Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2018

In this video, I am going to deal with Clam Blitz, especially with how

the clams spring on the ground on every maps of the game.

First, you have to keep it mind some basic rules,

so let's talk about it.

The very first rule is the distribution of the clams

on the map at the beginning.

Well, at the beginning of every match on every map,

there are thirty clams randomly distributed on the ground,

in fact, it's not that random, they appear in some specific areas

defined by the game developpers, and very often, you can see three areas:

one near your spawn, one near your opponents' spawn, and one in the middle.

You have to keep in mind that the clams don't appear always at the same location

from one match to another, but generally, those three areas remain the same

on any given map.

So you are able to guess more or less where to find clams at the beginning.

Let's focus on, for instance, Arowana Mall. Well at the beginning, all the clams

are located in the central aisle, knowing it may be worth it

if you don't want to lose time on looking for them in the side aisles,

and, of course, clams keep on appearing throughout the game,

but they are following specific mechanics which are different

from the ones at the beginning.

So we noticed that there are thrity clams appearing at the beginning

and they are distributed here and there on the map.

Well, as for the other ones springing after,

there are in fact four clams, at a very specific spot,

not areas.

And, right here, knowing exactly the location of these clam springs

is essential in order to pick clams efficiently during your game.

Still on Arowana Mall, you can also find clam springs

in the side aisles of the map.

You will have to adjust your exploring areas in order to find clams.

Interesting fact: those springs are maily located in the middle,

pretty far from the two spawns, I'm going to show you shortly.

We've seen that they spring as a group of four, but there is limitation rule:

there can't be more than fifty clams during the game,

on the ground or carried by players.

As soon as fifty clams are on the field, they stop appearing

and because of that limitation, you may have noticed that sometimes this is not a group

of four clams appearing. Let's say there are already fourty eight clams on

the ground, then the last appearing group of clams will contain only two.

Power clams are not counted in this, in fact there can be as many power clams

as you want.

For example, if all the players manage to build a power clam,

if it does not vanish by losing it, well, clams will keep on

appearing until there are fifty of them, then there would be

fifty clams on the field plus eight power clams. In addition to that, you may know that it possible

to gather more than eight power clams as long as you juggle with them,

in other words, you put one on the ground in order to pick another one, and so on.

During the game, the four clam groups appear every twelve seconds,

very precisely, but the time changes when you are

playing during extra time: indeed, once you are playing an overtime period,

clams appear every four seconds, well, three times

faster than before, this must be the way Nintendo developpers found to

speed up the game at the end, and this is quite interesting

to know;

So, in the second part of this video, I'm going to show you all the different

maps and how clams spring on each and every one of them.

I won't stay long on each map, if you need to, feel free to press pause the video in order to identify all the spots.

As for the remaining maps to be released in Splatoon 2,

I will put a link in the description of this wideo when they are released, if you want to come back here

and see how clams appear on these new maps.

I'm going to show you where you can more or less find clams at the beginning

of the game, as well as every clam springs possible when the match is on.

On Arowana Mall, as we said earlier, clams are in the middle aisle first,

then they can spring in the side aisles,

in a more or less narrowed, central area.

On Shellendorf Institute, they are quite well distributed on the

whole map, we can see then that the four clam groups are really

gathered in the middle and some are also on the roof.

On Humpback Pump Track, they are also gathered in the middle, with some

in the spawn area, as well as for the four clam groups.

On Inkblot Art Academy, in fact there are few clams in the middle, at the beginning,

but you can find a great amount of them in the spawn areas, then

mutiple clam springs appear, and they are

really at the very center of the map.

On Sturgeon Shipyard, the three areas I talked about earlier appears clearly as you can see,

the four clam groups keep on springing in the middle, then.

Keep in mind that some groups appear on high places too.

On Moray Towers, well, you have to remember that all the clams are more or less

in the middle, upper areas of the map won't have any clam

throughout the whole game.

On The Reef, clams are following some sort of straight line first,

then they springs within a circle, in the middle.

On Walleye Warehouse, clams appear on the central aisle first,

then, the four clam groups appear in the middle.

On MakoMart, during the whole game, all the clams are

more or less gathered in the middle.

On Blackbelly Skatepark, we can see a straight line of clams, then

the clam springs appear in the middle.

On Snapper Canal, they are in line first,

then the four clam groups spring in more various locations, which is quite similar to

Kelp Dome, you can see the line first, then they are all over the map.

As for Manta Maria, first they are here and there,

then they can be found in the middle.

On Port Mackerel, well, it's pretty interesting because they are located in the three

middle aisles first, and then they stay pretty much at the same location as the game

go on.

On Starfish Mainstage, we can see that there are few clams on each side of the map first,

then they appear, but not that much.

Finally, on Musselforge Fitness, they mainly appear at the center of the field,

with some clams in each spawn area at the beginning.

Well, as you have seen, various similarities can be seen between the maps,

in terms of clam location, in the beginning, or how they

spring along the way.

It is essential to know where the clams are during your games

if you want to be efficient in your time management and get the upper hand over your opponents.

I hope this video will help you get the best out of Clam Blitz.

Let me know with a like, by sharing message in the commentary section and sharing it to the world!

This was EvilSquid speaking, see you soon in a next video,


For more infomation >> CLAM ANALYSIS IN SPLATOON 2 - Duration: 6:43.


Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 1.6 TDI TRENDLINE | DSG AUTOMAAT | NAVI PDC V+A | CRUISE-CONTROL | 1e EIGE - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 1.6 TDI TRENDLINE | DSG AUTOMAAT | NAVI PDC V+A | CRUISE-CONTROL | 1e EIGE - Duration: 1:02.


Oscar Isaac on Becoming an Internet Sensation - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Oscar Isaac on Becoming an Internet Sensation - Duration: 2:02.


Marketing Digital para EMPRENDEDORES - Duration: 12:23.

you are undertaking a project and not

you have clear how to make your marketing

digital day today I want to

Several recommendations to set

a strategy of digital marketing


Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to the new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Subscribe to my channel launch is not

