For more infomation >> Buchbandable: fortnite free vbucks ps4 or free v-bucks and v bucks giveaway - Duration: 2:52.
How to Propagate Lucky Bamboo - Proper Method //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:03.
welcome to my channel
this video is to show you
how to propagate a lucky bamboo
i have a mother plant here
so i'm going to cut off the stalks
i just cut the stalks with a sharp knife
cut off the tops of each one
it's a straight stalk cutting
prepare the cuttings to the propagation
remove the leaves in lower part of the stalks
just removing and get a clean area for rooting
place the all cuttings in water for a month
keep it in indoor or shady area
replace fresh water every week
after cutting the stalks from the plant
we have to seal the top
candle wax sealing is easiest way to seal the top
sealing that will prevent the top from rotting
after 20 days
new roots are developed
then i'm going to plant these cuttings in another pot
i just take the rooted stalks and tie up with a thin wire
just put some pebbles and gavels in this glass pot
then fill the water
another way to plant the lucky bamboo
in this pot
i just put a small stone on the hole
put the coco peat in the pot
the place the plant
and fill some more coco peat
use spray water to coco peat
coco peat holds enough water to the plant
so we don't need to pure much water
after planting lucky bamboo
thanks for watching and subscribe, like and share
Monika Koblížková v kontroverzním modelu: Barbie strašidlo, nebostylová diva? - Duration: 1:03.
Asad sdělil, jak se podařilo vyhnout konfliktu mezi Ruskem a USA v Sýrii - Duration: 2:34.
[Eng Es PT Sub] BTS What is BTS Economic Effect & Impact? - Korean Economy News 방탄소년단 경제효과 - Duration: 3:16.
<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>
Our first news starts with pleasant news.
The popular idol group BTS rewrote K-POP history by topping No.1 on American Billboard 200 chart.
With this amazing news of BTS, related beneficiary companies are also having big smiles.
The economic effect is expected to be enormous.
Jeong Jae Hoon reporter will deliver it.
This is the new song 'Fake Love' by the popular boy group, BTS.
The music video released on the 18th reached over one hundred million views in just 9 days.
At the same day, the official album with this new song greatly ranked No.1 on Billboard 200 chart.
In the past, Psy ranked No.2 on Hot 100 and was said to have set one trillion won economic effect.
For BTS, not just one song but the whole album was popular, they are said to have more economic effect than' Gangnam Style'.
Big Hit Entertainment which is waiting to be listed on the stock market soon is expected to enterprise value to more than 1 trillion won from 800 billion won.
Hana Financial Investment Co.,LTD stated on the report that Big Hit's market capitalization is expected to rise up to 1.6 trillion won.
As BTS are acknowledged for their talents and popularity, related enterprises are showing recognition.
Netmarble who purchased 200 billion won which worth 25% of Big Hit's shares.
The company is making BTS related game with their stock closed with 4% rise that day.
First of all, the game called "BTS WORLD" using BTS IP is expected to be released at the second half of this year.
The game will include BTS exclusive contents such as videos and photos,
so it will create a big amount just from the fandom already.
LG who incorporated BTS as the model for their new phone G7 ThinQ is expecting a big marketing effect.
This phone G7 ThinQ is planned to be released starting in North America in June, and BTS global popularity is thought to be helpful for sales.
Iriver, a subsidiary company of SK Telecom, has an exclusive domestic authority to release music from Big Hit Entertainment. And their stock rose more than 20%.
The largest shareholder is LB Semicon, a semiconductor design enterprise, and their stock went up rapidly.
There was a happening where Korea Exchange inquired public notification for the sudden rise.
BTS who are rewriting the history of K-POP by earning No.1 on Billboard 200 chart.
BTS is expected to continue marking an epoch in economic effect.
Korean Economy TV, it was a reporter, Jeong Jae Hoon.
FCE Listening Exam Tips and Advice - Duration: 10:21.
Hello, I'm Kae.
Welcome to Oxford Online English.
In this lesson, you can learn about how to do the Cambridge FCE listening exam.
In this lesson, you can see what to expect in the listening test and how to improve your
FCE listening score.
We'll also look at some problem areas and what you can do to make them easier.
The listening exam takes about 40 minutes and has four parts.
There are 30 questions in total and you need to be able to understand a variety
of spoken media.
That means that you might hear conversations between friends, an extract from the news,
part of a radio programme, or something else.
Part one of the exam has eight questions with three possible answers, A, B, or C. Each question
is unrelated to the others and you'll hear different short extracts.
It's important to listen to the gist of the recordings in this part.
You might not find the answer you need in one word, phrase or sentence.
Instead, you'll need to listen to the whole recording to understand the meaning of it.
Part two is a sentence completion activity.
There are ten questions with gaps for you to fill while you listen to one, long recording.
You'll need to write one to three words to fill each gap.
The recording could be an interview, a conversation between two people or just one person talking.
The questions in part two are all in the order you'll hear them, so it's important to
follow the recording!
If you don't know an answer, move on to the next question.
In part three, you'll hear five short recordings by five different speakers on a similar theme
or topic, e.g. hobbies or travel.
There are a set of eight statements and you'll have to match each speaker to a statement.
Remember that there'll be three extra statements that you don't need to use!
Finally, part four is a multiple-choice section again like part one.
Unlike part one, the questions in part four are about a single recording, often an interview.
This means you need to find answers in a longer recording.
Now that you know what to expect in the FCE listening exam, let's take a look at how
you can get ready for it.
Let's look at how you can prepare for the FCE listening exam by yourself.
Most importantly: Llisten, listen and listen some more!
Of course, you should practice the listening exam
so that you understand the structure of the questions and learn which areas you need to
improve on.
You can either ask your teacher for practise papers or have a look online, ; there
are lots you can work through.
When you've finished your practise listening test, play it again after you've
got the correct answerscheck your answers and listen again.
Can you see why the answers are correct?
Try to work out why the correct answer is the right one.
This will help you to understand the exam better.
Remember that you will hear a variety of media in the FCE exam,
so listen to radio stations, songs, podcasts, and anything
else you can find.
This way, you'll get used to hearing English in different ways and it will help prepare
you for your test.
