Welcome to GWENT Masters
the official esports series for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game.
The idea behind GWENT Masters is simple
to elevate competitive GWENT to a professional level
and give gamers the opportunity
to officially become the best GWENT players in the world.
The starting point for GWENT Masters is the Pro Ladder.
This is a brand new, esports oriented mode of competitive play,
separate from normal Ranked Play.
Pro Ladder will be played in seasons, each one taking 2 months to complete.
To remain competitive throughout the seasons,
players will need to actively participate in the Pro Ladder,
as well as constantly vary the factions and deck types they use.
Every Pro Ladder season
players will be rewarded with Crown Points
accounting for their achievements
during GWENT Masters and its events.
Players will receive Crown Points for:
-placing in the top 200 of the Pro Ladder at the end of each season
-participating in official GWENT tournaments
organized by CD PROJEKT RED
-and placing in licensed GWENT tournaments
not organized by CD PROJEKT RED
You will be able to check how many Crown Points
you have at any time at masters.playgwent.com.
There are three tiers of official GWENT tournaments.
GWENT OPEN is the entry tier of tournaments,
but is by no means a walk in the park.
There will be a total of 8 OPEN tournaments
during each GWENT Masters series.
Only the top 8 players
with the most Crown Points at the end of each Pro Ladder season
will qualify to battle it out for fame, glory,
and a piece of the $25 000 USD prize pool.
The second tournament tier is GWENT CHALLENGER.
Each of the 4 CHALLENGER events
taking place every two Pro Ladder seasons
will feature a total of 8 competitors:
-the winner of the previous CHALLENGER
-up to 4 finalists of 2 GWENT OPEN tournaments
held prior to a CHALLENGER event
-up to 3 players with the most Crown Points
accumulated over the course of the two seasons
leading up the CHALLENGER
-and 2 Wild Card players,
invited to the tournament by CD PROJEKT RED.
And there's a lot to compete for,
as the prize pool for every GWENT CHALLENGER
will be $100 000 USD,
with the winner also claiming
the CHALLENGER winner's title and ring.
The GWENT Masters series
will conclude with GWENT WORLD MASTERS
the final tier of official GWENT tournaments,
sporting a $250 000 prize pool.
Most importantly, the event will determine
who from the 8 competitors entering the battlefield
will become the first ever GWENT World Champion.
Participants will include:
-up to 5 winners of previous CHALLENGER events
-and up to 7 players
with the most Crown Points in the Pro Ladder
accumulated over the seasons
leading up to GWENT WORLD MASTERS.
Each official CD PROJEKT RED tournament
of the GWENT Masters series
will follow the same single-elimination format,
with the winner being determined
in a best-of-five game series.
Ahead of the tournament,
each participant must build 4 decks
from 4 different factions.
No two decks can be of the same faction.
Opponents will be able to ban, in secret,
a chosen enemy deck
at the beginning of each game.
Winning decks can't be used to play another match,
while losing ones
may be used again or swapped out for another.
Ready to become a GWENT Master?
Visit masters.playgwent.com for the complete ruleset,
tournament dates, and more details regarding the format.
Play GWENT now!
For more infomation >> GWENT: The Witcher Card Game | GWENT Masters - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
HotSpanish - INTERESTED (Video Reaction) - Duration: 7:41.
Ayuda a subtitular
Shell FuelSave Diesel nasıl çalışır? - Duration: 5:40.
జీవితం ఆనందంగా సంతోషంగా ఉండాలంటే | Numerology | How To Be Happy In Daily | Secrets To Happiness - Duration: 3:28.
Какая связь между доходами и удовольствиями в вашей жизни. - Duration: 5:04.
Trump revelará esta noche su estrategia con Afganistán | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:52.
이승기 컴백, '화유기-신서유기' 뭔들 기대 할수밖에 - Duration: 6:33.
Assassin's Creed Origins: Gamescom 2017 Game of Power Trailer | Ubisoft [US] - Duration: 2:15.
NARRATOR: Egypt is divided.
Vast armies amass, while great leaders conspire.
Narrator: Ptolemy, the boy king, he wants the entire region
kept under heel.
PTOLEMY: If you ally with my sister,
I will kill every last Roman in Alexandria.
NARRATOR: But he is a puppet.
We do not know who pulls the strings.
The exiled queen Cleopatra thirsts for power.
CLEOPATRA: We have informants in each region.
Across Egypt, mysterious forces work against us.
NARRATOR: She wields followers with lethal skill
in pursuit of her throne.
CLEOPATRA: It is time for assassinations.
NARRATOR: Caesar, the legendary tactician,
with the might of Rome at his back.
His true motives are unclear.
CLEOPATRA: Together, we can do more than Alexander did.
NARRATOR: He will have his say before this war is over.
Good, evil, these are phantasms of the desert.
Willpower is all that matters.
NARRATOR: You may not be a king, Bayek, but history follows you.
"Assassin's Creed Origins."
