(...weird Jared noises...)
so umm today, My family and I are going to San Antonio, again.
Man I didn't get any sleep last night.
It's like the day that - that you really want to get the best sleep, you just can't.
You can't get the sleep...
I definitely look like a chicken right now with this hair.
This is going to be like our last - our last trip together as a family since we're all
going off to school.
I know we go to San Antonio quite often but I'm going to try to make this one kind of
like the best - the best trip since it's our last one.
So these vacation videos can be a little hard to shoot because it's kind of random what
we do so I don't really have a plan for like the vlogs.
I know I'm going to separate the vlogs.
I'm not going to make one big vlog, but it's hard to like keep it in order and keep it
interesting if that makes sense; because of how random it is.
I think spontaneity can be good in a video but I think it - sometimes it can get a little
out of hand.
But I'll do my best to like try to plan things out so that way you guys can kind of follow along.
This vlog's going to be kind of like a Travel Vlog / Whatever Adventure we do Tonight Vlog.
So i'm going to do my best to try to keep it interesting for you guys.
Also guys if you have any feedback I'd love to know what you guys think about how I'm doing.
How my vlogging's coming along?
I'd really would like to know what you guys think.
^So I guess we're not leaving at 9 anymore?
^Well the boys aren't here and dad's watering my plants.
^Ahhh cmah...
Morning Grandma!!
^Goodmorning Angel!
^How you feeling?
^I'm feeling a lot better.
^You're feeling a lot better?
You'll have to do me again when I put some make up on.
^Jared lost these $200 pair of sunglasses about 2 weeks ago.
^AYYYYE where we're they at?
Were they in the Suburban?
^They were in the Suburban.
^Underneath the seat.
^Ahh dad...
Look momma!
Dad found them.
Now I can look cool again.
Aye wh- sorry I'm eating cereal.
Where you guys at?
The what?
Oh you're in the front?
Alright bye.
How's it going smelly?
^Hey Jared!
^How's it going bud?
^Pretty good.
^Stop I'm so hungover.
^This is a very high stress environment right now.
They're - mom stressed out, Dad's pouring coffee, the dogs are barking.
Hey guys...
^I'm hungover...
^Look, it's going to be alright.
^It is.
^Alrighty it's go time!
I probably have frosted flakes in my teeth.
Awww smoothies sound so good right now.
I changed my mind I think I'm going to get an Acai Bowl.
I feel like this is the most hipster place I've seen in Texas so far.
It's almost like LA.
Looks this is when you know.
When they have the neon sign.
^Got me.
^We need some life Advice.
^Oooo what's the life advice here?
^Well we're not going to say any names... but a little birdy in the room... not me...
^Not me!!
^Wants to know how to break up with her boyfriend.
^I don't know if we can put this one on!
I love you!
Take care everybody!
^Bye darling!
^So we're at the mall it's just there's really not anything to interesting.
Adrien is getting ice cream right now at marble slab.
But other than that; I mean we're just walking around so I'd be pretty much just shooting
but if something interesting does happen, I'll shoot it.
Is it good?
^You wanna get a bear or what?
^Uhhh I thought it was build-a-bear but it's not.
^Yea it is!
^No it's not?
^Yea it is..;].
Yea it's build-a-bear.
^Is it?
^These kids have the same camera as me so they were wanting me to show them.
Congrats on your badge!!^I'll see you man it was nice to meet you!
^See you man!
So I just got done shopping at Vans but there was this guy there who was working and he
was like "Oh what camera you got?" and I told him it was a t6i but he thought it was a Mark
V but those camera's are really expensive.
But basically he's going into acting too and I just thought that was really cool.
We were like talking about acting and all that.
And he wants to go out to LA as soon as he can.
But hey man I'm rooting for you!
Keep doing it man I believe in ya.
So the mall ended up not being to bad after all.
Everyone keeps asking about the camera and it's pretty funny.
Everyone's like, "Oh, are you a YouTuber?"
But sadly I'm like, "Aww no i'm not, I'm a real small YouTuber."
So I keep letting everyone down Darien.
Everyone thinks I'm famous.
We're going to go eat now.
the Hunger is starting to catch up to me.
Change of plans we're checking in our bags first and then we're going to go eat.
Wooow they have a glowing light.
The place that was chosen; Saltgrass.
Dinner was definitely a success.
(LOUD MUFFLERS) OH GOD BLESS... that scared me a little bit.
I'm so full...
I ate so much food.
I can't eat like I used to man I remember growing up I used to eat so much not I get
so full.
I get full fast.
It's not glorious.
I can't enjoy a glorious meal.
That's going to call it end to today's video.
I hope you guys enjoyed everything that we did today!
Tomorrow, we go to SIX FLAGS!
I can't bring - I'm pretty sure I can't bring this camera here.
^You don't want to take the camera.
^Yea I'm not going to take the camera but I have my phone and that's all that matters.
Umm but yes! don't forget to subscribe!
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Make sure you like it too! and YEA!
Have a Dream!
Believe in That Dream!
and Never Give Up!
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