Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 28 2017

6 Miss World Form India How They Look Now In 2017 - Transformation Of 6 miss World Form India

For more infomation >> 6 Miss World Form India How They Look Now In 2017 - Transformation Of 6 miss World Form India - Duration: 2:50.


Electronic Interactions Reform Bill- Committee Stage- Second Reading - Video 11 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Electronic Interactions Reform Bill- Committee Stage- Second Reading - Video 11 - Duration: 4:50.


Subordinate Legislation Confirmation Bill (No 3)- Second Reading - Video 2 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Subordinate Legislation Confirmation Bill (No 3)- Second Reading - Video 2 - Duration: 1:06.


Andy Carroll | Tactical Profile - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Andy Carroll | Tactical Profile - Duration: 3:47.


HK Audio Lucas NANO - nová rodina aktivních ozvučovacích systémů - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> HK Audio Lucas NANO - nová rodina aktivních ozvučovacích systémů - Duration: 2:33.


VP players are dominating in European WESG qualifiers - Duration: 1:58.

I'm very happy that we managed to achieve great results in the match against Greeks,

and the first place is spectacular...

[faint #Antihype in the distance]


All in all, we all know that it's not the first year of WESG.

In the previous year, Team Ukraine already existed,

and it disgracefully ceased its existence in the tournament's Chinese group stage,

Russia was as fruitless as well,

so we decided to fix the situation this year.

Everything went well and two our teams claimed the first and third places in result,

And, so to say, defended CIS honor against our European friends.

Basically, after the famous games against NaVi, it was a pleasure to play with RodjER for us,

he blended in with the team really well.

iLTW is a great and humble guy who was happy about cafeteria macaroni being multicolored,

he saw a lot of things for the first time,

Vova and Ilya were very happy to play with Resolut1on,

Vania [ArtStyle] was happy to just play,

so everybody had a good time.

The guys banded together to play for the flag for a few days in October,

for a few days here,

they'll also play for a few days in China.

However, obviously, their main job is in, so after all...

enough's enough.

For more infomation >> VP players are dominating in European WESG qualifiers - Duration: 1:58.


[MV] John Park(존박) _ SMILE - Duration: 3:55.

Smile, don't lose your smile again

Smile again, make a smile again

It will remove all your memories full of sorrow

Tear drops, your tears are dropping

Starlight, they will be the starlight

Don't worry, everything will be forgotten

The spring, summer, autumn and winter, when the seasons pass

time will send you a poetry of healing

Smile, don't lose your smile again

Smile again, make a smile again

The memories full of pains will go far away

The spring, summer, autumn and winter, when the seasons pass

time will send you a poetry of healing

Smile, don't lose your smile again

Smile again, make a smile again

The memories full of pains will go far away

For more infomation >> [MV] John Park(존박) _ SMILE - Duration: 3:55.


3 ЯВНЫХ причины почему мужчина НЕ ЗАБОТИТСЯ - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> 3 ЯВНЫХ причины почему мужчина НЕ ЗАБОТИТСЯ - Duration: 8:08.


5 Best Free Universal Windows 10 Apps - Duration: 3:37.

5 Best Free Universal Windows 10 Apps

5 Best Free Universal Windows 10 Apps

5 Best Free Universal Windows 10 Apps

5 Best Free Universal Windows 10 Apps

For more infomation >> 5 Best Free Universal Windows 10 Apps - Duration: 3:37.


へたでごめんなさい ~ゆず からっぽ~  少しだけ - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> へたでごめんなさい ~ゆず からっぽ~  少しだけ - Duration: 0:30.


The Final Battle: The Trailer - Duration: 1:01.




$300,000 TO WIN

GET READY FOR THE FINAL BATTLE Watch games live on WGL.GG/TFB from December 13th

For more infomation >> The Final Battle: The Trailer - Duration: 1:01.


TOP 32 YCS Prague (2) 2017 - ABC True Draco Deckprofile *English Subtitles* // Baltic Broadbulls - Duration: 12:27.

Today we have Frieder, who reached Top 32

at YCS Prague with a rather unusual deck.

What was your score after Swiss rounds?

I went 9-2.

Day 2 I was on the bubble the whole time

and I won my feature match on the bubble in Round 11

Okay, and what did you play?

I played ABC-True Draco with Brilliant Fusion.

How did you come to that decision?

There are a lot of decks: Trickstar, Spyral...

So, I wanted to...

The pieces themselves don't do a lot,

but they are fairly strong in terms of ATK

and I wanted to run over stuff (LUL)

and I wanted to have more monsters than other decks

that I can normal summon to start my combos more frequently.

Ok, then I let's get to the deckprofile.

Sure. I decided to play 3 A,

because I wanted to have the 1900 ATK as often

as possible, because it just gets over Candina and

Lycoris easily. You can also crash into Double Helix and

Super Agent, which is really nice if you already have

another one in Grave to add back to your hand.

Additionally I played 3 B, those are standard.

I lost Top 32 because I drew into 3 of these...

Also 3 C, since you can do very strong combos

with it if you just continually Special Summon, e.g.

B to keep adding, then special summon again

This way you can have much more Rank 4´s or Master Peace in addition to Buster and Decode Talker.

I also played 2 Silver Gadgets. With Diagram you have a

Rank 4 without normal summoning. Or a Link 2.

Of course you need one piece for that.

They also function as combo extender if you don't

have Diagram to go for a Rank 4.

Then we have 2 Gold Gadgets.


3 are too much, 1 is not enough because occasionally

you won't be able to float with Diagram.

2 Master Peace, because I play Desires.

At times you really need 2, if you banish one it's not too bad.

Actually he is not that good. He is just good if your

opponent does not expect it, and has no out to it.

I play one Trick Clown, it's okay.

Sometimes taking 1000 damage is annoying, so I'd

rather send A, B or C to the Grave if I have 2 other ones

in hand, so I can go for Buster with Brilliant Fusion and pieces.

One Garnet.

How often did you dead draw this card?

I drew it... only one time I think.

I have to say I often sided out the Brilliant engine.

So not sure if had drawn into it more frequently.

*shoutouts to Johannes A.*

One Maxx "C". Standard, I had this quite often today.

And then 3 Ash.

I decided to play no more than 4 handtraps, because I

only wanted the best handtraps, who do something on their own.

Also you need a lot of cards to build massive boards,

which is why you cannot play that many.

3 Hangar, standard, best card.

3 Diagram, these are rather extenders and they make

summoning Buster First turn easier.

Sometimes it's unfortunate to sacrifice the Hangar, but

you rather have a Buster than the Hangar.

Except if they used Winter Cherries.

3 Terraforming, that's obvious.

One Set Rotation becaus I play different Field Spells.

I even drew this twice, it was alright.

3 Brilliant. Like I said I often sided them out.

I thought my opponents would board Twin Twisters or

Cyclones since the Field Spells are really important in the deck. So I rather took them out of the deck.

They also bait Ash if you really want to resolve Hangar.

I decided to play each spell once.

This one was good once, I drew 2 cards against True Draco.

This one is good in the late game sometimes. Was not

the case to be honest. But you can recyle and draw one.

And theoretically you can tribute summon twice.

Two Desires, I play 42 cards and want the additional

card, which is also why I play each piece thrice.

One Raigeki never needed it, drew it once, will cut it.

Soul Charge, this is good, at times you summon Decode,

but you cannot trigger C or you get cherried,

then you can still Spam Rank 4's with this and control your opponent.

Or you just set this so that he can't use Reincarnation on it and then forgets to send it to Grave with Light Stage.

I see, that was possibly a reference?

No, I don't think so.

Ok cool. Good thing we did not see this on stream.

Yeah. I play one Apocalyose and one Return. So...

I never used the on-field-effects. I don't even know if I

ever used the tribute-effects during my opponents turn.

I think I only tributed them on my turn.