Available October 27th.
Watch more now.
Психология отношений между мужчиной и женщиной. Про маменькиных сынков и папенькиных дочек 0+ - Duration: 4:23.
Let's Play Cities Skylines: Shine Island Project - Part 1: Road network - Duration: 34:25.
Hello everyone. This is the first video of my Cities Skylines series.
'라디오쇼' 박명수 "출연 예능, 1~2개는 날아갈 것 같다" - Duration: 1:57.
మీ గుమ్మం పై ఈ బొమ్మ ఉంటే నరదిష్టి తగలదు | How To Remove Drishti Problems | Nara Drishti Nivarana | - Duration: 4:09.
In Flanders Fields - Duration: 2:11.
Conductors for this concert: Uwe Grodd | Elizabeth Lau
Farming Simulator 17 Franz Small beet pack - Duration: 13:38.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New mods you can use to harvest Sugar beet..
Deutz Fahr 6 2 Engine Setup 6 Wheel Setup 52Km/h Top Speed
The Franz Kleine Sugar beet pack is Reskin Crimme game stock tools With Improved Capacity
To transport the sugar beet I will use the Agrotron 6190 TTV With CHALLENGER 2000KG WEIGHT And A new Trailer the HW80 SHA
HW80 SHA 7Wheel Setup 2Design Setup Colorable Body And Rims 21.000l Capacity
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
Face Your Fears - Duration: 11:34.
Local veterans react to President Trump's Afghanistan announcement - Duration: 1:36.
Bike Car Wash | Toy Bike For Kids | Videos For Children | Baby Videos | Preschools Videos - Duration: 41:09.
Bike Car Wash For Kids
Giving Strategy: Invite Customer Donations - Duration: 1:58.
Hi, today's tip on how you can grow your business by supporting charities and social causes
is to invite your customers to make a donation when they are making a purchase.
So to do this, this could be in terms of in a physical location, if people are coming
to a physical checkout you may have a charitable collection tin or jar beside the checkout
and if they are paying by cash you can invite them to put their spare change into that tin
or collection.
You could also, if they are paying by card, you could be asking them to add a donation
in if you have the technology to do so or if that feels like something that you want
to do.
That is something that you may well have seen in the online world, so for instance Amazon
sometimes invite us to make a donation in the checkout process, or you may actually
have been invited to do this when you've been checking out of a hotel and the company invites
you to make a donation at that point.
And actually, this can be a highly effective way of raising money, it just depends whether
or not you feel comfortable asking your customers to do this.
I know somebody else locally, in fact I know a couple of people locally to me, who, when
the send invoices out, they put at the bottom of their invoice that they are raising funds
for a particular cause close to their heart.
And they invite customers to pay extra, an extra amount on top of whatever they've invoiced
them for, and they quite often get people paying that extra donation.
So you could do it for physical products, online products or when you're actually invoicing
for services.
Please do let me know what you think by sharing your comments below this video, and if you've
enjoyed the video remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel or like my Facebook, the
Give to Profit Facebook fan page in order to get notifications of future videos that
I release.
Thanks very much for your time, until next time.
西武電車 江古田第2号 子供向け踏切動画 - Duration: 10:14.
Rainbow Wheels on the Bus | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:06:06.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
All through the town
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
All through the town
The windows on the bus go up and down
Up and down, Up and down
The windows on the bus go up and down
All through the town
The seat on the bus goes squeak, squeak, squeak
squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
The seat on the bus goes squeak, squeak, squeak
All through the town
The monkey on the bus goes giggle, giggle, giggle
giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle
The monkey on the bus goes giggle, giggle, giggle
All through the town
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town
Are You Prepared?
芦田愛菜、"ブルゾン愛菜with B"として完コピでネタ披露「さすが女優」「本家超え」の声 - Duration: 2:04.
ultrasonic test on babbit - Duration: 1:57.
President TRUMP Seeing the BRAND DRAGON NAGA Before the SOLAR ECLIPSE Become VIRAL !! - Duration: 1:41.
Best Pie Face Challenge
For more infomation >> Best Pie Face Challenge-------------------------------------------
Volvo Trucks – Defying the dangerous curves of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains – Driver's World (E10) - Duration: 4:36.
The Atlas Mountains, Morocco
It was here that my colleagues lost their lives aboard a tanker truck.
That's where it happened. It was right there.
National Route 9 Tizi n'Tichka Pass
The driver lost control of the tanker.
The assistant fell all the way down but fuel poured over him and he caught fire.
Truck driver Omar Ait Mbarek
In Morocco, you must be on guard.
Always take it slow on any road you haven't tried before.
The Atlas mountains is like home to me.
The situation here is a bit difficult. People do small-scale farming.
It was not right for me and I needed to work.
One day, I saw a truck that had lost its load.
I helped the driver and later became his assistant.
I started driving small trucks,
and then moved on to my first heavy-duty truck, a Volvo F88.
