Why am I reviewing episodes 1 through 4
of The Defenders so far in advance
of it's debut?!
Well here's how it went down...
Eric Trump Is Furious That More Republicans Aren't Defending His Dad - Duration: 3:49.According to a recent interview that Eric Trump gave to, of course, Sean Hannity on
Fox News, Eric Trump is absolutely furious that more Republicans in DC are not coming
out to defend his father.
I mean, after all, according to Donald Trump himself, he carried a lot of these Republicans
on his back during the campaign.
So Eric Trump decides to go to the friendliest guy at Fox News, who's going to do nothing
but lob softballs at him all evening, and complain about the fact that these mean old
Republicans in Washington, DC, won't stand up for the rampant corruption that is known
as the Trump administration.
Well, Eric, if I may point something out to you, your father has spent the last several
months attacking Republicans on Twitter and in interviews.
It doesn't matter which one; sometimes it's McCain, sometimes it's Murkowski or Collins
or other folks, "Lyin' Ted" Cruz, Lindsey Graham.
See, when you spend all of your time talking about what a piece of crap every other person
in the room is, then when you start getting attacked, and you expect those same people
to stand up and defend you, yeah, that's not how it works.
You get what you give, and I think your father, your family, is finally starting to experience
a little bit of karma at this point.
Nobody wants to stand up for your father because he damn sure hasn't stood up for any of them.
He didn't carry any Republicans on his back, certainly not in the election that he lost
by three million votes, yet still became president.
Republicans are going to do whatever they have to do to basically save their own careers,
and at this point, Eric, your father's administration is a cancer on the Republican Party, and nobody
wants to take the side of cancer.
They would rather go out on their own, be attacked by the President, and then use that,
because they understand that the majority of the American public doesn't like this guy.
About half of this country says it's time to impeach him, and only 17% of this country
supported the health care bill that your father pushed.
The American public is not on your father's side.
Nobody, hardly, is on your father's side, so why would you expect these Republicans
who still have to go back and be accountable to their voting base back home, why would
you expect them to take the least popular side in this argument, knowing that none of
them have a spine?
They will bow down to whatever power they think is going to serve them better, and luckily,
right now, that power is with the people.
Those are the ones they're trying to appease by distancing themselves from your father.
May not necessarily change their horrible policies, but it stopped the health care bill
from going through.
People in this country are waking up and realizing that they suddenly have power.
They had it all along, but they're suddenly realizing it.
Your father, Eric, believes that he has all the power, but reality is starting to show
him otherwise.
So don't expect anyone to come to your father's aid.
Don't go to Sean Hannity and whine and cry about it like a baby.
Stand up and understand that sometimes, sometimes, even the wealthy get what they deserve.
How to Build Confidence | 5 Tips to Boost Confidence - Duration: 8:14.(singing) The Sunny Show.
For the bright side of branding, business and being your own boss.
Hey boss, it's Sunny Lenarduzzi.
Welcome to The Sunny Show, for the bright side of branding, business and being your
own boss.
And there is one key to being your own boss that not enough people talk about, and it's
You have to be confident, whether you are trying to own a meeting, present a pitch,
go on camera, or just take the leap in your life to actually be your own boss, we all
have to have confidence.
And you know what the great thing is?
You don't have to know exactly what you're doing to be confident in what you're doing.
So I wanted to share with you my top five confidence creators that you can implement
into your life and into your day, and I have a very special brand new download at the end
of this video, with a few affirmations that you can say to yourself every single day to
start your day on a confident note.
So, tip number one, our confidence creator number one, is: proof.
So you have overcome a lot in your life to get to this point, and I think it's really
important that you remind yourself.
So the first step is remind yourself, whether you have to write it down, or you create some
sort of board, of when you've overcome some sort of a challenge or you pushed through
some sort of a problem to get to where you need to go.
Because you're going to fail, we're all gonna fail; I failed a lot in my journey.
But the thing is, when you fail it sets you up for success even faster, because you can
learn a lot faster than someone who's afraid to fail or make a mistake.
So, remind yourself of the times when you've pushed through something that you didn't think
was possible, and that's gonna give you a boost of confidence.
Something that I do is create a positivity wall, as well.
So I have a wall in my office that has notes, and pictures, and images that remind me that
there are people out there who enjoy and support what I do, and that also motivates me and
gives me the confidence to keep going.
And finally, as I mentioned, at the end of this video I'm giving you my affirmations
to give you a kick start of confidence every single morning, that you can say to yourself.
It'll take you a matter of a few seconds and it really does change your mindset to start
creating confidence in yourself right now.
And tip number two is: prove yourself wrong.
So the first one is proof, and the second one is to prove yourself wrong.
What do I mean by that?
Well, I always talk about risk tolerance.
So, when I started my business I was really afraid to make moves and do things outside
of my comfort zone.
But unfortunately, or fortunately, you kind of have to as you grow as an entrepreneur,
or else you're probably just gonna give up.
You have to go outside of your comfort zone, you have to take risks in order to grow.
And now my risk tolerance is so high in my business, I'm doing things now that I never
thought were even possible for me.
So, start today and try one thing that you thought you might not be capable of, and you'll
probably surprise yourself.
Even if you fail the first time, you will figure out how to do it eventually, I promise.
So prove yourself wrong.
Your mind might be telling you, "No, it's too hard, you can't do that," but you will
prove yourself wrong if you just try.
You won't ever prove yourself wrong if you never do it in the first place.
Number three is one of the most important, and probably one of the most misconstrued.
I don't want you to go out there and pretend to be something you're not.
The biggest key to confidence is owning exactly where you are in your journey.
If you are a newbie beginner, own it.
Don't pretend to be somebody who has years of experience, because your growth comes from
So if you're just starting out in your business or in your niche, own that and be a sponge
for learning.
As long as you have a growth mindset, you're set up for success and you'll succeed a lot
faster than if you're trying to pretend to be an expert, or trying to pretend to be something
you're not.
You will get to the expert status through experience; that's the only way that you will
get there.
So do not fake it til you make it.
Own it.
Own where you are, do the work, join groups, get in communities that are focused on your
niche and what you do, learn from your mentors, learn from the best in the business, and eventually
you will be the best in the business.
Confidence creator number four is: mood boosters.
Now, this might sound like a little bit of a weird thing to tell you, but it's pretty
On a daily basis, what are you doing to improve your mood?
Because when your mood is good, and positive, and happy, and joyful, and at peace, you feel
more confident.
When you're anxious, and stressed out, you're not gonna feel very confident at all.
So, even if you have to inject yourself with a little bit of a mood booster, you totally
should be doing this on a daily basis.
Things like listening to the right music.
I actually wake up to a specific playlist, and I call it my "boss playlist" obviously,
and it wakes me up through my alarm clock every single morning.
And it makes such a big difference because I'm waking up with songs that pump me up,
and get me out of bed, and give me that confidence to go tackle the day.
Another thing that I always do is exercise every single day, and I push myself when I
exercise, to give me that idea that I'm gonna prove myself wrong, and I can do things that
I though once weren't possible.
So boost your mood through the things that make you happy; whether that's hanging out
with your friends and family, trying a new activity or a hobby unrelated to your business
just to give yourself a mental break, music, exercise, whatever it may be, try and infuse
some mood boosters into every single day.
Finally, the confidence creator that I'm gonna finish this off with is: be your own fan.
You probably thought I was gonna say boss, but I'm gonna say, "Be your own fan."
So I look to DJ Khaled for this one, and I want you to take a note out of his book.
He is truly his biggest fan.
His whole slogan and tagline is, "We the best."
So you really do have to believe in yourself before anyone else is gonna believe in you,
so you have to be your number one fan.
If you're not gonna be kind to yourself, if you're not gonna be forgiving to yourself,
no one else is gonna be.
And you really do need to have that "own" confidence and instilled self-confidence before
you can go out there and put yourself out there in your business, and truly feel confident
in yourself.
Again, you don't want to fake it until you make it because you will fall flat on your
face eventually if you're trying to run on that model.
So be kind to yourself, be your biggest cheerleader, cheer yourself on, use everything else that
I've told you in this video today to make sure that you do have that confidence setup.
But above all else, really all you need to do is be your biggest fan and believe in yourself
more than anybody else does.
Because when all else fails, if you have that, you will have confidence for life.
As I mentioned at the beginning of the video, I do have a brand new bonus for you.
It's below this video.
I'm really excited about this one; it is just a one page affirmation sheet that you can
read ever morning to be your biggest fan.
And it's really going to start your day with a boost and a kickstart of confidence.
So, these are affirmations that you can read out to yourself, or you can just read it silently
inside of your head every single morning, to feel really confident in whatever it is
that you're doing, and whatever stage it is that you are in growing your business, growing
your brand, or doing something new in your life.
So make sure you grab that.
The download is below this video, the link is below this video to grab it.
And if you haven't joined thousands of other bosses from all over the world in the Be Your
Own Boss Mastermind Group, it is an instant boost of confidence because you have a support
system around you in that group.
So you can join it for free, again, below this video.
If you like this video, you know what to do.
Hit the like button, share it with your friends who might need a boost of confidence, and
be sure to subscribe to my channel.
Thank you so much for watching.
You've got this, and I'll see you in the next video.
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where to start and you're scared of wasting time on the wrong steps?
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(singing) The Sunny Show.
EL1T3 C4SH GTA5 #Presidential War ! Outrage.. - Duration: 18:43.
Migrant Crisis in Italy & Cooking Kelp: VICE News Tonight Full Episode (HBO) - Duration: 27:23.Tonight:
Charging ahead on Obamacare repeal:
— That amendment doesn't have enough support, though, to go forward.
— So are you doing whip counts now?
— Paying drug users not to reproduce.
The new frontier of carbon capture.
The two main rival leaders in Libya's years-long conflict
have agreed to a ceasefire, following talks held near Paris.
They also committed to work toward holding presidential and parliamentary elections soon—
though no specific date was set.
The meeting between the UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj
and military commander Khalifa Haftar
was hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron:
— Dengue fever has killed at least 296 people in Sri Lanka in an unprecedented outbreak.
The mosquito-born disease has infected more than 100,000 people in the country this year alone.
Health authorities say recent monsoon rains and poor sanitation
have helped create ideal conditions for mosquitoes.
But a Red Cross official said they're also confronting a new strain of the virus that is hard to fight off.
The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study today
that looked at the brains of 111 former NFL players—
and it showed that 110 of them had CTE,
a degenerative disease believed to be caused by multiple blows to the head.
Symptoms include memory loss, confusion, depression and dementia.
