"Time for the Little Baby Bum Animal Choir to rehearse for their next concert!"
Welcoming on stage..."
"Mane The Lion!"
"Little Kitten"
"Daisy and Pig!"
"Baa Baa with Little Blue Bird"
"And Mia as the conductor!"
Woof, Roar, Meow, Moo, Oink, Baa, Tweet Tweet
Woof, Roar, Meow, Moo, Oink, Baa, Tweet Tweet
"Now backwards"
Tweet Tweet, Baa, Oink, Moo, Meow, Roar, Woof
Tweet Tweet, Baa, Oink, Moo, Meow, Roar, Woof
"One more time!"
Woof, Roar, Meow, Moo, Oink, Baa, Tweet Tweet
"Now backwards for the last time!"
Tweet Tweet, Baa, Oink, Moo, Meow, Roar, Woof
"OK, that was great! so tuneful!"
For more infomation >> Animal Sounds Song | Part 2 | Nursery Rhymes | Original Songs For Kids by LittleBabyBum! - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Viva News - EP 9 | Ivanka & Sting Operation - Duration: 7:34.
News is a play
Why is everything a play to him?
Yeah, he should see a doctor
(Voice Over) Sir, Live started!!
Welcome to Viva News
Ivanka arrived - Gachbowli and Hitech city revived
Jingle bells.. Jingle bells.. all the way..
With freshly created roads
And trees grown overnight
All our IT crowd are gone mad
Jumped hard
Cracked the road
I mean fired crackers on the road.
Ah, Okay.
But among this celebration, there is a commotion on Ivanka's route map selection
To know if this commotion is an emotion
Or a lose motion, our reporter Konda
Is at Manikonda
Crowd shouting- "Aana hein Ivanaka hamare pass- Hona hein our roads bindass"
As you can see here..
As you see here, the localites..
Uff!! While others in the city are singing
Jingle bells... Jingle bells...
But here in Manikonda..
We already sang that song, give the mike to them.
If you sing my songs?! Why me and my mike?! Hummm..
If you do like this, he turns into Taher Shah..
Okay, we will not sing again, start reporting..
Hmm.. So.. Why are you protesting?
Ohh.. Mr. Raghava Please give me back my Viva Remote.
So, this is our plight sir..
We are paying taxes since years, Complained many times on bad roads
Filed multiple RTIs
But none cared. Just see sir, Just see those potholes
We travel daily on those potholes, crushing our bones.
At any cost this time, Ivanka aana hein hamare paass...
"Aana hein Ivanaka hamare pass- Hona hein our roads bindass"
Wait.. Wait.. I finally have the mike..
So tell us sir..
.. the point is..
Bill Clinton came in our childhood- they have good roads in Jubilee hills, no issues.
Bush came in our boyhood, they have good roads in Banjara Hills, fair enough..
Now Ivanka Trump is coming in our Adulthood and they lay good roads in Gachibowli..
At this rate we have good roads in Manikonda in our Oldhood, what is the use siiirrr!!
And so..
So what are your demands?
This time..to better our roads, Ivanka Trump should travel on every bump..
for a minimum of two hours sir
At least then we will have good roads sir..
"Aana hein Ivanaka hamare pass- Hona hein our roads bindass"
"Aana hein Ivanaka hamare pass- Hona hein our roads bindass"
*VIVA news magical powers*
Over to Studio.
There are many unanswered questions in this world..
For example, E=MC^2
Bermuda Triangle
And our Shakespeares head shake!!
But finally, we have an answer for a bigger question than these..
Who came first? The egg or the chicken?!
Our Murgithalana Ande-shinde researched on this for twenty five years.
Play school to Old school he searched..
then he researched.
back searched..
Front searched..
down searched...
side searched..
up searched..
What is this sir? What is this search shit?!
Who wrote this script sir? Who is it?
Ahhh.. Anyways the scientist is in his final stages..
So now with our Viva channel he will share his front, side, up..
Antim Sanskaar with Viva patrakaar
Firstly, my hearty wishes to Viva audiences..
Put aside the hearty wishes, Kidney wishes, come to the point..
Who the heck has sent him?
Myself.. since twenty five years..
Who gives a damn?! Come to the point man..
So to answer the egg first or the chicken?
HEYY.. Will you come to the point or not?
Everyone becomes a Michael Jackson before the mike!!
Siir..some water..
I drank while coming, quickly come to the point first..
