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Songs for the Elderly - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 3:31.Are you elderly?
Yes I am.
Do you find today's modern music
difficult to relate to?
I do.
I do as well Mary.
Introducing 'Songs...
...for the Elderly'
Because I still haven't found...
What I'm looking for.
Where are my glasses Mary?
Sit back, relax
and complain about everything...
With Songs...
for the Elderly
Because everything hurts...
Jesus Christ almighty
Are you're children just sitting around
waiting for their inheritance?
Hit back with this classic track.
Ha, ha, ha, ha,
Staying alive!
Staying alive!
Ha ha ha ha
Staying alive.........
Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus!!
Got yis.
If you are going to have a fall...
Fall for these classics
Because she's buying...
a stair-lift
thank heaven.
Having a senior moment?
Have it with 'Songs for the Elderly'
I just called...
to say...
Get some much needed R&R
With some classic R&B.
I said my hip popped.
My hippy
Now take me to the hip hip Doc
you don't stop
Sure look it I have a bad back luvee
Get up there in a hurry
Going home to make my hubby some tea.
Hi, my name is...
My name is...
My name is...
Jim Brady
Howya Mary?
Oh I'm fine Jim. Thank you.
Come here to me Mary, would you like some rich foods?
Can't touch this.
Can't touch this.
My, My, My, My
My back is bad, my kness are gone
My mouth is dry and my pants are high.
Nap time.
Pop on those dancing slippers
with these great moving numbers
Everyday I'm shuffling.
Finally hit back at those pushy kids
with this classic rock hit.
Dad you are going to love this place...
There is a view of the lake and its peaceful ya know?
You have to do what they tell you.
There is activities and you get all your meals provided for.
You have to do what they tell you.
I mean you are always saying that the house is too big for you now anyway.
You have to do what they tell you.
You have to do what they tell you.
You have to do what they tell you.
You have to do what they tell you.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!
39 companies rip $71.9 billion in revenue out of Australia and Pay NO TAX - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Trump Jr.'s history of peddling conspiracies - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Teaching better and safer driving for urban distribution - Duration: 3:15.We have developed, at Scania, what we call
application-based driver training.
And that is dependent on what type of business our customers operate in.
What is special about distribution driver training,
is that we have to focus on security.
Dense, busy city environments,
anything can happen, we have to be alert,
look forward and to the sides frequently.
Welcome Kjell, to distribution driver training.
As you can see here, I'm holding a tablet,
and we, or I, use it for all driver training.
I plug it into the vehicle, the truck or the bus,
and it reads off the different statistics, so I can sit here
next to you, with the seatbelt on, and see exactly what you are doing.
The advice that we can give to a driver in city traffic,
is to think one step ahead all the time.
Pedestrians can come from the sides, cyclists moving very quickly,
so be alert and awake, basically.
Like now, in distribution driving, fuel economy isn't actually most important, like you said.
Security, perhaps? For example, that you have a good view of the road,
so nothing happens with any pedestrians or cyclists in crowded areas.
At the next red light, Kjell, try to coast a little bit earlier
and brake a little bit more gently.
Let's try it.
This is looking really good.
Really good, Kjell!
Very good!
It's my view that it's extremely important that we go through things that can happen
in city traffic, even if it means there are awful situations that we talk about,
but I think that you can learn from it, and that it's really valuable.
【ASMR風】シロップ漬けイチゴでチーズケーキと食パンクッキーたべる。 - Duration: 5:47.-------------------------------------------
Acer KG251QF Gaming Monitor Review - Duration: 6:28.-------------------------------------------
공짜 중고품에서 끔찍한게 나옴 ㄷㄷ|빨간토마토 - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
תראו אותי עכשיו. מפגש אישי עם ישראלה לב. - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
First Review: Pioneer DJ DDJ-SX3 Serato Controller - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
Liam goes kayaking in Manly, Sydney – On the go with EF #79 - Duration: 5:11.Hello everyone.
Right now I'm at Circular Quay, which is a harbour in Sydney.
We're about to take the ferry to Manly.
We've left the harbour now.
To the right you can see the famous Sydney Opera House looking nice as ever.
And to the left, we've got the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
We're on our way to Manly now. Manly is a nice suburb northeast of Sydney.
