Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 3 2017

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Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

So we got some very interesting news today.

First of all, there's a new BETA update for CS:GO.

A beta update is basically an update that you can try out for yourself before it goes

out live to the public, it's to make sure that everything seems to work okay and fine.

This update has some very interesting changes and fixes.

The most interesting fix is probably for the crouch jump bug.

Before it looked like this, and now it looks like this.

It even makes a sound so you're not silent anymore when you do it.

Wow, Valve has finally fixed a bug that has been in the game for a long time, and they have

"adapted" well to the community feedback.

BTW, if this was patched before the major, I wonder how everything would've turned out.

Anyway, the next big change to this update is for the Tec-9.

The Tec-9 has slightly improved accuracy when taking a single shot but reduced accuracy

when firing rapidly.

The magazine and reserve ammo has also been reduced from 24 to 18 and 120 to 90.

In my opinion, I love these changes.

I even made a video about the tec-9 being overpowered where most of you seemed to agree

with me.

It will be very interesting to see how these changes affect the professional scene in the

future or just any game where the terrorists need to eco.

Will it still be the Rek9 that we all know?

The last fix they've done is for an issue where sometimes you couldn't hear an enemy

behind a wall.

This was very frustrating on the map Nuke for example where the terrorist could just

rush you sometimes and it could catch you off guard cause you couldn't hear them properly.

This is a very nice fix from Valve.

The last thing I wanna talk about is an update for Steam itself.

You know how you always get random group invites?

Well, you won't anymore.

You can now only be invited into a group by your friends.

Even thought I wasn't one of those people who got spammed group invites, I can understand

how that must feel for you guys who did.

This is obviously great news and hopefully we'll get the CS:GO update out of beta, very soon.

It will most likely be out of beta in a couple days.

You can always follow me on other social medias as well, such as Twitter and Instagram and

I'll see you guys in the next video, go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO Update - Tec-9 Nerf, Jump Bug Patched & No More Group Invites! - Duration: 3:00.


Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 1 - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 1 - Duration: 7:58.


Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 2 - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 2 - Duration: 10:44.


Así se vivió la intensa tanda de penales entre las Estrellas de la MLS y Real Madrid - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Así se vivió la intensa tanda de penales entre las Estrellas de la MLS y Real Madrid - Duration: 5:38.


Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 3 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 3 - Duration: 4:26.


Summer Soul LIVE Performance - Jorge Blanco - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Summer Soul LIVE Performance - Jorge Blanco - Duration: 4:44.


Play Doh Car Ship Excavator Molds Learn Colours with Play Doh Song Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Play Doh Car Ship Excavator Molds Learn Colours with Play Doh Song Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 6:40.


Mom Leaves Babies Alone With full bathtub, Switch Blade in Reach and Door wide open!!! - Duration: 17:12.

um I've this website where

Parents are being questioned whether or not they should have ever been parents, so let's jump in this guy's


Phoenix police say a woman left her two babies alone an apartment with a bathtub full of water so bla bla yeah

so according to police a

Neighbor heard a child screaming for about 15 minutes, and maybe knocked on the door

There's no answer so seeing the child through the window, but police say they kick the door in they saw a one-Year-Old child

There and they also saw a back door in the balcony open, and it was a third floor

So of course it's going to have officers little suspicious. That's why they broke down the door so as police check the apartment

They saw that not only was that door open in the back, but they had been a bath tubs

Then it had about eight to ten inches of water filled in it also a switchblade a switchblade neither

wipe that out on a

Counter and then reach of one you're how could one year old

I mean it had to be a pretty small counter for one room. I'm thinking

They might have been a coffee table the counter usually calories aren't that small

But when you roll the star, they're already walking and climb somewhat

But they're not really good climbers at that stage - so I don't know, but that little kind of stretch

But still switch play shouldn't be out. I mean. Where's this mom?