Heyy.. If he dies the nation never knows the answer!
.. Water.. some water..
Enough of this acting, come to the point.. Come on.. come on..
Acting ?!! Acting?!!.. AAAH!!...
What is happening there man?!
Hmm.. nothing happened.. before he came to the point, death came to him..
So over to studio
What is this sir? He is crueler than Kasab?!
Bribe.. Bed.. and platter..
Will never be completely full..
To Curb corruption Kamal Haasan made Hindusthani.. Akshay made Gabbar..
They got appreciation.. but corruption saw no depriciation..
First time ever Viva channel has learnt chess,
to put a checkmate to this, and
we present you the live sting operation.
the sting operation is on a govt officer
who demanded a bribe of ten thousand for signature..
So we threw our Pydi Raj into this secret mission.
Over to Pydi
What are those lights and lightman for?
Should I not capture the officer beautifully?!
Such intelligence..
Put aside all those, go alone with the button camera..
You jealous people!!..
Namasthe Sir..
Namasthe, sit..
Look here and wish sir..
Ah, I mean look here and talk sir..
Ah.. Namasthe.. come on take your seat.
'Ghoos Gagan'
The head level(Innner voice)
Ah.. Sir.. Could you see..My file..
What man?
Did you bring I have asked for?
Ha, I brought it sir..
Okay, pass it to me under the table..
What again?
My grandmother told me not to give money under a table sir.
I'll give it above the table..
Give it fast man!!..
What happened?
Is this angle fine?
(Over the earpiece) Yes, fine
Over to studio.
Are you a TV reporter?
Ha, What else do you think?
If you stop that recording, I will give a lakh..
Haha.. He is just like Akhshay in Gabbar..
Does not tempt for money..
That means!!?
Heyy.. How much did he offer?
(Over the Walkie talkie)One lakh rupees.
Okay, I will give you one lakh five rupees.
I will give you two lakhs
Give it to me, Hey.. I will give you two lakhs twenty thousand and twenty six rup..
Five lakhs, we will close the deal!!
Hey.. What is his final offer?
Okay, take that and come back here..
When will the corruption end sir?!
【韓国】サムソンチャジャン麺ってこんなに美味しかったんだ。 - Duration: 7:02.
Ice Cream Song | Nursery Rhymes | By KiiYii! - Duration: 1:39.
Ice cream, ice cream Vanilla ice cream
Ice cream, ice cream Strawberry ice cream
Ice cream, ice cream Chocolate ice cream
So many flavors!
Ice cream, ice cream Red and yellow
Ice cream, ice cream Blue and purple
Ice cream, ice cream Brown and white
So many colors!
Ice cream, ice cream Sprinkled ice cream
Ice cream, ice cream Chocolate chips
Ice cream, ice cream In a cone
So many choices!
Ice cream, ice cream On a hot day
Ice cream in the Month of may
Ice cream, ice cream Ice cream on a holiday
It's a yummy treat!
이거보면 당신도 20승! 20승 도전 공략 (Crown Championship Final Challenge 20Wins) [클래시로얄-Clash Royale] [June] - Duration: 19:42.
Hello guys! I'm JUNE :D
Finally I did 20wins hahaahahahaha
I'll show you deck I used
First 1~15 wins I usded log bait deck
After 16wins I usded Cannon Cart GY DECK
Many players asked me what is good deck.
In my opinion, use good balance deck like log bait, mega knight hog, 3musk about 1~15 wins
Play after about 16wins the best deck you can use.
Let's see :D
S.W.A.T - Not a Game - Duration: 2:43.
Funny Clown Bob & Bibi | Learn Construction vehicles vs Dinosaur T-Rex Tyrannosaurus Video for kids - Duration: 3:14.
Hi Kids,
Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a play with Construction vehicles and dinosaur t-rex.
In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles in funny battle vs tyrannosaurus.
Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it
Click on the picture to see other funny videos
Do you understand?
I don't understand anything.
Is there any history that someone studied ALGEBRA and achieved in life?
Maybe scientist.
You want to do comedy. I want to do dancing .What do we need ALGEBRA for ?
Forcing studies that we can't understand down us!
You know what? Let's take a break.
Didn't we take a break 5 mins ago?
Like as if we are understanding what we are studying...
Let's just take a break to free our minds.
Oh i know. Lets play a game!
What game?
Phone pranking!
Wow, we haven't done that in like forever!
Yeah we haven't done that in ....