This ferry line has actually been operating since 1855.
If you're lucky, you can see dolphins on this boat ride, so fingers crossed.
I can't see any dolphins yet, but this is great. The weather is absolutely fabulous.
You can always count on Australia to deliver in the weather department.
It looks like we're approaching the harbour now. You can see there it says Manly Wharf.
It seems like a much more relaxed place. I understand why people come here from Sydney.
It's a very different vibe.
Sydney's a lot more hectic. You know - big city life.
We've arrived now.
We're just about to stop the boat. I'm looking forward to this.
There are a lot of people here today.
There's supposed to be a really nice beach here in Manly, and we're on our way there now.
It's only a couple of blocks away from Manly Wharf.
People normally say that Manly is 7 miles from Sydney and 1000 miles from care.
I do kind of understand what they mean. I'm getting real chilled-out vibes here.
It feels like a proper beach culture in this place.
Okay, guys. We're getting close now. I can see the water.
It's just become a lot windier here.
Wow! This beach is really big.
Isn't this amazing? This is what life's about, isn't it?
Look at that. I really understand why people come here from the city.
That was a seagull.
It's very nice, very relaxing.
As much as I enjoy just relaxing by the beach,
today I felt like doing something a bit more adventurous.
So, I came back to Manly Wharf where you can rent a kayak.
This should be pretty interesting.
I wouldn't call myself an expert at kayaking, but I have done it a couple of times before.
So, hopefully, I won't fall in the water.
That being said, it is a beautiful day today and the water's pretty warm,
so I actually wouldn't mind falling in, to be honest.
I still got it. Or not!
The kayak was actually invented by the Inuit. It was used as a hunter's boat.
The word kayak actually means "hunter's boat."
The Inuit would use driftwood or sometimes the skeleton of a whale to make the frame
and sealskin to make the body.
Since the kayak is so quiet, it was good for them to sneak up on their prey.
This is a really nice spot. It's really nice there with the rocks.
I wouldn't mind living up there.
Let's see what's around the corner. Another beach!
It's getting quite choppy now.
Let's try to watch out for that ferry! I'm going to race it.
The last one to Sydney!
Guys, I can really recommend Manly.
It's very relaxing and nice if you want to take a break from city life.
Also, today it is very hot. What's your favourite season?
Leave a comment below and the best answer can win this awesome beach bag.
Make sure you watch next week's episode when Maria shows you New York City.
Bye, bye.
Next week: Maria visits EF New York
15 ВЕЩЕЙ С ALIEXPRESS КОТОРЫЕ ТЕБЕ ПОНРАВЯТСЯ ТОВАРЫ С АЛИЭКСПРЕСС + КОНКУРС - Duration: 8:55.-------------------------------------------
БРОНЯ ШТУРМОВИКОВ - НЕ ОТСТОЙ?! А что же тогда? - Duration: 11:33.-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] G1 GUILD WAR EZ - SUMMONERS WAR INDONESIA - Duration: 10:15.Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame.....
Are you already #tetew today????
This time i dont know what to do, if that happens, we will do guild war...
Thats it...
Ouch havent win this game
This is leftover... Must be hard one... okay... lets go...
We use Seara Tiana for R1, we play fast...
For R2 we use Leo team... lets go
Like always.
All depends on bomb.... ouch they slow...
Because they dont use speed lead...
If THeo dead we will be safe...
Its okay...
Whewwww... procs happens when we dont need it...
Ouch wrong skill.... not focus...
Can we kill Woosa??
Hit it...
Okay... dead...
This is dangerous...
My Imesety will dead...
We hit Khmun..
Slow debuff
Miss.. please stun!!!
We can kill it i think... should we hit??
Lets try hit this monkey..
But Imesety dead.... damn it...
Damn you...
Good, just hit Leo...
Ouch not Copper, hit Leo...
Nice hit it...
Good hit leo more...
FAILED... I cant see the damage....
Just hit it..
Just hit it, finish him...
Lets try again....
Wow thats nice.. not crit / glancing before..
Bad luck before...
Which one??? FOX???
Wuuu this is easy.... Easy peasy..
We use this...
And make sure we move first
We use Ghaleon (speed lead)
Okay for R2..
