Donald Trump owns a lot of things.
In fact, The Trump Organization is the 48th
largest private corporation in the US.
but Trump doesn't pay taxes like a big corporation.
He uses a special part of the tax code
that lets him bypass corporate taxes
that lets him pay only individual tax rates to his benefit.
And if he has his way with tax reform,
he could make himself even richer.
To understand what Trump wants to do,
let's imagine you worked at a sandwich shop.
Since you're just an employee, when you get paid
you have to pay the individual tax rate.
But if you're the owner,
you would first pay corporate taxes
and then pay individual taxes.
These add up to about 32%
for the average business owner,
but there might be a way to pay even less.
Instead of being a traditional corporation
you could make your business a pass-through entity.
They're special because instead of having to go through
two layers of taxation like a normal corporation,
They can go through just one, like an individual
and those businesses pay on average
19% in Federal taxes.
This was originally designed for small businesses,
but huge companies with less than 100 shareholders
structure themselves as pass-through businesses
like The Trump Organization.
Trump isn't alone though.
Over the past 40 years, more and more corporate income
has been earned through pass-through businesses.
And even though pass-throughs were created
to help small businesses,
nearly 16% have more than 500 employees.
But Trump and House Republicans want to help
these businesses even more.
Trump's proposal is to make the pass-through
businesses go through the corporate lane,
but then he want to lower the top corporate tax rate
from 35% to 15%.
Meanwhile, House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to make
a whole different lane for pass-through businesses
and tax them at the special low rate of 25%.
For the largest pass-throughs like The Trump Organization
this would mean a huge tax cut.
An analysis from the Tax Policy Center found
that the top one percent -- people who earn
$700,000 a year or more -- would get 90%
of the tax cuts under Ryan's plan.
He and Trump believe that cutting taxes on these
businesses will raise wages for all workers.
But right now most pass-through income goes top 1%
and most mainstream economists don't believe
there's a strong link between corporate taxes
and worker wages.
But what we do know is that if Republicans give
pass-through business a tax cut,
Trump will get a lot richer.
For more infomation >> Trump's plan to cut his own taxes - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
170822 악동탐정스에게 물어봐! V앱 FULL VER. [안형섭, 유선호, 김남주] (ENG, ESP, IDN, PRT, THA, VNM, CHN SUB) - Duration: 40:44.
I'm Cube's Yu Seon Ho~
I'm Apink's Nam Joo.
I'm Hyeong Seob. We are "Akdong Detectives".
We will say thank you.
Thank you.
At our last V LIVE,
we made a promise for reaching
10 million hearts.
We've reached our goal already.
There are lots of comments.
We have over 11 million hearts.
Should we do something for 20 million hearts?
I don't think it's possible.
What did we say we would do?
We said that we would do V LIVE everday.
We will come to you everyday on the set.
Today, Nam Joo's prepared
a coffee cart for us. Thank you~
I have great visuals.
I'm sorry.
What did we decide to do today?
We took questions earlier
and we will answer those questions.
Starting with Hyeong Seob,
please pick a question. Don't be nervous.
Aren't you curious about Hyeong Seob?
He'll pick a question.
I like yellow, so I'll pick this one.
Here he goes.
Jin Kyung loves this.
This is really cute.
I think about this before I sleep.
I don't mean to scare you,
but you may be scared.
Please take lots of screenshots.
Be wary if you have heart problems.
Here I go.
Let's watch from here.
Did it come out well? Not yet.
Please read the question.
Please show them the question.
He's cute, right?
So cute.
Hyeong Seob picked a question.
"I'm the best at this out of everyone."
Do we all answer this? What can it be?
We answer in the front?
Then I think you can come back.
The question he picked is,
"I'm the best at this."
How about Seon Ho answers first? Okay.
I think my enthusiasm. Just one.
I think I have the best stamina.
When we did the show,
how long did you last on the plank?
I can do 100 pushups.
You're frame-out.
The audio will be messy.
Your stamina.
You have to admit it. Okay, we admit it.
Then me...
I am best at this.
Just like Seon Ho's stamina,
we all have good sense.
I'm always surprised. They are witty, too.
He has such good sense.
WHat about you?
I think I'm the best at visuals.
This kind of sense.
I think I have the best visuals.
You are good at so many thigs.
He has very good visuals.
You have swag.
Sit down, you're not showing.
Fans are saying your aegyo.
If you show your aegyo, I'll show it too.
Nam Joo picked one~
Express how you felt
after being cast in this drama.
She bumped into the table.
Do we have to do facial expressions?
Starting with the visuals, Hyeong Seob.
I'll start.
(Playing Rock Paper Scissors)
I'll start.
What was the question?
Do I show if I do this?
We couldn't see.
Do I do it once more?
That's how happy and excited I was.
Then you, Hyeong Seob.
What should I do?
Look at her laughing.
You were frozen
because you were so happy.
The camera started moving
because we were excited.
I'll do an expression.
I'm the master of expression.
They did such a good job.
I liked it so much!
Let's go with the next question.
This color is pretty.
Go forward.
The question he picked is...
"A line or gesture you want to trend?"
There are so many.
I'll start then.
Please read the comments.
First of all...
This was hard in the beginning.
I got used to it though.
I think people know about it.
Leave for duty!
Yes, sir!
You can check on the show.
This is the concept of the drama.
Aren't you excited for it? Make sure to watch it.
Next, Hyeong Seob.
Let's go in order of age.
Oh Seong has a lot of trendy lines.
Should I do something fun?
There are so many. What are you going to do?
Then I'll do something else.
Please read the comments.
The angle of admitting it.
That's good.
In the drama... That's right~
That's right!
The next question,
that's right. You did it.
You asked the question.
Let's play rock paper scissors.
Why do I keep losing?
The weather was good today,
so I'll pick the sky blue one.
It matches the weather.
What will the question be.
"Tell us an episode from the teaser."
"Who is faster in real life"
"You seem geniuses at running corners."
I got it.
You can answer first.
What kind of episodes?
We sweated a lot.
It felt like we were taking a dance basics lesson.
I sweat a lot normally.
I used lots of tissues.
I was hot, so I couldn't eat. It was fun though.
We went to get ice cream
and took off your glasses.
I think Seon Ho is faster.
I exercised a lot when I was younger.
I think I'm a bit faster.
I love you, Hyeong Seob!
"Akdong Detectives" fighting!
I was in love with the nature,
so I'll pick green.
Screenshot angle~
Screenshot angle~
In the back, screenshot angle~
The question is...
"Who do you want to show
"Akdong Detectives" to the most?"
This is very fresh.
Can I start? Yes.
I have two people.
No just one.
I shot a drama before.
There was someone who taught me how to act.
He was my first senior as acting. Thank you~
I hope that I can help you.
You're already doing well.
What about you two?
What about me?
I want to show my sibling.
I think my sibling will enjoy it.
Should we do a video?
What's the name?
Please send a video.
Use a nickname.
Minki, whom I love and cherish the most.
I'm working really hard
and this drama has lots of content
that you'll enjoy it.
I'll work hard so that you'll love it.
What a great brother!
What about you?
I'd like to show my family.
I want to show my sibling.
My sibling is only 8.
Seung Ho, it's me. Hello.
You're probably doing homework now.
I'm working hard now,
and I'll protect you. I love you.
I'll be a strong brother for you.
Seon Ho really loves his brother.
He showed us pictures of him.
They look really similar.
Please ask a question.
Pick the yellow one.
The picture came out well.
I was really skinny in this.
Please read the question.
"What did you think about the other castmates?" That's fun.
Who can speak first?
I knew from my acting teacher
that it would be Hyeong Seob.
I thought I was acting with someone else.
Right after I heard that,
I called him.
I asked him if he was coming out
in "Akdong Detectives".
I was relieved becuase
I thought I could act comfortably
around him. Really?
Very good. What about Nam Joo?
I was nervous about that. How?
I thought that I would have to work hard.
I thought I'd have to do a good job.
We're so warm today.
This is so different than usual.
If it weren't for her,
this may not have been possible.
I'll continue on.
I'm being sincere.
I heard about this.
I was surprised that Seon Ho was in this.
After the last show,
I thought I couldn't see him.
I'm glad to see him often. What about me?
When I heard I was working with Nam Joo,
I was nervous like Seon Ho.
It's weird if you're not nervous.
You start to worry.
I was actually worried,
but she took care of us
and taught us a lot.
Without you, we would've had a hard time.
When I heard about them being casted,
I felt like it was refreshing.
I was really worried.
I hadn't been acting for very long.
It's their first time acting, so I felt pressure.
They are really young.
I thought that they would worry
and realized that they would feel pressure,
so I was very worried.
I tried to be more comfortable towards them
starting on the first day.
We are so warm. This is destiny~
Continuing on,
Hyeong Seob. Please pick one.
What are you drinking?
It tastes like orange and sparkling water.
I'll pick the red one.
Please read it from here.
They want you to stop doing the fist eyes.
You help it upside down.
What is it?
"Each other's charms?"
There are so many.
It'll take forever.
Whoever loses goes first.
I want to go second.
I'll tell their charms.
Hyeong Seob is like an onion.
He's very calm in the beginning.
He seems like a chemistry boy.
But he's so sensible and has so many charms.
He winks and does things like that.
He has so much passion
towards dancing and singing.
I have lots to say about him.
I'll move forward.
Seon Ho has a lot, too.
What do I do?
Seon Ho has a lot.
I think he's a charming guy.
I'm not sure what he'd do
if he wasn't a celebrity.
I think he should be thankful towards CUBE
and towards the fans. I think this is really fate.
It's so much like fate,
and he has so many charms.
Then what are the charms?
His charms are just charming.
I think the fans understand.
He's like an onion,
and he's just charming.
I don't know what to say.
They have different charms though.
Should I start?
I knew Hyeong Seob from before.
He's really sincere.
I like that he's sincere.
I think that's funny that he's sincere.
We'd be joking around and he'd be serious.
I think being born is his charm. What about me?
You are so good to your juniors.
She's really kind.
The fans know this. I think she was much kinder
than I thought she'd be.
She's really cool. Thank you~
As you can tell,
Seon Ho is very handsome.