Let's read on the neighborhood

Call Police Said Dale came out of first floor a first floor apartment some time later police

Estimate the Darrell left two little ones alone for about 45 minutes

Well now that's just dumb

Department of child Safety took custody of the children Des so the agency has had no prior involvement with Darrell

Although the prosecutor recommended a bond of five thousand

commissioner Lisa Roberts released Darren our own, rick uh


LieSl robbers released her under the supervision of pre-trial services agency

I'm going to tell you I'm extremely concerned about the information

I provided me Robert said from des referring tell children are left something needs to change here. We'll know shan't

parents shouldn't leave their kids unattended

Especially that young that is ridiculous. Let's see the kids were one year in a couple months. I believe I believe is it one yeah

One of them is a year old and another almost two months old like what was it lady thinking like no way

that is just

Wait, so she's getting a two-count sir so class for felonies man

One condition does release that she may not have any contact with her children Robert schedule 2 24 I was explained

Robert Explained that she broke down Sobbing

Blah blah, oh, you should have been sobbing when you left your kids at home for 45 minutes

Unattended why was this still water in the tub we plan on getting him to empty your tub man, I can get mosquitos

But it's gross and he kids around why would you leave? Why you got a switchblade out man?

We try to do some cocaine or some shit

Get rid of the drugs get rid of freaking the switchblade

I don't think you need it anymore need protection somebody bring your house

You just need to get a gun and have that locked up, but yeah

Nobody should trust you even with a gun because you can put a person switchblade knife away, or drain your tub man

get your shit together ah

Sorry guys stuff like that pisses me off

I'm gonna do a lot of bleep ending this one

You do so let's go

Check on someone else in this good old thing let's go. I want to show you guys this one

Let's see Carlos Cruz and rosemary busting I'm surprised, Arizona or arrested may 24. This is of course 2015 uh

A couple years ago a four year old daughter was found dead at their home

She's young signs of abuse and weighed only 15 pounds oh

shit, so some

Place out here a little town called surprise police are investigating how the parents of three-year-old girl may have contributed to her

May have contribute to her death the girl is found dead by paramedics this weekend surprise police said that

They were called at about 5:30 p.m.. Saturday by a man who said his three-year-old niece was not responsive at their home

Paramedics took the girl alexander to the hospital where she was pronounced dead signs of sexual abuse

The one-inch laceration on her forehead that exposed to school and discolored and swollen left me police say

Summers were consistent with a dog collar and a spoon found inside the home


Wow, just what oh?

My God, so I see also showed signs of extreme male nurse mull nourishment and wages 15 pounds

You're saying oh my god. It's so sad police arrested 28 year, old Carlos t cruz and 36 year-old rosemary

Olenska and

Booked them in a Maricopa County jail on Sundays on one count each a felony child abuse surprise police said more charges could be filed

vestigators said

Valenko told them her husband suffered from anger issues and use a belt to aply with the girl and her six-year-old brother Glenn's here said

she also

Would used the belt, but we measure her strength so not to strike her daughter to our knocked to the ground

officers served a search warrant found a small paint

Can that appeared to be used as a toilet by the children in the Victim's bed that was a two?

foot by two foot wobbly which structure made from eight pieces of wood

I'll just took the groaner brothers shared a bedroom with their parents the bedroom door had no handle but did have a padlock about

43 inches from the floor that could be locked and opened only from the outside

They said they also found keys to the padlocks spended by a rope

the six feet off the floor

Officers said there was little food in the refrigerator, but the freezer contained beer

Previous version of the Story said the Child was four years old

Okay, so it was a three-year-old and the story is just fucked. She said her husband had anger issues that has no


explanation for the Goddamn

Excuse my language gosh

That's no

Explanation for the sexual assault that was rendered on that girl, so this guy carlos was not just an abusive man

He was a very very sick


He is a nasty piece of crap. I'm trying to contain myself here because this man right here is


he is a

Low-life inch in Guinea, and this girl for letting this go on

deserves the same punishment as that dude they both deserve to be

Electrified just get rid of them. They deserve to get done. Bye Bubba behind bars men electrified

I don't care that it. That was a three year, old girl and this sick


Thing I'm looking at just no human being


I'm moving on that is Daddy's just these people are disgusting

Their own daughter their own flesh and blood this is what this world is freakin coming to it's sinister man. Yes, I?

