Cartoons about Cars for Children Colored Cars Teach Colors and Fun Cartoons for Kids Colored Jeeps
СОСТОЯЛСЯ ФОРК BITCOIN DIAMOND / BITCOIN ЛЕТИТ НА ДНО? / ОБЗОР ЦЕНЫ БИТКОИН НА МОМЕНТ 25 НОЯБРЯ - Duration: 14:18.-------------------------------------------
Valve patched the sound exploit (RIP) + Official Gameservers - Duration: 2:10.Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.
Just a couple days ago, an update for the game came out without any official blog post
from Valve.
If I'm not wrong, this is the update that fixed the sound bug or sound exploit that
allowed you to play on any official map without ambient sounds.
If you don't know what I'm talking about I made a video about a sound exploit that was
found by someone who contacted me about it and with it you could cancel out background
noise on all maps while causing the console to print out that it was actually a bug.
Not only did it work offline, but it also worked online.
This could potentially give you a small advantage, because it would be easier for you to hear
small noises in the game like footsteps, or the defusing sound.
But now since they've patched it, it means that you are now forced to hear background noise.
Even though this was a bug and bugs should be fixed, it was sadly one of the few bugs
or exploits that I actually thought would be cool to have in the game as an audio feature.
I feel like, if Valve were to implement this in the game then I think it would turn out
to become a really popular feature that would encourage more people to play the game.
Anyway, now to some other news.
I'm a big fan of the retake mod by Splewis, and I've wanted to host my own retake servers
for a while now, today with some help from Boomix and LabiteQ, I finally got them live.
They are hosted in Germany, I don't own any servers elsewhere so I won't be able to do
anything about that right now, but perhaps in the future.
Also, even though the servers work really well, they are quite new so there could be
some bugs on them, just letting you guys know so you're not surprised if something happens.
You can find them on my website @, down at the server section.
You can follow me on Twitter & Instagram if you want to see what's happening behind the
scenes, also, on Twitter I'm currently doing a giveaway for the Logitech headset that you
could see in my earlier video.
If you haven't seen it, It's in the video-description. Let me know what you guys think about the sound patch.
I'll see you guys in the next video, and go bananas!
12 benefits of eating green vegetable-healthy tips - Duration: 6:42.twelve benefits of eating green vegetables healthy tips one lower
cholesterol mustard greens and kale help lower cholesterol here's how the liver
uses cholesterol to make bile acids which aid in fat digestion
when bile acid binds with the fiber of these greens it gets excreted from the
body which means the liver has to use up more cholesterol to make new bile acid
and voila cholesterol levels are reduced according to a US study and nutrition
research steamed mustard greens and kale do this to a greater extent than raw to
preserve vision health leafy greens in particular kale dandelion mustard greens
and Swiss chard are good sources of carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which
help filter high-energy light that may cause eye damage lutein and zeaxanthin
reduce discomfort caused by claire decrease the risk of cataracts and
increase how far you can see three help fuel your body a one cup serving of raw
scarole provides 1/10 of your daily needs for vitamin b5 pantothenic acid
though B vitamins help convert the carbs and food to glucose that the body can
use as a fuel to produce energy B vitamins are water soluble which means
the body doesn't store them so you need to get enough each day for boost bone
health the slightly bitter taste of many leafy greens is a good sign it reflects
their high levels of calcium it's unlikely you'd be able to eat enough
greens in one day to get a 1000 milligrams of calcium recommended daily
for women ages 30 150 but they can help you get there a 1/2 cup serving of
dandelion greens contains seventy eight milligrams calcium mustard greens have
55 milligrams Swiss chard has 54 milligrams and kale has 49 milligrams v
prevent colon cancer Kayle and mustard greens are part of the
nutrient-rich Brassica family which also includes broccoli and cabbage a study in
the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2011 linked to higher
intake of these vegetables with a decreased risk of cancer in the
ascending section of the colon in Canada one in 15 women and one in 14 men are
expected to develop colorectal cancer sex burn fat greens are recommended as a
weight-loss food you might think this is because greens are low-calorie but
there's more to it than that yes greens are low caloric while still
being packed with nutrients and other active compounds however greens effect
on weight loss goes beyond just calories greens contain nitrites which have been
associated in browning fat cells meaning converting fat storing white cells into
fat burning Brown cells this creates extra fat burning and ultimately weight