Olivia team is the best option cause they all wind..
So far this GW is easy (G1 rank i think)
I hope...
We slow motion to see the damage...
It should kill all i think...
Okay hit Monkey
Hit monkey...
Okay we kill Fengyan...
Hit monkey now... the battle speed still x2 lets inc it again..
Hit again.... now Chasun... Stun!!!!
Ouch resist.... maybe she have 100% resist..
We try glancing.... miss...
Its okay man...
Hit again.... nice stun... monkey not moving
Hit it.... ouch resist...
This Chasun is full resist...
We kill Chasun first.....
Hit it, only monkey left...
Hit it... kill it broo....
So close...
My Racuni kill it...
Same +0, we hit this one...
R2 is already correct team, We use Ninja team for R1
Where is my Khmun...
And Ninja
This is a must have combo...
Ouch i dont have Perna...
Damn it def break on Ninja...
We stun Perna
OMG still procs... damn it...
Ouch what a perfect situation...
Hit Perna...
We stun.... Seara...
Drain HP...
I think Seara dead...
Very nice, maybe their runes.... so so...
STUN!!!... ouch he stun... awesome...
Okay we hit Rakan...
Hit Jamire so he cant use skill 3 that cleanse..
Will be heal??? not... dead by Buldo..
I break my record in this guild war... so fast...
2nd hit not crit but Kil it....
My Buldo need improvement in runes..
Dont forget to Join Hunters... Thank you, comment like subscribe.... bye byee...
Formik Asit Karıncalardan Mı Elde Edilir? - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
羅斯瑪銀行戶頭還有錢 逾40億令吉存款已被提出去了 - Duration: 17:54.-------------------------------------------
Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft Cardi B | Official Lyrics Video - Duration: 3:38.If you like this video, you can like and subscribe my channel
4 AĞUSTOS EHLİYET SINAVI ÇALIŞMA SORULARI 1 ÇIKMIŞ 50 SINAV SORUSU VE CEVAPLARI - Duration: 27:02.-------------------------------------------
Vlookup Formula In Excel In Hindi | Excel Vlookup Formula - Duration: 5:34.Excel Vlookup Formula
How to use Excel Vlookup Formula
15 ВЕЩЕЙ С ALIEXPRESS КОТОРЫЕ ТЕБЕ ПОНРАВЯТСЯ ТОВАРЫ С АЛИЭКСПРЕСС + КОНКУРС - Duration: 8:55.-------------------------------------------
朝鮮:不求美國經濟援助 是美國有求於我 - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Draw Cute Deer Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial - Duration: 3:58.
Draw Cute Deer Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial
Draw Cute Deer Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial
✅ Sly lässt das Boxen nicht los. Als Rocky Balboa wurde der Schauspieler vor 40 Jahren berühmt. Jetz - Duration: 2:00.Hollywood-Star Sylvester Stallone (71) will einen Film über die 1946 verstorbene Box-Legende Jack Johnson in die Kinos bringen
Der Schauspieler sei mit seiner neu gegründeten Firma Balboa Productions als Produzent an Bord, berichteten „Variety" und „"
Stallone hatte sich zuvor für die posthume Begnadigung des ersten afroamerikanischen Boxweltmeisters eingesetzt
Johnson war vorige Woche von US-Präsident Donald Trump rehabilitiert worden, „Rocky"-Star Stallone wohnte der Veranstaltung im Weißen Haus bei
1908 war Johnson Weltmeister im Schwergewicht geworden. 1913 verurteilte ihn ein Gericht in einem umstrittenen Prozess wegen seiner Beziehungen zu einer weißen Frau zu einer Haftstrafe
Ihm war vorgeworfen worden, die Frau über Staatsgrenzen geschleust und damit gegen ein US-Gesetz verstoßen zu haben
Seine Anhänger sprachen von einem rassistisch motivierten Urteil. Stallone steht derzeit für den Box-Film „Creed 2" neben Michael B
Jordan vor der Kamera. Die Fortsetzung von „Creed - Rocky's Legacy" (2015) soll im November in die US-Kinos kommen
Der Schauspieler hatte kürzlich auch einen weiteren Teil der Action-Reihe „Rambo" bestätigt
Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Get 10.000 V bucks Glitch-------------------------------------------
Jean-Jacques Goldman, l'anti-Johnny Hallyday : "il a continué de payer ses impôts en France" - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Jean-Jacques Goldman, l'anti-Johnny Hallyday : "il a continué de payer ses impôts en France" - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Melania Trump a disparu : la first lady face aux rumeurs après son hospitalisation - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Melania Trump a disparu : la first lady face aux rumeurs après son hospitalisation - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Comment retrouver du temps pour moi? [5 conseils] - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Comment retrouver du temps pour moi? [5 conseils] - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
[게임으로 영어공부 #7] 넬슨 테더스: 퍼즐 에이전트 1 ( 호텔 로비 #2 ) - Duration: 2:31.Actually, while I have you here,
do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
Real quick, I promise.
