Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2018

Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning!

[Nina] Hi.

[Luke] Today is Finnish Thursday and I have a little problem.

Today.... I mean tomorrow I have a problem.

[Nina] Don't you also have a problem today?

[Luke] I always have problems.

But tomorrow I have to teach another YouTuber

[Nina] Yeah?

[Luke] He just moved here from England.

[Nina] Yeah?

[Luke] and I should teah him a few Finnish language...

Phra... Phras...

[Nina] Phrases?

[Luke] Yeah. Phrases.

Could you help with that?

[Nina] Yes! Of course! If you need it.

[Luke] What do you need to know in Finnish, in Helsinki, if you're a foreigner?

[Nina] Well maybe the first important thing is..

"Does the west metro work?"

[Luike] "Does the west metro work?"

[Nina] and if you want to be even more specific..

"Does the west metro have enough drivers?"

[Luke] Ahhh Yeah.... true.

Ok. Any more?

[Nina] Well.. if you're seeing your friend Tomorrow and teaching him some Finnish...

Then this one is pretty important..

"Where is the hot dog stand?"

Or a little cooler way to say it is...

"Where is the snackery?"

[Luke] Snackery? Yeah...

"Where is the snackery?"

[Nina] If you teach all these things to your friend..

then you've covered Friday night

Saturday morning

Covered the bathroom


I think that's it.

[Luke] Ok. Good. I think I have enough phrases to teach now.

Thanks a lot!

Leaving now to go get my photos..

Uhh.. like.. uhh.

like printed...

I don't know!

Last Sunday

Another YouTuber, Aleksi Himself, called me on Skype

and I did a little interview with him

for his new video.

Hi, Luke! What's up, man?

Hi, Aleksi!

[Aleksi] How was your weekend?

[Luke] Well, I just came from the forest.

[Aleksi] Where were you?

[Luke] We were in Nuuksio.

In a tent.

[Aleksi] Ok. So overnight or just for the day?

[Luke] Yeah, the whole night.

The entire, cold night.

[Aleksi] It's pretty cool that you can actually be there the whole night in a tent during the winter.

I remember when I was in the army

and there were many nights in the forest in tents.

It was pretty fun.

[Luke] Yeah I have a lot of friends that don't want to go camping with me

Because everyone's been to the army

and it was such a terrible thing

How was your weekend? Did you do anything special?

[Aleksi] Well since you asked..

Yesterday here in Tampere...

At the university

world championship Skittle competition

Academic world championship Skittle competition

Skittle is a game like Mölkky Where you throw a big wooden club

I have a pretty busy spring ahead

I'm studying still in the University

I'm in the middle of my masters thesis

And I'm still trying to keep up the YouTube thing.

It's a lot of work and I'm really busy but I'm sure I'll manage.

Do you have anything special next week?

[Luke] I have Finnish Thursday.

[Aleksi] Oh yeah you have that. Of course! That's good!

It's really nice that you can do a video in Finnish every week.

Because you learn the best when you use the language.

and you can be conversational casually...

[Luke] True.

[Aleksi] I think it's the best way to learn. It's really good.

[Luke] Yeah it helps me a lot.

[Aleksi] When did you start Finnish Thursdays?

[Luke] It started in September, I think.

Because I did the first Finnish language video

I felt that it was a good time to start using Finnish every week.

[Aleksi] It's pretty good.

[Luke] Is it?

[Aleksi] Yeah I tip my hat to you for being able to keep it going.

[Luke] Thanks!

[Aleksi] But also it gives motivation to foreigners who are learning Finnish

Because as seen in your videos, it is possible to learn Finnish.

Because everyone says it's an impossible language

and really difficult to learn

But you've learned really well and you speak the spoken Finnish

which is how Fins really speak and that's really great.

[Luke] Thank you!

Yes! Finally!

Ok... Today is probably the Chinese new year


It's a little cold.

-5 Degrees Celcius

Pretty bright out still

Now it's 5:30pm

Summer's coming!

Really nice weather. Dry air...

Sun is shining a little.

OK. now I'm at home.

here at my studio

finishing up today's video

It was a pretty full day.

Go check Aleksi's channel

He has quite a lot of nice videos there

I'll put a link below and at the end of this video

to his channel and the video where he's interviewing me

But now I'm going to finish this video and go to bed

Ok but tomorrow is a new day.

Tomorrow is Friday! Yes!

Good night!

For more infomation >> Suomi-torstai: Aleksi soitti - Duration: 11:31.



The PC 1.0 version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds made huge changes to the game's ballistics


This means that there are new things that we have to take into account when we use our

favourite weapons.

Today, we will take a very close look at the AKM to see exactly how the update changed

this assault rifle.

I will show you the weapon's most important stats, features, and I will expose this gun's

hidden traits.

Unlike the other weapons in our previous update videos, the AKM fires 7.62 mm rounds, giving

this assault rifle a damage rating of 49 points.

This is a slight increase from the 48 damage rating that it previously had.

The PC 1.0 update introduced Hit Area Modifiers to PUBG, and that means that each part of

the body will take different amounts of damage.

For this video, we will specify how much damage an AKM will do to each hit area.

Most of the torso will take 49 damage points per shot . The belly button area will take

slightly less damage at 46.5 points per shot, while the chest will take slightly more damage

at 53.9 points, and that shaves off more than one half of your enemy's health bar.

Take this into account the next time you play pubg because if you aim for an unprotected

chest with an AKM, then you will need 2 shots to kill.

If you aim everywhere else on the torso, you'll need 3.

If your target is wearing a level 1 Vest, he'll generally take 3 shots to kill.

The only exception for this is when you shoot him in the belly button area, because then

you will need 4 shots to kill.

A level 2 vest will protect the body so that it takes 4 shots to kill, and a level 3 vest

will extend that to 5 shots.

The head will take 112.7 damage with one shot from the AKM, and as you could have guessed,

this will instantly kill.

You can take an additional shot to the head before dying if you wear a helmet.

Since the helmets now protect the neck as well, it is now very important to specify

how much damage it will take.

With one shot from an AKM, the neck will take 84.5 damage points.

That will kill a character in only two shots.

You will need the best helmet if you want to increase the shot-to-kill requirement to


The biceps and thighs will take 26.5 damage per shot, so shooting your enemy 4 times with

an AKM will result in a kill.

The forearms and shins take 22.1 damage, so you need to shoot 5 times for a kill.

The hands and feet will take 13.2 damage, so you will need 8 shots.

I'm sure that you have noticed that the biceps and thighs will take more damage from

an AKM than the torso with level 3 vest.

This can come in handy if you have to aim at an enemy, and you can't get a clear headshot.

The AKM fires very slowly at 0.1 seconds per shot.

It stayed the same despite the patches that have been implemented.

Firing 10 shots per second means that this gun deals 490 damage per second, which is

the second lowest DPS for assault rifles.

The AKM also has a slow reload speed of 2.9s, which gives the gun a sustained DPS of 249.

The only AR with a lower SDPS is the AUG A3 at 212.

As you might expect, the AKM has a very high spread rating of 0.15.

Firing it at full auto while aiming down your sights will cause a lot of camera shake like

you could have seen in this video, but the good news is that the bullet pattern doesn't

exactly deviate to one particular direction.

The bullets alternate from left to right but the overall pattern will be almost like a

straight line.

This gun will definitely present a challenge if you want to aim at your enemies head in

full auto.

The akm has a bullet speed of 715 meters per second.

That means that you do not only have to compensate for the recoil, but you will also have to

lead your targets a lot more.

If you do manage to land a hit, your shot will deal significant damage up to a 380m

effective range.

The AKM can only equip three types of attachments but it cannot accept custom foregrips or stocks.

This means that you have to deal with the recoil in full force.

Other than the compensator, nothing can reduce the recoil of the gun.

Speaking of compensators, the muzzle is also compatible with a flash hider, or a suppressor,

so you can switch between any of these depending on the situation.

The akm can accept the usual magazines like an Extended, Quickdraw, or Extended Quickdraw


The QuickDraw mags are definitely a must so that you can increase the reload speed so

that you can benefit from a higher sdps.

The akm is better suited for long range kills than you might think.

It can use an 8x scope and it can deal a lot of damage at range, but you will have to compensate

for the slower bullet velocity.

The great thing is that it has a natural tendency to return to it's original aiming points,

allowing you to fire off consecutive rounds much faster.

This is one of the hidden traits that the AKM has that you won't easily find in the


This gun causes the highest amount of flinch among assault rifles.

Hitting your enemy will not only mess up their aim during a firefight, but it can also put

them under pressure.

Because of the flinch effect, your shots can cause your enemy to miss his shots and this

help you with winning this firefight.

This is a crucial trait because your gun has a very low DPS, so the only way you can deal

with this disadvantage is if you can mess up your enemy's aim.

We know that the AKM suffers from a very high recoil penalty, it has the second lowest DPS

and SDPS, and it has a somewhat long reload time.

It's best to put ourselves in situations where these weaknesses have the least impact,

so that we can take advantage of the high single shot damage.

At longer ranges you are forced to use single fire, so your high single shot damage output

gives you an advantage.

You will have to practice using this weapon at longer ranges with a 4x or an 8x scope,

because the recoil and the bullet speed will have a heavy influence on your aim.

You want to be in a situation where you can hide and take the time to reload when needed,

without having to worry about somebody sneaking up to you.

Since you are firing 7.62 rounds with this gun, it's a good idea to pair the AKM with

a gun that fires 5.56.

Pairing this gun with a sniper Rifle will hurt your versatility in combat, especially

in the later stages of the game when the play area is very small.

In that case you're better off bringing an M416 for example, as this gun perform better

in close to medium range firefights and it will allow you to use full auto to shoot at

enemies who are much further away.

Keep in mind that this gun can be used as a replacement sniper Rifle.

Prioritize scopes and muzzle attachments for this gun so that you can improve your performance

at long range.