something simple and free

even though many times with all

digital tools can

think they are there to use them

totally free as can

ser facebook twitter o youtube y con

ello conseguir buenos resultados en

nuestro proyecto

lamento decirte que esto no es del todo

cierto gracias a todas estas

herramientas digitales a día de hoy

podemos emprender un proyecto y hacer

marketing de una manera más económica a

como se hacía hace 15 ó 20 años pero aún

así si quiere realmente tener resultados

de best planificar una mínima inversión

que esté acorde al tipo de proyecto que

estás lanzando y al sector en el cual

quieras introducirlo por lo tanto antes

de lanzar cualquier estrategia y campaña

de marketing digital

tengo muy bien estructurado tu plan de

negocio y tu plan financiero para saber

qué dinero necesitas invertir y cómo lo

vas a conseguir porque sino una buena

idea puede quedarse sólo en eso en una

buena idea por una falta en la

planificación de los recursos necesarios

la primera inversión en marketing

digital debe ir hacia ti es decir

invierten formarte en aquellos temas de

marketing digital que consideras que van

a apoyar tu proyecto emprendedor para

ello puede recurrir desde a cursos

presenciales cursos online webinars y

books libros y cualquier otra opción

online u offline que te haga aprender es

importante que aprendas unos conceptos

básicos a nivel de estrategia y táctica

de marketing digital no sólo para que

puedas implementarlo de mejor manera en

tu proyecto emprendedor sino también por

si vas a contratar a alguna agencia o

profesional que te ayude a poder estar

seguro de que contratas a la persona más

adecuada y de que está haciendo las

cosas en el buen camino ya que visto

muchos proyectos emprendedores que no

han acabado de despegar porque las cosas

no se estaban haciendo de la manera más

adecuada ya que el emprendedor selección

a una persona que no era la más acertada


para su proyecto y no estaba trabajando

como debía

el siguiente paso debe ser crear una web

o una tienda online según el negocio que

están montando obviamente y debes verla

como la base de tu estrategia digital y

no digital ya que recuerda cuando

alguien quiera saber algo de tu empresa

o de tu producto

lo más probable es que vaya a google y

te busqué y lo primero que encontrará

será tu página web por lo que una página

web que no esté alineada con los

objetivos de tu proyecto emprendedor

limitar a tus posibilidades de éxito

puede que pienses que la web no es tan

importante pero ten en cuenta que es

decisiva para dar confianza al cliente y

aunque tu producto no se venda

directamente online o que son las

principales razones por las que muchas

veces pensamos que la web no es tan

importante pero sí influye y mucho en la

toma de decisión ya que como te decía

que buscarán para consultar más

información sobre ti o sobre tu producto

y si la imagen que transmite es no es la

adecuada pueden cambiar de opinión e

irse a la competencia

si la ue no está correctamente

construida ten por seguro que el resto

de acciones digitales que realices como

posicionamiento en buscadores publicidad

digital email marketing redes sociales

no tendrán todos los buenos resultados

que podrían tener por lo que invertir en

la web que necesitas dará un giro

radical a tu proyecto

el siguiente paso debe ser el marketing

de contenidos es decir genera contenidos

en el formato y canales que tu audiencia

es más activa y usa la publicidad

digital para hacer llegar ese contenido

a quien pueda ser tu potencial cliente

esta es una de las partes donde vas a

necesitar la inversión publicitaria de

la que te hablaba al principio ya que si

te limitas a crear un perfil en una red

social por ejemplo facebook y a publicar

tus contenidos

verás como impacto que genera es

prácticamente nulo y además no será

segmentado al público que te interesa lo

que se traduce como una falta de

conversiones y por lo tanto en él no

generar negocio en tu proyecto recuerda

que la velocidad es un factor de éxito y

de inversión en publicidad digital te

ayudará a alcanzar la velocidad que

necesitas en tu proyecto emprendedor

para hacerlo rentable lo antes posible

por otro lado el contenido te ayudará y

posicionando en el tiempo tu marca en

los buscadores y con ello en la mente de

tu potencial cliente

esto es una estrategia que debe

valorarla a largo plazo no pero si estás

montando un proyecto emprendedor es

porque quieres que tu negocio dure

muchos años por lo que debes trabajar en

estrategias a corto medio y largo plazo

al mismo tiempo otro punto que debe

trabajar es la atención al cliente tanto

digital como no digital ya que lo que

digan de ti puede llevarte al éxito o al


es por ello que la reputación cada día

coge más fuerza a la hora de lanzar un

proyecto y ponerlo en el mercado y esto

es la suma de medios offline y online

crear la reputación que quieres como

emprendedor es un trabajo que lleva una

planificación y una inversión ya que

debes trabajar por crear la reputación

que quiere es que tenga tu proyecto y

evitar que otros la creen por ti

las redes sociales juegan en tu negocio

un papel fundamental a la hora de poner

los contenidos delante de tus clientes

por lo que puedes y debes crear una

comunidad en torno a tu marca que te

ayude tanto en la generación de nuevos

clientes como el mantenimiento de los

que vayas captando por ello debes

analizar qué redes sociales son las más

interesantes para tu negocio en función

de dónde esté tu audiencia y también

teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de

recursos que dispone es para generar

contenido para cada red social ya que es

un error generar un único tipo de

contenido y distribuirlo por igual en

todas las redes sociales pensando que de

esta manera vas a tener un mayor alcance

importante el alcance debes basarlo en

la calidad y no en el número de personas

a las que quieres llegar las redes

sociales son además un excelente canal

de comunicación y de atención al cliente

con los usuarios y además sobre todo en

el caso de empresas vitulli un gran

generador de captación de potenciales

clientes es decir leeds donde usando

técnicas de creación de contenido y

redireccionamiento de una llamada a la

acción a tu web o una landing page

pueden hacer que gran cantidad de

potenciales clientes interesen en tus

productos y servicios a los que luego

mediante una labor comercial ya sea a

través de iu

el teléfono y otros canales de ayudar a

convertir un porcentaje de esos usuarios

en clientes reales

otro factor que no debes perder de vista

es la parte de influenciadores y puede

que esto te suene sólo para empresas

establecidas no pero esto no es así ya

que a la hora de emprender un proyecto

podemos utilizar la llamada micro

influencia es decir localizar y

colaborar con aquellos usuarios que sin

tener miles de seguidores pueden

ayudarte a crear una estrategia de

posicionamiento de marca a un coste muy

asumible lo que te ayudará a aumentar la

velocidad de tu proyecto y la

credibilidad del mismo

para ello el primer paso debe ser crear

un mapa de influenciadores y ver cómo

establecer una colaboración con ellos no

tiene por qué ser económica no sino que

puede basarse en un intercambio en

especie donde les envías tu producto o

le das acceso a tu servicio para poder

usar libremente y si ellos lo consideran

interesante para su audiencia lo

compartirán en sus canales ayudándote

aumentar la promoción y la visibilidad

de tu nuevo proyecto así como la

reputación del mismo

paralelamente a trabajar la imagen de tu

nuevo proyecto yo te recomendaría

trabajar tu marca personal ya que

alineada a tu proyecto emprendedor

podrás conseguir dos canales diferentes

para dar a conocer tus productos y


te puedo decir que esto es una

estrategia que llevo usando muchos años

con unos resultados excelentes

eso sí la marca personal es una

estrategia a largo plazo por lo que

planifica como te dije inicialmente

acciones en el corto medio y largo plazo

a la vez

otro punto y además fundamentales la

analítica de datos es decir captar y

analizar tantos datos como te sea

posible de los diferentes canales ya sea

a prueba tus redes sociales cualquier

canal que estés utilizando no con el

objetivo de saber si las acciones van

por el buen camino y de no ser así tomar

acción y cambiar lo antes posible

mi recomendación es que analices datos

no te voy a decir diariamente pero sin

mínimos semanalmente inviertas unap

cantidad de tiempo suficiente en este

análisis para poder sacar conclusiones e

ir adaptando su estrategia de negocio en

función de estos datos con la captura y

análisis de datos como una de

tus prioridades de negocio porque es una

de las informaciones más valiosas a la

hora de llevar tu proyecto al éxito y

para finalizar me gustaría mencionar

themis diez claves como emprendedor

donde además te dejo en la descripción

del vídeo un enlace donde habló más en

detalle de ellas uno improvisa desde la


2 aprende de tus clientes y de toda la

persona que puedas 3 sueña y trabaja por

lo imposible 4 práctica los cinco nunca

has de steve jobs nunca darse por

vencido nunca aparentar nunca mantenerse

inmóvil nunca vivir en el pasado y nunca

dejar de soñar 5 reinventa y mejor

alimentado 6 observa tu alrededor y ve

lo que otros no ven

7 fórmate a diario lee libros ve vídeos

aprende de los mejores ocho

falla controladamente tanto como puedas

9 trabaja tu marca personal día a día y


sigue tu instinto es la inteligencia más

poderosa que tienes

pues mira yo realmente en latinoamérica

llevo trabajando por allí pues casi

siete años prácticamente vivir en

colombia en méxico hecho cosas hecho

conferencia se trabajado con políticos a

nivel de afais intento al tema de

marketing digital y campañas políticas y

luego realmente me core del negocio

bueno yo trabajo está todo rodeado de mi

marca personal vale mi marca personal al

final tengo un equipo detrás de ella

entonces pues básicamente gran parte del

tiempo yo me dedico a generar contenidos

con más visto de youtube y otros canales

top la parte de whatsapp

me parece súper interesante porque ellos

un canal que desde mi marca personal lo

manejó desde hace años ya y tiene muchas

limitaciones y a día de hoy todavía no

ha encontrado una herramienta que

funcione bien para lo que yo quiero y te

soy sincero y eso canal la fao el guasón

business y estoy con él pero realmente

herramientas para temas de atención al

cliente si hay cosas pero para temas un

poco más de comunicación ahí no he visto

todavía nada así que sería genial poder

ver lo voy a probar porque visto lo

visto a mí me resulta interesante no y

aparte yo siempre pongo mi

funcionamiento y utilizó distintas

herramientas en mi marca personal pero

luego cuando yo uso las herramientas son

las que recomiendan

clientes porque al final siempre si te

utilizó un webchat el que yo uso le

recomiendo a mis clientes porque al

final le recomiendo lo que consideró que

es mejor y yo uso lo que consideró que

es mejor para mí y quiero conocer tu

opinión por lo que dejan los comentarios

con el hashtag marketing digital que

añadirías para que los emprendedores

tengamos éxito con el marketing en

internet entre todos los comentarios de

los videos del mes soltar en mi curso on

line de estrategia de marketing digital

si te ha gustado este vídeo y quieres

que siga haciendo más vídeos como éste

dará me gusta y suscríbete a mi canal y

si quieres descargarte gratuitamente en

mis libros

puedes hacerlo ahora mismo desde el

enlace mi blog que te dejo en la

descripción del video

qué no

For more infomation >> Marketing Digital para EMPRENDEDORES - Duration: 12:23.


Bad Dates: Valentine's Day - Episode 6 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Bad Dates: Valentine's Day - Episode 6 - Duration: 4:36.


[kt Rolster TALK] Frivolous shy boy! Smeb's streaming style! - Duration: 3:13.

※Caution※ It's Smeb's stream. Watch out for loud noises.

※It is a video that made the editor deaf※

(Smeb) Ah..

(Smeb) Ah What is this!

(Smeb) 2000 people came~~!!!

Smeb worth 1000 people (Smeb) Ah, what is that, then

Fighting against 2000 invisible enemies (Smeb) What is that, then~ 2000 people came~

(Smeb) 2000 people came, again~ 2000 people~

(Smeb) They just came in happily, just, uh?

(Smeb) 'Ugh! Sensed a kill'

(Smeb) Kill all except me~~

2 Sapphire crystal

2 Sapphire crystal + Arcane Shift forward

2 Sapphire crystal + Arcane Shift forward = Lost the opportunity to get it refunded (Smeb) Ah what is this, ah~~

(Smeb) I bought two sapphire crystal

If you wish for it desperately all universe including star guardians will help you (Smeb) I can recover if I get it, my mentality

You lacked true heart. You lack effort!

(Smeb) Aye, Why I'm on level 9 Why!!

(Smeb) Rengar is level 13 and why am I level nine, Why!!

The entertainment god is protecting us. Cheer up Smeb's stream (Smeb) Ah, I got disconnected, disconnected, DC! What am I like?

(Smeb) Uh I got disconnected How did it go?

(Smeb) Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry

(Smeb) Guard me, guard me, guard me!!

(Smeb) What am I supposed to do What am I doing?

(Smeb) Oh I'm okay, I revived, revived!

A phone call was made during Smeb's karaoke streaming (Smeb) What is it

In fact he.. (Smeb) Yes, hello?

when he gets a call (Smeb) Ah yeah, I am streaming

or when he makes a call

he shows his competence

For more infomation >> [kt Rolster TALK] Frivolous shy boy! Smeb's streaming style! - Duration: 3:13.


What Happens When You Apply Turmeric on Your Skin - Benefits of Turmeric for Skin and Face - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> What Happens When You Apply Turmeric on Your Skin - Benefits of Turmeric for Skin and Face - Duration: 3:32.


ScreaM gets TROLLED! Rain FASTEST ACE • CS GO PRO HIGHLIGHTS #175 - Duration: 5:55.

Don't forget to like and subscribe <3

For more infomation >> ScreaM gets TROLLED! Rain FASTEST ACE • CS GO PRO HIGHLIGHTS #175 - Duration: 5:55.


Freeloaders Furious As Trump Rips Away Their Favorite Freebie — This is GREAT! - Duration: 4:55.

Freeloaders Furious As Trump Rips Away Their Favorite Freebie — This is GREAT!

The left hates President Donald Trump, and they aren't going to be happy with what

he's planning next.

As it turns out, the man is looking to take away a favorite freebie of freeloaders everywhere

— and it is absolutely great.

Welfare fraud has been allowed to run rampant in our country.

Although our government has the generosity to help those truly in need, imposters have

set upon programs funded by taxpayers for their own selfish reasons.

Whether that's because they're too lazy or merely want something they don't deserve,

there's a wide variety of reasons why this is happening.

Sadly, there are some in the government who don't want this abuse to end.

As it turns out, it's part of the Democratic Party's life cycle.

Essentially, Democrats want to hand out entitlements to as many Americans as humanly possible in

order to enslave the population.

Of course, if you want that "free money" to keep coming in, then there's only one

thing you need to do — vote blue.

Too bad for the left, we are under new leadership and things aren't looking too good for the

bottom feeders in America.

In fact, President Donald Trump most recently unveiled a "radical" new plan that will

essentially take away a favorite freebie that freeloaders enjoy.

Right now, President Trump is looking to take an ax to the food stamp budget, making major


Although it sounds serious, what he's doing is actually very smart.

According to Pix 11, food stamp recipients would get about half of what they're used

to receiving on their EBT cards every month.

In addition to that, they would then receive what the USDA is calling the "America's

Harvest Box."

"USDA America's Harvest Box is a bold, innovative approach to providing nutritious

food to people who need assistance feeding themselves and their families — and all

of it is homegrown by American farmers and producers," Agriculture Secretary Sonny

Perdue said in a statement.

"It maintains the same level of food value as SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance

Program] participants currently receive, provides states flexibility in administering the program,

and is responsible to the taxpayers."Sound kind of familiar?

Think Blue Apron.

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney called the suggestion similar to

the Blue Apron business, which sends prepared food and recipes to people's doorsteps,

adding that the government would be able to save billions of dollars on the America's

Harvest box initative.

According to White House calculations, the government would save roughly $129 billion

(with some citing that number as "over $200 billion") over the course of 10 years, though

it appears states would be responsible for having to ship and get the food boxes to the

SNAP recipients.

[Source: BizPac Review] The new plan would affect families receiving

$90 or more in food stamps every month.

As one would imagine, freeloaders are already starting to complain about it, but hardworking

taxpayers forced to fund the food stamp program are happy over the welcomed change.

After all, food stamps are meant for one thing — to help people survive.

They're not meant to help families buy soda, potato chips, steak, and lobster while taxpayers

are eating ramen noodles.

They're meant to be sustenance for those who would otherwise be unable to afford it.

Instead, we've seen the program balloon and bloat to the point that people are getting

fat and buying copious amounts of junk food.

That's not what the program was designed for, and quite frankly, those complaining

about the changes don't need food stamps, to begin with.

If you need food — and we mean really need it — then you will eat what you are given.

Those complaining about the government picking the food they're so gracious enough to give

them clearly need an attitude adjustment.

They still have a few bucks to get what the Harvest Box doesn't provide, but the idea

here sounds to be a good way to save the American taxpayers some serious cash.

This country has been raped and pillaged by politicians seeking to benefit only themselves.

As a result, the lazy have been all too happy to take advantage of fellow Americans who

have no choice but to pay for these abused programs.

Those who need food won't be the ones complaining.

Those who are can just learn to deal with it.

Don't like it?

Well, don't sign up for the free food then.

It's as simple as that — and you won't find a single taxpayer complaining that you

decided to opt out.

For more infomation >> Freeloaders Furious As Trump Rips Away Their Favorite Freebie — This is GREAT! - Duration: 4:55.


What it Feels Like Living With a Narcissist - Duration: 3:39.

Here Is What Living with a Narcissist Feels Like

Living with narcissists is remarkably annoying, once you figure it out.

You really want to kill yourself everytime you meet them.

Unfortunately, we need to gradually get out from their deadly circle as it is fairly impossible

to just run away like nothing happened.

If you want to know more about living with narcissist, then you should keep up with this


It covers early detection, prevention, and possible solution of being hunted by narcissist.

But before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

So, here are 4 things you should know if you're living with a narcissist.

#1 - Fake smiles They smile nicely, but under their smiles

lie a vicious intention that you really do not want to hear.

It is typical tactic that narcissist do before they start their actions.

Indeed, you cannot judge all kindness with suspicion.

You just need to be aware of people who fake their smiles.

You will know the fake smiles when conflict occurs.

#2 - Fake dimension We should know that narcissist mentally lives

in different dimension even though they are living on the same ground.

This causes a great stir when you talk to them.

Narcissist will perceive negative image of reality that other people experience.