loss 7 dark leafy greens aren't aging a study carried out at Rush University
Medical Center reported a significant decrease in the amount of cognitive
decline for those participants consuming higher amounts of dark green leafy
vegetables the researchers associated the high
vitamin K folate beta carotene and lutein present in these greens as
influencing their sandy aging effect Green's antioxidants bring protection
cellular support anti-inflammatory benefits and essential fatty acid
nutritional contribution in particular the much-appreciated ll mica 3 fatty
acid all contribute to anti aging as well 8 dark leafy greens help your heart
cardiovascular health is positively influenced multiple ways when making
greens a continuous part of your food choices first greens regulate the
production of the hormone known as aran through poitain which decreases blood
viscosity this potentially reduces blood clots and heart attacks greens dietary
fiber helps regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the positive way
making sure they don't cause any unnecessary trouble nitric oxide our
internal blood pressure regulator is passe
influenced through the consumption of greens high homocysteine has been linked
with cardiovascular diseases but greens provide substrates that convert
homocysteine into harmless amino acids 9 dark leafy greens fight diabetes glucose
imbalances which can lead to complications such as diabetes can be
prevented and regulated by introducing greens into your diet
magnesium le omega-3 fatty acid and aleph-null found in greens are
considered to be of crucial importance in managing glycemic load and insulin
sensitivity which both need to function properly to keep diabetes at bay and
hang seng insulin secretion and also mimicking insulin function or other
integrative mechanisms that greens can contribute to keep diabetes which is
your body's and ability to make insulin type 1 diabetes or your body's and
ability to respond to the effects of insulin type 2 diabetes from developing
10 dark leafy greens provides sun protection for all your Sun lovers
greens provide UV protection at a cellular level through the antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory benefits of carotenoids such as lutein and
zeaxanthin here are other foods you can add to your dive to eat erson screen 11
dark leafy greens protect against toxins aflatoxins are types of toxins produced
by fungi and they are one of the most carcinogenic cancer-causing substances
known chlorophyll found in plants and abundant in particular in greens is a
neutralizing effect on these uveitis toxins it assists for directly trapping
the toxin rendering it harmless find out about other natural toxins that can be
in your food in this blog 12 dark leafy greens build enzymes enzymes are the
body's sparks they ignite countless chemical reactions a lack of enzymes
keeps us from digesting our food and getting all the nutrients out of them
raw foods have the most alive active enzymes when you are adding fresh raw
salads to your diet you're boosting the enzymes your body needs Green's
consumption also increases the activity in your body
of a specific family of enzymes known collectively as GST s they promote
cellular detoxification of toxins such as the already mentioned aflatoxins but
also of santa biotics which are foreign substances that can contribute to
SCP-784 Christmas Cheer (2017) | Object Class: Euclid | city / humanoid / mind-affecting scp - Duration: 10:24.SCP-784 "Christmas Cheer" object class: euclid
Item #: SCP-784
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-784 has been disguised as a gated community and is
currently surrounded by a 3.5-meter-high, 0.8-meter-thick concrete wall to deter intrusion.
The top of the wall is lined with electrified steel cable, and the gate is to be locked.
Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to enter SCP-784 are not to be interfered with,
due to the possibility of provoking a violent reaction from the occupants of SCP-784.
Non-Foundation personnel exiting SCP-784 are to be detained, questioned, and released following
administration of a Class-B amnestic.
Foundation personnel entering SCP-784 are to be dressed in traditional Christmas wear
prior to entering SCP-784.
The area composing SCP-784 is to be monitored remotely by a Foundation-controlled weather
In the event that personnel are required to enter SCP-784, all involved personnel must
have memorized the entire contents of the A██ P███████ 'Beginners
Guide to Christmas Carols'.
They are to be checked for precision prior to entering SCP-784.
Due to SCP-784's proximity to suburban housing developments, as well as the ramifications
of provoking SCP-784-1, patrols within SCP-784 are to be unarmed except during a Noel event.
In the case of an unexpected Noel event, members of SCP-784-1 are to be restrained as non-violently
as possible while Foundation personnel prepare procedure 784-C.
Description: SCP-784 is a neighborhood in the town of ████, Texas.
Currently SCP-784 is made up of twenty-four houses and two apartment buildings, all of
which are decorated with ██████-brand Christmas lights at a density of approximately
fifteen lights per square meter of housing.