Just tell you people find jesus like this is

Disgusting these people man the night the demons on this freakin world

Like your own flesh and blood this dude's going to hurt like that this

Demon piece of crap I'm looking at I

Just move on

skull this lady, uh

She's resting tempe, Arizona book than in jail one kind of felony child abuse after a two-month old son was found alone or hot vehicle

So this was a quick story

She went to Whole Foods down here

Thought it would only be a miniatures inside the store for ten minutes within that ten minutes

I guess so 79 degrees out she left her kid out there. There's only a couple months old

and they're trying to say it was 151 degrees in the car when it was 79 degrees out who knows that could be true, but

I believe she still should get a charge because I mean ten minutes and Arizona heat

not good ever

There are two months old baby. She's lucky

Just very lucky

The baby's life. I mean I know it was ten minutes, but no not in Arizona. You don't have any heat down here

It's bad. It's way too freakin hot

But hopefully she learned from a mistake when she gets whatever treatment

she just learns from it whatever and hopefully the baby's okay, and they can be together once again cuz I believe

Custody was taken from her. Okay. Let's go back to this one

this guy this one is the one I don't understand okay, uh

guy in Glendale

Arizona was arrested and booked into jail on

Suspicion of child abuse and England's at the police said he failed to seek medical treatment for her son's first and second degree burns

He suffered while playing with a lighter, okay kid got a lighter. He's obviously a little bit older a kid

but first effect of your burns

Treatment like this is where the story doesn't make sense and kind of derails me all right

So let's go over here real quick first second-degree burn so first-degree burns are considered Mild

They're nothing like if you go to

second-degree burns right Hyo Shin

Whew all right here to second-degree burns

It's possibly this involve the epidermis imparted Emma's laser scan the burn site appears Red Blisters and may be swollen and painful

So you go to here some degree Bursa clung in three weeks to heal most mm to three weeks most scarring but often the pigment

changes to skin

Blah blah the Longer the burn will take to heal some severe cases skin grafting is required to fix the damage

In severe cases skin grafting so yes, I mean, I guess conversion to be a surgery


Anyway, so sometimes oh sometimes? I don't know save degree burns Blah, but let's go back

they say you got set first and second degree burns first degree burns into nothing it's

Kind of an injury. It's really nothing does investigation. Yeah goes away two seconds

It's like when you blow out a match that match sometimes you know

I've been matched cool down for a second didn't touch to use like a little bit, but it doesn't hurt

The boy suffered first leg degree burns the left side his chest left on left sheet

So everyone's in the face could blistered in might need surgery

If it was that big I can understand why they would whatever

But if he's seeing these we don't know what this could look like with the burns, so this father saying first immigrants

And he does say he treated him we would all do that

What maybe these police don't understand is the price of insurance for some of the lower come?

Blowing low income people man like I understand not wanting to go to hospital when you can treat shit yourself you little neosporin

Little bit, Oxygen, whatever, I mean we have Google

We can google how to do it and what this guy did Google tells him to do?

Straight up. It says right here for you're doing when you left a boy to buy

Bandages like cream another contacted us today. That's a problem

Yes, a personal and contacted

Or just burn fucking family call there's those dumb because what he did is it cold water which it says to do in Google

And wrapping him and her towns of seeking medical up, so residents

He'll then. He told me to get bandages and all that stuff. So the dad did treat the wounds as

anybody would and how any

Anyway, who looked up how to treat a burn would?