Here's a simple, two-step plan to help you with general listening:
Listen to something in English every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.
Obviously, more time is better, but five minutes is better than nothing.
Listen to something different every day.
For example, one day, you can listen to a song.
The next day, you watch 10 minutes of a British TV show.
The third day, you listen to an American podcast.
The fourth day, you listen to a radio talk show, and so on.
It's also important to listen to a range of different accents.
During the FCE exam, you might hear some speakers with American or Australian
You will also hear a range of regional British accents.
Some British accents can be very strong and harder to understand than others.
If you do hear a difficult accent in the exam, try not to panic; you'll hear the recording
twice and you'll understand more the second time.
In the FCE listening exam, the question will often be answered using similar words—synonyms,
or opposite words—antonyms, that have the same meaning.
For example, if the question is:
What does John find least enjoyable about his job?
A Meeting people.
B Responding to enquiries.
C Hours of paperwork.
You won't hear John say: I find meeting people the least enjoyable part of my job,
but you might hear him say something like:
I find socialising boring.
Or: I dislike interacting with new people.
Socialising and interacting with new people are both different ways of saying meeting
Boring and dislike are both different ways of saying that you don't find something
Because this is common during the listening test, it's smart to
study synonyms and antonyms before the exam.
Look at past papers and think of different ways you could
phrase the question and answers.
For example, look at this question:
What did David find the most difficult when writing his book?
Can you think of another way you could say this?
How about:
What was the biggest challenge for David when working on his book?
What did David find was the hardest part of writing?
By thinking in this way, you can train your brain to listen for the
correct information, not specific words.
Okay, now that we've looked at what you can do at home, let's move onto what you
can do in the exam.
Yes, it might seem like it's too late to do anything to help yourself when you're
sitting your exam, but don't worry; there are still a few things you can do!
Firstly, the exam paper you're given is your exam paper.
This means that you can—and should—write on it!
Underline key words in the questions.
This will help you to focus on what you're trying to hear.
Take a look at this sample question:
Why does Alice enjoy teaching?
In this question, you could underline the key words why, enjoy and teaching.
When you're listening to the exam recordings, try not to make any notes.
If you make notes, you're not paying attention to what you're hearing.
Elimination is also a good tactic.
When you're listening to a multiple-choice question in parts one or four, you can try
to eliminate one of the answers on your first listen.
Let's take a look at how to do this.
Imagine that this is the question:
Why did Sophie have to leave university?
A She was bullied.
B She failed her exams.
C She was offered her dream job.
Now imagine that this is part of the recording:
I ended up having to leave university, which was a shame as I liked the people there, but
I wasn't very good at exams…
You heard that Sophie wasn't very good at exams so option B—she failed her exams—is
a possibility.
But you also heard that she liked the people there.
This suggests that option A—she was bullied—is incorrect.
So, you can eliminate option A and concentrate on listening for the information for just
B and C on your next listen.
In part two of the listening exam, you'll need to listen and fill in the missing words.
While reading, think about what kind of word is needed in the gap: do you need a noun,
a verb, an adjective, or something else?
Do you need one word, or more than one?
Look at a sample question:
This geographical feature can be found in _____ and mountains.
You know that you need to listen for a noun.
Doing this in the exam makes you better prepared to find the information you need.
Now you've seen what to expect in the exam and how to get ready for it, let's take
a closer look at some of the biggest challenges in FCE listening and how you can avoid making
some common mistakes.
In many questions, the FCE exam writers try to confuse you by including all of the answers
from a multiple choice question in the listening text.
For example, if the question is:
What did John take to work today for lunch?
A. Sandwich.
B. Crisps.
C. Salad.
You might hear something like this:
I normally take a sandwich to work, but today I forgot it and had to buy a salad to take
with me instead.
I really wanted some crisps but I decided to be healthy so I didn't buy them.
A lot of students will just hear I normally take a sandwich to work, write sandwich as
their answer and not listen to the rest of the question.
Always listen to the whole question before you choose your answer.
In part two of the exam, the gap fill, make sure to read over your answers afterwards.
Many students lose marks by making spelling mistakes, writing more than three words or
writing something that doesn't make sense.
Check that you've spelt everything correctly—you can write numbers without writing the full
word, so if you can't remember how to spell thousand, just write 1,000—in figures—instead.
You also need to check for grammar mistakes.
Look for simple things, like mistakes with plurals, forgetting to add 's' to a 3rd
person verb, or leaving out articles like a, an or the.
Now that we've reached the end of this video, you should have a good understanding of the
FCE listening exam and some ideas on how to prepare yourself for it.
Good luck if you have an FCE exam coming up soon!
If you've taken the exam recently, how did you do?
Tell us about your experiences and your results in the comments; we'd love to hear from
You can see more of our free lessons on our website:
See you next time!
[SF MuVi] 형아즈의 자유시간 2 - Duration: 6:27.
Young Bin & Jae Yoon's is doing well
Hyung, try to hit just one pin. Just one.
Meanwhile, In Seong…
That's 5 minutes before everything gets ruined
Let's not play bowling
Here's a chance for disappointed In Seong
Let's play 'Neologism' game
Q. What's the meaning of '소확행'?
In Seong!
Shut the stable after the horse is stolen…
You'll certainly find happiness?
Of course wrong
Young Bin!
Make sure you do it right
if you want to shout
Don't scream and make sure do things right!
Full of mistakes
Jae Yoon!
But definite
Let's just say it's correct
The correct meaning is 'Small but definite happiness'
But our difference in the scores are so big I think it won't be fun
Then give it to me
Chance that exchanged with his knees
Exchange your score with 1st player
I went to high school by lucky draw
I have luck in picking
So what will the result be?
Fantasy, watch carefully
Yes, we saw the ball slip from your hand
In Seong's skill is getting better after picking the chance
That's too bad
Using his head
Hey, you should think before you throw
#Picking up the ball that stopped #We asked permission in advance
So today
we came out
and played bowling game
So, what is the rank that you expect?
Jae Yoon forecasted 1st but he got 2nd place
Young Bin forecasted 1st and he got 1st place
In Seong forecasted 3rd and he got 3rd
I got the chance but
I won't use it
What if other members forecasted as 1st place?
