Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily report May 23 2018

Welcome back to TokuVN Media Team!

Today we will continue to discover about the VS Vehicle in Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger,…

But not the large DX products,...

Minipla 01 Lupin Kaiser,...

And Minipla 02...

Pat Kaiser!

Same as DX Version,…

Minipla also divided into 2 combo: Lupinranger and Patranger.

First of all, let's talk about VS Vehicle of phantom thieves Lupinranger!

Three aircraft have very good shape,…

Especially Blue,...

And Yellow Dial Fighter.

The details of the machine is not inferior to the DX version.

The mechanical details on the body of the engine are very careful and elaborate.

Especially, Yellow's fans are carved part.

While most pre-painted details in DX version are changed to sticker decal in Minipla.

The dial lock of Minipla can rotate like DX version,...

But it cannot automatically active Attack Mode.

Not to mention that in the top have a hole like this...

Not eye-catching much.

In Minipla Blue Dial Fighter,...

The fan cannot rotate,...

While the saw blade of Minipla Yellow Dial Fighter can rotate easily.

Attack Mode of Minipla Dial Fighter are same with DX version,...

Can fold down,...

The back of Blue and Yellow can rotate 360 degree.

Next is the vehicle of police team Patranger!

Same with Minipla Dial Fighter,...

Trigger Machine also have a very good shape.

The details of Minipla Trigger Machine are good as DX version.

The pre-painted details in DX version are changed to sticker decals in Minipla,...

Such as: Patranger's logo,...

Vehicle's number,...

And some specific details.

The detail of the wheels is reduced and made colorless,...

However, Minipla is not exposed to holes like DX.

Because of its limited size,...

Active "Attack Mode" by pull the trigger is removed in Minipla Trigger Machine.

The trigger is just for show, cannot pull it.

To active Attack Mode, we have to do it by hand.

The transmission function in the accelerate wheel Trigger Machine Ichigo is removed,...

Only for shown.

In Trigger Machine Sangou,...

We have detach the baton and attach it to the wheel,...

Not simple like DX version.

The Minipla's wheels design still remain appropriate to each vehicle.

The wheels can move when we push it, but not smooth like DX version.

Next is the talkative Good Striker of both team.

Minipla Good Striker shape in aircraft mode not changed much,...

Most the pre-painted details are changed to sticker decal,...

So its colors will have some different with DX version.

The white parts changed to gray color...

The Minipla's wings changed to red brown, not red like DX version...

The dial lock change from gray to black.

In vehicle mode, Minipla Good Striker have some different.

The details in the hood are smooth and less engraved than the DX version.

The wings when fold up will reveal its empty back, not eye-catching than DX version.

The sound system of DX Good Striker is removed in Minipla version.

And now, let's combine these vehicle together to see what different between Minipla and DX version!

First is Lupin Kaiser!

About the appearance and shape, Minipla Lupin Kaiser completely better than DX version.

The body more balance and slim, not much rough.

Added with the articulation which help Minipla can action.

Hands can move forward a little,...

The shoulder can raise high,...

The hip can rotate,...

The legs can move, not freeze like DX version,...

Legs can raise horizontal,...

Fold legs, knee,...

Even feet can rotate a little,...

So how about Pat Kaiser of police team Patranger?

About the shape,...

Minipla Pat Kaiser still better than DX version,...

With a better body ratio,...

Slimmer but less rough.

In Minipla, Pat Kaiser's face is a loose part,...

It's attach when we finish combine,...

So it's more balance and eye-catching.

The Baton length of Minipla longer than DX version.

Minipla Pat Kaiser's movement amplitude is not as bad as Minipla Lupine Kaiser.

Hands can raise horizontal,...

Or move forward,...

In return, Minipla's wrist have an articulation for fold hands,...

But same as DX,...

But same as DX, Pat Kaiser hands not have articulation in elbow,...

So, its hand cannot fold.

The hip and legs can move normally because both gattai use Good Striker as main body.

Compare with Minipla Kyurenoh last year,...

Both Minipla Kaiser size seem a little smaller.

Beside, we also have some additional parts,...

Which help Minipla VS Vehicle can play with DX VS Changer.

However, it's just for shown,...

There isn't any latch underneath to activate sound,...

With the small but delicate delicate design, beautiful colors,...

It also ensures the assembly criteria, the ability to do action posture effectively.

Overall, Minipla VS Vehicle has accomplished its mission well.

Each vehicle is designed very good, and the assemblies are also adjusted to fit appropriately.

But the head of both Kaiser cannot rotate like the previous Super Sentai Minipla product.

One important things that Minipla is toyline which made for people like model kit and action posture.

So the combination steps is reduce a little than DX version.

Therefore, customers should consider to make right decision.

Beside, sticker decal this year very easy to tear.

And that's all I want to show you in this product!

Next, we will also talk about small product of Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger,...

It's VS Vehicle Lite!

Let's wait for what's interested in these product!

Thank you for watching!

Goodbye and see you again!

For more infomation >> [TMT][679] Giới thiệu Minipla Lupin Kaiser và Pat Kaiser! Lupinranger VS Patranger! - Duration: 6:41.


Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected Prayer Request And Leaves The Entire Media In Shock. - Duration: 3:11.

Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected Prayer Request And Leaves The Entire Media In Shock.

Back in 2016, before the election, the media was doing it's best to smear the soon to

be president.

Obviously, nearly two years later that narrative hasn't changed and has likely gotten worse.

One part of President Trump's life the media won't talk about or publicize is his faith

in God.

President Trump and Vice President Pence have made their faith a center point of the Presidency.

During Trump's campaign, he often met with Evangelical pastors who would pray for him,

asking God for wisdom in how Trump would lead the nation.

In one interview, the President and his wife Melania were asked a question and their response

put the room full of media on the heels.

Western Journal reported:

Donald Trump sat down for an interview with CBN News in which he discussed political strategies,

the United States Supreme Court and prayer, just before the 2016 election.

Trump said he would appreciate prayer for guidance when Chief Political Correspondent

David Brody asked him what he needed prayer for.

"I would say I would like them to pray for guidance and to pray for our country because

we need prayer now almost more than we've ever needed it before," Trump responded.

Trump's wife, Melania, added that she would ask for prayers for health because it takes

good health to keep fighting.

It takes a certain amount of humility to make such a prayer request.

Trump admitted that he doesn't have all the answers and, by doing so, destroyed the

media's narrative that he is a know-it-all.

Don't look for this story to appear in mainstream news outlets because it doesn't cast Trump

in an unfavorable light.