Along with the former NFL players,
researchers also examined high school and college players' brains,
and found that 87 percent of all the study's subjects had CTE.
— There's no more debate about whether or not this is a problem in football.
— In a rare show of bipartisanship,
the House voted overwhelmingly—
419 to 3—
to pass new sanctions against Russia,
and to limit President Trump's ability to lift them.
The sanctions target Russia for its interference in the American presidential election
and also hit Iran and North Korea for their weapons programs.
It's still not certain that Trump will sign the bill,
which includes a provision requiring congressional approval
of any move to get rid of the sanctions.
After bashing his own Attorney General,
in interviews and on Twitter,
President Trump continued to voice his displeasure with Jeff Sessions—
even as he denied leaving him twisting in the wind.
— I told you before,
I'm very disappointed with the Attorney General.
But we will see what happens.
Time will tell.
Time will tell.
— Senator John McCain, battling brain cancer,
returned to the Senate to vote in favor of opening debate on Obamacare repeal.
But then he took the floor to deliver a stern parting warning—
aimed particularly at his own Republican majority:
— Stop listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio and television and the internet—
to Hell with them!
I will not vote for this bill as it is today.
It's a shell of a bill right now, we all know that.
We tried to do this by coming up with a proposal behind closed doors
in consultation with the administration,
then springing it on skeptical members,
trying to convince them that it's better than nothing.
That it's better than nothing?
Whether or not we are of the same party,
we are not the President's subordinates.
We are his equal.
— But McCain's plea won't mean much for how the process plays out.
With the Arizona's Senator's "aye" vote secured,
Vice President Mike Pence broke a 50-50 tie
to open the next assault on the Affordable Care Act—
over unified Democratic opposition.
But even as they move forward,
Senate Republicans still can't agree on what repeal should look like.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has a plan to thread the needle:
jam a modified repeal bill through the Senate,
and then likely move it to what's called "conference committee"—
where Senate and House Republicans would try to work out their differences
and craft some kind of consensus proposal.
That finished product, called the conference report,
would then go back to each chamber for a final vote.
It leaves a huge number of challenges ahead,
but it may be the GOP's only option.
Alexandra Jaffe explains.
— Mitch McConnell is going to give a bunch of Republicans the chance
to offer up their preferred versions of a health care bill.
But what he expects to be able to actually pass is a plan that's way smaller in scope:
it could be as simple as removing some of the Obamacare provisions that Republicans hate most.
Getting rid of the law's tax on people who choose not to buy insurance—
known as the individual mandate—
the requirement that employers provide insurance,
and the medical device tax.
If it does pass, that bill,
which people are calling the "skinny repeal,"
could go to the conference committee,
where members of the House and Senate would hammer out the rest of the details—
behind closed doors.
Near-term, this is a smart move:
it takes a lot of the political pressure off of Republicans by giving them more time.
It lets them look like they've earned a win without actually getting much.
But just repealing those taxes,
while leaving the rest of Obamacare in place,
would result in massive premium increases, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
And "skinny repeal" doesn't even touch one of the biggest points of conflict for Republicans—
Medicaid, which is how 74 million people in this country access health care.
And it leaves us pretty much back where we started—
with no Republican consensus on how to fix health care overall.
Pretty much everyone knows that skinny repeal would be just a first step.
But whether McCain's call for a return to the way things used to be done—
with at least a semblance of bipartisan input—
will have any impact is an unresolved question.
I talked to one of the Senate's most conservative members
about what he thinks could happen next:
Can we chat about the skinny repeal plan?
Does it do enough to bring down premiums or fix any of the issues with healthcare?
— We need to go forward.
The final outcome is still unclear.
We're going to have robust amendments on the floor of the Senate,
if we proceed to the bill,
and I believe we can get to "yes" throughout this entire process—
it's been rocky,
but the key to getting to "yes" is focusing on lowering premiums,
and I think the key to doing that are really two amendments that I introduced:
One, the consumer freedom amendment—
which is critical to unifying Republicans and getting the job done.
The Consumer Freedom Amendment protects your freedom, as you the consumer,
to choose what healthcare you want
without the federal government mandating what you have to buy.
— That amendment doesn't have enough support, though, to go forward.
— So are you doing whip counts now?
— So you still think you can pass it?
— I believe it will be passed into law.
— So just a repeal of those taxes,
that we're talking about when we talk about the skinny repeal,
is not enough for you?
— Look, if that's an initial bill that gets to conference,
that's a step in the journey.
What people care about is the final product.
And what I'm interested in is results.
It's what the American people expect of us.
They've given Republicans majorities in both houses and the White House.
We've gotta deliver.
— As other migration routes have been all but sealed off,
Italy has become the primary point of entry to Europe in the Mediterranean—
and the humanitarian crisis in Italy, in sheer numbers,
is even worse than in neighboring Greece.
This year,
more than 93,000 people have been rescued by boats in Italian waters,
an increase of 17 percent over the same period last year.
Some 9,000 have landed so far this month.
But most people arriving in Italy are not refugees fleeing war in the Middle East;
just two percent are from Syria.
The majority are considered "economic migrants,"
mostly from West African countries like Nigeria and Guinea.
That distinction is important,
because the term "refugee" is legally defined,
and comes with legal status.
But economic migrants,
who may face extreme poverty or violence at home,
often don't qualify for asylum.
Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani reports from Sicily.
— Italy is one of the last EU countries still welcoming in migrants with open arms.
And earlier today, at the port of Pozzallo,
a former fishing trawler operated by a European NGO
brought 419 migrants to shore.
These people were rescued two days ago off the coast of Libya.
They're gonna be taken to a detention center,
where they'll be held for 48 hours or up to a month,
just like the 56,000 other migrants that have already arrived in Sicily this year.
How easy was it for you to get work when you first came to Sicily?
— Italy is in the middle of one of the worst economic downturns it's faced in years,
and Italians are already starting to push back
against the number of migrants the country is having to absorb into its already shaky economy.
We asked the Mayor of Sicily's capital, Palermo,
how concerned he is about the financial implications of the migrant crisis:
— Italy shouldn't be dealing with this problem alone.
There was a burden-sharing agreement in 2015 to relocate migrants throughout EU member states,
but it's been slowly falling apart.
Earlier this month,
the European Commission threatened Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic
with legal action for refusing to take in refugees from Italy.
— At a crisis meeting this month,
the EU offered $40 million to Italy to help it deal with the crisis.
Italy's EU ambassador has threatened to close Italy's ports
if the EU doesn't offer more concrete help.
Today in Rome,
officials are meeting to discuss a code of conduct
to place on NGOs who are operating the search and rescue zones,
and are delivering migrants to ports like this one.
What do you know about this code of conduct?
— If we come across a rubber boat that's sinking,
we have a legal obligation to react to that and save them.
And also, there is already a voluntary code of conduct in place since last year
that most of the NGOs have signed up to.
— I know that our organizations,
the organizations we work with and work alongside,
are professional and have done a really good job at picking up a lot of the burden
that's been left behind as the EU has pulled back its dedicated search and rescue.
— But as Italy and the rest of the EU keep fighting over what to do with the migrant crisis,
the boats still keep coming.
Today, over 1,000 migrants arrived in Sicily alone.
— Since the 1970s,
at least 45 states have prosecuted women for using drugs while pregnant.
Alabama has one of the country's strictest laws on the subject.
It's been used to prosecute women even before they've given birth.
And one woman in Alabama is on a crusade
to keep drug users from getting pregnant in the first place.
— Everyone knows a drug addict, unfortunately.
So if you know anybody who's using drugs that could get pregnant,
we'll pay them to use birth control.
That's what we do.
— Barbara Harris thinks drug addicts shouldn't have children,
and she's using cash incentives to make sure they don't.
— Nothing positive comes to a drug addict
who gives birth to eight children that are taken away from her.
This is a win-win for everybody.
— Her non-profit, Project Prevention,
pays addicts and alcoholics $300
if they get sterilized or put on long-term birth control.
— It says no left turn here.
— But you're turning right.
— I'm going this way—
Oh, I thought she wanted me to go that way.
— Over the last 20 years,
she's travelled the country in her branded RV
and paid 7,000 people to give up their fertility.
Most of them are women.
She launched Project Prevention after she adopted four babies in four years,
each born to the same drug-addicted mother.
— You've been doing this work for nearly 20 years now.
How have things changed?
— When I first started, the drug of choice was crack.
Now it's switched, and now it's meth and heroin,
and a lot of prescription drugs.
Nothing else has changed—
drugs are still just as bad,
women are still having numerous children,
foster care's still overloaded,
hundreds of thousands of kids are still in need of homes.
— The birth control she offers isn't condoms and pills,
it's IUDs, implants and sterilization.
Those who choose sterilization get a lump sum after the procedure.
Those who go for less permanent options are paid in smaller installments.
Thousands of women have taken her money in exchange for permanent sterilization,
entirely legally.
Project Prevention itself doesn't sterilize addicts,
just pays them—
Harris leaves the procedures to doctors.
She gets anything up to half a million dollars in private donations every year.
— I think if there's anything that everybody can agree on—
the left, the right, and everybody in the middle—
it's that it's not okay to abuse children.
— You think having a child when you're drinking and taking drugs is child abuse?
— Yes.
They say don't even drink caffeine when you're pregnant,
so I don't know how meth could be good for a baby.
— The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
estimates 4.7 percent of women aged 15 to 44
use drugs while they're pregnant.
And more than 32 percent of all children placed in foster care
were removed from home because of their parents' drug or alcohol use.
Harris made the nine-hour trip to Mobile
when she heard about a local woman who had been imprisoned for taking heroin while pregnant.
She doesn't want drug users sent to jail,
she wants them on long-term or permanent birth control.
— How is doing what you do,
without looking at the social causes that create a situation like this,
how is that any more than a Band-Aid on a huge problem?
— It's not a Band-Aid on the problem.
We're dealing with—
we're solving the problem we're dealing with.
We're preventing women who are strung out on drugs and alcohol from conceiving a child.
— Harris targets areas where she thinks addicts will congregate:
like cheap motels, liquor stores and methadone clinics.
It's not even 11 a.m. when she meets 33-year-old Alesia Robinson,
and Robinson already seems high.
She has seven children,
and used during all her pregnancies.
— Can you still get pregnant?
— Yes I can.
— So, have you thought about getting on birth control?
— Yeah.
— Well then, you need to do it. — Let's do it right now.
— We don't do the birth control,
but you need to do it, okay?
Okay, because that's gonna prevent the next heartache, right?
