Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 13 2018

Newspaper Translation

By Onn Rathy

For more infomation >> Newspaper Translation-រៀនបកប្រែកាសែត, Supreme Court upholds sentence for Um Sam An | #OnnRathy 2018 - Duration: 11:22.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI COMFORTLINE BLUEMOTION Navi Ecc Cruise Pdc v/a - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI COMFORTLINE BLUEMOTION Navi Ecc Cruise Pdc v/a - Duration: 0:54.


VEGAN CUPCAKES | Pink Velvet Cupcakes | Valentines Day Ideas | The Edgy Veg - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> VEGAN CUPCAKES | Pink Velvet Cupcakes | Valentines Day Ideas | The Edgy Veg - Duration: 9:45.


Trump budget puts emphasis on defense, infrastructure - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> Trump budget puts emphasis on defense, infrastructure - Duration: 8:26.


Tucker: Hard to find a dictator the left hasn't supported - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Tucker: Hard to find a dictator the left hasn't supported - Duration: 9:06.


Dreamer twins may be deployed or deported - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Dreamer twins may be deployed or deported - Duration: 7:54.


Trump proposes a $4.4T budget - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Trump proposes a $4.4T budget - Duration: 3:53.


Anderson Cooper: White House gaslighting over Rob Porter - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> Anderson Cooper: White House gaslighting over Rob Porter - Duration: 10:26.


Amazing Floral Foam Block Crushing x Cutting x Poking ASMR (Relaxing Sounds) | OSVchannel - Duration: 3:17.

Amazing Floral Foam Block Crushing x Cutting x Poking ASMR (Relaxing Sounds) | OSVchannel

For more infomation >> Amazing Floral Foam Block Crushing x Cutting x Poking ASMR (Relaxing Sounds) | OSVchannel - Duration: 3:17.


How An Unknown Filmmaker Sells A Television Show by Jay Silverman - Duration: 6:14.

Film Courage: So I know you had said in another interview that Richard Avedon was one of your

idols [along with maybe] Francesco Scavullo, all of these fashion photographers.

So it seems like that was your aim at that time, either that or products?

Jay Silverman: Well, when I was going to photography school you pick mentors if you are fortunate

enough to be motivated by them.

In my case I had Richard Avedon, I had Pete Turner, and I had Scavullo, Annie Leibovitz.

You know these are people that I looked at as someone I'd like to be like.

And when I finished school I moved to New York and it became almost a surprise to me

when I realized that "I think I can make a living in Los Angeles.

I don't think I have to live in New York."

And I knew back then that lifestyle was more important to me than money.

I did not want to leave my family and my friends so I came back to LA and set up a business

that way.

Film Courage: Especially the allure of doing a VOGUE cover, especially when you are just

starting out.

Jay Silverman: Well it's curious that you say that because as a photographer at the

beginning of my creative career, I did everything.

I did fashion, I did product shots, everything but a wedding.

And then you wake up one morning and somebody gives you some advice, you know?

And that advice came at a high price.

I paid a lot of money for someone to give me advice when I was in my 20's on how to

go to the next level.

And the advice came with a question.

The question was very simplistically what makes you different from everybody else and

he really screwed with me because he did not want to tell me what the simplistic answer


So I tried everything "Oh, I do great people shots.

I build great sets.

I can motivate children."

And then he said "No…no…no.

Think about it and get back to me next week.

And I was terrified.

I thought 'how can I be so stupid?

He's asking me a question about my own career?'

And then finally I spit out…."I'm a problem solver!"

And the guy looks at me and I look at him and says "Finally!"

And that really kind of encompasses everything about creativity.

How do you make a documentary?

You've got to solve the problem.

How do you…in my case I came across a great idea for a TV show called The Cleaner (based

on personal experiences) and how do you sell it?

Well you wake up one morning and you sell it.

You know, you've got to solve the problem.

In my case since I was half filmmaker/half photographer I started videotaping the highlights

(the real highlights) that the show is about.

It was the first AMC drama that they made (it was way before The Walking Dead and all

this other stuff).

And we were lucky enough to have Benjamin Bratt as the star.

The character that he played on the TV show was a gentleman that I knew in real life.

So I filmed him multiple times talking about what he did for a living and condensed it

into a 60-second piece and that's how I sold the TV show.

And it wasn't until 6 or 8 months later that I'm working with a crew on a pilot

where they say "Do you know that this is like one-in-a-million that you can sell a

show with no show of success?"

And that's kind of how I've run my whole career is trying to focus on my goal, what

is the real net choice that I'm going to make.

Am I going to make a movie about the circus or am I going to go out and make a movie about

somebody who goes out and saves people from themselves.

And that's kind of why I have a portfolio visually of different styles.

I'm always interested in trying to grow.

Film Courage: Well speaking of growing…looking back on that Mr. Miyagi or whoever he was

who was sort of mentoring you, do you ever think about what would have happened if you

hadn't met this person (as frustrating as that experience was for a little bit)?

Jay Silverman: Well, this person defined…it's funny you can hire a psychologist to come

into your business, they are called business consultants.

They come in, they try to read your mind, they try to read what your goals are and they

try to help you understand how to get there and the most basic thing is who are you?

What do you really offer?

And it's funny because as you listen to other filmmakers talk, listen to other writers

talk, it all comes down to one thing and that is defining what your goals are.

And Bethany (who is my producer) brought me the opportunity to go to a screenwriting fest

where producers and writers are able to meet and actually get pitched.

On one level it's a little bit like one of those real life dating situations where

you have 3 minutes to meet somebody and the bell goes off and they switch.

It's a little bit like that but immediately they are pitching you their movie.

And I said to Bethany "I don't want to take any pitches for science-fiction, I don't

want to take any pitches for comedies, I don't want to take any pitches for…I want real

life stories."