But he's very down to earth.
When he's around, I don't get tired.
Without Seon Ho,
I think I would be tense. It's okay.
He was obvious.
He's like an energy bar.
He is, but so are you.
He's like a friend.
Nam Joo is...
She's a senior, so I thought she'd be scary. I thought we'd only talk
on the set.
I was really worried.
Nam Joo is really down-to-earth.
I think she has lots of charms, too.
If it weren't Nam Joo,
I'm not sure how we could've filmed this.
We couldn't do this without you.
We are really sincere.
I want to talk sincerely today.
Sincere time?
Did you eat yet?
We get along so well.
Should I pick the next one?
The vibe is so warm today.
Didn't we fight in the other episodes?
"What was the hardest part of filming?"
"What was the most fun?"
There was nothing hard?
Besides it being hot.
The fans send us drinks,
so we are refreshed.
Each filming is very fun.
Each moment is really fun.
I'm always laughing.
There are lots of fun moments on the set.
I'm being sincere What about you guys?
Starting with you?
I'll start.
The only difficult thing is that it's hot and
that we have wake up early
I think it's the most fun
when we start the shoots.
I've never thought that it was difficult.
Each moment was very happy.
They were talking a lot in a scene.
And I kept hoping that we'd film soon together.
Waking up early is hard.
I sweat a lot, so that's hard.
A fun thing...
There are so many.
I'm happy to be around these people.
I get tired too, but we can lean on each other.
I think each moment is very fun.
I'm not sure if we could have another chance like this.
He always sings like this.
I'll record it and send it to you.
Seon Ho will pick one.
Seon Ho will pick the last question.
We'll accept questions from the fans,
so please send us lots of comments.
I have a lot of space,
so you don't have to worry about me.
I picked a goo done.
"What do you want to say to the fans"
"who are waiting for "Akdong Detectives"?"
We'll start with Seon Ho.
Yes, to the many fans waiting for "Akdong Detectives".
I'll explain the synopsis.
Oh Seong and I lose our parents
at age 7.
There was an occurence,
and Nam Joo raises us.
She's our sister and mom.
We become detectives
to find our moms.
We don't just solve problems.
You can see our chemistry through this drama.
You explained it well.
There's a secret weapon, too.
Yes, it's very good.
It's a secret
I really want to reveal it.
Please say a word to the fans.
It's my first time trying to act.
Though I lack, please look forward to it.
I worked really hard.
I want it to be September already.
They're so good at speaking.
Then for the end...
I'll answer the questions
after I answer the question.
We have a surprise present at the end. So stay tuned!
Seon Ho and Hyeong Seob explained the drama.
I'll say one word.
We filmed the drama really fun.
I can promise that this drama will be fun.
Please love on "Akdong Detectives".
We'll take the questions from fans. Should we take a couple?
Let's all take one each.
Will you be making a comeback at teh
end of the year?
We're not sure.
We don't know at all.
We can maybe do it or not.
We are still talking about it.
You can look forward to it.
Can you call us when you comeback?
It's my turn to take a question.
I'll do a screenshot time with the fans then.
Should I start?
"What did you eat for dinner?"
I had kimchi pork stew.
What do I call it?
I had kimchi pork stew.
It was the most delicious things.
This is the last one.
Hyeong Seob!
And the surprise present.
"Who makes the most NGs?"
This is so good.
We said that person will buy ice cream.
Should we pick?
One, two, three.
I was going to say this.
Can I give a spoiler?
Seon Ho is doing something on the computer
and we're looking behind his shoulders.
It's a sincere scene.
He's trying to make us laugh,
and so he took a screenshot of Nam JOo
and said that she was the suspect.
He said that she was the criminal.
Look forward to it.
Should the surprise present come in?
Let's move to the side.
You drag it in. Please look forward to it.
It's more than your expectations.
Who is this!
Hello, I'm here to support "Akdong Detectives". Please sit.
What are you doing here, Eui Woong?
Hyeong Seob has been busy,
so I came to support him and I brought food.
I bought it myself
so that we can share it.
I saw your broadcast well. WHat about me?
You came out together.
Eui Woong and Hyeong Seob came out together a lot.
Thank you for coming.
You waited for us a lot.
I pressed the hearts a lot.
He came a long way from school.
Please say hello.
Yes, hello.
I'm here to support "Akdong Detectives".
I'm looking forward to this drama.
I'll make sure to watch it.
I'm here to support them.
"Eui Woong~"
"Please do Meta-mong~"
Then we'll end with doing that.
Eui Woong will say farewell.
Hyeong Seob is always reading the script
and preparing for the drama.
I could tell they're working hard.
Please watch "Akdong Detectives" a lot.
We'll be supporting you, too.
Let's say goodbye with Meta-mong.
Please love on "Akdong Detectives"~
Please love on "Akdong Detectives".
Thank you so much.
See you tomorrow!
Look forward to our surprise V LIVE tomorrow.
See you tomorrow!
fischer terrace accessories TERRADEC Spacer FTA - V - Duration: 0:48.
Watermelon Shaved Ice KAKIGORI (Recipe) - Duration: 11:46.
Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 84 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:00.
Planting beds in the garden
This is a laborious and time consuming process
But not with this device
Of course you can apply and technology
Let out of a piece of iron and four wheels
But reliable, because made by hands
But in Korea on cucumber plantations
Without technology, it's just not necessary
And if the same mower is done on clever
That all turns out quickly and beautifully
And if you mow in large
That modern technology does it this way
Thank you for watching!
And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,
and to not miss the new video click on the bell.
And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!
What is Emotional Intelligence? - Duration: 5:29.
Stossel: Government-Run Schools Crush Innovation - Duration: 6:05.
Have you heard about School Incorporated?
It's a new PBS series that
looks at America's schools and
schools around the world.
Makes interesting points about what's
wrong with our schools
and what might be done about that.
The series though is long, it's 3 hours, so
here's my Stossel short attention span version.
Recognize this?
It's the original Sony Walkman, introduced in 1979,
the first mainstream personal music player.
That was just the beginning.
Every year or two,
new and improved models hit the market.
To earn enough to buy the original Walkman,
you had to work two weeks
at a typical minimum wage job.
And that was for lo-fi sound
on cassettes you had to flip over every half an hour.
What's really amazing about the rapid spread
and improvement of personal audio players
is that it isn't amazing at all.
It's perfectly normal.
A decade ago, no one had ever heard of Google.
Now they do tens of thousands
of internet searches per second.
Facebook went from
zero to half-a-billion members in just 5 years.
Basically, invent something good,
and it gets big.
And these days, it gets big fast.
But of all the products we make
and the services we provide,
there's one that stands out
as an exception to that overall pattern;
one activity in which excellence doesn't spawn
countless imitators or spread on a massive scale.
And that exception
is schooling.
For generations,
there hasn't been a single innovation in teaching
that has transformed
classrooms and improved student achievement
Why not?
In America, the education establishment always says,
'We need more money to makes schools better!'
But America's been trying that.
We tripled spending on government run schools
over the past 50 years,
and yet…
American test scores at the end of high school
have been flat since we started keeping track of them
all the way back in the early 1970's.
Basically, educational quality has been stuck
in the era of disco and leisure suits
And while our top athletes and pop stars reach
huge audiences,
our greatest teachers seldom reach more than
a few dozen kids at a time.
Why not?
That's the question at the heart of this series:
Coulson found some answers as to
why the best teachers don't teach more kids
at California's Garfield High.
By 1988,
more students were passing the advanced placement
calculus test here at Garfield
than at Beverly Hills High.
1 out of every 4 Mexican Americans who passed
AP calculus, nationwide,
attended Garfield.
Jaime Escalante
Jaime Escalante
Jaime Escalante
Three seconds
As a teacher, he was fantastic.
From the time he started teaching at Garfield in 1974,
Jaime Escalante worked as if his
life depended on the success of his students.
There was nothing but excellence
expected of us students.
We did not want to disappoint Jaime.
By 1982, the results were beyond belief
His students performed so far above expectations
on the AP calculus test
that the Educational Testing Service
suspected cheating and threw out their scores.
Undaunted, they re-took it
and came through with flying colors a second time.
Hollywood noticed, dramatizing the story in
the movie Stand and Deliver.
This is basic math
but basic math is too easy for you, burros.
Seeing the movie makes me laugh,
it gives me a lot of memories as to
how it was in the classroom.
He taught me everything I needed
to be prepared for college.
In art as in life,
Escalante had a simple message for his students:
with enough drive and hard work,
the sky was the limit.
When his students went to college,
they found they were extra-well prepared.
Every one of those classes that I took
there was always a subject that I had already learned
in Mr. Jaime Escalante's class in high school.
A negative times a negative equals a positive.
The movie Stand and Deliver ends on a high note
with Escalante's students proving the
skeptics wrong.
But the story of his mathematics program at Garfield
does not have a Hollywood ending.
Every single week
there was a new
film crew coming in.
In any other field,
we might expect this combination of success,
scalability, and publicity to
have catapulted Escalante to the top of his profession.
Or like Hubble's expanding universe,
to have spread all across the country.
That just isn't what happened.
A lot of the teachers were resentful,
and it was very public.
The key
problem was that Escalante's classes were big.
He could handle it.
He was setting a precedent.
He was giving the message to the administrator:
"If Escalante can do it, why not you?"
So the teachers union marshaled enough votes
to oust Escalante as head of the math department.
Demoted and resented by many of his colleagues,
Escalante left Garfield High.
That's the bad news.
The good news is that
there are places
where educational excellence is scaling up,
And so Coulson went to some of those places.
Sweden, Chile, London, India, Korea.
In Korea...
The top teachers earn more
than the highest paid professional baseball players.
My whole lecture revenue
is over
100 million dollars.
100 million dollars!
Coulson and I will explain how that happens
in the next video.
Hi Street Tuber I'm Kathy and I give Welcome Crafts Street where we continue
transforming and creating.
Today we will recycle half a can paint and also let's recycle rags.
They are rag because you can not call them cloth, all rags you can not dominate the
use with this tutorial, we will not throw rags we will use in this work.
It becomes very easy.
