KENNETH: You're justified by the words of your mouth. You're
condemned by the words of your mouth. Everything is dominated
by words! You can't change that! The devil
can't change that! God won't change that.
(Singing) I know my God has made the way
for me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Do you have a need? Are you
speaking the desired result? Today on the
Believer's Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland
gives instructions on choosing your words in line
with the desired outcome. Now, here's Kenneth.
KENNETH: Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. I
want to be the first. Merry Christmas! Ha-ha. Hallelujah.
You know, we goofy you about Christmas around here,
man. We--oh, yes. Amen. Today starts 25 days of
Christmas. Every day through Christmas on the Believer's
Voice of Victory broadcast, we have a gift for you. Now listen,
these are gifts that build your faith, stir up hope in you. And
what have we been talking about? Faith words, the Word of God.
Get started in it. Stay in it. Praise God. These are just
things to encourage and just have a good time through all the
month of December. And so just go to And then
go to, ha-ha-ha, and download all your notes.
Praise God. Father, we just rejoice. We are so glad You were
born, Jesus. Oh, oh. Somebody said, "Yeah, but He wasn't born
on the 25th of December." I celebrate His birthday every
day. So do whatever you want to do. Ha-ha-ha. "Well, do you
believe in having Christmas trees?" You think I'm going to
have Christmas without a tree? I don't care whether the pagans do
it or not. Hey. "Well, it's a pagan holiday." Not anymore, it
isn't. We changed it. Ha-ha-ha. I've been wanting to say that
all year. (Laughs) Hallelujah. And I finally got the chance.
Oh, Jesus, we're just thrilled with You. Glory be to God. We
worship the very--(Praying in the Spirit) We worship You,
Father. And we hold You in a special place of honor today and
lift Your Word out of our hearts, into our mouths, into
Your ears, and we're so blessed. Bless my partners. Bless this
whole radio and television audience today in Jesus' name.
Amen. Hallelujah. Mm, mm, mm. Christmas, whoo, yeah. Amen.
You've got to love it. All right. I'm going to tell you
where we're going today. We've been talking about, words are
the most important things in all of the earth, and that makes the
Word of God the most precious thing in all of the earth. Amen.
Matthew 4:4, "Man shall live--not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Mark
11:23, "And Jesus said--" Let's turn over there to Mark 11:23.
Oh, I never--I never--I never get enough reading Mark 11:23.
"Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith in God," or "Have the
faith of God." "For verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, be thou cast into the
sea; shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things," those things are words, "which he saith shall
come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says." That is
eternal truth. It's true the way He said it. It is also true on
the flip side of it because Satan is bound in it. He can't
get away from the fact that this is a Word-created,
Word-upheld--He's upholding all things by the Word of His power.
Hallelujah. You have what you say. Now, if you get on the Word
of God, you will have what you say. As long as you're speaking
fear and all that other, you have what you say. And
what--what most people think is the devil working in their life
is just simply what you've been saying coming to pass because
you licensed the devil to say it. He can't come on you unless
you allow it by the words of your mouth. "But I didn't know
that." Well, you do now, so shut up. (Laughs) Start saying
something different. Now, everybody can do it. Anybody can
do it by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. It is not easy. If
it was, everybody would be doing it. No. I'm telling you, this is
the most difficult thing for people on this earth. This--this
is the most difficult. The tongue--as James said it in
the 3rd chapter of the book of James, "The tongue cannot be
tamed with natural human power." It can't. It can't be done. Only
by the Word of God, what James called "the perfect law of
liberty." "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free." Glory be to God. Isn't that wonderful?
Hallelujah. All right. Matthew 12:37, "You are justified by the
words of your mouth, you're condemned by the words of your
mouth." "Every idle word that any man shall speak, he will
stand judgment," he'll answer for them, "on the day of
judgment." Yeah. All right. We read, "In the beginning, God
created the heavens and the earth." How? By speaking. He's
upholding all things by the word of His mouth. Psalm 19:14, "Oh,
God, make my words acceptable." Psalm 91, "I will say of the
Lord, He's my refuge, he's my fortress: he's my God; in him
will I trust." That's the open door to the secret
place of the most High. And the way the
Amplified translated that, "I will say of the Lord,
and then He will deliver me." Glory to God. And then Psalm 103
and Verse 20, "The angels hearken to the voice of his
word." Then Isaiah 55:11, "My word goes forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish
the thing where unto I sent it." How does it return to Him? Out
of our mouths. Amen. Glory to God. And then we read in Hebrews
1:14--well, we need to go back over there and read that again.