Oh ya, of course!
How do I get to the factory from here?
The FBI doesn't know where the factory is?
Oh dear, our moose is cooked...
Rest assured, ma'am. The FBI just likes to...
...confirm intelligence with civilian...
...knowledge of...
We like to double-check things.
Oh, of course. Well, it's easy.
I have a tourist map of our little town of Scoggins right here.
You know our Scoggins Erasers is the plant that supplies the White House with all of its erasers.
The President could be fixing a mistake with a Scoggins Eraser right now!
Yes, ma'am. That's why I'm here.
That, and the fact that every time the Bureau made an inquiry into the situation...
All we ever got back were bizarre puzzles.
Oh ya. Well, that'll happen.
Do you know anything about the problem at the factory?
Ya, so tragic about the accident, huh?
Oh ya, the foreman, Issac Davner, they say he was killed in there.
Is that so?
Well, not to be gossipy, but I heard that the accident was caused by raccoons.
Ya, little creatures that live in the woods around the factory.
Maybe you should go talk to Sheriff Bahg about it though.
You should be able to catch him out by the factory right now!
OK, I'll do that. Thank you.
The guy in the lobby, is he okay?
Oh, that's Bo Murphy.
He's always been a bit of an odd one.
Ya, he sits there all day trying to do his puzzles.
He mostly keeps to himself, and I bring him some food from time to time.
Sometimes I swear he'd starve to death if I didn't bring him something to eat!
Thanks, well, goodbye.
Enjoy your stay!
Oh! That reminds me.
Do you have any gum for sale?
Or know where I can buy some.
Dear... we've been outta gum for quite some time.
Haven't seen a stick in months. Anywhere in town.
We tend to get shipments of things like that in the spring.
So... no gum?
Gum helps me concentrate...
For more infomation >> [게임으로 영어공부 #7] 넬슨 테더스: 퍼즐 에이전트 1 ( 호텔 로비 #2 ) - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Anaïs Camizuli agacée par les insultes de ses haters : "Allez voir un psy !" - Duration: 4:53.Anaïs Camizuli, gagnante de Secret Story 7, n'est pas du genre à se laisser marcher sur les pieds
Lassée de lire des commentaires désobligeants sur ses réseaux sociaux, l'ex-candidate de La Villa des coeurs brisés 2 (NT1) aujourd'hui mariée à Sultan a tenu à pousser un coup de gueule sur Snapchat ce 28 mai 2018
"Vous êtes nombreux à me dire 'Anaïs pourquoi tu fais ci ? Anaïs pourquoi tu fais ça ?' Sachez une chose, ma vie je la vis comme je l'entends
La seule personne qui peut me dire quelque chose, c'est mon mari et notre vie on la vit parfaitement bien
(.) Je ne pense pas être quelqu'un de néfaste quand je fais des snaps ou autres, j'essaie de vous partager mon quotidien et je pense être quand même assez équilibrée
Vivez votre vie comme vous avez envie de la vivre, occupez-vous de ce qui se passe chez vous, de vos familles, vos amis, prenez soin d'eux
Arrêtez de juger pour un rien et cessez vos commentaires négatifs tout le temps, vos insultes, ça ne sert à rien", a-t-elle lâché avec calme
Et de poursuivre avec à-propos : "Si ça va pas bien chez vous, dans votre corps, allez faire du sport, défoulez-vous, allez voir un psy mais critiquer ça ne sert à rien
Vous perdez votre temps." Après ces petites mises au point, la belle a finalement conclu : "Parfois, il faut remettre les pendules à l'heure
Il n'y avait rien de méchant dans mon message. Ma vie, elle est comme ça, si ça ne vous plaît pas, c'est pas grave, je continuerai
Je vous embrasse quand même très fort !" Le 13 mai dernier, à l'occasion de son premier anniversaire de mariage avec Sultan, Anaïs indiquait sur Instagram avec plus d'enthousiasme : "Il y a un an, nous nous sommes dit OUI devant Dieu