That's unfortunate, because during this interview Trump also pointed out one very

important reason why Americans should vote for him — the United States Supreme Court.

He said whether people like him or not, they should remember that he will appoint pro-life

and pro-Second Amendment justices to the high court, and that's a good reason, if not

the best reason, to get out and vote Republican next week.

Trump is right when he said our country needs prayer, because we are at an important crossroads.

Should Clinton win the election, prayer itself might even become a bigger target than it

already is, and that is a risk we simply cannot take.

Those moments are pivotal in who the president is and how he leads our nation.

Those are not the talking points of main-stream media, they like to point out the man's

flaws and leave out all of the positive points.

We all have made mistakes in life but focusing on the great qualities of a person only makes

them stronger.

President Trump has chosen to use prayer as a vital resource in leading our nation a quality

that hasn't been in the White House for a long time.

what do you think about this?

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top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected Prayer Request And Leaves The Entire Media In Shock. - Duration: 3:11.


Ex-Trump campaign co-chair: The suspected informant and me - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Ex-Trump campaign co-chair: The suspected informant and me - Duration: 4:50.


The Truth About Sadie From Duck Dynasty - Duration: 4:34.

Before its cancellation in 2016, Duck Dynasty was a ratings juggernaut for A&E until the

patriarch of the duck call empire, Phil Robertson, made homophobic comments to GQ. Robertson

was suspended indefinitely by the network, but the show remained on the air for three

more seasons.

Then, it vanished from the airwaves.

But for a reality show known for backwoods beards and camouflage, the surprising breakout

star was Sadie Robertson, the then teenage daughter of Phil's son Willie Robertson.

Outspoken and steadfast regarding her faith, Sadie displayed remarkable poise and class.

But even that didn't shield her from the tabloids.

From controversial headlines to mysterious breakups, here's the untold truth of Sadie


Getting her app on

According to the Christian Post, after the release of her book, Live Fearless, Robertson

created a devotional for the YouVersion Bible app, to share the Bible passages which helped

the motivational speaker in overcoming her own anxiety.

Sadie said of the platform,

"You get this place where you get to read your Bible, you get to read truth, but then

you also get to form this community with the body of Christ."

So if you're a Christian looking to manage your anxiety with a bunch of other anxious

Christians, there's an app for that.

Serial dater

Just like any celebrity breakup, anyone who hits the skids with Sadie Robertson will be

seeing it all over the gossip blogs.

In 2016, she split from former high school quarterback, Blake Coward, and in a post on

her Live Original blog, she wrote:

"We would go through this unhealthy pattern of 'I hate you, I love you.

I hate that I love you.'

[...] We figured out the hard way that all it leaves you with is a lot of hurt, loneliness

and confusion."

Less than a year later, Sadie had moved on to former Texas A&M quarterback, Trevor Knight.

They broke up a month later.

Robertson told Us Weekly,

"Trevor is a great guy, but our schedules are just so busy right now.

He's in the middle of football season, and I'm about to start my tour, so the timing

just didn't work."

Most recently, it looks like she's ditched the quarterbacks in favor of the Hollywood


Hey, Austin North!

A thing with Brett Eldredge?

In 2017, Sadie starred in country music star Brett Eldredge's video for "The Long Way."

He was 31 at the time, and found the teen to play his girlfriend by low-key creeping

her Instagram.

Eldredge told Certified Country,

"I had seen her social media and I just thought she had an amazing spirit.

[...] I thought, 'This is a girl that has so much heart.

This is the kind of girl you wanna take home and meet the fam.'"

Apparently, the chemistry between the two was so hot in the video that it started rumors

about the pair dating in real life.

But Eldredge told Taste of Country,

"She did an amazing job and somehow people thought we were dating for a while.

And it's like no, we're just good new friends."

Curing her eating disorder

Sadie was crowned runner-up on Dancing With The Stars in 2014, but with that success also

came struggle.

She told Hollywood Life,

"I had three and a half months of this intense training and also I'd come out and I have

this body.

[...] When that began to go, I think my confidence began to go.

[...] That's when the eating disorder started."

Luckily, Sadie found the cure after breaking up with Coward.

She said,

"I was like crying and I looked in the mirror and I literally couldn't even recognize myself

because I actually saw myself for who I am.

[...] I believe, for who God created me to be."

Fashion Week shade

Sadie walked 2013's New York Fashion Week runway to unveil her prom dress collection

for Sherri Hill, but the models she encountered weren't showing her the love.

Sadie claims her southern charm was met with not-so-passive-aggressiveness, writing on

her blog,

"They just looked at me like they had icicles in their eyes.

Without using words, they sent me a strong message: 'What are you doing here?'"

Intimidated at first, Sadie says she slowly came to the conclusion that it wasn't hate

being thrown her way, just, y'know...Fashion Week.

She added,

"They were pretty obsessed with their weight, so instead of having snacks or treats, they

smoked cigarettes and drank coffee.

[...] They seemed either sad or kind of angry.

They cared way too much about their outward appearance — and confidence is an inside


Harsh reality

Four years later, Sadie found herself orbiting the fashion industry yet again, unfortunately

with similar results.

After her fresh-faced shoot turned into a face full of makeup, she took to Facebook

to unleash her epic rant, writing,

"I showed up for a photoshoot that I had thought was going to be a natural no makeup photoshoot.

The director [...] said 'nope this girl does not have the face to pull off a no makeup


[...] I've had my stomach 'fat' pinched to make sure I knew which part I needed to get

rid of.

I've been told if I would lose 10 pounds then I may look like an actual model."

But Sadie then cooled off enough to bring her signature inspiration, writing,

"I believe EVERYONE has the face to pull off a 'no makeup shoot' because that is YOUR FACE.

The makeup is the extra.

It's fun, but when it becomes your everything that's when you begin to lose everything about

what makes you…YOU."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Sadie From Duck Dynasty - Duration: 4:34.


Dr. Guillen: Kilauea volcano is officially a triple threat - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Dr. Guillen: Kilauea volcano is officially a triple threat - Duration: 3:31.


How To Set The Hook On A Jig (This Works!) | Bass Fishing - Duration: 4:05.

Hey folks, Glenn May here with, and today I wanna talk about setting the hook

on a jig.

Have you ever done that?

You set the hook really hard.

You think you've got a great hookset, boom, you set it, and you pull the fish in, you

get him close to the boat, and then, boop, he pops out.

But what happened?

How did that happen?

It's a got a good hook on here.

You had a really solid hookset, this only just came out.

Well, it's in the hookset, guys.

It really is.