...if at all.

Ok, I would say Extra Deck?

Maybe Side Deck first? I don't care.

Sure, let's do Side Deck first.

I played 3 Evenly Matched. *Shoutouts Andreas K.*

These were phenomenal.

I went second almost every time, even if I lost Game 1 I put them in. They were really good.

One Skill Drain.

I thought the idea was nice, but in the tournament

I almost never went first anyway.

Or I didn't know if I would go First so I never used it.

These were okay. Previously they were better but I

always drew 2 of them and I only went equal with them.

And you picked those against Spyral?

Against Spyral and something like ABC they're fine as well.


Well, against True Draco these are also good. If you go second you can just activate this and then he lost

spells and Diagram.

One Dark Hole, I never sided this in... Yes I did! Against Nurseburn I sided this in.

2 Cyclones, I will play 3 next time. I didn't even side

them in that often, but 3 are mandatory actually.

3 Gamma, one Driver *Shoutouts Oleksiy R.*

Sided them in once, drew the Driver.

Wow, so those were terrible, right?

No, I won't play them again.

2 Kaijus, these were really good.

Different ones because at times you draw 2.

You can out this one easily, the 200 ATK doesn't matter.

Okay, then Extra Deck.

Sure, Extra Deck.

I'm not entirely sure if this is good or not: 3 Buster.

I think I will only play one in the future. I think he is not that good.

I got cherried almost every game.

You don't really want to play this at one? O.o


But I got cherried that often so I had to play without Buster mostly anyway.

One Seraphinite for Brilliant.

Well, I just played Brilliant it because it's Duel Terminal.

Sure, seems reasonable.

One Dweller, unfirst *Shoutous Max D. who doesn't want to have it either*

I even...

I think I even did this against True Draco.

One Bagooska.

One Tornado, this one's incredible.

This... well, 2 is too much but one is very good.

This! If you don't play him you are not... worthy.

He is so good! I once completely lucked with him. I got

cherried on Buster but I was able to make Decode.

I activated Soul Charge for 4 Monsters. I made this,

discarded one, drew 2, made Bagooska. What'd I draw?

Return and Master Peace.

That was savage.


One Dire Wolf, because he clears your Moster Zone.

You don't need more than one?

Nahh, no space.


Not sure if I'd play 2 the problem is: You no longer have the 2000 on board afterwards.

It's not the point of the deck, you just want to throw monsters at your opponent.

So that... he has no life point left.

One Utopia, One Lightning *Shoutouts to John R., complains about low rarity Lightning*

So this must be Ultimate Rare?

Yeah, mine didn't arrive in time.


One Omega for the Gammas. Never did it.

The idea was good, but I think I should have given this to Max instead.

One Akashic. She is good when you go for Proxy

to activate C and Special Summon, to then go Decode.

But sometimes you don't have C, but only Hangar with

A and B or Gadget. Then you go this to go Buster anyway.

So that you are not reliant on the C effect to go Buster.

Okay, yeah.

One Proxy, like I said, with C, you trigger it to Special

your last piece from hand. To then go Decode.

And if you cannot Special from hand you go Akashic. theoretically get the Buster below her.

Okay, this was your deck. You said you did not enjoy playing some cards, what had you rather played?

I don't really know. I almost sided the same thing every time.

I mostly sided the Kaijus, often Spell Shattering Arrows or Cosmics, alternating.

And the Evenly's, I didn't side much more.

Did you miss any cards in the side?

I don't know, maybe...

No, not really. Maybe another Cosmic but...

Ok, things were not looking too bad for you after all.

Actually the deck is like this: I brick because my opponent has a handtrap, I Normal Summon

and attack. Next turn I do a bit more.

Sometimes you can do something first turn, but not always. That's the problem with the deck.

Else it would be much more popular, I think.

Okay cool. Would you like to give Shoutouts to anyone?

Yeah, Shoutouts to the Baltic Broadbulls, *several further Shoutouts"

*more Shoutouts*

*final Soutouts*

Okay, thanks for the profile.

No problem.

For more infomation >> TOP 32 YCS Prague (2) 2017 - ABC True Draco Deckprofile *English Subtitles* // Baltic Broadbulls - Duration: 12:27.


Swag se swagat Talking Tom Version With Lyrics By DJ MIX - Duration: 4:09.

Listen close to what I gotta say. Cause you know there ain't no other way Love is the message

You ready? Let's go

Yeah.. we can make it better. Yeah.. when we come together. Yeah.. all you got is me. Yeah.. all I got is you!

Ishq se aage? Kuch nahi kuch nahi kuch… Ishq se behtar? Kuch nahi kuch nahi kuch… Ishq se upar? Kuch nahi kuch nahi kuch… Ishq bina hum kuch nahi…

Ishq se uncha? Kuch nahi kuch nahi kuch Ishq se badhkar? Kuch nahi kuch nahi kuch Ishq se accha? Kuch nahi kuch nahi kuch Ishq bina hum kuch nahi…

Chaahe jo aaye Leke dil mein ishq mohabbat Sabko gale lagaana Apne culture ki hai aadat Swag se karenge sabka swagat! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫ Swag se karenge sabka swagat! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫

Milke chalta chal Masle karke hal Behtar hoga kal Ye sabse kahte rehna

Rehna banke dil Dil hi hai manzil Manzil pe tu mill Sab sabka hai kehna kehna

haahe jo aaye Leke dil mein ishq ibaadat Sabko gale lagaana Apne culture ki hai aadat Swag se karenge sabka swagat! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫

Ya'll ready to bring the riff back? Swag se karenge sabka swagat! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫

For more infomation >> Swag se swagat Talking Tom Version With Lyrics By DJ MIX - Duration: 4:09.


재수없는 남사친이 생겼다 [방과후연애 EP.01] - Duration: 4:44.

You and me, we couldn't be together now

I want to turn the clock so that the time goes faster


What are you doing?

Time flies


5 year anniversary of after school

I keep thinking of them in these days

That moment 5 years ago

And you

High School Scandal Love After School

I first saw you at the detention class


Our teacher told me that those who came late must sing in front of the class

Your first impression was

It's only 4 minutes after

She also sang a song even though he came here 1 minute late


You and I, we couldn't be together now

I want to turn the clock so that the time goes faster


What are you doing?

Sit down

Your first impression was

'what the heck?'

You're really gullible

You really believed that?

What the heck?

Do you want to die?


You and I


Hey, Hoo Sein

Be quiet


Your name is so hilarious

Are you an Arabaic?

Bang Myungrok (Guest book in Korean)


Your name is much weirder

Bang Myungrok and Hoo Sein

You have to write 2 more detention punishment papers

Yes sir

That was so awkward

Bang Myungrok?

Is he from Cyworld or what?

And you

You were super showy, don't you think so?

Why are you doing that to me?


What do you want to say?


I know you're teasing me because you're singing that song

I just sing this song often

Sorry, I don't do it any more

Are you done already?

I'm going to tell the teacher

I'm done

Why are you following me?

What are you talking about?

I'm on my way home

Where do you live?

The building right next to where you live

How come you know where I live?

Didn't you recognize me when you come to school?

I've seen you a lot

Do you know me?

Of course

There are not a lot of people who are as miserable as you


Do you wash your face?

Your face is really oily right now

Stop that

Why are you late even though you don't even wash your face?

What's wrong with you?

Are you alright?

Did I hit you that hard?

I... I...

This is IU's song

You and me, we can't be together now

Hey Cyworld

I'm going to hit you harder

Why are you following me?

What are you talking about?

You were a little, I mean you were really weird

But I had fun with you

After school

From the detention class to my way home

Why are you following me?

What are you talking about?

Come quickly

Then you should go ahead



Come quickly

It's been 5 years

How are you doing now?

