Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 2 2018

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Religion and humanity go more or less hand-in-hand.

Before there was science, religion was the most common way to explain the world around


And the Ancient Greeks had an awfully interesting, not to mention entertaining, explanation.

But what if the many Gods depicted in Greek Mythology actually existed?

Let's explore.

If you want more What If videos, check out our "Biggest What Ifs" playlist on the


Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if the Greek Gods were Real?

First of all, the world would be full of uncertainty.

In a world where powerful beings can break the laws of physics with the snap of their

mythical fingers, you just never know what will happen.

One minute you could be cutting in front of someone in line, and the next your hair could

be made of snakes.

Greek Gods are nothing if not imaginative.

Another likely implication of the existence of the Greek Gods is that there would be a

whole whack of demigods floating around.

As you may remember from history class, the Greek Gods had a propensity to come down to

Earth to get it on with the humans.

Famous Demigods include Achilles and Heracles, whom you likely know better as Hercules.

These Demigods could bring about something of a legion of superheroes or supervillains,

bringing about a world not unlike that of comic books.

For more on that, check out our video "What if Superheroes were Real".

However, in today's culture of "me too," it could be that the Gods would be in trouble

for all the trickery that went into their sexytimes with humans.

Forget Harvey Weinstein, imagine the uproar when a sexual abuse allegation was made against

Zeus himself for pretending to be Alcmene's husband (Al-k-mee-nee).

Talk about a power imbalance.

Furthermore, if the Greek Gods were real, there's a good chance that religions that

developed later, particularly the Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Judaism, would

not have developed as they did.

Considering how petty and vengeful they were in the stories, there's a good chance that

the Greek Gods wouldn't allow competition from false deities.

For more on these last few points, check out our video "What if there was more than one


But that's not to say that mankind would fall together in harmony under the Greek Pantheon.

Groups of humans would probably come together to worship their own patron deity, as we saw

in Ancient Greece.

Ancient Greece had a number of city-states or Polis, (Poe-Lees) with the people from

each Polis worshipping their own God in their own way.

Sometimes neighbouring Polis would have the same patron God but followed different rules,

and sometimes they worshipped different Gods altogether.

This often caused some tension between city states whose beliefs differed greatly.

However, given the current state of the internet, it could be that modern humans would be more

open to choosing a patron deity.

They could join groups of like-minded people online, rather than having one's patron

God determined by city of origin.

That said, given that religious beliefs continue to be very geographically-based even in the

age of the internet, it's possible that patron deities would still be largely determined

by where you live.

This brings up another point: there would probably be a good deal of fighting as a result

of conflict between patron deities.

We need only look to how identity politics have brought about division and conflict between

various groups to know that humanity is still very tribal in nature.

Differences of opinion on which God to worship or how to worship them could bring about a

good deal of war and conflict between groups of people.

This is something we saw in Ancient Greece, with inter-polis warfare being relatively


This would also be important on the global stage.

If the Gods were inclined to help countries that favoured them, there would be a good

deal of governmental control over which Gods could be patrons of certain cities.

Countries would want to make sure they had their bases covered; you wouldn't want to

accidentally shun Demeter, only to have all your crops die the following year.

Not only would politicians be concerned with offending their constituents; they would need

to appease the Gods as well.

Furthermore, if the Greek Gods were real, that would likely mean that the afterlife

described in Greek Mythology would also be real.

This means that when we died, we would be judged by the three judges of the underworld.

Those related to Gods, or humans deemed righteous or heroic enough, would go to Elysium, the

wonderful heaven-like area of the underworld.

Ordinary people with some good deeds and some bad would be sent to The Asphodel Fields,

full of blandness and neutrality.

Finally, those deemed wicked would be sent to Tartarus, where they would be punished

for eternity.

If this was known to be true by humans, there's a good chance that most people would try much

harder to live a moral life, for fear of ending up in Tartarus.

While the biblical Hell, as well as personal moral systems, currently prevent most people

from committing evil deeds, the knowledge that you will actually be punished forever

if you're a jerk would probably be a bit more effective.

This could bring about some change even in the most moral of people.

And now we return to our question: What if the Greek Gods were real?

Well, the world would be a very different place.

Angry Gods would be doing whatever the heck they wanted, while their half-human spawn

acted like spoiled superheroes.

People would be fighting to gain the favour of their patron deities, while trying to avoid

being sent to Tartarus.

And finally, before you say it, this video, would not have been made.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know which of the Greek Gods you would worship if they

were real.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> What If The Greek Gods Were Real? - Duration: 4:53.


Top 10 Secrets Police Officers Don't Want You To Know - Duration: 6:05.


Welcome to the Most Amazing Corner of the internet, I am your Most Amazing Host, Rebecca

Felgate and today we are talking all about the Top 10 Secrets Cops Don't Want you Know…

Before we get right on into that, I just want to ask all of you who are new here to subscribe

to our channel...and of course please all do hit that thumbs up button and leave us

a comment – me, danny or Landon may reply!

It seems appropriate to start number 10 off with - The Ten Codes

The ten codes is a list of codes used by United States Law enforcement.

That all start with ten.

You may have heard an officer say 10-4, which means, yes, I understand.

You actually aren't supposed to know what they mean, they're a means to communicate

without civilian understanding.

For example 10 double zero means officer down and 10-27-1 means a homicide.

9 - They run background checks on people without their consent

Ever dated a cop?

Chances are the they ran a background check on you long before you became serious.

Police have access to a lot of sensitive, non public information.

If a police officer wanted to know about me and my history, they could easily find out.

Despite not being allowed to research people without an investigating reason, they do.


8 - Many Complaints Against Police Officers are Destroyed

In 2016, Hackers breached a US Law Enforcement Union's website and they found that police

unions were barring public access to past civilian complaints and in some cases destroying

the records.

There was also incriminating evidence to back up the Black Lives Matter campaigns accusation

that the Police are sabotaging misconduct investigations.

7 - There is a difference between a request and an order

Police officers sometimes deliberately confuse people and it makes their job easier if you

don't know your rights.

Often, police officers do not want you to know that there is a key difference between

a request and an order.

A request you can decline, an order you must comply with.

There are few circumstances where police officers can legally order you to do something, so

it is worth clarifying whether or not an instruction is a request or order.

6 - They purposefully try to trick you with leading questions

For example, a police officer may ask you if you have had anything to drink.

You legally do not need to answer this.

You must always be polite, but you can say, respectfully officer, I do not have to answer


They could also try things like – if you have nothing to hide, you wont mind if I look

around – again, you do not have to consent.

5 - They Make Terrible Mistakes In February 2017, a police blunder made headlines

when officers in Cumbria, UK blew up a man's car.

A man fell ill, and kind hearted officers parked his car outside their station, although

they failed to communicate that to their colleagues who thought the car was suspicious …they

called the bomb squad…the car was blown up… awkward.

Their mates in barrow had loads of twitter bantz on the whole topic.

Say no more.

Of course, this is a slightly more laughable balls up, the police have been known to make

worse mistakes in the past,.