I think they picked me as whether 1st or 3rd place.
But I trust them
I'm last
But it won't be fun if the result comes out as forecasted
1st: In Seong, 2nd: Young Bin, 3rd: Jae Yoon
Throws it down
Although In Seong picked the chance that he can change with 1st place but he rejected
Why did you picked me as 1st place!
Then there's no winner?
Since hyungs answered it wrong, youngsters that forecasted won
What's the purpose of this game?
We showed all the skills…
Starts to be talkative
However, today I
felt happy
coming out and played bowling
with hyung line
In Seong still feels sad on the result
After you're married,
hang it in your house as heirloom
You should think once more
I realized that I have to seize the chance when it comes
That night in the practicing room
So did you had today?
Explaining the situation that happened today
You guys picked me as 1st place but
I was the last
That's what we thought, actually
So as a punishment, we bought some snacks for you
Let's eat together
I'm really looking forward to it as hyung line said they had fun
When we went bowling last time
Young Bin hyung did best and Jae Yoon hyung did average
However, In Seong hyung didn't do well but it was ok
Normally, we will throw the ball like this, right?
But this is how In Seong hyung throws
Anyways, hyung line had great time playing
and we're happy because we can eat snacks,
So please don't forget to support SF9
We'll come back again with lots of fun contents that can give you happiness.
Don't forget to like and subscribe our channel in YouTube
Samantha Bee Skips Event Honoring Her After Apology For Ivanka Trump Slur - Duration: 2:26.
New Car Vault: 2018 Ford Mustang GT | - Duration: 6:35.
The 2018 Ford Mustang is about to launch in Australia bringing some significant changes
across the pony car range.
Now we're going to be driving this car at the new Tailem Bend facility in South Australia
in a couple of weeks' time but before that we've been given early access to one for
a closer look.
Let's check it out.
The Mustang is already the most popular sports car on sale in Australia and for 2018 Ford
has tried to broaden its appeal with the introduction of a more powerful V8 engine, a new ten speed
automatic gearbox and loads more technology.
Even a drag strip function.
We'll get to some of those bits and pieces in a moment but first the styling.
When you make changes to a cult car like the Mustang you're always going to have detractors.
And when this design first logged in 2017 there were loads of them.
From some of our very own readers, I cannot say that I'm a fan.
Holy moly Ford surely must not want to sell more Mustangs.
The Mustang has died.
It's over.
A little bit dramatic but I think you'll agree that when you see this car in the skin
it's pretty striking.
In essence, the styling changes concentrate on a lower remodelled bonnet and grill, repositioned
air intakes and all LED front lights across all models.
Further back you'll find revised LED taillights, a new bumper and optional performance rear
wing spoiler.
In the case of the Mustang GT there's that cool quad tip exhaust outlet.
The Mustang's safety suite is likewise improved in the facelift.
The introduction of autonomous emergency braking and other technologies elevating its official
safety rating from two stars to three.
Inside there are a couple of key changes but in honesty there's nothing that really transforms
the feel of the car.
The standout for me is this new 12 inch digital instrument cluster.
It's not that different from Audi's virtual cockpit display and ironically it's activated
at the push of a single button on the steering wheel, not dissimilar to BMW's M-mode function.
Basically the new layout gives you umpteen different layouts and ways to view all the
key information in the instrument cluster.
It basically lends the car added personalisation from behind the wheel.
So Tom we're now seeing 339 kilowatts, 556 newton metres from that 5 litre V8, how has
Ford extracted more mumbo?
[Tom] As part of the new upgrade for the 2018 Mustang we've seen a significant upgrade
under the bonnet which leads to a power output of 339 kilowatts and 556 newton metres.
So that's a 10% power upgrade.
That's mostly due to the introduction of a new dual fuel system which uses port fuel
injection at lower RPM for smooth, quiet running and great torque and direct injection at higher
revs when high performance is needed.
[Sam] There's also a new ten speed automatic gearbox available in the Mustang.
It's moving away from that old six speed unit.
So what's the move there?
Why did Ford go with that direction?
[Tom] So this one's much more advanced so you can instantly tell that it's a cutting edge
It shifts very quickly, it seems to know exactly what gear to be in.
Even things like when you're on the highway and need to kick down a gear to overtake for
example it's got the ability to drive five gears in one go so direct from ninth to fourth
or tenth to fifth, whatever you need to get the power you need to overtake.
[Sam] Ford in Europe is actually claiming a 4.3 second 0 to 100 time and a large part of that
is a new drag strip mode.
Can you tell me how that works?
[Tom] Drag strip is one of our new modes.
We already had four in the previous ones and they utilise different calibrations of the
transmission, the throttle mapping and the steering.
Drag strip mode actually changes the throttle and the transmission mapping and it means
that as you're powering through the gears it holds the power with the gear changes so
that there's a seamless power delivery all the way to whichever speed you arrive at.
[Sam] There's also a new shock absorbers and a new cross access joint in the rear but I
understand the big revelation with Mustang is optional MagnaRide dampers.
Can you tell me a bit about those?
[Tom] MagnaRide is awesome.
It's basically a best of both worlds approach.
Because the dampers are constantly adaptable it uses electromagnets and, you know fluid
that can be stimulated to change the damping actively.
It's measuring a thousand times a second so as you're going round corners it changes
that to be stiffer and more responsive but when you're on the highway it makes sure
it's got a nice soft, smooth ride.
[Sam] Now one of the big things with Mustang has been the ability from very early on to
be able to customise it and make it your own and that's really taken a step forward with
this latest incarnation of Mustang.
Can you tell me about some of the options that are available?
[Tom] The MagnaRide and Recaro racing seats are a great performance improvement for the Mustang
and a way that you can customise it to be your own.
But there's also appearance personalisation options with both the EcoBoost and the V8
models you can choose between two different wheels.
On the GT you can actually option up forged aluminium wheels which are both stronger and
lighter and have a different appearance to the standard black rims.
And you can also option over the top stripe in white as we see it here or black and you
can option a rear spoiler.
So it's definitely the most customisable Mustang we've offered in Australia.