The road is hard. It's not just about steering and driving.
You have to watch for people's safety. Turns can be exceedingly sharp.
Blow your horn at a distance, make safe turns
and since you carry fuel, you must always keep your truck safe.
It's a very hard job.
Look at those hooks. They might pull someone down.
People don't think of the disaster they can cause
until it happens and then it's too late.
You don't want to have an accident here.
If the fall doesn't kill you, ambulances and hospitals are far way.
I have so many memories on this road.
Once, we were driving on a slope and the truck driver tells me:
"At this turn, things can really go either way for us."
We were carrying 34 tonnes of mining ore.
Then he tells me: "Our brakes have overheated, my friend".
The brakes didn't work and he relied on the engine braking.
The engine emitted this noise: "Psshtt, psshhht".
I was 21 or 22, and strong.
I replied: "I will stay here no matter what happens."
"If we fall, we fall together."
Thank God, we made it down the mountain alive.
Driving provides me with an indescribable high.
Looking back, this work make me feel good.
The memories make me feel great.
I have never had an accident and I've never caused others harm.
The memories are good.
For more infomation >> Volvo Trucks – Defying the dangerous curves of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains – Driver's World (E10) - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
Milk To Dog - YES OR NO ? | Dog Training In Hindi | - Duration: 10:34.
For more infomation >> Milk To Dog - YES OR NO ? | Dog Training In Hindi | - Duration: 10:34.-------------------------------------------
Lady Diana, 20 ans après sa mort : Le prince Charles impopulaire en Angleterre - Duration: 3:07.
For more infomation >> Lady Diana, 20 ans après sa mort : Le prince Charles impopulaire en Angleterre - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
Cómo cambiar copelas del amortiguador BMW 3 E90 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:01.
Use a socket №17 and an open-end wrench №15
Use a torx №T45 and a open-end wrench №22
Use an open-end wrench №18
Use spanners № 18
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use an open-end wrench №13
Using a special tool compress the spring
Use a socket №21
For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar copelas del amortiguador BMW 3 E90 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:01.-------------------------------------------
Cours quotidien de Yoga - GRATUIT ! - Français - Duration: 20:53.
For more infomation >> Cours quotidien de Yoga - GRATUIT ! - Français - Duration: 20:53.-------------------------------------------
Tips To Grow Your Gym
Six Letters, Starts with M - Duration: 42:35.
M・キャリー「私は本物の歌姫」米誌でトップレス姿 - Duration: 1:40.
Milk To Dog - YES OR NO ? | Dog Training In Hindi | - Duration: 10:34.
遠野なぎこ「気持ち悪い」男優ビッグダディに嫌悪感 - Duration: 1:10.
中餐厅泰国mike和aom公开恋情? mike儿子及前女友Sara介绍 | 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 6:46.
The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round | Kids Nursery Rhymes | Baby Songs For Children | Farmees - Duration: 1:10:27.
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town.
The people on the bus go side to side
side to side, side to side
The people on the bus go side to side.
All through the town.
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus
The door on the bus comes open and shut, open and shut open and shut
The door on the bus comes open and shut
All through the town.
The driver on the bus says sit on down, sit on down sit on down
The driver on the bus says sit on down
All through the town.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah! uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah....
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus
The mommies and the daddies say I love you, I love you I love you
The mommies and the daddies say I love you
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus
스윙스, '쇼미더머니6' 준결승 무대 오른다 - Duration: 2:47.
First-round pick Bam Adebayo says Miami Heat initiation has been 'welcoming'. - Duration: 2:51.
Working out with Udonis Haslem has become a rite of passage for new Heat players.
Haslem invited Rodney McGruder, Wayne Ellington, James Johnson, Luke Babbitt and Willie Reed to work out with him before their first season with the Heat last summer. This offseason,
Haslem made sure to introduce Heat first-round pick Bam Adebayo to the workouts that have allowed him to stay in tip-top shape even at 37 years old.
Earlier this month, Haslem posted a photo on Instagram of himself standing between 28-year-old Hassan Whiteside and 20-year-old Adebayo during a workout at AmericanAirlines
Arena. The photo came just a few weeks after Haslem re-signed with the Heat on a one-year, veteran minimum contract to return to the organization for a 15th consecutive season.
Why would I trip when I know [Bam Adebayo] and [Hassan Whiteside] got next???" Haslem captioned the photo. "Workday with the next generation and I can already see what time it is!!! I hope heat nation is as excited as I am.
For the 6-foot-10 Adebayo, it means a lot that Haslem — the Heat's captain for each of the past 10 seasons — has already made time for him.
Welcoming," Adebayo said Monday morning at a "Back to School" event at Jesse J. McCrary, Jr. Elementary when asked what his Heat initiation has been like. "Just walking in
they took me in like I was one of their brothers for a long time. It's easy going. … I look up to UD, Hassan and them. They're leading me in the right path."
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