It all it's all weird in that situation. We can't see what the kids burns look like

But this father at least did try to treat him and I understand uncle in a hospital

But I mean who knows maybe it was really bad, and he should have taken him

Maybe it wasn't but when it's first and second degree burns if it was third of course your knowledge

You don't always go to

Hospital for Second-degree burn ages don't I've got a career and plenty of times when I was a kid

Because I'm not wasn't very bright kid. I don't the hospital

Yes, I mean

Uh please comment on this one guys have you gone the hospital for second-degree burns is anybody had major surgery cuz second-degree burns I

Don't know anybody, but I would like to know honestly like have second-degree burns gotten that bad

To some of you out there likes what you guys think on this one because I think the police


I'm in the middle, but I'm kind of even more towards please to kind of exaggerating this one just to get a charge

But you never know

I'm open discussion. So leave in comments you guys think with all the parents out there

I mean this one doesn't seem that bad uh

So I'm just gonna leave you guys one more

This guy right here


Disciplining his daughter with a leather belt

This guy I didn't know this was out the window

He daughter had been acting out

For two weeks, and he had spanked it with a belt eight times in that two weeks because she was defiant I

Don't God this is always a tough a huge issue, but I do not believe this is child abuse

You get hit spanked with a belt man. I got bills I got switches sometimes a shoe

Whatever is close by when I was a kid um it just made me stop acting like a little shit

Yeah, it made you calm down and stop being obnoxious. I don't know but come on

We've all I believe my age in my age group. I was born in late 80s

We all got a belt or something from time to time

Comment below if you did and if you didn't wear your thoughts are on the belt treatment

but I do not believe that this guy deserved to get a


For going and using a belt on his daughter it

100 even admitted to being deprived she admitted to being a brat uh


don't know I


Don't it's so controversial out there because people say don't I believe you don't give your kid a bell or spanking on there

But they're going to be little we call them Scottsdale

Snobs that are out here in Phoenix

Like you get these two people you can tell they've never had a belt because they're just not very polite nice people

They're just crap okay

but when you do use bell and kidd maybe they grow a little bit more manners a little bit more respectful to other people because

You know they weren't just snobs and everything they wanted all Frickin time doing, whatever they want over time, but hey

That's just me and I digress

So a child looks something a little new today guys. Hope you liked it. I got a topic a little bit

hopefully you guys enjoyed and

Hopefully these parents stopped being better parents together


For more infomation >> Mom Leaves Babies Alone With full bathtub, Switch Blade in Reach and Door wide open!!! - Duration: 17:12.


강원래 아들 강선, 눈물 참는 귀요미 '훌쩍훌쩍' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 강원래 아들 강선, 눈물 참는 귀요미 '훌쩍훌쩍' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:45.


#김정숙 Channel:'자체발광' 이시하라 사토미X송혜교?, "일본의 송중기 야마시타 토모히사의 마음을 사로잡은 그녀만의 비결?...놰쇄적 아우라" 관심 증폭 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> #김정숙 Channel:'자체발광' 이시하라 사토미X송혜교?, "일본의 송중기 야마시타 토모히사의 마음을 사로잡은 그녀만의 비결?...놰쇄적 아우라" 관심 증폭 - Duration: 2:13.


Mit Schnurbart und Sonnenbrille Megan Fox veröffentlicht lustige Familienfotos - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Mit Schnurbart und Sonnenbrille Megan Fox veröffentlicht lustige Familienfotos - Duration: 2:11.


Why you need Knowledge Based Engineering for sales/marketing - Transformer Industry - Duration: 1:31.

as a marketing or sales person one way you can create value is by responding

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created using powtoons

For more infomation >> Why you need Knowledge Based Engineering for sales/marketing - Transformer Industry - Duration: 1:31.


Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 9 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 9 - Duration: 2:12.


Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 11 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Third Reading - Video 11 - Duration: 3:36.


Entrevista: metodología de investigación ¿Qué es un problema de investigación? - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Entrevista: metodología de investigación ¿Qué es un problema de investigación? - Duration: 10:11.


Межигорье Януковича. Сказочный парк и аляповатая резиденция изгнанника - Duration: 33:00.