These were all the new stats and features of AKM after the PC 1.0 version came out.

Use the information in this video to get your hands on your next chicken dinner with the


In the next video we will take a closer look at the Groza, so make sure to subscribe so

that you will be the first one to see the video.This was FOG of GAMING, thanks for watching

and I will see you in Battlegrounds.



Is Homosexuality in Your Genes? - Duration: 2:02.

Scientists have recently discovered two gene variants that are more common in gay men than

straight men, adding to the evidence that homosexuality is, at least, partially genetic.

This news may actually sound familiar to you, as studies in the early '90s also identified

regions on the 8th and X-chromosomes that were correlated with homosexuality.

But the genes identified this time are on the 13th and 14th chromosomes, and it's

the first time ever scientists have identified specific genes, not just a region on a chromosome

that could be correlated with sexuality.

The genes were found by comparing the DNA of 1077 gay men with the DNA of 1231 straight

men, looking for variations as small as a single nucleotide.

The gene on chromosome 13, called SLITRK6, is active in a region of the brain called

the diencephalon; that same region contains the hypothalamus.

The SLITRK6 gene has been shown to be active in the hypothalamus of male mice fetuses days

before they're born, which is thought to be a crucial time for sexual differentiation.

The other gene scientists identified is called TSHR, and it's mainly active in regulating

the thyroid, an endocrine gland in your neck.

The thyroid releases hormones that control your metabolism, and there is a thyroid condition

where the TSHR gene doesn't function, leading to an overactive thyroid and weight loss.

This condition, called Grave's disease, is more common among gay men.

So these recently pinpointed genes fit nicely with past research, but it's possible to

have these variants and not be gay.

By our current understanding homosexuality is influenced by many genes, each having a

small effect.

And the environment probably plays a role too.

You may have noticed that I never mentioned any studies involving women, and that's

because the science on female homosexuality is lagging behind.

So as always, more research is needed, but in this case don't go googling it at work,

leave this one to the pros.

The evidence that several genes could contribute to homosexuality may explain why some people

are bisexual too.

Thanks for watching, be sure to come back for more, and

I'll see you next time on Seeker.

For more infomation >> Is Homosexuality in Your Genes? - Duration: 2:02.


Zum V-Day: Cathy & Mats Hummels genießen Baby-Auszeit - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Zum V-Day: Cathy & Mats Hummels genießen Baby-Auszeit - Duration: 2:29.


Dr. Thomas Beaver is a true problem-solver. - Duration: 0:32.

Problem-solvers are easy to spot.

They can't help but find ways to make things better.

That's who you find at UF Health, where we're making heart surgery

possible, even for patients who've been told they have no options.

We don't just treat patients, we move medicine forward.

For more infomation >> Dr. Thomas Beaver is a true problem-solver. - Duration: 0:32.


10 Misconceptions Everyone Believes About China - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> 10 Misconceptions Everyone Believes About China - Duration: 9:22.


HEART SHAPED BREAD - Almonds - Flaky! - Duration: 7:17.

250g (2 cups) all-purpose flour. 129g (1 cup) whole wheat flour. 1/2 tsp salt.

5g (11/2 tsp) instant dry yeast

56g (1/4 cup) caster sugar

55g (1/4 cup) butter, melted

250ml warm milk


Stir until turn moist

Knead on floured surface, at first will be sticky. Dust with flour to handle it.

Until smooth and no more sticky

In a large bowl, coat the dough with little oil.

Cover until double in size

Back to work surface

The dough is soft and smooth, not sticky.

Divide the dough into equal pieces: 4 for large, 6 for medium, 8 for small.

Form ball

Roll out the dough into long thin, mine about 30 cm long.

Spread soft butter/margarine on the thin dough evenly

Roll up and form 'a sausage'

Roll the 'sausage' dough to seal the seam

Cut in the middle lengthwise 2 cm from the top end

Split the dough the cut sides facing up. Unite both ends to create a heart shape.

Pinch both ends to seal

On baking tray

Cover for 30 - 60 minutes

Dab with beaten egg

Sprinkle with sugar

Top with almond slices

Bake at 180°C (350°F) preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Oven may vary

The bread is just little sweet

Chocolate glaze: dark chocolate+cream

Drizzle with chocolate glaze or sugar glaze if you like

For more infomation >> HEART SHAPED BREAD - Almonds - Flaky! - Duration: 7:17.


Trump Is Afraid Of Smart People So He Refuses To Appoint A Science Advisor - Duration: 2:03.

The Trump administration, more than 390 days into their administration, still does not

have a full time science advisor for the White House, for the office of science and technology.

This marks the longest time since that particular office in the White House was created in 1976,

the longest period since it was created, that it has not had a leader.

Not a head.

And there's a very good reason for that.

It's not just because Trump hasn't appointed anybody because he doesn't know anybody who

knows anything about science, it's because Donald Trump openly hates science, and more

importantly he openly hates people that are smarter than him.

And obviously, if you're going to appoint somebody to be the head of your science advisory

board, they're going to have to be smarter than you.

They're going to have to know more than you, and they're going to have to educate you.

That's not something that a pompous guy like Donald Trump is okay with, so of course he

hasn't nominated anybody for this position, because it's going to be a position that's

going to have to tell him what to do.

It's going to have to explain things using kid gloves to the president of the United

States, and that's not something that this man, Donald Trump, is mentally prepared to


Meanwhile, science in the United States continues to suffer.

We have a flown blown right wing assault on science in the United States.

Everything from climate change, to evolution, to American history, I know that's not science,

but for the love of God they're rewriting history in textbooks in Texas.

And it's because the Republicans openly fear and hate intellectuals, or at least anybody

that might be smarter than them.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Afraid Of Smart People So He Refuses To Appoint A Science Advisor - Duration: 2:03.


16 Ways to Make Friends in High School & College RIGHT NOW | How to be Popular in School - Duration: 8:33.


Play team sports.

Team sports, like football, soccer, lacrosse, baseball, basketball, water polo, and rugby,

are really, really, really easy ways to meet more people.

Usually you'll become friends with at least a few of your teammates, and it's easy to

talk about stuff since you already have at least one common interest guaranteed.

Plus, on any team there are usually at least a couple people who are popular at your school,

so they'll be the ones who know about parties and things that are happening and they can

invite you.


Clubs and activities.

Similar to team sports, these are easy ways to meet people because you spend a lot of

time with the other members and you already have a common interest.


Have a car.

If you have a car in college or even high school, people will ask you for rides, especially

if you're a sophomore and most people don't have cars yet.

If people know you have a car they can ask you for rides and then you can get to know

each other while driving to wherever you're going.

This tip also ties in really well with the first 2 tips - playing team sports and being

in clubs - because if you get out late, there are gonna be people needing rides and if you

live around the same area you can offer.


Invite people from class to meet up to study later.

This is especially useful if you're actually good in that class, because then people will

want to study with you.

For example when I took calculus, I was really good at it and the people who sat around me

knew it, so they'd always ask if I wanted to study with them, and after awhile we became

friends and started doing other stuff too.


Talk to people you sit next to in classes.

This seems obvious, but there are so many people who just go into class and sit there,

never talking to anyone.

Just talk to people!

As long as you don't look like a total creeper, people are generally pretty open.

And if you do look like a creeper, just check out my videos on style, or the next tip that

I'm about to give you.


Be unique.

For example be really good at sports, have good style, have a cool car, or something

that sets you apart.

People will just comment on it, and you can talk to them and take it from there.

One really great way to do this is by having a cool backpack.

This is a really cool way to show off your style and it doesn't require spending $900

on a pair of Yeezy's or thousands of dollars on a car, and it'll make you stand out a lot.

One great option is from our sponsor, JuneHouse.

I actually picked up one of these backpacks myself and it's really dope - see how it's

sleek and stylish, without being tryhard?

Not only that, but it's practical - the high quality fabric is durable, lightweight, and

water-resistant, which makes it a great choice for school, travel, and adventure.

It has really slick detailing on it, like the magnetic button and the dope velvet fabric

in the back pocket.

There's also a hidden pocket in the back for valuable stuff, so if you have to leave it

somewhere while you're hanging out with your friends you don't have to worry about someone

snooping in it and stealing your money.

I also found the back padding on the bag to be REALLY fucking comfortable, and it actually

makes it seem like you're not even carrying anything because of how the padding eases

the weight on your back.

So while everyone else is still rocking Jansports and whatever else they found on the discount

rack at Walmart, you'll be styling on them all.

Be sure to check the link in the description for the BOMB ass discount I got them to do

for you guys.


Have something to offer.

My freshman year I was really into music and this guy in my class always wanted me to help

him with it.

It was actually kind of annoying because all he did was ask for help, ask for advice, and

so on.

He didn't bring anything to the table.

After awhile I think he realized this and he just showed up one day with a USB drive

with some songs he thought I'd like on it, I checked it out and found out he had great

taste, so we started discussing music more often, he'd show me new songs, message me

links to new songs on social media, and stuff like that.

And I became a lot more open to helping him as well.

Not because I was getting something in return, but because I just respected him more when

I realized he actually had something to offer.

People don't like to be used.

You always want to make sure that you bring something to the table.


Get a job at a place where other people from your school also work.

For example a gym or a movie theater in the area or an on-campus job.

If there are other people from your school working there, you can befriend them pretty

easily if you guys have shifts together.


Have interests.

When I was in high school a couple kids in the popular group were really into lifted


Then this new kid who didn't know anyone, drove up in a lifted truck as well, and within

like 1 or 2 days he was already part of the popular group, because he just pulled up next

to them and went and talked to them in the parking lot.

If you have common interests with people, just talk to them about them.

People like talking about stuff that they like.


Add people from your school on social even if you barely know them.

You might think it's weird but it really isn't.

I added people even if I only spoke to them one time or even if we just had a class together

and had never spoken, and people also added me, in fact I'd get added or followed by people

I had never even met just because we went to the same school.