[Sam] Well clearly there's no such thing as a free lunch and as such Mustang prices have
risen as much as $9000 for 2018.
So entering the stable will now set you back $49 990 for the four cylinder EcoBoost with
the GT Fastback now priced at $62 990.
As for whether the latest additions are worth the added coin, well I hope to give you a
more definitive answer from Tailem Bend in a couple of weeks' time.
'1 THE LAND' 2018 EUN JI WON PRIVATE STAGE - Duration: 1:38.
Welcome to 1'HE LAND!
As an idol, I've past my prime.
But I don't envy any of the younger stars.
Wow, how amazing.
Let's get down and have a good time.
- I know, answer! - Answer!
Sing this song!
True love.
Thank you for coming today.
I'll keep going to repay your love.
And I promise to lead SECHSKIES.
Thank you! We're One Kind!
'MONOLOGUE' EUN JI WON in SYDNEY - Duration: 0:59.
I really don't know...
Who I truly am...
I'm often gripped by fear...
Thinking that I'd change...
They say people change...
But I think I'm the same...
This is my first time in Australia.
[DISCOVERING SELF FAR FROM HOME] I liked how my mind didn't wander.
This place rocks.
At a zoo!
I've brought One Kind along.
I hope you like it.
[A STORY HE WANTS TO TELL] It's nothing much, but I hope you do.
I put in the work thinking of you.
The Vogue 25 - The Most Influential Women In Britain have Meghan Markle and Amal Clooney - Duration: 4:41.
Medhi Benatia tempted by move, Gunners draw up 'important contract' ● News Now transfer ● #AFC - Duration: 2:22.
Arsenal could reportedly bolster their defence with the signing of Juventus ace Medhi Benatia
this summer.
Arsenal have got Sven Mislintat and Raul Sanllehi in charge of transfer business in their new
continental model.
And recruiting defensive reinforcements for Unai Emery's squad has emerged as one of
the duo's top priorities.
Freiburg's Caglar Soyuncu and Borussia Dortmund's Sokratis Papastathopoulos have been linked
with Arsenal.
While departing Juventus star Stephan Lichtsteiner is expected to rock up at the Emirates this
summer as well.
The latest reports in Italy indicate one of Lichsteiner's team-mates could also swap
Turin for London.
According to Tuttosport, Juventus are set to make a decision over Benatia's future,
with the Moroccan having two years left on his contract.
And they claim the Serie A champions are more likely to sell the 31-year-old than hand him
a new deal.
Arsenal are said to be a tempting proposition for Benatia, who will play at the World Cup
this summer.
And Gunners chiefs are apparently willing to offer him an "important contract" that
seems to have already been drawn up.
Tuttosport indicate Marseille, where Benatia, began his senior career, are tracking him
And he recently poured fuel on the speculation fire regarding a potential return to France
by saying: "The Marseille of [Rudi] Garcia?
I like it, we'll see."
Arsenal and Marseille may have to wait for a decision from Benatia as Morocco's World
Cup campaign will run until June 9 at the earliest.
Juventus, meanwhile, are considering their options in case Benatia does move on this
And Ajax's Matthijs de Ligt is the frontrunner to take his position in Massimiliano Allegri's
Simple Tip the Pros Use to Stay in the Game - Quick Tip with Dave Weinbach - Duration: 2:08.
[inspiring music]
[inspiring music]
RUSTY: Hey, it's Rusty from Pickleball Channel, and I am honored
to be here at the beautiful Sun City Grand courts in Arizona. And I'm with Dave
"The Badger" Weinbach, who's five time National Champ, six time US Open
Champ. Dave, what are we going to go over today? DAVE: Today I'm going to share one of my most favorite
concepts in our great game of pickleball. RUSTY: All right, so let's check it out.
DAVE: Most players, when they learn the game of pickleball, they choose to aim
the ball too close to the net. They don't give enough height
over the net. Inevitably what's going to happen if you aim just a ball
over the net is you are going to hit the net with the ball. And
that violates my number one concept in pickleball, and that is
respect the net! R-E-S-P-E-C-T
T-H-E N-E-T. What happens to a pickleball,
folks, when it loses its speed? What does it do? It goes
straight down. So, I teach that we have a lot of margin for
error over the net. If you miss a dink, folks,
we have to miss it a little bit high or long because if you miss a dink
in the net, you're done. Point's over.
Your partner cannot help you. Hit a little bit high,
at least you're still in the point. Even the top pros
in matches will make errors high or long.
And when they do, at least they still have a chance
of winning that point. So, no matter what shot you have in pickleball, whether it's
a drop shot, a dink, a volley, a drive,
give a lot of respect to that net, and keep yourself in the point.
[inspiring music]
[inspiring music]
[inspiring music]
[inspiring music]
[music fades]
Caught On Camera: Both Parties To Blame In Failed, Real-Life Version Of 'Operation Repo,' Witness Sa - Duration: 1:46.
Ados - An Be An | Official Video - Duration: 3:53.
Сцены Дэдпула 2, которые не вошли в фильм - Duration: 4:18.
Baby-Boom auf YouTube: Paola Maria bald auch eine Web-Mama? - Duration: 1:01.
Q2 Weather: 10 p.m. with Bob McGuire for May 31, 2018 - Duration: 3:48.
Jason Chaffetz seems to have doubts about the character of his friend Trey Gowdy given
the disinfo he's spreading about Obama spying on Trump.
As for Sessions,..
Jason Chaffetz, who used to chair the same Oversight Committee that his friend and Mueller
mouthpiece and advocate Trey Gowdy now heads, holds a much different view of the spying
on president Trump.
He's also got some very stark realism for the invisible man at DOJ, Jeff Sessions.
Against a backdrop of criticism by President Trump of the do-nothing obstructionist who
is currently occupying the Attorney General's office, Chaffetz says that "Jeff Sessions
is there in name only.
He is absolutely worthless as the Attorney General.
The single biggest thing that they're dealing with there at the DOJ he's recused himself."
Chaffetz continues, "He's absolutely absent when it comes to document production and other
key things within the agency."
David Asman interrupts, asking, "For the President to have lost all confidence in the
highest law enforcement agent in the country is very serious, no?"