You can really increase your percentage if you have a better hookset.

Now, what I mean by that is you don't, like, whack, hit it really hard.

There's a difference.

Here's the deal.

Especially true with a football head jig like this one.

Let me tell you what happens.

That's a big blunt object.

When the fish grabs it, he closes his mouth right around it, just like so.


He closes it.

This acts like a battering ram.

They close their mouth really tight.

They don't want...whatever they just caught, they don't want it to get away, so the jaw

is clamped down really tight.

What's happening is that jig head is buttoned up against his mouth, it's not popping loose.

Because what happens...

A lot of guys do this, you throw out there, you see the line start to move, you reel down,

and then you see it's...yeah, that now your line is tight and you see it moving, and you

set it.

Well, what you've done is you've tightened up that jig head right up against his mouth,

right up against it.

You set the hook, well, the fish's mouth is real tight, it's got nowhere to go.

You just move the fish.

The hook never penetrates, especially with a football head jig, it never touches inside

his mouth.

It didn't move.

It didn't budge.

There's nothing to hookset on.

Until that fish, you know, will fight you all the way to the boat until he opens his

mouth, and then out, comes the jig.

That's what happens.

So, how do we prevent that from happening?

Well, it's in the hookset.

What you do is when you cast out there and you see your line twitch, jump, whatever,

you see your line starts to swim off, don't reel down and feel tight.

You've seen it, you didn't cause that, something else did.

Guess what?

It's a fish.

So you don't need to check.

Reel down to get the rod down in the hookset position, but just before you get all the

way down to set the hook, stop reeling and drop the rod a little bit further, and then

set the hook.

Here, what you do is you throw in a little bit of slack in the line.

Think about it like a rope.

Take a rope, and you whip it, and you throw that little bit slack in there.

Or a garden hose, you do that, something like that.

It's really, really quick, you're not taking the line and you're giving him slack and let

him swim off.

You're reeling down to get your rod in the right position.

Stop reeling, drop the rod down and set.

It's very, very quick.

It's an instant.

And that little bit of slack, what that is doing is it does two things.

First of all, you're not reeling the jig up to the roof of his mouth, so there's room

for it to move.

But then second, when you do set the hook, you're getting the rod, the speed of that

rod tip up, getting it moving before it connects with the line.

And when it does, it pops it.

It's going for velocity, it pops it so hard that it's gonna knock that jig head through

his mouth, through his lips.

And what follows behind it?

The hook.

Now, you got a solid hookset.

I swear to you, guys, I do it this way, and my hooks bury up to...not to the barb, but

to the bend of the hook.

Almost everytime, I bury it to the bend of the hook with this hookset.


Give it a go, give it a try.

Remember that.

Two things, don't reel down and get a tight line on it, and second, reel down and get

your rod to the right position, drop it a little bit more, and pop 'em.

And I guarantee you, you're gonna catch a lot more fish.

For more tips and tricks like this, visit

For more infomation >> How To Set The Hook On A Jig (This Works!) | Bass Fishing - Duration: 4:05.


Are some Dems afraid of impeachment? - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Are some Dems afraid of impeachment? - Duration: 4:28.


Taylor Swift's 'September' Cover Slammed by Earth, Wind & Fire Co-Writer | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:21.






































For more infomation >> Taylor Swift's 'September' Cover Slammed by Earth, Wind & Fire Co-Writer | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:21.


Hannity:TRUMP demands ANSWERS from GOJ and FBI - Duration: 14:11.

by joining us now live from the White House more details of the president's

high-stakes meeting with the Deputy Attorney General rod Rosenstein the FBI

director Fox News chief national correspondent and Henry Eadie I won't

believe the documents are coming until they're sent Sean there's a lot of

skepticism about that tonight especially when you have people like Sally Yates

remember ousted from the Justice Department last year saying today that

she believes the president is launching an all-out assault on democracy by

pressuring the Justice Department to put these documents out there but also

investigate what happened with this confidential informant but I can tell

you Republicans like Devon Nunez are pushing back tonight saying that Sally

Yates and other Obama officials are just trying to divert attention from the real

story that in the words of Nunez a bright red line was crossed when the FBI

allegedly infiltrated the Trump campaign and allegedly spied on it that meeting

you mentioned the president with rod Rosen Stein Christopher Rea the FBI

director they basically there the president was demanding a new

investigation to find out just how this Russia probe started the president it

appears got some concrete action press secretary Sarah Sanders telling us quote

based on the meeting with the president Department of Justice has now asked the

inspector general to expand its current investigation to include any

irregularities with the FBI's or the Department of Justice's tactics

concerning the Trump campaign it was also agreed that White House chief of

staff John Kelly will immediately set up a meeting with the FBI DOJ and the

Director of National Intelligence with congressional leaders to review highly

classified and other information they've requested

now that means John Kelly will be working with Nunez and others to get the

documents that Nunez has been demanding for weeks now about this confidential

informant Nunez saying there needs to be transparency as Democrats like Adam

Schiff object this is a dramatic and new and destructive low I think for the

Congress of the United States basically to ignore the warnings of the FBI and

Justice Department and potentially risk people's lives what they would like this

information for is clearly to be of service to the Trump defense team

and and further any narrative they have we don't know if there's one informant

or more informants because there's so much out there now it's really getting

tough to follow and all we're asking for is give us the documentation that you

used to start this investigation now Fox News is also learning tonight that this

long-awaited Justice Department Inspector General report looking at the

FBI and the Justice Department's handling of the Hillary Clinton email

investigation has found among other things that James Comey and Andy McCabe

his former number two at the FBI of course who was also a ousted acted

improperly but not moving quickly enough on those emails that appeared in

September of 2016 they didn't act on them look into them the new Clinton

emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop of course into October 2016 that and a

whole bunch of other things now under scrutiny which shows Shawn that it's not

just the handling of the trumpet investigation but the handling of the

Clinton investigation by the DOJ and the FBI still very much under investigation

right now Shawn deep states being exposed Muller's witch-hunt is crashing

in this is a fascinating times great report at Henry at the White House

joining us now Wall Street Journal's Kimberly straw so she was the first

journalist to expose this huge scandal nearly two weeks ago that in fact the

FBI used an informant to spy on the Trump campaign she joins us as well as

Fox News contributor jason Chaffetz you know I love The Wall Street Journal in

their comments today in their editorial Kimberly I thought it was devastating

and also the calls on the Obama administration they're calling on Obama

what did he know when did he know it and now noona is saying Kimberly there might