And it helped define my goal which is to find something that I wanted to do rather than

be inundated by these various other forms and I'm not critical of them it's just

not what I want to do?

For more infomation >> How An Unknown Filmmaker Sells A Television Show by Jay Silverman - Duration: 6:14.


Senate votes to start debate on immigration bill - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Senate votes to start debate on immigration bill - Duration: 5:38.


Dow ends higher after tumultuous week in the markets - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Dow ends higher after tumultuous week in the markets - Duration: 3:46.


White House's $4.4 trillion budget plan could hurt Americans in the future - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> White House's $4.4 trillion budget plan could hurt Americans in the future - Duration: 7:43.


Trump defense of aide accused of domestic abuse collides with the #MeToo movement - Duration: 6:30.

JUDY WOODRUFF: We turn back now to politics and to our regular Politics Monday pair, Amy

Walter of The Cook Political Report and Tamara Keith of NPR.

Welcome to both of you.

So, I think, by my calendar, we are now in day six following the saga of the departed

White House aide, Tam, Rob Porter after allegations of domestic abuse by both his former wives.

The White House still apparently struggling to explain what happened, how they handled


Are we any clearer on how they did handle it?

TAMARA KEITH, National Public Radio: Not really.

We get new timelines on a semi-regular basis.

And, today, Sarah Sanders delivered what was a new timeline that encompassed some of the

previous timelines.

And the basic message was, within 24 hours of learning the full extent of the accusations,

he was gone.

However, there have been -- you know, the chief of staff, General Kelly, has tried to

say that he acted within 40 minutes.

It's not clear what that actually means, because, within that 24-hour period and well after

that 40 minutes, the White House was still on the record praising Rob Porter.

And then, of course, you have the president of the United States, who on Friday came out

and said that he hoped that Porter would get a great new job, that he was a valued member

of the White House team, so sort of contradicting the distancing that other White House aides

had been trying to do.


And then the president, Amy, tweeted on Saturday basically sympathy for people who were accused,

in his words, wrongly of these kinds of things.

AMY WALTER, The Cook Political Report: Right.

So, there are two branches to this story.

The one is the sort of narrative that we have seen now for this entire year, which is the

lack of vetting for many of the staffers, the chaos inside the White House, the sloppiness

inside the White House in terms of the staffing and dealing with when there's internal problems.

But then the other branch of this is the issue of women, and we are now in the middle of

what we're now in the middle of, a reckoning on discrimination and violence against women

and assault against women, which is taking this in an entirely different direction.

The president, of course, not simply just defending Porter as a person and saying good

things about him, but also going on to say, I don't know, maybe this MeToo -- he didn't

say it exactly like this, but maybe this MeToo movement has gone a little bit too far.

Why aren't we talking about the people who have been accused?

We spend way too much time focusing on the accusers and taking their word for it.

That's very much out of step with at least where we know as a society and where other

industries have gone, which is to say, we're going to believe the accusers first and then

we're going to start talking about these who are accused.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But you did have the press secretary, Sarah Sanders, Tam, today saying,

well, I talked to the president and he told me to tell you, meaning to the press corps,

that domestic abuse shouldn't be tolerated in any form.


And then the question was, well, why doesn't he just tell us that himself or why doesn't

he tweet it?

The one time that we know of that President Trump has been asked by reporters about the

MeToo movement, it happened in the same time that he was also asked about Roy Moore.

This was back in November.

And it's a fascinating 45 seconds, where he was asked about the MeToo movement.

He says, it's great that some of these things are coming to light, women should be heard,

and then within 30 seconds, was also saying Roy Moore denies it, we should hear what he

says, we should listen to him, Roy Moore being the Alabama Senate candidate who President

Trump endorsed.

So there is this sort of distinction between people that President Trump likes and knows

and has spoken to and abstract others, Democrats, Harvey Weinstein or Al Franken, who President

Trump has a very easy time criticizing and didn't talk about a rush to judgment.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, let's talk about, Amy, what the White House did want to talk about,

and that is a release of their 2019 fiscal budget, which, as we pointed out earlier,

deficits are not a major feature.

Every budget statement, whether it's going to pass or not, is a statement of political

priorities, isn't it?

AMY WALTER: That's right.

That's right.

As a lot of people have talked about, Republicans, at least since Obama was in office, made debt

and deficit a central argument, certainly in the 2012 election.

That was the Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan message, that this president, Barack Obama, had just

been responsible for skyrocketing deficits that are going to be burdening our children

from here to kingdom come.

What's interesting, though, is, ever since 2012, you have seen sort of a decrease in

the intensity in which Republicans have sort of made this argument about debt and deficit.

President Trump, as a candidate, he did talk about, I'm going to balance the budget in

eight years, but he also said, I'm not going to cut entitlements.

He also talked about big spending on infrastructure and on the military.

So, he did not run as a Paul Ryan fiscal conservative.

He ran as a Trump Republican, which is, I'm going to talk about some of these issues,

but, fundamentally, you're going to be able to -- I'm going to be able to do both of those


JUDY WOODRUFF: And one of the political questions, of course, emerging from this, Tam, is, is

there some sort of political price to pay among Republican voters?

TAMARA KEITH: And that is a very good question, and the answer to it isn't particularly clear.

Sort of the ranking among all voters of what is your top issue, what is the thing you care

about the most, debt and deficit have just been falling like a rock in terms -- and probably

in large part because Republican leaders aren't talking about it in the way that they have

in the past.

Mick Mulvaney was asked today -- he's the budget director -- what happened to Mick Mulvaney

the budget -- the deficit hawk?

And he's like, well, he's still here, but he understands -- because the White House

budget shows a deficit and doesn't balance the budget.

He's like, but Mick Mulvaney understands that it's up to Congress to do these things.

And when we ask them to, they just don't.

JUDY WOODRUFF: We are going to have to leave it there.