Hebrews 1:14, because this is such unfamiliar ground for so
many people. "To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit
on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are
they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister
for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" Now, the 103rd
Psalm--well, I see where we're going to have to go. The Lord
wasn't through with this yet. In the 103rd Psalm, "Bless the
Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his
commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word." Then I
Corinthians 12--Chapter 14--actually, you know, you have
to remind yourself from time to time that these are letters.
They weren't written in chapter and verse. The chapters and the
verses have been put in there for reference point. We needed
that. But Chapter 12 and--Chapter 11, Chapter 12,
Chapter 13, and Chapter 14. But he changed from Chapter 11
to--Chapter 12 begins with, "Now." So we see he changed
subjects. That's important to know that the break comes right
here. He--it--over here, he's talking about judging yourself.
What's he doing? He's preparing you to hear about these
spiritual manifestations of the Holy Spirit, because without
this, without judging yourself and so forth and getting
the--get back over in the--in the love of God and speaking
love words and so forth, to get you over there. Ain't no use
even talking to you about manifestations of the Holy
Spirit if you're not going to do that. So then he talks about the
nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Then in the 13th
chapter, right at the end of the 12th chapter, talking,
"Covet earnestly the best--these spiritual manifestations of
power." Glory to God. Now Verse 1 of the 13th chapter, "Though I
speak with the tongues of men and of angels--" Huh? "Are they
not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those that
shall be heirs of salvation?" "--and have not love, I am
become as a sounding brass." All right, let's-- "If I speak with
the tongues of men and angels," in love--I want you to see that.
"Tongues of men and angels," praying in the Spirit, walking
in love, keeping yourself in the love walk and so forth and so on
so that your words are filled with faith and not--not this
other. Oh. (Praying in the Spirit) Oh, Father, I pray,
first of all, for all men, kings, and all that are in
authority that the Church live in peace and honesty and
godliness. Well, this is good in the sight of God, our Savior,
who would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge
of the truth that there's one God and one mediator between God
and men, the man Christ Jesus. And I pray for the peace of
Jerusalem. Well, now I've just about run out of what I know
about praying. I know Mr. Netanyahu, you know, and I know
so little about him. I don't pay any attention to what the news
is saying. What do I do here, Lord? (Praying in the Spirit)
Well, what do I do then? Oh, yeah. Romans 8:26-27. Oh, yeah,
Lord. Oh, yeah, what was that, Lord? Words. Romans 8:26. Even
though I speak of the tongue of men and angels--huh? Ohh,
"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities." The
Greek text there is--it takes three Greek words: Helpeth,
"takes, whole, together, with us." "Likewise the Spirit also
takes whole together with us against our infirmities: for we
know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit
himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot
be uttered," which cannot be uttered in your natural tongue,
articulate speech. And there's times you get--you get over into
intercession, you--you will just start groaning. Jesus did that
at the tomb of Lazarus. Of course, Jesus wasn't speaking in
tongues. Ha-ha. Are you kidding me? He--if He needed to speak
another language, He'd just speak another language. But the
groanings, that's compassion. (Groans) (Praying in the Spirit)
What's happening here? There are things I don't know, lots of
stuff I don't know. "What about--well, I'm supposed to
pray--yeah, oh, yeah. Man, I forgot to pray for him. Oh,
Lord." No, you didn't, not if you lean not to your own
understanding but trust in--you trust in Him with all your heart
and not your understanding and your forgetting. No. You try--I
believe in these words. I trust You, Holy Spirit. "You know,
whoa. Yeah, oh, yeah. I--yeah, I did pray for him, didn't I?"