Love After School

Web drama Love After School is aired on every Tuesday 6PM

For more infomation >> 재수없는 남사친이 생겼다 [방과후연애 EP.01] - Duration: 4:44.


Klopp target finally says yes to deal which allows Liverpool to snap him for €25m ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:57.

Scoring on Sunday against Fiorentina, it was almost inevitable that one of the Rome based

newspapers would have something on Lazio's Stefan De Vrij's future, and Il Messaggero

duly delivered.

The Italian daily explain how great the Dutch centre-back has been this season, which is

why so many clubs, including Liverpool, are interested in his services, as well as the

fact his contract is up at the end of the season.

However, that isn't the big news.

The big news is that, finally, after months and months of negotiations between his agency

and Lazio, the 25-year-old has said yes to renewing his deal with the Serie A outfit,

even if all it does bring his club money in the summer.

As well as Liverpool, Juventus and Atlético Madrid are keeping a close eye on De Vrij,

and Il Messaggero seem very pessimistic when it comes to him still being managed by Simone

Inzaghi next season.

With a release clause expected to be around €25m, few big clubs will be put off by the

asking price, which is purposefully low to allow the centre-back to get his big move

if it presents itself, such as one to Anfield.

It seems that, as was the case over the summer, Jürgen Klopp could turn to De Vrij if he

doesn't get Virgil Van Dijk from Southampton, who appears to still be his number one target.

A decent alternative, especially at that price.

For more infomation >> Klopp target finally says yes to deal which allows Liverpool to snap him for €25m ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:57.


Předpověď na 24h - 28. 11. 2017 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na 24h - 28. 11. 2017 - Duration: 1:21.


10 Ways To Quit Sugar In 5 Days - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> 10 Ways To Quit Sugar In 5 Days - Duration: 9:09.


Fox News @ Night 11/28/17 3AM | November 28, 2017 - Duration: 34:07.

For more infomation >> Fox News @ Night 11/28/17 3AM | November 28, 2017 - Duration: 34:07.


Qstar: "We've achieved fantastic results" - Duration: 2:02.

Scania promised 5% reduction with the new generation.

Our days are varied. We drive from the north to the south of Sweden.

We follow both big and small roads.

We have to consider the economy and the environment.

That makes us very interested in the new generation of Scania.

At Qstar we have always driven fuel efficiently.

But to keep developing, we have joined Scania's driver coaching,

so we can get follow-up both daily and monthly.

Scania promised 5% reduction with the new generation.

Our calculations show a reduction of 7-8%. We are very proud of that.

I have great use of Scania's technical solutions.

Like the cruise control with GPS steering.

And also the new gear box with immensely good Opticruise.

We want to have the best drivers,

who will thrive at our company and stay with us.

Therefore we want the best vehicles.

The comfort means a lot. And I like the details, like a good place for my thermos.

Charging my phone is very easy.

I can connect two mobile phones at the same time. Good storage space.

Those details makes you like your job.

As fuel supplier and road carrier

we want to take responsibility for customers and environment.

Therefore we want to be more efficient and challenge ourselves.

The driver coaching means you never stop.

You always try to evolve. You always try to be better.

We have gained fabulous results, and we are very proud of our drivers.

For more infomation >> Qstar: "We've achieved fantastic results" - Duration: 2:02.


【クレヨンしんちゃん】- アニメ 子供向け - アニメ 面白い 2017 クレヨンしんちゃん 映画 - クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ op 17 -「石鹸 泡」 - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> 【クレヨンしんちゃん】- アニメ 子供向け - アニメ 面白い 2017 クレヨンしんちゃん 映画 - クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ op 17 -「石鹸 泡」 - Duration: 1:22.


karamanga khata || Star fruit Sweet Chutney || Odia Karamanga khata Recipe - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> karamanga khata || Star fruit Sweet Chutney || Odia Karamanga khata Recipe - Duration: 4:33.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Olivier Martineau - Spread "Une décision basée sur les valeurs n'est jamais mauvaise" - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> Olivier Martineau - Spread "Une décision basée sur les valeurs n'est jamais mauvaise" - Duration: 9:20.


For more infomation >> Olivier Martineau - Spread "Une décision basée sur les valeurs n'est jamais mauvaise" - Duration: 9:20.


Talents of Tomorrow #16 - Savoir-être et vivre ensemble : pourquoi l'Ecole passe à côté - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Talents of Tomorrow #16 - Savoir-être et vivre ensemble : pourquoi l'Ecole passe à côté - Duration: 4:06.


For more infomation >> Talents of Tomorrow #16 - Savoir-être et vivre ensemble : pourquoi l'Ecole passe à côté - Duration: 4:06.


La P'tite Fabrique - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> La P'tite Fabrique - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> La P'tite Fabrique - Duration: 2:00.


II. Les thèses pré-complotistes de la théologie chiite - Pt.1 - NAWA Editions - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> II. Les thèses pré-complotistes de la théologie chiite - Pt.1 - NAWA Editions - Duration: 1:50.


For more infomation >> II. Les thèses pré-complotistes de la théologie chiite - Pt.1 - NAWA Editions - Duration: 1:50.


Natation RECUPERATION : La PIRE ERREUR ! - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Natation RECUPERATION : La PIRE ERREUR ! - Duration: 7:13.


For more infomation >> Natation RECUPERATION : La PIRE ERREUR ! - Duration: 7:13.


Chronique | I WHISH FAITES UN VOEU | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Chronique | I WHISH FAITES UN VOEU | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:07.


For more infomation >> Chronique | I WHISH FAITES UN VOEU | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:07.


大金企業社-華司, 墊片TEL:02-2982-7603 - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 大金企業社-華司, 墊片TEL:02-2982-7603 - Duration: 0:30.


For more infomation >> 大金企業社-華司, 墊片TEL:02-2982-7603 - Duration: 0:30.


大金企業社-華司, 墊片TEL:02-2982-7603 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 大金企業社-華司, 墊片TEL:02-2982-7603 - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> 大金企業社-華司, 墊片TEL:02-2982-7603 - Duration: 0:31.


Chronique | YOUSSOU'N DOUR | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Chronique | YOUSSOU'N DOUR | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:07.


For more infomation >> Chronique | YOUSSOU'N DOUR | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:07.


Sunny Leone - Sunny Leone Snake Prank and Revenge | Funny | Reaction | Revenge - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Sunny Leone - Sunny Leone Snake Prank and Revenge | Funny | Reaction | Revenge - Duration: 0:36.


TOP 32 YCS Prague (2) 2017 - ABC True Draco Deckprofile *English Subtitles* // Baltic Broadbulls - Duration: 12:27.

Today we have Frieder, who reached Top 32

at YCS Prague with a rather unusual deck.

What was your score after Swiss rounds?

I went 9-2.

Day 2 I was on the bubble the whole time

and I won my feature match on the bubble in Round 11

Okay, and what did you play?

I played ABC-True Draco with Brilliant Fusion.

How did you come to that decision?

There are a lot of decks: Trickstar, Spyral...

So, I wanted to...

The pieces themselves don't do a lot,

but they are fairly strong in terms of ATK

and I wanted to run over stuff (LUL)

and I wanted to have more monsters than other decks

that I can normal summon to start my combos more frequently.

Ok, then I let's get to the deckprofile.

Sure. I decided to play 3 A,

because I wanted to have the 1900 ATK as often

as possible, because it just gets over Candina and

Lycoris easily. You can also crash into Double Helix and

Super Agent, which is really nice if you already have

another one in Grave to add back to your hand.

Additionally I played 3 B, those are standard.

I lost Top 32 because I drew into 3 of these...

Also 3 C, since you can do very strong combos

with it if you just continually Special Summon, e.g.

B to keep adding, then special summon again

This way you can have much more Rank 4´s or Master Peace in addition to Buster and Decode Talker.

I also played 2 Silver Gadgets. With Diagram you have a

Rank 4 without normal summoning. Or a Link 2.