That is why you may be confused and even angry with them.

#3 - Negativity is their best friends People with narcissist are toxic.

They actually will kill you slowly by throwing negativity to your lives.

After you are in the circle, they want you to look subordinate through many tactics.

It is important to stay away from this kind of person, and you can do that by removing

any possible contacts from them one by one.

#4 - Highly competitive The last thing that they will do sounds positive

and encouraging.

Unfortunately, they are competitive in their own way.

They use tactics that make others feel guilty, depressed, and unconfident.

They do that by dropping others' moral as they love to see others suffer while showing

off themselves.

All in all, that's how living with a narcissist feels like, and why you should take a counter-measure


Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> What it Feels Like Living With a Narcissist - Duration: 3:39.


Sexy Szenen, top Quoten: Ist Daniel der beste Bachelor ever? - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Sexy Szenen, top Quoten: Ist Daniel der beste Bachelor ever? - Duration: 1:14.


BTS Comes Up With Fun Ideas For Future Live Broadcasts - Duration: 4:17.

BTS Comes Up With Fun Ideas For Future Live Broadcasts

On February 12, BTS held a V Live broadcast for being chosen as one of.

During the broadcast, BTS talked with their fans, reminisced about their past year, and looked ahead to 2018.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

Jin began, This is all thanks to ARMY.

I dont know how to repay you for this, and blew fans a kiss.

Jungkook said, I am working hard to show you cooler things, and added he is practicing playing the piano.

The group then watched video messages from their fans congratulating them on becoming one of V Lives Global Top 10.

commented, I realized again today that people love us from many countries.

We will go to you soon, so please wait..

In order to thank their fans, BTS members came up with creative awards such as the Meal Award, You Are My World Award, and Beyond My Imagination Award, all of which were puns on the word award.

The members also watched their past V Live broadcasts, received a trophy, and gave acceptance speeches.

Jimin stated, I think RM communicated the most with fans. RM named J-Hope and Suga, and the members all praised one another for their efforts to communicate with fans through the site.

BTS members also came up with some fun ideas for future V Live broadcasts.

Jimin declared, I want to do something groundbreaking.

I want to do something where we get dropped off all over the country and have to find each other..

Jungkook said, I want to do Bon Voyage 3.

Jin revealed, I told the staff that we should go to the jungle.

RM added, When J-Hopes mixtape comes out, he will do a mixtape V Live.

 He also suggested Jungkook do a live broadcast in his studio.

Jin said, Jungkooks studio is big, but its difficult to enter it because there are so many things.

V promised he will do a V Live with his puppy Yeontan.

 Jimin added, I like to just talk with our fans, and Suga said, I think it would be nice to just do it as Jimin.

BTS concluded the broadcast by saying they will continue to show that they are worthy of being one of the Global Top 10 artists in the future.

Source () ().

For more infomation >> BTS Comes Up With Fun Ideas For Future Live Broadcasts - Duration: 4:17.


The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.96 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2018.02.14] - Duration: 32:14.

(Episode 96)

Do you really plan to end this?

That's what you want.

Why should I sit still?

I should send you back to where you belong.

If I take off my mask,

Haerim's father's comeback will be impossible.

Is that okay?

How dare you threaten me with his comeback?

I'll bring him back on my own without you.

If I'm exposed,

you'll be hurt too.

Go and start packing.

It's me.

We can't wait any longer.

Then we'll have to turn to our last resort.

We'll fight head on.

They're supposed to be here by now.

Where is everyone?

The vice chairman sent a note.

Enjoy your meeting alone in that empty room.

What is this?

He only told me to give that to you.

Han Jiseop...

My deepest apologies

for this last-minute meeting.

Today, I plan to confess...

Something horrendous to all of you.

Something horrendous?

The person standing before you...

Is not the real Kang Jaeuk.

What do you mean

by saying you aren't Kang Jaeuk?

I have been pretending

to be Kang Jaeuk ever since...

I was a chief director.

I'm Kang Jaeuk's twin brother, Han Jiseop.

I've been...

Wearing Jaeuk's mask.

I'm a fake.

Are you saying you've been deceiving us?

How could you do this?

How could Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk

not be Kang Jaeuk?

Do you expect us to believe that?

This is absurd!

You had denied it vehemently.

Were you toying with us?

I understand your anger.

However, he is admitting his wrong.

Rather than only being angry, I think we should...

Hear what he has to say.

That's right.

We can get angry later.

Let's hear him out first.

Ms. Ko,

what did you just say?

Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk just

came out to the board of directors

that he's Han Jiseop.


As an average man...

I was one woman's husband

and a child's father.

I was cornered due to my mother's loan shark debt.

I was threatened and harassed by loan sharks

on a daily basis.

Every second of every day...

Was pure hell for me.

Right then...

I was asked...

To fill in for Kang Jaeuk...

Who was in a coma

due to a car accident.

- How can this happen? / - It doesn't make sense.

The request

came from Kang Jaeuk's mother,

Chairman Kang Junchae's daughter-in-law...

Madam Wi Seonae.

When I refused...

Wi Seonae

hired the loan sharks

to harass my family.

And faked a murder...

To frame me with the heinous crime.

How could she do that?

This makes no sense.

Madam Wi Seonae...

Demanded I cut all ties with my family...

Threatened me...

And monitored me 24 hours a day.

I was overwhelmed by the crime I was framed for...

And I finally accepted her request.

Ever since then...

I had no choice...

But to be Wi Seonae's puppet.

Are you saying you've been

hiding your true identity, got married and pretended

to be Kang Jaeuk because you were threatened

by Wi Seonae?

I'll answer that.

Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk...


Han Jiseop...

Is the biggest victim of this con.

I'm a victim as well.

However, I grew to love Jiseop sincerely.

And I hated the thought of him returning to his old life.

That's why I stopped him.

He wanted to remove his mask and

return to being Han Jiseop...

But I didn't let him.

Please forgive me.


the start of this ridiculous con game...

Was the frightening and endless greed

of Wi Seonae, who tried to use her son, Kang Jaeuk,

to take over Gangin Group.

Haerim, how could you...

Break my heart like this...

Because of Jiseop?

Wi Seonae.

Do you realize what you've done?

You destroyed a family

and ruined the lives of

both brothers, Jiseop and Jaeuk.


She is Wi Seonae.

Does this even make sense?

The con artist and murderer! Wi Seonae!

It's a lie.

Jiseop is putting on an act.

It's all a lie! It's a lie!

I will leave everything behind...

And leave Gangin Group today.

If there is anything I must take responsibility for...

I will do so.

You're not going anywhere.

Will resigning forgive your sins?

I'm sorry.

Kang Jaeuk.

No, Han Jiseop.

Was your love for Gangin Group also fake?

It was not.

Deceiving everyone

and pretending to be Jaeuk

is unforgivable.


Stepping down right now

would harm Gangin Group once again.

Even if you do leave eventually, you must complete...

Everything you've started.

That is

the least you can do out of consideration

for the board and Gangin Group.

Kang Inuk is absolutely correct.

You were the one who built Gangin Group...

To what it is today.

That's right.

This is a critical time.

If Gangin Group gets a new captain,

it will cause much chaos.

You're still here?


The start of this con game

was due to my greed?

It's obvious what you were going to

say to the directors.

You would've said you were the victim,

and that Jiseop planned it all.

Did you think we'd let that happen?

Who did I do all this for?

Everything was for you.

Please stop talking like a madwoman!

Listen to me!

Don't listen to him.

Look at me.

All I have left is you.

The last thing I must do...

Is to take you away from him

and make you the owner of Gangin Group.

I'm suddenly reminded of Jaeuk.

Ever since he was little, you brainwashed him

into thinking Inuk was his enemy,

and that he must own Gangin Group.

You nagged him and tormented him incessantly.


what you're doing to me now

is way too similar.

Because you're both... You're both my babies.


Because I bore you. You came from me.

You're my blood.

I wanted to protect you.

I couldn't protect Jaeuk...

But I wanted...

To prevent you from becoming miserable.


Do you want to say you're my mom

with that disgusting face of yours?

If you really were my birth mom...

You should've shut your mouth and kept quiet.

You should've known to be humiliated

and stayed down!


From this moment forth...

Don't you dare

say you're my mom with that disgusting mouth.


Haerim! Haerim!

Han Jiseop...

Why are you here?

You came clean about who you are,

so you should leave.

Why are you still here?

I guess you haven't heard.

The board voted unanimously

to keep me here.


Don't you get it yet?

I, Kang Jaeuk... No, Han Jiseop

survived even after taking off my mask.

Do you understand?

I warned you

that you'd be the one who would get caught

in the net that you threw.

You little worm.

Do you think you'll be safe after this?

Bring it on.

I have nothing else to hide anymore...

So do whatever you want.


Stay firm where you are.

You need to fight hard to remain there

to make it more exciting

when I drag you down.

You'll end up next to Jaeuk...

In the columbarium.


Are you okay?

Does it hurt a lot?

You already came clean about who you are.

Why are you still sitting here?

Leave everything behind

and get treated.

Do you feel better now?

Now, my identity was exposed as you wanted.

Do you feel good?

It doesn't feel as good as I had expected.


I should be cursed out for being a fraud...

And be kicked out like a stray dog...

But I survived.

That's right.

After hearing your explanation,

I understood your situation a little bit.

But that isn't all.

You didn't insist on remaining as Jaeuk

only because of his mother's threats.

You're right.

It started with the threats but eventually,

it was...

My ambition that took over.

Give me some time.

I have the final gift that will really make you

feel good.

Is that final gift

your death?

Sure, maybe it will be a gift for me.

But what about Haesol?

Will your death be a gift to her as well?

What you need right now

isn't to survive as Han Jiseop and

handle company matters.

You need treatment.

If there is even a 1% chance of survival,

hang on to it.

Hang on and do all you can

to survive as Haesol's dad.

Getting a terminal illness isn't so bad after all.

You used to only curse me.

But now, you pity me.

If you don't want my pity,

do whatever it takes to live.

Are you trying to act like my wife?

Stop being stupid and get out!


Thanks for your help.

I didn't expect you to do that.

You insisted it wasn't true.

How do you feel to see that it's all out?

Actually, I feel relieved.

Let me ask you something.

You said you stopped him from returning...

To being Han Jiseop.

How did you stop him?

I lied that I was pregnant.

Regardless, thanks for helping him.

I did it for the company, not him.

So don't thank me.

Aren't you setting a date?

You two seemed to have...

A much more serious problem.

What's going on?

I was mistaken.

Mother made it all up in her efforts

to split us up.


She and he can't help

but to hate each other.


Do you plan to maintain your marriage to Jiseop...

Although his real identity was revealed?


If I quit, will you give up on marrying Seora?

No, right?

Why? Because you love her.


Is a frightening thing.

Have you lost your mind?

How could you do that and create this mess?

I didn't know Jiseop would remove his mask himself.

What will you do now? He has survived everything,

and you have been ruined.

I'll send that jerk to jail

before he can dump Haerim.

Refrain yourself until the China project is decided.

Whether or not we have him

is irrelevant to the project.

I'll help you make a comeback.

Did you look into selling the hospital?

I'm looking.

We don't have time.

Sell it for cheap if necessary. You need the funds.

I'm looking into other sources of funds just in case.

It's Park Jisuk.

Do you think she knows you're selling the hospital?

Pick up.

What is it?

Come home now.

Do you think I'd want to see you now?

I prepared a gift for you.

It's a nice gift, so come home now.

What did she say?

She told me to come home

since she has a gift.

A gift?

What are you doing?

Your wife announced that you are donating

the hospital, which you are the director of.

You consented, right?

What? Donate?

You're home.

What's going on?

The hospital, which you are the director of...

My father left it for me

and requested in his will that I should protect it

at all costs, remember?

Well... Yes, he did.

I thought you were blaming yourself too much

for what happened, so I called the reporters and

told them first, as a way to apologize to the people.

What... What?

You always said

that you'd give that hospital to the society

as my father had always wanted.

I felt like this was the perfect time to do it,

so I pulled the trigger.

Aren't you proud of me?

Yes, you did great.