be a second spy yeah this is really important first of all for people to

remember that the Department of Justice which is now out there hinting and

various partisans like Adam Schiff that somehow congressman newness and others

are responsible for blowing this source the Department of Justice leaked all of

these details to friendly news media sources everything short of this guy's

name and his social security number and go and just so that they could get ahead

of this and spin it the way they wanted to because they knew the noose was

tightening and they'd probably be forced to put out these documents and this

the other important part too is well none of us have really had enough

information on yet is we know a lot about what the FBI did all those still

not enough what we don't know though is what the political side of this

operation knew we know Clinton's campaign had this dossier - who else had

it in the Obama administration and what other agencies were involved in efforts

to go after the Trump campaign prior to the FBI's claim of its official start of

its investigation I will all say it so I don't want to bring up former

congressman Chaffetz Schiff is the biggest liar and propagandist on

television so almost as bad as fake news CNN and in conspiracy TV MSNBC bigger

points here the FBI paid this guy we've all known his name for a long time this

is not they've leaked it they're the ones that did it but paying this guy

money and maybe a second spy and I don't believe they're gonna hand over the

documents if they can get away with it jiae's congressman Chaffetz you

requested some of those very same information well over a year ago and

it's never been forthcoming yeah there is a subpoena we issued in 2016 for all

the documents that we wanted to see the inspector general can get these

documents if he hasn't already I hope he's already gathered to gather them up

I think the deep state is understanding that the truth is going to surface and

that's why they're leaking this information to friendly news sources to

put their own spin on it I think Kim's Drossel has done some of the best

reporting on that but I got to tell you you have an attorney general in Jeff

Sessions who's there in name only he's worthless and he have Rove rot

Rosenstein who's there with an oxygen mask

he's totally conflicted and I'm excited with some members in the house are going

to do tomorrow I think there's a group of five members you can actually put it

put forward our resolution is a vicious temper and right now is on edge every

day screaming of people have you heard that congressman mantova there I mean

it's amazing if you look at what rod Rosenstein is arguing and then you look

at the Democrats like Adam Jim this political

hack that is just desperate not sure come out yeah I mean he doesn't want to

have truth come out he doesn't want it excels what's going on there you guys

it's part of the gang of eight he likes working all that information and I agree

with Devin I agree with Congressman Chaffetz you have done a great job

Kimberly that's working oh look the other thing

this has got to be declassified Congress needs to see it first but then every one

of us needs the president can do that correct yes the man they turn him over

now correct yep yes the president he's the President of the United States a

friendly constitutionally elected person and he can declassify it now do i I

would say to the president do it now do not wait 18 months for the IG to

investigate with 500 people and then we'll find out later they'll do

everything they can to spin it why the leak thank you all when we come back

former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich weighs in on tonight's big

breaking news stay with us

give us reaction to tonight's big breaking news author of the upcoming

book it's going to be out June 5th and available for pre-order now on Barnes

and Hannity com it's called trumps America the truth about our

nation's great comeback former Speaker of the House Fox News contributor Newt

Gingrich I want to talk about your book but not now this I sorry I like it I

love you you're my you're family to me but when you look at this and Ted Olson

and Mark Penn and cheryl atkinson and now we've in The New York Times and

Washington Post well trying to get ahead of what they failed to do for a year and

a half and the deep state is real and the effort to undermine the president is

real FISA abuse does real spies in the Trump campaign are real you're the great

historian tell me where this we're we're in history this will stack up to well I

think it's rapidly becoming the biggest and the most sobering political scandal

in American history somebody pointed out earlier than we back when J Edgar Hoover

was spying at Lyndon Johnson's the hats on Richard Nixon we thought it was

terrible back when they had a break-in at the Watergate we thought it was

terrible this is a multi-year effort that has two different fronts and people

need to always remember that one front was protecting propping up covering up

for Bill and Hillary Clinton the other front whereas Trump became more and more

serious the other front was to stop Trump at any cost

now I believe that the reason you see people like Sally Yates go berserk you

see John Brennan go berserk you see general clapper go berserk

they're all guilty when you see somebody in the Obama team who gets that rattled

and is that angry what you know is they're scared to death that they're

gonna get drawn into all this and their role is going to come out and it will

involve I think felonies and frankly I suspect it reaches to the President

Obama it's inconceivable that President Obama could have had this many

things going on and not known it because his administration was very controlling

and very tight and I think we're gonna discover all this stuff in the end ends

up at the Obama White House and has the president and his senior staffs

fingerprints all over it question remains what did he know what did Carrie

know what did Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes know what did clapper and Brendon know

we haven't even talked about on masking but you're right Hillary gets a rigged

investigation and then comes the effort to undermine a president or candidate

than a president-elect and then a president in the United States and you

put spies and you like or you lie to FISA judges I think I think the number

one thing the average everyday American can take from all this is that the

corruption was so deep at the top and again remember we're not talking about

the everyday FBI agent doing their job we're talking about people at the very

top and those people were so corrupt and so arrogant that they thought they could

get away with anything and so they just proceeded down the road protecting

Hillary covering up Hillary giving immunity to people who are breaking the

law and then going after Trump and going after Trump supporters

when all of this comes out as one in a way that's easy to understand which may

take frankly another year or a year and a half because there's so much of it and

every time we turn around as you know another piece unravels and and you've

had more big stories in the last year and a half that I would have thought

possible and again and again you've been right and inch-by-inch even the New York

Times are telling to concede and I think by the way mark pens columns a day is a

real breakthrough we have a genuine unqualified member of the left saying

this is a threat to all of us and we have got to get rid of Miller because he

literally threatens every American's freedom mr. speaker do you understand

the Constitution you understand checks and balances separation of powers

constitutional authority oversight of Congress how dare rod Rosen

Stein who already is conflicted in this by recommending the firing of Comey and

signing one of the FISA warrants how dare they not turn this over to Congress

but that's what they have done what should Congress do your former speaker

well I mean first of all I think it's beginning to move in the right direction

I think the president's beginning to weigh in to reinforce the Republicans in

Congress I think you know general Kelley being given this assignment is a very

tough very serious man and I think he is going to impose on the Justice

Department doing their job of turning over legitimate appropriate information

to the legislative branch but everybody ought to remember you mentioned the

Constitution remember that when they were done writing it Benjamin Franklin

was asked by a woman you know what have we got and he said we have a republic if

we can keep it this is one of those great tests in American history

corruption came close to destroying the liberties you and I believed him and if

Hillary got elected none of this would have come out scary Mr Speaker we

appreciate your perspective as always and I promise I will be promoting your

book I know it's going to be great I haven't seen it yet all right when we

come what when we come back all right for Obama CIA director yeah communists

supporter John Brennan's recent comments about President Trump have been

completely unhinged Michelle Malkin Daniel Hoffman they weigh in next on

this big news night stay with us


For more infomation >> Hannity:TRUMP demands ANSWERS from GOJ and FBI - Duration: 14:11.