3 days...
Okay you do one and i'll do one.
Do you still have the numbers?
But these people are poor things. They get pranked by us every 3 months.
Remember Subash?
He is such a flirt.
He really thought Sunny Leone was talking to him!
okay first. Teacher Sarita!
Calling me in the middle of school hours and disturbing me! Do you have any brains?
Teacher, Teacher, last week, you asked us a question last week....
i didn't know the answer then but i'll answer it now.
You asked us to name 3 animals from the zoo.
I'll answer you now.
1st: LION
You are going to get beaten! Who is this?
Sorry teacher, i was just teasing you. I'll tell you the answers seriously now.
3 animals from the zoo.
Suriya. Vijay. Karthi.
Witches! I'm going to find you and kill you!
Prank call means cheating someone smartly!
Cheating someone smartly?
Teach me too! Teach me too!
Because next week our relatives are visiting...
so, i want to trick them smartly as well.
I don't think its a good idea.
But she wants to know.
Let's teach her the coin and water bottle prank.
If you want to die, die alone.
Hurry up! I have alot of work!
Aunty, i'll teach you!
Okay, let's begin!
This is a coin. And this is a water bottle.
So what i'm going to do is...
I'm going to place the bottle on top of the coin.
After that, i'm going to cover it with a cloth.
After covering it, i'll perform a magic.
After the magic, i'll take the cloth away.
After i take away the cloth, this coin...
will be inside the bottle.
Really? you will teach me how you did it right?
Yes, after i perform the prank i'll teach you.
After you perform the prank, you won't be alive.
Now, watch carefully.
Plain water. Coin. No cheating.
You examine it yourself.
Open the bottle and drink it. Its not a magic potion.
Its nice but its plain water.
The coin is inside the bottle.
Oh wow! its so exciting. i can't take the suspense!
You check inside yourself
isn't it a great prank?
Whose great brillant game is this?
Come here!
You both....
S.W.A.T - We Are The Police - Duration: 2:06.
Woman of Steel 4 | Episode 19 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:09.
I know you work for Romero, the Colombian.
Give him this message.
Tell him he'll make a lot of money with Salvador Acero.
Mr. Highball says you're best in the business,
yet you don't know anything about it.
That means you lied to Mr. Highball.
Can you imagine the dude's face
when he realizes I'm his supplier?
The same guy who'll end the Acero dynasty.
The two dynasties meet again.
I wanted to inform you
I've been awarded full custody of Nicolas.
We've just got to convince them that's us in those passports.
Then it's "Welcome to America."
Let's just pray my nerves don't get the best of me.
You've got the wrong idea.
I only said I'm not a weapons expert,
but I know this business like the back of my hand.
Ask me anything about cartridges, calibers or scopes.
In the meantime,
I'll tell you all the places where you can cross the border.
Every inch of the desert, every tunnel, every rut,
every obstacle that you and your people will come across
if you go alone.
You can load a gun with your eyes closed.
Well, my sister, the Woman of Steel
can cross the Rio Grande with her eyes closed.
Let's not play coy.
You say this FN SCAR is a work of art.
To my family, crossing the border
and laundering money are also art forms.
Why else would Highball pick me?
He's smart.
You think he'd trust some idiot?
Do you think I'm stupid?
We either came here to waste our time or to do business.
You've got -----, kid. I dig it.
Help! Help!
-This man wants to rape me! -Honey!
-Help! -I came to save you.
If you don't leave right now, I'll kill you!
Alright, Tuti!
Hurry up and tell us what's going on.
I've called this meeting
to make an announcement to the family.
That's you, Roberta, Felipa, Lorenza, you three,
and you too.
I know I ordered you like a week ago,
but you're also family now.
We need to sell the house and leave in a jiffy.
In a jiffy? What's that?
She means in a hurry. We need to move out.
You see? He speaks my language.
If he weren't so ugly, I'd say, "Congrats, handsome."
You know what?
The day I become someone important,
you and I will work together at the UN.
You'll be my translator.
Why do we have to move? Does Doriga know?
I can't move.
My daughter's here.
Plus Marcelo left.
He said it'd be dangerous if he stayed.
I'm not asking you. I can handle Doriga.
I'll tell him where we'll be. Don't worry about that.
I'm about to start an important business venture
and we're about to make more money
than my late hubby left me.
It's not easy for me to feed all of you,
especially since you all love stuffing your faces.