Of course you need one piece for that.

They also function as combo extender if you don't

have Diagram to go for a Rank 4.

Then we have 2 Gold Gadgets.


3 are too much, 1 is not enough because occasionally

you won't be able to float with Diagram.

2 Master Peace, because I play Desires.

At times you really need 2, if you banish one it's not too bad.

Actually he is not that good. He is just good if your

opponent does not expect it, and has no out to it.

I play one Trick Clown, it's okay.

Sometimes taking 1000 damage is annoying, so I'd

rather send A, B or C to the Grave if I have 2 other ones

in hand, so I can go for Buster with Brilliant Fusion and pieces.

One Garnet.

How often did you dead draw this card?

I drew it... only one time I think.

I have to say I often sided out the Brilliant engine.

So not sure if had drawn into it more frequently.

*shoutouts to Johannes A.*

One Maxx "C". Standard, I had this quite often today.

And then 3 Ash.

I decided to play no more than 4 handtraps, because I

only wanted the best handtraps, who do something on their own.

Also you need a lot of cards to build massive boards,

which is why you cannot play that many.

3 Hangar, standard, best card.

3 Diagram, these are rather extenders and they make

summoning Buster First turn easier.

Sometimes it's unfortunate to sacrifice the Hangar, but

you rather have a Buster than the Hangar.

Except if they used Winter Cherries.

3 Terraforming, that's obvious.

One Set Rotation becaus I play different Field Spells.

I even drew this twice, it was alright.

3 Brilliant. Like I said I often sided them out.

I thought my opponents would board Twin Twisters or

Cyclones since the Field Spells are really important in the deck. So I rather took them out of the deck.

They also bait Ash if you really want to resolve Hangar.

I decided to play each spell once.

This one was good once, I drew 2 cards against True Draco.

This one is good in the late game sometimes. Was not

the case to be honest. But you can recyle and draw one.

And theoretically you can tribute summon twice.

Two Desires, I play 42 cards and want the additional

card, which is also why I play each piece thrice.

One Raigeki never needed it, drew it once, will cut it.

Soul Charge, this is good, at times you summon Decode,

but you cannot trigger C or you get cherried,

then you can still Spam Rank 4's with this and control your opponent.

Or you just set this so that he can't use Reincarnation on it and then forgets to send it to Grave with Light Stage.

I see, that was possibly a reference?

No, I don't think so.

Ok cool. Good thing we did not see this on stream.

Yeah. I play one Apocalyose and one Return. So...

I never used the on-field-effects. I don't even know if I

ever used the tribute-effects during my opponents turn.

I think I only tributed them on my turn.

...if at all.

Ok, I would say Extra Deck?

Maybe Side Deck first? I don't care.

Sure, let's do Side Deck first.

I played 3 Evenly Matched. *Shoutouts Andreas K.*

These were phenomenal.

I went second almost every time, even if I lost Game 1 I put them in. They were really good.

One Skill Drain.

I thought the idea was nice, but in the tournament

I almost never went first anyway.

Or I didn't know if I would go First so I never used it.

These were okay. Previously they were better but I

always drew 2 of them and I only went equal with them.

And you picked those against Spyral?

Against Spyral and something like ABC they're fine as well.


Well, against True Draco these are also good. If you go second you can just activate this and then he lost

spells and Diagram.

One Dark Hole, I never sided this in... Yes I did! Against Nurseburn I sided this in.

2 Cyclones, I will play 3 next time. I didn't even side

them in that often, but 3 are mandatory actually.

3 Gamma, one Driver *Shoutouts Oleksiy R.*

Sided them in once, drew the Driver.

Wow, so those were terrible, right?

No, I won't play them again.

2 Kaijus, these were really good.

Different ones because at times you draw 2.

You can out this one easily, the 200 ATK doesn't matter.

Okay, then Extra Deck.

Sure, Extra Deck.

I'm not entirely sure if this is good or not: 3 Buster.

I think I will only play one in the future. I think he is not that good.

I got cherried almost every game.

You don't really want to play this at one? O.o


But I got cherried that often so I had to play without Buster mostly anyway.

One Seraphinite for Brilliant.

Well, I just played Brilliant it because it's Duel Terminal.

Sure, seems reasonable.

One Dweller, unfirst *Shoutous Max D. who doesn't want to have it either*

I even...

I think I even did this against True Draco.

One Bagooska.

One Tornado, this one's incredible.

This... well, 2 is too much but one is very good.

This! If you don't play him you are not... worthy.

He is so good! I once completely lucked with him. I got

cherried on Buster but I was able to make Decode.

I activated Soul Charge for 4 Monsters. I made this,

discarded one, drew 2, made Bagooska. What'd I draw?

Return and Master Peace.

That was savage.


One Dire Wolf, because he clears your Moster Zone.

You don't need more than one?

Nahh, no space.


Not sure if I'd play 2 the problem is: You no longer have the 2000 on board afterwards.

It's not the point of the deck, you just want to throw monsters at your opponent.

So that... he has no life point left.

One Utopia, One Lightning *Shoutouts to John R., complains about low rarity Lightning*

So this must be Ultimate Rare?

Yeah, mine didn't arrive in time.


One Omega for the Gammas. Never did it.

The idea was good, but I think I should have given this to Max instead.

One Akashic. She is good when you go for Proxy

to activate C and Special Summon, to then go Decode.

But sometimes you don't have C, but only Hangar with

A and B or Gadget. Then you go this to go Buster anyway.

So that you are not reliant on the C effect to go Buster.

Okay, yeah.

One Proxy, like I said, with C, you trigger it to Special

your last piece from hand. To then go Decode.

And if you cannot Special from hand you go Akashic. theoretically get the Buster below her.

Okay, this was your deck. You said you did not enjoy playing some cards, what had you rather played?

I don't really know. I almost sided the same thing every time.

I mostly sided the Kaijus, often Spell Shattering Arrows or Cosmics, alternating.

And the Evenly's, I didn't side much more.

Did you miss any cards in the side?

I don't know, maybe...

No, not really. Maybe another Cosmic but...

Ok, things were not looking too bad for you after all.

Actually the deck is like this: I brick because my opponent has a handtrap, I Normal Summon

and attack. Next turn I do a bit more.

Sometimes you can do something first turn, but not always. That's the problem with the deck.

Else it would be much more popular, I think.

Okay cool. Would you like to give Shoutouts to anyone?

Yeah, Shoutouts to the Baltic Broadbulls, *several further Shoutouts"

*more Shoutouts*

*final Soutouts*

Okay, thanks for the profile.

No problem.

For more infomation >> TOP 32 YCS Prague (2) 2017 - ABC True Draco Deckprofile *English Subtitles* // Baltic Broadbulls - Duration: 12:27.


Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE 7P Navigatie, Airco, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE 7P Navigatie, Airco, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE 7P Navigatie, Airco, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE 7P Navigatie, Airco, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 0:59.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-LINE PAN. DAK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-LINE PAN. DAK - Duration: 0:54.


Klopp target finally says yes to deal which allows Liverpool to snap him for €25m ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:57.

Scoring on Sunday against Fiorentina, it was almost inevitable that one of the Rome based

newspapers would have something on Lazio's Stefan De Vrij's future, and Il Messaggero

duly delivered.

The Italian daily explain how great the Dutch centre-back has been this season, which is

why so many clubs, including Liverpool, are interested in his services, as well as the

fact his contract is up at the end of the season.

However, that isn't the big news.

The big news is that, finally, after months and months of negotiations between his agency

and Lazio, the 25-year-old has said yes to renewing his deal with the Serie A outfit,

even if all it does bring his club money in the summer.

As well as Liverpool, Juventus and Atlético Madrid are keeping a close eye on De Vrij,

and Il Messaggero seem very pessimistic when it comes to him still being managed by Simone

Inzaghi next season.