7 states sue to end DACA program - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> 7 states sue to end DACA program - Duration: 5:14.


Carter Page: Never found anything unusual about FBI source - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> Carter Page: Never found anything unusual about FBI source - Duration: 11:59.


Would you rather MUKBANG | Sisters Edition (Subtitulos en Español) - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> Would you rather MUKBANG | Sisters Edition (Subtitulos en Español) - Duration: 12:18.


Lava from Hawaii volcano reaches the edge of a power plant - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Lava from Hawaii volcano reaches the edge of a power plant - Duration: 2:15.


Harry and Meghan attend first official event after Royal wedding - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Harry and Meghan attend first official event after Royal wedding - Duration: 2:00.


Eric Holder defends DOJ, FBI in tweet - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Eric Holder defends DOJ, FBI in tweet - Duration: 4:35.


SE Cupp rips Trump's 'authoritarian tactics' - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> SE Cupp rips Trump's 'authoritarian tactics' - Duration: 4:29.


Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 22, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:06.

For more infomation >> Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 22, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:06.


Sen. John McCain wants us to see we are more alike than different - Duration: 10:24.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Republican Senator John McCain is known as a maverick, familiar with tough

fights, from prison camps in Vietnam to the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Recently, he has been staying close to the Arizona ranch he calls home, as he undergoes

treatment for brain cancer.

But he still speaks his mind.

And there are new glimpses this month into McCain's life and thinking.

He and his family are part of a new HBO documentary, "John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls," which

debuts next Monday.

Here's a look.


JOHN MCCAIN (R), Arizona: Come on, Verma (ph).

Come on, honey.

JACK MCCAIN, Son of John McCain: I got a phone call from my mom that said: "Jack, you're

going to see some stuff in the news.

Your father has brain cancer.

I'm with him right now.

He knows his diagnosis, and he's the same as he's always been.

He said, 'All right, let's push forward.'"


JOHN MCCAIN: You know, these doctors keep talking to me about people who, if you tell

them the truth, and then they just give up and die, that you really want to -- and I

keep saying them, just tell me.

Just tell me.

That's all I want to know, you know?

Some say, well, it's not good.

And I say, well, you know it's just (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and it really drives me crazy.

But then I talk to other doctor friends of mine and say that most people, that's not

what they want to hear.

Why wouldn't they want to hear, you know?

Why wouldn't they want to spend a few more days here, you know?

JUDY WOODRUFF: McCain's battle with cancer is also ever-present, whether explicitly or

implicitly, in a new memoir out today.

There are reflections about living and past decisions, but it also makes clear that McCain

still has plenty to say about America, American society, and politics in the age of President


It is called "The Restless Wave," and McCain co-wrote it with one of his close longtime

aides, Mark Salter, who joins me now from New York.

Mark Salter, thank you for being with us.

Give us an update on how...


JUDY WOODRUFF: Thank you -- how Senator McCain is doing.

MARK SALTER, Co-Author, "The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and

Other Appreciations": He's hanging in there.

He's fighting, working hard at getting stronger.

He had an operation a couple weeks ago that knocked the wind out of him a little bit.

But he's back home, and he's working on getting stronger and still staying engaged with his

office and doing all the things he wants to be doing right now.

JUDY WOODRUFF: You have been writing books with him for, what, almost 20 years.

This is your seventh book together.

MARK SALTER: That's right.

JUDY WOODRUFF: This book sounds like -- it reads like he's still got a lot rolling around

in his mind that he wants to get out there.

Restless wave, what did he mean by that?

MARK SALTER: Well, it's a line from the Navy hymn "Eternal Father."

It refers to eternal father, strong to save, whose arm hath bound the restless wave.

And most people know who know John McCain know him to be a very restless individual,

and only God can restrain him.

So, we thought that was an appropriate title, under the circumstances.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But a lot to get off his chest in this book.


The book -- we had started working on the book before his diagnosis.

And it was a little bit different of a book.

It was going to concentrate mostly on foreign affairs and national security.

But he wanted to write something more personal and tell stories about the causes that matter

most to him and to write about what America means to him and what America means to the


JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, one of the many things he writes about -- he rally covers his entire

public career -- he writes about choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008.

He takes responsibility for any of the problems in that campaign and her role in it, but he

also says that he wishes he had chosen Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman as his running mate.

How much does that bother him?

MARK SALTER: Well, I think that was his first choice.

He wanted to do it.

He was persuaded by his aides and from senior members of the party that it would cause a

divided convention and a challenge perhaps on the floor to the nomination of his vice

presidential pick, and was convinced not to do it.

He would have -- looking back, he wished he had stuck with it.

That's not to say he regrets choosing Governor Palin.

There is a distinction there.

And I think people have mixed that up a little bit.

But it's not.

Once he decided or was convinced that he couldn't pick Senator Lieberman, he chose Governor

Palin, and he never regretted it publicly or privately.

He's never said a word of regret about it.

JUDY WOODRUFF: He writes at some length about how much he has loved serving in the Senate.

He makes that very clear.

His friendships across the partisan aisle.

Why has that been so important to him?

MARK SALTER: Well, he served there for over 30 years now, a long time.

And even before that he was the Senate's -- the Navy's Senate liaison officer.

And he got to know some of the lions of the Senate back in the '70s, Scoop Jackson, Barry

Goldwater, John Tower, traveled with them overseas quite a bit, had bipartisan friendships,

became good friends with some of the then younger members, Gary Hart, Bill Cohen, Joe


And he's just -- it's a place that he's seen do enormous amount of good and work together

collaboratively to make progress on the problems of our time, something that he's worried is

getting a little lost now.

JUDY WOODRUFF: On the -- moving around, there's so much in this book, Mark Salter.

At one point, he does write about getting a copy of the so-called Steele dossier, the

report written by the former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, turning it over

to then-FBI Director Comey.

It is clear that he takes the Russia interference in the last election seriously.

What does he think about how other Republicans see that?

MARK SALTER: Well, he thinks most of his colleagues in the Senate take it pretty seriously.

I'm sure he's been a it a little -- like many people who worry about Putin and Putin's challenge

to the U.S. and his challenge to American allies, he probably worries a little bit about

some people in the House Intelligence Committee not taking it that seriously.