Lots more opportunities to talk about deficits in the future.


JUDY WOODRUFF: Tam, Amy, thank you both.

AMY WALTER: You're welcome.

TAMARA KEITH: You're welcome.

For more infomation >> Trump defense of aide accused of domestic abuse collides with the #MeToo movement - Duration: 6:30.


Balon Ko 10 Din mein 2 Inch Lamba Karne ka Asan Tariqa|Long Hair Faster &Thicken Hair Growth Remedy - Duration: 4:23.

Please SUBSCRIBE Desi Beauty Tv

For more infomation >> Balon Ko 10 Din mein 2 Inch Lamba Karne ka Asan Tariqa|Long Hair Faster &Thicken Hair Growth Remedy - Duration: 4:23.


Demanding Justice' Teaser | Notes From The Field | HBO - Duration: 1:54.

What is the number one civil rights issue of the day?

It's ridiculous how bad they hurt that man!

-No justice... -CROWD: No peace!

ANNA DEAVERE SMITH: It is impossible to talk about

the criminal justice system without talking about education.

Notes from the Field is about kids who just can't make it

through school, and end up in the criminal justice system.

It's a call for people who want a more just world

to get on board and start a new movement.

We gon' keep demanding justice!


Anna has really captured the horror

of the school-to-prison pipeline and how many of our kids

get caught up in this system.

Most teenagers get incarcerated...

All because of your mouth.

Anna makes this show unique.

She has this way of shedding her own persona...

They beat me like four times. I remember four times.

KRISTI ZEA: ...and inhabiting these characters.

I'm the baddest of the bad.

I did so many things to keep my kids

out of trouble, and thanks to the Lord,

I think I did a good job.

She's illuminated all these voices and given us

an insight of how we can all be part of a solution.

Rich kids get mischief.

Poor kids get pathologized and incarcerated.

"Mind your business."

But he just through a whole girl across the classroom.

That's something you need to make your business.

Come on!

I hope there's something about this artistic experience

that causes people to think about themselves

and what they can do.

You wanna change... you gotta do it by yourself.

You can't wait for the leaders to make it better.

We have to make it better!

Never give up. Never lose faith.

For more infomation >> Demanding Justice' Teaser | Notes From The Field | HBO - Duration: 1:54.


Two Suspects Arrested After Stabbing Victim Found On Tesla Road Early Monday - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Two Suspects Arrested After Stabbing Victim Found On Tesla Road Early Monday - Duration: 3:20.


Donald Trump Jr wife in hospital after opening white powder envelope - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Jr wife in hospital after opening white powder envelope - Duration: 2:50.


Which stocks rebounded after the market sell-off? - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Which stocks rebounded after the market sell-off? - Duration: 3:24.


Question 1 - Rt Hon Bill English to the Prime Minister - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Question 1 - Rt Hon Bill English to the Prime Minister - Duration: 4:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Style Pakket, Trekhaak, Park pilot incl. Achteruitrijcamera Auto - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Style Pakket, Trekhaak, Park pilot incl. Achteruitrijcamera Auto - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Navigatie LED PTS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Navigatie LED PTS - Duration: 0:54.


Lunes de la 6ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario – 12 de febrero de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 1:44:39.

For more infomation >> Lunes de la 6ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario – 12 de febrero de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 1:44:39.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...




If you are like one of millions of other people suffering from depression, you�ve probably

been told you need to take pharmaceutical drugs because your brain doesn�t work right.

It simply doesn�t produce chemicals like serotonin, GABA, dopamine, oxytocin, and endogenous

DMT or other tryptamines it needs to for you to feel calm, safe, and happy.

�Take this prescription, and maybe this one too,� they tell you, �and we can fix

your broken brain.�

Many of us have tried this pharmaceutical approach to our depression or watched people

we love try it, only to watch these drugs fail wretchedly.

One might argue that it�s not astrophysics figuring out why these drugs don�t work.

The FDA approves new depression and pain meds all the time without a modicum of scientific


The sugar pills we are given contain health-harming chemicals that alter our digestive system,

damage our delicate nervous system, alter adrenal function and more, but when you are

in pain, you�ll do just about anything to stop it.

And so, these medications might relieve some pain after taking a high dose for a time,

but somehow depression always rears its ugly head again.

And because we�ve been told that our brains are broken and that these medications will

fix them, we feel even more flawed when they start to fail us.

If you�ve ever been on a maximum dose of an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication,

or watched someone you care about take them only to observe them plummet to new lows,

you know exactly what this vicious cycle entails.

You know how despondent someone can become knowing that the one thing they�ve been

brainwashed to think can help them is now failing.

Here�s the reality, though.

That reaction to antidepressants isn�t strange.

It�s pretty normal.

Common even.

Leading scientists are even now finally admitting that the �chemically imbalanced� brain

notion is bunk.

This fact has largely been proven already in clinical trials of these drugs.

They use something called the Hamilton Scale to determine where you lie on a continuum

between pure ecstasy and suicidal tendencies.

Just as a reference � getting enough sleep can bump up your Hamilton score by 6 points.

Eating high quality, organic, plant-based food can bump you up another 6 points on the

Hamilton scale.

Listening to music you love, or spending time with friends can bump you up several more

points � closer to joy and further away from despondency and depression.

And unsurprisingly, the FDA has passed drugs which offer a statistically insignificant

rise on the Hamilton Scale (HAM-D), of someone�s overall mood.

In some cases, less than a .01 change and the FDA says that the company making the drug

can sell it without worry of legal recourse.

The FDA�s own guidelines aren�t even clear on what a statistical relevance amounts to,

in order to give a drug a green light.

Moreover, a drug can be tested an infinite number of times to get a �positive� result

� meaning it alters the HAM-D scale, while negative results in the dozens or even hundreds

can simply be thrown out.