One less worry.
— One less worry.
— It doesn't bother you that, by virtue of what you do,
you're targeting a specific section of the population?
— No, no.
— It doesn't bother you at all.
— No.
— A disproportionate number of people who use your services aren't white.
How do you respond to the claim that you are socially engineering?
— For somebody to hear about what we do and think we're only paying people of color is very racist,
because they're assuming that all drug addicts are people of color and that is not true.
— Is it really informed consent when they're in a chaotic situation?
— That's between them and the doctor.
He has to decide whether he thinks they're able to get birth control.
Nobody has a right to force feed any child drugs
and then deliver a child that may die or may have lifelong illnesses—
nobody has that right.
— I think it was some kinda flyer or something,
and all I remember is the number was 1-888-30-CRACK.
— A memorable number.
— Yeah.
For someone, yeah, who is an addict, yeah.
You can't forget it.
— Tina Boyd is a Project Prevention client who was sterilized eight years ago.
She's been clean since 2012,
but most of her life has been spent using drugs—
including when she was pregnant with her sons,
Joey and Michael.
— Do you think that your drug use has affected them long-term?
— I know it has, it's affected Joey.
— In what way?
— He has a receptive and cognitive delay.
He doesn't understand a lot.
They said that he'll probably have to live with someone the rest of his life.
Which, hopefully, will be me.
I love you, that's my baby.
— I love you too.
— After Joey was born,
Boyd took Harris's cash in exchange for getting an IUD,
but then Boyd decided to have another baby.
After Michael was born addicted,
she went back to Project Prevention to get paid for sterilization.
— Do you ever have any second thoughts?
— No.
— Not even when your youngest son says he wants a little sister?
— Could you have it, and then I'll give it back to you?
I can't.
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't.
— Just listening to you, it makes me feel like you have…
you… don't believe in yourself.
— I believe in my limitations.
God forbid, if you guys had bought drugs with you…
I can't say that I wouldn't have sniffed 'em out.
And I don't want to live like that.
I don't want my children to have to live like that.
— Would you like the ability to be able to do things differently?
— Oh God, yes.
Are you kidding? Yes, everything.
— Barbara Harris's greatest impact is in perpetuating
really destructive and cruel myths about pregnant women and their children.
— Lynn Paltrow heads up the National Advocates for Pregnant Women.
She's been a critic of Barbara Harris's work for over 20 years:
— You're assuming every woman that's a drug addict is looking for treatment,
they're not!
— Paltrow works with Mary Barr,
a social justice advocate, former addict,
and mother who used drugs when she was pregnant with both her kids.
— I have two children who are incredibly healthy,
were born healthy.
They are 26 and 25, and they're very, amazingly, successful.
— If you had met Barbara during the height of your addiction,
what would you thought of that offer?
— I would have taken it,
because $300, you know, and all at once—
that meant, for me, three nights of sleeping indoors.
— Paltrow says it's the world the children of addicts are born into
that leaves them so disadvantaged,
not the substances they were exposed to.
— When you talk to the medical researchers,
the great news is that none of the criminalized drugs
cause unique, permanent, terrible damage.
Three percent of all women give birth to babies that have what are called serious birth defects.
None of that has anything to do with the criminalized drugs.
— Do you think Barbara Harris has quite a static view of addicts and addiction,
that once you're an addict you're always an addict?
— Yes, and she's not the only one.
When somebody was telling me I couldn't be a productive mother,
and that my children would be born, you know, disabled or something,
I mean, wow.
I believed that.
— The biggest threats to our children
have nothing to do with what any individual woman did or didn't do.
It has to do with poverty, the lack of access to health care.
It has to do with the stress created by racism.
— Do you not think that addicts might deserve a second chance and that,
by promoting sterilization, you're denying them a second chance?
— Well, we don't promote sterilization.
That's their choice.
They got strung out,
they decided they wanted $300 to sterilize themselves.
And if it's a decision they regret,
it was a decision they made—
just like prostituting and ending up with AIDS.
Because I watched how my children suffered and had to withdraw from drugs when they were born.
So no, I wasn't thinking about the women—"these poor women."
I was thinking, "My poor children."
— This is all very straightforward for you, isn't it?
It's very simple.
— To me, it is.
Nobody who disagrees with what we're doing
has yet to give me a logical, rational reason
why a drug addict or an alcoholic should get pregnant.
And I always say to them,
if you believe that strongly that these women should keep conceiving children,
then you should step up and adopt the next one born.
But most of the people who have a problem with what we're doing,
they would never consider adopting one of these children.
So if you're not part of the solution,
you're part of the problem.
— A new climate study out today estimates that significant human carbon emissions
actually began more than 100 years before scientists previously thought.
That could move the tipping point for irreversible temperature rise even closer.
One of the primary causes of human-driven climate change is industrial farming.
But a new form of agriculture could reverse that trend:
underwater groves of carbon-eating kelp.
— So you can see, it's way down below the surface.
It's about eight feet.
Okay! So here's our kelp.
This, you know, for a fisherman, it's kind-of weird to grow plants.
But this is the future.
So—fertilizer, fertilizer, food.
— And then you get the good stuff.
— That's what we should be chanting—
"Fertilizer! Food!"
— A few years ago,
Bren Smith lost his oyster business to Hurricane Sandy.
The storm wiped him out.
So, the lifelong fisherman started looking for a crop that could withstand a storm
and landed on kelp—
a type of seaweed that's popular in Asia, but that hasn't caught on in America.
Today, he spends most of his time evangelizing the crop he says could feed the planet and heal our oceans.
— What are the benefits of kelp farming, specifically?
— We soak up five times more carbon than land-based plants.
We filter nitrogen out of the water column.
We function as an artificial reef so all these species can come and hide and thrive.
We're storm surge protectors for most local communities.
— Does that help prevent ocean acidification,
or help kinda mitigate it?
— Yeah, so too much carbon in our waters is creating acidification.
So we capture that carbon and essentially sell it as food.
— Do you get as much pleasure out of this,
or is it more the figuring out the business from the environmental side that excites you?
— No, this is boring.
This is like arugula farming.
I can't go to the same bars anywhere when I'm going to tell my story,
like, "I went out and cut off some kelp," you know?
— A recent World Bank study found
that a network of kelp farms spanning just under 5 percent of the U.S.' oceans
could remove the carbon equivalent of almost 95 million cars from the ocean each year.
To get that going,
Bren started a nonprofit called Greenwave,
which helps entrepreneurs start their own kelp farm—
using his own as a model.
And according to Bren, there's money to be made:
in a single season,
a farmer with a 10-acre plot of water can grow 200,000 pounds of kelp,
that can then be sold for $1 a pound.
Even though kelp is good for the environment,
people aren't rushing to put it on their dinner plate—
and, strangely, that's something Bren relates to.
— Culturally, I haven't shifted.
I eat at the gas station most nights.
I'm not a foodie.
I'll get there, but that cultural piece of a fisherman of, like, hunting, killing,
and eating bad food is still with me.
— But you do eat this?
You eat this on a regular basis?
— Uh… no.
— No?
Why not?
— My wife eats it.
I mean, I'm not a sea-vegetable guy.
— Sure, sure.
You like killing things.
— Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I farm it.
The chefs will figure out how to get people to eat it.
— Alright.
So you're fighting against yourself—
you're fighting against people like you.
So how do you do that?
How do you convince yourself to eat this on a regular basis?
— Well, I mean, there is a trajectory, right?
Kale had a trajectory—
where it started, it was sort-of the exclusive, the celebrity chef world,
and then it moved into, really, a middle class mainstay.
I think we're gonna make kelp the new kale.
I just don't wanna oversell, saying, "Oh, everyone's going to eat this tomorrow."
— High-end restaurants in New York, however, have been serving Bren's kelp for years now.
And his biggest client, Google,
offers kelp to 6,000 employees at its New York City cafeteria.
— The goal of transitioning to a new economy isn't just job creation,
isn't just, like, creating call center jobs.
It's creating jobs,
creating a life that you can still sing songs about.
— But you think people are still going to sing songs about this?
— It's gonna move much more into, like,
what the arugula farmers sing—
which I have no idea what they sing, right?
Maybe it's acapella, I have no idea.
But never underestimate the power of self-direction, of agency.
If I fail out here, it's okay.
And no one tells me what to do—
I can tell anybody fuck off, and that's a fisherman.
— That's VICE News Tonight for Tuesday, July 26th.
