Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily report May 24 2018
































































For more infomation >> Who the Hell Wrote This Monologue? - Duration: 4:00.


Survivor - Immunity Challenge: Vin Skully - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Survivor - Immunity Challenge: Vin Skully - Duration: 8:38.


Budget Debate - Video 99 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Budget Debate - Video 99 - Duration: 5:15.


Survivor - Immunity Challenge: Stacked Up - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Survivor - Immunity Challenge: Stacked Up - Duration: 8:07.


English Grammar: How to use the auxiliary verb 'COULD' - Duration: 18:40.

Hello. I'm Gill at, and today we have a lesson on an auxiliary modal verb:

"could", the use of "could". So, there are two ways... Well, we have five ways that it's

used here, but "could" comes either from as the past tense of the verb "can", which is

also an auxiliary modal verb, "can": "could" in the past; or it's used as an auxiliary

verb with other verbs combined. So, sorry that sounds very complicated, but I hope it

comes clearer with the sentences to illustrate how it can be used. Okay.

So, first of all, just to show the simple past tense of "can", if I can do something:

I can do something today, yesterday I could do it as well; or I couldn't do it yesterday,

you could use the negative as well. So, first sentence, then: "At one time"-in the past-"I

could run a mile and not get out of breath". So, to get out of breath is when you've been

running a lot, and then you can't... You're breathing very quickly and you have to wait

for your body to get back to normal. And if you're running, also, it might be painful

and you have to stop, so that's getting out of breath. Okay? So: "At one time in the past

I could run a mile." I can't say now in the present I can run a mile, because I can't,

okay? But in the past, at one time, I could run a mile and not get out of breath. Okay,

so that's just the past tense of "can".

But then the other four examples are where it's used as an auxiliary modal verb with

different ways of using it. So we have four different ways of using it, here. First of

all, number two is a polite request. So, instead of: "Can I...?" you say: "Could I...? Could

I borrow your pen, please, just for a moment? Could I borrow your pen, please?" If you say:

"Can I...?" it's okay, but it's not quite as polite. So if you really want the person

to say: "Yes, of course", if you're polite they are more likely to let you borrow their

pen. So: "Could. Could I please?" So we've got: "Could I" and we also have "please" at

the end. Or you could put: "Please" near the beginning: "Please. Please could I...? Could

I please...?" Any order. "Can I borrow your pen, please, just for a moment?" So that's

a polite request. Okay.

And then the third sentence is when you're saying that something is possible. You're

telling somebody something is possible if... If they do something, so this is called a

conditional. Okay. And that... We have lots of video lessons on conditionals, so do have

a look for those. So, here is an example: "You could get good marks in the exam if you

study every day." So, the conditional: "Could" often uses "if", because you have a choice.

Are you going to study every day and get good marks in the exam, or are you going to maybe

study once or twice a week and then you get to the exam and you don't do so well, or what's

your choice? So this is your teacher, your tutor might tell you: "You could get good

marks in the exam if you study every day", if you work hard regularly every day. So that's

a possibility, a conditional. Right.

So, then number four, this is a polite way of maybe giving a criticism or suggesting

something isn't right, there's a mistake, or something may have gone wrong. If you say:

"I could be wrong, but... I could be wrong, but I think there's a mistake (an error) in

these figures." So if you're looking at some accounts, and the figures in columns and they're

supposed to add up accurately, and you look at it and you think: "This doesn't look right."

If you're an accounting genius, you can maybe see immediately something isn't right; the

figures don't balance or something. So... But you don't want to say: "Oh, that's wrong.

That's not right." You don't want to be so direct, so you're very careful that when you

begin your sentence: "I could be wrong, but I think..." So you're not saying: "I know.

I can see there's a mistake there." You wouldn't say that. "I think there's a mistake (an error)

in these figures", so it's a polite way of suggesting there could be a mistake. "I could

be wrong, but..." Okay. Useful phrase.

And then, finally, in this first half of the lesson, when somebody is saying they could

have done something or they could have been something, a profession: "I could have been

a ballet dancer, but something happened to stop me." A lot of people say: "I could have

done this, I could have done that", and then you think: "Well, why...? Why didn't you?"

Maybe the circumstances weren't right, maybe you needed money for it which you didn't have,

so there are lots of reasons why people don't do what they could have done; if they'd had

the money, if they'd been in the right place at the right time with the right people, etc.

So: "I could have been", that's a kind of conditional, but it's a conditional where

it's already in the past and it's too late now, you can't go back and change it. So:

"I could have been a ballet dancer, but it didn't happen." So...

And that one reminded me of a famous scene in a film, the actor Marlon Brando, you may

know this one, called On the Waterfront, and he's sitting in the back of a car with I think

his brother, and he's saying what... He could have been somebody. He could have really done

something with his life, and now he's upset, he thinks it's too late, something's gone

wrong, so he says: "I could have been a contender" meaning someone who really gets out there

and does something, a contender. "I could have been somebody", rather than nobody. He

feels he's nobody. "I could have been somebody." So that's a famous example of: "could have

been" in a film.

And then to end this half of the lesson, the different forms for "could have", that's the

full form with no abbreviation, you can have it abbreviated, contracted with "could've",

"I could've", so "could", apostrophe, "ve". So the apostrophe shows the missing letters

"ha". "Could have", so you say: "Could've", "could've", just a "ve" sound at the end.

"Could've" instead of "could have". "I could've". Okay. And then sometimes, because the way

people speak, they sometimes say: "I coulda". "I coulda done that. I coulda done that",

instead of "could've". "I coulda", if they're speaking quickly, meaning: "I could have done

that. I coulda". You may sometimes see this written down if someone's written down what

somebody said, and it sounded like "coulda", you might see that in writing, but usually

you will hear it when people are speaking.

And because of this one, unfortunately, there's a terrible mistake that people put when they're

writing, and they put: "could of", which is completely wrong. Okay? So please don't write

"could of". It should be: "could have". So: "could of" makes no sense. The word "of" has

nothing to do with what this is saying, so please don't put: "could of", that's completely

wrong, so be careful because also people say it like that: "I could of", "I could of",

so it's "could've" here turning into "could of" there, and they even say... People even

say it like an "of". "Could of", and they write it that way, too, "could of", and it's

completely wrong, so please avoid that if you can. Right, so we'll just move on to the

second part of the lesson where I have a little test for you. Okay.

Okay, so here's the test for you to use the word "could" in four different sentences.

So, let's look at the first one. So, another way of saying it is: "I used to be able to

swim underwater for a full minute." So if you're in the swimming pool, you go under

the water, below the surface, and you can swim around under water, holding your breath

for a full minute. Okay? So: "I used to be"-meaning at one time-"I was able to"-able to-"swim

under water for a full minute". So, can you say that in a similar way, starting: "At one

time", and then use the word "could"? "At one time", okay. So it's about I, so: "At

one time I..." So: "At one time I could", and then it goes on. "At one time I could

swim under water for a full minute." Okay. "Full minute" means a whole minute, 60 seconds,

a complete minute. "At one time I could swim under water for a full minute." Okay. Right,

so that's using "can", "could" as the past tense. "I could at one time", okay. Right.

Next one. If you ask someone to speak more slowly, what would you say? If you're asking

someone to speak more slowly, politely asking them: "Speak more slowly", so you say: "Please...

Please", so the word we want to use is "could", so: "Please could", "Please could", and then

we're speaking to another person, so we need the word for the other person. "Please could

you", okay? So: "Please could you speak more slowly?" Okay? Right. So that's a polite request,

isn't it? You're being polite to the person. They're speaking too quickly, you're asking

them: "Please, could you speak more slowly?" All right.