But none of these facts stop Pfizer from stating in a television advertisement for Zoloft that

�depression is a serious medical condition that may be due to a chemical imbalance,�

and that �Zoloft works to correct this imbalance.�

All this aside, the chemicals in our brains are only responding to the deeper, more profound

reasons that we are depressed.

We don�t have �generalized anxiety� or �clinical depression.�We have an epidemic

of abuse, poverty, extrinsic value being forced down our throats, and a general disregard

for human connection and empathic contact.

Only two of the nine factors which can cause depression are biological.

For example, Professor Tim Kasser in Illinois has done research which points to two important

causes of depression.

The more your life is driven by extrinsic values, the more you will become depressed

and anxious, the more you will live a hollow, unsatisfying life.

An intrinsic motivation to do something would amount to wanting to learn to play the piano

because you love the way the instrument sounds, and you want to someday play a little like

Beethoven just to challenge yourself.

An extrinsic reason to learn to play the piano would be because you feel guilty that your

parents plopped down hundreds of dollars for lessons, even though you have no real interest

in playing or because it you don�t you won�t be able to pay the rent on your dilapidated

apartment with the funds you get from playing in a dive piano bar.

Our society is dominated by extrinsic values.

We are constantly being primed to believe that buying, consuming, showing off, or demonstrating

how we look on the outside will bring us joy, but this machinery of the advertising industries

who want to keep us as consumptive slaves inculcates extrinsic value.

Other non-biological causes of depression?

Not having access to fulfilling work, enduring childhood trauma, and living through poverty.

We can see an example of this play out in the work of Dr. Vincent Felitti in San Diego

who was commissioned to do work on obesity.

He worked with people who were extremely obese � more than 400 pounds.

Felitti decided to just give them no food for a while, and to support their health while

they lost weight with vitamins and nutrients they needed.

Participants were medically supervised during this alarmingly simple process.

And they did lose weight.

People who started out at 400 pounds would get all the way down to 130 pounds.

But then something equally as startling happened.

The individuals who lost all that weight just as quickly started to put it back on � within


Dr. Felitti couldn�t fathom what was going on.

Until he asked one of his patients, called Susan to protect her identity, some interesting


He began with asking when she started to become overweight as a child.

Susan said she couldn�t recall, but it was around the age of eleven.

Dr. Felitti asked if she could recall anything in particular happening to her at that age.

Susan replied,

�Yeah, that�s when my grandfather started to rape me.� Dr. Felitti discovered 55 percent

of the people in the group had been sexually abused and had put on weight in the immediate


What he realized is, this thing that seemed irrational�extreme weight gain�in fact,

performed a highly necessary function.

As Susan put it to him, �Overweight is overlooked, and that�s what I need to be.�

It turned out many of the obese women had been making themselves obese for an unconscious

reason: to protect themselves from the attention of men, who they believed would hurt them.

Felitti suddenly realized: �What we had perceived as the problem ? major obesity ? was

in fact, very frequently, the solution to problems that the rest of us knew nothing


This begs the question � with massive unemployment, rampant childhood trauma which points to a

seven-times-the-risk for depression, and a 4,000 percent increase for drug use, what

is the collective psyche telling us about the world we live in?

We aren�t brain dysfunctional.

Our brains are working exactly as they should � they are alerting us that something is

stinkin� wrong with the world we live in.

Many of us with depression can think back to multiple instances of child abuse, negligence,

and abandonment.

We were likely raised by narcissistic parents who themselves, were abused.

If our parents happened to be fairy-tale perfect, society did its own number on us, either bullying

the innocent, exposing us to broken families and rampant poverty, or simply mind-controlling

the heck out of us into thinking that because we don�t fit the images paraded before us,

we are somehow lacking or inferior.

Our brains are trying to help us live.

They become depressed and anxious because they are calling those wounds to the surface

so that they can be healed.

If we keep medicating them, the wounds will only crash to shore with more vengeance, until

we finally understand the Higher Purpose of pain.

Just as food can be toxic to our bodies, so can stress.

Adverse childhood experiences coupled with real depression-instilling societal norms

upheld today have created an epidemic of depression.

As Rumi said, �The light enters where the wound is.� The clinical diagnosis of a �broken

brain�is so off, we need a new definition for depression.

Funny how our brains can�t be tricked.

Just forcing them to make more serotonin vis-�-vis an SSRI doesn�t magically make unhealed

or unprocessed pain go away.

It turns out our brains are not only NOT broken, they are genius.

They won�t relent, even with Big Pharma�s meds being shoved at them, until we heal our

deepest wounds.

Instead of asking what is wrong with us, we need to start healing what has happened to






3 recettes de thé détox pour dire adieu à la graisse du ventre ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 15:52.

For more infomation >> 3 recettes de thé détox pour dire adieu à la graisse du ventre ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 15:52.


For more infomation >> 3 recettes de thé détox pour dire adieu à la graisse du ventre ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 15:52.


Música del Medioevo - El Arte de la Música - Duration: 34:29.

For more infomation >> Música del Medioevo - El Arte de la Música - Duration: 34:29.


For more infomation >> Música del Medioevo - El Arte de la Música - Duration: 34:29.


La Rue rouge 1945 Edward G. Robinson - Duration: 1:42:02.

For more infomation >> La Rue rouge 1945 Edward G. Robinson - Duration: 1:42:02.


For more infomation >> La Rue rouge 1945 Edward G. Robinson - Duration: 1:42:02.


A Quiet Place – If they hear y...

For more infomation >> A Quiet Place – If they hear y...


BMW 3 Serie 320i Executive M-sport Shadow | Audio Media Pack | Parking Pack | Comfort Acces | Achter - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320i Executive M-sport Shadow | Audio Media Pack | Parking Pack | Comfort Acces | Achter - Duration: 0:50.