Si on m'avait dit il y a dix ans que j'allais me marier avec toi (mon poto sans jamais aucune ambiguïté), je n'y aurais jamais cru
Et un soir de juillet, ce coup de coeur inattendu a permis que notre histoire commence
Tu savais que j'avais énormément souffert et tu as su me redonner goût en l'amour
Tu m'as appris à redonner confiance à un homme, à m'accepter telle que j'étais et j'en passe
Tout est écrit dans une vie et si j'avais su que c'est toi que j'allais épouser à 29 ans, j'aurais dormi jusque-là pour ne jamais souffrir et être simplement heureuse à tes côtés
Mon amour de ma vie, je nous souhaite encore beaucoup d'années ensemble et que Dieu nous accorde une belle vie
Je t'aime #13Mai2017."
For more infomation >> Anaïs Camizuli agacée par les insultes de ses haters : "Allez voir un psy !" - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
✅ Maxim Nucci, découvrez son autre projet après l'album de Johnny Hallyday - Gala - Duration: 2:27.Le dernier album de Johnny Hallyday, qui cristallise tant d'attente, d'espoirs et de frustration, sera commercialisé dès l'automne prochain
Les titres – « des balades et du rock'n'roll extrêmement speed », selon Pierre Billon, ami du Taulier qui a eu le privilège de les écouter – ont été enregistrés par le rockeur dans les quelques mois qui ont précédé sa mort
Ils ont ensuite été peaufinés par son équipe (dont Maxim Nucci dit Yodelice) supervisée par Laeticia Hallyday, dernière épouse de Johnny
La sortie de cet album est un évènement, d'abord car il s'agit de la dernière oeuvre de la star, couronnant une carrière prolifique de plus de 50 ans
Ensuite parce qu'il a fait couler tant d'encre, depuis que David Hallyday et Laura Smet ont demandé un droit de regard sur cet opus, finalement refusé par la justice.Ces dernières semaines, Maxim Nucci a été, on l'imagine, fort occupé par le mixage du dernier disque de Johnny
Il a pourtant trouvé le temps de s'adonner à d'autres projets, dont celui de sa petite protégée Jain. La jeune chanteuse de 25 ans a été repérée sur MySpace par celui qui est devenu son manager, Cyril Le Tallec, dit Dready
Il l'a présentée à Maxim Nucci. Le courant est passé immédiatement, elle a même fait ensuite la première partie de ses concerts
Après Zanaka, un premier album à succès sorti en 2015, Jain sort son deuxième opus le 24 août, son premier titre Alright est déjà disponible à l'écoute.Preuve de la complicité entre la chanteuse et Maxim Nucci, ils apparaissent régulièrement ensemble sur leurs comptes instagram respectifs
Le 16 mars dernier, Jain jouait de la guitare avec son « big bro" ("grand frère », en anglais). Quelques jours plus tôt, c'est le producteur qui publiait une photo du tendre duo, faisant la promotion de son deuxième album.Crédits photos : COADIC GUIREC / BESTIMAGE
For more infomation >> ✅ Maxim Nucci, découvrez son autre projet après l'album de Johnny Hallyday - Gala - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
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Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 270 CDI SPECIAL EDITION BRABUS Bijtellingsvriendelijk 14-7-2018 - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET EASY Climate Control / 5DRS / Trekhaak enz. - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
BMW 4 Serie Gran Coupé 420dA Executive I M-Sportpakket I Schuif-/ Kanteldak I Adaptief Onderstel | - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
• sana & noora | please don't say you love me. - Duration: 1:03.Red lipstick ?
She always has red lipstick !
Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft Cardi B | Official Lyrics Video - Duration: 3:38.If you like this video, you can like and subscribe my channel
Volkswagen Golf 1.0TSI/115PK Comfortline Executive · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
【デレステ/CGSS MV】 Virgin Love 【中譯字幕】 - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf 1.5TSI/130pk Comfortline Business · LED · Navigatie · Ad. cruise control - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
✅ Teen Mom stars: Kailyn Lowry, left, has wished her ex-husband Javi Marroquin 'all the best' and hi - Duration: 3:03.Teen Mom 2 star Javi Marroquin has announced his girlfriend Lauren Comeau is expecting their baby
And now his exes have wished him well as the 25-year-old prepares to become a father for the second time
Former wife Kailyn Lowry with whom he shares four-year-old son Lincoln told E! News: 'I wish them all the best
'Former co-star and girlfriend Briana DeJesus told RadarOnline: 'I'm happy for them
That's all he ever wanted so I'm glad he got it.' Javi admitted to UsWeekly that he had been nervous about telling Kailyn, 26, whom he divorced in 2016, he was going to be a dad again
'She took it well and I think we're both at a point in our lives where we are happy for each other,' he told the publication
Javi and Lauren first started dating in 2017 but broke up a few weeks into their relationship
However, they reconciled in March.In between, though, he had a brief romance with his Teen Mom 2 co-star Briana, 24
On Wednesday, Javi took to Instagram to share his feelings about the new pregnancy
Alongside a photo of himself with his arm around Lauren, who is cradling her baby bump, while his son Lincoln shows off the sonogram, he explained he had been 'afraid of what people would say' about his baby news
He went on: 'The amount of love I've received is so overwhelming and so appreciated
I realized No negative comment will take this moment away from us. A baby is a blessing and I am ecstatic for the future
Lincoln is happy, I'm happy, and Lauren is happy.'He then shared that he will be taking a break from social media for a while to focus on the experience with his family and loved ones
He ended by thanking Lauren 'for blessing me with another child. We are gonna be amazing parents together
Je soutiens le tour alternatiba ! - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
3 Alternatives to the Gym to Save Money and Get Fit - Duration: 4:39.Three alternatives to the gym to save money and get fat
why would I quit the GM
apart from the above reasons showing that many people don't use the gym to its full potential
work out how many times you go each month and divide the amount of money you pay by this figure
that's how much you paid to go each session is it worth the cost there are also plenty of other ways to get fit for a lot less money
you may even find you enjoy other escorts or exercise methods more than going to the GM
some people also argue that the gym doesn't make you fat
stick a dedicated treadmill runner into low road race and they will struggle more than a person who has been training and more natural
environments as they have more experience of real life settings which can be a lot more varied and difficult
individual outdoor sports
if you prefer working out alone the gym is not your only option
although these sports can be done with friends they can also be done alone giving you flexibility and choice I'm a big fan of running
you can start this with little to no money
just step outside your door and Ron take your headphones would feel if you need the driving force of muzak just make sure you are careful
when crossing any roads along a route it also gives you the chance to explore your neighborhood
for tips on starting running these took out my article about how to get started if running isn't your thing what about cycling
if you don't have a bite you can pick up a new one fairly cheaply or maybe even purchase of secondhand one
the scenery whilst cycling is a lot more picturesque than looking at other GM goers and better than watching the TV
you could even open an account on stronger and save your rides to compare with others in the community
love the Stairmaster walk instead and choose around with steep hills and lots of steps you can also get your own leagues at home
there may be an initial cost
but in a month or two you have saved the gym money to make them worth that you can also do like in your own home with nobody watching
you and feeling like you're being challenged group supports more of a team player
rather than associate companion sports with the gym class Joyner realty and there are many options for team sports football
rugby hockey that ball or even try something different like ice hockey
if you're in the UK
you could try a rush hockey there are many teams cut me up weekly for shorter more fast paced game of hockey
maybe you could get a five a side football team together a monster friends and enter competitions if you like playing sport with a
friend but don't want to work out with a large group of people
go about tennis that Minton or squash the communication between team members of sports outside of the gym tends to be better as
you have to arrange times for training and planned tactics
this is a huge benefit to your relationships and may help you make new friends
gym classes OK how do you replace those gym classes you love this is my personal favorite and I love the alternative
you to your tool has lots of exercise videos for you to try out in the privacy of your own home
whenever class you fancy taking you can do
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Comment retrouver du temps pour moi? [5 conseils] - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
(Reporter) #3 no encuentro la contraseña 😵😭😭 (GameSpyDavid) - Duration: 21:56.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 150pk DC Highline L2 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Daihatsu Sirion 2 1.3-16v Sport, Airco+LM velgen+Spoiler - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.0TSI/110PK Comfortline · LED · Navigatie · Cruise control - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2TSI/105PK Comfortline · Cruise control · Auto.airco · Trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
[게임으로 영어공부 #7] 넬슨 테더스: 퍼즐 에이전트 1 ( 호텔 로비 #2 ) - Duration: 2:31.Actually, while I have you here,
do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
Real quick, I promise.