4 - They cannot search your car without a warrant

I guess most people know that a police officer can't come into your home without a warrant,

but what some people don't know is that they cannot search your car under usual cirmstances,

nor can they search you.

If a police officer pulls you over, they can look in the windows of the car, but they cannot

search your car unless they have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that there

are illegal drugs or alcohol, or evidence relating to the commission of a crime.

If they don't have this reasonable or probable grounds, they cant search your car.

3 - They cannot stop search you unless you are under arrest

A Police officer cannot search you at random.

They only way they can is if you are under arrest or you consent to be searched.

Three exceptions apply – if police find you in a place they're searching for drugs

and believe you have some, if they find you in a vehicle, where people are drinking illegally,

or if they believe you have an illegal weapon.

If it is outside of those circumstances, they can't search you.

2 - You can legally film police Although of course many would prefer it if

you didn't, filming a police officer is not against the law.

There have been some insane pieces of footage of police officers losing it when bystanders

have recorded them, but you should know that it is not a criminal offence.

They also cannot size your phone.

If they take issue with something you have recorded…they absolutely cannot delete it

or ask you to delete it.

1 - Many Complaints Against Police Officers are Destroyed

In 2016, Hackers breached a US Law Enforcement Union's website and they found that police

unions were barring public access to past civilian complaints and in some cases destroying

the records.

There was also incriminating evidence to back up the Black Lives Matter campaigns accusation

that the Police are sabotaging misconduct investigations.

So that was the Top 10 Secrets Cops Don't Want You To Know.

Did you already know any of these?

Do you have any more to add to the list?

Let me know in the comments section below.

For now, this list has very much made me want some coffee and donuts…because stereotypes

never die.

Thanks for watching – I am your host Rebecca Felgate…

If you want to continue your Most Amazing Binge then why not check out the Top 10 Government

Secrets and the Top 10 Queen Elizabeth Secret's You're Not Supposed to Know

For more infomation >> Top 10 Secrets Police Officers Don't Want You To Know - Duration: 6:05.


Top 10 Hawkman – Dragon Of Barbatos Shocking Facts - Duration: 7:39.

Hawkman's making a comeback!

If you've been following DC's Dark Nights Metal story arc, you're more than aware

that Carter Hall's Hawkman has been taken over by Barbatos – an evil demon from the

Dark Multiverse who is trying to invade the regular multiverse – and is now become his

'dragon', guarding the world forge, also known as the Dark Forge these days.

Batman and Superman encounter the character when they come looking for Nth metal – the

only property capable of defeating Barbatos and the other atrocities that are from the

dark multiverse.

But why Carter?

What's Nth Metal all about?

And what's the deal with his part in this story?

Well, we aim to answer some of those questions with our top 10 Hawkman – Dragon of Barbatos

facts list.

10 Keeper of the Dark Forge Let's start off this list by outlining what

exactly has be revealed so far.

By Dark Nights Metal 3, Batman and Superman have entered the Forge of Worlds, only to

discover that there's a new dragon in Barbatos' place.

For those of you not fully up to date, Barbatos was once the dragon in the world forge, who

would consume all of the unstable worlds created by the Forger.

But Barbatos rebelled and became the demon he is today, killing the Forger in the process.

Flash forward to the Dark Nights Metal timeline, Barbatos has finally found a way to open a

door to the multiverse via Batman, and Carter Hall has now replaced him as the dragon, transformed

into this disturbing dark version of himself.

The Forge of Worlds has transformed too, with the Dark Multiverse now influencing it to

craft up 'nightmares', like Crime Alley.

9 Origin So why Carter Hall?

Originally, he was an ancient Egyptian prince named Khufu.

He finds a Thanagarian spaceship containing a substance named Nth metal that negated gravity

– a substance that is melted down into various remarkable objects, all of which give Khufu

his powers, along with his consort and love, Chay-Ara.

But a villainous priest by the name of Hath-Set betrays him and kills him and Chay-Ara with

a knife made of Nth metal.

Except, because of the proximity to the Nth metal, Khufu's soul has been altered, and

he and Chay-Ara are fated to constantly reincarnate.

Flash forward multiple reincarnations later to Carter Hall, the latest.

He's brought back by Thanagarians in order to fight off a villain named Onimar Synn who

intends on taking over the planet; they needed a champion, and due to his unorthodox resurrection,

he remembers all of his memories from his past lives, as well as the memories of Thanagar's

original Hawkman, Katar Hol.

So the character's connection to Nth metal is a big one.

8 Tracking down Nth metal After the big reveal that Carter had become

the new dragon of the World Forge, we were given a tie in issue called Hawkman Found,

which focuses on the story behind how Carter got consumed by Barbatos, and how Carter has

been tracking down the origins of Nth metal for years.

Nth metal has always been an odd not-really-discussed property in the DC universe, for the most

part directly tied into Carter's character, so the connections between his origin story

and the property being used to take down one of the biggest threats the DC universe has

faced is pretty revolutionary to some.

Anyway, Hawkman found states that Carter has been looking for answer s about Nth metal

for years, keeping a journal of his journey.

7 Martian Manhunter Turns out Hawkman isn't the only person

who has been hunting down answers about Nth metal.

Martian Manhunter, who appears in Dark Nights Metal 5, manages to free both Mr Terrific

and Green Lantern on Thanagar Prime, and reveals that he's also been looking for answers

behind the Nth metal mystery.

The reason why this is intriguing is because Martian Manhunter has been MIA since the beginning

of DC Rebirth.

6 Hath-Set This isn't the first time Barbatos has tried

to access the regular multiverse.

He initially tried through Hawkman's nemesis, Hath-Set, the evil priest who murdered Hawkman


Hath-Set was Barbatos' first conduit, and through this body, had been severely harmed

by Hawkman's mace, which is made of Nth metal.

Hath-Set became his nemesis after Khufu found the Nth metal and decided to use it for good,

to usher in a new age of peace for Egypt.

5 Jeff Lemire Let's talk a little bit about the author

behind Hawkman Found.

While Scott Synder and Greg Capullo are the driving force behind the Dark Nights Metal

arc, the tie in issues have included some prominent 'newer' talent to join DC's

roster, including Jeff Lemire, a Canadian cartoonist whose known for his original graphic

novels, which typically deal with rural Canadian life and the loss that comes with it.

But he's no stranger to superheroes – he was behind the new 52's Animal Man, Green

Arrow and various Justice League arcs, as well as the New 52 Future's End.

He's also worked for Marvel, including writing for the Old Man Logan series in 2016.

4 Silver Age More of a Hawkman fact than one that ties

into him being the dragon of Barbatos , let's take a look into Hawkman's really weird

turn during the silver age.

So when the character first debuted, it was in Jay Garrick's Flash Comics, in issue

#1 in 1940.

He was the secondary story to Jay's, and occasionally, he'd headline the comic as


His origins weren't overly different – while we were introduced to him as Carter Hall the

archaeologist, Carter discovers the Nth metal knife from his past and things are put in


But then the silver age got weird – as it done for most heroes, lets be frank – and

his origin changed to him being Katar Hol, an alien space cop from Thanagar.