For more infomation >> Межигорье Януковича. Сказочный парк и аляповатая резиденция изгнанника - Duration: 33:00.


Sheriff: Union man had 'holes' in kidnapping story - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Sheriff: Union man had 'holes' in kidnapping story - Duration: 2:35.


'딸바보' 윤상현, 딸 품에 안고 함박웃음 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> '딸바보' 윤상현, 딸 품에 안고 함박웃음 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:32.


Bell Howell Set of 2 Nonstick Mesh Crisper Trays - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> Bell Howell Set of 2 Nonstick Mesh Crisper Trays - Duration: 11:45.


Top 3 Best Fishing Gloves - Duration: 3:09.

Wiki zone best product advisor behind Amazon wiki zone presents top three best

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holding and cleaning to ensure it doesn't get away highlighted features

makes handling and cleaning fish safer and easier more flexible than other fish

handling gloves on the market made with super fabric brand material by HDM

incorporated palm and thumb material protects against cuts in street list

number 2 glove named glacier glove alaska fingerless glove glove

information Lindy fish handling glove is neoprene with a fingerless design they

are water repellent and will keep your hands warm in the cold weather it hams

to work in unpredictable weather particularly when it can get frigid in

Alaska the palm area has fleas for extra grip and the back is wind proof to keep

the wind off your hand the fingerless design gives you the dexterity to work

as you would without the gloves your hands will stay insulated until they are

dry while you're wearing the gloves highlighted features g-tech 2

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prevent fatigue thank you for watching our video about top three best fishing

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For more infomation >> Top 3 Best Fishing Gloves - Duration: 3:09.


Horse Riding + DIY Treats

For more infomation >> Horse Riding + DIY Treats


For more infomation >> Horse Riding + DIY Treats


Let's Play Yakuza (VOSTFR) | Saison 1, Episode 1 : "Kamurocho, 1995" - Duration: 43:07.

For more infomation >> Let's Play Yakuza (VOSTFR) | Saison 1, Episode 1 : "Kamurocho, 1995" - Duration: 43:07.


For more infomation >> Let's Play Yakuza (VOSTFR) | Saison 1, Episode 1 : "Kamurocho, 1995" - Duration: 43:07.


Pour son dernier amour Béatrice Grimm, Michel Berger voulait compo­ser un album - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Pour son dernier amour Béatrice Grimm, Michel Berger voulait compo­ser un album - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> Pour son dernier amour Béatrice Grimm, Michel Berger voulait compo­ser un album - Duration: 2:19.


How to make apple cider vinegar | 100% alcohol free - Duration: 3:22.

Hello everyone.

I wanted to thank algerino Mohammed for suggesting me this alcohol-free vinegar recipe.

Put the lid on top of the jar but do not close it.

Here is the result after a week.

After 2-3 days break the apples up like this.

Here is the vinegar after 5 weeks.

Vinegar and mother are already visible.

Filter the vinegar and if you want measure its pH.

pH = 3 (very acid).

This homemade vinegar is very aromatic.

As always, I hope you enjoyed my recipe. Until next time!

For more infomation >> How to make apple cider vinegar | 100% alcohol free - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> How to make apple cider vinegar | 100% alcohol free - Duration: 3:22.


HN News - NYダウ、終値で初の2万2000ドル台を記録 - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> HN News - NYダウ、終値で初の2万2000ドル台を記録 - Duration: 7:55.


For more infomation >> HN News - NYダウ、終値で初の2万2000ドル台を記録 - Duration: 7:55.


Dinosaur Walking and Laying Eggs Toy 걸어다니면서 알 낳는 공룡 브라키오 장난감 놀이 놈놈토이스 NomNom TOYS - Duration: 2:35.

NomNom TOYS (놈놈토이스)

Dinosaur Walking and Laying Eggs Toy Demo


For more infomation >> Dinosaur Walking and Laying Eggs Toy 걸어다니면서 알 낳는 공룡 브라키오 장난감 놀이 놈놈토이스 NomNom TOYS - Duration: 2:35.