Chaffetz agrees that it's serious, it's not the first time Trump has expressed those
feelings, and "I wish he would leave.
He was a good Senator and I think he's a decent human being but he can't do the job.
He's not up to it, he's there in name only, he's just occupying the seat and they
need to get into the process of nominating somebody else."
Asman talks around the fact that it is Chaffetz' friend, Gowdy, along with James Clapper, who
is spouting the line that you have to be an unsophisticated bumpkin to believe that the
spy in the Trump campaign was, in fact, a spy and not a legitimate informant.
He notes the ridiculous argument by those caught spying that it was done "to help
the Trump campaign" despite not ever notifying them of their supposed concerns, which they
would have done if that had actually been their motivation.
Chaffetz points out that it supposedly was not a criminal investigation but counterintelligence,
which would be treated differently.
He said it was a break from protocol at three different points along the way for them not
to inform Trump of their operation as a candidate, President-Elect and President.
He says the fact that it was not a criminal probe makes a huge difference in how DOJ treats
these things.
Chaffetz says it's "highly suspicious and we need more information."
He, as much as anyone short of Devin Nunes, knows how similar attempting to pry information
from the Sessions DOJ is to pulling teeth.
Asman cites a Wall Street Journal article sarcastically titled "The Informant Who
Wasn't Spying," stating, "The public deserves to know who tasked the informant
to seek out Trump campaign officials, what his orders were, what the justification was
for doing so, and who was aware of it."
They ask a very pertinent question that the rest of the media refuses to address, "Was
the knowledge limited to the FBI or did it run into the Obama White House?"
Of course, nothing as significant as spying on the opposing candidate for President would
have happened in the tightly run Obama regime without his personal involvement and approval.
Chaffetz notes the lack of interest on the part of the national media in those legitimate
questions and points out, as we did yesterday in our article "RINO Gowdy Distorts Timeline
In Coup Cover Up – Contradicts His Own Claims" that, "Their timelines, by the way, they
don't match up at all.
So somebody needs to answer a whole lot of questions."
Get rid of Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, appoint an acting AG or a second special prosecutor,
and those questions just might get answered, despite Gowdy doing his best Adam Schiff impersonation,
running to every camera with a red light on it, defending the establishment witch hunt
our President.
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And today the kids are going to clean up the toy room.
Emma is just getting a little head start.
So she thought it would be fun to sweep the Legos all together
and I think it's a smart idea.
Right Emma?
Thumbs up from Emma.
So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And let's clean up the toy room today.
Alright guys, you all done?
Yeah. Finally. Yeah.
Alright it looks like the desk could be a little bit more picked up.
Look away.
They did pretty good.
So thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And we will see you next time.
Might and Magic Elemental Guardian Gameplay Indonesia - Duration: 16:13.
请注意!这两条大道在6月1日起停止收费了! - Duration: 3:34.
보수야당은 한반도 평화와 번영이 그렇게도 껄끄럽나? - Duration: 7:13.
✅ テレビドラマ化もされた「ブシメシ!」や「極道めし」などで知られるマンガ家の土山しげるさんが、5月24日にがんのため死去した。68歳。 「勤番グルメ ブシメシ!」を連載していた「コミック乱」を発行す - Duration: 1:55.
テレビドラマ化もされた「ブシメシ!」や「極道めし」などで知られ マンガ家の土山しげるさんが、5月24日にがんのため死去した。68 。 「勤番グルメ ブシメシ!」を連載していた「コミック乱」を発行 るリイド社の公式サイトで発表された
なお、葬儀は家族の意向で、親族のみで執り行われたとしている。 土 さんは、望月三起也さんのアシスタントを経て、1973年に「ダラス 熱い日」でデビュー。B級グルメマンガで人気を博し、「喰いしん坊! で2007年第36回日本漫画家協会賞を受賞
作画を担当した「借王(シャッキング)」が俳優の哀川翔さん主演で映 化されたほか、近年は「ブシメシ!」がNHKBSプレミアムで連続ド マ化されている。
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For more infomation >> Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch-------------------------------------------
Asia Argento n'apprécie pas tellement l'humour du journal satirique - Duration: 1:44.
For more infomation >> Asia Argento n'apprécie pas tellement l'humour du journal satirique - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Episode 38 : Limaces, le seuil d'intervention est atteint - Duration: 13:57.
For more infomation >> Episode 38 : Limaces, le seuil d'intervention est atteint - Duration: 13:57.-------------------------------------------
Les Etats-Unis bloquent de nouveau la diffusion du communiqué final de la réunion ... - Duration: 2:37.
For more infomation >> Les Etats-Unis bloquent de nouveau la diffusion du communiqué final de la réunion ... - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
LIKE A BOSS COMPILATION #18 BEST COUB A selection of the best COUB May 2018 - Duration: 5:37.
For more infomation >> LIKE A BOSS COMPILATION #18 BEST COUB A selection of the best COUB May 2018 - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
✅ Top 6 des signes du zodiaque les plus naïfs. Ils font confiance à tout le monde ! - Duration: 4:44.