With a release clause expected to be around €25m, few big clubs will be put off by the

asking price, which is purposefully low to allow the centre-back to get his big move

if it presents itself, such as one to Anfield.

It seems that, as was the case over the summer, Jürgen Klopp could turn to De Vrij if he

doesn't get Virgil Van Dijk from Southampton, who appears to still be his number one target.

A decent alternative, especially at that price.

For more infomation >> Klopp target finally says yes to deal which allows Liverpool to snap him for €25m ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:57.


Arma 3 milsim: Outpost defense - Duration: 52:08.

We have explosions on the right side

We'll just keep on rolling

Slow down a bit here

I can't bloody see the others

Are they behind us?

I can't see from back here

me*They are behind us

Ok, then just keep going


Ok, now I know where we are

Is this the place?

That's the place, yes

Ok we hold here, stop now

*can't hear anything what they say on the outside.*

Paec, get out

Shouldn't we get more distance between the trucks?

wait a minute

You and your guys will cover that direction

Once the compound is secured

I think that the cars can roll inside

If you want to roll past to the other side to start mining the road faster

That's up to you

Just wait for green light

So it's ok


I consider this place cleared

There was however an explosion on the way here

On research lab 101

Just so you know, incase you hadn't seen it

Oh right, ok but that's great

But now, lets get the jeep and...

the two first trucks into the compound

You know where to place them

Bamse and you guys, you handle the mining

Ok, that was it,

The area is deemed cleared

Or is it???

We haven't checked these big things


*from the background* I have checked them

Ok, paecmaker

Get to Hellholm for further orders

Where is he now?

He is red together with Adams

I think he is in the truck there

That's all vehicles, right.

Yes, now where is

Who are the medics here

I am a medic*Adams*

Dr. Mengel here and... Harvey

Copy that

Harvey, Adams

Your task, unload all the vehicles

Place all the ammo where I'm pointing

At that building

do you want...


Ammo, left. Medical to the right

Inside or outside?

Outside so it's easy to reach

That's your task. Move

Now the rest

Mpenga, Alekanderu

Kindly take the 50' cal

Over there

Place it at the north exit

The north exit, is there one even?

North west I think

That one is north. There is one north and one south

I guess also build covers and stuff there

Yes, I thought we placed the MG there first

Me and Paecmaker

Will take shovels and build covers all over this place

And then take the south part

Sounds good


Message command that we have secured the compound

*me* I already have a shovel so I just move to the north exit

Ok, move up to those two and...

And start building covers there

*Radioing* we have now reached the compound and are now securing the site for attacks

Let's see, where do you place it?

So I can dig a few trenches here

How practical, you can spin it around

Yeah, that's really good actually

Here, place it where I stand

Like that?

I can try it and see if I can hit something

Maybe place it in the middle?

No, they must be able to drive past here

But I can aim it everywhere anyway

Maybe the other side, the house is blocking you sight there.

yeah, but over there is a hill so I thought

I thought I see further where it is now

Hey there's a vehicle coming here

That's just our mining guys

Maybe I can build a small trench here infront


Just make sure you can still fire, or we will get problems

It'll be small

Have you seen my nice image?

What image?

On the map

What have you drawn now

Oh shit

You can't zoom it in, then it looks like...

Like someone has drawn with*something* on your face

Oh no, now I drew over your face

Ok, that looks great paec


Ok, I think I can still fire here

I think so atleast

Try it, Mpenga. Stand next to the tree there

Nah, lets not fire without alerting the others or else they will panick

Hellholm will go crazy

Maybe It'll be fun

Yes, that might be true...It's damn bloody true

Nah, lets not be like that

No, but I think this works



We should have put it up here

No, you can't shoot over the planks

Place it on them, or on the roof

It would be cool

But if you are on the roof here you will die

I know that

You know that?

I know that

I want to though

It's a nice map

Yeah, this map is really nice actually

I wonder why we don't play on this

What's its name?

Duala...wait sry. Dingor, there is Lingor as well

Dingor is like that but desert

Lingor is like...

Normal, not desert

It's european

Like chernarus?

Almost, it does have some unique things, I think

We should play more often on those

Should I place cover outside as well?


Build trenches outside, just something

Ok, that looks good there

We have the wall

We have the tower, he can look over the wall

Should I start pumping morphin...uhm..

Everything is done

Paecmaker, you can dig like

Make like this

Make like small trench pits to hide in

So dig one like here, and then one behind

So it will cover all sides

Like a pit or something

You don't have to make it on that one, but somewhere else

Anywhere in here

Where did you get a trenching tool btw?

Oh, it was..I got it from one of the trucks

I think it was the other group that got that

What did you say?

The others took that box

Make covers where you will be stationed

Stay also the furtherst away from the battle

While also we can be warned

Incase the enemy come from the side

But you will be rather safe

So you can focus on keeping the rest of us alive

Vehicle coming, is it friendly?

yes it is

It's Bamse and his gang

They have mined the roads

Ok, come on Harvey, lets run

We should go, go now

What's Mpenga talking about


You're talking about Inhouse(CS GO)

Yes I know that Stefan has started playing Cs

I thought I heard Trajan

I just thought, who the hell was that

But then I realised, the only one I haven't heard the voice of Harvey

Does he sound exactly like Trajan?


*keeps talking about Trajan, can't hear what he says now*

*Still talks about Trajan*

Harvey has a pretty special style

You'll notice if he speaks

He is*something I can't translate*

He'll flies helicopters for me, that's why.

Now where's

Paecmaker is bored, he builds shit everywhere

I was going to give him a task

Just improving the cover here


Afterwards, if you want

go back to ...

Anyone else that hears a helicopter?

Paecmaker, when you're done

Move into the base...

and make a nice circle around the mortar

just so it's protected

incase they send in artillery, so the gunner is protected

You can dig trenches around the entire base

Yes, that's what I have planned

There are already people digging there

What, I sent them to...ok

whoa, that was a gunshot

Gunshots, I go back

Defend here. Defend to the north

We have people running on the hills

We have people at...

almost, 0 degrees

Can you see them from here

No, you don't

There are people behind the trees straight to the north

oh shit


Need help?

No, I fix it myself

Where are they!

Just straight north, on the hill

On the hill, Hellholm

Yes, I saw it


Exactly, and over here

I go back to Malmgren, tell him where to put the mortars

You stay here


Me and Robin will go to the other side


roger that

How do you point?

Like that, ok

Right there, you see

enemies over there

The mine will detonate before something happen

We have one in the guard tower

out or inside

If we take to much fire we will fall back

I will not stand here atleast

There will be lots of heavy weapons pointed here

And also, the QRF

Who's down on the ground, oh its Mpenga

Where he's firing from, can't see him.

Oh there he is, got one at the base of the hill

Alekanderu, do you hear me?

But answer!!

Where are you


Just behind you

Incoming vehicle

The seem to be down

*talking about tactics, couldn't hear them though over the gunfire*

Ok, uhm Alekanderu?

And paec, is that car armed?

I think it looks like it

I can't hear Alekanderu,

Paec, can you talk to him?

Do you hear me?

Is Alekanderu deaf?

Deaf and mute

It might have been a bit to loud at his 50 cal

Oh ok

I don't think we have any earbuds

So he'll be deaf and mute for a while

Do you hear me?

It was a problem with teamspeak, we don't need buds, hearing is off

It's just TS, but now you hear me

The Machine gun is out

What, already

Yeah, it only had 200 rounds

So that's empty, and we can't refill it unless...

Wait but Zeus can

Alekanderu, we also have that car, if it's armed

Enemies incoming

yeah, it's armed

Are they all down?

Nah, more people are coming

Don't fire, they are civilians

Stop firing, civilians running

They are running straight down

Is the MG out?