Then does that mean you consented?

That's a given.

When I think about how much I've disappointed

the people who trusted me,

I'm glad I can make it up to them

a little bit through this.

Jisuk. You knew, so you beat me to the punch, right?

Do you think you can knock me down that easily?

Hello, Director Park.

Assemblyman Jin,

I heard you're in need of funding.

I thought I could be of some help, so I called.

Yes. I'd be so grateful.

Brad Yun says he can lend you as much as

you want, as long as the terms are right.

Should I introduce you to him?

Brad Yun?

I've heard already through a Chinese lobbyist.

No risk, no gain.

If we stop because it's dangerous...

It'll be difficult for Gangin Construction to grow.

We'll move forward. However...

Please make sure to maintain confidentiality.

Maid, bring me some cold water.


Here's your cold water.

What's wrong with you?

What? What's wrong with me?

After the horrible things you did to Jiseop, what?

What's wrong with me?

This is why you shouldn't let strangers

into your home!


I brought in your penniless and poor son,

made him a corporate heir, and married him off

to an assemblyman's daughter.

You should be thanking me.

How dare you attack me instead?

Thank you?

He suffered his entire life

because of his terrible mom.

You dare tie his hands and feet by doing all

sorts of evil and abuse him as your slave?

Why am I bothering to talk with you?

You evil witch.

You still don't realize what you did wrong.

Because of you, Jaeuk and Jiseop

had to live apart for over 34 years!

Let go. Let go of me.

Splitting them up was bad enough,

but you made them enemies!

Jaeuk would've ended up

like Jiseop if you had raised him!

If you raised your sister's child,

you should've raised him well!

You bled him dry all his life

and threw him down the pit.

How dare you judge me?


Don't blame me.

Jiseop ended up like that

because of you, Gu Mihong!


♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ What's wrong with my age? ♪

♪ There's no age in love ♪


Yes? What?

What is all of this?

What was that?

What happened to my room?

I switched it!


Who said we could switch rooms?

Did you ask me before switching Jaeuk with Jiseop?

Also, did you ask me before switching Jaeuk

into being my family?

Then your dementia act is over, right?

When did I say I had dementia?

Then why did you act like you had dementia?

To make you die out of rage.


I'm hungry. Go make me food.

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ What's wrong with dementia? ♪

♪ There's no age in dementia ♪

I'll take responsibility.

How will you take responsibility?

How can babies raise a baby?

It isn't that easy to be parents.

Go tell your parents,

and schedule a meeting with us.

No, sir. I will raise it.

Why would you raise my baby?

I should be responsible

for the person I love and our baby...

Which was the result of our love.

Get out. Let's go. Get up.

If I'm not prepared enough,

I'll use the precious 10 months that the baby gave me

to prepare to be the perfect husband and dad

before I greet our baby.

Please trust me.

Get out. Let's go.

Stop being stupid and get out. Let's go!

Get out.


Chara! Why are you doing this?

Why else?

Who are you to take responsibility for my baby?

Because I'm the baby's dad.

What's wrong with the dad wanting to be

responsible for his baby?


You're not the dad.

I'll show you the real dad soon,

so just leave.

You're just confused because of the hormones.

You should trust me, your husband and lean on me.

Okay, Chara? Do you understand?


Ki Chara, sit down.

Mom wants to talk to you.

Let me make this clear.

Rahui is not the baby's dad.

Leave him alone.

Chara, there's no use in lying.

It's all too obvious for you to fool us.

Move onto the next step.

The next step?

Have the baby.

It's a precious life.

You must be thankful and give birth.

I'm going to do that even if you try to stop me.

When you give birth, your sister will adopt that baby.

What? Why would I give my baby to Daera?

Chara, I thought a lot about it too.

The thought of my daughter becoming

a single mom breaks my heart.

I think it would be best for Daera to raise the baby.

No way.

Not a chance.

You talked them into it, didn't you?

Why are you making decisions about my baby?

No. I will never!

I'm going to raise my baby myself.

You did great today.

I was so nervous that you'd get kicked out.

I'm so glad.

It was all thanks to you and Inuk.

You look terrible.

Take a break now.

You may really get sick.

I will.

I'll bring us some wine.

Let's celebrate.

(Petition for Divorce, Kang Jaeuk, Jin Haerim)

- Hello? / - Daddy.


Daddy, can you come see me right now?

Right now?

Han Jiseop.

Do you know how he sent Mr. Ju to jail

and got out of it?

What do you want to say now?

That punk...

Threatened your dad.

He said he'd tell the world

about my relationship with your dad.

Are you really going to frame him

for something like that too?

You seem very drunk. You should go to sleep.

That jerk threatened to tell the world

that you were my child.

That's why...

Your dad had no choice

but to dump everything on Mr. Ju.

That's how that jerk is, you moron.

If you don't believe me,

ask your dad.

(Petition for Divorce, Kang Jaeuk, Jin Haerim)

Why are you drinking without any food?

What if you get sick?

Are you worrying about me now?

How do you feel?


Have your misunderstandings about Jiseop

been cleared up?

What do you mean by that?

Let me ask you one more time.

Why did you ask to postpone our wedding?

I'm sorry

but I can't tell you right now.

I'll ask again.

Did Jiseop say...

He'd return?


Then what is it?

If you're torn, just say so.

If you want to go back to how things used to be,

just say so!

Don't make me feel like a pathetic loser anymore!

Please stop.

I'll go now.

I drew this today at kindergarten.


Did you really draw this?

The teacher said to draw my family.

So I drew you, mommy and me.

I wanted to show it to you too.


Drink this.

It's a tonic that uncle drinks,

but I borrowed one.

Daddy, drink this and don't be sick.


For more infomation >> The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.96 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2018.02.14] - Duration: 32:14.


How Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non Vaccinated - Duration: 13:17.

How Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated

by Edward Morgan

With the thousands of mainstream media articles blaming the non-vaccinated for disease outbreaks,

this article will provide a necessary counterbalance by showing the vaccinated can (and do) infect

the non-vaccinated�

A groundbreaking study published in 2013 in the journal Vaccine titled, �Comparison

of virus shedding after lived attenuated and ?pentavalent reassortant rotavirus vaccine,�

referenced the fact that rotavirus vaccines contain live viruses capable of causing infection,

shedding and even transmission to non-vaccinated subjects:

�In fact, transmission of these two rotavirus vaccines or vaccine-reassortment strains to

unvaccinated contacts has been detected [9�13][1], even in the absence of symptoms.�

One of the five studies referenced in the passage above confirming that the vaccinated

can infect the non-vaccinated, �Sibling transmission of vaccine-derived rotavirus

(RotaTeq) associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis,� published in 2009, is the first report in

the literature to identify the transmission of rotavirus vaccine-derived virus to unvaccinated

contacts resulting in symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis requiring emergency medical


�We document here the occurrence of vaccine-derived rotavirus (RotaTeq [Merck and Co, Whitehouse

Station, NJ]) transmission from a vaccinated infant to an older, unvaccinated sibling,

resulting in symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis that required emergency department care.�

The study also indicated that two of the five strains of rotavirus within the Rotateq reassorted

to produce a more harmful virus either within the vaccinated infant or within the subsequently

infected unvaccinated sibling:

�Results of our investigation suggest that reassortment between vaccine component strains

of genotypes P7[5]G1 and P1A[8]G6 occurred during replication either in the vaccinated

infant or in the older sibling, raising the possibility that this reassortment may have

increased the virulence of the vaccine-derived virus.�

This phenomenon of Rotateq vaccine strain ?reassortment and subsequent gastoenteritis

infection in vaccine recipients was also observed in a 2012 study in 61 infants.[2]Additionally,

A Nicaraguan study published in 2012 found �the widespread use of the RotaTeq vaccine

has led to the introduction of vaccine genes into circulating human RVs.,� revealing

that the widespread introduction of the vaccine strain has altered the genetic makeup of wild-type

rotavirus that now infects exposed populations.[3]

It has been estimated that between 80-100% of infants shed rotavirus at some point during

25-28 days after vaccination.[4] [5] This reveals that the vaccinated, contrary to widespread

assumptions about the the risks represented by the non-vaccinated, pose a clear risk of

infecting the non-vaccinated, and may be producing the ideal virological conditions for the recombination

of diverse rotavirus strains into vaccine-resistant �super viruses.�

Another case study, reported on in the National Vaccine Information Center�s document on

vaccine viral shedding:

�In 2010, a case report was published in Pediatrics describing a 30-month old healthy

boy who had never received rotavirus vaccine and was infected with vaccine strain rotavirus.

237 He ended up in the emergency room with severe gastroenteritis 10 days after his healthy

two-month old brother was given a dose of Merck�s RotaTeq vaccine.

A stool sample was taken in the emergency room and came back positive for RotaTeq vaccine

derived strains after RT-PCR testing.�

The authors of the case report noted that �transmission of RotaTeq strains to unvaccinated

contacts was not evaluated in the pivotal [pre-licensure] clinical trials.� They added

that both RotaTeq and Rotarix [GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals] vaccines have �the potential

for vaccine-virus transmission to contacts.�

The Rotateq Vaccine: Shot Through with Conflict of Interest

The Rotateq rotavirus vaccine was co-created by Dr. Paul Offit, widely recognized as the

vaccine industry�s leading promoter and apologist.

He is the co-patent holder of one of two live rotavirus vaccines the FDA has approved, and

which the CDC recommends should be administered to infants in 3 doses at ages 2 months, 4

months, and 6 months.

Historically incapable of self-recusal, despite his glaring conflicts of interest, Offit regularly

positions himself as an expert on vaccines, even though he personally gains from presenting

his product (and the CDC�s vaccine schedule as a whole) as safe and effective.

Case in point, in one notorious interview in Parenting magazine he claimed a child can

receive 10,000 vaccines simultaneously without harm (corrected from 100,000 which he suggested

in a previous interview).

The Rotavirus Vaccine Was Dirty from the Start

The first rotavirus vaccine � Rotashield � comprised of four reassorted rhesus-human

rotaviruses was approved in 1999, only to be withdrawn from the market by the FDA nine

months later when it was found to increase the risk for a deadly form of bowel obstruction

known as intussusception in a small subset of highly vulnerable children.[6]

Offit�s Rotateq, which consists of 5 reassorted human-bovine retroviruses (yes, that means

GMO), was believed to be a safer alternative when it was approved by the FDA in 2006, but

newly published research reveals his vaccine suffers from the same exact deadly problems.

Published this month in Vaccine and titled, �Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination:

Evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach�,

the study evaluated worldwide reports to the manufacturer of Rotateq up to May 2014, adjusting

for the phenomenon of under-reporting.

The study found that the relative risk of intussception associated with the administration

of Rotateq vaccine increases �3-7 days following vaccination, mainly after the first dose and

marginally after the second and third doses.� The increase in relative risk reached 3.45

fold in the period 3-to-7 days after the first dose, relative to the 15-30-day period control


Another study linking Rotateq to intussusception was published last year in the New England

Journal of Medicine finding approximately 1.5 (95% CI, 0.2 to 3.2) excess cases of intussusception

per 100,000 recipients of the first dose.

Live Vaccines: A Pandora�s Box of Adventitious Viruses

Death or debilitation by bowel obstruction rapidly following Rotateq vaccination is an

acute adverse effect that is unlikely to be overlooked or ignored.

This is why the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS): a passive, vaccine post-marketing

surveillance system, has found it to be a significant side effect.

VAERS, however, is believed to capture as little as less than 1% of the actual damage

being done by vaccines, indicating that the extent of harm of the Rotateq is several orders

of magnitude than presently indicated by this report.

Exposure to Rotateq therefore suffers � like many live vaccines � from a darker side,

as far as adverse effects go, which may take months, years, or decades to manifest as part

of the multifactorial smog cloud of modern day toxicities and exposures that eventually

make their way into the bottleneck of a classical diagnosis.

Rotateq, for instance, has been identified to be contaminated with a number of adventitious

viruses; that is to say, viruses that contaminated the live cells and/or biological components

involved in the original vaccine manufacturing process.

These surreptitious agents, unknown to the manufacturers and regulatory agencies that

approved them, infected the vaccines the children given them.