Next one, you want to tell somebody, someone they are capable, they are able, they have

the possibility of writing a book. They know so much about a subject that you say: "You

know so much about that subject, you are capable, you are able, you would be able to write a

book on that subject because you know so much and you're so interested in it." So it's encouraging

them to go ahead, write a book. So what do you say to tell them that they're capable

of writing a book? Using the word "could": "You..." So: "You could... You could write",

not "writing" this time, but: "You could write a book", okay? "You could write a book on

that subject. You know so much about it." Okay, so that's a conditional because you

could... The person may not decide: "Oh, right, I'll write a book, then." They may think:

"Oh no. I can't... I can't do that, it's too much work. I'm not going to do that." But

there's the possibility that they could write a book if they wanted to. Okay.

And then finally: "I had the chance, the opportunity to be in a Hollywood film, but it didn't happen."

Something went wrong. They chose somebody else, as often happens. It didn't happen.

I had the chance, I had the opportunity, they were thinking of me, considering me. This

isn't true, by the way. But: "I had a chance to be in a Hollywood film, but it didn't happen."

So, how would you say that using the word "could"? "I", you need several words here

with "could", "could" plus some other words. "I..." Okay, so "could" comes first. "I could",

"in a Hollywood film". "I could have... I could have been", okay? So: "I could have

been in a Hollywood film, but it didn't happen." Okay.

So, I hope that's been useful for you. So, if you'd like to go to the website,,

there's a quiz there. In addition to this test we've just done, there's a quiz on this

subject, so please go and try the quiz and see how you do. And please subscribe to my

channel if you've enjoyed this lesson, and thanks for watching. See you again soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> English Grammar: How to use the auxiliary verb 'COULD' - Duration: 18:40.


Survivor - Immunity Challenge: Pyramid Scheme - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Survivor - Immunity Challenge: Pyramid Scheme - Duration: 5:58.


Survivor - A History-Making Tribal Council - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Survivor - A History-Making Tribal Council - Duration: 3:39.


Survivor - The Winner of Survivor: Ghost Island - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Survivor - The Winner of Survivor: Ghost Island - Duration: 2:16.


New York parents win battle to evict entitled son - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> New York parents win battle to evict entitled son - Duration: 3:51.


Seen and unseen: 30-year-old son refuses to move out - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Seen and unseen: 30-year-old son refuses to move out - Duration: 3:16.


Raul falls in love with Jongmin's music. "Saligo, Daligo" [One Night Sleepover Trip/ 2018.05.22] - Duration: 10:27.

(It's now time to sleep after such joyful dinner)

(Mama and papa prepare the room for the trio)

(Not only do they get the beds ready)

(They even prepare new pillows for them)

Wouldn't it be too small for two to sleep on?

I'll have to bring more blankets.

(In this room filled with mama and papa's love)

(Boreum, our youngest, prepares for bed)

(Good night for a new tomorrow!)

(Jongmin came back after washing up)

(Taegon is already lying down)

Boreum must have been really tired.

How we met this family...

It's a miracle alright.

This is really cool.

What's really interesting is that...

- You know I've been to Italy, right? / - Yeah.

I never thought

that I would meet another family as nice as

Marta's family.

- Really? / - I believed that to be a miracle too.

But here in Spain, I'm finding this to be

a completely new kind of...

I was really touched.

This is a whole new touching experience.

(Another touching experience he found in Spain)

Great job today.

You too, Jongmin.

(Thus came an end to their exciting day at Jerez)

- Good night. / - You too.

Thank you.

(Morning sun starts to shine over Jerez)

(People of Jerez enjoy their morning)

(What will happen to the trio today?)

(Mama and papa's house, 6:00 a.m.)

(The trio is still deep in their sleep)

(Papa woke up first)

(Raul came over early in the morning)

(Is he trying to watch the morning news?)

Turn on channel 40.

(Their love for soccer knows no time)

(Just watching soccer without a word)

(Very normal for these two)

(Meanwhile, mama is up and in the kitchen)

(It may look like medicine, but it's coffee!)

(How mama makes morning coffee)

(Mama's morning coffee recipe)

(Three scoops of prepared coffee from yesterday)

(Add a bit of milk in it)

(Add 3 spoonfuls of sugar)

(2 minutes in the microwave, and it's done)

(The trio is still deep in their sleep)

(Wiggle, wiggle)

(Giant foot of Taegon in deep sleep)

(Boreum wakes up first)

(I'm going to wash)

(Meanwhile, mama's morning coffee is ready)

Good morning.

Hello. Good morning.

Let me turn on hot water for you.

Thank you.

Hello, camera.

(Mama's morning coffee)

(Papa takes his morning pills)

(Puts the pills in his mouth)

(And drinks mama's coffee)

(Gulp, gulp)


(Jongmin and Taegon are still dreaming)

(Taking a glimpse)

(Before they wake up)

(Let me do my makeup!)

(Let me be quick and speedy)

(Tap, tap)

(Oh, my beautiful face)

(Is Boreum getting ready to go somewhere?)

(Where is she going early in the morning?)

(Papa's looking at a picture on the wall)

Good morning.

Good morning.



That's our wedding picture.

(Papa was looking at his wedding picture)

(Papa and mama 40 years ago)

(Something seems strange)


(Papa's hands are behind him)

Papa had his hands behind him.

Did mama like papa more?

I had no choice but to have my hands that way.

I had to hold on strong so that he wouldn't run away.

(I was just shy)

That wedding took place at the Church of San Miguel.

- Here? / - Yes.

(I want to visit here)

Where is this?

San Miguel.

San Miguel?

(Church of San Miguel that's near the house)

Shall I go there?

(Shall we go to where mama and papa got married?)

(Church of San Miguel in the picture)

(Standing the same as it stood 40 years ago)

(The sacred place of the people of Jerez)

(Church of San Miguel)

Let's take Raul with us.


(Wait a minute!)


(Treasuring the piggy bank he got yesterday)


(Mama, Boreum and Raul are off to the church)

(What about the Spanish father and son?)


What's that song?

That song was really addictive.

It wouldn't leave my head the whole night.

What song are you talking about?

(A song that kept Raul awake all night)

What song is it?

♪ Saligo, daligo, saligo, daligo ♪

(Last night)

(Jongmin's song "Sali Go Dali Go")

(That made everyone want to dance)

(Is this song going to get popular?)

(This song is the best)

(Raul has become a big fan of Jongmin)

(Big brother vs. Younger brother over a CD)

(A war between Spanish brothers)

(I want a CD too)

(The war is over)

(Raul took Jongmin's CD home)

♪ Saligo, daligo, saligo, daligo ♪

I listened to it all night.

(Raul is deep into Jongmin's song)

(Raul's superstar, Jongmin, is up)

Oh, it's cold.

Good morning.

(Raul has been waiting for Jongmin to get up)

I saw you on YouTube.


(Raul had even searched for Jongmin's music video)

(Feeling shy)

I really loved your music video.

Thank you.

- Did you sleep well? / - Papa.

Good morning.

Weren't you cold?

Only a bit.

(Perhaps I should have put more blankets)

For more infomation >> Raul falls in love with Jongmin's music. "Saligo, Daligo" [One Night Sleepover Trip/ 2018.05.22] - Duration: 10:27.


It's time to say goodbye again..[One Night Sleepover Trip/ 2018.05.22] - Duration: 13:48.

These were written by our son, Raul.

(Would you like to check them out?

(All these were written by Raul who is a journalist)

These are stories about unsolved cases.

(Spanish version of "The Its Know?")

(Raul used to be a journalist)

(But did you know?)

Raul's been to the magical house and collected

information on mystery cases for his work.

Wow, I really want to...

- Get part of this translated and read. / - Me too.

The dead body must have been here.