This occurred in 1961 right before the issue of the flash of two worlds, where DC's multiverse

officially came into existence, which then allowed for both versions of Hawkman to exist.

This pretty much stayed the same until Crisis on Infinite Earths, with 1989's Hawkworld

redefining the new hawkmen yet again, and finally, the new 52 sticking with Carter being


Confusing much?

3 His Curse One of the most integral components to Hawkman's

origin as a hero comes in the form of his curse – that when he dies, he will always


But it's a bit more specific than that – since he and Chay-Ara used the Nth metal objects

so closely, when they were murdered by Hath-Set, they became cursed – the two will always

be reincarnated, and will always be complete once they find one another, but will inevitably

share the same fate over and over again – once they're together, they will be murdered,

and must come back to life in a new body and find each other all over again.

2 His New Abilities Aside from quoting Gandalf and giving off

some serious Songbird from Bioshock infinite vibes, it appears this beastly new version

of the character still maintains the abilities he previously had, but there's still not

much known about the full extent of his new power.

Other than he's big.

And his hammer swings are deadly.

That being said, it's safe to speculate that he would now have some of the abilities

that Barbatos had while in his dragon form ages and ages ago.

The character can likely manipulate darkness, consume worlds, alter reality within the forge,

and perhaps infect those nearby with the powers of the dark multiverse.

1 Amnesia During their confrontation, Batman tries to

job Carter's memory in an attempt to stop him from attacking both he and Superman.

He doesn't seem to recall his past as Hawkman at all, to the point where Bruce even quotes

a line that Carter had written in his journal , "To retreat is to walk alone, to explore

is to walk with generations, dead and alive, in an act of love."

There is a brief moment though where he hesitates in his attacks on Bruce and Clark, hinting

to readers that perhaps not all is lost for Carter after all.

There is still one issue left to the Dark Nights Metal story arc, and with the Dark

Multiverse now fully invading the regular multiverse, shit is about to go down.

What are all of your predictions for how the story will end?

Do you think Carter will return to his form state?

And on a different note, would you like us to do more videos on Hawkman in general?

Let us know in those comments below.

As always, if you dug this video, please show us some love by hitting those like and subscribe

buttons, and if you're in the mood why not check out some more of our nerdy videos on

the Dark Nights Metal arc, or one of our playlists that's currently flashing on your screen?

In the meantime, thanks for watching.

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd.

Catch you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Hawkman – Dragon Of Barbatos Shocking Facts - Duration: 7:39.


How NOT To Talk About Immigration - Duration: 9:11.

It's like playing a game of "Would You Rather"

if both choices involved having genitals on your forehead.

Why has our immigration debate come down to this false choice?

I'm Francesca Fiorentini, and today we're

gonna talk about immigration like adults.

Except for that genitals joke.

You don't have to pay much attention to the budget fight in Congress

to be reminded that

the debate over immigration in the U.S. is like the "Saw" movie franchise.

It's gone on way too long and keeps getting more absurdly cruel.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Senator Tom Cotton's latest immigration proposal is

just to let immigrants stay in the country if they can pick strawberries

with no fingers.

The conversation is so skewed to the right that solutions to

the crisis of undocumented immigration are now presented as either one of two things:

Either it's a wall, which will bring about untold tragedies, including

this promo video with Paul Ryan:

[crappy electro pop music]


I don't know if I'm supposed to buy season tickets to that or just get some

glow sticks, but I want in.

And then immediately out.

Or, if not the wall,

the only other supposed solution is something the right claims the left loves:

"Open borders."

"You look to the left- wing people, all they want is open borders."

"They want open borders."

"They are basically open borders people."

"Open borders."

"The concept of open borders may even become part of left-wing orthodoxy.

"In fact it basically already is."

No it's not.

No one seriously working on

immigration reform wants open borders.

Unless you count that rally to save

Borders Bookstore.

Susan had some great staff recommendations!

Open borders isn't a thing.

Just go to any immigrant rights organization's website and search for it.

Doesn't exist.

And no serious Democrat has advocated for it or campaigned on an

open borders platform, because "the left wants open borders" is just a right wing

talking point. They want their viewers to think liberals believe it,

just like they want them to think we want to replace the Trump cabinet

with the contestants from Ru Paul's Drag Race.

And we totally don't.

Take Fox commentator Lou Dobbs, who,

fun fact, is actually just the stitched together flesh of every American's racist uncle,

that was then shimmied into a suit to hide the scars from the lightning

that brought him to life.

His "open borders" rhetoric actually gets to the heart of the matter:

"Open borders and of course, amnesty. Those

are just code words for 'cheap labor' and 'Democratic voters.'"

Okay hang on,

I thought Republicans were the ones who love cheap labor?

Isn't that why the majority of

them are against raising the minimum wage,

and why Stephen Miller just works

for fruit snacks?

But the "Democratic voters" part is worthy

of more attention, particularly because they spelled it DIMMOCRATIC.

Which is exactly how Dobbs pronounces it, and that means

someone is voice-to-text-ing

"Lou Dobbs Tonight" animations.

They're literally phoning it in.

But that guy who Trump harvests his fair from,

is openly saying what many Republicans won't,

which is that immigrants -- especially immigrants of color and Latinos -- if and when they do

gain voting rights and vote, vote DIMMOCRAT.

Why? Because it's hard to vote for a

party that doesn't have any ... como se dice? EMPATHY.

And therefore, they're seen

as a threat to Republicans' political power. But the idea that immigrants

always vote Democrat is kind of BS.

We all know a brown immigrant who voted for Trump.

They're called ... como se dice? REGRETFUL.

And having such a stupidly shrill, polarized and inaccurate debate on immigration

erases the fact that once upon a time, Republicans thought it was

important to reach out to the immigrant, and specifically the Latino, community.

Just listen to Mitt Romney assess the 2012 presidential loss:

"The larger strategic error was not investing sufficiently, particularly in Hispanic TV

and Hispanic outreach to help Hispanic voters understand that ours is the party

of opportunity, that ours is the party that will help them have a brighter

future, better jobs, better future for their kids.


Except you can almost hear

Steve Bannon's demon laugh in the background.

[demonic laugh]. CUCK!

Also side note: you don't just

get the Latino vote by putting your horrible ideas into Spanish on Hispanic TV.

Latinos aren't ducks who sounds you can mimic so that they'll fly closer to your gun.

And we also forget that before Mitt Romney lost, Republicans didn't try

to soften on immigration just for votes. They were simply less awful people on

the issue. Watch George Bush Senior and Ronald Reagan try to out-humane each other

at a debate in 1980:

"If they're living in here I don't want to see a

whole--dangit-- six and eight year old kids made to feel that they're living

outside the law. Let's address ourselves to the fundamentals.

These are good people! Strong people!"

"Rather than talking about putting

up a fence, why don't we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and

then while they're working and earning here, they pay taxes here.

And when they want to go back they can go back and they can cross,

and open the border both ways..."

Did you just hear that?! Reagan just advocated for open borders!

What is happening? Am I dead?

Did I die and I'm reliving America in another dimension?

Is Bernie president right now?

"Build that wall! Build that wall!"

Nope, still waking hell. Cool.