THE NEW LYCANROC REVEAL IS GONNA BE HUGE! - Duration: 10:39.okay guys every single day I get just a little more hype about this new Lycanroc
form because the Pokemon company has so much information all over the
place they've been mad teasing that Ash's Rockruff is going to evolve into
a lycanroc very very soon and we can see that with one new trailer so that's
kind of one of the big things that's going on is every day or I just look at
a little bit more information something else connects and/or there's new
information being published and that really brings us to what's going on with
Ash's Rock riff let's watch this trailer so we can get from this well that's the
rune of life that's a battle with Bolivia like it's going down guys crazy
ash is going all-out in this he has the Z move for rally you know grassy move
going to beat up Olivia the rock type it could be a double battle that has rock
trucks and rallied versus two of Olivia's Pokemon as well there's going
to be a showdown we have all the promotional material but then something
interesting happens and this trailers actually been out for a couple days now
but wasn't paying attention to it look at how unwieldy rock rough is becoming
that you know Ash's having a hard time controlling rock and roll rock rock is
just right a bite actually bites ash even though rock rough is an incredibly
loyal Pokemon it's attacking its own trainer right now and that is just
really hinting at evolutions let's check this out right here we have rock rock
it's considered to be a good pokémon for beginners because of its
friendliness but it's this position grows rougher as it grows up Pokemon
said to live with people since a long time since times long ago it can sense
when its trainer is in the dumps and it will stick close by as trainer side it's
a very loyal very just dog oh like Pokemon and then we can get even more
information so this was brought to me by a couple of fans on like Twitter in the
youtube comments that we got really detailed information about a lot of the
first pokemons to be revealed for these 7th generation look at all this on rock
rough and I remember covering this when the news first came out and it's kind of
good going back into that and then applying it for Pokemon Ultra Sun and
ultra moon so Rock Grove has an excellent sense of smell and one
smelled an odor it doesn't forget it these are tail are there tails of these
Pokemon getting separated from their trainers than using the faintest traces
of their scent to track them for days until they are reunited
brach trope is a sociable Pokemon but as it grows its disposition gets Wilder if
it begins to howl when the Sun Goes Down that is proof it's getting closer to
evolving it's said that it leaves its trainer's side to evolve and then
returns again when fully evolved gods this is going to get cool in so many
different ways because we can see that right now that rock ruff is getting wild
it's getting angry and we've also seen howling when it was at claw mark hill or
with that claw mark hill episode where ash actually captured rock ruff so
because that we can tell that's getting close to evolve it's getting really wild
and also rock ruff does not like losing it gets really sad really being up when
it was losing a claw mark hill and because of that we can see that if this
battle turns out to be a loss which is something I've been predicting for a few
days now that rock ruff is going to run away and then ash is going to get super
bummed out and going to like probably search for rock rock or something
which reminds me of the Bulbasaur episode that when all the Bulbasaur's
you know left their trainers to go evolve at the giant tree thing I don't
remember it's been years since I've seen that episode but lousy both ores left
and that's how they ended up evolving in stuff
I feel something similar happening happening with rock rock so it's
happened in the anime in the past and I think that's actually gonna be like a
cool callback by Kelsey was happening with rock rope that gets really upset
that loses it runs away maybe you like runs away to the ruins or hasn't
encountered with top to lele and that's where something's going to happen though
it's said to leave its trainer side to evolve and then returns again with fully
evolved like this is going to be absolutely nuts like if ash doesn't
track it down because a lot of the time when pokemon run away that you know the
protagonist eight-treys chase them down or if it's like a friend you know they
meet a new guys like oh no my pokemons lost let's go find it together or
something like that that they're either going to witness this happening with
rock ruff or it could be something absolutely hilarious when like this new
Pokemon just appears one morning and they don't know what it is it looks like
life in Rock but could be a new form for like and rock that hasn't yet been
documented because it happens the evolution happens during an eclipse or
something crazy like that and then it's like wait a second you know like ash in
the new like and rock form they look at each other like wait a second it is this
like is this my rock or out the driver of all
let's go and just like you know give a sh a huge hug or tackle in something and
then that's like where the trainer connection happens Rock ruff stands
bravely in battle even when it's taking damage although an opponent may be
stronger than Rock ruff the puppy Pokemon is so persistent that it keeps
going until outlasted Stowe and gets the win we saw this with the claw mark Hill
episode as well by his good move for rock rough field damage by buying
opponent with its sharp teeth this may make the target flinch and I think
that's kind of like one of the biggest things behind us and we look at all the
information that we've been getting with Ash's rocker up that the Pokemon self
has gotten a lot of development and it's like consistent teasing towards
everything that we've seen about the blurbs about rock rough up into the
point of evolution and then that's kind of where the other videos lives on the
other theories I've kind of brought into play or kind of looking into what about
that evolution that we have the new toy league that when we look at these toy
leagues there's already Pokemon ultrasone and ultra moon merchandise for
midnight like and rock but we still have so many question marks we have like new
mysterious Pokemon potential new forms like this one is right here form change
mentioned and this is coming off the same toy weeks that were recently
confirmed because we have a shallot and we also have the cosmatos
these are confirmed all the same leaks but we still don't know anything about
the mystery however form change is mentioned right here so this is either
going to be the so Gallio or lenola forms but then there's just so much
potential for new Pokemon new form stuff like that I've already talked a million
times about how the even the official Pokemon website has recognized that
there's going to be new forms with Pokemon ultra Sun and ultra moon even
junichi Masuda so if we're going into that that means we look at these toy
leagues this is going to be something mysterious into the end of the pokemon
sun moon anime that is with relevancy to the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime as we
transition into ultra Sun and ultra moon and again like I keep saying like we're
looking at it like why would would ask you to mid-day like and rock and then
mere match Olivia and just be better magically are we going to have a mirror
match against gladion with midnight like in rock or are we going to get something
completely new there's just something about that much of a split that doesn't
make sense to me no ash the protagonist he's go get something cool he's gonna
get something special and then looking at all of the extra details on top of
everything else I've covered about these new lightning rod forms and ashes Rock
Rev I think it just gets even better I can't wait to I can't wait you know a
couple we're gonna have the new episode coming
out I want to see what happened I actually can't wait because in a few
days we're going to have this episode airing and that we get to look forward
to a lot of things if ashes rock rough losses it could run away if it runs away
at the end of the episode that'd be a really good like to be continued that
could be something that really builds a lot of tension going into the next
episode or something like that also we we get a teaser we'll get one of the
trailers that will get multiple trailers eventually about what's going on with
the new Pokemon episode and that could give us hints like if these if these
teasers that these trailers for the next Pokemon episode actually bring us like
an evolution or show Rock ruff howling lighting up shining in any way or
building into that evolution kind of feel it could be absolutely ridiculous
and that's like if they even say cut it off then like what if they even cut off
the next Pokemon episode as Rock ruff is getting ready to evolve they they can
build so much suspense with this which seems like it'd be a little too much for
just going oh rock rough should already have evolved into a Lycan Rock and then
one at this point so this is actually a pretty big event when it comes to anime
when it's lining up with all the other leaks and a lot of the other Pokemon
ultra Sun don't remove information so I am really excited I've already talked
about how the anime everyone knows that the anime will put in Pokemon we have
like Blaziken engine 2 we add kecleon also just kind of running around and
stuff we've had Pokemon from future generations preview in the anime and
there's going to be new forms new changes for just under ultramoon
naturally that's going to happen with the anime as well so I am very very
excited as I said every day I find out something new new and old information
becomes new again and then we can use it to find out what is happening in Pokemon
Ultra sonal trimmin with new like and rock forms and it's like and rockets a
new form done GG because then anything is possible in some generation older son
moon looks to be a great Pokemon game and now I just kind of want to open up
the end of this video as a point of discussion that the more we see about
these like and rock forms I really want to see what people think about that
there's a ton of troll there just like clickbait fake fraud they don't even
watch like 1 percent of the video and then they end up clicking off without
realizing how much substantial evidence there is what we have going on with rock
rough Ashley's like and raw actors rock rough definitely evolving as for the new
forum that's where things start getting pretty crazy like I've already covered
Twilight forum eclipsed form kind of makes the most sense people are even
speculating like ash like and rock and stuff but there
some really cool stuff going on here and this has been teased for a couple weeks
now and it just keeps building and building that I don't understand how
people get more hype for all of these fake leaks fake a low and Jedi Pokemon
on 4chan is getting people more excited even though it's fake than this real
information in front of us that you know if it isn't the right game the community
doesn't care so I really feel there's like a lot of sadness and toxicity and
just a lack of passion you know there's been a severe drought when it comes to
true pokemon fans recently I think that can also be seen even with the leaks
that you know true Pokemon fans they can look at the anime they can look at the
toy releases they can see all the stuff and realize that it could have relevance
Pokemon ultrasone and ultra moon instead of just believing fake stuff that's
thrown out by clickbait youtubers and then doesn't really get us anywhere as a
community but it's not toys that'll I'd be like oh it's just garbage toy leaks
you're quick bait for saying that a toy leak is substantial even though it's
really looking to build into real legitimate information so that kind of
sat into me but least I can still stay - valid guys
I love looking at this and I hope there's going to be other teasers you
know maybe once we get this new like in rock form that that's where we get the
flood of Pokemon news because then it's in August and then August September
October November Pokemon game comes out so by the way secret's out new like in
rock form here's teasers for some of the other new forms that's where I can't
wait to take this discussion go on the 3rd or the 10th we might have to open up
what 7 generation Pokemon could also get new forms in Pokemon ultra son and ultra
moon I've already done little videos about it but seeing some potential
proofs seeing some but seeing some potential behind it like what this rock
rough evolution really makes me excited so let's see where that goes we guys
into the video be all the nice day thank you very much for watching
2018 Ferrari 812 Superfast, Driven: The Maranello Mauler - Duration: 10:07.Picture a car with 800 metric horsepower, or a still-stunning 789 by America's count
Picture a car that can honestly rock a racetrack, and sail past 211 mph
Chances are, your mental canvas won't reflect the Ferrari 812 Superfast
Unless, perhaps, you're the artistic type
Classical, muscular shapes abound in ItalyCar manufacturers love to claim, often dubiously, that a certain model has no direct rival or analog
Ferrari floats no such claim on its home turf of Maranello
Instead, it simply tosses me a crimson key fob and raises the old-fashioned wooden crossing gate at the entrance to its storied Fiorano circuit
I floor the gas, floor any skepticism over this Italian heir to the F12berlinetta, and now proclaim for them: The 812 Superfast is sui generis among today's wildly priced automobiles
The part you'll expect, nay demand, from this $308,000 Ferrari is that it's alluringly styled, technically advanced and all-day comfortable
Like its ancestors that trace to the first of Ferrari's 70 birthdays in 1947,the Superfast flaunts the suggestively swollen hood and naturally aspirated V-12 that came to define the world's haughtiest GT's
Yet the old definition of "gran turismo" utterly fails to describe the essence and reality of the 812 – the "8" signifying 800 horses, the "12" the cylinder count