Papa, if your son Raul

goes around delving into cases like this,

he could get into dangerous situations.

Were you not worried about that?

Raul is very careful and smart.

I trusted him and didn't stop him from doing it.

Having raised two sons,

I learned that they'll explode one day

if you don't let them do what they want.

Right, right.

That's what he said yesterday too.

Was he a strict father?

To the sons?


- You say no? / - No, no, no.

He let us do everything we wanted to do.

What a father.

He's a really great dad.

(Papa respected the opinions of his sons)

If you keep a bird locked in the cage,

it will eventually fly away when you open the gate.

(Philosophy he learned through age and experience)

If he's doing what's right and what he wants to do...

We've got to learn from him.

You must cheer for your child.

How beautiful.

So raise your kids like that.

- Yeah? / - Go raise your children like that.

(Going to be a great father in the future)

I can't believe I have a great son like Raul.

- It because he's got a great father. / - Right.

- Because of his great parents. / - Right, right.

- Great children come from great parents. / - Well...

Seeing how they visit every weekend,

I think we've lived a pretty successful life.

It's important that the family comes together.

(The two engrave those words to their heart)

When my sons get off work,

we often have dinner together at home.

In my case, my mother keeps on coming

to my place and I have to go home.

But I'm learning a lot here.

I need to learn from Raul.

(Go visit your mother often)

(I miss you, mother)

(Papa brings out bottles of wine at this early hour)

He brought out some drinks.

(Valuable gifts for the trio)

It's for us!

(Thank you, papa!)

(Papa's most treasured wines)


(Traditional Spanish wine from 2009)

- It's very aged. / - Yes, it is.

I don't think I can drink this. I'm taking it home.

I'm keeping it at home.

I'll treasure it.

(Papa wants to give more and more)

(Carefully packing the wine with clothes)

(To prevent it from breaking)

I'll have to wrap it with my coat

to make sure this gift doesn't get ruined.

This is really a treasure.

I'll keep it at home

and drink it with my son if I ever get a son.

Will it rot?

I put mine in the inner pocket of my coat.

(While Jongmin and Taegon are packing the wine)

(I forgot to show them something important)

(It's got to be here somewhere)

(What did mama bring out?)

(Old newspaper clip)

This was written by me.

My letter to my dad was published in a newspaper.

To my beloved father...

(A letter that mama wrote to her father)

He's my father.

(Mama's father had been a gentle father)

He would always make me laugh.

He would disguise and wear fake teeth.

Then he would come wearing a cape

and surprise me.

(Mama's father who had always made her laugh)

(Father whose priority was the family)

(Mama becomes a girl when she thinks of her dad)

(The deep message that she had wanted to deliver)

"My father, my best friend.

We really think proud of you, so much that

I'm writing this letter to you from my heart."

"You have given me courage

and a part of my heart is with you."

"Father, never give up.

It's not over yet."

"We will push that car that you made with you."

(He had given mama the courage to lead her life)

(I miss your laughter that I can only)

(See in the pictures now)

(What are Jongmin and papa doing?)

These are all pictures!

(A myriad of family pictures)

Even though these are just pictures, it feels like

they're still next to us if we put the pictures here.

That's why these pictures are out here.

(Because there isn't a moment that isn't valuable)

(The pictures have piled up this much)

This was when I was 20 years old.

(Mama and papa in their 20s)

You look kind of like Elvis Presley.

I've been told that before.

But it's just his sideburns.

(Elvis Presley of Spain, handsome sideburns)

This is my picture.

Oh, mama?

Wow, beautiful.

- This is my father. / - Papa.

- Mama. / - Mama?

(Mama's father and mother)

It's been 14 years since my father passed away.

Don't you miss your mother and father?

Of course, I miss them a lot.

Especially on days like Christmas...

It's only been 2 years since my mother died.

So I still unconsciously keep reaching for the phone.

Of the many pictures here,

which do you treasure the most?

One out of all of them...

He doesn't even hesitate.

Just like that.

(A picture of his sons' family?)

(The wedding picture with his beloved mama?)

(Which picture did he choose?

(Picture of papa's mother)





There's no one else like my mother.

(At the word "mother")

His eyes are tearing up.

(With time, pictures fade)

(But the missing hearts deepen even more)

She had 11 children.

I don't have very good memories of my father.

Your mother must have had a hard time.

(Yes, she did)

By the time I turned old enough to care for her,

she had already passed away.

What kind of son are you to your mother?

A busy son...

Frankly, I couldn't visit her that often

and feel sorry for her many times.

Make time to spend time with her.

There will come a day

when she'll no longer be next to you.

It'll be too late to regret once that day comes.

Frankly, I felt really frustrated coming to Spain.

I don't know the language or...

(The language barrier that burdened him)

I didn't think I'd be able to communicate sincerely

with the people, and I wasn't feeling so good.

(Jongmin had always seemed bright)

(But he's had his own burden in his heart)

But now, all of that's gone here.

The parents and the rest of the family...

(He's learned that no barrier can block sincerity)

Just seeing how happy they are

seems to have made me happy too.

(What's Spain to Jongmin?)

Spain is really...

A happy family.

That's what I felt.

It felt very family-like and

I got a deep impression on family love.

When papa brought out his mother's picture

without a second of hesitation...

I'm sure that would have touched

many people's heart because

everyone has a mother.

Some mothers may also have passed away.

I think many people would have been touched.

I'm sure many would have felt what I felt.

(After all those happy and dreamy moments)

(It's time to say good-bye again)


So sad. We had such a great time.

Luna's coming down.

Are you really going, Luna?

(They have become like a daughter and mother)

I don't want to go.

This will be an unforgettable memory.

For us too.

It was really great having you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for coming over to my house.

If we ever go abroad,

we'll go visit Korea.

(When you come to Korea, call me)

We'll call your number, Jongmin.

Our matching bracelets!

(Remember to put this on when you come!)

Remember us!

Are you really going now?

(Repeating the same question out of sadness)

Stay healthy.

(They taught them about family, love and meaning of life)

Shall we take a picture altogether?

(Thank you sincerely for coming to us)

(See you again)

For more infomation >> It's time to say goodbye again..[One Night Sleepover Trip/ 2018.05.22] - Duration: 13:48.


BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 3:44.

Did you see? I stammered a bit…

Just as I said in the ring, this is the SUPER Jr. tournament, right now...

I get that it's important to promote Dominion,

But, shouldn't we focus on the Juniors, the ones sacrificing themselves in that ring?

Why doesn't New Japan shine its light on them? Who else but New Japan can do that?

I get that Chris Jericho needs attention, but I'm not sure what New Japan's thinking...

But I did get some satisfaction from his message today...

I'm glad to know he has some interest in the IWGP Intercontinental Championship.

He attacked me on January 5th, the day after I just lost to Okada...

He jumped me, after I failed to take the IWGP Heavyweight Title...

He came for me. Not for revenge on Kenny, or for Okada's title. He came for me.

I guess to him, I shine the brightest.

So, I thought, if he just wants me, what's the point of having a title match?

But now he mentioned the Intercontinental Title, that makes it worthwhile, after all.

It wouldn't be worth it if he didn't want it. No one ever asks me what I want to do...

I just didn't want him to feel the way I did before, but it's worked itself out now.

I guess that's about it.

Again, this is the BEST OF THE SUPER Jr., right now.

You guys should be talking to BUSHI, not me.

I'll leave the rest to BUSHI.


Actually, there is someone I've been looking forward to facing in A Block...

I'm talking about Tiger Mask.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've only beaten him once in a tag match and once in singles...

But those wins aren't enough to surpass Tiger Mask.

He said it himself, he doesn't want rely on his past glory...

So, neither will I. It would be pitiful to do so.