Yeah, it's out

Uhm they look armed

There was SOMEONE that was unarmed... they look armed

I said it

More north east

We have people behind the trees

Enemies north east as well

They are flanking us north east

Im also running out of ammo

North east, ok

Lots of people are coming from straight ahead

Ok, I'm out now

Run back to the truck and bring more ammo here

There were lots of ammo near the trucks

I had one more mag here

We need even more ammo, so bring anyway

Ammo is out, wait we had a box here

We got a bloody box here

Damn, they shoot a lot

Yeah, don't they

Oh fuck, that one was to close

Paecmaker got one *assume they talk about my shuffle*


Do you have a trenching tool?

Build some cover near the edge over there

We have closer enemies now

A few hundred meters away

I'm just going to build a trench here

Do we have any grenades?

Hang on, I shoot one

That was close

It landed, a bit to close

Everyone ok?

Are you ok?

Any wounded?

Any wounded here

Don't know, see if Mpenga is ok

He has the worst cover

Mpenga, are you hurt?


I got more ammo here guys

about 30 more mags here

I'm wondering, maybe we should get to the car

Maybe we can use it's machine gun

That would be pretty nice

Could be nice to have a MG again

Well, I can do it

Me to

Me and Mpenga moves there, but do we have any leaders here?

No...That's great, lets do it

If you go there, go in the terrain as the road is mined


Poor position, can't cover them from here

Where is Alekanderu?

They are over there


Can't see if they are alive though

Don't worry

They shouldn't be on the road, there are mines there

oh right

Is it their green smoke

Yes it's friendly smoke

Ok, they are going to bring the car here?

Just hope they listened to what I said with the mines

I guess we'll notice

I see people, north east

He's wounded

Make room, let them come in

Stay down

Get to cover

Now here we have some ammo, roughly 500 rounds

Malmgren is wounded

We might have one wounded in the house

If you can send down one, do it now

Do we have any smoke grenades, for cover

Are you hurt?

I was hurt

Can't shut off the power on this

So it'll have to work hard

How much do you have

I have roughly 500 rounds

Good, the one we brought didn't have that much

No, wasn't much at all

And you can't refill them either

Looks like it's a bit calmer now

It's a bit stupid, we have a fully dead angle here

Unless I see it

They have tried to flank from that way

I can build some shelters over there, just in case

Atleast they can't go around our west side atleast

*while I was building, a car drove forward and got shot down*

*and now they are talking about seeing if there are any good stuff in it.*

Is it that smart to go up there with a medic

And I should probably not move up

I have the detonator for all the C4

Yeah, then you should not be close to that

Harry, are you a medic?

Yes...but I'm a cool medic

A cool medic, ok then. I take on the resposibility if something happens

Is that a dragunov lying there?

It's not a Dragunov, but it's a sniper atleast

What's the name...VSS or something


If they come from north east, I have built up lots of cover outside the wall

Damn, you're safe paecmaker

I like being in cover

Who was it that laughed?

It was Mpenga that laughed

Guess I have to pump in some morphine in Mpenga

Should I shoot him

I'm going to shoot the bastard

Poke him with the gun barrel

No, I'm stuck!

That's to bad Adam

He got wounded as well

oh yes

Is he stuck inside the tower?

Maybe you can crawl out of there


No, is it true???

Adam, that's your house now. You live there now

I have finally been able to catch Adam

This suits you good

This is fucking gold

You can sit here, it suits you

NO, he climbed out

Where is our great, honorable leader?

He's out running

They are out picking shit up

Do they have binoculars perhaps...


Malmgren, stay here

Malmgren, get one for me too

It's not that far away atleast

I thought they were going to drive the car here

But it maybe was broken

Maybe it's burned

No, it haven't burned

But I meant ...

For fuck sake Alekanderu

It seems broken

The car is broken

Grenades, incoming

I'll take the mg

Soldiers north east

North east

30 degrees

Shoot them

They are like 800 meters away

I see them on the edge, but I'll wait so far

Where are they?

There are trees in the way

We'll take them when they come further down the hill

Wait what, is someone still at the car?

Yeah, someone ran back out

It's malmgren, it's just malmgren

There are people on the hill, flanking us

50 degrees north east

A squad, pushing south

would be nice to get a mortar over there

We have the mortar...

I was told you were here

Take this equipment I brought

Just in case if armor shows up

fire at will on any suitable target

You have one round in and one in the backpack

yes, ok

Save it though for armor

Damn, what an explosion

The mine blew up... it was two explosions

The mine blew up due to the mortar strike

unless the artillery hit the car directly

Well that might be true

There are mines along the road as well

keep a look on the hill 60 degrees, there might still be enemies there

unless they have moved down

Is there any medics here, I might need some help

Who, who needed help?

Are they down on the hill?

What part are you taking?

I hear a helicopter

Helicopter, from the south

It's white, its friendly


You and one more, cover this site

While the rest prepare to pack things up

We have been ordered to prepare to leave soon


Hold here with Alekanderu

And when we leave you drive that car


We are preparing to fall back

I go back to my group then?

yes, you can go

my weapon is super jammed

I can't clear the jamming

Shift R

It doesn't work, I have tried

holy fuck

Now it worked somehow

He's levelling the entire hill

Are there enemies there, I can't see any

maybe one

There were enemies up there

Not any more

They still are there, but in more pieces than before

Someone is still firing from the west though

Weren't we going to fall back?


They are like waiting over there

We are going to get orders when we are pulling out

I'm going to steal you MG from you

It's empty

It's going to be destroyed

No don't steal our precious but completely useless machine gun

*sry, the helo is really making it impossible to hear what I'm saying now*

Watch out, we got splinters from the artillery

We have friendly artillery firing on the hills

We are going to pull out

Is the machine gun destroyed yet?

The car, are we going to blow it up or bring it?

Bring the car, there is still ammo in it Alekanderu?

Yes, ok then we keep the car


Make sure no one is behind us

Make room behind the car

I think the splinters are hitting the car now

Are everyone out of the way now?

It's clear, you can reverse now

I'm looking back, you can go now

I trust you, can't see shit from here


Good job Hellholm

Get in a vehicle now

Where are we going?

Back to base

What position should we take?

Just take a place

Drive forward a bit

We still have explosives in the area

We did not bring them with the remaining mines

So when we are done we are going to detonate them all

That sounds good

copy that

We have one broken truck

We can destroy it with the mg

Just tell me when

Do it whenever no one is near it

Maybe you can drive a bit forward

It doesn't matter, I can fire from here

Need more, it make strange sounds now?

Mpenga, find a truck and fill it up with stuff

I think I can fire a bit more

That's good, lets go now

For more infomation >> Arma 3 milsim: Outpost defense - Duration: 52:08.


My Dreams Are Roses - Nadeeka Guruge Sihinayaki Re - Duration: 4:35.

මුල් ගායනය - සුනිල් ශාන්ත පද රචනය - මර්සලීන් ජයකොඩි පියතුමා තනු නිර්මාණය - ෂෙල්ටන් ප්‍රේමරත්න සිහිනයකි රෑ ගායනය - නදීක ගුරුගේ සිහිනයකි රෑ සංගීතය - සුමිත් ප්‍රියංකර ප්‍රමුඛ වාද්‍ය වෘන්දය

My dreams are roses for my love - I drop them down for her feet Walk on them softly my love - Your feet will make them more sweet

My dreams are roses for my love - I drop them down for her feet Walk on them softly my love - Your feet will make them more sweet

Love is love only When love is in love with love

I'm so lonely Come my love and love my love

Don't wake them don't break them my love Wake on them soft and come

They are my dreams of your love I am lonesome come my lovesome

Love is love only When love is in love with love

I'm so lonely Come my love and love my love

My dreams are roses for my love - I drop them down for her feet Walk on them softly my love - Your feet will make them more sweet

For more infomation >> My Dreams Are Roses - Nadeeka Guruge Sihinayaki Re - Duration: 4:35.