For more infomation >> Dinosaur Walking and Laying Eggs Toy 걸어다니면서 알 낳는 공룡 브라키오 장난감 놀이 놈놈토이스 NomNom TOYS - Duration: 2:35.


Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.3 M-Jet 75 pk (Airco/Bluetooth/Elek. pakket/Schuifdeur) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.3 M-Jet 75 pk (Airco/Bluetooth/Elek. pakket/Schuifdeur) - Duration: 1:01.


Minecraft - Duration: 17:50.

For more infomation >> Minecraft - Duration: 17:50.


Indian kitchen tips and tricks/11 important kitchen tips for easy cooking/Kitchen Hacks (part -2) - Duration: 6:25.

want to save some time while cooking ? then keep watching the video till the end.

Hi to everyone who loves to or have to cook ,welcome to my channel .In todays video i

am going to share food tips and hacks which will defiantly make your life easier ; especially

if you are working or have kids. and these tips are about time and food saving ;and a

lifesaver and must know tip towards the end of this video.

so do watch the video till end.

if you enjoy watching this video then don't hesitate to hit the like button and please

please subscribe to my channel with the bell icon . lets start with how to maintain the vibrant color and ideal texture of cooked vegetables

Cook veggies in boiling water until they reach the tender-crisp stage.

To determine if they're ready, carefully pull a veggie out and bite into it.Once cooked,

immediately drain the vegetables from the water and submerge them in a container of

ice water.

This is called "shocking" the vegetables.

Shocking stops the cooking process immediately and, maintain vibrant color and ideal texture. lets see how to blanch and store the tomatoes for months, .On the two sides of

each tomato with the help of sharp knife cut "X" and Add tomatoes to the boiling water,

and Boil for 30-60 seconds, remove tomatoes from the boiling water, here the skin got

released but the actual process is to transfer tomatoes immediately in an ice-water-filled


As they chill, you will see the skins start to pull away from the meat of the tomato.

then cut and grind these tomatoes and refrigerate them ,and transfer these tomato ice cubes

in a zip lock and you can use them in any curry or sauce

3.If you want to quick-chill a glass of ice tea, sherbet, wine , cocktail or mocktail

there's a simple solution: keep your glass of any drink chilled with a few frozen grapes!

Here i am chilling my ice tea.

Grapes do wonders for chilling , and they work to chill your drink without diluting

it . 4.if you will keep ginger garlic paste in

fridge it won't last long so to make home made ginger garlic paste last

longer drizzle 2-3 teaspoon of hot oil, mix it well and transfer it in air tight container

after its cools down.

5.To save lentils ,pulses or daal from insects put some bay leaves or tej patta in the containers.

6.and if you will store rawa or suji after roasting there won't be any insects problem

and you can also make upama or sheera very quickly and save time

7.To make cold coffee quickly ,mix coffee in water you can also boil and add sugar and

stir it well, then Pour the coffee into a clean ice cube tray and freeze.

Once frozen, empty the cubes from the tray and store them in a plastic freezer bag.

Combine the cubes with cold milk, you can also add coffee creamer, or sweetened condensed

milk to taste.

and i am adding whipped cream and some chocolate chips Because i like cold coffee this way.

8.To make puris crispy add some rawa or suji and a table spoon of oil preferably hot then

mix it well and prepare a dough .let the dough rest for 20-25 minutes then roll small circles

and fry them and you will get really crispy puris.

9.To keep red chillies powder fresh for long time add some asafetida or hing

10.To avoid the sliminess or stickiness while cutting okra , lady finger or bhendi run the

lemon slice on both the sides of knife with this simple tip you can cut okra without ant

mess and sabzi will turn crispy.

11.Now lets see what is the lifesaver tip .we do tadka to almost every curry or daal

but you can save a lot of your time preparing the masala every single time so lets see how

to make onion tomato masala for Indian gravies?