These viruses include:

Porcine Circovirus 1 (PCV-1): In 2010 the FDA suspended the Rotarix vaccine due to the

discovery that it was contaminated with PCV-1 virus, a pig virus, the implications of which

as far as human exposure are still unknown.

Considered less a risk than PCV-2, known to cause a debilitating wasting disease in piglets,

the FDA determined, after review, that PCV-1 does not represent a risk to the millions

of children exposed to it.

Porcine Circovirus 2 (PCV-2): A 2014 study conducted by CDC researchers and published

in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutcs titled, �Detection of PCV-2 DNA in stool samples

from infants vaccinated with RotaTeq�,� found for the first time that PCV-2 is shed

in the stool of those vaccinated with Rotateq.

They found �A total of 235 (28.5%) samples from 59 vaccine recipients were positive for

PCV-2 DNA by one or more assays used in this study.� Additionally, �Twenty-two of the

102 vaccine recipients (21.6%) shed RotaTeq� vaccine strain and 10 of these vaccinees (9.8%)

were shedding both PCV DNA and rotavirus vaccine RNA.� In pigs, PCV-2 has been linked to

serious health problems including, �PCV2-associated pneumonia, PCV2-associated enteritis, PCV2-associated

reproductive failure, and Porcine Dermatitis and Nephropathy Syndrome (PDNS).� [source].

In 2010, The FDA ruled, against the precautionary principle, that neither �PCV1 or PCV2 are

known to infect or cause illness in humans, however PCV2 may cause illness in pigs.�

Baboon endogenous strain 7 retrovirus DNA: a 2014 study published inAdvances in Virology

titled, �Screening of Viral Pathogens from Pediatric Ileal Tissue Samples after Vaccination,�

found evidence of contamination with a baboon retrovirus.

Class D Simian Retovirus: a 2010 study published in Journal of Virology revealed that the Rotateq

vaccine contains simian retrovirus DNA (with a 96% match of certainty), which Judy Mikovits,

PhD, confirms may contribute to adverse health effects, regardless of whether it is a self-replicating

virus or not.

Because live vaccines are manufactured through co-culturing cells and biological fluids from

various different species, there is plenty of opportunity for viruses to adapt to, and

recombine to produce infectious agents capable of far greater virulence.

Rotateq is just one of many vaccines in the CDC�s immunization schedule that contain

live viruses capable of infecting those given it, including retroviruses, which have been

called a modern-day Plague owing to the fact that they are capable of infecting the host

as non-HIV acquire immunodeficiency viruses.

For more information read Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively�s new book Plague

or listen to my interview of Dr. Mikovits on Fearless Parent Radio.

Clearly, given the evidence revealing the potential unintended, adverse effects of the

Rotateq vaccine, especially the potential for it to infect those exposed to it with

adventitious viruses, the implementation of the precautionary principle requires the immediate

suspension of its use until proper toxicological reevaluations can be made.

Anyone who questions the safety of the present CDC immunization schedule should be able to

point to the Rotateq as a perfect example of why the schedule is not at all evidence

based but rather founded in a mythological belief in the safety and effectiveness of

products that have never been proven sound.

For more infomation >> How Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non Vaccinated - Duration: 13:17.


FACT or FICTION - REAL PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS | Season 1, Episode 6 | YouTube Series - Duration: 14:20.

Is life nothing more than a series of random events, or is everything, in a way, predetermined?

Can someone have the insight to look into the future and see what will happen next?

According to the following stories about psychics and their predictions, there's a chance the

answer is a resounding "Yes."

But, of course, it's not as easy as that, especially considering any of these tales

can be fake.

Are these three tales woven in truth, or are they products of our imaginations?

That's for you to decide, on fact, or fiction..

The line that divides the factual from the unreal has long since blurred, the tales we

once thought fantastical now implanted as truth.

To decipher verity from the imagined, you must break from the ordinary and consider

a universe where the outlandish prevails.

Can you expand your mind to see beyond our perceived reality?

Can you decide what's fact or fiction?

Are psychics solely for entertainment or do some have a latent ability to foresee the


If you ask Jacklyn Walsh, she'd likely attest that there's some truth behind what they


After being pressured by her girlfriends to go, she gave in one day and sat with Madam


It was an hour of her life that she would never forget.

Story # 1: Forever Kind of Love "She knew I was going to become a nurse.

Knew it.

Not an ounce of hesitation in her voice.

And she was right.

I was in my second year of my Science in Nursing degree.

It was eerie, but I wondered if I somehow gave it away when we first sat down together.

I gave it to her, maybe it was just a lucky guess."

"As we got onto the topic of kids, she wasn't nearly as chipper as she was when we started.

The month before, I had received abnormal test results that led to a discussion with

my surgeon about cervical surgery.

Of course, he warned me that it may make it impossible for me to have children, and she

knew it.

When she brought up difficulties about getting pregnant, I remember she just put her hand

on mine and we were silent for a moment."

"The air was already heavy, but then she told me to ask her a question.

I didn't even hesitate to ask if my boyfriend and I would stay together, kind of testing


We had such a good relationship, I didn't doubt that he was the one.

But then she said it, and it really stung to hear."

"He's yours now, but not forever."

As Jacklyn repeated the words, tears started to well in her eyes.

Clearly, it would be a difficult story to tell, but she was adamant about pushing forward.

With a choke from deep within her throat, she continued.

"I tried not to think of it after, but it stuck with me.

You know, you try to take a psychic reading at face value, just as entertainment, but

I couldn't shake that ominous feeling."

"For nine years I lived with those words floating in the back of my head, teasing me

in my sleep every so often.

Then, one summer, I came home early to find him sprawled on the floor.

I could see him breathing, but no matter how loud I called to him, he didn't move.

Panicked, I rushed to him and the first thing I saw was the needle still clutched in his


He was shooting heroin.

Apparently, he had been for months."

"Of course, we split up.

I pushed him to go to rehab and he promised he would, if only to get me back, but nine

months later he was dead from an overdose.

I never told him what the psychic said, maybe I should have.

I know I'll remember my time with Madam Tanya forever."

Poor Jackelyn.

A love ended too soon.

Or maybe a love that never existed?

You decide and let us know what you think in the comment section and on-screen poll


Although they generally got along, Dane's wife always complained he could try harder

to bond with his 5-year-old son.

So, he took him to one of his favorite spots - the tracks.

It was here that he found his son to have a peculiar yet advantageous ability.

Story # 2: A Day at the Tracks When Dane first sat down, he did so with a

glimmer of excitement in his eye.

He was anxious to tell his story, so much so that he skipped the formal introductions

and got right to the point.

"It's not that I didn't get along with Bently, we just enjoyed different things; but when

my wife implored me to spend more time with him, I figured we could bond over something

I really enjoyed."

"The tracks were pretty quiet that day.

Before we even got there, I knew who I wanted to bet on - Black Pearl.

Yeah, it's a cheesy movie reference, but boy did he live up to the legend in the film.

He was a favorite and the payout wasn't going to be grand, but it was typically a guaranteed


"Bently, however, he just kept carrying on about Martha's Steed.

The odds were worse, statistically impossible actually, the horse had never won a race of

this size, and she was the only female in the pack; but that also meant a bigger payout.

So, I entertained the kid's pick, threw 20 bucks down, figuring it couldn't hurt.

I'm not a huge gambler, and besides, the smile on Bently's face was well worth it."

With a smile plastered on his face, Dane continued.

"Wouldn't you know it, round the final bend comes Martha's Steed, leaving the pack in

her dust as she received a standing ovation from the spectators.

I figured Bently just liked the name Martha or was throwing a name out at random, but

when I went to place a second bet, he very confidently suggested Golden Fleece.

The odds weren't terrible, but they weren't great, either."

"And that's when things got weird..

I couldn't believe it.

His pick won in a photo finish, just barely beating out the 2nd place horse by the length

of his nose.

It had to be a coincidence.

I know my son knew nothing about odds and statistics, but I figured I'd give him a third


He chose, I bet, and a third race I walked away a winner.

And then a 4th, a 5th and finally a 6th bet, all underdog picks, and all without hesitation.

There was still a race or two left, but it was already getting late, so we decided to

call it a night."

"Once we got back home, I talked to Bently about our night at the tracks.

I asked how he knew which horses to pick, and all he could say was, "I had a feeling."

Out of guilt, we never went back to the tracks after that and I put the money in a savings

account for Bently.

It probably didn't matter anyway, I've since asked Bently to make friendly predictions

before, and all he says is, "I don't have that weird feeling anymore."

Interlude 2: Is it impossible to believe that someone like

5-year-old Bently could correctly predict 6 underdog bets in a row?

What are the odds that all 6 favored horses all lost that day?

Perhaps Bently overheard other people who had insider-tips talk about the horses beforehand?

While you debate in the comment section about the validity of this story, let's introduce

you to Julia Chen.

She went to a local psychic seeking answers about her career.

Instead, she received a worrying prediction that she didn't know how to handle...

Story # 3: Within the Walls It wasn't the ideal place to leave, but

Julia couldn't afford much else.

At least not on the small salary she was still earning.

Five years of dedicated service and there didn't seem to be any reward in sight.

Not a promotion, not a holiday bonus – nothing.

That's when she decided she needed a second opinion on her career.

Her family was out, all far-too wrapped up in their perfect lives to pay any mind to


Her friends were worse off and not one's that should give out advice.

So, she turned to the only thing she could think of.

Chip Fraser had opened his shop years earlier, but Julia never had much of a need for a psychic;

but finally finding herself lost, she caved.

Her first visit to Chip was more of a warm-up.

She started easy on him, and he delivered, warning her to watch her back right tire two

days before it blew on her.

Knowing he knew what he was doing, Julia returned, this time ready to ask the question that really


"I just feel like I'm stuck.

Do I stay, do I go?

Do I have any future at my job anymore?"

It was a reasonable question, one that Chip had heard many times before.

So, he did what he did best and listened to the world around him, pinpointing what was

relevant to Julia's life.

It was her career that she came to him for, but he would send her off with something much


Though he had much to tell her, something struck him as concerning.

"I hear water in the walls of your apartment…"

Chip had said a lot during their second session, but that was all Julia could latch on to.

What did he mean by "water in the walls?"

Was it code for something?

Julia went about her business as usual, eventually letting Chip's strange vision fade.

Then, two months later, she found out what he was referring to.

While at work one day, an electrical fire ignited Julia's apartment, starting from

within the walls and spreading to neighboring units.

When she was finally able to step inside and assess what was lost, something peculiar caught

her eye.

Within her hollowed-out walls, she could see the water dripping.

Chip's premonition came back to her immediately.

Interlude 3: Well, Chip's prediction would have come

in handy had Julia been an electrician… but it's strange none-the-less, no?

Maybe it's not.

Especially if it's one of our false tales to throw you off track.

Why not leave us a comment with your thoughts and vote now on screen.

As we get to the bottom of which stories were true and which were false, I feel it's important

to say, while we're labeling actual accounts of psychics as true, all psychic readings

should always be taken with a grain of salt.

The Reveal: Are you ready to find out if you can decipher

between fact or fiction?

Let's look back at tonight's three stories and find out which were born from reality

and which were fabrications of the imagination.

Let's start with Jackelyn's story, that of the prediction of her doomed relationship.

Do you think this was a real person's own experiences or the creation of my imagination?

If you predicted it as true, then maybe you have a future in the psychic reading industry.

The story comes from a Buzzfeed user named Jenn who claims a psychic predicted the tragic

ending of her everlasting love.

How do you feel about the story of Bently and his winning streak?

Do you think this is your typical story of "beginner's luck"?

Sorry – there is no Bently.

This story was penned up by our own writers.

Finally, let's look at Julia Chen's wet walls.

Was Chip's prediction real or something we had fun throwing together?

Would you believe it if I said this came from another Buzzfeed user?

This time, a girl named Bridgete shared her alleged story of an accurate psychic prediction.

Bridgete also claimed her anonymous psychic was able to say what town she would eventually

move to.

Many years later, she was there, starting a new life.

How well did you do in tonight's video?