But he takes it seriously.

He's had a pretty good sense of Putin.

Going back all the way to the late '90s, he has been warning about him.

So, he thinks probably China is our long-term challenge, you know, over the next generation

or the work, but our immediate problem is Vladimir Putin.

And he would like the see members of Congress in his party and the Democratic Party confront

that challenge honestly and forcefully.

JUDY WOODRUFF: So much of this book, or at least a good chunk of it, reads like what

he is standing up -- what he stands for is in opposition to what President Trump stands


He talks about being a champion of compromise, being someone who believes in working with

the other side, and toning down the harsh rhetoric.

And let's air just a little bit of what he himself read from the audio version of this

book at the end.



JOHN MCCAIN: Before I leave, I would like to see our politics begin to return to the

purposes and practices that distinguish our history from the history of other nations.

I would like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different.

We're citizens of a republic made of shared ideals, forged in a new world to replace the

tribal enmities that tormented the old one.

Even in times of political turmoil such as these, we share that awesome heritage and

the responsibility to embrace it.

Whether we think each other right or wrong in our views on the issues of the day, we

owe each other our respect, so long as our character merits respect.

And as long as we share, for all our differences, for all the rancorous debates that enliven

and sometimes demean our politics, a mutual devotion to the ideals our nation was conceived

of hold, that all are created equal, and liberty and equal justice are the natural rights of


JUDY WOODRUFF: Mark Salter, that's a very different message from what's in the political

atmosphere right now.

Why did he want to get that out?

MARK SALTER: Well, you know, he has served in uniform and in public office.

He's served this country for 60 years, quite a long stretch of time.

And serving this country to him has meant serving her ideals, to see them advance in

the world and to see them safe here at home.

That's been the most just cause of his life, and a cause that he believes has given his

life honor and purpose.

So, he is obviously concerned when he thinks that we're losing sight of that, that we're

-- whether it's, whatever you call it, nativism or America-first nationalism, that is only

concerned about getting what advantages there are in the world for us, and to hell with

the rest of humanity.

I don't want anyone to think, and he wouldn't want anyone to think that this book is just

an anti-Donald Trump diatribe.

It's not.

They have differences on many issues that are very important to the senator, and he

discusses those issues quite forthrightly.

But the book is about a great deal more than that.

It's about his love of this country and what it means to him and what it means to the world

and what he hopes it will continue to mean to the world in the future he may not be here

to see.

JUDY WOODRUFF: How many of his Republican colleagues in the Senate does he think share

those views?

MARK SALTER: The vast majority of them.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But why aren't we hearing from them, does he think?

MARK SALTER: Oh, I think you do.

And they do -- a lot of the work -- you know, it's always the controversies that get all

the attention, for obvious reasons, but take a look at the committee he chairs, the Armed

Services Committee.

That -- every year, year after year, that committee reports out its bill, the defense

spending -- authorization bill, almost always unanimously, always in a bipartisan fashion.

Everybody works collaboratively, with a sense that American -- America's leadership of the

world is important to us and important to the world.

That doesn't get as much attention as noisier, more confrontational or controversial statements

and actions on the part of some members of Congress, but it's more the norm than not.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Is he hopeful for the country's future?

MARK SALTER: He believes -- yes, he believes this country is a match for its challenges

in the present and in the future.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Mark Salter, who wrote the book with John McCain "The Restless Wave:

Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations."

Mark Salter, we thank you.

MARK SALTER: Thank you, Judy.

Appreciate it.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And that book is out today.

For more infomation >> Sen. John McCain wants us to see we are more alike than different - Duration: 10:24.


KPOP: FAME OR TALENT? - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> KPOP: FAME OR TALENT? - Duration: 9:03.


Nicolas Maduro hates freedom: Kennedy - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Nicolas Maduro hates freedom: Kennedy - Duration: 1:57.


Martes de la 7ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario – 22 de mayo de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 2:08:07.

For more infomation >> Martes de la 7ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario – 22 de mayo de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 2:08:07.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Arms Warrior Wrecking in Silvershard mines top DPS! - Duration: 11:08.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Arms Warrior Wrecking in Silvershard mines top DPS!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Arms Warrior Wrecking in Silvershard mines top DPS! - Duration: 11:08.


PD수첩 배명진 교수 의혹 논란 동영상, 소리박사 배명진 고향 나이 학력 약력 프로필 근황 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> PD수첩 배명진 교수 의혹 논란 동영상, 소리박사 배명진 고향 나이 학력 약력 프로필 근황 - Duration: 2:46.


Free V-Bucks Giveaway

For more infomation >> Free V-Bucks Giveaway


For more infomation >> Free V-Bucks Giveaway


Pizza Hut® | Double Cheesy Crust Pan Pizza Review! 🍕😀👍 - Duration: 5:23.

hey everyone its Ian K back again with another one for ya this time

headed into Pizza Hut by popular demand to check out their latest promo pizza

and you know what it sure looks like a bit of a convertible

hey I'll explain what that's all about right after I run inside real quick to

scoop this one up so let's definitely peep this out

in what's supposed to be a combination of their stuff crust and regular pan

pizza we've got the double cheesy crust pan pizza and guys I am really digging

the fact that there is plenty of sausage like I ordered on the top of this one

here everything looks pretty tasty it smells pretty fantastic and at first

glance this pretty much looks like any other Pizza Hut pizza I've ever seen

until we get to the very back of it right over here take a closer look upon

inspection you're gonna find a ring of cheese going around the back of this

crust dusted with toasted Parmesan we get a little bit of basil and oregano in

there as well and it is definitely looking pretty tasty so pretty much a

convertible stuffed crust because the cheese is sitting out on top and it

definitely doesn't have a top there's plenty of cheese in the background there

and that is the major highlight with this one and if we can lift the back of

this slightly so you guys can see it looks like not too much is visible right

there but the ring of cheese is visible as you're going around this here

basically it's just gonna be more cheese in the very back once you get there so

when you're done enjoying all the goodness in the front of the pizza you

have some tasty crunchy crust as well as a pretty nice amount of cheese you can

actually see it pretty nicely there to go with so let's not waste any more time

on this one this pizza is actually minutes old I can't wait to get into it

it's the double cheesy crust pan pizza from Pizza Hut

let's peep out this flavor the new double cheesy crust pan pizza

it's our cheesiest pizza ever no one now pizza's done I think you can appreciate

the meat game from the side view here but we're here for the main event which

is all that cheese in the back let's dive in but hey let me get a quick bite

from the front first because this looks too good not to it's the double cheesy

crust pan pizza with sausage here at Pizza Hut yesir

it's exactly like I expected it to be a nice buttery crust on the bottom a

decent amount of cheese and some pretty nice flavor from the sausage even though

it's a little on the salty side but I'm actually getting a little bit of the

Parmesan dusting on this one and that's definitely a highlight just a quick

close up to give you an idea of the thickness of the bread on this one guy

is now with the pan pizza here at Pizza Hut you'd expect it to be a little

thicker and for a large pizza this actually feels a little on the thin side

but it's still a pretty hearty bite and of course with the sausage on top that's

only gonna add to it so let's see what's supposed to be the highlight of this one