BMW 3 Serie 320d High Executive M-sport Shadow | El. schuif-/kanteldak | PDC V&A | HiFi Systeem | El - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320d High Executive M-sport Shadow | El. schuif-/kanteldak | PDC V&A | HiFi Systeem | El - Duration: 0:49.


BMW 1 Serie 116I Compleet M Sport (binnen/ buiten) * 6 bak * - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116I Compleet M Sport (binnen/ buiten) * 6 bak * - Duration: 0:51.


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M Line 2WD - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M Line 2WD - Duration: 1:00.


World of Tanks || Frustration Over Fun - Duration: 0:57.

"Frustration over Fun", that's my general verdict for this game.

I've been playing World of Tanks PC for a good one year and a quarter now as of this video.

I've still yet to own a legit tech tree tier 8 let alone a tier 10.

And throughout my 1.8 thousand games and 44% winrate

I love hate this game.


The overall aesthetics.

Ability to save and view replays thus allowing for more personalized content.


It's a Grind fest, Use gold to speed up grind, Gold spam, Tons of money burnt, Toxic rebalances, Overly-competitive like, pissy playerbase

Overall, play at own risk.

If yet to play, don't start.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks || Frustration Over Fun - Duration: 0:57.


✔✔ [올림픽] '오직 500m! 이상화, 14일 1,000m 뛰지 않는다 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ [올림픽] '오직 500m! 이상화, 14일 1,000m 뛰지 않는다 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:12.


Do More Talk Less! - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Do More Talk Less! - Duration: 2:53.


Waipa memories - hand milking, love at first sight & the only car - Duration: 1:39.

We milked cows by hand

yep, four of us

morning and night before we went to school

We didn't mind!

because, you know, it was a happy life for us

My birthday is the 26th of January 1914

And how many grandchildren have I got?

9 grandchildren,

19 great-grandchildren,

and one great-great-grandchild.

I've got a 5th generation!

For the first pitch I went to, the football grounds out there

had to kick all the sheep off!

Used to get a clay pipe

dig it in the ground

and the butter and stuff

would stay nice and cool in there.

Yes, my father had a car

a 1930 Dodge

He was like the local runabout man

in those days

because he was the only one with a car!

Well, I believe

that he said he saw me

walking down Victoria Street

and he said:

"that's the girl I'm going to marry!"

So we were married for 55 years

before he passed away.

There was one family lived around the corner from us

And his trick, to get the kids home for dinner at night

he'd go up onto his back step and he'd whistle

And every kid in the neighborhood

knew it was tea time!

We'd all head home!

It's a sense of community

which is -

- I can't put any other way!

When it comes to the crunch

everyone pulls together.

And that's something I hadn't experienced

in a bigger place.

For more infomation >> Waipa memories - hand milking, love at first sight & the only car - Duration: 1:39.


The Chris Gethard Show - Best of Shannon O'Neill | truTV - Duration: 1:06.


this show will kill you!

[ Laughter ]

Shannon, no!



I'm gonna find you,

and I'm gonna take a [bleep] in your front yard.



Catch these T-shirts!

What are we doing?

It's called an audible,


Shannon, everything's going off the rails.

None of this makes sense.

Murf. Murf.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Get us out of here, Murf.

So, this is a photo of my couch.

We're mailing you

Shannon O'Neill's couch.


[ Cheers and applause ]

Why do we love punishment

so much on truTV?

Okay, shut up.



You left the stage, so I had to shoot Murf.

Aah! Aah! Aah!




For more infomation >> The Chris Gethard Show - Best of Shannon O'Neill | truTV - Duration: 1:06.


Chloe Kim's Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || CACAO TV - Duration: 10:26.

Chloe Kim's Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Chloe Kim is representing Team USA at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

The 17-year-old snowboarder is a favorite to medal in PyeongChang, South Korea.

Kim's biggest fans are her parents: her mom, Boran Yun Kim, and her dad, Jong Jin Kim, both of whom emigrated from South Korea.

Kim travels the world with her parents (more so with her dad than her mom), who have been a great support system to her over the years.

"I'm so used to America, used to the traffic in L.A., and I don't really feel it click with the Korean culture.

But obviously I have a Korean face, and I feel like that's just — you know, I can't walk around people like I'm, like, straight-up American.

It's like, I'm Korean American.

My parents are from Korea," Kim recently told the Washington Post.

Here's what you need to know:.

 Boran Yun Kim & Jong Jin Kim Are Both From South Korea & Met in Switzerland.

Kim's father, Jong Jin, moved to the United States with his wife (Chloe's mom), Boran Yun, in 1982.

The two had met in Switzerland years prior when they were both working for travel agencies.

They settled down in Southern California and built a life together.

Jong Jin studied engineering (and got his degree), while Boran Yun cared for the couple's three daughters.

Each year, Chloe travels to Korea to spend time with her family.

She hangs out with her cousins and has gotten to experience the culture first hand.

"It's cool.

I feel like I have another life," she told the Washington Post.

The Kims are overjoyed to watch their daughter compete in this year's Winter Games, particularly because of the location.

"My parents are really excited about it, and it's some crazy luck that my first Olympics are going to be in Korea where my parents are from.

And a lot of my relatives over there have never really seen me compete before, so I think it's going to be pretty cool for everyone.

It's really exciting, my whole family is really excited about it, so that gets me even more stoked," Kim told People Magazine in the fall.

"I think my family [is] just so excited.

My grandma is in Korea.

I have two aunts and three cousins in Korea as well," Chloe Kim told CNN.

 Jong Jin Kim Taught Her How to Snowboard & Quit His Job as an Engineer to Travel the World With Her.

Jong Jin Kim has been a driving force behind his daughter's incredible talent.

He taught her to snowboard when she was quite young.