You guys eat more than a fat boy on Christmas.
It's very hard to feed all of you and the employees.
Plus, I have other expenses.
Besides, my boy's future is at risk.
Think about that.
So it's final. We're moving to Tamaulipas!
And if you say no, you'll have to deal with me!
----! I broke my nail.
Look, Roberta!
The tip!
I can't just grow it out, silly.
We'll give you the weapons.
You'll deliver them to our partners in the US.
You'll receive the cash.
We'll use our businesses to launder the money over here.
Hotels, cars, horses, and the like.
30% of the money stays there.
The rest is ours.
We get our commission from there, right?
No way.
25. At the least.
No one earns more than 10% in commissions,
not even partners we trust.
Listen, Jet Li. We're not like everyone else.
I'm not Chinese. I'm South Korean.
Look, Mr...
Mr. Park, we came here for a partnership.
You don't look down on partners. They're equals.
25% or we walk.
Just think about it.
With Chucho Casares dead, there's no one to protect you.
I'm guessing this stash won't last three months.
You'll be in trouble. What then?
What if the Feds get suspicious?
You need protection... and allies.
What do you say?
20%. That's as high as I'll go.
Mr. Park, I'm happy to say that you're officially in business
with the Acero-Quintanilla Cartel.
Let's hope it's for the best.
Well done. I mean that.
Get over here.
We're going to be rich!
US-Mexico Border
Hey, listen to me.
I need you on top of things.
If Indio gets suspicious, it'll be worse than last time.
He won't show your son mercy.
I'm fine.
Here. Put this on.
We'll be able to stay in touch.
Don't worry about Mendoza. We can trust him.
His people are the PGE's top agents.
I'd only trust him or Sanchez with this.
Are you ready?
Just remember that this will only work
if you do the right thing.
Alright, Phillips. I'm the one risking everything.
Then concentrate and wipe those tears.
Your issues with your ex can be dealt with later.
Right now, he's the priority.
We're going to save him.
Thanks. I mean it.
Don't thank me until he's back in your arms.
Stop crying. You're strong.
Is everything ready?
The shipment's ready.
How's Cardenas? Can she do this?
She's got no choice.
Gentlemen, please stand up.
Be on alert for any instructions from Mendoza or me.
We're about to dance with the Devil,
but this is a dance we're gonna lead!
-Yes, sir. -The hell?
Yes, sir!
Let's go!
I've got my eye on you, Pepita.
Don't screw up or I'll ---- you up the way you like it.
- ---- you! -Enough, Jose Angel.
Too bad a real woman has to stand up for you.
Come on! Back to work!
Hurry up or I'll be eating all of you for dinner!
Come on! Hurry up!
Is the kid ready?
What's going on?
We're about to go to war and I need you at your best.
Salvador Acero's been released.
I know. It made the news.
The idiot president held a press conference.
Are we supposed to throw him a welcome party?
The Acero-Quintanillas left the state.
Stay informed, man.
I don't have time to think about those people now.
I've hated that family
since before Sara cut off these two fingers.
When you've hated someone that long,
you learn to be patient.
Right now, we need to cross the Colombian's merch.
We're not trying to resurrect a cartel, here.
We need to show the Colombian
that he ain't got nothing Teca Martinez didn't.
I don't care.
I want to beat that bastard up before we do anything else.
He's on my list.
Calm down, Owl. What's the rush?
Right now we need to cross the Colombian's merch.
We need to throw him a bone so he'll leave us alone.
Are you crossing?
Yeah, some by land and others underground.
We'll use the tunnels
Teca Martinez left all over the border.
They're still good. Just a bit dusty.
You hear that?
Some of you will be mules and others will be moles.
One of you might even be a mare,
but that's a story for another time.
Right now, I've got an ICE agent to hunt.
Bring the kid.
I'm sure he's dying to see mommy dearest.
Boss, everything went according to plan.
The six tons of merch are at Trion,
real close to Matamoros.
Why isn't it at the Los Indios Bridge?
No idea.
It took them all night to get there,
but they left the merch in Juarez.
-I can check with Indio Amaro. -No.
Let him be.
Amaro thinks he's smarter than me.
He's playing with fire. Let him get burned.
I'll lose six tons of coke, but he'll lose everything.
Keep me informed.
Yes, sir.
Brownsville-Matamoros Border
Chayo, calm down. You aren't helping.
You haven't smuggled people across the border in a while...