The most powerful production Ferrari in history—setting aside the company's limited-run, self-described "supercars" like the LaFerrari—is also a supercar by today's usual definitions, even without the typical mid-engine layout and its compromised visibility and comfort: This is a bucket-list sports car to drive, a sensory overload of physical beauty, heroic speed and La Scala sound
Yet the magnetic-suspension ride remains comfortable, the cabin eye-popping and practical
Raise the rear hatch, and luggage space rivals a Corvette's, minus the budget carpet
Instead, there's a natty cargo deck with leather straps and buckles – and custom fitted luggage optional, of course
No faking it at FioranoBy the time I return from a daylong workout in the quilted, sun-scorched hills of Emilia-Romagna, I know the Ferrari's infinitely layered, 8,900-rpm soundtrack will haunt my sleep for weeks to come
Charging down a final set of two-lane sweepers, passing a half-dozen cars at once as a BMW 5-Series driver wages a fruitless battle to keep pace, I roll into the village of Maranello
Even with car and driver tamed by rush-hour traffic, I continue to obsessively rev the engine, like a greedy oenephile downing the last drops of a rare Brunello di Montalcino
Equally delicious are the cork-popping backfires and gurgles when I shift the dual-clutch, seven-speed automated transmission, a sound aided by a 6-into-1 exhaust manifold
If this really is Ferrari's final, naturally aspirated V-12, as it turns to the artificial sweeteners of turbocharging and hybrid electrification, the 6
5-liter is a fitting swan song
(For history buffs, the V-12 in the first-ever Ferrari, the 125S of 1947, was just 1
5 liters) Ferrari\'s first V-12 of 1947, on display in the company museumStarting with a stiffened block and a new casting process to reduce metal fatigue, the new V-12 rises to a company-record 6
5 liters (versus the F12's 6
3 liters) Seventy-five percent of engine parts are new, including the stroked pistons, connecting rods, crankshaft and combustion chambers
Valves are widened, with higher lift and longer duration
Add a fuel injection system with 350 bar pressure, unprecedented in a spark-ignition gasoline automobile—and nearly double the 200 bar of the F12--and you've got what powertrain chief Andrea Napolitano calls "the Gulp Effect," an engine that can swallow vastly more air and fuel
The upshot is a decisive boost in horsepower and torque throughout the engine's lofty range
Compared with the F12berlinetta, the Ferrari sends about 50 additional horses to the road anywhere between third and seventh gear
So girded, the 812 Superfast dashes to 62 mph (100 kph) in 2
9 seconds, and to 124 mph (200 kph) in 8
5 seconds For context, the 550 Maranello, produced from 1997 to 2002, took 14 seconds to reach 124 mph
70 years of Ferrari V-12 development reaches its peak, may soon reach its endFerrari's F1 gearbox was already a strong challenger to Porsche's PDK as the world's most kickass automatic
That transmission now upshifts 30 percent faster, with 40-percent-speedier downshifts and 6-percent shorter gear ratios (on average) than in the F12berlinetta
Hold the left shift paddle down as you enter turns, and a multi-downshift function can automatically drop three or four gears in rapid-fire, rev-matching fashion
I spend most of my day thwacking its aluminum paddles before realizing that the Ferrari performs even better in full Automatic mode, accessed via a button on the flying-bridge console
As with Porsche PDK, this gearbox has near-psychic gifts to anticipate the road ahead and stay one step ahead of even top professionals
That includes Raffaele de Simone, the calm, uncannily talented Ferrari development driver who I always appreciate in my driver or passenger seat
Free instruction from a man who hones and heightens each new Ferrari? Are you kidding me?With so much to discuss in technology and performance, can we all just agree that the 812 Superfast is beautiful, and leave it at that? Unlike some supercars, clad in their superhero get-ups, the Ferrari doesn't need to scream for your attention and admiration; it already has it
From its Mona Lisa smile (braced with a dark carbon-fiber insert) to its four round taillamps and high-tailed fastback silhouette—reminiscent of the holy 365 GTB Daytona of 1969—the Ferrari adds its latest aerodynamic advances to ensure you won't ugly up that pretty body at high speeds
There's a so-called "bi-bocca" front air intake, and ground-effect vortex generators
Thin airflow elements direct air under, over and through the body, including tasteful ducts in front fenders, rear fenders and rear haunches
A passive front aero device, activated by air pressure, forces a flap open above 124 mph to stall the underbody and reduce drag
The rear diffuser integrates three active, electric flaps to further reduce drag at breakneck speeds
A downforce-generating tail spoiler is 1
2 inches taller than the F12berlinetta's, and matches the hardcore, track-going F12tdf
Redesigned interior includes slim screen for the passengerSolid advances, one and all
But enthusiasts, including myself, often wish for some traditions to hold: The Superfast also marks the first Ferrari with electrically assisted steering instead of a traditional hydraulic unit
Ah, but dry those tears, or the sweaty palms: The 812's electric rack is rewardingly quick, linear and never unnatural, as proven in the hundreds of hairpins that I swing through on the day's ascents and descents
Does the 812 offer as much pure feedback as sports cars of old? No
But for an opening bid in electric steering, the Ferrari's seems the best yet
I'd put it in a virtual dead heat with Porsche's well-established electric units
By design, de Simone acknowledges, the steering is on the light side, as it's been in most Ferrari V-12's; Ferrari wasn't seeking the physical workout of the 488 GTB and other mid-engine models
But the old hydraulic steering was destined for Ferrari's dustbin – like stick shifts before it – because it could never be integrated with Ferrari's myriad driver-supporting technologies
"The steering was blind before," de Simone says
"Now, we give steering a seat at the table of vehicle dynamics
"The Hills are Alive, with the sound of FerrariThat groaning table of dynamic systems include the electronic differential, F1 Traction control and enhanced Side Slip Control 5
0, the F1-based driver aids that work at Brainiac speed to apply maximum power to the pavement
The electric steering's contributions include a new "Power Oversteer" function that, when the Ferrari's tires finally break loose, intentionally lightens the steering wheel in the direction of countersteer, subtly encouraging the pilot to make the proper course correction
Yet if there's any extra help from the steering when I intentionally slide the car at Fiorano, it's so subtle that I can't even detect it – just as a good driver would like it
FNAF Animation | Episode 13 | Tony Crynight Reaction | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 6:15.Hey Buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today we are checking out the net my games by Tony
crisis part 13 of the series the awesome series that has been creeping me out
and beautified my eyes for the best couple weeks yeah that animation is so
good I love it so much and spring-trap is so creepy
so creepy because link this video will be in the description box looking to
check out and escape page what is creepy creepy what are you trying to present in
oh boy it's friendlier I read in peace oh my goodness I've used all the
original parts that I can find Wow almost this doesn't have anything to do
with me what did I ever any actual yeah it's diarrhea you same angle Freddy has
used some parts of fredbear to build for do it on your rain stick was just a
bunch of formulas nothing really a pleasure
but unfortunately the chip containing his person I was taken to USA I was
searching for that chip every way and finally I said
because I found because she has the chin okay all right well I know that's like
weird on a bunch of little bunch of levels if you imagine that if you think
about it like their chips are kind of like their personality it's the soul
right so the soul of his best friend with it Mangal who was in love with foxy
if you think of that like on a you know outer body experience type of level type
of thing our existential level it's very very like I don't even know what to
explain it it's very like there's a word that perfectly explains that it just is
very deep very rich like if you're a thing about like the souls your best
friend then somebody else's body and that person's in love with this other
person it's like kind of you know that's what we flip TV shows are made of that
stuff the chip inside you dear you're lying I've read the draft there's
no doubt right there good it's contained within you imagine the chip is dormant
great I found the way to wake up the key ring there and what will happen to me
when you wake him up you will sadly be turned off to allow my
friend to live but it's an SMS
Wow Oh mangle I mean sir you're finished I love you dead and I
what's with his faith who wants to be duty as he failing some things
yes I'm oh look my little girl it's an all the venture cool yes he forgives you
he forgives you pleading you forgive you ah that's so nice of you
thank you Oh who's that girl it was that girl oh wow and what did he do this -
groans - forgiveness so other girl Oh
oh my not look what was that evil kid laughs that's new so like there's no
Batman is coming I love it I love it I love it I kind of on a certain level
kind of feel bad for spring-trap just a certain level and the aspect of
losing your best friends and finding out that your best friend was ripped apart
and and put into different other people or other animatronics so what you have
you want to put it back together however you like hey I don't like this new that
coming in making the know these ideas and you were like hey I'm gonna kill him
you say like to be a nice bunny before so when Frank Bear was like hey let's
kill Freddy you were like oh let me talk you out of it maybe we can all be
partners maybe this week I'll be friends you decided - well okay yeah I'm gonna
help you kill this guy you know it was that set a crappy thing to do it and um
I know that this is the fittest Orion but fredbear being made there but you
know which I guess is going to be golden for Fred random effects the name of
spretz banal character don't worry a part that I didn't know that okay I mean
I'm not the creator of stuff so I by that I don't know anything about it oh
yeah so definitely check out the video the link to this video in the
description box philosophy and he features artwork from people that are
that have been you know helping about on patreon so definitely check that out
down low in the in the description box let me know your
thoughts in the comment section below check me out on my second channel we'll
stop here for more content okay guys I've always been on Sunday
suppers too
VTS 10 1 - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride - Universal Orlando Resort - TV Commercial (2017) - Duration: 1:04.[high energy music]
Who let the dogs out? This app connects you with dog walkers - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Meet the Spokane Riverkeeper - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Qarz se nijat ka asan wazifa | Har kaam bimari har mushkil k lye wazifa - Duration: 10:45.-------------------------------------------
Kate Middleton n'est pas Diana, le biographe de Lady Di met les points sur les i - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Oakland Raiders show excitement as training camp gets into full swing - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Şahane Damat/Wspaniały Pan Młody, ZWIASTUN I - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Şahane Damat/Wspaniały Pan Młody, ZWIASTUN III - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Molecular Hydrogen Is Great! But How Much Do You Need? - Duration: 1:10.Nick: So from a perspective of use, how long would a session typically last to gain some
benefit and would you ever entertain doing it a few more times during the day?
What's the frequency?
Tyler: Because the hydrogen research is still so much in its infancy, it's very difficult
to say these are the correct doses, this is the correct concentration and all these different
things, but what is being done right now, like I said, they're doing some great clinical
trials in China.
I've mentioned last time that they've already collected over 20,000 patients worth of data
in various protocols and things.
So what's being recommended, what's being done right now has been shown to be fairly
There's an inhalation session of maybe 30 to 60 minutes at a time, maybe slightly longer,
and then one to three times a day.
There's actually an inhalation machine here at the show, I just found out.
Actually, I know they're coming from Japan.
I'm good friends with the researchers there.
They're a research company actually and they developed this product, so now we have another
You have the hydrogen-producing tablets.
You have the other method, the hydrogen water.
Now you have this inhalation machine.
Hydrogen is becoming very common as it is already in Asia.
I PUT MAX'S NEIGHBOOR'S DOG UP FOR SALE (PRANK, VLOG 4) - Duration: 11:21.Is that you Mr. Jean B***** ?
Hey guys! What's up ?
So today I am with Maximilien
We are at a skydiving school right now
of St-Jérôme
And we're gonna vlog our days together like usual
and we went here to see Mr. Marc-Olivier Desmarais
We are actually waiting him
your papers sir!
are u serious?
your front headlamp
is not working at all
we are doing a vlog!
it's my niece
so we had an idea !
Ariane's gonna prank my neigboor Jean
which has a shnauzer (dog)
So basically, we made a photoshop
of his dog on sale on Kijiji
for $500
So Ariane will ring his door
and Jean doesn't know her
so he'll be very surprised
to know that his dog is on sale on Kijiji for $500
So let's see Jean's reaction!
Ariane will do it. She's ready
She is going to ring his door
this is the microphone
the photoshop is on her Ipad
Let's go!
Is that you Mr. Jean B***** ?
I saw your dog on sale on Kijiji
So I was interested to buy it
my dog on sale?
yes! for $500!