"He actually dragged me to the mountain when I was 4 to bribe my mom to come snowboard with him, so it really wasn't voluntary on my part.

But I'm actually really glad he did that.

And I'm really glad he just kept bringing me to the mountain," Kim told USA Today Sports.

Jong Jin Kim worked as an engineer for several years, but he eventually decided to quit his job so that he could travel the world with his daughter on a full-time basis.

"Obviously, when I was 8, I had no idea what he was doing.

It was, like, 'Why is Dad home more?' You know? But now that I think about it, you know, I feel like it was a really bold move, and I can't believe my mom was okay with it," Kimtold the Washington Post.

He is currently in South Korea, hoping to watch her go for gold.

"It's just great 'cause it's kind of the American dream, American dream come true.

It's the land of opportunity.

Why not?" Jong Jin Kim recently told USA Today Sports.

You can watch Kim talk about her childhood and her dad in the video below.

Her Mom Is Her Best Friend.

When Kim isn't snowboarding, she enjoys going to the mall, not unlike other kids her age.

She is very close with her mom and the two often spend time together shopping.

"My mom and I are like best friends so we always go shopping together, we always take Reese to the park together, and I think just me living in the city, when I'm not on snow, just kind of helps a lot with my life and being normal," Kim told People Magazine.

Boran Yun Kim's Instagram is filled with pictures of her with her children.

"When I look, feel and do my personal best, it shows – it's my personal 100! My mom is always helping me achieve my personal 100," Chloe captioned a recent photo with her mom, promoting the skincare line Laneige.

And while Boran Yun may have needed some extra convincing to try snowboarding, she has hit the slopes with her daughter over the years.

Check out the following photo from 2006 — Chloe was just 6 years old.

She Lived in Switzerland for 2 Years Because Her Dad Wanted Her to Learn French.

When Kim was younger, her dad sent her to live in Switzerland with her extended family.

Although you might think that Mr Kim wanted her to finesse her snowboarding skills, he says that he sent her to live there so that she could learn how to speak French.

She lived there for two years.

Whenever her dad would visit her, they'd go snowboarding together.

Kim says that her dad never forced her to snowboard and that her parents never pushed her to do anything that she didn't want to do.

Instead, they supported her and watched her blossom into one of the most talented young snowboarders in the world.

"She made regular treks to the Alps.

She would wake up at 4 a.m., take two trains to reach a halfpipe in France and continue her training," reports the Washington Post.

Chloe moved back to the U.S.

when she was 8 and she enrolled in a developmental program at Mammoth Mountain.

Her parents home schooled her during the week and her dad would drive more than five hours to Mammoth so that his daughter could snowboard on the weekends.

 Boran Yun Kim Made Headlines Over Her Olympic Manicure.

In honor of Chloe Kim's Olympic run, her mom got a manicure that she felt best represented her family.

She had the Korean flag painted on one nail and the American flag painted on another.

The two flags represent the family's heritage.

Chloe loved her mom's enthusiasm and couldn't help but post a comment.

"My mama is the cutest," Chloe wrote.

For more infomation >> Chloe Kim's Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || CACAO TV - Duration: 10:26.


Shayari Status | Dil Duba Nili Aankhon Mein Yeh Dil | Shayari Status in Hindi - Duration: 0:25.

Shayari Status for Whatsapp

For more infomation >> Shayari Status | Dil Duba Nili Aankhon Mein Yeh Dil | Shayari Status in Hindi - Duration: 0:25.


阿達趴地拍?Lulu 10頭身長腿P太大 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 阿達趴地拍?Lulu 10頭身長腿P太大 - Duration: 1:28.


Sport News in Slow French - Learn French - JO news - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Sport News in Slow French - Learn French - JO news - Duration: 3:58.


How to do the splits - Wk1 session #01, best BEGINNER flexibility exercises FULL WORKOUT SESSION - Duration: 24:28.

okay it's day one of our 10-week journey to strong side splits

and this is the very first session of the program

so it's great to have you here if you don't have strong sites but then at the

point of shooting this first session I can completely relate to you but if you

commit to completing this program over the next 70 days then we're going to get

strong side splits for functional flexibility okay after seven videos of

theory it's time for real training so let's get straight into it with the

warm-up that I had detailed in a previous video first up we've got 30

squats just take it easy to start with we're just warming up and you can see

that I like to start a bit slower and then build up speed as I go on we've got

60 seconds to do these 30 squats so let's pace ourselves and get them all

done as you start to warm up and it feels safe and comfortable you can start

to increase your range just a little bit so you can go a little bit deeper and

you can start to set your feet a little bit wider with each rep okay we're past

halfway now so hopefully you've done about 15 reps but again it's just a

warm-up it's just our first day and our first session of the first week so you

don't have to treat it like a race just pace yourself and try to use the

exercise to get yourself warmed up and ready for the actual stretching routine

okay coming up next we got ham spine so if you've finished your squats you can

start to position yourself for that okay thirty ham spines and the target muscles

here are our hamstrings and spinal erectors so start with your feet about

shoulder width apart and then lean forward with a straight back and

straight legs and lean forward as far as you can as far as it's comfortable make

sure it's comfortable and safe for your hamstrings and try your best to keep

your back straight so that the stretching load is mainly on your

hamstrings in your legs and keeping your head up should help with that when

you're about as low as you can comfortably go and it feels safe then

contract your hamstrings first they should be initiating the lift and then

lift with your spinal erectors in your lower back and remember this is just a

warm-up so take it easy pace yourself because the warm-up is a full eight

minutes long and it's very comprehensive you're gonna warm up every muscle group

that's involved in the side splits and we're about halfway through the set

now so hopefully you've counted off at least 15 reps if not well no stress it's

just the first session and it's much better that you stick to good technique

and that you don't push yourself into even any kind of injury just listen to

your body and do what you can for now and do it safely

hopefully you've got a few more reps to go or you're already done because the

next exercise is elbows knees okay let's do a set of 30 of these elbows knees and