One time this random girl I'd never talked to and had 0 classes with just added me on

facebook and said "hey I heard you're into running, what gym do you go to?"

Really random.

But I replied and we started talking, it led to us exchanging numbers, texting, and then

a few days later she asked if I could give her a ride home after school, and we hung


Really simple stuff.


If you go to parties, introduce yourself to people.

Don't stand in the corner.

Don't only talk to people you already know.

Introduce yourself to new people.

Just go up to them and say hey, introduce yourself, and start talking.

It's not a big deal.

Parties are a really easy way to meet new people.


Try to make friends with 1 popular person.

Even if it's just 1 and they're the only person you know.

Because they'll invite you to lots of shit, and being around them will expose you to a

lot more people.

Also, knowing someone who's popular automatically increases your own popularity too.


If you're a guy, talk to girls BUT JUST AS FRIENDS.

I remember this new kid who came to our school, and he befriended a lot of the hot / popular


Not like he was friendzoned, but like he chose to be just friends with them.

Then other girls saw him with them, making them laugh, having a good time, and so on,

and other guys saw it too, so it made him seem like a cool guy and he became really

popular really fast.

And then once he had established that social status, he had tons of friends, and THEN he

started asking out the girls he liked.


Social status.

We also had a guy at my school who was really good at sports, and his teammates were popular

so he hung out with them and it automatically boosted his social status.

Even though he barely even talked and didn't make an effort at all, his social status made

other people want to befriend him, so THEY'D approach HIM and it was really easy for him.


Keep up to date with friends you make.

This way, you continuously hang out with people, who hang out with other people, and your circle

of friends keeps expanding.

Get out and do stuff!


Use snapchat.

It's more casual than texting, so people are easier about giving out their snaps than their


Also, a lot of people like to maintain their snapchat streaks, which means you guys will

be talking more often, and they're more likely to message you first as well.


Watch my style videos.

I'll have them linked on-screen.

Honestly, as long as you don't look like a creep, practically everyone will be open to


Even ugly unathletic dudes can be popular.

Most schools are nothing like the stereotypical "jocks vs nerds" movie thing, and you don't

have to only hang out with people who dress similar to you.

That's stupid.

If people aren't open to you, recognize that it's because of something YOU are doing, figure

out what it is, and get on it.

Finally, it's important to choose your friends well.

You want to shoot for people with similar goals to your own, positive mindsets, people

who believe in you and help you grow, people on the same level as you, not losers who try

to peer pressure you into doing stupid things.

Network with accomplished people and people who are accomplishing things, and have friends

in various social circles so you experience more and keep yourself open - don't limit

yourself to one group, especially if you're younger.

Try out lots of people and lots of stuff.

And that's it!

Try these out and then leave a comment and let me know how well they work for you!

And be sure to pick yourself up an awesome Junehouse backpack and use my code in the

description to get a dope discount.

For more infomation >> 16 Ways to Make Friends in High School & College RIGHT NOW | How to be Popular in School - Duration: 8:33.


Como llegar a realizarte en el propósito de vida. - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> Como llegar a realizarte en el propósito de vida. - Duration: 14:28.


FLY VS JERK 9 - Ep. 2 - From Zero to Hero - Duration: 43:08.

For more infomation >> FLY VS JERK 9 - Ep. 2 - From Zero to Hero - Duration: 43:08.


WATCH: Rosenstein Announces Indictments For Russia Election Meddling - Duration: 7:57.


>> Pardon me, Jim, let's listen

to the deputy ag.

>> The indictment charges 13

Russian nationals and 3 Russian

companies for committing federal

crimes while seeking to

interfere in the United States

political system, including the

2016 presidential election.

The defendants allegedly

conducted what they called

information warfare against the

United States.

With the stated goal of

spreading distrust towards the

candidates and the political

system in general.

According to the allegations in

the indictment, 12 of the

individual defendants worked as

various times for a company

called internet research agency


A Russian company based in

St. Petersburg.

The other individual department,

evgeny victorovich posogon

funded the conspiracy through

companies known as Concord

catering and many affiliated and


The conspiracy was part of a

larger operation called project


Included multiple components.

And others targeting foreign

audiences in multiple countries.

Internet research agency

allegedly operated through

Russian shell companies.

It employed hundreds of people.

Ranging from creators of

fictitious personas to technical

and administrative support


Internet research agency was a

structured organization headed

by a management group and

arranged into departments

including graphics, search

engine optization, information

technology and finance


In 2014, the company established

a translator project focused on

the United States.

In July of 2016, more than 80

employees were assigned to the

translator project.

Two of the defendants allegedly

travelled to the United States

in 2014 to collect intelligence

for their American influence


In order to hide the Russian

origins of their activities, the

departments allegedly purchased

space on computer servers

located here in the united

States in order to set up a

virtual private network.

The defendants allegedly used

that infrastructure to establish

hundreds of accounts on social

media networks such as Facebook,

Instagram and Twitter, making it

appear that those accounts were

controlled by persons located in

the United States.

They used stolen or fictitious

American identities, fraudulent

bank accounts and false

identification documents.

The defendants posed as

politically and socially active


Advocating for and against

particular candidates.

They established social media

pages and groups to communicate

with unwitting Americans.

They also purchased political

advertisements on social media


The Russians also recruited and

paid real Americans to engage in

political activities for

political campaigns and stage

political rallies.

The defendants and their con

conspirators pretended to be

grassroots activists.

A cording to the indictment, the

Americans did not know they were

communicating with Russians.

After the election, the

defendants allegedly staged

rallies to support the

President-Elect, while

simultaneously staging rallies

to protest his election.

For example, the defendants

organized one rally to support

the president elect and another

rally to oppose him.

Both in New York on the same


On September 13th of 2017, soon

after the news media reported

that the special counsel's

office was investigating

evidence that Russian operatives

had used social media to

interfere with the 2016

election, one defendant

allegedly wrote, quote, we had a

slight crisis here at work.

The FBI busted our activity.

So I got preoccupied with

covering tracks together with my

colleagues, end quote.

The indictment includes eight

criminal counts.

Count one alleges a criminal

conspiracy to defraud the united


By all of the defendants.

The defendants allegedly

conspired to defraud America by

impairing the lawful functions

of the federal election

commission, the United States

department of justice, and the

department of state.

Those organizations of the U.S.

Government are responsible for

administrating federal

requirements for disclosure of

foreign involvement in certain

domestic activities.

Count two charges conspiracy to

commit wire fraud and bank fraud

by internet research agency and

two of the individual


Counts three through eight

charge aggravated identity theft

by internet research agency and

four individuals.

Now, there is no allegation in

this indictment that any

American was a foeing

participant in this illegal


There is no allegation in the

indictment that the charge

conduct altered the outcome of

the 2016 election.

I want to caution you that

everyone charged with a crime is

presumed innocent unless and

until proven guilty in court.

At trial, prosecutors must

introduce credible evidence that

is sufficient to prove each

defendant guilty beyond any

reasonable doubt to a unanimous


Special counsel's investigation

is ongoing.

There will be no comments from

the special counsel at this


This indictment serves as a

reminder that people are not

always who they appear to be on

the internet.

The indictment alleges that the

Russian conspirators want to

promote discord in the united

States and undermine public

confidence and democracy.

We must not allow them to


The department of justice will

continue to work cooperatively

with other intelligence agencies

and with the congress to defend

our nation against similar

current and future efforts.

I want to thank the federal

agents and prosecutors who are

working on this case for their

exceptional service and I'll be

happy to take a few questions.

>> Is there concern that this --

>> -- There's no allegation in

the indictment of any effect on

the outcome of the election.


>> On page four of the

indictment, paragraph six, it

specifically talks about the

trump campaign, saying that

defendants communicated with

unwitting individuals associated

with the trump campaign.

My question is later in the

indictment, campaign officials

are referenced not by their

name, by campaign official one

or two or three.

Were campaign officials

cooperative or were they duped?

What was their relationship with


>> There's no allegation in this

indictment that any American had

any knowledge and the nature of

the scheme was the kept

defendants took extraordinary

steps to make it appear they

were ordinary American political

activists, even going so far as

to base their activities on a

virtual private network here in

the United States so if anybody

traced it back to the first

jump, they appeared to be


>> Have you had any assurances

from the Russians they will

provide these individuals for


>> There's been no communication

with the Russians about this.

We'll follow the ordinary

process of seeking cooperation

For more infomation >> WATCH: Rosenstein Announces Indictments For Russia Election Meddling - Duration: 7:57.


What we can learn about Mueller probe from latest indictment - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> What we can learn about Mueller probe from latest indictment - Duration: 4:13.


The Best Cheap Bacon Lunch in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:48.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the 5 Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys onto the very

finest New York grub for $5 or less.

Oh, hello.





OK, bacon.

People in this country will but bacon on almost anything.

In their food, in soap -- we have bacon-themed clothing.

We even have bacon perfume.

So, if we're gonna do bacon, let's get weird.

In New York, you can get bacon on almost anything.

And that's where it can get a little bit tricky.

With that in mind, I headed over to,

and what I found, you will not believe.

We're headed uptown to Harlem Shakes,

to try their double chocolate bacon shake.

Yes, I repeat: double chocolate bacon shake.

It's five bucks somewhere, let's do it.

So these are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less.

And whatever I don't use today

rolls over into the next episode.


- Do you even need to ask?

People love bacon, and they live to put it on

as much food as possible.

One thing I think we can all agree on

is that we can't get enough of this stuff.

Fun fact: Did you know that bacon is a God?

The United Church of Bacon is an officially sanctioned

church with over 13,000 members.

Now they're more of a rallying point for atheists,

but they do all of the services that you would

expect a church to do.

Wedding ceremonies, fundraisers and a ton of charity work.

Their one and only commandment: Praise bacon.


All right, here we are, 124th & Lennox.