My ultimate goal, as one of the masked men in New Japan...

Is to surpass Liger and Tiger. I will be New Japan's premier masked man.

That's my path.

This is why my next tournament match...

In Otsu, against Tiger Mask... I'll finish you there.



For more infomation >> BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 3:44.


BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 1:12.

Flip Gordon?

Now I know his name...

It appears... in today's match, my opponent set the pace.

But in the next tournament match, I will control everything. And I will get the win.

And he keeps saying, "ALL IN"?

I suggest that he finds a new name...

It's Reborn.






For more infomation >> BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 1:12.


Budget Debate - Video 101 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Budget Debate - Video 101 - Duration: 5:15.


BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 3:44.


Papa has a motorbike? Let's check out his scret garage! [One Night Sleepover Trip/ 2018.05.22] - Duration: 9:35.

Where did I put it?

My nose is stuffed.

Oh, here.

(Nose cleaners he brought from Korea)



(Drink water with your nose)

(And blow)

(You understood me, right?)


(If you want, of course!)

I'll show you something interesting.

(Jongmin and Raul's nose-cleaning fan meeting)

(Follow after me)


(Not sure what he's doing, but just following him)


(Raul's following him pretty well)

Close it.

Shake it, shake it.

(Doing his best)

Mix it well.

(Is this a drink?)

(Watch closely, Raul)




(Nose cleaning is harder than it looks)


I'll try it.

Will it work?

(Here I go)

(Will it clean Raul's nose too?)

(Oh... Oh... Oh...)


Wow, that's a lot.

That's really a lot!

He's better than me!

Wow, good!

(A pupil excels his master)

His nose is big!

His nose is big, so look at that!

(Nose cleaning, big nose, a waterfall)

Cleaned all the way!

(We've seen each other cleaning one's nose!)

Good! Very good!

(I did well, right?)

Cool, cool!

(Medium vs. Extra large)

I think my nose feels very clean.


(Jongmin and Raul's nose-cleaning meeting's over)

I feel great now.

(Meanwhile, what are papa and Taegon doing?)

(Sunglasses in the early morning?)

I have a Korean motorbike. Do you want to see?


Does papa like anything other than soccer?

I used to ride a motorbike.

(He's still got that wrist snap)

I still ride it these days.


(I'm that bike mania in his 70s)

(And it's a Korean motorbike too)

He says he's got a Korean bike.

Let's go see.

(To papa's secret garage, go!)

It's Korean.

- It's made in Korea. Korea. / - Yes. exactly.

Where did you get this motorbike?

(Papa's baby)

(To men, motorbikes are)

(The symbol of bluff)

I've had it since 12 years ago.

(The bike has run for over 20,000km)

(It's really old)

Then it won't start, right?


(Did I make a mistake?)

Of course it starts.

I'll bring the key.

(In that case!)

(Excuse me for a minute)

I used to be a rider back in the days.

(All men are same in front of a motorbike)

I remember thinking really hard about buying one.

I didn't because I didn't want to die.

But, look at this...

12 years old...

(Will it really start?)

(The motorbike must start for papa to keep his pride)

(Going around the whole house to get the key)

(Found my key!)

(How dare you question my motorbike's ability)

(Opening the back door of the garage)

Did he actually ride this in the past?

Of course. Would I have carried it around?

Even today?


He's so cool.

(Let me show you my skills)

(Brown shoes)

(And brown sunglasses are a must)

(Even turning on the headlight in this daylight)

He's got everything set.

(The motorbike is out into the world)

(Perfect day to ride the motorbike)

(Shall I cut through the wind?)

(Clank, clank, clank)

(What's wrong, my baby?)

(Feeling sorry for some reason)

(Papa is flustered)

(I'm not going to watch)

(Give up like this?)

It needs a little more kick.

(Broom, broom)

(The sound of papa's pride starting)

(Are you watching, Taegon?)

(My baby and I are still young)

(Go, papa!)

(Awesome, papa!)

(A smooth cornering of a rider in his 70s)

Such a cool guy.

(This is the charisma of a Jerez man)

(Papa's smooth riding)

(Calls for an applause)

(Explosion of boldness)

Amazing. Just amazing.

He's not an amateur.

(Even Taegon finds papa cool)

(Shall I teach you a little?)

(My turn now)

It's so nice.

I used to be a rider back in the days.

(I do remember those days, but...)


Is this the clutch?


I'm not used to this kind...

(Mr. Macho making excuses)

(Cute, Taegon)

(A pretentious smile)

Oh, this is great.

It's good enough that I've sat on it.

Very good, very good.

Korean brand.

(Papa's baby has done its role)

(Korean motorbike, bluffing, broom)

It's amazing.

It's written right here.

It's old. I had it for 12 years.

Mama doesn't like you riding the motorbike, does she?

We ride it together.


Yes, we put on our helmets and go.


(A true romantic of this day)

(The motorbike of papa's passion)

By the way...

(Papa's car)

Korean brand.


- Korean brand. / - Korean brand.

(Both of papa's babies are from Korea)

Korean cars and motorbikes are good.

In a few months, I'm getting another Korean car.

Yeah, all of his rides are from Korea.

(Papa's choices are quite good)

(He really is the man of Spain)

Let's go inside.

For more infomation >> Papa has a motorbike? Let's check out his scret garage! [One Night Sleepover Trip/ 2018.05.22] - Duration: 9:35.


BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 1:38.

So… in two days, I face ACH…

I know...

He's hurting. The tape shows me exactly where to target.

Only 2 losses…

We're just getting started. There's plenty of time.






つまり、鈴木軍の野郎共は、 みんな弱虫だってことだ。

だから公平に闘わない。 イスを使ったり、酒をぶちまけたりするんだ。

俺はテキサス出身だ。テキサスの男は強い。 お前たちなど屁でもない。



俺がこのSUPER Jr.を制してやる!



For more infomation >> BEST OF THE SUPER Jr. 25 (May 22) Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 1:38.


b side pilot - Duration: 9:46.

Right so Jennifer there's this thing called b-side we've been thinking about. We need

to know what it's all about.

This is where we went wrong earlier on

we didn't have a whiteboard because when you're coming up with ideas you need a

whiteboard with space in it and some pens and you can draw something so we've

got two ideas here.

I wanted Generation X not to feel

left out that's the other thing as well I feel like being a generation Xer. >> Hmm

that is the generation that was skipped over.

You have to have at least three

ideas that's what I learned in consulting. But three reasons you can't argue with three

reasons. If I can give you three reasons for anything you'll be completely

convinced. >> This is the creative in me [Tracing myself] onto the whiteboard.

I'm the Gen Y that became a

millennial that's now like an X-lineal.

This was an introductory lesson on how

to like something for Gen X. Actually what's the symbol on LinkedIn. >> It's

actually a thumb going the other way. >> Oh my goodness it is okay there we go that

is an awkward looking thumb by the way. This is LinkedIn is really trying to

become Facebook.

Generation X'ers were slackers and you

know those famous movies in the Nineties Clerks and others that were all

about that thing. And then those people grew up and got MBAs and

did their corporate jobs for a while and they didn't drop out anymore they got in

and then after a while again they just thought this is all meaningless

I wanna do something useful with my life now and here we are in 2018 on LinkedIn

I think people have studied this I don't know where I know all of

these things from maybe I'm making it up but things on the right-hand side are more

powerful in Western culture so this hand coming in from this side is it's a

handshake but with a thumbs up at the same time. I'm LinkedIn please like me!