Didn't I bring a busload of people into Chihuahuita?
I guess...
Exactly. I was born for this.
Just calm down.
Who the ---- knows I'm here?
Relax, boss.
I asked my American buddies to look into something.
Efficient, right?
Express mail and door-to-door delivery.
Look what I have for you.
The life and trials of Daniel Phillips.
You wanted this, didn't you?
That's great.
Mrs. Victoria! Felipe, sweetie!
-What is it, Mom? -Have you seen Mrs. Victoria?
-No. -She's not in her room.
Honey, have the guards review the security footage.
We need to find her. I think she ran away.
Oh, my God! What do I do now?
This can't be.
Did anyone follow you?
-Well? -No.
This is the antidote for the scopolamine
your daughter was given.
I also compiled a list of labs
where Mario doesn't know anyone.
Let me know once you have the antidote.
I'll make sure Andrea gets it.
How do I know this isn't one of Mario's plans?
You have no other choice.
You either trust me or you're ------.
I'm risking my neck to help you...
And Andrea, too.
She doesn't deserve this.
Find the antidote. I'll do the rest.
You should know that once I rescue Andrea,
I'm also going to take Elizabeth.
If that bastard's doing this to his unborn child,
I can't begin to imagine what he'd to Elizabeth.
It's true Andrea's pregnant,
but there's something you don't know.
What's that mean?
Mario's not the father.
Shadow Song | Original Songs | By LBB Junior - Duration: 2:10.
Oh I'm glad oh, of my shadow It follows me everywhere
But without light, or fire glow Disappears into thin air!
My shadow and me; can you see? Arms stretched I look like a tree!
It stays by my side, old friend I see it again and again!
Oh I'm glad oh, of my shadow It follows me everywhere
But without light, or fire glow Disappears into thin air!
My shadow can make me look tall And other times I look quite small
It all depends where the light comes from That's science y'all! You're welcome!
Oh I'm glad oh, of my shadow It follows me everywhere
But without light, or fire glow Disappears into thin air!
Fierce Deity gets Rich | Master Mode Breath of the Wild - Duration: 10:10.
Ubermacht Sentinel XS - Duration: 0:31.
when you're doing 90 in the fast lane this is the car right on your ass
flashing its high beams if you're quite rich and really an asshole and you want
everyone to know it you can't do better the Ubermacht Sentinel and the Sentinel
XS only at southern San Andreas super autos
이 세상의 모든 돈 ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:10.
Goodbye AFRICA! It's been a lekker few years! - Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 149 - Duration: 33:36.
Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 2 | Telemundo - Duration: 32:17.
I'm not leaving without giving them a hug.
-Crisanto... -No.
This is absurd. We're family.
Get in the car.
I said get in the car.
Leave him be.
He'll get over it.
How could you plead guilty, son?
He's an idiot, that's why!
I was going to argue post traumatic stress
to invalidate the guilty plea,
-but he didn't let me! -For God's sake, Juanjo!
If it were up to him, he'd be in prison right now
because he didn't want to be released on bail either
while he awaited sentencing.
I'm leaving.
Thank you, Aristides.
-Juanjo, we're talking to you! -I'm not talking.
I've got nothing more to say.
I'm going to answer for the death of my friend.
For the death of my brother.
That's it.
The wine store security camera recorded the whole accident.
The sheriff's got the video. I'm trying to obtain it.
Speak to the DA. He'll get it for us.
I was just speaking to him about Juanjo Montiel's hearing.
He pleaded guilty.
Which is how his conscience feels.
Make sure he gets the maximum.
At least 10 years.
Have you seen your mother?
She's right here, Dad.
Honey, what are you doing here?
Let's go to bed. You need to rest.
Let's get some sleep.
I'm staying here.
I'll stay with her, Dad.
Get up from there, Juan Jose.
I said get up!
-What's wrong with you? -You be quiet.
Get out of here.
Go away.
-Crisanto... -I don't feel sorry for you,
if that's the reason you're putting on this little show.
And stop crying.
Dad, please don't talk to him like that.
Go away.
Leave and stay away from my family.
<i> Thanks for calling, Roberto, </i>
<i> but we really don't need</i> <i> anything.</i>
-If you need... -Let me talk to her.
Aurora, how are you? It's Natalia.
<i> I was very concerned</i> <i> about your parents.</i>
<i> I didn't know how</i> <i> to approach them.</i>
There's nothing you can do.