A versatile masala that can be used for almost all the Indian recipes , so heat some oil

and add garlic, ginger ,onion curry leaves ,green chillies if you want , some salt and

give it a stir. after onion and relic turned light brown add tomatoes and cook it well.

let the masala cool down and grind it a little bit so that there will be a texture in masala

.then spoon out masala in each cube of washed and dry ice cube tray. and Cover it with a

plastic wrap to avoid other odors to penetrate in the masala.

On the other hand this masala itself has a strong aroma which may penetrate into other

foods, so cover it properly.

After it's frozen, remove masala from tray and put it in Ziplock bags and store for future

use.and Whenever you are ready for a recipe, just set it out on your kitchen counter for

an hour to thaw or you can also add cubes directly in the pan and you are good to go.

to know some more really useful kitchen tips watch my last video ; link is in description

box and hit the like button and please please subscribe to my channel.

thanks for watching my video.bye

For more infomation >> Indian kitchen tips and tricks/11 important kitchen tips for easy cooking/Kitchen Hacks (part -2) - Duration: 6:25.


Phrasal Verbs of SEX - Duration: 10:15.

Hi, guys.

I'm Ronnie.

I'm going to teach you some dreaded phrasal verbs.


I know that learning English is difficult, and phrasal verbs are very difficult because

they just don't make sense.


So, when you look at a verb in English, you have, like, for example: "calm" or "jack"

or "beat", and then there's a pronoun with it, it gets very confusing.

So, just a little warning, here, people, if you are not mature enough to watch this

-no matter your age-I suggest you turn it off or don't share it.


How about that as an idea?

If you're offended by phrasal verbs of a sexual nature, don't share the video.


Turn it off, watch another video.

Watch a different channel.

Do what you do.

So, I'm going to teach you phrasal verbs Ronnie style because they're about sex - oh yeah.

So, sexual phrasal verbs.

This is what makes me laugh all the time.

Every day at my work and in my house...

Not my house.

In my apartment I have an elevator and there is a voice in the elevator and the elevator says:

"Going down", hee-hee-hee, I every day giggle, and I say: "I wish", and other people look at me and go:

"Why is this crazy lady laughing at the elevator because it says 'Going down'?"

What these people don't realize, because maybe they don't have a hilarious sense of humour

or they don't know the phrasal verb to go down on someone - "going down" means to have

oral sex with someone, so when the elevator opens up and a person's voice goes:

"Going down", I'm like: "Okay, in the elevator? Cool."

So, first of all, phrasal verbs are always a verb and a preposition.

So, prepositions are things like: "over", "in", "on", "out", "down", "up", "out".

So, these prepositions with the verb together will have a completely different meaning than

if you just have one verb.

So, for example, the verb "eat" we know, but when I put it with "eat out", you guys think:

"Oh, hey, yeah, guess what?

I went to a restaurant last night and I ate out", and I die, I just laugh because, ladies

and gentlemen, if you "eat out" or "eat someone out" it means you have, or are having, or

had oral sex again.

So: "go down" and "eat out" both mean you're having oral sex.

So, this is why I laugh all the time.

People think I'm in a good mood.

I just think people say things that are funny.

So, I'm going to teach you some sexual phrasal verbs.

First one: "bend over".

It actually sounds like a person's name in English.

Does anybody know anybody named: "Ben Dover"?

If anyone's a fan of The Simpsons, Bart Simpson will call a bar and say:

"Uh, is Ben Dover there, please? Can somebody Ben Dover?

Can somebody get my Ben Dover?"

"Bend over" basically means that you put your body like this and you stick your bum in the

air, and you're having sex like that.

Good job, I think you can imagine what happens next if you bend over.

If your name is Ben Dover, your parents are funny and probably you might want to change

your name.

Maybe Benny Dover?

Nah, good luck with that.

Benjamin Dover?


We also have: "cum on".