>> I think that's

gonna be my approval method now when I meet someone and I actually like them

I'm gonna be like yeah I like you! Wow this is what too much coffee does

There's a lot of misconceptions about Gen X but definitely the marketing right

now all flies to the young side and it's pretty annoying like it is a little bit

like that buzzing bee in your face - hey listen to me listen to me hey listen

It might not have been psychology it might have been Little Red Riding

Hood you know because really she had the

porridge where. >> [That wasn't Little Red Riding Hood]

>> Didn't she have the porridge? >> That was Goldilocks and the three bears.

Little Red Riding Hood went skipping through the forest to the

to get eaten by a wolf.

People without an ADHD disorder.

Likes is totally an

economy right now. It is

>> No we're gonna do some jump cuts you put some graphics

and have a scrolling ticker on the bottom otherwise anybody under the age of 40

is not gonna watch it.

>> We're also making your logo in red right now which you

were saying has some effect on people's attention span. >> Right yeah I think all

of the social media platforms have worked out that unless a

notification is in red people don't pay attention to it.

And just on cue, there is a fire engine going by. That gets your

attention. >> And it's what color? >> yeah it's a red fire engine.

>> By the way have you seen

fire engines that are blue I've seen them they're completely strange.

>> And also hats. People need to wear more hats I think is the conclusion

that I came to out of that. Their shoulders were slumped down and

they were like "I'm just about to turn 30"

>> You gotta. >> Well the only two hats I had at

home was sombrero and a baseball cap that was two sizes too small for me.

My advice to my younger self you know as a 40 year old my advice to my 21 year

old self, stuff like that. >> But learning all that advice I mean that was

fruitful right? >> There is no question that... and your 21 year

old self would go stop bothering me go away granddad!

So this is going out to

LinkedIn maybe we should talk about business a little bit as well >> hmm fair

>> yeah >> awkward silent moment. Business! >> you and I are both in business yeah you know

so I think we're qualified we've been in various types of businesses and have

our own businesses so you can actually talk about business I think without

wearing a suit. >> We don't have to look like we're dying in a business box

>> People are alive inside if we hook them up to an ECG but but people's eyes are dead

I noticed that at the event I went to and I forget sometimes you know

I've been in the corporate world for a long time and and I looked like that

no doubt as well but now I don't I do other things and help people

kind of do what they love in their life.

Y'ALLLLLLL! Like whoa! People just like snickering under their

breath and I was like all right that didn't work.

>> And then I go to a corporate

event I forget that that's not what you do. You don't say hey what's really

gonna make you come alive.

I feel like this is a moment to say kale yeah!

>> This moment brought to you be kale producers.

>> Kale yeah! There's a t-shirt involved in that.

Wrong! Wrong! like I was

stuck on that whole like wait can you waste, are you ever wasting time?

I feel like this is one of those moments when you can spot the creative in the room

cuz they're normally not fitting into the box and look way too happy

no they're it's like this is a business event sit down and look miserable for a

few minutes could you can you complain about the fact that it's Monday

Is all of it just building energy and so I feel like sometimes right now I'll be in a

moment where I am not doing anything check off the list productive but I

trust that I need also those moments of like maybe let's phrase this as I'm

gathering the energy to go be really productive by procrastinating and delaying it

it seems to work though with that positive spin and I don't get as mad at myself

I definitely think that business has a fun side and it's mainly just the

the people that are losing the passion for life that end up being the majority

feeding that stereotype that business has to be boring. >> Dallas it's hot and cheap

>> It's quickly not becoming cheap that's the problem right.

Do I read as casual as

you are. >> I'm much more casual than you are.

>> I know I feel like it's very different

male versus female on this because the females just inherently look way more

dressed down when they're in baseball caps and t-shirts and don't get me wrong

I like being dressed down and casual but is it more acceptable for guys to be in


>> Yes is probably the answer.

I think there's actually been research done on this and

when men and women dress at the equivalent level of casualness or

business casual, people perceive the women to be further dressed down than

men this has been researched and I'll find the link and post it in the

shownotes. We are equivalently casual. >> What is expected out of a female am I as

casual as you in a t-shirt. >> right yes, there's like a discount rate that you apply to it

I'm also interested in the viewers to hear your views on business casual

and also what's a tasteful way to promote your business on your own

clothing if at all.

[Fast Forwarding]

>> That is not a good idea. >> Please do not do that. That is not a good idea

In my 20s I

used to be an electronic music DJ so when I think

about songs they take me back to an era

Most of them are like [imitates dance music]. That was my favorite one that I was just singing

back there

This might be the pet peeve show as well. Something I just thought

about maybe this is just a venting session so actually there's quite a long

list of things... >> That you could come up with but yeah

I've nicknamed social media the narrative reality like we have a reality

and then we have this narrative that we pull out of reality and we feed that

into the Machine that is the social environment

I like the amount of

movement we can have here. >>The non-movement. >> Because that seemed well you

know cuz normally it's a talking head that's just like right I can't even get

close enough the camera but you just watching this head in this window yes

the closer that narrative reality can be to

how life really works I think the healthier we will be

If you don't learn

how to build the construct breaking it down often comes out of ignorance

>> Maybe let's have a section where we make up words. >> Oh I have words

that I use. But if you work really hard to learn the construct and how it was

built then when you break those rules

you're doing it out of a different motivation than ignorance and you can

always rebuild it.

Okay so this is us talking about what b-side can be so

please tune in again see Jennifer and I talking about this or maybe something

completely different [Laughter]

For more infomation >> b side pilot - Duration: 9:46.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today I'm going to clean up Emma's room.

It seems like the kids have exploded all over this house.

So I'm just going to go room by room.

I'm going to leave the toy room for them so I'm just going to dump everything that I get

out of this room into the toy room and they can deal.

Cause this is getting ridiculous.

Summer is coming so they need to stay on top of it.

So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

Let's clean up one of the kids rooms today.

Alright guys the room is clean.

Oh my goodness there was so much stuff in here.

Sigh, I don't even know how she fits in her bed, but I was the same way.

But it looks so much better.

So thank you so much for watching.

Go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

And I will see you next time.



大三陽會傳染,但不必遠離大三陽患者,避開5個傳播途徑即可 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 大三陽會傳染,但不必遠離大三陽患者,避開5個傳播途徑即可 - Duration: 4:17.


long to short bob haircut - short bob haircut with bangs - Duration: 5:14.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> long to short bob haircut - short bob haircut with bangs - Duration: 5:14.


The Only Way To Get Free V-...

For more infomation >> The Only Way To Get Free V-...


For more infomation >> The Only Way To Get Free V-...



For more infomation >> 🏆 COMMENT NE PLUS ÊTRE UNE VICTIME - Duration: 5:27.


For more infomation >> 🏆 COMMENT NE PLUS ÊTRE UNE VICTIME - Duration: 5:27.


Le DEP en action: Le DEP pour toute la famille - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Le DEP en action: Le DEP pour toute la famille - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> Le DEP en action: Le DEP pour toute la famille - Duration: 1:25.


✅ Marion Cotillard en galère et embarrassée face à la jeune star de Gueule d'ange - Duration: 2:09.

Présenté au Festival de Cannes dans la sélection Un Certain Regard, Gueule d'ange va sortir dans nos salles ce mercredi 23 mai

Actuellement en promo, Marion Cotillard était ainsi de passage sur le plateau de Quotidien, aux côtés de la toute jeune Ayline Aksoy-Etaix, sa partenaire de jeu dans le premier long métrage de Vanessa Filho

Face à Yann Barthès, la petite et pétillante blonde n'a pas hésité à mettre Marion Cotillard dans un certain embarras

Interrogée sur sa préférence entre l'école et le cinéma, Ayline a clairement indiqué que son choix se porterait sur le 7e art

Tout en ayant conscience qu'hélas, il lui faudra quand même aller à l'école. "C'est ce qu'elle m'a toujours dit, Marion: que si t'allais pas à l'école, après, plus tard, tu ne pourrais pas devenir une actrice

", lâche la jeune révélation du film. À ses côtés, la chérie de Guillaume Canet est vite prise de court

"Bah j'ai pas dit. Oui. Non. Mais quand même." Et de se rattraper autant que faire se peut: "Je pense que l'important, c'est l'expérience

C'est de vivre sa vie et apprendre des choses. Et que. Et que voilà". Tout en auto-dérision, la maman de Louise et Marcel s'est mise à chantonner un "Et là paye tes rames, paye tes rames

" sous les rires du public. C'est indéniable : le naturel des enfants est irrésistible !