SCP-784 will always be covered by between 12 and 33 centimeters of snow, though no unseasonable
weather will occur above SCP-784.
All houses within SCP-784 are occupied by a variable number of instances of SCP-784-1.
SCP-784-1 is composed mostly of adult humans, all of whom wear sweaters typically associated
with holiday gift giving.
The number of unique instances of SCP-784-1 within SCP-784 has been estimated at three
Instances of SCP-784-1 have not been observed engaging in reproductive activity, and no
instances of SCP-784-1 have ever observably been born within SCP-784.
Instances of SCP-784-1 appear to age normally, though the death of an instance of SCP-784-1
has never been observed by Foundation personnel.
All instances of SCP-784-1 express traits commonly associated with 'Christmas spirit'
throughout the year.
These traits include singing of Christmas carols, performance of plays commonly associated
with the birth of Christ, and various eggnog-related festivities.
These activities are engaged in daily, though specific activities will never repeat more
than once per week.
During daylight hours, instances of SCP-784-1 will engage in activities such as gift exchanges
and home decoration.
Post-sunset activities include decorating of foreign objects as well as vandalism, which
is typically holiday-themed.
A Foundation supply convoy refueling overnight near SCP-784 attracted an unprecedented response
from SCP-784-1, which proceeded to:
Egg several in-transit prefabricated buildings.
Convert a Humvee into a sleigh.
Replace a shipment of fragmentation grenades with similar-appearing glass ornaments.
Fill the gas tank of several vehicles with █████-brand eggnog.
Weld steel antlers onto one hundred and fifty-six safety helmets.
Any living creature within SCP-784 not viewed as displaying adequate 'Christmas spirit'
will become the focus of all instances of SCP-784-1 within approximately four meters.
In the case of an animal, instances of SCP-784-1 will be called from the nearest house and
place a holiday-themed accessory on the focus.
Observed decorations have included:
Fifteen collars, red with a small bell.
Seven reindeer antlers.
Five red 'Santa' hats.
One full-body reindeer holiday outfit.
Human subjects who do not meet SCP-784's criteria for 'Christmas spirit' will be assaulted by
SCP-784-1, incapacitated, and forcibly directed into the nearest household.
They will not be seen until the following day, when they will exit the household dressed
similarly to other instances of SCP-784-1.
Attempts to retrieve affected personnel have been met with great resistance on both the
part of SCP-784-1 and the affected individual.
The criteria which SCP-784 follows for definition of 'Christmas spirit' appear to be extremely
See addendum 784-A for a complete log of personnel abducted, and assumed reasons for abduction.
Approximately once per month, SCP-784-1 will attempt to exit SCP-784 and enter the surrounding
suburban community; this is referred to by on-site personnel as a 'Noel event'.
During a Noel event, each instance of SCP-784-1 will carry a string of Christmas lights estimated
to be fifteen meters long.
Instances of SCP-784-1 will attach these lights to any nearby house, which will become decoratively
and functionally identical to all other houses within SCP-784.
Signs of an incoming Noel event include increased festivity during the day preceding the event,
excessive eggnog consumption by a significant portion of SCP-784-1, and an increase in the
number of decorations present within SCP-784.
Procedure 784-C is to be executed prior to the occurrence of a Noel event.
Foundation personnel are to dress themselves in traditional 'Santa' outfits, and distribute
themselves near the exit of SCP-784.
They are to begin singing 'Good King Wenceslas' and distributing non-alcoholic eggnog to other
On the arrival of SCP-784-1, personnel are to distribute eggnog mixed with a mild sedative
to the crowd.
Personnel are to appear friendly and cheerful at all times, as SCP-784-1 has proven capable
of abducting personnel while nearly unconscious.
Following the distribution of eggnog, personnel are encouraged to sing carols associated with
peace and goodwill.
'Silent Night' has proven most effective.
Instances of SCP-784-1 will begin to sing along, and personnel are to accept their choice
of song.
SCP-784-1 will begin to fall unconscious as the night progresses.
Unconscious instances of SCP-784-1 will be removed to nearby houses by other instances,
and personnel are not to interfere with this process.
Any interference with the actions of SCP-784-1 may trigger a violent response, and will wake
all instances of SCP-784-1.