Home of Harlem Shake.

Here we have it: the double chocolate bacon shake.

Look at this thing, man.

Uno, dos chocolates and bacon.

Can't complain.




Wow! Look at that!

Bacon all the way through.

It's not just like surface level; like there's like

chunks of bacon all the way through this shake.

I'm impressed.

You're definitely tasting both chocolates.

Of course you have this kind of, you have a richer chocolate

that's kind of deeper flavor.

Every bit of bacon I'm getting is also chocolate covered.

Bacon, it's crispy, but it's crisp to the point

where like while it's sitting in the shake,

it's not becoming soggy.

This shake will bring all the boys to the yard,

because I mean, I'm here, right?

You know what I'm saying?

Just even being in this space you can feel it,

you know what I mean?

I feel like I was transported back to like the '90s

on UPN, like I feel like I could be in an episode

of like "Martin" or "Living Single," um you know,

the walls are plastered with icons of what people

feel are icons in this community.

Of course you have Janelle Monáe,

you got Taye Diggs, you got Colin Kaepernick,

you got "Yo Gabba Gabba!"

(upbeat music)

Yo, real talk, this is incredible, but the bacon

mania doesn't stop at just the shake.

There's quite a few amazing bacon-themed dishes

at this joint, from the bacon-wrapped Sonoran dog,

to the loaded Hot Mess burger. And I'm definitely

coming back at some point for that classic

grilled cheese stuffed with thick slices

of smoked applewood bacon.

Oh, and did I mention their famous red velvet shake?

Oh, yes!

Oh, wow, you know what, this has exceeded my expectations,

this was fantastic, and I highly suggest

whenever you do come out here, definitely get this.

See you guys outside.

Today's mission was bacon.

Where we tried to get our hands on the craziest thing

we could possibly get within our budget.

Now this brought us all the way uptown to Harlem Shake

where we tried their double chocolate bacon shake,

and it was absolutely amazing.

We confirmed what we already knew: If you give people

a little bit of bacon, they'll do crazy stuff with it.

With all that being said,

today's mission was an absolute success.

It's not a big chain, it's in budget, and it's damn good.

Anyways, guys, I gotta get back downtown.

See ya later, peace.

(photo shutter sounds)

(upbeat music)

Hey guys, it's your boy Prez.

Thank you so much for watching my show.

If you have any suggestions of where we should go next time,

leave them in the comments below.

Also, you should follow me on Instagram @5dollarlunchguy.

Send us stuff, tell us where to go,

maybe we'll repost your pictures, all that good stuff.

Anyways guys, comment, like, follow, subscribe

and I will see you guys later, peace!

For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Bacon Lunch in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:48.


Russian nationals, companies indicted for election meddling - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Russian nationals, companies indicted for election meddling - Duration: 7:57.


Families Gather at Florida Shooting Vigil | NYT - Duration: 1:53.

"What is unfathomable is Jamie took a bullet and is dead.

I don't know what I do next.

My wife is home.

We are broken.

But I can tell you: Don't tell me,

there's no such thing as gun violence.

It happened in Parkland."

"No more guns."

"No more guns."

"No more guns."

"No more guns."

"No more guns."

"As your sheriff,

I will implement the full powers of the office,

the Broward Sheriff's office.

My friends who came with me here tonight, elected officials.

And they have no choice, but

we will introduce common-sense gun

laws that make our streets safer."

"We must hold other people's

elected officials accountable.

We must make sure that they hear us."

"This is our home.

And this is where we will not be intimidated by evil.

We have amazing students, awesome administrators

and incredible teachers.

Everyone at Stoneman Douglas carries a special place in my heart.

I feel weak thinking about my beloved high school

and this tragedy occurring."

"This makes no sense.

This is impossible.

My girl, my 14-year-old baby.

And for those of you who know my Jamie,

she was the life of the party.

She was the energy in the room.

She made people laugh.

And yes, sometimes she made us cry,

but she was always known. She always made her presence felt."

For more infomation >> Families Gather at Florida Shooting Vigil | NYT - Duration: 1:53.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BLUE EFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS Airco Navigatie Audio 95Pk! - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BLUE EFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS Airco Navigatie Audio 95Pk! - Duration: 0:45.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI BLUE EFFICIENCY LEASE EDITION Navigatie LED 16"LM 109PK! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI BLUE EFFICIENCY LEASE EDITION Navigatie LED 16"LM 109PK! - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Urban Ambition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Urban Ambition - Duration: 1:00.



For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 2.2 COSMO AUTOMAAT 7-PERSOONS. PANORAMA_XENON_NAVI_PDC V+A. - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 0.9 TWINAIR LOUNGE BLEUTOOTH, PARKEER SENSOR, LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:02.


Renault Laguna 2.0 DCI DYNAMIQUE CLIMA, NAVI, TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Laguna 2.0 DCI DYNAMIQUE CLIMA, NAVI, TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI SPORT&STYLE 4MOTION 4M, PANORAMA DAK - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI SPORT&STYLE 4MOTION 4M, PANORAMA DAK - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat Panda 1.2 EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO, EL. RAMEN, TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2 EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO, EL. RAMEN, TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.


Ford C-MAX 2.0-16V GHIA LEER, NAVI, CAMERA, AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford C-MAX 2.0-16V GHIA LEER, NAVI, CAMERA, AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI 2e EIGENAAR_1/2 LEER_SPORT_AUTOMAAT. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI 2e EIGENAAR_1/2 LEER_SPORT_AUTOMAAT. - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Scénic 2.0 BOSE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic 2.0 BOSE - Duration: 0:54.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI AMBITION PRO LINE - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI AMBITION PRO LINE - Duration: 0:56.



For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4 TURBO ANNIVERSARY EDITION LPG-G3 TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.


BMW 5 Serie Touring 520I HIGH EXECUTIVE PANORAMA SCHUIFDAK - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie Touring 520I HIGH EXECUTIVE PANORAMA SCHUIFDAK - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16V TRENDLINE CRUISE CONTROL, AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16V TRENDLINE CRUISE CONTROL, AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S ACENTA AUTOMAAT, CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S ACENTA AUTOMAAT, CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:00.


Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid - Duration: 2:40.

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid

For more infomation >> Birthday News: See Weeknd Hottest PDA Pics with Selena Gomez & Bella Hadid - Duration: 2:40.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Miranda Cosgrove - Oh Oh - Duration: 2:55.

Miranda Cosgrove - Oh Oh

Miranda Cosgrove - Oh Oh

For more infomation >> Miranda Cosgrove - Oh Oh - Duration: 2:55.


For more infomation >> Miranda Cosgrove - Oh Oh - Duration: 2:55.


New camera lens! - Duration: 2:23.

hello everyone

today we are under the snow at Bussy Saint Georges

what you are seeing is my Tamron

I finally got it

I bought it at 500 Euros

as I told you during my 6D introduction

I didn't have any lens but now I got one

it's the Tamron 24-70mm 1st generation

unfortunately I don't have any mic on

here we go for the tamron 24-70mm

that's it for me for today!

if you have any question on the tamron 24-70mm

send me a message in the comments section down below

everything like IG stories

IG pictures

or on my Youtube Channel

everything will be shot on my 6D mark II combine with the tamron 24-70mm

if you are not subscribed yet

subscribe to my IG just here

to my Youtube Channel

and Tweeter

everything under the same name

to be easier for you

see you guys!

For more infomation >> New camera lens! - Duration: 2:23.


For more infomation >> New camera lens! - Duration: 2:23.


L'agriculture d'hier à aujourd'hui: La traite des vaches - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> L'agriculture d'hier à aujourd'hui: La traite des vaches - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> L'agriculture d'hier à aujourd'hui: La traite des vaches - Duration: 1:02.


comment être solide #1 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> comment être solide #1 - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> comment être solide #1 - Duration: 2:28.


Don't Cry~SARAのテーマ~ 山本海太郎 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Don't Cry~SARAのテーマ~ 山本海太郎 - Duration: 3:46.


For more infomation >> Don't Cry~SARAのテーマ~ 山本海太郎 - Duration: 3:46.


Fence Partition | Box Style | Figure & Pattern | Custom boxes | WeCustomBoxes - Duration: 0:36.

Fence Partition | Box Style | Figure & Pattern | Custom boxes | WeCustomBoxes

For more infomation >> Fence Partition | Box Style | Figure & Pattern | Custom boxes | WeCustomBoxes - Duration: 0:36.


For more infomation >> Fence Partition | Box Style | Figure & Pattern | Custom boxes | WeCustomBoxes - Duration: 0:36.


New 24 TRANSFORMERS VS. G.I JOE Blind Bags Boxes Vinyl Keychain Kidrobot Godzilla Vs I-Rex Unboxing - Duration: 22:30.