I used half a can of paint I had used before in a children's lamp.
So I would like you to spend a Also see the child lamp.
It becomes very, very, very easy, very decorative.
You can use it for whatever you want, because the truth is I do not know what to do
with her, but it occurred to me to do it.
You can sell it, you can give it away why You can not ?, or use it to decorate any
corner of your house.
So I would like you to stay to see step by step completely, you
subscribe, you follow me on social networks, you comment, to share the video and
I regale me you love me.
The materials will be in the description Video So I leave you with step
Well I'll recycle is half a can of paint, which I used in
a past tutorial, with which I made a lamp child, I think I said in the presentation
of this video.
With the same paint can I set a This cardboard circle and here I'm going to do
A background.
So what I'll do is put silicone hot where I marked the circle, To
then put half of the paint.
Then we will try to unite well the cardboard with the paint putting some
hot glue around the edge.
With the cutter I'll cut all cardboard leftovers.
I have this homemade glue which is in this way because it was so thick and well
It is the previous day.
In this home I'll paste add glue.
To this homemade paste with glue, I will adding red dye.
Then I'll add black dye.
This mixture then I will introduce this rag was a sheet and is quite large.
In the background outside I'll put glue pure.
I will then place the cloth over background, outside where he had put glue.
We will try that the bottom is cardboard, has the same firmness that the plastic
It has put, so we will add more fabric or cloth.
Now let's let the fabric dry.
When the fabric has dried out what I'm going to do is place the fabric on the inside.
As has dried whole cloth, I show these butterflies I've done with this mold
which I have also done in another tutorial.
In the video description I'll let them the link to the video of how to make these molds.
I did these molds with a plaster figure.
So what I'm going to do is decorate this with these butterflies.
I'll put some glue behind butterflies.
And then I'm going to stick as you see in the video.
Now let's hope that the decoration I put dry.
For this to be done to toughen I am giving a little home paste mixed
with black dye.
As has dried black I have given you, I'm going to do is dry brushes.
To dry brush I will take this painting that is running and also
it is quite pure, which comes in handy for this technique.
So I'm well and remove excess I'll give this dry paint brushes
the entire basket or basket.
Now it brushes to dry butterflies.
I have this tone is an orange here and I will give this tone eco brushes.
So now you know remove excess and then we dry brushes.
I have here an indigenous red tone and what I'm going to do is give this dry brushes
tone bodies of butterflies.
I'll also give a dry brushes cadmium yellow divisions decorations
Butterfly to distinguish it a little.
Well Street Tubers as you have seen This is super, super, super, super easy.
It's super, super, super, super, super economical.
And recycling, as always caring the planet.
We have already seen a paint recycling plastic, cloth, paper mass, so
This is triple recycling.
I invite you to do this job and I you share in the group connecting with my
Tubers Street.
No matter what you do some variation such as putting flowers instead of
butterflies, etc.
But recycle, cares about the planet.
As you have seen it is incredibly easy, as I said earlier I have.
I want to thank all those nice people always, always share the video.
Today's gratitude is especially for those people who always share the
Thank you for sharing this video and you for Please share this video.
I want to send you all a big hug with grip, a big kiss and see you in
next tutorial goodbye.
Daddy Longlegs Risk Life ... and Especially Limb ... to Survive | Deep Look - Duration: 4:05.
The forest floor is a rough-and-tumble kind of place.
It's best to stay above it all.
This daddy longlegs does just that...on eight flexible stilts.
The end of each leg is multi-jointed.
It works like a rope.
And see the tip?...There's a hook there.
With every step, he's grappling his way over the obstacles in his path.
Perfect for off-roading.
Even better for climbing.
This guy can handle just about anything you throw at him.
Those front two legs are also used as feelers...
For what's around the next corner.
So really, they only walk on six of their legs, unlike spider, which daddy longlegs
are NOT, by the way. Their closest cousins are scorpions.
Such precious tools require regular care and grooming.
But there's a downside to having these long limbs.
They're easy for enemies to grab onto.
And for that, this daddy longlegs has another solution.
He simply cuts his losses and walks away.
We did not not pull that leg!
Just the slightest grip, and he'll drop it.
He has a built-in mechanism to pinch it off cleanly, losing only a drop of hemolymph.
It's called autotomy, the voluntary release of a body part.
That loose limb can create a life-saving distraction...
But at a cost.
Life without a leg is no cakewalk.
Since the limb's not coming back, the daddy longlegs has to learn a new way to walk.
Ignacio Escalante at UC Berkeley studies how daddy longlegs do this.
Here's one that still has all eight legs.
If it drops one of them...
No problem.
Escalante calls this movement "stotting."
If it drops a second leg, the daddy longlegs starts "bobbing" to get around.
Lose a third... and he still makes it happen.
Don't feel too bad for him.
Even down to five legs, a daddy longlegs can get back to its original speed in less than
a day.
In fact, most daddy longlegs deliberately drop a couple legs in their lifetimes to escape
certain death.
No big deal -- they just let it go.
So really, there are second chances in life.
And sometimes, a third and a fourth.
Hey there, it's Lauren.
You know who's afraid of creepy-crawly things like daddy longlegs and spiders?
Joe Hanson of It's Okay to Be Smart.
Hop over to his channel to see what happens when you put a tarantula on his shoulder.
And thanks for watching Deep Look.
(KPOP狂粉考試第5季)1秒鐘你能猜到夏日MV嗎?快來看看你對KPOP認識多少?Guess kpop songs in 1 seconds challenge TWICE Wanna One - Duration: 3:26.
[MMD] 3D fantasy_ca/múa/hát/dễ thương như búp bê/Haku Sweet devil ...!!! - Duration: 2:47.
Alexandria Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 36:54.
3 Dinge, die Jenny Daniela Katzenberger nicht verzeihen kann - Duration: 1:53.
400 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Newland, North Carolina | Absolutely Small House Design - Duration: 2:14.
400 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Newland, North Carolina
Pet of the Week: Mila - Duration: 1:46.
Eclipse with Meteorologist Megan Parry - Duration: 3:10.
2015-2017 Mustang GT, EcoBoost SR Performance Strut Tower Brace Polished Review & Install - Duration: 4:04.
The Polished SR Performance Strut Tower Brace will be a great option for non-performance
pack S550 GT and EcoBoost owners out there who wanna add a little bit more bling under
the hood, while hoping to stiffen up the front end in the process.
Now, on the other hand, if you do have one of those performance pack cars, and you'd
like to switch up the look of your factory brace this thing would certainly apply to
you as well.
As far as your price point, well, they're gonna be right around the $200 range, and
the install is gonna get an extremely simple one out of three wrenches on the difficulty
meter, with some more detail to come later on.
So the strut tower brace is one of those easy and affordable ways to make a subtle impact
on your handling, helping to stiffen up the front end slightly, and take some of the roll
out of the front of the car when cornering very hard.
Now I do say subtle because in the spectrum of handling parts, I would argue there are
other mods that will make a bigger impact in improving your handling such as your sway
bars, your springs, or even your tires.
But, 99% of the time guys, a strut tower brace will be super affordable and will be very
easy to install both of which apply to the SR option that we have here.
Now traditionally, sure, SR Performance is gonna be one of your budget friendly or value
friendly brands here on the site, and yes, that is pretty much the case with this particular
strut tower brace, but that doesn't mean the construction has suffered or the build quality
is questionable, in fact, quite the opposite.
SR has incorporate aircraft grade 4130 chromoly steel for the overall build with this particular
piece, in addition to using the one inch tubular parallel beam design.
SR has also incorporated this mild steel plate to the brace itself here.
It's kinda welded it underneath as you can see, just to further help reduce any possible
flex with this particular option.
Finally guys, this bar has been given that brightly polished finish, and that is going
to be the big draw with this particular option.
Definitely gonna be for the owners out there who like a little bit more flash under the
hood, and are maybe trying to complement a polished cold air intake system.
On the other hand, if you're the less is more type of owner out there and you prefer to
keep things a little more stealthy, SR does offer a textured black option on the site.
You can find that here, and it'll actually cost you about $20 less.
One question I do see a lot about this particular product on the site is, will it fit my 2015
and newer V6 Mustang?
And I'm here to tell you that unfortunately, it will not, and that is just due to the intake
manifold design on the V6 cars.
They do tend to sit a little bit higher than both the GT or the EcoBoost Mustangs.
Now, sure, it might be possible to add some washers under the mounting points, space it
out a little bit to clear the manifold, but the moral of the story is, as this thing sits
right here, it will not fit the 2015 and newer V6 cars.
But let's quickly get into the install here, guys, with the SR option, and as mentioned
earlier this one is extremely straightforward.
So expect a rather simple one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter, maybe 30
minutes of your time to get this guy in place.
Tool-wise, well, if you have a socket set, you're pretty much good to go here.
First things first, you're gonna wanna pop the hood and remove the battery cover trim
panel to gain access to the necessary studs.
At this point, remove the four nuts off of the upper strut mount studs.
Now SR does include a few spacers that will be used, however, the number used will differ
depending on whether or not your car is a performance pack model.
So, just make sure you reference the detailed instructions to determine how many spacers
you will be using.
With the spacers in place, set the SR strut tower brace on the studs, tighten down the
four included nuts, and your installation is complete.
So if you guys are a no-nonsense affordable strut tower brace option to help you tighten
up the front end a little bit and add a little under hood bling, you'll wanna check out the
SR option right here at
Happy Hour! Aimee Song & Kati Morton | Episode 1 - Duration: 6:20.
Working Memory for Kids: An Executive Function Skill - Duration: 1:11.
The term, working memory, describes the ability to not only remember information, but to be able to apply that information by putting it into action.
And it plays a significant role in helping your child master daily activities, like following directions, recalling the rules to a game, or completing multi-step tasks.
That's why repetition is so important. With practice, children are eventually able to recognize sounds and letters immediately and then apply them as they learn new words.
Cultivating your child's working memory at home can be as simple as following a recipe or playing games together.
You can also take reading aloud a step further by inviting your child to retell a favorite story or making up a story together.
