as it is not biodegradable.
The hosiery industry is in for a big change.
This Swedish brand figured out how to make eco-friendly tights
for all shapes, needs and sizes.
They have all kinds of tights, stockings and socks: basic, patterned, sexy.
And all of them are made out of recycled nylon.
On top of that, they also have a Recycling program
that will let you recycle your old tights
as they're usually made out of materials that take centuries to decompose.
We all have reasons to like or dislike fast fashion ,
but it's hard to really see behind the curtains of global brands and their processes.
In this podcast episode of 'Adam Ruins Everything'
professor Laura McAndrews - who previously worked at Gap
travelled to factories all over the world to oversee their fashion production.
Have a listen to her story touching on what she saw
the work conditions in those factories and how workers were treated.
A very honest and, in my opinion, much-needed insight into fast fashion production.
Charity shops might not be your first go to when you're thinking of updating your wardrobe.
I've been impressed with Holly Moore's take
on how many treasures lie waiting for the curious, avid fashionistas.
Watch the full video on What's Your Legacy youtube channel.
'How to stay stylish on a budget?'
is one of the questions that I get the most.
And apparently, I'm not the only one trying to express my style on a tight budget.
This article offers the same solutions I have offered my clients over the years
but in a fresh voice.
I had a good time reading it and found it inspirational.
I hope you do too.
Colour is a hard topic to approach for most of my clients and students.
Just like the saying that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' so is colour.
But fear not, this Instagram account curates colour
in a such a simple and easy to understand way
that you'll feel more at ease with bringing your own colourful touch to your wardrobe.
3D printing in fashion is nothing new
but did you know that the thin line between tech and fashion
has gotten thinner in more than just production ?
Accessories like watches, rings, and jewellery are getting smarter and more affordable as well.
How did we get this far and how much further we can go ?
It's all covered in this in-depth article.
That's it. I hope you liked this episode of the findings.
Please, let me know where you get your fashion inspiration from
and what cool blogs or movies you've seen recently.
Let's discover things together and inspire each other.
Give this video a Like, share it with other fashion enthusiasts and
don't forget to subscribe to my channel.
Thank you for watching, I'll see you next time !
JAGUAR I-PACE : PRÉSENTATION OFFICIELLE LE 1ER MARS - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO GET A CAMERA FOR FREE FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP | Free filmmaking equipment for occasional use - Duration: 4:17.Hey and welcome here again. In this video I have a little tip for you on how you
can get a camera for your next trip, even if you don't have money. So this video
will be a bit shorter and yeah let's first watch the intro...
It's actually a pretty easy tip and it's not a big secret at all. But maybe you
didn't think of that before. To get a camera for free, you just go to eBay and you get a camera
there for a pretty cheap price. The camera that you want of course. Then you
do your trip, do your vacation or make the photo or video shoot or whatever you
want to do with that. And after that, you sell it again. Pretty simple so and if
you make a good bargain at the beginning and you sell it for a bit higher price
later, maybe you have some luck and you can even make a profit out of that. But
at least you can get the equipment for free, right? So that's a pretty good
solution. There's actually another way to get a camera for free. I wouldn't recommend that way as
it's not very nice to do it. But anyway I will tell it to you. Maybe
you can need it if the eBay method doesn't work for any reason. So in a lot of Western
countries it's like when you order something from the internet, you have 14
days of time to send it back if you don't like it. So because in a
shop you would see it, but on the internet you cannot see it directly. So
what you can do is, you can just order the camera or whatever you want to have
and let's say your vacation takes less than 14 days. Then you can just send it
back after that and you get the money back. So the second solution is
really not very nice. Don't do that if you have another option. But yeah I would
say this tip can really work for people that don't have much money, but want to
get nice videos. Especially if you want to start as a YouTube creator or
something and maybe a trip to Iceland is coming or any other amazing place or you
have a shoot for a client and you don't have a proper camera for that. Then it
can really work out and of course that tip doesn't just count for cameras. You
can do it with all of your equipment. So for instance, if you already have a nice
phone or something that's already enough for you from a quality perspective and
you just need a gimbal to get some smoother movement, you can also do it
with the gimbal right? So basically every equipment that you think you might need
and you cannot effort right now, you can get at least for some shots with
that technique. If you like that video then please hit the subscribe button for
more tips about filmmaking. And also if you have some tips or ideas on how to
save money on equipment or even get it for free, then please post it in the
comments below to help other people. See you in the next video.