For more infomation >> ✅ Marion Cotillard en galère et embarrassée face à la jeune star de Gueule d'ange - Duration: 2:09.


For more infomation >> ✅ Marion Cotillard en galère et embarrassée face à la jeune star de Gueule d'ange - Duration: 2:09.


5 conseils pour un amenagement de chambre parentale - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 5 conseils pour un amenagement de chambre parentale - Duration: 3:43.


For more infomation >> 5 conseils pour un amenagement de chambre parentale - Duration: 3:43.


✅ Énora Malagré critiquée dans TPMP : Elle règle ses comptes ! - Duration: 2:19.

Énora Malagré ne mâche jamais ses mots. Soit ça passe, soit ça casse ! Les chroniqueurs de Touche pas à mon poste ne diront pas le contraire

Après avoir affirmé sur le plateau de Salut les Terriens qu'ils étaient "payés à ne rien faire", la jolie blonde a déclenché la colère de certains membres de l'équipe de Cyril Hanouna

Sans langue de bois, elle a répondu à leurs vives critiques sur les réseaux sociaux

Si Benjamin Castaldi a tenu à défendre Énora Malagré, ce n'est pas le cas d'Isabelle Morini-Bosc : "Grassement payés à ne rien foutre ? Non

Je ne suis pas d'accord ! Je déteste le truc global de dire 'tous, ils ne foutent rien', ce n'est pas vrai

" De son côté, Christine Kelly a trouvé que l'ex-chroniqueuse de TPMP crachait dans la soupe

Gilles Verdez, quant à lui, a été vexé par les propos de la jeune femme de 37 ans : "Ce n'est pas bien de dire ça ! Effectivement, c'est cracher dans la soupe

Je trouve que c'est méchant, c'est un peu envieux. J'ai été blessé, je l'ai très mal vécu

En plus, c'est faux, on peut travailler sérieusement sans se prendre au sérieux. Mais, on bosse quand même

" Bernard Montiel, Jean-Luc Lemoine, Valérie Bénaïm et Nabilla n'ont pas non plus validé les propos d'Énora Malagré

For more infomation >> ✅ Énora Malagré critiquée dans TPMP : Elle règle ses comptes ! - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> ✅ Énora Malagré critiquée dans TPMP : Elle règle ses comptes ! - Duration: 2:19.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


BTS (방탄소년단) 'Magic Shop' M/V - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) 'Magic Shop' M/V - Duration: 5:47.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today I'm going to clean up Emma's room.

It seems like the kids have exploded all over this house.

So I'm just going to go room by room.

I'm going to leave the toy room for them so I'm just going to dump everything that I get

out of this room into the toy room and they can deal.

Cause this is getting ridiculous.

Summer is coming so they need to stay on top of it.

So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

Let's clean up one of the kids rooms today.

Alright guys the room is clean.

Oh my goodness there was so much stuff in here.

Sigh, I don't even know how she fits in her bed, but I was the same way.

But it looks so much better.

So thank you so much for watching.

Go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

And I will see you next time.



Budget Debate - Video 100 - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Budget Debate - Video 100 - Duration: 9:56.


【重音テト】Hello, Worker【UTAUカバー】【My 2nd UTAU anniversary】 - Duration: 4:13.


Sorry for the poor quality. I can't find a proper off-vocal :(

B4-sized paper, tightly fitted together, holding all my life

Hoping someone will see and maybe notice me

I flash a smile wide and bright

As I am trying to solve this difficult issue that just won't let up

Until then, I'll remain longer and work harder

But it's never enough

Can't keep up with the head of the line

And here I am alone, left behind

Still yearning just to reach out, hoping to see

What awaits for me

Even so

I don't know what is it I want to do or be

I don't know how much or what else I can achieve

Saying so on my hands and knees, I got this far with more to go

I don't know what future tomorrow's gonna bring

I don't know how to change the past or anything

If that's the case, then please, let today be mine

Whether start or quit, I'm cutting and pasting bits holding all my life

Wanting good luck and waiting for karma to strike

It's either thrive or survive

With nothing else expected for me

And nothing else expected from me

I wonder how we seem beaten down, fighting

Always struggling

Even so

I don't know what I gained, obtained from all this

I don't know what I lost or somehow missed

Looking for an answer, biting my lips, I came this far with more to go

I don't know if the world tomorrow will end

I don't know what yesterday brought, forgotten

If that's the case, well, then let today be mine

Can't keep up with the head of the line

And here I am alone, left behind

"Where is it that everything went wrong?"

"What have I been doing all along?"

With nothing else expected for me

And nothing else expected from me

Although beaten down and struggling

We still keep on fighting just to breathe!

Even so

I don't know what is it I want to do or be

I don't know how much or what else I can achieve

Saying so on my hands and knees, I got this far with more to go

I don't know what future tomorrow's gonna bring

I don't know how to change the past or anything

If that's the case, then please,

just for this moment only

Let today be ours

Hey! Thanks for listening! Much Love!

BGM: Google Translate DOTTO cover by me

For more infomation >> 【重音テト】Hello, Worker【UTAUカバー】【My 2nd UTAU anniversary】 - Duration: 4:13.


English Grammar: How to use the auxiliary verb 'COULD' - Duration: 18:40.

Hello. I'm Gill at, and today we have a lesson on an auxiliary modal verb:

"could", the use of "could". So, there are two ways... Well, we have five ways that it's

used here, but "could" comes either from as the past tense of the verb "can", which is

also an auxiliary modal verb, "can": "could" in the past; or it's used as an auxiliary

verb with other verbs combined. So, sorry that sounds very complicated, but I hope it

comes clearer with the sentences to illustrate how it can be used. Okay.

So, first of all, just to show the simple past tense of "can", if I can do something:

I can do something today, yesterday I could do it as well; or I couldn't do it yesterday,

you could use the negative as well. So, first sentence, then: "At one time"-in the past-"I

could run a mile and not get out of breath". So, to get out of breath is when you've been

running a lot, and then you can't... You're breathing very quickly and you have to wait

for your body to get back to normal. And if you're running, also, it might be painful

and you have to stop, so that's getting out of breath. Okay? So: "At one time in the past

I could run a mile." I can't say now in the present I can run a mile, because I can't,

okay? But in the past, at one time, I could run a mile and not get out of breath. Okay,

so that's just the past tense of "can".

But then the other four examples are where it's used as an auxiliary modal verb with

different ways of using it. So we have four different ways of using it, here. First of

all, number two is a polite request. So, instead of: "Can I...?" you say: "Could I...? Could

I borrow your pen, please, just for a moment? Could I borrow your pen, please?" If you say:

"Can I...?" it's okay, but it's not quite as polite. So if you really want the person

to say: "Yes, of course", if you're polite they are more likely to let you borrow their

pen. So: "Could. Could I please?" So we've got: "Could I" and we also have "please" at

the end. Or you could put: "Please" near the beginning: "Please. Please could I...? Could

I please...?" Any order. "Can I borrow your pen, please, just for a moment?" So that's

a polite request. Okay.