HUGE Autumn Art Supply HAUL | Jackson's Art Supplies Review - Duration: 14:44.

Hi guys and welcome to another haul video!

This time I'll be showing a huge amount of items that I purchased from Jackson's Art

supplies and I'll be giving my experiences with shopping through them too.

As usual I'm not sponsored by Jacksons' or any other company- I just like sharing my

experiences and recommendations!

So in actual fact I made this order a few months back now- a lot of the footage you'll

see in this video was recorded back then so you can see how things look unopened, but

since then I've given the majority of the items a go.

Anyway, starting off with the first items:

Here I have the Brush and Pencil coloured pencil painting set- consisting of two fixative

sprays, titanium white powder, powder blender and a little bottle of touch-up texture.

If you're unfamiliar with these products and are a coloured pencil artist, I really recommend

looking into them.

The Touch-Up texture is a colourless liquid that you can brush onto areas that you've

burnished, allow to dry and it'll create texture on the surface so you can carry on applying

coloured pencil.

It's similar to a workable fixative but you need only brush it on to the small area that

you want to work on.

I've been mixing it with the titanium white powder and applying it with a brush to create


The powder blender I've not had much success with as you need to use it on sanded paper.

And I've yet to use the fixative sprays as I've been a little bit too nervous to take

the plunge.

Anyway, these items were the reason why I made an order from Jacksons in the first place

as very few places stock these items.

I did have a bit of trouble making this order as I'll explain later though.

The next item is a small set of brushes, these are synthetic, and I bought these because

I realised that the brushes I have are starting to get a little tired looking so I figured

I'd pick up another relatively inexpensive set.

These are Jackson's own brand.

Next up are some Conte Pastels.

These were in the clearance section of their online store, on sale for about £3 which

I thought was pretty reasonable, and as you'll see later I've picked up some other pastel

supplies so thought these would be neat to try out as well.

Here I'm showing the Derwent battery powered eraser along with a set of refills.

I've been using this recently and found it to be incredibly useful.

I regret not buying one of these earlier!

And here we have more pastels again, another little bargain from the clearance section.

But this time it's Derwent pastel sticks, also for a bout three pounds I believe.

And I think it'll be interesting to see how these compare to the Conte set.

Up next are some Derwent pencil cases- a pouch and a roll- the roll holds 36 pencils and

the pouch holds 12.

I thought these would be perfect when I go travelling as I've currently been hauling

my tins of pencils with me, which are a little bit bulky and inconvenient.

And these fabric cases offer a little more protection to each pencil than a regular case

or tin, I reckon.

Speaking of tins though, I also bought these Derwent Tins to help organise some of these

new supplies, and thought they looked really neat.

They were also pretty inexpensive and can hold up to 48 pencils apparently.

I bought three and I've been using them on my desk so far to help organise the pencils

I'm currently using.

Next up are some pencil extenders, again, Jackson's own brand I believe.

They're a little simpler and less expensive than the Derwent extenders I already have,

but unfortunately they don't seem to work very well with the 8mm round pencils that

I use for the most part.

Here I'm showing the set of Fibralo brush pens- I've actually already reviewed this

set so if you haven't see that one I'll leave a link in the description and the cards.

This was definitely an impulse buy but I don't regret it as they've been perfect for the

drawings I've been doing at university to help me learn anatomy for my nursing degree.

They are very portable and fun to use!

Since I tried out those cheap acrylics during my cheap art supply challenge a few months

back, I wanted to give something a little better a shot, so I bought this set of 12

Liquitex basics paints.

These were also very inexpensive- I think they were 8 british pounds for this set and

I'm sure are far superior than the no-brand ones I used, in that video so I'm hoping they're

good value for money!

Next up are some open stock Faber-Castell pitt pens.

I saw that Jacksons had a deal on Faber Castell Pitt Pens- if memory serves me correctly they

were 25% off, so I just had to grab some of the colours I felt like I was missing from

the 24 set I reviewed earlier in the year.

So I picked up all of the remaining browns and greys along with a couple of muted and

pastel tones.

I've been playing with these in my sketchbook but I'm looking forward to trying them on

camera in the future for you guys.

Next up are yet more brush pens- this time Sakura Koi.

I bought these for the same reason as the Fibralo- they looked fun and thought I could

use them for my studies.

Here's something I'm eagerly waiting to get a chance to use!

This is the Koh-I-Noor Toison d'Or 48 set of pastel sticks.

I've since put them in a smaller, sturdier box because the one they came in is made of

thin cardboard and as you can see, is unmanageably large.

But I'm very pleased with how these arrived, they came in perfect condition with no breakage,

which I was a little worried about given their fragile nature.

But in actual fact, both Jackson's packages I ordered came very well wrapped in large

cardboard boxes filled with those air bags.

Everything that was fragile and needed extra protection was wrapped generously with bubblewrap

and extra cardboard too.

When one of the boxes arrived, it had superficial damage on it, which I can't blame Jackson's

for, DHL was the courier I used if you're interested- but the damage only went as far

as the outer box.

Up next here I bought a mass of tortillons and blending stumps in various sizes.

Again, these are Jackson's own brand- and I don't show them here but I also bought some

acid free polythene bags to wrap up commissions and orders with.

Next up are three bottles of Winsor and Newton drawing inks, and these are some colours I

felt like I was missing from the 8 set I reviewed in the spring and the three that I had bought


My plan was to use these during Inktober, but unfortunately I was so busy with school

and commissions that I didn't have time to participate.

But I have been using them in my sketchbook and no doubt they'll make an appearance again

in the future!

And here we have another Winsor and Newton product... and another set of brush pens!

If you haven't guessed by now, I plan on doing a brush pen comparison in the future to see

what makes each of these brands so different.

These ones are true pigment based watercolour pens.

And again I've had a play with these in my sketchbook and so far I think they're great

fun to use.

And they pair excellently with the next product- these Caran d'Ache waterbrushes, which I showed

being used in my Fibralo review.

I think these waterbrushes are great and are perfect for travel and I particularly like

their plunge-action design, which makes it easy to fill them up without having to try

and pour water into the resevoir.

Out of all the products I bought so far and shown in this video, I've used the three sets

of brush pens and these waterbrushes the most because of how convenient and portable they



So now here's the new footage- hello present-day Claudia hands!

So yes, here are a few other items that came in the second order that I forgot to film

straight away.

So here's the full set of CarbOthellos that I've been swooning over but haven't had a

chance to use yet!

So the reason why I made two orders was because the Brush and Pencils sprays and Touch-Up

texture are flammable, and thus can't be shipped out to me in Norway the normal way, via plane.

I had to get them delivered by Road Parcel, which is a more expensive and time consuming

alternative, so I thought I'd get the majority sent via plane and the rest sent by van.

These pastel pencils just happened to get bundled in with the Road Parcel order because

they were out of stock when I made the first order.

I've been interested in trying out pastels for a while now- particualrly pastel pencils

as I love the results I've seen other artists get with them.

And the reason why I bought two small and one large set of pastel sticks too is that

I've heard it's easier- and more cost effective- to fill in large areas with the sticks to

lay down a base, and then do the detailing with the pencils.

But yes...

I haven't had a chance to use them yet because my desk is filled with commission work currently

and I don't dare risk coating everything with pastel dust.

Anyway, next item!

Here's a lovely book by Alyona Nickelsen: the artist behind the Brush and Pencil products

I showed at the beginning.

I've had a little read so far and I think it's very interesting and thorough.

I don't want to show too much of the inside, but I can really recommend it.

It's certainly well-worth the money just for the gorgeous artwork inside.

The next and final item is a bottle of Zest-It pencil blend.

I bought just a small 125ml bottle to start with as I wasn't sure if I'd like this more

than the mineral spirits I was using before, and it's also a lot more expensive per millilitre.