Did you look past the deception of our world and define the oft-blurred line that struggles

to separate lies from the truth?

Let us all know in the comment section below and should you find the urge to test your

perceptions again, be sure to subscribe and join us next time when we ask you to decide

what's fact... or fiction.

For more infomation >> FACT or FICTION - REAL PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS | Season 1, Episode 6 | YouTube Series - Duration: 14:20.



For more infomation >> KIZGIN KÖPEK VE EN KOMİK KÖPEKLER / EN KOMİK HAYVANLAR - Duration: 6:20.


Bike Connection Winter 2018 - Formula - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Bike Connection Winter 2018 - Formula - Duration: 1:49.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:45.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 1:01.


Volkswagen Golf [Mercedes B 250e ELECTRIC DRIVE URBAN STYLE AUT, 4% bijtelling] - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf [Mercedes B 250e ELECTRIC DRIVE URBAN STYLE AUT, 4% bijtelling] - Duration: 0:58.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 TURBO AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 TURBO AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:58.


Munné - Bs. As. Bajo las Bombas (Full Album) - Duration: 26:37.

For more infomation >> Munné - Bs. As. Bajo las Bombas (Full Album) - Duration: 26:37.


Citroën C5 Tourer 1.6 THP COLLECTION ( Navigatie - Trekhaak - Automatische Airco) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Citroën C5 Tourer 1.6 THP COLLECTION ( Navigatie - Trekhaak - Automatische Airco) - Duration: 0:42.


PoP Vlog 8 - Being Digital First - Duration: 12:12.

It's about to get digital!

Thank you so much for tuning in this month guys, we have a jam-packed vlog for you!

Thank you so much for your likes and your shares and your comments.

It's super encouraging and it's super supportive of you to do this, because it makes

me feel like this is really worth it and you really enjoy it, so thank you so much.

This month, we're talking about "being digital first."

Now, I am super digital, I don't even think I write with a pen and paper anymore.

Well, as little as I can, because mostly, I can't read my own handwriting.

So for me, writing things online, being able to access it wherever I am on my iPhone or

my iPad, it's super convenient for me.

Now, of course, Pearson is also heading towards being very digital first.

And this is why we have a jam-packed vlog for you this month, all about how you can

be more digital.

But, you know what time it is, cue that intro music!

I want to start off with speaking to a colleague of mine who is going to talk to you a little

bit about Saba and the mobile version of Saba.

I'm here to talk to you about Saba Mobile application.

So whether you're an Android user or an iPhone user, don't worry, this video here

is not about which one's better.

This video is how we can learn better in a mobile capacity.

In the description box below, I'm going to include links on how you can download it

from your respective app stores to your device, so let's get started.

Once you open the application, you'll notice that you need your Pearson login credentials

to access the site.

We've created Pearson U in a mobile capacity.

In this video, I'm going to concentrate on two areas, that being the Me section and

the Learning Catalog section.

In the upper left-hand corner, you'll notice the menu bar, go ahead and click on that and

you will be able to access the Me section.

In the Me section, you'll notice that it is broken down into sections.

I'm going to talk about the Goals section, because adding a goal is as easy as a click

of a button.

In the upper right-hand corner, you'll notice that you can add a goal, add the title to

your goal and add a due date, so that way you can revert back to this with your manager

on your one-on-one, or review time.

The second part in the menu again, you'll find the Learning Catalog.

The Learning Catalog is actually unique in this version with the mobile capacity because,

if you started a course, in the office or at home, you can pick up exactly where you

left off from your device.

You can also rate and share on that course.

You can browse the entire catalog as well, if you have a course that you're looking

for, or a particular content category.

From there, you can add it to your learning and, as well as sharing it and rating it,

so it can increase your recommendations from TIM, The Intelligence Mentor.

Up next we hear from Denis Hurley, who's talking about being digital first for our customers.

Pearson already has a very strong digital presence and because of that we are able to

continually improve our products and services.

We are not late to the game and we're building some really advanced products, using, for

example, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence to improve learner outcomes.

Consider Early Alerts, which uses an algorithm to assess a student's performance.

The instructor then uses a dashboard to see high risk students, so that they can intervene

immediately and prevent the student from falling too far behind.

It's a really great example of a program and a teacher working together, each doing

what they do best.

The technologies that power these tools seemed like science fiction not too long ago and

we're still looking forward, keeping our eyes on the horizon, so that we can always

be a leader in digital learning experiences.

Have you done Hour of Code?

If so, awesome!

If not, what are you waiting for?

If you've not done it ever before, get in there, get your Neo badge, get your Neo points,

and get well informed about coding.

Some of our colleagues who have taken Hour of Code are going to share their experience

with you.

In an attempt to become more tech savvy in 2018, I decided it was finally time to click

on the Hour of Code in Neo, instead of scrolling past it like I had done countless number of

times before.

What definitely gave me a final push was the fact that you will receive 500 points for

completing your Hour of Code and uploading your certificate into Neo.

In a very unfamiliar world of code, I was looking for something that I could connect

to, something that felt very familiar to me.

I have a three-year-old daughter at home, which is definitely the reason why I chose

the very, very beginner activity called "Hour of Code with Anna and Elsa" from Frozen.

A great introduction and one that did not feel so intimidating to me was starting the

activity by just getting Anna to move forward in a straight line.

My hour seemed to fly by and, before I knew it, I was on the last activity where I had

to create a magical winter wonderland.

I had to use everything that I had learnt in the previous 19 slides before, so I had

to get Elsa to make different shapes, move at different angles, different pixels, I had

to repeat block a certain number of times.

And when I clicked "Run," and she created this massive snowflake, I was so proud of

myself and felt such a sense of accomplishment.

I never thought I would be able to code and I'd actually completed an hour of it.

So I'm looking forward to doing another one in my next downtime and I hope to go up

a skills level this time.

So I've been doing Hour of Code since 2013, and I have really enjoyed the process.

I've done "Create your own Christmas card," "Angry Birds," "Star Wars."

But my favourite experience was probably when I offered a Lunch & Learn in our office in

Don Mills in Canada, and invited other colleagues who, like me, didn't really know what they

were doing, but thought it would be better to have sort of a fellowship of people who

didn't know what they were doing.

And we just sat around one lunchtime with our laptops open and we each worked through

our own Hour of Code and working with your colleagues like that was a really good, sort

of safe experience.

People asked each other questions that they might be embarrassed to ask other people.

And what was great about that was how it sort of expanded, so all of the people that were

there sort of took it home and showed their kids how to do it, and their families.

And so it was one of those things that just sort of kept growing.

It's probably my favorite Hour of Code memory.

Did you know that Neo has an app called Jive Daily?

If you didn't, I'm going to let Victoria and Musharii tell you all about it.

The TQ business is quite dispersed across the UK and we're not actually based in main

Pearson sites, so it's quite hard sometimes to keep up-to-date with what's happening

in the Pearson UK business, as well as what's happening globally.

I find the Jive app really helpful, it links through to Neo so anybody that you follow,

so either company pages, individual pages, or people.

If there's an update, you get a notification on the Jive app, which you can check, which

is fantastic and it just keeps me abreast of what's happening in the wider Pearson group.

Why do I use Neo?

Three main reasons, the first reason is it has a mobile application, easy access.

Second, I use it to post some questions to get some answers for our clients in the region.

Third and last, I use it to share some content with colleagues.

It's storytime!

In January, a colleague of ours, Nived, actually approached me at the UK town hall and he was

telling me how much he enjoys my vlogs, which made me feel all giddy inside, it was amazing.

And he was telling me how he would like to get more involved.

He is an aspiring videographer and he wanted to know what more he could do to help me with

my vlogs, and I am all for that.

I'm all for working together, with people around the business and bringing our skills


So I asked him to definitely get involved when he wants to.

He was telling me about a show that he was going to, BETT, B-E-T-T.

And it's all about...the show is all about bringing technology into the classroom, EdTech.

So I thought, "Yeah, that'd be awesome!

He could totally take some videos for me, I can put it together in a vlog, and he can

be involved."

But then I thought, "Hmm, I want to go to this show because it sounds interesting."

So I roped in my manager, Kim, and my colleague, Amanda, and we went for the day.

It was an amazing experience and I'm now going to line up some footage that Nived took

and some footage that I took and I've combined it into one mini-vlog, within this vlog.

It's vlog-ception!

Hello, everyone, I'm Mark Christian.

I'm from Pearson Education, for those of you who don't know about Pearson, we're

one of the largest education companies in the world.

My team and I look after all things AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) for the company globally.

And as part of our job we've had a partnership with Microsoft now for a little over...well,

about two years now.

And we build a portfolio of mixed reality products for the classroom, and we're going

to show you that and talk to you a little about what mixed reality does in classrooms,

what the benefits are, and where the future is.

So we look at ourselves as sort of the leading edge of the digital transformation; we're

not building products for yesterday, or even today.

We're building products that are going to be used tomorrow and they are going to be

the… sort of the vanguard of where education is going in the future.

And I think that, you know, our work in Pearson Immersive is a great story to tell, but also

preparing the company for what's to come.

I really hope you enjoyed listening to some of our colleagues talk about how they are

digital first and how you can be more digital first.

If you would like to try some things out, I will put some handy dandy links in the description

below so you can get more involved.

As ever, if you like this vlog, please do comment, share and like, it means so much

and it shows me that this is something that you enjoy watching and you want me to keep doing.

This vlog is going to be on Neo, on the Pearson YouTube channel, and on LinkedIn Elevate.

And if you still don't know what LinkedIn Elevate is, I'll pop some links in the description

below so you can get to know a little bit more about what that is and how it can help

build your personal brand.

Be sure to tune into the advocates group on Neo, it's where we continue to learn, to

grow, to share and up-skill together.

Until next time, bye!

Mostly 'cause I can't read my own hai-ndwriting… haw-ndwriting... handwriting.

Oh my God, it's so cold, it's so cold, it's so cold in my garden.

<siren> The police, the police are back.

The police are back in my vlog. <siren>

<airplane engine> Planes, planes again.

<singing> Let's get digital, digital.

I wanna get digital.

For more infomation >> PoP Vlog 8 - Being Digital First - Duration: 12:12.


Casas cúbicas de Rotterdam.Holanda #17 - Duration: 4:18.

You have heard many times about the cubic houses of Rotterdam, but what are they and where are they?

It is a housing complex totally

habitable, located on Overblaak Street, very close to the market, the

station and the cathedral of the city.

The cubic houses of Rotterdam are of the most emblematic attractions of

the city. Designed by the architect Dutch Piet Blom, this urbanization

is unique, since their houses are literally cubes inclined at 45 °.

Inaugurated in 1984 the houses cubic were designed by the

Dutch architect Piet Blom a end of the 70s

at the request of planners urban areas of the city.

Blom had previously experienced with the cubic architecture in the city

Dutch Helmond, so when you were offered this

project in the downtown area of ​​Oude Haven decided to expand his ideas


The city of Rotterdam asked the architect who will use the idea of

houses in a pedestrian area of ​​the city.

The cubic houses were designed asymmetrically to resemble a forest

abstract, each triangular roof representing the crown of a tree.

The buildings were built on concrete pillars with a wooden framework.

After the discomfort caused by us visitors, a cunning

owner opened the house museum kijk kubus, which gives the opportunity to

Visitors visiting a cubic house completely furnished.

It also puts some of the day-to-day problems with

have to face the residents, like buy and place furniture in a

structure without straight walls.

Inside the cubic houses.

With a height of three floors the ground floor is the entrance, the first has an open kitchen and a living room, the

second to the bathroom and two bedrooms and in some cases the upper floor is

used as a small roof garden.

Once inside the first thing to what you will have to get used to the walls

inclined, as long as the upper half of the structure you'll have

the feeling of having to pay attention not to hit your head.

The architect Piet Blom turned 45 ° the conventional cube of a house and

emplaced on shaped pillars hexagonal. There are 32 cubes in total,

some next to others. All the houses are inhabited.

The majority of the houses are private property,

another part of the Stayokey hostel, so you can sleep in a

of these homes during your stay in the city of Rotterdam.

