Welcome to my home!
How are you? I'm fine. Today, I'm
in a different room of my house!
... anyway.Let's begin, no?
Today we're going to talk about pervs in Japan! Yay!
Specifically, pervs in the metro.
And I'm also going to explain about the metro car only for women? *(and a personal anecdote as well)
...anyway, let's begin.
First, I'm going to talk about the word "chikan"
CHIKAN in Japanese means "perv"
But it also means what pervs do
In this case, inappropriate touching in public,
or worse things, in public.
There have been cases of CHIKAN cutting pieces of girls' clothing
Above all it happens to the schoolgirls, cutting a piece of their school uniform's skirt
Just, horrible
The place where most cases of CHIKAN occur is in the metro
According to a Tokyo police study done in 2015,
out of 1,900 attacks that year,
72.2% took place in the metro.
inside as well as outside the train!
And now you think, how is it possible that there are so many cases in the metro?
Well, the thing is, in rush hour,
in the trains there are many many people, too many people
So since everybody is so close and so smushed together
it's very easy
for a CHIKAN to touch a girl without people seeing.
And what's more, since there's so many people,
it's very difficult for the girl to identify who touched her
That's why it's so serious
Now, in Japan, they're really taking CHIKAN cases into account
they're trying to take measures to reduce them.
Actually, in 2002,
in Osaka -- ♪♫ OSAKA, OSAKA ♫♬
You know that I adore Osaka since I live here
In Osaka in 2002 they implemented
the women-only cars. So in the Midosuji line--
--the Midosuji line is the most popular subway line
and the one they use the most here
So they made one car for women only in the train
So the idea is that in rush hour only the girls can enter *(& little kids and people with disabilities)
and this would reduce these incidents
And the truth is it worked!
Only in the first year they reduced by... three...
three percent? No...
Only in the first year, they reduced them by a third! (sources in description)
the number of cases of CHIKAN in the metro
Also, you have to keep in mind that
the numbers of CHIKAN are much higher than what they say in these surveys
we only have the numbers of the girls who make a claim
and many girls in Japan
don't report this type of harassment
because as I said before it is very difficult to identify who has touched you
and second because
they think, even if I report them, nothing's going to happen
But, if this happens to you, report it
because they really do take it seriously
Actually, I was looking on the Internet for information to do this video--
and you have down in the description all of the articles I was reading on this topic
mostly in English and in Japanese, sorry
--and just yesterday
there was a case of CHIKAN in Namba, in Osaka
in the Midosuji, in the line I was just talking about
In Namba around 9pm a 60-year-old man touched a girl inappropriately
the good thing is that he got arrested
so there's still hope
It's a shame, but the girls who suffer the most from CHIKAN
are the youngest
There was this image that went viral in Twitter
by a person who took the time to draw
...the "types" of women who are "most likely" to be attacked by a CHIKAN
this image here
What I don't like is that I haven't seen any study
that is related to this
I've read on the Internet that there are such studies, but since I haven't found the source
take it with a grain of salt, okay?
I just give you the information, but treat it carefully
In Osaka there is a department that dedicates itself exclusively
to CHIKAN cases and to resolve them
Now, they are distributing some pins that say
"CHIKAN is a crime" or "if you touch me I'll report you"
now young girls have them on their bags
or their sweaters or jackets
And this, even if it sounds stupid, actually helps
Because there's a girl who, I read in an article,
There was a girl who was very young and who was attacked every day *(from when she was TEN)
when she was going to school
Think, when these young girls go to school
they have to take the metro every day, in rush hour, to go to school
So, they become
the easiest target for a perv of this kind.
And this girl didn't want to go to school
because this was always happening
and the mother was exhausted too, as it was so hard to tell who was touching her
it was always different people, you know?
and yes, they reported it
but they could never find the CHIKANs who had done it
And so the mother started to put these badges on the girl,
And according to her story,
since they started putting the pins on her, nobody touched her any more.
So, even if it sounds like a dumb idea, it really seems to work.
it's good that there's this small way to do combat this problem
And now comes the moment you've all been waiting for
I'm going to tell you my CHIKAN anecdote! Yay!
and why am I telling you this so happily if it's so horrible? Well, I don't know.
I'm just made this way. Anyway.
As I was saying, CHIKAN attack in rush hour
but they also attack at night, as I said before, in the news of yesterday
And the thing is, here, I'm pretty trusting
because of course, Japan is a very safe place. It's very unlikely that anything happens to you, okay?
Being a woman, you can go waling at night
nothing's likely to happen to you, it's very very safe.