And then the third sentence is when you're saying that something is possible. You're

telling somebody something is possible if... If they do something, so this is called a

conditional. Okay. And that... We have lots of video lessons on conditionals, so do have

a look for those. So, here is an example: "You could get good marks in the exam if you

study every day." So, the conditional: "Could" often uses "if", because you have a choice.

Are you going to study every day and get good marks in the exam, or are you going to maybe

study once or twice a week and then you get to the exam and you don't do so well, or what's

your choice? So this is your teacher, your tutor might tell you: "You could get good

marks in the exam if you study every day", if you work hard regularly every day. So that's

a possibility, a conditional. Right.

So, then number four, this is a polite way of maybe giving a criticism or suggesting

something isn't right, there's a mistake, or something may have gone wrong. If you say:

"I could be wrong, but... I could be wrong, but I think there's a mistake (an error) in

these figures." So if you're looking at some accounts, and the figures in columns and they're

supposed to add up accurately, and you look at it and you think: "This doesn't look right."

If you're an accounting genius, you can maybe see immediately something isn't right; the

figures don't balance or something. So... But you don't want to say: "Oh, that's wrong.

That's not right." You don't want to be so direct, so you're very careful that when you

begin your sentence: "I could be wrong, but I think..." So you're not saying: "I know.

I can see there's a mistake there." You wouldn't say that. "I think there's a mistake (an error)

in these figures", so it's a polite way of suggesting there could be a mistake. "I could

be wrong, but..." Okay. Useful phrase.

And then, finally, in this first half of the lesson, when somebody is saying they could

have done something or they could have been something, a profession: "I could have been

a ballet dancer, but something happened to stop me." A lot of people say: "I could have

done this, I could have done that", and then you think: "Well, why...? Why didn't you?"

Maybe the circumstances weren't right, maybe you needed money for it which you didn't have,

so there are lots of reasons why people don't do what they could have done; if they'd had

the money, if they'd been in the right place at the right time with the right people, etc.

So: "I could have been", that's a kind of conditional, but it's a conditional where

it's already in the past and it's too late now, you can't go back and change it. So:

"I could have been a ballet dancer, but it didn't happen." So...

And that one reminded me of a famous scene in a film, the actor Marlon Brando, you may

know this one, called On the Waterfront, and he's sitting in the back of a car with I think

his brother, and he's saying what... He could have been somebody. He could have really done

something with his life, and now he's upset, he thinks it's too late, something's gone

wrong, so he says: "I could have been a contender" meaning someone who really gets out there

and does something, a contender. "I could have been somebody", rather than nobody. He

feels he's nobody. "I could have been somebody." So that's a famous example of: "could have

been" in a film.

And then to end this half of the lesson, the different forms for "could have", that's the

full form with no abbreviation, you can have it abbreviated, contracted with "could've",

"I could've", so "could", apostrophe, "ve". So the apostrophe shows the missing letters

"ha". "Could have", so you say: "Could've", "could've", just a "ve" sound at the end.

"Could've" instead of "could have". "I could've". Okay. And then sometimes, because the way

people speak, they sometimes say: "I coulda". "I coulda done that. I coulda done that",

instead of "could've". "I coulda", if they're speaking quickly, meaning: "I could have done

that. I coulda". You may sometimes see this written down if someone's written down what

somebody said, and it sounded like "coulda", you might see that in writing, but usually

you will hear it when people are speaking.

And because of this one, unfortunately, there's a terrible mistake that people put when they're

writing, and they put: "could of", which is completely wrong. Okay? So please don't write

"could of". It should be: "could have". So: "could of" makes no sense. The word "of" has

nothing to do with what this is saying, so please don't put: "could of", that's completely

wrong, so be careful because also people say it like that: "I could of", "I could of",

so it's "could've" here turning into "could of" there, and they even say... People even

say it like an "of". "Could of", and they write it that way, too, "could of", and it's

completely wrong, so please avoid that if you can. Right, so we'll just move on to the

second part of the lesson where I have a little test for you. Okay.

Okay, so here's the test for you to use the word "could" in four different sentences.

So, let's look at the first one. So, another way of saying it is: "I used to be able to

swim underwater for a full minute." So if you're in the swimming pool, you go under

the water, below the surface, and you can swim around under water, holding your breath

for a full minute. Okay? So: "I used to be"-meaning at one time-"I was able to"-able to-"swim

under water for a full minute". So, can you say that in a similar way, starting: "At one

time", and then use the word "could"? "At one time", okay. So it's about I, so: "At

one time I..." So: "At one time I could", and then it goes on. "At one time I could

swim under water for a full minute." Okay. "Full minute" means a whole minute, 60 seconds,

a complete minute. "At one time I could swim under water for a full minute." Okay. Right,

so that's using "can", "could" as the past tense. "I could at one time", okay. Right.

Next one. If you ask someone to speak more slowly, what would you say? If you're asking

someone to speak more slowly, politely asking them: "Speak more slowly", so you say: "Please...

Please", so the word we want to use is "could", so: "Please could", "Please could", and then

we're speaking to another person, so we need the word for the other person. "Please could

you", okay? So: "Please could you speak more slowly?" Okay? Right. So that's a polite request,

isn't it? You're being polite to the person. They're speaking too quickly, you're asking

them: "Please, could you speak more slowly?" All right.

Next one, you want to tell somebody, someone they are capable, they are able, they have

the possibility of writing a book. They know so much about a subject that you say: "You

know so much about that subject, you are capable, you are able, you would be able to write a

book on that subject because you know so much and you're so interested in it." So it's encouraging

them to go ahead, write a book. So what do you say to tell them that they're capable

of writing a book? Using the word "could": "You..." So: "You could... You could write",

not "writing" this time, but: "You could write a book", okay? "You could write a book on

that subject. You know so much about it." Okay, so that's a conditional because you

could... The person may not decide: "Oh, right, I'll write a book, then." They may think:

"Oh no. I can't... I can't do that, it's too much work. I'm not going to do that." But

there's the possibility that they could write a book if they wanted to. Okay.

And then finally: "I had the chance, the opportunity to be in a Hollywood film, but it didn't happen."

Something went wrong. They chose somebody else, as often happens. It didn't happen.

I had the chance, I had the opportunity, they were thinking of me, considering me. This

isn't true, by the way. But: "I had a chance to be in a Hollywood film, but it didn't happen."

So, how would you say that using the word "could"? "I", you need several words here

with "could", "could" plus some other words. "I..." Okay, so "could" comes first. "I could",

"in a Hollywood film". "I could have... I could have been", okay? So: "I could have

been in a Hollywood film, but it didn't happen." Okay.

So, I hope that's been useful for you. So, if you'd like to go to the website,,

there's a quiz there. In addition to this test we've just done, there's a quiz on this

subject, so please go and try the quiz and see how you do. And please subscribe to my

channel if you've enjoyed this lesson, and thanks for watching. See you again soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> English Grammar: How to use the auxiliary verb 'COULD' - Duration: 18:40.


Cutting Squishy Bread Like Real Bread! - Duration: 1:17.

*some quiet sounds of squishy cutting throughout the video*

so today I'm going to be showing you this bread squishy...[*as squishy breaks into pieces*]What?! No!

For more infomation >> Cutting Squishy Bread Like Real Bread! - Duration: 1:17.


[3x23] Ada is back / Translation - Duration: 4:12.

That has to be the best Open in the world

Guys we have a lot to celebrate

For example that Juliana is back and we can train with her again

Well but don't forget about us. Thanks to the incitation of the star the Rollerband works better than ever

Well but we have to think about what we want to do

I think we should write a new song

That'll be great. I like that idea

Well but we have to organise ourselves. We need a list about the lights

a list about the sound and also about the participants

Besides we could...

What happened Pedro?