End our visit here by one of the icons of Rotterdam,

if you liked do not forget to subscribe and Like, until next time!

For more infomation >> Casas cúbicas de Rotterdam.Holanda #17 - Duration: 4:18.


Splatoon 2 Rainmaker Commentary - MY BEST MLG KILL! - Duration: 4:07.

we are finally back in splatoon 2 and today we're gonna be doing splatoon 2

Rainmaker commentary let's go Rainmaker commentary I'm gonna stop them in the

campaign because nobody was really watching it nobody really seemed

interested in it so we're just gonna start deleting gameplays on Wednesdays

so it's pretty sweet I'm a C in ranked battles because I suck at life um so

yeah I'm gonna do some Rainmaker unranked battles let's go but before we

get into this video guys make sure to smash that like button if you are hype

for me to suck at write maker if you're at all new to my channel make sure to

hit that subscribe button and notification bell after driving down in

club and never miss a video so let's do some Rainmaker I'm using the Dooley

sculptures I just really like to do a sculptures I don't know why um it's just

I hate the bomb the bomb thing like I don't know what's the official name for

it is but yeah we have the Rainmaker so that's pretty sweet

get out of here you nerds rawr Oh with the double kill oh snap

are there any other dudes okay um I can I love them I love using the way just in

general oh snap go away dang it okay we lost it but oh shoot let me squid drunk

that might just be faster I'm just gonna help them out this way I'll know they

have it gosh darn it Oh No how dare you we lost the lead no no what

are you doing why doesn't my okay first of all why didn't my teammate the person

who had the brain man why don't they just go why don't they just in there

okay go away no get out all right shit at this fine they lost it alright go go

go you mean that okay okay okay

no no no gosh dang it it's so hard to do this I don't have my

glasses either my glasses are broken if you're wondering why I have it on my

glasses in the past you to do is yeah they're broken it's kind of sad um but

you know it's fine because I can still see it's a pretty big screen okay go

away no no no no no don't do this whatever finds a spot somebody why do

they always like do the stupid bubble thing or the hamster ball or one alert

now go away go away this is ours go away yes oh okay

yeah you get him or not no I couldn't go anywhere because it was there well this

is not this is not going well rawr dang it no please please please

please please please please please please please please no please no

why yeah with the skills no no no it's going to blow you up with the look that

my special get blown up please please die nope no darn it

okay okay okay in brushy-brush yards charge just charge this map isn't

actually very good for that but oh please yes

give me that give me the Rainmaker blow you up go away No look behind you and

kill that person in their path great thanks umm go go go

I am actually carrying my team looks like I quit mess around is gonna be ha

I just carried my team is so hard that was such a quick wrap that ended in like

30 seconds see I told you this is the cheesiest

strategy well guys it's gonna have to wrap up this episode on splatoon to

ranked battle rainmaker so hope you guys all enjoy it suppose to new Rainmaker

commentary if you didn't like to see some more splatoon to smash that like

button down below also if you're new to my channel hit that subscribe button end

of kitchen Belle German club and to never miss a video

I'll talk to you guys all later goodbye

For more infomation >> Splatoon 2 Rainmaker Commentary - MY BEST MLG KILL! - Duration: 4:07.


눈을 부르는 마스코트 '슈니맨'…행운의 상징으로 | Bua VL - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> 눈을 부르는 마스코트 '슈니맨'…행운의 상징으로 | Bua VL - Duration: 10:28.


Travel In KOREA-Mount Seorak Resort , Family Trip/가족 일상 여행 - 설악산 한화 리조트에서 휴식을/엄마와딸, 추억저장소 - Duration: 3:02.

Mom: Can't we just shoot it in this place?

Mom: Is it the old way? MJ: No, it's cool.

MIRO: Now, we're going to a convenience store at Hanwha Resort.

MIRO: It's huge. MJ: There's a cake

Papa: Take a picture.

MIRO: It's a video.

Papa: Oh, that's a video? Okay.

MIRO: I don't know if the recording is working, but I'm shooting.

Mom: Hey, reporter, get some food. MIRO: Yes

For more infomation >> Travel In KOREA-Mount Seorak Resort , Family Trip/가족 일상 여행 - 설악산 한화 리조트에서 휴식을/엄마와딸, 추억저장소 - Duration: 3:02.


Jarico - Retrovi [Free music, no copyright] - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> Jarico - Retrovi [Free music, no copyright] - Duration: 3:51.


IvPem -Galaxy [Free music, no copyright] - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> IvPem -Galaxy [Free music, no copyright] - Duration: 3:42.


Hidden Valley® Recipes

For more infomation >> Hidden Valley® Recipes


For more infomation >> Hidden Valley® Recipes


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Design Pack* € 2.000 VOORRAADVOORDEEL NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Design Pack* € 2.000 VOORRAADVOORDEEL NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Design Pack* € 2.000 VOORRAADVOORDEEL NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE 5drs Airco - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE 5drs Airco - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE 5drs Airco - Duration: 0:58.


Compétition départementale de gym Territoire de Belfort - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Compétition départementale de gym Territoire de Belfort - Duration: 2:08.


For more infomation >> Compétition départementale de gym Territoire de Belfort - Duration: 2:08.


Renaud, hospi­ta­lisé ? Son entou­rage dément, et assure que le chan­teur se repose chez lui - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Renaud, hospi­ta­lisé ? Son entou­rage dément, et assure que le chan­teur se repose chez lui - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> Renaud, hospi­ta­lisé ? Son entou­rage dément, et assure que le chan­teur se repose chez lui - Duration: 3:01.


10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans STAR WARS Les Derniers Jedi - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans STAR WARS Les Derniers Jedi - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans STAR WARS Les Derniers Jedi - Duration: 4:59.


Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.

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For more infomation >> Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> Nitro Racing GO – Official Android Trailer || T-Bull - Duration: 0:31.


Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.

Little Kitten My Favorite Cat

For more infomation >> Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.


For more infomation >> Little Kitten My Favorite Cat and Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 12:52.


Comment utiliser le noyau d'avocat dans le traitement de la cellulite | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Comment utiliser le noyau d'avocat dans le traitement de la cellulite | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:27.


For more infomation >> Comment utiliser le noyau d'avocat dans le traitement de la cellulite | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:27.


🎓 Q+R #2 - Comment faire des solos à la basse #1 - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> 🎓 Q+R #2 - Comment faire des solos à la basse #1 - Duration: 12:31.


For more infomation >> 🎓 Q+R #2 - Comment faire des solos à la basse #1 - Duration: 12:31.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV


Baker proposing $200M bill to repair roads - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Baker proposing $200M bill to repair roads - Duration: 1:13.


Mazda CX-5 2.2 SKYACTIV-D 175PK GT-M 4WD | Automaat | Leer | Clima | Cruise | Trekhaak | Full option - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.2 SKYACTIV-D 175PK GT-M 4WD | Automaat | Leer | Clima | Cruise | Trekhaak | Full option - Duration: 0:59.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 335i High Executive M-Sportpakket M Performance Power Kit 340pk! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 335i High Executive M-Sportpakket M Performance Power Kit 340pk! - Duration: 0:54.


Pyrospower vs Flotish (RAGES & HACKUSATES 👌) - Duration: 4:41.


"haha, my armor broke gg"

[It's time for a revenge...]

Hey calm down dude

oh it's pyro !

wait i (?)

- We can still play later I'm going on Funcraft - (?)

Let's play Rush ?

- Rush FFA 2 teams... - You're better than boytalien !

- ...Rush FFA 4 teams - Ok but he's better than you,

I only lost because I had no more pots, I had nothing left

- Well yes then I destroyed you - Rush FFA 4 teams ? (?) - You're lagging tho

- Well Pyro is dealing with it right now - or we can play Rush FFA 4 teams

No no we're playing Hikabrain

- Ok ok (?) hikabrain 2v2 - But what is a "hikabrain" ?

But that's 2v1... - (?)

- don't count - No that's 2v2,

you can't read, you're dumb, it's written : "2v2" - No you don't count

OK CAN YOU STOP COMBOING ME? (?) durability,


There's written 2 teams of 2 so it's 2v2


Explain me why I can't hit you ?

- Please you're cheating, your reach... - No

(flotish rages)

dude you're hitting me from 20 blocks...



(me laughing)

I can't do anything !

Explain me your reach pls look

(there was a clip but Vegas Pro ruined it rip)

pls.. it's nonsense

you're cheating bro...


I'M ALWAYS ON YOU (he's talking about his crosshair)




For more infomation >> Pyrospower vs Flotish (RAGES & HACKUSATES 👌) - Duration: 4:41.



In this video, I am going to deal with Clam Blitz, especially with how

the clams spring on the ground on every maps of the game.

First, you have to keep it mind some basic rules,

so let's talk about it.

The very first rule is the distribution of the clams

on the map at the beginning.

Well, at the beginning of every match on every map,

there are thirty clams randomly distributed on the ground,

in fact, it's not that random, they appear in some specific areas

defined by the game developpers, and very often, you can see three areas:

one near your spawn, one near your opponents' spawn, and one in the middle.

You have to keep in mind that the clams don't appear always at the same location

from one match to another, but generally, those three areas remain the same

on any given map.

So you are able to guess more or less where to find clams at the beginning.

Let's focus on, for instance, Arowana Mall. Well at the beginning, all the clams

are located in the central aisle, knowing it may be worth it

if you don't want to lose time on looking for them in the side aisles,

and, of course, clams keep on appearing throughout the game,

but they are following specific mechanics which are different

from the ones at the beginning.

So we noticed that there are thrity clams appearing at the beginning

and they are distributed here and there on the map.

Well, as for the other ones springing after,

there are in fact four clams, at a very specific spot,

not areas.

And, right here, knowing exactly the location of these clam springs

is essential in order to pick clams efficiently during your game.

Still on Arowana Mall, you can also find clam springs

in the side aisles of the map.

You will have to adjust your exploring areas in order to find clams.

Interesting fact: those springs are maily located in the middle,

pretty far from the two spawns, I'm going to show you shortly.

We've seen that they spring as a group of four, but there is limitation rule:

there can't be more than fifty clams during the game,

on the ground or carried by players.

As soon as fifty clams are on the field, they stop appearing

and because of that limitation, you may have noticed that sometimes this is not a group

of four clams appearing. Let's say there are already fourty eight clams on

the ground, then the last appearing group of clams will contain only two.

Power clams are not counted in this, in fact there can be as many power clams

as you want.

For example, if all the players manage to build a power clam,

if it does not vanish by losing it, well, clams will keep on

appearing until there are fifty of them, then there would be

fifty clams on the field plus eight power clams. In addition to that, you may know that it possible

to gather more than eight power clams as long as you juggle with them,

in other words, you put one on the ground in order to pick another one, and so on.

During the game, the four clam groups appear every twelve seconds,

very precisely, but the time changes when you are

playing during extra time: indeed, once you are playing an overtime period,

clams appear every four seconds, well, three times

faster than before, this must be the way Nintendo developpers found to

speed up the game at the end, and this is quite interesting

to know;

So, in the second part of this video, I'm going to show you all the different

maps and how clams spring on each and every one of them.

I won't stay long on each map, if you need to, feel free to press pause the video in order to identify all the spots.

As for the remaining maps to be released in Splatoon 2,

I will put a link in the description of this wideo when they are released, if you want to come back here

and see how clams appear on these new maps.

I'm going to show you where you can more or less find clams at the beginning

of the game, as well as every clam springs possible when the match is on.

On Arowana Mall, as we said earlier, clams are in the middle aisle first,

then they can spring in the side aisles,

in a more or less narrowed, central area.

On Shellendorf Institute, they are quite well distributed on the

whole map, we can see then that the four clam groups are really

gathered in the middle and some are also on the roof.

On Humpback Pump Track, they are also gathered in the middle, with some

in the spawn area, as well as for the four clam groups.

On Inkblot Art Academy, in fact there are few clams in the middle, at the beginning,

but you can find a great amount of them in the spawn areas, then

mutiple clam springs appear, and they are

really at the very center of the map.

On Sturgeon Shipyard, the three areas I talked about earlier appears clearly as you can see,

the four clam groups keep on springing in the middle, then.