I have the proof here
if you want to check
my dog is not on sale! He's right there!
yes but I have a proof!
wait I'm going downstair
okay thank you
did he see you?
he must not see you!
when I will turn my head to you, you come okay?
he's coming
I know
you'll show him his dog
I don't know, it's written on Kijiji
me it's (postal code)
not 3
it's not him in the picture!
yes but the adress brought me here
the may 30th?
you've been pranked!
so we pranked our first victim
I think it worked well
I was so stressed
So our prank worked well
I was sure I was not going to succeed
so now we are going to a restaurant with cats
last time it was with dogs, now it is with cats
we are actually at the restaurant
we're gonna drink a kombucha
and after?
after we'll go eat at an other restaurant
now we are going to eat venezuelan food
it is called "Arepas"
and I plugged my youtube channel on the cement
so we've just came back from the restaurant
and now we're just gonna take a walk for Guizmo (Max's dog)
little edit
So that's it for today
we will see you tomorrow
tomorrow it'S gonna be more insane
we'll be more playful
we whisper
we watched a movie
which was called
"The Watcher"
and now Ariane is scared
no that's false
so today
we will go to "Place Ville-Marie"
it's a place for business but there are a lot of shops
we can shop there
I don't know why I put this
did you find something great?
okay so Max needs a shirt
so we'll try to find something good for him
what are you doing?
what are you doing?
Help me undress it
I don't even know if we can use this elevator
there's so much clothes and stuff
how is it?
it's good
I like it
Imma try the other one
the other's better right?
I'm going to the bathroom
you'll get arrested
at least she greeted me
I know that she appreciated it
so we are going to buy some bread
he looks like Marc-Olivier right?
hum no
what are you doing?
this is great
it's cheddar cheese
that one!
it's too normal
no it is garlic and herbs
it's so delicious
We have just eaten and now we will take a walk for Guizmo
argh wtf dude
get out
So I woke at 12:00
and Max is not there
so I think that he went walking with his dog
so I'll check if he comes back
he's not here yet
So I'm going to wait him
this is my ootd (outfit of the day)
I think I changed since 5th grade
by the way, I got a new camera
it is a sony cybershot dsc-hx90v
he is supposed to arrive by that way
So now we are going to see the 97 years old women
*at my house*
I had never seen my room finished
thanks guys for watching!
If you liked it! Give it a thumbs up!
subscribe too!
See you soon!
La belleza interna, el objetivo de Martín Llorens - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
VW Touran - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
VW Touran - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Kate Middleton n'est pas Diana, le biographe de Lady Di met les points sur les i - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Kate Middleton n'est pas Diana, le biographe de Lady Di met les points sur les i - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Bombardier TRAXX locomotive and bilevel rail car in N scale - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Bombardier TRAXX locomotive and bilevel rail car in N scale - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Pokemon Lake #1 Shinies! - Duration: 15:13.Takes a while to type xD
Lets get hunting
Go Pichu!
Use Bite!
O.o halp me Nurse Joyyyyyyyy!!
Well that was fun :/
Okay, oddish are good to train on, I think...
Go Pichu!
Use Bite!!
Use Magnet Rise!
O.o the Ferroseed and the Oddish should make a clan called, "Make Pichu Faint Clan!" Like boi
O.o I know shinies are common but I <3 Tailow :D Pichu can't kill anything anyways, right...?
da white screen
Go Pichu!
Use Thun- Wait what? NOOOOOO
There's a chance it'll live, right..?
Nope D:
At least I leveled up >:D
Isn't this some king of legendary, or something? In Pokemon Cards there were EX's of this Pokemon..
da white screen
Go Pichu!
Use thunder, should kill it right? >:D
I'm searching for some pokemonnnn gotta ea- I mean catch em all!!
Oops O.o
I got da ballz
Anudda one, now I just need a sapphire one >:D
da white screen
Go Pichu! :/
O.o don't mind that little glitch... You never saw ROBLOX stuff >:D
Use thunder! and da ligh- Nevermind..
Anudda thunder
Level 8 oooooooh yaa
I guess, I can try to catch it..?
da white screen
Go Pichu, go figure.
Use bite!
Wow. barely anything I guess I gotta use anudda move!
Use magnet Rise! shouldn't kill it right?
think again Ronan :/
This game honestly lights up my world, without this game I wouldn't be grinding! xD
da white screen
Go Pichu! :/
Use magnet rise!
Use Thunder!
Magnet Rise!
What could it be..?
Wow, the idea of a subtitle there was farfetch'd :P
da white screen
Go Pichu!
Use Bite!
Use another bite!
O.o so close but in this game I am like 100% sure you always hit first :/
Curse Pokemon are hard to beat, cos they heal all the time :/
O.o shiny bunnelby! Oh also I only catch shinies cos they are so common you should see my main account xD
da white screen
Go Pichu!
use bite!
Use Magnet Rise!
O.o I forgot :/ welp this may be a loss.
I might as well try to catch it... right?
Yay, a new member! hopefully it's good :D
let's test out bunnelby, on a paras!
da white screen
Go Pichu, wot why not bunnelby, Pichu? Pii CHUUU heesh calm down it's just a game :P pii
Welp, I guess use Magnet Rise!
So far so good ish
Use tackle! :p
Okay, both in yellow, this might be close..
Ignore teh talkin
Use bite!
I knew the answer, obviously rhyorn
Just kidding, Pikachu.
A hard cotton ball.... go figure.
da white screem
I just checked :/
Go Pichu!
use thunder!
use magnet rise :/
Hey it's wicked lit
da white screen
Go Bunnelby! finally xD
use flail!
I can't do anything but add music when this spinning loading ball thing xD
I also can't do anything about the typing noises and click noises :/ sorry bout dat
Finally xD wait what? FLAIL IS A NORMAL MOVE *facepalms*
All you guys be like, Hurry up and type xD I was trying to make it quiet :/
Use flail, even though I know it doesn't effect a wicked lit pokemon :/
like boi
use strength..
use Bulk Up!
Okay, go Pichu :/
Longest loading screen ever, beware.
finally xD use magnet rise :/
anudda one
This is legit all I do unless I feel like screaming cos my mic sucks :/
I HAVE to catch it!
da white screen :p
Go bunnelby!
use bulk up!
Use flail!
There ya are Pichu! pii
Go Great ball! :p
use anudda great ball!
ANOTHER ONE!!! Okay i'll calm down :/
A hard weedle ;)
da white screen ;)
Go Venipede!
use toxic spikes!
Sorry bout dat sneeze :/
yes I know in case this didn't work i typed the apology up there xD
Use toxic!
One thing I don't get is why I can find potions :/ wouldn't the wild pokemon want it? xD
da white screen
Go Bunnelby!
Use Bulk up!
use strength!
Use strength
Go venipede!
Use toxic spikes!
da white screen
Go bunnelby!
Oh no not this again...
use toxic spikes!
I caught a wicked lit pokemon.. Btw wicked lit is a litwick at ed to the end of the name and swap the 2 words its wicked lit
da white screen
just checkin
Go Litwick!
Use confuse ray!
A hard leaf :/
da white screen
Go litwick!
Use confuse ray!
use confuse ray again!
Another one!
One last time!
This is honestly the worst pokemon I had one before in this game and it sucked so bad I replaced it with a ditto..
da white screen
Go Bunnelby!
Use strength!
use strength again!
Another one!
I'm sorry murkrow...
use bulk up!
Sure why not? xD
Someone explain to me how he has a level 10 charmeleon please..?
Go Pichu!
use thunder!
Just checkin
Use Thunder, again!
One down two to go!
use magnet rise!
use thunder! :p
Use thunder, again!
Use bite!
use thunder, obviously!
Let's look at my main account's team.
Yeah, I don't think I can beat myself yet...
If there is no music I honestly was gonna try and put elevator music, but if there is music ignore this :/
Hmm what is this guy's levels lookin like?
How bout this guy..?
Okay, ya I'll try.
Go litwick!
use fire blast!
Fire blast!
Fire blast em again!
Pika pi
Fire blast!
This is gonna be bad...
Why didn't I switch..?
Confuse ray!
Nooo paralysis!
Go venipede!
Use toxic spikes!
Go bunnelby!
Use flail!
Use flail again!
Use flail one more time!
Or another :P
Flail again!
Flailing meh ears around beat all of his pokemon! (including a legendary)
Well, that's it for today guys! see you tomorrow!