Wow okay today we join Godzilla in indominus rex in Jurassic Park to open

this big huge box of transformers first GI Joe final keychain series Wow

so this is 24 surprise bags surprise boxes that were sent to me by kid robot

to open and review for you guys so as you can see they sent me a whole box

here so we can see how many different ones we could get in a random box in to

New 24 TRANSFORMERS VS. G.I JOE Blind Bags Boxes Vinyl Keychain Kidrobot Godzilla Vs I-Rex Unboxing

I love the artwork they put I mean the whole box itself filled has like a vinyl

ah almost velvety feel to it and there is ten different keychains what with

your shoulder there there's another picture of

the other side of it the front and the bottom so Kidrobot these are licensed by

Hasbro and then they sent me a big huge Cobra Commander find the one I mean

check this guy out he's taller than my hand itself so this is a big one it says

also available Megatron which they also sent me I won't be reviewing that next

video so you can see cobra commander is fighting one of the guys said you stab

them in the chest and he blew his head off

whoa so as I mean neither of them survived okay so without further ado let

us join in dumbness Ian Godzilla and check these out okay super excited to

see you today my friends from Kidrobot sent me all of

these awesome series open for you guys let's go ahead and see what they sent me

I am super excited okay so the first thing they sent me was this big huge

final collectible figure this is Megatron you can see this guy is huge

the artwork is awesome classic transformers GI Joe artwork

it says transformers me first GI Joe on the front here here you can see it has a

picture of Cobra Commander on the back I mean that is classic GI Joe it is

so cool kid robot really makes the awesomest stuff and then the next thing

they sent me was a big huge vinyl collectible of Cobra Commander Wow check

that out and they sent me a big huge box cool

this is transformers vs GI Joe enameled big series it's a whole box of different

collectible pins I mean there's gotta be 20 some boxes of pins in here so we'll

check that out and then they sent me a big huge box about transformers risk GI

Joe vinyl teaching series it says collect them all

this thing is cool check these out each one of these boxes holds one so

there twenty four of these for us to open up

hahaha and then they sent me this big huge box

transformers vs GI Joe vinyl miniseries collect them all check this out Wow

so there's 24 of these we're gonna go ahead and open up and they sent me an

awesome skateboard shell this is the coolest looking skateboard it's like a

custom-made wooden skateboard if you see on the back here says transformers verse

GI Joe okay guys I'm not gonna open all of these up today I'm breaking it into

ah this is gonna be a three part series because there's so many we're gonna be

doing this one here alone then we're gonna be doing the vinyl keychains along

with the coco commander and then we're gonna do the enamel pig series along

with Megatron so this will be the first part one this we're gonna do the coolest

one I think the vinyl verse

okay so let's check this out ah kid robot really makes some awesome

nostalgic series I mean just look at the artwork on each one of these boxes it's

awesome like I said the feel it's like a velvety vinyl feel for each box I mean

it's got like textures and everything here it's showing five different of the

keychain here's a picture in the back and here is

the other five so like I said ten total different keychains okay so without

further ado let's see you it's the easiest way to so easiest way is just to

slice the piece of tape so you could open it without destroying the boxes

which is nice I really like that and then inside it is a blind bag so easy

opening just go ahead pull it pops right open and you got the awesome cheeky

chain so here you've got Megatron he's got like the Dino

arm if you seen my last video with the vinyl series you'll see this same

Megatron over there so really cool I mean they do a great job with the

artwork the painting so these are awesome teaching okay so

our first dog was Megatron let's see if we could get every one of these that

would be screwed

easy-open here we've got bumblebee sweetie and these

are nice keychains on guys I mean it's like the double ring here just go ahead

and pull it open and hold your car key put your car key right on there okay so

no moving parts on these unlike the vinyl ones the arms don't move wha

that is one cool-looking little keychain so two boxes two characters good

starting our third box let's see if we can get three boxes three characters

that'd be pretty sweet

and we just did hahahaha we've just got Starscream and these guys

these are like vinyl figures they are like really like soft feel to them but

they are sturdy I mean these guys will stand up on their own the keychain sort

of drags them down but the keychain wasn't there they would stand on their

own so really awesome keychains and then our

next one could we get four boxes four figures

that content would be pretty cool

yeah you did we just did we got four packages four different figures here

we've got Cooper community like I said guys I mean dumb paint job and

everything all musical awesome these are the coolest little keychains and and

even if you want to change the keychain part pop it right over here and put

something on else on there or you could hook Cobra Commander to something else

like your backpack yourself okay guys could we get five figures five five

different figures five boxes I know it's asking for a lot but it would be pretty

cool and oh I thought this was different we've got Megatron again okay so we

finally hit a double but anyways we are off to a good start I

mean we had we've got four different figures out of ten so hopefully if

things continue on we can get all of them okay so here we've got both will be

again and then next up

who can it be up to this prime sweet so we've got five

different figures okay so we got half the figures and we

still have quite a bit more than half of the box together

okay and going to be

drum roll please let's see if we get a different one and we just did

we've got snake eyes oh wow oh cool I mean these these keychains really are

something you could be totally proud of so we've got six different figures guys

we only have to get four more figures and we still have 15 of these to open up

pile sweet is that I'm there's a good chance we could get all of them oh there

is another one we've got flag

so we have seven of ten guys we are off to a great start

oops I just slice this on the wrong place

I'm sorry about that didn't mean to destroy the box

you really want to keep these boxes because like I said they are works of

art they are totally awesome okay so we've got seven of ten and okay so we've

got another flag now and next

we only need three more how sweet is that I will be very disappointed if you

don't get the three that we're missing with all the ones we still have to open

okay so I'm still looking for the three more come on give it to me give it to me

will this one be a different one I've got a good feeling oh yes it is

it is the Baroness cools already we're half done with the box and we have eight

of ten so we only need two more to finish it off sweet and then we will

have the whole set okay so we've got another bumblebee and okay I'm getting a

good feeling here let's see if we could get one of our missing ones

another Cobra Commander here okay so we do have eight of ten so we're still

doing good guys we've still got quite a few more of them to open up to see if we

could get the total series up another Cobra Commander

don't lose hope yet we still got hope here guys

we still got hope what do we get another Optimus Prime


another snake guys what we make it guys we've got seven more including this one

a little nervous now yes we got another one of them we've got blue metallic

Grimlock oh I like this keychain so the only one we are missing right now is

Scarlett from GI Joe so let us see if we could find Scarlett and we do we got the

whole series okay so we've got another Megatron here

and he

come on Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett ah we've got another Megatron

here actually no another Starscream okay guys we are down to four boxes I'm

starting to get a little worried here are we gonna get it are we gonna get

Scarlett yes we got Scarlett I'll sweep we've got every one of them guys we got

all 10 of the keychains in a box of 24 so that means our last ones are going to

be doubles

which is alright that's alright these are really cool


okay another snake I I am totally hyped guys that is the

first time any box of blind bags I got that I got every one of the series that

is really cool they do a great job while breaking them up in here so you get all

of them and a good amount of different ones you don't get a whole bunch of the

same ones here we've got the very mess and our final one here drumroll please

and then we're gonna go ahead and open up the big huge vinyl Cobra Commander

one after we go ahead and check out all the keychains and duplicates we've got

so we got another Optimus Prime okay so for the keychains like I said

we've got all 10 of them over here these are all 10 different ones and then we'll

go ahead and see which duplicates we've got salt

they do have ten different key chains and you know what if you guys are into

charms if you pop this off you could add these guys to a charm bracelet or

whatever other type of charm stuff you like so here is the ten key chains and

then here is the duplicate ones now let's open up the big Cobra Commander

okay before we do let's take one more quick look at the artwork like I said

here's cobra commander being stabbed in the chest and he just blew the head off

of one of the gun tell who it is because it's all like a

big flash of light is collectible vinyl figure cooper commander and also

megatron by kid robot license by hasbro for ages 15 and up is what it says

probably because they are pretty high collectible pretty high quality

collectible figures so most most like younger kids probably would not be able

to appreciate these enough because they are totally awesome

check out this Cobra Commander so he is a good size if you like collecting like

vinyl figures this guy is awesome arms move all the way around you could hold

full-size weapons here this arm moves all the way around the head will turn

about that amount right there and the feet do not turn you can see he has a

holster here for his weapon he's got the Cobra emblem on his chest there and

there is Cobra Commander how sweet I mean this guy will even almost match up

to our big Godzilla here so you'd be stop my Kamandi stop and Godzilla would


shoot him with his atomic breath and vaporizer and that is the if you guys

did not see this big guy here this is rampage indominus rex from jurassic

world this guy is cool he does have snake fangs too if you see he's got

fangs here if you open it all the way up the things pop Wow

so he looks almost like a snake and he's got cool spikes on his back if you push

it pop and then this I did review this awesome Godzilla one to you I've got a

lot of battles on this one this is a big huge anecca Godzilla

Wow guys that was totally awesome if you enjoyed that video and you want to see

more fun videos go ahead and subscribe to my channel

and also click the bell pot next - to be notified every time I make a new video

I do got over a thousand videos guys the majority are Godzilla King Kong Jurassic

world Jurassic Park Lego Power Rangers and a

lot more so go ahead check out my playlist you guys are totally awesome

and I will

today's secret word is the word

go ahead put that in the comment section down below the video don't you remember

my club click the subscribe button below for a lot of fun video also click the

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for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click

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For more infomation >> New 24 TRANSFORMERS VS. G.I JOE Blind Bags Boxes Vinyl Keychain Kidrobot Godzilla Vs I-Rex Unboxing - Duration: 22:30.


For more infomation >> New 24 TRANSFORMERS VS. G.I JOE Blind Bags Boxes Vinyl Keychain Kidrobot Godzilla Vs I-Rex Unboxing - Duration: 22:30.


Laura Smet contre-attaque et demande à la justice d'éta­blir la vérité après la révé­la­tion du - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet contre-attaque et demande à la justice d'éta­blir la vérité après la révé­la­tion du - Duration: 3:38.


For more infomation >> Laura Smet contre-attaque et demande à la justice d'éta­blir la vérité après la révé­la­tion du - Duration: 3:38.


L'agriculture d'hier à aujourd'hui: La disponibilité des aliments - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> L'agriculture d'hier à aujourd'hui: La disponibilité des aliments - Duration: 1:15.


For more infomation >> L'agriculture d'hier à aujourd'hui: La disponibilité des aliments - Duration: 1:15.


Les incroyables usages de la peau de banane | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Les incroyables usages de la peau de banane | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:58.


For more infomation >> Les incroyables usages de la peau de banane | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:58.


Watch "The Breakdown"

For more infomation >> Watch "The Breakdown"


Bruce Wayne Meets Barry Allen 'I'm Rich' Scene | Justice League (2017) CLIP (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:15.

Barry Allen, Bruce Wayne.

You said that like it explains why there's a total stranger in my place,

sitting in the dark, in my second favorite chair.

Tell me about this.

This is a person who looks exactly like me, but who is definitely not me.

Very attractive Jewish boy.