Not you or anybody.
My mother's devastated,
and my father doesn't just have it out for all of you.
He's attacking whatever gets in his way.
How are you?
He's fine.
Come, Juanjo.
Grab these casks and push them.
Put some muscle into it.
You think he's well enough to work?
-He looks very depressed. -Working will be good for him.
Let him tire himself out.
With what he's holding in, he could burst at any moment.
Leave him alone.
Now nice of Natalia to send this.
It looks delicious.
Thanks for bringing it.
You're welcome.
Natalia said to heat it over a slow fire
-and put the rest in the oven. -Okay.
Would you like to stay for dinner?
Just don't say it's from Natalia
or they'll all throw it away.
I'm going to tell my dad I made it, alright?
Roberto, you know that though you work for the Montiels,
you'll always be welcome here.
Thank you, Mr. Crisanto.
What's this?
Michoacan soup, which you love.
I came to thank you for the soup you sent.
You can't fool me about that.
It's the same Mrs. Emilia, may she rest in peace,
would make me.
Your mom was like a mother to me in this country.
No need to thank me. I made it with lots of love.
How's Meche doing?
So-so. Taking it one day at a time.
Thanks for asking.
Well, I came to apologize about what happened at the cemetery.
No, Crisanto, please forget about it.
There's no need to apologize.
My fight's not with you. It's with your son.
-It was an accident. -Since when is it an accident
to get high and drunk?
Which he's paying for by going to jail.
Regardless, his life is already ruined.
He's alive, isn't he?
But my son?
He's not.
Pay attention. It's Aristides.
<i> The judge wants a</i> <i> psychological evaluation.</i>
If it goes well, I could get your sentence reduced, Juanjo.
There's an opening today. Shall I request it?
Thanks, but I don't want that.
You're in no position to want or not want.
And enough of your crap.
You're going. Give me that phone.
Aristides, make the appointment.
All set.
If that's how you want it.
Why do you want to be punished?
Put another way, what are you running from
by going to prison?
What are you talking about?
I don't understand.
Yes you do.
Says here you came to Napa when you were eight
to live with your father.
Where is your mother?
I don't know.
Do you miss her?
Did she abandon you?
She abandoned me...
because my mother ought to be dead.
She was a drug addict. You can write that down.
She chose doing heroin to being with her son.
Happy now?
Talk to me about that anger.
Go to hell.
Juanjo's in a bad situation.
The psychologist's evaluation must've been devastating.
The more letters we write the judge, the better.
Paco could send you an example of the letter online.
They say one letter is more than enough.
The important thing is for the judge to see
how much everybody in town cares about Juanjo.
I understand.
Look, I get that I'm putting you in a bad spot.
I'd also understand if you didn't write the letter
out of respect for your father.
But you've got time to think about it.
You don't need to decide now. Think about it.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
I don't feel like telling you what's wrong.
You're the typical man,
incapable of expressing what you're feeling.
Juanjo, stop punishing yourself.
It was an accident. We're all to blame.
I'm talking to you.
Look at me!
I'm serious. I don't want to talk to you.
Why are you treating me
-like this? -Why?
Because your father...
Because your father's right.
Because I'm a revolting human being.
Because you shouldn't be with me.
Go be with your ex-boyfriend. I don't know why you came back.
Be with him and have the happy family you want so badly.
Stop it, Juanjo. Stop being so stubborn.
That won't get us anywhere.
I'm no good for you.
I'm serious, I'm no good for you or anyone.
Everything I touch, I ruin.
I'm serious.
I don't want to see you. Go away.
Are you busy?
Knock first, Mom.
Sorry! If I'd known you were
in a bad mood, I wouldn't have asked.
What do you need?
Get me some medicine. I don't feel very well.
Mom, where are the pictures? Did you...?
There's what's left of your pornography.
How dare you?
No, how dare you keep this crap in this house?
And the pills and condoms?
That's why you wanted to go to San Francisco.
To become a... slut.
We didn't teach you that.
That's it! I'm done! I can't take you guys anymore.
Where are you going?
To be the biggest slut in Napa and its surroundings!
Paloma Castañeda!
It's not fair.
She has no right to do that.
Why didn't you tell her the truth, sis?
You think she'd understand? Or that she'd understand him?
Well, without any warning, no.
Everything's going to be alright.
Good morning.
Good morning, Crisanto. Mercedes.
How are you?
We lost our oldest son.