For more infomation >> Pokemon Lake #1 Shinies! - Duration: 15:13.-------------------------------------------
alcazar show pattaya - Duration: 4:10.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL
For more infomation >> alcazar show pattaya - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride - Universal Orlando Resort - TV Commercial (2017) - Duration: 1:04.[high energy music]
For more infomation >> Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride - Universal Orlando Resort - TV Commercial (2017) - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
The Keys of Death & Hell-------------------------------------------
How to Vectorize Hand Lettering in Illustrator - Duration: 14:32.in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to vectorize your own hand
lettering first you want to draw out your piece using dark black ink and
white paper
first things first we're going to scan the image so I'm going to open preview
on my Mac and then I'm going to go to file import from my scanner I'm going to
change this to color I'm going to leave it at 400 you should maybe do it at
least at 300 and I'm going to select the area that I want to scan and I'm going
to do it at high resolution just so you can get the
cleanest image so that when I bring it into Photoshop and then later into
illustrator it's just going to turn into a vector much cleaner okay so now I'm
going to save it as the song Maps you can see I added a couple more 'theys' because I
didn't really like this 'they' so it doesn't really matter how the layout is
you can always adjust that now that that's done and we have it all scanned
in I'm just going to drag that saved file into Photoshop so I can open that
up there clean it up and get it ready for importing to illustrator
so I'm just going to go to image and rotate 90 degrees clockwise we can read
it and just zoom in a little bit so we can see it what I normally do this is my
process anytime I in vectorizing any of my
lettering it's the quickest and easiest way I go into levels I grab the black
eyedropper click on the black and I go white click on the white and now I have
a pretty good contrast of white and black sometimes that's enough sometimes
it's not if it's not enough play around with the brightness and the contrast to
see what you get if you have too much contrast you're going to get the jagged
edges there so you don't want to have really jagged edges because then when we
bring to illustrator your to see that you can play around with values
and play around with curves you want to bring up the white black so usually
though what I did first is enough so then I'm going to save for web and save
this as a JPEG and then I'm going to grab that new image drag it into
we're going to make sure the image is selected and you should have image trace
on your toolbar there's usually presets in here I have one that I have already
saved that I like to use which is this one and basically I'll show you what
looks like then I'll undo and do it step by step it gets rid of the background
and even in this linux the threshold was too high and it got rid of too much so
I'm just going to do this from scratch so I'm going to click image trace then
I'm going to click the image trace panel to bring up more setting and I'm just
going to go through here and see what looks best so I'm going to move the
threshold up and down to see what work
so I'm liking it a little bit better now there's still some monkey areas but
we'll be able to fix that with the editing afterwards the least amount of
pass the better because then you have less paths to work with but you still
need a lot of floss sorry you still need a lot of paths to get the curve but if
you have too many path points it's going to get messy and you like to have clean
round edges and if you have too many paths it can be more like jigging and
not nice and rounded that make sense so again just move these guys these
sliders and see what looks good and this you can see what it does and what it
doesn't do so you want to keep still checked
however you may not want stroke and I usually click on ignore white
so it's totally different for every design you just kind of have to move
things around
once you're happy with it you're going to hit expand and then you're going to
ungroup it and then you're going to delete this out side part and we're
going to grab I'm going to just create a new document letter size and I'm just
going to grab this and I'm going to copy it and paste and then I'm just grabbing
it and holding shift to size down and keep my proportions so this is now an
SVG or a vector sorry so this means that you can resize it to whatever size you
want because it's no longer a pixel also Brown is going to grab the day that I
did here that I liked better which I think is this one and and write this
down for now so start with weight so you're going to use mainly this arrow
this arrow and this arrow so are quicker ways to do this if you have a tablet and
a microwave tablet with a stylus you can draw on it to erase some of the lines or
draw more lines on top or you can just use your mouse or trackpad which is the
example I'm showing you now and this is what I do I find it
quickest easiest way there's so many videos out there for different ways to
do this so you know try a bunch of different approaches and see what works
for you so to select the whole word use the black arrow which is the selection
tool and to select paths you use the white arrow
which is the direct selection tool and to remove points you're going to use
delete Anchor Point now you're really going to want to use the shortcuts for
these it just makes this process a lot quicker and it is a long tedious process
so anything can do help that is definitely beneficial so you're going to
want to know that delete Anchor Point tool is the minus sign direct selection
tool is a and selection tool is V and if you are using the direct one of the
direct selection tools and you want to use a different tool like if you select
delete Anchor Point and then you hold command it's going to flip back to the
tool you were just on so I was just on this direct selection tool but went back
to this delete Anchor Point tool and if I hit command you'll see how my cursor
changes from the pen tool to the arrow which makes it really fast so when I'm
going through here what I do is I I keep it on the - a delete Anchor Point tool
and then I use command to flip back between these two so that I can easily
select so for right here I'm going to delete this one and then I'm going to
grab the panel by holding command which brings me the arrow tool back and then
just dragging this to the position that I want we're going to do the same here
man delete grab the command key which brings up the direct selection tool and
adjust that so I just continue to do this
throughout the full closest which is long I know but once you get the hang of
it goes by pretty quickly and sometimes actually kind of calming to do so you're
just going to want to do this for whole world whole word for the whole sentence
actually and yeah it makes sure that it looks the way
you want it to look nice and clean because as you can see when you scan
these in it doesn't look exactly like the sketch that you did with the marker
it has some weird lines with some jagged edges which is normal and we're going to
try to fix that with this path tool adjustment so you can check out my
process right now I'm going to speed it up you can see it being done in like a
tenth of the time just so you can see what I do from beginning to end
so once you've got that all cleaned up it's ready to use for any project it's
completely scalable to any size I'm using it over an image just to give you
an idea of what you can do if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and
subscribe for more
Ed Sheeran - What Do I Know Ukulele Cover (BDAY GREETING FOR MARK LEE) - Duration: 3:56.Ain't got a soapbox he can stand upon
But God gave him a stage, a guitar and a song
His daddy told him, "Son, don't you get involved
In politics, religions, other peoples' quarrels."
I'll paint the picture, let me set the scene,
I know when I have children, they will know what it means
And he'll pass on these things his family's given to him
Just love and understanding positivity
We could change this whole world with a piano
Add a bass, some guitar, grab a beat and away we go
He's just a boy with a one-man show
No university, no degree, but Lord knows
Everybody's talking 'bout exponential growth
And the stock market crashing and their portfolios
While he'll be sitting there with a song that he wrote
Saying love could change the world in a moment
But what do I know?
The revolution's coming, it's a minute away
I saw people marching in the streets today
You know we are made up of love and hate
But both of them are balanced on a razor blade
I'll paint the picture, let me set the scene
I know, I'm all for people following their dreams
Just re-remember life is more than fitting in your jeans
It's love and understanding positivity
We could change this whole world with a piano
Add a bass, some guitar, grab a beat and away we go
He's just a boy with a one-man show
No university, no degree, but Lord knows
Everybody's talking 'bout exponential growth
And the stock market crashing and their portfolios
While he'll be sitting there with a song that he wrote
Saying love could change the world in a moment
But what do I know?
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF TruE SpectrE | Pt.2 - Duration: 6:43.DON'T FORGET TO DROP A LIKE!
PRAKTRIK studio - The modern craftmen - Duration: 2:41.The idea for Praktrik came in 2009.
Then there was a period of prototyping of these things
photographing and so forth.
One - two years after that there was a brand and company
and with Delyo, my business partner, we had already been together in this project.
The furniture of Praktrik are different from other furniture on the market
mostly because they are not just using some geometry in a specific context,
but these are principles that we invented first
and each element in this furniture is extremely important,
not only structurally but also aesthetically and functionally.
I.e. you can neither remove nor add an element.
In this sense they are not just functional products
but something with a claim to be some kind of art.
For our furniture, except assembly instructions,
even for some people instructions are not necessary,
no tools are needed.
Everything needed is rather in the brain
and in the box in which the product is packaged.
The materials we use are usually natural materials
Some of the models in the catalog are more exotic.
There is more exotic wood in them,
with the purpose to become more colorful and even more unconventional.
And furthermore, the use of different wood types for the elements with different geometry
is typical of this type of puzzles
We have products that the leading concept is a more practical one.
Let's say the table with 3 legs
which can be assembled in less than a minute
and one can easily carry it away.
But there are also products that have more parts
and require little more brain-teasing.
For the good working car
in any case it is important
to allow some kind of transformation,
except it should be economical and roomy enough,
to accommodate enough things.
The ability to adapt to different situations
for me is crucial.
What's Holding Your Growth Back in Your Career? - Duration: 4:24.Hi! I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video
today I want to ask you the question what's holding your growth back in your career right now?
And what I can tell you is if you are being held back and you're not where you want to be,
you may have some limiting beliefs holding you back.
And first for us to change, we must change our beliefs and our behaviours.
So what we believe we can change and also the actions we take around that we need to change as well.
I want to talk about three limiting beliefs that I hear quite often from people
I meet in business and in my coaching business as well.
Firstly, I hear people say "successful people are just lucky."
Well, they're not lucky; they're persistent, they're consistent, they're driven, they're dedicated and they're highly passionate.
And you may have heard the story around Colonel Sanders,
who was the founder of KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken it used to be called.
It was a thousand and nine times before he got his break into that industry.
The other person, James Dyson of the Dyson Vacuum Cleaners, five thousand,
one hundred and twenty-six times before he got the development of his vacuum cleaners correct.
Those guys just persisted and kept going and going until success happened; they're not just lucky.
Secondly, the belief I hear is "I don't have the skills."
And I come across a lot of people who just continually want to train, train, train, train.
If you've followed me for a while you will know that self-education is a high priority for me
and I always express that out to my audience that you must keep evolving yourself.
But what people do is use that limiting belief to stop building their business
or even starting their business because they believe they aren't skilled enough.
And what I say is, teach what you already know and then learn as you go
teach what you already know and then learn as you go
because what you already know there are people out there who don't and they are looking for someone to teach them.
The third limiting belief I hear is "I couldn't possibly achieve that."
If I said to someone, "You are currently earning a hundred thousand a year,
we want to earn a million dollars a year."
I hear this limiting belief that they couldn't possibly earn that or achieve that.
That comes from a fear of failure and that fear becomes so overwhelming that they just cannot imagine
or visualise earning that amount of money.
First you have to visualise it before you work out how you're going to do it,
but what you've got to do is change that around and start using that fear as a benefit
to you to keep moving forward and pushing through that fear rather than letting fear use you
because that's what will happen is that fear will overwhelm you and you'll standstill.
So there are my three limiting beliefs that I hear today around holding you back,
they are "Successful people are just lucky", they are not!
Secondly, "I don't have the skills", you have everything inside you,you need right now.
And thirdly, "I couldn't possibly achieve that" you can and if you want to, you will.
Thanks for listening to me today.
If you feel that this video would be of value to your family, friends, and colleagues please share my video
because I want to help as many people as I can and I'm hoping you'll be able to help me do that.
I really appreciate your time and we'll talk very soon.
AUGUST TBR || 2017 - Duration: 5:42.Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I am doing my August TBR. Pretty pumped--we
have a wide variety of books in this TBR of mine, and I'm super excited for all of
them. Some of them are pretty hyped for me, so fingers crossed that I enjoy them! Let's
get into it. The first book that I want to read in the month of August is Down
Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire. This is book 2 in her Wayward
Children series, is I think the name of the series. Book 1 is Every Heart a
Doorway, which I loved, just loved! And the basic concept of the universe in which
these books are set is that portals to other worlds exists and book 1
Every Heart a Doorway is about a boarding school for children who go away to these
fantastical worlds and then come back and are having some trouble adjusting,
coping, all that kind of stuff. This is gonna be set before Every Heart a Doorway.
It's focusing on two side characters from that book in their magical, crazy
world, before they've come back.
And their world is very inspired by Gothic
Romantic literature. It's like Frankenstein, Dracula, all that kind of
cool stuff. I have heard some amazing things about this so I'm very excited to
check this out. I am excited for a super creepy quick read, can't wait to pick
this up. Next I got a short story collection. I'm trying to get a little
more into short fiction in my life, and this is a book that I am just I'm so
excited for! I've already listened to one of the stories in this collection. It's
the titular story, and what I'm talking about is What It Means When a Man Falls
from the Sky by Leslie Nneka Arimah. This is a speculative short fiction
collection. I have been obsessed, just completely obsessed, with LeVar Burton
Reads, which is a podcast. Those who who might not know: LeVar Burton is famous from
Star Trek, but the reason I love him so much is he hosted Reading Rainbow, and I
loved reading rainbow back in the day. So my friend Lizzie told me he's doing a
podcast where he just reads short fiction. It's one episode a week,
different short story every week. A couple weeks ago, maybe two weeks ago, he
read What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky, which is, as I said a short story
in this collection. The whole collection is named after it. It was absolutely
amazing. I was walking around town listening to it.