We spend a lot of time talking about our day and putting it in context with other things that we maybe have seen,
whether it's connecting it to a family vacation or two stories from our youth. We make sure that we spend a lot of time
building visual pictures, if you will, about the world around us.
Tips To Grow Your Gym
Daddy Longlegs Risk Life ... and Especially Limb ... to Survive | Deep Look - Duration: 4:05.
The forest floor is a rough-and-tumble kind of place.
It's best to stay above it all.
This daddy longlegs does just that...on eight flexible stilts.
The end of each leg is multi-jointed.
It works like a rope.
And see the tip?...There's a hook there.
With every step, he's grappling his way over the obstacles in his path.
Perfect for off-roading.
Even better for climbing.
This guy can handle just about anything you throw at him.
Those front two legs are also used as feelers...
For what's around the next corner.
So really, they only walk on six of their legs, unlike spider, which daddy longlegs
are NOT, by the way. Their closest cousins are scorpions.
Such precious tools require regular care and grooming.
But there's a downside to having these long limbs.
They're easy for enemies to grab onto.
And for that, this daddy longlegs has another solution.
He simply cuts his losses and walks away.
We did not not pull that leg!
Just the slightest grip, and he'll drop it.
He has a built-in mechanism to pinch it off cleanly, losing only a drop of hemolymph.
It's called autotomy, the voluntary release of a body part.
That loose limb can create a life-saving distraction...
But at a cost.
Life without a leg is no cakewalk.
Since the limb's not coming back, the daddy longlegs has to learn a new way to walk.
Ignacio Escalante at UC Berkeley studies how daddy longlegs do this.
Here's one that still has all eight legs.
If it drops one of them...
No problem.
Escalante calls this movement "stotting."
If it drops a second leg, the daddy longlegs starts "bobbing" to get around.
Lose a third... and he still makes it happen.
Don't feel too bad for him.
Even down to five legs, a daddy longlegs can get back to its original speed in less than
a day.
In fact, most daddy longlegs deliberately drop a couple legs in their lifetimes to escape
certain death.
No big deal -- they just let it go.
So really, there are second chances in life.
And sometimes, a third and a fourth.
Hey there, it's Lauren.
You know who's afraid of creepy-crawly things like daddy longlegs and spiders?
Joe Hanson of It's Okay to Be Smart.
Hop over to his channel to see what happens when you put a tarantula on his shoulder.
And thanks for watching Deep Look.
El Barça se rinde con Coutinho, según los medios ingleses - Duration: 2:56.
Chỉ sau 3 phút Điều Kỳ Diệu sẽ xảy ra nếu Có Duyên xem được Video này - Duration: 58:42.
Dembele | Dembélé no quiere saber nada del Borussia - Duration: 2:41.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI LEASE EDITION 4U3 NAVI, XENON, LMV. ORIGINEEL 95000 KM !! - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse AUTOMAAT 170 Slechts 108.000 km met NAP - Duration: 0:51.
EERSTE metro in Vlaardingen Oost! Hoekse Lijn - Duration: 3:24.
Hyundai H300 2.5 CRDi Dynamic Airco Bj 2008 !!! - Duration: 0:58.
More Whacky Antics From Pe...
For more infomation >> More Whacky Antics From Pe...-------------------------------------------
Brigitte Macron n'est pas Première dame: Ce que nous apprend la charte d - Duration: 2:38.
For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron n'est pas Première dame: Ce que nous apprend la charte d - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
KOREAN-style EGGPLANT, a delicious appetizer of eggplant! - Duration: 4:06.
БАКЛАЖАНЫ ПО-КОРЕЙСКИ, невероятно вкусная постная закуска из баклажанов!
Если вам мешают субтитры - отключите их!
Всем привет! Меня зовут Dina. Я с радостью приветствую всех у себя на кухне и на канале «Коллекция Рецептов».
В летний период блюда из баклажанов особенно популярны, их жарят, тушат, квасят, солят и делают икру.
Любителям «остренького» хочу предложить рецепт очень вкусной, постной и при этом пикантной закуски - будем готовить баклажаны по-корейски.
Для приготовления этого рецепта нам понадобится: • 1 кг. Баклажанов
• 0,5 кг. Болгарского перца • 1 морковь
• 1 луковица • 3-4 зубка чеснока
• 50 гр. Растительного масла • 50 гр. 6% уксуса
• 1 ст. Л. Сахара • 0.5 ст.л. Соли
• 0.5 ч.л. Молотой кинзы • 0,5 ч.л. Красного острого перца
Для начала подготовим овощи.
Баклажаны и предварительно помыла и отрезала плодоножки.
Разрезаем их вдоль на 2 части, а затем поперек.
Каждый кусочек нарезаем на 3-4 одинаковых брусочка, длиной 6-7 см.
Таким образом, подготавливаем все баклажаны.
Далее по рецепту идет сладкий болгарский перец, я взяла красный и желтый, очистила от семян и удалила перегородки.
Нарезаем его длинной соломкой, но не слишком тонко.
Таким способом нарезаем весь перец.
Баклажаны и перец подготовлены и сейчас отправляемся к плите, чтобы их пробланшировать.
Бланшируем овощи по очереди, чтобы баклажаны не успели потемнеть, их первыми отправляем в кипяток and бланшируем в течение 4 минут с момента закипания.
А тем временем нарезаем морковь очень тонкой соломкой или натираем ее на специальной терке.
Следом нарезаем одну крупную луковицу соломкой или полукольцами как можно тоньше и перекладываем в ту же чашу.
Руками слегка разминаем лук, чтобы он более равномерно распределился при дальнейшем перемешивании.
Далее измельчаем чеснок, я натираю его на терке, но можете его порезать или выдавить через пресс.
Тем временем прошло 4 минуты, наши баклажаны пробланшировались, достаем их стекла лишняя вода.
В этот же кипяток отправляем болгарский перец и бланшируем 2 минуты с момента закипания.
Спустя 2 минуты достаем перец и тоже выкладываем на дуршлаг.
Овощи пробланшированы, осталось собрать нашу закуску.
What do you think? Say Включение морковью и луком перекладываем баклажаны и перец.
Добавляем соль, красный острый перец, молотую кинзу, уксус (у меня яблочный), растительное масло (я взяла подсолнечное), и сахар.
И теперь все хорошо перемешиваем.
Вот такая красивая, яркая и необыкновенно ароматная закуска у нас получилась!
Накрываем баклажаны тарелкой, слегка прижимаем, и отправляем в холодильник на несколько часов, желательно на ночь.
Наши баклажаны по-корейски готовы!
Этот рецепт подходит для любого застолья, особенно в летнюю и осеннюю пору, когда доступно много свежих и молодых овощей.
Секрет этой закуски в том, что чем дольше она настаивается, тем вкуснее становится.
Желаю всем приятного аппетита!
Если вам понравился такой рецепт приготовления баклажанов - ставьте пальчик вверх!
Do you like to buy and sell your shopping cart!
Подписывайтесь на мой YouTube канал - «Коллекция Рецептов» и нажмите на колокольчик, чтобы получать оповещения о выходе новых видео.
Do you have anything else to do with the other things you want to do, and you have something to do with it?
Все ссылки на экране и в описании.
С вами была Dina. До новых встреч, до новых вкусных рецептов!
For more infomation >> KOREAN-style EGGPLANT, a delicious appetizer of eggplant! - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Reconnaissez-vous cette star qui a totalement changé de look ? - Duration: 2:33.
For more infomation >> Reconnaissez-vous cette star qui a totalement changé de look ? - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 84 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:00.
Planting beds in the garden
This is a laborious and time consuming process
But not with this device
Of course you can apply and technology
Let out of a piece of iron and four wheels
But reliable, because made by hands
But in Korea on cucumber plantations
Without technology, it's just not necessary
And if the same mower is done on clever
That all turns out quickly and beautifully
And if you mow in large
That modern technology does it this way
Thank you for watching!
And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,
and to not miss the new video click on the bell.
And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!
For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 84 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
EERSTE metro in Vlaardingen Oost! Hoekse Lijn - Duration: 3:24.
For more infomation >> EERSTE metro in Vlaardingen Oost! Hoekse Lijn - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
VW Tiguan Sport & Style BMT LIFE - Duration: 1:06.
For more infomation >> VW Tiguan Sport & Style BMT LIFE - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
M. - Los Piratas | Costurera Swift Cover - Duration: 2:21.
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic - Duration: 1:01.
BMW 5 Serie Touring 525d Executive M Sport. Mega vol!! navi pro/panoramadak/xenon/key less go/hifi s - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI Avantgarde Automaat Navi Alcantara Nieuw Model - Duration: 1:02.
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SAG 150 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:59.
Reunited and it Feels So Good! (& Mini WW Grocery Haul) | Back in the ATL DITL Vlog | Love Fuller - Duration: 15:08.
all right I love these windows greetings friends welcome back to my channel I'm
love alert and I'm here with a vandalize in Atlanta so that car is during the
break needs to be done so we're going to take care of break some can take care of
gas so you don't have groceries in to get groceries because Ali is just in
college in school we're going to drop off her car at the at the plate break
place I am going to be I'm going to have her drive and imma be reading this book
about Cuba trying to like learn everything I can learn really quickly
and ironically or coincidentally actually just a coincidence I think
unless my daughter was just channeling Cuba she was looking up on restaurant to
figure out where we can go eat and she found this way and she found a Cuban
restaurant nearby so she's like Olaf owns Cuban restaurant has really high
really great reviews and and we had one dollar sign and we like one dollar sign
so yeah I don't know what to call these videos with we being in Atlanta I'm only
going to be in Atlanta for a few days before we head off the Cuba but this
basically I guess is still like a ramping up for Cuba kind of thing like
2:30 in the afternoon yeah like 2:30 in the afternoon but um oh oh no there's
all the why that doesn't burn up Silicon Valley I don't know if your
needle could I call the optical I'm gonna have to my blur my lips my quirks
I'm going to do that that's going to be funny like why are lips lured out to
save you from the question is thanks just rambling rambling wanna say oh
we're going line dancing tonight dr.