현대차 싼타페 후속, 올림픽대로서 시험주행 포착..더 커진 차체 '눈길' - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
HOLOGRAPH SCREEN FOR MOBILE PHONE OR PHONE - DIY - Paito - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
쌍용차, 11월 내수 판매 8769대 기록..G4 렉스턴 판매 증가[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
Do You Like Pickle Pudding? | Super Simple Songs | Simple kids songs TV - Duration: 2:28.Do You Like Pickle Pudding? | Super Simple Songs | Simple kids songs TV
REPRISE DE LA COURSE À PIED - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
[AMV] Prison School - Numb - Duration: 3:25.Music
Getting over an Ex. (Tips for Girls) - Duration: 7:34.Nowadays almost every young girl suffer from their relationships and can not
recover from issue of getting over an ex-boyfriend. But as a guy I want to
share with you my opinion which will help you.. I hope.. To stop thinking about
your lovely boyfriend who actually doesn't consider himself as a lovely
anymore. Forgetting an ex is almost impossible because you always remember
the best moments all the time which you spent together with him. All the photos
you made, his perfumes, clothes which he forgot in your house all this stuff will
always remind you of him until you started your relationships or trash them
out. After all it is useless to ask your best friend's "help me get over him"
because I'm more than confident that majority of them had the same experience
in the past as you have right nowю So nobody will be able to resolve this
complicated issue as getting over an ex-boyfriend. It is exactly you who have
to fight this an easy time of being single with the tears, on yourself. Your
soul mates can give you the pieces of advice only basing on own experience
but every case after breakup is individual. And you must go through this
just to have strong a character in the future. It will help you to create much
better couple of even the best. Just look around
life goes on he's not special. Yes I can guess you still love him because I had
the same feeling a lot of times but now I'm very happy to have such stories in
the past. They helped me and they will help you to see the life from the other
angle. You will not repeat the same mistakes in the future and secondly you
will feel intuitively whether he is right partner or you should wait a
little to meet your ideal man. If you are getting over with your ex
there is no sense to ask how long does it take to get over someone dealing with
a psychologist. Even if he or she is professional by doing a
favorite craft you will not treat your memories and soul wounds by hearing
someone's recommendations. The best way out is the silence and loneliness. No
phone calls, no internet communication Just you and meditation. You can be
convinced that it works. Yes I know in such a difficult period of your life
it's not easy to be alone with no psychological support from anybody but
in the future you will remember all these stories ironically with a smile on
your face. Because a life without challenges is not a life. You shouldn't
exclude the fact your ex-boyfriend will come to you in
the future but it would be late and is stupid to start everything from the very
beginning. Who am I to tell you to take a decision
but if I were you I wouldn't drink the same bitter experience which struggled
against in my past. It happens very often when a guy wants to get back his ex
girlfriend but not every girl is ready to feel the same pain so it's better not
to consider his intentions seriously. That's my opinion but as the proverb
says if you don't risk you will not drink a champagne, so maybe.. But remember
my words when you accept him back if something goes wrong you will regret
about your decision and it will be twice harder to forget him forever, so don't
dive into this swirl of water. Enjoy your time of being not engaged and don't ask
anybody how long does it take to get over your ex guy. No matter what your
family or relationship status is. We are always unsatisfied with our current
condition whether there is someone to love or not
So loneliness it's also great at least you have to feel a taste of it. If you go
and suffer it from the absence of your boyfriend the problem is your
concentration on him more you think more you cry and suffer
to avoid this the best way is travelling anywhere
Just take a holiday and go somewhere abroad with your best girlfriend after
that you will see the sudden changes in your life it is already proved by many
girls who had the same issues after the breakup
Nobody has invented the medicine, helping to get over someone. Maybe once in the
future something effective will be. But today we need someone's help and support
when it comes to divorce, betrayal and so on. A lot of girls after having the
problems with their ex boyfriends have the same much more complicated issue
than bad mood it is called depression Don't permit you to get the first