Somebody who, I don't know, stole your pocket watch?

Or railroads?

I know you have abilities.

I just don't know what they are.

My special skills include viola, web design, fluent in sign language...

Gorilla sign language.

Silica-based quartz sand fabric, abrasion resistant, heat resistant...

Yeah, I do competitive ice dancing.

It's what they use on the space shuttle

to prevent it from burning up on reentry.

I do very competitive ice dancing.

Whoever you're looking for, it's not me.

You're the Batman?

So, you're fast.

That feels like an oversimplification.

I'm putting together a team. People with special abilities.

You see, I believe enemies are coming.

Stop right there. I'm in.


I need friends.

People are difficult. They require a lot of focus.

They, uh... They have, like, a rhythm

that I haven't quite been able to...

Like brunch! Like, what is brunch?

You wait in line for an hour for, essentially, lunch.

I mean...

I don't know.

People are a little slow.

I'll try to keep up.

Can I keep this?

It's like this layer of dimensional reality,

and it seems to manipulate space-time.

I call it the Speed Force.

Causes me to burn a tremendous amount of calories.

So I'm just a black hole of snacks.

I am a "snack" hole.

How many people are on this special fight team?

Three, including you.


I'll tell you on the plane.

The plane?

What are your superpowers again?

I'm rich.

For more infomation >> Bruce Wayne Meets Barry Allen 'I'm Rich' Scene | Justice League (2017) CLIP (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:15.


BMW 3 Serie 320I CENTENNIAL HIGH EXECUTIVE | M-Sport | Comfort Acc, | Sportstoelen | Led-Koplampen | - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320I CENTENNIAL HIGH EXECUTIVE | M-Sport | Comfort Acc, | Sportstoelen | Led-Koplampen | - Duration: 0:59.


BMW X6 M50d High Executive | Innovation Pakket | M-sportpakket | Navi Professional | Soft close | PD - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 M50d High Executive | Innovation Pakket | M-sportpakket | Navi Professional | Soft close | PD - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 Clima Navigatie Leer Stoelventilatie Achteruitrij Camera Afn. Trekhaak 2 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 Clima Navigatie Leer Stoelventilatie Achteruitrij Camera Afn. Trekhaak 2 - Duration: 1:01.


BMW 3 Serie 330I M SPORT Schuifdak Navigatie Alcantara Harman Kardon Xenon 17"LM 272Pk! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 330I M SPORT Schuifdak Navigatie Alcantara Harman Kardon Xenon 17"LM 272Pk! - Duration: 0:59.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320I CENTENNIAL HIGH EXECUTIVE M Pakket Panoramadak Leer LED 19"LM 184PK! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320I CENTENNIAL HIGH EXECUTIVE M Pakket Panoramadak Leer LED 19"LM 184PK! - Duration: 0:59.


BMW X4 M 2.0d xDrive High Executive Navigatie Leer Elektr. Achterklep Xenon 19"LM 191Pk! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 M 2.0d xDrive High Executive Navigatie Leer Elektr. Achterklep Xenon 19"LM 191Pk! - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC PANORAMA_NAVI_PDC_CLIMA_LMV. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC PANORAMA_NAVI_PDC_CLIMA_LMV. - Duration: 0:54.


What do I actually do for work? - Duration: 7:44.

What do I actually do for work? by Victoria X Rave

hello hi I'm Victoria welcome welcome these are for you these are for you

these are for you as well Valentine's Day I feel so loved oh here here you go

there's like so many cool people in this world I just have to shout out to all

the this amazing amazing people's bras it's like we got to 60k

I know this is I know that's not a lot okay but for me 60,000 ever you are

watching me and you guys are so engaging and I love coming and interacting with

you it's just I'm just so grateful I'm so grateful for the people in my life

I'm so grateful for you guys I'm so excited and happy there's been so many

weird things like up and down things like and you guys was like this

supported me so hardcore despite what people say about like like the whole

like Jason situation and like like the hate comments that I sometimes get like

this despite all of that it's like my intentions are to bring you guys good

things you know I mean I'm I'm not trying to I don't put things out I mean

YouTube is what I do really my job along with other social

media things but it's also what I love I'm want to be authentic and real with

you guys and that is what I'm trying to do despite what some people may think or

whatever please don't leave I know that sounds really weird and clingy but we

only have each other issues so thank you so much for 60k now I'm gonna show you

some footage from me doing my polaroid photo shoot so if there are any left you

can get it in the link below yeah today's a good day so what I've

done so far today is just like posting to Instagram today is kind of just like

a chill work trying to day not really planning on doing much but an update for

you guys on my fitness progress I guess well let's look at this but so honestly

I I failed you guys a little bit I haven't leaned out like I said I was

going to I the hugest a battalion let me tell you

why I was I was um I was PMSing in my PMS ie everything

I don't know this is TMI but you know I don't really care I start my period

whatever I mean I start my period website is like it's normal now so it's

great I am gonna do a photoshoot later for the Polaroids 4000 times day well

that's that so I'm gonna what the fuck my camera is freaking out I'm scared

guys my camera is going out okay sure you kind of my morning routine fed my

fish Chad Chad I did some computer work I'm going on a phone call from from

Derek we're gonna do a video together it's my apartment by the way my full

apartment you want to know and so I get out of bed I get in the computer and I

edit picture today's picture with my butt that was today's picture and then I

posted on Instagram and it just said that everybody's body is different and

it really is you have to accept some things that you can't change for an

example like hip dips some people just aren't built to have the calf thigh gap

bone structure you can't change that but then I said you know be the best

version that you can be of you I was like Mick sorry that's too inspirational

some things you can't change and don't like beat yourself up about it because

like for me I'm definitely not perfect I have like tons and tons of cloth but

right here this is this is coffee mixed with flax milk I'll show you the kind

that that I get this whole look for a cup of this it's 11 grams of plant

protein but this has 8 grams of protein for a cup and then I just mixed it with

one of these full shots this is almond milk coconut cream it has 6 years of

protein and it's just like a coffee hello no it's okay I forgive you this

time just once though

yeah there's a couple of new things actually I got the yeah like he called

me and I'm pretty much in she gonna like write up a contract type of thing no

like I'm so excited its new with you thank you

alright so I'm doing my photoshoot now I've got my batteries in I'm gonna put

my my film in someone got this my wish list I'm so grateful

and we ready

there's neither guys

so I look at the camera Cobra okay call it back

so much for watching us guys again I love you I really do and I love seeing

you guys all over my stuff like it's just amazing to me I've been a loner I

love my life and it just feels so good to have you guys here

stakes for us real families gotta stick together because we have we're prone to

being loners you know


For more infomation >> What do I actually do for work? - Duration: 7:44.


LEGO Jurassic World 2018 sets - My Thoughts! - Duration: 1:57.

Hello, just2good here,

and thanks to the Brothers Brick we have pictures

of all of the main wave of Jurassic World The Fallen Kingdom 2018 sets.

There's some retail exclusives and Duplo sets missing,

but this is it.

The biggest set only has a single image,

the Indoraptor Rampage at Lockwood Estate.

The design of the mansion's exterior looks so cool -

you know I'm a sucker for playsets.

But I really want to see the inside of the mansion -

the Brothers Brick mentions it having a lab and bedroom.

It comes with one thousand and nineteen pieces for one hundred and thirty bucks.

The second biggest is the Carnotaurus Gyrosphere Escape,

which is eighty bucks for 577 pieces.

A bit pricey, but I still really want this set since the Carnotaurus looks great,

and I love the Gyrosphere station.

But, I really don't care for the truck that takes up most of the build.

The Franklin minifigure is so cool though,

what a useful head piece.

There's Blue's Helicopter Escape which we've seen,

Stygimoloch Breakout,

which I'm sure I miss pronounced -

but it's basically a remake of the Raptor Escape,

though it looks better and is ten dollars cheaper.

I love that dino, and the new Dr. Wu minifigure has a good new face print.

The Pteranadon Escape is fine for twenty bucks.

I think the 2015 one had a more interesting build,

but it's a good cheap way to get Owen, and a newly colored Pteranadon.

Actually, they just reprinted the old one in this twenty dollar Juniors set -

that's kinda lame.

Would've been nice to get another new colored Pteranadon.

They do have an exclusive Raptor in this twenty five dollar Juniors set,

and it's a decent build.

And of course,

we've seen this fifty dollar Jurassic World Juniors set -

which I think is cool, but overpriced.

The only Duplo set revealed today is this adorable Gentle Giants Petting Zoo for twenty

bucks -

why is Duplo getting herbivores and not the regular LEGO System?

We saw the other one that has a T-Rex earlier this month.

Anyways, again, there's more Jurassic World sets to be revealed

but they'll be store exclusives,

and rumor has it we'll be seeing a Direct to Consumer Jurassic Park set soon enough


so stay tuned.

I'll see you guys later,

peace out, bye.

For more infomation >> LEGO Jurassic World 2018 sets - My Thoughts! - Duration: 1:57.


Get Bass Lessons or Teach Yourself? You Probably Won't Like The Answer - Duration: 8:39.

This is a question I get asked fairly regularly - should you teach yourself bass?

Or should you get bass lessons from a real-life bass teacher in person?

Anytime someone asks me this, they usually expect me to have strong opinions - especially

since I run a website that encourages you to watch videos and teach yourself, but they're

almost always disappointed when I tell them what I think they should do.

[Video Intro]

Teaching yourself and getting lessons, they're pretty different approaches, right.

Each one has its upside and its downside.

Take teaching yourself - Some of the most valuable insights you'll ever get learning

bass will come from teaching yourself.

In a sense, all of your improvement on bass comes as a result of you taking ideas and

concepts and arranging them in your mind so they make sense to you.

A teacher can try to help you, but in the end, YOU are the one that has to do it for


I'll give you an example.

When I seriously got into improvisation and really started to work on it a lot, I kept

hearing this one piece of advice.