Oh ya, of course!
How do I get to the factory from here?
The FBI doesn't know where the factory is?
Oh dear, our moose is cooked...
Rest assured, ma'am. The FBI just likes to...
...confirm intelligence with civilian...
...knowledge of...
We like to double-check things.
Oh, of course. Well, it's easy.
I have a tourist map of our little town of Scoggins right here.
You know our Scoggins Erasers is the plant that supplies the White House with all of its erasers.
The President could be fixing a mistake with a Scoggins Eraser right now!
Yes, ma'am. That's why I'm here.
That, and the fact that every time the Bureau made an inquiry into the situation...
All we ever got back were bizarre puzzles.
Oh ya. Well, that'll happen.
Do you know anything about the problem at the factory?
Ya, so tragic about the accident, huh?
Oh ya, the foreman, Issac Davner, they say he was killed in there.
Is that so?
Well, not to be gossipy, but I heard that the accident was caused by raccoons.
Ya, little creatures that live in the woods around the factory.
Maybe you should go talk to Sheriff Bahg about it though.
You should be able to catch him out by the factory right now!
OK, I'll do that. Thank you.
The guy in the lobby, is he okay?
Oh, that's Bo Murphy.
He's always been a bit of an odd one.
Ya, he sits there all day trying to do his puzzles.
He mostly keeps to himself, and I bring him some food from time to time.
Sometimes I swear he'd starve to death if I didn't bring him something to eat!
Thanks, well, goodbye.
Enjoy your stay!
Oh! That reminds me.
Do you have any gum for sale?
Or know where I can buy some.
Dear... we've been outta gum for quite some time.
Haven't seen a stick in months. Anywhere in town.
We tend to get shipments of things like that in the spring.
So... no gum?
Gum helps me concentrate...
ユーチューバー向け肩と頭を即スッキリさせる方法 大宮 整体 method that become lighter head and neck for youtuber. - Duration: 11:42.Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This video talk about method that become lighter head and neck for youtuber.
At first,I tell point that accumulate stiff muscle. This is skull. Many stiff muscle accumulate into joint part of skull.
It is image of sea cove. It is inside sandy beach. That place is wave movement is so few.
I am not sea professional. At basically is maybe wave movement is few.
Something that entered into cave beach is hardly moves. In muscle is also apply. Once hardened place or narrow place is don't soften the stiff muscle.
For example,if move shoulder or neck,muscle is extension and contraction. But there is place that easy to move or hard to move. If think with only muscle,that place is muscle edge.
Muscle edge is attached bone. That place is almost can't move with joint movement.
Because there is stiff muscle from long time ago. As it is leaved alone until now.
Case of head part,some trouble happen. It is headache,persistent stiff neck.
Almost people is thinking "state that don't feel painful is healthy". But it is different.The painful don't come out.
Almost people sense became insensitivity more than past time. It don't notice to self body condition change bad.
I recommend to do soften self body before feel painful. Your worry will cancellation with this method.
The method is so easy. Please put self elbow into desk or chair. Please make fist with self hand. It use third joint of finger.
Touch with self fist in skull bone gap. Please move neck with that state.
Point is to don't move hand and do move neck. Movement is front,back,right,left,something is also OK.
Maybe you feel so painful. Because your head muscle don't have flexibility. This stiff muscle do cause headache,neck pain,etc.
I gave many treatment for many customer. I know cause of headache or neck pain. It do cause from many factor.