Hello, how are you?

Well it was dificult for me coming back after everything that happened

but here I am

What? What happened? Why do you look at me that way?

Is there something in my face? Tell me, is something wrong?

It's my hair. I knew I forgot to do it this morning

Anyways, how are you?



Who are you?

Who I am? That's obvious

Simón I thought I'm the one with the bad memory but obviously you are

No Simón wanted to know if you're Ada or Eva

Look into my face Nico. What do you see? What is missing? The beauty spot, right

So who am I?

[Pedro] Ada [Ada] Yes, right

And how do we know that you don't lie to us?

Why should I do that Simón?

We have our reasons

Why did you come back? What do you do here?

Your video of Matteo was really good. I love it

Yes I love the song. It is amazing

I love the calmful, intimate arrangement

Thanks. I'm really happy because everyone on the world seems to like the video

Not everyone

Didn't you like it Jazmín?

I don't know. I haven't watched it

I mean I didn't even know this video which is so viral exists

It doesn't seem so succesful to me

Jazmín that isn't nice. You should support your friend, shouldn't you?

Leave her, she's just jealous. That's all

On the contrary. I'm not jealous at all

I like what you do but as my friend I tell you the truth

Then tell me the truth. What's the real reason you didn't watch it? What happened?

Are you speechless? I knew my success molests you

No not at all. I mean I like everything you do

It really interests me. It's in the top 5 of things that are most important to me

Right after JaJazmín, fashion, painting nails...

Well maybe not in the top 5 but sure in the top 10

Delfi the most important person to me is Ada

Girls, isn't that Ada?

That can't be. Isn't that Eva her twin sister?

The one who was so much in love with Pedro?


But they dated

Jazmín shut up

What does this girl do here again and what does she do with my boyfriend?

Okay we still don't know why you came back

Well Simón that hasn't only one reason, it has multiple

No matter, we have all the time we need

[Delfi] My love how are you? [Pedro] Hello

[Pedro] I'm fine and you? [Delfi] I'm good, very good

Especially because between us everything wents perfectly. Who are you? Ada or Eva?

Because maybe you're lying to us again

Wow how fast you talk. Hello Delfi, I'm Ada. I don't have a beauty spot

Oh that's right. What a pity, it gave so much glamour to you. But you also could draw it

No it's that that is the difference between my sister and me, you know?

We remember you two very good

I know and that's one reason why I came back. I wanted to ask you guys for forgiveness. You're right

but this time I came alone and without any secrets

Okay but you still didn't tell us why you came back. So why did you do?

Well to be honest I had no job and I liked beeing here

I really enjoyed it and so I decided to come back and

Ada here you are

without organize the skates


Guys I present your new supervisor to you

For more infomation >> [3x23] Ada is back / Translation - Duration: 4:12.


페라리, 단 한 대 뿐인 'SP38' 공개..488GTB '기반' - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 페라리, 단 한 대 뿐인 'SP38' 공개..488GTB '기반' - Duration: 4:00.


最新勁爆!阿魯甘達憤怒開聲大罵林冠英.....不知錯? - Duration: 15:33.

For more infomation >> 最新勁爆!阿魯甘達憤怒開聲大罵林冠英.....不知錯? - Duration: 15:33.


지프, 2018년형 레니게이드 디젤 출시..가격은 4090만~4340만원 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 지프, 2018년형 레니게이드 디젤 출시..가격은 4090만~4340만원 - Duration: 3:16.


혼다코리아, 올 뉴 골드윙 출시..가격은 3250만~4150만원 - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> 혼다코리아, 올 뉴 골드윙 출시..가격은 3250만~4150만원 - Duration: 6:31.


카젬 한국지엠 사장, "경영 정상화 집중..신형 스파크는 그 시작" - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 카젬 한국지엠 사장, "경영 정상화 집중..신형 스파크는 그 시작" - Duration: 3:44.


09- AVR ATmega 16 Tutorials- Interfacing an LCD || Part I || Working with LCD Library - Duration: 19:01.

For more infomation >> 09- AVR ATmega 16 Tutorials- Interfacing an LCD || Part I || Working with LCD Library - Duration: 19:01.


Vlog 4: Silicon Valley Internships_Communication With Your Boss - Duration: 5:44.

welcome to vlog four of my series of my experience in Silicon Valley and today

instead of going over what I like how my day was

we're going to talk about documentation and communication in your internship so

at work like how should you communicate and what do I mean by documentation so

the first started off let's say you just started a new job you have a new boss a

new team what's your communication look like with

your team personally I feel like the best form of communication is over

communication like tell your boss everything that you're working on ask

ask as many questions.... well not ask a ton of questions but if

you have a question just ask especially for interns it's like they know that you

don't know what's going on so if you don't ask questions it will seem as if

you don't care or like you're not passionate about the topic um so a lot

of questions keep a chart or like send a daily digest email to your boss day and

like a today I worked on XY and Z or or even just say hey this is where I'm at

like what do you think the next thing I should do so don't just like like right

up the day maybe you don't see that your boss a day and just keep going before

you leave like touch base with your boss let them know you did or else your boss

it's not gonna know what you're doing and they're gonna be like Oh Joey I

don't I've never hadn't seen Joey all day he

doesn't tell me what he's doing so obviously he doesn't care to be here so

just make sure that like you're telling your boss what you're doing um second

part of this is to document daily achievement so something I do is I have

Google Drive and every day if I'm using a new software or if I'm doing something

new I document it so that at the end I can see my progress what did I start

with was there having trouble with and how much did I achieve over time but

also this is great for when you're at auditioning your job I'm so let's say

yes to revamp your resume and you're like I have no idea no idea like I don't

remember all the software's I've used over X amount of time but if you

document it like give a daily or weekly document of what you're doing then at

the end you can go back to this Google Drive I'm document and see like okay day

1 I was learning how to do this and now I am here so here are some skillsets I

can put on my resume and the last part what you think I already said but it's

super important so I'm going to say it again ask questions and even ask

questions to people who aren't on the team like I said in my previous videos

like get to meet people around you because you never know like someone on

the third floor could have been doing your job a few years ago so he or she

knows all the ins and the ins and out of your position and you don't know this

unless you go out and meet people so that's is some professional advice that

I have for you guys on your summer internships or new jobs or what have you

and now I'll share with you how my day went so today I as a see SEO product

manager I did some new service hurts with the UX and UI team and what that

means is that I had a set of questions I had some outcomes that I wanted and I

went out and asked strangers some questions and gave them a Starbucks gift

card as a thank-you and then we're gonna go to analytics to analyze all this

information that we got there are people who get like whole degrees and masters

on user experiences like how do people go to website and what do they do

and then also today I received some more SEO background like background

information like what does my team do how am I going to contribute to the

project and then I started working on Google I'm working on

Google Maps API for JavaScript because we're working on something for the for

the website and we need to add a map so I'm going to I want to learn how to do

that myself someone else is working on it but I want to have that skill set as

well so I'm going to do my own iteration of using the Google Maps in our code

base oh y tambien ahora me voy a una fiesta para los Latinos en Silicon Valley so right now after this video I

feel it cuz it's about five o'clock right now at six

mmm me voy...I'm going to a party on the celebrating Latinos in Silicon Valley

and there's going to be a civil rights activist who was born in like 1930 and

there's also going to be the SVP of marketing and communications of

Salesforce there um there's a major wicked big Salesforce tower and in San

Francisco so Salesforce is pretty major out here but yeah

so after I finish this video I'm gonna go to the party and because there are we

filmed today's vlog you'll hear about la fiesta

manana a banana I was talking about it tomorrow so thanks for watching I hope

you enjoyed the previous videos and I can't wait for you to see the next

videos bye guys

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