This means you blow your load or you get sperm on someone, someone's part of their body,

maybe their face (which is bukake) or you can cum on the wall, which might be embarrassing,

you can cum wherever you're having fun with your little wiener, there.

You cum on something or someone, it means you get sperm somewhere.

Same with the word "jizz on" and "spooge on".

So, cum on, jizz on, and spooge on means ejaculation time.

So, "ejaculate on someone" means you get sperm on someone or something - done.

But some of you guys might have a different technique where you "cum in" something, like a sock.

I've seen it in a movie.

Some guys like to masturbate into a sock, so you would say: "I came", which is the past

tense or "cum in a sock".

So, "c um", the past tense is "came". See?

It's verbs, it's real life, it's past tense.

As I said before, when people tell me that they are going to eat out tonight, I think

that's a lot of information that I don't need to know.

They mean they're going to a restaurant, but in my brain and I'm sure a lot of other people's

brains, "eat out" means oral sex.

So does "go down", going down.

We can also say "on someone".

So you can say: "I was going down on my girlfriend",

"I was going down on my boyfriend", that means

that you're having oral sex.

"Eat out" is only if you're having oral sex, performing oral sex on a woman, but "go down"

is for men and women interchangeably.

A little debate about this: "feel up".

So, if you're feeling somebody up, usually a guy feels up a girl, you squeeze some body parts.


So, guys would say: "I felt her up", past tense.

"Felt her".

We usually use it for girls, but hey, if you want to feel up a guy, that's fine, that's your business.

Another one that is probably really important if you don't want to get your girlfriend or

your wife pregnant is you "pull out".

So, "pull out" means you don't ejaculate inside of someone.

And this is a very good method of birth control if you don't want to get the girl pregnant.

So if you pull out, it means you don't ejaculate inside.

Sometimes this will be in a movie, like: "The guy pulled out so fast", but he's talking

about, like, driving a car, but in Ronnie's mind that's still a joke because he pulled

out too fast.

I was like: "Oh, funny!"

Oh yes, movies are funny when they're not supposed to be.

But actually they use a lot of these in movies, that's why when you watch a movie and when

a native speaker watches a movie, I'm laughing and you're not because you don't get the sexual phrasal verb.

Now you do.

Just let me write "ejaculate" again.

So you don't ejaculate inside someone.

The next one is to "suck someone off".

Now, one thing about phrasal verbs, sexual phrasal verbs or other phrasal verbs is that

sometimes they can be separated.

So some of them we can put the subject between the verb and the preposition.

So, you can "suck someone off", this means you give someone a "blow job" which is oral

sex; and also we have "jack someone off", which means a "hand job", which means you

pleasure someone with your hands.

No demonstrations, please, Ronnie, we're trying to enjoy the video.

So, I remember a long time ago some pop band, I think it was Blink 182 had an album that said:

"Take off your pants and jack it".

Hilarious, because you think: "That's nice, your pants and your jacket."

But then you go: "Oh my god, that's hilarious because they mean take off your pants and

masturbate, because "jack it" means masturbate.

It's the same as "jack off", "beat off", "whack off", or "stroke it".

So, all of these ones means masturbate for men.

Ladies, we don't get any of these.

We have "flick the bean", not a phrasal verb.

Sorry, I'll cover that in a next lesson.

And we also have one that is like a song: "Get it on."

So many songs. "Bang a gong, get it on."

We'll get that up on the website for you, but: "Get it on" basically means have sex.

In so many songs, especially from the 60s or the 70s there's a lot of censorship and

people couldn't say: "I want to have sex with you tonight", so they say stuff like:

"Let's get it on, baby", and you're like: "Get what on?

What am I on?

Who's, who's...?

Who's it?"

Guess what?

"Get it on" just means have sex.

So, phrasal verbs are difficult, but they can be fun and they can be funny, and learning

them will help you laugh at movies.

And it'll help you understand why someone says: "Hey, come on. Stop doing that."

I just crack up.

Going down?

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