I'll mourn him the rest of my life.
That's how we are.
The honorable judge will proceed to read
the defendant's sentence.
The defendant shall rise.
The defendant in this case did not hesitate
to plead guilty to his recklessness,
which resulted in the death of his best friend.
That fact speaks very well for your repentance, Mr. Montiel.
I know now that you are deeply sorry for your felony.
Therefore, I sentence you
to two years in a state prison,
which may be reduced to one year and parole
for good behavior.
Case closed.
We did it!
It's just one year, son.
I don't understand.
He only got two years.
No, Meche.
It'll actually be only one year.
Let's go. We're done here.
Murderer. You're a murderer!
Look at this one!
Nice and young!
-Fresh meat. -You're gonna need protection.
Let us at him.
So your sister's staying in San Francisco?
I thought she only had a test.
Enough, Aurora!
Enough lies.
Your father and I lost a son.
And no truth is more painful than that.
Crisanto, you really want to know where Paloma is?
Come out or I'll break down the door!
Sir, I think you're mistaken. Nobody by that name lives here.
Did you say Paloma?
-Let him go! -What'd you do to her?
Let him go! He's my boyfriend!
Boyfriend? Him?
-You don't even know me, sir! -Shut up, fool.
You're coming with me.
Let me go!
I'm not going anywhere.
Fine, I'll tell you the truth.
I'm a photographer.
I've been living in this trailer with Jordan for one year.
I don't go to school.
I don't want to be a manager or laborer
or work at a winery like you.
I'm an artist.
What you are is a crazy liar taking advantage of me.
You think I'm going to keep supporting
this piece of crap lifestyle you lead?
Don't worry about it.
All I want is to be left alone.
If what you care about is this, take them.
I can support myself.
You'll return home, tail tucked between your legs,
begging your mother and me for forgiveness.
You think we don't have enough to cry over?
Let's go, Meche.
Looks like we've lost a daughter too.
A little present from the welcoming committee.
You got something to say?
Two years lying to us!
Mom, everything would be different
if Dad let Paloma study what she wanted.
And she's with a guy like that!
What's wrong with Jordan?
Don't tell me it's because he's black.
Just what we needed. A racist family.
You know what it is we need?
For you two brats to learn some respect.
Paloma's name is never to be uttered in this house,
and that's final.
Lights off!
That's enough, Dad.
Don't torture yourself anymore watching this video.
Let's get some sleep.
I'll never be able to sleep again.
One year in prison?
That's a mockery, son.
But that bastard won't get away with this.
Somebody has to pay for Emilio's death.
Good morning, ladies.
Wake up! Wake up, you bitches!
Breakfast is in 15!
Wake up! Wake up!
Aw, shut up!
He couldn't take it, that's all.
Nothing happened!
It's very weird.
He said Emilio showed up and beat him up.
It looks bad, especially because of what he's saying.
He says he's going to kill himself,
and we're stuck here, our hands tied.
I came to ask you when you expect to kill yourself.
<i> Two weeks?</i>
<i> A month?</i>
<i> I'm asking so I can know when</i> <i> to take Joaquin to get drunk.</i>
<i> Am I supposed to laugh</i> <i> at your joke?</i>
<i> Of course not.</i>
<i> When will you stop</i> <i> playing the martyr?</i>
<i> Oh, poor Juanjo. </i>
Suffering so much because he's such a good man.
That's why he slams himself against the walls of his cell.
<i> What a waste of</i> <i> time coming here</i>
<i> -to tell me that.</i> <i> -Don't hang up!</i>
You're the most selfish person I've ever met.
<i> Poor me, right? </i>
<i> But when do you ever</i> <i> think of others?</i>
You only care about yourself.
<i> And if you kill yourself?</i>
<i> What about Joaquin?</i> <i> What about me?</i>
Have you thought of your parents or Joaquin at any point?
<i>You haven't even thought of me.</i>
<i> What do you know?</i>
<i> Look, if you want to punish</i> <i> yourself and suffer, go ahead!</i>
<i> Enjoy yourself.</i>
But the rest of us shouldn't have to share
<i> in your martyrdom.</i>
<i> Life goes on out here,</i> <i> and believe it or not,</i>
<i> you're not the center</i> <i> of the universe.</i>
I came here to tell you to your face
<i> that from here on out, you can</i> <i> do what you damn well please.</i>
<i> Understood?</i>
The DA gave me copies of the letters
the judge used to determine Juanjo's sentence.