But in actual fact a little goes a very long way, and I've been using it a lot on my recent

commissions and love it so far.

It's far more pleasant to use than the oil paint thinners I was using beforehand and

seems to do a better job too.

These are made using oranges, and smell very fragrant- still a little solvent-y but not

nearly as sharp-smelling or headache-inducing.

And that just about summarises everything I bought!

But before we finish up, I want to share a little more story time of my experiences with

my ordering, and whilst I talk about that I'll organise the products on screen so you

guys have something hopefully satisfying to watch for the next couple of minutes.

So I did have a couple of problems with my order along the way- which I think I should

be clear about.

Like I said, I was desparate to get my hands on the Brush and Pencil kit- and I've been

told be artist friends in near by countries that they bought theirs from Jacksons without

any issues.

Well... when I went online to order these products, it kept telling me that I wasn't

able to get these products delivered to Norway as there weren't any shipping options that

could safely handle them- as I said earlier, they have to be delivered by road parcel.

After asking around with some of my artist friends, I found out that that really wasn't

the case and it was just an error on their website.

I tried contacting Jackson's on their facebook page which seemed to work initially, although

then I was told that I needed to e-mail or shoot them a phonecall as my issue would need

to be dealt with the department that sorts out orders.

I tried e-mailing them a number of times without any response, so after a few days I phoned

them instead.

Everything got sorted out then thanks to Harriet, one of the employees there who was really

lovely and helpful.

And I also got 15% off my order as it was a pretty large one if you hadn't guessed which

was fantastic.

My second issue was with the road parcel- again.

It got 2 or 3 days into its journey when the shipping had to be cancelled and returned

to sender- because they hadn't marked the package as "Road Parcel".

This really frustrated me as you can imagine- I'd already experienced issues with the order

and it just didn't seem to stop.

This parcel got sent back out again, and a week or two later it finally arrived.

Both parcels were handled by DHL and they were absolutely rubbish at trying to get my

delivery actually delivered to the door.

So I had to change the option to pick it up at a local drop-off point and they were still

pretty bad at getting it delivered there as well.

Their communication was terrible and they were pretty bad at updating their website

to track the package.

But maybe I was just really unlucky, but either way I think I'll try and avoid this courier

service where possible.

I also had to pay import tax, but this value was subtracted from my order with Jacksons,

so essentially I paid just the same as I would've done if I had bought the items in England,

but I had to pay for international shipping of course.

So in conclusion, I do recommend Jackson's- especially if you buy products for more than

£150 and get that sweet 15% discount.

They also do discounts for teachers, art groups and professional artists.

They have an excellent selection and their prices are comparable to Amazon and it's definitely

worth snapping up their deals when they offer them.

Their customer service was excellent as well- once I actually managed to get through to


Please let me know which items you'd really like to see in my future videos!

And of course if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them!

Thank you very much for watching, I hope you found this video interesting and exciting.

Let me know if you'd like to see more hauls in the future- I might be able to get one

together after Christmas!

Hope you have a lovely week and I'll see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> HUGE Autumn Art Supply HAUL | Jackson's Art Supplies Review - Duration: 14:44.


Shy'm a 32 ans, découvrez tous ses différents looks depuis le début de - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Shy'm a 32 ans, découvrez tous ses différents looks depuis le début de - Duration: 3:18.


Макс Корж - Пьяный дождь на гитаре ( Кавер ) / Аккорды / Разбор - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Макс Корж - Пьяный дождь на гитаре ( Кавер ) / Аккорды / Разбор - Duration: 1:04.


Depredador 30° Aniversario, trailer subtitulado en español - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Depredador 30° Aniversario, trailer subtitulado en español - Duration: 1:11.


Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 152 - Blue Butterfly - Duration: 16:59.

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I'm off the study the teachings of a famous scholar

Just like yogi bingo guest teaches us look

I'm thinking about Bologna helps you do just that I can show you how Donald

Now close your eyes and relax breathe in breathe out oh

He might need a little more time where do you see what I got in store for you you might as well quit right now

Calm yourself and focus on what you need to do

Remain cold be the Bologna for

This event of the games, it's

Where the streets are full of obstacles of the race focus on the sound?

Listen to it till you can't hear it anymore

All rights would abut, you kill, Bo Lobo needs focus with all you need to do is go fast

Snowmen where they get snowmen this time here, I got no idea

Hey Pete one the hurdles

And I don't know why but the duck went on so the games are tied one to one

Whoever wins the next event wins the boat

The end is the advance it's the last event the auto discus hubcap toss whoever throws the furthest wins

The game's ain't over till the cup round like a slice

Circle you won the Robster games

Nothing can

Expert but first we need

I'll sit on the egg first just need to do a little warm-up stretch here

If that crack didn't come from you then that must mean

Clara clocks phone man, please speak with carol Clara's not home right now

Don't judge

Now baby egg your mama's not here yet, baby go to sleep


She wasn't even on sale

These rubber bands will keep you from cracking

The trailers movin supposed to do that

Hey is my hot dog ready let me check

Oh the hot dogs flippity beat fast outside to witness. I think we're moving

Tidy and dusted

Hi, this is mr.. Doozy speaking manager of the snoozy doozy bed-and-breakfast

And I'd like to happy helpers to run things while I'm gone

There's a full staff of employees

And the chef

repairman our speaker and manager

Thank You girls, I'll be back tomorrow goodbye

Now let's see

Gore's Clarabelle your sticky buns sure are sticky that's because I make them X hi Clarabelle

We're on the happy helpers job, and we need some extra help. Are you free oh?

I'll be a

Clarabelle hop

To the snoozy doozy bed-and-breakfast, here's Yuki may I take your bag sir, I'm fine

Oh not too high Clarabelle the car might I

Don't want to be bothered

Maybe bellhop isn't right for you, Clarabelle, but don't worry

housekeeper bring one right away one extra blanket

Daisy needs help replacing some light bulbs on the second floor we need

Your service take this room service order to cook felucca. I'm gonna stack this stack

Now where's Clara Belle. Where are my pancakes?

This is not good. I'll be sure and get them extra clean sir


Balls I should have just stayed home at night sticky buns

What's going on in here parrot Bell was washing doesn't she know there's a washing machine for that

Now where's she going?

Sticky buns are here. There's water in the laundry room. Hey

Miss Nora we're so sorry sticky bug is fresh and

You've made me a very happy happy helper

You know it was clarabelle's idea to offer every guest free sticky buns this weekend

Gotta get some teacups that missus knickknacks, and I gotta zoom by zooming nails for the Queen's throne away from home

How could I forget to use your codename mrs. Dog walker yes arrangements for your royal visit to Mickey's get up

I am about to hand the case off to super secret agent Roxy chips the very best spy we have an or employ

Whatever secrets are locked inside that

This is agent chips checking in by pen phone

Daddy some spiky new roadster you got there booth

Oh, Oh take cash or credit cards now see here ochefu

You sound funny goofy that been defender must've rattled you

Lord Biggles wait at your service agent chips chips see that it gets to mrs.


Melis feller sure does talk funny, though how

Unfortunate if anyone can steal it it's you

Pretty slick chips, but you can't escape me

Now wait a minute hold on goose this fancy do riderhood


Bought your antique it pops right here Thanks

Toasters acting a bit sluggish better give it some gas

The trick

I'm having too much fun playing with it have all the fun you want Peter. I really must be on for an important appointment

Our time

It's mrs.. Dog-walker sure I do

but a

Thousand pardons had a spot of car trouble even worse. I'm afraid is that I was unable to go

It's like I'm look

This is quite uncanny well at least one of you managed to deliver our royal red briefcase in time for teas. Ha ha


Claim this case in the name of Her Majesty the Queen to goofy

Who saved our royal briefcase from that royally nasty thief?

The secret ingredients are sea salt fudge and jalapenos

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