As recently as 2013 there were serious attempts at immigration

reform from both parties in the Senate.

That year the Senate passed

an immigration reform bill with support from Republicans that included a path to

citizenship for undocumented immigrants, a better visa program for agricultural

workers, an expanded employee verification system, and hey!

It also added 20,000 Border Patrol agents, 40 billion dollars in border security and

700 miles of fencing.

That's right: fence.

A walls chill cousin.

The bill was even

seen as a decent option by immigrant rights organizations.

But it was the Tea Party wingnuts in the House

who made sure it was never even discussed, let

alone voted on. It's still sitting there, gathering dust

like the condom in Stephen Miller's wallet.

So the idea that we're in this mess now because Democrats

somehow don't want to negotiate or that Trump's wall is a reasonable ask is

utter bullsh*t.

Republicans have blocked serious reform for years because they've

seen the fruits of their racist, fear-mongering, Lou Dobbsian rhetoric

keep them in office.

So much so that whenever any Republican brought up the

subject of immigration reform during the 2015 Republican primary debates,

it was always compared to Trump's wall

and the idea of mass deportation.

"Donald Trump's plan"

"his plan"

"his big wall"

"your plan"

"Donald Trump's plan to immediately

deport 11 to 12 million undocumented immigrants--"

Okay first of all,

that was never a plan it was an evil pipe dream,

and second of all, that's a ridiculously

unfair matchup. That's like a car salesman offering you either a low

mileage previously-owned Nissan

or a tiger.

Mmm..Nissans are so practical but

tigers are badass!


How much?

What we miss in this Salvador Dali painting

of immigration debates, is that real reform is hard.

And not hard like, well

it's hard to rip up families-- No. Reform that will actually work,

that takes into account jobs that need to be filled, how people will always cross borders no

matter what the consequences, and the logistics of humane enforcement -- is hard.

It's not just putting on a red hat and chanting

Mexico's gonna pay for my tiger!

Just ask this police chief in Washington State who voted for Trump

and found out the hard way:

"The turning point for me was a guy that I've known for many years who

I found out last summer was picked up.

I was like, 'They picked up Mario?'

I didn't sign up for this.

And shame on me for being short-sighted about it. Okay

I mean fine.


It's not just."

That is so sad.

The only way that could be

sadder is if in the next scene, that heron also gets picked up by ICE.

After years of inaction and anti-immigrant propaganda,

our conversation about

immigration is totally toxic.

And now Republicans are holding the country and

700,000 dreamers ransom in exchange for a wall,

all while ICE hunts down MS-13 members,

who are curiously disguised as teachers and pastors.

And for sure

Democrats aren't off the hook. They've agreed to stoop to the GOP's level and

argue on their terms. And they haven't been able to counter the anti-immigrant

propaganda or advocate for real solutions.

So to all the spineless

politicians who rolled over when they were Trumped on immigration who are

making careers off xenophobia and hate:

know that we see you. And there are

millions of legal immigrants still in this country, and they do vote. And at

this point, definitely not for you.

And Paul Ryan: we fixed your stupid f*cking promo video.

[same crappy electro pop music]

Thanks for watching Newsbroke, I'm Francesca Fiorentini.

Follow me on Twitter

and make sure to follow Newsbroke on Facebook Watch for

more episodes just like this one.

That is, if you enjoyed it. And if you didn't just

don't tell anybody.

Also we're on YouTube so subscribe to us there

And we'll see you next week

For more infomation >> How NOT To Talk About Immigration - Duration: 9:11.


Opel Insignia 2.0 CDTI ECOFLEX EDITION | Navigatie | Climate | PDC v+a | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 2.0 CDTI ECOFLEX EDITION | Navigatie | Climate | PDC v+a | - Duration: 0:54.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 Automaat AWD Skylease+ Skitplates V+A - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 Automaat AWD Skylease+ Skitplates V+A - Duration: 0:54.


Spaky Digital Drawing│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Spaky Digital Drawing│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 7:38.


Chile SIN Mundial - ¿Que dicen los chilenos? - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Chile SIN Mundial - ¿Que dicen los chilenos? - Duration: 8:19.


Trump reacts to contents of Nunes memo: It's a disgrace - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Trump reacts to contents of Nunes memo: It's a disgrace - Duration: 4:15.


Funny Hamster from the bottom! Cute paws unlimited ♪ - Duration: 3:07.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster from the bottom! Cute paws unlimited ♪ - Duration: 3:07.


Maxine Waters says Trump should come with a disclaimer - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Maxine Waters says Trump should come with a disclaimer - Duration: 4:30.


Sorry momma... | Family Feud - Duration: 0:32.
















For more infomation >> Sorry momma... | Family Feud - Duration: 0:32.


Wallace: Troubling details in Nunes memo; is it full story? - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Wallace: Troubling details in Nunes memo; is it full story? - Duration: 6:23.


Things you should know about PETG - Duration: 7:46.

PETG or, more widely speaking, the range of copolyesters!

It's like PLA and ABS had a lovechild with all the best bits from either one.

Copolyesters have a good mix of properties and has become my personal favorite, but there

are some things it can't do or will need extra tuning for.

Let's go through those!

[Intro] There is a bit of confusion around what you

should call these materials - is it PET, PETG, Copolyester or CPE?

Well, pretty much only Ultimaker calls them CPE, which is just a fancy abbreviation for


Many manufacturers have their own brand names for various types of copolyesters, be it Colorfabb

XT, HT or NGEN, Taulman T-Glase or simply PETG.

PET itself, or Polyethylene terephthalate, is actually not what you'll typically 3D

print, that would be PETG or the glycol-modified version of PET.

The glycol content keeps the plastic from crystallizing, making it a bit softer, more

chewy and having it melt at a lower temperature - pretty much ideal for 3D printing on the

common machines.

PETG print at around 230°C, pure PET at 260°C or more.

Aside from that fundamental difference, filament producers can also modify the plastic to have

different properties for how they perform while being printed or in the finished printed


No two PETG materials are going to be exactly the same, but typically, they're pretty

close when it comes to how they need to be printed or how the parts will behave.

Ok, so how do these need to be printed?

Well, for a base tune, grab a PLA profile you know works for you - or simply your slicer's

default profile - then reduce the part cooling fan speed a bit, 20 to 50% work well on most

of my printers and adjust the temperature to match what your filament manufacturer suggests.

If there's no recommended temperature, try 230°C and increase it if you see bad layer

adhesion or extruder jams or decrease if you see excessive stringing or curling or other

overheating artifacts.

On the topic of stringing, most PETGs will want to string quite a bit because even the

molten PETG still doesn't easily tear, but will keep pulling that fine string out of

the nozzle.

It's a good idea to increase the retract length by a bit even before your first print,

maybe add a millimeter for a direct extruder and two or three for a bowden.

Of you still get strings, you either have the option of just burning them off with a

hot air gun or tuning your printer's retraction even further.

But you can't just increase retraction length like crazy because you'll end up with blobs


What you should into is the retraction speed settings - try a slightly faster or slower

one and it might just be that last piece of the puzzle to help you get a clean print.