Cooper stood all over the place he's
oh my god
that was Bartley she believed me wow she's so yeah blind dancing tonight
getting right back in the groove of things that eat strategy
Feeny yes we have
we have tripod action going on in the car oh yeah oh yeah power
alright enough of these windows I'm feeling so we drop the car off at Jiffy
Lube and we were just talking about like we passed out this place called just
breaks and and the reviews were just terrible yeah and we're talking about
like okay you know what happened I feel I saw water all over the place so we're
just like talking about how it's like people like give you so much as is and
we don't know you don't know anything about cars like we are actually crazy
cuz that's what people do when they're taking taking advantage of people it's
when they have more knowledge about something it's things that people don't
know so they could just get things over on them yeah you can charge more you can
just like and just yeah it's like that not having extra knowledge so we saw
these girls inside of this girl I thought I mean I won't talk to working
in from inside the Jiffy Lube and so that was kind of I mean initially I was
kind of like whoa that's it was cool I mean I was like oh this is like a woman
run yeah I mean that's different especially was new I was thinking that
to me so maybe if she never worked at a place like that before you could just
get hired like that and if you're thinking the same thing too about a job
liking a job here and then you're saying like how valuable would be to to like
because they do so many sick so many different things on the car and how
you'll know so just being there just being around it you'll start to pick up
stuff exactly and I actually doing it physical years there exactly especially
like you feel like swinging prices and you're like running creating things that
we know about how much think should cost you know kind of even if it's people
running scans you know what kind of scam zr1 I mean hopefully they're not running
any fan bait this we've had really good reviews so so that supposed to mean
we were going Poppy's Cuban and Tribune grill 12 hours have you had it
I mean you have you have four I don't know one I will look back the white one
I have to adjust the buckle and I want to know to look back another one you
cannot pick from before and you really don't know when it's all black so those
were my stuff back is all buckle that's got a papi
which is that I pop oh my goodness you hear the Spanish in the kitchen the home
waitress she recommended the issuance of bonus or appetizers I could take a look
and her grilled fish filet but it's really so cool to like to see
by few things on here the Palomino say let's when I follow these plates that
are like so Miami oh my gosh this is so funny this is really cool like you look
at these fine take these photos in here and everything
what this place is decorated
I'm really excited this is like making me
the Cuba is going to be as joyful as this how many ways to say I'm going to
ask people possum yeah they do okay so the other postpone is with Sonic
and this is the growth fish and yellow rice and black beans and plantains and
salad with when they say pineapple mango or mango pineapple mangoes and then were
in the south so they got three teeth but a species ni was too sweet so we got
regular tea unsweetened tea and lemon Yong Yong Yong Zhao Xiao down so the car
her car is saying that the parts towards our clothes which why we shouldn't have
at this point without clothes 11:00 a.m. and so now you have to leave a car there
why your little party doing oh my god thinkable my brakes on that are our work
a vessel it's heart attack whoo oh my gosh you guys so that place is really
good the food was delicious the the sack was um nice and friendly
the bathroom was clean look I love a clean bathroom yeah definitely check out
Papi's place happy it's in Stockbridge Georgia really good I don't if they have
other location
now I'm headed into public and this getting some groceries I told you need
to get some groceries and in the back of things for Cuba but I'm in the baking
section which is not a bad idea I want to have any excuse for life like
expecially since I like to buy these let's see yes I will cut off the oatmeal
bike so $5 oh my gosh you guys I'm back in America so excited it's so cool
able to get the products I wide I mean here you have chicken boxes we'll have
our own almost mini suite I don't know if my daughter piece of
bacon but I can just have whatever for most my point
whoo welcome to the USA there's wine baby lamb
I'm excited about it get me some wine don't be a wino almonds or chocolate I
mean I know honest with you will lower point than fashion
this places families like I said more to family blog I am willing oh my gosh I
haven't been poking in my side of it okay
you know how about need to get on the game this is our camper walking me home
isn't it funny I want that camera so bad yeah I just got it and that's my
boyfriend Brendan this is him here to disagree cool new at the camera that
Souter seems like put our channel out yeah oh yeah g7x mark to her for me
oh my cue we pull the camera out and do you say that oh yeah this is RV so this
is your moneymaker right you have a family all family
very good I want to get the g7x - that was so cool I mean that girl was so cute
and she was really nice and friendly she knows like two famous local bloggers -
no peeking Haley the girlfriend elves
I know her child goes but Guadalupe center nameless but I see no channel
before and I mean with a beautiful family like she's cute
husband her Bushmen to her baby cute cute too
so I'm trying to give you a grocery haul violation for my friend keeps picking me
up from like girls not competent you it's digging me up from the from here
let me show you a quick bonus Weight Watchers grocery haul doctor might have
to cut bacon with my point for these I don't make mark went to they're like a
little more points each harvest naps black pepper and mango chili I got two
of each and what I'm doing is making sure I take a package to Cuba another
want to be valid information select the deliveryman is now to go I guess people
maybe like one point almost I don't thank you these are those smart points I
know about these I got these because of you but I don't have we have to connect
with us if you don't we dip the potato you probably get them up and we lost of
course almond milk unsweetened the heart points for I'm going to have 1/2 cup of
course the very bad very the strawberries more fruit read yogurt the
specifics pita bread and once I find each I like forgetting this bread I'm
not gonna eat it there's avocado back there that's tomato and took my point eh
but see I grab the zero for point and then this is bowl final how many points
of twenty bar but they are actually interesting 55 what preserving respect
for some how many points are kind of the smart boys missus
months or cheese for elected and the are hall so far
potatoes my phone is ringing catechu since I was
it really the onions or anything like that
okay I'm gonna tell Alexis very quickly and how you coming out right now okay
black she's here easy for you Donna huh all right cool what's the line
yes mama
#55【FFX】 OBSから、いろいろテストしながら配信編 - Duration: 44:22.
(KPOP狂粉考試第5季)1秒鐘你能猜到夏日MV嗎?快來看看你對KPOP認識多少?Guess kpop songs in 1 seconds challenge TWICE Wanna One - Duration: 3:26.
KV-2 Mastery with Live Commentary in German - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 6:18.
Welcome to a new video.
I wanted to make a KV-2 battle because i just had 2 great battles with him.
They were...
so awesome.
I've onehitted a ARL V39
I've put above 1000 dmg in a Fury. (He had more LP)
Alright. Let's go into the battle.
I'll put a pole in here. Do you want to see a KV-2 compilation?
Tier 7 just like my last battle.
*Naming our and their tanks*
We are heading to the left side.
No Lupus, don't go there.
I'm not sure...
We are now 3,4,5,6
At least that. (Bc of the Lupus.)
Yeah... that is the MM from now at 10:27 a.m
And i'll have to tell you guys i'm already working at the next Blitz Movie.
For that i need some people.
My script is still not done because i don't know how it should go on.
But when it's done it will be great.
Aim ... aim
That's what i mean!
I don't know why but it's KV-2 time! (Now)
Even if you get in a Tier 7 battle.
You can get nice oneshots.
I have pretty many oneshots or just high dmg.
That would be a KV-2 moments (vid).
Not just a KV-2 oneshot compilation.
(Like i said) I have many KV-2 shots that made much damage.
*not important*
Our Lupus is down.
NO! RNG why did you left me? :(
This would have been such a nice shot.
I have problems with HE, Derp canons problems because it's not that easy for me to estimate how the HE will fly.
Oh there is a ARL.
Our Chi-To is pretty salty.
I can comprehend it but...
Oh hi
No why didn't i aimed higher .-.
At least our VK.30 got him.
I think the KV-2 is a support tank. He deals the massive dmg and his team gets the kills.
T20 would be a great target.
He has bad armor.
Something funny happend to me recently.
2 tanks got killed by the KV-2. (With one HE)
What is the doing here?!
I was hiding with someone behind a rock. We both was on low LP. There comes a KV-2 and killed us both. xD
That's it 900 dmg!
*not important* reload bla bla bla
Nice he got one!
3 remaining.
It's not impossible.
My gun depression is not good enough :/
So satisfying to get these great moments in one battle. :D
That's pretty rare. (For me)
*not important*
I'm sorry for all the killsteals .
But he'll get a upvote from me.
Maybe i'll get him too. This could be a Mastery!
Great battle with the KV-2!
OHH Mastery! with 3056 DMG AND 4 KILLS!
He has an... effective player.
Such a battle with the first try!
That was awesome!
Alright. If you liked the video just like me ;) drop a like.
Until next time. See ya.
Have you tried these methods? - Duration: 7:57.
Hi everyone!
Welcome back to my channel!
I'm Angelina.
And today I'm going to talk about finding my writing process.
I've gone through a lot of methods that were not exactly for me, and then again they were,
but not entirely.
I'm just going to go ahead and tell you everything about it, because it has been two years, and
I haven't finished a book.
I know what you think, but if you're a struggling writer then maybe you understand.
It just takes a lot of time to get it right.
As I said before I started out in 2015 and I started with an idea that I wanted to put
onto paper, or type into my keyboard.
And I just looked up how to write a book.
And I found "Writing Fiction for Dummies", which was written by Randy Ingermanson, who
is also the creator of the snowflake method.
In case you don't know this method - I'm going to leave a link down below, where it's explained
in detail.
I'm just going to tell you that it has these 10 steps and you work your way through these
10 steps, and you basically have to work your way from the big plot points, over creating
the characters, and weaving them into the story, through to the details.
You start by outlining the big pieces of the story and then you work your way down to the
This is basically how a snowflake works.
It starts with the big arms and then all the tiny arms spread from there.
It worked really well for me.
The problem was that it was my very first story and I just came up with a bunch of cliche
And I didn't realise this until like nine months into the process.
So then I had to scrap that book because it was a total trope.
It was the standard dystopian story.
I just scrapped it.
I wanted to write a new book.
Now I had enough ideas, I just needed to come up with a process.
And then in October 2015 I found out about National Novel Writing Month, which is "Nanowrimo".
It's this website, where all the writers can sign up and motivate each other to basically
write 50000 words in a month.
It's really a great motivator.
The thing is: you should really know what you want to write, because it's easy to get
stuck, if you don't know what you want to write about.
So I knew I needed to outline a little bit at least, and I knew that I didn't have that
much time to do it because it was already October.