Instances of SCP-784-1 not affected by procedure 784-C are to be silently incapacitated when
no longer visible from the gates of the community, and returned after all other instances of
SCP-784-1 have re-entered SCP-784.
In the event that procedure 784-C fails, Foundation personnel are to release an aerosolized sleeping
Foundation personnel are to restrain instances of SCP-784-1 until the gas takes effect, at
which time all instances are to be returned to SCP-784.
Standard cover story 139 ("Drunken Football") is to be used to respond to any concerns expressed
by nearby residents.
Addendum 784-A Action taken by personnel Action taken by
Agent Paulsen, on patrol within SCP-784, wished a nearby instance of SCP-784-1 "Happy holidays".
Approximately eight instances of SCP-784-1 surrounded Paulsen, who was unable to escape.
Paulsen was dragged into a nearby home.
Agent Matthews sang the incorrect verse of 'Silent Night' while on night patrol within
Multiple instances of SCP-784-1 incapacitated Matthews non-violently using a nearby string
of decorative lights.
Attempted intervention by Agent Sanderson led to the involvement of a large crowd of
SCP-784-1, which overwhelmed both agents.
Matthews and Sanderson were dragged into a nearby home, after which personnel reported
hearing the sound of Christmas carols from within the home for several days.
Agent Anderson collided with a lawn ornament, apparently a 'Santa' in the style of the traditional
lawn gnome.
Anderson proceeded to swear violently for the next fourteen seconds.
Three nearby instances of SCP-784-1 held Anderson in place.
A fourth emerged from a nearby home with a quart of eggnog, which Anderson was forced
to ingest.
Anderson collapsed and was dragged into the home from which the eggnog was retrieved.
Agent Davids was presented with a gift by a child instance of SCP-784-1.
Davids accepted the gift, but apparently failed to react with proper enthusiasm.
Davids was incapacitated by a child instance of SCP-784-1 which tackled his legs.
Several children emerged from a nearby home before Davids recovered, and then dragged
Davids into the home which they had exited.
🔴ПЕННИВАЙЗ И СВИНКА 1 мультик СТРАШИЛКИ НА НОЧЬ слендер СМЕШНЫЕ СТРАШИЛКИ horror pig мультики 2018 - Duration: 17:58.-------------------------------------------
Homestuck - Legal Assassin - Darkleer (+ Disciple and Handmaid) (CC) - Duration: 3:28.Killer...murderer
Killer, murderer, monster, assassin
Where did our daughter go?
It's me she must escape
My burdens I can't erase
The mother I might have saved
Assassin, murderer, monster...
Marni, I need you now
Look what I've become
The nightmare that she should fear
Is the father you left alone
Assassin, murderer, monster...
Assassin, murderer, monster...
Assassin, murderer, monster...
The years roll by without you, Marni
Seventeen have come and gone
I raised our Shilo with the best intentions
But there is something I can't tell her
I am lost without you here
I am only living out a lie
But Shilo can never leave
She is my everything
Nothing can bring you back
Shilo is all I have
Assassin, murderer, monster...
Assassin, murderer, monster...
Assassin, murderer, monster...
The years roll by without you, Marni
Seventeen have come and gone
I raised our Shilo with the best intentions
But there is something I can't tell her
I am lost without you here
I am only living out a lie
I am the monster
I am the villain
What perfection
What precision
Clean incisions I deliver
Unscathed organs (Assassin...) I deliver (Assassin...)
Repossessions I deliver (Assassin...)
I am the Repo (Assassin...) legal assassin (Assassin...)
Estoy Desmotivada...Explicación (?) South park xD - Duration: 0:32.Hello n.n
Why don' t I upload videos about Letter!sans or Kud?
I'm unmotivated
and when you are unmotivated
you get sad
and when you are sad
you look for the way to smile
south park it makes me laugh a lot
There is the answer
that's why I make tribute videos to the serie
and I'll make more videos..I'm sorry, I'm already obsessed XD I saw the series and the games, I already consider myself a fan
long story short - HAPPY DAY - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
South Range ousted by Eastwood, 21-7, in state semifinal - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
এইমাত্র পাওয়াঃ আর টিভি সংবাদ - RTV News 25 November 2017 | Bangla News | Bangla tv News - Duration: 16:13.Today Bangla Breaking News Update, Bangla News update,bangla news,
Bangla tv News, Bangla News today, Today Bangla News
[FULL] SHARK TANK VIỆT NAM - TẬP 3 | EMWEAR VÀ HOA 7 NGÀY ĐƯỢC ĐẦU TƯ HƠN 3 TỶ ĐỒNG | VTV 3 - Duration: 39:29.-------------------------------------------
Homestuck - Can't Get it Up the Girl's Breathing? - Meulin x Kurloz (CC) - Duration: 0:34.What's the matter, graverobber?