Savez-vous à quel point êtes-vous crédule ou naïf ? Car s'il existe certaines personnes qui ont beaucoup de mal à croire leur proches et à s'en remettre constamment à eux, d'autres en revanche n'ont aucun mal à accorder leur confiance à ceux qui les entourent, même s'il s'agit de personnes qu'ils viennent de rencontrer
Tour d'horizon des signes du zodiaque les plus naïfs et les plus crédules ! Poissons (19 février – 20 mars) : Les Poissons sont des âmes sensibles qui ne peuvent s'empêcher de venir en aide à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin… jusqu'à ce qu'ils se rendent compte que les personnes qu'ils avaient choisi de croire n'étaient pas dignes de confiance ! Les Poissons ont tendance à trop idéaliser les gens qu'ils aiment
C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles ils sont souvent déçus par le comportement des autres
S'ils se font la promesse de ne plus retomber dans le même panneau, la plupart d'entre eux ont malheureusement du mal à démêler le vrai du faux et se laissent souvent berner une énième fois ! Balance (23 septembre – 22 octobre) : Aimables et prévenants, les Balance sont connus pour être de parfaits diplomates
En cas de conflit, ils savent exactement quoi dire aux autres afin de les calmer et de régler le litige de la manière la plus pacifique possible
Cependant, les Balance ont très peu confiance en eux et c'est la raison pour laquelle l'avis des autres compte énormément pour eux
Ils livrent volontiers leurs secrets, leurs craintes et leurs doutes à ceux qui les entourent sans se soucier de savoir s'ils peuvent réellement leur faire confiance
Bélier (21 mars – 19 avril) : Contrairement aux apparences, les personnes du signe du Bélier sont probablement les plus naïves, surtout en amour ! En effet, les Bélier sont de grands romantiques et aiment croire en l'amour avec un grand A
C'est la raison pour laquelle la plupart d'entre eux ont une confiance aveugle en leurs partenaires
Les Bélier accordent beaucoup d'importance au jugement des autres même s'ils ne l'avoueront probablement jamais de peur d'être moqués ou peu respectés… Sagittaire (22 novembre – 21 décembre) : Les Sagittaire sont des êtres doués, dotés d'une sensibilité hors-norme
Néanmoins, ils ont du mal à nouer des relations saines et équilibrées. Cela est dû au fait qu'ils tombent souvent sur des personnes insensibles
Honnêtes et profondément gentils, les Sagittaire se font souvent marcher sur les pieds et ont du mal à s'imposer dans leur groupe d'amis
Leur bienveillance est souvent considérée par les autres comme un signe de faiblesse
Sans doute est-ce une des raisons pour lesquelles ils sont les plus crédules ? Cancer (21 juin – 22 juillet) : Les Cancer sont des êtres vulnérables
Il suffit qu'ils vivent une seule mauvaise expérience pour commencer à se méfier de tout
Cela ne les empêche pourtant pas d'être très naïfs. Parfois, ils peuvent même faire confiance à de parfaits inconnus ! Anxieux, constamment inquiets, les Cancer ont constamment besoin d'être rassurés par leur entourage
Sans doute est-ce la raison pour laquelle ils accordent leur confiance aussi facilement… D'autre part, les Cancer apprennent rarement de leurs erreurs ; c'est ce qui cause souvent leur perte ! Capricorne (22 décembre – 19 janvier) : Les Capricorne ont foi en l'humanité
Si cela fait d'eux des êtres à part, capables de voir le bien en chacun, cela constitue un sacré problème pour eux lorsqu'il s'agit de savoir si les personnes qui les entourent leur mentent ou pas
De plus, ils ont beaucoup de mal à voir la vérité en face lorsque celle-ci leur faire mal
S'ils découvrent qu'un de leurs amis proches a pu leur mentir par exemple, ils préfèrent fuir plutôt que d'avoir à avouer qu'ils ont été bernés par une personne en qui ils avaient confiance…
For more infomation >> ✅ Top 6 des signes du zodiaque les plus naïfs. Ils font confiance à tout le monde ! - Duration: 4:44.-------------------------------------------
✅ Voici 12 astuces géniales pour gagner de l'espace à la maison - Duration: 6:43.
Habiter en ville signifie souvent avoir à vivre dans un petit appartement. C'est pourquoi il est important d'utiliser chaque mètre carré de votre maison de manière intelligente afin de créer plus d'espace de vie et de profiter de tout le potentiel de l'appartement
Alors voici quelques conseils utiles pour tirer le meilleur parti de l'espace que vous avez aussi petit soit-il ! 1
Fruits Lorsque vous avez une cuisine particulièrement petite, les bols de fruits occupent trop d'espace sur les plans de travail
Vous avez simplement à accrocher tous les bols que vous avez au mur. En plus de garder tous les fruits et légumes qui n'ont pas besoin d'être réfrigérés dans un endroit central, cette méthode vous donne plus d'espace lorsque vous préparez vos repas
2. Machine à laver Vous pouvez conserver toute votre lessive et vos détergents dans l'espace entre votre machine à laver et votre sèche-linge
La machine à laver elle-même peut également être utilisée comme un plan de travail pour plier des vêtements ou faire du repassage
Vous pouvez ensuite accrocher tous les vêtements en utilisant l'espace au-dessus de la machine à laver en installant une corde à linge ou une barre
3. Repassage Les planches à repasser peuvent prendre beaucoup de place dans la buanderie
C'est pourquoi il pourrait être utile d'investir dans une planche à repasser qui se déplie du mur
4. Séchage du linge Le plafond n'est probablement pas le premier endroit auquel vous penseriez en essayant de trouver des façons d'économiser de l'espace
Cependant, cette partie de votre maison peut être utilisée intelligemment si vous y suspendez des cordes à linge
Cette astuce vous permettra d'économiser de l'espace précieux au sol. 5. Lessive sale Voici un dernier conseil pour votre lessive
Empilez les boîtes les unes sur les autres dans des étagères de livres en les glissant dans les rainures comme indiqué sur l'image
Puis étiquetez chaque boîte par les températures de lavage ou s'il s'agit d'un lavage «blanc» ou «couleur»
6. Porte de la salle de bain Maximisez l'espace au-dessus de votre porte en ajoutant une étagère
Même si cette idée se concentre sur la salle de bain, vous pouvez également l'appliquer à la chambre à coucher ou aux toilettes
En installant une étagère au-dessus de la porte, vous pouvez créer un look intégré personnalisé pour contenir un certain nombre d'éléments et gagner de l'espace
7. Porte-serviettes Installez un porte-serviettes à l'arrière de la porte de la salle de bain
Ne sous-estimez pas l'espace derrière la porte. La poignée de porte crée automatiquement un bon espace de 5 à 10 cm entre la porte et le mur
Cela crée l'espace parfait pour un ou deux porte-serviettes. 8. Sous les escaliers La zone située sous l'escalier peut généralement être utilisée de manière efficace
Certaines personnes y conservent leurs livres, tandis que d'autres l'utilisent comme garde-manger
Cela ne s'arrête pas là, vous pouvez utiliser la zone comme un petit coin de lecture confortable ou un endroit pour se détendre
9. Entrée Quand il y a plus d'une personne dans la maison, cela peut devenir très chaotique avec plusieurs paires de chaussures près de la porte
Pour éviter ce désordre, investissez dans une étagère à chaussures décente où vous pouvez garder une paire de chaussures à chaque niveau
L'encombrement des chaussures devrait alors appartenir au passé. 10. Épices Ceux d'entre nous qui aiment cuisiner ont souvent du mal à trouver un endroit où garder les épices dans les minuscules armoires de cuisine
Avez-vous déjà pensé à installer une étagère à épices à l'intérieur de la porte de l'armoire ? Essayez, c'est très ingénieux ! 11
Pneus Si vous avez un garage, vous saurez à quelle vitesse il peut devenir encombré
Pour créer plus d'espace pour ranger, il est préférable de ranger les pneus en premier
Il suffit d'accrocher les pneus sur de grands crochets fixés au mur et ils seront hors de votre chemin pour de bon
12. Boîtes de boissons Les caisses de boissons prennent-elles trop de place dans votre cuisine ou dans votre garde-manger ? Nous vous recommandons d'acheter un support pour elles ou de construire le vôtre
Comme sur la photo, il est préférable d'avoir des étagères inclinées vers le bas afin que les bouteilles puissent être retirées de la caisse plus facilement et qu'elles ne risquent pas de tomber
Comme vous pouvez le voir, l'utilisation efficace de votre espace n'est guère difficile, il suffit de plusieurs astuces simples
Gardez à l'esprit que vos murs peuvent être utilisés pour l'installation de divers supports
Vous devriez également opter pour des étagères étroites et élevées si vous voulez économiser de l'espace
For more infomation >> ✅ Voici 12 astuces géniales pour gagner de l'espace à la maison - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
Gudi Mele Ghante Hindi Dubbed Song | Vardi Wala The Iron Man | Song | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 3:51.