What's always going to help with both stringing and blobbing is increasing the travel speed

between retracts.

Travel moves should always be as fast as your printer can handle, because it's going to

give the hotend as little of a chance of oozing and going out of the intended plastic flow

situation as possible if that makes sense.

Your printer's firmware should know how fast it can reliably go, so you can actually

set the travel speed on your slicer to some obscene value and let your printer handle

the rest.

One more note about printing copolyesters: Whatever you do, don't print them directly

onto glass.

Even though it's kinda hard to stick copolyester parts together when you actually want them

to stick, they will actually fuse to some glass print surfaces and take chunks out when

you try to remove them.

PEI and other films are a similar story, so I'd always recommend using some extra layer

of adhesive on top.

With those base settings, PETGs and other similar copolyester materials should easily

make for clean, strong and attractive prints.

So what do you use it for?

Well, anything, really.

PETGs can do most things a PLA would be able to do when it comes to printing detailed parts

or larger ones without warping too much.

It also has many of the upsides of ABS like being reasonably temperature resistant up

to around 70° or 80°C, which is a bit lower than ABS; but still good enough for many parts

that you'd use with motors or electronics.

Prusa even uses them for everything on the MK3 now.

PETGs are also really strong and came out with consistently impressive results in the

filaween tests, but their strength, even though it is good, I feel is a bit less predictable

than other materials because some copolyester prints like to shatter instead of gradually


What can make this behavior much worse is when you use "wet" PETG - through a process

called "hydrolysis", the water steaming up as the plastic gets heated will essentially

tear apart the polymer chains and make the plastic more brittle - so keep it dry and

if you feel like your spool of filament has been degraded, chuck it in the oven at 60°C

for an hour or two.

Copolyesters also come with the huge benefit of being really clear and transparent if,

of course, you get the transparent versions.

With the right settings, you can get some amazing looking parts out of it!

Just like ABS, you can use metalworking tools with PETG prints no problem, but painting

or gluing parts can be a bit tricky.

If you ever tried to glue or paint a plastic water bottle, you'll know that nothing sticks

to this stuff.

If you need to connect two Copolyester parts, there are some options for solvent-welding,

but they are some pretty nasty substances involved.

What the company 3M recommends is a few things: With any adhesive, you can prepare the surface

either by roughing it up with some sandpaper and then cleaning and degreasing it well or

by actually activating the surface with a bath in 80°C caustic soda for a few minutes

- but please be really careful when trying that and follow the usual safety rules.

After that, they recommend regular superglue, polyurethane-based resins or - tape!

If you've ever stuck a GoPro to anything, you'll know how well that VXB tape sticks

to stuff, so the chances are good that it'll actually stick well enough even to PETG parts

straight from your printer.

But in the same spirit, PETG is a much more "friendly" plastic than some others.

It doesn't smell when printing and many filaments are actually food-safe if printed

right, it's resistant against many chemical including, surprise, glycol, the hard-tubing

for PC watercooling, where glycol is a common water additive, is actually often made from

PETG these days.

Also, PETG and copolyesters themselves are UV and weather resistant, so the parts are

going to stay strong and usable outside, but the color might fade after a while in the


Overall, it's just nice to print and for most use cases is still close enough to PLA

where it's no big hassle to print, but still gives you parts that are actually stronger

than ABS and come with almost the same temperature resistance.

And your good, base-level PETG isn't even much more expensive than PLA, but of course,

you can get it in all sorts of specialized properties and price ranges if you're into


Let me know what your experiences with this relatively new material are!

I know I like it a ton and it has basically replaced ABS for me.

On the topic of ABS, a few of you have commented on the last video that I completely left out

vapor smoothing for ABS.

So, I actually rarely vapor-smooth a print because it's a bit too much of a hassle,

but I'd be really interested to hear from you all if that's something you do to your



Or if it's just a "eh, maybe twice a year" kinda thing.

If you liked the video, let YouTube know that you do by giving it a thumbs up or subscribing!

You can directly support the channel through Patreon or by buying things through the affiliate


Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> Things you should know about PETG - Duration: 7:46.


Oreo Cookie Challenge | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 7:14.

hey guys it's, Hashtag Zoe! welcome back to my channel so for today's video we are

going to be doing the Oreo cookie challenge so today I'm here with my good

friends I'm Bita I'm Sanam, and we're the dad gang yeah anyway guys for today's

video we're gonna be taste testing different Oreos blindfolded and trying

to guess the flavor so we have a really fashionable blindfolds this one says

beauty queen yeah this one says the zebra print and this

one says offline, which technically you're online right now because you're watching

my video! subscribe! so I have my handy-dandy camera assistant giving us

cookies and my camera assistant I mean my mom so she's gonna be giving us Oreo

cookies and we're gonna have to guess the flavor so without further ado let's

go ahead and get start with the video okay so we have our first cookie um and

feels like an Oreo that lets us try it it smells like a bath and Bodyworks

I really got me eating it yeah I want to make up I think I know

what it is alright and I was like so last handle I'm gonna do like the

cracker than the filling like I don't like it I like it you like it taste like

about that body work one two three bottom I know my apple cinnamon roll

caramel okay guys so we just found out that this

is apple pie what that's no tastes like cinnamon it tasted like the leaves

candle from bath and body works! and it's kind of like sour and the outside is like

sending mini sounds like yeah next Oreo alright the next one if it's lemon I'm

gonna cry I can't tell anymore okay go yeah

pretty okay so disgusting I'm guessing that sees it like poo and expired! I don't

know what that was okay one two three cheese it topic could be that it's

discussed it tasted like key that piece is

disgusting those tasted like it is supposed to be like Nutella oh look at

this this is not oh oh it's actually kind of nerve-wracking interesting smell

orange yes okay ready at 100 yeah I'm really confused easier to guess if you

like take this poor often it I don't know I can't see you inside it's like

okay I mean they make mint oreos but I don't think this is mint it's like um 1

2 3 7 mm it okay every good smell cinnomon

cinnamon so wait for me okay so this is the next one it smells like oh I already

know what this is okay okay try it oh I don't know yeah I don't

like it but I know what it is we know what it like it tastes familiar but I

don't know what this is it's cookie part

it tastes like waffles like like that I can't even get one two three Melvin what

red velvet okay no good job betta no wonder why she says Amelia we eat them

it's kind of weird Wow it's gonna be so fun good do you

wanna build a snowman oh wait okay hold on okay really bad at this game just

about everything works yeah it's good to see me again

okay all right right it's exactly like the first two oh wait I kind of like it

I like it tastes like cinnamon toast crunch yeah oh it does women why would

they make the cinnamon toast, Oreo cookie challenge! I don't think they would hi I know it's

wait I think I know it is one two three Cinnabon cinnamon oh yeah simmer roll my

hair okay moving on okay so the next one happens this I can't see it so healthy

metal is the same as Wow actually about the fade checking on is also like bats

and water earth am i eating it yet yeah go okay it tastes like a gingerbread

house done weird oh do you say then it does a little just like just like

gingerbread man catching the Christmas yeah well I hope I like it though okay

this is what pumpkins taste like oh my god it's orange it's now gross but like

wait this tastes like math the body works okay but it really tasted like it

the other one tasted like the leaves candle like it's exactly the same okay

moving on okay this is a thin Oreo but I'm pretty sure it's a different flavor

so this is what I do go smells like bath and Bodyworks it really does how about

the butters okay okay where's the cream though I don't know I mean it's like the

yellow one is it just the vanilla one is the golden Oreo the vanilla yaksa come

on one two three vanilla we'll do you nella yeah we just found out that was

salted caramel caramel however you say it but I kind of taste it enough I know

that the one-nothing yeah but like it's weird cause like what for like it tasted

the same and like three of them not with Pat yeah okay like the old you know what

Oreo sponsor me comment down below your favorite Oreo flavor and also make sure

to LIKE and subscribe and all of our social media links are down below thank

you so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video bye

boom place I never knew no one tell us hope

For more infomation >> Oreo Cookie Challenge | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 7:14.