Keep in mind that some groups appear on high places too.

On Moray Towers, well, you have to remember that all the clams are more or less

in the middle, upper areas of the map won't have any clam

throughout the whole game.

On The Reef, clams are following some sort of straight line first,

then they springs within a circle, in the middle.

On Walleye Warehouse, clams appear on the central aisle first,

then, the four clam groups appear in the middle.

On MakoMart, during the whole game, all the clams are

more or less gathered in the middle.

On Blackbelly Skatepark, we can see a straight line of clams, then

the clam springs appear in the middle.

On Snapper Canal, they are in line first,

then the four clam groups spring in more various locations, which is quite similar to

Kelp Dome, you can see the line first, then they are all over the map.

As for Manta Maria, first they are here and there,

then they can be found in the middle.

On Port Mackerel, well, it's pretty interesting because they are located in the three

middle aisles first, and then they stay pretty much at the same location as the game

go on.

On Starfish Mainstage, we can see that there are few clams on each side of the map first,

then they appear, but not that much.

Finally, on Musselforge Fitness, they mainly appear at the center of the field,

with some clams in each spawn area at the beginning.

Well, as you have seen, various similarities can be seen between the maps,

in terms of clam location, in the beginning, or how they

spring along the way.

It is essential to know where the clams are during your games

if you want to be efficient in your time management and get the upper hand over your opponents.

I hope this video will help you get the best out of Clam Blitz.

Let me know with a like, by sharing message in the commentary section and sharing it to the world!

This was EvilSquid speaking, see you soon in a next video,


For more infomation >> CLAM ANALYSIS IN SPLATOON 2 - Duration: 6:43.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 250 BlueTec 4-Matic Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 250 BlueTec 4-Matic Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


BMW 1 Serie 116I M SPORT EDITION HIGH EXECUTIVE Navigatie Prof / Bluetooth / Climate control / Priva - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116I M SPORT EDITION HIGH EXECUTIVE Navigatie Prof / Bluetooth / Climate control / Priva - Duration: 1:01.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M AUT 4WD LEDER XENON*GARANTIE 2024*RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M AUT 4WD LEDER XENON*GARANTIE 2024*RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:59.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320D HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Sport uitv. - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320D HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Sport uitv. - Duration: 0:58.


BMW X1 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXE / M. PAKKET / INCL BTW - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXE / M. PAKKET / INCL BTW - Duration: 0:54.


남자 1,000m 최악의 조 편성…준준결승서 3명이 '같은 조' | THQ Channel - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 남자 1,000m 최악의 조 편성…준준결승서 3명이 '같은 조' | THQ Channel - Duration: 2:35.


Oscar Isaac on Becoming an Internet Sensation - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Oscar Isaac on Becoming an Internet Sensation - Duration: 2:02.


Mazda 3 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M RIJKLAAR *Winter Deals* € 2.185,- Korting!!!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M RIJKLAAR *Winter Deals* € 2.185,- Korting!!!! - Duration: 1:01.


Mazda CX-5 SkyActiv-G 165 6AT GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 SkyActiv-G 165 6AT GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:59.


Oscar Isaac on Last Jedi & Annihilation - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Oscar Isaac on Last Jedi & Annihilation - Duration: 3:32.


congratulation - Duration: 0:38.

sits back


oh boi it's happenin'


e x h a l e s C O N G R A T U L A T I O N

last touch

looks at you

h a p p y (^_^) uwu

For more infomation >> congratulation - Duration: 0:38.


Oscar Isaac on Being a New Dad - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Oscar Isaac on Being a New Dad - Duration: 4:17.


Chef Massimo Bottura Cooks Meal with Food from Kimmel Writers' Fridge - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Chef Massimo Bottura Cooks Meal with Food from Kimmel Writers' Fridge - Duration: 8:49.


Writer Wednesday: Annoying Fictional Romance - Duration: 13:15.

It's writer Wednesday, and it's Valentine's Day

So I'm gonna give you the lowdown of the things I hate reading in books about romance

Hey howdy hey trainwreck, how are you today? I am the glorious train wreck mom

Go to get your tickets pitch by hitting that subscribe button so you can see all the chain wreck that is on a regular basis

This channel is a safe space for all train wrecks except here. We don't give you a puppy in a latte

We give you sarcasm and humor

As you may have guessed I right

You should they're awesome

I do writing and I love to read so hand in hand they go perfectly

like wine and roses

However some people get a lot of confused when they're writing romance or romance

situations in their stories

And I want to help you out by things that I've talked to other people about things that I've read myself

And it's just like stop doing these things. They're not gonna help your story

It's actually gonna hurt the story we want to help you become a better writer

I'm here and all the people that I've talked to are here

They're up here up

I've talked to a lot of people and we want to help you become a better writer

So we're gonna help you out by the things we're tired of seeing in

Books when it comes to either a romance plot a romantic subplot

or your characters in a romantic situation I

Should go ahead and say that I myself don't tend to write romance

But I know as a reader what I sit back and go are you kidding me? No?

Just stop doing that okay

So we're just gonna get into it the first thing I cannot stand

instant romances

Don't do this. Just don't do this

No, and I'll tell you when it first started for me

Was West Side Story the gymnasium seemed?

Crowded gymnasium bunch of people everywhere she stops he stops

They stare at each other and it's boom cosmetic. It's everything. It's fireworks. It's it's the world stops everything stop

Stop that

He looks at her she looks at him, and it's instant love. They must spend the rest of their lives together forever


Stop that

because seriously

how does she know just by looking at him that he doesn't have the faces of his ex-girlfriend's in little jars on his dresser and

He doesn't know

That she doesn't have mom and dad chained up like dogs in the Attic and throws him to my chicken every now

And then you can't know somebody just by looking at them all you get is that two-dimensional

He's hot she's cute. No, and if that's all your characters

Are you need to go back and fix that because two dimension is not? What goes on up here?

This is the same as what's all around us, okay?

We need three-dimensional people we need three-dimensional settings we need a three-dimensional world, and if all your painting is

Him looking at her and her looking at him and boom. They love each other you need to go back and fix your story

That's where that's at now this goes into my next thing which is this this whole concept that once they kiss

It's true love


what and

There's another concept to that too. Which is a little NSFW and a little not family-friendly I

Can honestly tell you in my experience?

And other people's experiences. I don't know anyone

Anyone who fell in love over a kiss?

Who their whole world was changed because they had a one-night stand?

There no nobody does this no there are no fireworks. There's no

earth-shattering ground moving earth quaking

Not writing these things you give women

unexpected mystic expectations of what it's going to be

Stop doing that yes. It's great. You know

It releases the oxytocin which is this the cuddling hormone?

Everyone feels good afterwards and it's great and that's awesome that you feel that way

But it is not gonna bind you for the rest of your lives to each other

Nobody is gonna hit the hay and come out joined-at-the-hip

Ready to fight the demon ready to fight the dragon are ready to go find the treasure

It does not work that way so stop doing it the next thing is

with the cat-and-mouse the back and forth the the oh

I hate you oh, I love you. Oh, we're so close no

We're not back and forth and back and forth

Okay, first of all stop

Okay, nobody likes being tug-of-war all right seriously

It's at my I'm 40. Oh we don't do this or not for real. It's like

I don't have time to put into a story where it's like you know

X-files is coming on if I wanted a cat-and-mouse

Back-and-forth romance I'd go watch that instead because that's all that show was when you boil down to it was they had the trust

They had the relationship

They had the fun

But they didn't have the you know final boom physical contact that everyone was waiting for okay

We knew it was gonna happen. Okay. You should totally check out the new if you have it

and it's better because

We know that they've had that relationship did it work out

It's whatever we don't care, but they had the relationship, and it's better do not jerk us around anymore

do not

dangle cute little relationships and people we want to see get together and just to have them to go into their separate corners and

Take a cold shower bring them so close again and pull them apart again stop doing that okay build anticipation

Yes, build the relationship up so we want it to happen

But also make them like each other a little bit and not this I hate you. I love you. I hate you

I love you shut up and just do something okay

We're tired of it and while we're at up and do something let's talk about the tendency specifically specifically

For of female writers to write


protagonists romance

figure people as

And I'm gonna say guys

deuce Lords

Seriously who wants to be in that relationship

I got out of a relationship like that. Thank God nobody wants a controlling


Oh my god

nobody wants

This guy who just doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about you. You've got the perfect egg

Have you guys ever seen sixteen Candles? Hello, ducky was the perfect guy okay Molly, Ringwald?

I'm talking to you right now. Ducky was perfect. He loved you he knew about you. He cared about you. He was your friend

He had your trust you had a relationship, and he was seriously stylish

seriously, did you

Offer that Jake guy


Didn't even know you existed. He didn't care about you

But he's you practically killed duck T. You broke his little heart. You mean Cal U

And seriously J

: who was not a nice guy leaving a trail of human wreckage behind him and here's ducky just waiting for you

Why why, would you do that?

Why do you want the guy who needs extensive amounts of therapy when he had a perfectly functioning human being ready to work with you?

Tragic stops writing these characters no

Y-you can't fix him. Why would you want to fix him stop wanting to fix people you're not a fixer

You don't have good enough glue for that anyway, okay, and let's talk about the whole sheer perfection guy and

The girl who's like down to here

Dude have you ever walked into a place and looked at two people and go

What is he bringing to the table?

I'm telling you right now if I've got a job and I've got a house and I've got a car and I got my stuff

together and

You come to the table, and you don't bring anything to the table. I'll take my table somewhere else

Uh-huh what are they constantly writing people that are so grossly?

Mismatched you got someone who is basically the equivalent of a fireplug

Versus someone who is an Adonis

Why is the Adonis going after the fireplug if there's literally nothing there, and I'm not talking just physicality. I'm talking emotionally

mentally spiritually

Like literally has nothing to offer this person

Why would the Adonis go after a fireplug would it just plain and simple?

I don't care if you're writing fantasy horror sci-fi. I don't care

Realistically we are talking about a relationship. That would never happen and if your relationship

I can sit and read this and go nope I'm not buying it, and I'm not going any farther in your book

I'm going to close put it on the shelf probably put her on eBay another thing. Let's talk about the perfection

We get it your main characters are

Gorgeous their boobs come around the corner before they do their abs are so strong you could watch

T-shirts on them we don't need to hear about it

Every paragraph though people okay

We get it your main characters is a female with legs up to her neck

We don't need to see them all the time we get it how about you paint a little bit more of a picture about?

What's going on around or even inside?

Miraculously your character should be more than a pair of boobs on a stick

I should be able to look at your male

Character and know what color eyes he has and not just the fact that he's sporting Zac Efron's body

Okay, you need to help us out on that be descriptive about the setting you know if they're in a restaurant don't just talk about

How her boobs are sitting on her chest and her nipples are about to cut glass we don't care

We want to know what it smells like what are you here is the Italian couple in the corner speaking too loudly?

So nobody else can hear we want that we need that because that adds realism to your story

And it makes it more believable and talking about believable. Let's talk about love triangles if

You're in a love triangle guess what I'm gonna. Tell you if you're gonna. Tell me

I think I love her and I think I love you well darling you can't have your cake and eat it, too

So I don't know ha bye, Felicia

So that's I'm just saying nobody takes the love triangle okay it

Doesn't do any good

so we're just gonna go ahead and take that out and those are the things that I hate reading as

romance in books either as a plot a subplot or with your characters if

You've got things. You'd like to add or you want to yell at me for things that I brought up

Please go ahead and do that in the comments. I would love to hear what you've got to say to me

I try to respond to everyone like I said trainwreck if this is your first time here welcome aboard

Have you here go ahead and get that - can put by hitting that subscribe button and don't forget to?

So you get to see all the trainwreck goodness every Monday Wednesday and Friday

This channel is a safe space for all train wrecks except here

we don't give you a puppy in a lot of time we can start Qasim and humor my books platitudes of gratitude and all your

Fault are available on Amazon in eBook and paperback right now. You can catch me on social media on Facebook Twitter Instagram

You can catch me on the hub pages and anchor at them where you can catch the podcast

That's all got for today trainwreck so all aboard

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