The case is closed,
but you'll be interested in one of the letters
because it was written by your daughter Aurora.
The letter doesn't matter.
I called you
because I want to sue Juan Jose Montiel for damages.
Does that kid have any money?
He's the minority partner of Montiel Wineries.
The money would come from there.
One other thing.
Just like you got the insurance
to pay for the damage to the wine store,
get them to change their mind.
<i> Yes, that's right.</i>
The insurance company just said they won't cover
the Castañedas' wine store damage.
-Know anything about that? -It must be a mistake.
Please call and find out.
A court clerk just dropped it off.
What is this?
Crisanto's suing Juanjo for $2 million for damages.
He's lost his mind!
It's not fair.
You know we don't have that kind of money.
Don't talk about fair when you and Paco did everything
to get Juanjo's sentence to be more like a vacation
in the best prison in the state.
You have no idea how much Juanjo's suffering
over Emilio's death.
I don't care.
Your son's an embarrassment to you and everyone.
Look, Paco, if you didn't have the guts or the -----
to straighten him out,
I must demand that he pay for the pain he's caused my family.
You're embittered.
Let's go, honey. There's no sense in arguing.
No, with all that pain you're repressing,
you're destroying the people you love most.
Shut your mouth.
And I'm not just talking about us.
Get out of here.
-Crisanto. -Go!
Aurora, whose side are you on?
Your family's or your brother's murderer?
-What are you talking about? -I'm no fool.
I know you wrote the judge in defense of Juanjo
-and visited him in jail. -I can't believe it.
Listen, you defy me again and you can forget about
your mother, your siblings, and me!
Let go of me!
You just decided for me.
Aurora, sweetie.
-Please... -No, Mom.
I won't put up with more of Dad's disrespect.
Please don't go.
Forgive me, Mom, and I feel bad for you,
but I'm done.
Don't go. Not you. Please.
I can't and won't want to go on.
If you go, I'll throw in the towel.
I'm guessing things didn't go well with Crisanto.
So what's the plan?
To sell the winery and be ruined because of Juanjo.
It's late, Joaquin, and these past few days
haven't been the best.
Could we talk some other time?
No, I don't want to come back another time.
Tell me to my face that you want to destroy my daughter.
Tell me, if you have the courage.
-I want justice. -Justice?
You think suing Natalia, Paco, and me is justice?
Crisanto, money won't bring back your son.
My son...
My son is dead, yes.
This is between us, the living.
Yes, I'm alive, but you don't care.
Look at you.
Have you forgotten who fed you when you arrived here
practically barefoot?
No, I haven't forgotten.
Just like I haven't forgotten
that because of that drug addict Juanjo,
my son is rotting in the cemetery.
I'm really sorry, Joaquin.
Only God knows how much it hurts
to be doing this to you and Natalia.
But my family and the memory of Emilio come first.
You know your way out.
You'll have to explain why the big to-do.
Did you win the lottery?
It's not a big to-do, Godfather.
It's good news.
Two big-time distributors haven't stopped calling.
They want the award-winning wine that Emilio invented.
With Aurora.
But let's leave it at that.
Since Aurora wouldn't make a decision,
I don't know what to tell them.
The problem's that to make that wine,
I'd need the strain of merlot
the Montiels planted in Viña del Río.
They know lots of weird grafting techniques.
Nobody else in the valley does.
Neither us nor our viticulturist providers.
Honey, please bring us some coffee.
So they're from Viña del Río.
Here's another present from the welcoming comm...
Anybody else?
Anybody else wants to mock me?
What's going on?
What are you doing here? Weren't you leaving?
I figured you for long gone.
Mom needs me, and though you deny it, I know you do too.
Sometimes one has to make difficult decisions in life
and leave behind those one loves.
It's very clear to me. Apparently not to you.
Natalia, Crisanto's coming.
You deal with him. I don't want to see him.
Maybe he's changed his mind.
What's up?
You shouldn't be handling the grapes.
It's not yet pruning season. The grapes aren't yet ripe.
What do you want?
I've come to negotiate.
It's a big lawsuit. I wouldn't want you
to have to sell or rent the winery.
I'd be satisfied with a small part.
A small part of what?
What do you want now?
I won't ask for the $2 million,
and I'll withdraw the lawsuit against Juanjo,
in exchange for this parcel of land.
I want Viña del Río.
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Hey :P
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Hey :P