Can't get it up if the girl's breathing?
Can't get it up
"Z" me
Give me a hit, now hurry
I'm late, I'm late, so hurry
Don't keep my surgeons waiting
Bitch, pay me
I'll see you later
Where you going?!
Stay here
There's ways for me to pay, dear
Other than dough...
Honda CR-V 2.0I EXECUTIVE LEDER PANORAMADAK XENON RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Community Reacts To Controversial 'Gentrification' Coffee House Sign - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Comparing Mohamed Salah with Luis Suarez during Liverpool FC's 2013/14 season ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:38.The Egyptian has made a stunning start to his Reds' career but does he measure up to
the Uruguay striker?
It was the season that shot Luis Suarez from being a very good player and into the 'world-class'
Back in the 2013-14 season, the Uruguayan striker struck 31 Premier League goals for
Brendan Rodgers 's Liverpool as the Reds went very close to their first title for 24
Suarez deservedly swept the board in the individual prizes, winning the PFA and FWA Player of
the Year awards, the club's own equivalent
and then departed Anfield for a £75m transfer fee to Barcelona with some believing he was
the most purely gifted player in Liverpool's glorious history.
It was some season.
Although he is very much in the honeymoon period of his own Reds career, Mohamed Salah
has made similar impact in his first few months.
The Egyptian winger, who became Liverpool's club-record signing when they snared him for
£36.9m back in the summer, has enjoyed a stunning start to life at Anfield.
Salah has netted 14 goals in just 18 appearances so far, with nine in his first 12 Premier
League games.
No other Reds player has a more prolific return at the same stage of their Liverpool tenure.
But, with roughly a third of the season gone, how does Salah's debut campaign match up
with Suarez's much-vaunted 2013-14 season at the same stage?
Suarez missed the first five games of Liverpool's 2013-14 campaign thanks to a 10-game ban he
received for biting Branislav Ivanovic and returned after 158 days against Manchester
United in a 1-0 League Cup defeat at Old Trafford in September.
Upon his Premier League comeback, Suarez was a man on a mission.
He fired in 22 goals in his first 17 appearances - but Salah's impressive start isn't too
far behind report the Liverpool Echo .
Here's how they match up.
Madison Central falls in final seconds to Starkville 27-24 - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Norman PD steps up patrols during holiday season - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Shin Chan in Hindi #Crayon Shin Chan VS ShinKo Chan Prank in Pool [ 2017 All New Episodes ] - Duration: 7:16.Shin Chan in Hindi #Crayon Shin Chan VS ShinKo Chan Prank in Pool [ 2017 All New Episodes ]
Peugeot 207 207 5-deurs Première 1.6 VTi 120 pk | COMPLEET |NETTODEAL DAGEN| - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Cách Đuổi Ruồi Giấm Trong Nhà Hiệu Quả | Kinh Nghiệm Cuộc Sống - Duration: 10:22.-------------------------------------------
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
VERTIGES : LE GINGEMBRE COMME ANTI-VERTIGINEUX NATUREL-remede naturel - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> VERTIGES : LE GINGEMBRE COMME ANTI-VERTIGINEUX NATUREL-remede naturel - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Volvo S90 et V90 : Meilleur design de l'année selon Le Guide de l'auto 2018 - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Volvo S90 et V90 : Meilleur design de l'année selon Le Guide de l'auto 2018 - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
CJay "Ball Out"-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra 1.0 Selection // Airco / Lichtsensor / Fabrieksgarantie t/m 30-01-2018 - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 EDITION Automaat Navi Leder - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Dinikahi Faisal Harris, Jennifer Dunn Tempati Apartemen Rp 20 M - Duration: 2:08.Dinikahi Faisal Harris, Jennifer Dunn Tempati Apartemen Rp 20 M
Teman sekaligus mantan pengacara Jennifer Dunn, Hotman Paris, menyampaikan pernyataan yang cukup mengejutkan.