our target muscles are our adductors so let's set our feet wide a long way past

our shoulders and then squat down so your elbows are pushing against your

knees then you want to pull your knees in

against your elbows by contracting your adductors okay your target muscles

between contractions see if you can stretch your adductors out a little

wider but only if it feels safe and comfortable for you so you have pull

your knees in then relax and stretch them out knees in then stretch them out

do your best with this exercise because it's a really precise way to work your

adductors at their maximum range of motion okay time for our set of side

squats and we're doing just 15 for our warm-up just make sure you do 15 on both

sides so just count however it is easier for you for me I count my left and right

as 1 so 1 1 2 2 3 3 and all the way up to 15 but it's not really that important

except that you just don't lose count anyway the target muscles here are our

adaptors especially the gracilis muscle which is a bit easy to stretch when the

leg is extended out straight like at the end of each rep here now as I keep

pointing out everyone is going to get a great stretch out of this in slightly

different ways but basically we're going to need to keep one leg extended out to

the side as we squat down on the other leg I like to lean forward just a little

bit so that the stretch stays on my adductors more than my hamstrings still

regardless of the position that's best for you I really encourage you just to

take it easy and remember that this is just a warm-up of course in a normal

warm-up you can you know really ramp up the intensity but the difference here is

that we're working at the extreme ranges of motion you know that are very near

our maximum range of motion and if you're not careful you could injure

yourself so while it might sound like I'm over emphasizing caution well I'd

rather do that than hype you up into injury I really want to ease you into

this Pro so that you totally avoid any injury and

then when your body does adapt to these demands then you can really start to

work hard at your maximum range of motion until then practice the best

technique that you can and get a feel for what works best for your body and

the next warm-up exercise is front leg up so for this our target muscles our

hamstrings and partly our hip flexors as well and we've got 20 reps for the left

leg then 20 reps for the right leg we've got a minute and a half to do this so

it's a good idea to get each leg done in around 45 seconds or so now as we do

these try your best to lift your leg with a controlled movement and that's

why I don't call these leg swings because you're not swinging your leg

around you really want to lift it with control and to make sure you're lifting

it and not swinging it try to use your hip flexors to do the work your quads

are going to keep your legs straight but your hip flexors will do the lifting

okay change over when you hit 20 reps on the first leg and begin the same work on

your other leg another thing you should really be careful of is that you don't

bend your back by leaning forward if anything lean back a little bit I know

you'll need to adjust your posture for balance but still do your best to keep

the stretching stress on your hamstrings by trying to keep your back straight

don't worry if you're not a master of this warm-up exercise because our

hamstrings are you know really really important for side splits anyway we just

want to make sure we warm up all of our leg muscles before we focus stretching

some of our leg muscles and just remember that we're still warming up so

there's no need to smash yourself with this control the leg raise so that

you're just getting a light to moderate stretch okay and now for our final

warm-up exercise side leg raises the target muscles here are the hip

adductors on the inside of our legs again and we're going for 20 reps on

each legs and the same as before we've got 90 seconds to complete the exercise

so give yourself about 40 five seconds for each lake the principle

for side leg ups is the same as front leg ups so you really want to work at

raising your leg with a controlled movement rather than swinging it around

with with no control a helpful way to do that is to think about engaging your hip