But person that have headache is almost case,have stiff head muscle. Headache cause into almost case is stiff head muscle.
There is also other influence but influence into stiff head muscle is so big. Because almost people don't soften head muscle.
Do nothing as stiff head muscle until long years ago. Neck pain is also same.
Reason that I said for youtuber is many video creator use head often too much. I don't know person that don't have stiff head muscle in other than children. Insomia by stiff muscle is so bad.
Please do this self care before that. I tell to how to find bone gap. Please move 3 fingers heading for back of ear.
The direction is head top. Please move that like draw circle with your fist. Maybe there is point that fist fit.
Or you feel step. Please rub that place. Rub that place and move little by little. Maybe there is indent in around step.
I recommend to don't confirm limitlessly place. Please rub many place. If you feel painful,that place is correct.
Please put elbow on desk or chair. So touch fist in back head and rub it. And move neck in keep state.
I will say it over and over. If you feel strong pain,please move fist little by little.
Even I do explain method so many in my video,this is tell to hard. At reality,case of I do massage for new customer,new customer feel surprise.
「It is so stimulation!」 My customer said those. I want to leave from fixed concept for you.
After few minutes,please compare right shoulder stiffness and left. Maybe side that did self care is became soft more than opposite.
Your neck and shoulder become like sport man. You will get so soft muscle. If you keep that condition,your headache,etc is become lost.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
Anaïs Camizuli agacée par les insultes de ses haters : "Allez voir un psy !" - Duration: 4:53.Anaïs Camizuli, gagnante de Secret Story 7, n'est pas du genre à se laisser marcher sur les pieds
Lassée de lire des commentaires désobligeants sur ses réseaux sociaux, l'ex-candidate de La Villa des coeurs brisés 2 (NT1) aujourd'hui mariée à Sultan a tenu à pousser un coup de gueule sur Snapchat ce 28 mai 2018
"Vous êtes nombreux à me dire 'Anaïs pourquoi tu fais ci ? Anaïs pourquoi tu fais ça ?' Sachez une chose, ma vie je la vis comme je l'entends
La seule personne qui peut me dire quelque chose, c'est mon mari et notre vie on la vit parfaitement bien
(.) Je ne pense pas être quelqu'un de néfaste quand je fais des snaps ou autres, j'essaie de vous partager mon quotidien et je pense être quand même assez équilibrée
Vivez votre vie comme vous avez envie de la vivre, occupez-vous de ce qui se passe chez vous, de vos familles, vos amis, prenez soin d'eux
Arrêtez de juger pour un rien et cessez vos commentaires négatifs tout le temps, vos insultes, ça ne sert à rien", a-t-elle lâché avec calme
Et de poursuivre avec à-propos : "Si ça va pas bien chez vous, dans votre corps, allez faire du sport, défoulez-vous, allez voir un psy mais critiquer ça ne sert à rien
Vous perdez votre temps." Après ces petites mises au point, la belle a finalement conclu : "Parfois, il faut remettre les pendules à l'heure
Il n'y avait rien de méchant dans mon message. Ma vie, elle est comme ça, si ça ne vous plaît pas, c'est pas grave, je continuerai
Je vous embrasse quand même très fort !" Le 13 mai dernier, à l'occasion de son premier anniversaire de mariage avec Sultan, Anaïs indiquait sur Instagram avec plus d'enthousiasme : "Il y a un an, nous nous sommes dit OUI devant Dieu
Si on m'avait dit il y a dix ans que j'allais me marier avec toi (mon poto sans jamais aucune ambiguïté), je n'y aurais jamais cru
Et un soir de juillet, ce coup de coeur inattendu a permis que notre histoire commence
Tu savais que j'avais énormément souffert et tu as su me redonner goût en l'amour
Tu m'as appris à redonner confiance à un homme, à m'accepter telle que j'étais et j'en passe
Tout est écrit dans une vie et si j'avais su que c'est toi que j'allais épouser à 29 ans, j'aurais dormi jusque-là pour ne jamais souffrir et être simplement heureuse à tes côtés
Mon amour de ma vie, je nous souhaite encore beaucoup d'années ensemble et que Dieu nous accorde une belle vie
Je t'aime #13Mai2017."
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