Nunes memo states Steele had personal animus toward Trump - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Nunes memo states Steele had personal animus toward Trump - Duration: 2:19.


FISA memo extends beyond partisan politics, Republicans say - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> FISA memo extends beyond partisan politics, Republicans say - Duration: 4:55.


FISA memo contains no national security violations: Rep. Ratcliffe - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> FISA memo contains no national security violations: Rep. Ratcliffe - Duration: 3:21.


Stock decline is 'just a normal correction', market analyst says - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Stock decline is 'just a normal correction', market analyst says - Duration: 1:05.


Ventrac Owners Still Make Money in the Rain - Duration: 0:32.

It did rain here last night.

I could see water picking up off the tires as I was driving.

So the ground is very soft and wet.

I probably wouldn't have mowed here today had I used something else.

As big as the equipment is, it has a very light footprint.

It will go pretty much anywhere and not do any damage.

Normally you wouldn't take any other mowers because you would ruin the grass.

It'd just not be good for public relations!

For more infomation >> Ventrac Owners Still Make Money in the Rain - Duration: 0:32.


Tosylate Reactions [Organic Chemistry] Smith 2018 - Duration: 3:02.

In this video I will guide you through a problem in Smith's Organic Chemistry.

I'm Stoddard, founder of studychem, the place for students to turn for higher grades

in ochem.

Let's get started.

We're asked to draw the products of each reaction and include the stereochemistry at

any stereogenic center in the products.

A key point here is that if you have an SN2 reaction, inversion can only occur at the

stereogenic center IF the leaving group is attached to the stereogenic center.

So your leaving group must be at the stereogenic center for inversion to take place.

If it's off a remote site or an area of the molecule far removed from the reaction

center, it will of course not be inverted.

So only invert the stereogenic center that is being attacked by the nucleophile.

So here we have a primary tosylate.

Tosylate is a great leaving group so cyanide is going to replace the tosylate and we

will make this nitrile product here.

Here we have a primary tosylate, which looks great right?

However we have potassium tert-butoxide, which is a bulky base.

And It does not perform substitution reaction well.

It will do an elimination reaction instead.

So it might be helpful to sketch in here the hydrogen at the adjacent beta carbon.

So what happens here is the negative charge from the bulky base comes in and removes the

hydrogen at the same time tosylate leaves to give us a molecule with a double bond between

these two carbons.

So that gives us propene as a reaction product.

Here in this molecule I'm highlighting the carbon that contains the leaving group.

And you can see how this carbon has four different groups making it a stereogenic center.

So when the nucleophile attacks, it's going to attack from the back side of the molecule

and kick off the tosylate which is coming toward us.

So I will use a dotted line to represent how the nucleophile is approaching the molecule

from the back side.

So when we draw the reaction product.

I will put a dot on this carbon to help us focus.

The SH group is going to be going away from us or drawn as a dash.

For more infomation >> Tosylate Reactions [Organic Chemistry] Smith 2018 - Duration: 3:02.


Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React - Duration: 2:12.

Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React

Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React

Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React

Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React

Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React

For more infomation >> Viral News: Justin Bieber Worried for Selena Gomez's Health| Selena React - Duration: 2:12.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...







The smallest camera in the world !!! - Duration: 6:29.

welcome to DeballTech

the channel where we unbox interesting gadgets and technology

Today we have the smallest camera in the world

let's see what it is

here is the small box

very ugly

it shoots at 1080P so full HD at 30 FPS

the aspect ratio is 4:3

And this honestly when I saw that ...

I was dead

it's compatible with windows: 2000/xp and 2003 vista

so what is this exactly ? how old is that camera ?

is it like 20 years old or what ?

looks like they got a retired guy to program the thing

well we'll see

I did try it on my MacBook and it worked so don't worry about that

we also have 100 minutes of recording

and we will see the rest

so let's open the small box

we have a cable to charge with a cable to connect

to a tv or a monitor

we have a small mount that we can screw in

we'll see that later

we have that to hook it on the camera

we have the manual

in Chinese and English

but that today we do care about it because

this thing is very hard to use

there are no indicator on the camera there is nothing

so you really need to read that, almost every time you use it

I did try it for a few hours

and I have an idea of what to do now

so here is the small camera


it's so tiny !

wait it's like

here is 2 Euros coin

and here is the camera

the coin

is bigger than the camera

it's very cute though

it's so small

we have a small sticker here

so we have night vision on this camera

probably using infrared

a 1.2 Megapixel camera and

full HD

here is where we put the memory card

so I have one right here

the thing is that honestly the slot is huge

you put the card in and it just falls in there

don't really know how to put it

okay here we go

so you might say that it's not practical

there is no use for it, it's too small and there is no screen

the quality.....

not the best


for me honestly I think it's practical

you can put it anywhere

you can hook it to your bicycle to your bike

or even on yourself

do if we put that

like that

it's like mini Gopro

and its almost nothing it's worth like 15 bucks on amazon

we can hook it like that

anyways we can do anything with it

to turn it on you have to press on this button here

we have on here to turn it on

so we have 3 colors

here it's blue

if we change mode

we have but and red

I don't know if you can see well

so blue will be HD 720p

red and blue will be full HD

and red will be for pictures only

so to record we have it now on full HD

and the we press on record here


now it should be recording

so now you can see me using the camera, and hear the sound

the vibrations here are from my lighting

so it won't normally do that

its not a terrible quality though

so another option we have is a motion sensor

so we can put it somewhere and it will detect by itself

and it will see the people

I really wanna try the night vision

so we turn the camera on

the we change modes

okay it's not on

come on now

okay we turn on the camera

thats it, it's really hard we don't know what to do

so we turn the camera on and we are on video mode

and then for the night vision we press the on button for 2 seconds

1, 2

so now we are normally in night vision

I don't know if you can see me

I tried earlier and I had a zombie face

so now we are in night vision

so if you buy a bunch of them

you can put it everywhere at home

for safety you can film

but you won't see it live because

it will record on the memory card

if you don't have cables everywhere at home connected to a monitor


I think that as far as safety goes it can help us a lot

because we can record what happens

there is a motion sensor so it will detect anyone trying to break in

that's trying to rob you or kill you you never know

I think that this would be practical

because at least you can pay attention to danger

so besides that

the memory card is very hard to remove

you really need a screw driver

because with my fat fingers I can't take it out, impossible

it's very difficult

so you put it like that

and you take the memory card out

besides that it really is the smallest camera

it's really fun, we can do anything with it, we can hook it to whatever

it's cheap we won't be scared to break it

I tried to put it on the Parrot Swing drone

but it didn't work it didn't lift it

but if you have a drone that is a little more powerful you might be able to use it

so that is all for the smallest camera in the world

I put the link in the description

if you have ideas of what to do with it put it in the comments

if you like the video, hit the like......

subscribe !