For more infomation >> Gudi Mele Ghante Hindi Dubbed Song | Vardi Wala The Iron Man | Song | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
HITT YAAR | M Soni ft. Sunil PG | Latest Punjabi Songs 2018 | Lyrical Video Song | SONI22PG Films - Duration: 3:47.
M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Iza i Marcin znów będą blisko - Duration: 3:12.
Emma Mullings - Unreconciled Mysteries - Duration: 0:54.
Hi, I'm Emma Mullings. I'm learning to be okay with what I
like to call unreconciled mysteries. My mom, a worship recording artist,
released six albums, before her death at just 37 years of age.
My parents had already buried my older sister and my younger sister is
severely brain damaged. I don't know why God hasn't healed
my sister. But I've decided to continue to believe God for her healing as long
as it takes. Like you I'm sure, there's many things that I
don't understand. And I've got questions, but I find a lot of the answers
in the Bible. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your
ways, declares the Lord. I don't have all the answers.
I have unreconciled mysteries. But here's one thing that I've learned.
I may not have all the answers, but I am so grateful to know the one who does.
♪ [music] ♪
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And today the kids are going to clean up the toy room.
Emma is just getting a little head start.
So she thought it would be fun to sweep the Legos all together
and I think it's a smart idea.
Right Emma?
Thumbs up from Emma.
So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And let's clean up the toy room today.
Alright guys, you all done?
Yeah. Finally. Yeah.
Alright it looks like the desk could be a little bit more picked up.
Look away.
They did pretty good.
So thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And we will see you next time.
Roland Garros(R2); Hightlights ; Serena Williams vs a. Barty - Duration: 6:27.
Roland Garros(R2); Hightlights ; Serena Williams vs a. Barty
The 36-year-old defeated Australias 17th seed Ashleigh Barty 3-6 6-3 6-4 to reach the third round of the French Open - her first Grand Slam since winning the 2017 Australian Open.
Im probably not where I was before I left, said the 23-time major winner.
I felt like in the first set I didnt play bad - I just didnt make any shots.
Serena Williams.
Im definitely going to get there, but I also want to get beyond there.
Williams will meet 11th seed Julia Goerges in the last 32 after the German beat former French Open quarter-finalist Alison van Uytvanck of Belgium 7-5 7-6 (7-5).
After her opening match, Williams played down her chances of winning a joint-record 24th Slam, saying she was not putting any pressure on herself to equal Margaret Courts tally so soon into her comeback from a difficult birth.
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Williams, who said she was lucky to survive the birth, has spoken about Olympia being the main focus in her life, but also made it clear she had not lost any of her will to win.
And it showed against Barty, after it had looked initially as if the American would be exiting at the second stage - something she has not done in a Slam since the 2014 tournament at Roland Garros.
A double fault at 0-30 in the sixth game presented Barty with the first opportunity of the match, one she was gifted when Williams planted a forehand well long.
The former world number one offered little threat on the serve of the Australian, who closed out the opener in 28 minutes.
Barty broke in the opening game of the second set, but Williams showed fight to wipe out that advantage in the next game and win the following three for a commanding 4-1 lead.
With the backing of half-full Chatrier on a late Paris evening, Williamss rhythm continued to improve and she served out the set with an ace as the match ticked past the hour mark.
The American broke in the third game of the decider, but missed a decent chance to break again for 4-1.
Her path to victory, though, was only held up by an extended Mexican Wave from the Chatrier crowd, which had the umpire begging for quiet and left Williams laughing.
She regained composure to hold for a 5-3 lead and, after after missing a match point on Bartys serve, took her second with a thumping backhand winner down the line to the delight of the crowd.
Williams added: I felt like in the first set I didnt play bad.
I just didnt make any shots.
So I guess it is bad.
But I had all the right ideas, like coming to the net and hitting all my shots.
They just werent going in.
For me, that was kind of like a positive thing, because it wasnt like I was playing the ultimate match.
I was just making so many errors.
I thought Ive got to cut down on the errors, and Ive just got to come out here and fight.
And thats what I did..
Russell Fuller, BBC tennis correspondent.
The versatile Barty outfoxed Williams in the opening set, and the Australian got off to a flyer in the second when the current world number 451 played an awful service game.
She framed a smash and put a regulation drive volley into the net to drop serve, and yet within a game the whole tenor of the match had changed.