Nanowrimo is every year in November.
Then I punched out an outline in two or three weeks and it was really rough.
And then I started writing in November and I got like 30000 words in, which is pretty
amazing, but then I got stuck, because I literally didn't know whether my characters were supposed
to be going left or right.
So I scrapped the entire thing again, and - well, actually I didn't scrap it, I just
put it aside.
Then I didn't know which other story I wanted to write, so I took that story again and I
outlined it further, but I was unable to come up with a decent ending, with a satisfying
ending for me personally anyway.
I spent a lot of time outlining again, but as I said, I couldn't find a decent ending,
and I put that story aside as well.
Then Nanowrimo 2016 rolled around and I thought "Ok, what the heck, I'm not gonna do it with
this entire outlining thing, I'm just going to pants."
In case you don't know: There are "plotters" and "pantsers".
These are writers.
The plotters basically plot the entire outline for their story before they actually sit down
to write.
And the "pantsers", they sit down and write "from the seat of their pants".
This is basically what I tried then.
This was not for me at all.
I only wrote 5000 words and scrapped it, because I had no idea where this story is headed.
I scrapped it.
And I said, "Never mind, I'm going back to outlining."
Yes, these were the 3 methods.
I had this huge outlining process for my very first story that was too cliche.
Then I had an outline, which I only worked on for three weeks and didn't really get me
that far, because I didn't know the details.
It didn't really work for me.
And then I tried to "pants", and it didn't really work for me.
So now I'm going back all the way, to outlining.
I'm not exactly using the snowflake method but my own thing that I've put together for
myself, because I've been reading a lot about writing and story structure.
And I created a really detailed process for myself.
Now I'm trying to apply this to the stories that I want to write right now.
I just basically want to have every single detail planned out before I actually sit down
to write, so I can really focus on the writing itself and not so much on the story.
The developing the story itself is my favorite part.
The actual writing isn't that hard.
If you have everything outlined, the actual writing isn't that hard.
I've experienced this.
If I know where the story is supposed to be headed, I can really sit down and I write.
I punch out like 2000 words in an hour.
It's really that fast, if you know where the story is headed.
If you don't know, most of the time you're just sitting there and thinking, "okay, where
is this going?"
Then you have to figure out all the details while you're writing, and it's just a pain
in the rear.
That's what I want to do now.
And I really hope you want to join me on that journey, because I want to share this process
with you.
And maybe it helps you, too, if you're struggling.
I hope you'll stick around for that.
I'm going to upload another video on Tuesday.
Until then: Have a nice week!
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to my channel.
I'm Angelina.
And... yeah.
Hi everyone!
Welcome back to my channel.
I'm Angelina.
Wait, what?
Happy Hour! Aimee Song & Kati Morton | Episode 1 - Duration: 6:20.
Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI 115pk Comfortline (vsb 15740) Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:58.
Soy Luna - Luna und Ambar Teil 2 [S2E51] Deutsche Untertitel Einschalten - Duration: 2:25.
Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:00.
Soy Luna - Luna und Ambar Teil 1 [S2E51] Deutsche Untertitel Einschalten - Duration: 2:20.
Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 1.4 TSI HIGHLINE DSG XENON - Duration: 0:54.
Tumbling, Anti Rhythmics and heli basics on Swing TrinityRS 17m2 - Duration: 2:57.
5 Best EA Gamescom 2017 Show Moments - Duration: 3:20.
This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here to discuss what went down during the EA Gamescom 2017
Though the event isn't as huge as E3, I still had high expectations, with my main
desire being to see some Battlefront II space battle gameplay.
Overall, I think EA did well, and so here's my video rounding up the five best EA Gamescom
2017 show moments.
The EA Originals program kicked off last year, with EA wanting to support small development
And support them they are doing, giving developer Zoink time on the gamescom 2017 stage.
Before showing a colorful (and I mean full of color) trailer, we were told that the game
would be coming to the Nintendo Switch, in addition to the previously announced PS4,
Xbox One, and PC.
I think it looks enchanting, and it's sure to net many fans with the comprehensive multiplatform
It's no secret that EA loves to cram internet personalities into every presentation they
Sometimes it doesn't pay off... but other times it does!
Jiffpom the dog took to the stage and won the hearts of the audience.
I don't usually care for this kind of thing, but it acted as a nice break between the intense
shooter action.
What's more, Jiffpom was brought on to accompany the announcement of The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs
This is pet customization like we've never seen before, and a lot of people care about
it, judging from the YouTube trailer's Like/Dislike ratio.
Do remember that The Sims 4 is now part of Origin Access, so if you subscribe to that,
the game is yours to play.
Closing out the show was some Battlefield 1 gameplay.
It featured a bunch of EA's GameChangers going head-to-head on one of the new In the
Name of the Tsar maps.
Tsaritsyn (Zerit-sin) isn't fun to pronounce, but it's looking great, continuing the trend
of hard-to-say, fun-to-play Battlefield maps.
The big cathedral is the main attraction here, offering shelter from the cold.
That is until the Flame Trooper kit drops there, which becomes super effective in the
close quarters engagements.
Not only did we get 15 minutes of new Tsaritsyn (Zerit-sin) gameplay, but we also got to see
Battlefield 1 Incursions.
This is the new Battlefield competitive mode, which fans have been asking for since forever.
There's three flags, like in Domination, but there's also one vehicle for each team.
Though there's only five players on each side, the gameplay shown looked intense and
DICE has been working closely with competitive players to build a mode that works well.
You can get in on the Incursions closed alpha coming in September, by signing up on the
Battlefield website.
I'll leave a link in the video description.
Last, but most certainly not least, is what I wanted to see: Star Wars Battlefront II
space battles!
We got to see a good 12 minutes of Squadron Assault gameplay, and I think it looked awesome.
There was Poe flying around with Darth Maul, and we saw Boba Fett and Han Solo dishing
out some damage.
It just looked great, and after the community had been asking and asking for it to be added
to the sequel, EA listened and it looks like they've delivered.
I was a little disappointed with the original game and only put around 20 hours into it,
even with DLCs.
It just lacked the depth I needed to continue playing and wanting to rank up.
With Squadron Assault working together with the ground-based game modes, along with the
Battle Points reward system, I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the sequel.
Those are my five best EA Gamescom 2017 show moments.
Let me know what you thought of it in the comments down below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button and be sure to subscribe, if you haven't
This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye.
Cancun & Customer Service - Delivering Excellent Customer Service - Understanding Customer Needs - Duration: 31:40.
and so guys if you are new okay inside of the e-commerce profit tribe please
definitely take some time to go into the group and introduce yourself read our
welcome post every single day we're doing something inside of the tribe
there's a post for you to interact on there's something to be done and some
connecting to do inside the track every single day today the lead post today was
actually to share your offer so if you want to share what you do which is with
the tribe your current offer your current sale your current link and you
want to support mix and mingle see what other people are doing give others the
opportunity to see what you are doing that it's a perfect post to do that so
guys go out there and make sure that you engage on that post today so guys as you
know I visited Camp Coon a couple weeks ago and me and my husband went to Cancun
celebrate our fifth year anniversary I appreciate all of the congratulations
that came from you and everybody that's in my life and in my relationship I mean
know about my relationship in my life thank you so much for congratulating us
it was a beautiful time and I want to tell you a little bit about that
experience I want to share with you guys and I also want to share with you what I
learned from my trip there so guys y'all know and you're kind of laughing because
I say what goes on in Cancun stays and Cancun and there are some things that I
wish I could have left behind but I could not okay things have been going a
little crazy in my life ever since I left Cancun I left camp Coon I couldn't
really get my stomach together TM I couldn't really get that together I
ended up kind of getting with the doctors described as virus or cold I
completely lost my voice afterwards so your girl is just kind of been warned
the struggle bus my skin broke out just a lot of things weren't going right with
me I think I had too much fun over there
and can't cone Mexico so I want to talk to you guys a little bit about that
experience as you guys I show her dad your Mila how
you just gonna put my business out there in the street girl haha I did hey
Bridget welcome in so guys as you're coming in live with me announce yourself
let me know that you're live with me today so guys listen I went to Cancun
okay and we actually booked our trip this time through a travel agency okay
we booked a trip through a travel agency and um they said today we're gonna take
care of everything our reservations and everything when we got to the resort
guys we found out number one that we were at the wrong riddling that's right
I said it we arrived at the wrong resort now both
resorts had the same exact name the resort that we were supposed to arrive
to was 11 hours away it was across the country but they had the same exact name
so instead of the travel agency booking us at Cancun they booked us in Puerto
Vallarta which was 11 hours away from Cancun where we were okay so here we are
after getting off the plane getting excited getting ready to get started
with our activities we arrived at the wrong location and the right location
was 11 hours away now the trip had already been paid for the airfare
already paid for we didn't plan on purchasing new plane tickets to fly in
supports over laksa so I'm like jesus take the wheel you're gonna have to fix
this this is crazy of course y'all know I was hitting the
fan I was really really upset so what happened was they couldn't transfer the
reservations from one resort to another resort that were not connected so the
first night they said we'll go ahead and stay here cuz it's late we can figure
things out tomorrow but this Resort is $500 a night okay
$500 a night to stay there so we had to bite the bullet and pay $500 to stay at
the resort our first night guys so I really
I'm feeling it we went out for tacos ate our tacos and then we went to bed
because your girl was just disappointed that night so the next day long story
short they were able to work it out some kind of miraculous way Jesus did
take the wheel I would say we were able to connect reservations and we were able
to stay at the resort that we were at you know for free basically not for free
but it was paid for they were able to transfer reservations so from there guys
it was a wonderful and beautiful state we ate at this lovely buffet all the
food was freshly cooked I love the food guys every single night there was a show
the resort was pretty much like a city inside of itself okay and for days guys
we have been tried to get off of the resort to go out to the excursions and
stuff because I went it off of this resort I wanted to go through the Tulum
ruins and I wanted to see different things and Cancun hey Laval welcome in
but we could not get off the resort hey Karla no matter how hard we try the bus
left us jameelah you want something else but you telling the truth I did love the
food but the food y'all did not love your girl I have a very sensitive
stomach guys and I've been to Cancun once before I got very sick the first
time and unfortunately it happened to me again y'all it happened to me again
so um you know we missed the bus a few times where the bus left us we weren't
able to get off of the resort when we wanted to so we were just kind of stuck
there I mean it was a beautiful place to get stuff y'all but your girl wanted out
I wanted to go out and do something I felt like I was missing something it was
a very interesting experience in Cancun I am NOT the camping type I'm not the