For more infomation >> The smallest camera in the world !!! - Duration: 6:29.


For more infomation >> The smallest camera in the world !!! - Duration: 6:29.


Tosylate Reactions [Organic Chemistry] Smith 2018 - Duration: 3:02.

In this video I will guide you through a problem in Smith's Organic Chemistry.

I'm Stoddard, founder of studychem, the place for students to turn for higher grades

in ochem.

Let's get started.

We're asked to draw the products of each reaction and include the stereochemistry at

any stereogenic center in the products.

A key point here is that if you have an SN2 reaction, inversion can only occur at the

stereogenic center IF the leaving group is attached to the stereogenic center.

So your leaving group must be at the stereogenic center for inversion to take place.

If it's off a remote site or an area of the molecule far removed from the reaction

center, it will of course not be inverted.

So only invert the stereogenic center that is being attacked by the nucleophile.

So here we have a primary tosylate.

Tosylate is a great leaving group so cyanide is going to replace the tosylate and we

will make this nitrile product here.

Here we have a primary tosylate, which looks great right?

However we have potassium tert-butoxide, which is a bulky base.

And It does not perform substitution reaction well.

It will do an elimination reaction instead.

So it might be helpful to sketch in here the hydrogen at the adjacent beta carbon.

So what happens here is the negative charge from the bulky base comes in and removes the

hydrogen at the same time tosylate leaves to give us a molecule with a double bond between

these two carbons.

So that gives us propene as a reaction product.

Here in this molecule I'm highlighting the carbon that contains the leaving group.

And you can see how this carbon has four different groups making it a stereogenic center.

So when the nucleophile attacks, it's going to attack from the back side of the molecule

and kick off the tosylate which is coming toward us.

So I will use a dotted line to represent how the nucleophile is approaching the molecule

from the back side.

So when we draw the reaction product.

I will put a dot on this carbon to help us focus.

The SH group is going to be going away from us or drawn as a dash.

For more infomation >> Tosylate Reactions [Organic Chemistry] Smith 2018 - Duration: 3:02.


For more infomation >> Tosylate Reactions [Organic Chemistry] Smith 2018 - Duration: 3:02.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


Mazda MX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 160 GT-M LED/LEDER/NAVI RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 160 GT-M LED/LEDER/NAVI RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:01.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320d M Sport Edition 165PK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320d M Sport Edition 165PK - Duration: 0:54.


$UICIDEBOY$ - FUCKALLOFYOU2K18 (Lyrics) 🌪 - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> $UICIDEBOY$ - FUCKALLOFYOU2K18 (Lyrics) 🌪 - Duration: 2:00.


Oreo Cookie Challenge | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 7:14.

hey guys it's, Hashtag Zoe! welcome back to my channel so for today's video we are

going to be doing the Oreo cookie challenge so today I'm here with my good

friends I'm Bita I'm Sanam, and we're the dad gang yeah anyway guys for today's

video we're gonna be taste testing different Oreos blindfolded and trying

to guess the flavor so we have a really fashionable blindfolds this one says

beauty queen yeah this one says the zebra print and this

one says offline, which technically you're online right now because you're watching

my video! subscribe! so I have my handy-dandy camera assistant giving us

cookies and my camera assistant I mean my mom so she's gonna be giving us Oreo

cookies and we're gonna have to guess the flavor so without further ado let's

go ahead and get start with the video okay so we have our first cookie um and

feels like an Oreo that lets us try it it smells like a bath and Bodyworks

I really got me eating it yeah I want to make up I think I know

what it is alright and I was like so last handle I'm gonna do like the

cracker than the filling like I don't like it I like it you like it taste like

about that body work one two three bottom I know my apple cinnamon roll

caramel okay guys so we just found out that this

is apple pie what that's no tastes like cinnamon it tasted like the leaves

candle from bath and body works! and it's kind of like sour and the outside is like

sending mini sounds like yeah next Oreo alright the next one if it's lemon I'm

gonna cry I can't tell anymore okay go yeah

pretty okay so disgusting I'm guessing that sees it like poo and expired! I don't

know what that was okay one two three cheese it topic could be that it's

discussed it tasted like key that piece is

disgusting those tasted like it is supposed to be like Nutella oh look at

this this is not oh oh it's actually kind of nerve-wracking interesting smell

orange yes okay ready at 100 yeah I'm really confused easier to guess if you

like take this poor often it I don't know I can't see you inside it's like

okay I mean they make mint oreos but I don't think this is mint it's like um 1

2 3 7 mm it okay every good smell cinnomon

cinnamon so wait for me okay so this is the next one it smells like oh I already

know what this is okay okay try it oh I don't know yeah I don't

like it but I know what it is we know what it like it tastes familiar but I

don't know what this is it's cookie part

it tastes like waffles like like that I can't even get one two three Melvin what

red velvet okay no good job betta no wonder why she says Amelia we eat them

it's kind of weird Wow it's gonna be so fun good do you

wanna build a snowman oh wait okay hold on okay really bad at this game just

about everything works yeah it's good to see me again

okay all right right it's exactly like the first two oh wait I kind of like it

I like it tastes like cinnamon toast crunch yeah oh it does women why would

they make the cinnamon toast, Oreo cookie challenge! I don't think they would hi I know it's

wait I think I know it is one two three Cinnabon cinnamon oh yeah simmer roll my

hair okay moving on okay so the next one happens this I can't see it so healthy

metal is the same as Wow actually about the fade checking on is also like bats

and water earth am i eating it yet yeah go okay it tastes like a gingerbread

house done weird oh do you say then it does a little just like just like

gingerbread man catching the Christmas yeah well I hope I like it though okay

this is what pumpkins taste like oh my god it's orange it's now gross but like

wait this tastes like math the body works okay but it really tasted like it

the other one tasted like the leaves candle like it's exactly the same okay

moving on okay this is a thin Oreo but I'm pretty sure it's a different flavor

so this is what I do go smells like bath and Bodyworks it really does how about

the butters okay okay where's the cream though I don't know I mean it's like the

yellow one is it just the vanilla one is the golden Oreo the vanilla yaksa come

on one two three vanilla we'll do you nella yeah we just found out that was

salted caramel caramel however you say it but I kind of taste it enough I know

that the one-nothing yeah but like it's weird cause like what for like it tasted

the same and like three of them not with Pat yeah okay like the old you know what

Oreo sponsor me comment down below your favorite Oreo flavor and also make sure

to LIKE and subscribe and all of our social media links are down below thank

you so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video bye

boom place I never knew no one tell us hope

For more infomation >> Oreo Cookie Challenge | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 7:14.