Menurut penuturannya, Jennifer Dunn sudah dinikahi secara siri oleh Faisal Harris, yang tak lain adalah suami Sarita Abdul Mukti.
Jennifer yang WA (WhatssApp) ke saya bahwa dia sudah menikah siri Desember 2015 di hadapan ibunya, di hadapan ustaz.
Dan dia secara sah sebagai istri siri, kata Hotman Paris saat dihubungi wartawan melalui sambungan telepon, Jumat (24/11/2017).
Hotman Paris juga membeberkan bahwa kini Jennifer Dunn hidup bahagia di sebuah apartemen mewah di bilangan Jakarta Selatan.
Apartemen yang ditempati Jennifer ditaksir bernilai miliaran rupiah.
Dia dengan nikmat tinggal di Apartemen mewah di Pakubuwono. Kalau di sana kan apartemen rata-rata 10M satu unit.
Sama perabot 10M. Total 20M. Jadi dia menikmati kehidupan sebagai istri siri, jadi biarkan dia bahagia, terang Hotman Paris.
Jennifer Dunn Akan Beri Klarifikasi?
Menurut Hotman Paris selaku orang yang mengerti hukum,
pihak Jennifer Dunn tidak akan memberi klarifikasi terkait persoalan ini.
Mengingat sejauh ini tidak ada persoalan gugat menggugat antara pihak yang terlibat masalah.
Nggak perlu diklarifikasi karena sampai hari ini tidak ada masalah hukum, lanjutnya.
Volvo XC70 2.4 D5 Momentum Leer+Navigatie+Trekhaak+Etc.. - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI HIGH EXECUTIVE LINE Navigatie, Airco, PDC - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen up! 1.0 MOVE UP! EXECUTIVE 60PK 5D Navigatie, Airco - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Comparing Mohamed Salah with Luis Suarez during Liverpool FC's 2013/14 season ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:38.The Egyptian has made a stunning start to his Reds' career but does he measure up to
the Uruguay striker?
It was the season that shot Luis Suarez from being a very good player and into the 'world-class'
Back in the 2013-14 season, the Uruguayan striker struck 31 Premier League goals for
Brendan Rodgers 's Liverpool as the Reds went very close to their first title for 24
Suarez deservedly swept the board in the individual prizes, winning the PFA and FWA Player of
the Year awards, the club's own equivalent
and then departed Anfield for a £75m transfer fee to Barcelona with some believing he was
the most purely gifted player in Liverpool's glorious history.
It was some season.
Although he is very much in the honeymoon period of his own Reds career, Mohamed Salah
has made similar impact in his first few months.
The Egyptian winger, who became Liverpool's club-record signing when they snared him for
£36.9m back in the summer, has enjoyed a stunning start to life at Anfield.
Salah has netted 14 goals in just 18 appearances so far, with nine in his first 12 Premier
League games.
No other Reds player has a more prolific return at the same stage of their Liverpool tenure.
But, with roughly a third of the season gone, how does Salah's debut campaign match up
with Suarez's much-vaunted 2013-14 season at the same stage?
Suarez missed the first five games of Liverpool's 2013-14 campaign thanks to a 10-game ban he
received for biting Branislav Ivanovic and returned after 158 days against Manchester
United in a 1-0 League Cup defeat at Old Trafford in September.
Upon his Premier League comeback, Suarez was a man on a mission.
He fired in 22 goals in his first 17 appearances - but Salah's impressive start isn't too
far behind report the Liverpool Echo .
Here's how they match up.
Aragon & Arwen - With Or Wihout You - Duration: 4:50.See the Stone
Set in your Eyes
See the Thorn
Twist in your side
I'll wait
For you
Sleight of Hand
And Twist of Fate
On a bed of nails
She makes me wait
And I wait
Without You
With or Without You
With or Without You
Through the Storm
We reach the Shore
You gave it all
But I want more
And I'm waiting
For you
With or Without You
With or Without You
I can't live
With or Without You
And you
Give yourself Away
And you
Give yourself Away
And you Give
And you Give
And you
Give yourself Away
My Hands are Tied
My body Bruised
She got me
Nothing to Win
Nothing left to Lose
And you
Give yourself Away
And you
Give yourself Away
And you
And you
And you
Give yourself Away
With or Without You
With or Without You
I can't
With or Without You
With or Without You
With or Without You
I can't Live
With or Without You
With or Without You
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