Williams let out a spectacular roar after a backhand service return winner, and a rather uncertain crowd took that as a cue to wake up.
Like so many before her, Barty did start to make more errors in the face of such an intense presence.
But in just her second clay court match in two years, there was enough evidence to suggest Williams can also pose a significant threat to others here at Roland Garros.
Episode 38 : Limaces, le seuil d'intervention est atteint - Duration: 13:57.
ASMR Pork Ear Pickled , ASIAN EXOTIC FOOD (CRUNCHY eating sounds) | LINH-ASMR - Duration: 13:46.
벤츠, E400 카브리올레 출시..가격은 9800만원 - Duration: 4:45.
中 링크&코, "볼보와는 다른 디자인 선보일 것"..디자인 차별화 - Duration: 3:30.
Walter's Mails: Metzger und Reinberg unter einem Dach - Duration: 1:25.
敦馬要贏蘭卡威?阿妮娜:先跨過我的屍體! - Duration: 10:06.
成龍女兒正式出櫃承認自己是gay,吳綺莉表示理解女兒任性 - Duration: 7:40.
LIKE A BOSS COMPILATION #18 BEST COUB A selection of the best COUB May 2018 - Duration: 5:37.
Qui est Jonathan M., le suspect? (Meurtre de Tom) - Duration: 6:14.
✅ Jennifer Lopez to Continue Peforming Until Her Body 'Starts Aching' - Duration: 3:03.
'When things start aching more, it'll be different,' the superstar reveals. Jun 1, 2018 AceShowbiz - Jennifer Lopez has promised fans that she will continue performing until her body "starts aching"
The superstar is one of the busiest women in Hollywood, juggling her commitments with TV show Shades of Blue with her All I Have residency in Las Vegas
While Jennifer's hectic lifestyle may take a toll on her body, she has now shared that she's determined to keep dancing and singing for as long as possible
"Listen, at some point, I'm going to age. They'll say, 'She looks old!' But, right now, I'm holding it together," she said in an interview with Emmy magazine, adding that her baseball star boyfriend Alex Rodriguez recently praised her athleticism
"The other day, Alex was across the lawn, and I brought him something, and then I ran away
And he said, 'You run like you're 25 years old.' I haven't stopped that pace, so I'm still at that pace, I guess
When things start aching more, it'll be different." Jennifer went on to explain that she feels most at home when performing for her fans
However, she dislikes being in the spotlight at parties or when attending events
"I'm good at the showgirl stuff. I'm good at being onstage, doing a photoshoot, the stuff I need to be good at for my job
And I enjoy it," the 48-year-old shared. "I know how to work it and make it work
But I don't need to be the centre of attention. I'd rather not talk to people at a party
I'm not that person." At the end of the day, Jennifer is a bit of a homebody and enjoys nothing more than having a nice dinner and relaxing bath at home
And nothing is more important than her 10-year-old twins Max and Emme, who split their time between Jennifer's home and their father Marc Anthony's place in Miami, Florida
"All of that (personal) stuff takes priority over the work stuff," she smiled.
✅ Michelle Renaud y Josué Alvarado ¡confirman separación! - Duration: 1:24.
La actriz Michelle Renaud ha confirmado junto con su esposo, el empresario Josué Alvarado, su separación tras dos años de matrimonio
Aunque el día de ayer Michelle Renaud "desmintió" los rumores de divorcio en el programa Hoy, la realidad era que la actriz había vendido la exclusiva de su separación a una conocida revista
Michelle Renaud y Josué Alvarado han confirmado junto su separación en la revista ¡Hola! México, donde aparecen en portada con su adorable hijo Marcelo
La protagonista del melodrama Hijas de la luna, comentó:La revista ¡Hola! señala sobre esta entrevista donde Michelle Renaud y Josué Alvarado anuncian su divorcio: "en un posado en familia, la pareja ha confesado qué fue lo que los llevó a tomar esta decisión y cómo mantienen una relación de lo más cercana, ya que los dos tienen como único propósito el bienestar de su pequeño"
Gabriel Oprea: Dragnea mi-a zis: «domnule Oprea, vă rog să mă ajutaţi că vreau să câştig preşedinţia - Duration: 3:17.
Fostul vicepremier Gabriel Oprea a dezvăluit, într-un interviu pentru ştiripesurse
ro, că omul care l-a convins să-l susţină pe Liviu Dragnea la şefia PSD a fost Codrin Ştefănescu, cu care Dragnea acum este la cuţite
În luna martie, Liviu Dragnea prezentase o altă variantă a ascensiunii sale şi spunea despre Gabriel Oprea că aparţine statului paralel
"Mă cunosc cu Codrin Ştefănescu, suntem prieteni buni, cu bune şi cu rele. El îmi tot zicea: «Dragnea, Dragnea, Dragnea»
Nu m-aţi auzit de multe ori vorbind despre situaţii politice. Domnul Dragnea mi-a zis: domnule Oprea, vă rog să mă ajutaţi că vreau să câştig preşedinţia PSD
În 2015, în competiţia lor internă, m-a sunat domnul Dragnea şi a venit aici, la mine acasă
El mi-a spus că vrea să fie public sprijinul meu şi mi-a zis să bem o bere în faţa jurnaliştilor", a rememorat Oprea
„Aveam şi eu rolul meu. Eram lider al UNPR, vicepremier, am şi eu foarte mulţi prieteni în PSD, cum ar fi Oprişan, dar şi alţii şi fiecare dintre prietenii mei dacă vorbeau cu alţi prieteni, asta era
Nu vreau să discut mai multe. El mi-a cerut ajutorul, eu i l-am oferit pentru că îl cunoşteam pe domnul Dragnea
Să ştiţi că domnul Dragnea este un politician foarte abil", a declarat Gabriel Oprea, într-un interviu pentru stiripesurse
ro. Preşedintele PSD Liviu Dragnea a dezvăluit, în luna martie, la Antena 3, că fostul lider al UNPR Gabriel Oprea i-a spus în 2015, după ce a discutat cu Florian Coldea la telefon în prezenţa sa, că Valeriu Zgonea trebuie să fie preşedinte al PSD după demisia lui Victor Ponta