depressive disorders because it may have the negative consequences. No alcohol, no
any pieces of advice from your parents or friends cannot help you to forget
your ex. It is only you your personal doctor. If you can control the thoughts
in your head you will resolve every question that disturbs you I'm
absolutely agree with you it's not so simple it feels like hypnosis and self
programming and these are the pills which you can rely on. So don't let the
signs of him follow you that is a matter of why the majority young girls ask the
same question how to get over an ex. Just leave everything in the past. how to do
that? That's not difficult. Try to change your focus onto other daily things
listen to the good music but know that pop learn how to cook the delicious
dishes so look for something to be totally engaged with and that would be
enough the results will come soon but not in one or two days if you will do
all these steps properly probably in 10 days someone other can wake a sympathy
in your up and your ex will be left in your life's diary as a helpful lesson
that will effort to create in your relations and
tract more passion and reciprocity into your private life have a patience after
all and you get marry once you will be grateful to your excel hours for the
priceless moments going back in time and there is no need to hate someone or to
be angry with life is not serious why you should be serious percept all your
drama ironically it's like a movie where we are the actors it doesn't cost off
any tears or narrows especially if you are a girl because the guys don't have
the same feeling as you after breaking up with their ex that's the difference
between us but the most important is when you have somebody ready to help you
when you really need this help thanks for watching
I hope to help helped you to understand some fundamental questions regarding the
relations with your ex don't forget to subscribe to my channel so not to miss
more interesting videos later
Lesson 76 Learn English - No New Year's Party - Conditional Clauses (III) - Duration: 3:19.Session 76: No New Year's Party
Julia and Stephanie are flatmates.
They have both come down with the flu, and are both curled up on the couch with blankets,
feeling quite sorry for themselves, watching the New Year's celebrations on the television.
If I had not caught this flu, I'd be out there now.
Counting down the bells and singing Auld Lang Syne.
I know! I had a date for tonight, but who's gonna kiss me at midnight with this cold?
We could still open a bottle of wine and see the New Year in together.
It'll just be wasted on me. I can't taste a thing.
If you start singing, I will have to kill you. My headache is getting much worse.
I've never felt so fragile.
Do you want another lemon and honey drink? It takes the edge off a little bit.
I'll have one it in a little while. Could you pass me the box of tissues?
Sure, here you go.
If I don't feel better in a couple of days, I'll have to make an appointment with the doctor.
I'll need a sick note for work. What a great start to the New Year!
Well, there's nothing that can be done about it now.
With hindsight we should have taken precautions.
Like what? Wearing masks and keeping people at a distance with a long stick?
Don't be silly. I mean topping up on vitamin C, getting a better nights sleep.
Maybe I wouldn't feel so terrible.
There's no way to know that. Of course prevention is better than cure,
but at this time of year so many people get sick, it's unavoidable!
I feel like I'm dying!
Can I have your stuff?
Love you too! I'll take that drink now.
Julie goes off to make a couple of hot drinks,
while Stephanie continues to watch the television.
Julie returns a few minutes later.
Here you go.
Oh, thanks doll. This year has gone so fast.
I can't even remember what we did for last New Year.
We went to Sophie's. She and John had just moved into that new house,
so it was an excuse to have a housewarming together with the New Year Party.
Oh yes, of course. Oh my, I did get very drunk.
I can't believe I kissed George.
Aw, George is nice. He really likes you.
I know he's nice but his job freaks me out.
I couldn't go out with a microbiologist. I'd be thinking about all those germs
and infections he handles every day.
It's all very controlled. He does use sterilised equipment and wears protective clothing.
I know, I know, but I can't stop thinking about it and it gives me the shivers.
It's not fair on him but I can't help it.
I don't think it would bother me so much, but I do know what you mean.
Oh, here come the bells.
The bells toll down and the television blares out Auld Lang Syne.
Happy New Year, Jules.
Happy New Year, Steph. I hope it's a great year for you.
You too, my friends. All the best.
They clink their cups of lemon and honey and continue to listen to the singing.
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