I cried twice in public. Not on the bus, so we're switching up the the setting of
my public crying, but yeah it got to me. It got to me. It was absolutely beautiful.
It's science fiction and a little bit of fantasy, but set in a very recognizable
world. Like it's our world kind of in the not so distant future. It was absolutely
amazing! So I immediately purchased the entire short story collection I'm so, so,
so excited to read this! And I feel like as I'm reading this it's all gonna be in
Levar Burton's voice in my head, and his voice is amazing. He's an incredible
performer. You should just check out LeVar Burton Reads, it's amazing! It's
like a mini audiobook in every episode, and it's got some production value. it's
just so well done. This story is so good. I'm so excited. I'm so excited!
Clearly... Next I have another book that's just super hyped up for me, and that is
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. A lot of my friends on Booktube say that this is
their all-time favorite classic, and after reading and loving Pride and
Prejudice, I did full discussion thing which I will link to in the cards and
down below--a little self promo--but I loved Pride and Prejudice, so I'm really
excited to get back into classics. Obviously I bought the beautiful cloth
bound edition. I did not realize how long this was, so we'll see how long it takes
me to get through. I am so pumped for this. I have some high expectations, but
I'm feeling optimistic about this one. Switching it up again, I have a graphic
novel that I plan to read in August, and it is volume 1 of Locke and Key by Joe
Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez, Gabriel Rodriguez. Those who don't know, Joe Hill
is Stephen King's son, that's his pen name that he writes under, and this is a
horror-ish graphic novel. I bought a lot of horror graphic novels recently and I'm
planning on doing like a little graphic novel comic book haul, but I think I
might be a little scared of the dark this month because I am a total chicken
when it comes to a horror. But I started reading this series years ago and I just
never finished it for whatever reason. I fell off the wagon, but I'm very excited
to dive into again. And also great, this is a completed series! The end is in
sight! So I'll be able to read the whole thing which is really nice when it comes
to graphic novel series because you're not stuck like sitting around waiting and
twiddling your thumbs for years and years and years. So I
am very excited to get to this guy. Next I have some nonfiction, and that is
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann. As I said, this is nonfiction. It
is specifically historical nonfiction. It's about the Osage Nation in Oklahoma
which is a Native American nation. A ton of oil was found on their land in
Oklahoma, and then all of a sudden members of the Osage Nation are found
murdered. So this book focuses on that and how that coincided and helped to
start the FBI. I'm so excited. I'm about 15 pages into it at this point and it's
really, really good. It's beautifully written. It has more of a solid narrative
than you often see a nonfiction, so I'm really excited to read this. It has been
blurbed by some of my favs in the nonfiction world: Erik Larson, Jon
Krakauer. And so far it's living up to the hype. And lastly I have a book that's just totally genre-bending,
and that is Radiance by Catherine M Valente.
I love Catherine M Valente's writing. She did The Girl Who Circumnavigated
Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, which is a lot of syllables to just like
get out. That is a children's book, this is an adult novel, and it's part
epistolary novel, which means it's composed of letters, but then it also has
traditional narrative novel stuff going on. And it's a space opera about
documentary filmmaking... I don't know. I'm super excited though! So that is it! All
of the books that I plan on reading in August. Thanks so much for watching! If
you like this video give it a thumbs up, and hit subscribe if you want to see
more of my face. You can find me on Twitter at possiblylit and Instagram at
possiblyliterate, and you can come find me there. That'd be fun! And I'll see you
next time!
M. Durruti - Looking The World (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Clover here.
Today I want to share 50 bizarre facts about a most curious creature – the ostrich and
debunk a few myths while I'm at it.
As you probably know, ostriches are huge birds that cannot fly.
They are native to Africa but you can find one near you since about 2 million or so exist
all over the world thanks to breeding programs, ostrich farms and even zoos.
Lets start with the biggest myth about ostriches.
Do they hide their head in the sand or not?
The answer is no.
These poor birds have been maligned for a long time because humans don't see as well
as they could.
Ostriches will lay their head on the ground if they sense danger.
In their natural habitat, the color of their head would blend into the ground making it
seem to someone not looking closely that they had buried their head in the sand.
Now that that myth has been debunked, lets talk about the amazingness of the Ostrich.
As the biggest and heaviest birds standing between 7 and 9 feet tall and weighing between
220 and 350 pounds.
That means they just can't fly
They can run fast though about 40 miles per hour for short distances making them faster
than lions or leopards.
Even more impressive is that they have the stamina to maintain speeds of 30 miles per
hour over longer distances.
That all sounds pretty impressive but their speed is partially due to their long legs.
Ostriches can cover up to 16 feet in one step!
But running isn't all those legs are good for.
Each foot has two toes with the larger toe looking something like a hoof.
Putting their 4 inch long talon and the power of their amazingly legs behind a downward
kick they can do serious damage to an unwary predator.
In fact, those kicks can pack such power that ostriches have been known to kill a lion with
a single kick.
Ostriches still prefer to run away from trouble though.
If you ever get the chance, try to catch an ostrich running.
It is quite the sight.
Not only do they move with incredibly long strides, but they will hold their wings out
to the side to help them keep their balance.
It looks downright silly.
In addition to kicking and fleeing, a silly ostrich might try the hide the head ON the
sand trick too.
That might be because they aren't terribly big brained creatures.
For as large as they are, their brain is incredibly small.
In fact, its smaller than one of their eyeballs and would fit comfortably inside a teaspoon.
Now, just so you don't get the wrong idea – the ostrich eyeball is huge and is believed
to be the largest eye in the animal kingdom so ostrich aren't totally foolish, being
quite capable guards and shepherds for those who choose to use them.
Ostrich are also good family members.
One male Ostrich, or rooster, will roar, something like a lion does to attract the attention
of a female ostrich.
Once she's looking he will use his awesome wings – which can extend up to 6 feet, in
a dance of alternating wing beats until the female ostrich, or hen seems interested enough
to join the dance.
The two will then begin feeding until their behavior is synchronized.
When the rooster feels pretty confident he has found his true love, he'll start alternating
his wing flaps again then violently swipe the dirt, pretending to clear a nest.
If the hen is impressed, she'll run circles around him with lowered wings until the rooster
signals his acceptance by swirling his head in a spiral.
And I bet you thought human dating was complicated.
Besides this weird way of picking out a spouse, you can tell the difference between boys and
girls because roosters are usually black and white while hens are grayish, browning and
17 Anyway, the newly wed pair will join the rest of the Ostrich herd – which can number
up to 50 birds though usually averages closer to 12.
Each herd will have one dominant female whose in charge.
She will run the nest.
First, she lays between 7 and 10 eggs in the center of the herds main nest.
When she's done all the other females will lay their eggs around hers in the same nest.
Did you catch that – ostriches share one giant egg nest and it can contain up to 60
eggs at a time.
These eggs are huge too.
One egg weighs about the same as 2 dozen chicken eggs and measures about 6 inches.
In addition to the formal placement of the eggs at the time they are laid, scientists
believe that female ostriches can recognize her own eggs even if the nest gets all mixed
up though they aren't quite sure how she knows.
The dominant female sits on the eggs during the day and her mate will sit on the eggs
at night.
They do this because their colors blend better in different light with the female blending
with the lighted sand and the male with the shadows.
It's presumed this helps make the nest is less noticeable to predators though how anyone
could miss a 7-9 foot tall bird sitting on a massive nest is beyond me.
The pair will tend to the eggs for 35 to 45 days before the chicks finally hatch.
23 Chicks are born about a the size of a normal chicken but they grow fast – up to a foot
a month until the age of 6 months when they will be nearly as tall as their parents.
24 The male will take over most of the child rearing duties acting to defend the chicks
and teaching them to feed though the females help when they can including using her wings
to shade the chicks from the hot African sun.
Once the chicks are ready, they will separate into family groups for training.
Watch out if you see a family out and about though.
Ostriches have pretty bad tempers and if two families meet, they will fight.
Weirdly, whichever pair of adults win the fight will take the young of the defeated
pair as their own.
One duty of the parent ostrich is to teach the young to find food.
Ostriches prefer roots, leaves and seeds but will eat pretty much whatever is available
including insects, snakes, lizards and even small rodents.
They can eat pretty much anything though including sand and pebbles.
They actually swallow these weird, non-food items on purpose.
The ostrich has no teeth so it eats sand and pebbles to fill its gizzard and help the ostrich
grind up whatever food they manage to find.
An adult ostrich is estimated to carry over 2 pounds of stones and sand in its gizzard.
All this extra weight is worth it though because the added grinding power allows the ostrich
to eat things that many other creatures couldn't digest but sounds like a rather painful way
to eat if you ask me.
Many ostrich herds try to find a place to live close to grazing animals like wildebeest,
antelopes or zebras.
These grazers stir up insects and rodents for the ostrich to eat.
In return for the help in finding grub, an ostrich will warn the herd of grazers about
any approaching danger.
Acting like an early warning system and decimating the local insect population makes the ostrich
a pretty welcome addition to these grazing herds but it doesn't hurt that the ostrich
doesn't compete for water, often a commodity in demand in Africa.
The ostrich can actually go several days at a time without drinking a drop water.
Instead of fresh water, the ostrich absorbs the moisture it needs form the plants, insects,
and seeds it eats.
Ostriches do like a refreshing drink now and then and will even bath in water if they get
the chance, they just don't have to compete with the grazers for every single drop during
times of drought.
Considering they don't drink all that often, its interesting that an ostrich actually pees
and poos separately.
Most birds don't.
Anyway, despite that weird fact, ostriches are actually pretty cool birds and have been
kept as pets by many people throughout history.
The ancient Egyptians even put them to work pulling chariots and people in some parts
of Africa still race ostriches like other countries race horses – right down to having
special saddles, reins, and bits made just to fit the bird.
This doesn't happen all that often though because as I said, ostrich can be mean.
If you do manage to tame an ostrich, or learn to put up with its temper, you have a long
time to spend with your new friend.
Ostrich have excellent immune systems and don't become sick easily giving them an
average life span of 30 to 40 years in the wild and 50 to 75 years in captivity.
Thanks for joining me today to clear up some myths about the ostrich and hear the 50 most
curious facts my curiosity could turn up.
Don't forget to click subscribe because I'm a very curious cat and will be back
tomorrow to share 50 more curiosities.
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