Liverpool VFR Circuits in the **Freeware** Savannah (FSX Steam Edition) on Vatsim - Duration: 2:15:48.

For more infomation >> Liverpool VFR Circuits in the **Freeware** Savannah (FSX Steam Edition) on Vatsim - Duration: 2:15:48.


Funny Hamster from the bottom! Cute paws unlimited ♪ - Duration: 3:07.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster from the bottom! Cute paws unlimited ♪ - Duration: 3:07.


#The Temptations #I Can't get next to you February 2, 2018 - Duration: 3:03.

David: I...

Melvin: Can turn a grey sky blue, uh...

Melvin: I can make it rain, Whenever I want it to, huh!

Paul: I can build a castle From a single grain of sand

I can make a ship sail, huh, On dry land

Dennis: But my life is incomplete And I'm so blue

'Cause I can't get next to you David: I can't get next to you

David: Get next to you...

I just can't get next to you Temptations: I can't get next to you babe,

I can't get next to you, I...

David: Can fly like a bird in the sky Eddie: Hey, I can buy anything

That money can buy Temptations: Oh, I...

Melvin: I can turn a river Into a ragin' fire

Melvin: I can live forever, If I so desire

Eddie: Unimportant, are all these things I can do

'Cause I can't get next to you Temptations: I can't get next to you

Eddie: No matter what I do Temptations: I can't get next to you, babe

Temptations: Wooo, oooh-oooh Wooo, oooh-oooh

Chicka boom, chicka boom Chicka boom-boom-boom

David: I can turn back the hands of time...

You better believe I can Paul: I can make the seasons change

Just by a wave of my hand Temptations: Oh, I...

Eddie: I can change anything From old to new

Paul: The things I want to do the most, I'm unable to do

David: Unhappy am I With all the powers I possess

Cause girl, you're the key to my happiness Temptations: Can't get next to you

'Cause I can't get...

Temptations: Next to you Dennis: Can't you see these tears

I'm crying, I can't get uh...

Temptations: Next to you Dennis: Girl, it's you that I need...

I gotta' get...

Temptations: Next to you Dennis: Can't you see these tears

I'm cryin, I can't get...

Temptations: Next to you Dennis I, I, I, I, I can't get now...

Temptations: Next to you David: Girl, you blowin' my mind

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For more infomation >> #The Temptations #I Can't get next to you February 2, 2018 - Duration: 3:03.


Justin Timberlake - Montana (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:41.


For more infomation >> Justin Timberlake - Montana (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:41.


Dejan a Espinar con esta cara tras una lección impagable por atacar a Arrimadas - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Dejan a Espinar con esta cara tras una lección impagable por atacar a Arrimadas - Duration: 1:38.


DIY gifts - Valentine necklace - Duration: 6:19.

Hey everyone!

In this week's craft video I'm going to show you how to make this cute,

double Valentine necklace.

We're going to be using some specific materials, which I'll list

in the description box - as usual - and I'll add links to where you can find them.

First, you'll need a rounded and heart shaped metal tag in two different colors.

You'll also need metals stamps: I'm using the letters I and U and

a heart and infinity symbol.

You'll need electric tape, a metal stamping block and a metal stamping hammer.

You'll also need a black, permanent marker with a fine tip,

a treated polishing cloth, two jewelry pliers of your choice,

a jump ring and a necklace.

Let me first show you the basic technique of metal stamping!

Tape your tag to the center of your metal stamping block

and make sure the electric tape is also positioned as a top or

bottom line of where you want to stamp.

Turn your stamp until it faces the right way, position it

on the tag, line it up against the electric tape and slide your

thumb and index finger down.

Hold the stamp firmly and hit the top once or twice with your hammer.

A few things that can go wrong: If you hit your stamp too hard, it will go

too deep and your tag will bend.

If you don't hit hard enough, it's too shallow.

If you slightly move, you get a double imprint.

And then of course, there's the correct lining up of the letters and symbols.

You may want to practice a few times as it's harder than it looks!

Now back to our necklace!

Tape your tag onto your stamping block and position it so that it becomes the edge

of where you want to stamp.

Position your letter 'I' carefully, hold it steady and hit the top with

your hammer once or twice.

Next, do the same thing for the heart symbol.

And for the letter 'U'.

Remove the tape and put your tag aside.

Grab your heart tag and repeat the stamping steps to stamp the infinity symbol

onto the heart.

The metal stamps really come to life when you add some color.

So carefully go into the ridges of the stamps with your permanent marker.

Then immediately buff your tags with both the grey and the white parts of

your polishing cloth to remove the excess marker and fingerprints

and to make your tags shiny.

I'm so sorry about this part being blurry!

It was focused until my hands got in the frame. [laughs]

Get your tags, the jump ring, the jewelry

pliers and your necklace and let's assemble this.

Place the heart in front of the circle and align the holes.

Open your jump ring, stick it through the holes and place it around the necklace.

Close the jump ring and your necklace is ready!

I made this necklace double so that the 'I love you' is not

immediately visible for everyone to see, but the wearer knows it's there!

The heart with the infinity symbol strenghtens the message below

and is cute on its own as well!

I really hope you enjoyed this Valentine's tutorial!

If you did, please click the LIKE button and also SUBSCRIBE

and hit the notification bell.

Thank you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> DIY gifts - Valentine necklace - Duration: 6:19.


Bedford Rehab Pt.6 - Yet More Rust - Duration: 25:06.

For more infomation >> Bedford Rehab Pt.6 - Yet More Rust - Duration: 25:06.


Extraction, Bone Graft & Dental Implants in New Brunswick NJ: Brenda | Oral Surgery Group - Duration: 0:51.

My dentist that I had gone to originally recommended the Oral Surgery Group to go there to have

an extraction or two, and just recently, I was also recommended to go there to have an

implant done.

I found Dr. Michael Stern to just be very understanding and explained everything that

needed to be explained, and I feel very comfortable there – look forward to going.

It worked out well.

I had no pain whatsoever.

I was very impressed by the professionalism with Dr. Michael Stern and his staff.

I would recommend Oral Surgery Group.

On a scale of 1–10, they're 10 all the way.

For more infomation >> Extraction, Bone Graft & Dental Implants in New Brunswick NJ: Brenda | Oral Surgery Group - Duration: 0:51.


Wisdom Teeth Removal in Monterey CA: Glynis | MOSA Oral Maxillofacial & Dental Implant Surgery - Duration: 0:55.

So, I came to see Dr. Lloyd because I needed my wisdom teeth removed.

I was in pain, and I've been in pain for years and kind of been putting it off.

Dr. Lloyd is wonderful.

He made me feel so relaxed, and he said, "There's nothing to worry about."

The recovery was fine, was good.

It was not as horrible as I expected it to be at all.

The staff was wonderful and sweet, and they talked through everything with me, and they

were really great.

For the people that are wondering where to go to get their wisdom teeth extracted.

I would say definitely come here to Dr. Lloyd.

He's fabulous, and I'm so happy I finally have my wisdom teeth out.

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