woods type and to be honest I'm not the outdoorsy type I do enjoy the elements
outside of my house walking around my community but when it comes to putting
up a tent and camping and encountering bugs and live animals
I'm not at the zoo it shouldn't be going down okay so one experience we were
sitting for lunch eating tacos again and eating chips tonight they don't call
them nachos over here but your girls Baltimore down eating nachos and and
pico de gallo and all that we're sitting there we're eating I look up and it
looks to me like a monkey jumps out the tree so I'm screaming at the table and
everybody's looking at me and the waiter is like see like what's wrong and I said
what is that guys it was an anteater ran right past
my table Pillman it ran right past my table and
the wait the wait the waiter was like oh that's he had a name for him he had a
name pico de gallo what's that sauce called pico de gallo whatever
Jameel okay but the anteater ran right past my table it was two up and close
and personal for me okay I don't need the petting zoo where I eat now if you
are okay with the elements and you do fine with that kind of stuff I salute
you and I don't have any problems with you but I'm not the person that she want
inside of the camping game because I don't do that kind of stuff okay in the
bowl then I was eating the nachos out of was a very old artifact it was beautiful
but then I noticed that ants were crawling out of the bowl so basically I
realized really quickly the resort was kind of almost in a jungle and any time
you ate just know that you had to eat along with the bugs you had to share
your table with the bugs prophetís okay so I'm sure that pico de gallo thank you
for educating me professor I really appreciate it child let me tell you the
bugs were crawling out of the pot that I was eating out of the ants they took
their place at the table I might as well pull out a chair for them and so were
the wild birds and I called him wild birds they were eating a table with us
as well so I took out my my drama queen card I was very much a drama queen while
I was there I was requesting certain seating I was requesting
under the fan wherever we went to eat and those people they were looking at me
like seriously princess needs to go back to the castle
okay I know and it was very beautiful and the food was very very fresh but
there were a lot of bugs a lot of animals in a lot of birds wild boars
feasting amongst us okay so we finally got off the resort guys I'm going to get
to my point we actually went to the tulum ruins we
went to taste tequila at a tequila factory we went to they gave us cigars
Mexican cigars they took us around a jewelry tour with real silver and jewels
and I actually got these two little arm jewels here silver jewels here that I
actually um you know just had to buy something so I bet my husband's on back
to get me what I wanted and I ended up getting this stuff from the jewelry
store that they took us to so yeah every place in Cancun isn't like that
jameelah we actually did not stay on the hotel district now where we stayed was
beautiful it was gorgeous it was top-of-the-line resort however that's
right pico de gallo with a side of books okay with a side of books so that's how
we got down we stayed in the jungle the resort we were in was actually in the
please don't laugh at me okay and I'm actually pretty good with Spanish we say
in the Maya Riviera the Maya Riviera which is outside of Cancun very jungle
like okay but anyway by the time we got outside of the Maya Riviera and we drove
to the tool everyone's we went to tour the tequila factory and we got jewelry
we went to see the gold in the silver and the jewels and all that kind of
stuff and they got a sub i we ended up guys at the tulum ruins so Mike
Ariane's was this it was beautiful there some of you guys saw the pictures of us
at the Bruins and you liked and you love them and all of that kind of stuff right
you went there to jameelah it was awesome right um so but the toilets
didn't have no seats now I'm not saying I'm gonna sit on strange toilet seats
but what I am saying is that they didn't have no seats and the bathrooms didn't
have no toilet paper you had to buy your own toilet paper the lizards were
jumping over my feet like squirrels and it was very very high hat okay and your
girl couldn't make it and I all I could think while I was out there you've been
there too prophetess was that if I passed out who is gonna come and get me
because we out here in the wilderness and we've been walking for a long time
through these ruins and I don't see no phones and I don't see no people who
work here but other than that y'all the trip was beautiful it was quite the
experience I'm very grateful for the lifestyle that I live I'm grateful for
my toilet seat and I'm grateful for my toilet paper and I'm grateful for the
squirrels and the regular birds and the trees that I have here because that was
quite the tropical experience I absolutely did love it though guys and I
would love to go back however I may need to get something from my doctor before I
go so I don't get sick again so guys I want to share with you about customer
service and cake I learned a lot while I was in Cancun
and I definitely did observe and let me tell you the one thing that I did
observe guys while I was there so customer service guys it was one a whole
nother level in Cancun a whole nother level and sometimes I often talk about
what happened to businesses who loved to service their countries here in America
what's up with that here in the states I always wonder why don't people here want
my money when I walk into a business they don't greet me they just expect me
to find what I need and going and get out give me your money and get out when
I take a phone call and it's a professional phone call the person on
the other end has no respect and no regard for me even when I shop online
and I email customer service I can't even get a basic hello what's happening
guys to our customer service yes Edward it's been outsourced
and that's part of it but not just say I don't think that some of these business
owners are really in it for the people okay that they are servicing oh that's
right you mail I know you don't beg people to take your money girl
absolutely not and I'm getting that way as well I'm
getting that way as well like if I walk into an establishment guys and I'm not
greeted a certain way and I'm not addressed a certain way oby that's
another problem no training so guys what's that one thing that just itches
your ears that just itches your is that you just can't stand when you go to a
business put that down there in the comments and let's get the discussion
going so one thing that I can't stand profit is I can't stand to walk into and
establish in it and I'm not greeted I'm not asked how can I help you
I'm not told that welcome good to see you today
I'm old fashioned I guess huh am i old-fashioned y'all for wanting that
type of treatment when I'm spending my green and my green is just as good as
anybody else's Oh Edward Edward likes to see a smile Oh B he can't stand to see a
nasty attitude and I don't care what kind of service that you are in whether
you're in full service ways whether you flipping burgers or fries whether you're
working at Best Buy you're selling smart phones whether or not you are gardening
and you're working outside and your hats whether or not you're cutting hair or
whether or not you're sweeping the floor in the bathroom I don't care what you do
you chose to take that job so everything that you put your hands to if you want
it to prosper you need to come with the best positive
cute and represent yourself in the company that you're working for Wow and
that's just what I believe in and that's the way I want to be regarded and
treated when I shop is that too much to action is that too much to ask
Bridgette not greedy but that's right I hate not being greedy but yet you're
being pushy about me buying something and you following me around the store
like I'm going to take something stop it okay so those are some of the things
that I hate as well not the case guys in Cancun and I want to share that with you
okay number one and I want for us all to learn from these experiences and see how
we how can we implement some of this excellent customer service that I
received in Cancun in our own business number one guy they go out of their way
to help you they go out of their way to help you they don't send you away to
find something you know how you in Walmart this is another thing that
itches my ears you know how you in Walmart and you ask for something
my daughter's kind of go to the bathroom where's the bathroom oh I'll wait in the
back of the store to the right a little bit cross from aisle five back there or
you go to another store and you ask where something is and they say that way
that way could mean anything it's ten aisles that way and I get lost
and I gotta find somebody else 2x basically here what I experienced
here a lot is nobody wants to come from where they are that's right Carla no one
wants to come out from where they are to greet you they don't they don't want to
come out from where they're currently standing to help you very rarely will
somebody come from behind the counters they come with me let me show you but I
got that every single time I ask for directions
in Mexico they came behind where they were to take us where we needed to go
okay at the airport you know how they're trying to sell you and bum-rush you with
all of those tourist packages the guy who sold us our first tourist package
profit rosiness is that that burns her up oh yes property
definitely the very first person that sold us our very first tourist package
guys he offered to pick us up from the hotel
with a bottle of tequila in hand and tickets to a show free tickets to a show
he said he would personally come and get us
that's how serious these people are about getting this green okay when you
ask them oh where is the restaurant how do we walk there oh let me show you let
me show you guys was one of the most frequently used lines that I heard there
while I was in Mexico was let me show you it wasn't go there to find it
it was let me show you let me lead the way every person that worked there that
you walk by they did this they put their hand to their chest and they shook their
head and you know what we kept saying like you know me in Tyrell well my
husband kept saying uh-uh get on with you to Carla he kept
saying what does that mean and I said I really think that means that you know
it's a pleasure to serve you with my heart I serve you everybody there put
their hand on your chest and they did this my head nod and before I left I was
doing it too every time I pass somebody I was like this every time I know that
my head and I put my fist to my chest to your it was it was it rubbed off on me
okay it was contagious the love there was contagious so instead of you just
giving your customer instructions how about we show them how about we actually
lead the way one thing I liked in our group oh that's another group lawyer
mercy I'm mixing and mingling but I'm just gonna say it since I already put it
out there in Jamila's group okay Jennifer she works with jameelah with a
lot of the social media she manages the light of the post and she's actually in
the premium community and different things I'm getting my communities
confused lord have mercy but hey she need a team however one thing that I
like was somebody came under the post I know you like that jameelah somebody
came under the post and asks a question and you know what Jennifer did she went
ever courted a quick video to help her so she
didn't just say Wow go google it well this is what you need to do she said let
me show you she said let me show you and that is what I got and that left such an
impression when we go out of your way to show your customer how I can't say isn't
that amazing jameelah I can't tell you just how many people yes profit is yes I
can't tell you how many people came from behind the counter to take me and show
me oh you want to know where the bathroom is let me show you let me hold
video tutorials Iran she sure did and I love it I love it
let me take your hand and let me lead the way isn't that what being an
influencer is all about isn't that what being a business owner is all about
that's right o be having a heart enough to really serve your customer to say you
know what I'm not gonna just tell you how to do it I'm gonna lead by example
I'm going to show you because when you start to show them they start to show up
more and support your business because your effort guys it goes a long way so
hashtag let me show you number two y'all they give to get they give a
little to give them actually they give a lot to get a little they give a lot to
get a little a lot of them are not paid very much but they give you an
experience they give you an experience yes o me say that's right more about
they give you an experience so not only did they take us to the tulum ruins but
they also took us to hey faith they also took us to the tequila factory and they
let us taste as much as chocolate wine and tequila