here which is the back of the crust here and I'm already digging that toasted

Parmesan which is pretty visible in the back as well here we go

hmm oh yeah you can never go wrong with a ring of melted mozzarella cheese and

that's actually a very healthy portion in the very back the fact that it's on

the outside of the crust really doesn't detract from it whatsoever because

you're still getting the crust anyway and you're getting some nice flavor from

the toasted parmesan which is nice a little bit of the oregano a little bit

of the basil it's in there for the seasoning and a little bit of the

backend of the regular cheese on top of the sausage pretty delicious have a look

at that cross section of all the cheesy goodness you get to enjoy in the very

back of this one after you're done with all the goodness from the very front of

your pizza you've got a very nice send-off to go here along with that

toasted parmesan the nice doughiness of the crust the crunchiness of the crust and

just overall a very flavorful bite and hey if toasted parmesan is not your

thing you can of course customize the very back of this crust that cheese is

still gonna be there naturally and that really is the highlight overall but I

gotta say guys the toasted parmesan makes a huge difference for me it's got

just the right amount of sharpness and tartness if I can say it that way to

really take the gooey cheese in the back of this crust to a new level and it

really is a perfect complement as far as I'm concerned one more quick shot of

that toasted parmesan and if you look a little closer you'll find some of that

oregano basil mix that's on there as well I'm really diggin that for color it

definitely adds a little bit extra and overall the flavor along with the gooey

cheese and the very back with this is really like I said a nice send-off after

you finish this slice before the next one anyway but of course that's just my

opinion what do you guys think have any of you already have a double cheesy

crust pan pizza here at Pizza Hut and if you have did you swap out that toasted

Parmesan for something else drop those comments down below and

definitely let me know and as for the overall score I'm gonna have to give the

double cheesy crust pan pizza the way I ordered it today here at Pizza Hut a

deliciously solid 9 out of 10 now I think it's gonna be a little difficult

for most of you not to get right into the crust when you first get this

because guys there's a lot to look forward to there but if you can pace

yourself and get to it slowly you're gonna have that much more to enjoy and

boy it is really worth it and aside from the fact that the crust seemed a little

on the thin side compared to the regular pan pizza that I've had in the past it's

still super flavorful super buttery and just overall a very nice addition and it

really is the signature here at Pizza Hut so give this one a shot because it's

definitely worth your time and those are my thoughts and the latest here at Pizza

Hut as we close out another episode of peep this out guys I'm like I always say

I've got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while you stay

tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty

hey and real quick if you do decide to pick this one up don't forget to take a

closer look at this box because there's a lot of cool history on Pizza Hut here

including when they first opened up their doors in 1958 so when they first

introduced the pan pizza in 1980 among a lot of other cool things here very very

cool information and hey it's a little fast food pop-culture trivia alright

guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Pizza Hut® | Double Cheesy Crust Pan Pizza Review! 🍕😀👍 - Duration: 5:23.


For more infomation >> Pizza Hut® | Double Cheesy Crust Pan Pizza Review! 🍕😀👍 - Duration: 5:23.


'School Of Rock' Opens Doors To Colorado Audiences - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 'School Of Rock' Opens Doors To Colorado Audiences - Duration: 1:39.


For more infomation >> 'School Of Rock' Opens Doors To Colorado Audiences - Duration: 1:39.


Jessie J - Four Letter Word [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 4:16.

Broke me that day I remember I waited for my stubborn to come through

Told me why my moods ain't easy Challenge me like I do you

This feeling takes me back to never I pray I get the chance to bloom

I can be a six letter word, but four letter word is you

B A, B Y This just changed my life

Can't believe I, can't believe I, can't believe I don't have time

B A, B Y I talk to you at night

Won't believe I, won't believe I, won't believe I won't have time

'Cause someone's ready for me, waiting To feel all my love, I'll make with you and

me I'll never give up, even if it breaks me

Feels in my heart, we'll meet one another You'll be my baby, I'll be your mother

The pain, it makes me so impulsive I hate I can't control what I do

Even though I know the reason, I still cry out for you

So many highs, it's balanced I just gotta accept my truth

I will be a six letter word, but four letter word is you

B A, B Y This just changed my life

Can't believe I, can't believe I, can't believe I don't have time

B A, B Y I talk to you at night

Won't believe I, won't believe I, won't believe I won't have time

'Cause someone's ready for me, waiting To feel all my love, I'll make with you and

me I'll never give up, even if it breaks me

Feels in my heart, we'll meet one another You'll be my baby

Try to be patient Real love will save me

God knows I'm waiting To be your mother

Promises, and loyalties My truest dream, for you to look at me, look

at me And feel proud, love and eternity

When my time comes And I find the one for you

We'll be forever happy 'Cause someone's ready for me, waiting

To feel all my love, I'll make with you and me

I'll never give up, even if it breaks me Feels in my heart, we'll meet one another

You'll be my baby Try to be patient

Real love will save me God knows I'm waiting

To be a mother To be a, to be a moth-mother

Mo-o-o-other Mo-o-o-other

Mo-o-o-other Mo-o-o-other

Mo-o-o-other Mo-o-o-other

Mo-o-o-other Mo-o-o-other

For more infomation >> Jessie J - Four Letter Word [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 4:16.


For more infomation >> Jessie J - Four Letter Word [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 4:16.


Street Dogs - Duration: 2:07.

Leave my tail son of pitch

I'll bite your leg

Gee, your ass is very disgusted

Didn't you change your diaper since last week?!

Mom will punish us.

Stupid boys.

Where is it?!.. Where is it?!

What is that, which you are searching for?

The bone, bro.

I will search with you..

Ha ha ha, I hide the bone here..

I have to appear as normal to don't let him notice me.

Uncle, uncle, uncle, uncle..

uncle who sell bones..

give me a bone, uncle.

Come on..

take that

Oh, my eye, uncle ..

.. my ear too ..