abductors that muscles on the outside of your legs engage them to lift the leg

okay if you've got 20 reps down then it's time to change and do the same for

your other leg another tip for these is that you need to try your best to lift

your leg straight out to the side so that at the peak of the lift you you

should be able to make a straight line from your shoulder to your hip and to

your heel I mean if you can imagine seeing yourself from a high top view

you'd see a straight line through your head shoulder and foot not have been

v-shaped line which you have if you're leaning over your chest but a straight

line I don't think there's much else to this exercise just lift your leg with

control so you feel a light to moderate stretch in your adductors yeah don't go

hard yet so that you don't get injured

okay once done so let's move straight into the actual stretching exercises and

as we work through these exercises remember that the key technique is to

stretch our target muscles to their maximum range of motion and then

contract our target muscles at their maximum range of motion okay so again

stretch contract stretch and then contract and let's apply that to our

full side splits now our target muscles here are the adductor group and we're

going for 10 reps now when I say full side splits I don't mean full range 180

degree splits what I mean is the full technique rather than any other modified

version and make sure you really take care with this and as much as you can

support yourself with your hands only take yourself into a very very light

stretch okay I really mean that keep it light okay when you've worked through

ten consecutive reps you can rest

next up is our standing adductor stretch and the target muscle here is our

adductor group again and we're going for just 10 reps step forward into a long

lunge then turn your rear leg out and ease forward so you can feel a stretch

in the adductors of your rear leg you'll need to adjust your position however it

works best for you and when you achieve a stretch contract your adductors of

your rear leg okay so stretch them out then contract

stretch contract and continue when you've done ten reps in that leg change

it over and work the other leg for another ten reps and with that I really

encourage you not to brush this off as is too easy you have to understand that

decent flexibility itself can be really hard to achieve okay but strong

flexibility is even harder to achieve so you really need to ease into this

program with light exercises like this and treat this work like a marathon

rather than a sprint that you just rush through and and bang out okay next we

have standing hamstrings the target muscle is our hamstrings group and again

we're just doing 10 reps so take a small step forward then lean down over your

extended leg when you feel the stretch in your hamstrings try to contract your

hamstrings by pushing your heel through the floor okay so there's a basic

technique for you stretch out the target muscle then contract the target muscle

in the stretch so yeah do your best to contract it while it's stretched out

stretch contract stretch contract when you've done 10 reps on the first side

change over and carefully work through your final 10 reps on the other side

okay side squats at this time it's not our warmup it's our actual stretching

exercise but the target muscle is still the same we're still trying to stretch

and contract our adductor group and we're gonna work through ten reps for

each leg you probably notice that your quads are doing a lot of the work as you

rise up from each squat and that's fine but do your best to make your adductors

do at least a little bit of the work by pushing your extended heel down through

the floor in the lift phase if that's a bit difficult for you now don't worry

because whether you know it or not you're still working your adductors and

training them to be strong at their maximum range of motion if you want more

of a stretch in your adductors try leaning forward just a little bit I

definitely know that makes a big difference for me but at the same time I

need to be careful of my balance in this exercise and and you to be careful you

don't injure yourself with a fall or anything like that and actually be

careful not to work too hard in this exercise for now you know you're just

getting a first taste of how all this works especially the stretch contract

technique okay when all of that's done and you've got a full minute and 20

seconds so don't rush when you've got all of that done you can start to

position yourself for the next exercise

this exercise is quick oK we've got just 30 seconds for the seated adductor

stretch obviously the target muscles are your adductors and we're going for 10

reps when you're comfortable lower your knees to stretch out your adductors and

then lift your knees against your elbows stretch contract stretch contract try

not to work too hard and try not to rush through the exercise ok great look

completing the first cycle of exercises what we're gonna do now is repeat the

exercises with another two cycles let's move straight into full side splits and

make sure your positions safely I'll count you through each set of exercises

at my rate because I know that'll get you through in the allocated time okay

that's one remember the technique and two

three remember to stretch and contract for five with halfway there six seven

eight nine last one ten great work with that we've still got some time here so

take care and don't rush as you move into the next exercise which is the

standing adductor stretch and now carefully position yourself for the

standing at ductus stretch and really remember the stretch contract technique

okay that's one two three four five six seven and eight nine and ten

great job start to change it over now we're gonna do the other leg let's move

into position and one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten

contractions well done let's get ready for the next exercise

okay standing hamstrings let's move into position and remember the stretch

contract technique okay that's one two three four five six seven eight nine and

ten great work move on to the other leg and one two three four five six seven

eight nine and last one ten contractions great job let's move into side squats

now time for side squats and try your best to engage your hip adductors at

their max our om by making them contract in the stretch okay 1 1 2 & 2 3 & 3 4 &

4 5 & 5 that's halfway 6 & 6 7 & 7 8 & 8 9 and 9 one more for each side 10 and 10

okay great work with your side squats it looks like we have about 20 seconds left

so feel free to do your own stretching or just rest until we start the next

exercise and as we start to move into the next exercise and I know I've been

saying this a lot but that's because it's really the most important thing

about this program and that is that you need to focus on correct technique and

now we've got our seated adductor stretch let's get into position make

sure we're comfortable and remember to contract our abductors in this stretch

okay that's one and two three four five and six seven keep it up we're

almost done eight nine last one and ten great work

and now for our third and final cycle let's finish our last set of full side

splits and we've got a lot of time for this so don't rush just ease yourself

into position and we'll go from there okay that's the first one two three four

five six seven eight nine and ten well done and do take care as you move out of

this position and get ready for the next exercise

let's move into the last standing at ducktor stretch and make sure you're

comfortable so you can contract your adductors in the stretch okay that's one

two three four five six seven eight nine and last one ten now I'm just using this

time to do a few extra rips here now that I'm really warmed up and if you

feel it safe for you then now you can try it too if you're ready you can start

to change over with me and we'll work the other side one two three four five

six seven eight nine and ten hold the stretch if you like just like I am and

then when you're ready let's get into the next exercise

okay standing hamstrings get it in position and move into the stretch when

you're in the stretch start to contract the target muscle one two three four

five six seven eight nine and ten good job let's change over and work the other

leg into position one two three four that's five six seven eight nine

last one and ten great work with that let's get ready for side squats next

let's finish our last side squats for the session and I'm going to encourage

you to take it easy and not push yourself too hard that's 1 & 1 2 & 2 3 &

3 4 & 4 5 & 5 6 & 6 7 & 7 careful of your balance

8 and 8 9 & 9 lost reps coming up 10 and 10 that's great use the time to stretch

if you like or just take it easy before we move into our next and final exercise

and a last set of seated adductor stretches to make yourself comfortable

so you can contract your adductors here at their maximum range of motion okay

that's one two three and four and five six seven eight nine and ten

okay that's day one of seventy our very first session done great work for making

it through now wait before you go at the end of each session I've got an

important tip to help you with your training and today's tip is really a

reminder to make sure you get a camera or even just your phone to record your

current side splits range so now that the sessions down and you're thoroughly

warmed up grab that camera go down into your maximum range of lateral motion

that's your size let's just make sure that you do it safely and comfortably

without pushing yourself and take a picture or a video but yeah if you don't

get this record you're gonna have absolutely no way to objectively measure

your flexibility progress as as you work through this program so please do make

time to record it also let me know in the comments how you went in today's

session and if you have any questions I'm really gonna do my best to write

back because well we've still got 29 sessions to go and and I want to do

whatever I can to encourage you to complete them all and if you want to

work on more than strong side splits make sure you subscribe to this channel

and check out the other 10,000 method progressive training videos and then

when you come back in two days time to follow the next new video in this series

we will add another rep to each exercise and continue training for strong side

splits now I'm looking forward to having you

back then

For more infomation >> How to do the splits - Wk1 session #01, best BEGINNER flexibility exercises FULL WORKOUT SESSION - Duration: 24:28.


Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.0 TSI Comfortline Executive Navigatie, Cruise Control, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.0 TSI Comfortline Executive Navigatie, Cruise Control, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 0:56.


Best Love & Romantic Heart Touching Shayari | Love Shayari In Hindi | हिंदी शायरी विडियो - Duration: 3:40.

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