Teachers were saying it, my friends were saying it - it seemed like everybody was saying the

same thing.

They said "play this one particular sound over this chord-type.

It sounds great."

I'll spare you the details of scales and chords right now, but when I tried using this

sound over this chord, it made absolutely zero sense to me.

I was playing the "right" notes and sounding awful doing it.

It went on like this for months, but one day though, I was listening to this album that

someone had recommended to me and it had this one track with this wicked solo on it and

as I was listening to it, I heard that scale over that specific chord type - It was right

there in the song and it sounded great!

In that instant, I understood HOW to use that scale to sound good rather than sounding like

a fool.

Massive eureka moment for me - huge insight and one that I had to find for myself.

All the teachers and even my friends were telling me the same thing, but it wasn't

until I put it together MYSELF that I could actually use that information.

Teaching yourself through books or videos or anything else also gives you a ton of freedom

- you can learn whatever you want, you can get started right away (provided you have

a bass to play with) and it can be unbelievably rewarding.

On the flipside of that though, it can be tough to know where to get started, it can

be more difficult and time-consuming which means frustration and overwhelm can set in.

The plateaus in your playing will come more quickly and stay for longer.

But possibly most importantly, if you teach yourself, you could accidentally develop bad

habits that then stay with you for life - the kind of habits that could actually cause you

injury and hurt you in the long run.

Even stop you from playing altogether - and that's not something you want.

On the other hand, you've got the option of finding a teacher - someone who knows more

than you and can guide you along the path.

Your own personal Yoda!


Now the biggest advantage that lessons have over teaching yourself is the personalised

real-time feedback that a teacher gives you.

Remember those bad habits that can give you painful injuries further on the down the road?

A good teacher will be able to spot them instantly and physically move your body around until

your technique is helping your body rather than hurting it.

A good teacher can also fast-track your understanding of concepts and they can give you structure

and a process for getting better.

For example, if you want to learn to improvise, and you teacher knows how to, it's possible

they can give you the step-by-step instructions on exactly what to do for someone in your

position - and then tailor that advice specifically for you.

Finding a good teacher is magical.

When I was learning to play upright bass, I had a teacher show me one exercise that

literally shaved months - maybe even years - off my learning curve.

It was a huge 'aha' moment and one that I wouldn't have had if I didn't have a


Was it worth the money?


There are some downsides of having a teacher though.

Firstly, they can be expensive - especially at the high end you can be looking at multiple

hundreds of dollars for a single lesson.

Even at the low end of the spectrum you can still be looking at more than $50/hour.

Of course this depends on where you live and everything like that.

On top of the cost, the first teacher you try might not be the best person for you,

so the search can end up being quite expensive.

Some players are great players, but that doesn't translate into being a good teacher.

Some teachers will only 'teach' you things that they want to talk about rather than the

things you want to learn.

You might want to learn how to play reggae bass lines, but the teacher has you reading

notation and learning theory or vice versa!

So what's the answer?

Should you teach yourself?

Or get lessons?

Here's what I say when people ask me.

I tell them, "Yes - you should absolutely teach yourself.

AND yes - you should absolutely get real life in person lessons AS WELL!"

You should do both!

People usually hate this!

They want to know which one to go all in on, but it just doesn't work like that.

You need both because they give you completely different things.

You need to have teachers because no musician can develop in a vacuum.

Even world record holding athletes have trainers and coaches.

But you need to teach yourself as well.

Even the best teachers, coaches and trainers in the world can't do the work for you!

Some things are there for you to figure out yourself.

Now if you're a total beginner or if you've never given much thought to your technique,

I do recommend that you take at least 1 or 2 lessons specifically to work on your technique.

Your technique is one of the three core pillars of your bass playing, so it pays to get it

right from the start.

Now you'll have your own preference - either liking to teach yourself or preferring a teacher.

For me, I definitely lean towards wanting to teach myself, but I'll definitely seek

out high quality teachers that I trust when I hit a wall in my playing or if I want a

more structured approach to what I'm doing.

I need both - and so do you.

If you're wondering whether to get lessons or teach yourself, stop thinking about it

and just do it!

There's never been a better time to learn bass than right now.

You have so many ways to learn and so many good people to learn from, so learn from them!

If you want to teach yourself, I'm a bit biased, but I'd recommend going to

checking out all the lessons there and signing up for the email newsletter where you'll

get even some exclusive subscriber-only lessons.

I'm always reading my emails from subscribers so feel free to email me if you have questions!

I'd be more than happy to help.

If you want to find a teacher - do it!

There's nothing stopping you from either asking any musician friends you have if they

know bass players who teach.

They might!

If you don't have any musician friends, you can search for musician groups in your

area on Facebook.

For example, if you lived in Boston, you could search Facebook groups for boston musicians

and it'll give you heaps of groups you could post in asking if anybody knows a bass teacher.

Failing that there's always free online classifieds like craigslist or gumtree.

Whatever you do - do something!

You won't regret it!

Next I want to hear from you.

Are you more of a DIY-er or do you like the structure a good teacher provides?

I'm super curious, so leave a comment below letting me know and also tell me about one

really good eureka moment you got from a teacher or from teaching yourself.

I'd love to hear from you.

Like I said before, make sure you go to and sign up for that email newsletter - you'll

get a bunch of subscriber only lessons that you can't get anywhere else and of course,

you'll get all the latest lessons from

Thanks so much for watching - I really do appreciate it.

I'm Luke McIntosh, creator of - Good luck and happy playing.

[Video Outro]

For more infomation >> Get Bass Lessons or Teach Yourself? You Probably Won't Like The Answer - Duration: 8:39.


Jerry Craft Talks MAMA'S BOYZ and NEW KID at the Black Comic Book Festival - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Jerry Craft Talks MAMA'S BOYZ and NEW KID at the Black Comic Book Festival - Duration: 5:49.


Regine Sawyer Talks THE RIPPERS and EATING VAMPIRES at the Sixth Annual Black Comic Book Festival - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Regine Sawyer Talks THE RIPPERS and EATING VAMPIRES at the Sixth Annual Black Comic Book Festival - Duration: 4:58.


Crimp Cover Closer Pliers-Are They Worth It? Friday Findings Jewelry Product Review Video - Duration: 5:55.

So I was wandering the aisles of my local craft store the other day and came

across a tool I hadn't seen before, oh boy! This is the crimp cover closer and

today I'll show you how it works and let you decide whether or not to add it to

your tool arsenal. Hi there, Sandy here, welcome to another Friday findings video

at So as you can imagine when I go to the

craft store and look in the jewelry section

most of the stuff there is stuff I already have, so I was excited when I saw

these crimp cover closers and just had to try them out because closing crimp

covers can be a problem. I remember a project I did a long time ago

using crimp covers that drove me insane. If you, I didn't bring my other pliers

down here but if you try to pick them up with the smooth jaws of pliers...

actually these are behaving pretty well, but usually they pop and zing out. I

remember going just crazy trying to get that project done with lots and lots of

crimp covers and I finally figured out a workaround using the actual crimping

tool because it has these little round spaces and that's what I've been using

for ages and I've shown you that over and over again. I even showed you that in

my Friday findings video on crimp covers, is to use your crimping pliers. So here's

a piece of wire with a crimp, the wire's been trimmed, squeeze... and that one looks

pretty good. Often what happens because these pliers are narrower than the bead

or the crimp cover it'll leave a little bit of a dent. These

little parts on the very ends will dent it. I haven't let that bother me but when

I saw these I thought maybe that would solve that problem. So again here's just

a bit of wire I've crimped

and you want to trim off the excess wire and always, just always grab a hold of

that give it a tug . I say this over and over again it's so important. I just

completed a fairly complex necklace tugged on it and had the thing come undone,

and yes, it was aggravating to have to redo my stringing but I was much happier

having to redo it then than having to find my beads spilled all over the floor

or not find them if it happened in a public place.

So anyway,s back to these. One thing I like about these is that they really are

designed for picking up a crimp cover because you can see they've got a

little bit of a bend here which is exactly what we do.

You set your crimp cover down, I usually point it at about ten o'clock because

I'm right-handed ,it might be two o'clock if you're left-handed, and then just

bracket that and I usually use my fingers and try to make it straight

because the trickiest part I found of using this tool is getting the cover to

close neatly and straight, and then you just pop your cover in there and squeeze,

and that's pretty good. And that's really all there is to it. I

had some that came out crooked and one of the problems I have is if you're at

the end of your wire and say you have a whole bunch of beads here and you have

something else here like a part of a clasp, these can be a little thick and a

little wide to fit in there. They are just, let's see, a little bit wider than

the bead or the crimp cover which looks like a bead when you're done with it, so

they're a little bit wider and that can cause a problem if you have big beads on

either side of where you want to crimp. In which case again going

back to your crimping tool, just gently closing should do it.

So with that exception I think this is a pretty cool tool. I like the fact that

I'm not going to have dented crimp covers. Sometimes, like that is a little

bit off, and you can come in from different angles.

It's easiest if you can get it on there as straight as possible to begin with.

Now, of course that's the easiest way, but you can kind of come back in and reshape

that a little if you need to. So make sure that it stays straight in here

which, like I said, can be tricky if it's a different size than your cover, and take

your time getting it centered over the crimp and you should be fine. So is it

worth adding to your tool kit? If you use a lot of crimp covers and you don't like

denting them then, yes, I think so. I think it simplifies things, makes the

whole process a little bit more streamlined. They even throw in a few... I

think you get what, five, crimp covers in there, which is nice. So I hope you found

this video helpful. If you're interested in the, in any of these supplies then

you should click on the link in the upper right of the video. That will bring

you to my blog post where I always have a complete supply list and links to

products. If you enjoy my videos I hope you'll subscribe if you haven't already

and take a look at my Patreon page for how you can get bonus tutorials every

month. Happy creating, bye bye.