Ha ha ha, well done.

Why did you do that, uncle?!

Where is the bone?! Where is the bone?! Where is the bone?!

The bone..

The bone!!

This is the bone.

My bone.

Finally, it's mine.

Sailors.. Sailors.. the boss Pluto is passing away

The grandfather Pluto

Run to the doctor.

" Street dogs "

voices by turns

Mostafa Ramadan

Mohamed Khamis

Amir Saleh

filming & directing

Amir Saleh

For more infomation >> Street Dogs - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> Street Dogs - Duration: 2:07.


台「美女中士」不雅照網路流傳,軍方表示要提起訴訟 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 台「美女中士」不雅照網路流傳,軍方表示要提起訴訟 - Duration: 1:59.


For more infomation >> 台「美女中士」不雅照網路流傳,軍方表示要提起訴訟 - Duration: 1:59.


Hard Bounce Trap Type Beat ...

For more infomation >> Hard Bounce Trap Type Beat ...


Taylor Swift Concert Vlog, Ft. TAYLOR FREAKIN' SWIFT! (I got to meet her!!) | TILLY BEE - Duration: 16:27.

oh hi guys welcome back so today is my Taylor Swift vlog we're going to see Taylor Swift

honestly this still hasn't like hit me that I'm seeing her live so I'm very

like just calm right now but resulting her and live today so that's pretty cool

10 away but we're leaving at 10:00 so I'm about to do some of my makeup I'm

gonna do some of it in the car but okay okay so we just went to the bathroom at

Baja Fresh and we are going to Santa Monica

it still has yet to hit me that I am gonna see Taylor Swift it's

not real to me yet so that's


okay guys so I didn't tell you guys this earlier but um now I am so yeah

okay guys I'm sitting here editing this video this vlog and I realized that I

don't explain what exactly is the email about and like I just didn't explain it

very well so basically what happened is my mom actually I got an email and it

was like okay so we want to we have a potential opportunity for you so we want

to call you give us your phone number and we're like okay weird by the way

this is this is from Taylor nation so we call they call us asked us to bunch of

questions about our birthdays and stuff and they're like okay so when you get

there go to will call and pick something up and I was like okay so what am i what

are we picking up and their instructions she said and I'm like she told my mom's

like well what is it and she said oh we can't tell you but you're gonna be very

pleased and so right now I don't know what it was so I was kind of freaking

out but yeah so that's basically what happens

if you are wondering I look really cute that's okay um but yeah so right now I

don't know it is I mean obviously future me knows whether it is but anyway so

back to the blog sober on earth we know my t-shirt on and we're told this one is

it changing where do I go I will okay guys we are going right now

and I'm actually freaking out so um bye I get to meet Taylor freakin

Swift I'll show you guys this after the tour but I'm just

did you show it yeah oh my gosh okay buh-bye we just got these wristbands and

they're probably gonna light up with the show in my experience I'm so excited you

guys I'm freaking out

ok guys so we just figured out that we were picked randomly we were she wasn't

a random reason why and as soon as I posted my blog Oh Christmas and open

tickets and like crazy



voluntarily bringing attention to herself origami

and here I was playing the whiskey and it was so excited in like 43 people

showed up yes packed house and um the headcount tonight is around 60,000 so

thank you

my drug is my baby

I'm shaking my head

hey guys so it's the next day and I kind of just wanted to tell you guys what

happened didn't give a little story time because you know yeah before I get it's

the story time I just want to say the concert top-notch best concert ever it

was so it was really elaborate which I really liked open and it just was so

amazing I love how she would like talk to the crowd and I don't know it was

just amazing this is the shirt I got by the way laughing as you guys know I did

get to meet Taylor Swift which was amazing oh my gosh so like I said in the

car well I guess it wasn't really the car

I did get like an email and from my youtube email saying please email us

back we have a potential opportunity we need your phone number so we can call

you so they called us and you guys know the story so once we got to will call we

go up and we're like okay so um we're here to pick something up for Amy or

Tilly and she's like um okay she's kind of confused and so she went and got this

leggy yellow photo paper folded folded paper you guys saw yeah please

so I just yellow piece of paper and and so I read it and it goes your

opportunity to meet tentative starts at 5:30 tonight you'll need to on the field

the level under section 21 and that's I was just mind blown and I just kind of

freaked out then he just tells you like more information about like what it's

happening and I was like oh my gosh a meaning tear stuff and it says your

group so my Aunt May and my mom all wet so I we my mom and I

were both like oh so they gotta come meet the dance Taylor Swift that's what

I said I think in the vlog but they only let my mom and I which was really really

weird and really stupid I really wish summer and leecy would have been able to

come I'm standing and lying waiting to go see her and her mom comes out Audrey

Swift and she's like your chili right and I give her a hug and I'm like how do

you know my name and she's like oh I watched your video my one I got for

Christmas video and I was like oh my gosh you guys didn't see that you should

go check it out on my channel but I will kill my reaction to opening that's where

I opened my tears with tickets so I'll keep my reaction now birthday time

Taylor Swift so yeah and she was like you were so cute and I was just like it

was just I was in complete and total shock um so anyway so then that happened

I was I couldn't believe it so then we went I gotta go and I was the first one

in and she goes hey I loved your video and I was like

I literally dropped to the floor I was like I could not believe it she knew my

name she knew who I was and I was I could not believe it and she it was so

beautiful so just so beautiful so gorgeous and I just got to tell her how

much her music means to me and how long I've been the singing and how I followed

on Instagram for so long I know all her lyrics all her songs and I just got to

tell her everything and she was so sweet she was like she was genuinely listening

to me while I was going on and on barely being able to talk shaking so hard but

yeah so here is the picture that we got to take with her which is so cool it's

my it's my lock screen on my phone now because I mean come on but yeah it was

crazy and so basically why I got to meet her is because she found my video it was

amazing and I will I will forever be thankful to my mom yeah so that's how I

met Taylor Swift um I still can't believe I did that like oh and she knows

who I am anyway so the concert was amazing she did it so well I thought the

concert I liked it I thought the concert was amazing definitely the best concert

event healed and it was so much fun she's so cool she's so she was sassy on

stage no fancy stuff haunted so sweet and cool we had so much fun we like

screamed all the Lyria we did it was so fun the beginning we both like freaked

out I did not think I was gonna go that crazy me either I was like we're like in

the first song I just screamed so anyway so I hope you guys enjoy my Telus

its log I'm glad I got to show you guys and yes next week will be my California

vlog if you're wondering because yeah yes obviously have to see that

so ok bye guys ok

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