Yeah, you did. And, you know, I get right over there in the book
of Ephesians. "Pray for all saints perseveringly in the
Spirit." How are you going to pray for all saints any other
way except-- "I pray for all saints." Well, man, you know,
that went a long ways. But, now, hey, if God has certain things
that need--somebody needs to ask Him before he can move in a
certain area-- "Well, He's God, He--" No, no, no, no, no, no,
no. Don't--don't start that on me. He needs--He has to have our
prayers and requests in certain areas or He can't get in here
with it. That's it. That's in prayer teaching, which we're not
teaching on right now. But this is--this is important. These are
words. Amen. So now, Lord, You need me? Hey, You need things
that need to be said? I'm here for You. I've got to use my
faith, use my mouth. Glory to God. I don't need to know. Hey,
I don't need to know what I'm praying about. I trust You.
(Praying in the Spirit) Ha-ha-ha. (Praying in the
Spirit) Oh, yes, I believe I receive that while it's still a
mystery. Glory be to God. Oh, and you said, over there in that
14th chapter, You said, "Let him pray also that he interpret."
Okay. Yeah. You'll let me know what I'm praying about. Glory to
God. It'll--it'll come up on the inside of me. I mean, I don't
even know that that's what it was. I don't need to know that
that's what it was. Well, what am I doing? I'm exercising my
faith. I'm speaking faith words with Him. And these divine
secrets that are going back and forth, the devil can't
understand a lick of it. He's--no. He's out in the cold.
That's the reason he's fought speaking with tongues ever since
the day of Pentecost with everything he had. Well, no
wonder. All right. Now then, Psalm 4--Proverbs 4:24, "Put
away from you a froward," or a disobedient, perverse, "mouth."
Why? Okay. Proverbs 4:20. Let's get over there. Proverbs 4:20,
"My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my
sayings. Let them," my words, my sayings, "not depart from your
eyes," read them; "keep them in the midst of your heart." Why?
Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. "For they
are life unto them that find them, and health," or medicine,
"to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence; for
out of it are the issues," or the forces, "of life." "How am I
going to do this? How am I going to do this, Lord?" Put away from
you a disobedient, perverse mouth. Put it away. See, you're
justified by the words of your mouth. You're condemned by the
words of your mouth. Everything is dominated by words. You can't
change that. The devil can't change that. God won't change
that. But you can, and must, choose the words under which you
live! Whoo-hoo-hoo. You can live in the secret place of the most
High God. And it comes out of your mouth and says something
else, don't be talking like that anymore. Now repent. "Father, I
repent." Words are precious. "No, no, no, no, no. I--Lord,
oh, God, help me. Rise up within me. I'm strong in the Lord and
in the power of His might". Hallelujah. Now then, right
quick, right quick, right quick, Proverbs 6:2, "You're snared
with the words of your mouth." Proverbs 12:18, "The tongue of
the wise is health." Proverbs 13:2, "A man shall eat good by
the fruit of his mouth." And then you go over to the book of
Isaiah, and God said, "I create the fruit of the lips." (Laughs)
I preached me so happy I can hardly stand to sit down in this
chair. Glory be to God. You see what God's done? He's given us
the key to the bank. Ha-ha-ha. The keys of the kingdom are
words and revelation of words from heaven. Glory be to God.
How much time I got? Oh, I've got one minute. Let's go, let's
go, let's go. Proverbs 18:7--no, 15:4, "The wholesome tongue is a
tree of life." Proverbs 18:7, "A fool's mouth is his
destruction." Well, quit being a fool. The Bible tells you how
not to be a fool. Proverbs 18:20, "Increase comes from the
fruit of the lips." The 21st verse, "Death and life are in
the power of the tongue." What is it about that you can't
understand? Oh. And that verse goes ahead to say, "Death and
life are in the power of the tongue: they that love it shall
eat the fruit thereof." They that continue therein--that's
what they say all the time. The Word says, "He that loves
cursing will eat him up." It'll eat up his bones. It'll
kill you. And we're out of time. Oh, but I'm going to tell
you something, Monday's coming. (Laughs) We've
got a whole 'nother week to get in here.
Amen. I'll be right back in just a moment.
ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries. And remember, Jesus is Lord.
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