For more infomation >> Crimp Cover Closer Pliers-Are They Worth It? Friday Findings Jewelry Product Review Video - Duration: 5:55.


Congratulations from Wake Forest School of Law - Duration: 2:16.

Professor Dick Schneider: Welcome to Wake Forest University School of Law. (English)

Alessia Grimaldi: Welcome to Wake Forest. (Italian)

Xuemian Luo: Welcome to Wake Forest University. (Mandarian)

Christina Tabora: Welcome to Wake Forest.(Spanish)

Sultan Almalki: Welcome to Wake Forest. (Arabic)

Virginia Seatherton: My name is Virginia Seatherton. Welcome to Wake Forest University. (English)

Dima Vinogradsky: Welcome to Wake Forest (Russian).

Samira Schakirova: Welcome to Wake Forest University. (German)

Yosuke Watanabe: Welcome to Wake Forest. (Japanese)

Thayse Almeidal: Welcome to Wake Forest University. (Spanish)

Tanya Madenyika: Welcome to Wake Forest University School of Law. (English)

Amber Featherstone: Welcome to Wake Forest University School of Law.

Featherstone: and congratulations on your admission to one of our programs.

Featherstone: Because we're small by design, we can ensure a truly individualized experience.

Featherstone: Our mission is to help you meet your personal and professional goals while you're in the program.

Featherstone: We don't want you to get lost in the crowd, we want you to find yourself here.

Featherstone: Welcome to the family. (English)

For more infomation >> Congratulations from Wake Forest School of Law - Duration: 2:16.



What is going members of the Barrio

Tonight is a very special evening

We are in the historical center of Guadalajara

Celebrating their 476th birthday

And they're having this humongous light show

I'm here..

Adriana's here

We also have a special guest

We're going to be documenting

This experience

I am totally pumped for this

And I think this is going to be

A night to remember

Team Adriana

Loves light shows

I think i mean we did..

We did that Merida thing

Once but what are your expectations for this?

Well I have to confess that I didn't know what to expect

When I saw this big thing here


Now i'm excited

I want to see what is that

And what i'm about to see

Juan Pablo is actually a subscriber of mine

And a film maker

And he's making a mini episode/documentary

For his channel right?

Yeah that's right

I'm starting this documentary series

About people who I find interesting

That's you.. the first one

I'm going to be following you around

With my camera

I got you all miced up

Don't mind me

And we'll have a good time

He finds me interesting

There has got to be something wrong with him

Check it out

We're all mic'ed up here

This is like.. really really professional

It's going to be great

A ton of people walking around the center right now

In about 30 minutes

There's going to be some sort of a.. show

I don't really know what's going to happen here

Your guess is as good as mine

I know it's going to have a lot of light

Because I saw a video from last year.

In about 10 minutes this light show is going to begin

And I want to thank a lot of the viewers out there

Who told me about this event

Without you guys I would have had no idea

At least a dozen of you told me to come

And i'm here

Folk music started playing in the distance

We are moving to try to get a closer look

At the ballet folklorico

That is going on right now

We didn't think we picked a very good spot to start

Moments later the light show began

It was really interesting.

I was not expecting electronic rave music

But it kind of works here with the setting

People are jumping up and down dancing

Very cool environment

We're trying to get ahead right now

Trying to go to the cabana's, that way.

Before anybody else gets there

This is definitley the most people I've seen

In Guadalajara

In one place

Actually you know what, that's not true

At the Chivas game I saw more people

This is the second most

Yeah he made it

I tried this for the first time

At the Chivas game

I love this stuff


New York city, yeah !

That was a very cool moment

That was one of those real moments you get.. you talk to the local people

And I get to practice my..

Intermediate Spanish

This is honestly one of the coolest things

We've done so far

Just walking through this

Light maze

Looks like most of the performances are back where we started

By the fountains

And around here are the installations

We're going to try to find this Mariachi performance

For 9 o'clock

It's from your favorite movie coco..


This was way better than the average Mariachi show !

What did you think about your first GDLuz Festival

I'm so happy we were here

While the festival was going on

Because it's really beautiful

And i'm really happy that I was part of this party

I think the first part was like a party

And this last part was more artistic

And traditional

And I loved it

Alright members of the barrio

We have gone to the GDLuz Festival

It's actually going on until Friday night

If I publish this on Friday afternoon

You still have a chance to come see this

It was incredible

I really liked the last thing we saw

The most

It was a mix of classical with a circus performance

I would have paid money to have seen that

We got to watch it for 20 minutes

Absolutely for free

The light things were great

Happy Birthday to Guadalajara

Quite an old city

Quite an amazing city

And i'm happy I got the opportunity to


This festival

And see so many

Nice.. families

Just having a good time

If you're new to this channel

Make sure that you are subscribed

We've still got a couple of weeks left in Guadalajara


Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

We are following Adriana around tonight

With not 1, but 2 cameras

Everyone thinks she's like this big Mexican celebrity

For more infomation >> HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUADALAJARA! GDLUZ FESTIVAL 2018 🇲🇽 (GRINGO IN MEXICO VLOG) - Duration: 6:59.


That's Not My Accent, Ethan - Snippets from a YouTuber Weekend | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 6:33.

Hi everyone! It is Saturday and it's time for a weekend adventure.

So I'm going to be hanging out with a lot of YouTubers this weekend,

I haven't been to Aberdeen in a very very long time. I was born here

but I don't ever remember living here so this could be very interesting.

I don't know where I'm going, I'm gonna be meeting up with everybody later

and I thought I'd bring you with me to see what we end up doing.

So let's see, we're gonna be going to a ceilidh later

but obviously I'm not gonna bring the camera with me

but there's some time before that so we'll see what happens.

I've just stepped off the main street and came into Union Terrace Gardens

and I don't really know what to think about this.

It's nothing really compared to Princes Street Gardens except for the fact that it's equally steep.

But yeah I've just been looking around, I don't really know where I'm going surprise surprise

because even though I was born here I don't remember anything.

So I've just been kinda looking around, seeing what I can find

and hoping that somebody comes to claim me soon because I don't really know what I'm doing anymore.

I don't know if that's meant to look like Emeli Sandé but I think it looks like Emeli Sandé

so good job whoever that artist is. There's stuff on the walls and things

but Her Majesty's Theatre over there it's probably more to my taste than this particular park.

Hi folks! We're in Glasgow today. We were in Aberdeen yesterday and today

and now Jack is leading us on a last minute-

On a last minute? A last minute tour of Glasgow. Neither of us knew Glasgow very well,

we've got 3 English folk to show around so this could be very interesting.

Jack: We're William Wallace compared to them though so we'll how it goes.

Kate: We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out.

Ethan would like to show everybody his amazing Scottish accent.

Ethan: I'm from Edinburgh like, we're here at the Glasgow Cathedral now and it's like-

it's like we've got the Scottish person who who doesn't sound Scottish, I'm not going to lie.

Ethan: We've got a Londoner who likes to do a Scottish accent.

Ethan: We've got Scotsman who sounds more Scottish when he's with his home breed.

[LAUGHTER] Kate: So here we have the YouTubers taking pictures

and Jack trying to figure out where we're going to take the tourists next.

Because neither of us really come to Glasgow for tourist stuff

and we're trying to pretend we know what we're doing.


So Jack asked me where the statue with the cone on it's head is

and he meant this statue. And it has- Abi: This statue! Kate: This statue!

It has the cone on it's head so often

that it's actually weird that it doesn't have it on its head right now.

If you ever come to Glasgow and see this statue without a traffic cone on its head

you're in for a very very rare sight cause this happens pretty much every Saturday night.


Ethan: Put it back down there.

Ethan: Do you even vlog bro? Kate: You're promoting the wrong brand.

Ethan: Do you even vlog bro? Go buy this merch

and go subscribe to my channel because you want to live the life you dream.

Kate: And you never had an Irn Bru before, Abi? Abi: Never ever ever ever ever.

Abi: Even though my brother like makes them. I'm WhatsApp-ing him now.

Abi: I'm being like "Look, it's the original sugar content!" Kate: Let's give it a go then, see what you think.

Kate: Weirdly enough this isn't a first for my channel. Abi: Am I allowed to open it in here?

Everyone: Yeah. Abi: Maybe outside, let's do it outside.

Kate: Here we go, here we go. Abi: Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.

Abi: Ooh it's pink. Jack: It's not pink, it's orange.

Abi: It's pink. Jack: Darling, it's orange.

Abi: It smells like weird sweets. Smell it. Lubna: Weird sweets?

Abi: It smells like weird jelly sweets. Lubna: It smells like Irn Bru to me, I've had it before.

Jack: Yes Lubna. Euan: My friends in the States say it tastes like bubblegum with a spice to it.

Abi: It does, it does taste like bubblegum. Kate: My friend said Juicy Fruit.

Abi: I don't know what that is. Kate: It's like a type of chewing gum.

Abi: Oh, maybe.


Abi: It's amazing, it's the best thing I've ever had. [LAUGHTER]

Kate: Honest score out of 10? As Jack asked, sorry Jack.

Abi: Like a 6? Everyone: Ooooh [LAUGHTER ]

Ethan: That's your friendship over, that's the squad breaking up.

Jack: End the vlog, end the vlog. Cut!

Kate: After that time at the Museum, we're now running late for Jack, Abi and Lubii's bus.

So it's gonna be a quick goodbye.

Which is a shame because Ethan is not going to see them for a long time.

Run for the bus and the bus isn't here yet. There we go.


Well that's Ethan dropped off now at Glasgow Airport.

He's off back to Spain, that's everybody else on their way home so it's time for me to go home.

So thanks very much for watching this video everybody.

I feel like this one has been a little bit weird because a lot happened and I feel like a lot of it wasn't filmed.

I feel like a lot of memories were made and I feel like they're going to be ones that we'll remember

but maybe not so much you lot. But it's been fun.

So thank you so so much for watching everybody, cheerio!

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