as your girl wanted and it was a little too strong for me and I cost and I
cleared my throat a little bit but I was trying to handle it they gave me as much
tequila as I wanted that's right prophetess let me show you yes Carla and
then they took us to the jewelry store they didn't pressure us to buy but they
gave us a tour around the whole jewelry store and then they stood us all up in
lies and they gave all the ladies free gifts and they were like these little
Mayan symbols on a little silver dollar looking plate and they told us what it
meant okay so they showed us an experience and I honestly guys almost
felt obligated to buy and I left with these two little necklaces and loaded
down with cigars in tequila they sold me okay I had to buy from them because I
got such great regard such respect and such great service
so guys they give to get they give you a true experience right yes Oh be such a
blessing they give you such a great experience that guys even though I did
get sick and all that kind of stuff the bubble guts and lost my voice is some
more stuff when I came back guys I'm gonna go back because I fell in love
with Mexico I fell in love with Mexico number three guys it is truly their
pleasure to serve you they show you that and they tell you that every time they
have an opportunity to serve you it is your pleasure not one time that I
have to put a napkin in my lap not one time that I have to pull out my own
chair not one time that I have to find my own way or open my own door not
beneath these services around here at home how many people pulling out my
chair at home opening doors for me and taking me places okay in my own house
I'm just joking but the service was awesome and every time we ate a meal or
we patronize any place they told us yes OB it is my pleasure man to serve you
they conversate it with us they didn't just serve us they wanted to
know where we were from yes UNITA tea they wanted to know where
we were from what are you here are you celebrating something always your
anniversary three and once they got win then it was
our anniversary we had those those tail swans how they make swans out of the
tails and chocolates spread all over the bed and the dresser every night every
since they got when it was our anniversary they went out of their way
to make our experience special when it seemed like everybody in that resort
knew that it was our time to celebrate isn't that awesome how can you use the
gift of giving right to make your customers feel appreciated can you write
your customers a thank-you note can you mail them all a personalized handwritten
thank-you note can you go out of your way to maybe give your customers a
coupon or a free gift how can you let your customers know that if all the
places in the entire world that you could have shopped with that you could
have serviced you stopped by and you shot with me you trusted me you brought
my training you listened to me right you purchased my product out of all the
people you could have purchased from you purchase from Dallas Gordon how can I
show you that I appreciate you right so that's another thing guys they don't
care and the last one guys before I go is they don't care how long it takes to
fix what's broken so everything is not gonna be perfect in your customer
service you're not gonna be perfect and I am very much of a perfectionist guys I
want for everybody to like me I want for everybody to love me and I want for
everybody to be happy when someone buys my training or coaching or someone buys
from one of my ecommerce stores even when it comes down to my friends and my
family members it matters to me that my friends say she is a rock star friend I
love her oh my god when I went through this or when I went through that Dallas
was there holding me down down I want to be that woman that's important to me
that I'm that girl I want to be that rock star friend I want to be that wife
that everybody raves about wanna be that mom that everybody loves I
want to be that person I want to be that businesswoman that everyone looks up to
and what's the pattern themselves after I want my word of mouth to be off the
chain I want people talking about me it matters to me and I'm gonna if i sat up
here and said to you I don't care what people say about me I don't care about
how you guys feel about me I would be lying
I very much wear my heart with my sleeve and I do care thanks Obi I do care that
you guys are happy with my training I care that when you buy for me you're
like oh my god this is so much value I love you for this I actually changed my
business I actually turned my business around because I brought your training
that's the effect guys that I want to have in the world and it matters to me
it matters to me right these people in Cancun don't they don't do everything
perfectly it breaks my heart when I fall short sometimes a customer service my
god I had one young lady to book a strategy call with me guys and I forgot
twice I was so busy that when my calendar went off on my phone I was
doing other stuff and you know what I felt bad because that made her feel like
I don't respect her time it also would leave the impression that I'm not
serious about my business but guys guess what
sometimes we're all gonna fall short of the mark
sometimes my customer service it isn't perfect sometimes people aren't happy
with me what about you you know sometimes I don't do everything right
sometimes I get frustrated with my results sometimes I get frustrated with
the group I want you guys to talk I want to pose I want you guys to show up and
you don't and I'm not coming down on you I'm just saying it makes me feel like
I'm not doing enough okay so we all go through that and those people owned up
to their mistakes okay every time we had a problem we had to wait at least 30
minutes to an hour in the lobby guys they were slow and they didn't really
see know what they were doing and it wasn't
it is frustrating right jameelah and it was frustrating however their
willingness to spend time with you they didn't rush you away from the desk I
don't care if you ran out of toilet paper guys however long it took for them
to fix it they were there holding your hand until it was done they were not
impatient okay and I don't think that your customers expect for you to be
perfect I just think that your customers expect for you to fix it to be patient
and loving and kind while doing so and having the attitude that no matter how
long it takes for me to resolve this please bear with us we are going to get
this resolved we're gonna get this resolved I know I love second chances
when I mess up with a customer when I mess up with a friend and I'm not the
perfect friend or family member today I would love for you just to give me
another chance to prove to you that I can that I can be there okay and that's
acceptable for a lot of customers as well so guys I'm cut this is coming to a
close as you're coming in on this replay guys please say hello to me this replay
isn't going anywhere it's gonna be here as well as place on
YouTube to the YouTube channel okay so if you're coming in on the replay please
do definitely go check it out leave me a comment let me know that you were here
with me today once again my name is Dallas gordon ecommerce cache queen and
marketing success strategist guys you don't have to struggle because i'm here
to help you to dominate i'm here to help you to create new opportunities online
for yourselves guys i encourage you to join in the conversation in the group
guys get in those group posts communicate with one another support one
another i am here for you but help me to help you guys by showing up I really
appreciate you guys I love you guys I appreciate all your support in the group
currently right now my current class which is my live class for the year guys
is the magnetic mindset it's my last course and I want to set you up for
success in fourth quarter by teaching you the very same mindset skills that I
got to explode my income ghost guys I want for you to do the same I want you
to sell online with the facts and you do so without a positive mindset so if
you guys can visit vit um dot L wanna forward slash magnet -
mine I want to see you guys in the class and we're gonna rock it out class starts
next Tuesday night I would love to have you in their lives it's still at a
wonderful sale price so guys I want to see you in there
thanks for about and thanks Chris let's give our customers some cancun mexico
customer service let's go for it guys let's rock it out what can you what did
you learn from this today guys that you can apply to your own business what and
be short just pay it forward and share this group and add some people with
their permission and invite some people in let's get this cash and rock out
fourth quarter you guys have a wonderful blessed Wednesday I'll see you guys
throughout the week in the group bye
How to Brief a Case - Duration: 4:48.
Welcome to LearnLawBetter.
Have you been wondering how to brief a case, or whether it's even worth your time to
do so?
In this episode, learn when and how to brief a case, so you don't get embarrassed in
class and are prepared for capturing the most important part of a case.
Hi, this is Beau Baez, and today I want to give you some advice on briefing cases.
First, the magic question: should you bother briefing cases since you are likely hearing
conflicting information.
Your professors and academic support faculty are telling you yes, and some upper level
student are telling you no.
Early in my teaching career, this question came up during a faculty meeting.
In the room were very successful academics who attended the most prestigious law schools
in the country.
About half of the people in the room said they briefed all throughout law school, and
the other half said they didn't, quitting after the first semester of law school.
Before answering the question, we first have to discuss the purpose of case briefing, which
is twofold.
First, case briefing is designed to prepare you for the classroom discussion.
For some of you, your professors cold call so you don't want to be embarrassed by not
being prepared.
But even if you're not in that situation, you still need to be prepared because
being prepared will allow for greater engagement during class time.
If you're not engaged you will likely not fully understand the discussion, which will
lead to lower grades.
The second purpose of case briefing is to get the rule of law.
At a bare minimum, before class time you need to find the rule of law for each case, write
it down, and then revise it during class if it's not correct.
This is important because the rule of law is the only information you need after you
finish discussing a case.
So now, let's answer the question of whether you need to brief cases.
The answer is yes and no.
During your first semester you should definitely brief cases, including the case name, the
court's name, the relevant facts, the procedural history, the issue, the rule of law, the holding,
and the court's rationale.
This is essential because what you are learning to read and understand case law.
By understand, I don't mean a superficial understanding, but a deep understanding that
will help you develop the skills you need to succeed.
Most law students fail to brief because they think, they think, they know the case—they don't.
So use case briefing as a method, at least for a semester, to learn how to think like
a lawyer.
Now, after the first semester, if you've mastered the skill sufficiently, then you can cut corners.
You can start writing notes in the margins of your casebook.
Since I'm recommending case briefing, let's talk about the amount of time to spend on
this task.
Don't spend a whole lot of time on case briefing.
Your brief should be no more than a page in length, and ideally about half a page.
Second, don't spend too much time on this, except for articulating the rule statement,
which is vitally important for the final exam.
As to the rest of the case, you need a working knowledge of the case for classroom discussion,
but not complete mastery as you will never look at that case again after class is over.
Some of your colleagues will spend hours on a single case, attempting to master every
part of it.
That's a waste of time and effort.
Since your two goals in case briefing are class engagement and rule identification,
so your time is better spent on other tasks, like outlining and final exam prep.
As I tell my students, if you are called on and you miss some facts or you don't have the
rule exactly right, the usual consequence is a little bit of embarrassment.
But ultimately, most, if not all of your course grade is coming from a single final exam.
So you must use your time in a way that will maximize your grade, not help you feel better
after being called on by the professor.
I hope you enjoyed today's discussion.
If you liked this advice, hit the like button.
If you disagreed or have further questions, leave a comment below.
We have many other episodes, so feel free to explore.
Also, at you will find more free resources to help you succeed, including
our newsletter, blog posts, and exam bank.
Thank you for watching.
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