The only thing that happens is CHIKAN. But I had thought that CHIKANS
only attack in rush hour, before this happened to me...
So, one night, at half past nine or so,
when I finished very late at work
I was going home and I got in the mixed car
I sat down, and, well, after a while sitting I noticed something like this...
At first I thought it was simply
due to the motion of the train, someone was just hitting against me
or something like that. I didn't think it was a perv.
and well,
everything was fine until this movement started
to go lower and lower and I started to feel it in this area
in the area of feminine happiness, if you know what I'm saying
well I noticed the touching
and then is when I became alarmed
like, he's not doing this unintentionally, right?
So I turned
and saw a guy doing this with this kind of face
with the face of that Toy Story toy of Woody
with this face he was doing this
That's right, he wanted to touch me in this area
with his, with his ELBOW!
Does this seem normal to you?
So, at noticing this,
and at seeing this face of extreme perv, level 200
like, just, extreme perv, no perv more perv than you
the only thing I could do is look at him, like
and I laughed in his face
and you'll say, "Yu, why do you laugh at the perv?!"
because it's pathetic! Why are you doing inappropriate touches one me with your elbow?
So I looked at him like
Like, I cannot believe you are elbow-touching me
I mean, pathetic, horr-- no, I just don't have words for how stupid it was
And whatever, the guy, obviously
got ashamed of himself. He was looking at me like this, and his face changed into this
Like, "Oh, it seems that she doesn't like that I touch her
"that I touch her in this area with my elbow...
"How strange, this never would have occurred to me before now."
So, if any day you ever happen to meet a CHIKAN
the only thing you have to do is scream "CHIKAN!" and all the people around you will separate from you in a matter of seconds
phsh, they give you space. And if anyone has seen the CHIKAN
they will try to stop him, etc, okay? So don't worry.
In the metro, they have... in Osaka, they have put up
[posters of] CHIKAN AKAN, which I like
Akan is like "no, don't do that"
but in Osaka dialect
In Tokyo they say "dame"
"don't do that"
so in Japan, in Osaka we have "CHIKAN AKAN"
And as well as CHIKAN AKAN
it also says that if you act like you haven't seen a CHIKAN it's also wrong
because it's complicit
so you know. Whatever. Let's continue with the story, eh?
The thing is, I got up
obviously, indignant, I got up
and I got in front of the guy, because I thought, look,
I'm not going to get off the train, not going to do anything, but I'm going to make you feel bad.
So I put myself in front of him and look at him like
and laughing like
like "you are so pathetic" you know?
and so, the next stop,
he got off, because he felt ashamed
and that's all. After that I haven't gotten in the mixed car
I only get in the mixed car in hours... in the middle of the day
11:00, til the afternoon or so
but at night and in rush hour I don't go in because weird people go in, sometimes
If you go with little kids and you go in the mixed car at night
it's possible you'll see somebody reading a comic for... um... for adults, let's say.
Or they might be looking at adult websites, which has happened to me many times
and which really disgusts me because once there was a guy
looking at a webpage for "adults" and the girls looked just way too young
I think. It just creeped me way out.
So that's also why I don't go in the mixed car at night, okay?
Yu's recommendation!
But other that that, Japan is very safe.
And CHIKAN only really occur in those hours,
so don't worry. If you're a woman,
well, don't get in the mixed car, in the times I said
and that's all. Use the women's car
Many times, when I'm doing videos and wearing skirts
I think in one of them I said I was going to get in the girls' car
because there was a creepy person
And that's it. If I go with a skirt, as I know that CHIKAN tend to touch girls under their skirts,
I just go directly to the women's car and that's all.
better to be safe than sorry.
And that's all!
The subscriber of the month is Raziel Ángel
He wrote this comment in Twitter
this is the answer to a picture I posted in Twitter
I put this photo of my husband in Twitter in my kigurumi
Isn't it cute?
I would like very much to see your family also in kigurumis, I'm sure you'd all be super adorable.
And that's all. Thanks very much for always commenting, Raziel Ángel
You're... you're very cool!
You see, he's cool because he follows me in Twitter.
Here you have Yunae & yunae in Twitter & Instagram promotion promotion
And that's all. Subscribe to me, Subscribe to me
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We put out videos every Monday (Japan time)
A kiss!
Tell me if you have had an experience with CHIKAN, okay?
I didn't ask you and it's important to talk about. Have you had any experiences with pervs?
See you!
Goooooood! *(Outtakes)*
Annd... what else was there, wait... *(Outtakes)*
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